Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 10, 1861, Image 1

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    BY 0. B G00DLANDER & CO.
7-.i.. . -
VOL. Xl. WIIOliK NO 10.5(1.
rniNcirLrs, not men.
TERMS-$1 25 per, if pnid in fdvnr.c
CM '.A HI IK LI), J'A. Wi:i)Mi:. AI'IUI, 10, Uir.J.
TIT n.l.llKN.T. TKIn r.
HieliwnrJ, turn lnu-kwnnl, 0 ! Thno In jrnur tl i 1 1 1 .
Mik ma a uis'uin ju-( 1. r to right!
Aluther come li:ck I r m the rrliuli'Sa short),
'1'ske me squill Id your huurl in of jure.
Kiel from my forehead tin) furrnivi of rtiro,
buiooih (ho li'iv silver tliri'Hils out of my hiiir,
Orr my houMi-rs your loving vviilitli ki'iqi,
Rock me to slci-p, Mother, rock mo to alii.
Tlnckward, flow Wiokwnnl, 0 .' titlo of jenm!
I urn So wcniy of toils mi il of Pairs
Toil without ii.comen( tear all in vnin
Tnko them unJ ivo me my childhood iiuiii ;
I have grown weary of dust mid ilrusr,
Vcary of Hinging my .iil-woulth away,
Wonry'of aowini for nthor to rr:i'
Koch me to sin u. Mother, ruck ine to sleep .'
Tired of the lio'.'ow, tho linso llm iintrno,
Mother, 0 .Meter, my looirt culls for yon ;
Many n sunrr cr tin- grim. Ims Krr"rt " Krt'uii,
UloKSometl nnd I n I l . our lacs i worni,
Yet with Itr i.ii yearning nml pitSMniiiitt' tain,
Long I to nielit t. i your pri-sonee union ,
Come from tho fil-m-.-, m.i Ion ;' and wo dcup :
Hook me to si 'p , M 1 1 t, r . k me to s'. -i !
Over my honrt in dnys Hint tiro llan,
No leve like Mother's ever was idi.iwn,
No other wmship kIioIcs ami ..mhiiu.s,
Vaithful, uuii'lli!i, hii I putit'iit lilin yoira.
Nnue like a Mo'lcr c;i:i charm away pari
From tne lick soul mel the world weary laain.
Slumber's noli calm o'er my H niy litis tai-'.-p,
Bock me to sleep, .M itlisr, rock nu to .ilccp'
Como let your brown liairju-t lighted with gold,
Fall on your i-IiouMitk uain, iii of old,
Lot it full ovr :ny lorchead to ni'ht,
iVhiidilig mv laint eve-'itvviiy Iroui llm li'lit,
For with its.Mii.t.'.v I'llid hados once more
llitply will tlir. ii jr i ho jivci-t minions- of yore,
Lovingly, si.ttly, its liri;:hi Itilliovs wccp ; to fi-cp, Mollur, ruck nie su sleep!
Mother, dear Mother! the i-fars have ln-rn lung,
Cilice 1 u last !iu-hc 1 toymir sung ;
Hin then, and tinio iuv .-.ul it fliall ceciu
Woomenhooil's years huve teen hut n chann.
C'lii?pad to your una. in a loving eiuhrace.
With your l.jjhl la?!n s jint sweeping niy face,
Norer horeaiier to wak o:' t' weep,
K'ik me to sleep, Motlior, rock me to ii'.cep!
A Portrait
Tho Kliior ul't.iif! Su iiiL-lirlil, Ohio,
l)aily Neu: in ;i cuiiiiiiiihU'.itiuii lo llio
Printer, lluis Jiui t.tiiiiius olio of tiio ai)in--
no cq'urti'iciiK'cs oft-very r.niiiig
uS'iSS ' 1 II K IlKVIi.."
The'il.-vil ' i, . -m institution by and of
hitntfilf. Iltf inks tliu lyt', ir ( u iris tho
cr.nk, or 'i.iysun t Iio fli(?t;i3.' (Utlior
jieople soiiit!t iuics ih) th.' littler.) It' it
were not tor bmi tin: jKiju'r would not
' conic lit.' lln sc. t-cjis iIjo ollice. Ho
liuildi) Hit- liit-.-. -mi Mj.jiroiii into wotk lur
U tieild nnd Ii''.:iumi OUK Olio h;i4
hooked the kiinli.tio ! ' Ho dots tho
chuiooat tht'housr. lie 'ijtiicts tho l.ji by.1
Yet his ino-t iuiorliint duty is to kot'ii
vutch on tho stru t oniicr .o as to boulilu
Uniform tho oditor wlit-n tho Nheritr is
uftir him.
With nil this, the ' Dr-vil ' !iouldcrs nil
tho bud and i-;nu',li jokcj of tho t-ditor.
When llm iiiiohty man of the e(i is
nshai.iO I of mi it'Vsiiin, tnd htill do
aire to uttt-r it, ho yays our I . v i I says
thus and " i,' a'ld the poor Iwil has to
utai.d it.
