!.V .flmrfMfc. "Unirlllif!m Jlilv.HV. j"f"'" u7"irT "NKSL'AV, MAhC'JI C, HUl -a A- i U " ! fsr Time at Tyrone. l, M,.ronin(li.tKrth.2aihiuUut,willb. tlMKi'uiTHa wastwakd. ' ..t.in4 8.30 a. m. g l,i:Triin - - H.IO p. m. 10.U p.m.! train lsavino westwakd. Itpn Paaeenger T.4I a. ra. Mm ir" ! ft tJ.0iB.-"r.n on" Sud'.y.xccPt th. Kx,.r.MD,' ... ....... "o Tim warra .lava of l,u.r. i.U "" "' ' brought out the red shirts to such an ex lotu to "am ui that railing was once onoo more upon u. . Since Thursday lust I here l' been a fine running flood in the rirer.and the sound of the axe, the clink of the dog-wedge, and rolling of timber could be heard at. all points 3everul rafts have jM'cd on their vay to market, but I Ihn r....A. mtiII Aa1i-a Dnutliiiiii wu , , ,. , , . u, ttirm. denends a little on the cominir Wi , - i - ----- o.iijuuuvviiuftiiiuuiiiiiamim uruuicra biiu flf'Uucle Abo's" promised good times.. Boom. An effort is !?ow being made to siain a charter for a boom at Jersey Shore, and may perhaps pass ih'ough tlie ) ' . . " fygidature.. Wo sincerely hope, bowfc?-"!',, tr that tlial oouy may uave some reguru ... - (orthe interests of our county and reject th kill. The booms now erected at Wil lismiportand Lock IJavon, in addition to interfering with ("he free navigation of the fiver, annually caune the less of lumber to the amount of thousand of dollars to our hardy lumberman some of whom aro of ten depending upon the proceeds of that umc lumber to secure a home for their wives aad children No more booms we lay with all our honrt. Lodging. One of the evils that follow in the train of this business, is, that many of '.lie speculators who engage in it aro ir responsible, designing men, who manage tosecura tho labor of hard-working men of our county during the winter by prom ise to pay when the logs are ran, and then fleece thtm out of their hard earnings. Erory spring some of these customers turn up,and this season is no excoptian, as w0. oUerve by the .ueful faces of jobbers and laborers visiting our lawyers and seeking tha remedy of the law when it is now por hij'i loo late. Concert of thoi1 lut lo-vcebt. ine uoncen ci iiicj "Waihington Ctdots Ssxe Horn Band," tu given on Monday evening according U notion. We were pleased to observe that cur citizens have such a liberal dispo ition k) mcoursge this excellent band at shown by the large attendance. Tho tiaiid.acquitted the.uselvea finely, diacour- ling' excellent musio such as cannot be wrpaned by many of the crack bauds of i tlvoPtate. .. A N'lw'.fjnT, WiUiam 11. Clark, editor ; of the .Kendal (111,) Cun'en, loves a good i jolsa, and .never lets Au opportunity slip that promises a dith of fun. Here is his "We have 1 telv cot a new suit of dothea, and no man amid be more eO'ct- uilly tliszuised. We look like a genUe amn. Upon first putting them on felt Ua a strange cat in a strange garret, and for a long time thought we had teen wapped off. We went to the house, and artred tho baby into fits ; our wife asked mifne wanted to see Mr. Clark, and told qi that wo would find him at the office ; tent there, and pretty soon cne of our kuiincsa men tame in, with a strip of paj'cr iahii hand.- He asked if tho editor was in; told him we thought not ; ask:d him if he wished to aeo him particularly ; aaid ha wanted him to pay that hill; told him a didn't b.-lieve he would be in ; bui- nets man left. Started to the nouse again; ir.el a couple of younii ladies ; oneof ihctn aiked theother, 'What handsome stranger i that T' In this dilemma we met a f'iend and told him who we were, and tothiru to introduce us to our wife, who it now as ptoud of ua as can be. Tho next time we get a new suit, we shall let her snow Before hand." lyXone but the physician knows how aiueli a r-liable alterative is needed by ihe people. On all sides of us, in all communities everywhere there are multi-f tildes that suffer frc m complaints that nothing but an alterat!ve cures. Hence a great many of thorn have bean made and put abroad with the assurance of being ef fectual. But tbey fail to accomplish the tira. , I. ... ! . . La.. ... iIi.l S ta intrinsic virtues they claim. In this itilsof the case, Dr. J. C. Ayor A Co., of Lowell, hare supplied us with a compound Extract of Sarsaparilla. which does prove obs the long desired remedy. Iti pecu liar difference from other kindred prepa rations in market is, that it cures the dis- '! for which it is recommendod, while 'hay do not. Wo aro assured of this fact more than one of our intelligent Thy ! 