Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 13, 1861, Image 2

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    I . f
U..lri ,b,.f,t'' 'I'M! !"lbt!!!
i ,,i t f iim f. "i ', lm f. f lim" ' " M
1 .1 I. . t ... Mi ll - I... A
...ll ,.-,.. M-ll"U'!!V ' II. H 1MB M.W II, MM II"
Ml I J
I ,. ( I I .lt Kilt III!
II. .11 It I , I 1 1 t I f"t' I ll
,n,,li'K nfllm tti iil-li. 1 plM
i, i,i rlii nlii il nil Hit
.1 - l ...ll-. .1.1 II. it ..f lllll .'Mill
ll olll I im I'll "' i" ' . .. i i , ...
tn. In. Ii of 'late i
I ol the nl I w ci'M nn li'K It f I i'i
kw i -liivo I fi-im this ilii-ivKiil
I't.KAKHrl.P, !A.
Wednesday Morning:, Morch 13, 18CI.
liimi Inlictilnrii r
.. . ii . . ... ... .1... ti.l..'1
I'llllnil, IIO llll'I" Milir i-nniia ii , - i,
.. I. ,i . .. . ,1,11. nud riiiililiimin Aii-tut io(.imI ln Mifflin
I'ovrlniif n lti. t'jrn ot 1 loilii'n Milll " ' . .
I,.. l.rM. i mi W.l ;n rnmmcn. to whi' I. xUA! r
nil, both Not lli and South ate common,
l..!..l l.nin liniiA liat-tn H . t tin t-iidil to
.. 1... ...... ....lli nrtliulnli w fttlltimrf tO
tlic other. lr, lionrvcr, Hip - , ........
'have somet.o.iy lo nunttMnnte or mow up
I i. irn finwi fut nniiciintiiirnl His feel-
: ings r-ui bo bettor imagined limn cx-
Mni:" " lint:'
What i dies. tint revolution tuut hsve
I uet, carried on n ciauitim fr lb
s...,il., ) m Imv ilo nn1v nk lor ft
i ,, ,. ., i.;,,,. ' the vry :nnn from wliotn ho pxi.cct
miuill Million of thfir iUiin, , ",c t
'ho e nml l u linve it will rrt 1-n K""
.OrNot lrt'.Ttio miuilori ci.mroirg ih
IVmecrnli. Funding lomtuittet of ClcarfleW "An InfttmOUl Cheal.
ronnlv. irereuucdad to metBt Ibe oc cf tin . (.Mr leiulili no doubt ifcolh-ct, Hint, in CUorfu-ld, ou TVKSDAV KVK.N-1 Juring the progreM ol thn lati l'lesi-lon
IXOntxt. too 1'Jtb InitunL A ginrr! ttend
sect ut tbo Commlttt It roquiMtcd, it buslnen
uf Importunot will ko lali before ttii'in.
I,. JACKSON CRAX., Chdirmnn.
A. ...
Mr. Corwia'i Amendment.
TheSonnlo of tbo United .Stalon, previ
ous to adjourning on Suiuluy night, n-
dorted the following joint resolution to
amend Ibe Constitution, with Cotwin'
amendment, by a vote of 24 to 12 a Con
ilUutionl nmjority. The following is tho
Joint resolution, with Mr.C'orwin' amend
;neut :
licit auicUd, dr., That tho following ar
ticle, bo proponed to the Legislatures or
the several States as an amendment to the
Condi tu lion of the United Slates, which,
wher. ratiliod by three-fourths of said!
Legislature, shall bo valid, to all intents
and purposes, as a part of said Constitu
tion, viz:
Art. XH. No amendment of this Con
dilution having for its object anv interfe
rence within tho States with relation be
tween their citizens and those described
in section second of tho first article of the
Jonstitutioa as "all other persoub" shall
originate with any Sute that docs not
reeognuo that relation within its own
limits, shall be valid without the as?entof
everyone of the States composing the
Ccrwin's amendment :
"No amendment shall bo made to the
Constitution which shall authorize or give I
to Congress tho power to abolish or inter
fere, within any State, with the domestic
institutions thereof, including that of per
sons hold to labor or ecrvico by the law s of
said State.''
Ttii amendment wo passed by the
House of Representative on Thursday
last by a vote of 133 to 0r, und has now
passed both Homes by a Conditutionnl
majority. It has now to be sanctioned by
three fourths of tho Stato Legislature.-,
when it will becotno a clause of the Con
stitution of tho United States.
With but one exception, und that not a
viUl one, this proposed amendment to
our national Constitution is nothing but
"Bounding brass und a tinckling cymbal."
