Ue IU i-t. f rf i -I ' iV i. Ci I'l I ' ''' ' 1,"M" r " " i . . t, li Imlli I ..I li.il II K I III1 t lilt I'? I'l Hn ,n nm. M.n. . . . MiiM....,..,ny.f....-ir.fr.. I,, i ii ii I mint Mtr '!' "utmli, "r V,.ntili ft PnH. lin..'l l.tnil.V. A flt.is.Mrr r ....nr. tiif r ,rn ft"'1 rc" ilcdnitlitit-l-iH lrnnillioni .MMl. At t.p. , ipilll.t Mil let Iny.ul't.ril lm-1 I ell H,o rmiHtri'K table, win brfi.ieihom, nnd they pon-nilly l i I nrni.ljisi ice to it. I'y some mentis it oood nut that llif-so ardent lovrid were both married men, and it jjot to thowiM of'tl.cir lady lovi-n. The latter were of course indignant, and as suiiul.lo retribution for tlir? imposition .raiti'ed upon them, oltainel two young nits which they imxdo into a nice looking pie. On tlio iiifhl of the icxt visit from their uii!'up'i,iii'g lulmii er, ft piece 'f the pie wns cut as though it hvl como from the supper table, nn J tho twosat down with a keen reliih, nnd satificd the cr-aiings of their hunger. When they had finished tlnir repat.1, they w ere asked how they enjoyed their supper. " First rate," aid one; -'capital," said the other. ' Then rnu home," was the reply. " and tell your wives you hnve had your upper of cat pie!" To convince them of tho reality of the trick that had been played upon them, one or two of the paws of the deceased felines wore produced and ex hibited. A3 the Uenpieablo husbands niiide their ignominious retreat, they were inol by a number of young men who had boon let into tho secret, with such a cho rus of mewing as fairly put them to flight. Ne.vs of the affair got abroad, and when over the two men showed their faces, they were met with ceaseless cries of " mow, mew, mew," and they were compelled to leave the place. - - EXTKAOR DINAH Y l'HKKOUEKA IN CoRING KOnoiii in Canada. A number of residents of Michigan went ever to Sombra, C. V., some time since, and commenced boring some fifteen or twenty feet from a creek, under the belief that oil would bo found. When they had gono down about fifty $even feet they struck a vein of gas. On removing their augi r the gas rushed forth with great force from the aperture, and continued to throw up dry sand for an hour. It then ceased, find the boring at reaflmed ; but as soon as this was done the gas rushed up with such violence as to throw the drill a piece of iron one and a half inches in diameter, eight foot long, pnd weighing fifteen pounds- clean out of the hole, and it continued discharging water and stone, some of the latter weighing twenty five pounds, up into the air a distance of cno hundred feet. Tho stream widened out to tho t'inm cter of a barrel after leaving the hole, and thsj quuntity waj such as to raise the stream considerably above its ordinary level, though it is here about twenty five feet wide. After tho flow of water subsi ded the gas was fired, and an explosion took place which shook tho ground for half a mile, and then continued to throw up i sheet of flame as high as the water had previously gono. The flames could be seen for miles, and were ultimately ex tinguished with great diflieu'' thought thaUho r,P "W;;' ' .J &iYo to, will be one of the best in the country, titmiel ntiM .tlori. If ii I lii .,.-r...l'.i ..- WMl' !,.. ant Hi"- "'''" ,h ' :i.i.;.,ii..,iMM..,.nu).., liimtnl Mwfll-liiii. i,tv..fll"iii'H' nrni tie. I in the It. f uLli. y, )S IMUM HMtS, 1m lit It Mil. Mi, I h M I I'M i f .'i IMnI.U.Mi vn int A v A I f" . 1 t ' 1 1 It . I M 1Ul I l I ,.t,,ih M.'ii'l i. I M Hi tl ) '111, I I' I'll I , i I M , , I, , ' f .!., 'l' 1 U ll'l.f,, ii't I i. lil Iniifi Inn f ft l( h Kt Hi" f' .HPif(, (I tlln',) im lr fl : l,.rlll"n. f Ml Tw ii..iiri. t an:. Throo priuiirr, (41 linn.) 1 1,n 4 fl ft 14 (Ivor tlirofi wt)i'K nn l Dun Pniinrr. Twi)n'iir'". -.li'' Thrre 'imrc, I ' Font minri"i tit' llulf ii diliinin, I I l On ei.iiiinn, . ,.. ,.,,.JJ II in" llllin iiiii-v ..." on no no no an I I !. I no I. $4 im (i on ti rn in on ii on 10 nn II .In. tl I'l 1 I'd j fin II inn f? no in no 11 no It no m on S.i mi A I" -lulu. In" lllil I Hill t IVullmiiiiliiry iM-lrirl All'y .i.lii tl J Triiinrr, 'I. ' 1 1 ' n f-ii'iiiii l I.Imi. linn W i., , (. ..,, Mn l'.ii i..?imi, in r k II VI iMrt .! hn I.. I iiIIIp, .lllllH I Itfll W nllnr, t'i II. l.'Mi1 I I. nit'i-l'l l.llll.i't'l.lHK ( 1,'Mlll.l'l nia hit miutre lor rnn inn-m 1'i.ii not.Ic.ili..g lin,. nro In- ,,roil f.-rtJ 7,M- Wr A trerlint nil r -....... .nlUUjdlro.l, U1 Uf-.Minmi until f.'rl.nl in.lohargcil nccorWit.R to then Utiih. JOB PRINTING. Kn exteiisivo stock of Jobbing materia enables tho Tiiblihlicr of the "L'.