Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 13, 1861, Image 3

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    Idt tflwStfo Republican
WhhM. I'AV, M AIM H 1,1, IHM.
'r time at 1)1 oil.
y, w v ir Miant,i-inM 1 1 Hi PsnnsvNenle
V.lrasa, and a(Vr "'h Instant, will I as
IM'JI It. tltl l.Mtw .!.
t4liM MO a. m.
1 Train 11 1(1 p, in.
jtjwtn Passenger 10. Up. m.
TRAINS IfHtli: ft WW Attn.
TVpro.i 7.41 . m.
iH I'xiii H.f 8 p. m.
steM Line 22 p. m.
Jfa trains tun ill Fundor except the Ksprese.
SV"1 1 " 1 ' 1 "'
CoiNTrMnr! o ndvie our roiders
4c U ware of a dungcrous five dollar note,
which in now being circulated plentifully
in our courty. The note in a spurious
one, ami purport to bo hsued by the
.Farmer..' ui.d Mechanics' Hank of Gun
dsn, ew ,1 entry ; vignette, female, sheat
Of wheat, nnd cars in t li c distance ; fennde
Wright end, holding a sickle in her left
isaud, bunch of ginin in her right liund
oer her head ; two figure "5'a" mid loco
tnotive on the left end. There are two
Jtinda in circulation, nnd one kind hnre
no red about them, vi bile o:hers have rive
ed rings on llio back, tilled with small
figure "SV" The word "Kuimers' and
.. iTeclmi icK' Punk" on the genuine uie in
the fortu ol a half circle, unci the word
""Five" stamped, in red ink, across the
iht face of the no'.o.
fjp'AiAi. Aaiir..T. An accident, result
ing the death of Mr. Gould W'-lscn,
occurred in Ilugton tnwiihhip. on Friday'
Inst.Mr. Wiljon, in company with P. j
Uevener, lUq., and some others, wnsi
ngnged in breaking logs loose f.'otn the!
bank, and rolling them into the Sinnema-1
!l!?H!?.' creek, at the job of lion A. Ii win. I
Their work w:is alino.vt completed, when
Mr. W. started ii log nt the lower 2art ofj
the pile, which noved three others above
it, and he, in endeavoring to get out ofj
tir way flipped t.ndfc! upon the ke,tlij
og passing over him mid crushing him !
instantly todeuih. He was a son of Jesse j
Wilson, one of the oldest citizens of thai!
A I fnh rf r-iMK AAlinlM . .fx. it.iain
Wft HVII ' Villi 11'UII, , 11 IIP llJUUb llltl IJ-
three years of age, and leaves a w ife and
two children to mourn li is loss. M Atiii.vEs. We refer our read.
rto the udvt-rtisemeut of ''Harris' Hou
doir Sowing Machine," in another column,
it is one of the best now in use. Any
person wishing to examine it, can doso by
calling at of P. W. Moore,
Kao., in Clearfield, where they can satisy
, tbe.iuelves of the practical utility of this
iiseful nnd necerary inviiition.
,AYe al.o refer our readers !o the advrr
titcmcnt nl Mr, It. Janie, Agent
for the Kriu Sewing Machine Company.
For further parlicu'.ars, addresi him by
Wt,ter At Mil-.n, Ohio.
fSjrWe understand that Win. Y. John
ion has his position a. Postmasier
at Itoekton, in t'nion township, nnd the
office is now vacant. If none of our Union
township friend utteud to this matter
eooti, lh c ft:cc ill undoubtedly be abol
ished by tin I epiU'tmiMit which would
2rore a great iriconveniem o to the citizens
'of th( township. It was entirely through
the cxertii-ns of Mr. Johnson and a few
friends (hut 1 1 1 t (dice was established
and kej t up, .'n.d for seveuil years it has
proved s great convenience to the people
. in that 1 :ility.
Mjhailkn Our colcmporary, "The
Central rress," of Mellef'oute, is in error in
regard lo Hie suicide of John Cathcart.
No petition for his ptirdon, as is stated in
its article, wns n inn rously igti( d.nor was
he informed of the fact of his death-warrant
t.eins igned, and Litno of e.xecjtion
fixed $ the Sheriff intending to discharge
the ivnpleisaiit duty of rending to him his
disfh-wari-'iii upon the dar after he com
mitted suicide. His attempt to cut his
throat somo weeks previously rhows that
the act was deliberate and premeditated.
' MiTThe lute freshet caused much dnni
age to tho Anderson Creek Navigation
Company's works. One of their upper
dams was cxept away, causing an im
mense rai of water in the creek, sweep
ing away the bridge over the creek on tho
new turn pike, mar Moore's mill, and tho
brides t Ihidgeport, on tho road.
A portion of tho dam at the Woolen Fac
tory, in Union township, was also washed
away, as well as a portion of tho large
- alamabovo Curwsnsrille. It is doubtful
whether the company will get any logs to
market this spring.
i- ........ . I
fc2fWo regret, to learn that the barn of
Thomas Paugherty, near Fennville, was
totally destroyed by fircone day last week, I
together with about eight tons of hay, a
sleigh and some grain. The origin of tho;
Era is unknown, unless it was caused by'1
the rats. Some of the family had left a
lantern in the barn, in which there were!