It decides no question at issue before the
people now, and if Abolitionists are ban
ished from our country, it will always bo
unnecessary and superfluous.
X' arc well aware that the Abolition
tint campaign, we took decided exceptions
to tho conduct of an Austrian Ked Ke
publican refugee, named Car) Shurz, f r
which wo were severely censured by the
editor of tho Journal, who ch in cterie.l
our statements in reference to to this man
(in Mondiv morning, howover, he suc
ceeded in mustering up courgu wiough to
proceed to tho "spot" of carnage, and of
" riots" "Hmking down," and general
revolution. Wo aro not informed wheth
er it will be necessary for him lo procure
a " Scotch cup " and a "military cloak"
in order to evade his friend tho "Kip
Out. id Mi'
I'll , s ll
. I i.lHC tl. II t l ll'" Is-l '(
i hn("t lli ll. p.l Ii. mi 1 '
till id K'.7, by hi' Ii t"iii"i'l 'I ",f"-
in) m ti ii hi' I niy biiiiV.i i ibu
i liiil'l?" as li't d'tiil'l l ioi'vlil s'""'l y H'
d.Ten lit l) powett't thn ploil psity.
In t'.T, Ihls Mine n 1 1 - 1 ( it -! the Tar
ill iifhl"'., all. I Ibenly liave trndetr.t
the TlinMiiy bat.klliptt Inw, lio'etn,
they tut n Kpime iiioii:.(I and repent their
o ll art, atul enact law riblch will in
cieane the revenues of tin) eournmnil
neatly f itl.tVMl.OW, and (o show how shal
low their tai ill' proclivities nro, we mcd
only refer our readers lo the fnel, that
l'resldent Lincoln bus suirov.nded him
self with nn entiro free trade Cabinet, '
with tlm bare exception of Mr. Cameron, f
and him they slick into the War Depart,
men I, whoio he can hnvo no hitluence;!
while Mr. Chase, an ultra free-trader, is
put into tho Trensury Department. In
order (o illustrato still further tho hypoc
racyofthe Republican party, wo pro-(
duee tho sentiment which in debalo Uon J
I linM
r nr. sr. at or nvah,
1 l, IVl.llMll 4..
l erirt lMt; ' M
1 b J inl 1 '. lil.n l'i
Kii.uUirin I'ntlv
lni,irt:tl l"r llm Irirpn-Ffil'lrt
('.mlli(l Vonlctltil vdin ii'!
in tho Oimiiun if AItmIhiiii
... . i . . i : .
Mio linw litlirvrs in.ii mi
k o ism ho i hh I . p ,liis
1 1 .11 I l,e .-"I" 1 m i " "Ii. .4,
.i i . i
Ml l,l M III lllfl
'.il if ii I r (.i.,ii
Meni. Midlife, f itlll.v (1
HrlilttdM, t.nn lnti sn l tnr,
N-iiate i ft ti '1 I'sIImi,
,lexd(r, f Indiana;
I ) eotniiift I I'lstw 'until, (Jf i
exist Imir r,jn,n' cf w,f'M t utU,( f!
1 1 ill, ..f M-
. t ft I .
-1... 1 I.Mir IV,...Nr,l . 111? 1'"" ; "'."' r,"il,r,'"'
rum hum - - n r v.il1. h . l.n
. I U ... .1 .. ..I I.
ntmvt writ) mm ..'",, irl,n, of Stl.nlkai ; Pirr,(
hurt" Fort Suinptrr not t ugbe, of Lnmne; Hidw
Kc-ClirorcOtl Fort Sumter not KoUiuon, of Mercer; Hlu';
to bo" Taken " l'ort Sumter l...phi.
... I I iniU l?.dwdj Ono Democratic Senator i'.'.
Hi in: Mil i v.u .u.. .i
niulTraitoM of South Carolina i"' Ho,J
-Maior Anderson to lc order- '"" ''" v,.,
.mijui iu CunifiiUte-a very small ,
r- tn vnrntc J h(J CocrcionislS , . . i. :.
respeclaiiie niiiioruy. UlteiiJJ
Hat.s and tl o "Plug Uglies," or whether
as " tho mod infamous perversions ever jdiey have been informtil in advance, ofjthobill paisod between several leaders
perpetrated in this county." Awful, ; tle isrrivul o( their ublo defender. If, how- 0 this tariff party :
I deed! ' ever, he has neglected to take n file of the ..i)..rins ,.n incidental debate. Mr.
