Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 03, 1861, Image 4
IC Tllli MARCH MAiWaBRtJ. IT ILK CAST. Keep j our muddy cover close, floyrws, Nor time to open your eyes, lor nil this month, your lover. Oie sun, Will only tell you lies 1 He will only tell you lie, floweis, Pretty, and u ml aligned, 'or through this rough and cloudy month lie irevcr knows hifc mind. Tho dufTu'TiT m?y look at him T.'ith her Lriyht nnd ungry oyes, J!ut jiiiilts that coire withjiheir hearts in their mouths Must wait for warmer skies. 0 daisies, stay in your grussy koine, Ye poor deluded things, Aud kep your little white fingers aliud, A'vay from hid golden rings. Vc meadow liUies, leopard like, I'ndti jihe mould, so deep. Vrouch close, nnd keep your spotted cuVs Tor a mcn'.h yet, fast asVeep. Trust not, ye modest violets, His promises to you, ?Nor dare upon his fickle smilo To broaden your kerchiefs blue. Ye- little twinkling marigolds, 'Tis wise somotiines to doubt, And though the wind should shako his moans To music, look not out. Tis a rough and churlish in onth, (lowers So heed ye my advice, Llso you will wake, to go to sleep Wi th cheeks as cold as ice. gm-.t m ...... a a ia i i.i -J - J m.-u m. -urn MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Kit Carson Alive, Kit Curson, tho fa nous hunter, guido and mountaineer, i living at Taos, Xcw Mexico, as Indians rent to the Ule tribe of Indians; his ; alary amounts to ? 1500 per annum. Kit Htiota wealthy man, his properly is es imnted ut about ?0U00. llo keeps fifty ir sixty cows, five hundred head of sheep( 1 nd several horses and ponies, lie ninr. i ied a Mexican lady, with whom ho lives happily. tjj-A young man from tho country, ,;oing t can on soao younif lauici mo (Iher evening, was told that ho must i',k them to sing and should they refuse l o ought to press them. Accordingly lie fommonccd by requesting Miss Mary to Jlivor him with a song. She gently declin d. said sho had a bad cold &c, " Well, then, milh," said our hero, " thup pose 1 thsqucezc you, don't you tlmk you uig 1-lr tUiu f " Tlao girl fniuted inunodU ately. The Charleston papors state that a well known dry goods firm in Now York ' addressed a circular to its customers announcing that a branch of the house will be established in ono of the Slates of i!io Southr; Confederacy as soon as the necessary business arrangements can be made. Without douM this cxaraplo will bo generally tailored. diT loii't call for cider if you want to pnBs fur an'ftngel. A vagrant called at a house on Sunday and begged for some ci der. The lady refused to give him any, and he reminded her of the oft-quoted re mark, '' that she might entertain an angel unawares." " Yes," said she, " but angel Aom't go about dr'nking cider on Sun days." . Jsiy-A very funny, apocryphal Btor is tolel of ilio Prcs'ulcnt. BcingHsked before i ho inntiguralion whether he would ride lo the Capitol with Buchanan, in his bar miche, or go alone "That reminds mo," said he, "of the story of a witness in i ourt, who, appearing in Quaker costume, was asked, 'will yott swear, or affirm?' The witness replied, he didn,t cart a dam u htfh!' If this isn't true, it ought to be. jy"If you marry," said a Ifoman con ml to his son, "lei it bo a woman who has judgement and industry enough lo cook n meal of victuals for you ; tastecnough to dross lioully ; pride enoufh to wash before breakfast, and sonco enough to hold her tongue." Bft.Why i a man climbing a volcano iko an Irishman trying to kiss a pretty il l? Because he wants to get at the eraUrt mouth. JOfSrSocioty, like changeable rilk, must be viowed from every point to ascertain its true colors. fifThc moment anything assumes the shape of a duty, some persons feel them selves incapable of discharging, it. fTln Philadelphia, during tholast six weeks, seventy two persons diod of diplho lia. eiyMany beautiful ladies, when walk ing out, seem very angry when they aro gazed tee, and sadly disappointed if they are not. UyAVhy are country girls' cheeks like Freuch calico T Bccauso they are warrant ted lo asU and rotain their color. f$r Ink is a rjulsiic that burns most often the fingers of thoso whfl 'jso it. pifTvto men undortook lo see w hit'b could run the fastest. One was a consta ble, and the other was a thief, u"?ir, you have broken your prom i;.e." "Oh, never tnindj 1 a make ni other just as good.". COUNTY DIRECTORY. Tim of Holding Court. Peoond Monday ef January,, Third Monday of March, Third Monday of Jun, Fourth Monday of 6optouiber, In each year, and continue two weeks if De cenary. County Officers, l'roi't