; tome matches, and as, a tallow can-'
die, and it is supposed tint the matches'
vara (ii.ijrl kv Lha rats, wliiol, .. 1
j w 'fl J . -- nam llJ
I doubt the cause of tho fire.
r-TMr. Jas. ilcSIurray's fine Durham
m..n jr t -i. 1. ; ,.1. .i-aw . I, - 1
aVUIIf lounjiiaca, nu.i.u vivr- iijnia
', at our late County Fair, was discovered to
be iu a drowning situation, a few days ago.
I Having walked oat on the ice of the mill
pon4 in search of water, the ice gave way,
Immerging him in about six feet of water.
, Bnd other means were immediately
'I v and Kith the exertions of a few meo
fce tTM soon brought to Urra Jirmn, aod
J no doubt pay us a visit next fall
ii K. i ad in all ftobabihty take the pre-
lnr-onuM to In IMim In th man
f vmib.n vs. the, ll..i,u1i i,f ll iniingv
hafti, Jin-1 ilei ida l I,.- U.a Htipri'inc I 'out I,
ii m held that llin remedy for an utifnir
or illegal a Miient of tane is by apical
to the Inaliift power, an proyl bid by Uw,
bd'mo paymnt. If a paily wnhe hi
light of appeal, the collector has no pow
er to reliefs liiiu, nor can he ue the bor-
I otigh or county which taxes him, to te
cover back moneys once regularly paid in
pursuance of a regular assessment. Where
. nn oAiirr mlletii tho county to tt'c bin
toivn lots n rented, without appeal and
...:.i - .1 i.
"""uul ,u'u"m,S'""" "".that has been hvishedin (Ilia way within
cannot object to the 1 orough annexing
them aeated. ili.remeuy ... by to tho County Commis,ioner at
the proper time.
Jm-.-U seVnu'ihaV-Old Abe"
bia W axo with him to
Heads Ot
1 has tu lien
Washington, for . ho purpose of chopping
off hea.U, in which capacity ho is wielding
it in the "rail" atyle. Ho Laa appointed
Norman H. Judd, of Illinois, Minister to
Prussia, in place of Wright, of Indiana, '
, 1 11 . .
removed, and Herman Knoaman'of Ilh-
noia, has been appointed Secretary of
Legation. William P. Colo, of the same,
.Slate Us been appointed Commissioner of
Illinoia seems to
the lead, which creates considerable dis
satisfaction in tho great wigwam of Re
Seriously Injured. Mr. Thomas II.
Forcee, ol Graham township, wasferiously
, , i- .
injured at Mother Moore s landing, in
Clinton county, last week, while a.sisting
, , . , ... , ,
to land one or his rafts. W e understand
thai Mr. Forcee was on the raft, and in
attempting to land, one of the lash-poles
1... 1 1,.: . . .
. .. . r in' 1 1 . : 'j"" i" ?n."w, niiu iv uo o a very
Irwlinn Altmrj II mm annum to lift mi, . c , . . .. J
11 11 caiixo b i'j loo iui'ciiiiu uuvru nkMUfeii, mm 't i ..i..
, . . . .. Itounding. 1 lie limes remarks ; "If the?
his body with such force as to injure him jthreatenod dissolution of tho United
severely. States should bo actually consummated,
illie citizens will enjoy a singular opportu-
j.K ENSE. learn that several per- ;
sons who applied for license at the Jan
uary term of our Court, failed to lift them
within th timepecified in tho lave, and
are now soiling liquor without license.
We believe the law requires the license to
be lifted within Clteeu days after being
granted, and as quite a number of per
rons have applied at the next term of our
court, they had better bear this in mind.
Str.angk Acc ident. One ot the hands on
WooJivard's drive on 'the SJiinemahoning,
was seriously wounded in a singular man-
ner, on il juday last. The handspike with
which he was prying logs flew out of bis
biuds, striking him on the throat, and
cul'.ing .it open immediately under the
chin, so that t!.e movements of tho tongue
can be seen through the wound.
JlrjSr.Soiuc of tho Western papers, in
noticing tho flight of old Abraham from ,
Ibrrisburg to Washington ir. the night
leaving his wifo nnd family on board the
train that was "to bo throwu down an
embankment and all on board killed,"
call it " a big scare." Wry conclusive,
JfcJ5u Di. A. M. Hills desires to notify
his friends and patrons, that ho will be at
bisoilice in Clearfield, opposite tho Clear-
field Hotel, until after the June Court,
with tho exception of the tecoiid week in
May. Persons desiring his services will
do well to call before that time. ot.
Fatheu vs. Sox. The Boston Vouritr
produces the following extract from an
oration delivered in Uoston on the dth ot
Julv. lf-:03. bv the father of Charles Sum-
tier. I lie son 01 ins lamer nan oeiior
'There is no diversity of iuterert
.... r .1 I . M ... l
V. tit-non norl the ronl of the South : and ,
they aie no IiicikJs to eitherwlio endeav-
01- 10 aiiiiiuiaii; niiu nn. . mti j
theotnor. What if the sons of Massa-
chuselts rank high on the roll of vevolu-;
tit nary fame ? 1 he wisdom and lieroism
for winch they hive uesn Uistmguialiea
will never permit them to indulge 111 in
glorious boast. The indepen lence and
lil,.tv we possess are the result of joint I
efforts -of common dangers, sufferings! ' bem all. have goneto New Hamp
and successes ; and God forbid that those , sh,re nn c.ecttoneenng tour,
who have every motive of sympathy and Ti(iim y ,atc s..nntoI. frrtM,
interest to net .11 concert, should ever be- , di colI, rennsrlvania. has been
come the prey of parly b.rker.nC. among intr(, s,istftnt A,irnov funeral of
themselves. (ho Uni(e;l S(ft(0 ic Illaeeor jjri M(.c.(,.