Neverlli.'li'ss I ho 'Iiovil'is an iuipor
;tnt pcri'ii if.-.' in snoltly. Ho ut'.onds
Jpctuies. I i.- Iiv. pi. -iits I'onccM'l. shows,
und the o.c i .i : hut I say it nnuo in or
row than in ;uccr lit seldom visit
church! lie iroonls himself ill tho t;ck
et ollice of tho show, with hu ' linon ' lo--versed
by way of fi clianoc, (for ho ioldoui
jio-ssesstri luoio '.lion u miiIo shirt,) ns a
'member ol the press,' and so presses his
claixia that lit; i adnuttod without tho
nccustonud ijtiarto.". But our young
friend is not alone, Ho in loo imiehofii
gallant for that. His 'woman' is with
him, and ho and his ' woman ' pa-s in and
enjey thu entertainment, whioh whatev
er it may lie is lakcti down in dosts ul
ternaied with peanuts and kbaeco. For
tiie Devil elu ws as well as Kiuoken, nml
spits profusely upon carpets when ho gets
within reach uf them.
I never lie.iid of a rrinter's Devil who
had rijen in life,' but 1 do tho class the
justice to say that, to my knowledge,
none of them have even left tin nisolvos
down into Congressmen, and I never knew '
one lo degrade him elf to low ns lo
Leconie piei,.mt of tho United States.
h'o niut h lor tho ' Je il.' I know the
'animal.' I've been there myself. I
A Woi.r (!.w;i!iit itv a Man on Skatm.
"While James (ii-ahnm our, wide awaka
Sheriff, w;w out ivith a pi ty skating on
the river a lew dnys since, he observed, its
be was eliding swiftly along over tho '
Bmooth ice, in i dvaneeof his companions, '
a large wolf t-iossinc; tlio river just a fe v
rods ahead of him, when ho imint diatoly !
gavechhse. Tl c friolitened b.ti:e turn-j
ed down tho K,enm, linduig his pursuer1
wculd cut hi,,, offhoio,-,, he eoiiM possi-1
y.jr tne (,t,. 1,,,,,) . ,1 ;lM
fust as he eon'.d. wlin-l. was not his gi t at-sl '
pace, owing to tho s,,i,.iht,esS of the ice. i
Ihe Mienll. niteu l.iH IIill,. ,,,,,, j.jj
whole energies to ,.,-, derating his pace !
keepinrflust-ve o ,hc gllllnl (.,,,'llni.e 1
before him, and being u Mipe,ir skater I
Ua gained upon h:ui at vfiry simkn ; but '
when wilhin ahiio-t leach 'of the nniinal '
lie to oasi ins ej e nlion.), Ulllj
there, within a h ill' a dozen yards, 'as
Ojien stretch of water, of several rods ii
Width, into w hich th wolf sprang, follow,
pd, of Course, b the Slit rill", w ho was un
abletr cheek his Lionienluni soon enough
to avoid tho disaster. Finding himself
"in for it." ho laid hold of the growling,
napping In uto, thereby buoying himself
UP until his oomrndeH arrived, when lie
Jai pulled out, nnd the ratiso of his cold
toiluwith killed. .St. ,(r;i Trmd-
In tlio tenth cont'urv to eaioft the same
P'ate ami tl i-iM k. out of tho sume cup was
cotisid(-i(.(j ;l ark ()f pniuntry. and' the
iJ0'H possible understanding between a la
J od a gentleman.
IIV Hit. H. ('OHi'TO.V SMITH- j
In (he winter of S.',o, I was stopping
'or a while with u planter friend, whoso
exUmsive cottun slrt'teliud alo;:g
I he wt-t Imi.U ol the lp.o U.itlo, wiiero
that strt um alter traversing 1 ike oouiitv.
in the Mate of Jfissi:si,,pi, crosses tl,
State i,ne into tho J ansl, ol U a-hington,
in Louisiiuui. 1 he h y wholly
. , .. , .. .... ,
in llm former Slate, but its southern lim
it was formed hv the highwav that led
westward from the IVarl Kiver to
iKsi,.;i. This road lay directly on the dont,y to Hscc.1.lli-11 , La of tho 'gath
veyed boundary ol tho two W,MU, , iVt.(p,eutly seen this toau
that two neighbors, meeting in their
uio! niug rilo, could sii iko hands from
their saddles, and each in his oivn State
the Mississippiau and the Louisiana stand
ing each on bis own soil.
One morning business made it necessa
ry forme to lido to Fi auklinton, the
county town ol Washington paii-h, and
i:)g unusually line,
lrien.J propo-e.l lo neeuinptmy me tl ele
We had leached the Si.v.o lint
1 b
along tviiica .-ur route lay lor a lime way,
wiioii, on appro icuing a titit k-i on tne
11 'i t hern si e ol the patil, our liorses sinl
i.en y sh:ed to lite tight, ntel nvideiicing aim in, rclii-ed to jciss the spot.
I ismoiiiiting, and throwing the rei.l of
my bi in In over the pummel o. my friend's
saddle, 1 filtered tlio tint hot, to di-cover
tiie cause of t heir excite men t.
I perceived ill tho tlu..t of the road, tho
apeeal .nice of something lic.wy having
been tlniggetl 'lirough il in Iho direction
of the bank of the bayou, ami following
this I rack in I ti I he dai I; shadow of the
clump, I was huri died Mt the sight (hat
met my ryes.
