Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 03, 1861, Image 3

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li '(gtarfitlb ScpttHican
Cr Time at Tyrone.
Tki Winter srrangoment of the Pennsylvania
jrots, oo Dd afll'r u 261,1 h"tw,, wi" b
iilto" !
v ' -- -
i,u Passenger 7.42 a. m
via Trtia - ' " 58 P- "
0 tltlDS uu uuuuiij devy iub UAiiceat PcrrLAR Wo rejoice to know
v,ttb Clearfield county Agricultural
lXiely is fiSed fact, and that much
idi trill be accomplished by the estab
Ament of the Society. We have made
Let inquiry lately in reference to the
iaUe amount of stock and grain that
Uing prepared for exhibition, and we
jieno doubt that our next county fair
;)) far outstrip the Inst in every particu-
VVe alo learn that in certain portions
ihe county, the beautiful diploma
kith was given out last fall, is being ,
by Physicians, as a medical diponiV praises were showered upon him. but be-'.,-!
10 still furthtr humbrn? their causo he remains truo to the priu.
.... i - . nr 1.1 ..'ciples of his life and his naturo he
,;!lb!e medicine aters. We had thought jsI now complimPnteJ by lUWBbU8e
A the Agricultural society would escape
iposilion but in this we have beon mis-
en. But if people will employ hum-
jp, instead of phj s.cians, they must ex-
ct to be cheated
At KtREiiiONS.-A Complete Guidu
ill Fancy Work. Beautifully illustruU
Price 1,&0.
it... : o I.a.iIc .1..;.lu,ltu Uof,i' nnrl
ktluaWe, u-ilnoul a leactteryou cm learn.
;i its easy rules and illustrations, Pen
.1 Drawing, Crayou Drawing und Taint
j, Water Color Painting, Oil Painting,
wittu rInlitig, Uiiot:tal Painting, An
Painting, and iu fact all known va-
;iiii uf Drawing ana Painting. Alvo,
oilier Work, Mow Work, Feather
oik, Wax Work, Cone Work, Shell
irk; how to Preserve Birds, how to
uc Aquariums, Magic Lanterns, Papier
ilicWoik, Puiier Flowers, Vases, i-o. :
Iti'la perfect encyclopedia of all that
T!ia:nent;il and useful.
The publisher, Jfesrii. J. E.
Co., Boston, will sind it post mid by
if you cannot (iu J it at the book-
iSi.vsitir Moveuem. The PhiliaJbl-
jiCoi)ffrenc of the Methodist Church
ulilch nijoumod on Saturday last, ad-
id, after long and oarnost deliberation,
esolu-ion recommending to tho next
wil Conferenco the repeal of the sla-
7 renriction chapter, adopted at the
tiit of f!:M body hint year at Buffalo.
lie to see this. Let the chtircnes
u to be divided upon this question,
long step ill be taken, not only
ards a ro-consttuctioii ot tko Union,
lilto, we think towards Heaven.
"JI(rchants visiting Philadelphia
II find the largest Carjiet Warehouse
d the largest and bet stock of goods in
fCirnet line nt Xo. 509, Chestnut .St.
'wrs. iloCulluni A Cj., proprietors, pos-
m-MUf facilities for manufacturing
d importing extenively, feel Assured
it tboy can offer inducements to pur-
Mrs. See their card in another col-
.30 and make a uotc of it.
CitiroitMA Fashion. Ono of our neigh
v removed his family into his new
uwoii Monday last, the greater part of
ie tia.ler of which it is constructed
mtandiiig in the forest three weeks
to. We notice quite a number of new
i'dences in different parts of our
'lge, notwithstanding the gloomy pross
tiof trade.
Our rafting friends will no doubt
' pleased to learn, that our friend R. J.
)'nes, at Salt Lick, has jdanteil numer-
Jiktout snubbing TopIs along the beach
3th bend, in addition to llowiug out
"Rolling Stone" at Birch Toint.
' advise our raftman to try his posts
agrub" too. lie is fully able to
1.. . ... ...
hlltft t ; .. . .
i"C mem in proper siyie.
Afit Showers. The six or eight in-
J of anew that fell here on Monday
uL sroiiiAB a Vsnn iLtuirA frti IVia invlfrrt.
uii,. i..-:t -i . . i.
ua Aiiiii BuetlvlD u tiiuvii mtftei ut
WAn election for members: of Con
nie, took place in Connecticut on
:nday last the first Statu election held
JM"thi farce of a government came to
0 etld. i
Moms Dat. A largo number of our
uni, we notieo, are chancing their rcs-
iiC0Mi. Should our Carrier fail to find
7 of them, they will please report,
punrtt, I
Iti p .-imintijo "'i' (
Mcmcni uaBBppoinieu ii. 11. xry,
M'fMtniastor ofColutnbia, in this conn-
V. Ply U i o i 11 il
S'sl i l' A' ' 0'erwl' removed, (ground well, is healthy and strong, on
,i , 11(1 fought that this estimable lady,' couraging large expectations of full gra.
