Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 10, 1861, Image 4
7 KIME8 ni,, i Mir ' rn,, ,,. ll.vd f '"r I"'"'1' A,,l Pt'""l I' i. I, ml to 'I' I "' 1l,c inMnilll t M l'"'"1"' Mv motll, I HI kll", , i.,ll,lc-t set I "I" Ml .l! ii, lit mo and Mm' nv me tin' h! '"'"tf In hi 'Ii n stu-l iv, '1 m llirill "I il 'l 'i Fiui I mi' In lny : . lie K t - t-' I (ill lilt' IIH'Mllli ('nine in i'Ii it kI For liil miJ HU'ty liiiini.'til, "II, I II" IIH' t ' I i!bt Olcufulii ltuiltli(.ui, i Tittns i'l nhn iitimi. f J ,i I III ndlllll ". ' HlUlill tl.H c til . II 1 1l 1 If i ni I n in II'"" Mil'i"' I''' V"r' ll pii I itlii'l III'' "' '"r' , fir-.' I .'.'I . 2 l'l rniM V Mlt 1 1 n lt . 1 1 tit r el II.1MI114 I Kin I f-Vc- n I M ii Iny . I .In 11 'i 'i i , ,it. I M- mi'l. "I '. 1 hit I M' n il ! .I'i". I ,1, Mi.ii.l.' ' " ' I''1 ml" r, I , , ,i h M .11 , 11 ' ' ""' i"'i" I " 1 ll If "' .. .. II. 1... la. . ll llill.,l, .,1 I,!, il l 'II" Till! MUST AllilVA, 1M1.I t'lln (, t" 1 I HMO or Ti run ni I I -ll-lns. I ( until Olllm. A il orli ""ini'iil iiri-1 tU'.l in 1 In' Ii' 'publican pr,,' ,f u ,t It ii . r-nii.'t-l I. inn. Poll, t te. At Ii- i il K ' "" I- ""I'll, I leal lieol. ' .111".. II1.11 ;,i) lliiiuii'l, 1 iillnr-luir,' "'' ' 1,11 Slier, IT, 1 i- d k " .Milr Clem In i'l 2 "" Prut!. .i.itrv..l.. tin 1.. I'nltl-', " ' '-' , L'. A lire' .lames Wiili v, '"" I'ifiri I Atl'v ll 'l'i il .' V ii'l-ir,., nt II111 l' tux riili i. : I Insertion Hi' .imri, ( I I linos,) t j Two Squares, ('.'Hlinc.O I I'll ' Tliri-i' .iiHri'i, I'.l HiH O I II 1111. nth ; ii, I 2 'I: 1 1 .ts r i: Tin: M'i;si . I ,,!;,, j ,!' I , , 1 r, , . . 1 ,u i... 1 . 1 , 1 ill l.i 1 11 1 I'll I'l i;v. s ci c;ir:i inii.i are iTVlltioll ll' till sll! ,'S 1 nt 11. -on-day ; nil.) il is I'tilv noro-iiv I" know the im-ntnl bias "f .i child I" bi.h lii" or li'T powers art- he-t mb-ipted. J."t eieiy latlitt, eveiy mother, iitnl all who lin,,' In cull lliciilM'h'r parents, liT ever bear this in 1:1 i m I . Wnti'h tli vhu i : . mi il tin : H tin I I mi iii'i V,:imr,, : : ! T'v...' m:ii i-f. : : : t : Tlir..,. or : : 1" r f,;'i ii i", : : : ' ll:ii!':ii',,,i:i,i,, : : : Oim' i-.i!iiiiiii, : : : (vr 1 liii'i' wi'i'k" pti'l Ol'tll- "T f IIIl-l' t'T I'l'. 'il Tr; t.n i.3'..i'.'x ivt JUL i-t.-il I't I? : y .'ii'. A Ivi-n 11 .in.i,t I,, t'r r I ivi'li t:'C tnm,' .-r i.l n'.-U nniii-;ri'.l. w'M ' ' ' rs t i 1. u a I 1111 1 l 1 f..rlii.l ir. 1 iii'.'i.r.i.. ' (' Ini'fi' Urns. .1111 ' $1 C, I'.l S Til 111 "II in) ?'l I II 111 tlin-'i in rtimi. 'nil; S iiiu'5 nr in f 7 i'" ,i 1 11 'i l " II i" Is 111' en - (' 1. Sur vv 1" ('nt.iiiitv'ii 'r A '.i'l. Imi.. ii. I', t i .1 i .i 1, il . r, . II. Ii. Wnrlit, ,Vni. M'Ci in kiMi, Win, Mi'i-i-fi;, t". (', 'l llllll ,l..-l.ll, I;, f, l:., "1 in. I- ill.n II 1. mill, 1 1 I iiy I'K'iirli.'lil M itimI.iIo I'Iii1ii: W. i;i..l.n:i,!.'l,nrli, 11 ."-luiiv, " ( 'iniiu'r. Ti'i'n'n' H -n in, 1 1 JOB PRINTING. i mv. Sutli r il I" I'lay n it will, nil' i::t ml iilti'iu U il, I H i II .uri1. i' l.i t rct Iti lull t '.'in in An In mi ; r. - r ti'ii--r.'i' fI , tin, l ull 'ini i e r: !l .-i't :, nf .lii!,!'in' inntrl in ..!' (!.. ,.'. ',.,. '.: lio is iti',:i '.111. ur 1 1 ir. n 1 '. im y U'l' 1 mill 3 ' ? 1 .in,; 1 w ii! 1 1? i-xcul?-! i s j ;i c 1 1 . C. !. tJOonr.ANDKIl Vkoiiuam Mr. Cun t I. A1IS. "Iamiiuii.-. u.-uallv limn'' h nci). .f- Ci) nt il . unto i icj tho c'.iii'l' pi Away witli 1 1 mciia, Li t r,al ur? a'.oi'.t', iiih! iln "ii, i.Lr i:o:iuit man, Kri') vdin pu-n, c.'av: o li:i;.-' 1 0:1 1, cf iKo I'rliraUi !i;iii!;ini'iy, wh'ili, wni-Uinu l'v a!u! tluct'irh natlilt', will, i't tlir iiiiiM'i' tnoini-iil. iii'liiatt' tin' cui' 1 1 . 10 be I'lil'.-l'.cd, tin- ili'Vrloi'i'ini'lit w hii'ii is sotiL'lit. IVt'tnit iliilillii'i'il to ftiiil.' vim in tin.' treatment tln ii'i,!'. .'atuic wii-o Irnclicr. Atinfuvy, the lunlthy, in -rimi !e nf jii'ojriTsrivo motion, ili'inatuls n--t ; jriw llien 1'i'i'l'i'v-t quiet. M.m's t ally life i 11 tnei'c vr,"et:'.!lvo i'.iieii-e ; ni" im.uii 1 ,',,.u.-,,.i,i, il WiiJ Hiifiiit iiioiii,lly 1.. n.iii-r-cr.tly ,nl.-nlinc bonc.-ith tl.e tinfuniitii tun.i. .S.ilo l I.;ui'N, imvi-M bone, i? net vet tin' seat cf iriiinn. but of; v -v. J AV?, .1 uviii e nf ilu IYiht. ill attc 11 1 ' nstlnct ; wliile nntui e then ilemaii .1. II. tJ M.r- l'lii lnirily. " I. Kt ut' l'""t Dllici'n. .Vniiin n', (I. iv r '. C'.t'ti l!i,i', ti. W. t'nlin'l. l:...r, M..... r t'li.'.i, '1'. A. M 'lilii'o, .!. V, 1.;.. Often. 1, FAt.LV WINTER GOODS AT THE OLD f-TAM) REED, WEAVER & CO. On .Miirki-t hlrcct 'Jtloors north n llii Court llmisr, uro. llirv hit ju.-t ()n'!iiii nti mtusiiallv liiryt; ;:ikI well selected stock of L'ood.-, hi'iUhI to the w niits (il'llie eoiniiin nity lT l ho I'iill iiiid Winter tnule, wliicli they ollorin hr.