Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 06, 1861, Image 3

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t 0:!i:utfi!) ijij'i'Mif.ii.
MAI.' ' I I, it nl 'I j i inc.
t il (' tin- "
.'i ! ili :'i;'i I?) ti.i.t.
n v
lei", i i
i- i r 1
1 1
i t V W ; t T'r A
,.t l.lnn . .
.S0 n .
12 10 ..
- 10.13 ; .
- !? fii j..
I i.i in
m. i .srcngi r
i k i - j i.e.
top e.r l'i' ui " r
ltil Tuir. . .'
i ii ' I inn
No trni, i run on r'ur.dnv ftc,Dt ih limn...
K.u riMi.Tho warm, daya of Innt week
brought out tho rod shirts to tuch an cx
tent u to warn ui t h nt ratting was onco
onco more upon at. Hinco lhuiedny last
thero Jims been a fin a running (loud in tho
river, mid tho sound of lht, th" cl;nk
of th doj
jt iv. y.,.1.1 iu,.'ii; oi i:m'ui
OOUIU l)f lll'ti
. ... .... .. . .
.1 nt (ill rriiiiU
Several rafts!
navQ nussfil on tlioir 'v.w to
market, but
.Ltber tf. owners will realize onyth'ini
iv.,t,,.. j i
for thorn, depend h In tin on tho coming
of "Un'-lt A he's" pruiuised gootl tiuiej.
Booms. An ell'ort is now being maJe to
' obtains, charter for a boom at Jersey
Shore, and may perhaps pass tli-oii.'li tho
WUlature. We iincerely hope. Lowev-
-r, that that body may have some regard
for the inlereots of our cuuntv and rtiort
the bill. The Looms norr erected at Wil
limwjportand Lock Haven, in addition to'BftV3.
. interferinj with tiio freu navigation of tho j
river, annually cause the less oflumbcr to I , ? inon 13 ns Enfe 1,ore as he ever wu8'
toe svinouiit of thousand of dollars to our
hardy lumberman sown of whom aro of
ten depending upon the proceeds of that
same lumber lo seeuro a home for their
wives nwd children No more booms we
ay with all our heart.
' Loooixo. One of the evils that follow
in the train of this busiueis, is, that many
of tli speculators who engago in it arc it-
' responsible, designing men, who manage
.. t .t . i' 1 1 1
lu .wuiu iub muur ui uai a- orumg men jm his intercourse with our people except
of our eounty during toe winter by prom- ft preparation for issue to which the new
isos to pay when the logs are ran, and then j position of the States may give rise. It is
fleece tbim out of their hard earnings.- u device of aggressive Black Kepublican
Erery spring some of these customers turn j9ni, which seeks the rno desperate and
up. and th.s seaion is no exception, as we unscrupulous means to keep itself alive
observe by tho .-ueful faces of jobbers nnd by keeping tho country in a state of per
ltboren vimting our lawyers and seeking ! retuid agitation and alarm.wieh r,ro.,.B
the remedy of the law when it is now por
bnps too late
, Tne Co.viebt. The
Concert cf tl10
'Washington Cidets S;xe
Horn Band,"
was given on Monday evening ncording
t5 notieo. We were pleased to observe
thatour citizens. have such a liberal ciispo
.a ,1 it... 1,1
band acquitted themselves finely, discour
ing excellent music such as cannot be
urpassed by many of the crack bands of :
i"lw) SJtute. '
s , A Nw Scit. William H. Clark, editor
1 of the-KeiKhl (111 j Can'mi, loves a good
r joke, and uever lets an opportunity slip
' that prom;.ts a dith of fun
" ......
Here i his
ve bilelv ml. n r, .!. r.
' ' We ha
clothes, am!
1 nr. i,.i u V... . tr.,.
uallydisiuit-ed. We look like ft mnlle-!
- " "'" v ii'ii- . Upon first &ult::i2 thorn on felt I
irt. " . w .
. ., ill.H m ml rHI 'H i-n L II fi f f . r fna .rnTsJf n
M .. fc,a ,
-'. ...t.' n.uu-iin iin'i iirt'ii
. u 7a. .t . i . ,
iiu. vu, m o nr l m inn i i list nnu
rfirAri V.T.i . . . ...:r . i l
" -
i - -
U it svo wanted to se., Mr.CUrU. nnrl Inlrl
Pf I
u that wo would find hito at theotlice;
u, ri-ont there, and rrettv soon cne of our
L h,,,iB-...n criif o,,.
if in his hand. He asked if tho editor was '
o in ; told linn wo thought not ; askid him
!. if be WMshe-d to see him particularly ; ftaid I
r.he wanted him to pay that hill; told him I
j w didn't beliove ho would bo in ; biiii-
!!.nemaa left. St.n t. d to the nouse again; i
r, met a couple of young ladies ; oneof them j
m asked th)otlier, 'V hat handsome stranger'
, ri tlmtf- fli. lilei.,n,.i t. a r.l
- - - - - 1 ' - W.I....1M,.. . V luck 11
e .friend and told him who we were, and
K'pot him to introduce us to our wife, who
fu nowaaj ioudof us as cm Ve. Tho next
,itiaie we get a new suit, we shall let her
y-know before hand."
lu XJaTNone but the physician knows how
:li niueh a reliable alterative is needed by
V h people. On nil sides of us, in all
w soniruunities everywhere there are multi
..udei lhat sutTer frr m complaints that
oliiothiDg but an alte:r.t:vc cures. Hence a
';';ret many of them have be3n made and
''rtit abroad with the assurance of being ef
j ectuftl. - But they fail to nccompljeh th
lorurw tkey promise bocaufe they hTer,ot
dilbe intrinsic virtues they claim. In this
teof tho case, Dr. J. C. Ayer i Co., of
.oweli. Lave uj )Uea us with a compound
jjju-.xtract of Snuaparilla. which does prove
o i' be th lon- desired remedy. It peca
r difference from other kindred prepa-
.tion. in market i., that it cures the dis-
e isai for whii-Vi i ;. . . . ..
... . - . rccommonaoa, wnile
1 ...... Ajl a A. 11. . '
n- ;cy uw nv..
a net. We are assured of tl fact
re than one oi ur ;..,a;ir.A. Pk
;,;.. ... "leilIgent 1 hy
n tti" lioighborhrinrl .