Judge.Hon. Samuel Linn. Bellefoate. Ae'te fudges, Hon Wui 1 Moore, Cleur8old. Hon Ben) Bonsall, Luthersburg HherifT, Fred'k 0. Miller Clearfield l'rothnotary,Jobn L. Cuttle, " Reg. 4 Itce. Jnmes Wiiglcy, " IiEtrict Att'y Hobort J. Wallnce, " Treasurer, O. 11. Goodlandcr, " Co. Surveyor, II, B, Wright, Olen Hope Comtniis'n'rs,Wm. M'Cracken, Lumber City Win. Mcrroll, Clearflold 6. C, Thompson, Morrisdale Auditors, B.C, Bowman, Philipsburg Isnae W. Uruhau,ClearBeld J. B. Shaw, " Coroner, George Kicbards, List of I'OHt OflicCH. Toufhipi. Xmnct of P. 0. Snmet of I', it It seen in, Clon Hope, 0. TV. Calwcl. Bill, Bower, Miry Eider Chest, T. A. M'lihce cu.h, 3. w. c&s-.ri.r Ostcnd, ' Lewis .-u.ii'n Clearfield Brilp, P. li. Miller Woodland, Ei. Williams Lutheraburg, .. L, f lii.'ll Troutvillc, Jacob Kunti Jefferson Lint, John Heberiing Forest, Jna- Bloom Now Washingto J. M, Cuuimings Bradford, Brady, Bloom, Enrnside, iiurasme, Jas juejiurruy Clearfield, Clearfield, C. I. Tf atson Covington, Frenchville, Karthnui, Curwensville, Curwensville, F. Coudriet J F W Schmrr Samuel Way Ci'iilre county Kdm. Willinina Dccator, I'll ili p-t burg, Ferguson, Fi, tiirard, Uoslion, ll mho in, Gulich Huston, a Jordan, Kartbaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, it l'enn, ii ike, ii Union, Woodward, Mnrron, Helen l'ost Otfico, count-, l'a. Lecounte s Mill, I . Mignot Bnld Hills, William Carr tibaniville, A. R. Shaw J us. 11. Graham J. A. lief rty David Tyler II. Woodward Kliia Cbose (). lleckadorn D. E. Mokcl (.(rah a in to ii, in i tli a Millf. Tyler, 1'cnnQeld, Anaonville, ult Luk, Now Millport, Kfeckenridge, KylertoRiv 1 Morrisdale, Lumber City.-f Grampian Hills, Curwcnsvillo, Blooniiugville, M'kton, Jeffries, J, W. Thouips'n J us. Thompiion ). McClelland W. W. Wright A. C. Moore, ainuol Way Mii'hnol Wise. W'.V. Johnson T. lleudcrson I This Post OfCce will do for Chest township f Will onsner tot terguson township. PUKIFY THE BLOOD. VEGETAIL3 Ll'i'S TILLS PHOENIX BITTEES. The li Ikrli aud envied celebrity wliicli Iheic fre-cmlrent medicines have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the disease which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual praetioe ol pulling not only unnecessary, but unwortny ol tuem. They known by their fruits; their good works tcet'fy for them, and they thrive cot by the faith of tho creduiout. 1m all cases of Asthma, -4ente and Chronic Kbouinutinni, Affections of the Bladdei and Kid neys. llillious Fever and Liver Complaints. In the south and west, where these diseases pre vail they will be found invaluable. Planters, Fariucrs,und other", who once use these medicines will never afterwords be without tlioiu. DjNprpsla. No person with this distressing disease should delay using these medicines im mediately. Eruptions of the skin, Krysipelas, attilonuy, Feve-ati 1 Ague. For this ecourg ol'tlie western country these Uiedicines will jound a safe, speody, aud certain remedy. 0 tr medicines leave the eyetein subject to a rotur olt tho disease a cure by these medicines is ed. luaneut. Try them, be satisfied, and be cuadn Mcrcural Diseases, Never fails to er oate ontircly all the effects of mercury infiniteof sooner than tho most powerful projurationli garsapnrilla, Nigbt sweats, Hervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Oranio Affections, l'ulpitu tion of the Heart, Painter's Cholio. I'ilce. The original proprietor of these modi- Icines was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by the use of these Life medicines alone, Worms of nil kinds, are effectually cured by thcuo incdicinos. Parents willdo well to administer them whenever thoir existence is suspected. Belief will bo certain. TUB LIKR PILLS ANT) PHOENIX niTTERS Purify the blood, and thus remove nil disease fiom the system. A singlo trial will place the liri Pills and 1'hoemix Binsns beyond the rtach of competition in tk-s estimation of every patient. jMCPrupared and sold It DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodway, cor. Wortb St., Now York. Feb. 29th 1800. lyr. LOOK IIKRftl LOOK IIRRF.l TUB undersigned subscribers, tnko this meth od of informing the public, generally, that they have this dav entered into cnpnrtnershlp in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, end can be found at the shop formerly oecnpied by J. Bhunkwilcr, on Third street, in this bo rough, where they will be pleated to see the r old customers, and as many new ones as can inoke it convenient to give them a call. Bring on your boos, your spndcs nnd picks, Your log-chains