DRUGGIST LATIN. ' j A foolish mystery thrown around thoir art, nliko by the apothecary and tlio Vbysiciur, .hould ho at onco alroga ed.- If a physician prescribe quinine, let him ' . . . write quinino instenJ of 'sulphus quinre,' a i the usual custom. Common salt is 5nt s saline under the nnmo of salt oi uuder that of ruuriiw sodio or muriate of arxla, while Epsora salts will have an cf- feet quito as salutary when sold by that . ..... . i.. i..il.l ..,1 namo, as wuen mysterious, v phus sodas or sulphate of scda. A pliysi- cian calls nt your house, feels your fuhe, ... r . and, with an air of prolunuity, writes thus: MiLChlor Hjdiarg.) w Jalapro Tulv. J c Patient sends to the drug store, when t.-c.i- :t 1.,JM, In V, nn jiu iniua nut. v "t. abbreviation of mile chlnridutn of hydrar- giii, in other words, mud chlorido of mor curj -simply calomel. Jalnpou pulv. is of courre powdcrod jalap, and the cntiro rigmarole, is simply expressed: I en grains each of calomel and jalap. Tr, s -t l .:' mysterious method of dispensing medi cines, and if apothecaries called things by tln-ir tirnnnrr.iniM. I Iia pnminnnil v would a. Knm r... !!;.. ...i.i. n. nMnJ .... . , . , ,i of medicines. Paregoric need not bo cal- lea "tine, cimpn. ei opu," any more tunn flour neod bo labeled "pulvis Hordei,' and j we doubt not that the public would quite nn willingly pay tho present prices charged for modicines when called by their right names as when covered with cabalistic in scriptions. We believe the dog Latin part of the druggists' businoss to be an intense hum bug, and of about the same use as thebo tnnical names conferred upon plants by quack nurserymen. When we remember that a goodly portion of an apprentice's time is spent simply in acquiring a knowl edge of these mongrel Latin names for medicines, aside from the science of chemistry, to which alone most of them bolong, we think it will bo everywhere conceded that the Byttem of using them should bo abolished. The fact is, that medical men are them selves oi'ten lamentably deficient in their knowledge of pharmacy, through thiwvery cause tho difliculty of acquiring a know ledgo of technicalities ; and many a pa tient has been sunt to his long homo in consequence of a misunderstanding on tho ' pu t of medical men as to the character oi tho medioines they were prescribing.- Make tho acquaintance of a first class prescription clcik, und get hitn to bIiow you the book in which ho preserves tho prescriptions he has compounded, and you will be surprised to find how litltle is generally known of therapeutics by many practising physicians. Nauseous oils aro mingled with imperfect solvents, w hich allow large globules to auhero to tho mouth, vitiating the appctito and tone of the stomach for many hours. Insolublo powders are often directed to bo dissolved in water, and tho recoiling patient finds himself pompcdled to xject from his stomach the pasty compound. Had tho matter bcecn left to tho direction of tho prescription clerk, he would at least havo rendered the doso in nauseous. For the oil he would have substituted tho extract or issipated juice of tho same plant, while in a pleasant emulsion would have con veyed the full ell'ectsof tlio disgusting and ill prescribed moss- Yet the clerk re mains mute, and daro not even mako a suggestion to the customer, no miilter how flagrant tho ignorance of tho physi cian in this respect. But this is not all : for medical men, like writers for nowspaperi, are often found whose man usripts aro unintelligible, ami many such aro often sent back to I heir authors to be ro written. That so few accidents occur from this cause. U sometiiiug Dial :n our opinion approxi mates to the marvelous, and is in itielf tho highest possible commentary upon tho general competency apd eflieiency of our friends, the druggists. For that criminal temerity which entrusts the preparation of medicines to hands insuf ficiently experienced, wo have nothing but condemnation, but wo cannot do oth erwise thnn I elieve that vcy few physi cians possess the same knowledge of (ho character and variety of forms in which llio various drugs exist, as a youth of in telligence who lias enjoyed ono busy jc ir's experience behind a well patroniz ed and well managed prescription coun ter. " To conclude, wo would ask, why can not our medical friends resolvo to u rito their prescriptions in plain English f And why, also, cannot our druggists call "salts" salts, and "turpentine" turpon tino t Are these terms moro dangerous than muriate of sodium, or oleum lore. binthimo ? Let the trial be mado by both physician and druggist, and seo if the results prove otherwise thnn satisfac tory. . To Persons out of Employment. AGENTS WANTED. In every County of tlio United Stales, TO engage in the sale of some of tho bost and most elegantly illustrated Works published. Our publications are of tho most Interesting character, alapted to the wants of the Farmer, Mechanic and Morchantt they are published in the best style and bound in the most substan tial manner, and are worthy a place in the Li brary of every Household in the Land. 9,To men of enterprise and industrious hab its, this business offers an opportunity for profit able employment seldom to be met with. fl'ersons desiring to act as agonts will re ceive promptly by mail full particulars, terms,' do., by addressing LEAHY. OUTZ A co., Pub, no. zz north itreet, Philadelphia. Out Ut 18S0 Jj. Terini ot Subacriptiou. ...... I.LI-.I it,. at a pa m Ji ? 