Ml. Cobb, of this State, has been ap-lD,0n''' 'eni'1
pointed by Genoral Cameron Chief Cleik!
of tho War Department.
Democratic Standing Committee
In accordanco with a resolution passed
at tho Democratic County Meeting, hold
at Clearfield in September last, the Presi
dent, Hon. James T. Leonard, has an-
. . - - , ,,
pointed the following named persona as
Standing Committeo for 1801:
Clearfield- L. J. Crans, Chairman.
Beccaria John D. Miller.
Bell-John Boss, jr.
Boggs George Dimeling.
Bradford -Samuel P. Wilson.
Brady George J. Yoas.
Bloom John Smith.
Burnside James McMurray.
Chest Robert McCully.
Covington P. T. Megarty.
Curwcnsville Daniel P'aust.
Decatur Cyrcnius How.'
Ferguson Grier Bell.
Fox James McClellan.
Girard Alexander Livingston.
Goshen Robert G. Shaw.
Graham Samuel Launsbcrrr,
Gulich John Jor .an.
Huston II. J. V. odward.
Jordan Joseph Patterson.
Karthaus William S. Sankcy.
Knox Conrad Baker.
Lawrence Josiah W. Thompson.
Lumber City William W. Wright.
Morris Edaard Petks.
New Washington Joseph Bretn.
Fenn David T. Sharp.
Tike D. C. Dale.
Union William F. Jobnson.
Woodward Tuomss Henderson.
KKWA H r.MS. I A I'pnvrMlnn rf lh TrnpU.
-WlmiMter mat hats I n the l... ' , " , ' , h, '""'" "
,o,inM..lthafongMM,J,i expired, it S , J ' ' . ' ' PTTViV u
haa pa.,cd one in,.n",e !, I. U , e. , " ' ''' ' , tt,nl .I.iII.hUi.., I ha
title'l to tha thank. ,.( tho co.intiv. We ' ' J, V"-"'"U " "l0 '
allude to the aincdmenl of th Patent' .u i'",,ul " ? "'T' "'n
Ui. which provide that all pa.nnta' 1'.' .M ""'"r , "
hereafter gianled .hall remain in f'.ce fo. - M i ,! V "''n
.even.een je'rnnntha or .is, . ' , ' ' r ':nh,r-V Nn'OM
and all eHen.loi.a of ru-.h patenti, c 'V I,"j,'1,,l',i n o let.
J luai luciioa ol Kelt in llin ilmnitea alneh
rhalt be prohibited.
li r k ii ii w in mt in.
iluencewbi.h l.n. eonlribuled moie t
the demo, ,li,nliou or the National l.egU -
. .i .1 ..ii,,
lature Uian tlio .um.ajenl ,n lobb, i.g
. ... .
, r " . " : fc : . : 1 "
In avl.iinl Ilia l.ipnn l.iiliiiih tiiniiAn..l....i
1 ".. i v w . r n.Q,.,v .i.i.,.i,,,
tho lant dozen years, but it in to be counted ' , l.l,n,,r 'i V'-'
j byrnUl.o na .he-ulure , .10...;,; 1'
l " source ol e.nptat.on w 1 bo removed ' )nina.mllltioni lmV(( ft)i 1(irli(uU 0,
aeeing I lie voten ot our reirencntative
(P Jjxly 1J ft.r the nunpo r. of nn-
ft" ?"U S : ? '"'r
rt of Iheno un -
lilB ,ivpn ,0 lltttcnt. Toll y
would nave been long enough 1 lime.-
"train. rou Sale. The owners har.
vln5 1' us 101, article hicco the recent
eave in of Kepub lean k'aderi. oiler for
,ll!po ,jt of u.Uo ,,; J.'V it
nearly new, having only been tuetl since
Lincoln' Indianopolia'rpeech. which it
no,v Mem8 aa nii-iundorstood. It is all
" 1 1' 1 Hi:.,!, i.i i.iiaii:u iir oil o.
other material good lor lubricating
nublioan knee join la. JntMiirc ot
uepwuncan cuuorr, oinee imnters, or
ecutlve committee. ANo of any of
i ii t. ... .
Hqiurt.H or squires engage in the not
ufy lia" , - k "J?. a, l'""'n minf
la tew weeks siueo.'((fjtMv 1 W.
T,IE. :N.,US or M,--:Thf
J twt's is fuirlv amazed at tho census
ret ,. ()f ho .;nitPa States. It opens
its eyes ir. atoiiilitiieti,.1 say 1 nothing like
j"u'!l' growth has ever been wilnesse.l in
Illurope, and considi'i-8 tho statistics "hb-
liny 01 contemplating, al lue very crisis
ol their destinioa, the mnguitudu and
splendor of the political fidiiio which they
have just destroyed."
'lie VitTinia Convention does not seem
tn luii-.ill d 1 .-,i ,1 1
.. .. ...... ..llll lltl III. lllUl .11.
1 110 secessionists denounce it as a war
message; moderate Union men think
they can discern a very small negro in the
woodpile, otit-nnd-out Unionists would
rather have had something mote explicit
and encouraging. Hut they ray Virginia
nil! not secede at present.
Judge l)anicl 15. Vondersmitl', of ban-
castor, who u:L.i c.invii-tn.l nrmrl-j 1 ii-i
yeur!l o( forging applications for land
1 warrants, and sentenced to twenty y.:ai
imprisonment and 920,000 fine, had his
sentence commuted nisi wcck liy 1 resi
dent Ittichanan from twenty to thre
years, which term will expire on the ftth
of June, lSii2.
