Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 10, 1861, Image 4

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"Oh, kin mo oml go,''
Said the maid of my heart,
And proffered be lip
At a hint to depart
'. The midnight approaches,
My mother will know,
Jkl v kindest and dearest!
0, kiss me ud go."
6hc gave me tho blessing
Jn such a sweot way,
The thrill of its pleasure
Knticed inoto stay :
So we ki'ied till ihc morning
Cauic in with its glow.
For sho mid every moment,
" 0, kiss mo nnd go "
Tlie nnturnl faculties of each tliild are
na j.luin to careful obsorvulion as Ilia min
at noon-day ; nnd it is only nrcossnry to
know the mental bins of a cliiM to which
bi or licr powers tiro best n.Lipte'l.
I,t every fntlier, every mother, nnd nil
who hoj.e to cull themselves juircnts, for-
ever bear this in mind. nteh tho rlu.d
at it j'lny. Puller it to piny lis it will, nnd
nolo ft hut sport attracts it, nnd w lst-ioin
ies thp chief ). Iconic.
A way ttith tl.rso lion'Oif, infant pheno
rania. Let lint lira nlore, nnd do you, ig
norant mun, keep your great, eoim fingf-r
out of the delieato innebiiiery, wliieli,
working by nnd tlirot'h nature, will, nt
the proper moment, t indii nte the ccurse
to bo pursued, the developenient which is
(ought, remit childhood to guide you
in tli trenlmcnt thereof. Nature is a wise,
At, tho healthy body, ineapnlle
of progressive motion, demands rest; give
then perfect quirt. Man's early life is n
mere vegetative existence : tho brain
gently pulsating beneath the unformed
bone, is not yet tho seat of reason, but of
instinct ; while nnturo then demands en
tire repose, or nt tho most, pnssive action,
why should a Lnrbarouse nurse nndignor
nntmotlier nrrny the little form in thick
embroidery; display it to the ndmiring
multitude; handle it with thumping vi
bration, or spin it like n boomerang in the
air? Why seek the most noisy promenade
to confuse it with tho uproar? Why
pound it up and d-wn over hundreds of
tnilos in the midst of ttmnke, nflluvia, nnd
nil tho rattle, noise nnd serenms incident
to railroad travel ? Avoid those nbemin
Ktions called cradles ; flee from the rock
ing of the crib, raid nil those swinging
motions which ennnot fail to produce, in a
minor degree, those very ngrcrnblo sensa
tions, that pleasant lethargy, which seizes
upon one when lie is tnkir.g his first Ies
sons in drunkenness. What n renown
would that ugricul.urist win for himself
who should first invent a patent, portable,
double action, self-rocking cradlo for suck
ing oalvns ; what nn ndvant 'go to tho bo
vine mco.
When by pure air nnd its natural nour
ishment, the pure ni'lk of a cow, or a
gout, is far better than that of a feeble,
passionate or drunken nurse, alien the
mother cnntiot nurso her oll'spring, the
child hai become, old enough to creep
about, down on the lloor with it and let
it go ; give it a ball or something to creep
after, nnd rest fully content that when
tired tiie child will cense its play.
Don't hurry the little one to wulk ; do
not encourage it to stand alone, lest bo-.v
logs and weak tinkles be the penalty of
your too assiduous care, of your selfish de
sire to see your child wulk before nature
has decroed it. When the proper tiins
arrives the littlo hand wi'I 3'.k tho tops
of chnir scats, tho little body will sway to
and fro, erect fur the first time ; soon the
first step is taken, nnd then nil is plain.
Keep your books, your illuminated a -phubet,yonr
intellectual blocks, and your
abortion of toys chaiicatuics upon na
ture toys which it is r.o harm to fall down
and worship, since the like thereof exiMs
neither in heaven above, nor in the earth
beneath, nor in the water w hich is under
tho earth. Let tho child piny one, two,
three; what, say bouio one four years!
and not know a letter. Yen, my good
madam, until it rencheth the ago of seven
years, would wo have the little mind free
and unpuzzled ; nt liberty toobseivc, to
desire, to construct, to piny, to make out
its own individuality. This is th great
attribute of man piny ; this divides him
from the bruio creation ; man alone can
liiinrh. Kemetnber that tho longer the
period of youth, the period of formation,
the belter, tho more healthful, enduring.
and longer-lived the man. Of nil created
beings, man i the most helpless at infan
cy. Scalpel.
Farmers' Prepared Gi.te, Put a quan
tity of good gluo into a bottle, and pour in
enough of tho best olcohol to cover it, and
ker it in conic warm nlnce any on a shelf
in a kitchen for a few days, whon the
glue will be dissolved and ready for use ;
and always ready, except in cold weather,
when it will bo necessary to keep tho hots
t'ein the kitchen forafew hours previous
to using it. If it appears too thick, put
in unoro alcohol ; and if too thin, put in
more glue. Keep it corked tight, as the
alcohol will soon evaporate, and render
tho gluo too thick.
I know this to be a genuine article, as I
have used it for ten Jears, nr.d it has nev
er failed "to unite the most incorrigible
fragments of a shattered union," as is
claimod for Spaulding's prepared glue. A
quart ofthis will cost not overtwerty-five!
cezts, while we can obtain only two cents' j
worth of Spauldings for twonty-fivo cents.
Get a very mnll paint brush for hying
on the plus with, and pour out into a ten 1
cup nliout ns much as w ill bo used in a lew
minute-, nnd then wash nut the brush
with soap suds alter using it. Always keep
articles that have been glued in a warm
room for one day at least after being glued.
