A f.M.li ml, n'i i It ail llH'i iri-ioi' (VliltIIIIIIIIO 1 ,,, j llin iihihI nitotn. hist nMiilim tin.l.T Hit- ntuim I..r I tin L ill' imltiill l ' 1 1 ' III' 4 S) " uniMioif f i -At lit. .. I It., !r .1, im-t.y """"" " , , , , III' "I " i, inn pr""ciiU iiiln;nc, hi hint ln-trml .if ' sr Ipliiu u,n" Ciiniinoii sill i ill tall as iiiiu i.ite o( , l, while I'l'-om snlu "ill have nn cf- (. . t niitn nn military when " ,,v t.i.m... MHlirii mysteriously labeled sul- .ius so1m r Kuli hatc of scila. A physi einn cull t your house, feels your pulse, nnd, with nnnir of profundity, writes thus: Mit. Chlor. Uj-tlrnrj. ) W 1(J grHi Julnpre 1'iilv. j I'atit nt sends to llio ilrug store, when i. r....u i mi ulitor. hvJrartr.' to l'O an l?if oMr.uftcfb Atfimllidin, 1niMM ti tt t t ! . If IH.I1 In liMir-,' Hl'lllH Ultra tllnltlha, II I. ! , ... u.. .i.i.ii, ill tear. (I If pal I tlt the 'lrl-in til the c, niiMV nmirnmv. 'Vr'VVVJWiViA I,,,. 1 I til I fl II...I4. 1 I1 ' ' " ' " "' ' M j llilli MtH s inn unniii ml. I no IIin i i I'llng (. I M"tl lut if .tiMitj-, ij ,, MnllilllT "I M"'' .Mil Mi.cly ' "" imiili Mnn.l.if "! '1 1' 1'il'ir, In f a. h tear, and miillime ln Weeks If inry. . .1.1 ... . 1 IM.III ' Mill - W iiiiiut, l'llllt 1 1 '.n Tail mi nr Afttri tWIiur. A IvartWainenla f 1 i-1 ! In llie It r- t.l.l I r-nn j,., ..t tf 0.1I ritmii.-l I.Iiiii. 11.11. fnlita Ante fudges. II. n "in I. Moore, t Icnilirl'l. t tit a following rule i I lnrll"n net.iiare, (II lines,) f " (jsiinea,) 1 i'n llml Three niunrca, (4.2 lines.) 1 n H in...!' " One P(iinr, I l l Tw.iB..iHre, ! I l i i Three admires, I I I 0 Knur i.iiri, t i I I n 00 Half. column, I I I " On onl.inill. I t I t H Ml' 1 ll. f n I Ml n ,n', 1 4 (HI A 00 00 10 00 12 00 20 00 S .In. f I nn 1 no 2 Mi 12 nm 17 n 10 no lli.n tin.) l.nnll, l.tillii-rWitir flirr.lT, tti'il K (I . M iiiit CU-iurn M ,rnlliii.iliify..'"ll,i t''Hl' " lti-. A lire. Jni'ii-' Wi ll y, " IHflrii l Atl'jr .nl'i'il .1. HaUnt r, " Trsaturrr. . ii""lliin.lcr, " Cq. Purveyor, M, H, nulil, !? HI! ! Coiumloa'n'r.Win. M t'rn. ken, 14 00 1ft 00 si no Over throo wpi'kn n.l ! tlmn llirco uioMln 24 eonta Ppr 'l"r r,,r et"h ln"'"""' , . lliinlneai notico nt IcJini Siinci re in lertcl fur 12 a yer. Ailvortimmfliilii ntt mrkJ with the minil'or c.f I tuerLiouK il.-niro.l, will o f intinan unui Clin Il.ii I.iinilior I it ( leiirlli l.l Murrlfilalo l'lilliiliurg Win. M.-rri-ll, K. (', Tlininmin, Auililom. 11. C, llnwman, Iniino W. (Jruliaiu'IrarlU'ltl J. It. Plinw, Coroni-r, (le.Tge HlcliiinU, " l.Nt nt'l'imtOlllrca. 7j''ii"'.'7. Itior rui, till, iil.l.reviution of niilo chlori.Uini of liydnir- iri(t chnrgeJ nccor.lltK to thme terniii giii, in other wonls, rniklchWMo of iiier-j JQg PRNT"IN C. cury--siiii.ly calomel. Juliim J'ulv. is . f.v,.ns!ve slock of JoU.'m nialeria of courfC lKiwilercd jalni, ami the cntiro rn..i.ios til0 PuhliMicr of tho "Ji.-iwU'irnn' r,,,..,. jicinarolo U Bimply cxinosseil : Ten grains to nnnour.ee to thppuilio that ho is prepa . nrillnur,i, Jf the iiliysiimns were to fii.amlon tins . ANKS Timx Boom, ('iki'i-i.aks, inyiiterious methoil of dispensing modi- jjA"r.),f!)' J. Ticxets, Handiiii.i.s, cines, anil if apothecaries called things -y i nml every kind cf prir.tiBg usually done .. . .1 ,:.. ...mil. 1 1 in n cotintrvi ofc ofilce. ineir proper, anu,, u.uu .... u...... , exocutftd wilh no,lU I ness nnd deipu?cli. 0. E. (iOOiy.ANDER f T) soon liocomo familiar with the character of medicines. Paregoric need not he cal led "tine, cjunph. et opii," any more than 1 Hour need ho lahelod "jiulvis Ifordoi,' nnd tredcubt not (hat the public wouia (pine : - :n:nnl.. n (l.o nrf.ei.nl urini'S ehal'L'ed . T. J. mVi i.i.oi oii. BW.I...'o'J g o for medicines when called by their l i'hl names ns when covered with cabalistic in scriptions. We believe the dog Latin pal t of the druggists' business to bo nn intenso hum. bug, nnd of about the same use ns the bo tanical names conferred upon plants by quack nurserymen. When we remember that a goodly portion of nn apprentice's time is (ipent simply in acquiring n knowl edge of thesg mongrel Latin nan es for medicines, aside from tho science of chemistry, to which alone most of them belong, wo think it will bo everywhere! conceded that the system of using them should bo abolished. The fact is, that medical men are them selves Oi'ten lamentably deficient in their knowledge of pharmacy, through this very cause tho difficulty of acquiring a know ledge of technicalities ; and tn.iny a pa tient has been sent to his long homo in ro. nV.MI.I ttf ', (), lilvn llnlii', llnwor, Clic(, Cu!', (iDtonil, CIcurfit'M Iiriia, AVouillnm!, Lutliemliurg, Trotitvillu, Ji flcroii Lin, Korciit, New Wnxliingtor.' llurnniilo, (.'Icnrliulil, Fronchvillo, Knrtlinai, Curwuixvillo, t.urwcnvllle, Itluam, Earnxido, CU-uHleU, Cuvinj,'tun, lilJSIMvSS CARDS. n, st. m'l't'l.t.oi nil. M'ClfLI.Ot ; HHOTlimi, Attorneys at Law. Odicoon Murkut direct. oipo.ito .MnMnp's Stnro CliNirfioM, ln. Will ntlcml iiromjitly to toiu-c tiniM, Hale of Iiiin.ls, Ac. nv7-M HAYS, Juxtico of llie l'unco, will nttvn . pronMljr to oullectioiiK nml oilier matter . . ... . -.... ... 