Th t?reat Ilppublic is coining dow n a
peg. The Nicaragua Cc.ugress has ot
ratified the American treaty, and proba
bly will not. The (itanadian Governni'nt (
declare they don't want a treaty with us,
and are a match for either the Northern
or Southern Governments of A norien.
Think of that.
The sudden flight vf Mr. Lincoln from
Harrisbtirg was n very rcmarkaUlo com
mentary upon the opinion expressed at
Columbus that there was "nothing t ).
maMer," "nnthifii; going wrong" "nobody
hurt.' If nobody was hurt, it is non
very evident that somebody was terribly
A voung clergyman havint!. in Ihehenr
ingof Ir. Parr, slated t lint ho would be
lieve nothing he could not understand,
the d -vtnr aid 'Then, young n an, your
creed will be tho shortest of any m.Ui'f I
Nr.w Innt. Grantfi,. The Supreme'
Cotnt has reversed the decision of the !
iinuri oeiu-.v in 1 no case 01 iipte convict,
led of the murder of Jared Lewis. The
trial ill probably take up the time of (he
i.. .l 1 .' .I rr .
COU' t at the. May term. ( . Ittrion Ih-mncrat.
Tlie pemocrath? and Union Convm-
tions 01 lilioiie isianl on u eiinesiiav
if,Rti ,.e n-,minated Win. Sprai'tio for
(0Vvrn0I. ll(j uic ,vi,0e tiPi-,t ns ct.(.t0li
ast vear.
John Covode and Mr. C. II. Van Wyck.
of New York, who a-as recently "assas-i-
""f". hv ,0.,,r . n,en- w" "'-'"ar"".'
Adjutant-tieneral Cooper has resigned
his commission in tho army, lie is n
Droiner-in-iaw 01 senator .Mason, ot ir
ginia. CSa,T2ie State Legislature having ad,
journcd over from the 1st to tho 12th Inst.,
of course no harm has been done in that
I .J... IV I, V.-,'l... .,.., MIVI .III ll'll, illllllV
a. .,.,. ,,. .... ,
quarter, especially if they all left Harriv
. , , , .
iiitiu ic ,i!m-iuuiuu on 1 irnii uny tu ,:on
tinue their feast upon the vitals of the
Commonwealth, wo mav soon hear of
come object being introduced, lo still fur
ther plunder the good old Keystono and
her citizens. Wo do not rish our leaders
to understand, that our Legislature is
filled with a set of publie plunderers, as w
csn n.iMira them that there are a few. no
ble exceptions among the members of
that body.
"United wr Stand." Governor Bigler's
orgen in Clearfield, publishes Judge
Douglas' speech in favor of compromise
for the sake of the Union and follows it,
with the Governor's own splendid effort
on the sane subject, This shows that
while small policians differ on tho most
momentous occasions statosmen and pa'
triots unite when the good of the country
requires it. Mountaineer.
We hope our Democratic friends in
Cambria pounty, will pay some atonlion to
this subject, too, and thereby bring their
( " Kilkenny " poiforruanccs to a close, and
J fully and fairly adopt tbe above motto.
1 1 . . i " .
innTt BiiHrn uminr t in Coimt In nn. or
1 rHt her ti i. ler - o r i , ,
i " ' ' ' , '.' ' " " ''.;','
'lioiiNoiu. e ivouli iirefer a direct rcl', ol n tmU"XJtJtn il . i
. . -" f v
"", t-t if that i, impoaaibie to be
vea, tut if thnt it impomiblslo be
iiii ii.nnl f... . I , I,,
i l u m ' on venlion H, dot. htln.a,
H't-kt tiling. J , I'enco t onfer.
' ii" ' ", I ': . ' . '
,.i. .xh lrtnn f',,.,..i 1j .i....i.,i..
v:,0 coutmo and w mi nm ni t l. . .r
, ,.0nieivaiivn in.,., m-- 1 - ... 1 . ri
'ii. - c... ... 1... . "- "
thoStB h:lJ J-;; " -
' .li l'1'" If National Convention
j r..OI11 ...p.M. ,.. ,. ,,.J
j ting the view, of U jmrlie.-of tbose in
Tavor ofchiiii... .u well uaofthoao opposed
to a t'liungi 111 11,0 Ccixtilulion. and its
re.ulla woiiM then i-o forth with the au
thority ami form of 11 clenr decision oftlie
popular will, lr tiroi ei Iv oruanised, such
a Convention might p.ovi.le rati.-.fiictorv
1 ..iv....-. i- .. 1 . , .-- '.
ii... v. .- in emi tiMUieni 01 our poimcu
dilheulliea; imd if it alnvild fail, there is
still left Ihediieet to the people
them.ieives aaalast resort. I'vst.
W c i-eo bv the Ilullimoro natieri
' 1 It
that about Ul.OO'.t people assembled at the!
Uailroad depit, when learning of the;
approach of ex -President on I
l.i iv, i- . l.i. 1... . wi ,
J ' 1 " " "l"""i '.''
the cars .topped there, universal cheers'
were given by tho citizens lo the man that '
was not afraid to travel through Baltimore
in day ghl.