Betore mo lay the body of a largo Well-drt-sscd
inuii. who had been most
mi;nly murdered, for beside a pi.stol shot
through the bend, tho Ihroal was Cut
fium ear 1.) ear, and the embroidinod ve.-l
and line inie:. sini 1 bosom were sloshed
ami dabbled with g iuts of blood, from
widei ki.ilo w ound.! in iho I roast ami
i ho man hail but, just been murkere 1,
for on lifting one of tho anus in my ha-ty
examilliili in. I obsel vo.l th il it, was yet
purple, and scarcely cold. JJesido the
inly lay a pair of leathern saddle -bag-,
wh.cti had Ije.-:: rilled, and portions ol
their contents were scattered about the
My exclamation of horror nt tho bloody
spectacle had attiacled the holieo of my
Ii ieiel, and tho animals, he t as
soon at my nidi-, lie immediately lecog
ii ii o I the man as Estpiiro Hendricks, a
lawyer ol high standing in one of the
r.eiuhl.'Ji in;; counties of .Mississippi.
While occupied in the examination ol
tho btdy and tho suriounding locality, a
violent snorting and tramping was heard
clone tit hand, mid my friend, leaving me
lot mi in.tant, returned, leading by t!ic
broken bridle a noble and greaily excited, w hich he said w as iho horse of the
in'ji dei ed
lie was a beautiful thorough-bred bay,
known to every one in that portion of iho
country, und noted for his remarkable in
lelligenee. '1 lie horse, on being led to the epot,
exhibited the utmost excitement, and
trembling in tvety limb, ulino.t fill to
the ground with terror. As ho stood
thus, with his lore foot braced forward,
his long neck and bead stretched toward
the mangled lemains of his master, his
UKine standing aiinost on end, and his
ej es glai nig wildly from their sockets,
like balls ol lire, 1 thought lie presented
the most perfect and suiiliine picture of
leiror 1 had ever looked upon, ror a
moment thu faithful creature stood thus
gazing upon the fearful sight, ami then
gradually approach d the body, ami after j
siiiebiug it, ns if to ieuioo all lingering,
doubts ol tho identity, ho reached forward
to one of the outsti el jhed hands, us t lay.
palm up, on the grassy ground, and lick
ing il like an utl'eetiouato spaniel, evin-
i ....... i .... i .. ,
ecu iuiauiimeiii aim griei, in .i language.
stronger than words could ever
have '
Ol course, this put an end to our jour-
ney to Franklin ton for tint day; and
gathering up the scattered properly of the ;
murdered man. and leading tho excited
i.,.. i ...: i . . i I
t.oiii, in iiiuiniii to ui ji lui.i. iiaiiiii-
tion calling on the way, upon the neigh
bors and impai ting tho startling intelli
g 'lice to lliein.
A cold blooded inurdcf like this, was a
eircum-tancc that had not agitated the
community of Boque Chitto for a Ions
time ; and Squire Hendricks being widely I
known, and deservedly popular, H crea-
led no small tiegroo ol excitement. ,
During tho investigation that lollowed,
it transpired that the lawyer was at the .
time of his death, in possession of a sum
of money which he had for a client ; and
in i the morning of the murder, w;h la-I
king jt to Fi.iiiklinton, to deposit for tho 1
benefit of his employer. This u-oney was
missing, together wilh his gob) watch.
No doubt, of course, remained that the j
deed was yerpet rated by a highwayman, j
But notwithstanding several suspicious
persons wore arre.-ted, nothing was es-
t.iolishod against them, and they woro (
discharged. j
rtl length several weeks had passed
away, ami itlihough iho community were
continually on the q,d a,-c or ,iH) delee- '
1'i'c'ii I 't.tain, the excitement m a
'riln st'eo 'ind suii.sidml,
' V"" 1111 " M',rcl''-i'ivel, and I be-
i.?n,.,i i .-'"'V l'lf"h'9 northward jnn-l
1 ,,.,,1 ii, . .- 0 "on,cwrd journey, ing been in the possession of Hill Nevins 1
i !n ? ",y, 1,ors0' J" 'r;s',ihortly previous to tho murder; while on
i , n.l ? i WT for " limo i" the roots of the tree were tangled,
soon m.f" CV?-'Vy f,ioni1 for masses of hair, of a rolor comparingM-
f, ; J ''1 U-long with thai of the deceased!
cd to the murdered lawyer, still in iho These facts wore suilicient. not only to 1 of ny friend. ,ove 1C jt of 1(3 iMn, but Uo j
Oneday dui ing tho Spring session of established the vfnm, thus making all the j
tho Circuit Court ol the county, 1 h.p- initiator) proceedings in tho case in strict
prnod to Visit the town; and slopping
opposite the court lions", toppeak with
niy attdliK'y, my horse, being well known
as having been the property of Hen
dricks, naturally attracted eoiisidei able
intention. All at once the horse r prang
1., ,, ,, 1, I'..,...., ,.o ,wl If.
n; urn; i.iiu .inn j-u. it i-iu, n,i iuiiivj v
. irow m froi ,,ie ,, (,,.,),.,
..,. . f,,,., of ,n:m, (,flls ,,.i(.lulSl nnil
' ti loudlv, seemed suddenlv to be
(ilK,(1 wtll .
l I ,l,l ,,,, I
looked about the crowd for l!ie eau.-e of
this extraordinary conduct. At this mo
IttlOlll t U.ilM O ti.l.'Clt.l . I.M'A'lf -I . I I . Ul'i.
betore, and knew ho was the keeper ol a
dining saloon it: the place. Though not a
man much thought of, he was looked
upon as an honest and harmless sort of a
fellow. This man came up ; and as he
diow near, the hi r.-e ex hi ited the utmost
alarm ; and snorting wildly, sprang, in
ite ol the re. n, throii'.'li Ihe cio.vil, ami
I ... . . . ' .