10 aw . conducted the P. O. with such ncries at tho closo of the seuson. Tho
J'WsfAction to tho conimunidy in- ttmouut sown last fall was unusually
w- jivjv, una villi,-! AtJWUlia larfO, Ull'l 1CU1 UlUO lil iu iu a
Pl for herself and family, would guished in Southern llliuois for the plo
n frared tho infliction of the chono coin crop as in Central arid Koith
4! r ! tut 't appears sho, too, had to crn Illinois. .1iiwouri Jlepubtican.
rmced in order to appease the bloody i .
;013ChofRenublieftn;m 1 Wll l.n it an. Itot.n axii UeaVT KoilllERY AT NewOr-
L .1.. . '
- win De a day or reckoning for this
.?le proscription iu the future, nud
'widow's cause will bo avenged. Wo
"ng mon from oflieo.but we did sup-
-.uai air t,INC0LN jjftd t0 atuch gal-
, "p Jo take the head of a woman .'Sure-
7" resident must hav been imposed
ftii.k"wa'' or 'ledeod w.
bco eoinioiUcd. Lm. Ir
Tho Philadelphia Press.
We ore glad that theihas at lencth
thrown oft the carb thai, still enntinuiut trt
delude a fvw confidino- nnmnerata ami I
that it notr boldly assumes the champion
ship of the Lincoln administration and tho
ucpubiicun party. It appears, indeed to oookb one tor beginners and one for Due from other Banks .
be so near the throne- ut YVashintgon that I more udvincod scholars for the us3 of Bank Notes of other Banks .
it daily forshadows in advance not only common schools in the Confederate States. Checks. Drafts, 4o. . -the
intentions of the administration butl'N'e copyrights of the new work are to J"''" , P1 " . "
its varying ideas of futuro noliev. Wo
always had an idea that Col. FoitsfY
would return to tho Democratic party af
ter his revengeful feelings toward Mr.
Buciunan had been fully gluttd, but tho
Republicans Lavo him uoiy, nock and
heels. While we wish them iov of their
bargain, we yet Icel disposed tocommiser
ate the untimely fateofoneso gifted and
proiMng, another victim of mai ambition.
That in this new attitude the Prmshould
be more wickedly personal than ovor in
iti allusions to the editors formor asso
ciates who remain tru to tho ancient
faith, is not to be wondered at. That
it should descend below its own love! in
attacks upon such old friends as Hon.
Wm. II. Welsh ir, then, natural, lor thoso
who fall from grace ate ever more bitter
against their former compeers in virtue
who remain seadfust in tho right than
against the less meritorious. When Mr.
Welsh followed the lead of Col. Forney in
support of he who was tho patron the pa
tron saint of the latter, most extravagant
from his former fi ind. Wo say compli-
tnented b causo abuso under such circum-
"truces is true praise, more to ue eovoieu
to tVitamih over U f ucb attacks.
however constantly or violently they may
1 r .
. . . , , . intm,ri,v
may well laugh at tho malice of his ene- with scornful
.contempt. Uiifoit vcmocmt,
The Movements and Objects of tho
Southern Commissioners.
The Washinctor, hitter writers ray that
tho Southern Com niissit'nei-s are in con
stant, communication wi'h the uovern-
merit at Montgomery, and act in accor
dance with its feelings, which are to ex
haust every possible moile ol obtaining a
peaceful solution of the questions crowing
out ofthe late scceaaion. Tliev do not
do.-ire recognition by tho (joyeniment:
They have erected an independent na
tionality, and (eel able to defend it against
all coiners. Their business here iitopro-
cure iiiu i't.ii.iiiui L'vucu:iuuii in who ir
within their limits now held by federal
:ure tho peaceful evacuation of tlio forts
troop.-, anj to trout tor an mineable ar
rangement of their complicated relat ions
with the federal govei nnu lit. They are
acting with com unininte prudence nnd
.thility, and are siicrilicing all technicali
ties und forms to sftcuro tho substantial
puriuso of their mission.
Tim Southern Commis.-ioners have most
positive assurances from the adniinistia
tion that no attempt would be rnado to
reinforce Fort Pickens- This bus been re
peated to them several limes. They feel
bound to take thee nnsiiranccs. They
have no riht to go behind this. If the
Administration h-ive so decided, then of
com so tlio responsibility of precipitating a
collision, and plurgiug tlio country into
civil war, will rest solely with the powers
that be.
A Republican Senator stated that there
was 110 doubt that tho ab indonn.-ent of
Fort Pickens would take place in less than
twenty clays. The hesitancy, it is said, of i
the Administration, in regard to this
point, is from tho sitne cause that lias ,-.1-crcated
the delay in the case of Fort Sum- ',J
tor, nauitjly, u dedra to avoid iu elfect on
the New England election. There Is no
doubt, however of the ultimate purposo
of the Administration.