This mar. Shunt was the leading Black I jltUrnal with him, he may get into trouble Lovejoy, Kepnblican, of Illinois, opposeJ
Republican orator last tall, and has been yrt an incmue of the ta.c on iron, either (or
oneof.holevlinginstrumontsin bring- We ..rch.nd .hat the editor of the IZ rXjZl
ing t.bout our present tr oublcs : heglortes l.,nirn;l will find " Jordan o hard road to oll 8ates whwh were used by ladies as
in the prospect of a Ifevolution. lie is 'travel " on lo get an o.Tjce ; but we hopo well as genthtman for Imllhful exercise.
i ! ...... . i . '.I. j ...... ..f Ik .... ...... ...... ( '............. - . l
noiv in vt RHiiiugmn nemanaing oi .nr. j, ottorts may oo crowneu wnu iibbcti. r i.... v "" ; - ft r news l)V I:ml III" U s lM.'tll
i "
cd to vacate I he Coercionisis
driven to the wall The South
tho publicans inteml to Luve J
to bo Uoncniated Auranam s iiei.-Tn way, in making ii,j(l,
comiiiff out ' C-it-birtl" The int.
Southern Commissioners not to tfDk.TUe rumored appointing
be hui) ; tllllS, S lliator Tnim- Senator Ciittenden as .Tudge ol
bull's Sport U'ill bo spoiled preme Court in place of ,h,p
Abolitionism bound to catch a ;'--'"d. .ems to oesuvedof,
opjiosition of tho radiciil Ilejui
1 ,rtar ! President Lincoln yields lo tlm
S.lich b l llC Unmistakatde turn early in the beginning of hU tJ;
lion, he will jon find luuuelfJ
noted bv the radicals.
. !.. ..I.. . i... i: r. : ....I ii-i. ... ...;ui r..l kjtuirv n,a ur protection w iron
l.ineoma lul . m-wirr ... - ..f,. s,v..ns. lte.n.l.lienn of IVnnsvl- ris . . . .1 : K. l.t
his demands upon tho Prostdent nre siau- t0 an 0hee, or himself, depoint doth v,,,,!,, ,! (imt skates were used by p.ib. A,al 11 ,S ,n L lli.mi rtiLiuiv., s v. ( Twenty-!! to HUty kJ
lar to .ho one he mr,'o uion the tiover- uot K8V) ,ml ,vo ,u?j)Cct the taller. lie ollicc holders for skating away. (Laugh- )fivc ot ,1C Jcast doubt J and at (in? enZv u U i,i
nor of V isconsm, tlemauding lo i.e imae i - ie.r.,j ... , Uulline tin Krie Sewine Mncblm. 1
one of (ho Pence Commissioners from that i The Iaii;irai.. W e this week publish "Mr. Campbell, Republican, of Penn- WIllCll tliC V hole COlllltrV OUJ'Ul Muchio nd .o tiinidn in it coMrmJ
State. The following is the dispateh honour i;.augUrd ddress of sylvania ...acally .... Knv riAr tZon TZlTti in U8F, und tbtv take theuj
Civil ''' "" "e l)un'lrod dultur micij
n ct in Liit i Uti-t p Dollar.. Th I'J
Mr. Lincoln is the last in-in
I bill.
. ., i- . ii : i. . t ;.,..!.. ;n tl, -. I,.pntnl'nrn wns ,r nib iinercsi oi i eniisvivai'ia uiiy ill u iii iv -jii-v.
sent to the Governor his appot.,1- , 1 resident which, as heietolore, , r(iUl.Pr. in all ..arts of the I . . .
" Send Commissioners ; me oneof '. he persists in referring tho public to his I 0UM( . 1 COUffC WOUld h.'lVC
wa f.r tht interest of Peiwisvl vimiu uny a I Hi
, . more than for producers in all parts of tho 1
tr.ent: " Send Commissioners ; me oneof lie persists in relet t ing mo puuuc 10 nis ,
'.hem; lo strengthen our side." The speeches and the Chicago platform at. the, ',Mr. J.nvejov joined issue, denying!
Abolition side is what he desired strength-1 embodiment of his policy just as he did , that the prolucer was protected by the War.
ened. lnthishewas,!iowevcr,i.isnpj.i:nt-,nt Springfield, a few days uftor tl to Uc- ' to tlcsirC Such a ICblllt.
led to
ed, and we now advise his defender ofi lion. He wishes the public to understand
the Journal lo look into the " infamous " ' that the hitter i to be received as fair by
conduct of the Governor of Wisconsin. J himself nnd his party. We are, however,
We hope the editir will assist Shun in, not aware uf any legislative body ever
obtaining his appointment, and see that Joinu'ting the Chicago iatform into a law.