. t I'.tM 1 'l I t. O l-ll. ,.llt I" !. M, l-llCl-l I 111 ll.COIlO
j o,,,.,;,,, ilh'ec'tion. The'stnin-e be-
I lioi.n- of flu. n ti it n - I v as vivil.t ! i eil Itv it 1 1
i ,UK( S0Vt,,. t
voice exclaimed in the same
.t .
'It's 1 ili Nevin
the hoiso's all aid of
Bill Nevin I'
'By gracious ! " cried
knows but Bill, here, kil
another, 'who
d tho h'.'vwr ?
I say, old fellow, go up to the critter,
let hilil siiloll the blood on yer hands
From his nppeaianeo 1 kept
eye upon this man ; and in) sooner
he caught sight, of the hors', than I
served a peculiar rxpre.ssioii upon
face : and when the last words Here
tile I, a deadly pallor spread over
his lentil
-1 :
almost stag.eren as
lit) says I killed lawyer Hendricks?
It's a lie !' and turning abrupt y, he at
tempted to walk, with all the apparent
nonelial. i nee he could assume, in the di
rection of his salroti. As if an electric
shock had struck mo, tlio conviction of
that man's guilt lushi'tl upi n niy mind;
and foi cing the Ii i.htetietl animel across
tho court house Mjiiarc, till 1 overtook
iiii'.i, 1 bent forward in mv saddle and shou
ted in his ear :
'lull JW rins .' I say '" vutrdrrai iS-i'iirc
1 lout rick !'
Had n thunder bulb struck the cuiltv
wretch, ho could net h ive fallen more
suddenly to the ground. Lewis not
hardened in crime; ami this abrupt accu
sation of murder overcame him.
A warrant for his arrest was immediate
ly obtained ; and ho was conveyed to
await his trial tit tho next Circuit Court
in .June ; while 1 was letpiired to re
main in the county as a witucjs in tho
It was a matter of dou bt whether the
murder was d ue within iho jurisdiction
of tho courts of Mississippi, or (hosi of the
Stale nf J.oui-iiiua ; and the prisoner's
counsel, it was hinted, would plead this
question ot r .ii' in favor of their client.
The body of the tnutdered man was
found on tho western side o'the road, and
some I llle distance from it, and conse
quently, within tho territory ol tho State
of Mississippi. This wou'd ite testified to
by b th niy IViend and my sell ; but at
the same time it could be proven by the
appearance of the dust on, that
the body had evidently beer, dragged
some distance, to place ivhern it was
discoveted, alter the deed had been per
petrated. The vicinity had been thor
oughly searched, as was supposei , and no
evidence ol the precise locality of the
death scene had boon detected, by which
the venue could be established. In con
seqonco of this it was feared that the
guilty man would escape tho clutches of
ths law,
Sine the discoveryof the murder, Iliad
not had occasion to pass over th i road
where it hud been perpetrated, having
transacted my bu-iness at Fraiiklinton,
through the of a friend. I!;it a
few days previous to that set for the trial
of Nevins, I found it necessary to visit
that town myself. :
I started from iny friend's plantation in.
company with several gentlemen of tin
neighnurhoo:!, so that we formed quite a
company of horsemen. As u-ual, of late,
1 was mounted on the heautilul hay.
w hich hail been the properly of the nuir
dored lawyer; ami it on this occasion
that the extraordinary intelligence of'the
animal led to the complete elucidation of
the mystery of the murder. j
When we reached the vicinity where Iho'
bloody net had been consummated, tho
animal U-aw to exhibit the saute
Tin li
tms of alarm he had s!
ma sjsown on llio tor-
,,,,. occasion, ami at tho court homo
square, notwithstanding the horses of mv
companions evinced no signs whatever of
f,.;,r. ro had passed the spot where the
body of Hendricks had been discovered,
when tho horse in spite of my guidance,
dashed into tho langled thickets with nie,
and forcing his way through ths gripe'
vines ami overhanging limb's, reached the 1
mots of a huge sweet cum, when he slop- I
pod, and pawing the ground violently,'
exhibited signs of excessive agitation.
The gentlemen, as well as myself, hay-I
iniMill confidence in the remarkable in-j
telligoiit e of tho beautiful creator.), we
busied ourselves in evamining the locality,
conviuoo I th it this was the very rceim
of tho killing of his muster.
And sccli it proved ; for on o of my
companions soon picked up a largo pc-
euluirlv shape I bow io knife, which was
immeiiiatel.' recocnizetl b-several ss linv-
aecor.liinee with Uio f rms i
lnents of the law.
i eipnre-
n the morning of tho trial, I visited
the prisoner m n, ,.t.Uj im, Ste, the re
cent facts that had bee;, d-velopo'l against
him, ami coiijun-1 him. if ho was really
guilty, to e.uile-s the fact at once, nml no
longer attempt to sland out ngaihft the
strong array of teslimonv that would es
tablish hit guilt.
i As I huve .aid before, the man was not
la hardened criminal, this, doubtless, I eing
the lir.-t crime ho h.el ever been tempted
j to commit, nnd with u terrible agitation,
I most fea: fid to look u pon and .vhit h I
'can never forget, the ro'or wretch madfi a
I clean L-os mi of it, nnd confessed to the
' murder.