J "
We ahoilld not ivoniUr if this was in-
tendvd to icllcct upon tho gentleman wl.o
, ,. . ,. ' ., fc, ...
pjsieil through that -rt y a short time ago,
with a Scotch i nn ..nil 11 .niili'ai-v rl.v.W
FIMIK fullon ii.R named persons bnxe filed in
I the (ulsce of the (.'lurk of the. Cimrt of
' tTrrt, ii,;fiu'" uf (:lc".r f"-!'1 r1?'- ,.1"',r 1'0'
1 """a lor iiii-ense ai vue .liart-n .-t-snun next
iiL-rociiMii to the Act of Asieuillv of Mauh 2Sth
lfi, rntillcil An net la rogulato tiie sub of J11
tnJiieutiiig liii,irs." Ac.
'JAVLItX LirrN.Kfi.
Il nry tlnudlnniter, I5rn ly Ui iinhi.
it. V. .Mnnr.', III. -Id y tp,
VJi f.V, Urady tp.
J. 1 1 :i iiics. Ilei'1-i.riii tp.
llenry Wuple, Hr tp.
Kdwnrd Albert, l!i;p 'p.
Viili-nrino II0IT.11111., Cuvinjrton tp.
ile.ire 1'. I.u.iirh, t'lciirlicld buruii-i,
llavid Johnaou. Clearfield borough.
lnn. M. Weaver, ('urwoiHvillo b.iroii(;k.
ltenj. Jlloiiiu, Suriveni'vilU' bur'ii,;h.
Win. A. Muioii, Curwernvillo borouk-
Wiu. V. Worrell, ( hest tp.
Juliii relt rixjc, (ioiihon tp.
Ji'bn Jordan, iulieli tp.
V- Woodward, 11 u-tun tp.
David Smith, Knox tp.
Win. W. A mli rum, penn tp.
John Slicorr, t'nion tp.
Jjl'oIi Miiuct, .V.irris t,p.
lienj. .Snyder, Covington Ip-
l.awreiicj Muoil, Covington tp.
Wru. L. .Merrvll. .Morris tp.
lihoryo Albert, lir milord tp.
Win. llei-J, I.uthernbiir".
l.o.i.,,, rUi l, Covington ton ihip.
IrB.'ir hie-ketts, lleeciiri:. townhip.
Nieholaw, Cirringlan t,
John 6 HnJebas'h, Decatur :owius.ip.
Daniel lliblo, Decatur lownabip,
4' W. Sholl. Hccciria lowiialiip.
Adam Knarr, llrady township.
lsiino li.', I'lim i-iisville.
K. Muop, t.'Ie.-irlicld borough.
Jo.n, lieocur'u tmvn.-liip.
S A I.T, H I.S, PA I NTS, A G ixt.i; I ,
fl'tT For ftile very cbe.ip for Cash, by
o. j:. mi:ki:i;i.i..
Merrel! A P.ig'er's Store,
In bn.-emenl of
Clearfield. 1
HI.1C SAM-:. Will he exposed to pub-
lie sale, at the lute residence of Abraham
Ken.ns, decease!, in Lawrence townihit , Clea -
All kinds of property, including (irain by the
bushel, llay by the ton, Cows, Chairs,
ISiirvau. Cupboard, lieds
nnd Redding,
Cook-Strvc, and n lot of Household and Kitchen
Furniture, too K'dious to oi.tiincrato.
fT-.Siile to eoininenco at 9 o'clock a. 111., when
tho terms will be inado known.
iif.:. W. RIIKKM,
fell?"-It, Admiuiitrntors.
TY R.tNK, for the month ending February
2m, I S3 1 :
Hill discounted ...
Pennsylvania State Stock
rq.eclo .....
Ihte from oil. or Ranks 1
Ilnnk N'.ites of other Ranks
Checks. Drafts, ic.
Furniture ....
Fp no of Plato engraving, is
Stationery, ic.
20,214 75
5,.'.fl7 Ot
4,40:1 S.',
1.1.10 (10
673 09
223 10
7ni 75
282 15
$50,189 05
Capital Stock paid in . $21,900 00
Note 1 in circulation 15,545 00
Due Depositors - 8,y0 1 45
Interests and Excbnngo 842 60
$-,0,1 S9 05
A8. R. CRAIIAM, Cnshicoqaj
flcorficl , Ta., Feb. 28, 1861.
Diistips Mill and cut A'aws, Mitnn's axes and
a general asaortuient of Hardware at the
store of K. A. 1HVIK.
Curweasville, Mayl,18fi0.
lacknroland Herring for sale at the corner t
111 store of E. A. 1RVIN.
Curwensville, Vay 10, 'CO.
Boots A shoes of every kind for Ladies, God
tlemon, and Children at R. W. t CD's,
I lolls and other 6'hawls in variety at the cbosf
) Storo of E. A. IRVIN;
Curwcnsville, May 1C, 'GO.
11 pIT. Driexi Apples, Pared an d unpare
1 eoaaahea, Cborries, prnpes and Rai sins
the rner store of E. A. IRVTN
adies drss gcu Js, of patterns and textures to
J please all, will be found at tbe cornet atoreo.
Curariuavilie, May 1, I860. E. A. IRVIN
oots and Shoes
A larger stock and lower
prices man ever, at Irvios Cheepoet cerner.
f'urwcnsville, May 16, 'f?0
roirjlT tftOCl.AMA7ION.
III IK , II iv a Mi i, ns , t . ,
? I'tr.l Ii til ,ttM ,f llin Cmiil n l iiiiiti. ti
Mi nl II o IMily ftllh Jiilliial iMitil'-t, rum
pf. ill Ihn p.ititiHpn ef Imranlil, I .m tin ntA
I litili.n nut llm linn Mm. 1.. M"r 't lion.