1 So " P . ' ,h exniral0n of the year, . 1 00 Ttrni of Anvertleliiff. Advertisement are losorted in tho Republican .h following rate i , M41Inoj j 'To"' V.uwoMSsirnei,) 1 oo xnrM aquares, (42 Unci,) 1 SO ' B months 3 do. $ TS 1 60 2 an Jl's. tl 00 J 00 I 12 mo $7 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 13 00 85 00 One Squaw, : : : $i . Xwosquaros, i : t : j 4 00 Tkree s-iuares, : : : i S 00 Foursquares, : : : : 0 00 Uftlf 'ium , , , , g 0o 14 00 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 20 00 One column, t : : : 14 00 Over three wooks and loss thnn three nio&uit a eents por square for eoh insertion. Business notices not exceeding 8 linos are in serted for f 2 a year. Advortis jmcnts net marie J wltn ISO numnor oi ; B!ertiM dosirod, will hi ecntinaei until forbid nd charged aocordisg to these terms. JOB PRINTING. An extensive tock of Jobbing materia enables tlio, Publisher of the "Republican' to annource to tJ:epul:o that lie is prcpa 'dt Jws of Tosteiis, F irnim, Programmes, Labels, Bam. Ticxits, Handmu.s, and every kind cf printisg usually done : inn country! ot office. All orders will be executed with noat- ness and defpatch. Q B fl00DtAK1)EB CO. HUSIXESS CARDS. T. J. SI CI I.I.OIOII. WM. V. II CI'LLOfCII. M'CULI.OUCai A ItKOTIIUK, Attorneys at Law. Oflicjon Mnrkot streot, opposite Mossop'a Storo Clearfield, Pa. Will attend promptly to Collec tions, Sulo of Lnnds, Ac. nov7-H 1' ) W. HAYS, Justice of the Peace, will ntten . promptly to collections and ether matter eft in hie charge. Addross Kersey, Elk co., Pa Oct. 3d IStiU. ly. DANIEL GOODLAXDER, JL'&Tlt'Ii of tho penco Lulherfhurg, Clearfield Co. Pn., will attend promptly to nil biirincts rntriiFtvd to his ciro. March 2?, 1SCI1. ly. pd. KLLIS IRWIN & SONS, A T the mouth of Lick Run, fivo miles from i. Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive Manufacturers of Luinbor, July 23, 1852. J. U. Tl lOTVl I PSONi Blacksmith, Wagons, Buggies, Ac, Ac, ironed on short nttic j, and the very best stylo, at his ild stand la t'.it UrougU of Cunenevillo. Dec. 2'J, ISM. 1 ) OCEHT J. WALLACE, Aitsimhv at Law, i CloarfkW, Pa., Ullico in fchiw's llow, op- posito thoJcurnnl otlico. doc. 1, IS 53. tf. M. WOOD, havltf irinngod his locn tion from Curwonsnlls t o Llenruclil, ros- Pectfully offers his professional services to the citixsne rf tho latter placo and vicinity. Uesidenco ou Second street, opposite ti it of J. Crnns, Hiq. my 1 : 156. J. G. HARTSWICK. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Clearfield Pt., May 30, 13(10. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attcud promptly and faithfully to all legiil business entrusted to his cuie, in the several Courts of Clcarhcld and iljmn;cg counties. Office l-o ono formerly occupied by G. R. Uiirrett. Oct. 2Ctli, 1800 ly. Dll. (1. W. STEWAHT Physician and Surrciiii, offers his profes sional services to the citisens of New Wash ington and surrounding community. Office tlirea doors west of tho Washington Houso, New Wiihington, Pa., OcU 14, 1S49. JOHN HUIDEKOPER. Civil. Engineer & Land Simivevor, offers his professional services to tho citizens of Cloar Gold county. All business entrusted to him will bo promptly mid faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney it Co. LEVEll EL EG Ah, Justice of the peace Luthersburg, Clearfield Co, Tn., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Ho also informs the public that ho keeps constantly on hand at his shop, a general as sortment of Saddles, Bridles, Harness and whips, which ho will sell on reasonable trcius. April 4, I860. RENTAL CARD. M.'fiMITK offers his professional services to tho I.n Ilea und Gentlemen of Clear A. field and vicinity. All operations performed with neatness nna. despatch. Being familiar with all tho lato Imp rovraents, he is prepared to make Artilirlal ieetli ia tho best wanner. Office in Shaw's new row. Sept. 14th, 1853. ly. JAS. n. I.ARMMKR. I. TEST I All KI MI Jt & TF.ST, Attorneys at Law JJ Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col tAiolis, Lund Agencies, io., Lc., ia Clearfield, Lelitre and tlk counties. July AO. y HENRY WHITEHEAD, JUSTICE of the peace Rockton, Un'O'i ip., will attend romptly to all b usiueis entrusted to his caro. Sop!., 12, 1800. ly. MOOftE & ETZWiLEH, Wholesale and ltctail Mcrchanta. Also extensive dealers in timber, sawed lumd ber and shingles. Also, doalers in flour an grain, which will bo sold cheap for cash. Oct. 11,1809. Salt. ERY CHEAP at the storo of an23 WM. F. IRWIN. TTAM, Ides, Mackerel and Herring for salo L l.low at tho store of W. F. Ill II IN. Clearfio .July 11th ISA). Flour. GOOD ARTlCLE.for salo at the store of Jan23 Y. F. IRWIN. Call and examine the Patont air-tight Olas and itone jars, they are just the thing 'you need, for sale at It. W. A CO'. Avery largo stock of Spring and Summer clothing of tho latest styles for sale low by Cuiwensville, Way 16, 1800. E. A. IRVIN. 4 Large and splendid stock of Dross trim- mings, Belts, (load Dresses, Notts, Plumes 1 Ac, at R. W. & CO's, A Large stock efMoa A Boy'i clothing, just received at X. W. A CO'f Carpou, Drugget, arpet chaio, Bags and Usgglng, Curled Hair Ac, at R, W. ii CO' COUNTY DIRECTORY. Time of Holding Court. Seoond Monday of January, Third Monday of March, Third Monday of June, Fourth Monday of September, In each year, and continue two weeks if ne cessary. Pre,.t jU(ig0,Hon. Sauiuel Linn. Bcllefonte tuumy twicers. A I As to Judges, lion null, nloore, uiearueiu, lion Hen) Bonsnll, Lutnersburg Fred'k U. Miller Clearfield Sheriff, 1 U.tl.unnfnf .L.lin T. PhHIa 50 , . .. t....,. U',:i m District Att'y ,obcrt J. Wallace, " Treasurer, G. B. Goodlander, " Co. Survoyor, 11, B. Wright, Glen Hops Corauiis'n'rs,Win. M'Crackcn, Lumber City Wm.Mcrroll, Clearfield 8. 0, Thompson, Morrisdalo Auditors, B. C, Bowman, Vhilipsburg Isaac W. (Jrnhaai, Clearfield J. B. Shaw, Coroner, Oeorgo Richards, " I.lst of Post Offices. JjuWiiih. Kama of P, O. Xnmtt of P. if. Btxtria, Glen Hope, G. W. Calwell 1)11, Bower, Chest, Cusb, OetcnJ, Clearfield Bridge, Woodland, Luthorsburg, Troutville, Jefferson Lint, Forest, New Washington Burnside, Clcarfiold, Frenuhville, Karthaus, Miry i.:ir T. A. M Ghce ,t W. PmrVill - ' 1 - - Lewis cinith P. B. Miller Ed. Williams A. L. SjIijII Jacob Kunts John Hcberling Jus- Bloom J. M, Cummings Hoggs, Bradford, Bra dy, Bloom, Ecrnsido, ii Clearfield, Covington, Jus McMurroy C. 1). Watson. F. Coudriet J F W Schnarr Curwensvillo, curwonsville, Docator, Philipj burg, Forguson, Murron, Tlx, Helen Port Office, (jirard, Lceoutito'g Mills, " linld Hills, Goshen, jshawsvillo, Graham, Urahaititon, Oulich mi t h s Mills. Huston, Tyler, " Pennllold. Samuel Way Centre county Kdm. Willinms Klk county, Pa. C. Mignot William Carr A. 1!. Shaw Jns. B. Graham J. A. He; arty David Tyler II. Woodward Flir.a Chase ii. Heckndorn 1). K. Mukel J. W. Thomps'n Jas, Thompson J. McClolland Jordan, Ansonnllo, harthaus, nit Lick, Knox, New Millport. Lawrence, Brcckcnridgo, Morris, Kylcrtown, " Murridale, Penn, Lumber Cit.v.f " Grnuipiau Hills, ike, CurwensvilU', " Bloouiingvillo, I'nion, ockton, Woodwanl, Jeffries, W. W. Wright A. C. Moore, atnuol Way Michnol Wise. W. F. Johnson T. Henderson i This Post Oilice will do for Chest township f Will answer lor Ferguson tutrnship. VUIUYY THE BLOOD. VEGETAIL3 LIFE TILLS AND PH0EKIX BITTERS. Tho high and envied celebrity which these pro-cmircnt medicines havo acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diseases which they profess to euro, bus rendered the usual practice of pulling not only unnecessary, but unworthy of thorn. Ihey f.ro known by their fruits j their good works lestTy for them, and they thrive not by tho faith of the rredulouv lx all casks of Asthma, Icute and Chrnnlc r.hcumutiiiin, AHections of the Blnddei and Kill neys. Jiillioiis I' ever (inl J.iver Complauits. Iu 10 soulh and west, where these diseases pro- vh tl they will bo found invaluable. Planters, Farmers ,and others, who once uo thefo incdiciHCS will never afterwords be without them. Dyspepsia. No person with this distressing diseaso should delay using these medicines im mediately. Eruptions of the thin, Frysipelus, atulonay, Fjvo" unl Aguo. For thii scourg of t!ie western country these medicines wil jound a safe, speedy, anil certain remedy. O th medicines louvo the system subject to a retur r the disease a uro by these medicines is o mnnent. Try them, bo siitisfiod, and be cu cd. Mcrcitral Diseases, Never fails to cradn sate entirely all tLo effects of mercury iniiniteli sooner than tho most powerful preparation of 'arsapnrilla, Night swents, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Organic Affections, Palpita tion of the Heart, Painter's Cholic. l'iles. The original proprietor of theso medi cines was cured of Piles of 3 5 years standini; by tho use of these Life modioinos alone, Worms of nil kinds, are effectually cured by theso medicines. rarcnts will do well to administer them whenever thoir existenca id suspected. Belief will be certain. T11R LIFE TILLS AXn rllORNIX DITTF.I1K Purify tho blood, and thus remove nil discaso fin in tho system. A single trial will pluee tho Lii'K Pii.i.s und 1'iiiiKNix Bittkhs beyond the reach of competition in tho estimation of every patient. Jisj'l reparod and sold by DU. WM. B. MOFFAT, 3.15 Brodway, cor. Worth St., Now l'ork. Feb. 2Uth 1SG9. lyr. LOOK II EKE I LOOK UEKE! T HE undersigned subscribers, tako this meth od of inforiniiiff tho tiublio cenerallv. Hint tbey have this day enterod into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS. and can be found at the shop formerly occupied by J. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo rough, iv hero they will be ploascd to soe the r old customers, and ns many new ones as can make it convcuienttogive them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spailos and picks, Your log-chains and your pullirg sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horso, your mare, No three-year old shall then go bare. Your spears will work up then just right, To prooning hooks for cvory height, Your swords too, shnll then bo wrought. To ploughshares such us tVn'n no'er bought. JACOB SHUNKWILER, GEO. W. OH II. Clearfield, December 8, 1858. tf. 17RESH ARRIVAL OF 1 NEW GOODS! AT THE CHEAT CASH STOKE. I am just rocolving and opening a largo and well selected assortment of FALL AND W INTRR fimnS 1 - ' ' -M-r , ol almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dress goods, of the nowest nnd latest stylos. Also a groat variety of useful notions. A largo assortment, rcady-mado GLO THING, Sonnets, Shawls, Hats and Cnps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qioonsware, Druggs and Modicines, Oil nnd Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, Fish, Bacon and Flour, GROCERIES, of the best quality, all of which will ha anhl at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friondi and the pubiio generally, are respectfully Invited to call. ClearBcld, Oct. 31, 1860. Wlf. p. TRWIN. Sfr-N. P. All kinds of fftfAAVand approved COUXTRY PliODLCE taken inexebange for Goods. TTardwar of evory kind, km -oi and fork J.X spoons, t,ocks, Files. Vails. Cow Ca oodand Ifand kwf and Mill saw at R. W. A CO'i mnp. riniMnn academy. all A - - w los and females) on Monday, Aug. 20th, 1860 j ma 7tnn per session or eleven Weeks I , - n- Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary The American Ph.tograpMo Porcoluin Com- Arithmetio Lnd tfeogrnpby. $2.60 W. 81 Broadway, ow York, having Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog. .cured thoir novel and ingeniu. invention by ranhy and Hbitory. 3.00 American and European patents, are fully pro Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy PJ to execute all orticrs lor and llook Keeping 4.00 Miniature Likenesses of Person on China, Latin and Greek languages. $6 00 prcecnting all tho attractive and advantngoom To studonU desirous of acquiring a thorouKh ; featurei of ordinary photographs, tho brilliancy English Education, and who wish to qualify and finish of a water-color drawing, at.d a hlth- thoinsalvei for Uiachors, this Institution offers 'erto unattainod quality of durabity, by being dosirublo advantages. I reudored as imporishablo ai the natural proper- No pupil received for less than half a sotsion, ' ties of tho articles upon which thoy are truni- and no deduction mad except for protracted ferred. sickness. A te patented process of the Company ena- Tuition to be paid at the close of the terra. blci the reproduction of photographs, not only C. B SANIF01ff rniNCIPAL. on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or Mm 9'l" lXl'ift v ' ' ' !of any degree of irregularity, portraite can bo ro iii iy jo, louv.- n. j ploJuceJ witIl fauitlos8 accuracy and delicaey of A. M. HILLS; msim DENTIST. iJpysJir'TtTj ifg Properattention to V--'j-"V-. the teeth in proiior i --vl ...mi -r Ult J in point of health, comfort, anil convenience. I)K. Mil. 1. Scan always be found at his Of fice, on tho corner of Front and Main streets, when no notice to tho contrary appears In this paper. Al operations in tho lino oi his prolesslon, performed in the latest ond most improved styles, and guaranteed for ono year against all aturul failures. STItlKIXfi I'IMA! T TIM 14 IN rilll.ADICI. TrcHifnrfout Escitcnttni ttmoitti th .)...!!.' EXCITING FOOT PACE between the Pliiladolphia Police and the notorious For gcr and counterfeiter, Ja ues Buchanan Cross!!! Cross Recaptured ! !! ! It seems to be tho gener al opinion iu Clearfield, that if Cross bud worn a pair of Frank Short's French-calf Boot, that ho would not be taken yet. Howevor, Shorty ic not much put out ut missing his custom ; but would announco to nil Jirtcklaridije, Jht,lU; Uiiniln nn. hit win, and women and children in Clearfield, and Sinnomahoning In particular, thnt ho is prepared to furnish them with Boots, Shoos and Gaiters of any stylo or pattern, stitch ed, scwod or pegged, (and as bo is a short fel low) on short notice. All kinds of country produco taken In ex change, and cash not n fused. Repairing done in tho neatest manner and charges moderate, at the Short Shoo Simp on Second Street, opposite uceu, iv caver 4 Lo s store. 1 UA.Mv might. N. B, Findings for salo Sept. 2fi, IS 60. JAUKS T. LKOMAnn. n. A. FINXEV I WM. A, WALLACE. A. C. FINNEY anhiiin anb (Mlfttioit Mtc or LE0NARJ), FINNEY &Co. C L K A It F I L I), CLEAIiFIh Lb QOVXTY, MULLS OL l:CII AXOE, HOTKS AND DRAFTS IHSCOOTB I) I'OSITS KKCWVED, Cvllcations made and proceeds prom(ty remitted Exchange on flic Cities constantly on hand. Office on Second St., nearly opposito (he COUHT HOUSE. rjn'KOXE CITY . 1IOTKL Col. A. I'. OWENS, ritoiMur.Toit, Respectfully announces to tho travelling public, that he has now taken rhnrgo of this largo and well known house, nnd will conduct it in such a mannor as will render excellent comfort and for satisfaction to nil who may favor him with call. novMy ' T W CONSUMPTIVES! Tho n.lvpri,-... having been restered to health in a fow weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf. icreu mr several years uiti u sevcro lm:gunc- 1 I il .1- . i i ; . . v mm, uuu nun ureu uiscnso onsmnpiiiiri, is anx ious to mako known to his fllcv-sullerers llie means oi euro. To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge.) with the di--ctions for preparing and using tho sac e, which they will lind a sure euro for Consumption, Asthma, Brcncbitis, c. Tho only object of tho advertisor in sending the prescription is to bene. fit tho nlllictcd, nnd spread information which he conceives to bo invaluable, and ho hones ovcrv sull'eror will try his romedy ns it will cost them nothing, and niny prove a blessing, Persons wishing the prescription will plense a'i'iress nov. t-UWAUD A. WILSON, nov7-ly Williamsburgh, Kings Co., N. Y. !1 ! DEATH !!! To every form and Specie of VEHMIN. " COSTA ll'S" "COSTA li'S- H'lt, Roach dc. lUta mituttor. " COSTA Ji'S" "COSTAJfS lied Ihig Exterminator. "COSTA h"S" "COSTA ICS" Electric Powder for Ittcctt. DESTROYS INSTANTLY Rats, Roaches, Mice, Moles, GroundOIco, Hcd-biiffs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insects on Hants, Insects on Animals, d c. in shoi t every form nnd siiccics of 10 years chlaldinlietl in Neiv York City used by the City Tost Oilice tlie City Pris on and Station houses the city Steamers Shins &c., tho City Hotels. "Astor," "St! Nicholfts," &c, and by nioro than 20.000 private familcs. BQi.Driiibl3 and Retailers everywhere sell them. BfIX-feliolesale Agents in all larpe Cities BSLRegulnr sizes, 25c., 50c, &$l JSoxes llottles, Flasks. B!!1 15mvAitK ! ! !of snuriotisimitations. Examine, each I'.ox, Bottle & Flask, nnd take nothing but "Cost.vk's" BrLSI.OO Boxes sent by mail. "43 & ?5.00 by Express. wn ,1.1 1 I. 1- cwiuuicM oruers or lor Liircu ar. to II KNRY H. mxTAi? rrincipal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. Y. DSUSOLD BY LOK A IN E & CO. March 17th. Clearfieia Pa. jjus s ie ujidi men i ;i Respectfully invitos the attnitloa of Lis old cus tomers, and others, to his stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Which ho offers VER Y LOW FOR CASH t ' j He also continues to deal in LTJMBK It of nl kinds, in any way to suit hit customers. Th highest market pricce will bo paid for al kinds of GRAIN. tSTCALL AND SEE!-a Net- 'Washington, Nov. 1, 1880. T ai lre l?oo Is, of patterns and texturos to M-m pioMosu, win oeioanrj at the corner store i A kvei.ty is tmk kiubi, u iinTiiin ftttirv it dhm nnui'ii , Secured by letter patent in the United Sta tes, delineation, upon rorcoluin wares oi any descrip tion and dimension used as articles of luxury or of household utility, such as Urns, Vases, Break fast Cups, Toilot Articles, Ac; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite stylo of ornamentation of articles in domestic U80. In order to furnish facilities fir tho gratifica- . ti.in nf Ihn nonulnr tjisto. nlul to meet tlm wniita uiuv win oo ui creuv,""" i -i , ' benefit tn evorv mm of those patrons of tho nno arts desirous of 'having portraits on l'urceluin, the company have 'j imported from Europo a collsction of superior porteiuiu uous, iujuuiuviuivu vv luvu vn u viuvi, wUivh they will sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of tie patent right, and consequently tho only persons authorized to uso tho process, they have deter mined, in order to uffurd pcopli iu every section of tho Union an opportunity to possess portraits on China, to make the following proposition to residents in the country, who nre unable to visit personally tho Atelier and Galleries in New York i Pc sons sending a photograph, auibrotype, or daguerreotype to the o loe of tho Company in New York, accompanied by $5, will receive in return by express, free of charge, a richly orna. montcd Breakfast Cup and Saucer, with the por trait transferred thereon By transmitting a duguerrcotypo and $10, they will receive in liko muunor a handsome French Vase cr Toilet Article, w ith tlio portrait repro duced by the patented process. By sending a pair of daguerreotypos ar.d $15, they will receive in retrrn u pair of rich Sovres Vases, with the portraits executed equal to min iaturo paintings: and, In liko maimer, portraits can bo reproduced on porcelain wares or Vases i of every quality of hiusli, ranging in prico from $211 to $ tOO tho pair. N. B. Bo particular in writing tho address, town, county, and State distinctly. All letters t bo addressed to "Manager, Amer ican Photographic Porcelain Co., 7S1 Broadway, New York." nov'-3ia m I nbout AH it I AC IJlitll I) E Being a private instructor for mnrricd persons or those to be married, both mule nnd female, in everything concerning tho physiology nnd rela tions uf our sexual system, and tho production or prevention of offpiing, includixg all the now discoveries never before given In tho English language, by WM. Y iUNU, M. D. This is renlly a valuable nnd interesting work. It is written in plain langungo for tho general reader, nnd in illuttnited with numerous engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having tho least impediment to married life. should read this book. It discloses secrets that everyone, should be acquainted with j still it is n book that must be lucked up, nnd not lie about tho houso. It will bo sent to any one on receipt of twci.ty-five cents, in speeio or postage stniups. Address Dr. M'M. YOUNG, No, 41(1 Spruce st, above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pn. y "j" AjiiiliU oiiii ( iij'ih lunate No matter wh.it limy be your disease, before you place your f olf midor tlio care of any ono oi the nott rious Ljuacks, native or foreign, uho advertise in this or any other paper, get n copy of ritlurof Dr. Young's books, and rend it tun fully. It will bo tho means of saving you I. ony a dollar, your ucauii, snu pofsiniy your lite. Dr. YOl'NU ena be consulted on any of the diseases .described ii bis publication, nt his ouice, .o. 110 cpruco it, auove f ourth. n7-lv WXTCII & JEWELRY riMIE iindersignod respectfully JL informs his customers and t'ne putiiie grneinlly, tliat he has just received from the blast, nml n ,.n. cd nt bis cstiiblishmcnt in (UiAIIAM'.S UOW ("Jenrfield, Pa., a flno nssortmcnt of Clocks, Watchks, nnd Jf.wkliiv of ilifierent quulities, irom a single piece la a 1 till sell, w Inch he will sell nt the most reasonable prices for cnth, or in exchantre for old gold and silver, Cl.lM 'KS of every variety on hand, at the iui.it rcasonrb'o prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches nnd Jewelry, carefully repaired nnd Warrantnl. A continuance of patronage is solicitod, Sept. Ill, 1800. H. F.NAUULE. NEW HOTEL. Tho undersigned respectfully begs leave te announco that lie recently rented a houso In the borough of Lumber city, Clenrlield county, Pa for the accommodation of the travelling public, watermen and all others who may favor him with'u call. His table will always be supplied with nsgood as tho markets alfnrd; nnd im pains will bo spared to render his guests coinfortnblo whi'o under his roof. To which the facts that no in toxicating liquors of any kind will bo kept about the premises, will he trusts, contribute in no small degree. While, what Is always important to tho traveller, tho best nttentinn will bo given by careful hostler to that faithful companion of his journey, his patient steed. July 4, 1800. ly. JAMES CROSSLY. CLEARFIELD STONE WARE TOTTERy. " Thankful for past favors and solicitious of fu turo pntronago. I would respectfully onnounco that I havo on hnnd nirnin. nnd wl'l nnn.imitlv keep at tho Pottory in this borough, on tho cor ner a short distance east of the Methodist Church, a largo stock of Crockory, such as Crenin crocks, milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stovo pipo casing rfc. ito. ; nnd nlso an extensive assortment of different sizes and patterns of brackets and rosettes for cornice on housos, and other moul dings. Any mouldings not on hnnd will bn nmli n older on short notioo. Also firo brick mado and kept for salo. pa-A liboral roductlon on prices mvlo to wholetnlo dealers. F. LEITZINOEU. Clearfield, may 23, 1870. ly. Cabinet, Chair Making, JOHN Gl'LICH, of tho borough of Cloarfiola, l'a., will be preparodat all time toattond to to any business in tha nhnc. Una nn notico, nnd in a workmanlike manner. His place of business is at tho old shop on tho north side of Market street, 3d door east of Third st., nearly opposito tho old Jow store j whero he will koep constantly on hand a large nssortmcnt of Ma hogony nnd Cano Dottom t.'liuira. nn.i r.i.i,... Ware of every doscrintion. whieh hn uin ,ii. of on as reasonable terns a tho tamo article can bo had elsewhere in tha count? Hi stock of Cabinet Ware now on band. r J ,nJ)ar-t of-I)r("?inR "d Common Bureaus, . ' "'"'"ll "" nasning Ptanas, iioska and K?0, c",,e' French and Field Post Bedsteads. Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Cord and l'ior Ta- bles, Ao. Collins manufactured and dellver.d nt any place dosired. February 9, 1849. no. 4, vol. It. B onnots, Florence braids. English airam Shaker and other atyle trimmed and ? eomed.i will bo found in variety at the eora ir tin of M. A. rifvrv ' f mi. ir i. -i isstin Mill and cut Saws, Mann's axes and U a goneral assortment of Hrdware at th store of . A. IAYLV, 0 AYEE'S I Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. 1 And for the speedy cure of the following eompyb! BcrofnU mad Rrrofnlont AfTcrtloii. J Tumors, Ulrrr, Nnrea, Krnnti-J Pimple, I'n.tule., Ulotm.,,pJ?;. Btaiui. aad all bkiu Ul.......' HUM i. C Am A Co. Ovnts i I feel It my duli to knowledm what your Pnrnqxirilla liu dniw hr i' nxini It in rarkms ways lor yuan. HuuietinMs It out In Ulcers on my hands and arms; .Dirtier" turned Inward and dlitreswd nra at the itnoMck, j years ago It broke out on nit head and entered mi m! and ear Willi one sore, which was mlnhil n,i i.. ' i a i...i.. i '"'Wl, phynlciuus, but wllhoul much relief fium iiiij thi. fact, the disorder grew worse. At length 1 was bSjI to read In the Uospol Jlcwctigw Hut ym had prmiS mu unruiivB samipariun;, mr 1 anew hum .tour tmyii tlon thai any thing yon inndo nuiit be kooiI. I Ciuclunatlandgot it, anil uhhI It till it cured me. 1 it, as you advise, in (1111111 dosoa of a t,tn.r...f,,l . " moutb, aud need almost three bottles. Now anil healu,, skin soon began to form under the scab, which aft,,' while fell oil. My skin is tow clear, ami I know In , fceliugs that the disease has gone from my eystom. Yii can well believe tout I feci hut I am saving when I j you, that I bold yon lo be ouo of the itpustloi o(Uioi and remain ever gratefully. Your, ' ALlliED D. TAf.LKY, St. Anthony' Flre, Rose or Erysipelas Tetter and stalt Hlicuui, Scald head! ltlngworm, Sore lc, Dropsy, Dr. Holrt M. PrUe writes from Saleni. N. T-lJa Sept., 1S6D, thnt he n Cured an Inri'lerate ttm Di tiuy, which tbreaieeed to trt minute fulallr, b; a, persevering use of our SHrsiquti ilia, and nlso a UMiiKnuej jV.i(ii7nan Kriiiliii hy large doees of the snnwj in ho cures tlio common Ki-iqttinnl by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck, Zebulon Sloan of l'i(isnH.'l, Tesns, writes I "Throe to ties of your Bamiipui Ilia cured me from a (.frr nt. eoua swelling on the neck, wldeh I had sutrorad Ins, over two years." Lenrorrlica or 'While. Ornrlnn Tnmer Uterine Ulceration, Female IJlaeaaei,' Dr. J. B. 8. Channln j. or New York City, writes ; i inoet cheerfully coiP"ly ilh the requwrt of yonr Kpnll, saying 1 hare fount your Snistlmrilla a iiiust excellnt alterative in tlie numereus coinhiitits for wliirh ,, employ iirh a remedy, but esjKx-liilly In tVnah ViKun of tlie Hcrnfulous dlnihetil. I have cured leany hiTeta. ate cases of leni-orrhaea by It. and Home whore the na plaint was caused by ulctration of I lie uterut. The ultn. atloa itself wns soon cured. Notlilug within my kuot edge equals it fur tiieeo female d'r.inienients." Kdward 9. Marrnw,of Newlmry, Ala.. writ " A du. geroue ovarian tuvior on oue of tho frw-1' . hi my fitmllr, which bad defied ti'l Hie reni'il'" v.e cou1 1 eiiipliiy, at length beiM co'iin'i lely enrrrt by your Knlrni'toTto. anparilln. Our flioic' in tl 'ii'bt nollilui lull Miin tlou eould afloril relief, but lio advised the Irful t4 jnc Sarsaoarllla as the last resort before rnitlng. sn. h proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight nccb no symptom of the disease reuiaina." Syphilis anil Mercurial Disease. New Omnis, 2&lh A upiM, lm Da. J. 0. Arr.Rl Sit, I cbeeiTully comply Uh nn. ? inn! of your ssniil, and report toynusomeuf llnetkai have retdixed niih ynur Haiviq aillln. I have ru ! n ' i il, in my practice, mont of lli.tr plain. fur w' i It ii rectiuiitiended, ar.d hnre Itiiinil it, elTiTls truly 0.mI iful In the euro of rnrltmt curml Ditratt. Ore of my p.dlonta bail fvl,il:tlc nhn In his tin oat, which wi iu ciiiisuuiing his palnlo ami a tip of Ids moulli. Your Parssparilla, stcidlly uku cured Lira in five weeks. Auotlier urn atbicked lya oodnry eympuiuis in hit nose, and the ulceratluu W eaten away a considerable part of 11, ru Ihil I Wheintbi disunh'r would toon much his bi.du nnd kill him. limit yielded lo my ndiuinlstrnlnni of ytnir r'iirMrilln: IW ukels liealeil. nnd he is well iiuln. i ul of eiairse some (iisligiualiun lo his fare. A Womnu lio hml in tiea'i-d for tho same disoiibr by uieri-iiry n lutrfriaj from tnl. hnn iu li.-r lawns. They hud become w silivu to the wra.lier Hint on a dump ilnj ahe iiilUreJo crui inling i.iill iu her j :nU mid buns. he, tio.ni cured enlin ly by ynur cnrsuinrlllii In a lew wiiU I kmov fium its form ula, which your agent gave luc, Ikit una I'reoiuailon ixnu your leboniliny trii.l beatrw remedy: iiiiiur-nlly, l lust truly reiunikuhle rrsulu with it havo not siirinieed uie. Fraternally ymm, 0. V. LARIMER, M.I; KlieuiiintUm, flout, I.lver t'nniplaliiL iNiirpKMnKKcc, I'iosIuii Co., Vn.. tlh Julr, hM. Dn J.C. Arr.n: fir, Imve been alllicled iih a nn fill chronic Jlirtimnh$,n r.,r a long tllne.wliirh bnllliillle skill of physicians, ami Min k to me iu spile or nil Ur remedies 1 could lind. until I tried yum Snmiinnrtlla. 0i butllo cured mo iu two weeks, and reslored my renml lli nltli so much Hint I uln fur lulb r lluiii In ll re I n attacked. 1 think it a w inhi rnl nn-.li Inc. J. Fit KIM. Jules Y. deli-hell, nf gt. Iwin, Willi "I hnn Irn nlllicltd for yenrs with an offrctiim ( Uit Linr, Ui destroyed my health. I tiled ever; lb!" -,-J :tci iUc tilled to relieve mo J and 1 have been a TiroVeii d ,wti m for some years from no other enme than itmivrnutu tlie Liver. My beloved pnsliir, the Her. Mr. Kspy, aJiM me to try your gai sn.i llln. Uenuse lie snhl he knew nn, nnd any tiling you imulo n wmtli tryiiif. Ily the Mr lug ol tiod it bus cured loe. and hna so purldeil my I'M a to nmke u new man ol' mo. feel yonng nguln. TU lM't lh.it can be said of you ii nut biilfyoo.1 tnnonli." Si liln iii.I niii i r Tiunora, l:iiln! -,- incut. I'lceinlioi), CurlcH nnd H-lloJIiition e( tlie Hones. A great variety of enes hnee been reporti d to m!im cures of H,eo lulluhliililu tnlliilnilil huve lesldli j b,m tho uso of this remedy, but our anuce here vt III not mlmli Ibem. Bome of them inny In found In mu Auurinii Alumnae, which tlio ngenta bolow mined are ulcafrd t furnish ginlis to nil vl.o cull lor tlieui. Dyspepaln, Ileni t Dlsrnao, pita, Epllep. ny, iHelaiu holy, Kenni.ia Mnny renuukuble cures of tliese alVcclloin hare bee mode by the alterative power of I Ills menu Hie. It win late the vital runclkma into vigorous action, anil tlia overcomes iltsnrdere uliicb noul.l be supposed liejiiiidili reach, fneli a remedy hna long been n iiilrci! hv tliese ceaaitles of the people, and we are coiifMenl lhal'luls til do for Ibem all Unit luediciuu can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR TUB lUril) Ct'ltU OP Conch, Cold, lnflnriit.fi, Hoarseness, Cionp, llrumlilCa, Incipient (ou linipt-on, and for the Hellef of t'onaiuniitlve I'nlicnt in ndvniirrri Stnira of the ltlsrnni. Tills Is a remedy so univeisnlly known lo snrpisi irj other Tor the euro of throat and lung complaints. Hint It is useless her to publish tlio evidence ol its vlnnct. In unrivalled excellence fur coughs and colds, and Its lull wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have mnde I known throughout tlie civilised nations of the nrtk Few nro Hie communities, or even families, aniens Una who have not some ncrimnal experience of lie elteiti" Some llvlnn; ir 'pliy In llieir midst of lis i ;rtnry over 11 subtle nnd dangerous disorders of Hie llirnntnnd limn Ainll know the dreadful fatality of these disorder., unl s they know, loo, Hie effects of thin remedy, we neeiledl do mure than to assure them thnt It has now all Hie ilf tues that it did Imvo hen making the enres which kin won so strongly upon tho confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATEB oV CO.. Lowoll, UrM. .rSold by C. D. U'nlson. Clenrlell: E. A ilrwin, Curwcnsville; F. Arnold, Lulhcrsbars monigomery & l o., Kow Pnlcm ; J. C. Brenner, Morrisdale, C. It. Foster, I'hilipsburgi nnd Eliu v-iinsc, Ansonvuio ; nna by dealers tvirynlifie. iH W F I U ill. Ail NE w goods: Just receiving and opeitn?at the Old list of Lewis Smith in IleiVe''e. awoll selected ' sortmont of Spring und L" ii ,e (ioodi of all most every desciiptio'i. Staple and Fancy, a boauk' ul asiorlmentl Prints and Dress Goods of the latest styles, also a vwiety of useful N" Hons. Hats and Caps, U'limets and Shawls, Doots and Shoee, , Hardware, Qucensvvare, Drugs ftni Metlicirifls, Fish, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Sogari and all articles usually kpl . 'n eonntry ttore, all obcap for cft,hv Give us a call and see fur yourselves. H. L. HENDERSON, A CO, May 21 J360. Q k'i:c i i!. ft, Sge variety at redueedprri K, ? ; "1 . j, U-itore. Curwensvillel8,'lli Mackorol and Uorring for sale at (hesornir tore of K. A. IRVIN. tJurwenaville, May 10, 'CO. Boots A shoes of every kind for Ladios, 8s tlomon, and Children at B. W. i CO's, Stella and other Shawls id variety at tbeehw Store of. E. A. IRVIN; Currvengvillo, May 10, 'CO. , tHi' tIT. Dried Annies. Pared and nnpsrs eaches, Cberrios, l'runes and Bi n.HiuiB .a, aov. b, A, 1IIY4, ClUfftaSTiUo, UJ 18, 1800.