I He hap become awaro. of the fact that
I Hendricks was in possession ot a large
' sum of money, and also that ho intend-d
tod.-po-i- it ,t i i- in Is 1 in t ":t. and seenilv
leaving lloliucviilo h.; proceeded to the
Stale i.Ile I o;ld to inl t reept him. M.el
ing l;:s victim, to whom he was ue'.l
known, by the roadside, he t.irniod mi.i e
! jtretext l which he induccc him to enter
tin; tliit-kel bv the s.vect gum, whore Ihe
oio my tiof.i was coil summatt
1 tlit
lobbei v aveomp li-iicd, he diagged the
body to the spot w hvre myself and friend
had (blind il.
I Thus ii was, tiiat ;i noble and allection
ulo animal, with a wv nderl'ul intelligence,
not only pointed out the murderer of hi-
t IKil it 'i', but the very soot where the ler
i!oe e.'inii! had boon committed, lh;.s
being th" iri-lr.niii-nt, in the hinds of
l'i'ov ah nee, of rot cib alive j n -lice.
I I"." AN llMMT M VN.
1 f'oNVIUiS.lTloS AT T!li: .'l.'ill.l K I'AH TAiil.i:.
J 'My dear,' 1 said to the lady who was
, seated ojtpo-ite Ine at the break last u!..., :
iit:d who iiiti I the e,,.jd foiiuiie io be my I
wile, 'if there be one thing 1 di.-like more !
thio, itiiothor, it is to receive a cup ofi
colhe liiiit looks ;is though il ha 1 been '
sipped fioii: belore itleaelud my hatid-. i
, llae. 1 not tifl.-n asked you to till my cup 1
( lo withir. an eighth of an inch ol tho rim, j
and not give it to nie half or three quar- I
tors full ':'
i on iii o its ji;u iicunii as an oni oai-tie-;
lor.' tho estimable ladv rcpliel 'ainl il I
- . 1 1 1 .. t .
Itatl known il l.ol'oro I in:t-.ciei von llti-t
day wou
Itl DC
have seen too vour wile.
There, sir, is your cup of colloe.
il ttlli SUll till.
... , , r . t
t.iood graetous 1 I exclaimed as I took
tl. ,.,. .i i i.
the cup, 'how you have managed to run it
, ,. ,. v . . . .-ii j
over. l oil must certainly beawaio Hat1
it wili suit you
if there bo one thing 1 dislike more than
Another, it is to (i; d slops in mv saucer.
'Well, if you will insist on my tilling the
cup, you must expect that sometimes 1 ;
'shall spill it over; besides, yuv lindiii.ri
f mil Willi mo tl jes mo no good, but makes
me liervoiH, ami caase, luy hand to,
tremble. si ihat I oiib wonder then- is '
any colli e loft in the cup. But In i: i i.
clean sauoei, in the placf of the one you
! Having ell'ecled this important change,
I lasted the contents of n y cup. Il was
evident to hie that theie was no sugar in j
it. 1 tasted it again to til ike certain of j
llir; fact. Then 1 .-aid to her : I
'Vou have neglected to put sugar in my '
colloe. If Ihoio bo one thing I di-tike
more th.-.n vuothor, it is coll'ee utiswcot
ened.' j
'I am crl'iin,' replied my esiitnab'i;
spouse,' that I ' sweeten it. 1 don't'
think you have si n red it.'
'B it I know I have,' I answered. I
'Not with your spoon,' said Iho provok
ing woman, -for ii is perfocily dry ; per
haps, however, you Used your fork.'
r.-haw" wits ali the answer i vou
to this remark.
"Now. I dee'are.
, -i ... . .
1 sail, alter having
surrcii unit sippen my colloe, you h.ivi
ni.ido it too sweet' If there bo olio thing
I dislike more than another, it is to halt
yoil O.IVO
(iiy colloe laste like syrup.
'Let mo put nnue milk wilh it, then,
said tlin oh.igittg woman.
'No, I tiiank you,' 1 replied. '1 don't
care to have my stomach turned into a Conrad Waller, a young man twenty years
dairy. If there bo one thing I dislike;'"' no1' committed suicide on Mjnday
mur'e than another, it is inillc. I eivo up i nili'. IV shooiim; himself through ti e
hlilk diet when I cut my first toetii.' , head with a pistol. The decease I lived
'D is to bo hopttl that ot will give up""'1 bis parenls, mid was aiways coinid
the habit ot f.iult-lintliiiL'. which vou nos- eivl a sober, steady and industrious boy.
sess in an eminent degte , when you come
to cut, your wis loin teeth, though no one
can tell when tha'. will be.'
Thank yen,' I replied ; 'you will pr b,i
bly bo tiio Iii at wlu will knurv it vdien that
'And .1 happy day it will bo for me,"
she atisivered with a provoking smile.
