Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 03, 1861, Image 2
,1 . .M.... C.K ....Ai:. '.States, and to restore the wanted proa bVl KiliMmU Uyilumail, !pority ofouronoo great and bapp) conn u----rr-----r---- lr -f 0 U1j (hi good work shall uo ' . . 1 ... -T ploisam uuty ui . Your follow citizen, Greely and Weed. From Washington and the South. Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Buchnaa. pB- Twcutj-flvo to BUtjr Dollar UJ expenses per month will lis paid by the KrU . . . H..i ....... i tj m.i. in man was evormorn wiuiv i" o ....i M....I.;.. r 4 - .1. : . These two bottle holders of the Bcpub- roceivcu last nign announce 7 liepullican press, than was , ihs k60 Mihta.T ThuTC tho lican nartv havo been at dagger's points tnai .uississippiuu va.. ...: Mr, jjuciial;an during the last lew wees Machine, una 10 simple to lu co.atrucuou thata t. W. Moore. CLEARFIELD, PA. Wednesday Morning April 3, 1881. To tho Patrons of the Republican. Ttie reuvwul of tld and pleasant asso- hitions, Is always pleasant ; but it is with 'iicere pleasure that the undersigned is .w ubout to renew that intercourse with i he people of Clearfield county, and espet iilly with tho patrons of the Republican, which has been in n great measure sever ed, for nearly eight years. On the 27th ult., ho rocoivsd, at Phila lulphia, a note from the 1st AsAistan "listmaster'General, snyinir, very signifi - .tntly, that his services ai Special Agent -l lho Post Office Department, was no) - i 1 . i. ...:., I !m f.inni..l 1 , I V. a ii. .1 . :.. i..i llauiii, rlon Ail n f Ai I fn Irarn In micriita it hv Imlf l . ever since the Chicago Convention, ami "P' " " "" ' ,"hl9 country and falTe to his ! in ruc.ioa. It i. equal to rsiiiVs i the election of 'Old A uo' doe. not seem to Convention representing the weeded XtnVnZSZ thJ wu So which ! Madd" la ... ..d ihcy lake ,berr.nnumW. 'have reconciled them. .States, at Montgomery, Alabama. ivo - J-QCa t0 lho coding "Sltf & I To show the feeling existing between of the seven States have now ratified hat . tTc!, ivo their resnective opinions in instrument, nnu in uio iuuuwinK umer. Wr. Lincoln i:a ueen i iwiuchi. states. Aauiw, ior particular, im ; ,.,., i- i, I , Vote 'month and the very policy pursued by J0cAih C. K. Jambi, CtneraUgent, Mil, jIayg.'Mr. Ruehanun, he has pursued, only more.yuio. warn em. ! Mr. Ruchanan asked for power to CON u.t.u. 'l.. t the revenue on shil-board: which the At ths rcaiJeucs of ber aiater, j Vf Alinlitinnlstfl. . .... : ..!. i r..t them, we oomo 01 our nepuuHtuu ,( u u highly indent at us at emptnig to ro indexof their opinion, general J Slate, prove that they are as a party, controlled 7f AlabnnlRi by abolitionists and that our language is pJ,llluicnt of Mr. Marsh as Georgia, frequentlr too harsh In order to sa isf . .Louisiana, then, more fully in his matter, we liavo w M MursU dcem9 tbe Mississippi, nn iv cii il.nt oil nur inrnrmr lion un- lJ :'. .. i i . isi'itisti uonsiiiuiion us j)opmur us nu.uuu iexas, on tins point ha been painerea iromiueir nn(uro mn well bear : and 1 desire inai i own campaign documents, and from the ol Italy to be more liberal. Hence, with j speeches of men who affiliate and act with great respect for him I Jply 8 1 '"j j. them -s a party. . soocteJ for tije Ttalinn Mission." II. 0. They insist that the whole of the pres- ( rjo hs lJje Albany Jourml repj.M jn ent excitement in the South has been ' fol,owi . brought about by the Democratic party ( The R lUiciin pr. of Vermont and its press. We do not expect to con- pj j ,iie vt.rjr highest terms of the vince them at the prctent time of this character and principles of Mr. Marsh, just ecrt-cions error ; but for the purposo of eppoin ted Minister to Sardinia. As Vor- r . ., , . , . ,.Q, .1, Imont Hopublicrtiiism is of the very purest showing them why we consider them Ab thePodiloP of ,ha Tribune should be olitionists wo ask their careful re-consid- 8utieti w;lu ,e endorsement which that eration of the following extracts from 'gnntlcman hns received from its recogniz " Jlolpor's Impendinir Crisis," their lead-!J e.xpajndcis." iiiL' document during the last campaign, The