Highly Important from Havana.
Ihl'l Attempt of SmU tu Annex .S?. Domingo
The Spanith Fleet liaised, and the Aid f
Government Pledged Haytl tu sLirc tle
same Fate The 'Movement Aided lj France.
Nrw Youk, March 29.
TLo tellmsllip Quaker City arrived this
evening from llalmna, from which port
she suited on Monday last.
Much excitement prevailed nt Havana
on the subject of tho annexation of St.
Dniringo to Spain.
It seems thai a system of Spanish cnii'
eration has been roing on at that island,
' under the supervision of the Government,
the emigrants being instructed to noist
tho .Spanish flag whon tho proper timo
arrived and they had gained suflicient
strength in numbers, nnd then invoke the
protection of Spain.
This was dono on the Cth instant, much
to the astonishment of this blacks and
natives there.
When tho newi reached Havana, the
Spanish frigate Uianca, fully armed with a
larse number ol regular troops, was uis
5 1 . 1 .1 :.l "! I
if - ,... lhi.i)0, &.AlU(L on tho 23d
1 m . , . .
Two screw fi inates were soon to lollow
with five thousand regulars.
A lunre naval and military forco of ten
thousand is said to. be on tho way from
Snnin to Cuba.
The U. S. sieainer Mohawk arrived at
,. . . .
It is said that liavti will soo i sharo the
. v.. . . -.
sauio late us St. Domingo, with tna con
sent of Franco.
ItiminOMa nl Ilavnnna was dcill'CSSod.
A million dollars are suid to be on route
from Spain to aid in the tnotallic circular
lion ot tuo isiunu ui v-uua.
Wueat Pkospcct. The farmers of Illi
nois have every reason to bo satisfied with
tho appearance of tho wheat crop at this
time. We have reliable information from
more thin twenty counties of southern
Illinois, giving assurances that during tho
past ten years tho ivheatfiolds in March
IlUSl ICII J ClUa VUO niicuuiutuj ill
i,avo never appeared bo promising
The irrowth is atlmirably pet, cox
e . ... . ..."
us now.
coteis tho
" , ,. 1 . vr
leans. l ive Cuban laaies arnveu ni new
Orlean - , in the steamer Cahawba, having
$'2,000 between them. They stopped at
ner went out to take a walk. During
thoir ubsenco thoir room was cnteren, unu
their trunks robbed ol the above amount.
It li Hiinnosea tne tniei was a louun-
41... . ..
passenger wun tuein in too sieniuii uom
Jl-vnna. I
Soi'tuirv ScnooL Books. A resolution
wa9 introduced into tlio Georgia State
Convention on the 8th ultimo reouostinc-
the Governor to issue ririzos ofSSUO each
for spoiling book, arithmetio, English
Bramiu'ir geography, and two reading-
be tlio .properly of tho author, or com-
IIeavv KouiiEitr. Tho chief of policaof
Louisville received a loiter yesterday from
Coluuit us, Kentucky, in forming him that
, ' . r,i u,. , ,i i
the sale o Mr.lionk bteirart, of that
place, wus broken open on Sunday night
hist, and robbed of more than five thou..:
sand dollars), astollows: f,(J(J(J in Ivrontv
ilullur gold pieces, $2,100 in bills on tho
Utibn 15ank, Tennessee, SI, 100 in Mis
souri money, anu between seven and
un money, and between seven and
gh4 hundred dollars in tens and twenties
in Kentucky currency. Journal, '22J.
. J5.QTA fellow who passed himself off for,
a preacher in Kassas, taking collections I
ill aid for tho suffering there, cauio to the
residence CI iuv la inehack, in Kicli
land township, Bucks county, a fow davs
agp, ana aslteU to stay a low weeks. Ho,
preteuaea great piety , ana even made an
appointment-to preach. Alter staving a
i'ltur rl:iv'a liA "" litt.-tmr witli liim n
tin box, containing $.55 iu cash, the prop-
erly of Mr. Wineback.
K3-A reward of 10,000 Know Nothing
Cans and Cases is oflered f.n- the baek.
1 s. . . 1.
bone lost by tho -Second Washington." ,
alias Abo .Lincoln, in his Illld-Illglit lllgllt
from llarrisbui g to Washington, to e-i
capo the phantoms that ho imajriiieJ Viklfs
going to assassinate him. mce ho. took
possession of tho Piosi lential chair it has
been discovered by his party that his back
bono is gone thut wo have no govern
ment Lciico the above reward,
tfaTTho New Yorkers, who are pro
verbial for their roliidi of all intellectual
amusements, had their taste highly grati
fied on Tuenrhiy evening by witnessing an
international don fight, $250 a side be
tween Kosie, of Urooklyn, and liosn, of
Liverpool, England, both famous lighters.
Tho contest wai well maintained for
twenty minutes, when thi English dog
wus deelared victor leaving her adversary
nmirlu flp.lil I
J '
Mkndixo A IvrouliAl'lllcar. Krrou.