'FoiV know, though, how much uiihappi
ness yoir constant fault-finding eau-es
mo Nothing 1 do seems to givo vou
any susi.-faettt.u. 'lliere i.-n't a mon'ont
ela'ieiH. whilo vou uro in the bouse, save
when you ro aslooji, hut you are thus
nceupio 1. The truth is, 1 have nlw-ys
been too iiiilulgont with you, and humor
ed ) 'U when 1 ought not. 1 didn't com
mence tight ii: tin? lir.-t place. I should
h ive paid no attention to your whims, i ut
sttitlied my own c jiivenien. o and eotuloi t,
itiiload of seeking to make eveiythmg
smooth and pea,:iut for you. Then 1
would have got along much bet tor. Oh,
you men are great tyiunt
and ;l a woman
yields to i mi in tut! loa-l, y m lollow up
your advantage, and bond her will tj
v tons, etus.i ofi fi,u it. u uio euriu,
till, by and by, you break her heatt.' ! 'unii.-hed with tho letter, tet oil', ainl on
'My ib'ii:', I will think you for another her arriving at Newbury, fooling as usual,
cup of colloe,' I said, p issmg niy cup l : very nervous, she said to her 'confidant,
her ; 'but bo careful not to run il nvor, " Long as Sir Walter has attorn ed ni", he
nor get it too svei t, nor )itit in too mu.di h vs never explained to mo what ails me
iniik. What an in tolerable steak this i,' 1 have a great mind looieiihis letter nr.d.
1 added ; 'it is tough enough to have boon j sec what he has statod of my cast? to Un
cut Irotn ono of tho cattle pastured upon i Bath physician." In vaii hor f.ion'
u thou uind hills more than a thousand ! represent!? I to hor tho breach of conli
years ago. I f there bo oim thing 1 dislike ; donee this would be. She, opened the
more than is a tojidi beef-: loiter and roid. " Hoar Davis keen the
steuk. " !
You ordered it yourelf from tho mar
I, you uoedu't liud fault with ine on
that account. 1 knew it was tough the
moment I looked at it.'
'Then why didn't you send it back V 1
'l'.ecause, lis it was yourscloetion, I snp-po-ed
you wanted :i tough one ; besides,
i! 1 had returned it, you would have found
fault viih me for mi doing.'
Will, I can't eat it, that's,' I
said; 'so it had heller be taken oil' the
tabl". I shan't thtow any mora money
aivay on beefsteaks.'
'Oh, it will ntisiver for hash,' said my
economical wife, 'and ou can huvo it lor
Hash!' I exclaimed. 'If there bo one
thing 1 dislike mo:e than another, it is Hash is only lit for children ami
old people without teeth. Hosidcs, it is
ja pooulnr di-li t'.t boaruinsr ccnooU and
I boarding houses; and when I was a boy,
; ami itlterward v.hilea bachelor, 1 ate my
! shure of it, and I'm ;'oing to e.ti iiomaie
iof it. No. w e ll have a tllikev for iliiil..'!-.'
' Very Weil,' said my spouse
let It be. Shall I h. e to got I in
a turkey
one ;
'bf fact is
'1 think not,' 1 a:;swo ed.
; l ii is L it i 1 tho titiUtv.s you select, turn out
to I
w av
the i eh hinted one of which Job
he reputed o. nor-- poor nnd I
I No, I'll buy the tin key, anil you calico .k
: it.
! 'Very well,' said ihe imp l turablo holy.
'l ilt l.o-v w ill ) : a h:l-e it eookott ?'
j il:. niiy way ; suit your-eil,' I an.-wei-eti.
I ''l ie n i think 1 wih loast it,' she re
plied. j 'lio.l-t it 1' I exclaimed. 'That is j'u-l
I like J oil. Now. on know that il lieu e is
'mil t.i.n; lin t 1 dislike mole than niiotii
j cr, ii is to have a turkey rousted.'
' "Very well, then," said the aC coiiiuio
j dating w oniiiii, " 1 ill bud it."
I "l'i il it !" I said, aghast. "Boil soup,
; lamb chops, boil t hel l ics, if you like,
.but never, for nir, boil a ttiikev."
I 'Tray, then, how will you Ion e it cook - ! ing with unhesitating promptitude and
i d '.' I inly tell me, and it shall bo done." i it : mat kod ability, tho plan of teltle
j Wiiy why well frie.i-ee il, of . moid submitted by Mr. Ciiticndon, ho
'cnur.'o," 1 answered, tritimpl.iinily. i was p:c-eininently iustruuiental in at-
1 "Very well," said the indy, looking, tracting to it thesional popular favor it
however, as if it woio not very well. , soon acquired. To render it practical and
j "Why can't you say something else be- ! oUcclive, he itiuurporated with it Ins own
i it b 'very well';'" 1 asked. "What a
. . ..
: ' ov
okino wotiian vou in e to be sure"
"Not half so provoking a.- you are," she
Now, then, you wish to make nie an
sOJ. .-olo-o.-i.-
but you can't do it, I
said. '! liiiit' out. nit with evervt It in o n!
I , . , i,.ii
t hrouoii break ast, and 1 am im: going o
, , ,. , ' , ,. . , c B
be provoked just tis 1 am finishing."
J, J, , ,, . , V .,
' I am sin e don t wish t" pi tivuke you,
. .. , , 1 . "i
my wile said i;. a most innocent an
grieved manner.
"But you certainly do provoke me," 1
Then I am soriy for it," she nnwt -red,
in a softening '.one, "for such was not my
lll'.el, tl oil.