,:;: more
j,rther evidence of our
iioi nave me
experience Of
r( flkbvillt
L.t' """""' vi our own
list5, truth. Tennwm farmer
, o-.' -
n T'Thit of Jcrr. Davis to Jluoa A.bca-
(, A gentleman who arrived hero bv 1
fet -' i steamer Columbia, and who professes'
.r 'l ' bi wnll marl nn tha .nhior-l .1.1., l
neii it thortly after the arrival ot lion. Jef-;
, uU- ion Davis at Charleston, it was quietly '
j W tnged for hiuj to pay a Vlit to Prt
dfttiK' ptr, which was accomplished private-,
9d The interview is represented to have .
e py a an MrriMt and prolonged one, but all
,0 the .etret were left
lie "''P'-'y to conjecture aa to what took place ,
nd tureen. lira and MHjor Anderson. It
-,w.. .-moumge uii.cxceiieus nana as usej the following prophetic language -"M
? "y "'0 lar attendance. Tho , !Iow gfldtv lrue it ia no.v nm,!n . 0
lineal uvwtjver, feen Knowingly given out it 'Capiul Stock paid Is . $24,800 00
ojp u-won that tbtrs will be no Jjhl o Notes lo circulation . U.&44 00
. I Sur,.4r.TAit .irA.u ;.-i-,T- w:T)u Depositors 8.801 4S
,if r SSKl upon tha f.ntf,. ti T
I'.!-i?n ,0 the W ctnaot be
in.'JMt Wfsody oonflict nth ftck
tll.;1.. !i It. f i nil,
'h , mi. I m t . niin r
win i'i"iinnj(
I M'tl'i.l lilt
tlllll ll
V I In
lit ir m ii. In t'i
lnniol ll.ut (Intfitfir Win- tin I a l und n
tiini.iii.lirs fmin Mii,in, ,u . Vptnin
nti(i iii'lnlf l it i n. I j. nn i ! p(iti I, mih
Ik VitMV nl' -im iitinii tin i t.l, It,. m,,ii,ii
Mlil l.illili.r i.'l' lll.i ..-.vri-r.-f Dl' Hi." Il.ftillt.
ininj .ViliiiiniMiiiiioii. Wo h, lim r :lmt n.
in. one cMipl Mr. I'l'iiclic Kfiipi'il)- in no tr
u. ntV iitl of U'iir A (.'.., but there Inn Lei n u
'decent 1. 1 Uolhs iintl Vandals iijitm Wash
" in'loii, mill they tame in the shnpo of
'" YVcsti'in j.olilicirn , mote tiumcrnti on. I
, ' roiihiosoino tlmn the locusts Hint devour
cil llio Bul)ttico or the Kiryptians. They
j'' havo di-wgn upon Hip public treaMiry,
und it in not improbable that tl.ey vill
kiii on uio jchkioih elect, as titty diU
llaitison in IN4I. Every man of tin m
lias known old Abu sit .-a ho n n l-nm
n'rc than five hundred have been m
1 i.i , . i .
board tho Mime l!.itl)i;it, and t ikon whis-
IrOV I. lit of tllit c.ur.n n t , will, u
- ti. ril;i ...liif,.,., wi, ,,vni-kl
by bide with thtt second aliiiiL'lon, they
aie ", "umerou .vt thoKai.dn on tliesi-a
!i"0lT- ' 8 L,ncoln M,fo"J o iofy 'e""
"'J-'. be tun repent to them the yarn hbotit
lhu LoV ,vho .tti . ,. j. ' . . .
the boy who laid all his littlo brothers ml
listers had the nieales, nnd ho was only
dejirived of tho same luxury becnuiio thure
were "not meatdes enouyh to po round."'
Ami so lis must send them ubout their
uusmets, lor every man- even country
Pl'tkMuns has a, such n? it is.
i ' ;
VtU.n ir:.:.: l. n-..j.i.
iimuitiu lucu ISltLUj IIJO OOULU-
i -i. v r i r.- . .
the New Orleans PicftviniB nn In. .i. Into
wno (iocs no. mane a loot ot lnmselt ana
meddle in what does not concern him.- -if
ha calls us all 'traitors' and 'rebels' and
denounce tho State as a corporation of
'pirates' ai.d 'robbers' iio may probably
pick up a (j'Junel which may end in his
leaving tho city abruptly. But any man,
North or South, East or West, who comes
here on business or pleasure, can pursue
his mission of either, or both, without
perceiving anything uncommon orstrance
I . . . . w
tho state of things here as any way tend
ing to anarchy and terror. We would be
: at P-aco with th West. The Abolition-
141 s wm r:oc nave l"-'1108 ll -hey can pre
vent it.
JirifcitsoNs I'lioruEtv Cohinq Tnre. In
120, Mr. Jefferson writing to John Holme
Htu this momentous (mestion. tho Miss
T 4 D ,
souri Compromise, like a fire Bell in the
niirLt, awakened und filled mo with terror.
I connideied it at once the knell of the
union, it is liuslied, indeed, lor tho mo
ment ; but it is a reprieve only, not the fi
lial sentence. A geographical line, coinci
ding with a marked principle, moral and
political, once conceived und held u to
i the angry patsions of men, will never be
obliterated, and every irritation will mark
't deeper and deeper.
1 Iefc'rot lhllt t to die in the
fc. v v s,ai,.i, a HII4 llll" VS UIQ I Ll '
.- 1 1 i k . i . . . . ... -
. :..e
, 'el V' .. US "T--. ' U,Cm" !
1 . 1110 K"a:1"" " 10 acquire
'so ('OVt-rnmont una nnntnnpsA I
their j
C s i
. . , 1... .1.. ....
... .
wiso ana unvvoruiv passions ol their sons-.
. . . . . . ,
. . i . ..I., ....,1.. . . i '
.......... .' 11
tI,at 1 bha11 n' I,V0 l "P 0Ver 11
t; , i j , , , . . ....
irlenfls ",ul patrons, thut he will heat
! otlice in Clearfield, opposi
;iposite tho Clear-
IT i 1 .,..,,! .r.,. .it
Hotel, until altrr the June Court,
with the exception of tho tecond week in
May. Persons desiring his .ervices will
. ,. b
do well to call before that time. 3t.
Mr. Lincoln'i Cabinet.