The Washing ton corrcspndont of the New
York T imc& typogr.'phicully called Mr.
Weller of California, '-an old politital sot,"
but ho corroded error, and stuto that 1
the word should have been "rat." I
Of course, Mr. Wellal" Wl.U feel much
gratified to know that his political statu.-i
. .. . . , - .
lecn 'nly deiined
Stxci'Lar Eitect P Dii'IHEria Noah
Bui nhaiu, Jr.. a young inaii 10 or '20
years old, und Elizabeth t.liltord,
10, residing in Cupii Ann, Md , had tlm
mystsrioiis throat iii.tlad v o few months
since, which has rosulted in a paralysis of
their lower limbs both being unable to
walk, and not being ablo even to stand
upon the floor.
1,000 Chances to Make Money'
fiwy All persons tlesirous ol securing an
Agency in this
Should send on their names ut once, cu-
, . ., , ,,., i- .t 1
closing a three-cent stamp to pay post-,
age, and receive by return of mail
Which afford a
Rare Chance to Make Monet.
Without risk, together with FULL PAIN
TICULARS relativo to this NOVEL
Iteiy-To insuro prompt and satisfactory
dealings, direct ull orders to
;L()ItGC Ci. EVAS,
13!) Chestnut Strctt,
npr3-I0t Philadelphia.
TiLASTEHIXO. Tho iubsriher, having 1.
I cated himself in the borough of ClcarUeld,
would Inform ths public lliatbo is prepared lodo
work la ths above line, from plain to ornamental
of a.nv description in a workmanlike manner.
. Also whitewashing and rcpairini done la a neat
niaunt,r,n .y r,..ou. -..
kJ TY 1UXK, fur ttie montn ending March
80 1831
. . assets.
4nnfyTvan"a State Stock" ."
Specie . - . . 1 .
$I8,W 38
21,348 74
4,212 14
j,?f.o n
' 1,170 00
419 00
223 19
781 75
tiuaetJt 4e. . . " .
(42,110 22
Sl?ck '.d ln " J"
Notoi in circulation - ),680 00
Du8 Depositor. . . M 97
interests and Exchange . 89125
$ j.uo ;j
JA3. B. GRAHAM, Cahlcr.
Pa., March SO, 1HM.
"Nil AIRS" riTATT?s!
fl1"1"0 W1A1U3
1 1
Tho undersigned hai now on hand, at bis Fur-
nituro Booms on Market at., ClearBeld, Pa., a
ahort a'ntauoe woit of LitH Foundry, a lir;jo '
took of
uanufacturcJ out of the bsst materislr, fini.h.I
n a verjr uperior uiannor, and wliicb ho will sail
FOU CASh. His lonS experience in th.
business makes him feel confident thut hischuira
' rc muio in 1 ueJ "orkmanlik. ai.a-
.Br. ttai wi" UuJ th lcst of lrml p""u
... . 1 11
wil""S " can i I
and get them wuilo they can no nau at iuo lowest j
ut o7 ,Ssi-tf
uox over 11, 11 is inr
telTt or eaio very cnonp lor iasu, uy
O. 15. Mr.KKliLL,
t i , r,.,.ol' Ui,r'i' sIap
In basement of Men el. 4 JUg-ei a More,
Cleiilield, Pa. fob-.
Th mbscrirjoru nav? opeiivd ft 'ull and cora-
i TiTliiC in tlit nuv hrirk
lnl,.ln ii,.l-1u.,tnt lif DHL'liS ill
ulliMills f )r, vo0lls, on the corner of I.ecust
anj Cherry streetn, in tha boreugh of Clf arlleld,
wbora they will lie happy to ucooinmorluta any
er.tun wb.I nmy desire articles iu their line. Ihe
lusine will be contincd strictly to a
Devi and I'.nerwtlvn llnalness.
AnJ nopatnaHiii bo spared to render satis faction.
I)r. M. Voot-s. Ilie junior pnrtner, may always,
bo fjund and consulted in tho ' Drrg Utoru,'
when nut iilisont i,n iirofesional businwss. A
nia'ato room for eonsultatinn is attaehod 1 to tho
store, Hure patients nmy ho exiiinincd privately
r.rery ait';,e asuany loumi in sut:n hu tTaiuo
lish'mont will bpscuton hand, and sold ut greatly
radioed prices.
Tep.iis STiiicTtr Cash, will enable them
! to offer inducements la the way ol prices
I Physicians will bo supplied nt a small per
ceulai;e uvr cost and anajii aiii their uidors
are solicited. Kvery article sold will Le p!ir apd
, uf the best quality.
! f ii i: n it i Vi sTi n c v i u w s
ibLACli WOOD'S M A G A . I N E .
,2 THE EDINtllUiH ltliVtliW,
I (Kr o t'hun h.)
i (Tory.)
