, WWI , . n i tlm i n " mpli-dn I. 'I " ' ., . 1,., I l 1 1 I I III ! I III tl III I 'I (ill! I '"' !,l . i " . . .. . ... t . . i I Bill m : I i ill liHuMMnp imMi tin' "I'"' it ntinlntilil , . . .1 .. . .. I .... I .1 il... llu mi i'. i 'n i' " "" " i.lilion le.ehu "I ll'i' pnl'li. mi 1 . tj)t O'lraifuli) HfjMillicui. la. ' ' 1 , "i. u What U to Vf th fr ivllrj? I I. i. ., .u ,im n ini.nlli in " Hi" I' I III"'" ' i i v i.u.t. i n--, "-ii ii i.f ll"' i 1 ii ' 'jMumiiHiil, nr. -I up I" ,lll " ,,,M . . Ii In I do ilntk n" ( ill" lyrthi'h (In' h Itiniiifttiiti. n is to I n tlirir Voiro i fur Wnr. 'ittrm-'l, ii bifuto Mr. Lincoln 1 Tt 1 1 i ( he hi-!oM nl the Atnei n un (ei,ulion Ii. Din' in lllin'i. .Inni'li'linles Hi" I'm I. (lint if tli'.iiln li.liisiniiugtil.il allien the Pi c-idt-ht nt i-m i I tin' son rim 1 linn-ii t.l lv I ti"t mi. I "I ho Union il Ulihtokcn," that the if tin- site- - im lend nf bavin,; iib.nil hnlt a iVintitutioii expicssly rn.i oi'ii.l mi liim million of hen cs in our inid-l, in nl ll.at I lio tul v of m i inc tlnit '.lio "hiw.srd il.iv, r must hev. lnivc nt IciiM m vrn mil Union In faithfully Mrulcd in nil I Ik lions nnd still ': are not saved. nr Mal.s ." i.n. I llu.t all lhpncr coiilidrd hk.lv In I.f. , to him would t "'! "J 0l'',l,ryj There :irc a iiiuiil.i r i.r our li .publicnn 'and possess tl.' ro i-rty Mini places be- f, lends w ho ju"t now seem lo ho spoilim il.,. unviM-imicni. Mini to collect lor an opportunity io ilciii' mst ml e nun .... r ... - 1 1,., into in in iii ii ;'"iiii i ,, ,1',o "1l H,.M.e. ...,,,, li-l. of MlliUty rt'l'ltMlOftl III.. that fl li'l I 'ill' I1 l 1,11 I'1" ' ' ' V" ' t . r ci.i:.m;fiki.). )'.. Wcdnmdny Mornii A iii TO, 1801 t1"1 Who nrc Seccssionii's '.' Atv.'nlin;; to tin liinuthiiit'i;si of tin Ui'l u'uliciin party, vn y Ii moiTiit ivlio ii rpni to tlio ruini'iii policy of uirtkiiiji 1 1. ,,,.,,.,(',, wouhl hnvc to "burk il.iwn." pnnl, P.ii IritlK' iiml jlory. '1'ln'V iiri' lillfl vnr tin' fr( (l il SihI'-h, in n viiin nt-jor f,?0 t,t the ilrt a.lful fciui ui' of I'i'il ( iili j;:ill (uxl l ittcrniM to tluir ntiniKt tfnpt to CK tnjtl thfiu lo liu in "h".v ,vnP 011j . iniuiursti il. Happily, wi- capiu ily, hiln I licir lit t li mills nro ri'iit wim uc, it in l!nl a Ai-.v.wni'..r. Therein! wK i 1 ,-, i lu-tiinl war. Hut nono of nMin.h'r in Ihi'ir oll'.iils to n'strnin lh-ir lapi.lly i'.iiiii(lini inrntal nml physical ,1 i I in ... HT f i i !l mli . i . ..i i ... i . 1 1.. i., ...,... I in in to III1 I" 'iii. , . .1' i" - liiniii Million lo lm ' '""I'lfv illi n I . l I in il" inn Inl n.tH th'in - N. l s ll ioi mx u i i n ilil'i H iii i.'iil i t i t .I. i i-i.-i" in f.i'ir i't tin' witlnlifiwM of thi lioopn Iioiii tin I Silinfl. Im' Mil in vl lr ' I'i W"11" '''" l,U' n, . ..i .liii.r to I lie hiHlnJvi. li"in I'lurlfn- t.ni tl.i tin iisMto lnia i"t v I ihi'M jlmfi t,y J,VI. lutucl thrt whnl" f'ltv mi. I it U iio-,t kopf. '.'. I, in I'.it.iin - p,,liii. Ml i h.n nrl hnu-r. inni in (heir un ii . I .1' hi' llitUHAIi.l lim-S Milni It-in '""'(Mi" dm, nl llir llnl ni. 1 torn Witiinton unit Iho ?nth 'I In. in m (i"in Wniliii'i'ioti iy l i'l lliht'll I. Hit M' 'l) Hi'!' I'll. IU' Mill "l' nUUr.irtny. tlm N'alioluil l'n itnl lju-t h.MV IlllllUf.l I'V n illll'ini"Hlbll' Tl of p.l- lnl.vl Ji. I.alli, who I re co lolnlly l lln Inl l,u il.i. U...I mi l t roMii'ol of ollico , Hint "Al ll o I n, U.t i ,, , ' Ii'il ) H' o I, IMih,,,, f, llu' lot u iii iln i,. ,,,,, ,j 1 Icii-l ibmbt Hint, I i tii i,,,, liii(.' I on n i, I in n i,,. ly (i ltliil Illi k tin"! II 'l"'l Iiml , ill I oil lliiMiiltmi i ,(i ' ' ll... Ii..! . ' ' "' " I I n'.ry t.i t Mi l l i i ii? in i n inv , ... .1.. .11.. ..ll i ... . " i lll'll. 11. 1 ill,, fill 1 11 y 0 1 1 , t , I ,t ,:,... .'") pi i ..ii'k in nnii'i, iip(,. Ii.l ilulv. I In' lllnrt. ,l i into a i like n Mo.nip.l , jt,j,. T hll'ljll-l )" lh"ir i I 1 1 y ( 1v; illllllli lliilv 111 t.t.il,il' loiilin to Iii.- itulu-H on import'. tliey ui't; (lie trni' ioiis of tho (ihlin s i j v rliintly apj'liivl lo every limn wlojliiu con Umlcd lor the t (iml rights of thci South ern people, uiiiler the Cow-titution. To ileciilo vlto are .S't'esMoiiiMs it if m!y lieeensary to inquire nhat wotihl he .. . ..11 . .....,.t..l .ll'll.n,l' III . ... ... hn ... . .... . Ii ... . . . linn no ! ........ I'Miiov mi ... .r.- I i I lie fill -nil Kt. Ill kliuli ,,r . . . 1 I'.l... li .l.l. .1... ., . I 1.1 ....II.. ..r . .. I . I.. .1: ' I loll!" 1'el e liiei e nin u .', i in . 