,1 J i ' ti Mtrpuii mm JJWB- - J CLEARFIELD, PA. "Wednesday Korning Mtrch27, "Where are we rriltingt n.v weft Government? This que- . . .. r ..u flffa was ft Nivnrite ne ith cur Black Republican friend, ami thy always answered it by laying, 'Wait ... " .....I ill old Abo gels in, he wi'l n jou inni .... j,..,.." Hutnow alttn! how aro the iiiMiiy ftt'.len ; how tfrribly the eonib of thcfiehtinn mostcr ha been cut; how , .,;iit .n.t ttith tllC vnUOIllia urncL'iiris nio i.ivile I omcco do they follow in the wake, Of the Y.woro.. Abrnhum. The poMti-jn of Mr. BucTian.n, that Hie CcJ stiti.tinn and the laws gave Aim no rcwer lo wage war. ha or neecity be. i , i:..f i:nr.l. and whil-t ttiiiumc r...., we Loner him for standing by at lean uwi i. r,i-rn.,.ii...iion nud aw. vet we . 11IUVI. VI . .. . . ..... . ... : million in sear inni ui'm ... - ? irl-. rn.lrr cxintine luw we are doom- ed to feel terribly the rmtiooul crifi that ia now uton in. Wo mean, of course, the rrefent position of the tariff law of the country. The pa.ageof the ?rr,.l tar. bill cf the last Congrci wwrewru very materially the amount to be paid up;n imported good.. Tne Southern rorfederacv is now operating wider our obi iarltt and ar about pai-a ng a new bill OIU Uiliu am. r. o uv . b and !uttin it intOfti'iect Our tar lit un- ana puuing in ui noM uboiit double the Jut e upon iia - po?e Buom uouuw tl aL tl eiis dof. Tke for n nnce pens ikai u.eui oi. - .u. ..i:.,.t ,.iirrv nncll npn. Our lurid iisposeia duty of thirty per cent upon ca. ; their impoe fifteen per cent up - or. :he fame article., jind tLce are fair .nninlM of the diC'erencoof rale. !n the F . . . . . New Vork and rhiladtlj-hia have leen the great btmines. centre of the country, and almost all ihe import of the vnionj 1irvo ' een done through New York. Now 1hi will have commercial rivalry in Nsiv Crlenn, C'ha lestoii and finvantuih. The. merchint in Liverpool about lo ehip a load of cuilery or linen to the United .fitatcH. ban hi choice of Northern or Southern rrl. At the North' he must ,pny two dollar, ot the South he can in- l5rodu(fl h v.K f.".r nun doltn. tr u lU ,cnn enter the chapel, and tlnu the im ,poi ting trade is hi.t to New York, and the revenue in prepovtionnbly deerensed. But ,it u taid, New York and Philadelphia are tl.e busirem centre and upply Ihe lar gest mope of territory, and t;i buinrs -will ice!; a matkcl there. We cannot doubt from recent demonstrations, that 4h. boulU will .cease to buy from u, if we continue to treat thetn as enemies. The gitnt -ft i i.Li'iidant in it. re iouiceii, M.d Jlouur ha iruile cei.lre, wealth and jiwperity fill tVillnw. Are tur citizens Kecure in their enjoy ment f Our people will buy .here ihy can buy the dejKbt, and will teek the Jioint at w hich their good, can be thus ob tained. With tho great artery of the Weit, the Mi.bist.ippi and its tributaries, nil lending toward the South, with navi gation cheaper i.pon water thsn by rail, ni;'u ricJs more cheaply bought in New Crltans tbun in Nt.w York, i it not.rea ruiiablo to euppow, tiiut Ihe commercial n. !iniary of NVw Yoik, Philadelphia and Pohton in endangered. The Souih 1IU OI'Ulll two bill. Willi both these tarill in appeana .0 wen au.p.en iu !!' coui.i 01 m uirimuu 01 11 ia iuc, renoiv woiking trim, what is to Lrcjn.e of our jthe people on alavery a. thin. td that he would make ! final eirort be- gr at cilice ? where i the revenue to .up Such book, would soon alolndi -larery, or fore giving up ail hope. He d.-cideil j noit the Government, to come from T tntiiely take away it revolting feature, preaoli .t "dometiiic'' sermon, one devoted prefer f:re trade, r.d the North " were mw , refer prrJectifln, at least incidental-1 "t,c,a" tt"J ili"'nt or. de Jy. Heretofore we l.ato had u. I . giving pay for all servic- f.-Al concesMcns end compromises up-l, . .......g ,, . ,. ,. . , the last campaign he was emploved bv on liii question as well an others. If the1., . , . 