TL'Jl M S .
l'or any ono of ths four ltuvieirs,
j For nny two of th four Itevicwa,
For nny three of the four lleviews,
j For ii 1 1 four of the lloviens,
! For Hliic kwooil's Miiuzino,
j For Klnckwood ond one Itoviow,
! For liluckwooil unil two lteviews.
rer unnuin.
$: 00
5 00
7 DO
8 00
3 Ut)
fi 00
7 00
g oo
10 00
or Ulackwooil uu4 tin eo ltevicns,
For BluoltwooJ and tho four Reviews,
N. It. The liriee in tirsat lirituiu for tho five
Periuiii-iile ubovo-nuiucd is $31 lcr uiiuum.
Rviiablithcd b
iuiiri3-0iu U Uold btroet, No ork,
EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letter tostnmon-
I i tarv bsvine this daybopn trninterlto the un-
idersincd un tho estate of JAMES REA, sr. late
of Jordan township, Clearfield county, deed,
all pcrsson knowing tlienmvlvvs indebted to snld
estate are requested to muko iniincdiute payment,
j and thoso hnvin? cluims against it will rescnt
i thcui duly aut'iouticatod for seltloinent.
T1I08. REA,
j March 27, 1SC1 Executors.
17 LOUR ASH CIKAIX. The subscriber
' now offers to imrchascrs a suporior quality
of FLOUR, RYE, CORN nn OATS, at the very
1 lowest cash lirico, at bis WbipIiohss in Puilips
uurc. JACOB KEPLER, .r.
l'liilipsburg, March 20, 1861. 4U
" lUTHlX.-All pcrsors aro hereby caulion-
y ed nrainst iu'r''h"l"n? or nfdiiiin
m. nrtnin YOKK of OXEN, now in tho posses-
sion of C. D. TUBUS, si the same belongs tome,
.nJ r. left with him on loan only.
Ferguson tp., Marcfc 20, 1861. :t
' i DMIN15TRATOR S NOTICE. Letters of
) J Administration having this day been prant-
ed to the unacrslKiioa on tue esuue oi jr,
wn S0Jfi U(( (if chcBt ,ow,1,llipi Clearfield
; county, deceased, an persons luuvuieu to saia
' estate are rcUested to make iininediuto payment,
'and those liavini? cluims UKainst the same will
rroicnt them dulv authentteateil lor settlement.
1 " ttirin T elTir,iiBi'
V"liMISISTHATOirs Nt)Tiri Letters
of Adiniiiistralion having been this day
granted to the unilorsigurd on the vstato ef
(lOI.'LD WILPOX, late of Huston tp Clcar
teld county, deceased, nil persona indebted to
said estate nro requested to make immediate
payment, nnd thoso having claims njrninst the
gn mo urill present tboin dulv authenticated for
settlcmcut. I'HILIP UEVENER.
I March 20. 6t. Adm'r.
Hog leave to announce to the cititrut of Clear-
field and vicinity, that ttatir CAR will remain fur'.turo-worth not less than 60 cents, aud possibly
BOU1W llini ill uiu rvui li unuicu ptui.Qf iui tug jui
use of affording all persona a chance to get a
ursi ciuss
From t Miuiaturo to a Life-iiie.
ffia-Amhro.ype. nnd Dagaemotype. copied at
the; shortest notice.
Having nau aevcra. years experience . ..,
the eastern cities, they are coulldciit that they
. 1 . . - nil . li ,1 f,.n- ihnm M 1 1 li fl ..nil
tail JIIUODB " " wu; au.u. ......m " ... .
Pictures taicn eciunllf as well la cloudy as in
clear weather.
Prices, from 2.1 rents upwards. marl3-lt .
nwackerol nnd Herring for sale at the corner,
ltlMorsf E. A, IRVIN.
t.iirwensvnie, ,ny i, w,
tt i n n i c
miCES FROM AO to $70.
graving of which is here rrirer.te'l, has now
i,,,, been introduced, and Is, hcyoUd question,
tlio best, ai well at thu lnind.oiucrt, low-jinooj
Sswins Machins now beforo tha 1'ublic.
No. 1. A suiull uu'! very neat Machina fur
Fuiuily use.
ho. 2. A lnrp;a Jlacnme for rjunting neavy
"ork nd for I'lsntutiun use.
This Machine is much admired fur its simplici
ty, and for its roliatjiiity and durability it is un
surpassed. A child twelve years can ruu it witli
esse ; and yet it will sew from Ilia cuar.scst cluth
to the finest hwios. Uliur.' is ni trouuls cl re
" iiiuil
winding tho ttireatl, as it is tukon truni tue rpouis,
It hna i bolts to give trouble, and will run
tuekwards as well ns forwurds. and still sows
eqUKlly perfect, and without danger of broaking
needles. It runs l-y Irictiou, and by closing te
Macbino iu use.
1 icardtd thi t'.l
.Machine :
At the IVir of tha i'rauk'in Inttitntc, 1SCS,
the First Prcmiuin.