-indsmisll (nantities on tin; most re:ison;il)lo 'terillS (Al.l. AMI KXAMI.NK K'K j Yoirtsr.i.vKs- . ..... L .1 t,,P t, nun mi" i'i "i" - I A t, t. A N I W I N T I. It O ool'S wilt, it u on. 11 J77,T "ll' I't HI t'.Wll. ,. l.,i n iiliiiam ib-nl In l.VMhV: li, nl ni kiii'l-, in nny ny I" mil !ii cii-li'iM'in. TI,,. lii-lnH ininl.' I I'i'ni "i" l-' I"'1 ,"1 1,1 f (illAlN. A Nl S li li! -i.J .'i. I. l'la. iinvT Hir inn 1 uju t y iNd Hiss-. Ami .r tU -' lr "ii" "I ll I.,. , Ni 1 of.iU nii.l i Kifnl,,,,, I- n I 11 in ni 1 I.. 1., H..t ,," I ' l r a, 1'lli.liilra, iV!', lllnliit, mill nil Skin i,'"" 1 I. 1 1 ') 1, Kiii'N Li Ni t ; C A I. I. V"llftlin.'l"ll. '1 mii: en: ut 1. 1 iiuiii' 1 r ii,. 1 li'.- anil f 1 1 1 11 1 m siNKss c.Auns. r. .1. v'ert i.nrcn. m 1, . m , M 'r r 1.1,0 ri. M . srcri.i.oi'fiii .v; i;i!o 1 11 I'M, Atlnriifys lit l.iuv. OfTi.-o on V:irk.t utr.-l, ..r.,.ito yinssn;,-? Store ( Il IcJiuiis 11111I oilier matt-r Mr em Kuk'V, l.ik eo.. IV .Muii ii 1." J . H'tiy to , , . . iii 1:1 1 1 . p 1 1. . 1 P . . tire rojiosc, or III me nii'M, piis-n i- in inn. j v. wby slioulil .1 biitbnrouse iiur-c aiuliiior-! . ,T . . ,-7 antmotacr array the iUU form in t.ielJ ir,T,LAM,KIi I 11 . . . 1 ...... 1 ...... ii 1 . . , ....... ...1 mnltitude; liamlle it n ith thiKni -in- vi-1 1 " 'i ZT a , I.IP I '11V. hration, or Hpm it like a hoomor.ip in tho "" "".'"" Y ' .1 i T tli nimilli of l.i'-k ltni to cinluso it with the ut'foai'. Iiy 1 2 c-m M KIli'll NT pounil it tip nnd ibwn over IniiiuieiU cl miles in tlie iniilst cf f moke, nflluvin, and nil the rattle, noie ami seieams ituii'.. nt ; J. 1. TIlOMl'SON, to railroad travel? Avoid the'e nbi min- 1 ) tarVstuHh. W'sffii". Uieion. Ac. ir.-m-.t Htiuim called cradles : t!ee from the rn.:k- 1 1 n r-' u '- V1 v,,f" 1,l'M lo- ut . , ., , ,, , I 1 I I'nn.i n t le . l..-j;ijli "t (. ui'i.'eiiM'ille. ingof the crili, and all those siviiiiii j)u,t l, i,.;v. motion which cannot fail to produce, in a ; - minor degree, thoue very agreeable ena i'l'. :y. 'il. KUjFlIlWIN e; M)S, ltnn, five miles frwn and iwli'iif ii e Miiiiufii.'turi'i'.' of liiii .Iiit. JjIv 'J:',, is , I'oh, ( 'leu rli.'l.l l'.r;Jii, lirii.lloiil, M'o"iliiiiiii, I Hru ly, biiilii'iinir, ! ' 'rroiitvi!!.', ! " .l.'tii rsoii Li;;, lllouni, l'.iie.-t, Ei.mimiIu, New Vn.-!i Ingt-.s J llurn.'.iili', , rienrfiiM, ( leinlielil, ('oviiitoii, l''reneli illo, I Kiirthiiiu. 1 ('iirwrr .M illo, i.ureiiM ille, j Pi'i'iiter. riii'i) liurj;'. I -'e r l; u mi 11 , M.irron, j I ix, lli'li'H I'.l."! OTi,'.., i.'iiarJ, l.t'eoiinin'ti Ali!l. I " I'nl.l linls j (ioflton, Mimv.-ville, (iruliiirn, liiiilt.iiiiion, liaii'-li mitliH Mii'iF, llu.4t ni, Tyler, ! " l'enniii'l'l, i .Ionian, 11.1011' ille, I K'irtliuiic nit J.iek, Knox, N"v M i llport, 1 Iiiiwreiice, l'.i-eekenrnie, I .Morri.-, K y!erlo 11, : " Xniri'iliili", I I'cnn, l.uiulior Ci'y.t I " (irainiiiui HilU. i iki, Curw eiif v ille, 1 ' HlooininMlle, I I'nion, nek ion, Woodwnr.1, Je'Vlior., i Tlii. l'ost ii! .1" f "r I." 'I in . .ii.! U V. II. Mi.l.T K,i. v:..;... .. : . ;., t. i . J.-iS Km. I. Juiiii iieiiei nng .In-- l.iniiiii X, 1.141 111 111 i 11 jC .MeViUiTiiy ('. J). Wilt on. I . I olllll II I i IIIHC J .' W elinrrr ! T, Siiiniiel Way (.'t it I 1 nit e i i'iinly IMiu. Will, niiiii i'i i.i.o r nr.Mv, ii : r 1 ln reee iitioii of ! ,' on Moii'lny, Anp. "I'lli, 1m; 1 Tlu ir assortment o;-;:;';;; - nr ' iDRY goods 5 NOTIONS jiS;;:;1,;;;!:::;';,, u,r, S'l ,1s very Inrro nn.l eoi,i,,lele: eiiiliruiiiiK' ,r!lI IV Hil.,iy. S"' . - . . . , , A I .... 1 1 1 ... t rv ,1 1 o I'l. 1 I 0 1 1 .no 1 1 ' 1; V r, .,!,,., . ,.1 iitnl fer lep. l.i- "'n " ' ' ii.i.eii'il ntteiiiii.i, has Imi'ii ixii'l to the m-lnetimi nf a'"' '"ok Kee,ini; iHI.II'V HItK.-i (iOOljS. n li nil i.l e of every 1 Latin iiniMn-i k I n 11 -u 11 vnnetv ami Hie very lati"-t ntylci". liel.iineii, I'l iiil, MerilHK, iill'liei n J, t'n.-lilll . I'.'.-i. I'reltcl,. Popli".!, ;i nl"li ill:. I lliimeflie li in;;liiiiii. li'ints, I,iiitevii, eiinilnieii, IirilliniitK. 1'":. ami Jiliuu lloljinetts, Irish l.inen Ctntlis Ac. k and Fancy Cnseiinrri'K, Mitini-tti". jenn", eil.i. Coriluroi !, lliekory Stripe, 'l iekini;, It, llinner. l'.li ii'Mieil uinl iinhiem lieil To lutlelils 'llli.'li.'-ll I'Mlie I'll. I.' li I' Ulli V. Miuot 'illi.11.1 Chit A. li. Shaw ,l;is. il. lilllilillll .1. A. Il.'i. a 1 ty I. i'.vi.l Tyler II. WllOllHlll'.l I'.ii.l ( llli.-e (i. Heekinlol'll . K. Mok.'l J, W. 'I lioiii..-'n J.i'. Tli'ii'iii.-'i'ii J. .Met'l. ll.ii'il W. W. Wrij.-iit A. (.'. M'l'iie, iinriil 'Vay Mi, lin.'l ';.. . 1'. .!,n,-..ii T. ll.'lli'.iT.-.ll lie.'t toivn.