1 ' ' ihlV fur OIIlliri.HM.'f. Ilfl4 llflul tmrm nnn M.i.j.ct,.veir.UKtmakei.rourinind.thatit Las tme,l f, r nil - l,:,iu.. -ill c P fflMl ItmiU lamcttt tho dav when earl. : ff: .cn. is lift to itself. It is urged that tJi revenue must be c.!".ectcd;ifiicnnbele-allyiiHflnulJbe,'c,: ,""u"0"",'"u lunu'r c ,"n', uikiii.h in reproaching the South for that bf.t yV.Unco and bid.hed bhruld i.ot!Ur ,'"-V ,4e"e hi M'l'oit.mti.t should quality New England, with her tremen. . . . it. K I... . .r c. .. i .1 . .L ...... . . . . 'ST tt?!.nf,r i c . ir, mi- rt.iorney vtenerai CI Mf, Lln-i E -. j - mi- uiurrnmrn., coin, it is nssei-Ud, has given it a his j?' lhe counlry neeringly characteriz"! leading it to suit her peculiar local inter p!:.iMiin WMtinir lo the Tm klcnl. iLatl'" .tL A1,,,ifc'll,y a. " that imaginary tMs without regard to those of Ihe West Ihe revenue can only bo collected leMiaT ,. - '"i the nort sid m eoMonr Housei. Iftl.U t-, r..e !.,.' . . tine, a reckless, mendaoinn niiniirlan, the SenslA bv ili.ir u.....- ........ Ol entry, ilril that vessels nut- . . -v ..tr,i,CI,,s ol lne.e ,t S.t. if . , ,,..!. ... .1... .. ) the harbor .r-m. .-t..j . ! """t 'vnturer and vagabond. Hi.Iooniniittees, seem to imagine th.t New ,!,., ...u. . T". 7 . " . uMonj House. IfthU bi true, how j he revenue be oollected at Chsrle.- cur he revenue be oolU-i-il .1 ri..,u..roulJ d'ble inuh-an insult to ; ton.or N.Oi IeaiiHf Is it by blockndiug the ) orts or preveiuing ships from entering? This would be an aet of war, and e hope viil never be underiaken bj our Govern ri ei.t, Cun '.ve shut them up by a cordon of Custom Houses upon land, within tho S'. r.es? The rxprtte rnnsenueat ( uns on such an efi'ni t , would exceed the in-1 -, - - .. , 1 w-.i'e, nna sn.uggung cou.it not bo pre- vcntedurdeseaMaiding army ofrevei,,io',.erioflaw,wefindtwenytwonolicemen",iCan" e.ujt were ma utained in eveiy'l State, six deputy sheriff two Tb.iLl . ' V e 1,1 Pa ,be "bite coated sinner will r-.e to gcHid to p.. up the Ohio .ni.,., nve edilor,t -n(J e,e hn labor, in peace. ti i M"i.iSB:n5il innt w tint a.i.t il.. 1 ..i.. 1 "' -me in return. The nr " ."V ,Z ? . . . i:nuyivtin a .. .r... . "' ' "' .vu.eir ji.,iaiHi ireoroughfare and market of St-weiJ, and upon u would at on oe a ...l.l In fall the enpenie or an epert uu.y - Wr custoruere. I AH " bnngu..o.n. con. - .that we long ..nee rmd at that the nf tl.AiA Stales vva intended by ..:... Prince for their mutual WP10"' and .. Ih. thi Union sliouldbe ;n; fined, fosiered and protec ea we have or c do That 01 .bedding ft t:n.l Mood, .nd that concession aim V.mnromise. with the yielding up of. fill constitutional justice to our Southern oii,ni the fir.t dntr ofall men who trethern is the i.r.t duty 01 " m truly .ore their country and her jnalitu- lions, A View of S .very. We have lately read a very interesting !.. l 1 nt I - - l.u Valium ink A,t" inn uook oi ..t ag-, "i " - .m of Boston. We have read eight or ten work, all treating upon the ubjcl . . . . .,..! .1.1. 0r iiavm, tui none j''r"" U is the niont manly, conieiet.oioui anu wifctt teatiniony bearing upon the aubject 0fla very, that lias ever been ubiineu in 1I1U or niiv other country: and wo hope . . that every man. woman and ci.HU will g . j Below we givo omeo( the notice in reference to thi Book, J The Nwbville Pre.byter an i.y.. "Lpon the whole we regard it a the mot calm. ...:u l.,.V ,,. ....., ..., - n ever yet appear, u .r.a Ir"f",.. or Southern ureu. on the iu verv." The Boulbe rn Bnpti.t : "A a book fact, it will le.r thetettof critici.m: fact, it win ier me iemi cmii . ami lor vigors. wr...,. :.: :. r - .. ' t and comprehcn.ive view, with Dr. Ad- ri. rk-- From the Philadelphia CAnrrwa GJwr- err. "Ihu book will relieve the mind or , f.-.:,;nu. 