-puUiran' to turnout ce to thf juWio that he is prepa ret 8 it ill Ainiis oi FHOiinAMMF.s, ('iRCrl.AKS, HAMllill.lS, usuallv ilonc Labels, F.all Ticiits, andeveiy rfindcf printing in a eountryi ot) orv.ee. Ail orders will be cxecutsl with nout nexs and despatch. 0. B. O0ODI.AKll"K X CO I5USIM-SS CARDS'. I'i. Hntjiir, II. II. Mrixhl, llli n ll".f Ctiiiunli'i'n't'.W in. M '('nn hen, l.ninlf r City Win. Mi-rri'll, ( knrlii I.I H. (', Thiimimnn, MnrriilnU II. I', H"iiin, 'hilii'liiiig lumic W. (lriil:fii,rli.nrHflil .1. 11. SI.HW. (lonrgi) Kii linnln, " 1. 1st ni ruMouii-cH. .V(iii of I'. (). Xnmri tif P. (11(11 llnlii', llnwcr, I'livnt, CiihIi, dulcnit, ('lunrlii'M llriijr, Wii-iilliili.!, I.utliomliurf , Troutvitlo, Ji'lTi-rioin Lint, Forot, Now Wnsliingtot Hurnniilc, I'lc-nrUeld, Freurlivillo, Kurllinun, Cm wfiu villo, curwensvillc, Audili.r', Cnroner, Tjrn.Ain. 11 toe tria, 1 .Ii, I'OKK'". llruillunl, llrfiiljr, liloain, Errnsido, i Cli'iirfield, I'uvington, I, ll !l. . I" "lMl ii M I ! I I 1 I,,,,,, , l I I'ltl' ". " l';' ' ' i t M an 1 U I N I I l! il on In ,, Ii l r (ill. II I 7, 1 "II' ".' i' I W! II,. bI,i i iiiililini' In ib "I In I ' Ml' Mini", In mm I" "i'l I''" ' llm lilir'n"! mutlnl 'tln will r kin ! of 41 tl A I N. My-f A LI, A M SKKi'M Xc VonliiiiKi'iii, N"v. 1, 1 5o. niivT Om I i i 'i , i i ,,,, t - I'm. '!' , , V., - I HA ,J. , fi iu r v.- V''' " V lf K.islA ''I.. ..! fi.,1 h t " 'Im,"' 'lull'!.- YJ , " nl iV n i , i'...M..i.i. ... im ' . . j-y 4 ,i J v::. i'-- ..I .i ,.i....- .M. !.' "" c 't'fr'!I ;r;'" :,!; .I,...- M,,1,,..,-, 1,,. .1, I. Mr mm,!. .. 1";-'. ,1;;ct, :,'f...,v ,l,.or..n.f Hi.-irnli.iilV. -ttri.lf .nn It If- l jt"' ll.lt,. ,.,'.'' IS till, MMi .H II 1 lit Mill. I I t 'I I f , AlllAl r. J. MVi LLoi nii. . m"i ri.l.occn. .M'CUI.I.Ol (ill A ItHOTIir.K. Altmiii'js at Law. OiVu-cnn Mnrkol. mrect, ..ppofito Muwi'ii' Store Cl.-ftrfiet.l, Pa. Will iittcml prumptly to Colk-e-linns, alo of Land.-, Ac. nov7-ll W. HAYS, J untioe of llie r.iiu-e. will ntti n pr.!M11y tu ci.llccti.iii' nud i.lln r. iniilt.-r eft In hifrliarpe. Ad.licfs Kcrffy, hlk co,, 1 r. Oct. ;td 1S0. ly. j DANIKI. UOUDLANDKK, l:Vril'l''. oi llie t.ciu-e I l.ntliir.-liiirj;, t'lrnrfivld Co, I'u., 1 ) J ill n I tend to lii cue. iiri ini.tlT I" nil Mnn li '20, liiiiiu i' 1. 1 1 ust t.'d 18f,(l. ly. pd. KLLIS IRWIN &i SONS, VT tho mouth of 1n-k Hun, five mill's from Clearfield, M KRCHAN'l'tf, nud exteiuive Mannfiicturer.'i of Luuber, July 2:i, 1812. JTlvn iom pson; BlacLsmlth. Wsgons, liuRics, Ac. lc, ironed on short nitics, nnd the very bet style, at his 11 f tn nd in t'.ia borough of Curweusville. Dec. 29. 1S5S. UOIIKRT J. AVALIiACE, Attsr.kv at Law, , Clearfield, Tn., Cilice in iUsw's How, up- onito tho J carnal office. 1'liilipi burj; Miirron, Helen l'o.t OfTipe, I.ceounto's Mills, Hold Hills, Shnwsville, (iiii hnniton, iiiiths Mills. Tyler, l'cnn field, Ansonvillo, ult I.ick, New Millport, llrcckenridno, Kylcrtoivn, Morrisdiilo, Lumber City.t (iruinpiiin Hills, CiirwensviUe, Hloomingvillc, nekton, Jeffries, J This Post Oflieo will do for Chest township V ill answer lor l'iruon township. Heeater, Ferguson, liirar.l, I " (loshen, Craluiin, (iulich Huston, I " Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Lnwrenec, Morris. I. I). V. (nlwfll M..rv i'Mci T. A. MOhee J. V. Cir-jliU Lewis iiiiiii P. li. .Miller ej. v,'i:iikii'.s .. L. k :JJ.'l Jacob K'unU John lleberling Jas- HI, .0111 J. M, CuniiuiiiKl Jus Mc.Murrny C. V. Watson. F. Cmiilriet J V W y.-hntrr Samuel Way Centre comity K1I111. Willimns Klk county, Ph. C. Minuet William Carr A. Ii. Shaw Jas. II. (irahnin J. A. Ilef arty llavid Tyler H. Wondwnrd lili7.11 Chase (1. Hcekiidorn 1). K. Mokel J, W. Tliomps'n Cl.l'.llll' ll'.l " II AIM.Ml, wll SIM h, lhf.0 ri- I , opened I .r lb" reffplioil f pupils mules unit remains) on MnniU.v, Aiir 7",in,er session of eleven Weeks Orthotiniphy, Heiidinp, WritinK. Primary Arithmetic and (eoijrnphy. f'J.iO Higher Arithmetic, F.nglish (Irnininnr, (leii)- niphy and History. 'b Algebra. (Im.inelry, Naturul Philosophy and ll-iok Kffplns " Latin and Ureek luiiKunges. $'! 00 To iludents desirous of iicinirinR a tlioroii(jh Knglirh Kdiiention, 'nml who wish to .nullify tlieiusalvcs for tenehers, this Institution nfl'ers desirable ndvuntages. No pupil received for less than lialftt session, and no deduction liiado except for protrnetod sickness. Tuition to lio paid nl the close of tho term. ('. 11. SANl'l-'OKD, I'kin'cii'ai.. M.i 2'i, 1N0.- Iv. A. M. HILLS DENTIST. Propernttention to tho teeth in proper tune w ill be of great benefit to every one """ " in point of health, comfort, and convenience. Hit. Ill Ll.S c.-.