The foil owing is ilr. Lincoln's Cabinet .
William II. Seward (X. Y.) Secretary
. ' ;
31 aiaie.
Salmon P. Chase (0.) Secretary of the
' . ,,, , . I
Montgomery Blair (3Id.) Secretary of ,
the Navy.
c- -. ,ti i c .... I
Simon Cameron (Pa.) .secretary of War.,
Edward Bates (Mo.) Attorney General
Caleb C. Smith (lnd.) Secretary of tho
Gideon G. Welles (Conn.) Postmaster'
General. 1
V ,,.i.,. , . i
. ,,C!teru announcing lue death;
oi a gontiemaii in lowa, says " He was a
great admirer of Horace Greeley, but oth.
. . , , ..
erwue a very resectable man."
To Justices of the Peac,.,f ii,. i. i . i.-..
Justicesof the I eace, who intend l.fting
sheir commissions, must give notice to tho
Protlienotary within thirty
I 0n p"Ddy "n!ng, March 3, of pneumonia, :
!"" v- STXAxronn, of Morris township, aged
il9 years and IS dan. !
I t. .. ...
; ucaiu nis luuiiiy mouriii lbs loss or aa
Affectionate bunod and father, the eomninnity
' niuc'1 ,tl,m(I " Ufcful cititen. ,
Vensngo papers plcaso
eopT j
TY EaNK, for tbo mouth ending February
28, 1S31
Bills discounts.!
tlo,8,"8 ?3
HP"i1flTao'' Sute Stock '
r0 framother"Banks . " "
Bank Notes of other Bonks
Checks, Drafts, 49.
furniture . .
of 4t "graying, 4o
B UU0DtTJ' c'
' UAiutirs.
20,214 75
4,407 84.
4,403 8a
1,130 00
(173 09
223 19
ID i9
282 1J
f 60,189 Oi
IsWrestsj and Exchang . 842 60
s n
. na nsiB.uTTr'
- 1., w5T.,EiM'C,bl,'',,
f!ryl ,ra., Feb, Jt, til. :
II t n t I .
Mr. I' hi. I," ,i (
IVmoi'i title !M.tii!i,'i (VwrriiUfr,
111 III ' l I, Itlli. V, i ll t 1p.( .i, I
nl the littni t nl Ii I'minty MmIii;', l.tH
nl t 'le:u lit . in fi, j Iclnlirl litt, lb l it U
dent, llnti, ilpi'tiiM 'I'. I.c'inurd, litis n
pointed the f..)liilt ItHtiiod ptl.'or s its
Inndm t'ummittee Vr
l'l"ailit ld- i. J. I'nitl-, t'hlilrliisti,
IttTcaiiii .1 1 1 1 n I. Milli-r.
lt II - John Hoi., jr.
I '.oj'I's - Ocot j:o I incline.
Hiinlliiitl -.Manui. 1 1", Wilson,
hindy (Iforue J. Yon.,
Worm John .Smith.
Imrnside ilainrs McMurmy.
Chrst Uol-eit Mu'.'uily.
L.'nvi:i)il"ii 1'. T. lliyni ty.
(.'in t. ei. iilo- I'.ii ltd
l.-citii" - (.'vreiiio Mow.
l-'crgiiion Uriel I'.t ll.
Fox .ianies McCh-Mnn.
!irard Alexander Livingston.
(iohen llobcrt O. Shaw.
OiuIihiu .Samuel Launsbcrry.
(itilich Jolin Jot- un.
IFilsluli II. J. V. . odivnrd.
Jordan Joseph Patterson.
Knrthaus William S. Sankey.
Knox Conrad Jlnker.
lawrence Jotiah W. Thompson.
Lumber City William W. Wrijjht
Morris Kdwnrd 1'ei ks.
Now Wnshinton Joseph ISreth.
Tenn David T. Sharp.
like-D. C. Dale.
Union William F. Johnson.
Woodward Thomas Henderson.
riHIK followini; usmed pemous liavo filed in
X tho Olfica of tbo Clerk of tho Court of
Quarter Sohmoiu of t'lcurlleld county, their Po -
tittons tur J.icciiKe nt tho Mnrab .Semion nexti
agioeuhlo to the Act ut Aiieuibly of Maicb 2 S t Ii ,
lb6G, entitled "An net to reulato the null of In
toxicating I.iipiora," lie.
Henry CJoodliin.Ur, IlraJy township.
It. V. Moore, Biady tp,
Eli Fy, Urady tp.
J. llainei, Heccariu tp.
II..ur Wnple, lttiKg tp.
Edward Albert, UogRi tp.
Valentine Huffman, Covington tp.
(jeotRe Ii. Lanich, Cltnrlield borough.
Iiavid Johnson, Clearfield bornu;hi
Dan. M. Weaver, Curwonsville borough.
lienj. IH00111, Curtvensvillo borough.
Win. A. Marion, Curwor Kvillu borougli.
Wm. W, Worrell, Chest tp.
J0I111 Kellrige, tioshen tp.
John Jordnn, (iulieh tp.
IV- Woodward, Hmtou tp.
I'HVIU Mllllll, Knox Ip. I
IVlH. W. AnJ.-rrin I'rt,.., In 1
John Sheencr, 1,'iiiou tp.
Jneob Mnuelc, Morri tp.
Ilenj. .S'nytler, Covington tp.
I.awrenoj Klooil, Covington tp.
Win. I.. Merrell. Morris ip.
Iihorpe Albert, llrndford tp.
Win. Iteed, Luthtr.bnrg.
Laupold lirotial, Covington towi,hip. KicVetti", lleeearia township. .
Nicholas 'erbepk, Covington tp,
It. Momop, Clearfield borough.
Y " WIl'K IT,
Y kc iT. "u i fx n ax tTit,
only kne' bow useful, bow initructive. and
how entertaining it in. We refer to that " firM
be.t," that InrKest, niost instructive, most bonu
tif nl. nnd yet cheapest journal in tho world fur
tho household, for tho fanu nnd for tho garden,
rii : tho
American Agriculturist.
