Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 27, 1861, Image 3

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    "f h Cfrnriu.l, JUpriHtiw
V, 1 1MH'AV, M Alii II !7 Mil.
Car Tltr t Tyrone. j
Tli niini-r mm 'i-iDKiit in tlie I'enntvlvanla
, ii.ok.I, en mid ulur lU 80;U liintimt, will b m
fistT.hi . ,.h m.
NlTnia r.npTO,'
fiprft Pisserger 19 ' J P-
r - . . V ... - I
' r O - - I4IR1
Jllail Train
1 ..J I Ifll ...... -.. A at. .
.?":. ... . "?.
An limn run rn rM; c iccrl I11B Lxi rcat 1
, CVI. f . YT. Hull, crt:. Prrtatt,aP1 Semn
,M Li.rrriT.r.q,6fil, will pic-.
'"' "' "' '' '!u;' dtuuei,u
,, , t,i-' 00.1v goi s to Ol.Ihi Jruutii-nn
.baj l.u cliii'tM. Qut' lis
U'iiki-s Hit' li-kt and ohoj'fst hi tLe coun-1
ty. lull mid im p him.
Fire. On WfuncnUy larl, h l.ouie in!
Tike (oviil.ip, Ix longin to 'licnj. i.?arr,
and occuiid iy Joint AnJtibon, w ai en
(inly d.t:oy-d by lire. Ko men Ueinir.'
boul et die tunc. Koneol'tlie furrilurol
wan saved except what liule Mrs, Ande:
lon nav ab!t to carry out. Tiie niuount'
ol Ion ne did not avcertuin.
tu-rWo ui 11 that tlie 1W Oflico at
r.ltuMwIlp i now VHiunt llie foi nit r in.
ii.cuiiilt nl, Joliii Uhi i.m, lidving ifij;iii"d
In jnitioH a I'ubtiuiiater. W jin-numi',
liucvir, that AUuliuiii will not lot our
i.puLboii do without a ;Oil ollice at th:i
jiluep, un u luru jhii 11011 of couuiy ii ku
j litd fi'jui thai cilice.
TuKiit 1'oH ui a Di;v. Tiio volunteer com
panies of Caroline county, Viijjiiiia, have
Icon armed nuh r.tle und ca:t inca w Inch
u'lii 'kill iii a distance of one thousand
yards.' 'J he t'olituijin of the Oid Do
minion liuvo inidt-ntly taken a k-,cm
hem Liui. Nupoltvii. Tney think Hint
eua' tuliv u uioio etledive uheu one tur
ty in on u ftur fooling.
TLe folhmirg fttii.oiiiiti.enti have been
Eit-cielv ihd Y.Ml BallinioiB C infcience
for our county lor the 'iiriiing year. T.
1). Cutwitl:, Cletntit'ld und L'urwftiwville,
S. Cieifcliton. and J. V Olvviue, 1'hilipn,
b ii(.A. J. Bender and D. 15. McChwkey,
'lv Wakhiniov, J. S. I.ea and L. 1).
Uhioii, Ou'ii t'lot.e.
Mr. 6jioiwoJ goi's to Altoona, Mr.
Y.'.-bj to Williambuvp, Mr. .Vendctt
Lull to Mew IUoin.Eeld, and Mr. WiUon
to .Nttvl iiiy.
Fr!im EtvjA, "t Invite the atfrtiou
of cur itfiiuer t r a ci extract from a loiter,
in the j-.f.fiiioii of a rjetitleuian in our
j vn. t'f h.ivt" heretofo. e 'Xireed our
rionhtf in ret'ereuc to both " bleoJing,"
" bojinjt " Kana, believing that
tlnusaiul. .? .lo!Ur h ive been contribute
cU i oauhU t Us nuU'eriiig in that , State,
nacn iu reality nothinj of the kin I ba
V.f'n v.ect mry.
li:cijLisr, Doniihm County.)
Kmi-u, aliii'cn 10, 1S0O. )
' There irA thnuanndii ofbueheli of
"lieu . a.l Lore luml daleien. pun., lo.
ii "I. !ur tl.e s.juin pm t I M:.U lean
: -nv, but t Ji' in." 1 .ul-1 . 1 tiniik :i a :ool
iic.'.l (U a ew.a.e, lor Ui-'iv aie illvii gel. i. rigui, r; m. n. incmiiaon ami soon
.;( ai-rd, tha'. 111 0 wtT.h fi)l',(X0 .utid'Comsiock upp.iiuted viewers.
iiii'.i; 11 .1 ui ;.. tor n;yeeii 1 Uo not cure,
t 1 il'i 1 ot m iogieone dollar
10 the j. ople ol Kans is, lor 11 la n grrai
liam',ii:fa, tn. ihhiO pUnlly huie til-it Hill
ibtwuik if tiii.esaie goud.
Tho News
It i antiotitictil that on Snttsrlay lal
i'.ie TiCriJuit ia uid the onlrr to Major
Anileitnii to t.ut his coiiimtind in radi
i.vsslu evuc.uute Fort S.i 111 1 er, upon thenr
rival at that place of a I'niiM Status war
Col. Luiv on. of Illinois", tl.e confidential ,Ca:he,irt. in Una 111 this Boiough. A
Wend of ihe TrCsMent, was beater! ctuiderible amount of thia money lus
ofJetpaiehpa to Major Atrlemon. j
The et cua i in will tak plane upon the
t:mnlof the bleimior. which hits been de :
lia'cliid by the Secret rry o. the N.vy.
Tlieie is nointimittion whatever, on
luc part or thn outIi Carolina aitthoi it ii , .