and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, no three-year old shall then go bare. Your spears will work up then just right, To prooning hooks for every height. Your swords too, shall then be wrought. To ploughshares such as Tain ne'er nought. JACOB BUUNKWILER, GEO. W. OUR. Clearfield, December 8, 1958. tf. RESH ARRIVAL OF - NEW GOODS! AT THE CHEAT CASH STORE. I am just receiving nnd opening a large and well selected assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ol almost every description, A beautiful' assortment of Trints and Dress goods, of the newest and latest stylos. Also a rgost variety of useful notions. A largo assortment, ready-mado C LO THING, Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qi.eensware, Druggs and Medioines, Oil and Paints, Carpet & Oil Cloths, Fish, Bacon and Flour, GROCERIES, of the best quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest cah or ready pay prices. ; My old friends and the aublio goncrally, art respectfully Invited to call. Clearfield, Oct. SI, 1 Soil. WM, F, IRWIN. N. V. All kinds of ORAiXtnd approve i CQL'XTR Y PJiODU CE takon inexchange f Goods. Flour. GOOD ABTlCLE.(or salt at the store of Jsj03 W.f.liTIK. riQgi nTtrar , 1861. THE FIRST ARK1VAL of 1 FALL WINTER GOODS AT THE OLD STAND REED, WEAVER & CO. On Market Street 2 doors north the Court House, where they are just opening an unusually large and well selected stock 01 goods, suited to the wants of the commu nity for the Tall and Winter trade, which they oiler in large and small quantities on the most reasonable terms call and examine for yourselves Their assortment o DRY GOODS 5 NOTIONS is Ttry large and complete: embracing alinol ererv article both of fashion and service. Er- pecial attention has been naid to tho selection of LALUts DRESS UOODS, which aro of every variety and tho tery latest styles. Bilks, Delaines, Fl lids, Merinot, PoplUs, Alpaecas, Cashmeres, Freneh, 6clih and Domestie Oinghan, Prints, Uaseye, Cambrics, Brilliants, Fig. and plain Bobinetti, Irish Linen Cloths ie. Black and Fancy Caanimeres, Hatinetts, jant, Twecdo, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking, Crash, Diaper, Bleached and unbleached mus. lius i drills, Bed, drey, White and Caotoa Flan nols. AUo a larg stock of Ladies' and Gentle mens' Shawls, Double nnd Single, Stellas and Chenilles, Black and Drab Cloth capes of the very latest fashion. i Large and splendid stock of Dtsh trim 2. tilings, Kelt j, liead Dresses, Netts, Plumes Ac, at n. w. t- co', I Large stock ef Men t Boy's J reooived at clothing, just It. W. A CO'e C arpets, Drugget, carpet chain, Bags and iiagging, Curled Hair sc., nt R. W. h CO's nardwaie of every kind, kn. es and fork spoons, Locks, Files, NaiU, Cow Be oid and Hand sew and Mill uwat K. W. A CO's tidies' Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and uu- trimmed, of the Latest Styles ai K. W. A CO's, JOHN ODELL, UPHOLSTER ANI CARRIAGE TRIM MER, LtcultJ at A. II. Shao' MJls, on milt ast of Clearfield torouyh, Respectfully informs the chitons of Clearfield and adjoining counties, that he is at all times prepared to manufacture, at the shortest notice, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses ef all kinds and sites, one of which is a Folding Mat tress, suitable for CABIN'S ON RAFTS, which can be folded in small compass, and emptied aud refilled at pleasure ; and very cheap. lie also trims Coinages, makes repairs to all kinds of Carringo Trimming and L'pholstery, and makes Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick ucss or length. tt-fL-Couutry Produce, Cora Husks, er Cash taken in K (change for work, JFQT All orders left with any of the Merohats t'learfleld borough will b promptly attended to. doc2S Ill, AM) MLi:il WAItU. rE would respectfully inform our friends, y patrons nnd the public g-.erally, i hat we havo now in (t ire and offer Wholesale nd Re tail nt the low.js t Cash Prioes, a large and very choke stack Watch, Jowelry, Silver and Plated Wan of every variety and stylo. Every description of Diamond Work and oth er Jewelry, made to order nt short notice. pit-All goods warranted to be as represented. Particular attention given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry of every description. STAUFFKR A HARLEY. No. 622 MARKET street, (south side,) Pbila. Kept. 19th, 1860. 4 mo. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE nbove Hotel, having recently been Gtted up Tor a liouso of entertniiiment, is now open for the accommodation of the public, li'ruvelyrs will find tliii a convenient house. -Ti!.i3i?! JOHN JOr DAN. HiiMlmiic Sell we lid's Infallible Vegetable Powders For the speedy and effectual Cure of all fnflam ninft'viis, J.'hvmt titm, Duiprptia, and lAvvr CVm plaint and all Acvte nnd Ckronio Dimitti of A. dults and Children, Send 3 cent Stamp to bor Aytnt. O. B.JONES, Hundreds of testimonials Box 2070 Phila. P 0 $rA,jeney S. W. Cor. Third i Arch Sts. Oct 24, 18fi0 lit. IIARTSWICK'S DRUG tf- VARIETY MARKET 6TREET NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL The nndorsigned will hay constantly on hnnd a we I selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Tobacco and Segars, Station ary, Perfumery, Brushes, nnd Fancy articles, which he will dispose of cheap for cash. Ho invites the public to call aud examine his siock or goods bo fore purchasing elsewhere. lountry Physicians furnished with Drugst Medicines, and Surgical instruments at the mos reasoaanie rates. J. O. UAUTSWICK. Clearfield, Pa., Dee. 26 18S0. Imrjortant Nnt.irs. The undersignod, late publisher of the "Clear field Republican" takes this method ol calling upon those who are indebted to him, or to Lari mer t Ward for subscription, advertising or Job wura incurred aunug the thiee years commen cing July 1857 and ending July 1H80. to eall im mediately at my office in the borough of Clear field, and make settlement of the same, as these accounts Mmr t elftdup. J. II. LARR1MER, Clearfield, December 12, 1860. tf. Tn.Il and examine the Patent air-tight tilat VV-ino stone jars, they are just the thing you ueer, lorssu a; K, VI. A CO. Salt. "ERY CUEAPst the store of Jo23 w M.F.IRWIN. H AM, Ides, Macaerei ni iierrinr for sale low kti.osiuret . V..F.IRHIN, flearde .July 11th I8). very large stock of Spring end Summer cioming 01 me latest styles for sale lew by wensville, Kay 16, 1860. K. A. IRVIN. Cut C lsVci age variety at reduced pri- I s Si .!.. srjtore. Curwensville 16, '60. Bonnets, Florence braids, English straa Shaker and other styles trimmed and 11 eoined, will be found In variety at the corn stm of E. A, IRVIN, CurrweniTill, May 16, 'CO. JJUSSELLMcMURRAYK V FHtW. A Respectfully invitee tis atUntlon of his oldens-' N E IV GOOD touieri, and others, to his stock of fall and WINTER GOODS Which lis offers VERY LOW FOR CASH! He also continues to deal ia Ll'MBE R, of al kinds, in any way to suit bis customers. The highest markot prices will be said for al kinds of GRAIN. jeS-CALL AND SEE!- Net Washington, Nov. 1,1800. novT-Bia rpillj Cl.IiAUI'lIlM) ACADEMY, wil J bo opened for the reception of pupils, mules and fe undue) on Monday, Aug. 28th, 1860 firms per session of eleven Vecks Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithmetio and ffeogropay. 12.60 Higher Arithmetio, English Grammar, Geog. raphy and History. $3.8 Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy and Hook Keeping 10(f Latin and Greek languages. $8 00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify themselves for teachers, this Institution offers desirable advantages. Mo pupil received for loss than half a session, and no deduction made exeopt fur protracted sickness. Tuition to be paid nt the close of the term. C. It. ISA Nr FORD, Principal. May 23, 1800.- Iv. A. M. HILLS (SSlm DENTIST. a--Oa ' 'VSCfcXA-O " -la '"WSViTfUl Proper attention to 5 V 'Uvir j the teeth in proper W" ! e of Ursa! : j-'i' benefit to everyone -- pojut of health, comfort, nnd convenience. Dlt IIII.I.SiaL always be found at his of fice, on the corner of Front aud Main streets, when no notico to the contrary appears in this paper. AW operations in the "ne of bis profession performed in the latost and mott improved styles, and guaranteed for one year against all aturnl failures. s TltiklNG TIMf'.S IN I'MlLAIHil. 111 A! Trtmtndmit Excitcmtnt among th .!!!.' EXCITING FOOT RACE between the Philadelphia P'lliro and the notorious For ger and counterfeiter, Ja aes Baihanan Cross ! ! ! Cross Recaptured ! !! 1 It seems to bo the gener al opinion in C'lewrfielil, tbut if Cross bad w orn a pair of Frank Short's French. calf Boots, that he would not be talen yet. However, Shorty is not much put out at missing his custom ; but would announce to all Urtckintidije, loitytat, Lim-uln and hit Kirn, and women and children in ClearGeld. and Siunemahoning in particular, that he is prepared to furnish thorn with Bouts, Shoes and Gaiters of any style or pattorn, stitch ed, sewed or pegged, (and as he is a short fel low) on short notice. Ail kinds of country nroduco taken in ex change, and cash not r fused. Repairing done in the neatost manner and charges moderate, nt the fhort Shoe Shop on Second Street, oppuMte need, weaver A Co s store. 