You want it, because it contains eo very inanv
new nn.l u-eliil tiiret'licns, lnut., nnu; rngget taur
. lit .. .1 ,
about nil k n its ot out-door work, in tho iiui.lcn
the Field, in the Orchard, on tho little plutol
,.rond. about domestic animal.-., etc., etc. Tb
A-tn'rulturut is not a Maio rt liash uf tlieorMii-iil
sttitT, such n goes tho roun.N from one fi;cr to
another, hut it is filled with new practical inl'ur-
i i i i. ( .
nnu I . nl1 rv n ni in ni r s ri' n . u i..
;i,,irnitu v ", j'i .tiiui ii ui un ii. who . 4 I., li n,Hr nAi:..Hi .. -vl : ...... t
Know unui tnrv write .iiiuiit.
Each volume contains many hundreds of use
ful hints, und it is c.rl.iin tlmt many of these
hints wi1! each bo wurtb to you more than a dol
lar. As au example, a subscriber writes : "... I
. i. .1 . i... .ui .
oo.oiucu j i.iisni-iB more er acre on a ten acre
fic!dof wheat, (or in all so bu.-hel.i .i.n.dv from
a lin nbuut irppnrin seed Kiven in mj .tyriV..
, '"'n'", ,vt "Ulhrr JJ b",i"fd
J ield of 11 bushels of corn (tor O'-ro on a fiftceii-
.acre field, und with noestra cost for culture, l.
Japl'lyingono hint from the Ajriculiur!it. Anoth-
,er' (a ''l',,Ktr') S!,i's !i" g worth extra
goou g.uoeii vi'ciauu-s.
hich ho iiltrihutf .
w ntiny to inc iimeiy linns in the .l-;rieii((.in..
wuil'h ,liTn from tiun to iimo what to do, how
to do it, and when to do it. Thousands of oth-
;er have derived siniila? auvaut.igos. You are
invited In try the paper a year, nl a cp?t of ot,i
j1 If J" desire, you cun have, free of eharcc.
four or five parcels . f choioo eestls, which the
Publisher w ill distribute among his subscribers
,he prefnt winter.
Vourwifo wants Iho .lri'ci.'tiri'sf, bppr.use it
has a largo amount of valuable and rcalllv
useful information nbont all kinds of Household
work from R-.rrct to cellar, (iive ber the benefit
of this paper for year. You wi'l I)nd your
liniue ma tie bolter, and money saved.
Your ebildieu wnlit tho A tncullurt'tt. for ll
eontiinsa very interesting, useful nnd intcres
tin? deliai'tmi.nt for vooth nn.l ,.l,:il,. .. .l.:..k I
nl crcat value to ;liir mind.'anl hearts. s
The, abpve are tnuh ful stateiuents. Ih; "I" '. !
clacrfully nKosicd to by ncurly a hundred theue
?-nd oflb Iret'nt renders of tho .lor.v(ui-.v.h
.You aro invitod In try a single volumo of In-J
I. to ,vuf ,,.,, wtich will cost ol, $i, nd abuto
j dsn"y oJrn'v'
I ini.l.Or. J L 1)1), I'ub ifhor, "
; , rark Bow Kew York,
Jan. 30, isl.
day S after p UlTIOX.AU persors are hereby caution
; cd against purchasing or middling with
. . - , lljreJ Horses, two Timber feled.i, one Wa;on,'antl
1-;. r-i.-:-- .
lour lnnher Chains, now in the possession of
eouil'y t
with bi'm c
jnnv ullTvri ..f.i...i 1.:.. r.,..
. . .... ,o.,,u.,., ...trueit, ;
tho sinno belongs to us, and aro left
en loan only.
-jnf-jr rp TMCnV T in't f7'l '
i L.UUK, JJ,vJj lUliALLU,
JFor tale very cheap for Casu, by
! 0. B. MEKRELL,
In basement of Jlorrell i CiL-ler's Store, I
Clearfield Pa. ftb.27.
nlBLIC SAI.I.. Will be exposed to pub.
-L lie sale, at the late residence of Abraham
Beams, - deceased, in Lawrence townshif, Cles.-
uousvuiu;,uilll.leVAi UO OIU Unj VI sl A li V Jl
next, at 10 o'clock, a. m.,
All kinds of property. Including Grain by the
bushel, Hay by the ton, Cows, Chairs,
Bureau, Cupboard, Beds
and Bedding,
Cook-Stcre, and a lot of Household and Kitchen
furniture, too tedious to enumerate.
jSSale to eommenea at fl o'eioak a. m . ksn
mi nmi wW m miag iinwn,
' B-- RHKEM.
feb74t- - - ' j4tBlBlrtrit-Tfr
t nocr.AM Aiiojc.
II li. ( MI 11. I.IM. I
I'"' 1. 1 1 .'.I I, ,. 1.1 ll,. 1,1,, I ,,l f, ........
I i. nil. I II " tilth Jul., I, I In. I, l.i ..... '
'rili.f llm nl ,., ,(1, ,, ft ulr'n nn4 .
I'llMnn- r. llm Il-n. M m. I M.,m m.. .,n.
A rtiiiMy t In,,. .M,,, , ,,', H lp
in rjntiiin j i.m.i, A'n,ri .tit'lem ,. I'll i,ii,.,
r l, 1. 1 Ihf l i.lil'l.rr , r,.i,rt i f r'nn m,,i, I'I,,..
l.sii'n Ciiirl, rmitl i f (jiiiiriri t(irlins. fi.mi
f f lljrf stiil 'I n mlii ir. nmi rini ii.,.,.....i i;i
Klnriy. t rii'inBiM, In sn l foi Hit county .f
inn "em, inn
hOTIllt IS, 0..r..rr. ,rr,l'.y lo the
forensr, Jimliwa
''V'''1"- ri''i".
slrt Mun.ljr i.f Cli'silliilil, to npprtir in
in snd for
I ............... v.6..v iinunrrii an. I tixir-ntiA.
j 1'- U. AlII.I.Kr., Sheriff.
Ri:tasTr:its" oTM:iv-N..iire, 1, urV.