1 1 r ii 1 1 1 1 'i )' l o u.i in in hu ini iiifiiii.ini u. un, 1101-11 rou'iv ui'i'Uiiaitig (ofi. ,V c, for ll.e J in pom 1 1' ;iiiuilii! tin-e, (),,r jtlrtnt h'epublic, utnt at e willing lh.it the tuition. iiml ih ii :i liu' I'lii'itiili'ti into tl" '''' ouroiiee t.roiul iiml liaprv rountrv, thouhl ' '"S'"', ''nt,u'. IUn , , i . .' , . , . , oik llnrlior, has been i. in the par. lie uil.'iil n-n of Mr. J.meuln, ,r ,-t into the MaelMrou) ol .lepartc I of Suppers nml Miin.r ,' Fruiii theM..leeh,r,.!.nn8.t s ev..l.-n f t he Hcvolut,,,.,, ami rhale. ami I, rt . : m vernment loan of eiiht The lYemlcnt ami of Iep-u(- late ..ml, a.ul ive.e o,uu ter,dT i i i i .. . i . ti ! . i.mi ii " . .. j r .. i... i i i.i 'r i . i i .i. i i - . - . . i . . - millioiiH. I his loan iv u taken last week j ,n,.nts literally run down, by tho lu- "ei'! t,l'lnC 110 J00"' Hib nj; .ii. a iliM'ouiit of nbout nix per cei.t, nml ' niultouH mob Hint eor.etnntly burroumts ' .. s . . nil M-.-iriuii; I ' 1 1 pai in jr Imy . ininiciliiitely il iiiiinoiineeil (hat t lio Ail - il,t.,,,. Tlie ol.le.'t citizens stninl amnzed, i,u'ee. anil b'.oie for oiiibarfc' minislriilion mean mirni.il not; ic. Hl tie constant inllux of Northern dema-' jcitii:j: phieen ready for tia t Several eoinp.ini-i oi l'. .S. t-oops tlifitjj.oguen, ir. their "wild hunt after ofllee" j ol lvv. - f Hrtie were iiinirlei(l nl Vi'iinhinfiton nil ii inter , mlr prufriscd patriotic. opponrnU. It were sent to New York, hit week, ith ' j- 1)olv neerlaii.ed that the "five loavei the intention it ii siupecled, 'if being m nt un,j two .small fiihus," in tiin gifi of tho Smith. Administration will not natiffy the 0111- Cliarle.-ton was much exerted on th j jontti of our northern and western m ii Ii. rnd everybody fell lliat n erU'u wnsUriots. at him.!. 'Llie t'hurlestimiiin-i miid thre Lieutenant Talbot arrived nt Vv'ashing shou:.! be no more, boy's play. Kvnctia-; lo1 -0ln Foi l Smnler on Friday morning, Hon iirtiht wan tho prevnilinn sentiment. jwi,, aespHte'ue.s lor the War Iepni Iment, it was uixIim.sUhhI tluu onleiri IiuU been the About iii much ri'fin in thin ehaipe an in ! , ,'. ..j,,., yo then in the hand of Hint of rri-,SV.urrvof, .SV.ur radt "' '''. I s0( ,.,!,., )ias been i-ince 'po-ses.sed'' l y i vtri ngtli ; unl wo are fully Mitislied I'.m'. u.i frin, iff., nhirh lime been ci.n-i , j(, , MJ povei mn nt ; ror Iuih imy nt-l jf u fmorable opportunity could bo given tempt been mmle to "collect the 'Julie j 1 1 1 j n , w hrrein they could fairly display Ion imports" in any of the ports ol the j (,,,. coiuliativenins, upm the' (ir.t jenbd States In the uiciintim it has iUJlf ,,f gu powder they could leap a (been repeatedly announced, m if by nut ti- ,0ftItI f,.nc ten feel high b: ikwaidi- ! loiitv. that nil tbu FurtH now held by 1'iii-j When Abiaham'b truniii shall HOuiid itn hc present condition of cur country t'n'l j totl "sit li'oops in llif ..iri.-lerttt: States, 1 toonin of war along our Souliiuin border, dthei of the other enndidntes for 1'resi- j u vn llp nj llH, . ov,.,.y cflort ',..,!ig fm- food for pmvdcr nml lead, for .lent last full been lecled, instead of Mr. j .oulil (,e lliut, to (1V(.rt a ,.,!!;, i. i1h! ,,, of i titling ..hum "rebellion," J.iii'Mln. All iiniiiil tluu i'i m cv,tr nou i y. nM tliese tlnnii luive Deen irnnspir- , ..,,..,.,, .... i ....... ..... ti, .11 i..,,. . . n. .i i r . inn i niru iiiiaiury nayo icen u, chinjf orders sunce Tue-.duy. T. ing i no uiiiier oruereu roia Island will, it is renorteU, uou ilton. nnd there go on buarJ , probi.bly the Unilivl Statei nfl J ou halan, wlilen U to convey it, nan. Tl. V...., V.. ..I I. i . . .iii . .! 1 ii.Ri.i i'iiii.. n.i.v u'lirespr. I nnu Bubneoiieii v had an intelliew with. , .... ' ... l'"CL , ...... ' I In. 1 , .1 li..li)i:l :irv in II. w . . . ' I, ...... M ...I .r.imrv firoorf.lnl. Ill ill 1 ., f , ., ..... ..... w an oi.oortunitv ol beai imr wilnes, lo their i' " fc , . , , . ' ... , u' 1 r ?h"u'"1' u,'lu','"l CMl a,, 1,10 'ieoeted a treasonable ci.cul.ir itiile of iifliiirs Unit iiiMeml ofn dimneni' tWerih impatience, th; uiimifetai ion of. , , ' i.().,(,.i ,ih- will not -ill ' ,ul'l'lw' 10 J1',Jor "ucrHon suouiu ur in. , ,.