Terms ot Subrirrijition.
f paid in advunco, or within three months, $1 25
f puid any time within the your, ... 1 SO
rr i.uid atior the expiration of the your, - 2 00
Terms ol AuveruNiiiS' .
Advertisements arelnsertoa m wo iiepuimcan
at the following rates
1 Insertion. 2 do.
ne sqnaro, (It lines,) $ 60
Two squares, (2Bline,) 1 00
Throe squares, (42 lines,) 1 JO
3 month'
.no s.
One Square,
Twos! nnres, :
.. U Oft
4 an e oo
: i on 8 no
Throe squares,
Ff.ur squares,
I Half a column,
(l oo 10 oo l oo
: a oo 12 oo is oo
ll nn "n on S.r (in
Ono column,
Over three weeks nnd lo than three motths 25
cents per equaro for csjli insertion.
Ist:t33i tsticis not exceeding Slines are in-erti-d
fur t2 n year.
A.lvrrtisMK8nts net aicrke l withtlio number of
Biertiuns desired, w!U V. continasl until forbid
ind charged aocordirg to these terms.
An extensive stock of Jobbing materia
enables tho Publisher of the " liqmllican'
to ta thesVii-j that ho is prepn
i ct s do j.V. .iiid" of
F'osrrn?, PiyriMts, Pitonn-iM mfs,
r.i..t;;s, Boon, ('incn.Ans,
Lalels, Tn.h Ttrtr.Ts, IlAxmin.t.?,
ar.Jeveiy Kind cf piinting usually done
in n count! yi ob rSre.
Ail orders wiil bo exeeuts-1 with neat
ness nnd despatch.
r. J. M 1'i Li.oi nn.
OITiec on Market street, i
WM. M. M ( I I.1.U Oil.
at Law.
ppoidto Mnssop's Store
Clearfield. IV Will attend promptly to Collco
lions, Sale of Lands, Ac. nov7-U
1) W. HAYS, Justice of the l'cncc, will atten
. pronplly to collection and older uiatltr
efl in bin charge. Addrest Kersey, Elk co,, l's
Oct. Kd 1S0O. ly.
"L''Tlt'H of the pence
I l.ulliersl.urg, Clearfield Co. Tn.,
illnttrnd Troniptly to nil bnsincs entrusted
to Ins cure.
March 2S, ISI'.O. ly. pil.
VT the mouth of Lick Run, fivo miles from
Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive
Manufacturers of Luuber,
July 1 1S52.
IJlarksiulth, Wsgcns, liupgies, Ac, Ac, ironed
i on short m til t, and the very best stylo, at his
Hctandin t'te borough of Curi'eusvillo.
Voa. 2f, lS5.t
OKElir J. WALLACE, Aitjbikv at Law,
IV l-learfleld, Fa., ClliCD m oun s Kow, op-
. Clearlield, Va., Cfli
osite the Journal offico,
dec. 1, 1S5R. tf.
Dlt. M. WOODS, havlt j cinnged his loca
tion from CurwcndvilU t o Clearfield, res
pectfully offers bis professional services to the
citir.jns of tho latter pluco and vicinity.
Kesidence on bocond street, opponit d t ot
J. Cram, Efq. my ' 1
I h y k I c I a n and S u r R e u n,
Clearfield F'L, May 30, UM.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly
and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to
his caic, in the several Courts of Clearfield and
iljniniug counties.
Oil: rt t'.-.e ono formerly occupied by O. R.
Hot. 2f:':, Ts.'.fl ly.
I)hyslrlan and Surgeon, oilers bis profes
sional services to the citizens of New Wash
ington and surrounding community. Office three
doors west of the Washington House,
New, Pa.. Oct. I I, IS !'.
Civil, EsciNF.Kit it Land Si nvr.von, oflrrs
his professional services to tho citizens of Clear
field county.
All business entrusted to him will bo promptly
and faithfully executed.
Offico with Leonard, Finney if-Co.
Justice of the peace
I.nthcrsburg. I'lcarneM lo, i n., win
atti ad prnmplly to all business entrusted to bis
care. He also informs tho public tliHt ho keeps
constantly on bond ut his shop, a general as
sortment of Saddles, Tlridb-s, Harness and
whips, which ho will sell oil reasonable trellis.
April 4, IM.V.
AM. SMITH offers his professional services
.. to tho I alien and l.clitleml'tl of Clear
lield and viciLi'.y. , All operations performed
with neatness anil dj.-ps'.ch. 1'eing laniiliar
with all the Into inir n vu.o-jts, ho is prepared to
make Artiliflal 'Icilll in tho best manner.
Office in Shaw's new ro.
Sept. 11th, 1858. lyJ.
jas. n. i.AnniMRR. ' it TFjST, Attorhsys at Law
Clearfield, l'a., will atlxhd promptly to Col-
tAiolis, Land Agencies, 4c, c, in . leurueici,
Centre and Elk counties. July b0. y
)l KTItH or tho psace
Kockton, Cnion tp., will attend
ri ktici:
roiaptly to all business entrusted to his care.
Sept., 12, ISfitl. ly.
"tlThnlesale and Hetnll Merchants. Also
extensive dealers in timber, sawed lumd
ber and shingles. Also, dealers in flour an
grain, which will bs (eld cheap for cash.
Oct. 11, 18j9.