)' tilniiilii llnii.nt, A'l Uln in lff limflnl.l
rniMily i liiid IiiH pnfpl, l tn rtitwt
f"t IhB h"lillm l t t'mul el I'nmiann linn",
i Imn'a Cuiul, I'mul of (jiuttnt li.!i.ii. f'niiil
.l ir anil Trrniinrr, iml I'mnt nf (Unrril Jail
I '.Oirrty , '. Clrarliclil, In an t fur th inlf of
( li'niHolil, mi tin
V'rir.f MnnJ.ty ( rfiy) rf M,irr rr'.
NOrlCltm. Ili.rnf,,,.. -i
(Wunnr. Ju.liPM uf llm I'riro, tnd I'mii.W..,
ik.ii,,,,.,,.. n... ii, .ii. i .. a.
1 "''l"m"'. '"'""?
' Umnpn, to (In IhiifK tin
i(lJ , ,,, MMf
; ojvEN un.ler n,y hi
. , . . .
laminations anil oltmr Cainrm-
1 L. .1 m
itch (a tlieir olllcori,
anJ In llmlr be In If, purtaiu In lo dun
i" iiiiiik" "in
(II V10N un.ler air hand m 01erBel.l. Uila 20th
r. u. mul,.;,,, Silcrlff.
v: ........... : . - -
I ? 1 ,,,,M 1 ' M !Tlt -Notice, is horn-
X. y
! UUr
Kivkii tliat tin fulli.wing acoounts hara
vxauiiic.! ami pa..el l.y mo. nnd rctnaiu
if record in tins oflico for th Innnoction uf
h..ii-.p luKatoo, rreditora.anii nil others in sny'nRY rinnnt. IMOTIOIMS
other way interr.tod, and will U proseutad loU,T WUUO') IHW I IWaiO
the noil Orphan's Court of CUarfleld county, to
! r?.r.el.l M?m.nnolnKUa lU. M Mun,""1' "f
( March. 18CI, r..r smiflraiatlnn nnd lUnrn7iy.
T " nil and sinenUr the roo.U and,
? ' rtt!0
f Kwl,r- towmhip of lUggn, i,. th
I "t" ,uf C',!r.rH?1 i,?C?''1- la
tho account of Johu L. Hex, Adininntratw of
,u ,nJ linBD,M tll)) ,-ood, and battel.. Ac. cf
b.,hn AuJcr.oa, late cf Pike Usrasbip, Cleaflcld
Uunty. decent. V
The Bnul account, of Mile. S. Spencer. Admin -
. , , r 11 . . , ., , , .
I.trntor or n II and singular the pomln nH plinii.l
rWlitsainl eradits. which wera af Hariual, Soxncer.
v 1111 . ,11 . i- , . ,', '
r , I"'0"10"" "asbip, Clunrfteldcoun-
Tho final arewunt of Mile. S. Spencer, Admin-'
itrtrf all nl sinjrulnr the goods and rimttela,
righU and eaedita, whieh were ,.f Nancy Spencer,
late 1 renn town.lnp, U'learOold county, dec d.
fU lo JA.MDS fl'HIGLKV, Kcuister.
' 1)V virtue of sundry writ of Venditioni Expo
' " louunon
J lens of llearhelil coinitv. nn,l tn .lir.rt.,,1
j shorn will bo exposed lo'publio salo, at the court '
T .. "Clearfield, on Monday,
"s"' Jy f Mrcb, 1S61, tho following
1 docribed property, vis:
I A certain tract of land situate in lirndford
' town-hip, fa., bouDilcd a the rait by lands of L
Kitchen, on the west Iit lands of H. lliiineardiier.
on the siuilh by lauds uf Nepp and Mains, and
on tht north by lands c-f William M'olkcr; eon
taining 0110 Juindred ncrca nnd allowance, more
ir lesi and about thirty-Eve acres clonrod, with
j hewed log houro and double ng 1mm llicro-n
, erected. rScisvd, taken in execution, ond to be
sold as tho property uf John .Shiminol.
j Also- u certain tractof land filuaio in Graham
I township, t'learfiuld county, l'a., bounded on tije
Jenst by .Inhn Jlolt. nwtli by John Holt. 011 the
j we.-it by I'unnall, mid on iho'siuth by the turn
,;pike: contaiiiiug fmur and oue-holf acres, with
' finall lr g cabin bouse aud round-log pti.ldc erec'.od
thereon. Koizod, taken iu 4xoiitin and to be
' 'n!il as lbs property of David Turner,
i Alfo by viituo of a certain writ of A I. Levari
J A curtain tract of Land situate iu Dorrs town,
j-ship, Cleartii'1,1 county, Ta., begiiining nt a post,
i'thonco by Waiter Stewurt Survey, oust lfit)
;, perches to a post ; th. neo by residue of tho tract
! 100 porches: thoncu west liHI forches; thenco by
I John Taylor surv y, north 100 perches ; contaiu
ing onn hundred acres, bein.n tho northwent cor
1'iier of the John Montjoiiiorv survey. Kyizod.
itakon in execution, and lo bo sold as the property
I oi uonas 11, i-et'TS.
' One third the purchase money must invariably
'be paid at tho tiiuo the propcrtv is knocked down
i-or it will bo resold ; nnd the balance beforo thi
I deed is acknowledged.
i 1'. U. MILLER.Fberiff.