Tribune in speaking of the appoint and also two prophetic declarations made ; mont of Mr. bun lord, a3 ilinistr to by Owniion and Philips, in 18oG, the urn, says: Yens. 87 101 78 03 5 5 7 o Time. March 13, March lti, March 21, March 30, March 20, TwoStatos, South Carolina and Florida, aro yet to adopt uio new cun: iuuuu.i. There is little need of conjecture as to tho part they will take in ratifying and en dorsing the action of their brethren. The gpr.vntion of South Carolina is now in session, and that of Florida meets in a few days, and in a week'or two, therefore, the final action of the confederacy will bo perfected in regard to this important matter. It is asserted that a majority of the Cabinet ore in favor of calling an extra session of Congross, and that n proclrina- lluk'i. tion will soon bo issued to tins eneci, ai- .C i At tbs retiiUucs of ber nater, j CUuttU 1tii,uhliiiu Conuress reused him. ilr, boroaKh, on siu niumo, u a, iU I miiln mid his Attorney General havo yesrof ber sue, llis Jss Usad, nitirt of Lintoln and ins Attorney " ,,! I 'iJrunimart ouunly, Armsgb, Ireland. D.ctsMi ' deeded that the revenue in the Southern M he ltriaVOIUu.rof u. CstUli, ports cannot be collected on shipboard 0-;cbur(:lj p.eioncat iu puc. cording to la.v. . ':.m safe and sound at his home in Clear f -Id, ready, willing and anxious to do ' title for the welfaie of his country, and Mend to his orn business. Uo has no regrets. His official conduct i. open to the inspection of nil men, and h j is ready to submit to the most critical investigation of his everv net. The patronage of the Government is vow hi the hands of the Republirans. '.rty custom heretofore Justifies them in rraking changes, by turning out Porno i-.ds and putting their friends in and (great Moguls of the Abolition brunch of ot their pnrty. In politics he has taken no share, and wo hare not known that he w is a Repub lican."' To thi the Journal aguin replies in the l .ngor required. Xo explanation was giv- ii, becuuso none was required and as ;.i rTr , , , ' Pe nee rhe Fremont (Republican) Parly js i .e 4th of March, of course nobody was uioiiklinu public suiitimeut in the right -iirprised, and everything ws in readi- direction for the specific work the Aboli- following style : iifss for a peaceful surrender, whic'i ,Tns'li.on'!,u.Rr, triviiig to accomplish the i ' Tho selection of lion ry S. Sun ford, for 'ude-and thirty hours thereafter found aii IJn , . u . . i i i 5 v IJo,eu'm' !" u,fc"iest io-ro l0,r,u- ui mmoij miumiiuui i.i.u. l " naiu it is an important, posi. uur uep- Jium Lloyd Garrison in 1S5G. resentativo at tlio Court can render csson- There is merit ir. tho Kepublicun imr- tial services services for which Mr. San- ty. U is the tmt sectional party ever or- ford, by his experience, capacity, temper, gai.ized in the Country. It is the North tact and vigilance (for he possesses all arrayed against tho South. The first j these requisites) is eminently fitted to crack in the iceborg is vi4!o. You will lender.'' hea r it po with u crash through the cen tre." Wondell Philips, ir. litfG. There you have it. No one can misun- ftand such language. l'ho inspirog Prophets never foretold anything more r-iittr 'IVi niularufum It nutra fulltf IV a , . .. , .. . iGreely was tho fruits of British Kold, and ureu uniy exuiiimt) ine crucK iv jias ... . ,, niado in our glorious Union ; mid the lowing tho legal time of sixty days to in tervene between the date of tho procla mation and tho assembling of Congress. The commercial inter sl of tho country seem to demand this, in consequence of lho conflicting interests growing out of the two turiir now before the country. There was q jite u flare up at the Whito llcuso on Saturday hu-t, between the President, Senator Buker of Oregon, and i California delegation. It appears that the President lias solic. iled the counsel of the Senator from These tokens of the " Irrepressible Coiillict" aro becoming more visible every day, among the Union destroying wing of tho Republican party, Vi'e havo believed for years, that tho Abolitionism ofllotace i long as they make these changes withs ut injury to