-.lll' til Hi- litis i dulls lleil, U icy. V lule .mil I. Hilton nun nel.i. Also il Inrj; atuuli ot ho, lies una lientle ineiM MiuwIm, I'Miilile ami Millie, Mellm ami 1 Tiu.iillt'.i, li'.ael; ami lJ nil) t'lulli ciiiei of tliu very iutei.t 1 Niittniil I'll $ I Ml iu an leiroii of iieiiiiiriiiir a tliuronrli - ilioii, 11ml ivlio to .ii:ili''y I lie nia Ives for liaeliern, tliii liutitatloli ollei.s ileiiialile mil iiniiijiei'. No pupil reeeiveil lor le.-H tliaii half a seiirion, mi I 11 , iliJui'tion inuilo except for protiacle.l eh k lie...". Tuition to In- pni'l lit tlic clotie of tin' term. 1'.. SANI'I'OHI), J'lUM If.M . 2'!, Is ..!.- Iy. m: x a 11 1" NK IV G () ()) s. 1 T I ...1 1.1 (....!. ..f ti,.... l.i... IV. Ac, A 111 1 11 iff , licll.i, lleau niec.-es, .m-us, riiiineii c, III vu lofl.euii, Sinilli in lletiilefi'iu a weli ..elect Ju.-t roeeirini' nnil opening nt thn CM stm 1 n LnrRo ntnck of Mmi A Hoy clotliinj?. jufl f "'" 'an iit of Sprini; niol Sniiiiiier i.,.U uful. reeuived nt r. W. A t'O'n m'-t every dei-eription. Inple una 1-imey, u heautilnl a.ssorlineiit 1 iirpet.s l'ging, Cuilo.l JIair Ac, at K. W. J Co; e of every kind, kit. 'n mid fork Ho olis, Lock.", File.-', Niiiln Cow Uu oid and llin.d nc 1 id Mill nint It. W. A CO'i Prints and Dniss (i oods f Will nii.-wcr tor l'erf;ii-oii t -n iliip. HAIMSWICK'S DRUG cj- VARIETY ir: tions, Ihat pleasant letlniroy, which f' upon one when h is taking his fust h's-! sons in drunkenness. What a renown i would that atii kul.urii-t win for himself. MAr.KET STKKET NKARI.V OPPOSITE JAIL i iit'iM, r r r; 1.1 icr lifinrv at I. aw. "" ""."'."'i i.i oj e if , 1 ' i-'u I-'. . "'..., ir M'.' Row. a we 1 M-Ieeted Mock of Uriii:,'. t'lii'ini. a!s. Hi 0 . 4. i.i,....,. . ,1 tlie .1 1. ut r, ii otiico. nilie?' linnnets ami Huts, triiiiined 11 lid un trimmed, of tlie Lutc-t Stvle at K. W. f- CO'8, A M. HIILS 0g$k, DENTIST. -V ''PT&lffv Propor attention to ''.V-'-.'"!s ll' torth in proper -f' V-'V-Cl time will lie "f j;reat t J(j$:. liLtie tit to everyone in point of health, enmfi.rt, nfld eonviniiTCO. of tlie latest ftylef. also a viuiety of 'jn.'ful No tions. II11U and Cups, Jioii'ieU ami Sliawls, Fools ainl Siioe, Ilardivare, tju '.eiiMvure, Medii'iiios, fish, nnd (Ml OCKKIES, iltc. 1, ISaS. tf. D15. l. WOODS, linvlt? eianu'ed h'c loea tion fi 'ia rurwcnu-iiis t 0 Cleiirtield, res. n,.,. In v o iers nm nroieis serneej 10 ili who nhould first invent a patent, portable, ' citir.-ns 1 f the latter pli ee and vicinity. .1 .11' ..!,:.,.. ...... ,11., f,r 11, I Ilcsiileiice on Sceuinl street, nppnnitl t. l '.f Stiitl's. Ci!-, Tuiiits. Tobiueo and seaai', Sute.u- ary, l'erfuiiiery, l!ruln s. and Fancy articles,! ivhii li lu ill dispo.-o of cliciip for eusli. I Ha invites tlie pnl.lie to call nnd e.xainino hi? I stock of (.iiiils liefore piireha-iiii; else" here. Country I'liysieiuin fiiruislicd willi linigst. Medicines, and Surgical in.-l; inn, n'.s nt tlie 111 o 1 j resonitli!o rates. .1. C. II A liT.j W H'K. ; lilt IIII.I S 1:., Lhr:.y be found at his of fice, on the corner of Front and .Main slrieln, when no notice to the contrary appears in this nuner. '.. . .1. t5 I Tuoaeco , Sejurs und all iirtieles usually kept I in a country Mere, nil cheap for eiis'u. (jive us a call and see f r yourselves. 11. L. 11F.MjF.KS0X, A CO. May 21, l.'ir.n. To Vrrsnns out of Employment. A(ii:.TS WANTED. In every 'utility of the I'lii'i-d Stales, rlO en'.'i.'e in tlie sale of some ,.f trie l.e.-t and I most ele i; iiil'y ilia.-tiaied Works pu'oislicl. Jur oil, iVaili. us are f the ino-t intcre.-tii iiarucier, a 11 HCJ lu inu w.iins 01 11, e r.iruii r. ing calves; what an advantage to the bo vine race. When by pure air and iU natural nour ishment, the pure tn'lk of a cow, or a goat, is far better than that of a feeble, psssionate or drunken nurse, .vhen the mother cannot nurse her oll'spring, the ohilil hai become old enough to creep about, down on tl.o floor with it ami let it go ; give it a ball or something to creep, after, and rest fully content that when tired the child w ill cease its play. Don't hurry the little one to walk; do not encourage it to stand alone, lest bow j legs and weak unkles be the penalty of your too usriduous care, of your seUi.-h de sire to see your child walk before natuic Las decreed it. When the proper time arrives the little, hand. wi'l S3-k the tops of chair neats, the little body will sway to and fro, erect for the first time ; boon the first step is taken, and then nil is plain. Jecp your books, your illuminated u -phabet, your intellectual blocks, anJ your fiborlions of toys chat ieatuics upon na turetoys which it is r.o harm to fall down nnd worship, ineo the like thereof exists neither in heaven above, nor in the earth beneath, nor in the water which is under the earth. Let the child p'ay one, two, three; what, says some one four yours '. nnd not know a letter. Yea, my good madam, until it rcacheth the age of seven yours, would we have the little mind free and