I'J Riven thiil lhu Mluirinc crinints have
Jl.n x.niiiniil n,l p,,,,,.,! l,v me. un.J reuiuiu
jfilcilof rccorj in this oflifo fur the lnppptiuo uf
jbi'in, lefntqi', cri'tlitur,iiinl all ullitra in nnv
'nthrr way iiilcriHlcl, ninl will bo prcseiitnl u
;ths ntxt 0r)ihau' Co irt of C'learlli'ld coiiulv, 0,
to liulil nt t':3 Court Iluase, in Ills bomu'li of
Clcurfml.l, ciiinuii-iicinR 011 the 3il Mnnilny of
I.Murth, 1S0I. fur cuiitiriiintiun sml nlloitmicu :
I Tbo iioronnt of John Horn, Ail f nil nn.l .injuhir llio f;ouila aud
! Dhnttol.", ri.'bt.i ami crodi t. t hicli w. To i.f (innrvn
ilt...M..M.I .1.1. 1 . .
,pi, .mo ui iiiu fcfiiriiniiip 01 noiji, l:i
ouunty uf Llmrbnl.l, df Of
I The a..count uf Juhu h. Hex, Ailiuinintrntor of I
I all and itiiiulai- llio i.,.. and chnltalj, ,tc. of
Juha AnJorinn, la:o i-f Piko t.iwnahiji, Clearduld '
, icountv, (Irromdl. I
Tho tinal acooi .t of Mil, , S. Spencer. Admin.
i.'irator ol nil ami singular the eood? and chattels.
P..i... .11 ... i ..: . ... - . . .
ri 'btiiniiiler.,liti. l,i,-h w..r. r ii.,.i.h.
(or Wall,) late of renn. township, Clearfield conn-'
! ty, ilcceascd
Tho final aecoiiut of Miles S. Spent er, Atliuin-'
iitrotnrof all nnd Mugnlar the goods and chattels,
right! and credits, which were of Nancy Spencer, I
late ef l'cnn lo tuhii, Clearfield rountv, doe'd ' I
fohia-lp. JAMES WHKJI.EY, ltegister.'
IY urtueof sundry writ of Venditioni Expo
) bus, jailed out of the Court of Common
1'ltns of Clenrfield coiiuty. and to me. ilirepio.l
illiers will be eiposeJ to public sale, at the court
, house, in the borough of Clearfield, on Monday.
ins lth day of March, 1301, tbo following
described property, vi:
A certain traet Of lund situate in Hr,lfr.l
...),;.. ii.. i i.i .. .....
UUu.,uv.i on inc eiMiiyliiuii, of
iinrir iiiiM.rr nf.ri,i.. m.ii. ii..: 1...11- 1, . . . invi t irifiiiiiir 1111 iiiiikhm nv i-irmi
i ., i - .
1. , ,.. " ii'.n, j.i-l-(.U, !' v.-. . .... ..i.i. ...... .11 y iUliJV; TUT'
ln.tiWt..n. I n.lit,ti,,ni .,.J i.lhtr l:ni,,n. n,l .! (, ..,.1 kfn,.. l( J '
btsnrrs. l ll... Il.lnp, w,!th In IhHr ofljccrf, 1 1 " SL ,C 1 U 11 bU ' K ()I r' Ul 1
'V',;'h'ir,,,,,,lfr,"int.'J.p. ' Btiitetl lo tlin wautdoflliu coiijimi-
I . ' tinder my ImnJ nt ClriuLi 111. tliii 20th ' ...
ilsyor rrbmsry. in 11.. viur .,r 1.,,. . IlltV IOr IIIC Pill lillHl V 111 CI M(
on ih, ionifc 1 i K,tp ;;"Rrducr,;ftn,, aJj.iiU'.i.ff connties, tbttl ho Is ,,t all limes'
on e no h V ' 1u5 "'" . ''"' ! pu-pnred to msn-ifacture, at tl.o shortest notice.
,", 1 " , 7 ' of "''"'";o,,1.:hair, iiusff nd atrnw Maltreiiei 0( all'
r Ii,? u i , ,, .1 7 "U "
fire irrel ivifl
ncwea-log tiouse nnd douhlv Ui' barn tlir r. . 1,
erected. S-i zed, taken in execution, and to bo
old r tne property of John Hiiuunvt.
Alt-o-a eort.tin tr.-ietof laud eituale iniJrahmn
town.lnp, Clearfield county, l'u. ..I.ounilcil on tl,
cast by John Holt, north l.v J.j.n n..t i..
o by I'unnall, and on tho unitii by tho tun,,
pike; containing fr und one-halt lures, niih
small Kg cabin houicnnd round-log le orcc'.ed
thereon. .S. ijed, tuken in exoeution nnd to be
sold as tho property of LavM Turner.
Also by rirtue-of a certain writ or Al. Levari
A rertiiin tract ofland situate in Iioggs tonn
ship, Clearfiebl county, Pa., beginning at a post,
thence by Waller Slemirt hurvev. oust ir.n
perches to a po,t ; th. tiro bv residue" of the traet
1U0 perches; tlien.o west ISO (erche. ; thence by
John laylcrfi-rvey, north I00peicl.cs; cr.Uin -
.., hundred aoro,, bemg tho, mrlhwest cor-
ncr of tbo John Montgomery survey. Swiicd,
taken in ....1 ... .'... i .; . . '
of Jonas H l'i.t,.r. .."(.t.ii
ri ,i.:.j .i ...
Ono third tho purchase tnnoev lumi invarUblv
bo paid at the time fhe property it knoekoU down
or it will be resold and llio bulance beforo thi
deed ia at kuowledgi-d.
F. (J. M I LI.EIi, Sheriff.
ShenfT's Office, Clearfield, I'a., l'cb. 27, 16 1.
The stibfcnbcrs nave opentd a full and ,.,,.
plctc assi.rtti.eiit of L' It U t J S
iu iho new brick '
building of Dr. Woods, nn the comer of Leeut
and Cherry streets, in tho burcugli of CltuitK'ld, I
nhero tiny will ,v li.t'ipy to accominoilale any
lierSOU Wh.l tli:i ..h.-ln, it, l) lit... T'I. I
bujineps will bi confined strictly t a 1
ti. it. ..... !
I'ni'i o i, i retenn v n Jiv.i nrtr '
... , .
.-.u.i no i niin win to spared ., ruuucr sntisfuctioD
Dr. M. Woons. tho . junior partner, inn; ihrsvs '
bo fouud and consulted in tho ' Dri p Store," ,
when not absent on piofessional business. A j
cpnrnto room for consultnliiu is attached to t,a,
;, wln-ro patients may bo examined privately, i
Every article usually found in such su estnb- i
lisl.metit will be kept on band, and soldnt greatly!
redicetl prices. !