I looked ael'3-S the table at my wife ;
some'.li'ng lilio a tear trolleti ilow n her
'tioodncss !" I whispered lo mysvlf, "I
liai'e made my wile weep. What n
w hat a brute I am."
Then, speaking aloud I exclaimed:
" 1"
'Well,' was her calm reply.
' l you know," 1 continued, "that if
there be on:- thing 1 di.-like nioio loan
another, it is a tear."
She niiMvcrt d simply 'vith a sad smile.
".-wcet-hc;:l'l !'' 1 said.
"Cook the turkey any way you please."
She --hook her head.
1 left my seat, having finished my
Prenk lii-l. i went to le . r shle, ,ui I .smooth
ing her pale, wain check with my
ki--ed it and said :
"Forgive m , dear, this time."
.'til .-iiiiit.-.t ttitoiottstt , ii- ii 1111:5 tittle
... , , ,. ,. ,
s: ; i ... i .i.o.i i .. .. .. 1 1 .., i. ;.. . : o
is oinv one o:ii lit me si-i-itij ttiiie.s
, ., ,. , , ti I,,, ea I ! ei I on I o
I'oi'lmvo during our tnatrinioiiial caicer;
bin, ntvo thelc-s, the pressure ! her
, 1 hand, winch 1 had taken, assured,
pe.iee was made.
F.vr.u, Ik i Kt r
-ILiih: Jnnrn.LL
or Foiin K Ti;i.t.iNi
It was given in evident o before the j,'iry
on Tuesday, thai some years ago he wont
to a I it'tune leller iii the fit v lo coii-ult
his f.,lo
Tho informed him ijimvcIv I
that as soon as he al" iw 1 at, the ago of
twenty, ho would tlio or bo killed that :
li lould not possih y live to ine a.-,' o
ti'.entV one, except, p"i iiii :-, in a-tap. o, ;
t . . . . . . . i . I ... t . .. !
!i;l-i'i; nil woo. io which no ou io preier
deiitli. Walter teas twenty years ofag.!
a conpb-ot weeks sim-o. Happening ,;)
he out of employment at the tune, he .;!"'
Moved tho prediclio.i of the fntuno tel.
lor was aliout to bo vcrihed, il not as
r,.. I
girling his death, at loa-.. with reginl to
tho misery of his life. This it is thought
in. bleed him to commit the net of self
de.-t ri:ct ion. Cii,,-;,,,, ii'i l',,mm r-li'..
fi-"Clutterhuek's story of the old lady
(!iis aunt J is exeell'iit. I'm ing verv ner
vous, she told Sir W. Farquahar she
thought Bath would do her goo I. "It is
verp o ld," sai l Sir W ' but that's the
very thin
it 1 was join" to ri'ooniai 'ml
to you. I will write tin! particulars ci n
very clever in oi t hei e, in who,o hinds
you will ii , iv oil tiiKeil Cai'i" ol. I ho ladv 1
obi ladv three week, and sou J hor luck
Iho CiitiPiiiIrn-Eiglrr Treioriticns.
tiuVhUNui; i:it;i.i:it.
"i.lec," tin leistood lobe Col. For
ney, thus w rites from Washington to tl o
'.- . newspaper : -"It u-e'ess going leicl
lo col up la in of op poi tun il les ncglee'ei1 by
the last t.'i.ngress, lo recall the tefu-al to
submit the Critti'iulen propositions to tho
people ; "( i' rnvrn n that il' ,c,-r y.n cwiViim.
u-crr ivni' jircMiilr I ft a unfo-iri (inoi.j,
aceoinpatiieil by tho condition that those
voting to sub. nit them rvero not the'chy
iiimilleti to lliein, tney would, 1 think,
Ic rij n id !! the lijtt'A bn.r, o ii iiuijnnty uf
There may be a snako in tho grass hero ;
it mny be intended to make the reconsid
eration of these resolutions the j rot ex t
for calling an extra session of Congress.
Nor do wo assent to the prnpositiau thus
it is iisi-le-s ''to complain of opportunities;
neglected by the last Congress," and "to
retail the refusal to submit the Crilten"
den prop .il:oh to the people.'' Woaio
not of tin -e who beliov e t ha! I he lapse of
t me a I leets the I i! ny lor sin, and
Hint lib. Til iimresiy should bo extended
to criminals, w lio, in-tead ol ' repeiilintr,
ll-ive grown lllol e cotdil'llle 1 in their wick-
eieouise-. iv e suouui i.eep ill poi jtot-
i ii- i ..iii. . .-. .
u 1 remonibiaiie,' tho-e ineondi irios aipl
agitators in Congress, who in doii.mco of
tho oxpre-sed and anxi'MH wis!i.;s o tlio
t;o .ntry n 1 in utter d.srogai l of tho peace an J safety, obstinately ro
1 eetl to giv.t to u - a gloat healing tnoas -uro
ih m.Uided by tho exijonctea of :i fo;ir
lul el isi-.
We I ik'i this oppijiiunity to do juslieo
to ,i gentleman who, then a di-iinguish-o
1 S.. nator, is new a plain citizen of 'IVnii
v Ivaniii--M'. tiover:ior William Biglor.
No public man ligured nioio ooiispicuous
' ly, -ii no y, ami more u-eluily in
iho oxeit ing seeno.s id t he last session of
'Congi'tss tiiiin 'iovernor llii'lcr. Fxpoiis..