tho public service, nobody - h.iu'd complsiu. "By their works shall i !iey be judged. To tho readers of the fimtullican, and i'io public generally, we promise to de v ;te our bsst eadeavors to give them uso i J and correct information. Our country just now passing through an unprece dented ordeal, and it is of the highest im' I ortanco that every citizen, no matter how i r.;h or ho low his condition nuy be, .iould have a full and coriect understate 'iog, not only of tho causes that havo ii d to the present deplorablo condition of i 'lis great country, but also of the means ucd and efforts made to renfn nnlnf - nd to avert utter i-uia. To aid in tho Insemination of such information will be ,uir chief aim. The peoplo of this Union have hereto i no been blessed with a degree of pros-j.-rity, in all the elements of national reatiiess, unexampled in tho history of t.e world. A sudden arid violent check J.ks been put to this prosperity. That ds is tho result of tho success of the so ' died Kopublican party, whether justly ; i or uot, cannot be denied. The present condition of our countryso far as regards i'ie withdrawal from tho Union of sever- of tbe Southern States, is precisely what i lie Domocracy every wheio warned the i i:oplc, would follow the success of a par y holding the principles of iho Kepubli ' jus. Those who guvo these warnings ore accusod of insincerity, treatod with ' Hitempt and sneeringly called "Patent ''axon Saver." With how much justice, i A tho world now judge. Eight Slatos are now out of tho Union, proclaiming thoir determation never to return. If they rofusc to return which :!icy will certainly do unless the party now in power signify their willingness to treat them as equals in the Confederacy seven other Slates will certainly follow ' hem. What then is to be done T They may ;ive and prosper as a tuition but without tho free market which tieso States have heretofore afforded for our manufactures, e cannot. Tho on'y Lcpe, therefore, is in a ro csnstruction of tho Union and, to this .nd, lot every patriot dovote his energies. There is hopo that this happy consumma tion may be effected through the adoption ft" tho Bigler-Crittenden plan. The last Congress had an opportunity to settle nil our troubles by tho adoption of this plan. Hut it was spurned with contempt. Not that thousands of dollars hat'e been p&id . l.l.s. 1... 1..:,:1. A lAl!l!nnt..l. : n..l.H 'crush is sure to follow if the liepublicanJ , . , ' , . .... .i i No nromulgato Abolitionism in this coun- Who would havo thought a month ago that Abraham Iincoln, Commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy of the Unp ted States, could have decided to surren der Fort Sumter on the demand of the Southern Confederacy? Fort Pickens wiM go next, and so will the Southern forts which have not already gone. Mr. Buchanan said ho had not the power to pievent secession, and the Ile publican party in Congress, refused to give him tho power. Mr. Lincoln now pleads the want of power to prevent secession and to enforce tho laws. Mr. Buchanan did no more. The difi'erenco is, Mr. Lin coln promised to do what ho had no pow er to do, und Mr. Buchanan did not. Tho present Administration is weak in its ignorance of ils own powers. ''.'he Republicans had tho power in Cou givsi to pass tho laws necessary and to pro vide the necessary meuns for contiuuing the government and they did neithe". Mr. I'.uchatian denied tho right of sa cession, ai:l Mr. Lincoln has done no more than deny it. Mr. Bj h'uian never hud a particle more power to re-inforce the forts ol the Uni ted Slates in tho South, or to recover po scssion ofthsm.than Mr. Lincoln has had ever sine tho 4th of March and still has. Mr. Buchanan, under the. .dvice of Gen eral Scott, the same adviser who now counsels Mr. Lincoln, concentrated all NI2VV STOH E. Tbe subicriter Las epocd a "ow Store at Wiltiamivillc, Clearfield Cvunly, Pit,, iv here be will keep conitantly on bend tgonenl ' assortment of Pry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, d-c, Tfblib be will exchange fur TiuiW, Boirdi, Sbingloi, Grain, Country Produce, At. lid will be pleased to bare ull