'iciani in this neighborhood and have the Ij further evidence of our own experience o r li truth. Te-nneMM farmer , lSasbville, on. Visit or Jirr. Davis to Major Andes I 'W. A tantbmsn who arrived here bvt'8!53'' steamer Columbia,, and who nrofesics II tok.-.ii ..e j i.s.. - -.-.. iniwoiou on mo auujeci, .", shortly after the arrival ot Hon. Jet- j j 'erton Davis at Charleston, it was, quietly , j arranged for him to pay a visit to Fort j Sutuiiter, whiou was accomplished private-1 i v. Tk :-. : : ..j u..,. I S- " d Prolonged one, but all ""unjmeuiately in the secret were leti liol'.y to conjecture as to what took place j"-wen h(m and Major Anderson. It . l!nwvcr,"been knowingly given out at Vleston that there will be no Jight al t ..i ' . . 7 .. ' , r r ' v.i u rM ih. triMihi, f h aaa wmn nin I aintaiioea in the army cannot be foujr.tiauo... bloody .conflict with each n " -4V W ... W . i. V . v - " , i..A "A,D .vro ' Wh-iNOTo.-Gcn. Rontt. ;air. roucne .r.enr.edy, and several Iht-r well nientuna persons, have boon much exercised in their minds oi' lata bv the ri.niiM Mini finuainA v: J . r rumor wini uovernor wise tind a band of " ',i ' r.X mI.'i '!i . V1-...V. cntniplttled a raid upon theLap.iol, with ?nd killing off the prrwwnAof the i,.W.,8t"din;? p"1"10! frl tuministration. e i.inevo iliat do one except Mr. Fouclie Kennedy is now afraid of Wise ft Co., but there hn been a Idescent ofGolhsand Vandals upon Wash. ington, and they came in the shape of p es'ern politicians, inoro numerous and l,,,0"blc80"'e ,han l',,e, ,0:U8U hnl d,ru" i01 t'.,e uMnce pf thp Ivgyptinns. They 'l "fve cioBigns upon the publio treasury, !v,.l i, :..,.....l.l l ., .. :n auiA to ,iw luijjiuuiiuiu iii'tb iiirjr niu kill off the President elect, as they did Harrison in 1841. Every man of them has known Uld Abe sii.ce"ho was born ; more than five hundred have been o;i board the same flatboat; and tiken whis key out of the jair.e cup-with him. As for the mil splitters who h.we worked side by side with the second Washington, they are us numerous as the sar.ds on the sea shore. As Lincoln is foiul of story telN iing, he can repeat to them the tarn about ! . u. i i.- n u:. j risters had the measles, and ho was only deprived of the same luxury because there were "not measles enough to go round." And so he must send them about their buj.lnof eerv man-even country nnlilifinni; hns a IiU9ir.es. kic nr. iris. , , - ......... w Northern Men Visiting the South The New Orleans Titayune of n late date says Any man is as safe here as he ever was, who does not make a fool of himself and meddle in what does not concern him. - If he calls us all 'traitors' and 'rebels' and denounce the State as a corporation of 'pirates' arid 'robbers' ho may probably pick up a quarrel which may end in his leaving the city abruptly. But any man, North or South, East or West, who comes here on business or pleasure, can pursue his misMcn of cither, or both, without perceiving anything uncommon or strange in his' intercourse with our people except a preparation for issue to which the new position of the States may give rise. It is a device of aggressive Black Republican ism, which seeks the mostjdeaperate and unscrupulous mean to keep itself alive by keeping tho country in a state of per petual agitation and alarm, wich represents the state of things here as any way tend ing to anarchy and terror. We would be 1,0ftCP with thft West- Th Abolition- lats will not have peace ir they can pre vent it. Jinr.KsoNS rRorucv Cohino Tri'e. In 1820, Mr. Jefferson writing to John Holmo used tho following prophetic language How sadly true it is now proving: Bu'. this momentous question, tho Mis souri Compromise, like a fire Bell in the night, awakeneJ una tilled me with terror. I connidered it at once the knell of the Union. It is hushed, indeed, for the mo ment ; but it is a reprieve only, not the fi nal sentence. A geographical line, coinci ding with a marked principle, moral and political, once conceived and held up to the ancry passions of men, will never be obliterated, and every irritation will mark ( it deeper and deeper. I regret that 1 am now to die in Ine)',' . - ... nr am now 10 cue in ine belief that the useless sacrifice of hem- selves by the generation of 1770 to acquire I self government and happiness to their country, is to be thrown away by the wise and unworthy passions of their sons. and that my only consolation is to be, that l shall not live to weep over it. ES Dr.,A. M. Hills desires to notify his friends and patrons, that he will be at his office in Clearfield, opposite tho Clear field Hotel, until afttr the June Court, with the exception