1 1 .1 . i, , ; .. ci .. . T. .. : .. 1 nl.!i.. i .1
j Septeluut.r 21) lsi9 lho tir,t i-reinium-a
At lha l'eiiufylvunia Stnta Fuir,beld at Wyo
iSB0. u.r M.dul.
Fur the butt Dou1fo Thread Machine, nt
caner 'Jouuty Fair, Leld October, lSj'J a Silrcr
At the Maryland Stuto Fair, held at the I;ir7
lund lusti'ulo, Dulliuiore, Md., Oclohor, 18!U,
under strong i.ompetilion, a Silver Medal was
awurded to this Muibine.
At tha New t'atlo County Fnir, Leld nt Wil
uiinton, Delaware, October, 18JW a Diploma.
The ubovo Machines aro lucnufacturcd by
C'iiAiti.::s v.,
Wllmlajton, 11.
Nu. "20 ArcL r-treet, l'hiladelpbia, Pa.
Ku. 501 Market Street, Wilmington, Del.
mnrl.l-ly ,20 Arch Street, I'bilndolpbi.i.
T.-f Persons witliing to see tlio ftbovo Machine
in operation, can do so by culling ut tho I'cbi
denco of D. W. Moore, iu Cloariwld horougli.
A!!RII.I.Ifi t )!(KS Just Issued fr..w
tlio Mumiuoth rublishinc IIuuso nnd orii:-
inul tiift Hook eatiiblisliiiient of (JKdltOli (J.
EVANS, ii') Chcduut gu-eet, l'liilui-'lpbia.
"Liberty and I'nion, Now uud Fforcver, One ai.J
lujeporublo, Ono Couutiy, One C.n
stitution, One Destiny !"
A work douinnded by thu times, t'ontnining
Selections from the writings of thut
imi Statksuan Sud Tiit'ii 1'atiuot, DANIEL
Also, the Declaration of Independencf j
Coustitulion of tho tmU'J States; and Washing
tor's 1'iircwoll Address; with copious indoxes.
For tli 9 higher clas.-.'i of Eilucatiunal Institu
tions and for homo reading. Largo 12 mo., with
a Beautiful Steel l'ortr .it of Webster. I'rii'e,
$1 (0. Acconipnnled with u handsome gilt,
worth from 60 cents to $IU0.
'Tho L'uion Text Book" is n vulumo of power
ful interest for the present tiuics. Its subject,
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tle it lo universal acceptance! Every Merchant
should have it ! Every Mechanic fVuuld have it !
Every Lawyer, Physician, Politician and Patriot
sb mid have it ! In fact, Kvcry llody, whether
Man, Woman or Child whethor of the North.
South, East r West, shouM send for a copy ' f
Ibis one of the mod needed and ncceptublu
Hooks i vnr submitted to thu notice of tho Amer
ican public,
.tr Tho preservation of the Constitutiornl
Text Rook tu tho people of tho United Slat',
ccrlunily needs no apology, for it contains tliej
r undiiuieiit:il Law otour country, with an u.lro
ducliou selected from tho writings of hi in who
has juMly been termed tho "Expounder und De
fendor of the Constitution." Iu making tho se
lections from the writings of Mr. Webster, great
coro has been takeu to select such purls as may
be considered National, und which will tend lo
strengthen the opinions of tho old, und to im
press the young with A Lovo of Cuuntry, A Ven
eration fur the Constitution, A Respect for tlio
Memory ol tlio Great nnd good Meu who Found-
...i i, i.i: 1 .-i... i. i
cu our itepuuuv, nnu nuw mtiu iuvu anny, u
forvont attacbiuout to the Union, tu Lihertv, toi
Peace, to Order and to Law, and v. ill ulso teach
lessons of Wi.doui, of Morality, und of Religion,!
ns .iass liooit, mis voiuuie is iuuii vsiuuoie,
nnd when used as sutli, the instructor will readi
ly lir.d iu the iudexss suggestions lor all thu
questions necostury to tu asked, and the answers ruuan, ic.
of tho studuuts should uhvnys be iu tho cxuctii, t.m, v ... n .i .
word of the toil. Addroull orders to , II Tc'la "",b11,'U VUr.'uU a,,'a m,,"t PIT:"4
Publisher, io'J CUestuut SU, I'Likcla.
Also, new ready,
A volume that will thrill the soul of every
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sonal Adventures, Romantic Incidents und Lx ;
pluiti incidental to tho War of Independence.
Suncibly illustrated. Large 12 mo. Price $1 2j,
accompanied with a beautiful Gift, wor'h from
60 cents to $100.