who wih to pun haso any of tbs above articlei give him t cull. JAMiiS K. WATS ON. Williiimsville, April 1, 1SC1. OLE N - ECHO MILLS, Geruantotrn, Pa. , M Orocon, in reference to the California ap-i the available force ol the army at Wash pointraents, to which they so informed the President, in language I 1 not very respectful to cither party. party continues to insist upon tho dogmas of the Chicago Platform The following emblems from Ilelpor are re-produced for tho purpose of refreshing the memories of our Kopublican friends, regarding the sentiments promulgated by them during the last campaign, and pub lished by Horace Greely. "That it is a solemn duty to abolish sluvery in the South, or die in the attempt." Soo page 97. " Thut no man can lecome a true pa triot without first besoming an Abolition ist." Pnee 115. " That against slaveholders as a body we (that is, the ltepublican signers and en dorsers) wage and exterminating war.'' Pai'n 1"n ' That the present is tho time to try the strengh of arms, and that now is the time to 'strike.' "Pages 121, 122. "That slaveholders must emancipate tho negroes, or wo will emancipate them for you." Pago IOy. " That slave holders aro nuisances, and that it our imperative duty to abate nuisances. Wa propose, therefore, to abolixh slavery, thau which strychnine itself is less a nuisance." Pago 13'J. " That slaveholders are more cruel than common murderers." Page HO. " That if negroes had a chanc (which Lincoln, Ureely & Co. desiro to give them) tney would bo delighted to cut thoir master's throats." Page 140. "That we are wedded to cine purpose, from which no earthly power can evor divorce us. We are determined to ahoU ish shivery ut all hazards." Tage 140. ' That there is scarcely a spark of honor or magnanimity about slaveholders." Page 15?. "Ineligibility of slaveholders never another vote to tho traffioker in human flesh." " No co-operation with slaveholders in politics no fellowship wilh llieui in re ligion no fcfliliation with them in society, No patronage to klaveholding merchants no guests in slave holding hotels no fees to slaveholding lawyers uo employ metit to slaveholding physicians no au dience to s aveholding parsons." A half a million of those books were lire and Thief Proof Safe. For the benefit of our bu.iness mon, we i copy the following from an Exchange: Th,i manufacture and sale of l ire and ho got there all the power of tho govern ment ready to his hand. Mr. Lincoln by his acts has given nn unquestionable endorsement of Mr. Bu chanan's policy in regard to secession. Tho Democrats long ago declared that the sectioualist of the Ncrth were the real disuuiouist. They warned the country boioie tho cluction that the success of a parly pledged to si-ctional issues would Thief nroof chests, lias become a busi ness of immense magnitude, and although . ; iiS'd,.truction of the government chiefly confined to one leading house in qu, ,l0ijrv nf Iteptiblicanism has dissev- Philadelphia, ssfes ot Phil ulelphia imtn- I oreil the Union ;.ud destroyed the power fucture are found in almost every part Df lft vernmcrt. The administration of country. Tho great amount ot securi-1 (V:p (.vontually agreo to the dissolu'.ion oft ty which is realized at so trilling a cost ; t1(. Tjnion. They cannot carry out coer. I makes it mailer of immediate interest toicjon ()(.., not comriromise, and whati every prudent business man. A certain j e!h0 cnl. ,j,PV bill treat with the South- degree of security can bo had by insu rance, but tho best insurance policy is im- n :. rv .. 1 . . n sep crate poverninent. , -'" ern Kenublic as Mr liiicl-.anan treated t ho Commission perfect where books and valuable papers.,,, fron) tho .South merely as private Citi' ..l.A..........r I m r1in.niifin? rln.' r t. . ... .1. . . l. 1 . !. i uru in, iiic uiun. .i uiu t.i.v.u.,1.,, ... i on -. lUI. u.iinjiii, iiirougn "is .i-finiiiri ! u'in;... ., i, . v.,.- .... and tho fact is so generally under- ,,f State.bas. at least, treatoi with them I j. j 'i'. " j' ' inJ' I,re I for an arniistis-, ai.d has communicated i t f. i,.'.