Uttiy attempt v ill be made l. 1 .-. vent
.'ev.iouiiiio.. in tuch a miinner u the
U.itcd S-ates- OoiermiiPiit have e'ii (it
toeiiiplny.' AlldeiaOll will alute
"L and eiulmi k wuli his Commune.
Mji.v Auilcisou is oidcred to report
Ki-n. Geo. W. Scr inton, niVmbcrcfCtn.
fN TiO.a the Luzerne !istrict I;h1 ai hi
lenience, in Seraiiton, 00 Monday laat.
tx-Giii. Biglt-r airtvttl ut bra lioma
hiiiiit. A luii.e r of Lis neiuh
lJS .iiitl l,v thi Warhineton Cadets
- a' V ,
: 1 . .
I:, loilgi,!
A, Wuihice, Eq , on behalf of the
Minns. -Kiwul tl.0 unfeignct
'"'tiin.ii tl.A .mi.,,, r ihs.ii- IpIIok Lili-
I') Lit old home,
lusilio" tPtilieil in A fovf SPDrci.riale
tnrks, after which Ihe party dispersed..
itches fi oni Foi t Pickens stale
tu .- ..... i .. e
; fe-'-iie-n ll.eieietu.lin prone-
'"i-Mru err. i eld tot lul a tl.oit liuie
kvr. y tu: i-lGcial oniiiniiiiiicaiiiin
' 11 "' :td t PeiiMitvlii, PH'I tbe eqond
'''"Cia r.oi'l.rr ivln.oice the Fort nor
' '"'ii upi iie. A; uraiai.oed i idicale
oic il.o aoveinnient will also
"iil i ile I 10 aoaudon Foil Pickens lo
"'r ,iB-a
, ;-r.VM,,,,e,, ia aaid to be in receipt
- rnU "? ""U. "' l t,n .a
, lexaa het sent Coir.lnieai-'ners 10
1 '-Hex'.,.- a, ;,,:, L.r,ls aniW'liihu-;
k.Ui it) :,,.... , ... ' ,. ... .-..... 1
, - ...mieiiit l.t-otiie ii in-sat) oiovics
liassi it . .. i
tsoir joriuua eritu tno couuia
CMes arSun,e,!t ,llsl "
"l,tu:"lwn,w" J
JiiOa. Liwuiau vs. Wni. Levis rule to
-W tLe cause why .udameul abould not
, Court Proceedings.
Al our Court ln-ld last week, tlo
ji; o.uetl ttt ,s,.d J,u,Hrol,tl. t
"lttJe ol"t "! Oi-tl. lo .!ed iuiuie-' CHAIP op AM. KISIVI, f
Uiatdj Boa6leadttvilofdeiciiooi4Liuimm,ruCturo4,'utcfa,0,,'t -' '. flnl'M,
1 j iLiy. i " v'rJ pw'nr runner, and' wM.1i it will seU
Michael II. W'orrMl ,. .T,.,nl. ir.
w a. www MUUIICt J
i (.'.h' .1 l . . . .
" ' -Uicei0 lie
i. il ...,.........
.-vv.t. .,, iuiaj,
James .'IclmKo executors VH
II. F.
-moduli 10 open
Judlilt'lll. J'J, aOw., I.ultj uiadu 11 1 moult pio '"
viuetl il,0 L.-li. aliaji wituiu 30 days iw,JWr.n
. ehrtjl wtluiii 30 day
ucr lu A M'"u io ouiuiicc ul lue jiur-"
ioiiey und nileittt, and it Hie
1'ii'iniiU'n n-luo 10 nocft buuU. tender
limn Loii. lo 1'itunl uud iut iL ct at
Anthony McOarveyva. Alexander Mo
riierreit in jt 1011 of lefl. to ulrike oil
Judytneut and rcatore tlie case to the
trial lift liule madn absolute.
J anica St oil el nl v. judaa Whitccnib
Kule granted to show cuoe why tlie
Foreign attuchiueius in theou casta liouki
nut lu dibnolved.
Auditoi b lejioi l iii 1 lie sale ol Ktal Ks
tate ot 'I'houius K.tUton.
Auditors lenort in thn sale of Real E
tateof Win. A. Moore.
Itoad 111 WouUtvurd iom-hkIiio J rum Beitt
raiting ground to lieliiina.
lioaU l'.ooi C'c uili i't Iiouko to MignoU
School hnuto in Covington township.
Koad from L. 21. CoudrieU to the
plar.k Hoad in Uuard to'iishi.
luiad Iroin John Mcl-uliies to Thunnu
Uikeiu in IV1111 towiiahip,
Older J to vieu h Ko.hI, from the mouth
of Jcscph Oooiih lane to intellect 1I10 Komi
Iroin Cteuitit ld to the mouth of Cleiirlithi
Creek, in Lanrence townshiij order to
tic u Uoud from IK-ccaria MdU to Mount
1 leuMint in Ueccuriu owiibhip.
Order to view a Head 111 Hunibido tewn
bhip from Win. W'oatoveia to A.I. Kingj
Order to vieif n Koad from near A.
Batihiiuiii's to the Ki it tun.) ike, half 11
nine 1 an1, of the Ht'ie Ball 'latent ia Hogg
uud Decatur township.
Oi'lerto vioiv u Hia i from tha divi
aioti line ot A. 11. Niuw and Joseph U0011,
u the fording bolow A. II Shaw's tirit
uiill 111 Lawiviice towiiAhiji.
For a It. mil from John Smith's in Bloom
township, to intersect the road loading
from Henry Iteams to the Cream Hill
Tu'npiko in Bra y towiihhip.