Boots A shoes of every kind for Ladies, Gen
tlemen, aud Children at R. W. A CO's,
IVirsHns Mill and cut .Vaws, Mann's axes and
XJ a general assortment of
store of
Curwensvillo. Mny 10, 1800.
Hirdware at tin
K. A. 111V1N.
VVand itono jars, they are just tho thing ;you
ueoc', for lit a'. F. , W. A CO'.
TERY' CHEAP st the store of
V j,,,23 . WM. F.IRWIN.
TT AM. Ides. Macxorei asi Herring for sale
J. Jj.low Ktluc Suiro. , . F.I RUIN.
Clearfio , July 11th 196 ).
Vvery largo stock of Spring end Summer
clothing of the latst stvles for sale law by
Cuiwensvillc, Iay 10, 1800. E. A. 1RYIN.
S.'go variety at reduced pri
t::tor. Curwensvillo 10, 'tiO
CMolla and other .Shawls iu variety at the ehesf
kJ Store of v.. A. 1KYIN
Curwensville, May lfi, 'GO.
Dried Apples, Pared and nnpared
Peaches, Cherries, Prunes and Raisin, st
theCorner etore of
. A.IK v if.
Time of Holding Court.
Focond Monday of Junuary,
Third Monday of March,
Third Monday of June,
Fourth Monday of September,
In each year, ami continue two weeks if no-
f'uuiitv ONIrrrs,
p in, Sumuol Einu. Bellofonto
I r...i....- II.... W... 1 VI lM..avO,l,l
.s,d,M Jlun lien) llontoll, l.utbeml.iirg
"1 'Sher.fT, Frud'k (1. Miller Clearfield
2 1,0 1 l'rothnotary,Jolm h. Cuttle, "
2 0 I i . .1.,,,,,., U'iiirli. "
'2 "'" i Hitriut Att'y Hubert J. Valine,
$7 00 x roil surer, (i. It. tloodlandor,
lft MJVo. Burvryor, 11, H. Wright, .
(Hen Hope
Lumber I'ity
l'oiuiuls'u'rs,Win. MX'raeken.
Win. Merrell,
S. C, Thompson,
'. O, Iluwmiin,
Iaao W. tirahai,t'leailiold
J. IS. Shaw, "
(ieorge Hiehards, "
1. 1st of Tost )HiccH.
ViimM o '. O. Aiimrt of P.
C icciria,
(ilen Hope,
Clearfield Ilriif o,
Jeffersou bins,
New WnshinftosJ
W. Calwel.
T. A. M'lihce
J. V,", Ctsr.r.i.i;
Lewis .- u-iiiu
P. J!. Miller
Ed. VuHUtui
I- f .i. j.'i
Jacob Kuntz
John Hoberiing
Jas- liloom
J. M, Cumiiiings
Jas McMurray
C. 1). Watson.
F'. Coudriet
J F W SelniM
Samuel Way
Centre county
Kil.n. Wiliiuiiis
F;ik county, Pa.
('. Mignot
Williani Carr
A. Shaw
Jas. !. (jrahaui
J. A. Heoarty
David Tyler
11. Woodward
1,1 17. 1 ( ill. SO
ii. Hockadorn
1). E. Mokel
J, W. Thonips'n
Jas. Thompson
J. McClelland
W. IV. Wright
A. C. Mooro,
uiniiel Way
Miehuol Wise.
. F. Johnson
T. Henderson
ClearDeld, Clcartield,
Uovingtou, Frouehvillo,
Curweniville, utirweusvillc,
l'hilioi burg.
1 erguson,
M arron,
Helen Post Offiea,
Lecounto's Mills,
llald Hills,
Shaws illo,
miths Mills,
alt Lick,
New Millport,
Lumbor t'ity.f
tirumpiun Hills,
Jell l ies.
i This Post Offico will do for Chest township
f Will answer tor F'crguson township.
The uBdorsigiicd will have constantly on hand
a we 1 selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye
Stuffs, Oils, Taints, Tidiaeco and sjepirs, Stiiliou
ary, lVrfuinory, l!.ul..'s. und F'nncy urticlcs,
which he w ill dispose of cheap for cash.
Ho invites tho public to call aud exauiino his
....... I. . c ,1.. i. ,r i. : i i......
Country Physician! furnished will. Drugst
Medicines, and' Surgical instruments u t the mos
rossosaiilo rates. J. W. 11 A Ills T 11, K.
Clearfield. Pa.. Dec. 2(i. ISfiO.
Important Notice.
The undersigned, late publisher of the 'C.inr
field Republican" takes this uiothod of culling
upon ihiiso who urn iudehtod to him, or to Lari
mer .e ard fur sulisiTiptit.n, advertising or Job
work incurred (luring the three Tears commen
cing July 1s.ii and snding July leon, to call un -
mediately at my oflice in the borough of Clear -
field, and make settlement of the same, as those
accounts m.ul he '... u,. J. 11. LAKK1MF.U.
Clearfield, llnccu.bir 1L 1800. If.
LOOK 11 111' I", 1 LOOK III HI'.!
TVyW E uiidcrsignd subscribers, take this n.etli
A od of int. inning tho public generally, that
they have this duv entered into copartnership in
and con be found ut the shop formerly occupied
by J. Shunkwilvr. on Third street, ill this bo
roiiL'h. where they will be pleased to see the r old
customers, and as many hew ones as can rank
it convenient to give them a call.
llring on your hoes, your spades and picks,
Your log-chains and your pulling sticks,
Your sleds, your sleighs, your horso, your mare,
No three-year old shall then go bare.