( trt,.v (,f Wiir. 1 1 if mission, il is said, ! .eojily tj neeept the inlamoa. iK'.ed rnion, nnd in immiiicnt peril uliK, il. fmile i.olicv on I he nurl of the ' ., . , : i, ..;'.. ,i. , .. i .r 'I0"- i lfti reference to the evacuation of the I """s r 'laj'nr W nod. nnd tod. civil war, our condition as a nation would i l.iministraiion. Mut thus far no one, not r ... ,! .. ... would we witnes thd present mihnpj.v j in j, tle country has been waili.it bo perfectly harmonious and in the cn.j6V,. those in its immediate confidence, is families to tho tender mercies ol ' Northern tiaitom 11 is understood (lint tlie .Nouu.ern i.om ,,,., t ;(j ,.,,,,,.,1 lhat ,, fe,eral nr.d niissioners, who have been at Wiudiinr.ton ; f0ut!i ('nroliiix authorities cannot acn e city part mid iiucel of tho (.'no JellersDii Davis As yet tho piecioiu ttocunifr, ' .uiiiic,n .i.iiii.jD. 1 iiti ' r ll., , ' j.. . . ....... I'iuiiicr, joyment of u greater degree of prosperity Me lo toll what policy tho Cabinet in-j jUlt lv0 r0!ir 01ir 01ltieaties will hi'.ve but ! ''11'' l-cen liitormaliy 1 uj.oi, a plan of evacuation. It is under- fully concealed, but we hope l0 mireu ny uie prrseni .iiiniiiiisirauoii iu mood nv, t:i) '.eg .dun t wuteJ to 1 ' ""r reaner.s in a uay or two, thun nt any former period. Tho Fiiecess of th lJepublicnn party, with its Aboli tion element, is the ho!c cause of our tends to pursue. As confirmato-v of thc renwirks, we little efl'ect with our pugilistic friends, as uile a number of them hive already be-! tho military rUitus should remain, nml no 1(!llVl!ll fl,r,,0 itl tUe on ,() ,.,,.e! will .loubiless be .surprised it . . . , . . . . . ' . . . . i. .. r .ii : 1 ask Hie reauer sauenuon i me ii 'B :...., ..r.,.,,,1 ,l ;,i, i,;,ini;,, " 1 1,. prcseui irouuiej. ii ii not uecauhe me extrnct from a late nuniiirr ol llio AHmny movement be tint lo in regard to (he ', ehargo of tho public property, but (hat 'southern Forts r ilhout first intimating ,jeneral IVuureg.ird and (lovemor I'ick. r,"""",ul'"!' " " ocenusD me extrnct Jrom a laic nuuinrr oi ino ih.hh.v ; ,Ct,lOIl (1( lk Ktcuni Fire Fcciiie will be j oeniT.11 iK'niniruumi woveruor lick D.unocrals were defeated; nor becauselirurna ,,.,. edited, in part, by the t,u.m ru , . 't f . ; .' w the same to the Southern Commissioner!. ; elH ,lcll,amlod an unconditional surren .. ;r rti... .. r 1 1 . 1 . . .... . . . . r l . ' 1 ' 1 1 ' I ' u 1 , ' e j , . . . . . .,,.,, ,1 1 mi. . I.mi i t 1 1 . . . ... . . i refer our renders to tho two following manifestations ol'this "i-inothere J wrath :" Inuicnant. It U teported that the WideA wakes of Wilkesbnne burned their tins class of men have been turned out .jfistnnt Seen tarv State, fon of Secretn- And another clnsi put into office. Such i , v Sew ard--w ho, if unvote, ought to be tilings havo tskf n place frc.jucntly here- -l fih to speak intelligently. It i thus np- tofore, without causing any im-unv ot.ionco lHroiit either th't ths Administr.Uion bus, (0 til? public. Hut it is because a parly, ' Uj, (0 this iut uiti'il t d'-c'uh- uium unylfii?ui, tnildly nvowing deadly hostility to the in- '0r 0HO t,at huc'.i declarations as th? fol- titution of Slavery as it xists in fifteen lowing nre made as blinds nnd false, lights (States of tho Union declaring it, no less: with which to dere'vo nd mislca I the than "jioliganiy" tube "ntnin Siter o) irountry : Jrfir!.iinsni'' and psccUiminv that thih ; if n. 'ort connot l.e I1.1M. is it pwiHf l cvniin has the folloi- in -:-"We have been ! trDitment "country cannot exist half !avc mid lial f cmpel tli rctonui. n of the irmfy iiml Imvo t,, tu, e. j.eue (.f linviuga ciuinon cng: u- The rejiorlei invmion of Texas ly i.... :. . 1 . , , . I.ein scizi'.l ; a uumircn iii.,uiiu.i iu"u iuu... i...-.- una 11 m..j oecjmecuncrone iiung ... ... r, u.ri ,Vi,r, r ,i, , , -nmll.aving notice.! tne recent tiuuuen ! tll.r h i, further understood that the naval and army movements, they have .rMi j,.llti upi)11 l.irning 1 ho vies of the called upon proper autlnrities for nr. ex- s,.es.siniiists at once decide J that unlem lltali U s "ot Hkely they will g.tH!lh,.v m.0(..,loj t1L. trms of t,0 ,.()ver. cups and c.npes, and broke their lamps on very satisfactory HiiHirer; mid it is iuiie . ., , lu. rrt glmuld not be ubandoncd, tho public square, on WedncMhiy night 1 probable that the assurances given "tp 1 tllu obli-ing tliMii to -ittack it. There, hist, to express their indignation nt the ,,i.h- ii.tio.dcl lo deeniio them 011 tl.ei.. ...... . de.ermi.:a!ionof(ld A be' to dve up Fort I " " ' ' , '"i Ti "l ' "rroU',le unlw a vlllnter. " ground thai all things arc fair in war. mid jM,ceiiy arningement is mudo l.y (he be- Win. rim --A Kepnblicnn papei I , . . . , . .. , : wi. !in,.i reucis nun ui-.uors aeserve no ouer 1 ijr,.,,, flict iU ensuo in Charles- inn harbor at an early day. i.ieut. Talb. t ll.o or tic other." llenco it is clear that the Kepubliaiu, Mid not l.e Iiemoctnts aiv the teal Se flvsionisti. No Democrat is in favor of Secession. 