For a Uoud from Samuel Jordam Coal
Bank toLiweiico township road lending
from Clearlijld to Clearfield Brid 'o-
For a road trom George Thorns farm to
nar Atite'i dam In Liwreuo township
U. L. Heed, G. 11. HeUey and Philip An
tea. appointed vieweta.
p,. u ijoui, lloIU tho g,at0 r3a(i in Bw.
Cflr;a towiiblup to near S. M. bmi.lin- 1J,
A Stv Rank. Wi hrve been credibly
informed, that a blanch of the ''l a.-nicis
and M chimics" llnnk of New Jersey hae
been etiibliklied not a thousand miles
from Atieonvi.le, but, wo advise lho.-,e en
gaged in circulating their spurious trash,
that a number of our citizens, inclu
ding tho Sheriff, are striving to dis
cover the President ami Cahier of the in
siiiuti.iL. for the purpose of depositing
tliem in the office, la'ely ocenp ed by Joini
b-on put in eucuUtmn in tin county
lately, we advUe tloe eiifiigod in the
btisinea to reiteem their issue, and aban-
J" their ry.tem of Banking, a:.d follow
nn occupation more in keeping with the
1HW' " ' Coiiimonwealili.
.1,rfiirriln17Pu7nm Iton
I jSaTThe flicers in the Custom
at bin lesion, have be n inlorim A by the
proper cQlcera at Havre France, that
jahipe from tlie seceding Stntes of A'nerica
will be a.luni'.e i on the same footng as
those veuu-N carrying the Federal flag. .
Ihilipsturg & Wattrford P.ailroad.
Iba stoi ki a ders of this company rt-sleeted 1
Itnn. O. M. Batrett. Pr-sidcnU Tha Board of
, , . ... , ,
Directors is now computed of tbe following
11. .n T I .A f.n... It n..l.n.
. . 1. 1 .. w 1. t r..
aU "lie VUHH i "Ut Ute aaat vi iua. VI Vieuiil
$. B. Bow. Richard Moip. C. L. LsmbtrtoD,
..... i 1 . .
.Jacob B ack !, U- Ourdon, Cbrittophor Krulier,
K.L - Blo .o.
uu tnergnituo9or taa iiosrn a, u.r.cor.)
. ... ... H m ... .
l,"nJou9 Fattonwat re-alecta; Moe-r-rosident,
Crana H.eiatarr. I
Iu Brn y township, on the 10th IniU, William
o i..r.. .. -f J...,,h k .n.l JnIL K Arnold,
., - 7 ,
In Bradford lowusUip, ot the tb Inttant, ba-
baiS Uuovaa. daaghiar of Wot. aad Elisabeth '
lioorer, tgad I yarn aad a IS dayt.
NOTICE Letters teitamen-
tnrv harinct thit day hern granted to tha un-1
derrigned 'B tb tat f JAMES
, .. ..ui ri.-..a.,i,l eountr. deed .
U ajW MtBSJ rrwiirmiM j , ... m 1 a
all perst m knoalng thon.telvee Indebted to said tuailedto yo ftea o expense, make your salee-
E.lsilntt tn1;
b.Vd" yu P .eountry tobuy book., at the Pop.
' UORE'iT BKA. ' ular Gilt fcook Emparinni or
uuinDsi i. I GEOKUE O. EVANS. .
.'.. . . I
iu s. una, i
. .... I
siarce II. ibi -ta
Thaur-torsl-dl,.. I,. -A ... a...
elture Reams m., .i ru ...! . J
lrtitaow wtUcf Llta. Founder. I i .,',.'
" ta lun8 "
,yHniT.ciminr. mill ivci rVuuuWl IUBV UliniUH
L..Jn.i..J,l.!. e -.r . - 1 .1... 1 ' . 1 1
,rem,d, tauUtBtial.i.dirUikinalil.i.r., and will attod the tftt of trinl. Te-t r ,
wialiing to 'm'liiie flioiri eh'tild onil l onee
'"' gottlioui while Ihpy can tie had At tlo lnweiti
RUT Dill - nr-rvrmira
, , , ....
SarTor isle rery clu-ap for Cash, by
. . . 11 s. r ci.
in uiiKcinriii in uirrrcu a. nig rr r .iore, rnmily uss.
Clearfield, Pa. feb-27. ) N 2- A l"K Mscblns for quilting lrvy
work and far Plunintiuu ut.
p&f Tneiitr-(Ire to Slity Dollnrw and 1 hi" Machine is mui-h ailmlrtd fur lis Impllcl
rxirnF t niAnlh wiH be raid by the Erie ty, and lor its reliability and durubiliiy it in un
Srinr Much ne Company lo their Apentr, for "irprueed. A child twelve yeari can run it with
foiling th( l'rin Ffwing Mrhiuo. Thli If a rew ease; mid yet It will e fruin the CMHrjoM clolh
Miirhini1, knd no aimpln in It ensstruction thai a to the driest Swiss. There is no troubl-j of re
child run Ii am to operate it by half nn hour's winding tho as it if taken fru..i the rpools.
inplrnclirq. It ii 'ual to nr Family 8swlne; " has no. belts to (ire trouble, and will run
Mnrbire ii, nse. and they take thepri-iniutn over hackwaids as well as forwards, ard till sews
fifty and one hundred dollar machines The equally pni',.11, i,J without of brrakms;
pri ee is but Fillern Dollars. 1 he Company wish nvedli a. It runs hy friction, and by 1 1, sing the
t rtnploy Agents In ercry roumy In the United box orr It, it it throno out of iftar. In fact,
P'utes. A'dlre, fVr particulaM, iTrie Sr-m'ng we hitve no hrsilntioa in recommending it as the
.tnci'ne Co. It. Jauks, General Agent. Milan, bePt fan lly riixiug Machine in use.