unpuz.led ; at liberty toobseive, to desire, to eon-di net, to play, to make out its own individuality. This is th great attribute of man piny ; this divides him from the bruto creation; man alone can laugh. Htmcir.ber that the longer the poriod of youth, tho period of formation, the better, the tnoro healthful, enduring, nnd longer-lived the man. Of all ereutnl beings, man ik the met helpless at infan cy. Scu'jxl. J. Orans, my J. g!" HARTS WICK, M- D. 1 li y s I c 1 a 11 a 11 (1 11 r K c u 11 Clearf.el l I'n., May ?M, l'-W. Vi. VALTER BARRETT, ATTOIIXKY AT LAW', will attend promptly and fiiithliilly to nil letfiil Imsincss entrusted to his erne, in the several Court of Clearfield and adjoiri. counties. iifP-t U.v one formirly occupied Ly O. It. liarrett. Oct. 2r;., Ts.'.0 1y. 1)7:7 (I. W. STEWART 1")lijsirlnii and i-iiii'.eiui, oilers his profes nioiia! services to the eitiz. lis of New Wn-h-inton anii niri oundin coniinuniiy. Otliee Uirea iloors west of the Washinctoii lloii-e, New W'r...iinj;ion, l'n., Oct. II, ISMi. JOHN HUIDEKOPER. ClVII. T.M11SKKR i L.M Si uvrvoR, oilers his proesioniil services to tho citizens of Clear field enmity. . All liusincss entrusted to him will be promptly und faithfully executed. Office wiili'U'oiiiu-il, Finney if' Co. id-:vi:u ruxiAL, Justice of the peace Luther.-! ur:, (TcnrflcM Co, V:.. will attend promptly to a'l ln.'ii.css entrusted to his cure. I!e also inform-' t!o public that 1m keeps eonstanllv on hand ut hi shop, .1 u'cncral ns-s.i'-tment "of Sinldl".-, l:rid!"K, Harness and whips, which he will sell on reasonable treins. April 4, ISf(. IXTAL CARD. 1 V. PMIii otTcrs liis profcs.-innl ferviees J. to the It' lies and ie:i-Iciiien 1 li.'l'i and vicii.i!y. All i 1 , ' iot.s pei with neatness u'.il t";; ; '.'f h. F.eiii(t I .miliar tvith nil the lat" iin r 7' ,uts b" is pre' red to inako Al'lilH'ial Ift-lll 111 tho hc-t manner. Ollicu in Shaw's new row. Sept. 1 llh, 1S0S. lyJ. lis. n. 1 AtumiKrt. ' T,:ST Altltmi'-H fe TI-.ST, Attorlrys at l,nw Clearfield, l'a., will ntt.ilid promptly to C.'l- Hioiis, Latnl Agencies, ,u., Ac, 111 1 icarnei.i, Centre and Elk coulitics. July :;. y Clearfield, l'a.. Dec. 2ti. 1 -0 ... . . .l. , . .r 1. : .. f . 1 ah operaiM.i.1 is -i..6 '"'I-'"' .Mechanic an I .Mrchant: Micv are 1 ublished in performed in too latent nnd most improved ,,, Mvk, ,, ,,,, in j,,c mJ- ,,,. Btyles aniUuiiruiiteed for one year nKiiin.t nil ,i:t, In.lluur- nn,, arc Wl,r ,U(.C in tllt. Li. atiiml failures. ,,r;llv f (.Tcrv IUu!il.i,M ; i..llH. isS-i'i men of enleipri.-e and industrious liub jils. thi.i business oilers nu opportunity fur prolil- aiiie eui loyinem seiilom in Ue met with. JOHN O DKLL, mki;. Important Notice. The undersigned, lute publisher of the "Clear neld 11 eptililicii 11 " takes this nieiliud o! culling il. on ihose who are indented to liiiu, or t i J.uil-! T , , . ..... ., , mcr ,f- Ward f..r suliscription, a,h e, li.-inc or Job , Iattd at A 11. SU, , one m,h I,st work incurred during the three years coniiiu-n- V Untfjn-Ul Ooi-oinh, ciii Ju!v ls:,7 and iiidiny July liMi, to call im-1 me liateiv at mv o(l:ee in the b'oroiich of Clear-1 Kespeetfully informs tho citizens of ClenrCeld lie! 1, ami iiiiike'gt'ttlement of the panic, as these and mljoininf; counties, t'nit he is ut all limes account!! mnf Ac ui. J. II. 1.AKK1MK1!. i prepared to nianufaetiire, at the fhortcst notice, Llearlield, I'l'icinber 12, I SCO. tf. Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and fizes.onoof which is a Folding Mat- I.OOK 01 i:K i: ! LOOK HKltr.: tress, miitnblo for CAIJINS OX HAFTS, which rilll 10 uiiilcr-'i'iikd Miliscriliers, lake this nieth- i enn be folded in small compa-s, and emptied nnd J. od of iiifoiiniii' tho public piiii nilly, that 1 refilled at pleasure : and very cheap. He also cl m Ins establishment in (Hi. HI t t'.V l;nn tliey liav e this day entered into copartnership ill trims Cat ria es, mikes repairs to ull kitids of , ( 'lvartiel l, l'.i., n fine assortment of Ci.ik ks TIIK 1II..U KSMITIl I;CS1NIS, Curriurje Triiaminj and FphoUtery. and makes j Watchk-. and J rwm.iiv of different iiialaics! tind eun he found at the simp formerly occupied Cords for .Mason's Tracing Fines, of any thick- j frm it ricle piece to a full se'.t, uhieh he will byj. Shiinkwiler, on Third street, in thin l.o-, uess or length. i sell at the most reasonable prices for cush, or in rniii-'h, where they will be pleased to -ee the r old j V.C'"iinlry Prodnee, Corn Husks, or Cbhb j exehiili(;e f. r old gold and silver, customers, and as many new ones as can make , taken in F icl,nnj;e for work. CLOCKS of curv variety onhaii.!, at tho mint it convenient to give them u cull. j r-OfAll orders left with anv of the Merehnts ; reasonable nrii e IsnnR on your noes, jinn simn'is huh hi i.s, ciear.iei'j uoroujju will nt promptly ailenUeii A I.l. kinds of Clocks, Wat. lies nnd Ji welrv 'iTJlMIOLSTl'R AND CARRI.UiF. TR1M- .il''riis desiriiiR to act as nsor.l. will re cene proicpuy i,y man inn particulars, terms, .fc, by addressing I.K A It V. C F 1 7. A eo.. Pub, No. 