-i tixays bo found nt his of Jas. Thompson fice, on tho corner of Front and .Main streets, l'enn, 1 1 iU, , Vnion, Woodward, J. McClelland V. W. Wright A. C. Moore, aniuul Way Michael Wiso. W. K. Johneiin T. llciidursou ruiiiry the blood. V EG ST. XL J LIl-S TILLS AN'l) PHOENIX EITTERS. Tho high and envied celebrity which theso when no notice to tlio contrary appears 111 mis paper. Al oerr.tioni is thu I'.no of his profession pcttoiiued in tho latest an'd niott improved styles, nnd gimrnnleod for ono year against all atural failures. CJTI h r ti;iki(; timi:s in riin.ADr.i I'l A! Tfrlliflntoim Krrttrvirnt ri.ioio lit J,.., !!.' KXCITIXU FOOT HACK between the l'hiladolphia P-lire and tho notorious I'm per and counterfeiter, Ja nes UiichaiSin Cross ! ! ! Cross Hocaptured ! !! ! It seems to be the gener al opinion in Clcurlicld, that if Cross had worn u pair of F'rank Short's French-calf Uoots, that he would not be tn'.mi yet. However, Shorty is not much put out nt missing his custom ; but would announce to nil Hn kinrlilyr, ..io(i I.ininln inn Hill nml women and children their I icarnciu. aau iniieuiaoi'mug 111 ,iiriii-uun mill no is prepa roil (o uirnisu ineiu uuu noois llllin ii'K"' 1 .in t troilu.-ed with laulll.x ri-nlnry nnu neii.-a..T 01 ,1, .litieatii.il. up.. n Porcelain mrol nn) ! up- tiu and ill nib hi used an nili. li s l luMity of lion., hold ulilitv, siu li as t ins. Vases. I'renk r,il Cups, Tiill. t Arlirl.-", Ac: tlnri-by seeiirinK raitlilnl porlrnits and liiruishiiig n unliiie nnd eviuisile slvle f (irimmcnlalioii of articles in domestic Use, In order ( furnish facilities lor tno frmniicn Illt. I'l.lif, '!' lli".. A foil Hi-llbsl r.li?l. It, 1 JJ Mr. M I. H liltlltsl flll.rll",i 1 1nn (V, tf.i.'l njs.ii th'.i.'l. s. nml II... snrf.,,,,,1 1 ilielni! ni.ii.inl MKutarallmi, stilt-iin ' 1 I, li. Ill nil i.'ll'lli I'm, i.',.n .1 i.y m. 1 Ink. Avn I'll I m. nnd Si I, illri'. II. .iTH ii.lurnf aril. hi of llm sjuli'tn. ami will, fvolliiK nl limllli SK.in. Whnl It liii",,( till, trivial mi'l roinui'm C"iii.Wiiiit. I. -l i,r in. iiiM'ii ifiiti'd an, I iliinicfioo. ili.n.n,,.. s tiuiKntlve 1 Hi , t expi ls llisni. Caii.. .. 'l lion of the popular taslc, nlui to meet 1110 n anis pniiiiive 1 111 ,1 e xp. i num. ' "a-1 17 111,4,1 ' - I .. .. f I. ....A I....I .l...4...'..l....l.lv,.f llil..l....f' I iicsirous 01 in'". ...n . . ,. mwj i'"",'i J n,w ,'".' 1 .......j . .11,'m, of those niilrons of Iho 1 110 nils having portraits on Porccluin, the Company haio imporled from F.urope a coll jel ion of sui'fior porcflain goods, manurai-tured lo Ihcir own order, which they will sell at cost prices. As the American Company nro owners of 1'ie patent right, and conse.pienlly Iho only persons authori.ed to use the process, they have deter mined, in order to aflnrd peop. in cv.ry sc. lion of the Union nn opportunity to possess portinila on China, to make tho following proposition to r sidents in the country, w ho are unable lo visit UBly nfllieU-.l wilU blotrlim awl lmpkaa l personally the Atelier and (.iallencs ill Now in iter nair. aii..i- onr mini curM, '. . . J voor Pills. uuJ tliev have curej liw. 'T-' ... ,. , '. AM0rv re sons srnuii g a pooiogMi.o, ........... ,-. . ifmllw Pl.i.u 1 1 -,. r the Comnanv in A foniuy I lijitr, Xew York, accompanied by:., will receive in! Fmu lh: K. W. (Ur W, .V, ojj ......... 1 - r ,.r r.nv n richlv onia. Your I'llli are the prln. of iiiireot. Tl . 1 1. 1 r ' 1 U.....V.,, .,l, llm 11, r. iiiii.llll" siiriauw any catlmrlic wo nut 3 mented Urci.kln.st I up and f-auccr, Willi tlio !"-r" illlt very crtii. and eir.'eluul InVJ. irait transferred thereon ,OWuls, wlii. li makei (biin invaluable to tiitl jjy ii aosiiiuiiug 11 u.ig-in iui.i j 'u ...... . - irenmo'iii 01 uiuuiw. Ilt-ndaclic, Sltk Head nclie, Foul !J l.v the anuiu m ins. Num. who know tlwtin It:,.- Ill I . A I,,u ll.... .t... - . .- , nH MrtJ , III. II I.M "! n I PUt"innla from lnnllnj plijrslrtini , piiurlpiil cities, and from vthor Will kuu, sous. From a Fiirwardinff Muchaul if &. nat,d, 1 Da. Avr.n: Your I'llli arn lln irnwlt Krettt In nieJltiiie. Tin y liava cuwl di? Ul . of ulcerous tores uiKin lei- liamU Nad fMiluii. Incunililfl for years. Her inutlior hiu UtfZi .'ill ri.ei.ien iii like no, n tier a handsome roncii Vase i r Toik-t Artielo, with tho portrait repro .luced by tho patented process. lly sending a pair of daguerreotypes n':d $15, they will rccvivo in reltrn u piir of rich .Sevres Vases, with the portrait executed eiiiu! to tnin lature paintings; and, ill like manner, portraits .an bo rcio ml need on porccluin wares or Vases if every .