0,1 marH-Rm. , Tlit following Ywvm Awarded tht ulovt
I.Orit A XI) (iRAIN. The ruhieriber
now nfnrs to purchasers a superior quality I
otFhOlK RYE. (OKN.n: OATS, at the eery
1. west cash price, at his W in
ux'-v k c i i,,i a. '
Philipihors;. March 2n, I8CI. 4u
All pero i aro hereby oaulion-
J ed afraioet purcb.'fins; or meddling
a rertnin lUhr. ot UAbM.noir In tne posses
sion of C D. TUBH3, ss the snine beloufs to me ,
and are left with uiin on loan on'y.
Ferpueon tp., March i'U, Icl.l. !t.
DM IN' f iTAToTTiTNOTItE. Letters of
Adininielrntion having this day hern p-rnnt.
rd to the undercigneil on ihs estate of JANK
WILSON, late of Chest towio-hip, Clearfield
county, dcrrased, all persons iinMited lo raid
estate are requested to make immediate purment.
and those having claims against the same will
preent them duly authenticated f..r seltleinent,
msrrO-fit Adui'r.
J vf Administration haring been tliis dat
giuntrd to the undersigned on tha estute if
UOIILD WILS0V. late of liuxtm tp.. Clear-
eld county, deceased, all persona indebted to
fin! estate lire rcquertrd to make immediate
payment, und those having claims against the
ruiuo sill present them duly aulhrntii-ated fur
settlement. I'll 1 LI r llLVK.N RK.
March 0. (It. Adui'r
IIRIM.IXCi H()K4-Juit issued from
Hie Maui'uoth Publishing House and orig
inal U ift llook establishment of (JEOItOS U.
EVAN'ti, 439 Chcsinut Street, Philadelphia.
"Liberty and Union, Now and Ff.ircTer, 0b and
luteper.bla, One duiitiy. One C B
ititutiuo, One Di t tiny ! "
A work demanded by the times. Containing
Selections from tbe writings ol' that Uin.iicit
no am -md Taca 1'atmioT, DAMtL
Also, tin Declaration of 'ndependenco ; the
C01 stitution of tha United States; and Washing
tot's Furoaell Address) w th copious indexes.
Fur thj higher clas-s i.f JMuenii'.nil Iustitii
iluns and lor home reiulini;. Lnr;e 1'.' mn., with
a Itenuliful Sieel I'ortr it tf Webster. Price
Accutrpauicd ith a hundsuino gift,
Wurth fro n Jfletnlf to $1110.
"Tho Union Text Hook" it a volume of power
fill in'orost Ii r the present times. Its subject,
its authors, iU style, nee u racy and f.llne.-s enti
tle it to unirersi. I acceptance! Kvery Merchant
should hare it ! Every Micharflu should have it '.
Ever) Laajer, l'hjic:au, Politician uud l'u'rio'
sh uld hare it ! In fun. Every llndy, whetliei
Man, Woman or Child whether of ihe I-'orih
outb, ta.-t it West, slmu'd send for a copy ..I
this one of the uiort needed and acccptahli
Hooks ever tubmitted to tbe notice of tha Amer public,
Jt-if The pretervat'on of the Constitutions'
Tuxt Book to Ihe people of the liiiud Stut. -eer.ainlr
needs no apology, for it c.ntuina tin
Kund.itu-ntal Luw of our rotiutry, with an Intro
ductian tclected from tho writings' of him ili
has justly buvu teiuud tha "Expounder and He
len.loi- ol the C1.nstit1ni.1n " lu inuki g thu sc
leciiona from the writings of Mr. Webster, grts
c ra has been taken to select such parts a s m'
ha vourider.d National, and which will tend 1
strengthen the opinions of .he old, and to im
pr ss tha young with A Lore of Country, A Vet.
eraiiou for the Constitution, A l.espc. l fr ih
Memory of the Ureal und good Men who Found
ed our JtepuMic, and bo haru ptssed a ay. 1
fervent aituehinent to the Union, tn Liberty, t
Peace, 10 Older and to Law, and will also tcael
lessons of Wisdom, of Morality, and vf Ite'igioi.
At a Class Book, this volume it most valuable
nod when ued as such, the instructor will readi
ly til d in iba indexes suggestions for all th.
questions necessary to he a iked, and the anjven
.f 'be mi.lenis should alwir.i be in tha exaci
worda ol tbe text. A. Mr ssall orders to
Publisher, 4..V Chestnut St., Phih da.
Alto, m w resdy,
A volume that will thrill the tout of evtn
trua son of liberty 1 Eeing a llisii ry of lha Per
..tit! Adventures, Kointtilio lnoiden It and fcx
ploi's ionJeiuai to the " ar of Independence.
"P'fhly illustrated. Large !2uio. r.ico$l2i.
aceuinpauied with a oeautiful Uift, wor a frm
40 c,uti tu $,ou.
'The It..umuce of tha Revolution," is a work
iliat hitulH bit r.unil ill tha of vi.r
Atneriota Fnea an I It is peculiarly scceptuble
, , ., .