'point a Col.octur to reide oil shipboard tli-J isand. of a great burthen or nciiliou r !,. r r,. within four milo of the port. Thi con- ,entiinenlali.nit created by work, oriic- 1 . , ,-. i,,f,.1Iia. duion of the I.iw, it 1 aid, ha. ind .cod tion. Tne author give. more infoiina- ... , ... the Pro.K out to determmo upon calling iionand more truth respecting the .tale, ... of .ociety at the South, on five pane, jthan can be fathered from a hundred page of romat.ee." . l The Boston Courier ayf "No work ha. ' ii 1 ... .1 ...I! .I.I.H if workaol a contrary claw wers 01 tofex- ij.ience. Dp. 1 rune tay., "t regara a compa- rabiy tho be.t book the Slavery question ha ever called forth." rublit hed by Ticknor Jt Field., Boston, I Ma.., and for salo by bookseller gen .orally. Price cne dollar Fadiral Appoinimenti. Minister to England, Charles Francis . Arl.m. . X1...'mJUV-a.... f u,, 4J. I'll tor., of New Jersey. Mini.ier to Sardinia, Han George P. M:uii, of Vermout. .Mini.ier to Turkey, James Watson Webb, Eq., editor of the New York Cou rier and Lwquirer. Minister resident at Rome, Rufut King. Miiii.ter 1e.ide.1t al i'nuiaik, ii. 11 Wood. Minister to Austria, Ansnu Burlingame Mini.ier I'u.idei.tto Uuataiuala, K. 0. Ci v.b. CVnuul to Havre, J. 0. Tutnan'. Cuiiaul to London, Fteenian 11. Moro. Coiisul to Ilatubuig, J. II. Anderson. Wuat tutr or Cam Scuurz at Home. This man Schurs is 0110 of hi cla.. ; ho i. iiierally a vugubond urn! an 1 adventurer. Uiing iLm tew years in which be has claimed to be a ctisuii t( WibCoiitu, he ha engaged in no"bone.i calling or contributed iu uy luaiiiior to the industrial re.ource of tho Slate. Prolcoxiug to be it lawyer, he ha never l'jacllCi'' u' li'ofiw ti tho exteul ol'u 1 . , , During er'.!iltt,"-il llUted ffiee for .uch vices, i ? oungaiwii was cancelled : i.i . .11 .. .. . . "hn U ,Cwived l U "' . . ! 1 worKeu i fur ample and remunerative lor .11 his servi- it... ..... . . luZZX"X ,,,"in,l",,t 10 the Iohion he seek ; the reoile of his ounir ..t 11-. r.-.lrevolt in ih W. . ... i eminent lo wli cu ha i sent. Milwaukir. T.ie annual report of the New York! ( City Police for the past year, rhows that the total till i.bnr tkf np.Ajta . tlK ono . ... ... ....... M . I W VU,OUiJ niAntli. i..:. .1 ... . 1 . ivu. ui.. gr j among wiiinn tr. ftlM, niiri . ' . I-. ...... u.i-., a. i.u.i a tun 1 ers who fell into th ni...-i,-. .. I . 1 Amo.ig oih ' l' 1V ,,"'??r 0ul ft .uu irn ll.ousanu WHO ItlhaO t that nilv "'" - - "'range mat more oBicer. .!, Ih -I i,h...l. gamblers, but such is the fort, e.mrreieA loan u j , ; , A Confeaien. Th.u t. n aM nroverh that says " All . - confession it food for the ioul."- I. . . " , . uncorrect llV!.0the.is. we a glorious juVilee b "' J. . ... . .. awatng tne lilac iteptDiicaus " J, ri J,,,,. Mr. few.,, org..., the ' . , . ii3Ue " , -..j lrutHfu, lfeiiion. llThwurre--5erof Fort8umi.r involve, .:,. ,. .nc)) humiliation a? can bo born. ,.. onoe. If LlnnU ahull bee in to tfow. Heaven knows when iu flow will erase; ami if Fort richer. shall W a"tu.ec. when the Government it holding out lh. Kranel. of Peace hv the evacuation 'of Foil Sumlcr, a tenible letiibulion will fall upon ili use by whom thee Kinuiy overture aro coniettned.", Thit U humiliatitn ctupled with a bold .. .a s-ns I - a . .. threat, inueeu. me former nas i.iji. tlj . ijUt t0 pUl , ialler a fore6 will no doubt cost a large amount of men and ,V. u-. ij.-. I. ....I money, anu win nnng into requwmuu OVpr9toCk ot Scotch cap. ami military r thi 1 nil ri if lat ililalini: efl clokei. for tl 1 . . . . et. Tt,!a fitatlkml l.Mttln.f rtlnvfl O .mvi.rul la'elv between HnrriKb.iri! ftnd " 1 . - Wahi.igton-a.nw.ri..g the double pur- ' pone of being c heap and rate. Opinion or Attobnkt Uisc.al Batci os Rctcm'k Colliction. It i announce I ce i that Attorney General Bte l.ax g vm the iresmen rreiident a written opin-on that under lh- 89lh of ,he Uvy of 17.3J ,t will be impo,..ble to colect revenue in any of j the seceded State. Tl at seolion declaiei 1. . ... . , i:.,u. " oU,,on of !' revenue hw. .hall be with, .l;.tri..i i. whinb 1 l.i. .mr. - " " - re or forfeiture uccur. A there ro no Unit.a State Court. Jud.e or Mar.hal, !in allV Orilo port oflhe .jcedea State.. under exi.tiiw law..' 