Mr. Shurz is not slaughtered by the " in- i We presume il hjis btcn done, or tho Pre
famous conduct of his own friends. Jsident would not say that it is a law. We
The following article w e clip from the i havo iiiuh-rslood it to be like nil the former
Washington Star, w hich w e think will plstforms of the Opptvilion to be ignored
bear us out in what we hare heretofore as soon as the electicn was over,
said about this Revolutionist :
" Mr. Shurz is barely n citizen of the
United States. He is an exile from Aus
tria, said to have fled his catintry to avoid
a prosecution for aidini and abetting the
I escapo of prisoners. His ofl'eneo not e-
mg a political one under Ausirus lawn,
the Governniont has refused to extend to
him tho amnesty it has extended to so
many other Austrian exiles in the United
States. He may be a gentlenun of shin
ing oratorical talents; but, on the whole,
he can, under such circumslaucos, hardly
be the p roper man in whose hands to
trust American commercial interests at
an European Court : where our national
reiyeseK-ttji'cs should not rest under dis
abilities growing out of their recent per
sonal involvnient with the political troub
les ol countries adjoining tlio. e to whose
ningof tho Republican party; decla elGovtrnments thay may bo accredited.
that they will abolish slavery everywhere ; I hue no idea that he ill be
. , J . ....... I the next Anieiicau ambassador to Sar-
but r large proportion of the Republican cl i ti i..
Tlio rcfejem-e of the President to his
speeches, is itill mote uuf jrtuuate than to
the Anc of the platform. The speeches, as
circulated by his party daring tho laic
campaign, contain some ot the most ob
noxious rentimen.s on record -strong
enough to satisfy the most radical Aboli
tionists in the country; and this very
fact is the reason that the Abolitionists
nominated no candidate of their own.
After reading the speeches of Mr. Lincoln
sid the construction put upon their, by
the immediate friends of the President,
they brenme fully satisfied that he was a
good enough radical for them to support :
mid tlu-y lid so.
The inaugural is open lo precisely the
same construction as his speeches suited
lo any interpretation ; and the President
nay hereafter pursue any line of policy he
pleases, and he will be enabled to prove
himself right by his inaugural address.
parly, aro opposed to Congress interfer
ing with slavery in tho States where it United States Senator,
exists; hence tho amendment for the' Mr, Cameron's appointment i s Secrela
present, contains more wind than princi-.ry of War, in tho new Cabinet, causes a
pie, nnd is n perfect dodging of the real! vacancy in tho United States Senate. It
question. is the duty of the presort Legislature to
Wo ftro well aware if Abolitionism is to j fill tho vauaney, which will no doubt be
succocd in this country, an.i tn vieiv ofldone the coming week,
this fact and none other, will wo support j The niaite r is warmly cot, tested be
thc nnirndment, as it effectually removes 'tween the several nspiranti. Mr. Wilmot,
from Congress the power to abolish slave j Mr. Armstrong, of Lycoming, Mr. Cnmp
ry in the States where it now exiMs: and, bell, of Scbuylhill, Mr Ketchum, of Lu-
4 1-. 1 ..ft 1 .. . 1. - ' l-r Til .1 . 1 i
mis uu.u us: uucmpteu vy mo z?rnc, ana Mr. laimer me present speaK- olt,ln)Mll ,nl ll0W rollllol, ,l10 Republican
Abolition;!, whenever the free States jer of the Senate, are .nil warmly urged by Uiiij failed to abolition ize tho
shall number time-fourths of the State, thoir recctiv, frlttnds. l),nucaalic ,,utv. they at once sought
o the Union, which may soon I e the case; , Mr. Wilmot. having bee,, .hoved out f()r nn t,1(,m Hit , )re 8uit0(. t0 theil. Une
ithnn IhAV tvniiM diiiht ia nlfjtr f )m .f iL . P..1 : .1 i i V
' ii ftuuiei, i.txi fuSii ,w for t ie I-success n l i s lmrl ,.i,l .r
wo need only refer our readers to tho
Well does tho J'cniis;lcaiiutn rem uk i
upon this subject that the Abolition
tu cci.!i'' A -ruts 111 i very couiili
Siutst. A'lJro, for uurticuuri, t
Machine Co. 11. JamIi, UalA(J
Jiut what is to be said of the'
Kepubli cans have ibut one principle in
common, and that is ntgrvitm. On all
other questions they agree to disagree.
) II O T ( V. It A P II I c xr
Kcpubhcan lcailers and presses . lleB 011VC t9 ,nauua i0 til, ..,..