M u ,h, r, ,rkal.le heroi.m, the'
r . . . 1
nobiampuhet, and tba wisdom and ti.rliiij ,B-
Ugrity of the immortal W SillNG tOS and hn
1 gallant compatriots, while struggling for tha
BMiiaiiL i-ouiiiHirii.ia. wuiiv .iih.kiiijm tor iu
-.jieTul!,l of our K(liunal lud.panJence, tu
, times that tried men's souls' th alaya I
A copy el elinar ot ma SDora meuii inea woras,
tosether witb a handsooie u-ateuk raneini in
value Irotn id rent W f 100 U0, wi'l be aent to
any purtou in '.lis Uti'Ud Siatel who will remit
u tLe price, sad twtaty-oae tents sddititnal,
fcr iiotlsga. Hear it mind that tu avery pureba-
r if a book to lha auioa..t of $1 00 or more, w. i
give a cbuiue gill, ilectd au extensive and
variefl artoriiaent or u.iia ana Mirer n atcnes,
''ua - Jwlry. Silk Dress Patternt,
.11 ntlh. .....t KO-I.J a,,. h.t. u.r...
lure worth net lass tbsn W sea is, aad possibly
$1U0 UO I
Send for a complete clatsllied Catalogue, ofnnr
own and other'a Publicationa which will b
114 Ck..ln.t rtuasstv PhllaiUlrthla-
. - -- .-
u...k a. I KSI I ai. t
- . .
II ARRIS' IMPROVEDftREAT vork on thbuomis
I PliJCfS FROM $40 lr J70
' s"" wilu e r. ivivt t"i, usi now
befoln, a fcroitnlted rnv.,riti whtrfr it
!Lni beta n.troducsit, i;l ic. hevulid aurmlor
I the belt, a id iIk hnl.'oiutt, luw-iried
iHflnif Maotilns now before the public.
I V.. 1 1 II 1 . . . a, t.!..
I .iuwii biiu ten noiii mucuinf lor
- .VurAin:
..,. p.:- ..r 1 t..i..- is,.
ih Firvt Prcioiurn. "
A, the ri.mlvnill pt,e Fa,r rhUM
phl. Septemhor 24, ISi, the Fir.t Premium-a
At tha renueylrabia State Fair, hold at Wyo
ming. I SOU a Mlvi-r Medal.
For tho beet Iinuhle Thread Machine, at I,an
easier '.'ounty Fair, held Outubvr, 1651 a Silrer
At the Maryland State Fair, held at the Marr
I and Insti ute, Baltimore, Md., October. 1369,
under strong competition, a Silrer Medal was
awarded to this Ma.hinc.
At the New Castle County Fair, l-tld at Wll.
mingtun, Delaware, Oilolrr, DtJ a Diph n.a.
Tha above Macbmet are manufactured by
U llmlngtou, Uel.
Nn. 720 Are! Ktreet, Philadelphia, Pa.
No. il Market blreit, Wilmington, Del.
S. I). i-AKKH.
inarLI-ly 720 Atcb Street, Philadelphia.
t4f Persons wishing to tee the above Machine
in operation, can do to by cal!ing at the resi
dence of D. W. Moore, in C'learfitld borough.
( Conserralive.)
( Fr a Church.)
T E It M S .
For any ore oftht lour lleritws,
Fur any tno of tha four Reviews,
For any three of the four Review!,
For all four of lha Reviews,
For Blackwood's Mugaiine,
For Blackwood and one Review,
For lllaekwi.od and two Reviews,
For I'l'ickwood und three ltevirwt,
For lilai'kwood uud the four Reviews
far annum,
t.l UO
6 00
7 00
s 00
s o
7 1111
y uu 1
10 00!.
N. II. The price in Ureal Britaiu for tha lire
Peiiodieals above named it $31 per annum.
H.-pulli.-hed h-
innrlS-ftm li Gold Mtrett, Kew Totk,
t1 AIJTtON. The public ert hereby cautioned
against' a tin. ring or trusting my two trinnr
hililrvn, Aqilla and Jsne Wnln, as I am deter
lined In pay no uebta of their contracting frum
ihiidiite. IS A I til WA1.N.
Orampiaa Hills, March , 1SC1. ami 13-8
I) II O T l i It A P II I V N R V H 1 11
leg leave to announce to the of Clear
lield and vicinity, that la- ir CAR will remain fur
me Unit in Ihe above named j lace, for ihe pur
..r .. ,i . . . '
... .......... v .v k. .
first class
P II 0 T 0 II R A P n
From t Miniature to a Life-tiia.
Jt-tT Atubrolypci ami Daguerreotypet copied at
he slortrtt notice. uau aaierai years experience in cue
ho eastern, they ate confident that ll-ey
-an please all who may favor them witb a call
Piciuni la. en equally as well lu cloudy at ia
mMe nwarda.
4 I HII IS l it A rOH'H SOI .C l'Leltrt
XV "f Adminislrsiion having been vriinitU to
he um rrsigned. II is day, upon tha estate f
IA.MES V. tilt AN FORD, deed, lata of Morrit1
township, Clearfield county, all peitont iudebltd
iu laid estate are requested tu make immediate
payment, and those having rljii.t against
Ihe .am t ill resent theui iuly aulhemicated
rtcttlsmeut. I1 A M t'KL CLYDK,
marl 3 6t Adm'rs
Tha luhicriberi nave opened a full and com
plete assortment uf DRUGS tn the new brick
1....1.1: r Ii. UV..A. .k t I
anl Cherrv streets, in lha hi.reoh f Ch a, (1, Id.
wiero they ail I be happy to accommodate any
. I" '
-. .u . in l. i . " j..
lKr:"n deM;' '''.'
business will be eoi. fined stnery to a
ir line. Tha
bujQei" wUI bo "fiel1 ,rKt7 t a
Iirvff and P. csriptinn Butiness,
. . . ... , ,. .....