'of enlorcing penalties for violation r the' . ,. an extra reiion of Cougreu immediately. A Political Sismon. A good prenrhe. in Maine, who experienced great trouble during the tat politisal campaign, on ac- e . I . I: .. -ft.!. 11 . .t. to an exponition of homo dutiet and ol the importance of fraternal ami kiudh feeling. 80 he 100k for hi. text the lat- : u.r clauo of the 10th veueof 4th chanlei of 2nd Kmc, from which he d.'ew lii. le.son to the best of hi ability. But, to his utler amazement; not a l).ugla man ha entered hi church from that day ti. this. It iu said the poor minister ha be come nearly dii racted, we presume on account of hi iilnrv. . ....... ... utuii.iiii, democrat, wa- elected United Slate Senat ir from Mi souri, on tho IStii instant, for six yearf fiom Ihe 4ih of Match In.i, in place 0: Hon. Jame S. Green. John Sherman, the late candidate ol the Uelpeiites for Speaker, was elecuci Lulled Stale Senator from Ohio, on lh. I 1. I .1.- . t f L. k X.. ... 11101, m iiiu piuce 01 r. 1 . na.e. i who is now SecretHiy of tho Treasury (This is still another slop towards bripgini about a difiM.lution of the U nion .tilliti the United Slate Senali.witli Abolition t. a in the eac t Wiliuot and Slier man. I' seeius to us that our "irrepres sible." fiieiids are determined to dn.olvi tho Uwiin. TLey would rather ruh j among the frngnient ol a GoAemmnit than submit to the lawsefa whole Union as heretofore. Not Well Balanced. The New Kngland Slates have managed logrt poscs.io of a larger share ol the power of 'he Government tha. f rirhl belongs to ihem. With j.opulation liitle greater than thai of Pennsylvania, the New England States have twelve United Nates Senators to our two- KUvtn of her twelve Senators are chaii man of Senate Comniittes. There are but twenty ene of iliee commitiefs; o the three ndllioriM of people in New England have more chairmen than lh ro naming twenty., eti). m.,7;h. . .1. Tr ..ir... ... . v i'T" vi'i'ea OMet. j his I 1 1. ...... ...1:... . . : ,. ",v vuihub rrai uiausm ever wn. it come from iioe who have Wen loud- .. I,,,,; . o lM Wbl.can majority i "n. England is of more imiorianre than all H' rest of the country, There wil". be a his I New England Senate o.ig.cl,;.-, -Tbe -ailed jade of the TViiuas still cominje 10 growt lie say Fremont Hiould hivegone lo Fi ante instead of Haton ; und il.t theaj.pointmontof Mr. Adam to Eiigl.n.d is a "blunder" he , I Attains .. 1 . ..... ' ueei.u aepiures" the e eelmn of Mr 1 , , , . . arsn lor Italy, and says he is no Benub UTTI.. Philadelphia Pru, rejoices M . l..l.A.t r.i crisis-Abolitionists, John Sherman, of crisis" Abolitionist. John si,n-n.n .a:.... .. 1110 to the United States Sanaui ea Senate. 'How we applee awim." Bank KesnmpuoD- iave had qui, a time among theinwlve. n reference tc pacing nn nui r ... minptio-. ofrpecie payment by the latter. In the meantime, the Philadelphia Rink " paying .peo.e at lM,T iave returned oounter. n..i :n ..., nnnnhv the Bank Com mi e ip .l.l o ntere..a,,d we mute oi fcre p ",rre,"'"" 7 c,,.,; J'ol- A act or the return, of S,,eete 7a - nunfl" by the lUnk. ami for tquauw. t.on of the currency or the Mate.. . Ka it enne-ed. ic. That the pioviMoiti of every act of Asemhly drclaring or air- thoiu.na the toiteitur oi ine ciiu.mi any bank ; or inco-porHi.on nav...? - v . . t .: Ki.nif j ing privilege, or uitlicting m --ii....r- or ie.trictiu.H. or autbunzmg any cm- pulioiy alignment lorornv reaon ..hub ..Ti,...-,!....-!,. tfld and eilvr coin, iit.ee t,e pjtii iay 01 .oveiuoi-r. iu, , the a--.e h hereby Miiponded until jfir.i d:iy of July. 101 : .ml all lorre. ure. tinftliiiiior liabilities urisinr uwNMroin. 1 I . r :l lor ucurriJ i.y reaton 01 any m.iure iuin . ... ,.1- il.a urovixiona oi' imv or .111 ... . law reiiUtnK tu .m-, or nereai .i i a . .... occurred before the .aid hrit d .yo July. UUUIHllll" . I I " iti i r ,i 01 ovenioer. aim uuiaum ...-..- jv anlJ wet uie acuou 01 iuwn ent bank .hall betaken- ::";:0 at defl. k-.. o far a. the law of ..,.,. 