Ti.rms sriu STiiti rir Cash, will ennblo tlmm
to itfior indiipciiieiitj in tho way of prices j
Physicians will l.o supplied nt a small per'
eentase ovor Cost and carriaj. and their orders
arc solicit".!. Every article sold will b nur ml '
"f the bt st quality
Phillipsburfj nnd Watcrford Eailroad.
MKKTINC of the Stockhu'd'rs of tho
" rhilipsburg and Watcrford Railroad
t.oaipany" will bo held at the olV.ce of said Com
pany, in the br,uph of Clenrtit,ld, Clenrfield
county, Pa., on MONDAY, tho 13th dy of
March, A. D. lsfil, between the hours of 12 aud
o i .o-u p. in. o s:,i,j day, lor the puipose uf.
j.v.- uuS one i icshi..'iit una iweivo inreetors to
ervp until the c.'ccud. Monday of Januaiy, If 02. ,
A fu attciid.tu.'c is requested. I
I.. J. t'RAXSi Sec clary. ,
Clenrfield, Jan. 21, 1,-fil- I
I MI MSTIt A'i'OU'ssM ) I l('l-i
..T .Vilinil.ikll-.ltion hvin,. knAn
this dav
'""ti d to the undersigned on the ertato
il'SAN AKDKKY, of I.awrene. t,, cie.a
i eid cV'Uty, deceujcl, nil persons indebted
Smd estate ate rented to make imincdiate
pnymrnt.and thoto having cl-iuis .''Kninit tho,
fanio nill present tuem quy autlienticsted lor i
settlement.. " JA9. T. LEONARD. I
JanSOtit . . Adiu'r.
1TIIAY Iir.ll--liH.Canie to the residence
the lubreriber in Huston In., about five
or six weeks a"o, a HEIFER red, erumplol
born, and about tto olsl. Tim owner
is rcquesiea 10 coiua lurwara, iroro propcriv, pay
, 1 " , -.1 1
. . J ....
-narges nun lano ner away or sue win no uispu-
. n, to law.
January J, 1S61. 3tf
1 Adiniiii.-trntlnn having this day been frunl
jed to the undersigned on the estnto of JOHN
iYOL'Nli, Into of llurnsido township, Clearfield
.1 .....1 .11 :......i.inj 1.. ...... 1
Ct'UlHV, 111 l . 3V VI, 1.11 I'll.Ull. IIIUl.lll'U IU
cstalenrercqnesteu to mnse imniouiate payment,
nna tuose nuiina; (.iniujs iiiuuii mil siiuio wjii
rvrA.rnt ihcill tJullr ail I h Oil it'll 1 V(i for putt It'Ilu'IliV
! liiMI'l.'!. criiDTVfi llm'.
New Wn'hipgton, Jan. 31, le'Cl,
1. .1..1 v ssj i j.nin.i vi n i iii i
tebfi fit
i IXECVTORS' NOTICE Letters te.stameii-.
tni v having this day been grnnted lo the im-
dorsigucd on the cstato of JOHN I'lLLON, late
.of llurnsido township, Clearfield county, deed,
1 scrsnnp knowing themselves indebted to laid
estate are rfiuested to make immediate payment,
,J those, having claims against it will present
thCQl UUIV UUl iL'DUCOlCd lOT tiCttlPUIOtst
J. A. II Ell ARTY,
February 1, 1S0L
1' OST. On the road leading from James For-
Jjrest s lo bins Irwin g, through Clearfield bor-
nutrh. on Monday, tb 25th lost., a brown PASS,
HOOK, pontaiainr a Murp.ntU. I.i.r uf riu,c.lil
, county mr iboi. J.oe nnaer will Le liberally re-
warded by leaving it at ills efflc., r returning
;itotbown.rB5whe Uwnship.
' fsfcT 3t, B. B. LIVEROOOD-
Till: MUST A II Kl V.W.
MlTCt '2 ilOOYH Uol tll o ;
Hie Court Hons.-, when; t icy oru
it i
which thoy lH'ri:i laric nnl itn;ill
qtianiiiics on tlicnio."!! reasonable
yol'ksk.lvks Their assortment o
dry COODS4 notions;
Is vry InrjfB nuj rouipli'to; rinhrnchig almo.t:
erory urliclo bulb of fiiahion in..l servico. J.t- i
pi'tiiul ntli'iitim, linn li,.(n vnij tu lhu suleut tuti uf,'
LAL'IKS' UKK.Sit U0l)D.", wliich aro of rvn v
vsiirly and llm very luteal ntyUn. ' I
6ilk, llelaiues, PI vit, Merinos, Poplim, ,
Aljiaiosii, Ciisliiiu'f'i, Fri'iieh, ScutiU j
uud Duinenic Ijinghaiui, Prints, ,
Limeys, (.'ntnUricf, Ilrillinntu,
i'if. uml jilnin ltobinetlr,
lriih Linen C'lntlis it. J
Iilat'li nnd l nncy C'un.jiiiieres, Satinntin. icDiis.
1 i". ., -rUijr..v j,ckor? Mrtp, 1 :oki,,4
vrn;in. lianer. iiien.i uui una un ui-ii"ii mu.
7- .' . '".!"'
: "" un"i K"'i r"y,
V Lite and Canton l'ln
r '?.rB ' ,1t,0":,J;
Cbonillus, Itlnok und linb Cioth capes of tho.
very latest fujhion. ,
adieu', l'.onncts and HaU, trimmed undun
trimmod, of tho Lntcl Stylos ot
U. W. 1- CO's,
IjOHX 01) ELL,
Iscattd at A, . iShaw't MilU, out mi.' Kut
uf CUarfifUt bor'iM'jh,
lUnioctfullT informs the cltiiem of Clenrli.,;,!
! kinds and sises, on. of which I. a Eoldin,; .Mat
tress, suitable for CAKINS ON KAFfS, wbicl
can bo folded in small coinpns', and uinptied iml
refilled at pleasure; ohm very cheap, He o!ho
'trims Cnt tingin, mckes rupnirs to all kinds of i
Carriage Trinming nnd I'pholstery, aatl ti ukesj
Cords for Majon's Tracing Liue, of any thick
ni"i or length.
i-St.Country l'l.nluoo, Corn IIusl.s, or Cash
t'keik in Exchange for work,
A 1 1 orders left with any of the Mcribnn
of Clo.ii3 ild borough ill bs promptly attend I
." tl n'.ll.ti
'Jii lliag tfjnitt'il
ItV, AMI ll. .l( WAltlt.