1HAKK SHOUT. K. B, Findings for sale Sept. 26, 1800. JAMES T. LEOXAnn. Wll, A, WAI.LACK. B. A. FIXNEr A. c. riN.iEr anliiiuianb (Collection Met or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A It F I L 1), CLEARFIFLb COUXTY, PA. JB1M.S Ol. EXCHANGE, OTES ASII DnAFTK IllSCOt ISTK rosnx m:ci:ii i:i, Collestions made and proceeds promptly remitted Kichauge on (he t'ltlcs countuntly 011 Baud. "Office on Second SL, nearly opposite the COUKT HOUSE. YRONE CITY HOTEL. Col. A. J?. OWENS, Pitoi'itiEioR, Rcrpoctfully announces to the travelling public, tht he has uow taHl'n charge of this largo and well known house, and will conduct it in such a manner as will render excellent comfort and for satisfaction to all who uiay furor him with 1 call. nov7-ly T Mi t'ONKir.MPTIVr.S! Tho advertiser. having been- restored to health in a few weeks by a very simplo romody, after having snf. fered for several years with a severe lung affec tion, and thnt drcd disease Consumption, is anx ious to niuko known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of chnrge,) with the di ictinna for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure euro for Consumption, Asthma, Brcnchitis, to. Tho only object of tho advertisor in sending tho prescription is to bene fit tho afflicted, and sprend information which he conceivos to be invaluable, and ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Persons wishing tho prescrintion will ulease address Itev. EDWARD A. WILSON, nov7-ly Williamtburgh, Kings Co., N. Y !!! DEATH!!! To every form and Specie of VERMIN. " COSTA llS" "CO.STAH'.S" Rat, Roachdc Extaminator. " COSTA RW " COSTA R'S" Red Rug Exterminator. " COSTA R'S" "COSTAR'S" Electric Powder forlrscctt. DESTKOYS INSTANTLY RhU, Itoacb.cs, Mire, Moles, Groun l-.lice, I5ed-buirs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects on Plants, Insects on Animals, d'e in shoit every form and specie of 10 j'enrs estublished in Nem York City used bv the Citv Tost Office- the Citv IVis- on nnd Station houses the eily Steamers, Ships ftc., the City Hotels. "Aslor," SL Nicholas." &c.. and by more than 20.000 private I'nmiles. 5.1rupgists and Retailers everywhere ..ii TP ' irtAhnlpnl A ironta in nil lro ritlo. 52"n lu-J ini a ST C e,V ri i ' "v'i"'4 Hg!!l Bbvtark lllofspuriousimitations. Examine eacli llox. I5ottle & Finale. and tnkfl nothina but "Costar's" l.$1.00 Boxes sent by mail. S)u?3 A $5.00 hv Kx press. EffjawAddress orders or for Circular, to IIENHY K. COSTA K, Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. Y. a5UOLD BY LOltAIXE & CO. March 17th. Clenrfield Pa. Ladies dress gr Js, ofpatterns and texturss ploase all, willbs foand at the corner s tor Curwinsvilie, May 1, 1800. E, A. IRVI A W t S. Just reeelvinir and opening at the Old atai 'of Lewis Smith in Bethlehem a woll selootod a ' sortment of Spring and Suininor Goods ofal ! most every description. Staple and Fancy, a Doautiiui assortuienri Prints and Dress Goods of the latest stylos, also a voiicty of useful No tions. Huts and Caps, Bonnets and Shawls, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, Medicines, Fish, Drugs and , GROCERIES, Tobaceo , Segara and all articles usually kept in a country Stare, all cheap for caeh. Give us a call and see f r yourselves. H. L. HKNDEKjSOS, A CO. May 21, 1360. rn 11 , r r, , AO 1 CrSnrtS Otlt Of tjmjHOVment. AfT'VI'C' II a vr'i-i yi Atsljl 15 U AiN J lUU. In every County of tho United Stairs, TO engage in the salo of some of the bet.t and most elegantly illustrated Works published, Our puh'cations ore of the mort interesting charaetet, ainptol to tho wants of the Farmer, Mocbauic aad Merchant ; they are ublishod in tho best style auu bound ill the uior substan- rial manner, and urc worth a tilae. in ih. 1.1. , ,. - -r- - urury 01 every ueuxeuoiu m tue i.fta. &-(lTo men of outeruriso aud industrious hab its, this business offers an opportunity for profit able employment seldom to be met with. i-ii.. 1'irgons desiring to act ns ngonts will re ooive promptly by mail full ourtivulars, terms. a'o., by addrossiK LHARY. GE'i'Z A co., Pub, o. 224 niortb street, 1'lnludolpbia. Oct 2i, 1850 ly. WATCH & JEWELRY ri iic.uii.i,rsignea rcspecuu ly JL iiuoruwuie vusiomcrs and tue public genorull', that he has just received from the Euit. and o: on - ed at his establishment in (JltAIIAM'S HOW C'leurfiold, Pa., a lino assortment of Clocks, WarcnES, anj JEWELnv of different quallli..; from a single pieco to a full sett, which ho will soil at the most rcnsonablo prices for cahb, or in exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety ou hnnd, at the mcst reasonable prices. ALL kind of Clocks, Watolies and Jewelry, carefully romired and UWruiifcif. A coutinuunce of patronage i solicited, Sept. 13, 1880. H. F.NAUULE. NEW HOTEL. Tba undersigned respectfully legs lonvo to announce Hint he rerent!y rented a house in the borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pu for tho accommodation of tho travelling public, watermen and all other.