Your spears w ill work up then just right,
To prooning honks for evory height.
Your swords too, shall then be wfoiiL'ht.
To ploughshares such us Coin ne'er boucht.
(iEO. W. OUR.
Clearfield, December 8, 1 tf.
I am just receiving and opening a largo andj
well selected assortment of
ol almost every description, j
A beautiful assortment of Prints nnd Dress
goods, of the nowest and latest stales. Also a
rgeat variety of useful notions. j
A laro;c assortment, ready-made!
Bonnets, Shnwls,
Hats and Caps,
Hoots and Shoes, a largo quantity,
Hardware, Qioensware,
Druggs and Medicines,
Oil and Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
F'ish, Bacon and Flour,
of the best quality, all of which will be sold at
the lowest cash or ready pay prices.
My ol.l friends and the public generally, sro
respectfully invited to call.
Clearfield, Oct. 31, ISOII. WM, F, IRWIN.
fg-frX. R. All kinds of (Ut A .Vand approve
inexchnngt f
Ct OOD ARTlCLE.for sale at the store of
T jan23 W. F. IRWIN.
X) 11 O T o ; It A F 11 I V n i: !!!
lteg leavo to announce to the citizens of Clear
field aud vicinity, that their CARwill remain for
some time in the above named place, for the pur
pose of affording all persons a chance to get a
lirst class
r n 0 T 0 H R A P II !
From a Miniature to a Life-size.
jSrtrAmlirotvpcs and Dncuerrootypes copied at
tho shortest notice.
Having had so'oral years experienco in the
the eastern cities, they are confident that Ihoy
can please all who may favor llieui with a call,
Piclures taicn equally as well in cloudy us in
clear weather.
Prices, from 1" cents upwards,
I -
i 'Wockorol nud Herring for sale a t theenrnor
If! store f E. A. IK IN.
I i.urwensvine, Atay iu, uo,
1801. 1801iltussl
THE I'lliST AlUflV.U, I
OF i
On Market Street 2 doors north o
the Court HOUSI', wllC-rO tliey ore
IjllSt Opening fill linilSlially largC
anil well selected stocK ol goou!,,k,Bjiof Urai.v.
suited to the wants ol tho eoinniu-j
nity lor the Fall and Winter trade,;
which they oiler in large and small j
quantities on the most reasonahle
terms cam. am) examine ioitl
yourselves Their assortment oj
I " " w w J
!s very largo nnd complete: embracing almol nnd service. Jit -
iioeinl nitmiimi. bin bneii naid to the selection of
LAL'lliS' J)ItKJsi UUUli.s, tMucli uio ol every
variety and tho erv latesl styles.
Silks, Delaines, PI lids, Merinos, Popli'-.a,
Alpaccas, Cashmeres. French, Scof.h
and Domestic liingbnins, Prints,
Linseys, Cambrics, P.rilliants,
Tig. noil plain lSobinotts,
Irish Linen Cloths Ac.
Illack and Fancy Cashmeres, Satinetts, jeans,
Tweeds. Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking,
Crash, Dinpor, Dlea d.ed and unbleached mus.
litis A drills, lied, Uroy, Whitosnd Canton Flan
nels. Also n larg stock of Ladies' and lieutle
meus' Shawls, Double and Single, Stellas and
Chenilles, lilack and Drub Cloth capes of the
very latest fashion.
Largo nnd splendid stock of Dress trim-
Ac, at
It. W. .0 C'O's,
Largo stock of Meu X Doy's slothing, just
received at ft. W. A CO's
"arpets, Drugget, carpet chain,
J Lagging, Curled Hair Ac.; at
K. W,
nrdwaie of evory kind, kn. 'cs aud fork
in oris, Locks, Files, NaiU, Low lio
i. d Jlni.d Hi d Jlill M.iit
K. W. A CO's
T adies' lionncts and Hats, trimmed nnd un
J trimmed, of tho Latest Stylos at
It. W. ,t- CO's,
1. ..' JL?
v." :
.fSj- Properattcntion to
j ino teem in proper
time will bo of ifreat
3r'.li" benefit to every one
in point of health,
comfort, an 1 convenience.
I Dlt. Ill 1. 1. Sc. tivr.-.vs. ho found ut his of-
nice, on uio ...riier oixroui ...... ........ c, c.
u-hn nn itoli.. to tin. cmlr.irv .1 1.MClirK in tint
Al operations in -.b "no of his profession
performed in tho latest and most improved
n"1! K"nrantecl for one y
j "l"ri" .'"
car against all
-- r t f f I' T
I I 1 1 i t I) l'j 1.
il'KU, TA'i-aUd 11 A. If. SLvr'.i tut milt Fust
I of C:ii ritltl bot'tivyh,
j Respectfully Informs tho citizens of Clearfield
'and adjoining counties, that ho is at nil times
I prepared to manufacture, at the shortest notice,
i ll.iir, Husk, and Mraw Mattresses of all
'kinds and sizes, one of which is a Folding Mat
! tress, suitable for CAUINS ON RAFl'S, which
can be ftddetl in small compass, and emptied in.l
refilled at plcasuro ; nnd very cheap. lie also
trims t ni ruiges, iiiukes repairs to all kinds el ,
Carriage Trimming and I'pholstery, and u.iikesj
Cools for M.-isnu's Tracing Lines, rf any thiek-
uess or length.