(unlity of finish, ranging in price from f2) $l(lil the pair. N. 11. lie particular in writing tho address, town, county, and .Slate distinctly. AM letters to be iiililrcssed to .Mnna'.'i r. Amer ican Photographic Porccluin Co., "SI Proudwny. Xow York." no v' -.".m M doc. I, lf?5S. tf. SI. WOODS, havlljr cinngod his loca ion i rum iiirwcinvnia i u vieai uem, res. rro einirenl medicines havo ncuuircd for : . i- : II .1. . I: -l.:..l. .1 I llllll lie IS lir invariuuie euicacy in au me uisensv n ino in.. ... , . . r , , . , , . ,J , , ,, i . , hhoes und (..niters of any style or pultcrn, stiuli liroiess 10 euro, lias reuuorcii 1110 ubuhi ,imu, cm , , , , - . . . . i puflin? not only unnecessary, but unworthy fd, sewed or pegged, (and as he is a short tel. 1 3 J . . . . .. . .Inwl on nl'.nrt nnlieA. All kinds of country produce taken in c tliem. They i re known liy tnoir iruits; meir goed works test'fy for them, and they thrive not by the faith of tho credulous. Is Al t. casks ol Asthma, lcute ami (.limine pectfully olTers hii professional services to the Hhenmatism, Affections of tho Uluddef and Kid : linns I the atter nlaeo nml vicinuy. Kesidonce on Second street, opposi'e ti it of J. Crans, Ksij. my : '150. JAMKS T. I.KOXAIW. UM, A. WAI.I.AI K. A. FIXNKY C. JIMSKV neys. J.illious t ever anil Liver . i.nipiuinis. i In tho south nnd west, whero theso diseases prc ivnil they will bo found invaluable. Phnlcrs, ! Triii..i hii. I i.tlmrrf. who nncA use these medicines J. G. HARTSWICK, M- D. win never afterwords bo without Ihem. I li J s I c I r n a II tl Surgeon, Djspcpsda. No person with this distressing m r i'i 11 . r... -in niin ' disease should delay using these medicines im- ClearfieldP i.,MayoO, lahO. 'media.clv. Krupti'n. of tho skin, Krysipclas, WALTER BARRETT, at -iloney, Fjvo- an 1 Ague. For this scourg ATTORNEY AT LAW, will .MU-nd promptly , ''Hlie western country these rnedicines will e ,nd faithfully to all legal business entrusted to 1 J-unJ . sa e, speedy, and cer.am reu.eJy O his ca.e, in tho several Courts of Clearfield nnd , .ncd.cines leave tho system subjec to a retur o I. .. ..' . the disease u ure by these medicines is cd. ' o'mTl"" no 'fornur.y occupied by 0. K. .nnneni.-Trv then, bo satisfied, and be c.mdn I' .it Mcmiral DlheaiiCS. Never fails to er r. o... t.,- ... oate entiielv nil tho effects of iner.'iirv -niiiniteli- . . .., . ; sooner than tho most powerful prep-iraliou of (jiHrr.liofts mndc at.il prttrtvih jiromplfi remitted Ult. ii. . i . I Li. An i .arsapnriila. profes- Night sweat. t.rVous Debility, Nervous Com-) change, nnd rash not r fused. K. pairiug done in tho neatest manner nnd charges moderate, al Hie Short Khoo Shop on Second Street, opposit. Heed, We.-ivr A Co'sstore. FltAXK SlIOltT. N. I!, Findings for sale Sept. 20, 1M!0. Ai:!il(.li ;l'!l)l'. IScitig n private ItL instructor fur inani.-l persons or those about to l, married, both n.ale and lemaie. in o.-crylhi' g coni crnii.g the physiology and rela tions of our sexual system, and the production or prevention of oil-pi in-.', including nil llie now liscoveries never before giien in the Knglish language, I.y WM. Y A SH. M. D. This is really i valuable and interesting woik. It is written in plain language for the general render, mid is illustrated with numerous engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having tho least impediment to married lile, should read this liouk. It discloses secrets that everyone should be actiuainled With ; still it is u hook that mint be I "i ki-l up, nud not lie about iho houso. It will be sunt to any one on receipt , if twenty five cents, in specie or postage .'lamps. Addre.s Iir. M'.M. YlU'.Mi. No. -I III Sonne st, ubovc Fourth, Philad. Ipluu. I n. from Dr. Kdtoari lloyd, flalo, Dr. in lino. Arm: Icannot answar vouvlUiJ I have care t with your I'ills butter tiiaotoail rirr (-e,il with apurratirr mndcine. I nlmr,. , ili'iire on (in I'fli'i timl rathsrtio in niy dnily n illsuase, nnu nun. ineai i isi mm your 1'ilta at. Itest wc have, 1 of cuurso valuu ihem lilgul;, I l'lTrsncp.n, Pa., He I Dr. J. C. Arr.n. Sir: I baro hewn rawatrf. I the worst i'uilarltt. any body can ImvobyiJ ol voir rills. H l ins to nrise troui i ta , i wbii-li they cleanse nt oare. Yours Willi great respect, T.J), ff. fti Dillons Disorders Liver Coapi, I iVimi Dr. Thrwicre lirll, nf .V-io Yvtil. Not only are vont- PHU nilinli nl.ty ailnntwltiu ivise us nn api'rii'nt. I nt I 0ml their l nii,-ii,jJ tliu I.ivit very nmiKi'il iiiui'i-u. i'i.'rhirfH (Ire ptovetl iii-re utfrctunl f,.r tho rureofl, ji'uiMfs than uny one r. aieiljr 1 tun mnituu. 1 ri'l.iirn Unit we have at li'.ulth a Vuriutne (.,. thy Iho coiiSdeucs v! the profi ssiun aui vw ItcrtiiTutxT er rut Ism Washington, II. C.'tli Sir I hare used your I'lllsin nn .