1, clt in hireliargo, AiinrcH ncurj-, bin in,, i r. Oct. il lSf'0. ! DAMKL (iOnDLANDFli, JI'STICU of tho jienee l.ullivriiliurg, C'lenifulil Co. IV, will iillind lrtui.t1y to nil l.tifiiicva enlruMed to hit euro. March 28. IMtO. ly. l. Hoeator, FerKUruu, Fi, tiirnrJ, i (ionhen, (i mini in, I (I illicit lhmton, ii Junliiii, K:irtliui, Kiio.x, Lawrence, Morrii", i l'enn, ii ike, 1'nion, Woodwar.l, 1'liiliin burL', Mnrruii, Jlelon Pout Onieo. Leciiuiito's Mlllr, llnlii Hillx, Hliawnvillo, (irahaaitnn, niitha Mill. Tyler, I'onnliulil, Antmn'-illo, alt Lick, JCcw Millpnrt, llri'ckenriile, Kylcrtown, Morrimlilo, Lumber City.t (iruinpiau Hilln, C'urwennville, lilooiningvillc, oektoti, Jeirriti', A'kihh ,,'. .V. (i. W. t'alwcll M..rv i:!.!ir T. A. M'lilieo 9 t ,T - V -II I . ... VMM.n.k VI Lowia iiiiiii 1". It. Miller KJ. Y'lUiamJ A. I, b;1ij!1 Jacob KiinU John lieberling Jim- lilooin J. M, Cuinniingl Jim MeMiirrny C. 1). Watmin F. t'oiulrlet J F W tcluiarr Sninuel Wuy Centre county I'M 1 1). William Klk county, l'a. t'. M im.t Williiini Carr A. It. Shaw Jan. 1). Urahani J. A. llopnrty Daviil Tyler II. Woodward Klir.n ChiifO (I. Hcekailorn 1). K. M.ikel J, W. T hompa'n Jai, Thoiii.in J. MeClelland W. W. Wright A. C. Moore, nmiiel Way Michael AViao. W. F. Johnaon T. Henderaon i,..,!t. . ii M i r .i.'l- n 1 1 ' n tn'iiM, ll.il i'i'. iilil.iiiril,, an I l,"i"n Ii llilli.r liltliiinMr, l,H)(!i-ll Hinintiifir, - t I t V M..I lll.L.IT. . , Al.-.l-en, il.,iH. ltj, Kaliifil I 1 1 1 1 t ni.. i n...k (..ii j';;" I, niln an l "r. . k I k ' tr . n Tn Midi nl lli -lli. I, "I .iilllflt'f 1lH '"'ll I'.... 1 1. 1, I iliirnlli.il. nn. I who Ki ll t" i'inl'l .1 1.... I,,t l.n.l.ill.. Illli llltll'lli.'tl t.ll.-l Ml"! ili.nii'iilile ml nnliiii'". n (... I,,, limit Im I a no .Hi. .ill'. I l ' . i" ' . , ; ., .. . .. ..I.....I.. n,i ... . ni In- i.r.ilini led I rr ii St 0,0 .l Tiiliioii '' I"1'1' r'"c "" ,'10 ,,'rl"- V, H. r. . I M t Ml I 1 MM M.iy 2 !, I. .- Iv. iMll ll ii. i t ..ii i. In il i H'ti inn It. I Hud-', l'UiTl iii" I',.. l.iM I t,.fi'1n , ff I'll, I'H , I ai"1 1 1 1 r 1 t lii M..n l Bl. til-, nt In l r i li f ll"l' ,.t t i it 1 I, I), ti,ii.i imit, N ft I .. . i. I Un it A,r,l, ,m ati'l l..ii"l ' n 1 till. 'I In Miit'l "H '"r 1 .,.. II. . It i-l l'i i ' ! I .. Minn- nil the nllinih" "'l '1viit.Hr..t.n l.al.,1. . - I i.t.llnniy -li"l"ttil'h. ritliftiry nml r.nl ll .4 nl''r '"I'T Hlill')f. It mi. .1 ii tilth. - " w uu Aii M li. "f -1 "" Hi H' is ') iinr..ln.l.r,f., .. M lamiitt.lliiii, kn,,, ,LtJ I l"H.lr, l'l.ll., Illnt.k'V, liiailli, a ii ii an nam in,,,. " k n i ... 4 r. ....... . . ': "n m , ..n n . i I 11 , til.i1iiiii..l Mimlitv nf .liifn' ilv, ! l.i'int , I,,, i,',ir , ,! t,.,,,, ,,,, ,'i wiii.i" vi,,. i", it r'iint HI ,11 J liim tiili-tii.'.l i". i,,r..i ,i- tn .n I . li.'ia II In .itrl.... , I t t ,-k. . p eal la 1 l.-r mi li. lnnl m,. n,,'' 1 uf iii-I liiaaifl at, I ili.li. -t biIi, ' t.ia mu.i 11 1. La ..Ml t m ,.i L...I ..... leriii i 11 the re.rii.luelioii nl ' ""K r " I ' 11 ""' '"! ""' "- l.l. Ii w n- (. .it ..... ' 'nn uliiln Hiilncra, Imt titmn tin h a are r.iinitl or l-ynnd i1i rli..n. I IM..I in.in Viw! ' ' 'otany ..'?r.eorirreK..larily. ...rlraila ran he re- V'''.""; ,",,"' ''' J oi iiiij n' ' - i i n .. w . r I ill"i'lf gr-w miti; At hi ik i .t 'produced with fmilllcM acrurney ami delicacy of , , ,,,...,.. ,); t. ii.li t. il aa iniii.llini'l i the nnluriil ,r"nT- (In of the nilit lea u.nn wnnn liny aiti nana iili d i,r..e'. i'f t lie ('otnany cna- Mm t i .. ...... nnr ..f anV .l..Hfril, A utt t o iieiineini..n, iihmi i ..i ......... .....- ... . . Oi . IlllO t,nl ,iK.n, n uaed m articlea of luxury or Lr hnuaehulil ulililT. audi na llrna, Vaaca. Urenk- ra-t ('u.a, Toilet Articlea, itc. thereby acruring fallliful iortrnlta nti,. furniHhinu a uiilipio nnd 'cxMiiiaite atyle of oriiniiientiition of nrlitlca In Proper Attention (u domeatle uko r. Iltrt t.,lU In i,r.t.i.f ' J .i...- ...iii i.