Ana oopa.n.wii. netpwea w render
Dr. M Wonps. the Junior partner, may alwaya.
warn not auieni on ptorctsioaai nusin'si. A
tenarate moiu for oonstiltatlan Is ettaebed lo tha
stoto.where patienta may he examined nrUately.
brrry artlrle atuslly found tn such an estab-
ll.l.mctit will he kept on baud, and sold at greatly
red lead prices
Taat STn.cTi.y Cas. will enable tbeia
lo nfler Inducementi In tlie way of I il.-os
rnyticiant win na suppnea at a small per
eenlage over eost and earr.agt and their i.rd.rt R..r .rlh. a InM 1 I,. nii.tanJ
of the hett qmlily.
febt If
"rioots and Shoai. A larger stock sod lower
I) pricot than arer, at Irvint 'hetpott aornor.
Ctirweti.ville, Mar It). 'iMV
i .
ooti A thoet of every kind for Ladies, Oen -
llama'-, and Children at R. W. & CO't,
ltrttini Mill aad eut ewt. Mann's axet and
j agoaeral asaortmentol Hardware at lbs
Mora of
a. A, AxtviPi.
CHirwtBirUls, Hay l,llfl0.
HIE I'tf -PE I I. I Jfi I ;Hhf,I
rrofea'erof pathology and eporative aurgfryln'
Ui Veterinary UcCe of rLilaelrdtla, etc.. cdo ' P 1 , A
, T-.. - ssaFLi ,-''TSR C0ODS
v live trails v the rat lout brx d. et ATTfcECIJj C7I.J)
Eur.uo, Aslntie, Attic an and Amer- fa riT Tk rr"n e
apsiattwBEiai, EiWS & 09,
end how loatoci tain l.ias.a ,y the r ai ,. , " " 1
r.rinileraiMlcon illiori cf hi. ,,c,b 1 "il !i.trKCt N TiM't 2 li)i ) .s V-? ,
::g:itbnii(;vwt House, wi,m! ii.Cv nro
the iiorse and ins DISEASE? 'ius, r'P(,in im i:u.-ual!v l;ir'T"
WLt Tell VwftflWj,,.. Il.Unri gtnbling'niHl Utll felfftril hlt t k 01 . o.- 'V
eeding, (Iro.m.liig, Phoeltp.sid ii! '. 1. .1 ,!, 1 I
(teneral ruai.aid-inirt ef tha horse " 'IIP AVillilg (l I Lu iOJ'-fil,
Iviekii.Iioailng.Mijlng.etuiiihlii,,.! MIICl) lIlCV tiflcr ill I : ni;;i -r.,U
Crib Liting, Rtlersncr
vioes to which he is subject j nlih nu
at.u other
iiierous explanatory augraringt.
will Tall lou ul' the causes, symptoms, and
Treatment of .Strangles Sore T'-roit,
Distemper, Catarrh, luuuema, Bron
chills Piuumnnli, I'lourisv, Broken
Wind, Chronic, Cough, Roiiring and
whistling, I.itnpnt Soie Muutb and
lltrrr, and decavad Te rl. with ...k..
diseasei of the Mouth and Resplrsto-
j 'iii.
Will Tell You of the causer, imiptomt. nn
Treatment of Worms," Rots. Colic
Birangu!.itii.n, Ftom Concretion
1 upturet, I'.lsy, Diarrhea, Jaundice
lleatirrboe, Bloody Urine, Moots
la lbs Kidnrya and Bladder, Inflnma
lion, aud other disea-et of the Stotu
ch, Uuwala, Liver and Urinary Or
gsnt. '
Will Tell You of tha esuses. tvuiDion,.. na
Treatinrntur Bene, Bio d and B-.g
ryavin, Hlng-Boflo, Swconie, tHrai,,,
Broken Knees, Wind Ual's, Fuund. 1
Jjole Bruis -and (Jr,vol, Ci .rl.ed
Bcratche-.tai.kei, Thir.i-ti, and Corn.
Blip, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy
Magirer.,ai!d other distant of Un
toet, Legt. md Head.
Wilt Tell sou of tha esnres. ai,.i.t. . .
Treatiuem of Fifula, Poll till Uisi
drs, Farcy, Scarlet fever, Mang
burl'eit. Locked Jsw, Rheumstitit
Cramp, Uallt. Diseases or the Eye ami
Heart, Ao., it. and how to maingi
Castcatlon, Rleeding, Trept inning
Roweling, Filing. Hernia, Auiputa
tior, Tj ping, aad other surgical op
trst'ons. THE IIORSE ibD niS DISEASE3
Will Tall You of Rarey's Method of lamiug Hrr
tetj bow ti Approach, Duller, orfiui
bit a Colt ; how to accnttotn a hurst
to ttraars souuds and sights, and hoa
to Bn, Saddle, Ride, and Break biir
to Hnractt, also, tha rorin and law
ef Warranty, Tha whole boiog the re
tult of mure than fifteen yt-ait' caretu.
study of the buhitt pe .ulinritiea
wantt i weaknetsei 0f thit null,
and useful animal.
Tba Book eon taint 334 nacres, annem.r.ot.l Ii
lustrtted by uc;riy Uua Hundred engravings.
fim.n iu a civar nu open type, and win
be forwarded to any address, p. .stage paid, ot.
receipt el ptice, bail bound, ll.ou, or, ia clot!,
extra, $1,6,
fltMK) A VKin can be rntde by enternr -
sing men everywhere, in selling tbe tbore, ana
other popular workt of ours, Our inJuc.ui.nt:
to all such are exceedingly liberal.
for tingle eopies of the Book, or for terms t..
agents, with other information, spp.y t, our ad
drest JOHN K. Puhhalmr
No. 617 Sanson Street Philadelpnia, Pa.
Drcetutier 12, l.'.ftu. Umo.