4!fO'..i..T ii..., iu.ii i.'.-'. " "-
token in Exchange for work
T-'All orders li ft with any of the Merchsts
Clearfield borough will
bs prouipily atten.K
A. n. riNsar
libilihin ) Collection Mtf
('oHr.iilivns made avd lirocerds promptly muiltcd
l'.irliangc on the t'lties ronMntitly
on hand.
fl'Office on Second St, nearly opposite the
Col. A. T. OWENS, ruornirTon,
I Rcpectrully nnnounccs to too travelling public
tl rt bo has uow taken charge of this largo and
I will known house, and w ill conduct it in such n
j manner as will render excellent comfort and for,
sansiaciiou iu an woo may lavor nun witn v
call. nov7-ly
M t'0l!Ml'TlVI: The advertiser.
haviuir been restored to health in a few
w eeks l y a very simple remedy, after having suf-
1 fcrcd for several yenrs w ith a severe lung alloc
I tion, and that drcd disease anx
ious to make known to Ins l. lli w-sullerers the
means of euro.
To nil who desire it, ho will sond a copy of the
prescription used, (free of charge,) with tho di
jctiiuis for preparing and using the sntLC, which
they will find a sure cure fur Consumption,
Asthma, I!n nchilis, 4o. Tho only object of tho
! advertiser in sending tho prescription is to benc-
fit the alllicled, and spread information which ho
conceives to bo invaluable, and ho hopes o cry
sufferer w ill try his remedy as it will cost thorn
I nothing, and may proven blessing,
I Persons wishing tho proscription will please
address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON',
I nov7-1y Williuinsbiirgh, Kings Co. , N. Y
IMMA! 7'ritmnitmiK l'scitrmrnt union' th
J,i..e! !.' EXCIT1NU FOOT RACE between
tho Philadolphia I'olirc and tho notorious For
ger and eounterleitcr, Ja nes Huihannn Cross I ! !
Cross Recaptured ! I ! ! It seems to bo the gener
al opinion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a
pair of V rank Short's r'rench-calf Roots, that he
would not be tatn yet. However, Shorty is
not much put out nt missing his custom ; but
would announce to all ltrerkinriil'ir, Dtimtn.
.i'ih o' i mni Hi I! nu n, and women and children
in Clearfield, and Siiineinahoning in particular.
that ho is prepared to furnish them with Roots,
Shoos nnd Oaiters of any stylo or pattern, stitch.
ed, sewed or pegirod, (and as Lo is a short fel-
low) on short noiico.
All kinds of oountrv prodtico taken in cx-
change, nnd cash not n fused. Repairing done
in t ie neatest manner unit c itirsres uioaerato. at
Iho Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite
Keed, Weaver A Co's store, FRANK SHORT.
N. D, Findings for salo Sept. 26, 18n.
liags and
J- CO's
Respectfully Invito! Uio attiDtlon of hit old cus
tomers, and othors, to b is stock of
!f a ll an d
AVhith bo oCTeri
IT71' LOW roll CASH!
lie also continues to deal in LVMI1E B, of si
kinds, in any way to suit his customers.
The highest markot prices will Id paid for a!
Xn VTashington, Nov. 1, 1800. nov7-Cm
riillK t M'.AHl I i:i I) ACAD UIHV, wil
X bo opened for tho reception of puiiils,
males and females) on Monday, Aug. 20th, 1S00
7Vi t per seof ion of eleven ITeeks
Orthography, Iteading, Writing, Trimary
Arilhmetio and Geography. $2.i0
Higher Antlimetic, r;ngnsn urammar, ueog-
rapliy anil History. ..uu
1 Algel.ra. t.eometry, IMitural J uuosopnv
I and Hook Keeping 100
Latin nnd Greek languages. $0 00
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough .
English FMucalinn, and who wish to iiulify
themsalvcs for teachers, this Institution oflers
desirable advantages. I
No pupil received for less than half a session, I
aud no deduction made except for prolra. teJ
sickness. .
Tuitioii I bo paid it the closo of the term.
:. 15. .SANDFORD, Principal.
May 2-, 1X00.- Iy. .
s: vf i eTji. a i f 1
Just receiving and opening at tho Old atiu
of Lewis Smith in Dcthlebeiu a well selected n
sortmcut of Spring and Summer tioods of ill.
most every description.
Maple and Fum y, a beautiful assortment i
Prints and Dress (ioods
of the latest styles, also a vaJiety of usoful No
tions. Hats and Caps,
lii'ti'iets and Shawls,
Hoots and Shoes,
Hardware. J.ujenswnro, Drt.gsj and
Medieiivts, Fish,
Tebacco , Sugars and all articles usually kept
in a country Store, all cheap for cash.
Clivc us a call and see f.r yourselves.
May 21, Lll'.O.
T t Persons out of Employment
In every County of the United .States,
fty) cngago in the sale of some of the best and
. , , , .,.,,,. u-..rlt.
I . . . ' - . '
Jur piii.Mcatiotis are nl the most nitercstii c
character, n laptcJ to the wants of tho Farmer,
Me. haiiic and Merchant ; they are j ublisbed in
tho best style and bound in the ino substan
tial manner, and arc worthy a pluco in tho Li
brary of every ll .u.-ehold in tho Laud.
i-y.Tu men ol enterprise ami induslriuus hub.
its. 1 1 1 i - business oflers an opportunity for profit
able eni biymout seldom to bo met with.
'S'iul'. 'rums desiring to act as agonu will re
coive promptly by mail full piirticulai s, terms,
.f c, by addressing LEA It Y. (i E i . A co., Pub,
No. 2:i North ttrtct, Philadeli hia.