-"noinl,:. prncticeeTer since ) nu maJu tlii-ni, ami caniMtiJ aay they aru llie lsi ruiuaruc e einpln)'. i. Iiilm,' ailioii on the mer Is ijui. k ami ilwt qui'iiily they are nil ailaiiiHl'lu leiacly f,.Tdm:H ol that ori;aii. liiuYi-d, 1 have scluuu s,iiivli ' InluiHI disfiiir so oltstitmtu that it dij out rnrih them. l iati'iimlly y.,as, AI.ON7.0 IIAli i'iyiiciii. 'I'i! JuniiJ Dyarntfry, Dlairlinra, lie lax, WiJ I From i)i: J. 6". tlrt.ru, 'i" t'miaja Your I'ills have had n long Irinl hi m; frvtf. 1 h 1J them In . stwin as one of the Is-st aisma: i i-vit f.nuiil. Their altt-rulivc i flVcl uhiii Ui.Isi If .II. , ..( nml I nt h .1 may bo your disease, b .riiioilr No matter fore you place your- jSanhinn anb (ToIItftioi) (Oncr OF LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C I. 1-: A K T I L 1), CLEAUniLl) COl-XTV, PA. .JIIIM.S ol. KXCHAXUK, NOTCH AMI nil A ITS IHSColSTK I i posris Hixi'.ivi'.ii, l"ilivslchin and Surccoli, offers his X sionnl services to the citizens of Mew Wash- plaints p-;J il:,i Organic Affections, Palpita- A New Sratauim tor IioniiEitv.On Monday a ; oung man called nt the houve of Mr. Kroniberry, in r.rooklyn, ropre onting to tlie futnily tlint Mr. K. liaJ mot with a dreadful accident, and urgnd them to go with liiru to li is t.laco of busi ness in Nev York. Mrs. M. speedily changed her dresss, and, taking lior chil dren, got into a carriage which was wait ing nt the door. They lrovo to Fulton furry, where the young man left them, nnd thoy proceeded to Mr. K's. itoro, and were gratified and mrpi iscd to see him rvivc and well, ilennwlnlc tlio young mnn ran back to tho houso and requested tlio servant, lo go up ntnirs anil get some towrls to he used as I andages. Sho did so ; and the fellow, Inkjng advantage ol lior alienee, proceeded to the closets md itolo a. tho tilverwnre ho could find. He also carried oft' a watch and other articles of value, and nude his esaapo without I eing detected. A New Version or tue Fai.i.. The following is pretty good if authentic: " Tlio Mandann, a I'akota tuition, .ro fi'fs to be of Fubtevranenn origin, l-'or--merly they were shutout from the light of Heaven, nnd dwelt together near a subteri -mean lake. A stray grapo vine ironi the tipper regions extended its roots into thoir dark region, nnd by means of thin, one half climbed up to the urn face, nnd wero delighted with the New world, its fruits and game. Hut unfortunately for tho residue, a fat woman attempted to climb up, the vino broke and tho l.nU enco of tho triho were forced to remain below. JCrOnc day, at tho table of the late Dr. 1'ease, (Dean of Ely,) jubt n the cloth was being removed the subject of discourse happened to ho that of an extraordinary mortality nmong lawyer. " We have lost,"iid o gentleman, "not less than six eminent barristers in as many months. ' The Dean, who wa quile deuf, rose as bin friend finished his remarks, and gave the company grace t " For this and every other mercy, the Lord's name be praised 1" Jbe tSeci was irresistible, ington and r urroundingiiniinunity. OflicothreJ doors nest of Iho Wushington H'm ... 'iyH1'!!":lon: ,''.' Oct. rCTs " JOHN HUIDEK0PER. Civil. F.xiiinekr k Land Si itvr.von, oilers his professional services to the citizens of C'lear- ui.l county. All business cntruste.l to nun win oo pronn i. and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, l inncy i- Justice of the pence l.uthcrshnrg, Llcnrliciu lo, I'll., win Rttend promptly to nil business entrusted to his earo. Jlo also iniornis mo innt uuuuii m i p constantly nn hand ut his oliop, a general as sortment of Saddles, Hridles, Harness nnd whips, which ho will soil on reasonable trcuis. ApiTl 4, 13rf . TEKTAL CARD. AM. SMITH ofTers his professional services . to tho I Rile and Gentlemen of Clcur licld and vicinity. All operations performed with neutness and despa'.ch. P.eing familiar with nil tho late iinjrtvicents, ho is prepared to mnko .rtirlnl 'Icelli in tho best manner. Office in Shnw's tiew row. Sept. 14th, 1653. lyJ. .ion of tho llcnrt, Painter's Cholic. riles. The original proprietor of these mcdi-1 cinos wns cured of Piles of :!5 years standing by I tho use of these Life medicines nh-ne, Worms of all kinds, are effectually cured by these medicines. Parents will do well to administer tliem w iiencvcr their existence Is suspected. Helief will be certain. 