0j foral! Diirpoe. an the note of. i M,k"ie imvinii pimi ia I'lv'b. ml jnlnnce due lioin Banks from the .aid 10,1, of November. H-ffl An" HU ;""rl""" : .r.. or ir.eorpnr.11nn. Tor or t,y rea.r. ., ,ne r lmvlg ,d trea.ed M campo ed e n.le. of micii sii.iendd Bank of tho . .... .... W . l'naaijecie o '" "T - - rVbi ic niil;,. Src. 2 That the Bsr.ks of the Common- """I' fir-i ..av of .lulv next e mi 1 ired, until t'te eii4iiin. l' receive at par, 111 pay 111'-1 or an uem n.e, or 10 beciii.e du to tl.e.n renpeciivciy, .no note of all tho solvent Bank of the late which naid suecie for their hamli. ties on and iiiimedi itely m ior to the Utli of November la -t. and which shall contin ue solvent. And the said Bunks ate also hereby authorized to payout, in all their biMines iran-iactions and discount, the .aid notes, 10 Ions; a. the Banks ihe same hIiuiI remain c.a anv President, or a miiiori'y of thei K...irds ril u .ji.l ol Directors ol any Bank., ihouhl cerlily to the Governor, wider cnlli or atlirmation to the l'resi lent. that they Iihvc just reason to be- .-, . ...... .ieve that any Bank included in said cut- ei;ory 1 in an unso'ind at.d l iware con lition, tho Governor ahull appoint aCor:i :ninion to invtiHi the same, a pro vided in the tl ird section of the act of )ctober 12th, 1SV., entitled an Aet tor the resui. .i..i 1 ' "' , . . . .... 1 id tor the rolief .if duhtor ; audi iI.uik. an no Hank shall be required to redeem the ,. ... i i; :. ..I :i iioies oi any iiik hum uicremeu, uiuu reported sound and solvent by such cmn mUsion. Sice. 3. That the several collector of nrwwrHi'ii ; ai.d Also County 'rrea.urer, ire hereby nilthorized to receive for Stale ..in posei the notes of the solvent Bink if ibis CullllllollWi-uilli lliniiifli nut. .nniiln onying Hank in payment of the said tax- . lolli ami revenues; and the Slam is hi r..i.- .iiiiini iinil in :., . ' Treasurer or 1 he same in the sanid manner a though . .. M tl....i.. ... : - " p nr,n fi.-.-iu payiig. L' .. .. 1 1. . . r-ru.t. r.verv nana or incorporation . n ......... i.i - . . . . . uivu .ur iviiu.-ii !.ie:io pnynieni. on on -nice ine r.'in 01 .oii.-nihc, im'j. and .1.... 1 .1 . .... . 1 . . . . . inn. tiuihipii win kiii.ii pay lino me reasury oi me i ommotiweall h. on or le ore Ihe first of July next, a stun eq inl to ne foil nli -of one per cent, on the cap lul look vi such tai k oi Incorporation in id' itioti to the amount they are now by law required to pay. Good for Gov. Curtia I On . . ov. Purlin .1 ....1.1 . l "".. .. rwi'i'. the Kansas relief bill. To avoid a veto.! ihe Legislature called it back, and there' we suppose it will be suffered lo tie p. na noi oniy unconsliiutionsl but M.I...1I.. .:. . r . n.. . ' moni. ine money ue.ne .ll....l r tr .... ....... . .M ...r n.un.as renei i represenHd Iiv citizens IherA t.i tm im.n.Ll pally to iiij.iiorl murderous thievins! f - " ' ....V..-4-C' l IIICI l ..ko ,Bl oi jionisoniery, to harbor, ann teed runaway negroes, and to main. lain a nalcli of lazy rasciL whose bi sine. i to keen un Abolii on evoi.pm.m. ' shriek for freedom.,,,, bleed for Kansas' 'to represent u (an 1 enjoy bl.ne.if h. (he suhsianceT' 'l' has '"ilflVo'.lioTllvij Ihe leader of this relief begging business. bosom of hi friends,) in Mexico; fully wheiber the patriotic., npriht, ot Jer W Thaddeus Hyatt, , ports Turkish co- prove, this, ami Mr. Gid lings will liuvo '"f nn-"'. i-.l il.n North, ntv piepni-gd for lumeand is a funat.cof the first water, ! Io unalloyed pleasure of moro fully as. ',!. oon'ir.uey of inl.'n.ecine tlrlfe, and .11 .re Aboliifoni... Nobdy ehe in . elevaie the riuaway negro slave, t Z?Z!t Kan as Is s.k ing for relief. It is s.id, j ' Canada to an equally nitli himself, n ncial. and i icul.ural interest, to lo ton. that . portion of the tuone.' is inten, ai'poinlment will now enable him to sacrificed, nt tile back f a few futiatiesl ded to be devoted tobuvinir un the Ievis. lature lo elect Ab.ditiorii.ts to the United jSta.e. 8e,,.,e. Got. Cur.in h.s done to take buck the bill Inappropriate $30 - .000 from the State Treasury to such pur. 