'Ml North street, l'hi!adeli bin. Oct 21, :s..O ly. WATCH & JEWELRY P X) 112 LID 'pilK undersi-tie l respectfully 1 iiiforms his customers and tin pul.lic Ki'iierally, that he has jusi reeciifu ironi inc i-.a.-l, anil o. cli f'l.'ur-lllied Your loir-ihaina ami your liu'.linjr sticks Your sleds, your sleighs, your hors , your mare, No tlnee-year old shall then pu bare. Your rpenr w ill work up then ju.-t Cl.t, To prooniiic hooks tor every h"iht. Your sword too, shall then he wrmiu'lit. To iiloiichiharcs such u- I'.h'h nc'i r bought. JACOli SIIFNKW il.FIt, ii i'n. w. win;. Clearfield, December S, 1S58. if. ', 1 RESH ARRI VAlToF " I r N HW (J 0 01)8! : T Til v. cm i'.a r :as 11 stor ! I nm just receiving nnd opening a lare nnd' well selected assortment of j FALL AM) WINTER CiOODS ol almost every description, A beautiful nsrlinent of Prints and Press! jrood-, of the newest nnd latest styles. Also 11 i'cut variety, of useful notion?. to. J AMI'S T. I.KOXAHII. 1VII, A, WAI.I.AI'K. llcci'l A. rtNMlY . e. riNNcr rarefully repaired and Wurnuiliil. I A eoiilinii.ince ol patronacr is solicited, '"'T''- I S!. ' 11. '. N Al'C L1C. Sanhinn anb (LoKfttion (Ottifi NH Y HOTEL. LEONARn. FINNEY &Co. C I. I-: A R T I I. 1, ( LKAli'Ir I.I) Cor.V'r, 1'A. Jnn.i.s ni. KxriHMii:,i)Ti:s Ain nnAFTs msi ui NTf i) ioi ts iti:t i.i l.i), C'o,'A ,'iV ii: ;ioi',' 1111, id'occa prniipt,'i mitiltrrf l'.xclianf on the Cities constantly OM llllllll. "Offiee on Second St., neatly opposite tlic oil'KT I torsi-;. jnuoNi: CITY IIOTKL Col. A. P. OWENS, rnornir.Tort, J Tho unilersi;ncil res',-. M'ully beps leave ti , aniioiinee that he reccnt'y renter! n iiou.-'n in the jborou-h of l.unib,.,- city, Clcarfiolil county. P.i., j lor the tccoiiiiiiud.ilioii of the travelling public. , natcriiicn and nil other.- who may tnvor him I Kith a call. llis tai.lewill nlwajs be su, plied with ns good ns the inaikets Mft..r.l ; and no pains will b.i span-il to render his puesls coinloi -table while under his roof. To which the facts that noiii. t'.iiciting li jiiors of any kind wi 1 he kept about tlie prciiii-cs, will lie tru.-t', contribiiie in no small ,le;:reo. AVhile, what isalwavs iinp irtnnt to tho trun-Her, the best nttcnti, n i ,c civen by careful ho.-llcr to thnt faithful companion nt his journey, his ptitfent ttecd. July I, lti'iii. v. JA.MKS CF.OSSLY. M.t::;iA;i; ui inrppir instruclor for married persi r private 'ns or those IIF.NKY WIHTKIIKAD, jrl'SiTICT. of the pevo t jf lSockton. I'nion tp.. will attend ruinptly ti all 1m.ine4 entrusted to his care. Sept., 12, lsfin. ly. MOORl- & KTZWiL;R, w Farmf.hs' l'i:i:i'.r,Ki) (ii.i E. Tut a quan tity of pood glue into ft bottle, nnd pour in enough of the best oleohol to cover it, and keep it in some warm pi100 say on a shelf Oct. 1 1, ls.'li 1. 1. . - r.. - r 1 .. 1. . . 1 . in 11 hiu'licil 11, i- 11 lew nays, w lieu iiic glue will be dissolved and ready for use ami always remiy, except in cobl weather, py-fstins Mill and cut .Sawn, Mann's nxoi and Ile-pectfully announces to the trnvellinc public ;uiiout to b nii.ri icd, bulh male and feimile. in A liiriTo apsortment, veadv-made ' lin-" u"w 'a1"'" cburpi. or tins iar-.. nmi 'e.ervti ' rs 7 ..III l. I ..III ... 1 :.!.' - (; 7. 0 TlllXUi r.onnets, Sliawls, Hats nnd Cups, Foots and Shoes, a larpo quantity, INrdwnre, Qi eensi! arc, llruirt'S and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpel A Oil Cloths, Fish, T?aron and Flour, G HOC i : R 1 K JS , J ( Arm To. i' .? h p 11 n ml. h tin 1 1 "i 1 tl 1 i , , (mij iiihfiiti-l n i.-in '. I,. , ,,, frtn it In n i'.iu vrn i (i , nut 111 I htm pm nit liiii.-l- u,,, hr(( IuiimI liini'l un I -llti. I tiM-utn 1 ) tint nt"' It t't'ik" 1 1 1 on mv In ,, 1 (tll, l nuti I'm 1 h wttlt oim hiti uIim Ij h i ,.tl Jt' "' l-.vmitl tl'n. lipin 11. I tuml inn"',"s 11)1 'i.iii, Imi I i l limit t?i iii h r i;, f j, .,'' " ii-i, tin iH-"i'lii At l.fc.'i1' I i it-H i in Hi I ,Vt""! ti 1 n, lt ' nn ult i'i ut it w 1 11 Hin . t i t ku 'w ij ll' (I'll til it Ull V lllllll V-Illi.llt IuikI .e Cli' I uii-l '.t it, n n l . It , ri'"' It, uii ' 11 ii'h uk, in ;n' II il M ,.( u lit- hill, nnd iHt'd ulm-M llu'- 'ntil., ' fkm it't'-n I'I'lvim li- t i in Miii' r lln-Kftb,1 nhile fell ulT. My hU.n 1 I ..i , iMi ; , u ..11 i...i...., ti.... 1 1 1 .. 1 . 1 v dill rni i'i uiifc iii limn I l!HV.Ml4 ynu, that I hulil ,V"'i Im I'- mie n M.-i'.i, n 'I ruiiituu eu't giutvhdly. V ii-i " AM St. Aiithoii) ' f ir. Tlorr or I- Ti-ltci' nml Kail E( In-nm, .J: l)r. Iti.lMTt M. I'nl.le Wrili-s frmn rtll Pfpt.. Jl.VJ, tluit In' Ii:ih (-111 iil im liiici ,', whicli llii'Mt'tM'tl t t''i!iilins 1,, jMr,-PVfrlnr( iio "t ' nm .