... i i Uld ud vicinity, lht th ir CUt,j;J
WIIO KO latCJV (lenOllIlCCd .lr. m timi in tho bov nmrrf,.'li:,.U
I . ill n fl'iirrl i 11 tr all lie I mm . .V....f
i : ... iii ...... i 1: !.. ... .. ... i I r" " "1 '""'f
v,j.M,. ..n.....,, .... i.,.,,..,. lltiiaIian or not lortiiying an rimci.M
while he is nguins. u tariff for the protcc.i m Til OT 0 II K A P II
linn oT I'liniu'dvoni.i Ifn pvn ioi f:.i- Ktrrno-ti.eiiiiiir ihese forts I Mr. cr
. " . . I AMBItO,
HSH.snanaimo-mnne.-nvaw, nn i v . , , i t u-m. and StlCCCSS- From . MiuUtort tu LifcJ
denounce her insatiable greei for 'proteiv . j T-Amlrotyi ct mid PsgiitrrMiji
tion tonon.' Tl nddeus Stevens, in Penn- fulv, tOO. JjlIlCOlll S Iirril, IlCl! -rtcsi netic.
, . , . ,. , , , ' i Jluxinc Imd Ncieml ynirt tiMiii
svlvanin, also vote for Lincoln, but l,l.-. ,lfwlI tlw.n. Wlin f tlic di-tun it:t, ther r. conWr.
IS to buiiuiuu ...v r.n i,lefti.ll l.u f.vor tl..J
... i .. .. . i
... it rft-fill.llip tllOMl
liko Loveio. be is for triviiii! motection '
to Pennsylvania iron. l10Wf is the abettor of rebels and j , " ""H
I liaddous becomes facetious, nnd says . . ! I'rlres, Jrum 85 rents upxsnlk
that skates are much all'ectfd by pnli ti 1 1 ,in' " 3 - .
lY "t
cians. Thaddeus ought to know, for no
man is more 'up to t iio riggs of Londoi; I
town.' Ho is familiar with all the arts'
and contrivances lo which demagogues re- .
sort. j
The wlule Republican party is now on -slippery
ground, nnd 'fit a fatal i
tumble, then (ho days of miracles have
not passed by. Lincoln tumbled the nth-;
cr day, nnd they aro now muc'i exercised ,
by tho etl'ort to lilt this 'six foot suck ling'
on hi feet ag iin. Let them beware of the
next fall.
Hex e nun at a l'Rsttu'M. Wj olnerrc
that ko far President Lincoln has exten
ded a webioiue hand to the renegades
from the Democratic pal ty, the majority
of the Cabinet having been selected from
(his class of politicians. Cameron, lilair.
Chase and Wells, all havo been turned
out of tho iJcmociMtic party lor thoir Ab
olition proclivities ; and in fact it is this
present condition of the country. In al-
Constitution, as to givo Congress the held by Mr. Cowan, but having also Will
power to Abolish slavery in tho States ed in that, ho now insists, with some ivev-
Ul.n.n !l ny., a!,!.. ,l.n i .. , . . , . I
..x1;in ,, .,. u.Tw,, oiutionnry symptoms, uj.on xu.g u.e Mwt n.y branch of the governmcnt-
of hi. amendment now A bolitionism, if U,iace of Mr. Cameron, and we lmpo be y,,,,,,, .StfttcnnJ ,0CRl,hi8 t.,emcnt
it ..succeed hero in the .North,UTOUldlP,flv lutl.eed. If Salmon P. Cha.o i .o.,ns to predominate at present. Sew.
bealongtimo before they could ngu.n j r,.opcr miu, for lUc Cabinet of Mr. ,UlMttnds,nilU wer0 rormeP, Whi
thangetheConsUtu ,on .)C0lWi in our present troubles, Mr. Wilmot jm.itll lho Kani0 W.M-the cxoellonco and
i.i tictiin. ijr hid HitupiuJii o. ims niueim- w equally lit to go into tl-o senate. It
Mont oow.abolitionUn will receive a fataj I Abolitionism U ta Lo the controlling cle
Uoiv, and so far ns ,t can be accomplished ,c.nt under this administration, lot us
., Congress, the prohibition of interftr- hav il boldly and fully, and thereby re- is perpetual. .move tho mask that is no as-umed and
u is mortifying to us lo know, that the worn i,e i,0 rarty jn power,
;:ieat number of able, and heretofore sa
fray-The Legislature of our State has
mpci iority of the nigger,
The Cabinets.