- ,.r ' . lion of the tii'iiulur tuito, nml t inet't the want henelitti. everyone 'f '"" l"""" ",r, ",0, "nv"'', ' "( i :..i ,.r i...,.i,i. lliavinir imrlrnila on l'oreeliiin. the Couipnny have 111 IU'llIb V, HVUIII.. ' - r, . ... f I 1 , i. v.,,,) from Lurope ft colljction of aupetmr ...rnlnn...! I ll,..;i l.tVII II..1,. f jtorcellllll g00". in nn;;-' mivi . ' ...vi. v.... , .....!..!. It.... ...Ill ...,11 ..I A,.ut ltrii.nl I HUH 11 hicj n ni p... ... vv. I'tiw.. As the American Company arc ownera of tho .ntcnt rinht, and conaeiiiicntly tho only peraona authorized to uao the proceaa, they Imvc deter mined, in order to ullord people in every aection of the Union un opportunity to poracas porlrnita on China, to make the iollnwinj? proposition to rcaidenta in tho country, who arc unable to viait peraonnlly tho Atelier and lialleriea in New York : l'e on aending a photograph, arnbrotypc, or dngtletreotypo to the o Ice of tho Company in Now York, Bccompimred by $5, will receive in return by cxproa, free of churjje, a richly ormi. In order to furnieh fneilitiea for the grntiflcn- II ll,.rll (rjiimHllBI I ..r 1 t .. 'I tl. n that any lltii. ymi in id- n, I,. piJi inr.lliiH.l nun k,i ii, ni ii-.,. it nn it rl)v. II, n" yon ail.iiw. In ant .11 il.M a ..r i,.... ni"iilli, and nw.l i,Iiim-1 three Ih.iiI, , KrN akin a, "ii lgan to Pnin un,lr ll.ewnk, ,'i ini k'l oi. jit amn ! I i.w ri.'nr, mni i , feeling tlmt the iliritt. Ii ta (r,,ni, fi-i,rn n.i, i can well believa Ilia. I f. I nliut T imi uniipj? ..... t ....... r ., - ,sl and remain evei jniiil.il'j-. N.n ., 4 al-Hll.D; St. Anthoiiy'i Vlrr, Ttoae or Ert.i 'l enrr biiii r-an, minim, hta ltiiigworui, bore lire... Dr. Itnlart M. Prebln wiilea frt.Ti P,l Sept., lt.',9, thai be Ii t i.lli 'l nn intti-m,' Itromil. wbi.ll thrn.i-t I to tfi il.ilml, f,,.. jKTMiTerlnn ta oronr Maranrilla ami ! J Malignant A'r..ii-i l lnrKa iJ'mci nf lb, J lm eui'ea the coniinon f ruiinnt tj It cti,if! Bronrhocfle, Goitre or fcirl,J Zclnilon b'lwn t l':iie.t, u a, anin;.. Ilea of Your Baranoa. Ilia cored me from i fty. eoua awrillu on the netk, likii 1 ludinJ oiet two yean." 1 Iicnrorrlica or lVliitc. Ovarian M I'trrtiie lilcrratioit, jVemnle DiJ Dr. J. B. R flimnln r.r N,. Yi.rh Cj;y J n'oatcheerrnl'vrt.T"') l.li llin rceiit(,I(.,j anvlnu I t.'iTa I , iic I vonr t,i.M )nrillaikj IterntiTe in llio .iimr-i na c '1.. V11I1 h J employ ar?n a re nw.y, i.ni rif1 iii in , of the Scri,,'iil.',ja i!!i ,tesi. 1 li'tte cnml ataenac. Jjenrn-tlnaa by it. :nl aimiaakw, plaint wit- ca..-Mfil by ifrer.iti.ni of li e nlma, 4 al'nn llae'l r.ia ' " mi edir en.tala it fi r Lica? fi""a'.' 11 v 11 nicoti fcdward P. Marrow, of wLn . M. r, (teruua ,r 'rim htnni- , 1 one "n ' ,L wlikn bad ili'nVd n'l l.iMein -.' at Icnvili , re 1 :,.iv r,. -( 1 . v,nr 1. aiiarllla. Mir . n II n-.-lt ro'nrui tlun coul l atluid tc", ". be! 1 e ndvlaad I,,'t FaraaiHiiil'a aa the lnnt re.ut le.!,i-a fi'.' proved IT;tua1. Aft-r liikli' ;yi.ni tuuiwir DO aymplom o' ,lm ili ...aso ii i.n'ni." fiyiiklli wiiil lllerrtir!nl DH KET OniT-M. 2.'.UrJ Pa. J. f". aTtr: f , I el-ei-. .1 ,y o r . quest of.. tra..- ' afd rc:v.i I 1 v a roiuit' 1 l.ave ii-..';- ii . i.iir t n; aiiea, 1 li.IV,, Cl' , ' V 1 il. ill ll.y I '"Ni at(r, P'i.Il 4 r.,f v i. I, rc-..,ni,i ,'',il. a iaj,. e.T.ia truly i.;.l . till i.t ,l:e 1 Mo i.,' I vi-. curini lhrntt. Ore trny 1" .!iswfir,j in bia 111 oat, wlr'-ll vv. t .Mimief lop oi 1. .a mop; ... iu,r . .i,.- .-t- iv cured I' lO In five , .. Ai.o... j fir ondaiy ayirp.onia iu I ' ro e. ml il.aj-i eaien away a co".i- n e f.irt i ' i., r.. Hot l I diaoril.-v ni'i.'d ir " i u-a- :i liiti L.. l.i ml it yM'NI to n'viv'ii' ' : ni e ' juar ranu . nice' 11 In-i'e I 11 -,l I i' '1 l'i-! r;:'in. 1 ;o.V a'line 1.1 ,.i'ii "i.., 1.1 to I '. A v. iiirdi I tin i-il ,de 1.1:1 - i .-.il, r l,, im- mnr t ' flu. 11 l.,: K I ' 1 i" I lm .,. 'J .1. Iiwf Itr. 1 ti.ii'rt 1 , 1 .1.1 im .1 . -.Ii' . .1 a di.ii.i ?-jdt.' j crU':n.'n ; f.nji l.i !": ; ' la and la ir.a. i, . rii-.il c i.,. '.' i,f 1 -,.r.i i:iit in U 1 .t1 ' iii.'ii y ,iir rfrl v ;,l y ,r ! laaului)- sta , 11'-. lii.-ae tinl) rt'tiuiU. 1 S ! me. J .'i P.V.UCHT if Thia Poat Ofliee will do for Cheat township i;i 1 id irMtriM At sflVS .buio ..... - f Will answer lor Fcrgtmon townahip, i T the mouth of Lick Hun, five miles from " L Clearfield. MEHCIIAM und cxlonaive Manufacture" of Lumber, July 2:t, 1852. J. D. THOMPSON, Blacksmith, Wogons, Euggica, Ac, Ac, ironed on ahort nttic, und the very beat "tylc, at hi ld ttnndin t:n tcrougli or turwenavillc. Dec. 2'J, 1SJ3. ) OHt'RT J. WALLACE, Tt.r.iKV at Law, caw a now, op- 1) Ik nnrr,l,l r. (Illi.-n ir. , V .1 ill ii..., . , - - consoduencc of a misunderstanding on the' i.oaiie theJcurnal ofliee. tho inediciues they were prescribing.