I In all ita branches.
By Miss Eliia Acton
Care lully Revised by Mrs, S. J. Hals.
.. ,
11 ions, iou now jo rnnoje all kinui or ilcnlt
a Pullltr . ntld ll.lnn xifl, .. 1 1 1-.
md moatan.irov.,,1 in, .1... r ,t....i....
". , ,,, ,m i,,y
erf ...,.L-;.. . p. . r t i. i - -...
:.,;i j'. .. V V v"",l"-
ling and curiug t'.e .-nine.
It Tellt You all tho various and moat approrod
luod't ol dressing, cooking, and boning
Mutton Litoib, VcjI, 1 oultry. aad
li.ime of all kiuds, with the different
Dressings, Oraviet, and ttufiiugt appro
prists lu eucli.
t Tells Vo l huw m chooie,, and preierve
t i.-li of nil kinds, and how to sweeten it
when tainted j also all tha rarluut and
llint RtriroVfd llloflas r,r nttt.lrinr. with
the difUrent Dressings. Sauct, and
riarormg appropr.uie ,o eaca.
lt im, iou all tha vanillisms most snnroved
model of on-paring over hlty dillcrout
kinds uf Meal, Fish, Fowl, Game, anil
Vtgctaliie Sol ps, Broths, anl Stows,
witb the Relishes and tjeaioaiugi sp
propriate to each.
It Telle You all the various and mest approved
j modes of cooking Vegetable! ul every
dmcripti . aiso hi w to urenara Pick
lei, lataupt and Curriei ul all kinds,
Pulled Mean. Fi.h, Uatae, Mush
tuuaiS, drc.
el Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddingt,
Ouielcttet, 1'ritlirt, CaLit, Coaftctiun-
I ery, rrvseives, atiiisi, ana fcweet Una-
et 31 jveiy deir.ptit.c
It Tellt You all the v il.-uartid most approved
modes of making Bread. Rusks, Alumina,
.... u -i., mi metnoa ei prcpa-
nug tolke, t bocolale, and Tia, und
. boa 10 make Syiups, Cordials, and
Whin of various kinds.
It Tells Yu how to tet out an orntmcntil Ta-
hie, h.w to Carve all kinds of Fish,
Flesh or Fowl, a d in short, how to so
tiutplify the whole Art of Cooking at to
bring the choicitt of lha table
witinu ierhvdy't rtach.
sni coniama sin psg
SSL - 1 lu - - - . ' tin
and upwards ot
lil'h aro there.
nuiinre.i iucpea.a.ii oiwnica sr. mere,
. . : - i. .. i ..u. .1
'"" ,T .n,e. ,..! .n..',..i,M
sunt ni aciuai expei
, . 1 r.....M.v
iKimuiiniwriini. ji i- priuiea in t clear Dim cing July IS57 and tailing July 1C(7, to call im
open type, it illustrated with appropriate ergra- iro.liately si my offioa in the borough of C. car
vings, and will be f rwarded to any adjrest fild, and make settlement of tha same, at thsse
really knund, and postage paid, on receipt ol th accounts a.utt U ehnd p. J. II. LARRliitR.
prl e, $1,00, or in rlmb, extra, $1,16. Cleartield, I'teeuibet 12, ISOO. if.
HHHHi A V H 4 It can he tuadj by entpiprt
Im. .hum .a-..-.. tn .ulll... II.. ...-1.
our inducrinruts toall tucb being very i'.eral.
r or single copies t th Book, or for terms
r gents' with olheHnformatpin, apply In our
dress JOHN E. piiTTKK. PuhlUher.
na. oi7 ransom r-treei, ruusdsipais, ra.
Dcctmhsr 12, 1S60. Baio.
' arvonneti. Florence braids Encrll.h itraw
Shaker ud other e'ylet trtmae'l Slid t
,on,ad. will b found la variety atllaeora
. . . . . ........
Ctiri -.enavilU, May 18. C0.
W""" --"-"'r shawls iu variety at lha obeki
sr t. a. isviaa:
! t-urweiiaville. May 16. 'CO.
- -
j Tj'BCIT. Dried Arpl". Tared and er frr
JL r racnea. inetnet, rrunea ana insin a T(ry targe itook of Fprlng rnd Fomaiie
lua a ortier Hereof E.A.IRV1N i cliltlpriif the latvt atyjea for sale Mb)
- lack "el and Herring for sale st theeoracr
i av tt ra oi L.A.taii.1.
Curwensville, fhj 16, '(A
me.m .... "
M......i.i.v,enii liir:ill(Jl It'.IH'i.n 1 1 J
YouKsu.VKs Tin ir iissf.-rl-r:;:.: o
l Try large aad complete: embraeln nlmi
every amde both of fmUcn mdtene J
?Vf'.Mi h,CD P"1'1 tethe-. iee.i. n if
LAl'IKS DRES.'COOf, wha-iorf s,y
variety and the rorv la ot " ir 4
Silks, Delina, i'l ,l,ls, M'critioa, P.i,!'.:
.paecnt, Ciuhnieres, French, tn...U
and Dotncstio Ginghams, Print-'!
Lintoys, Cambrics, i;ri!iants,
Fig and plain Iiolinctts,
Irish Linen Cloths An.
niack aad Fancy Cat-lm..rr, UatlaMtf, ioitc.
rwecdt, Cordumys, Hiokory If nip., 1i,"kii,r,
.rash, Diaper, Bits ;ued and nub!ia bed ir. -ma
A drills, lied, Urcy, Wl,iiea Cnrton vif.u
.els H.-oalnrg stock of La die;' aud O.-i't.c-
t.ens rtiawis, Uoiiblo and S'inclr.
iieniiies, ni iOK ami Urub Uiolh
ery latest fothiou.
oaiii :
4 Large end splendid stock of Dresa ttim.
l iiiings, Ralls, Iliad Drcst, Xetts. T'ltt,
x at It. M ,( cO's,
1 Large ttock ef Men i, Boy t cl. f'iing, Just
W received at 'V. CO'..