Oct 21, ISjO lv.
fpilK undersigned respei t fully
.1 informs his customers and the
pulilic geiieially, that ho has just
received from the East, and o en
establishment in (i It Ml -I l'A' .'111
Clearfield, Pa., a lino assortment of Cl.oi KS,
Wauiiks, and Jkw ki.iiv of different iiialilies.
rroni n tinglo picco lo u full sett, which ho will
sell at tho most reasonable prices for cash, or in
exenange t. r ol.l eol.l and silver.
CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the nasi
Iroosonablo price
ALL kinds ol Clocks. Watcdis and Jew.drv.
carefully repaired and Warrautcil.
A conliiinanoo of patronago is solicited,
Sept. 19, 1SG0. Jl. F.NAL'ULE.
Tin undersigned respectfully begs leave k
announce that ho recently rented a house in the
borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pa
for the accommodation of the travelling pulilic,
watermen and ull other who may favor him
a ith a call.
His tai.le will always be supplied with as (rood
as tho uiaikets afford; and no pains will bo
spared to render his guests comfortable while
under his roof. To which tho facts that no in
toxicating li-piors of any kind will bo kept about
tho premises, will ho trusts, contribute in no
small degree While, what is ulwavs important
to the traveller, the best attention will be eiven
by careful hostler to that faithful companion of
u. s journey, ins paucnt steel.
July 4, ISM. ly. , JAMES CROSSLY.
MA It MACK fil'IDi: Rcing
instructor for married rerson
a private
persons or those
nliout to b married, both male and female, in
e.'crythi. g concerning tho physiology and rela-
tions of our sexiiul system, and tho production or !
prevention oi oii-pnng, ineliiiling nil the new
discoveries never before given in the English
language, by WM. Y JUNO, M. D. This is really
a valuahlo and interesting work. It is written
jin plain language for the general reader, and is
niusiriimu nun numerous engravings. All young I
married people, or those contemplating marriage, '
aud having tho host impediment to married life,
should read this book. It discloses secrets Hi ut
every ono should be acquainted with j still it is u 1
book that must bo lucked up, and not lio about;
tho house It will be sent to any one on receipt
of twenty. fire cents, In sper io or postago stamps.
Address Dr. M M. YOl'NO, No, 410 Spruce st, .
above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. I
pif .(liuirit and VnurluHttti-No matter
wh .t may be your disease, 'before you place your- j
on uiiuur mo care oi any one oi tne notcrious
. Quacks, native or foreign, who advortiso in this
or any other paper, get a copy of cither of Dr.
Young's books, and read it rarefully. It will be
the means of saving you n.ony a' dollar, your
health, und possibly your life.
Dr. YOUN'iJ can be consulted on any of the
diseases described is his publications, at his
office, No. 41ft Spruce st, above Fourth. n7-ly
illiidaiiie eliu eiid s
Infallible Vegetable Powders
For the and effectual Cure of all luflitm
nation; lthmiu.linn, Hu'prptia, and Lirvr ('i
''"'" aud all ActittanU Vhrome Jlitemn of A:
dulls olid t hildieil, Send 3 cent Stamp to
hor Aijntl. (j. R. JONES,
Hundreds of testimonials Hox 2070 Phila. P O
Moeiiry ,S. W. Cor. Third Arch Sts.
Oct 21, 1800-101.
1 )oott end Shoos. A Urgor stock and lower
) prices than over, at Irviui Cheaposl cursor.
Curwensvillo, May 10, 'lit)'
I adies dre;s g..o Is, of patterns snd toxturc to
j pleaeo all, will be found at the corner store,
Cnrwinsvilit, May Jn, 1S60. E. A. IKV1N.
ed at l.i.i
And for Uie wdjr tu.v of ike MIuiiIuk ewutUL
ttcrofulaand Hrnrulniia ATrtlom :
Tumor, lien.. Sore., Kiuui'i. k
Pimple.. Funlnlca. lllol. ... Pi.U.
lllaius, and all bklii lUrukea
. Oakuso, Ind., OtU Jui, u.
3. C. Alia ft Co. Omiu t 1 fi it d(1
knowledge tuU your Mnrilln lou Aoiw fu,
llaviuK Inherited a Scrofulous infection, 1 luu, Tj,,1
from it in various ways for yrats. tnntmei Vjj
out In Clrars ou my liainL. and aruia; HmvA
turnrd inward and UiitreaM.I me at Ilia lumachT?
years ago it broke out on toy brail anj ninri u. J?
and wim wttlt one sura, wlucb was iMUnful iud Umo
l.,n,l ,l...rii,U,,l, I IOmiI .mill. ,..ll .1 T""""
.. . , .. . . j ' l,lr ana tnw.1
fih) sici. ins, but without much mili.f from nn tkt,. ,
art, the dixader Krew wiirsc. At l.(ii M jjjj
to read iu the liospfl Slewajter llui yuu luul ikwZj
an alturatlvv (MiKjuirtlln). f r 1 knew from uw sToTT
tion that any Iliim; o inndu must Iki (j. j J
Ciaeiiiuatiaiidiri.t it, ami un-t It till it rurrj llKt j
It, an jou ailiUe, in tiiu.ll itusei of a li-iusu,f
month, ami iim.iI nluiosl llireo bottles, Nt,w foul
kin soon begun o toiui uiiilir the cb, ninth itr
while (ell off. My skiu ii now dear, ana J km,, Jy
leeliues that the disease luui eont froui uiv v.i,.... '
can well believe (hat I feci what I nn. mtjlii li.-0iw
you, that I hold you lo l one of the apnatlea of Uiiu?
remuiii over uraLufullv. "
St. Anthony's Flrt XX ant or Krvih,.,.