'pose.. At be... it is not the tu.i,.e. of . me Mate lo take oae of the poor of oth- bm .1, l.l!-. r... .4; 1 '...'.. .,), , I PC"a IO'i -i-i ...wemieu io oe yoietj ...... 1... r . .: t . r 1 .. 1 V?. f H'e State.-CYinfoa Dem. j "ow r Once upon a lime the ' np8roe of Boston came to the conclusion I l't hat lliey would have a Bank nf ,,,elr own: but not bavins uiTmi...i . " t 1 . . . ,una to pay a cashier, elect a buiHin o-they concluded to oonstilate an old nero bank," and place all the mon- b. drawn out as aoeilon miiht require, A short time after nrar.l. nn.fil.. ....1. holder, called fn," " J . .7. ' -w.-..., uu. . uii hi. request. "I b "il uonlflasitm lnfn.,o.v,. j.. .1. i,.L 1 ' .j .v.... .v kiu T wli L 11 M failed 1" lii! More Eebellioo. i onn MMt, country. During the past nu,nlrof the Annualnterencen nn,j inn enviMia r.re verm us ct aJ .,i,odi Church have been in f.wtcrii g. for a wLih- tbe L. L.t J ' ' MUaourl Con.erenee at fti""'?1: ,eion-the Mi..ourl Loniererice Loui(t t,,e Wc,tfrn Vlrgtni.ut Whedmg. .. J,.: . cii...r.An W. the East 1,1 i'lnl" ' . . .. .t Cb.mber.uurg. .which the slavery question aeeweJ to the h adii g nieaMure. . .rt thr.1 the Ute - - at! General Uonierence c u. ., . ...bstituted on entirely ne w oiap Ue ruX):fCi pflvery. thus in effect .t.ul, riirUtianltV.' mevinir yiuvrrt. i iiici in tlin Methodist ,est ot men.irr;.,.,. chu,ch This lc!t iM been repud.a ed . ., the aboVe Conlort nce. and eecenM.m .in of the Methodut U.urc.l may . . . . . 1- r..l.!,li ,,n Iookki tor, tnr rem - - been the intei: perate and illegitimate 1 . . 1Illlllbtrv in the political , - it!-.. I ll.A AMll.trV Tl f. ... ..1 . r ii.a i'.tnthiirra r . . . "owing rep. .t.u . r;on ,,w Sut, of lw thurcli, M0,, uii iim ... lUlimnrP Conlerenre. by loO . .,l ,,, nil ir. I.. N..w L'buiiter on aluvery entire- i . ..if,., the Church U concerned, a effectually a .... .... South Carolina ha rcbel.eU aga.n.t .... lawBof the State. . ,....io ;,,, ttee on tne niaie 01 uic ch t , w ,,, wus . ,ferrwl c. . iHi.i mo f m Blillll,rw 1.M1.c,iI,e, c ,. 1 Conler- iiimi vi '. J ence on .hwery. beg leave to p;.-rt: I'ni.t Iiuvh eiveh to stui meiiioi 1 U, ii.i full und einelul attention wine . the importance ot the mbject "nd the highly .respect, ble source wlici.ee they come, so ju-tly demand. lour toinmittee reirr your mrni"in. is slo the weil-known aci ion if the Haiti more Conference in IS40, and .ubequenl- ly ro atlirmod, in which the purpose I uynfril. "not 'o hold commuiMi alion w.lli unyeccUiieilic.il body that .ball make noii ilaveholdiiig a condition of inein'ier- fhip in tho Church.' by which action, in . .1 ... ...... .. In.. t.ila tne jiiugmeni 01 your ,u..n..iii.y I '..iif.i-..r.i'i in vai boui'd. and a further 1 Hank ,",l",,!t videiic. of tho sympathy ol this body solvent , out 01. m-..iem of the Border, and their tiwimriiv 01 met ... 1 . r ... 1 ... I right, your tyoiomniee suomu ror wmp . ... r 11 ... 1. u ....i-t ir.u,, 11011 wit? loiiuwiug iir.u uu tion.' "Where , The late Generrt. Conference hy the adoption ot tl.o .New Liiapier on Slavery, h eiven aerioa clfeiiee 10 a lame number o' our mo.t.iier upon tne I Border, diturbing tit ju'iiee of cur Socio- ! ties and tent. ing to iho dirrujitioii of the Cl.ttreli ; therefore. isi. Jvrjnu-r.i, 1 1 in. 111 11 1st. RtsoL'tl, That m Iho judgment the tist Baltimore C-onleremie. I lie hud- ,. . .. . . ... n, .i.,..,,. .. .... ntmi'ii vi vi.u .v slavery, was an unnecMsary and injurious change, and it ought therefore- to bo re - pealed. 2d. iV.oA. That there can be no ad - rr'- W " " " ""i""-. ' lhi.Co.,leee.,,v. dd. Ac'.,oW Thai we rpec-fly a.k the .everal Annual C i.re.e c-.t ,h,.lr eimum:.' e.sion with a vi.-w lo the ln.r- mo,lv of ,h" ul'01'' L'hurch . Ii, to give their - r .1 1 : ti ... - .1 . . . . ..as .ne nexi general Conference be, and is hereby r- I 1 I . t i . ... " , . JH"1'" "ap.er on ninvery ; anil inslHSil '-li.ii-emrn i.iniinitiii. .irl, A ... 1 , - . 1 - - itul:il ( Tim ... ruin... u-iilim m-I..a 1 " , ; V " line ri-lnlinn nf Int-vrv mtii m . j 1 " h ..