1 TnE LIFE TILLS ASn I'llOKNIX D1TTKI1S rurifv Iho blood, nnd thus remove nil disense i f i out tho system. A singlo trial w ill place tne , well known House, nml w ill coniluct it in such a 1 1, UT. Pn.i.s nud PnuKNix P.iTTKlts beyond the j manner as will render excellent comfort nnd for reach of competition in tho estimation of every ; satisfaction to ull who may favor hi in with n patient. j'V Prepared and sold by 1)!. WM. I'.vrhanc on fl.e Cities constantly nn hand. tT-OfTico on Second St,, nearly opposite the COl'RT iiou.si:. rYKONi: (Jty Hotel. Col. A. P. UVI-:N.S, l'lionum-on, lle'peetfully announces to tho travelling public. thft he has now taken charge of this large nnd tli.'lil an excellent li'llieilv. wliell lliu il ill lui. bilirmt ilystiib ra awl tiiitrrliau. 'iUAt Kp 1... ,1. ... ...nl.LU ..l,.ii.i.n' i. ..tr i .... 1 1 c ,.r ii... ....i. . i'""'" ....... ' -v.i uuui-i ...vwiivi i,,v ...,v v , i ol IVOIII.'II .mo I'tllMl ii - r....:.... ...i l. ;.. ii.;. ' "'"'"-" ; ... , Dy.pci.aln, Imnmlty of the Bid nr nnv n rrr ninirr. irel n I'l.itv of oitlieror Dr. ' r 1 1 ' 1 ... . ..... ...... It,.,,, I,,t... ,.f A, mil tW oung's books, and read it cnrefnl'r. II will 1 '." the means of saving you 1. any a dollar, your health, nud possibly your life. lr. lUl'NiJ can bo consulted on any of Ihe diseases described in his publieal I'U.s, lit his oflice, No. 418 Spruce ft, above Fourth. Ii7-lv Viy S:lj Urodnay, cor. Feb. 2'.'th lStiO.' lyr. Ii. MOFFAT, Worth St., New York. call. novT-Iy T WATCH ft JZWELRY riltU undersigned rcspeclfully I informs his customers and the public generally, that he has just received from the Fast, and o, i n ed at bis establishment in li ii AJAM'S HOW Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Chicks, W.utitKs, nnd Jmidi.iiv of diflerent qualities,; from n tingle p'uee to n lull sett, v hit h he will '.I at the most reasonable prices for cash, or in exi 'haiiki' for old gold and silver. CLOCKS of every variety on hand, nt tho im vt reasonable prices. A I.I. kinds of Clucks, Wnt.dus nnd Jewelry, carefully repaired and WmrmiUil. A continuanco of patronage is solicited, Sept, III, IStil). II. F. N A I' (ILK. NEW HOTEL. Tho undersigned respectfully begs leavo tfc. announce that be recently rented a houso in the borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pu I fcrcd for several years with a severe lung nlVec ; lion, and that dred diseaso Consumption, is anx ious to miiko known to ins iciitw-suucrers i lie , means of euro. To nil who desire it, lie w ill send n copy of tho nritwr.rii.1i.nl iiiwl. ifrpe oT rluiri'i' with the di- THE 1ILACKSMITI1 BUSINESS, 1 " '' r . ' .., ,.iv. , , , . I CI I U! UT llllll li." Ill U lllf Pltu.v nun ii iimici.il in-......... in , i they will find n sure cure Idr Consumption nv . . n u hn it. auiii r-nvit, is i.hd look ni'.iti'.! look n i:h i:: mllK utidersiiriied subscribers, take Ibis m I od of iiif.u mini.' Iho public jrcnernlly, thntl they huve this dav entered into copartnersh BLACKSMITH 15 U S I X K S S , rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old customers, and as many new ones aB ckii make it convenient to givo them a call. I'.ring on your hoes, your spades nnd picks, Your loc-chnins nnd your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your lmrso, your marc, M CONisilJMIM'IVF.s:--Tho advertiser, havinir reen restured to health in ft few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf- i "ir mo nccommonatioii ol tlie travelling public, wnieriuen aim an diners wno may luvur nun with a call. His table will nlwnvs be supplied with ns good as tho uiaikcts alford ; nnd no pains will b.i spared to render his guests comfortable while under his roof. To which the facts that no in toxicating linuors of any kind vi'A he kept about the premises, will he trusts, contribute in no small degree. While, what i" always important tu Iho traveller, the best attention, will be given by careful hostler to that faithful companion of Ins journey, his patient steed. July 4, lSlitl. ly. JAMKS CROSSLY. ias. il. i..nniMKn. . I. tkst j;0 threc-yenr old shall then go baro Allllliii'.n v II.SI, nnorneys tu j.iiw r 1 J Clearfield, 1., will atlohd promptly to Col tAiolis, Lnlid Agencies, ftc, Centre nnd Klk counties. in Clearfield, July HO. y 1IKXHY W II ITEM HAD, JrwTlt'R of tho penco llockton, Union (p., will attend ro-.iotly to all businois entrusted to his care. Scjit.,12, I Slid. ly. Your spears will work up then just right, To prooning hook for every height. Your swords too, shall then bo wrought. To ploughshares mcli as ('.mm ne'er bought. JACOB SlIUNKWILFU, iiFO. W. OUR. Cloarfield, December 8, 1858. tf. THRESH ARRIVAL OF r NKW (iOOUS! TIIK CHEAT CASH STOKK. Asthmn, Brcnehitis, l-c. The only object of th advertiser in pending the presoription is to bene fit the ntllicted, nnd spread information which he conceives to bo itivnluablc, ami lie hopes every sufferer will try his remedy ns it will cost them nothing, and may pn.en blessing. Persons wishing the prescription will please address ltev. EUWAKb A. WILSON, nov7-ly AVilliiinisburgh, Kings Co., X. Y ! ! ! DEATH ! ! ! To every form and Specie of VEltMlN. AT lam just receiving nnd opening a largo and well selected assortment of "COSTA .".V" "COSTA ,"A'" "COsTMfS" "COSTA ll'S" "COiSTAIfS" "COSTA IV S" Hut, UuM.h ('c. Keteiminutor. lied ltvg E.rterniHutvr, Ktecti 'w Putt'derj'vr Jr sects. DESTROYS INSTANTLY To Persons out of Employment. ACENTS WAN I EI). In every County of the United States, fry onirniro in Iho mlo of somo of tho best and I most elegantly illustrated Works publi.-hod. iiii I iy t TV'ri.'li (':fVins K'.tf, Koaclies. Mice, Moles, (iround-.lico, Our publications nro of tho most, interesting xiw..i ,,-.,..i uv . Hed-l.UL'S, Allls, Moths, Mostitiitoes, FletLS, e iarac.er, a i,..-a .o i .o ..... o. iU , 0 a illOSt CVCrV (leSCriPtlOI), IllPCctS Oil l llinls, Insects Oil AllilllillsJ, l c Mechanic, m.1 Merchant ; they are I uhlishcd in J I ' i . ,: i e the best style and bound in (ho most substan- y ,.v Ta,f tm ,XVrnVA 1" 0 t V'cry lorm and species of rial manner, and nro worthy n placo in the l.i-, v a vn "SH1 T-T Tfl'M 3 brary of every Household in tho Land. i A hcetitifiil assorlinonl of Trinls nnd Urcss' , , e i r v v i (!..To men of enterprise nud industrious hub- g0OU)i f 1C rewest nnd latest styles. Also a! Jt' .Vcara cstublislied 111 AM 1 Oik City its. this business otfers nn opportunity for profit- r,..,H, ..nrietv of useful notions. 1 used 1V the CitV Tost I tlice the City l'ris Hlllll l- III 'IO llll'll I PL-I.llllll I'l .U llllll niiu. :t'4l.l'srons desirinjc to act as ngonts will ro eeivo promptly by mail full particulars, terms, ' rfc.bv addressinz LKAHY. (iETZ A co.. Pub.: nonneis, Aiinwis, CLEARFIELD STONE WARE I'UTTERy. Thankful for past favors nnd solieitious of fu ture patronnge. I would respectfully announce that I have on hand ngnin, nnd will constnntly keep at tho Pottery in this borough, on tho cor ner n short distance east of tho Methodist Church, i ii large stock of Crockery, such ns Cream crocks, . milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casing !fo. f c. : and also nn extensive assortment of I different si.es and patterns of bracket and rosettes for cornice on houses, and other moul dings. Any mouldings not on hand will he iradc to older on short notice. Also firo brick made and kept for sale. ff-'I'A liberal reduction on prices nude to wholesale dealers. F. LEITZIXUEH. Clearfield, tuny 2.1, 1870. ly. Uu. Aim: I have used your Fills witli tr j surces in my family ami tiiinini; lh.nn-1 amd. I in .listri'ss. lo r.n.iliile llie 0.7.1IK 01 mt. tmrirv tlio blood, Uu y nre the very i-est nat rvrr kniinn. nnd 1 cnu ci'iilel. nlly reuifflnwa.' my friends. Voun, J. V.C Warsaw, Wynnilng Co., X. Y.,(HI. Ut in Fir : I am iianuc your I aiu.11 tic 1 im tlee, and find tle ni an exeellrtit J.iirative Ion svst.nl mid inn if a llie J'uuuUiiiil "1' Hl, ' J011X (i. MKACIliS ( onstlpnt lon.Costlvencas, tnpprtJ Kill II III II 1 1 Si III, lilllll, ACUIljUI ay, 1'nrnly kla, ! Its, etc. From Iir. J. J'. Vaughn, iltntni'l, limk Too much cannot Iw ssil "f Jour Fills fjrft I o.s.' ireuru. If olli.TS of our fratern t liawM i as i fflciuloui as 1 have, 111. y should j..in 11M in .- lug it for the bwi.'llt or tlio miiiinaaes wnon Unit nimnluliit. w hlcli. nlllimiL'li .a.l onoiir It the liriiL'eulti.l' of otln-rs Unit an' verse. II limit lo originate in the liver, I, il j r rills t- organ nnd euro tue ilUase. From Mn. E. Stuart, Viniun n.l .ViJr.', 1 find one or two lnrei- doses of vwr IWilst proper tinn'.nre excellriil pri.mr'tiv.sor.Jwsii;" (1011 when wliellvor sirtlully siippmai.ii, mm .n.ul.i.1 1.. ll.n ml.nm-h Hli.l tZf'iWTi ure so nnicli tlie beat physic we 1 ivo thai I no othor to my putients. Fran the Rer. Dr. Ifowkn, of Ihe .V lh nl.il I4' rrtAsKt Hocsr. Suvanuili (!.. an. Ho!ioRm Sin : 1 rlinuKl b. uii.-Mli fiil f your skill lins l.miii;lit n If I Ai'l nut iqs.rt : yon. A eld si'tllfil in mv liiiilxna.l hmuclil ciKting iirm.W-.icp'Oin, wi-'-'i c"rt d in '''"" turn. Notwillialaiidlug I hud tl"' I' W' Al n u.... .....1 u-ru, lllllil l.V UlCaUli piNlli'i,l nyont in Itiillimnre. Ur. MslIo'IIiK I -"; Fill". 1 heir envoi ! slow, but sure. Hrr lu tho uao of (liftn, 1 nm uow entiii-ly wrlL SrNATB riiAVnm. Baton Itougr, Iji. MV Un. Avtn: I havo been entirely run-d, k ! Jlhriinmtic tf..iit a painful diaease tli.it M ' foryturs. u.w.us -M.st of the Pills in market r ou" l.i... ltl....,.,l, vnlHf.1.1,. ru,,....lv in Bki'11 ' danirerou in a public pill, froal lhft 1 tliHt friHim.ntlv Totl-iw Its ImautliH.' contnin no mercury or mineral substance 1 Price, 25 conts per Box, or 5 Bow Propared by Dr. J. C. AYES & CO., rfl-Sold bv C. II. Watson. Clenri' Irwin, Curwcnsville; Y. Arnold, Lull- Montgomery A Co., Xew Sa'u'n; C' Morrisdale. C. H. Foster, Philipshiirf! CUasc, Ansonvilloj and by dealers it. No. 2it North street, Philadelphia. Oct 24, 1S50 ly. ill and examine the Patent air-tight (il: and Mono Jnrs, they aro just the thing-you uuoi., Tor call t'. I , W. & CO . Salt. fERY CHEAP nt the ttore nf jan2.1 WM. F.IUWIX. TTAM, 1 Ues, Mutfiteroi Mii liorring for sale I low Hllne Stork . tl . F. IR H'lN I ciearfio , July lltli ISC!. ' Flour. Ci 00D AUTJCLK.for sale it Ihe store of 1 rgcat variety of useful notions. ueii liy tneciiy l ost ( mice- llie City rns- Ai 1., ,An on anil Station houses the city .SU'iunera, largo assortment, ready-made sllipH 4Cmu,0 Citv ..;ut01. ..st; G L 0 T 11 1 N (1, I Nichols," &c., nnd l.y more than 120,0(10 lints and Caps, Boots and Klioci, a large quantity, Hardware, Qt censwnre, Druggs nnd Modicincs, Oil nnd Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, Fish, Bacon and Flour, GROCERIES, ian23 W. F. IRWIN. of tho best qunlily, all of which will be sold nt BstJjW-!? 1 .00 llttXPR Pent l.y lllllil. tne lowest cue 11 or rcauy pay prices. . SMjuISI & fr0.UU l.y Kxpreos. My old friends and tho puhlio gonernllr. are cti lihlmm .i.ki.r!r...l., i - , . - j. ' y.VY v v- t-j vi 4t 1 n ' i"i viii'Uiii( 'J 1 iurirjtnuuy IIIV11UU IU Willis Cleai Sobi, Oct. 31. lHnll. WM, F, IRWIN. S-yS. II. All kinds of ?iM.Vand npprovo COl'STHY l'HUDVCP taken inexchnnga f Goods. Cabinet, Chair Making;, J OHN fil'I.ICH, of the borough of Clonrfieln, Pa., w ill be prepared" nt nil times to attend to lo any business in the above lino on short notice, nnd in n workmanlike manner. His place of business is nt tho old shop on tho north side of Market street, 3d door cast of Third st., nearly opposito tho old Jew store ; wher ho will keep constantly on hnnd n large assortment of Mn. hngony nnd Cnno llottoni Chnirs, nnd Cabinet 8Qi.lrii(;isU and Iletailers everywhere Wnro of every description, which he will dispose sell them. 1 "t"n ns reasonable terms as tho snnio articles tyijuseholesalo Agents in all lar,-e Cities 1 fn" 1,0 ,'nJ ."'V?0 in ,l10 F0,,ny. , . mrii i.. , . ,11. 1 ti n.. . Ins stock of Cabinet n nro now on hand, con- BMaJ ep lnr bijou. 25c, sc, & I l.oxes- f!M, in pnrt r1,r01,-inB 8na C(milon liu;enuSi liottles, l-lilSkS- Sof.'is. SewinT nnd AViiwliinc Stliimlu. lvL. n.,.l RW'AHIC ! ! ! of ppurious nnit.'it ions. Ili.uk Cases, French and Field Post Bedsteads, Examine each 5X, Bottle .t l-'lask, Iining, ISrenkfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta- ! bles, lc. ( ofhns uinniifactured nnd delivered nt ' any place uV'-Irr 1. j Fehrnury 9, lSi().no. 4, yo. iv. privAto lainiles. NE W GOOD T.,t Mi..;,:,., n,i ..i.nnini. nt &ii3k ofl.nwis Smith in liethlehem a well i" sortment of Spring and most every description. tStaplo nnd Fancy, a beautiful ' Prints nnd Dress fio of tho latest styles, also a vniicty of M I tions. Hats nnd Cai, Dmi'iets and hnnwn, Uoots nnd Shoes, ITfir.l Medicin"?, Fish, GROCERIES Tobncco, Scgars nnd nil articles us in a country Slerc, all cheap i"r i"'" ... n ,.i r r vi.iirsf'"'- VI. ID UP u l-llll 1111. 1 evv ,- .,irlr,v 11. L. llKKDKUSO' May 21, 13(i0. It nt" C kl'". I t I. tr.i.t! rn vni it , - tore. Cu."c'" and tnkn nothing but "CotiTAR's" V the J -n.iies s "looking Btoves of various siie and prices for solo by E. A. 1RVIN CurwcnHville, May 16, 'CO. I1ENHY 11. COST A U. Ti-incipal Depot, 410 liroadwny, N. V. jjfiXJstJM) 11V LOUA1KK &, CA ). Mai eh 17th. Clearfiold To. stock A very lariro stock of Snrini, and Snmnr C telU nd other Shawls in variety at the ehcsr iV. clothinfrof the latest stylos for salo low bj, O S're of E. A. IRYIN; Cuiwensvilla, Kay 1(5, 1800. . A. IRVIN. CurTvcnsvillo, May 16, W. ! JVinncts, Florence braids, Knglish straw JJ Shaker and oilier styles trimmed and I J coiiiod,i will bo fouud in variety nt the corn "'""f E. 4.JRV1X, ( CurrwcjiBvilk, May 10, 'o0. ackerel nnd Herring fur sale at tho corner If J store of K. A, TRVIM. Cunvcnsville, May 1C,''C0. 'IT. Hiicd Apl'lrs, caches, Cberries, rncr store of radies dro..g....Js, of patterns u j please all, will bo found nt te I Curwinsvilie, May lfi, lsf.O. . ! I )ootii and Shoes. A larger sleek 1 tirtnna tlifin fivor. fit Irvini w 1 1 Cunvcnsville, May HI, Boots i shoes of ovory kind for tlcmen, nml Cfiildren nt I1''