- ;.,;. wit Ii theui by leltcr in an official manner, j fouler ii- Jono, d j Tiie lloptiblicans aro fast kittling down SwiiriK A Hoivcu, di .utinnthe fatal lmloov ofLETTINi THE J. C, Brcnnor, tt I'h ntil I'.rulnikur, Union, Julyi Bbeiuer, do mont, stood that no mar. who makes tensions to bonis n careful business man can ailbrd to be without a proof safe ; and hence the great extent of ill's depa' tmcr.t of manufactures. It may be objected that some "careful, prudent business men" will not ritk the purchase of a so-.elled safe, which, in the hour of trial, must prove itself to ba a cheat, nn imposition and I'Nl'JN Si. IDE. l'e.t. " The Constitution as It Is." Is against all Personal Liberty Bills in the Slites that conflict wilh the authority try, und to extend the circulation of the Tribune, the teachings of which have brought about a dissolution of our once happy Union. More Secession. The Baltimore Conference of the Meth odist Episcopal Church passed an ordi nance cf secession, finally withdrawing from the Northern Ifanch of tho Church. The vote stood yeas 81, nays 45. This is one of the strongest Conferences belonging to the Methodist Chu.'ch, and is no doubt tho forerunner of another, or Central Methodist Church. The Phila delohia and East Baltimore Conferences havo both ignored tho new Chapter on slavery ; thereby preparing the way for secession, too. The politicians have had numerous curses showered upon them lately by all classes, fcr being the authors of our na tional troubles. We, however, think that tho clergy, especially of tho Methodist Church, were the first to dissolve the Compact, and now aro about inaugurating "h third division. We candidly believe that tho division of the Methodist Church has hastened to bring ubout a dissolution ot our Federal Union. We always liko to seo tho saddle put upon ths right hor'fo. Much as political domagogues have contributed to bring our present troubles upon us, wo cao can didly tay to th Church clergy : Pull the splinters out of your own eyes, to enable; suited in styles and prices, to every de- I South. you to see tho Learnt in tho eyes of the'rnand. These Safes have, wherever lestca. Apniust converting into " a crime and politicians. cCALLUM & Cu MNl'FlCTVKERS, Importers, end Wholesale Dcalon in CAItPETINCS, UltUOtiUTI, OIL CLOTHS, MATT1SGS, de., Warehouse. No. 5CJ Chestnut Street, (Opusite Elate House,) ii.r3'Sl-ly PniLAsr.i.rau. CIAUTIOX. The public rr Lerelv cuuli.n,a J aguinst L&rboriu or trutiu my wile SU SANNAii, on toy account, m I uoi detcnuino j i pay uo dotla of bur contracting alter Ink date. A. J., Uriiham tp April 3, 1861 4t VOt; NTS IVANTIil). V wuHt aa Au't ia every city, town, and coiiuty, in lu V ni I nd States and Canada, to anil a cew : v i..t Inriicle junt invented. It requires a c?.; taluf frou 1 1 to fi; and to porsons out l i.nj lnr. mi'nt, it ofl'frs great inducements, l'jr fail pr- , ticulurs, write iunneiliately i'.nd receive ou.-lcur by return mail. t'EAUOLUT i. fo , apv3-ii. 1.12 Wttluul itreet, 1T Ot"' Hi:TAILi:it o' :oreiu and flnniciitiri ML.rchiii.dtM.i In Ui..iirfiMl (umtv fur tho yciir IS61, subject lu too payment of License : .Vm ami Ii!rrt, Ellin 1l Sod, Uuthi r, A. B. Shaw, do Jninea Irwin, Girard, A"U9tU8 LOCOUU, (10 Wia, F. Humphrey, do Thotnn II. orci, Gnihnia. Holt, H'lld.m i !!o!t, do ITiraiu 'mi(Iw.rJ, Hiuloa, Divirt T.vlnr, do H'illioin liradr, Co Covingten do Julin Ilniuioy, rlo v. Ilutlujiiii, (lonuc y)uu iaiilt,vs u j n vuv ui, ii ii mi j'u..inwii iiiu I'lurs nun. iijiimi, niu fraud u;ion the purchaitr and tho ob- 0f the ' .orninent Phoenix Lumbor A Co, Uuclirli, Fox A Souder, do James A. llrgarty, do 1. Saeiringer A Co., da ZilCOIIC. 7 Oil II) H-i T id 10 10 7 0 15 On 11 it : ci Against nil Underground Itailioilds Ja 'e Vhltcouib A Sone, Vt'oodward, It I). J, McCunn, Thouia.i Henderson, John M. Clia.