We last week published the mimes of
the members of Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet.
but it linssinca been somewhat changed,
we therefore re publish it correctly : i
William H. Seward (N. Y.) Secretary
I!J ! XISiTK AT OH" 01 It fJ
I J. o I Atiiiiinininiiiun nirm lifft
I I Ho unr irjiirni'd. ll i di.v. It,
J A SI KS W. BTr.AM ORI, dr d, aid
tiiwnhbi, Clcaiiivld rniirtr. all ptnt.!
In smd tstiite art rcuuon.U tn ir.jk.
paymont. nnd .tliuw hnviuj; rljit
ll: (n n ill irrncLl tlitin .u;r ir
r sotdcuiout. BAMl'Ki
inarlS ct
graving of nLi. S U Ufr r)rt.itr:
lieruinr a . rvconiivd loroiiti i
I'll tireo iLtiO'iured, si.d is, tciolfl
i lie brrl, fts wrll us llic l.-i.ii.-niu.rt,
u, rewinff ..I .irn nm now urlnre lue imw
4 Xn. 14 .infill mill ftrl Bijil V.
n . ... . i .ip.r.l. . l..l.:... . ,--.... .... . . - 4
inv icni, nn i.t-iiaii ... iiic i nun r .iiy Jamilv use.
Mr. Buchauan at Homo.
Mr. Huebanrn received al I.alicnilev
by .a la gs ccneoui of his fcllo v cit Sachs.
The civil and militniy procession was
several squares in length. The nvr'ival of
ihe special train was grectvJ wi.h a
national salute of thirty four guns mid the
i ringing of bells. Mi. Ruchnnr.n wtu
1 accotupanied by Miss Harriet Lane and
Miss Hetty Parker. The pr .cession was
composed ofthe Mayor and f'iiy CouneiN,
the fiieinvn, Feni-iblcs and .I.ickson Kifl-.-s,
' and large delegations from the country-
It halted at Centre souare, when
(in .ids, made n neal ipeeeli, handing Mr.
lUicbiinan over to Mayor .Sanderson.
Mayor Sanderson delivered an addros,
to which Mr. P.uclianan replied subsinn
-rxi,ii.. iiniiv asiniiows:
Sal ni)n P. Chase ().) Secretary of the M) old neighbors, friends an I fellow
Treasury. 'citizens: I have not language lo expresi
Gideon G. Welles (Conn.) Secretary of tho feelings which well in my heart on
the Navy. (his occasion : I do most cordially thank
Simon Cameron (Pa.) Secretary of War. you for this bii).instintion of your er
' Ldwurd Hates (Mo.) Attorney Geneial i sonal kindness ( an old man w ho comcf
Caleb . Smith (lnd.) Secretary of the y back to yon, ere .t,g to lay his nt
Interior. rest with jour falheis And here ld me
Montgotnery Plair (Md.) Potniater say, that having visited almost eveiy
General. 'clime under lliesun, my heart has ever
t ., , ' turned tn Lancaster a. tho spot where 1
Ihe following named persons composo , , . , , , , , 1 . , ,
would wish to live and die and be burie I
Mr. Itovis Cabinet : When yet a young man, in far remote
Robert Toombs of(Ga.) Secretary of Russia, my heart was still with your
State. fathers my friends and neighbors in
C. L. Mmminger (S. C.) Secretary of good old Lancuster. (Applause.)
the Treasury. And nllhnugh I have always been truo
L. P. Walker (Ah .) Secretary of War. to you. 1 have not been half so true lo
S. R. Mallorv (Fla.l Secretary of the von as you have been to me. Your
j .eioue men, composing Congress, nnd
i e.e Tenco Confcrenco , should find them- J ,m85ed a bill granting $30.0(X i.f the to' , poorer ol
1 1 1 ves unable lo solve that small but vital ! ..le'g money to the Slate of Kansas. A mo- notwithsi
JnTTho Legislature of LVlnwure has
refused to extend Ihe charter of the in
iquiloiis Lottery scheme of Wood, Eddy &
, Co., which v ill expire in a few months.