-.n 'nj u i!i.i. mni hlKii MUxtjntnt .Viyi;.. !y l.'iuo 't"fi ,f ti)l Jin ctii'tm tlir comti'oii i:ni)ti"ui l-y it Jtroiit lioot-lCf (l(rr or Swells Zl lilllotl SloflU ('f I'l'l'I't'Ct, TSllt. tli! f your rniapai Ilia cim-J m lieu DO UN RMlllilKt r, tllO IH-ck, WllMll I hul w OTur two yi'iir." Lrnonrrlifrn or W'h !. Ovnrlfn I It rluc I Irernt ion, KVntAlr U lr. J. II. P. rimnniiii;. of New Vctk Cilj Ui'ift chfcrfully romt'ly v Ith tin: r- iii-rtifi, jiviiih I ht f'hiiil your wiprinlU , iiHcrative in th nnnifrona r 'iin UmtK u dinploy pitch n M-m"ly. hut ("""Tilly In f'. of the S i"fiiloiiri 'lt:ilj.'si. J hnv rum aaL . adt niH'X of I.i'iiron ii:i ly It. nn l oriio i I'luiht wjiii rniicl hy ulfnttt'-n ol ttia ufmt, at inn Itwdf wiiumxhim ctiitl. Nothin? wjihit Uiro niuaU It for I lifH.- f.-in;il ili'iaiijiriiiiBi' J.dwinl F, Mnrrow, (T Ncwl.iuy, A liu. n;. pT"iin ovarian tumr on rmi u thu f tnnlftf, vliich had defied u'l t(u n im di'-H W cn;i!i. at It'iiirfh l'P'ii nrnltely cn;ci hy y(Hirfr nnrilla. Our iivfH ian tli 11hl iutldn; tion coul l aftorl nIif. hut lin tnhiM tM ((irnni-Hrillii as the lust ic'-.'it t.gfure cm proved fflectual. After taUiti'X yonr rviiwh.- nu yinptotn nf the di-tiiit-o tcnuitis." Kyphllln nml Mrri iirlnl DJ Nrw Ol:lT.s. 'J. tli A;, TR. J. C. Avitn : Fir, I clni-i fully ru ntit-it nf ytnir ntreni, nnd rjirt ir V'tiiKAai I Ijvh i ;ili'."'l n ith your tniM., :u ill. I hm nn w Ii Ii It, In inv prn''ti-, rim, philutH f..r wlinli it in re ntiniu-niiH, m.(lnr i-tffctii truly wun teiful hi the cui" of f,,-, euriul Ihtfatt. On f iny patn-titii biTr.. In his thiuAt, which ww oiistini:fii lji U p of hin niuiith. V"ur ntf-Ar.;!, $tm,i CUrcd UlUl 1U WW WPel.B. Atwllm ondHiy pympt'iniM in lin imm m.ii ut uir et'ti away a coiid'Tiibltj nrt of it.mtUt ; dikoxh r would M"n rtucli hin bin i u and kill, yifldt-d tn my ivlmijiht.iiti"ii cf ytmr Nnu ulcer hnilfd. and he i jimn. f r e Ifcinie diKiiif umtiMn tu hi Inc. A Miuit&i, tie it i !r tho mine di!'idi r L-r nun uri k from thin M-i-idti in iiT l-oii. J (t v liadlr Ritiv tu thu wehthfi thiit i n k duu,L di iLc cruciatiiit; miu in her j intn .in J L-tit, ti curt"! mtiiely l-y ymir .'ai impnt tlln in tin ktiuw fiuin lis formuU, ulinh ) i ui ntu pi thin I'toj ar.-itii ii u ui .d rutorr iluk ri'ino ly; i-,h 'juuitly, ihm truly n-ntiti with it have not Mtrjii isc J tur. 'ratcriiully )oiiib, (1. V. !,AkM: Rlieuumtiaiii. 6oiit, I.lrtr Coa iNMI-EJiDiNCE. I'MUloU (V.. Vt..fthJ- Db. J. C. Avlr: Sir, I 1ikt bw-n affltcid nil chrmiic HheumuUsm for 11 1 ,11; lim. 1ik kill of ijhyhi hiid. nnd htiKk ty me in 1; 4 1 rould (i nci. until 1 ti led ym iMtttle cured Itm in tnu ieki. and reHiffnl he.nllh pti nnieh that I wni tur ln-tfr tint - attackt't). think it a nouderful lurdicliif. J Jules Y. Gi'tchcll, nf Jt, IuU. wrlirt:"! nfllictrd fir ymtfi with an njfrtvmt4 tin I fit-Mii'iycii my neaith. i trlt i-ttv tlilnE.infli Ciilfd ti relit vu ni". and I ti a tmsfen fi r initio yean no ether c;n:v iIimkK the J.v rr. My U loved pantor, H I Vi U me M try rtmr NirNanarmu, ln-rau htwte and anv thin iu n.ude u woi th in . I-1 itiR cf Of'd it iniiil r f. mid hu- tv yuat ni to make a new iiian f iur. 1 f,,. mnt n. I '.-ft tint cnu lie B.iiil of ymi ii not Imlf .f-An. fc li li 1 !!.( itncc r 'I'iiiiioi-h, ICnlarv I li i-ral Ion, Cm Ira und t-ifull' (iid lioiu-s. A (rirat vmi.'ty of ran have !.-n reil CHicc or ttifRt' forntidaldi' ("luj luinii Imu tw the Hht of (hi i fticdv. I.nt our Kia- e lirifilli tht-ni. ioiim of 1 1 m 111 inav he f-ui.l in " Almnunr, nhioh thi m:nt helow taui in furnisU giatifi ti nil win. call f -r them. DyaprpiJn. Hrui t Dlnranf. Fid. ay , .li lnn holy t .Neural! Slany n-uuu Iu.!.!r ni. ,f t!i.c B-tuwl mad l y the alu rntivr power 1 thin': f latefl the vitnl ftmeiion- inin vi- i- cud, ovcrcom-a drum dv ti vliicli unul 1 ii. reaeli. 5u--h n remedy Imi hm- 1 1 :i r-. wiMtii-Fi ol the po( li and e ar i.Umt do I r them all that iiK-Juum can d Ayer's Cherry Psc1 ron tur lMrni rt r.E or ('murine. I1. I n ilm -iii.b, ltor ( 1111111. Itroiii hl'.ls. liii iplinl mil nl Ion. nn. I for tlic U'l of 11 11 sum pi 1 1 e I'alliiiU in mlvn i.ri-il Sluri of the Dint-nut-. Tills U a reroilv so uiiiveimlly lit' t" rth-r t -r tli- . uie'iT ilin ut and line ""'V1' is ii-., I. s h. ie 1.. pul li-li tic 1 i l.-.i- d u nm iiiilli-tl Hi . Hen.-f fi.r ci lii.-1'S i-ri'l im. ii'l. t fiil rn..,s ,.f pit -i, ji rv ii' -". lilt, tlll llil.MIll.'Ilt Ull' tllillZril fl'''"M 1, 11 ntn I lie n niniilllili.'S. oreicti fur ilitf vl.u line In t sonic 1 m 'li nl .xniHi'f" Fi'ioe li'inc tr,'pliy In their mfilM of ii.o' Slllltlc illl.t llllllt'l HIH tti.'iit.'rs of 111.' t!lt" Jll h 1 1 li,,n- Ihe ilr"il'lfi.l futnluy of llirfiJ' lliey know, too. the etTi-cl, of i.