1 1 A 1I...1.J.1 11.I m.tM a-iin n t . t UCin fUKU l n uumui-M iMwur.i..i. ".i. v. , n, .0n ..... po I ;i in 1 c 1 i. imoI iMum.i - - , . .. . llotl ,i roccivc io ncivs ol the t Ift W!liintoii laj t evruin for I ort .i-t .1 . it r..- r;i).n,t ,,n .lore ran U i. (.'..crcien-'' If lbor.be im infoieement of h o, t Sumter Hut what "Coercion." "rVaeofu! Secefsion" in not only . shall we do with It now .' I hroiv it nway, poi-iiibU ; but it in nn existing fiiot. I nnd put in i's place the engraving of a sick Can tlio revenue laws be enfureeit ? The ftnl-! rooster fitting on the head of a dilapida ute rciuire tho rcveniieli to bo pi id at (lefiiit'.l ,nr.;ev " i.o ts nt entry ni l on ino iimner-uei- i iiip McNicans under linicr il A.npudia it not j .S,im,(.r ith ..jtd,, s fr Major Andp.- credited. A rumor vas rifo in Washington lat ' week that rt rrt olutionnry movement wif on foot in liichmond by which Virginia was to be united with the Southern ton son. J heir purport lias not, ol course, been allowed to bet.Vuic public, A cot respondent of the IhnU predict, the certain cisrupt'o i of the Lincoln Cab inet bi-foie ninny days, bv thi withdiawnl een in these ti ai'.ornus javj, atom possess credulity and a'st remarkable uegiee, if tliey u l.roceedings likeiy to prove t disastrous to themselves uuj , Th metropolis is trim lo tlu 1, will remain so despite Wood n.. trader. Exciting Euinois froauV Wasiiinuton, April 4. Tin C again in session to-day. Tluu. mors nre flying about. Amonc tone to tho ellect that tlit) I'oa. Ire. ni Mo.itifomery have prwenit communication to the l'refnler.t I drily demanding the untuck:. lion of Forts Sumter nr.d 1'ickc ! It is r.o'v positivclv known i; have b on iMit to u ttio niu tor every vcv.'el in the iiiivvtin. readiness for instant sea s.'rvicf The rumor runs that this lion was occasioned by the tl ... , . . . . i , , i . ,. i i ,r. i ... j i... .1 ;.u,i.. ,i ini'ii I., ,m iiui.,n' ii TI,yIo not believe Secession to be ihe mn-of-wr. It -,IU.. il.i to lie-in "tho r. j " irrcpros:,,c ,.,(lol,u.y ,lU,:li., ,( U at ,,-ast five . " " , '; ; ' Another rumor, which ii 01 """lV.,'-V 'r.'3' "!rroPns',y U,r "n' "l'f" "e!l.t--lll,limi,:,IlllRtl.0111. t bo .trenathcnfil bvl ... ' (- is. .Uat the naval foicis... ,.., I.t.,1 .ri nm nil... . lint. ...I ttv n. I.1W nt. Illil . . . . . . . - .... r. ' -.11.,.... .. . I 'It i - - - - -J .. i.n un i ivnv 111 n hi. "iict ,,r unn. . . - ..... , . .uni. ..... teillll'lllt'll a c ! I hi o n- I Ofll L' ... l I I:... I .!...: thing, ' "" 1 iliirga rcintorcenients Irom i.nltiniorc, .. ' "".' i-mpi" u in in- conecm i Wo should not prefer lo see the vnlor of. ,.,,;,.,,).,, i v.,,, vi, , '"iciliatory tncinires, whilst all their col reveuu.) in the ports of tlit , , . r. ., . . . proper remedy for the nggressivo dotnon tratloni of the Aholitionised parly. Tho humblest rituen. n ben the lr .'J one i - i lie enniioi nftv nnoiner. j.osuion ui ino Leiiicciacy on nils ques- ,, ,,. ,k r. .. ,w it, l.i. I . 1 dei.iifpnwirli-Hloc.n.peWhe rocojr.iition ufthe ! "u" " . " 1 '"""r. ' I Tiie first Treasury notes ofilie Con'f-d lion wa eo clouly defined by Senator Jiiu. l.tn, in his great speech in the Senate on tho "1st of January last, (hat we jncfor to give it in his own lani;urigo: "As for feciwwn, I am utte-Iy ijiiinst it. I leagues are a unit for coercion and light. lll. suthoritT nf tho (lenerul ilori-rniuont, wluit it to sotely ll icd. They lire li(H fond of having prevcnl " Peaceful Seeein?" The lnte CoiiKrisii was nnqneiitionnhly, eom piifed of bravo men. No legiclotori ever utter ed iif.t.lir fintin'onlf. They hod n becoming ' pnrccitit ion of th ilutv of nahinission to the '. . . ... 'r .. . I. l.t: . Tl..: their throHls cut especially by the sons of the Southern sires cf the devolution. In fact, they are i;ct ambitious the to die, (ileal excitement pn vr.ils I evi l' bmlv awi.iis tinil.T " i crate Stutes were isiued at Montgonifiy I A Chance for a Doctor. K . , ... . . , . i . i? . . I . - . ' 1'. ....... ! I. 1 on me tin insfin;, ir.u uie urs; oon.is. oi U h ,e,;,s .uiito fashionable for ""''ul 1111 r' , ...... it,,,,, l .1. .it .r. ...h Tr.l ' i. ... . .. . i no ..imiiiHtratioii na dec ..... iiivu.