-, jection comes with considerable force , irresponsible lwrtios are engaged in Hie th it run nil sm v.iiits from their masters manufacture of them, r.very respoetat le .South, to Caiiudu or elsewhere, Nortti. Li.lrwa inmnsti.r. and the matin-! AirMinl nil mnldiin n n' i Ii a TT fni I fprn nfSiifpe ! not an execution. Par-'slmlJ ihnt in tll(. line of rlnlv p.vp.'ii .',, I'. '-ipl tncotl ft Co., Dooatar. ties even from other cities Lave butm laws. I Uowiuiin A 1'erl traded to Philadelphia, by Use well-earn-j -Against all incMidiar.v publications , f orre,ti e . nf pfiiiii I I -rtii ri Stif til nil II I'lPI 11 1'Pii I llPl'P i mill (li-it I 11 Ti 1 1 a II 'ft II Bfir'l'l lis IV (i 1 in I hn ! L .. v(.,i lii-,. liin.n.l,! 1 1... I . 1, A ..!. ,,11 T.-il........ " I...1., i Rl!1 & Weaver, Clearfield, . .... 0 . " Moore A LUwoiler, business into discreilit. liut tbe man wlio 1 pendents, and everything like than. lUrhirJ Mottop, purchaies from a house long aud well es-1 Agui: st nil geographical party organ-' Omhuui A Unjnton, tablislieu, wlioso Miles nave biooa ine tesi izalions that, ariny one portion Ol tlio in illimn F. Irwin, . ' ......... r. I. , .... l v.... niBiii:i a uui ()r : Mirrell A lliglcr, a J. G. llurtuwick, of time, and whose integrity comiuunus ci uniry .igainl another. the conlidcnco of the community, am run) Agninvt tho denial of all right . .... .1 ..i.i. ..--.. . nortsi;. aiiu u mav noi ne out ct place ; iransir, ciin ior siiviuns as welt do do do do do do do do do do da do her'.1 to say, that Msrs. Evans if' Watsm ' masters. Leonard, l'innci, lirofcors, t- Co., without a rival iu this department of I Against turning out of church tho ,,... ,' Jtrudo. Their bale-rooms, No. 'Mi, flies- Ceorge Wa-hington, Pitrick Henry, Thos. I luJiryiridrcimfte- gB'' !! nut street, always cot-.tiiin a largo stock, Jefferson slaveliolding followers in the tionerv ' "do . :.. .i.,i ... . i i l.v,...i. ' A littlk too Tiout. Our readers no doubt recollect that when Major Ander son abandoned Fort Moultrie, anil posted himself in Fert Sumter, that every Black Republican Legislature in the North pas sed a high eulogy upon tho conduct it ad added to their well-earned reputation, and sin " the example of Abraham, Isaac Mnd whatever may bo said of other nuinufae- Jacob, ami of Paul the Apostle, who sent lures, certain ;t is that Fi nns 1 Watsons' , back Philemon. Safes are what they purport to be, and he j Against going to war to acquire com who seeks security cannot find it for a less, mon Territory, and then stealing or uio prico elsewhere. ,n ipclizing the whole of it. and persistent jlv excluding from it the share's of our ftSS-The United Stales Senate adiiurncd danger m ine war, or tlie common i bravcrv of Major Anderson and his eallant published under tho direction of tho, band, and nearly all their leadinz news- " National Republican Committee ! " en dorsed by tho present Secretary of State, Mr. Soivard, ami sixty soven llepublican members of Congress, and circulated wilh this endorsement. Tho sentiments and endor emenlsof this bo ik are what the South complain of, and from which they leain to regard tho peo- papers and stump oinfors shouted Am ! A few weeks ago, however, the New York Tribune und several other 151ack Republican journals attempted to impugn and assail the conduct of Major Anderson, stating in effect that ho was also playing into the haiidn of tho Southern "traitors," In order to suiko tho mouths of Northoin plo of the North as their enemies, aiW j diSUniomts and bring out the facts in this ,;,( avil. ti....,.i.. i... i .n.!oiilribntors in purse in time of peace, giia uibiut ivviviitivu iuuiqu'm iiijiiiuiii rail . . , - ' . ,, ' , ,. . 1 ho Constitution as it is, is excellent a scsbton oi twenty lour uays; ior wincu Imtiguifici-nt the Senators from California and Oregon , is with tho Higher Law peoplo who con will Uraw about S5.000 each lor milage strue it, o if i e, and refuso to abide alone, and all tho others in proportion. 