I r-herifT'f Ofllcc, Clearfield, l'a., Feb. 27, 1461.
1 The subscribers nave opened a full and com
i plele nssuri inerit of J Fl U t S in tho new brlok
I building of lr. Woods, on the corner of Leeust
aul Cherry streetii, in tho boreugh of Clnu fluid,
1 hero they will be happy to accommodate any
: person win, mar desire articles in their lite. Tho
ousincsf will bo confined strictly to a
Vni; and I'.-eseripllon liut'mttt,
I And no pains will be spared U reader satisfaction.
lr. M. Woons. tho junior partner, may always'
bo found and consulted iu the " lri:g 8tnre,'
- when not absent on prufessioaal business. A
scparato room for consulUition is Httii.-hcd to the
stoic, where patients may b examined privately.
Krery article usually tumid in such an estab
lishment will bekept on hand, and sold at greatly
reiljecd prices.
Tunus SKisn STiiteti.v CAf, will cnnblo theni
to ofier indiicenii iils iu the way of prices
Physicians will bo supplied nt a small per
cenlago over cost and carri.igj, and thoir orders
'are solicited. Krery article s-oldwill bo pur: aud
of the best quality.
, ftbG-tf ' WOOnS HABRETT.
Phillipsburg and Waterford Uailroad.
VMKKTIMi of tho 8toekho'.ders of (he
' Philipsburg nnd Waterford Railroad
Company" will bo held at the oflice of said Com
pany, in the borough of Clearfiuld, Clearfield
county, Pu., on MONDAY, tho 18th day of
March, ,t. I. ISfil, between tho hours uf 12 and
2 o'clock p. in. of said day, for the purpose of
electing one President nnd twelve biroctors tu
serve until tho eecond Monday of January, 18G2.
A fu attendance is requested.
h. J. CRANS, Sccreturr.
I Clearfield, Jan. 21, tStil-
-f Adininistrution having been this day
, granted to tho undersigned oil tho estate
SUSAN A It I) K 11 Y, late of bawrdlici tj, Clea
l,0,1 county, decoased, all persons indebted
s.-uil estate uro requoslcd to mako immodiale
is vine lit, and those having claims ngaiiwt the
same -will present the 111 duly authenticated for
settlement. JAS. T. LEONARD,
janSOflt Adm'r.
TH A V ':. Came to the rcsidonco
tho subscriber In Huston tp., about five
or sit woeks ago, a 11 LIFER rod, crumpled
horns, aud about two years old. The owner
is requested to 001.10 forward, prove property, pay
charges and take her away or she will be dispo
sed of according to law. WILLIAM 110 YT.
January 9, 1861. 3tf
DM 1M 5 THATOR S NOTICE. Letters of
Administration havlnc i1,i rlnw l,..n ....!
,a tothaunder.ii.neH ,.r TOIIV
, YOt'NO, late of Rurnside township, Clearfield
'county, decrnsed, all persons iudubtiid to said
f estate are requested to mako immediate payment,
and. those having claims against fho sumo will
i proiont them dwlv anthenticnled for sottleiiient.
j SAM L'EI. SKIlltlNti Adm'r.
New Washington, Jan. 31, ISC), fehD-61
I EXECUTORS' NOTICE -Letters testamou
j tary having this day boon granted to the un
dersigned on (he estate of JOHN DILLON, late
of Durntldo township, Clearfield oounty, deed,
all scrsonp knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate paymont,
and those having claims against it will present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
fV,6.6t J- A- H EO ARTY.
""00, J. 11. HEdARTT,
Fobruary 4, 1801. Executors,
T t)ST. On the road leadipj from James For-
Jrest'a to Ellis Irwin 'a, through Clearfield bor-
oufh, on Monday, the 15th imt , a brown PAS.S-
ROOK, containing a Merr-ir.tile List ef Clearfield fn IRfil. Th Snd.,r will I. ...
warded by leaving it at t'J is office, er returning
it to tba ewnerin Goshsn (aw nship.
E. R. LIVBftflOOD.
M .l ... Cj...i 'I .1..... .n.l.
t llO CoUTt IlotlSC, wlllTO tllCV flfO
nisi onfMiin' n n iinusii;iiv
n,t vv.,lt c.'.w-liid cirb nl' irrrwU-
III i.'i riuvft "I fc., ,Ll
, , r t
situcn to 1110 MfintH 01 1 110 commu
nity for tho Fall and Winter Irmly,
I which thoy oA'cr in large and small
quantities on the most reasonable
terms call ad examine for
YOI'KSF.LVES 'l llt'il aSSOl'tluCllt O
is Terr large and complete: emlirncing aliiic.d
rery article both of funl.iou and service. K
pecial nUuntioi. has been paid to the soleollon "I
l,AlIKS' DKb.'-X OOOPS, whub. ato of iverr
gilk,, Uelalnr., PI uilr, Merino., P. pBM4
Alpacaaa, Oaahmere.; .French,' rV.ll,
and Uomentio Clingharos, Prints.
l.lnievn, Cambric, llrillianta,
1 IK. and plain liMbinatti,
i l a v
"Bnic J!"cjr C".V."
1 aVf,,, Tr Tll.!il,.d
Irish li.nen Uleth. Ae.
mimcres, ButinetU, jeann,
kory Mrir.e, Uickinir,
. ismriur, jili;iil'ii iiihi iiuuii-Kuiiou inur..
. ... .'. . .. .