-.iiiu , .... ..... I.IIIJII. deny the riKht nnd 1 .Vhor tl.e io,,scSUe.,ceS :,' HIlJ Jovrrirntv f ,i,e Kepublic. Their I "i'"bcnored and unsung, and to decorate but I rhall nnlu!ji) in no argum.t on that point; , ..Lborrenee of therri'u.o involved in tho t of the veil. hi ph.ins of the ftmnv South with It lv nn rpme.lv for unv .ii. t.r Ih. ,,l. I ,. ...... ' 1 - td : nnd in myju.li:eiiint, it will niri-ravate roth-; n-i. i.. k:..i -.i.t. i tlif ir lileaclilllg t ones. I in. i ia I It a mum n i in Toi t II I ml Kill, mill ril. r than remove them ; n.,.1, in addition. por Up.leJ, ,lf en.husUsli.-slly a eould be ile-ired induce count s other, of a more, l.,.rev.iiB and l,,,,, ,,,, thnt ,ller9 ,,oiild be "no Com- iirJBiive euurncivr, ' r ;..,.;,k T,.;.,." Ili .,nf,.rt,.Uniolv. ihe Recent Elections. ;oncc for the relief of Lieiiteiu we i i . i . i ..I ,. r, VV.ilt. ,1. .'J ll.'.,. .'III in 3fii i 1 1 fir . . . . louiiiry villages, to -ccure the er- i,,-.,... p..,, ..... ., ..ii jwliieli latter sold .t 0 per cent pre-1 vjres of religion physicians. What the j determina ion has not jet Wen 'iiiium. i moral clled of this will be on either pur- : announced, but there is reason 1 tr we nre rn! nrer.-.r,. I i 1.,.. ...c. J 1 "el'vo measures will b : Frrtv FirEt- Ccuntry Afteiwnrds. ' ' . ', ' , . ' ' J our ro.eiers to the foilowmc. which v , i . i . , , , , , . - liiei s c Jiuniuiin. .Not.img ... the uulory of tho vrorld can ,. ,. fronl u. cn,Jmn (,m:i. I'hiladelchia WashuuMon this Theniiuunl elections for State clli.v -ui't'as' Hie want ot true iitnoti.m ex- i .'-:vo',v. j Tin ir destination is proo"ibl K ml members of Con;rev. look idnce in ''it.iled by the lcuh rs of the lirpul.li'-an ' w ..p., ,),,, r,,li,,lr;,, r- .,,, v , I wenty of the rar.U and tile"' j . .. ". ....-.'.r ix. . in. t1(.y M, o boiieiittv enforcod. .So much, , ..... i- i . . i niv left Wsshinelnn i,-. ,1 ,. I,r I d... reeni.i illi nl tnv l,.,.,i i ... ,.n,J. ,1 1 . ' ..' : . , ... f V... ...,. I ...i.l ri. I .1 n.w n. 1 .,. I. . , hi V. W eek I'.i i re, ! e i.onnccl in eh.ini'e. "') 1 11 " isnincioil lo (l;l I.r.' 1 . J. . . "".' time itiii wnMefi in imrrf. tnal l.ic ncouc nci. . . , . r, ... e . .i. ,,,,.. e r .;, ruiKue.and rtDrqi.r.dtu,,.,,.titly a, i.r,..,. :,.,.,.,. , !,! nn ,ho :X. it 1.. 1 1,, r. V, . 1.1 1 TrUun, t hut , he ( 'I, ,,.,, ..I.uf. r. fis I -I -V,'.-. - CoiM.-a is in nianv re- V or UlC 1""1'0"'I f"li!ir, incu.ni.1 i.,yp...r. l.ven if the rij-huf .eecn. j Tho rcult is now seen in the inlonce of .ho ' . , , , . , . ,. , ,,,.,1, (i ,-, .. ,. : . p.. 1. , , r , 1, , M"rl ' desirable place to live, aild a V""llt"1' ni"'V. I hese dtN-W ion w.re ilci.r.Vr l',,,,,l,,,. 1 maintain that tmilors of tho ,;lllr .s,.o.i the exi.tinR re- "' lo'piiblicnns elect their Governor by a ; "'" "i I'll) I uuns. I.l vrj act of the , ,om0 , . .' ' an ..fgrog.r.e or two humbW ml ju.iicB .iiu g.i.,.1 i..i oi io in,.i,ierMl.tes rc.,uire oc,fi,,. fr ,ho 11t,ai,l,.ni....n of C.rt Sumter mnjonty of about '.0i(l, nnd a innji ritv ol j -incoin in i n ist i all n thus far, as o!!ic- i , .,1. . ,v..,,mi. ,.,.p,,tir.n Ii i. I -irmy recruits for the rcM W Z-M nralbVe:.;,., Zt ZT Irdd rivlinuw: W" -m of .!ly avowed ami nck.iowled.ed. goej ,o he should be a member vf ,he F,esby;er- 'f ,1 capital. .,!. H, r,.i.1in,,r..i.liii.-:.l s,l, r;,.. ....I i .. i. .. ! 'e.l . iu in ts plu i. Hi i el, I to re etui t K" :....!... ...... . v. Uh.ev ll,.t ll.,. ,1.. -i ...... i,... ..f .1 i.in f'h.irrl. .i.it.n rn,.rn,,in i .1.; I ' ''C lederal mall a iter l - :. , 1 '" ' i ai.il the au.lioriiy ol ino i.ovcrnineiu ui.-rc(;nr- nr. i,.,,i . i s n... j.m . mi .m.cih-i - v. mu ... .uu.it - . . f... . .. ,., ' ,,. ... i ., i , ... lorms presorioei iu li.s lonslimu.m. The ,.. Th. tr..ii..r. fi.reiv members ef ConcrcM : I - .... ..... ..i .... .i . t. . 'i., M .: ncurhoorhood numbers over Hire., htm- :"." -?"' iv.iiir.ni'l rp ml on li legis- "'l','.'. . , i i , i .. fullered K signal rebuke, the democrats . sion of Congress, uses the following l.tn whatever, therefore, may Ve ilt'teniiiiied upon " j o hereafter whether Coer. i n rtibiiii..i.ii-tlieio nml Union men ilecting their (iovenmr gunge: has been, thus far, I'eacefiill Secession. ;!,,. 1 li Ft mil lot it v. il niotOI it V o! tl ......... ..... I....... ...n.l ,'.. n r. j n....n . , 1 1 I.n ' ... .,.., nun vr.