- wh-s may favor him with a call. Ifis table will always be supplied with as good ns tho markets flfTi.rd; and no pnins will bo spared to render his guests comfortable whilo under his roof. To w hich the KuU that no in toxicating Iiim.r of tiny kind wi:i bo kept about the premises, will he tru.-l., contribute in un small degree. While, what i.s ulways important to the traveller, the best attention will be given by careful hostler to that faithful companion of me j"uiuuj, ins iiariciit Eteeil. July 4, 1S60. ly. JAMES GROSSLY, MAltltlAGK Gl'IDF. instructor for mnrriei Being a private Cfl lurn(i nr Ihn.. about to be married, both male nnd fcmnle, in e.-erythi'.g concerning the phveiology and relu lions of our sexual system, and the production or prevention or off-princ, includivg all the new discoveries never before given in tho Enclidi language, hy WM. Y jL'Xtl. M. I). Thi. roll. a vuluuble nnd iutorcsting work. It is written ipiiiin uingungo lor tho general render, and it illustrated with numerous engravings. All young mnrried people, or thop ri,m l,i;n i V and having the leant impediment l married life, should read this book. It di closes secrete thnt every ono should be acquainted with ; still it ia a book that tuuet bo lucked up. end not lie nbout the house. It will bo sent to uny one on receipt or twoiity.five cents, in specie or postage rtninps. Address Dr. MM. Tlli:Xi). N jia ...'.. jabove Fourth, Philadelphia Tn. j, yiiicren nf t nfortunntt No mnttor wh it may bo your discnen. b..r..r.. i-. self under the care of ony ono of the nottrinua yuacks, native or foreign, who advertise in this or any ott er paper, get a copy of erthorof Dr. 1 oung'i books, and read it enrefully. It will be the means of saving you rrany a dollar, your health, nnd possibly your life. Dr. YOUNG cao be confultedon any of the disoascs described ia bis publications, at his ofhco, o. 4I0pruco tt, above Fourth. n7-ly i NOV KI.TY I TIIH AMT;noilI, l). 1. PI10IOGRAPI1Y UPON PORCELAIN Secured by letters pntent in the United States, Kngland, Frunee and Belgium. The American Phetographio Porcelain Cop--rany, Ne. 781 Broadway, New York, having secured their novel and ingeniui invention by American ond European patents, are fu ly pre pared to execute all orders lor Miniiture Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all tbo attractive nnd ndvnntngoo'us fentjres of ordinary photographs, the brilliancy nnd fini?h of a water-color drawing, ai.d a hith erto unHttnined quality of durabity, by being rendered as imperishuble as the natural proper ties oi the articles upon which they are trans ferred. As the pntontcd process of tho Company ena bles he reproduction of photographs, not only on plain surfaces, but upon such us are round or of any degree of irregularity, portraits enn be re pioduced with faultless accuracy and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any descrip tion and dimeiifion used as articles of luxury or of household utility, such ns Urns, Vases, Break fast Cups, Toilet Articles, .16.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furuiahing a unique and exquisite stylo of oruaiuontatiun of articles in domestic nee. In order to furnish facilities for the gratifica of thoso rations of the rl. ,,. j.,.;, tion ui mo popular tnsto, and to meet tho want.- having portraits on Porcelain, the Company have Imported from Europe a collection pf superior r'""111 s'. innnuiacturca to tticir own ordor, which Ihey will sell at cost prices. As ths American Company aro owners of tho patent right, and consequently the only persons out homed to use the process, they have deter mined, in order to afTord people ln every section of the Union an opportunity to possess portraits on China, to make the following proposition to resident in the country, who are unable to visit i-eraunaiiy me Atelier and Galleries in New iYorK ! . Ie ,on" sending a photograph, ambrotype, or i?u"reutPe the o Roe of the Company in ,Jew lork, accompanied bv S. will reeeie. Ir. I rC,"r.n I'l ex),le", froe of ehargo, a richly orna. ! d li"kf" CP and Saucer, with Ihs por - 1""' "ueierreu tnereon y iransmiying a daguerreotype and 110, they I"'11 roccive In like n.anner a handsome Fronch I . e r Ty'let Artiole, with the portrait uu. eu uy me patented process. ft. rnain8 a pair of daguerreotypes and $15, they will receive in rott ra a pair of rioh Sevres VaseS, With the Dortrnita AveeulAd inn.' In , a - UI 1 Ll laiure paintings; and, in like mnnner, portraiu can be reproduced on porcelain waros or Vasea : Se,?!e7.,,,!"l.ity of flDi"h' Bg in price from liu to i f luo the pair. I Ai.A. ne particular in writing the address, , town, county, and Plate distinctly. rn'phor ; ii'izz: m : wa- loan 'Ne swYork8 'j-way. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Coniplaiuliiiit oidvr, with your ttJf rails J. aud your fftliZT comfMrtiUiiiir ThtnTr turns are rftou the irthfct serious Mum. K.--T kkei Is crecpta, dub J aud should be averted 7 timely use of Ihs riiht 1! ely. lake Ajrer's 1'iUt.Z ctuiiue out the dkoHerHL mora purify toe tlooli i.i ii.. i.i. etvueted In bwlih disease. A cold settles eoincw inn-la Ita nilural functious. Jims, U not react upon thomscltes and the enrroundiiigorgaai,, during general aggravation, eoltrtHit, mil 4 While III this condition, opptveoeJ If tho denDeram uke Ayer'a aud see bow directly Uiejr uAon h natural action or the sratem, aud with it the t,ucruj foeliiiK of health again. Whit is true aad eo apiureiii, this trivial aud common comprint, Is alao tim in ay, oftlie doep efatod ami cInnReroin diitempers. Tin mi purKallre eiitict expels tueui. urara uj niuiwr wxrv, lions and demni;ni'nts of the natiiral functkim of la lions and ilemni;iiiiuts 01 tue nauirai luucuoui g(i, body, they are rapidly, and many of tbem susvljr, .y Ibe smile means. Nouo who know the virtues otlk 1'ills, will sietclect to oinploy them when suSertui h. Sen.V&Zding pl.y.i.lan. 1. a h rrincljol cities, aud froui other well known ruUk(e sop. Prim a forwarding Vei-eSml f S. Louit, Hi. t, IIh Da. Arm: Your Pills aro the paragon of all IUk great in uiedkine. Thuy Imvo riued uiy little deugta, of ulcerous eoiw upon her liamlmimlft that hudRirt curable for year. Iler methor h ln too, ,,, ouniy arricioti wua motcnee aitu piuipieeuu uer ikii j0 ,er mjr. After our child wiui cured, sue 1 - vour Tills, aud tlier have cured ber. 1 elwtai - 1 8 MOKQMWl As at Family Physic. P-ein I)r. E. W. OirticngH, licit Orkani, Tour Pills are the prince of purges. Their Hnlln, qnalltiea aurpans auy catuarlic we iiouees. 'itxj M mild, but very certain and efT"ctnal In their actlou to n, bowels, which makes them invaluable to us 111 tbcihai treutinent of disease. Ileadaclie, Sic kllenrlache, Foul Stamaes, Vvn Dr. Ediuurd Boyd, BMxmvrt. DuallKO. Aviji: Icannot anawor you what eompUgi I hare ttiri with your 111 Ik better than to say all Urn m ceer tret with a purgative mrdicine. I plare great erne donee on an erTectuul cathartic in my ilaily ronteii eia dlHwisn, ami believinif as I do that your rills afford site bust we have, I of course valuo ilium highly, : l'msniiaa. M 1 itu Pa. J. C. Ana. Blr: I have been ropcntiHllv cunds Uie worat AwiaVse any body enu have by a , o, V'SZ? fcUl j Yours with groat respect, En. W. rrtrnu, fit rk of Sttumcr (Vir Bilious Disorder Liver Complaints, Fi tm Dr. Tliendort , AVw l'ork Cl). Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to tl.eli poee as an aperient, but I Hud their bcncJIritil enVrUuits the Livor very marked indeed. Tli-y bare ia my pr tlco proved uiiiru en-tuii (vc the euro of Silimue, 'miK llmu auy oral remedy I vau mention. I mimjj rejoice tliat we have nt length a puigutive which imw. thy the coufldeuce of the i roli sKiun aud the otl. Dci'ArTu;nv or rue Ixiirma, 1 . Viuliii Tiuii, 1). C, ith Feb., ;, J Eia 1 1 have uM your I'i.Ii. in uiy geneial anil liuiiii practice ever siure you uuictu them, uutl cnuuul heitiiau s,iy tltey are liie lLHt t-alliiiitic ve ciup y. Thitir rrr laliliff ncliou cu the liver it qui' It and deckle!, rvt qni'iilly they are an ndiiiii'iiMo ivuifly fw Utisueuins vf llml organ. Indeed, 1 hnvo acMmu fuund acawa bihtmi diitust so otiMiniitu thnt It did not r-ifHiy yieid u Hit in. iiateiually juuie, AI.O.VKU HAM, M ll, J Viyixi'in uj the Mai oil ilonin Dysentery, Dlairhua, Ilelax, M'oriui, Jtin Dr. J. V. Ui itu, Citigo. Your Pills liurc !J a Iriiil in my orarllre.utl hokl tlicin in eiteciu ns one of the huht atierietiti I be over found. Xliuir sitt'iativo ( (tei-t iquu Ihc liver miie tlit-ni an excellent remedy, when i;ivcu In small iliwitr btliimt dyttnttry and diiirrltira. 'iheir siiKitrraiui ni:ikcs them very acri-iitaelu al)d-ouveuiut for tlivua uf women aud children. i uyepepeia, impurity or tho illood. Pivm lite. J. I". Ihmu, iuilT oAdvtnt t'tmi tli, Ii Dn. aria: I hare used your Pill) wilh extraoitaij surccMS in my family ami iuiioiik lluee 1 am cailcj tovj in tiietreM. To ri-Kuluto tho organi of digoiiiloii ui purity tho Llood, they nra t lie very Kl reuunly I bw ever Kiir.wn, aud 1 can coufldeiitly rociniuiond tlnal my IrWiian. Voun, J. V. IllMts Wabsaw, Wyoming Te., N. Y., Oct. SI, IMS. 1sas Fin : I aiu UKiiift your I'uthartlc li!U lu my fiw tire, nnd find them an excellent purimtive tocloauailU system aud tmril'y tltt fiwitaiiu tj' lit ill. ' JOHN 0. MliACIIAM,M.D. Canat lpal Inn, Cnt Iveneaa, hw ppressloa, j , 1'iirnlysls, Kits, etc, Ymii Dr. J. 1'. Vauijhn, ilvutrecl, fjii.Wa. Too ninrli ennnnthe said of yoair Tills tr the enntf cttitivtnrti. If others of our fraternity have fuund lira ns eu"icncionn hs I have, they ihould join inc in prorUln. tntc it for the bem-ftt of thu multitudes who suSr fras tltitt rnmpUint, which. allhoui;li bad enough ia ttaetf, Ii the nruenitur of other that aio wnrne. I l fliereee tivrntu tooi igiunte In thu liver, but your l'llti affccital organ and cure the dm'aie. Prim Hi t. E. Stuart, llojticUin end StiJitift, fill. 1 And one or two Isrre doses of your Pills, talt ti at Um proper limo, nre cxcellrnl pronioilveeoftho natu"il r tmu when wholly or piirtiully siqifrcANed, unit slsftviir elli-rtuul to reniMe Ihe ttcmnsh and trftl u-jimii. Ibey are so uiuch the lst phyKlj we have that i recuiiuuw no oiuer to my laiioiits. From Oi itev. Dr. Huh' cs, of Hit Epit. CTsrc. I't'LASIl llnlMr. Kavunnuli (,.. .Inn. S. ISM. HonoeKD t-ierl should ho iingru'.efMl f r the x'.t your skill lins brought me If I did not report mj caisS you, A cold s-'.Mtd in my lioib mid luutiRlit on sirre elating tifiiru'7tc t'n'i'Ki wlilrli etidf-d in e'.noiici'V""'1 Iiaib. Notwithstanding I hud the but of pl.yi-l-iii'i Ita disease grew vorm mid worfe, uiiM by t lie tilceofy(W excellent nirent In llnlllnioiH, Dr. Markeiiaie, 1 tried ) ' l'ill. 'I heir efTocta were slow, but sure. II) -eintcrlM in tue Udo oi mem, I am now entirely well. RtHiTi Pineiin ll.lim IIaiii,. I. Tlw 1&& Pa. Avta: I have bm u entirely ,iired, byyeur iffimiii'itx (out a paiuuil tiisri'-e thsr 'tincuan for years. VIJiCKNT SUDUU era- MnsL rf tba Mils In murVi t contain Mcrciirf, which, although a vahuihln remedy in skilful lunaS daiiLeroii In a duMIc ntll. the dn idrill quonrca that frequently follow Its Inciiutiona me. Tt conntin no mercury or mineral suontance wnaiever. Prloe, 26 cents per Pox, or 6 Boxes for Prepared by Dr. 7. C. AY F.B &. CO., Lovell, Xu &-Sod by C. B. Watson, Clenr?eli E.' Irwin, Curwensville; F. Arnold, Lutherbiir Montgomery A Co., New F.alom : J. C. Bienr'' Morrisdnlo, C. P. iostcr, I'liilipsburgj anil Elisi Cbsse, Ansonville ; end by dealers evcrynntn " CLEARFIELD STONE WARiS rOTTERy. Thankful for past favors and solioitious ef f- ture patronage. I would respectfully anncuit' tnnt i nave on hand onin, nnd will con'lacu. keep at the Pottery in this borough, on the ear ncr a short distance east of the Methodist Chuck, a large stock of Crockery, such as Cream ereeU milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casiDt f-o. if-c. ; nnd also an exteaeivs nssortincst c' ',. :, u.Jorent sises nnd patterns of brackets sno in"" 0rC"rnic0 0,1 hou"0,, 'nd other moul Any mouldings not on hnnd will be mailt older on short notico. Also firo brick mud and kept for sale. JfA liberal reduction oa prices mads wnoiesnio aealors. if, LEITZINUIB- Clearfield, may 23, 1870. ly. Cabinet, Chair Making, JOHN Ol'LICH, of the borough of CloarSul. Pn., will be prepared at all times to attorn! W to any business In the above line on short notice, and in a workmnnlike maimer. His p! ' uf business ia at the eld shop on ths north sideof . 'kt street 3d door east of Third .U. nearly i opposite the old Jew store where he will constantly on hnnd a largt hgony nnd Cane Bottom : w"ro of every doscrintion. 1 i of on as roasonablo terms as the same articlM an be had elsowhero in ths count. His stock of Cabinet Ware now't-n hnnd, eos atata In t,eel llrntnM r , llenaill " - w .'.irptii rIIVI VUIIIIUVN " ' ' Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Ucsks sol Book Cases, Fronch and Field Post Bodstesoi. IMning, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier iV bles, Ao. Coffins manufactured and dcliversd any place desired. i February 9, 1869. no. 4, Tol. iv. r h j saiety E. A. HI l ft. 1 '"Ji fuinj lue ijlHcaih. die ohali uctloua wluck i.7 tore ia the Utij, I urwtnsvilU, May 16, 'f30.