This firm has robbed tho country cf miU
lions of dollars, nnd principally from Ihe
.1. II. Ragnii (Texas.) Postmaster Gen
J. P. llinjamin (La.) Attorney Gen
eral. jjfriyWhile Mr. Lincoln lias seen fit to
select a majotUy of his Cabinet from that
fathers look nio up whet, a younp man,
nnd f.ihtei-ed nnd cherished ine through
r. ary lomr reiir. All these have passed
aay, and I stand before you to day ns
man living in a second generation. (A
voice I saw you mount your horse when
you marched to Baltimore, in 1812 ) I
feel with all my heart, though in the
class of men who were softly termed Free midst of posterity, that these sons are
Boilers in lNiU tut, having boon spewed manifesting the same which
assei of tlio community. Thus
1R!oul of the Democratic party, soon become ,,icir foil"" wmil(1 hnvo ,lo,,ft. ,"x'1 tno)'
jfull fledged Republicans-Mr. Davis ,ivc? ly. Generation ?t the
s, . .... . . mortal men rise and sink and are forcot
q-csuonio mo country-mo subject ol uon was made that each member should
fclaveryin tho territories. This was the pay JdO out of his salary, but i, was unan
question, nnd it was upon this point that Jimoiuly voted down. There is no ques.
the people w.'shcd to render a decision, Uon but that this mode of depleting our
nnd in reference lo it, petition arte, treasury is unconstitutional nnd wrong.
petition was sent to Congress and the The State of Pennsylvania has moro poor
Peace Conference, but all to no purpjse.l pCOplo within her borders, who need aid,
it resulted in nothing but the nbovo fu- j ,hftll lhe wholo poruilltion of Kansug, yet
tilenmendment. Grent men frequently h0 i9 so foolish as to go befora our Legis
commit great mistakes, but we have nev- mre and ask for an appropriation of this
er tccn it ro ably yenned before. kind. Tho ood old rule, thst "charity
Tho doctrine of the democratic party in ( begins at homo " ban been reversod in
reference to tlie subject of slavery in the this instance.
territorlosis, Hint if Congress has any pow Wo have heard it remarked that the
erlo legislate upon Ibis subject it must be majority of the members of the nresent
foritfl pralection ; and If nbolitionists are j Legislature were not Rccountoblo boingrj
Lanished, votstuldsny non-intervention Tho truth of this remark is being more!
our country
ding all tho evils that are upon ccms. t0 haTe ,nke(1 nbout- nnd ton, but tho kindness of the past gen-ra-
r nt lhe present limo one of 11 ninjr''y 0 K'8 Cabinet from among tion to me, now conspicuous in their sons,
No. 2. A liirge MucUn fir uiii.
iri.rk and fur rlant.itiun h
I 'J'hii. Mncliinv is mueli Biluiirrd fwil
ty. and fur it reliiibililr and tlunuiiV.
.urim.-ncd. A etiild twrlve vesnriinr
ras j iiiidjct it will from (!(
to tli fimul 8i.-. Tlipm in iiUw,
n uijinr tlic tbrrn J, .',s it l.ikcn Iro.i
it lisf no bolts tu giie trouble, i
I ni-kwaids n well as furard, au
equal); I'l-rfirt, and witlimil -;f r u!
nt-cdlas. It runs rv frictiua, and lr r
uox over it, it ii tbrown out ut gtar
ire Imve iiohcsilntiox in recuiuiurndii;
bet fan-il)- fining Marliint icuft.
77i folltiicing IWniiunit -lirufiW
Maciiiut :
At the fair of tho I'mnlTin Isfti
(l.e First Premium
At tli Panisvlvania State Fait.n
.bia, September 24, 1359, the First ii
At tli renntylrania Stat Fair, V
min(, I860 a Siiher Medal.
For the best Double Thread Ma.ft1
tatc County Fair, held OrtuUr, Hii
At the Maryland Slat Fair, hvii ! d
land Insti'ute. Jialtimort1. Afd., Otv
under itrong competition, a Silver '
swarded to this .Mucin no.
At the New Cnttlt Counlv Fair,
miagton, Delaware, October, 185S
The abov Machiuei are m&nuficti"
CIIARI.i: W. Iionl
No. 720 Arek Street, PhiladtlphU,
Ko. 504 Markat Mreet, WilmiDfl"
marl3-ly 720 Arch Street W'-a-ff-Persons
wishincj to fee tie'
in nnnratiiin pan (In ma ,v fftV.lfS
dene of D. W. Moore, in CJerfiW-J
i.i . ' ... .ii . i. r ii..
il. :.. .i.... t:.. f .... wiute lv no vera me OOlie ana sinew inn never wn iuik'mh-ii.