-.i ri.i.... . .,-'.iv ..... There certainly (ji.vei uinent, curry on the would initiate Tv ih'o'uid not h6by "('he li'eneril Mature, nnd both members of Congrc-F, I 'm'r,i l" :l '-'''"gress thus assembled? If (iced in your last number, indicates that if it have no. tho needed force to ViUia, Shofheld and Geo. II. ltroi, 11, ! ' "'."l ' ,,' V i 1W,, Wtim Vwtfr "U ,WH WoU war which tho shedding f blood , . , .... . tl , , )" 11 1 " "lull aiil. om t.oth braiiclies nl most c,,nie recept ion. and ha ve an opportunity "ol.in.i. nnd Drayton, two more i a t,0,ly. They have, from Virgin,;, to , , Jem,.. ml,; 0f qo,j jM Corsica ; but w ill ofthe "not fnother inch" breed of the ; M.siouri, through their Conventions, Leu-1 your Mr. Kell-', 'or Mr. Kodgers, infirm a A New Tune. 'lt Cnr,.rw Tl... mniWiiv f,.r T i i ..nl ii ' islatures iiml iiewspa.icrs. declared lh.it.' o,ir ,i.r t,l' Ii.i eoulheru h'tatcs hou!d have petitioned Con- (rre. for a conveut on . f States to revise the Constitution and remove the Krievnneos of which they complain. In this way they eeuld leive ascertained the real sentiments and intentions of tho northern people ton ar.l theiu, and tho prfal alternatives of continued Union or peaceful Sep eration cuuli have been determined upon. This was the course of our fathers in reference to the old eon federal im. which w.u intruded to be perpotual, but whs changed because il did not answer tho purposes for which it was crea ted, hat our southern friends follow this exam, pie, even nt this Into duy, all may bo yet sand, llettcr coun.ul. will prevail In sueh a 'body than In Conisrcs. Mud willcomo fresh from the peo ple, unembarrassed by purly p ditics and part v. plntfonn.. Thin refused by the Korlh, nnd then. I Kid not till then, could violent remedies with any .how ofjustiee bo invoked. Tho Constitu tion was intended to meet just such exigencies os now surround us ; and hence no provision was ma e for tho separaliwii of the Stute, nnd none for the coercion of States into obedience to the fundamental law of the Union. Tlio uiennho made the Constitution were iu the practice of that peaceful remedy at the time, and doubtless Ir.tnuded to leave tint satiw 1e111u.lv and none I other to posterity embraced, uub'ss ...I ,.. I.A U.nl.,, .i,,.,....r UI -,,uiiii in iiiciiicauon ;ii this thing, they anu reunion. ' stroncest . reindicts ? It il the very thins No greater calamity rnn befall nny wt. lo'not waiit. If we are to have clinngc 'condemned as unfaithful servnnls. And country nnd especially sni a country as' in ""r Fystom of bibor, upcm this gre:it thus would it be everywhere, if the people 1 ours, the harsh things ..o, ..fibrillin consideration of: ' . . . ! . ' . . ' drnd members. A rood olliec and dwel- i ",!. "l" n,;""' " 'P 'v''r their ne-lect lo nny lhiuS to interfere with poll it.g nhoul ..(K iu more , fi ml the I ,ep,ii I ; '"ni 1 asi-.i w 11 11 t no uisrtiplion t. theirIinf; j, ,M CM on n.,,,, tenlay wil limit mole-taUor.. l 1 ttieir piinisaiiii pnrpo.is. licnns alont 'J'i(t votes les, thr.n they (lid : I --""'y. 5'l ' 'ccasional 1 understood to terni, either for rent or sale. !t is hoped 1 1 ,,lu "onI1'iry omitted nnother limy do ; although, to do it in time, it may be iieecsiary to call nn eitru sch- then. I be Fo. ni v himself) iu his lelter of Ihe ii.l some man of.-xperict.ee will accept of the 1 t,f" . . I --II ' 1 r .. ' . i ' Iii Rhode I-huid the K..publi is have mr-t., m ii.luoii.g to a probable extra fes-''."1' -VV ""V V.1"' . ln""'n,:,-i A Sosini.E KE,i HLir an. -flit Ition will address W. J. Kelley, or M. Kcdgers, Corsica, J'trcrsin county, l'a. , I r.'d'a irj.hu, M.n-ch MM, 1S01. W hat p..licy can Mr. Lincoln reco.n-1 "Mitsr.s. F.i.iT' iis : A (Jood Site.' 110- .'; vUimti states tli.it the Urn. e din, ol 1 lucago, member ol tw State Senate,, nnd 11 very poiar. man withal, was called upmibj bcr of gentl?men in that cilyi since. In n speech, he niadt' u following language in iclerend ' (the Kepublican) party : .. 11 ,1.1 ..... 1. . ......... i last Corgriss. Tl.e majority fur I.i. coin ; ll"VL'" in' '''' I'lipc-rs declared ll..it.';,0r 11,,,r o( a Iocior, who has hal a 1 conscientious convictions. Iff The lenders of the liepublican part v ! in this State wns 4.fi.';7. showiti" a Rot.ub-: ,.- 1 ' l;lu s s'u,uu', , (:"0,cc"- "'-.'r tiT(n-nrt with lh world, nnd woi'.d igv that the I emiblican ihit! have lately beer, ufeinc unci the Iforder lican loss of 0.181 in a noli of''" WO votes, j .i . '3.. . VI. ':".. . "i"...'"7 ! 'I0 1 .0,,J?,,on. 10 rp l " ,0 0 l' riglit. so far as an abstract trull Sh.v S,e, ,he noli,; of libe, n.inc. or ' These a, e , hr first X at -leeticns mc. i i i VV W: th I' ' Vl 0 corned 5 Ut he would say tb ' ... .. . . . ... . ... , ',..,;, ., .. "i"e io a m living wneuier such an onei nut, j(.nl1 ,,nrtv had madeanmi on.ann t-.nl ...r I r J Vlt ",. lis 11,. I he M.lllr.lU..I on ,,r 1 i,r n ' - h u ... , C CI 1 1111 CI t . hat. t ! CI1 . IS I ll( K.Tlril-lu 1.1 I . 