1,10 "Uc-'oni of the Supremo 1 1 !l.iitit-r ivhi.ii tliiC nnrlB rniiin m .ti.H,.l i.iiiiu iiiu iii-iv i-uiitiiui-i iioiii ai l. it .; i. Matthew Forcce, Bradford, Kdwurd Wi liuin , do Villiuiu Albert, do A. Jfoiit jouierr, Jirady, Jacob ICnnU, do John CurlUle, do Keuken It. Jloore, do Thomns Mout2omery,do Daniel Goodlundvr, do F. K. Arnold, do Kaiuuol Arnold, do A. MnntRomery, Curncnirillo, l ho only diflieully we have ! J.'x.'j. F. Irwin, do l'utton, Hippie it Co. John 1). Thompson, J. Strphon Uruff, Con. ft-ctioaery, do do do their Under Ufround Railroad, ;JuI'n F,loe'' rDU' ar-inspiring. territory-nicnopolizingi 'J"00' Ju for this reason seek to bo soparated from those who treat them as an inferior race of men. In closing this article -o call tho niton lion of our readers to an extract from a x single Republican in either House would icl,cr written bv Joshua R. Giddings, in coercion was uio only. February last. In speaking of Uelper's l lie boutli must bo book ho says, "every sentence j!,uis a response ho it his sanction rouiedy with them ompellod to sUy in the Union, and tho country was assured that they would have ii government utter tho 4th of March that would set things to lights in short order. One mouth has now expired since tho 4th ut March, nd tho only change we find is that of a wonderful modification of these high promises. This gives promise of a' till further change, and we are not with-. wordit to sul,enaiona the under-ground out nope iui iucf .ii.i.ucoro a j ei loo rtlwaJnt ofllce ,vorth -5000 ft Ute, fairly and squarely endorse the Big- uh lh(J priv,U.go of spending half his .crriiienuca puin oi nujust-meni, una . lime ot ij0mc f wear that it is their own otlspring ! Whether they do so or not, however, in the hearts of all true Republicans-" His Abolitionism is of the purest type constantly prenchiug lho equality of the negro, and the abolition of slavery every where, and Mr. Lincoln has just appoint ed this great hih priest of Agitation and Disunion as Commissioner to tho British North American Provinces in other matter, and ihow who aro the " traitors," Senator Powell, of Kentucky, an intimate personal friend of Major Anderson, a few days ago introduced a resolution into the Senate, requesting the President to lay the correspondence betwocn the President and Major Anderson boforo that body, the resolution was nearly unanimously adopt ed and sent to tho President. Rut he re fuses to communicate the truth to the York. Wisconsin, und Other States havo i-ivi! inif tpi-rilni-v.nir-n.-iiiiilWiiin i . ..! .t ..i.m:... :.. " ' Conldtionary, iui,v4w lubii iii-iii, no iiivii wi iiu.iity 111 1 11 w I .-.-......v,.-. , t- . if r- in.-! . If tho Renublicans will nbidj bv the 3"'"' Brootnall, Lumber City, Senate, ours, Messrs, Cowan and Wilmot' 11 uo epuuiKans ii aoiuj oy uie,Wr )t & Ju I . , . , ... .,, cuuna mm tu.wiuie, uot ui uiiuie.i-, Mini . , ,.,, j linve ro iiiniiiml uniirniu ilium a u-ill i . . .. i .5. .. , J. kj. . uiuy, do not know for several years to como whether the Old Keystone is represented at Washington or not. 111 j ' conscunces," wo need no constitutional! perK,,un Confoo no umeinlmeiils. Since 1703 we have jogged J tionery, ' da Ju on with the Constitution well, until, in ! h L. Kondenon, A Co., K. W. KratlT, S. '. Hoover, l'utelicn it- Sona, do Bell, do de these hitler days, they set up a million or ! two of "conscience" in opposition to the I.N LlCK.-Our clever and good looking1 "-U"s. V , mil " qUesl ,n0,V f' Ja,ue McMurray, Burnside, minmnnrv nf.lm l!..l.l l!nfi..,n 7 l 1110 I:w ntngieu aim recently uncovered , 1;. sicMa.ten, do Mr. Rowe, has been appointed by the ,atllanr , "ac,colu r the Supreme Postmaster Uencrul a through route agent C10l" ol lli3 l"ici Stalcs- e l"'efer between Philadelphia and the West. ) 11,0 lu:'---- 1 . ifprcs. Our cotcmporary of tho Tdegrajih has I Stkaxck. Is it -not a little singular that drawn un exact dacuerreotvpc of our lUoe Republicans who cried loudly for neichbor of tho Journal. Wo hai supnos led that a II H 11 I:! 