Trttrr and Knit Uhi-uiii, fsafd
lilng worm, bore iuy, Uiopkty.
Dr. Kolwrt M. Treble writes from uI. Tn, X. Tlii
8opt.f lb 59, thnt he curt'tl nn inveterate tui
Vropiy wbirh tliieutt nJ tn (rrmiiiute ftlly, tt;
pcrwvcriDH use of our iMU MiwtrilU, und l-o ddnrtuti
Malignant ErytiptUii li.v l;nt ilomi of itin Baai;na,
DO CUrei ilie cuiiiiiii'ii r.rujntun ij u wiikiiu J.
Bronchocc-lc, (ioltie or Swelled Kick,
Zftmlon Slotii of 1'roMH'it, Txh, wrlttfit MTbratU.
tie of your arrwtjtnrltiu ctireJ infl from a (A int
eoui wtinrisj on in imit, nitu I, na lunered tm
oTr two yrars."
Lrurnrrhopn or lVhll rn.Ornrlnn To mot,
Uterine Ulceration. Female Ulscatct,
lr. J. U. 8. Cliannliik', of Now York City, writn; "
Biot chpcrftilly coni ly wltli the retm't of yuur njHit t
avIdk I hv fouiul your Fftrnitrilln a intwt rfiu;
alterative Iu tlm C4iinlfnlii for vlilca i
employ mirli a ifinly. imt ckpm lull)- hi hvmtit Uiui
ol lli pcroiitioux cntuiitniN. i naro i urtu iimiiy
ate raMa uf U-ncoriliren by it and eouir wht r tlin
plaint waa citu'tl by vl-'trntH-n of the uterut. Tbr uLv
atton UtH'lf witn noon c und. Notbinff within tuj knots
ouk e'luuii it i"r iiaw n initm iKTHiii'iiit'titi."
Edward P. Marrow, uf Newbury, Ala writn, A di
nroui ovarian tumor on one uf lUo ft miileK In tuv fuiii-
wliicb bad defled nil tlie rrmcdioH we ctniM fiii(ttiy, itl
at Ifiifrth been eoniob'tfly rurwt by your Kitractofkr
aparllln. Our tiliyi( iau thoiihrbt nothing but illr
tion euuld aflurd relief, but he ndvicpii (be trial of jtt
FamnpHtilla aa llio Irtnt rfnoit btifoie rnttinjf,
provcU cnttrtual. After taklntxyonr rtrincily night mu
lyuipinui oi me uiipiim reiiininn,
8 lillla ami Mercnrlnl Dlaeaie,
Nkw Ouitani. TMi AhkiiM, litl
Vk.J.C. Ar?a: Fir. I cheerfully with ttM.
qni'it of your "rent, and report tn you tome uf tbtafiW
i 1 1 rive realized with your naiu nrtlia.
I baverim-.l A-itb it, in my practice, nnHj,jf tbte
plnhtta for wbbb it in ioinniftifiitld, and ! fmiHn
efTecta truly wonderful in tin' cure of Vmertttl and
curia Dutaie. One of my piitietiti had tyibilitic l-i
til hit throat, which weru cuiiKuminpr, bii jlat aiwl il
top uf Ilia mouth. Your uui.'iarilla, atcaJil; uku
cureu uiu in live week. AiiuUiur hii. atlncki-d brm
ondiiry fly mot" n n In bit iium. nnd the ulctratioo t&
eaten away a aiiMil.-rul'k' part of it, so that I UheViL
uimirder would kooii rtwb Ins brain and kill liim. ha
yielded to my adiuiliistialinu of your tararllla; iu
Ulcers iicaletl, nnd lie Is Hell nain, liot of nuirM will
some difhitrutiuii to hU face. A woman bo bad Un
truittt-d fur tlie same Uiisiider by metcury aa ailbnul
fr.mi It.ik iu,Uni n. l.ur tu,..u l.n.l I.- .
itivs to the weather that on a dnuip dsy she sufTrridii
trucmtltiK pain iu br juiuts and bouts, fbf, bata
curtHl eiituely l.yymir hsmnpni ilia In a lew wtrU
know fit 'in Its formula, which vour a of cut ei.ts ijm rt s
this 1'rvparalioi from your UUiratory luunt btap
ruiviij , t(inniiuiuiiy, iinne iruiy lruiaiaauit mi,
With It have mt surpiiaad un,
fraternally jours, fl. V. LAKIMKR,
Rhtutiull.m, Oout, Liver C'omplalsi
.NiiEi'lt.NiirNi r, I'reftoii (., Vs.. Cth Jul;, 1W
D. J. C. Aye! sir. 1 huve imm a,tl1fi-id with m
ftil chronic Khrumnttim ff-r e long lime, which lrr1Jii
kill of physiiianR, nnd attick to me lu fpite ofslltu
rruieuieai rou in linn, ii n in i tried V"ur hai i pal 1 11a. 0 -bottle
cured me lu to works, and rrturinl
health an much Unit 1 am fur Iwtnr llnu lirLirlJ
ItackeJ. 1 llilak its weuderful iiieillrlno. J. H'.Kit
.lilies Y. Oct. hell, of Ft. Louii. writes! "1 hava b
aflllrtccl for yeara with an aJTntum of ., !, :
(b Htnueil an l.eallli. 1 tried er. rv llitiis ami ..n tl.i
tiileil to lelimu me; und I hale been a lirokeu-ileou ui
" ' seiiia jean rmin no other i uusr ll;n drmrwrmM
toe Ltvrr. Sly la-loveil paslor. tin. Itv. .Mr. Kir, ad.W!
nia to try ytmr f itrwai illn, bcrauae be taid lielicewju.
and any lliiair yon maile hiis woitb trying. ItjtiieLe!
iiK o. vioii ii nua eiireo me, auu naa ru iiu iatm Riy Lll
na to make a new man of me. 1 feel young again. 1
beat that can be said of yon ia not half i:noti enouijli."