! M'ggf-t ion for its sulniiission to the peo-
. i 'ei : : . i . .
pb-. I his suggestion has become so f.ij
miliar to otu minds, that wo regard it as .i
impiu iimt iiuiural lh'ni"ht that nii;:lit
; have occurred lo n y mind, nnd yet it
wa out irely oi t iinal n ah tiovei nor Biglor.
no one ei.-e coneeivetl il. It was th'.; idei
c I . . t ft- I
ol a direct pract.eal state-m in. akin:;
:,. ,i , . i . i i i
up 'these two plans which soon became
n,. i.. ,. ., i u
univer-nllv known as the (. nUeiH on-Big.,
i :,, , o- i t . ,
b r tropositioiis, (iovernoi Biglor devoted
to them idl of his fln'reies, faculties mid
nbibti-. He made tho ablest speech in
i their behalf tint was mado in tho Senate.
In p-iblie and-in private, as a Soniitor and
as a pi i iite gout Ionian, he loborcd con-
slair.i;, to pi u:nop. ihosucci ss of ihis pa"1
ti ioiie measure. So much zeal, ability,
and pull iotie solicitude, did be maniiest,
toid so Jar above all narrow, partis,, n and
st etion. I coii-ideinlioiis did ho rise, and
so dignili tl, geiitleiiianly and senatorial
iv as bis heal ing, ihat he ?,'oii the respect
and coiilideiico of the Sti.-utors from alt
sections. ot only was ho complimen
ted in the highest terms by Mr. Crilten
te n, but he .'as eoiiipliuieided ly extro-
m sts f'.om '., i, ii iho North ami thu Sou'h.
; lie showed him-elf in the. highest sonso
IVU ional ui.'.'i.
I Tho Boston '.,.? pays a nobbv tribo'.c to
Co. ertior Biglor to his nbility, labor nr.d
t!-elu!ue.-s. It says ;-"H is ability as il
prac'.ieal l,.-,Ai.f, aside fr.)in his
lino talents, was very gloat." '''he ls'.
uid, I ' ' t iov. 1'iglei 's mind is otieof ihoso round
j vigorous, pi-.ti't en orgiini.itioiis which ev
I ei moke tiiosalesl l,-i-!aloi s. MuriliL' tho
1. 1st days ol the last session, ho va.s idmost,
the out ire support of the Ad mini .! ration ;
twelve of t he Sou! noi n Sor.ntors having left
that bet! .and the act ion of the rem. i mi no
mios being pari
prehension of
expected events in their own Slates which
might remove them al-o with an opposi
tion majority di-posod to load Mr. Buchan
an's atlministi aiion with every cotici ruble
c.nrg", when it e utld be niaiigiied Im the
benefit of party ; amid all this he i e..i.iinei
.''aithlul among the faithless while his higli
( hariico r for integrity, caud )f ami siuceri
ty always com 'iiaudt'tl the personal re.- .eel
of his opponents.
Tho rii'.i: emimts offbiv. Icler to p.-ivatt?
life i- i,o small tuitoriune to tho con - -rva-
'necemein itmi loi-iiiess in'crests ol .New
r-ii.-'-in-l ; for ho was n.i'iomil m hi- let 1 1 t-)t dially e pou.-el any inn tor of
legisl.i'. ion that eoniinen.loi! i I self to I-, is nil.
1 pi oval, wit bout regard. ' o .set" loiis.l', ,r .vliieh
1 New i'.i: gla ml should ever i si coin I. ; ,i.
We bed, -ve ho vvli ,vf to bo nipi'c. i:;(ctl
'' lo n-i oi.iv ... lis rvvii Malo.l.ut
"'V 'S,:!.'.'.' ' '''-t" :
1:1 :'1 exercisO a lag
tuat 1.0 will
'"' 1 m loo eveiiilul era tur country i
I last en lei in til toil
liven ( 1,., asifiinil," v Ulioi't lunii si G.vf,
i'iu' or. t ays t ho highest p. mi ; . 1 i r n n t P
iii- statesi.iiin-liip loi I p:itiioti:n, when
ho i .pi'i s-es tho opinion, tliat could hi
p an l'i now submitted to Congress it
wo .11 piss b.t'i H i'i.o4. I'-nnsylv-iniii
owes more to i.r.'cruor Biglor th in she i
yet cop ..-ions ol'. The noble j -; t i il Ii"
lias won is a put of her removo. H
will be mi--s,.,l s:i By li'oin (he Senate.
w here his pi. ico cannot e.isil,' bo supplied-
H"li"ioii is not a thing whi ?li spervU
it-elf. It is I ko a river which widemcon
tiuu.iilv, ati l is never so bnu 1 or S'.v loo
ii-atiis mou'li. whore it roll into tli..
O ? an of cterni'y.
Tho Pio-ideut bin appoiutel Klijah
H iinlin of M lino, a br ithor of lUnuib.i!
Himiiii. i; ouriiissioner under tho lie-eq.i-oi'ity
Ti-o.ity with l:-t'.it, !'. -itnin.
S up ho, ii re i 1 u s ni iy bo int j tv-t .,1 ,y
kn i v that ho is ju-t us m i"li a pul illm
hii brotbur, tlu Vie. . lkei lout'