12 II 1 2 12 It 11 V It 8 14 11 It n it u u 14 14 13 13 14 11 12 11 11 8 11 8 14 14 14 8 H 14 14 14 14 14 Rusiell McMurray, K. V William Hunter, Cheat Jnmcs Curry, do David McGheeban, Jordan, Snan A Itnrtahoru, do ivm B. lloenrti, do tho impeachment of Mr. Ruchanan, to- .1 l .Ul' ..... I,. ,.rtn,l In r;IV, i.,r..ln I b'Jt i.ftlural ccnvulsion or somethinc :,! Irin iinrpniltf ilnnmntlml il.a nrrn.i r,r y rlkbt Beccaris, do do I 1 1 1 J .1 - l.t t s- Senate and tho country, stating that it I1""5 ,mu lnK0" P"lco' " 1,10 J0"rna a mo ouuin vuronna commissioners lor William K. Dickinson, :v..,i:,.i tn ,i . ,1.:. .: ' n literally snlit in two last week, the outside ' treason when they camo on to Washing-1 Jeremiah Cooper, 'l-'"""""-"""'"''""". v,, - . . now win!. lor VrnKi,JPnl l in.UJron.n. I)i,kpv A Co. was ucuicateci to our gooa looking u ".n right," notwithstanding I fnond, and the insido to his brother. rort llckrn hu9 not been rein!orr,1' pu""!l Hfrty, land the Commissioners of the "Southern 1 1 i" V u"-r' ArroiNiED, Oov. Curtin has appointed Con federacv" remain at the Federal Card the second Jackson. the People are still a rowia in this land. t3P" H is scarcely necessary lo state that everybody knows that the prospect of 'office' is all that makes the editor of the Republican a Democrat " Journal. We most solemnly protest against the editor of the Journal drawing thi s likeness of himself, anil then strive to pass him do do do do do M John Itobcaon, C.ipt. Given of Wost Chester, as Adjutant '. t1, at the request of the Administration, Michael Stoinkercher, Morris, General of this State, in the room of Gen. unli' lla11 V determined whether they J kctmlsrs or fatist mcdicisss. .. I ... 1 1 l : i i .. . i . - . i -v. ii i.. . ,..i t, C. 11 llson, whoso term will soon exmre. !!.. . !.t r i:. iiuiuiiE) u luiiii&iera ui a rorflfB iiovern.",, .wnio. ...... . abolition sentiments uttered by the pres cnt baders of the Republican party ; und and. bowing that equal aud exact justice lf sucll ,cnt;mgnls do not brand them hall be extended lo all the States, and .,Kb Abolitionism, we are at a loss to know :bat this Union mutt aud shall be pre-' r, r !, ft wnnflortii rhanna lin Himimi, uriumru, vi iniiinriit Hi44 uivh oinig w iai luui- ' - - - - IK A Iririn Car nvtll We couUl produce columns of these selfoQ1 upon the public for us- We horo' becn nPr'nted Suporinten:lent of Public come oyer (he spirit of the dreams of t he' A;M; ', Jo"""' lolitioc sentiments utlered bv tha urea. i.. -.m . ., . t IPrintinc. in the room of Charles D. Hine- Republicans since the responul ility ol , c. n WaUon. ClearCeld. f:,rww., 'line. E.a.. who., t.-n, nf nffin. l, v. '.. ??on the shoulders of. Wood. Barrett, do I . ine nan tspntier. now very siiQUeniy tl, ei nsirAvsn l,lred. wrong becomes right. How far political & Goodwin, Curwcnaville, . M-piudice coes to ius'.hv actions which Lad 45a)fWiHiam Rice, for a number of years previously been dnounced as bordering only, the heart of the BsifCarl Shun, the groat I Red Republican wing of the supporters of Lincoln last fall, has at last rscoived bis M-rvivJ upon these terms, let tveru man who .... wl. rll f lit. oni.n.r., r.ii, ii, J .. rutnorod that Henry inter. ; ;.. ," ' -".Davis is to bo appointed Minister to"' , " "T 6 i ' v " ''"'. coit. "Re just and fear not" is an iniunc Wort of this, or anv other moasuro. cal- a;.. W uA ..,i, i. ... or ten vears in the Un led KlaL. How lii. .i,lrr.r tn Tliila1 r.hin .rir . rr. . . J i' . .' . "ninjuno : . .. ,. ....ll".v.-t.umvUiD - - - --- 7 - 1 ,i0n or very uuio importance to time .'ulatoa to re-unite our now dissevered the country for the country s good. I those "Auiericans do rulo America." ; brief Illness of typhoid fever. .serving politician. r u 7 00 7 C;l 7 00 I 00 7 00 i ti) 7 00 ; on 7 00 7 U 7 U 7 00 7 00 7 I'D 7 00 7 00 7 01 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 60 1! I n in 12 60 12 : 2 .10 7 00 7 00 2; oo 7 00 6 00 7 09 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 to 7 00 7 00 7 t0 7 e 111 I'd 10 00 7 00 15 00 12 50 15 00 7 00 5 00 7 00 ft 00 7 00 7 00 7 01 ft 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 n 7 JO 7 00 7 7 it 7 00 7 (0 00 7 00 r oo 7 it 1 00 7 05 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 15 O I ut 5 0J SO ft CO too ft (I ii ISJ-NOTICL'.-An Appeal will Se beld ob th 7th dT or MAI next, at ths Conitniomuiier -ii - - - . i - . . v. . . . w . ...... ........- (,.... . .. . . . w.iinini, in i luurnn hi unrni i.n . ... ,nnn'r, mj Spain. Mr. Shurx has boon some eight nian, died on last Wednesday evening, ut I"1.''1""" l8.uIcd xv,'h "ypfcrisy and de- ho f0el themaolvts agriSved by thi abovs Ar rruiiement, can attend if they at proper. E. K. LIVERUOOD, pt3-4t Merturtile Jpprait