"tarpite, DmStTct, cupet chain, Bags an 4
J Hugging, Curled Hoir 4c, nt
n. ,r cos
TTar.lwa.c of irciy kind, I n
(t lid fnb
XX spoons, l-iiks,
Filer, Nails, Cow )'a
rl i M ill rnr i.t
n. w. fi ro's
u i i.d I'ai d ti
Ladies' Bonnets and Hats, tnuiir.cj uud uu
trimnied, uf Iba Latest Styles at
Lnattdat A. II. Whim's MUU, ens rri' it
o VtU'ti .a ixiruvyh,
Mespfctfully Infermt Hio cltlieiu ef Clcnrdctil
ni.l aJjolain,- conntiea, that ho ia at ail tiLira
prepared to timnu'i.clnre, K tho rliortest not,;,
.Inir, Husk, atil StraT Mattresses ef all
(it.ds and sites, one of niijch Is a Foidir-g Mat
rest, tuiulila for CAIil.Vn ON it M'l.-i, wiiu 'i
ean be folded in small, arid emptied scd
refilled at plaiuuret on 1 very cheip. Mo r'.to
,rims Cni ringet. mfkva rcpairt tn till of
Curtlage Trunning and Upholstery, sac) nnket
'Jordt fur Masoa't Tracing Lines, or any tbick
uetis or length.
CijuOouniry Pro.lnco, Corn llatkt, or Casla
ikon in Ktcbunge for work.
TAII orders If it with any ef the Mcrcha
of ClonrOcid hurougu will bi piotuplly btten
. 'ltfc.21
KV, A U MI.V 4iTv Artli.
TE would respectfully Inform our friendly
y patrons and the pabllc tra-irnlly, ihnt w
have now in store anl rTr WbolesnV r. Ho.
tdil at the low'tst Cash Prmet, n Inrge aff l very
choice stock Watch, Jvwelry, Sllier and I'luled
War of every variety and ity'e.
iverj dc.criplion of fliam m l "iTork and nth.
er Jnwclry, niailo to orlur at thorl notice.
PU-AII goods mi. ran i" lo be as reprencnled,
u .....( ... . , . . .
..." " . i"- rcpa.nug o
it aioues acd Jewelry t ivrv deaorlotior
No. 6:2 MRKKf :rejt, (.-.outU tiue,) Pbil i.
Sept. I Jilt, I860. 6 mo.
cuba hotelTjayxesyille, a.
TIIE abora Hotel, having recently been fitted.
up for a house of eutert nuiuent, Is now open
for the accommodation of the public. ! "rarcuis
rill Gri this a cnnveliicul tionso.
''''iL'L1"' ,0MN iPUA-
Vcsj,ciaiyc I'owdcra
Ku. tha ,B..,tv . j ,ff.-,. ru nrn ,.,.,
m..t,'.,i,.. 1.1,,,.,. n.m. D1rn.; .j ;., c...
uon'.ir and all deufsitaJ rAram'
Jl'irtr of A.-
du.ts olid Children. Send J Cent r" amp to
! her A,jnt. Q.B.J'NES,
Hun Ire. 1 of testimonial Bjx 2070 Pull.t. P 0
Ajeney 3. W. Cur. Third a"' Arch Stt.
X'l 2 1, 160 lOt.
Tha undershsned wilikay rms'rntly en hatnl'
a We 1 selsctad atoek nf tlriii.4. CheroTeals. Il.-s...
PiutTi. Oils. Paint", Tobaeoo aud Hrgir., S-iaiioo-
ary, I'erlumerv, lltu.Lei. and larey articles,
which he will dispose of cheap lor CA-b.
He Invites tha public tn a!l sod exmiu9 lit
Mock t,f good, before purchasl.ig ;ee.hero.
C'.uuuy Physicians furnlslud v itn DruglV
Mtdieines, and Surgical instrncicntt at tlie wot,
ressoaahle rates. J. t). HA U'iSVVlCK.
Clearfield, Pa., Dee. 20. )Mu.
. 1
' Important notice
' Tha under.lfri.MiL late luit.lii.lire nrtliA
Jeid Republicau" lakea thit method of eallirr l..,e si,', un. iudtlit.. I In I. in,, nr in I Iti-i.
upon ,o iudcM.. I
. . -. -
u,,'r a'P"on, advertising or Jol
I. 1 . .. . . :
.m. lacurrou uurug cue turee yaari annimen-
TTTboleaalo and Retail Merchants. Also
If estansir dealort in timber, tswed Ikkid
her and shtuglns. Also, dealers in fiour
grata, wnicn am ue told climp for cash..
Dot, 14.gi9.
Vatin sione )ri, tbry are just tne uud; y'
aaec, fcr .It . F . W, 1 t O'.
VETIT CHEAP st thsstoraof
Jaa23 WM. F, IRWIN..
.11A.M. I del, .Mica are. itarring to- tale
i 1 . tow .i,su.-.. . i. ir.lKHU.. . ,
iiearse , iuiy iica ..
- - . .
vmwenivuie, nayitj. idbo. E. A. 1 KVI.n.
Q ki''.:T t!. tt- tn variety at reduced pn -l
t I) : ,1. I. Mare. CnrwefisUUIt,'''