1. -f .. I " ' ". " " I" . 1 . ' ' 1 . Ilnltitnore correspondent of the Tribune en- of a thorough ro-action in public set; ti ters a very emphatic protest as follows : 1 nicnt, nnd ofnn ur. I notice, of lale, thnt our philanthro- Sectional liepublican ly. This remedy should still hclpists are more than ust.iilly given to harp pute. Out of .'t.r Congressmen is VnitreM3,:ioiil, promptly ml,. Upn Ibis su ing. I o t bey n ..! knew 1 hat, f ron(i:lupn,, ,,, :.. es iiicsurn. ot paciticaiio,, L; ,hig, they ,n counter to our'0"'0 ccnMltucs lo g. ' ! !':., .. ''I , r7T7 ' V Tn'" ?! village ol C irsica of one hundred and fifty Ll.ould be no more slave States r quivncal rcbuW of the ; " " "' " ' ,""" l"al ' um " '"u;f . i.-linJiilhUti T As h.s chief object is a ,t-!v(. Ca,ried out. The titte...t party, is levondd.s,! ' . ' w' . . unrig, proies.-eiiiv at ' out wrnl I put an end to tliisu01 . j J.cre is a uuiy remarkable confession, i J " '""" worm, nnu join ine m. smv the tnistaUe ivwiu' ''""land no less rcmark.iblo admission. In "'.vterian Church if he can M-cure the j iadc nefore. Ihe election, and be can lie-; ...... . ... patronagi? of its three hundred mcmiers fi Mr ticinatcd the rosntt. Wlien.on eueii, inisni iier fv mere in nui. or.e 1 ounl of their stewardship, eur have been urs, (hau a civil nr. Fvery cotisei'v.i-1 s!'ill,.w'! ivn,lt b retain our negro . popul.i- ,rvJ t)0 0,,p0,.tuni,y lo p)C(,k .... ni.ni.v ....I !.', i .. ' lien, lufiinVc v prrianiff IrtrUack iif.or lojrtc'. . . . ,' von..,., eve.) palr.ot and every we 1 1 w,;r ' J ,.p,.0 js nt;tlvJ 1 bo recent municipal cle licit mnwiatton . ..... . i... ,.i ho .... . niu ,.i,.i tt.u i . .:. ...il, ii. ' Miy lo save the country from utter nnd As it is only necessary in nrde- to ob- lmnse nf n frirt.d on lVaron' hoi.eless ruin that Tresident Lincoln valuable 0?ning to b a phy. ' c i t v of Boston, and saw the W ikieiflti ef Konin evi.i-in..A o n.,1 .i i,t,l n 1 1 . . ... . . . . v. c;tl iposses'is ih. u saving power a power, . , , 1 " " i sion ot n i o Awaites go ltd ..rrrcis-o ivnnlil im. ; t ....... wr. ma . uesuuin ,Ui( DaillieiS am sllOtlH oi .blcxrrcse, "ouhlim , t H a matter of .nd.trerence as t what la(y standing r.enr him remark i' as the second Savior of school of medic.rc the applicant hails !oL,.en von io not seem to enj .1 t . n. n. .... I. I .. 1 1 . i ...i. ,t. : i' i n tivo mini, every tialrot. an, ,.,.n "V"' " "V""":' " '".', 1 1,. ,.,., ;;.,! ,.., c. ! " "011111 ., ' . ' 1"'. Ihe negro is native j I nioitnlie liis nanio r 'Ji iTjmt ijJ! 10 ntir inl nn miir i innro n ntir I v nrj 1 liVUiH. .ni'l mini . LIOVC hind nml n up . ... . calamity can only be are. ted by a Ucil-I than the same number of Irish or German j Western nnd Northern cities, show results 1 C0Un,r-V.','Ut that hc. .l,aro not CXemFC I '"L",.,',.. 1" "T "'.r": :. I'MadunSvas the reply. 'I -'; I aboreia won M be. An. if ever emiinc -' ...c- . ., . . i it lest the decimation of his part v bo thei... , . ' V --v..., .. a rv H, R tuneral.' u.tii soim- ,. i 11 , i i ci . ; c' """y grauiying ic tne. iA'mocracy am ., . . , , iuri.ier, iie.iirc 1 venture to accept, if the ittr.iiir.wl u-i.ni i , ,,-.ivmf ir' Ipat.on should lake place in the Slave result. I lr.s, we my, ib a truly remarka- ., pooll , ,. ,,..,.:,. .. -,i,:' t, ..,. I 0 i lin.t . 1,1 " ' ii,: ... 11 ....-' HIV M I'll U I ' It JIIMI 1 1 il II 1 1 f ) 1 1 1 . . t r ' - i " 'v tail inut ha tcnr.,l ll.a ii-ni'iKs U" " iuiii'-l - ihi nfl't-.iuL:i(m ntwl id v aiivi .til I .r i I 1. ,,! I.T A . tt l i . , i l Jo escnpcas.mi ar. vet ast niorn em-i ' " . ' . : .Si .un iatoiy course on the part of the present administration ; that an atleinpt to co erce the seceded States either by blocka ding (hi ir ports and thus attempting to collect the revenue, will not only fail, hut Stales, the present master n consent, in my opinion, lo the rctnov.il of ' the emancipated." phatic, rebuke in Philadelphia, the pre?- ' . I he song ol the Republican party ilm - cnt Legislature passed an Act abolishing the ignonle confession of tho writer, that, I member of ihe Presbyterian Church, and i in such nn cmeigency, upon the plain and " l" "' 1,10 'V? n r!'". 11111MU uiu ttUUUl ill "IlilnlO ' ' I c: 4 i .-1 ' j 'i mi 4v v ii"fli.-lllli . . . . . . ul "iium hid V.illll.ll IIUUIU ill 111 IO drive out the border State, and r.l,m,...; in.