St. rtia.t anrcr Tiimora. Knlnrvrniaai
I leeruiloii, (nilea mill Kafoilntloa tn
Hie lloltca.
A great variety of rassa hava been remrts.l ta m l
cures of tlorae foimblabie toailiiinta lime lesultnl Ir
tlie use of Dili renieilv, bat oor himce heiu will leit ti:.
Ibeia. tiotno of tlieni may bu found In our aiarn-u
aiiamiae, wim ii tne ne,.nn iiow nainea are ).1mim
furnish gratia to all who cull for tlieni.
Dyspcpalii, llrni t DNeaar, Klla. F.pllsp-
ay, ,'iiinai iioij , AcmniKia
Many reaiuikiible iute of H.eMi nnntl' iis liars tr.
ma.lo by the alterative i.over of Ibis im-ili. lite. II itir 1
lates the vital iniietioiia Inlo vigorous ai-lien, ami INl
overrf lliea UiaoiUels wbich woubl be miom-iI lyou -reaeh.
Filch a remedy has loinr beun nininril livtlfi-l
cesiiltiea of the people, ami w e are ronfiUunt that UiH.
do for theni all Hint luediduu can do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
ron tub nri rt-iiE of
(nntrlif, Colila, Inlliieiir , Ilnnrsrntii
s.lo.ii, llroix l.llia, I Iplt'lit (US'
mniilinu, Hint for I lie Iti llif
of 4 onaliinptive l'
ill nils'iir4(l Starve
of the Iliaraa.
This is a remeily so liiilveinilly known to snrfuus r
other for the core of throut anil long ro)niliifniii. On!
Is ti.eless her to publish the evidence of Ita vliiur.
unriralled excelknce for eotii:tia and cold, and Hp o
wonilerfiil cures of litilatotinrv dlsenite. hava aiaJ
known tbrouiibout tb.i civilized nations of the ''
Few arn tlie coniaiiiliitica. or even families, aaioos l! ;
who bavo not aoine ieiaonal exieriem-o of itstt'ertH
aonie iivniir irojaiy in ineir ninini ol its v ictory ovrr u
subtle and d.iiiKcrniia iIIhiiiIits of the and an
Aaall know Ilia dreadful fatality of tbiw iliH'i'Wrv
aa thev know, tm, the elt.Ttaof tliii, r n.eJ
do mora tbno to namra tlieni tbat It lias now all lb"
tues tlmt it did have wben ninliliia; the runs, wlikb U
w on so itroiiKly upon tbe conlidence of mankind.
Prepared by Dr.J.C. AYER &. CO.. Lowell, Ki.i'
-Sobl by C. I). Watson, Clcarlell I
Irwin, Curwensvillo; F'. Arnold, Lutlierslisr
Montgomery A Co., New Salem; j. C. Brent
Morrisdale, C. 11. Foster, Philipahurg ; and K
Chose, Ansonville ; and by dealers evcrywl"
Thankful for past favors and snlicitiousof:
turo patronage I would respectfully annoci
that I have on hand nguin, and will con;ti
keep at tho Pottery in this borough, on the t
tier a short distanco cast of tho .Methodist Char
a large stock of Crockery, such as Cream ere'
milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe ct'
rfc. rfc. ; nnd also an extensive assortment
different sites nnd patterns of brackets i
rosettes Tor cornice on houses, and other m
dings. Any mouldings not on hand will ho msdi
older on short notice. Also firo brick w
and kept for sale
rf-A liberal reduction on prices nis'l'
wholesalo dealers. F. LEITZINGKR
' Clearfield, may 2.1, 1870. ly.
. .
; Cabinet, Chair Making1,
TOHN Ol'MCII, of the borough of Cb?ir'
Pn. trill tin nrnnnrAil ot all Liinaa lil atleOll
to flnv hllNitiHNa in Ilia ahm-a line OB SO 1
notice, snd in a workinanliko manner. Hi' P'"
of business is at the eld shop on the north sidi
Market street, 3d door cost of Third St., n'
opposite tho old Jew store j nhore ho will '
constantly on hand a largo assortment of
hogony nnd Cane liottom Chairs, and Cabi;
Waro of every description, which be will iY'
of on as reasonable tonus as the same trl
can bo hnd elsewhere in the county.
His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, re
sists in nnrtnf Dresainir and Common Bnrssii
Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Hcski T
Hook Cases, French and Field Post Ueasw
Hining, Ilrcakfast, Centre, Card snd l'ier .
bios, 4o. Coffins manufactured and deliver"
any place desired.
February 8, 1859. no. 4, vol. I v.
ys .L:n. .. .r anJ erif
I 7 sale by K. A. 1 RVl-,f.
ttrwtiisville, May 13, '00.