-inr iv' do ticre llintl to ashore llicm ll. it il lis. I f ' toe-, llu.t il did Imvc vhen nii.ini.' U--won so strongly upuii the cm; f'-n -e of eni; Prepsrod ly Dr. J. C. AYE3 &. CO., In .'rSold by C. I. Watson, Ciesrii Irwin. Cut ensvillc : F. AinoUl, Lu: Moiit'-ouiery ,t Co., New Sn!ein : ..C. M.irri.ili.l,,. I'. li. V.isl.r. I'l, il. urf I (. hnse, Ansonville ; and by dealers ' "Iiolesalc ami Itctall Merrliantsi. Also oTtensicH dealers in tin. her. fawe l lunnl her nnd shingle. Also, dealers in fiour an-: of the best quality, all ot w lncli wi, ho sold at jrain, wliich will be Fld cheap for cash. Mil l'n r ,1 1 ,1 r ,!,., ..I.e.:.. I 1 .. !.. ., , . , . . , " , . , . , . n M ,ii v .'...fii'ii,.. ail', ill... , n .-1 know ti house, anil u il .-onil.ict it , n k,,,.l, n ...... .,r ..... i , . , , ' : ' ",''...-. "..1 si sieiii. una ine proiiii'-tion or; manner us ,u Tc ,r eS, eiieni eoinion nml lor, i prevention of i,ir-prinS. in,ludic all the new 1 " I'l I. Ml' 1. 1 1 I li VTII V F U'IRP Pllf ratislaetion to nil who may favor him with s .lisi..v..i I,.,.-,.- i..,f...n : :.. .1... i-..i: 1. ILFilhllLLU MII.AL AhL lUb r'nU- iiov7-ly I language., by VM. Y jFNti, M. H. This is really I -- - - iiiaiuanie nun lntercslinj; w 01 k. II is written! V) ('0ll.'ll II VI'Sl Tim ndvci liser. I in nlaiii laneiiuiT., I,,r il... n.,,,.,.!,..!,, ..,,,1 ;. ! havini' teen restred to health in a few I illustrated w ith iiuineruus ene;r:ivinirs. Allvoiiin- weeks hy a very simple remedy, alter havinp suf. man led people, or those coiiteinplatiiij; marriage, fered for several j ears with a seiero lunc aflec- and havini; the least i 111 pediment to married li"' tion, and that ilnd disease Consumption, is anx- should rend this book. It discloses secrets that ions to inako known to Ins I, Ik w -sutlerers the : every one should be iiicans of cure 1)oots A shoes of every kind for Fadies, (Jen ) tleino'i, and Children nt It. W. .( CO's, When it will bo necessiiTV to keen the bots' J . 1 Renernl assortment of 11 irdwnro at the t'ein the kitchen fora few hours previous j "Juf,.We, M,T Kl, ,,r,o. ' " ' " to uing it. If it appears too thick, put r" ., . c 11 1 all and examine the Patent nir-licht OLif in inoro alcohol ; and it too thin, put in ;rtnd ttnno jars, they are just the thine you I more glue. Keep it corked tight, as the ' llf,c''i f" e r , W. & CO'. alcohol will soon evaporate, and render ununited with : still it is 11 book that must lie lucked nn. and not lie nb,.ui Tu all who desire it, lie w ill lend a copy of the : the house, lt w iii he sent to any one 011 rcceiM , ...... . . 1 . . : I .' r . 1 1 . 1. . 1 .. , : . .r . . I lie lowest casii or renuy pay prices. pi. sen pi 1011 u-i-u, ( iree 01 cntirc. j nun ine 111- o. mini) in ceins, 111 specie or postage stamps, Jly obi friends nnd the public Rcnerally, aro '?etioii. for pr. pni ing and using the san.e, which Addi ens lr. M'.M. YOl'Xli. No. 410 Spruro st, lnvilcl i'i can. uiev win mm n suro cure lor 1 oiisuiiipnon, auove rourin, rhilailelplna, l'a. Clearfield, Oct. .',1 , 1 sli. iv M, F, IRWIN. Asi limn, lire neliitis, e. 1 lie only ulyect ol the j.T'N, P. All kinds of (!l(. .V and approve advrtiser in sending the prescription is to bene. COl'STIl Y I'HOlJl'l'l taken inexchang f lit the alllicted, nnd spread information which he ..u .ijniriiii nml ( iiorttiiiiifc .Nn matter wlr.t may be your disease, before you place your self under tho care of any one of the noti'rioiis (ioods. jn2.1 the gluo too thick. I know this to be a genuine article, a? I . have used it for ten jears, ar.d it has ncv' ir failed "to unite tho most incorrigible fragment of a shattered union," as is' chimod for Spaulding's prepared glue. A I quart of this will cost not overtwerty-fivej n..a (l.ttn M' n nn ,1 nlilnin AflllF i irrt I'lMlfa' 1 worth of SoftiiUlinps for twentv-fivo cents. Salt. rF.RY CHEAP it tho store of Flonr. (1 AnTlCLF.for tine at the store of 7 jnn2.'J W. F. 1UW1S. i) ittiTixi 11 a phi e 1: w s n : g iiiAiibrn ihili'.b x. 10., fX AM, i des, M.icorei an i Herring for sale j JL 1 nm hii.i .,'iTo. . Ti . F. 1 It ll IX. tluariio , July 11th ISfi ). Vvery largo stock of Spring end Summer clothing of tho Intst stylos for snle low by L uiwensville, lny 10, IffiO. E. A. 1HVIX. Foil lenve to aunoiinee to the eitiens of Clenr- field am) vicinity, thnt thfir (i Alt will remain lor VM. F. IltWINT. ifniiio linn in tho above named r. lace, for the luir- Ijosoof aflording all persons a chance to gel a lirn class rnOTOHKAPH or AMTROTYTK, From a Miniature to a Life-size. S I HlKIMi 11' I A ! 