of tho second week in May. TersonB desiring his services will do well to call before that time. 3t. Sir. Lincoln's Cabinet. The following is ilr. Lincoln's Cabinet; William H. Seward (X. Y.) Secretary Df State. Salmon P. Chase (O.) Secretary of the Treasury. Montgomery Blair (Md.) Secretary of the Nary. Simon Cameron (Pa.) Secretary of War. Edward Bates (Mo.) Attorney General Calb B. Smith (Ind.) Secretary of the Interior. Gideon O. Welles (Conn.) Postmaster General. . A western paper announcing the death of a centleman in Iowa, says " He was a I A,lmi.A, Af HAPA.S t),0A At1 hill. rtt)W I6 . ... erwise a very respectable man.1 To Justices of the Peao . Justices of tho Peace, who intend lifting', sheir couimissions, must give notice to the Prothonotary within thirty das after AUTIOV. All persoes arc hereby eauilon olnoiinn I J cd arninst Mirehaslne or meddling with DIED. On Sunday evening, March 3, of pneumonia, James W. BrnAMrono, of Morris township, aged 20 years and IS day. in bis aeatn nis lamity monrni tne loss or an affectionate husband and father, th. commonity a much esteemed and useful oitisen. Venango paper please copy. OTATKMEXTofth. CLEARFIELD C0UN kj TY BaNK, for lb month .ndiug February . . asiiTs. flnwgtsl 20,21 T , Bills diaoounteo - Pennsylvania State Stock Sp(Ci, Dua from other Banks ( - Bank Notes of other Banks Chocks. Drafts, Ao. Furniture W 9 4,403 S4 1 130 no A73 00 223 19 fXn.Vv " r V .i 282 14 $40,189 06 tusiLiTira. Capital Block paid la $24,900 00 NoW .In eircul.Uon - 1S.MS 00 interest and Kscoanea oti ou .$50,189 05 Jit. B. GRAHAM, Casbleon sn.arn.1, Ta., Feb, S, I8sl. ' Democratic Standing Committee!.. I l ,, ...-i...: i-.i' . .. ....... 1 . ..! 811118 l!e,ocru? umnty Heeling, Htlii at Clenrfipl.l In Sn.itpmltnr last tha Prsi.' ... it ' v.. ' t t ... "ojiteuiutT iiibv, in i f. ,,0inted the following name! person at a :t Clearfield- L. J. Crans, Chairman. I'eecaria John D. Miller. Hell John Koss, jr. Hoggs George Dimeling. Bradford Sainuol P. 'Wilson. Brady Oeorce J. Yoa. Bloom John Smith. Burnuido James McMurray. CliestKobcrt McCully. Covington P. T. Hegurty. Curwciikville Daniel Fnu.U. Itur.atur Cyrenius How. Ferguson Grior Bell, fox James MeClellan. Girard Alexander Livingston. Goshen Robert G. Shaw. Graham .Samuel Launsberrr. Gulich John Jor an. Huston II. J. V. odward. Jordan Joseph Patterson. Karthaus William S. Sankoy. Knox Conrad Baker. . . Iawrence Josinh W. Thompson. Lumber City William W. Wright'. Morris Kdward Perks. New Washirigtori Joseph' Breth. Fenn David T. .Sharp. Tike D. C Dale.. ' . ". ,: Unio'o William F. Johnson.,., ,' Woodwaid Tliomns Henderson.. LICENSE NOTICES.. r1HE following named persons have filed In I th Office of tho Clerk of tho Court of Quarter Boeilona of Clenrfietd eounty, their Po titiona for Licenno nt tho Mareh Session next agreeablo to the Act of A.'mbly of Maich SSth, 18iC, entitled An actio regular It sel 01 In toxicating Liquora," .te. TAVERN" LICF.NSF.S. Henry Goodlandor, I'raly tuwnihip. R. V. Moore, Brady tp, . Eli Fy, Urady tp. J. llainea, llccearia tp. Uenry Wnplo, BokS' Edtrurd Albert, Bugg tp. Valentino Huffman, Covington tp. (George D. Lanich, Clearfiold borough. flavid Jolinton, Clcnrfield borough. Dan. M. Wearor, Curwcniville borough.' ltenj. Bloom, Curwonaville borough. Win. A. Mn.on, Curwornville borough. Win. W. Worrell, Chest tp. John Helfrige, (lot lien tp. John Jordan, Gulich tp. W- Woodward, Hutton tp. Pavid Smith, Knox tp. Wia. W. Anderson, l'enn tp. John Shecser, Union tp. Jacob Mnuck, Morris tp. lienj. .S'nyder, Covington tp. I.awrcnoj Flood. Covington tp. Win. L. .Merroll, Morrii tp. Oborge Albert, Bradford tp. Win. Kced, I.uthurburg. Leopold Bronad, Covington township. Isaac Rlcketts, Uaeearia township. N'icholaa Verbcck, Covington tp, MERCANTILE LICENSES. R. Mosiop, Clearfield bofonglt rOU WAST IT. 7-OUt WIFE WANTS IT, rtt II CIlll.D'tlCN WAST IT, T WILL ti:ilT.VILY PAY', A SI) YOU WOULD HAVi: IT, If you only knef how useful, linw inatruetivo. and how entertaining it is. We refer to that " first best," that largest, most instructive, most benu tifnl, and yet cheapest journal in tho world for tho household, for tho farm aud for the garden, via : tho American Agriculturist. You want it, because it oontiiins ao very many new and ti'eful direi titns, hints, and suggestions ,, i :,i. f ,r -...i,. i .1.. ii:,rli,.n. in ,h. Ki,ld. in the Orcliard.ou the littlt plot oi ,.rounJ. nbout domestic animal, etc., etc. Tin- .4yn'cHf7uri'st la not a stale reliarh of theoretical Ull-Itn". such ns goos tho rounds from one paper to anotherbut it