-- ...uui. . .11 I heir I lit rm..i.l mti' li..l ..1 wa.I.:.. ............. ..... . , . ..r... o, ...c nn.rru.rr . anigaom among tin-m. n . , 4th. .rjuiwn, inaiwe in.Iiop w. and m I . i . i ii a . n r. z : i :i,,,ct,,;"-v. r'n"'ted to sub. An.iuHl v.......... .ur ...u.r roiicur - , i. .. .. , . - John Miller, A. A. Ree.e. T. J . - a renco.1' .igtied IT. Brown. iiiirn, .AJ. r-rniH . i ,.. ... .. . I. . V U 1 11.... w t ... ttoou, llioillpjoll .MltCDell, AlllOS SlIHtll. A Good Selc;:lion- The ladical Republicans and Abolition. '"P Sl"1','' "r' In accede ti any minimum sr.. ndniMil ni ti,, i i i : aineiidiiient to the ciisiitm.'.n, " L .li n . , , V JoM,uu ""ight secuie .heir rljl.t. Ibev arc hemm. Uid.li::gs tl.e vilet AUditmniM ol ii;r pninfuily impveceu with 'i,a oriivif em all a Conml deneial to Canada. linn .hat W indiihcton c.iunfcls are instil. ist .. . .. it. Ji.i'ii::us-lhe vilet Als.lilionint ol ... .. .. .. . .. u em nil as 'Jonmi ttrnei-nl lo Canada. I U'. u . r-.. l.l. ...... i i ..i.. We presume Mr. Giddings hiu been selec- led to superinted the British end or the unaer uifuna KuiIioihI. We must admit that Abraham exhibits great sagacity, and ability, in the selection of his Miu inters. The n..r.;.ii....-.,. nf M.. f...i estubli.h a necro nur.ei v soi..e,.hpr in Lanad.i West, where he can enjoy the .'fcll Ir-Linn of hi pbil.n,bro,.y.' Social- - .,,d rW.g, in 1 .ivor of tne negro, and politically hi I'rt.nd desiie are entirely BruUh- .'.oe we wi"l have one traitor less in .... av - country lorrl'0"'t four year. r.n,..m.. vITl v i.7 . tongreMmen Yet to be Elected. T,,"bu'M wLich h' )el u choose hrpreseniatives. and their time for eleo- t0n. are as follow. . April 1 Virginia. ' May M Muryluud, Nov. y len..e.ce, Au. I i 1 Kmua. Ke"'ucky, Aug. 5 Oolytwoof the seceded States have cho.cn their He.,r.. ... ,i. IIou. S..u:l. t'..;..- ..... t-i ... .i . ni . ..... ill. ur.l ..iu iiunua, t uu others would h.v. ni..w-.. :.. a c-.. tembjr and CHjtober -possibly may do l0 yet. thu : l.... 1.1: . " '..T... 51 i---; -. n uie s.wling .u".".i .... 'j uimo, iuiiu ii HHni .nil .Anil in I .. .1. . ... o. ,n", m'0il The Policy cf the Afn.imitit.tk,; v,KU v """"'"n (,avll i,M , ,ence!ul. Ur. ,.,, U cotrcicn cr wiMijjaTunT 7 in)t.mi (lfa 0ricive policy, tow,, ,, WWKi;g S.ate. They want tiin ! r. I Uipv alao reonire time to mature i.rv mhtmpn that Lave been i clear U, Mm, lariffiM yield no retmiie; nnlew Wall street can e hoodwinkwl in advancing the th'rty-f -ten mihwrn, wh ch the late ijcnrex autnoricKj ht, ,reftM)rv wjn soon be (KWI - ,n - - ,, tbrnclit of civil war, and will Br,l 1.,1 . Hntlar tn t.crretuale intpr.Su., - m - r ttioorl. The campu'wy evacua.i.m Sumter, has .Horded an opmrtm 'f1'"?"' ollt 0f making capi" ... nIP n,liniiitrnlion if. thercf.j elf; nnr, the prepul . r .7- "",.;'";"" " J ni'H C"lircT.'uum r. ii-.o ... ..i. ri irmp, VPSM.,f nrfl incomplete. 1om it.l rvh-nt Imngirie that he Wirf? ,. .....i.i :,i :.. t.;. in.nmtval :. u I , r. r..r ,ii.. .n,1 remi'..i;MJ in 11 ir, wit, mi in (..i..t- ...... wlti . m ft 1 ' . V. I - , ,u Vor I,, are .tilUt ininib im n 1 11 1 inn uai i 1 ;., tnl an elerml unnminrr, inn an rinn u -u K. t,nnPVP,j uall that i needid (e Ai.nf.tiAH .rl ,1t, ,ra II. tmh ir. of theW,U . 111 !""" , . ineinn eovernnont n i ,ilfir . relrnipec.t of .!, and not tlu-ir wordil the event of the Is, three wP.-k riant convince every ..Wr. .... .1...1 :.j .,ir..m mi 1,. i.l inilirlit vi. j4 hvpocri'irnl. Mr. Lincoln'. ,prh In(liano.li. in which l.e maintained KiJ it .vould not bo coercion to rerhKC fonJ ard liroreuic, or o collect dutiji'oil forci-'i; imiiortaiions," enl that it "nou'.jl be n- ii'vaion to. mareh .t" army iiiii Sou 1 Ii nr. .lin.-i :' the metviei'v; 1 Lra fil of hi inn'.it'iiial ; the bitter prognostic;. tinna of member nfhi Cnhinet; tli ill solute power that ha been transferred J jj(.n,,nii S-ot t in the War and Navy llj.l pirin.enl; the iropn-.'e.T ''.i.