The n'ext grealest evil with thii , e nre ""lT" S dm Sj you.1'::
now teset, is Abolitionism, nnd we should 1 loombt' " ttlker' Mallory, nnd Rinjamin, a $o0,i citiwni a fnithlul friend, nn advi
be glad if "little-Delaware would londl!Ba,e1Cjir0 ,"ermbpr' of tho "ry cr to those who need advice, nnd o hene-
f ilial lv.ak.A..l.s if.. . Sft r - il H. rl . mi t 1 , f. . 1 An I I y-v . y-1
her svillin hnmls in nssistinir to etermi, ! r" " - lJ wcmmingcr ana r v.,D .... ,
. , .1-.! i m r Ivagan have always been X)cmocrats.
nato this political evil as successfully r I " '
allA line nllllttlieirl IIia mnrnl aiI
' ....... . ...w ...VI U. I 1 . Ul . ... . .
tay- e nre lntormca tiiut tive Jtepub
lican Sonntor voted sgainst the confirma
tion of Mr. Rates, of Missouri, and Mr
-In a late issue of the Prtt,
lyCcmgresi upon tho trho'.o subject of sla- fully realized every day. They have boen
' J' 1 guilty of nearly everything that is wrong, the decision of the Supreme except of committing suicide, and for this
Ccurt, ikvcs are property under the Con- l(sk they are too cowardly.
ititotlon, and it is a we'd defined princi-
pla that no legislative power hag author.- , Borne of tho Democratic members of the
ty lo act upon the subject of properly oxalate Congresa are said to bo engaged in cir
eepi for iu prousHion, unless compensa. ulating a manifesto among leading men
Ilea It firat made to tie owner, when it of all parties for their signatures, as a ba.
fld!mUdt9aamproper us; hence sii for a Union parly organiiation.
niiplntiso l All politcal aspirations havo
departed. All that I have done during a
somewhat protracted public life has pas
sed into history, and if I have done aught
to olTon.l a single citizen 1 now sincerely
ask his pardon.
r... n I -I .... t-!.. ...j
.... .!.. ..-!.. ft I. I 111.,!, -I f. ...,.. I . r ... UIHIIft, llllftl tillB wiuoii mm
nU,m..,.r,.ui1n iiunung . i.ft.j. ....,. i .ne.nocrs o, me Constitution may bo perpetual. An.
tuuiuiiuuu ftuitv jiir. r urncjf BCfIll lo V..VIHV', fti.Q IQ...UII a3Blllt;.ft ueing,
loatbo and despise. This is indeed strango 'that they hailed from Slave States. We
advice from a man who has either held cr ' woudcr if this is not sectional enough for
Insen seeking an office over since he was the most exlreme.
twenty-ono years of age. If, however, he ' W'e would advise those five patriot! lo
speaks from experience, his advice should remove from the Capitol &f tho Nation, as
I cloe by repeating the sentiment dear
lo my heart, (iod grant that the Consti
tution and the Union may be perpetual,
and continue a shield of protection to
ourselves and our children forever.
Mr. Ruchanan retirod amid enthusias-.
rn II 13 II K I T I 9 II B evH
(Tory) rt
(Fr e Church.)
in tho carnnge,
be taken ; but it seem strange that his i' surroundod Cby Slave States, that if.tio applause. Ho then resumed his place
imn nun auuuiu ruiuso 10 irko nis latiierly "") persist in rcrnaicing wii ere tuey are
advice, as we observe thathe has te.ken an ursoundod by " barbRrians," thoy may
office under Mr. Lincoln ; and we shall lose thoir refined tomporameut, or have
hot bo surprised to learn soon that the thoir virtuo impeached. We hope they
father baa done likewise. will not persist much longor in stemming
"Myself and two aons, each aix feet the iniquities of Washington society, but
high," are flelermined to end their career at onceieturn to the associat ion of their
in that "ditch." I'riend-the British Lion.
For any on of tbs four r.eri. w,
For njr two of the four Beriewsi
For any three of the four Reriewi.
For all four of the Reviews,
For Blarkwood's Magatine,
For Blackwood and on Review,
For Blackwood and two Reviem.
For Blackwood and thre Reviei
r.. in. i. i ,i ik Havie1.
v Tk. tiri. in r.Miit Uritsis'
i i i.' r'-w -----...:
auoi icu to Periodicals ahova-DRitH-d is ! F"
I Repabliehed hj ,
Tin Tonnage Rili,. Althoueh the rc- mar43-m 44 Gold Stro".''''
port prevailed extensively in Philadol-1 ,-.-.'; ml v JZhafr
ph,a, that Gov. Cnrtin had ned the b ill nA"?Lh.!!u"? '7,H
repealing the tonnage tax. and was to cdr;0i Aqlftan(l jttnt w.ln, IJ
published ,n the I hiadolphia paper, it mB(i to pay no debt of their o'A
appears that the bill has not yet been tiisdat. ISAM 1
Orimplaa Hills, Uareh U1-