is filled with new practical infer nation, every word of w hich is reliable, because prepared hy honest, practical oiling men, nho know whot they write about. Ench volume contains many hundreds of use ful hints, und it is cirtain that many of these hints wi'l each be worth to you nioro than a dol lar. Aa an example, a subscriber writes : "... I ohtnincd i bushols more per aero on a ten-acre field of w heat, (or in all SO bushels) simply from a hint about preparing aoed given in my Ayriml Uiriit." ...Auother says bo obtnincd on extra yield of 11 bushels of corn per acre on a lifteen acrc field, and with no extra cost for culture, by applyingone hint from tho Agrimlturiit. Anoth er, (a villager.) enya ho got ISJ north extra el good garden vegetables, wnicn he attribute, wholly to the timely biuta In the Ayricultttritt, which told him from time to lime whut to do, how to do it, and whon to do It, Thousands of oth er! have derired similar-advantages. Yon ore invited to try tho paper a year, at a cunt of only tl. If you desire, you can have, Ireo of charge, four or five parcels ifchoico scads, which the Publisher will distribute among hie subscribers the present winter. lourwuo wnnta tno .lyneiiffurier, oecauso u has a larze nnicunt of vulunulo and realliv useful information nbont all kinds of Household work from garret to cellar, (live her tho bench! of this paper forayoar. i ou wi I find your boms made better, and money saved. Your children wuht tho Ayricullnritfi for it cont lini a very int'.'restir-g, useful and interes ting department for youth and children, which will be of great value to their inlndaand heart. s The above are truthful statements, that will b- cheerful'.y nttested to hy nearly a hundred theuei and of the present readors orthe .Ayriciiifiirnf.li You are invited to try a single vuluiua of. tu-j i Aj irul uriil, which will cost only $1, and abuto ! dantly pay. Try ii for 1861 (Vol. it.) ORANGE JUDD, Publisher. Jan- 30, If "l 41, Park Row, New lurk. three Horse,, two Timber Sled. on. Wagonand tour Timber Chains, now in tho possession of JOHN S11IMEL. of (traham townshin. Clearfield county, as th earns bclcnga to us, aud aro left nith him on loan only. fb27-3t HOLT, WILSON & HOLT. --ii niTn 1) t pnv 'Pin 1 prn jVLOLK' JJALU:V' 1UljAlU' LIQUORS OF ALL KIXDS, SALT, OILS, TAINTS, k OROCERIES, fiajr-For sole rery cheap for Cash, by ' K MERUKLL In basement of Merrell Sf. Biglcr's Store, Clearfiold. Pa. feb-U7 feb-"7 1. Will ba exposed to pub - i. late residence of Abrahnm . , ... e : . C I - ' TlUBUC SAL I: 1. Ho sale, at th. lute Reams,' deeeased, in Lawrence township, Clea s fi.M ennniT. on FRIDAY the 8th dav of MARCH next, at 10 o'cloek, a. m., ' A" kinds of rropTty, including Grain hy th. bushel, Uay by the ton, Cows, t'halrs, . . Fobruary 4, 1H01. cxecuiors. Bureau, Cupboard, Beds I . 1 ,; and Bedding, I "1 0T. On the road leading from Jamea For- Cook-Stov., and a lot of Household and Kitchen Jjresta t Ellis Irwin's, through Clearfield hor Furnitur., too tediou. to .nnm.rats. ' ough, on Monday, the 2Mh inst., a brown V ASS- sT-8alt to commence at 0 o'clock a. m., when BOOK, eonlaining a Mercantile List of Clearfield thiteimswUlba mad. known. . , county for ISf.l. Th. 6nd.r will b. liberally r.- JOHN L. REAMS, wnrd.dby leaving it at tl is otHee, or returning '' OE). WrfiHEEM, - it (o the ownerln Oosh.o Uwnehip. fehJT.ji, Adalniitratorr. Ireb 3lr. . . . B. R. LIVERQ00P. rMmT " I1M.T.AlrtATTftnT I1THEREA3. Hob. SAMUEL LINN. Kn. If Proaidont Judge of Hie Court of Common ii,.M 0f the twcnty.flfth JuJidnl District, oon. ' ponou of th counties of Clearfiold, Contro and Clinton and (lie Hon. Wm. L. Moore find lino. I county b.vo Issued their precept, to ra. direct. for tho lioldlng f a Court of CMnmon riom, Orfilisn's Court, Court of Quarter 8ciom, Coort ' of Oyer sod Torrainor, and t'unrt of Uenernl Jail Delivery, at Clcarliold, in ao l for tbo eoimtv of wirniiiuiu, h'w I Thtrd MoMlay (18(A day) of March nrif, y ( , M .,.!,, Cf Porf 9 rlnnr nnrtli a I NOTICK IS, therorbro, h.reby Klvoa, to th. lJn J',,lrKCt "CCl i tlOOM HOrUl 0 Coronor, JuMices of llio Peace, and Countable, the Coilrt IIOUSC, wlierO tUCy Ore in and for inid com.ty of Cloarfleld, to appear in n 'i ! their proper per.on,, w.tU their Roll. Record,, JUSt Opening nil linUSUalty large; well Mlcclod stock of goods ami in tlieir bchiilf. pertnin to bo donn. PllllCtl tO the WatltS.o! tllO COmUlU- Ji, 22 nity for the Fall and Winter trndo,1 thousand elfhtlinndred and aixty-ono. Uvllicll tllCV oflcT ill larC and SUiall F. U. MILI.KK, Sheriff. I . . J . ,, : .. .quantities on tlic most reasonable Rr.GI.STr.lt S NOTIC1U NotUo, Uhore-'. i by given that the following account, have, terillS CALL AND EXAMINE FOR b.y.aiuineilana.pAM.d by ma. and remaii i' yoURSF-LVKS Tlieir aSSOrtmCllt O ' filed of record In tlna ollica for the insnecdon of! I Ueire, lestoc, creditora.aud all otbera in any'rJDY nnODiiJ IMQTIOlMf? other vay Intoreated, and will be preaeutod to j U ' wWWUa ') IHU I IUPIJ be held at the Court Ilouae, in lb. borough of , rtTJ fnMfholl of ln,Lio and aervico. U u f k, ''mtMn "1 ,he SJ Monday of , ,l6cia, ftl,entioll been paid to-tho .el.ctiu., of . .u,.,.ui.uu ..., , ; , Tho administration account of Johu Bcera, Ad j ininistratur of all and singular the gonda and ebattnls, rights and credits, which, wore of Ueorge Soader, Into of tlia township of Hoggs, in the county of Clearfield, decensod. ' The aroount'of John,''. Hex, Administrator of all tnd singular, tha. goods and chattels, Ac, of John AdrWnJ.t ,f Pike township, Clearfiold The) Anal accnuat-of Mitra S. Spohcer, Admin istrator of all and singular tht goodsaod chattela, rights and credits, which were of Hannah Spencer, (or Wall,) late of Pcnn township, ClearAeld eoun ty, deceased. Tho final account of Milea S. Spencer, Admin istrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, whirh were of N'ancy Spencer, ef Pcnn t"wnhip, Clearfield rounty, dee'd. febU-td JAMES AV RIO LEY, Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of sundry wrl ef Venditioni Expo nna, issued out of t'i Court of Common Picas of Clearfield county, and to ine directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at tho court house, in tho borough of Clearfield, on Monday, the 18th diiy of March, 1381, the following described property, vi: A certain tract of hind situate In Bradford town-hip, Pa., bounded on tho east by lands of Kitchen, on the west by landa of II. Buiugardncr, on the tooth hy lands of Nciip a 11 'I Mains, and 011 the north by landa of William Welker; con taining one hundred acres and allowance, inoro :r loss, and about thirty-five acrca cleared, with hewed log honso and double big barn therein erected. Seized, t.tken in execution, and to be sold na the property uf John Sbimmel. Also a certain tract of land situate inOraham township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded un the ,1.1 hv .lnhn 11., It nnrll, l. .I..I,n llnll n,. ).. wesr by Poivnall, aud un tho snilh by tho turn pike; containing four aud one-bulf acres, with small h g enhin house and round-log stable en-e'nd thereon. Soiled, takon in execution and to be sold as tho property of David Turner. Also by virtue of a certain writ of Al. Levari Facias, A certain tract of land situate lb Hoggs town ship, Clearfield county, Pn., boginning at a post, thence by Walter Stewart Survey, east 100 perches to a post; th :nee by residue of the tract 100 pen-hes ;' thence west 160 peichesj thenee by John Taylor survey, north 100 porches.: contain ine 0110 hundred acres, heiuc tho northwest cor ner of tho John Montgomery survey. Sefxed, taken iu elocution, and to besuld as the property of Jonaa II, Peters. Cine' third-Mils parebasa money must invariably ho paid at tlx time the property 1 1 knocked down or it will ha refold ; and -the balanee before tho docd ia acknowledged. F. O. MILLER.Sheriff. Sheriff's Offlcd, Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 27, P ol. N EW. 1)11 11 G STOliE The subscribers nave opened a full aud eotn pletc assortment 'of DRUMS in tho new brick building uf Dr. Wuuda, on Ihe corner of Leeint and Cherry streets, in tho boreugh of Clrai Hold, where they will h lia py to accommodate any person who may Ucairc articles iu nieir line, i uo business ill be confined strictly to a ,. , , r, Jh vj ami raenpUun Iuw,W, And no pains will bespai ed to rendor satisfaction, Dr. , l T r. r. . tl,. I.,.,.... ....In., ,1, n v. bo louo,, null L-'MIBllllC., I), vt..K..u.a, when not absent on professional busin-aa. A separate room fir consultation ia attached to the store, whero pntieuts may be examined privately. Krery article usually found In such an eet.ib- j lih incut will be kept ou hand, and sold at greatly , rod it d prices. Tanxs iikino BTmcn.r Cjisn, will enable them to ollor indueenieula in the way of prices Phvaiciniia will be aunplicd at a small per centage over cost and carriagj aud tlnir orders are aolioitod. ' Every article sold will be pun sad : of the best quality. fel6 If w OODS DAllKliTT. PhiUipsburg; and Waterford Railroad.!. 