-tn'mtionl tiirough the South, cf the troop, fmr.l Tex.t ; the recall of oor 1-tnd atul nei fa-l co from the Gulf of rflerico, to the mcj-l itrran-an. and the I'ucific; together snhl a thousand urexpluined and uncontr;. ()irr,i cause of iii'rni. hnvo enj;cndvr- n;.jrtiinn which the adminhiMtlml r0i;l'l have iillaved. bv a sing'e tiihwit.- n.. . .1... u:ul live uiteranre. 1 up r.w.. i. "o. ,1;., ,,:ii.,i, 1.1 I a ntetrivc i.nd tic I iu.' it ,ns been phvici.l'v p. v.rMtJ ,j..uv tlP venom it i p.issc?se.l v iih. l.l '. ' 1 - ,.,,l(.h r. tut h.-s l een, thus lur, ("m ,1. ti , . .... 1 . ...T.i 1..... pei'i"! 10 pui'Mie peaw. .1 vmnu u.v- cladiv ient jirovisioiiH nun men lu roi; ,SlllIer. i,uti ivi!i;j been f.'iced to rolii. qv,Mi the ntini t. ii declare H.i'nl Wi.uM le "covanlice not to re ii. force Fn; pirkns." It vearna to flthl ilatn- rottoo .States: but it !irink lj tftr fr, t.rn-iiei't of hein driven wit I tin. Histric. ot Columbia, bv the nub":i.:i: of Mnrvbiml and Vircinit. Mr. S wir-i .i l i,p individuaitv i.nxion lor oi.tihi.il. t .... ... .. , .... ,, ,. .,- "tit nv- 1 t u 1 it" 1 t t" n 'te j ( ) . lguox, who have t.vnetieu'-iy tic:.::.( . ,j 'procliviliei for j i-uce.. The people are not deceived by tl.t : vnjfuo. nuollicial dicta of ti rei i? 'ihls pei.oH 111 it. tinttor.nl cnj.ital, h ,c. .linn, mil be disavowed, uh scons-u U fr ihe in'.eret ..f ihe a tn.i..., .v.tu.t, j lhl.nv n ,nK)i it ,, .HUlwj. Tie r-.. 1... v....i. I" . . .'' 11 iiij; ' .11 1 ill- in . 11, 11 v.i I , u .ja .. ,.!,, .,:.. ,1... t-i. in .11.. 1.- .ir'Ti.i., , xhr prPt momerd. N-rlli IVr,,!..,, V;. :..;.. i .. ..' 1 ,1 ait ! IH. 'IT t lil ill rlllMiV) , Knmekv. fou r, le n lie.eVi.'ni, 1 1 . . . . ... -, neiu in ciieek, anil .irei oi It- ! . oni i liilh: 1.'.. .. ' 'I "" 1 lie cot ion Mate, bv the nuram-e tii at I ' . ... - 1 neir rea.-onnlile ilemaiid-shoui.l Ih cni"- ,rrl. ,t one mennir, ,as vr t been aJ.'i ... . . 1 i,(. However, t y the Lincoln ovei n.r.i'til. , Bll,i,f . tl(-nt. Seven inrW rn ,,t ,1,0 . confederacy have been rliivon from ,,..l.li. a. L. ...... I..,. .. i .. i' . ni rnif-m inn lutvrn r ri" iu j(in tllpm . ftIul it iK ,mW inn jj.uve lenn.edtli.it limy Ji-.ve tvilhiai to .hope for, but deceit and cnfnl -ry. Tlifjr L,Ji...,i ..: ... V .. ' which was delivered by Mr. II. i-fk'ni idf. in the Senate, on Monday last, pr"fi that, pi i pared a moderate, obtr minifed, llitellmt lit IlK-n. in tho border rlavehnli i.: r..iiv i.- ; in in- , ....... - .hat W iichinginn c.iunfcls are inept red b rabid nhnliiinn!... r.f .1... Kf ...i. rei' ,J raljid aholiiioni.ii, of the Mamw rt1''""1' "l"'"1 "r'ol!,ic- f,cn' wl'c"" 1,9 -Tim Ir.or.r..;. :.. v.. n reeded in developing tho imtline of fearful shadow over tho land ; and the 'mpoi tant q lesthm now is. wheth-r it demrtfjojnM i ri pO' or? It is clear a 1. r . . . , , . . doVbVK' liatedov ,,,.W,. prison. llated o the Wnl. Garrisons. riiiilin fis, Suinnersrnrl Tttppuii of the No.-.!i, nnt wb.ch 1 he.ng o.....el nut by sucl. ?. fe I'li iA?T Vli"' . -. i-t.i .on (.-i.n.i iroi.i inn uouoie-1011- gued hypocriHy, which cloak its in tentmn with tsweel word, in order it Bnin mean of deine-ine-.t.. h...d win. blood. They see Ihe country gradually driaing toward-.. fearful conflict, snd be. iween whom T .Nilural eneu.ie 7 Those who must 1. ink H.lrnil.i nt t'nrlhnnn b ni l -- f. Carolina, Aug. 8 iin of political neoeily ? O'l the ron'ra Calitotrua, Kept.'J ry. where tlire are no reully disioidaid interests, and the exigencies of nai.oiisi economy and i'nwth, invoice a peanr-ahly iiiHtead of a violent transition. In t e nl,i'U "f history "n the darkest prriorU of P..i.n, the Italian republic of the Mid- ,11 A A.,. n .i..n r Mui... I l.ura ii. . . "r ' ... . ' mi. iiv I'sraoei ji t nniion. ai tne iie.itm nfii. at In I l.u t.rti .it-rt e.t ii n itiit tit dNtlnv' WPHl,h ",'l fiV ' tame into f hopeie. an aby.ss of desolation and mis- minitr.tion.-Wi. George Bergner, i-ropaetor" of tie at HarrishurK v ioe Geo. Porier rern ved. Sidney F.euuriclt on Boahoi.l Fq., bai wain lo ban appoimed Po.toater at TitU. way. bur.