7V, cuiceivcs tube invaluahlc, and he hopes every , uaeks, native or foreign, who advertise in this nifiVrcr w ill try his remedy ns it will coit them , or any oil er paper, gel a copy of cither of 1 r. iiolhing, and may proven blessing, J Young's books, and rend it carefully. It will b Persons w ishing tho prescription will please j the means of saving you lanv a dollar, your address liev. Kit V A II J A. WII.SON, henlth. and possibly ynr life. " no7-ly Uillinmsbiirgli, Kings Co. , N. Y I Dr. YOl NiJ can bo consulted oh any of the - mill .ii,-," '" i,'"-r'''l i his publications, at hi "''I 1 ," ' " otlice. No. 4 I 0 Snruee si. V. 111 lir01s Lxrilt turn! itmonf th 1 ' .W.r,t ! .' F.XCITIN'I FOOT HACK between . the Philadolphiii l'oliro and the notorious For I ill it (I t) III C Si' IllVCIld'S per ar.d counterfeiter, Ja ncs Iluthatuin Cross !!! I Cross lteeaptured ! !!! It seems to be the gener-1 Illlnlliljlc VerrCtalllc I'OW'derS al opinion in Clearfield, thnt il Cross had worn a 1 . ,1 . . , ,n , pair of Frank Short' French-calf Hoots, that he ,ne ."'.V and eneetual Cure ..fall ,!,. would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is " ''''"" "'", I'SI'jyoin, d .,,-,, r,. not mnchnut out at missimr his custom : hut 1 ",.l.:,r."."' ' 7"'e IHnrw of A: would announce to all Jinrkinrvh,,, J),.,,l,,., " l' " "'drfli. Send .1 cent Stan ... . . . ... ' . nor inif. 11 t i,-ivf.- Thaiikfiil for past favors and flic'11 tore tiatronnge. 1 would rcspi'i'ti""?' that I have on hand BL-nin. and H keep ut tho Pottery in this boroufk. '( ncr n short distance, cast of the .Vet!" a large stock of Crockery, such atCn-W milk pans, ( li urns. Jugs, dais. Me"! i .( e. ,f e.: and also an extensive ''"'' diderent sises and natti rn' of ',r' rosettes for c rnice on houses. i""t dings. Anv nioiiMini's not on hnnil will older ou short notice. Abu li and kept for sale. ,--A liberal reduction on price' ,-rr7!' wnoi.paie ticnlers. t. i.i.i"-' Clearfield, may 2.1, l."70. ly. Cabinet, Chair Makin?. T 0IIX tit I.iril. of the borough of ( I Fa., will be nrciiarenat all timo w'. to nny business in the above li"0 lloti.'... .11,(1 i. .. ir nrk tn ,1 ti 1 i k nuiim'1'' ,,r l,..i,,.,i. ..,,),,. ,,1,1 .1,1,01,11 tlie ',r' Muiket street, .".d door 1 ast of Third ( oni'iisito the old .lew slorc : w here be constantly on hand a large asfortnifl hoeonv and rnnn Itottoni Chairs. .,, W'ure of every description, which he of on ns ri'iiMHiulilo terms IIS the I in l.i F 1. ...J 11.11 I I ..u 11.1 n:i"l- li II . IV . Am itiii V pes nu, 1 I'Hgucrreoi ypi'B COJiieil HI Miioim lotn ,rn men, Nun noit, ri. inn. iiiiiiucu TI I 1 f the shortest notice. in t'learfltbl. and Sinnemahoning in particular. I Jiu"u,"J, of testituonialH I!x 2070 I'hila. P 0 'J"' l can be had elsewhere in tho county. .'go variety nt reduced pri 14.". tore. Curwensville IB, 'fiO Get a very fmall paint brush for laying on tho glue with, and pour out into a te Otciiu and other .Shawls in variety at tlie cheaf rup about asniueh as w ill bo used in a few O Store of K. A. IKVIN; minutes, nnd tlien wash not the brush I Curwensville, May lft. '00. wilh oap twU after using it. Always keep - ,Rl IT. Trj0,j A,,pUti pBre,l n.i aiui-i.'s i ti.ii, iiiiib i.e-i-ii 1'ji'u in a, warm i reaebei, Caeiries, Pruncg and room lor one any ri icasiaiier Doing giuea. tnat orner itor of Having had scleral year experience in the that ho is prepared tn furnish them with Hoot. tho eastern cities, they nre confident that they Shoes and (laiters of any style or pattern, stitch can please all who may fuvor them with a call, ed, sewed or peggod, (and as he is a short fcl- 1'ictures tiijen eiunlly as well in cloudy us in low nn short notice, clear weather. All kinds of country produce taken in x- rrlrra, from S. cents upw ards. marl.1-4t change, and rash not n fused. P.cpiiiriiig done in the neatest ninnner anil charges moderate, at sit dunpared' mackerel and Herring for snle it the corner the Short Shoe Shop on fecund Street, opposi Haikin, It ill Moro f E.A.IRVI.N. Reed. Wiirir k Cn' it nr.. FRANK SIIOP.T. E. A.IKVrN I Uurwensville, 3ay Ift, 'CO. 1 X. B, Findinei for lale, Pent. 2, 18(10. JH-ir-Anry S. W. Cor. Third A Arch Sts. "el i'J, 1 Still 101. Booli and Shoes. A larger Hock and lowir price, than ever, nt Irvim Cheapost coraer. 'uiwensville, May 10, '1)0' Iadiei drs r.-.u Is, of patterns and texture to A please all, will be foand at tho corner store, Curwimvilie, May 1(1, 1880. E. A. 1RV1N. Ilia fit m 1 nf fiihinct VVare now on .!.. . ..r i, .....! ... I rmm"" S1SIS in ':iri Ol am, sen, ...... -.( Sofas. Sewing and Washing Stands, i Hook Cases, French and Field Po'1 ' .... ... ... . n . . f aDd inning. lir.'BKiiiHi, venire, in.-- - , , i t... i. r. .r,n. ....... ,r.,, and VII e, ..n v.. in lie i. ....... iu. . . . ..i.. a..,.,.i February 9, 1869. no. 4, Tol. ! . . .... .nl I lo oking btorei el varmui i" " J sale hy urwtnsville, May I, 'W.