"rK would respectfully inform our friondi,
patrons and the public gt-ially, t but wc-
tin,-.. ....Mr in ul.... .....I .IT.. U i. ..! ...... 1 1 1...
tiiil at the lowest Cash Prices, a large And very
j choice stock Watch. Jowclry, Silver and 1'lated
War , of ovcrv varictv nnd .Ivlo.
tM ...i, o, niaill'tnn .. or
'") tip-icripiion oi liinniond m an:lottt-
, er jewelry, miido ttt order nt short nuueo.
' ah warrantee to be asreu
goods warran led to be as retircsented.
I articular attention given It. llm repairing of;
" aisnei ami Jewelry or evorv description.
No. 6:2 MARKET strpot. (south side,) l'hita
Sept. l'Jth, ISCO. 6 uio.
THE above Hotel, having recently been fitted
fr tho accommodatiou of lb. i.uhlie.
nuw open
l.'rave lers
will tin 1 ihi n,n,..t,.i I
flay l 136S, J0US J0 'JAN.
W a d ii in v, 8ch w cmVa
Itllalliblo Vcctill'lc l'oWtlcr.S
r.... . i. .....--i.... i .
' ' 1"" .' eut euiai t ore oiuii .nrj.,i
rniifiiiiit, J.htimi (isr.
i V', pjiiJ it'ier Cvi.t
j.'ii'i.t and all Acii'e imii I 'AnonV Ohc of A; '
i..ii.. .. i....i. .. ...
.ni nnu vu..ari:ii, icncl J cent Stamp to
her Aysnf. (J. H. JyNES, I
Hundreds of testimonials flox 2(Ci) Phila. P 0 ;
TirAjeuc; S. W. Cor. Third d Arjli Sts.
Oct 24, IS6U lOt. ;
lhe tii.dersinol will kavo conitanlly on hand,
a wo.l ...Lctcd stock ofDnifs, Chemicals, Dye-J
StllfTs. Oils, Pllint-i. Tobui-Cli S'svin. Stnllon.l It
nry, rerlumcry, I!rubcs. nnd Kiiney uititl
wlii. li ha will dispose of chestifor coVh.
He invites the public to call nud examine his
stock cf goods btiloro purchasing elscwhuo.
Country Physicians furnished with Druu-st
.Medicines, and Surgical instruments nt tho tuo
reasoaahlit rates. J. 0. 1HUTSVTICK. I
ClrarnrrM, I'a., ' t
4 "Ml MS l'IHT()l'5 NO I ICIi. Letters 1
2. of Administration having been granted to'
' ,, .ur"-''Ki''I. tl is d;iy, sjp.,1, tho ost.Ho of
-' i.L rillt t .'kill, tleconseJ, of Urady
ion;iMiii, tienrneiti county, all persons imlet.nj I
to said estate arc requested to make iinmcdinte !
WieM. nn.l tl.ose luring elanrs agintut.
"'""" ' present then, julyatilhei.tientedi
- r '""'"MU ivti., : u
j:n3 tl
Important Notice. j
The undersigned, luto publisher of the ''Clisr-i
r,eM "TublteMi takes this inothod of tailing
"I'ou ttioso wn , arc lnaeOlci to linn, or to loin-
Ward for fulu.ription, advertising or Job
woru incurrp.i uunui tne three years coiuincn-
cir Jll V ljj ill. tin inn Jn u isr. Ir. f-n 1 ii... I
f ' .-....,. .
i... 511.. v .i n.v ,.H i i,..,.i, ,.r ct... 1
j ,h v.
fold, ami muli,. nl,,,,,.. , ,.r ,i.. ....... it,,...
net mints mn it eUtidup. J. It. I.AUR1.ME11. J open type, is illustrated witii tipproiiriulc eifgra
Clearfield, Doeembcr I, IS'HI. tf. jvings, and will be i . rnurded to uny addnss
rv' ' -' l ne untjorstgnod, 1111 Amlitor
i.1 1
pointed to distribute tbo motiev arisinc the s.le (,f tl.o rcnl e-lnt. of SAM I. hi, ;
? 1 lllll I . T.ilrt of V'.r,. .,... ...iv.,.1. v.. r.r.1 ...
niul uc wi) u,,onJ lo lu0 Ml)0( ,,, ltff et af
Lnrrimer A Ten, in Cleiirfisld, on TL'EsDAY.
tbo 2iith of IT.ltltl.'AUY, Ifi I. i.t two o'clock,
p, in., where and. when uli pers s legally inter
ested may attend. 1S1.EL TE6T,
ifbtt -It
Tirholcsale and Itctail Merchant.
Also -
extonslve deiilurs in limber, sawed luu.d
ber and shinglo. Also, dealers in flour
grain, which will be Mild cbcsn for cash,
Oct. 14,1869.
; T7"ERY CHEAP at the store of
I T Jan23
- i 1
ides, Mackerel and Herring for sale.
-' TT AM.
ll ln iih .t.r' nf
-i i.,i. ml. IBS 1
i. . . ... ,r ... i
. '
O OOP ARTICLE, f Sale t th. store of
VJ' .-" W. F. lkWIN.
Uoitk n Hil.copt,.
in Nh
I t I!.. i r t Ii
ll! I
nut i i
1 1 :
i. (
ll i vii"i ii. hi
ill 'lull
I nit
f l' K
I !
I'.lll . f
II h ,l
I I,
t in I..
,...!. r
i I Ann':
I I I I'H.l
11,1 inn I.
Mt..., .''.: .. .,
I. llll 1 1 1 I ll V I.
Ilill'" ' ,. ol III
n.el i, 'f ' . i,r . tIii).
I .
iiihi.'.i r nil' i . M I i.-11 1 I' ,t ti
ll. . 1 1 .r ."' 1. lib hi-'in 1 .n.. i".j.uii'i
iin . viiw.
'ill i
liDI.. i: A
V"t 111 I'i,
l'-.'.':-i ' 1
Ml V! r
I'.injf, .'til 'mf
'1 !. .11.1.1:1, Miiii'iiii-. if, .1 ill
(.'"Ml I. .ill'l;,, -n. i!it i, ii., j,.rtf
V i t ll tli,.' I. I'M ,,u !, . ,,f lulu,;!,;,.!,, i,,
iiipdii'iiy, nl.'ii, liim 1. 1 tu;.t ji, ...,
KifHiiirf. l'.."in u'. Slijiiv;, Ctniiiltiii-'-..
( l.n lifr, l'...!i .-. in ui.d t.'lier
Vl'jt-s to iv liieli Ii.. i - jeot ; 'i.''!! mi
L10r1.11 . . plnr.ili 1 y r:: .i'lv'r.
liul!?i: AN1 II TS DISIiA.K.S
iu vf :'ii. inn. ..-, j iniitiiiiiF, nJ
Tntutmant nT S'ru j?or Itnoul,
llutoiiiput', Ciiturtii, l.itln t1 . '! 1
I'ltiliii, l'inniiM.,i;i,i, I'leurii-y, liiolu'il
Vinil, t.,nh-'.i, !'..i:inn;; it nil
Wlil.siling, I,niii.-i- ,vnre Mi.niii unit
Vlii'iv, :ui 'Keu.vcd T. pili. will! t.lhi r
di.-eni"'." uf the .Mumli mi,. Kc. j-lr n j
ry Urui.
Will Tell
the lion,-: AM.
WiU Tell You of o
'1 'real nn nt of
I'.upturo, I'-il.
Ui',,n 1 1 r-' . .. a .
ll'S DI.r.l. ;
no ' , -'.'"o,, , 3 a
V'orn.s, liutr. i'i,'. in
i.-loin (...oi-ri lion.-,
y. Ti.ii i hen , J :i. ' ii:
I f... v ' .illt', pe IM'.4
in the lCi lut yd ir.i.l 1:1
tiun, nn.l oili. r I' , i-.
ci, Eon-el.--, Liv r an
'ilii.o, Ini'iiiiiS-
r "i t " .-'
1 (.'riniir.- 0;-
VTiH Tell You of tbo i-yiiiptuine, nnd,
Trtiifi.Piil of 1' . Jll i... .tr.l !(..,
fp-ivin, I'liis-K-iive, Sw...-:k., i;-aiar,
broken Klitu--, Wind (,.u.e,,
polo Uruiso uml arjiel, ' ', ! Hoof,
Svau-lies, Clinker. Tiir'i-h. an.'. " :ue,
also, of Megrim.-, Vertigo, j:,.iiepsy,
rlLiegeri. uu l other disease of ilo
' 1 set, L;gs, mid Jl, :,t.
i Tin: house ax I) ms i'is;:.3ES
Will Tell You of tho enure. ' nititoni." ru
I reatmcnt uf Xiulu, I'oll E il, Clun
dors, I'r.rey, heart t l ever, Mai,gt
fiuifeit, Locked Jaw, I' l.'iinali.iii:
''rBiup, t Jirt:.', lisoatts Oi too Eye nnd
Henri, Ac, Ac. not i.oiv i lo.nw
Cajtratiuii, lileediia', i re pi tuiiin.';,
lLu welinfc-. Filing, Itrrriu, Air.pulu,
tii.ii, Taj ping, and ot.,v;i ii"!':..i i'p
orstiuns. TilE HOItSK NI HIS I'il.A.-I.S
Will Tell You in'iar.'y's'M.!tlioi' ." launi, 11, r.
ses j howf lu Appr'tteli, Halter, or Sta
ble a Colt ; liutv to ace,' nt a lit..r.-
lo strange sounds and .-ights.uud o.
to Hi, Saddle, Hide, unci !''i-nk him
to llatiH i., also, tho r. fiu u'.d la'T
i.f Warranty, The viiulu bein;; iur fi
mlt uf more thiin (itleeu yi eurclt.
rtudy of tho habiiS to :tiliariii' K.
Hants suil wcuknciti! ot lUls Loblo
-ud useful animal.
The lloo'i oontains o1;! pages, np,,.-; ri .t.lyi!-
i luslrsted by nearly t.'U" Hundred ciigrnvia.,-s.
' ' printed in a clear ml open type, uml' will
'bj lor W n T'I l ll to flllV 11 ll ll f,. i'i! rti.vl .....'
! receipt ef ptiee, half bound, $1,1)0, or, i.i .loth:
i" .25.
I ftKHHI A V I". A I; ,, ,,. 1, t . ;
sing men cvervwliero, in felling the .-.n je, utid
, other popular works of ours, Uur iiiil'.n.cii.''i t,
to all kih.Ii are uxerpiltni-lv l,l.,,r,,,
tur simlc vodes ofitn i', r f.
..-LM to
agens, with other itil'oi illation, ; 1 1 !v t
tlrosj Jult.V E. I'uTTEJi, Publisl-ui.
No. il7 Sansoni Street I'hi'n '...phia. I'd.
.1 -
iicei'iii'ipr i;;. i:uu. tdno.
rjA ii i
31 h V. i: N
In all its brunches.
C OO K K It V ,
Uy Miss Elu.i A'-on.
Curofully ltevised by .Mrs. S, J. li tLK.
It Tells You how to choose all kimlr f ?!iat,,
I'-.u'itrr, and (j .line, with all tin various
nnd most npprgved aioiies of dic-iiii
and conking H.'ef nud l'ork ; nbo tub-it
unl simplest w ay of suiting, i ck
ling nnd curlti'r tVi- simic.
It 'fulls You nil the viiri-.u nr.t most niLroved
. . Ir
mod-s of drcrii i, Pooblni. and bon'i.
Mutlo:.. Lamb, Vciil, Poultry, ::n i
(lame '.fall kinds, Willi tho i.IIVrom
I'ressiii;:s, tsraviet, sntl t,i: ffi ri a iimi-o-
I priats to oa.-l..
It I'ulb You how I., choose, pIimii, nnd preserve
I Kish of oil kind--, ui., I how ; i e-wect'. l ii,
when t.-iintod ; u'so till the iririou.s end nppro ed mod"S of cooking, ivi'ii
the difi'iiroiit lir.'S.'inf, Sauces, nu
j I luvoi ini' appropriato to eneli,
' It Tells Y..u nil tho various and most a roved
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