- Make the ncquaintanco of a first clas -tf. nit. M. WOODS, harlt j cinned bia loea tion from Curwcnavills t 0 Clearfield, res pectfully oflera his pnifcjsiiir.nl services to the Hesidoiieo on Seceud street, oppoaite U t of J. Cruna, Ein,. my. 3 lie. j. g7htwickT m- d. Physician and Surgeon, Clonrfield Ph., May 30, 13f.ll. WALTER BARRETT, ATTOUXKY AT LAW, will attend promptly nnd faithfully to till legal lni-ine.a entriu-ted to his ca;e, in tho aeveral Courts of Clearfield and .ljoiu!r.g counties. OCicc tie one formerly occupied by G. R. Unrrett. Oct. 2Cth, TS59 ly. prescription clctk, und get him to show citi;n. cf the latter place and vicinity. you tho book in which he preserves the prescriptions he has compounded, nnd you will be surprised to find how litttle is generally known of therapeutics by many practising physicians. Nauseous oils are mjnglcd with imperfvcl solvents, which allow large globules ta adhere to the mouth, vitiating the nppetito ar.d tone of the stomach for many hours. Insoluble powdors are often directed to bo dissolved in water, and the recoiling patient finds himself compelled to reject from his stomach the pasty compound. Had tho matter beeen left to the flirection of the proscription clerk, he would it least have rendered the doso innauseoui. For (lie oil he would h.ivo substituted tho ctr;ict or issipated juice of the same plant, while in a pleasant emulsion would have con veyed the full effects of the disgusting and ill prescribed nics Vet the clerk re mains mute, nnd dare not even make a suggestion to the customer, no ma.tcr how flagrant the ignorance of tho physi cian in this respect. But this is not all I'ko writers for newspapers, are often found w hose manusripts arc unintelligible, and ninny such are often sent back to their authors to be rewritten. That so Sow accidents occur from this cause, is something that in our opinion approxi mates to tho marvelous, and is in it&elf tho higlie.-t possiblo commentary upon the general competency and eflkicncy of our friends, the druggists. For that criminal temerity nhich entrusts the preparation of medicines to hands insuf ficiently experienced, wo have nothing but condemnation, but we cannot do oth erw ise than Iclieve that ve y few physi cians possess th Fame knowledge or !ho character nnd variety of forms in which llio vnriou drugs exist, ns 11 youth of in- H'lligence who has enjoyed one busy DR. O. V. iSTKWART I physician ami Surgeon, offers his profe.a. sioiin! service to the citixena nf Xew Wn?h Ington and surrounding community. Office threa doora west of tho Washington lionise, New Vv'tthington, IV, Oct, II, lSOtf. JOHN HUIDEK0PER. Civil. Kncinf.f.r .t L.xn St itVF.von, offers bia profut-aiunul services to the cit'nens of Clear field county. All buaines entrusted to him will be promptly and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney if- Co. LEVEIt FLKGAL, for medical men. j Justice of tllC pdlCC Liillicraburc Clearfield Co. Ta., will attend promptly to all l.uaineaa cnlrusled to hie care, lie also informs the public tlint ho keeps constantly on hand at bia ahop, a general na aorttnent of Saddle, llridlca, Hnrneaa nnd whips, which he will soil on reasonable treiua. April , ISCO. A.' TOTAL CARD. 51. SMITH offers his profcasionnl services to tho I. n lies nnd t.entlcmcn of Clear field and vicir.i'.y. All operations performed with ncntneas ana df'ps'.cli. Being familiar with all tho Into itnrrtvuieritB, ho ia prepared to make Artificial Teeth in tho best manner. Office in Shaw's new row. Sept. Hth, 18i8. lyj. JAS. It. I.APniVPR. I. TEST 1 .lltltl.V1l.lt t TF.ST, Attorneys at Law J J Clearfield, IV, will attend promptly to Col lAioiia, Lnhd Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield, Centre and blk counties. July 60. y HENRY AVillTEIIKAD. o 1 in., will attend roinjitly to all b uainc.s entru t.'.t to bis care. top:., VI, 18fi0. ly. w, ,,.'a v,,m;.,o l.l.;,,,l ...ii TliMICK of tho peace O Vfll'tliV.UV iJK ,lllt iii;ii ll,IUUI,laa . . a, a- . , ,, , . . Hi Kockton, L .i anu wen mnnngcu prescriptio.i coun ter. To conclude, we would ask, why can- A 1" I 1 . not, our meuiciu inenas resoivc to i ruo rty-i.-iicisale and Kctall Merchants. Hieir prescriptions in plain Lnglitdi 7 , IT And Miy, also, cannot our druggists call "salts" salts, nnd "turpentine" turpen tine ? Are these terms moro dangerous than muriate of sodium, or oleum tore binthintB ? Let the trial be made bv both physician and druggist, and see if the results prove otherwise than satisfactory. MOORK & ETZWiLER, Also extensive dealers in timber, saared lumd ber nnd shingb. Alan, dealers in fiour en grain, which will bo sold cheap for cash. Oct 11,18011. Salt. 7"ERY CHEAP at tho store of jan23 . WM. F. IRWIN. HAM, idoa, Mackerel and Herring for snlo low at the store of W. F.IP.H'IN. Clearfie , July 11th 188). To 1'crsons out of Employment. AGENTS WANTED. n every County of the United States, TO engage in the sale of some of the beat and moat elegantly illuatrated Works published. Our publications are of the moat intereatinc character, aiapted to the wants of the Farmer, J Mechanic and Merchant; they are rubhahed in the beat style and bound in the moat substan tial manner, and arc worthy a place In the Li brary of every lUnaehold in the Land. &3UTo men of enterprise and industrious hab 1U, this buainess offers an opportunity for profit able employment seldom to be met with. .Persons desiring to act as agonts will re ceive promptly by mail full particulars, terms, tc.,hj addressing LKARY. QETZ eo.. Pub. No. 224 North street, Philadelphia, OctJU, lSOO-Jy. Flour. GOOD ARTlCLE.for sale at Iho store of jn23 W. F. IRWIN. Call and examine the Patent air-tight Gins and stone jars, they are just the thing 'you uccd, for sale at H, W. A CO'. A very large stock of Spring and Summer XL clothing or the latest atylea for ante low by Cuiwencvillo, Vay lfl, 1860. E. A. IRVIN. A Large and splendid stock of Drcaa trim- V minga, Belts, Head Dreaaea, Netta, Plumes 1 Ac, at R W. it- CO's, clothing, just R. W. A CO PURIFY THE BLOOD. VEGETABLE LIFE PILI-S PHOENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which theso j re-emit cut medicines hnvo' acquired for their invariable cfiicney in all tho diacascj which they profess to cure, bus rendered the usunl practice of pulling not only unnecoaanry, but unworthy of lliem. They t.re known by their fruila: their good worka tcst'fy for them, und they thrive not by the fuith of the ereluiou. In all cases of Asthma, Acute nnd Chronic Rheumatism, Aflcctions of tho 1 ladder nnd Kid neya. ltillioua Fever nnd Liver Complaints, In tho south and west, where theso discuses pre vuil they will bo found invaluable. Planters, Fnriners,nnd othors, who once use these medicines w ill never afterwords be without them. Dyspepsia. No person willi this distressing dirn tlioiil.l delay using these medicines im mediately. Eruptions ol tho skin, Krysipelns, ntnlen-y, Fovo- and Ague For this scourg of t!ie western country theso medicines will jouml a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. 0 th medicines leave tho aystcm subject to a retur r the disease a ure by theao medicines is o mnnent. Try them, be satisfied, nnd be cu el. Merrural Diseases, Never fails to cradu jate entirely all the effects of mercury infiniteli sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sarsaparilla, Night sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Orgnnic Affections, Palpita tion of tho Heart, Painter's Cliolic. I'llca. The original proprietor of these medi cines was cured of Piles of 30 years standing by the nso of theso Life medicines ulone, Worms of nil kinds, ni o effectually cured by these medicines. Pare ilia will do well to administer thein whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. TIIK L1KK DLLS AXO PI10KMX MTTFins Purifv tho blood, und thus remove all disease from the system. A single trial w ill place the Lilt: Pills and I'iiokmx Birr Kits beyond the reach of competition in the estimation of every patient. Ki)' Prepared and sold 1v DR. WM. B. .MOFFAT, 3.10 Brodway, cor. Worth St., New York. Feb. 2'Jth 18f,t. lyr. enmforl. nml eolivililenco. Dlt. Mil. 1. Mean always be found at his of fice, on tho corner of Front and Main alrcela, when no notice to the contrary appears in this paper. AH operations in tho lino of bia profession, performed in the latest nnd most improved styles, and guaranteed for ono year against nil ntural failures. STIllkINC TI.MIOS IN IMIII.ADI.Ii 1MMA! Trrmrmlniit Krcileniinl iiuiom. th .1......!!.' EXCITINU FOOT RACK between the Philadolphia P'.lire and tho notorious For ger and counterfeiter, Ja lies Buchanan Cross ! ! ! Cross Kecaptured ! !! : It acoma to lie the goner T' look iu.it ki look iiichi:: UK undersigned subscribers, tnkc thia inoth- od of informing tho public generally, thnt they havo thia dnv entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at tho shop formerly occupied by J. Shunkwilcr, on Third street, in this bo rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to give them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spades and picks, Your log-chains and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleigha, your horse, your mare, No three-year old shall then go hare. Your spears will work up then just right, To prooning books for cvory height. Your swords too, shall then bo wrought. To ploughshares such as ( ne'er bought. JACOB S1IUNKWILER, flEO. W. ORR. Clearfield, December 8, 1S58. tf. 17RESH ARRIVAL OF I1 NEW GOODS! AT THE CHEAP CASH STOKE. I am just receiving and ripening a large and well soloctcd assortment of FALL AND WINTEPv GOODS ot almost every description, A beautiful assortmont of Prints and Dress goods, of tho newest nnd latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. A large assortment, ready-made CLOTHING, Bonnets, Shawls, Hats nnd Caps, Boots and Shoes, a largo quantity, Hardware, Qi.eenaware, Druggs and Medicinos, Oil nnd Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, Fish, Bacon and Flour, GROCERIES, of the best quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and the public generally, are ivr,cutiuuj mviieu io enn. Clearfield, Oct. 31, I860. wir. p. Titwrv. ;!?.-KAn kin'" of GAU.Vand approved COLATJir PRODUCE taken inexebange for Goods. " Large stock of Men A Boy's J received at C - II ardwara or every kind, km -es and fork arpets, Drugget, carpet chain, Bsgs and H spoons, Locks, Files, Nails, Cow Be Ragging, Curled Hair Ac, at ood and Irani saws and Will .,.. i .,:i i im ii.,!.! !, iri',..aa i,. I -,,r ,. inentcl urouKiust cup ana saucer, wun me por- pair or Frank Short's French-calf Boots, that bo ! tni,t transferred thereon would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is By trnnsinittiiig a dng'terreotypo nnd $ Ift. they not much put out at missing hi custom ; but , wiU receive in hko manner a handsome Irenc.li would announce to all Jln.H,,, ;,,,,, It Vimo tr ToiU Article, with the portrait repro- ,im. ,,, II. II t,.,H, nnd women and children 1 J"cci1 tl,B pntented process. in Clenrliel.l, and Sinncmahomng in particulur. ! 1!v sending a pair ul daguerreotypes ond $1 j, that ho ia prepared to furnish them with Boots, ' '"' receive in retcrn a p ur of rich i-ovres Shoes and Liailers of any style or pattern, stitch- ' --'"" """ ed, sewed or pegged, (and us he is a short fel low) on short notice. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change, and cash not n fused. Rcpuirin!! done iu the neatest manner and charges moderate, at the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed, Weaver A Co'e store. FRANK SHORT. N. B, Findings for sale Sept. 20, ISfiii. JAMKS T. I.KOKAKII. W W, A, W A I. LACK. uitiire paintings; ami, iu like manner, portraits enn be reproduced on porcelain wares or Vases of every iiinlily of finish, ranging in price from $20 to HHI the pair. N. B. lie particular in writing the address, town, county, and Stuto distinctly. All letters to be addressed to " Mn linger, Amer ican Photographic Porcelain Co., 781 Broadway, New York." nov-:;!!! li. a. riNsr.r I A. C FIN.XKV Il iViinliinit ;tnb (CoHccfioii Mtc OF LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L V. A R F I L 1, CLE.UlFlhl.l) COCXTV, PA. HULLS Ol. KM'II AM. K, NOTES A!l) I. It A I'TS DISCO I STK n isits ki:ci:ivi:d, Ci'A'-'i'iii. made und proceeds romjit!ij rcin 'illi d I'.xrhanc on the Cities constantly on hand. jAV Ofiico on Second St., nearly opposite tlic OU'HT norsi:. YliO.NE CITY HOTEL. Col. A. P. OWENS, Pkoi kietor, Respectfully announces to tho travelling public, thnt he has now taken rhnrgo of this large nnd well known house, nnd will conduct it in such n manner ns will render excellent comfort and for satisfaction to all who may favor him with v call. novT-ly MAltltlACK .l 'IDF Being a private instructor for mnrried persons or those all. nit to be mnrried, both lunle nnd femnle. in everything concerning the physiology nnd rdn- tionsof our sexual system, nnd the produetiou or prevention of offspring, including ull the new , "lecovei'ies never before given in the Engli.-li Ii i... uMt vm'Vij m i ti,; ,..,.n,. li.i.u ,j ,,.,1. a . U . t, a valuable and interesting work. It ia written in plain Innguiige for the general reader, nnd i illustrated wi:h numerous engravings. All young mnrried people, or tln.se contiiiplai.ing marriage, and having tho lenst impediment to married life. I should read this Look. It disclose sccrc's thnt1 every one should be uc.iiuinted with ; still it ia a book that must be locked up. and not lie about llie house. It will be sent to nny one on receipt, of twti.ty live cents, in specie r postage .-lamps, Address Dr. WM. YOl'Nt!. No. 4Hi Spruce a, , ubove l'i m rlli , Philadelphia. Pa. Z'j" .jiiii tnl vml l iihuliiimt. , No maticr w h.it may be your disease, before you place your iclf under the care of any one of llie notirious Quacks, native or foreign, who advertise in this or any other paper, get n copy of cilhirof Dr. Young's books, and read it carefully. It will be tho means of saving you i. any a dollar, your health, nnd possibly your fife. Dr. YOTNO enn be consulted on nny of the diseases described in fiia publications, nt bis office, No. 410 Spruce ft, above Fourth. ti"-Iv T IO C'0irllTIVI'!-.The advertiser. having (ecu reatercd to health iu a few weeka by a very simple remedy, after having suf fered for several yenrt with a severo lung affec tion, and that tired disease Consumption, is anx ious to make known to his f Ikw-sutlcrcr the means of euro. To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge.) with the di- iclious r..r preparing and using the san.e, which they will find a suro euro for Consumption, Asthma, Brt nchitis, te. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to bene fit tho afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to bo invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy as it will coat them nothing, nnd may proven blessing. Persons wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. Wl LSON, nnv"-ly Willianisbuigh, Kings Co., N. V. !!! DEATH !!! To every form and Specie of VE11MIN. "CO.ST.17.".S"' "COSTAIi'S-' Lut, Houcl, (fc. Rdammat,,,: "VOSTMl'S" " COST. I .".S"' Hal Rr'cmwuitvr. 'Co.srAr.s" "COSTA ll'S" El.-clrlc Powder for I, sect. DESTROYS INSTANTLY Rnt, reaches, Mice, Moles, Ground-Jlcc, Pied-bugs, Ants, Mollis, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Insccts on Plants, Insects on Animals, (( c. in shoit every form nnd species of ye eh my 10 years established in New York City used by the City Tost Office- the City Pris on nnd Station houses the city Steamers, Ships Ac., the Citv Hotels. "Astor," "St. Nicholas," Ac, and by moro than 20,000 private familes. CSi,l)rui.'ists nnd Fictailcrs everywhere sell them. BfU-seholesale Agents in all larpe Cities B3,l'egular sizes, 20c., iOc., & lfl Poxes , Pottles, Flasks. C3X-!!I Pewake ! ! lof spuriousimitations. Examine each Pox, Pottle & Flask, nnd take nothing but "Costar's" Bfl!U$1.00 Poxes sent by mail. BU$3 A ?5.tKJ by Express. C-Addrcss orders or for Circular, to HENRY R. COSTA R, Principal Depot, 410 Proatlwav, N. Y. B??uSOLl) PY LORA1NKA CO. March 17th. Clearfield Pa. jUSSE rLTl cMinOtT Y Respectfully Invites the atttntiun of his old cus tomers, and others, to his stock of kui.v f. llits I'l r.-i"...'. mill u I' ..cir tmt I- u,. i:l" It li t ii iii a t ' . in . Co: WATCH & JEWELRY cS3 32 IXi (, Liver (ni ni'HWH, I i Co., Tn, fikj, .T. J. C. Aiti:: s,r, I 1. ii I,.vii aflicred r fnl chro:c 7.Wkmi,',.. f, ,- a 1 1 ig i:nis.M skill of c'lvsiri-i.s. anil s,n k to i.ie in reuiml oal could ficl.t , Cl 1 tii., ,rxt bottle cur"il n, in lo e ka. ami rranrr.. bcalih ao nm ii I Imt I nm l,,r la-.i-r tlm 1 attacked. -I tliink it a wi ,n!i iTuI attcli lot. 1 j .fiilca V. Gi.L-Itrll.rf 8;. tank, wri:,il, allti. ted for yrara Willi nn oTidi, U I i!,-tr.ij..i mylHiilili. 1 li :. ,l rvcrv tliins.M." ! f illtal to relieve me; nml I Imvc Utii a bnlivl I f. aouie iir fn.'n I Il-r enn lUaaamJ Uit i-itrr. Wy l.uv. il iair. tin- Hi v. lr.l me to try yourfNirsnparilln. Umuar Ih-mMIii and any tbinir yon ii,u, i..m woith tninf. in of Ood it liaa ru,vl n-i, ami liai wi arniiK aa to mrke a new man of nw. (rrl nana; i tH-3t Hint con te wild of yi u ia n,.l I. airman Selilrrux.C aiin r Tiimnra, F.nlirt I Irt'i-nlioii, ( ui lea Mud Kifolb the llonea. A (Trent vnrf.-lyi.f raara ba-i la-en r-firlal! rpiIE undersigned respectfully I informs bis cnst..tners nnd the public generally, that lie has just received from the Fust, nnd o en i cures of tl.eae frnil.lal,lH iTn,li.iiii lureir. ed at bis establishment in f.7.'.l.l.V.V II" i ' ,c w l "" r. a iMy, Lut our s,.!in. b'rc.ii' -l..,,rr,..l.l l' i ,r -... .... '"cm. woi nr tlnni mnr Iw f.mrsl is Ucarficld, la, a fine assortment of Clock, Almanac, whirl. U nw ' ass, av watciiks. nml JtHKI.nv of ihllerent nualilies. ( furnish gratii tn nil who mil f-C. m. in ... a niigic piece 10 a u.i sen, ui.cn uc win Dyspepsia. ll,.nif nUen.e, y.h " " "- -' 1 i ii.-un.i'.n- pi u i s ..ir i-iisii, or hi ay, in i la Jioi , r. -.rii'J exriiungc tor oi.i go. i anu silver, Unny rvain..,ni.,i. ,iuv ( . , CLOCKS of every variety on linnJ, at the nust' made by tl. ali.-rn.".. .. i-. i.:v reiiMin. 1.',. i.rino. i I"''" the vital li nrji, ; , .. v ., i- 1 1 r i.:.. i . cl i - tr , i it . I overron.railfai.ril.4-a w l.i I. ,.i. m . 1,-,u -i ALL kinds of Clocks, nt..h.s and Jewelry,' ro..,1. ,,,1, a reimlv l,-K. i U n-i. carefully repaired nnd II urmuh i n-asliiiM. of tl.c im.., ;..", ,i ,, -r.. .f.i iia. A cnntiniinnee of nnlruliane is solicited. Sept. Ill, ISCO. II. F. N A POLE. NEW HOTEL. Tli9 undersigned respectfully Leg. leave ft anuouneo thnt be recently rented a bouso in the borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pa for the accommodation of the travelling public, watermen and all other, who may favor hiu with a call. His tnl.lo will nlwnys be supplied with as good ns the mnikcts air.ird ; nnd no pains will bo spared to render bis guests comfortable white under his roof. To which the facts that no in toxicating liqnors of any kind will be kept about the premises, w ill he trusts, contribute in nn do for tlicin nil tliul mctliclue enn da Ayer's Cherry he ton the lt.vriD crnE or Concha, ( olila, liif!iiriixa, Heart (roup, Iti nm lilt In, Iiulplrai amnpt-oii, anil for the It'lj os niianmp.l c i-niicau lu ailvnurril Magrs of the llser.i. This la s rrmeilv o uu've vi"v 1 1 .cih oilier f..r llie cure i r ,'ni und h::-i rrr ia narlrm line lo p. W Ai ,1 e n. . raofui iinrivallei ex(i-:'e -" ' ,- i ;!, nvil nib wontlerfnl i-nm j ,.'.i- ir ry i'..S' use, ' known llii,.iv;1'. i. I, j i. iiii 1 nclicr.a l-'ew are the c .iiu'ii.', crcn Ts; who have noi a.v.it p .- .::d r-;rsir rrer. soma living tn.oiiy In In cir nii.l-t . '. . ....II .1 l"l-:i- I . t . . . . '-s ' ' .-.mm urKro. n line, nat is aiwnya important euuieand dnn-ci-uns !: i!,rs n'l lo the traveller, the best attention w ill l.o iriv.... I Aa all know dm ilrrinlf. 1 total:: v by enreful hostler to thnt faithful companion of 'hey know, t.sv tl.c ci. c.at. ili -' ii-i1' hia journey, his patient steed. tT., iZ""!n'v,h''m hr i,,, . ,i,n i.a.r-r. J tuea that it ilid Imve ttlin nint-ir.R tlumw' July 4, ISfiO.-ly. JAMES CROSSLY. won so atrongly ur-.n iho conlidcueeof iu.n atrougly upon Prepared by Sr. J. C. ATIB LCQW JtiySM ly C. P. Wntsnn, Clos'f' Irwin, Curwenavllle i p. Arnold, w CLEARFIELD STOSE WARE POTTERy. Thankful for past favors and solicitious of fu- turo patronage. 1 would respectfully announce Montgomery A Co., New Pnlcin ; J.I nun i iiuvc on nana again, ana wi:i constantly Morristlnle. C. R. poster, PhilintUtt keep at the Pottoryin this borough, on the cor- Chase, Ansonville ; and bv dealers e ha. . .I,.l ,i;..-n.. .... .1 ,1.. tl.,1 , . r, 1 , ' J a, cuvi,ui.iimvo rSOI llltl aUt'lllOUlSl .U lirCII, a largo stock of Crockery, such ns Crcnin crocks, milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Ptove pipe casing f c. dc. i nnd also an extensive assortment of different sines nnd patterns or brnckcts and rosettes for cornice on housos, and other moul dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be made to older on short notice. Also tiro brick inndo and kept for sale. f?A liberal reduction on prices mvle to wholesale dealers. F. I.EITZINliER. Clearfield, tuny 23, 1870. ly. Cabinet, Chair Making:, iUW FIR NE W GO OH Just receiving and o-ic of Lewis Smith m lit. . e , sortincnt of Sprirn; r .. most every deaeilp." . Staple and Fcm.. a i. tat ll.r1' JOHN (ULICn.of thebornugh of Clenrficln, Pa., will be prepared at all times to attend to to any tusinoss in the above line on short notieo, nnd in a workmanlike manner. His place of business ia at the eld shop on the north side of Mnrket street, Sd door east of Third st,, nearly opposite the old Jew store j where ho will keep constantly on hand a large nssnrtmrht of Ma hogony and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet FALL AN D WINTER GOODS rBro of vory ,t,"criIl,ion """"h ho will dispose v. w.i ns iviipuuiiuio luriiiB mo saiuo aruclot Which ho offers VERY LOW FOR CASH! can be had elsewhere In the countv. His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, con sists In part of Breaaing and Common Bureaus, Sofas, Sewing and Washlne- Stand. n.,.l. .,i Ho also contin.es to deal in LTJMBE R, of al iStaiSf -"iSf bles, Ao. Coffins manufactured nnd delivered ot any place desired. February 9, 1859 no. 4, vol. iv. kinds, in any way to suit his customers. Tho highest market prices will le paid for al kinds of GRAIN. JSay CALL AND SEE! -a Ker 'Washington, Nov. 1, 1860. A. W. 4- CO's Han and Mill sawat Bonnots, Florence braids, English straw Shaker and othor styles trimmed and I j eomod.j will be found in variety at the corn i stm of K. A. liivrv. novT-Bm Curwonsrill, May 16, '60. Ldl. .No.. .r. - . I "iisstins Mill and out A'aws, Mann's axes and Limiltl'H Md tXturM t0. U - (reneral assortment of Hardware at the pioase all, will be foand at the corner store e store ef b a IRVIN Prints and Dress Cf of the latest styles, also a vs-'letT 'w tions. lints nnd Caps, Bonnets and Slmw'i Boots and i-hool, Hardware, (iutenswar, Medicinos, Fish, GROCFalUES ToWco, Ser nI nil ri. f In a country Pto., all elieap forr n!a-aa ... aa ..M K . .1 St VnOlt WSW UB Is) Vail flUU OVW 1 a j . II. L. HliNIl.l.Si).' Miy 21, 1360. Cke'i:i !.r. rge variety sin K, Jt ii t -.tore, fur" fackercl and Horring for sals ' ItJL store of " ' Curwensville, .Vay lo, Cl. "Doots & shoes of everv kind t "1 XJ tleruon, and Children atJ. CJ fella and other Shawls in varW, O Store of "' Curwensville, Mat 10, Wl pIT. Dried Apples, PsrJ' a sa J t aa at I'hxaloa 1'Hinil r R. W. 4 CQ'i ItVlff Vi