. .1. T.r 1,1 1 1 I ..i...... l..i
1 . .. . !. . . x ,.
noi. Alio a larg aioca 01 unuica aou nouuu
;meDt shawls, Double and SinKle, StulU. am.
Choaillo, liliick aud Drub Cloth capes of t) u
very latest fimhiou.
4 1-arL'O and splendid
stock of Drcus triin-
2. uiings, licks, lloud Dresses, Xitti, 1'luuies
Ac, at li.
w. it ro's.
t Larjo stock ef Moa t lioy's clothing, juei
received at R. W. A VQ't
1 1 'Inrpotp, Drugjjo!, carpet chain, Bags ani)
bugging, Curled Jiitir io.j at
W. rf- CO s
T T ardwai e uf every kiad, kn. es
nnd fork
II siitons, Loriif, I'ilce, KaiU, Cow
utl mil ln.d nm tLd Mill snwat
K. W. I
T adies' lionucts and llau, triuiaicl sn4 u" '
J trimmed, of tho Latent Styles at
R. W. C0,
MFii, Located itt A. II. Shaw's Mills, ont milt East
ef CttJrfcU lorongh,
Respectfully informs tho citiaens of Clearfield
and adjoining comities, that he la at all times
prepared to uiumifiictura, at the shortest notice,
Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses ef all
kinds and siies, one of which is a Folding Mat
tross, suitable for CABINS ON RAtfTS, which
can be folded iu small uompass,and emptied and
refilled at pleasure ; and Very aheap. Ho also
trims Cntriuges, makes rapnirs to all kinds of
Ciirrioe Trimming and I'pholstery, and makes
Cords lor Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick
ness or length,
.Country Produoe, C'ort) 'lluiks, or Cask
.akeii in EKcbimge fur work,
tAU orders ltft with any of tip Mrrchao
of Clearfiuld borough will bs promptly attend
,0 da I'.fi t
n, i'. uAitti
VI fE would respectfully inform our friends,
patrons and the publio gt-srally, l hat wo
havo now ia store and ufTcr Wholesale ud He.
tail at tl)t lowest Cash Prices, a Urge aud very
choice stbok. Watch, Jewelry, Silver aud PlateJ
War 1 of every variety snd style.
t'very description of Diamond Work nul oth
er Jewelry, mailo to order at short notice.
,WM goods warranted to be asrepreseBtni.
Particular attention given to the rcuairls of
Watches and Jcwolry of rrnrr dcscriitinn .
No. 62 MARKET street, (south side,) l'hila.
Sept. 19ih, 1860. Omo.
THE above Hotel, having recently baon Ctted
up for a bouso of entertainment, is now opon
for the accommodation of tho pu'olic. '.auvelors.,
will Cot this a convenicut house.
Msy li 1353 JOUS J0 DAN.
Infiilliblo Veelablc Powders.
For the r pecdy nnd effectual Cure of nil Injlam
maliout, 7i'nvM. (ism, DinjHjitiu, and Lierr Cum
jtlnint and all Acute and Chronic iHuettnttt of A:
dults and ( liil Jrcn, Send 3 coot Stamp to
hor Aijens. U. 1!. J0NS,
Hundreds of testimonials Box 2070 l'hila. P Oi
d-lyii-v 8. W. Cor. Third at- Arch Sts.
Oct24,J8C0 101.
The undersigned will hare constantly on hanu
a we.l selected stock ofDiugs, Chemicals, Dye
Slutrs, Oils, Paints. Tobacco and Begars, StatiotK
ry, Perfumery, Vriuhos. nnd Fancy articles
which he will dispuso uf cheap for cash.
ir Invites tlie publio to call aud examine Li
stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Country Physicians furnished with Drugsi
Medicines, aud Surgical instruments nt tbe wc
reaNoaablo rates. J. O. HARTSWIOK.
Clearfield, Pa., Dec. 2C, 1600.
Important Notice.
The undersigned, late publisher ofthe "Clear
field Republican" takes this method ol calling.
upon thoso who are indebted to him, or to Lriv
titer i Ward for subscription, advertising or Jul
work incurred duriug tbe three years common
cing July 1357 aud sliding July lbOO, to call im-.
mediately nt my ofiice in the borough of Cloaj
Celd, and make settlement of the same, as thesu
accounts mil be clm;lup. J. H. LARR1MEU,
Clearfield, Docouibor 12, 1SIW. tf.
"VfOTICK. The undersigned, so Audito.
X 1 appointed t distribute the money arising
from the sale "of (be real oslulo of HAMUKIV
KTROUP.Inte of Ferguson toa nship, gives noticu
that he will attend to the sntne, at the (
Larrimcr & Toit, in Clearfield, on TUESDAY k
tbe Sflth of FKHRl'ARY. U01, at two o'clock,
p. tn., where and when all persons legally inter-,
ested any attend. ISRAEL TEST,
Wholesale tn4 Urtail nierclisnta, Alsi
extensive doalnrs in timber, sawed Ilie.j
ber and shingles. Also, dealers In flour .1.
graia, which will be sold cheap for cash.
Oct. 14, 1359.
tt l)TI(. All porsora are herobr caution.
j ed against purclmsiug or eiedd'.ins wlib
throe Horses, two Timber sleds, one Wagon, s,pi
lour Timber Chains, now In the possession S'
.1 n it v k II 1 t Kl. ..rnM.1,.,. 1....1.:. 1' r.. .
county, as the same belongs to as, aud are W;
wita tim an oafl only.
f.t:7-3t noLT, winox hci,t, J