- the Kansas 1 roubles, was. Hint slavery il.eX,in,.l.,.w;,. ' direct c,uesl 10.1, wl.elher this l.nion shall;, t,.ovi,i,i u,..,,!,! Pi,;. !., ... .. ... . .. . I . ' ' e I.r, lr.l men, I rr ll.A 1,11,1 1 ,1 tt nor V J II.. .1 .. M... ...un.iy iiho citii war, unit utterly must he kept out o( that I crntoiy lor the ( Iclober thus virtually electing for six or I ' . ,, . ! 3 ",1r""" .!.,..,.. .,11 !,.... c. . ... .... ..o.rauui le-eonsriuciion ol purpose ol "ueuieatng our once happy, prosperous and powerful ! Free homes for free lal o. nnd nothing J whose terms would, by law, expire in May. 1 Ition. iV-..,q tv.i.iltl bo iiceet.tahbt In t hese I'.sin.einl - - - - - t - i.l ,. . . ! 1 It .' - i .', A .. n.. .1 .. .. .. :.. . 1 . :. . .1 i . e , , ; , r..olr.m ' .i ti -t ... ., . uecim lieu, uci aaioniu I. c rornev, is1 nv,u o nuimeris su c iwi .t1 or? I niBKC it to f.ecdom. seven months all the olheers of that city 1 ' ' . .. mv ':,, ,n : ,- umiDio io answer vun.iot suggest, p i.' j... i.,'.o. .i,...,....s ur , tatholics. remedy." ; v f - . . JUUIS, ive... 111K AWAKE l'OCTOR. would prove to be the UnW T of th nation." Dy-IIon. John McLean, emu rf Hie Judges of tho Supreme Court of the Uni ted States, died ot Cincinnati on the Ith hist. Ju'lgo MsLenn was appointed in 'WO hy I residcrt Jackson, and has occu pied the position ever since. H is rumor fri(iuls(?) of the, laboring classes jJtrf"J. A. McDomral was recently decla-! Wo ,'rtvo repeatedly declared lhat tho . . .'. ' i:ni-..i... :.. . 1. ....... -r - it WOHI.S FlTI.V St'ORKX. T'" Argui, speaking of Lincoln' "Wo do noi envy tlies m vision abroad. 'What do they r The American namc.the h'ei'i'1':; cide, a great ar.d powerful but a confederacy broken by Wo advise our Corsica Tripods in Im nr.. naticism nnd an ad.ninistW' ............ 'W I n.v neeoclinr. to this ivri.er .he .,e,.rn red elected United Stales Sct.ator for bix ,0"'y blbculty :n the way ol an amicable , .. n.altar ... ,.. , .'dares not bo national, and r " j...- ; I.i;. , f .v.,ir,n,l ,i:n;..,i.;... w moi, ..... .-.. u,,,it0ol'w iffieed.wouldboi.referre.lly thesephib-iyoarsirominoiuioi .na.xt, 'ast, by tho -j ; - ' ".;..lr trpcrirnce " of the wide-awako1 ; T 'fi.e o contl' anthrnpists, and they would I.o "much j Icg.shKure oM.aUorn.n. Owing lo an al-: ."' immeimue restorni on oi peace r, M ,1C pcm) j,,,,,, j0 attach ! abroad (o reiircsent t lir Ierf,,ij' moro to their liking than the I rish and , leged mistuke as to Ihe whole number of,"'1'' propjicnty, h Hie liepublican party, j UiaH4.u ,0 church soon and we KeimMic. and to encounter" votes catt, however, it is probable his seat j the practical appl.cat.on ol their princi-' lj(1V0 (Ioubl ho win nnifjt gH,is. Jand (he mock tymp.Ul.y ol (iermar. liborers would be. This is, undoubtculy, nn honest Mate-j wil' ''s contested Ijdes in the administration of the govern ...... . i mat Jurlgo Logan, Lincoln s late law mt.nt of the case, and just o lens aa (he The notorious Onn. Jim Lane and E. C. ' menl is now demonstrated lo bo destruc pni tner, will Iso appointed to the vacancy, 'tenders of the liepublican pnVty can hood-' Pomeroy have been elected to tiie samo tivo lo tro Union, and that the existence Br.ov7curtin 1 aM.ointed Ho". wil,k nn'1 ,eu('ivc ,1,e Coring classes- j josilion from the new State of Kansas.- j of the Union and the Republican party, . nce,, ,,!, rivsses Mcrcur, IVtUlent Judge of the 1118 ,n 11 ' ,,vrma" lo 1,1 1 ,v "ul'1" two ireeiKioi- 13th .lu.licial Iiistrict, made vacant by the '. lhvW UtVln bjcct-tho freedom of the . era will no.v turn thoir atten(ion to somes, rlcetion if W'jhuol lo i lio United Slais slaves they will continue to practice all thing moro Useful than murder and rob-, - (,: ti.... ..i:.: r. . , anu l no wonuoriim inioi . .,. ,ei,K,u L..ociorg are ne. ,fJ hftvc Lrll0Ved ia the p"''". COmint moro romilnr evnrv d.iv m ma t.. .!.. ,,..ni onri IS" f . i - j .. " ilii oil -(i.i v .-i iiiiiv.t.i -- . . r.rL'.t,... il... l . ., ' I A .i. a lirOOl i''i"... i.oii no long, none omert oumuuicn ... .;.m ..r. ... , . r ,, ii... sro moral impossibilities. One or the other must succumb. itration of their creed. positions ! Si .!, ; kinds of imposition upon them; and a bory, An insane negro named Israel Bishop,'' ,x TTTIr l l,;il,t 1.: . ...:r. Jl . . j Mr. Dm- ilsnn. Ml mi"14r . i i.... ... . noiim un no si neiuint, ra., on rveq. . ' . ,,u.r,(i' i .... ,.e.,,7.7wnv noes pat- ,,,. hv .....i,:-. u .ull ,riih . CanaCa. recent ly ronrxsa u-1 , riotism Kiiggest ? Why, not only the "d.j- hntcbet .f 10,000 and left for Furep' i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers