Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 13, 1861, Image 4

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1,1 ""'"I"""
1 1 rn
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1,r I Hi-rlln. ...
,h Milling rales
1 tnserlb'n.
f Ml
" ..i i i ..... 1 i,"
I'm P'pinre,
f vo naiin r' i
! I.ree mi iro, : t '
1'uir i'imroHi I l 1
.il f a coin ni ii, i i !
nia column, i
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I in
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to oo
12 on
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do. I
Ii on i
2 I'lH
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1 J l"0
7 on .
in no
i i on
It oo
is oo
83 oo
a. V .
,i.r ihro. week, and less tunn three "
-nt. per finnro for each Insertion.
Business notice not sac-eding l.ncs iro in-
erUd for 12 n year. i,k,i, number en i net..-k.l forbid
-Ttiou" dcsirod, will 6r.a'i"
1, ,
niklTlM I
jUU rrtn i -
Aii extensive, stock of JoM-inR "'.twui
nniMoHtho l'ul.lishprorilio"i.;"W-" to U.PTubl that he u prepa
rod to .it ill AhuU ol
FAirV-jm, t ROGRAMMt.,
T-.ix Unox. ('ntri-i.ABS,
. . ...ii
1 l,,r, V.'MiInT "I M"" ''.
I 1 Mt'l d b.v l .lini.
1 ..lltlll I ' f" '-'
I it h int. mid con. lime I""
( mint lUIIn t".
I'rc.'t JihItc.IIoii. hMiniol I. Inn. P. II. t'.nte.
Ac t- liiilges.llm Win 1, M.m.ip, Cl.'nie.l.
Mull Mill) Hlllll, l.lll"'f"""K I.',., I'd ii. Millt r l li nilli ld
rii'iii'i .......
' rrolhnotary,.l"hti I., (utile,
Rng. il Hi'- Jiiiih-1 Wi iiriiy,
' District Ally ,ohort J. Wallace, "
I Trsnitir. r, U. tiooini.inicr,
Co. Snrioior, II, II, Wright,
'roininlss'iirs.Win. M'Critckon,
) Wm. Morrcll,
S. t', Thompson,
II. C, llllWIIIIIIli
tinliK 1tl.ttoiln '
1 I- t
l(l r, . i i, n i i i I '
, M i I.,.. Hue f'". "'
I i 'i' '
I f. II !, I
.... . fc . 1
ft. .;h I M V n " '
,,,., ,.,i M, ll'-'I 'M., W
.i fit
Vt II no t TiM Yii "fit"1 "Irin, l!i''"tT ri il t -1 1 ri -I
it r IrnilK ! llm l' luii-dn l
; 1,iir. I'lin, Afinlif, Afili nn mid Aun t
i nl i., mill tin- tilnH';il lriii
1 1 .in nn. I l - - ii M ft 1 1 1 i 0 of tlir niiimi
.ii r, Nnyiiitl
I . u P i? 7. I trlHTS.
..mlcvrry kindefj.rlr.tiBg usually done
u a rountiyi ob of.ico.
All onlors viil bo cxccuti Willi ne it
i, onl (IcppaU'li.
j. xVrU'irnii'
Attoriif' s
Sulo of I.uiids, A
1.M. M. Sl'l TI lKl'l'"'
on Murkct Mroot, ,Tio.ito "V "
iold, Fu. Will HtU'iid promptly to olln-
, viiY!,"juftK' i-f Hio I'ance, will nllou
I ' . ,,rom,itlv to coll.'ctiun-. nnd ulWr umtK;r
in liu i'lmrso. Address Kersey, I.ik ... 1
Oct. 3d 1SH0. 1y.
-m lTU'Ii of tlio pcure
t J Lutlur.-lui f;, CI. nrfudd t o. I'ii., I
v.illnlk'lHl proinplly to nil luisineni uitiu.tcd
.obisjenre. M" 1 . -1 '
VI tlfo mouth of Li.-k llun, Hvo iniloi, frtoi
Clotrfiold, MEHCHANTS, uud cxtotioivc
l.inut'aoturor. of Lumber,
July 2:t, lSi2. "
1 JlacVfiiiiHl". M'ngonii, niiKKlcc, Ac, Ac. ironed
( nn hrt nttiO'.'. una tnc very 01.-1 .-jiv, ...
.Id Btund in tlio k
Uee. 2'J, 1S53.
: CurnensviMf
j lleeiitor,
j J-'ergiLiun,
i 51,
i r ii h a ni .
i l!o-t '!l,
, Kartliiiu.-',
I Kiion,
; Law reucp,
; Morri.-,
I l'er.n,
i K o,
tilrn Ilopd
liiiinliKr I'iiy
C loiitllrld
l.. W. llrnhnUIAlfUr""'"'
,1. II. Iinw, "
(leorgo Kichnrd. "
I let nf PostOlllrcx.
A'.ii " '. O. X'"" " (
(lien Hope,
CU'iiilield l'.riii;.'!
Ji'll'.'ioii Lin,
NcW Wltldlil!jioS
f ntiui
in. 1 1 1 1 . V I : AM 111" Mf lAf U;
lit It. Krt .HnitM, I ,
v-r r..,..i,..-..'i.,..- "'y;!;;:;.;';:;;
I Miiilm, i.O'.'t.
hii.l II. ..k K.'I'InO
I I.Thn mid UM'.k I nn It " " e
I t ,1, .ii. ii. i.l Bi' iinnnif
i ! Kniili-li I'idiK'flli
nml linw In nm-i-rtn in lili Biro by In
liun.bir mid I'Minlltlnn of lii" l"'lb I
lllnflinte I wllli nnnu'roni uploninory
Yn Hrr.'ditig, ttit'-kinp, Pl'.llng
Vifdinc. tiroiniiiiip, Mioonift. Aim in
gencriil iiiniiHgciut.nt
Will T-.ll
i urtveimville,
Philip bur'i
ll.'len Vo.-t I'lliee
l,i'coiiiiti''ti Mill.-',
llald lllll.",
inittit Mil! f.
nit l.ii'k,
New .Millport,
UjKrtott ii,
Mnrrid lie,
l.inut'.'i' l iiy.i
(irainpiiin llilli
CunveiiM ill'',
i Til if l'ot Olliei' w ill
t W'i'l !.nv it lor I'it'ii
do tor Clii't
i, n t.,. nhltip.
tl. W
, . i i .
T. A. MChee
J. V,'. rr.rr.i.i:
Lewis f iiiiui
1'. K. Miller
Ed. V.'l'.li.a!.
A. I.. t.-.ijJl
Jacob Ktint.
Jolin litlierliiij-
,I:.K- lUoolll
,1. M, Cumiiiiiit;-.In.-.
C. D. WalM.n.
J !' V l."ehiirr
fSaimiel Way
Ci'iitre emiiity
I'Miii. Williams
10 1 k I'.iuiity, l'u.
t'. Miguot
William I'arr
A. K. Shaw
.la.-'. Ii- liraham
.1. A. lleyarty
Urn id Tyler j
11. Wooduaid
lOli.a Clinso
(i. ll.'ekadorii
H. 10. Mokel
.1, W. Tliolllpi'll
Jas. Thompson
.!. Mct'U'!!:'.iid
W. W. Wri-ht
A. -'. Moore,
nmuel Way
Mirbael Wi.-e.
W. V. John.-on
T. Ileiider.-oii
of lb linr-e
ilh tl.o bi'ft mode-of mlmini'tering
infdieino, nl-o, bow to Uent H'UnK.
Kiekine. Hmrin-;, Sliying, rtuinbllngi
Crib ltiting, ItoMle-.-no-f, ciiit other
vicci to whieh ho I au1.jrt ; with nu-mrrou-
tjuplBiiHtory enj-rnvinf;-.
Will Trll You of the rmmc-, ivinptoin". And
Treiitmont ofStran-lei, Sore Tkrout,
Di-tfinper, Cutnrrii, lnlluoiiia, Bron
chitis, rniiuniotiin, l'leuriny, Broken
Wind, Chronic Coiifjh, UoiirinR "d
Wliistlinj;, Liunpus. Sore Mouth And
".;r, nnd deenved Teeth, with other
dix aiie f the Mouth uud Kepirnto
ry Urj(an.
Will Tell Yon of lh oiiuse-. ryinplom", n
Tientment of Worms, Hots, Colic
Striinj'tiliitioii, t'tony Coneretion-
Bii.tiirt, I'lilbV. liiurrlitn, JiiunUiee,
I'i w. n y
,' n
,.ir, ii. ".
1 1 nn
fi nn
In on
till. I OKI! Il
ii, nun no n i'ii " ..n .i
il,,.,. ,h i . f. r tern Iter", inn ni vn""
,,.-i ruble B.linnt-e..
ii I. ..J l,. b. Ibnn Vlltlf A -elon,
i, ii on i . 1 1 i ,.' . .
nnd no d.diielion n.n.U for prolrAOtnl f, rre,
Tuition to l.e 1iil nt the olo-e of the term.
('. ). SAN11"UHI), l'lttM ii ai..
May 2X Im'.O.- Iv.
' .i mill Al ll I I ' I'lH I MH
. m I ( I I H " I i" ." m " " 1 "i" 't ' a' i
I hd'nli'l, I tt.o M" I'i Vi'im
"lit,'f" .''"irln .ln '... l-Ulll
,. N. t'l l'i' 'ln-, N.-w , 1 1 , bit'
.Kiii.'il t"t ti"i.'lm"l I r r t, in in, i mi. .ii It
Ann li nil And .M"'n", nlnnlt, At In. 1 I
I nn d lo ' n'e "'I'tp I' r
wi ...nn l
OA Tim?
M,: nl' ,.'.' tl'-. ft ',."".. 'I ( '.I'.'l,
i reni'MiiiK A" AMtni'lltA nd A'lvnlni.ii
, n.i, . ..I lining! n.b"i Hia Itill'.-n-y
mid lini.ih nf A ni.'. rnlur dttw inn, a- d A hlili
riln nn-ltnined iintlilY ir ilnl-' ilT, by llng ai iiiipi ri.hiii.le i l Ihe nnturHl pri-pcr-
tie. of tbo nrti.let upon wlmli tney Ate
. 'r ir. l Li, i."
ClN'Vu' 1 "'- 1't.iti .r
A klr . i M It, tlulJiin
AV'W l '-- n.-i.ui.l,
I'roper Attention to
tho teeth in proper
An the. i nleiited iiroertu t.f the ('..inpAny tnn-
bid the ii'produ. lion of;ri. hn, not only
on plain urlitee-, but iip itt eueh nn- round or
of m.y degree of I rroifiilnrity , portmll- enn bo re
produced with fiiullloM Dceurnt y mid tlolieney of
didinention, upon l'orcelnin wnre-of imy decrip-
tlon And Ulmen- on u-cH aa Ari.e.e, oi i.., ry or ui,l .n lb. . mouiJ, '
of hou-ehold utility, iiieh ur Lrof, , Ur.'ttk- dlln t,tnl ,Krmiin, ..-,
fml Cup-, lollel ArtieivA, ae.j inereov -eeuring
faithful i and furi.iNhin) n iiniiiie and
tx piiito ityle of ornamentation of nrliclei in
dotneittic ue,
if- ih..:1
Via oliittMi Uim..,
A cold Ifttl-e finitiibrii In Uwu I
111 nttnul ftin-ilom. Th.n, If J
In ordor to furnmh fucilitie- for the (rrntilica- ,,f u,. .,.iim1 nd tUiurcinut Uutnun. J
v J ,i,. - ill , f lion of tho nmiulnr tate. ni: J to meet the wi.nt t : pnrHv effwt in'tii tli-m. Ca-J In miu. a
lion, nix, u,i.ii,OT...M..v. . .u.ui IKKUtj.
0Hlvt tll''T r rmyiAiy, i.'i iii.iny in im-m i
comfort, nnd convenience.
lilt. Ill 1. 1, Scan nlwny- be found nt bis of
fice, on tho corner i.r Front nml Main Afreet,
when nu notico to tho contrary appears in this
Al operation- in tho lino t.f his profession,
pett'ormed in the bitct nnd moKt improved
styles, and guarantee 1 lor one, year 111,'ninat all
nt'ural failures.
You of the ciiiisi'S. symptom'.
'J're.i'.ui'-iit of Rene, l.lo id nnd Bojr,
S iiviii, I' i'-- Itoae, Sweenie, Strains,
I'lolu'ii Kliee-, Wind (.alls, Founder,
KuIb llruiMt and (j ravel, Cracked Hoof,
Seratehcs, C'uukvr, Thrush, uud Corns,
til. 0, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy,
Hlagger, and other diseases of the
I el, Legs, uud Head.
'"ir" i
1 w l ' .- I,., in nvurt nna of thoso natrons of tho 'ino litis de.' irons of
-v in point of health, bal ing portraits on I'oreelnin. the Compnny hitvo
iiupoi lO'l Irom l.urope a coll jei ion 01 aupviior
poreeluin goods, manul'iiL'tured to their own order,
whieh they will sell nt cost prices. j
As the American Company nro owners of tne '
patent right, and coiiseiiuenlly the only person", 1
authori.ed to ii'-o tho process, they have deter- j
mined, in order to nflord peoph in evry feetion
of the I'nicn an opportunity to possess portraits
on China, to make the following proposition to:
residents in the country, who nro unable to visit
personally tho A'.ehor and Onllcncd lu
York :
I'e sons sending a photograph, nmbrotype, or
daguerreotype to the o "ice of tin.' Company in
New York, aeeoiiipanii'il by Si, will receive in
return by expres.-. fret of charg'', n richly orna.
meiitcd Bri' Cup and Snueer, with the por
trait transferred theieon
!y transmiliing u dag'jern.'ol.vpe and $10, they
will receive in I1K0 iiiani'.er 11 h.iii'lsonie French
Vase tr Toilet Artiele, w ilh tho portrait repro
duced by the pati iited process.
By sending a pair o dagiierreolypea a'.d f 1 j,
they will receive in relt rn a piirof rieli Sevres
Vases, with the portraits executed cpm! to inin
iature jmiiitings : tunl, in like loan nor, pm 1 1 ails
can be reproduit d 011 p tr. eltt i n twin .-, or "ars
of every ipia'litv of liai.-ii, ranging 111 priee fro:u
$2n to $1011 the i.-iir.
l hll l llm roti'llt.i.ll. ctnin uiil l. Ik. it-
Auk Afur'i Pill., nml buw di.01.tlt tin-J
-mtumi n(-li,.n of tba vtt'in, nml wltli It (A
fenllnn of hittllh "piiu. U'liut l tt.ii' ml J
.1.1. .Hal V,,.lt,l.l..t I. .1.. . "
liv the stain ni.mi. Nol.n who know t
I'lllt. will ni'iclrct to niiloy thtm whaa m(,
tbs lhjr cure. 1
btatoni-anle from ItnJIoK In
pnncJuJ cilia, and frj.11 oUnr wtlt ksom
-.tiikic: timi'.s in rmi.iDF.i.
llciitirrhoeii. Bloody I ritie, Stones i t ' '', , ,i.H,i, ArtVm i.f 01010; (A
In (ho Kidneys and Bladder, lnflainu-1 ),,,,, 1 . .' 10 X C I'M N U FOOT It A C 10 between
lion, nnd oiher dieeases of tlio Stoin-j (, ( pi,i,i(,l,hia l'"lireni.d llm nolorious For
ufh. Bowels, Liver find I riuaiy tr- 1 K.r HI,, (.i.uii I i-rj'ui t ,-r, J u ties Buchanan Cross !! !
Kims. Cross Ilecatiturod ! !.'! It seems to be the gener
al opinion ill Clearlield, tint if Cross had worn 11
pair of Frank Short's French call' Boots, that ho
would not l. la' en yet. However, Shorty is
not much put out at missing his custcin : but
Would annoitneo to all llr l. inriiljc, 0.17in,
Ai'iicoii 0111 , 111.1, and women and children
in Clearlield. and Sinnemnhoning in particular,
that ho is prepared to furnish them with Boots,
Shoes and tjaiters of any stylo or pattern, stitch
ed, sewed or pegired, (and as he is a short it 1 -1
.... -1 1 ...,i
THE HOUSE AND HIS DISEASES , ,.;.. ' , Lv ,.. ., ;
Till You of the cauref, tymptoms puu ehange d cash not r. fused. Kepairing done
TieiWntuiit of risMila, l'oll 10 1 il, Clan . i the neatest manner and charges niodera te, at
ders, Farcy, Senrlet Fever, M atige ; tH. Short Shoe Shop on Seemnl Street, opposite
Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Bheuinatisni Kectl, Weaver. I Co's store. FKANK SIlOBT., l.lalls, Disea.-es or the Eye and j N. B, Findings for c.ilo Sept. 'Jti, 1 Mill.
Heart, Ac., Ac. and Low to nmiane i -. '" - -
i . I'. lie
tow n, run 11 ty , and Shite
All letters to le ad. ires
'lean I'liotographic l'mei
New York."
ill w 1:1 nig toe au 11 e.-,
-ed lo " lai::.L'er. Ainer
loin Co., I"i nii'it i.y .
1.0 V ' -oUI
From a Finiearding MrrcfutU .1. .tou, "n
Int. A TLA: Your I'llls m tho imii'.i -j rf
grett In uimllcliie. They Imvi, t ur.l mj uj, J
oi tllioruut ,ret nioii ii' i mni'ii uu'i iiiMiiimi
Itiouml'lo tor yours. Her nn-tlmr leu ljtn
ouslr atUiuttxl waU lilotctiei ui.,1 .ii.iplaioti uJ
New I In her bail. After our chill wm inrJ,i., J
your rule, AS'J iuy luirn cuieu nor
At a Family Phyel.
Firm Dr. F. IV. IXirturi.jht, ,tm (Hf
Y'HK Pills am the prince of n.rij.. Ik.,
riiltlies l'irini any catl.nrtlr wo p.Mt f
nulil. oui tery citImiu aim eii"ci.tii in i.'ieti ri
luwul-i, wl.l' Ii in .Uei tlirm luruluu'il- te tuti J
lieatiueut of aliens.
from Dr. tUwxid liyd, UiiUnon
D(iA Uuo. Area: loaonot anawer loutnkjitJ
1 nare c oevi nuu your run oeio r timnuiai..
fiKr (.:.( with ajiitrfj'itur. mrtticift. 1 place .
Jioii'e on an fftectnnl eatiiartio In lnyill!;tu
disease, nnd lliovinir, as I do that, year I'iliiaC
haft we bavo, 1 ufcourao valuo thorn lillilr.
PiWjW RO, l a., lt:
TR. J. C. Arm. Mr: I have Iwn repntUi
the worst tiriui'm'te any liody eau hare tirta,
ol your Pills, it an:ut to arino fiou. a fan
wuirii tney eicanie at one..
lours with rt leaped, ED. V. fn
fTtW: ff
kU of Curvensville.
' H OEEKT J. WALLACE, Att-riky at Law,
ii ClonrGeld, P., Office iri Skiw's Boir, op-
Dl!. M. WOODS, havln- clanged hie loc.i
tion from Curwensvili- 1 0 Clearfield, res
i.'.'tfully offers bis professional services to the
'itiz;nB cf the latter place and vicinity.
Rosidence on Second street, opposite tt t ot
J.Crans, Esq. . 7 XJ
jTqThaktswick, m. d.
Pliyslclan and Surgeon,
Clearfield Pa., Iny 30, I860.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will nttend promptly
pndiithfully to nil legal business entrusted to
Ii is caie, in the soveral Courts of Clearfiold and
adjoinlrg counties.
Office tho one foncerly occupied by U. K.
Oct. 2Ct., tSi9 1y.
1'UKIIV ' 1 1 1 10 1JLOOD. !wiii
('a:triitioii, Bleeding. Trepl inning,
1'oweling, Firing, Hernia, Anipu'a
liun, Taj pinj-, and other surgical op
' rations.
Toil You of Unrcy's Method of turning H. r
ses ; how to, Halter, or Sta
1 '.. a Colt ; how to acenstom a horse
to strange sounds nnd sights, and how
to I' l, Saddle, Bide, ami Break him
to Harness, also, the rorui and law
tf Warranty, The win. le being the re- ;
ault of more than fifteen years' careful
k 1 n s r. v i
Itl U.i: (.( IDT lleil;
ti ml ur I'T inarrmJ pers
stulv of the habit-
wants weaknesses
uud useful animal.
po 'tiliarities,
of this noble
Physlclall and SurReon, offers bis profes
sional services to tho citizens of "c Wash
agton and surrounding community. Oflico tlirca
Joors west of the Washington House.
New Washington, r.i., OcU 14, 1S59.
fiviL Enoiseer & Lasd Si:rvevor, oSft-vs
his professional services to tho citizens of Clear
held county.
All business entrusted to him will bo promptly
and faithfully executed.
Offico with Leonard, Finney cC- Co.
The high nnd envied celebrity which Ibeso
rre ciuirent medicines bnve ne.iiircd for iheir -invariable
efficacy in all the disease which they !
rrofess to cure, has rendered tbo usual practice of
pulling not only unnecessary, but unworthy t.l The Book cuntains .1S1 pages, appropriately il
lliem. They i re known by their fruits; their u.ra(eJ l,y nearly One llundrmt etigrnving.-
gncd works lest'fy for them, nna tney tni 11 0 not jt is y, in,,. j , n ccnl. n a" open type, ami
by the faith of the rroduiom.
Is A 1.1. casks of Asthma, Acute nnd Chrome
Bheumalisiii, Alleetions of the Bladder and Kid
neys. Billious Fever nnd Liver Complaints.
In the south and west, where these diseases pre
vail they will bo found invaluable. Blanters,
Fanners, and others, who once use these medicine
will never afterwords bo without them. I
Dyspepsia. No person with this distressing
disease should delay using theso medicines im
mediately. Eruptions ol tho skin, Erysipelas,
atiiloncy, Fevo- :m I Ague. For this seourg
of the western country theso medicines will
jottnd n safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Oh
medicines leave tho system subject to a returtr e
tho tli.toase a euro by these medicines is otf
aianeut. Try tl cni, bo satisfied, aud be cu cd.
Mcrcural Discanes, Never fails to eradn
oato entirely all the e flee Is of mercury inliniteli
iooncr than tho most powerful preparation of
Night sweats, Nervous Hei.ility, nervous v u...
ain'ts of nil kinds, Organic Alleetions, l'alpita-
Justice of the peace
Lulhersburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will
(lend promptly to nil business entrusted to his
iro. Ho also informs tho public that bo keeps
on.etnntly on hand nt his shop, a general ns
nrtmont of Raddles, Bridles, Harness nnd
, , , 1 .,, - BnKt.iA 1
iV.lip', Wuien 110 Will sell uu lon-onnvic .1 e. us.
April i, IS6C.
SMITH offers bis professional services
the Lr Jlesnnd tioiitleincn of Clear
lield and vicir.i'.y. AU operations performed
with ncntnoss anil ds.'pi'.eh. Being familiar
uit.'i all tho late imjrtTuionts, he is prepared to
isVo Artllirlal Tct-tll in tho best manner.
Office in Khaw's now row.
S'epb 11th, 13S3. lyt.
t VHKI.MIOK & TlOST, Attorheys At Law
J 4 Cleaifioli, l'a., will nttehd promptly to Col
i s, Lnhd Agencies, Ac, Ac., in Clearlield,
1. tn aud lOiktoulitivs. July 30. y
STICK of tbo pcaco
a) ltockton, Union tp., will attend
1 v'ly to n" "sines entrusted to bis enro.
Sept., 1Z, ltibd. Jy.
To Persons out of Employment.
In every County of tho United Slates,
TO ongngo in the sale of some of the best nnd j
most elegantly illustrated Works published.
Our publications arooftho most interesting
character, aiaptc.l to the wants of tho Farmer,
Mochunio and Merchant i they nro J ublishcd in
the best stylo and bound in tho most substan
tial manner, And aro worthy a place in the Li
brary of evory Household in the Land.
" S'St-To men of enterprise aud industrious hab
its, this business offers nn opportunity for profit
able employment seldom to bo met with.
31,1'crions desiring to net as agents will re
coive promptly by mail full particulars, terms,
by addressing LKARY. OETZA co., Pub.
No. 224 North ttreet, Philadelphia.
Oct 24, 1800 ly.
Call and examine the Talent air-tight Clas
And stono jars, thoy aro just tho th ing 'you
need, for sale At 11, W. A CO'.
VERT CHEAT at the .tore of
an23 WM. F. IRWIN.
HAM, Idoi, Mackerel and Herring for sal
low at the .tore of W. F. Ill WIN.
Clearfle , July 11th lft ).
tion of tho Heart, r.i 111 tor's Liiou-.
lMlcs. Tho original proprietor of these medi
cities was cured 'of Piles of ;i j years standing by
the use of these Life medicines alone, Worms of
all kinds, are effectually cured by these medicines.
Parents will do w ell to administer them whenever
their existence ia suspected. Belief will be
Purify tho blood, and thus rmovo all disease
from the system. A singlo trial will place the
I.IFK Ptt.l.s and PuoKStx B itt Kits beyond the
reach of competition in tho 'estimation of every
Z-if Prepared and sold by
3:15 Brodwny, cor. Worth St., New York.
Feb. 2'Jth 1SB0. lyr.
look iiioiii''-: look iii'.iti::
THE undersigned subscribers, take this meth
od of informing the public generally, that
they have this dnv entered into copartnership in
nnd can be found at tho shop formerly occupied
by J. Sbunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo.
rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old
customers, and as many new ones as can make
it. convenient to give them a call.
Bring on your hoes, your spades and picks,
Y'our log-chains and your pulling sticks,
Y'our sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare,
No three-year old shall then go bare.
Y'our spears will work up then right,
To prooning books for every height,
Y'our swords too, shall then bo wrought.
To ploughshares such as (Vm'ii no'er bought.
CilOO. W. ORB.
Clearlield, December S, 1858.- tf.
h.' In ivai ded to any nddress, postage paid, on 1
receipt cf pi ice. hail bound, if 1,00, or, in cloth i
eitra, $ I ." j, !
$I(M() A "1 I". Alt can bo mado by enlerpri-t
sing moil everywhere, in selling the above, and
other popular works elf ours, Our inducement.
t all such are exceedingly liberal.
For single copies ol the Hook, or for term s t"
agents, with oilier information, apply to our nd
dress JOHN U POTTER. Publisher.
No. f.l7 Sanscmi Street Philadelphia, Pa.
December 1'.', lit'.O. fimo.
rj,H : i hoi 1. H's cook hook.
In all its branches. By Miss AtToti.
Carolully Revised by Mrs. S.J. Hai.k.
It Telli Y'ou how lo choose all kinds of M,it,
Poultry, and (iaine, with all Hit various
nnd most approved modes of dressing
aud cooking Beef aud Pork; ulso th-b.'.-t
and simplest way of salting, I ick
ii,.g and curing le sntiie.
It Tolls Y'ou all the various and most approved
C L K A It F 1 1. 1,
CLEMiFii J) coryrv, pa.
J1MI.I.S 01. i:(, m.tks and iiiiaI'ts mmoi ntk
'.'oi'i'i ..'!oi,.5 oti'c iio rriid'i'ij proiHJ't?; ''' ,. '.' '
10xcliaii;;c on iltc "ltics constantly
on baud.
yr 'OflicO on Sec. ad SL, nearly opposite the
coi'KT iiorsi:.
Cul. A. I'. OWKNS, rr.r.rniEiou,
Rispeclfiilly announces to the travelling public,
that be lias now taken ihargo of this large and
well known house, and will conduct it in such a
manner us will render excellent comfort and for
action lu all who may favor
1 1 in. w ith
j lions ol our sex. nil .- i tem, and the piitlu'ttti or
prevention of oll-priia', iucludi.g all the new
I discoveries never before given in the English!
I language, by WM. Y CNti, M. D. This is really j
'a valuaide and interei-ting tvo'k. It is mitten,
in plain language for the genera! reader, and is
illustrated with numerous engraving'. All young
married pic, or limn- contemplating marriage,
and having the least impediment to married life,
I'l'.uld read this I. ink. It discloses t, 'trots that
every one should he acquainted with: still it is a
'book that must be linked up, and lot lie about
; Ihe lioii.-c. It will be sent to any one on receipt
of twenty five cents, in specie or postage s.lamps.
j Addren' Dr. WM. YOl'Vli. No. 1 1 Spruce ,-t, I
I above Fourth, Phi 1 ' 'iia. Pa.
: T'.f -ftiit"t a ! I'llin iiiikiIi No matter
I wh t inny be your disease, bclore you place your-1
Jseif under the care . ' any one of the 1 ol. rious
I tji aeks, native or foreign, w ho advertise in ll.i.
, or ativ nil tr paper, prt a copy nf either of Dr.'
Young s looks, uud rend it car. fully. It will le
the mentis of saving y. u 1; tiny n dollar, your1
l.cultli. possi'.ly your lite.
Dr. Y'Ol'NH can bo coiiMiltedt n nnv of tl,
Dlllona DltArdrra I. Iyer Compiil
l',an lr. Vitmiort in(J, of Av 1Mb,
a private Nut only ara your a.Wj.ln)i,;J
r those f""fl an aprriool. Mit I ntnt 1 jimj
tbo l.ivar isry niaiai-u moyioa. iieytamna,
tie.. troTi-d tuoro attai'tual far Ci,i.
o'jii'i than auT.unti iuily I ano o. ,
H'.ioire that wo have at lenl'. a ir,;aUitMi
tby tuo euuUUuuce of (lib ptuiU.'Juu ati.J uii;
t i.pibhikt or nu vnm
Wal.oif tn, I). I., Till M.,,..,
8iRi I liate ubJ your ':lta 1.1 Bit morula,:
prnclieearer sluoe you sfti'lu theia, aiulciuuwiu
ny tliey aro II. e beat ruttiane; ire .iH y. T
Intlmr n.tiou m. t'.w liter l oul-L aul if i
ltli.'..tiy Ibry aiaun admiral. lu U'lllril; fw 1W1:,
of that orai. In'Jeca, I luc a 15nio luati
fticiU cfu.ii.1 ao obstinuto tdtt It ilitl bet imih
theiu. tratxuully ours, Al'MfrJ UALl
cum al A'H'.M
Dyaetatrrj , DiMirhnra, Ralax, H.J
io IK. J. O: Ui en, if Cuvf,
Y'our Pal aw bnvi, lial a lorj dial It. 017 pass
buld IIichi bi wleom at ono of the brat airffftth
aver foiled. altora'ira elTVrt Uiou IhalP'
Ih .11 ho eaorlhat ioincily, wnoa. i.tpti iaaoa.
b.houl ttyitnUry unj draiThtB'. 'll.tlr fivp
n. ikiyt tlirm very aaraptalin aud convutlulit t
of women and ebildrou.
Dy-apepala, Iuapurltjr of lb Bin
From Hcv. J. I". Uanet, lutur tf A'ioent (Tart
l)a. ArtA: I bare ual your l'Ukt wi'li utn
! tucccaa in my farulty and iiiuoui! thoaf 1 amcilt
( in iliMina. To rogtilatK the orgitit ot ilip
iiiirilf llm I.I.u..t ll.uw am tin, T.irw t..t rmci
bis rvor kiiowii, aud I cau eoun.letitly raconimaW al
1 v uiy friends, luuia, J. I t
fllllO undersigned respectfully
l informs his customers and the '1
diseases described isi bis l ubiicalioiis. ut
!f office, No. 41(1 .Spruce .-t. nbt ve Fourik ni
Mi (ONsr.lll'TIYIOS: The advertiser,
having '.ecu res!red to health in a few
weeks by a very simple remedy, tiller having suf
fered for several years with a severe lung affec
tion, nnd that drtd disease Consumption, is nnx
ioti'i to make Known to his Mlc iv -suffer,' is the
means of cure.
To nil who desire it, he n ill send a c y of the
prescription used, (free of charge.) with the dt-
"jclions for preparing and using tho sa::.e, whieh
i they wi!'. find a sure cure lor t ' . r -1 1 1 1 1 j tion,
. A'tlmia. Bn nebi'is, te. The only objt . t of the
I iidvi-rt iser in sending the preseri) t i 11 is to bene- sell at the most reasonable priori, lor cash, or in ! the progenitor of that are won 1 1.
I lit the alhicte.l, nud .-plead information which he
I conceives lo bo invaluable, ami he hopes eitrv
pui.lic generally, that he ha
received If nn ine l.a.-t. nn l " en '
ed at his c-labiishnient ill tVV.t IIA .1',S' ,' If 1
I'I, ai field, P.i.. a line assortment of Cl.oths.J
YV AT. 111 .-, and ,1 i:n 1:1. liv i f dilleienl i;i:alilics.
from a ; iiiL'le 1 ieee to a full FC.t. n Inch he will'
i'X. haiiL'e for
mod., ol dressinc. cooking, and boning
Mutton. l.amVi, cal, Imiltry, and 1 suti'T-r w ill try ins as it w ill cost them .reasonable prices.
I lame of all kinds, with the different ! nothing, and niny prove a blessing, i ALL kinds oft'!
1 gold and si i er,
very variety on hand, nt the uu il
t Tolls
nnd Ji wclrv,
Dressings,, (iravics, and sktilliugs a). pro
priate to each.
You how to choosf, t ie in, nnd preserve
Fiah of all kinds, aud how to sweeten it
when tainted : also all the various and
most npproti-d modes of cooking, with
tiio different Dressings, Sauces, and
Flavorin-appropriate to each,
It Tolls Y'ou all the various and most approved
modes of preparing over fitly different
kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Dame, and
Vegetable Sot. ps, Broths, nnd Stews,
with tho Relishes And Seasonings ap
propriate to each.
It Tells Y'ou all the various and most approved
modes of cooking Y'egetitbles of every
(Icscripli J :, also lit w to prepare Pick-le-,
Catsups and Curries of all kinds,
Pitted Meats. Fish, liauio, Mtish
ro isis, if-e.
It Tells You all tie various nnd most approved I
ino.les of jiicpariugnti 1 cooking all kinds j
of Plain un l Fancy Pastry, Puddings,
Omelettes, Fritters, Cukes, Confection-
cry, rrescrvos, Jellios, and bwoct Dish
Persons wishing the prescrit'tio'i will plea
address Rev. EDWARD A. WII.MlN.
nov7-ly Williams!, urgh, Kings Co., N.
I I t
To every form and Specie of
'(OSTA .'X" ,,((, KM,-, dr. Kx'nmlnahr.
' ' ( 'OS T. 1 It'S' ' lie, I i'i, K.i '., rm 'tnulor.
"COSTA !,"S"
'CJST. It'S" i:i,-tnr r,r,l,r,,r 7 se.-ts.
KiitS Itoarlies, Mice, Moles, Gitiuti.l-.lIce,
Iied-liuna, Ants, Motlis, .M.sittitocs, Fleas,
Insects on Hants, Injects on AnimaN, et c.
in blioit every loi in a ml species t.f
111 years eslallislit tl in N'civ York (.'it v
, Watch
carefully repaired and U't'o nn. ..
. A continuance of patronage is solicited,
Sept, l'.i, I Silt). 11. F. NAl'tJLK.
Tba undersigned respectfully begs leave tt.
I announce that be recently rented a house in the
I borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, l'u,,
for tho ucoommod'ition of the travelling public,
watermen and all other, w ho may favor him
with a call.
I IliP table w ill always bo supplied with ns good
ias Ihe markets afford; and no pains will l..i
j spared to render bis guests comloitablo while
under bis roof. To which the fuels that no in
toxicating liquors of any kind w ill be kept about
tho premises, will he trusts, contribute iu 110
small degree. While, what is always important
to tho traveller, the best attention will be jjiven
l.y enretnl bustler to that faithful com
his jo.irncv, bis patient steed.
npaniorj of
CLEARFIELD STOXE WAKE MTTERy. every description. (Usetllv t Be City lost I mice tin; I it) J. Vis
it lelts 1 t.u all tbe v rious nnd most Approved , on ami Slat pin ltoiisi' S the eit v Stealing's
mndes of making Bread, Rusks, Mufliina,
nnd B'scuit, tho best method of prepa
ring Coffv e, Chocolate, and Tea, and
how to make S
Ships &.C., tlte City Hotels. "Astor," "St.
Nicholas," Ac., and l.y more than "0,HMJ
yrups, Cordials,
Tin: cheap cash stoke.
Iain just receiving nnd opening a largo and
well selected assortment of
ol almost every description,
A benutiful assortment of Prints and Press
goods, of (ho newest nnd latest styles. Also a
jircat variety of useful notions.
A large assortment, ready-made
Bonnets, Shawls,
Bats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, a largo quantity,
Hardware, Qt eenswnre,
Druggs nud Medicinos,
Oil nnd Paints,
Carpet i. Oil Cloths,
Fish, Bacon nnd Flour,
Thankful for pa.H favors nnd s.dieitious of fu
ture patronage. I would respectfully announce
that I have on hand again, and will constantly
keep nt the Pottery in this borough, on tho cor
ner n short distance east of the Methodist Church,
H lnrcc stork ill (Viii'kprv Biioh n fVpn m crock .
B-lirii('.Mst and Ketailers everywhere milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casing
soil tli.'in. d e. d 0. ; and also an extensive assortment of
U;X-S('i(ileMtle A rents in all laf'e Cities different sites uud patterns of brackets and
ReraItecnltir ti-n 5 .in Mln A-;l IIavai rosettes for orniec on bouses, nnd other rnoul-
Hot tips. nsks. U'"K'
IYVI l.l t i f.i mlln.'
I 1 'i n iitv illinium
Wines cf vuri'juj. kiniij.
It Tell You how .o n-1 out an ornamental Ta
ble, haw lo Cairo all klmln of Fish,
le."b or Fowl, ami in nhnrt. hrw to
i limlifv t )l U nil din Arl nf I,,l!nrf as In I
brine tho choicest luxuries of the table ' BiJV ' 1 1 luV. . t It ,.f .....;., ' Any mouldings not on hand will be mado to
( o uiitiani, e ' rj'ni irn? Jtlllllll It'lUi
.T.u,... B,c.,u, a hxninino each Hox. Hottlu
Tin book contains 4IS pnges, and upwnrds of and takn nnlliinrr luit. "OnsrapV
twelve hundred Recipes, all of which nro the re- wr l on tAV, ,i, m;f
J suits of actual experience, having been fully and j ikA ;? i ., (HI l,v VnP.
carefullv tested under tho personal supi rinten 1 .11' J 1 0. r,. ,
denco of tho writers. It is printed in clear and j &-AUilrcss orders or for Circular, lo
open type, is illustrated with appropriate engra-1 . , IIKNRYlt. COSTAU,
vings, nud will be fifwarded to any address Principal Pepot, 4 10 Broad way, N. Y.
BAt)iii itv LOKA IN K k CO.
March 17th
Warsaw, WtoiuIiik Co., X. T., Odll
Pit. A Hi a : I am uait.K your Catbarllc I'ilhliE"
Ilea, and liad th' ia an oxcelleiU iiur.ttltetarhi aud 1 m ifl A jmifKUini " t' U".
JUiLN U. MKACliill
t'mial Inatlnn. Coatl vftiraa. SunDrt
Itheiimatlaiu, IJonf, Nf uralgli, 1
ay, I'axuly sla, 1 ll, etc.
Tieai Dr. J. I'. Tcin, M-p.tit I, flia'A
Too much racnot be said of ymn rillifcrtk
0'ttirmess. II otlisrs in our iiateintly liar. Bo
at. cnVarious as I have, thev ahr.uVl j iia mi in?
Itiar it for 1110 Leo. In of tho nn.' i.i li''
that ei ntpmnil, which, although ha,l enoun lo
tho rro-eniterof ntliet. tli.r tiii. wnras, I be-
lii'iien lo originate in the liver, bill y ur mint"
ortran and euro tl.e diseause.
Frnm ln. t. .fuart, Pliyrician (ni l JH', '
I And ono or two lari;e itosea of ynur rViVtaVe
pr n er tunc, m e excellent pii,iuoliv,.n'f Oitsulu"
(n u wln-ti wholly or piutlally aiip i. nil, md
vfTeetoal to chnmr tho looinei and 'rvd
are so much thu buftt ptiynic a bai. ti.all 14
nu oilier la my patient,
Frm Rn Dr. Hatuktt.oOit U-HM
Pn isxi llocsr. gaTai.t.ab.tla.. "n."
tlastnurri ?t: 1 bould In nniralnai M n
yoar akill has Lrouubt me If I did nf retort r
'Jim. A aoi.l S'tlled lu mv li.uha.ttel brr.aiht it
eiataar niirn'iic naoif. which eiiH-'d in clrrtai.
km. N'olwitlaiamling 1 bad the ' est of f!A
dtaanae grew wpra and worM. until OV tlica'ic
atrallont arant In Baltimore. Pr. Mackit.i I ti
Pdl. lliair I'ffacUl were slow, hut niic. !Vir'
aa Ika uaa cf tkam, 1 am uow entirely wall
SaKiTt fitaiit, fatnn Itoiif,
Aran: I kave Vaii entirely fiirl. ktpl
vofic Ui'Ut n iuful d.fass 11 ! I' k'l
yean. VI.NtrT!l
Mret fcf the rills In market cmni
altiivuia a yalual la rsnu'dt in alilai
ia a rut.lic nilt. firm tl.e drr- l
nently bound, and postage paid, on receipt ofth,
pri-e,, or 111 cloth, extra. $1,25.
9KHMI A YI'AHcanbo mado by enterpri
sing men every w hero in selling the above work
our inducements to nil such being very libernl.
For single copies of tho Book, or for terms to
agents' w ith other information, Apply to otrr Ad
dress JOHN K. P11TTKR, Publisher.
No. 017 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
December 12, Infill. 6mo.
older nn Khnrt milieu Al.-n fie, hrioli innrli,
iV I'liiaK, and kept for sale.
o t '' 1 1 , : u.. ...I . 1 .
n. in.oriit reuuciion on prices union 10
wholesalo dealers. F. LEITZINtJLR.
Clearfield, may 23, 1S70. ly.
Cabinet, Chair Making,
Clearfield Fa.
JOHN (JFLICII.of thebomugh t.f Clearfield,
Pa., will bo prepared at All times to attend to
I iIKQ PT T 1l ATniil i to kn'inoss in the above line on short
I J U O O La La Lm INI C 31 U IV Ji A 1 notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His place
I 0
Boots and Shoes. A larger stock and lower
prices thnn ever, At Irvins C'heapost corner.
Jurwensvillo, May 16, '00-
looking Stoves of various sites anal prices for
y snto oy
f business is at the old shop on the north side of
Market street, 3d door east of Third st, nearly
opposito tho old Jew store j where be will keep
constantly on band a large assortment of Ma
hngony and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet
ALLAN WINTER GOODSI Wnro of ,vory d""rillti,ln "U'h l' will dispose
Cui wensvilla?, May 10,
nftha beat nnalitv. nil will t,A m)A
the lowest cash or ready pay prices. ! - clothing of the latest styles for snlo low by
My old friends and the Aublio Kenerallv. .re, y."iwensviiio, ray ib, i?bu. 'K. A.IRVIN.
A very largo stock of Spring and Summer
respectfully invited to call.
Clearfield, Oct. 31, I860.
V Largo and splendid stock of Dress trim
mings, Belts, (lead Dresses, Notts, Plumes
U. W. CO's,
S-fl-N. 11. All kinds of ffMA'and annroved vf
CdU.STHY MOVUCE taken Incxchango for,"-'
Poods. j A Larg stock of Men A Boy'i clothing, lust
.-j r l.t.j ,. A r...l. ...-- ... .n,vua
arown. oui wvvrv aiuu, ft", ca auu ima
N 00D ARUCLMor aaU at (6. store of
spoons, Locks, Files, Nails, Cow Be
loodaud Hdifd and
Mill AAWAt
(Carpets, Druggot, earpot chain, Bags and
J Bagging, Ourled llair 4o., At
R. T. CO 1
Respectfully invitos tho Attmtion of his old ens
tomers, and others, to his stock of
Which be offers
He also continues to deal in LL'MBE It, of ui
kinds, in any way to suit his customers.
Tba highest market prices will be paid for a1
kinds of GRAIN.
Nef KAshlngton, Noy. 1, 18C0. nov7-6m
quenrea that rinquentlv fillow Its incaiuw
c stain bo tn.rotiry or mineral si''"'-ittc "
Price, IS oenta per Eor, or 8 BrT''
Prepfared by Dr. 3. C. ATE3 & CO., Is)-
flrrp,,! .y ( j 1. Watson, tTel.r
Irwin. Curivensi ill-: F. Arnold, l.uti'
Montgomery A Co., New Su'eiu; J.i- '
Morrisdale, C. B. Foster, Pbiiipsl-jr-:'-Chase,
Anaonvillo ; and by ieaict; H'C
tiTv Tin iw-
w g o od '
of Lewis Smith 'in Bethlehem ui!l"J':
s irtment of Spring and Summer lii
most every description,
j Staplo and Fancy, a beautiful M'"'
Prints nud Dross
or the latest styles, also a vaiiety of "Hl
tions. Hats nnd Caps,
Iinn'iets and Shawl',
Boots and Shoes,
Hardware. OtiEensware. D"l,f
Medicinos, Fish,
Tobacco, Sejars and all Articles l""'
of on ns reasonable terms as the same articles . in a country Store, all cheap for caih.
r adiei dress goo Js, of p.atterni and textures to
VJ please all, will be roand at tho corner storo 9,
Curwinsvilie, May 18, 1880. E. A. IRVIM,
enn bo bad elsewhere in the county
His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, con
sists in part of Dressing and Common Bureaus,
Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Desks and
Book Cases, French and Field Post Bedsteads.
Dining, Brenkfast, Centre, Card and Tier Ta
bles, Ao. Coffins manufactured and delivered at
any place dosired.
February 9, 1859. no. 4, Tol. It.
Bonnets, Florence braids, English straw j
Shaker and other styles trimmed and id
eomea,i will be found m variety at tho corn
tnof E. A.IRVIN,
CurrwensvilU, May 16, 'CO.
pisHtins Mill and cut Si ws, ManrTiTTxes and
(li.,a ... h A..11 A t,,ir.nlvSI-
uu. ui. umi nui 111, i '
May 21, 13C0.
Qkt'-lc? ! ti
wiat VAriotr At r-s"
If'Krti. Curvrenivi.1'
Ackerol and Horring for sale tt '
'A store of t. '
Curwensville, My Id, 'CO.
general Assortment of Hardware at the
store of
Curv- emville, May 16, 1860.
"TOofa A .hoe. nf.rri. kind f. I A1"!'.
JJ Heme!, And Children At
Ctella and other SLawls in yAriety',
i film. r K. A.
CurVvenBvillo, liny 10. 'CO.
IT. Dried Apples. Yttil
; Aaohos, Clrerrios, r runes
1 th rner itor of E.