1.1 SuS V MEETING of the Stockholders of tha Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Tobacco and Segars, Station-1 " Philipiburg nnd Waterford Railroad ary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy articles, Company" will be held at the ofhco of said Com- - which he will dispose of cheap for cash, piny, iu tho' borough of Clearfield, Clearfield' Ho invites the publie to call and examine his county, Pa-, on ..MONDAY, the 18th dy of slock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. March, A- D. 1 SCI, between the hours of 12 and Country Physicians furnished with Drugst . I o clock p, m. 01 sam uay, lor lue purpose 01 electing one President aud twelve Directors 10 servo until the cceond Monday of January, 1SC2. A .u attendance is rUd. Clearfield, Jan. 21.1S61- A1 milSlwl'IIAIOKH MIH..-L,lterl f Administration having been this Uay gr.ntrd to' tha undersigned on tho estate SUSAN ARDERY, lateof I.awrenca tp., Uca I eld county, decoascd, all persons Indebted said estate aCK' dequeued to innko i.n.nedinle payment, anj thoo having claims against the same will prtJcni mem uuiy uuineuiieaieu ior settlement, i v. - jas. t. LEONARD. ( JanuOfit, , OTHAY IIKIKKIt. Cams to '.he residenco Zn tp ! al 2 Ttrl iR-?ed. erumplei .. n.i sold. Tho owner kl of tha subscj-iber in Husto or aix weeks ago, a UhlrEIl horns, and about two yonrs , , r0(iuled to cma forward, prove property, pay charges and tako her away nr she will be dispo aod of according to law. il.l.a.u nun, January 9, 1SCI. .Itf A IMIN'!JTRATOR'S NOTICE. Lettera of Administration having this dny neen gram ed to tho undersigned on tl.e estate of JOHN YOUN'O, Into of Burnsido township, Clearfield cmmlv, decrnsed, nil persona Indehtod to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, andttl.o.e nnving cnums ngimin ..... nreicnt them dulv nnthenticnted for settlement. . iftVl.TL't CL-linTVU A.ltn'. O t .'. U .1 Cliltllttiw r.. ...... New Washington, Jan. 31, 1801. f.bO-Ol' tbia dav been Ernnled t.i the un dersigned on the estate of JOHN DILLON, lata, I Pf Burnsido-township, Clearfiold counly.deed, ' l scrsonp knowing themselvea indobted to said estate are requested to make iuimediuto payment, ... i I. will nrnt dersigned on the estate of JOHN DILLON, end thoso having claims against it will present .!,., rf,.lv aut'.enticated for aettlement. I,-., J. A. 11 EO ARTY, fe,40t J. II. HKOARTY, 1861. 18(51 C THE FIRST AWUIVAL OF F ALL'J WINTER GOODS 11 nidt REED, WEAVER & CO. J - , LA LM ES' nilESi fiOODS. wh rh art of evert variety and the very latest Uriel. Silks, ilelaiues, PI di, Merinos, Poplins, Alpaeeas, Casluuvfcs, French, Pcol'.u aud Domestic Uinghans, Prints, Linseya, Cambrics, Brilliants, Fig. and plain Bobinctts, n,Bl.k 4 Casalmeres, Salinctls, jeaua, Irish Linen Cloths te. I Tweeds, Corduinvs, Hickory Piripe, Ticking,! Crash, Diaper, Bleaobtd and unbloaohed inua. liris A drills, ltei, drey, Whitesnd Canton Flan nela. Also a larg stook of Ladiei' and tlon'.le ineiis' rihawli, Double aud Singlo, htetlus aud Chenilles, Black and Drab Cloth capes of the very latest fashioa. adies' Bonnets nnd Hats, trimmed andun- trimmed, of tho Latest Styles at R. W. it CO's. J OIIN ODELL UPHOLSTER AND CARKIAOE TRIM MtR, LiJtftl ill A. ft. Xham'i .Villi, 0l milf &ul sif (JlearfieU borough, Rospectfully informs the citisens of Clearfield and adjuiuing counties, that ho la al all times prepared to luaiiulnctiire, at too snonesi nonce, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses ef all kinds and siaes, 0110 of whch Is a Folding Mat tress, suitable for CABINS ON RAFTS, which can be folded iu small compass, and emptied and refilled at nlcnmiro ; and vary cheap. He also trims Cntrisgrs, uiskes repairs to nil kinds ef Carriara Trimuiine and Upholstery, and cakes . Cords for Mason's Tracing Linea, of any thick- nesa or lenrth 'R-Country Produce, Corn Huska, or Cash! taken in ttehango ror work, JCU'All orders left with any of the Merrhan of Claarfleld borough will b promptly attend ,o d r c ; r, 1 111, AMI V1.1IV1'.. WT E would respectfully inform our fri,nd,, H patrons nnth. public K4rlly, t ht wc have now In .tore and offer Wholesale , nd Re- jtail at the lowest Cash Prices, a large and very choice stock Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Vt ar 1 of every variety and stylo. Every description of Diamond Work and oth er Jewelry, made to order at short notiea. taf All goods warranted tube as represented. Particular attention given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry of erery description. BTAL'FFER A HARLEY. No. CJJ MARKET street, (south aide, Phila. Sept. lUlh, lafiO. 8 mo. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE above Hotel, having rocontly boon fitted up for a bouse of cntertaiuutcnt, is now open for the accommodation of the public. Travelers will fici this a convenient house. May U ISiS, AlliN JO) DAN. r . ,,'tl r . 11 m i , Infallible VcgOlabC lOWtlCTb. I For the tpcedy and elfoetual Curs ofnll "urn I w,, AA,,,,,. ti'.m, ivprps,a, Luv, Com-' Wni',if and all Aeure nnd Ciinmic. internet of A: .....I S'..liai. 12. ..4 1 ...m, (klatt... ,n ' . , IT.. ,PA. Hundreds of testimonials Box 2070 Phila. P O r.1oecy S. W. Cor. Third d- Arch Sla. Oej SMHC--JlOt. HARTSWICK'S DRUG ij- VARIETY MARKET STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL .huhi-hk.-, mum uua.v, ,-.. ... .- roasoaauio raies. j. u. unmon n, ' Clearfield, Pa., Dec. 28, 1660. I JMuXrofsU ! A A. ."7.1 f ,3K01tfiE FHIfKER. d'ecen ed. lateof Brady I ..,.,,!, n. (.'lrnrfield coiinlv. all persona liidebtad o tatA t,Me n,-0 rc lUolcd to make Immediate! r(lrn.oiit. and those having cbirci against; 1 ,alni, wII prent Ihein iu'v autliontlrated , uU,men, ELIZABETH fc'IIUCKER, jtnO-Bt Adm'X. i Important Notice. I The undersigned, Into publisher of Ihe "Clear- fj?" "? X.iXVJub' ""'r Hard "f tuVU?:SZj.t ' vork incurred duruiK the three veara couitnan- ' " .'""V;", ... ?... ,.., , , . neld llepiiblican laKei una meinou m caning ""'f'8 J 'X, in fh. borough .f Cle n.ld, and maaa saiuam.ni ... .... . - .. . . i . . , : .- . ... .i it oi i n .n,np. n. inria ncioitnis miisr oc(enu. si. l Aie.w...... Clearfield, December is. - vyi TOTICI'---Tho undorsiined, an Auditor J appointed to distribute the money arisin g ip.in the sale of tl.o real estate of AM I EL, STltOUI, lata of Fergnsou township, glve.-nolie.j that ho will attend to ihe same, at Ihj. ciftes of ' j.u.r.u.er a i v., .u v.. me ...in oi ri,u..e-...., - . d. in., where and when all perso. a legally inter ested may attend. ISRAEL TEST, j I loon-il- - ! MUOKK Si KTKWlLSU, lattj -rii0.cMile and Retail Merrhanta. -rii0lCKule and Retail Merrhanta. Also exWn,iT dealer. In timber, aa.4 lumd D,r D(j ,hingles. Also, dealers in n.nr an- traja which will b. sold eheap for cash. fe A . .n.n Oct. 14,1859. Salt. VERY CnEAP at tha store of Jan23 WM. F.IRWIN. TT AM, Ides, Mackerel and Herring for , low at the ator. of W. F.IRH'IN. Clearfio , July 11th 1S. . Flour. GOOD ARTlCLE.fot sale at th. or of ao?3 W. F. IRWIX. "1 It CAT WOltK O.N THKSORUt J " ' '" " TnE HOUSE AJsl) HIS riMAflf: Br Robkut Jrsaisios, v. a., rmfeasor of Tatliology and operative surgery in ' tho Veterinary Colleo of PbilaJ'dbia, etc.. ft! a HI Tall You ef the O.igin, History and diatin-c-tive tmits of the various breeds, of Eiiroi.cnii, Asintie, Afrfr.a.i and A'4ier ied lior.-wa, with the hysicnl fof- tKia una peculiantiea of . tuo.ajiuiut, and. how to aseertnin Iiis sja '' nuuthvi-,uid fjinlitlon of uia tea'th? il!uitiated with numerous explanuwry engrni-iiic-i. ' , THE HORSE. AND JUS MSEASE3 1 Wlil Tell You of Breeding, Brfaking, StabUnj Vetdiug, liro.ni'lhe', Shciug, "-id th gi'Ucrul r,:'tnni;euicnt of tl.e horse with the host m.u'esof ndininiilrrinf; 'meiliciHe, also, how lu trial Biting, Kicking, Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Ctib l'iiin', l'.J.-tleKsnesf, and other vices to which ho is subject ; with nu merous explanatory engrn.inga. THE HORSE AMJ HIS DISEASE? Will Tell You of th..- ruur-er, eymidonn-, and Treatmout ofSt.;ii. Sore Throat, Piatrmper, Cutnrrii, Infiueiisa, ilrr eliitis, PiiuUtnonia, Pleurisy, Broken Vind, Chronic Cou'li, Roaring und M bistling, Lainpns. Sore Mouth and Clcots, nnd decayed Tcttb. with other Jitoun-s if the Mouth nnd Hesj.irito ry Qrnns. TJIE HORSE AND 1US PISEASEi Will Tell You of the eaiues, fjmjito-.tf . an Treatment of Weriua, Jtutt, I'ollo Strnnguliition, Puiy t'onci 1 lions Ruptures, l'aby, 1 i si-b'.-n, Juro ;ice. Ie,,ntirrlioi.ii, Ill-.-iy ''ri'ie, .-tor-i-j in the. Kidneys aud I. ladder. Int'aina tioii, and other diseases i t thu Stm ach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary Or- THE HOUSE AND HIS PISEATi..) I Will Tall You of tho cau.ies, sympioni, an-t I Treatment of Bene, l'Jlo.d -.ml iior. 8.avin, Ping-Bone, Swvcnie, Stnins, Broken Knee-, Vind "vV..,. 1'oi.uder, Solo liruUoaoJ Uravol, t'r.io'.u l Hoof, Scratches, Canker, Thrush, and r.r.i, also, of Megrims, erligu, r;t!i;-"y, Staggers, and other ij. uasr.-f of tho l'eel, Li-irs, aud Head. I THE HOUSE AND Hi:; r LEASES I Will fell Yon of the enures, aymptums pun Trentmont of l'is'ula. Full E il, Uiuu dure, Farcy, Scarlet lever, t!ir;a Surfeit, Loek"d J.;v, Bhcunialisin Cramp, Oulls, Diseases or tho Eye and Heart, A.C., it. and bow t uanuga Castration, Bleeding. Trep! inr.ing, Boweliug, Firing, Hernia, An:puti lion, Tapping, ii:.cl olhcr furgiei.lop eralinns. THE HORSE AND IUS I IoLASVn Will Tell YouofUaroy'a Method of taming Hcr roi j how to Approach, llulter, or S'i blo a Colt ; how to aeenstom a horse to strango sounds aud sights, and how to Bl Saddle, Bide, and l'ro:,!c Uim to Harness, also, tho rorm und lu cf Warrcity, The whole being t'v-r"-at.lt of more than fifteen years' cureti'l vludy of the habits pe mliarities, wants and weaknesses of this iioblo and useful anluial. The Book contains 381 pngen, appropriately il lustrated by nearly Ono Hundred ongravinys, iMratea ny nearly uno uuna.eu ongrvina, i pr.nted ... . oloav -n.l open type, and v fwirsrdcd to any dd 0 , pojisgo paid ill receipt ef lit ice, half bound, $ 1,00, or, in cloth 1 extra, il.o, j $1(X() A 1. AR can be madn hy ei.terp.i--king men everywhere, in selling the above, und .other popular worka of ours. Our inducement!' to all such are exceedingly liberal, i For single copies of tho Book, or for terms to , agenrs, with other Information, apply to our n I ! dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. No. 817 Sansou. Street Fhilade'pluii, l'u. Derwnber 11, 1J60. Cmo. rpiIK PUOPLU'S COOK HOOK. M O L t. K N fJ O O K K R Y , In all its branches. By Miss Eliia Atron. Carelully Revised by Mra, S. J. Halh. It Tells You how to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Uame, with all fh various and laost appruvod inodns of dressing and cooking Beef aud i'orl; ; also th b;at and (implost way of salting, tick ling and curing tVo same. It Telia You all tha various nnd most approved modvs oi dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Voal, Poijkry, and Oaiue of nil kinds, with tho ditfercrt Dressings, Gravies, and stuffings appro priate to cub. . t Tells You bow to choose, ole.vn, nnd preserve Fish of all kinds, and how to iwecteu It when taiutod ; also all tho various and most approved modes of oooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, aud Flavoring appropriate to each, Il Tells You all the various and most approved wodas or prepmiug over fllty different kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Oam, aud Vegetable Soips, Broths, aud Stews, with the Ucli.'hca and Seasonings ap propriatt to each. It Telia You all the various and most aptirovtJ modes of cooking Vegetables of every , deeriti j-, also hew to prepnra Pick les, Catsups and Curries of nil kinda, Potted Meats, Fish, Oamo, Mush rooais, itc. It Tells You all it various and most approved modna of preparing as I eooLtng all kind? of Plain nnd Faucy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confection, cry, Preserves, Jellies, and Swoet Dish es jf every description. It Telia You all the v-rlous and most approve! modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muffiini, and Il scuit. tho hist method i.f propa- riug Coffee, Choeulat", and Tea, ami how to make Svriir Curd'mli, and Wines of variuua kinda. r, T.ll. Yu U. 'o ,,i nut . ornamental Ta. hie, hew to Carve all kluds of Fish, Flesh or Towl, a d in rhort, how to ao simplify tha w hol Art "f Cojking as to bring tho choicest luxuries of tha tnble within everybody's reach. Th, book contain, 41S papes. twelve hundred Recipes, all of w . . , . e i. suits of actual experience, havin and upwards of f which aro tho re- experience, having been uuiy ana ' ?"ful'y !"'. uud" 'hr P'V?' Prrl"tnDJ aiiiFB oi i no wruern. 11 iiiiii'-u 111 ..ii tinv . jf mwlTUtti witB appropriate engrs- . t i -; ,,. r. r.fli.i , ..ij, I i" ... " 7n;: z z u v. ;;..im 1II-UIIJ UMI., gV ... - . i.. T .in - -I,.,e ..... ill', ' ..' ..1 ; v , ., ' '.. '.,,' .' .,,,.,:. . mjn errrTwhor, ,clllll- lu0 ubovo work onr"inl,u(.rmf ' r0 R., ,uch ,,in- rFty liberal, Fur,in )ecoji(., 0f the Book, or for terms to. u, wilh otier information, applv to oar ad- : drpM JOHN K. T'lTTEH, ruhli-lior. Xo m 8lin,om Stri)C, ruiiadalpbia, Pa. - ,. IB ,... I loots and shoos, a larger sk.et ana .own i y prices than ever, at Irvine theapost corner. t.urweivivillo, .May 10, uO' ' rok!ng Stove, of varloua aiioa arid prieea for J s.l. by ( K. A. IRYIX r Cunvtnsvllle, i!av 13, Ii0. I .- r . A very largo stock of Spring and Summer I elntbing of Ih. lat-st styles Tor slo low by V' Large and splendid stock of Dress trioi roiugs, Belt, Head Dresses, Netta, Plum.a aal.jAoj.at ... . a- eu s, I ' t Large stock ef Men A Boy 'a clothing, just ' . ' J received at R. W. A C'f Carpels, Drugget, carpet chain, Bags an 1 Bafgiag, Curled Hair A.., at ' . . W. VO'.