'.The Rouiunco of the Revolution," is a work
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portraying as it does the remarkahlo heroism, the .
noble impulses, and the wisdom aud sterling in
tegrity of tho immortal WASHINGTON aud his j
gullaut compatriots, while struggling for the:
achievement of our Natiouul t Indepeudcuco, iu
these "timot that tried uicn'a soul3"the days i
of '76. I
A copy of cither of tho above mentioned w orks,
together with a Lundsnms present, ranging iu
vulue from it) cents to $100. 00, wi'.l bo sent to;
:.. .1.- 1T:...1 c'...t... 1... ..,:
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IIk tir cn. nnd twelitv-olio cent! uddltlcnul.
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Silver Plated Ware. Jewelry, Silk Dress Patterns,
etc. all oflbe uowest Styles und bet uiauutuc-
Send for a complete classified Cutuloguc, ofuiir
own uud other's Publications, which will be
moiloil to you free ol expense, muke your scleo-
lions, and be convinced that iho most Liberal,
Ralitbio, and Enterpri.-ing Eslabllsbiuont In tho
country to buy bunks is ut the Original and Pop-
" " " ' V l.Z ,
,,,,-,.-, K,., PLiiactclnLLat.
March 21). ISftl. 4t.
! ri tella aud other ilinwls in variety at the chesr
, O Store of E. A. IRY1X-
Cunveiisville, May 10.
Dried Apjln, Pared and unpsred
i r Tearbci, CbfrrU,
I rnne and Itauin. st
IhtCorn-r t"i ef E. A.1RT1N.
THE I.Cl.n- Ml Uii: UMAMf:
Dr RoseuT Jlsm.nos, v. s ,
Profosor of I'ih olugy and eporalii surfcry iu
the Votcriuury College of Phtludelpblu, etc. its
ill Toll You of tha O.igin, IliUiry and deduc
tive truits of Uit various breeds of
Europeun, Aiiiittic, African and Auior
iead Dorses, iUi the physical fur mil
lion aud pcculiuiilics of die nniluul,
uad bow tu ascertain lifs uj;e by tu
unmoor and oonililiou of his leuth ;
illusliatod with uuuerous tx luunoiy
Wi.t Tell You ol Divcdiiifr, Duukinr, r-tubliue;
I'eeding, (Jroouiinp, fLotii'if, mid lli
cnriM-l ui;iiiagenieut f the horsv
nith tho bet uiudi'sof ndiiiiiiirtoiiii.;
isedicinc, also, hovf to treat liitinc,
Kicking, Rearing, .Shying, Stumbling,
Crib Litiug, RcntluMiicFi, and uUicr
vicos to which ho is subject ; with nu
merous explanatory ongravings,
Will Tell You of the cnusos, symptoms, nu t '
Troatniout of filruiiglos, Som Thruat
Distemper, Cuturi h, TuUucuia, Dion
chilis, l'Muumuiiiii, Pluurisy, Droken
Wind, Chronio Couh, Rmiring ami
M'hiulling, Lnuipas. oio Mouili und
I'll era, and decayed Teeth, with other
disease of the Mouth und Rc?piruto.
ry Organs,
Will Tell You of tho cause, symptom ihi
Treatment of Worms, Dots, Collo
Slrungulutiuii, t-'tony Concreiious
Ruptures, I'ulcy, Diarrhea, Jaundice
Hev;uirrhocu, liloody Urine, ritonea
in luo Kidneys uud Dlndder, Iuiinuia
lion, aud olher diseasen of the citom
neb, Doweb, Liver uud Urinary Or
Will Tell You of tlio causes, symptoms, audi
Tir.iluioi.t of liciiu, Dlojd uud Duj
H.iavin, 1'iug-Ilone. Kweeuio, Strausy
Drolceu Kaccj, Wiud 01U, ruuuder
Kulo Xlruisouiid Uruve!, Cricked Hour
bcrutclies.Caukor, Tbiusli, and 0 run.
sho, ufMegriuiA, Vertigo, Epilopsi
r-tuggori, and other tliscasis folU
1'eot, Legs, and Head.
Vt'ill Tell Vou tf the euures, fyinploms puw
Treatment of Fis'uia, foil Eul, lilun
ders, Farcy, ticurlet i'erer, Mar,g
Surfeit, Locked Juw, Rhcuiuulisiu.
ramp, Iisoates or tue Lye ami
Heuri, Ae., ie. und how to muiugo
Custratiun, lilccding. Trepl: inuing,
Jtowoling, l'iriiig, Hernia, Auiputu.
tiou, Tupping, ami other surgicul of
Will 1V.1 Yod of Rarey's MothnJ of timing lli:r
m. ; hoar to Approach, Halter, or Sta
ble a Clt ; huvr to accustom, u horse
to sirmno sounds anil nihts,and how
to Hit, Saddle, Hide, uud Rrouk him.
t lianiof -i, also, tho rurin aud law
t-f, The whole being tho ro
suit ol more thiiu liMuen yea's' earofut
study of the habits po -uliariiios,
wants jnd wcakuei-t of t'uu uobla
and useful uniuiul.
The Hook coutaius uI p.igts, nprunpriatvly 11
luflrutud by uourly One Huudred cugravings.
It is printed in a clear lid open type, und will
bj furwarded tu any address, iostge paid, oa
receipt ef piicc, half buund, J1,CU, or, iu datb.
oitin, f l.'JO.
IOM) A V i;.V!l cuii be ius le by ontorpii.
sing men cverywh.irc, in selling tho'ubove. unl
other popular works of ours, Our inducniuont
to all audi exiteediiiglv libvral.
l'or singlo copies uf ilie Uuuu, ur lor terms la
S3"ii(., with other iulornmtion, apply to our ud
d.csj JVIIN E. l'OTTi.ll, Vibli.licr,
No. CI7 Saiiboui Street I'hilai.V;4ii, I'a.
Dicoiiitji r 12, IcOD. Ohio.
MODi' 11 li COOKEKY,
In all its branches. Dy Miss Eui.v AcToX,
Curolully Rcvijuil by Jli. 3. J. Halk,
Ic Tolls You how to cliooso all kinds of Meats
l'oultry, nnd Uuino, with ull llu rnriou
aud most approved modes of dressing
and cooking licci uud Pork; also th.
bjst and simplest way of salting, 1 ick'
ling uud curing tkeame.
It Tells You ull tho vurious and moil approve!
niod.s of dresjiiig, cooking, and boning
Muttuu, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, uni
tiauio ofall kind.', with ths dill'creut
Drepsiugs, Oravici, uud stuUiujJS ai'nri
priuto to each.
t Tci'.s You buiv to choose, clnin, and preserver
Fish of all kiuds, and hew to sn oelcu it
when tainted ; ulao ull the various ami
nio.-t npprovod modes of co,.kmg, nitls
the diflerciit Dressings, Sautes, mi
Flavoring appropriate lo each,
li Tells You nil the variuus and most upprovoil
uiodus of preparing over fitly diuWeot
kinds of Meat, I'isli, i'owl, (Jiiine, nndi
Vegetable Sni ps, Droths, un I Stow.i
nilh tlio lteliehci and Seasonings up
JOUjOlULO iu eucu,
It Tells You ull tho vurious und n-ost approvea
modus of cooking of ct;y
description, also hew to tircnare l'ii-k.
los, Catsups and Cm rics of ull kinds.
Potted Moats. Fish, (inn,. Ar..!.
.v...a w, vn, iii nun eouuing u:i i.iiias
of Plulu und Fancy Pu.;try, Puddinjs,
Omelettes, Fritters, I'iiLoj, Coufectinn
cry, Preserves, Jellios, aud Sweet Di-U
e if every uencription.
It Tells You all the various uud most tpproveol
modes of inakiug Dread, Ruks, Mufnus,
und L scuit, tlio best method of prepa
ring CofTcc, Chocolute, and Tea, unit
how ti muke Syrups, Cordials, (,uj;
Wines of tarijui kiuds.
It Tells Yoa bow '.o set out an ornamental Ta
ble, how to Curve all kinds of Fish,
Flotdi or Fori, a. u iu short, hu-.r to tu
simplify the whole Art of Cooking tita
bliugtho choicest luxuries of tho l.ioitt
within everybody's rcucli.
Tht beok contaius 418 pagfs, r.nd jipwHrds of
twulvo hundred Recipes, nil of which uro the ro
(tills of uetual experience, huving Uta fully and
carefully tcslod under the peuoiiul supeiluun
denco ol the writers. It la prinled in sclcurauil
o en type, i3 illustrated with appro; riate engra
vi.igs, and will be f.rwurdcd to 'uny dJres
in-Htly tumid, and postage paid, on reccij t oftU
pri-e, $I.U(. or In cloth, extra, $1.25.
I M'MIO A lEAKcanbe luudc bv tntcrprt
' , ... . vuk-'l"
.Kc"u wuu n-rw t. a.
dress JOHN E. PtTTLll. Publil,r
No. BIT Pansoin Siroct, Phlludclpbia, l'.
Dccciabor 12, lstlt). Cwo.
AIJM I MSTIt ATOM'S Vll'lll I Lett era
of Administration liavina- been ir ranted to
the uneerslgnrd, tl Is duv, upon tin estato of
. JAMES W. STRAJTOKD. deed, late of Murria
lowuship, Clearfield conniy, all persons iudclit'J
t said citiile nre ruijuested to muke luiediats
payment, imd thoso hinlnir cljhts atruin-t
the mm a will prctcut thfn4!ly sutbemieutcd
icr settlement, SAM CEICLYDK,
j WM. POP.TtR,
, uurlS Ct . A.liu'rs
I J00, nil,hl'oes. A brgr,r stuck and Kwif
-. 1"'tfl, " V; "l V"" t-'wspott crucu
iu 11 i;im ujc, ..iay i'i, iri
rsdies Ar'; gi.o U, ..fpal If tin and tutlure to
J please all. ill be fontid at the ootlit rmt.
l'uiiutwH, May K, Jfti. Y.U,' t