c7k7Vlt:uGtl& AUpublicJii Trtnit . nibs. II ? 1 1rcrrl tdo. t T 1 0 I ,r9 . ti 00 6 00 l on 10 po 12 00 ll... f I (III I 00 1 t0 $7 00 . . ( IV lintt.I I i f. - ft,e Sn,nart, Twosquarei, : ! Three sn;unr.-,l Four innre. : Half acloum, On. column, t in 00 li o 14 00 15 00 ti 00 i i i cu t i 6 00 i s eo i : ro H 00 Ji) 00 k'tnndi.ss tlian three moilbi JS f,ir llirrs WO" all per inr.nre for easo ,B""'0"i,B.i . In Business notices not eeeding r B rirted Tor T3 , w,.fctJl, nnnibcr of Advertmmeuts MtlHW . .... ...i.;a ion, desired, rill ieestwMMu ltd crgod cceordirgjo these termt. JOaTPRIMTINC. An rxlrn'ivi toc (rt rvnuur.ee toll-.or.uV.ic tlmt ho it r-repa if o t.:l .a- of Frooiumxib, Cmrn.iR?, HANDBILLS, UBUullV dc'DC l ocTr.r.r, Blanks, ,aih;l:;. I J OCX 8, "Bam. Tirrtrs, kind cf riintiRS n tul every With nit- 1 All orders will IG 50CUte- res mid devpoUh. C. B. GOODLANDEIl 1 CO. IJLTSIM'SS CARDS. ,'cri.Loron. n'ctiwcoB. Jvi'tUI-l Ol CII & IIKOTHEH, Allomcys at Law. i .nn,tUn MnsoD' Storo oe on ?iirKot ----- . C1.mB.1J. P.i. " ill .uon l prompu, . v- llon, Sale of Laa, o T W HAYS, Justice f tbo I'eace, will attend I vro-ptly to colloctiunf and elbcr matter! eft in bir cbarge Addr.H Ker.cy, co P. Oct. SdlSOO. ly. DANIEL GOODLANDER, jLST ICli of lu(iycltl)Urg cienrKeld Co. !'., will ntlcnd promptly lo ell bn.ineti entruited jmJ Mr.h29. 18C0 ly. Pd- ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the month of Lick Hun, fire iuiki fr.in Cleurfield, MERCHANTS, nud extoueive Manufacturers of Luuibor, July 23, 1S5?. " jnTTiToMPsON, I larViinitl'., ".oiib, Hugsien, Ac. Ac, Ironed " on ehortc:io, and tlieverybestityle, albu M and ii tlio to:ougb of CunenevHle. Dee. 2, lt- lTbEHT jTVaiLACE, Atisosst at Law, I . ruarllfld. Ta.. omea io ltw i Row, op posite the JiurLil office. dec. 1, lSiS.-tf. DK. M. OOD, havltg clanped bit loca tion from Ciirwomvills to Clearfield, res tieofiilly offers hit profctfionfil torvices to the titireus of the latter place and vicinity. Rosi.l. nee on Second ttreet, opposit li tt of J. Crr.r.., Esq. y u- J. G. hartswick,:m. d. lb)kiclau and Surgeon, CbarC-li Pi., Muy 30, 1300. WALTEE BARRETT, . ATTOKNKY AT LAW, will attend promptly and fuitb fully to all legnl busineps entrusted to bis cm e. in the tevcral Count of Clearfield and ljoir!r.g counties. OttVt tie one formerly occupied by G. R. fcurrott. Oct. 2Cii, TS50 ly. DR. O. W. STEWART Tlivniclau ailrt Suiceoil, offert hit profes Wash. I siunii! services to the citiiens of Xew Wash- limtoji and lurroiindine community. Office thre do . is west of the Washington House, New Wellington, Pa., Oct. U, 1859. JOHN HUIDEZ0PER. Civil En&inefr . Land Surveyor, offer his professioual services to the citizens of Clear fijld county. A;i business entrusted, to him will be promptly and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney & Co. LEV Ell FLEGAL, Justice of ihe peace T.uthereburr. Clearfield Co, Ta., will attend y-omptly to a'.l biipincft entrusted to bis care. He also informs the public that be keeps constantly ou band at bit shop, a general as Saddles. Bridles, UarneBt and whips, which ho will tell on reasonable trems. April 4, ISCO. IKTAL CARD. A M.e -fl- to til 8MI1K offers hit professional services the l.r. ilea and CJentlCmCll of Clear- lieUI rrd vicitilv. All operationt performca with neatness ar.ft itJuUii. Being familiar with nil the lute iinrrcT:ct3li, be i prepared to mm.o Artiliclal Ttelli in tbo beet manner. Oflicu in Shaw's new row. Sept 14th, 1S58. lya. JAS. IT. LAnttlMPa. T. TEST LA Hit! Ml. K k Tr.tST, Attorheye at Law Clearfield, Ta., will attend promptly to Col tAioiit, Lobd Aenci.!!, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield, Cob.io und Ell; coubties. July 80. y MOORE & ETZWiLER, "r57,'1?!'ll,c 0i' Merchants. Also V extensive u.a)are ia tiuiiier, saw.d lunid ter nnd shingle. Alw, dealers in hour nn pri'in, which will e sold cheap for cash. Oct. 14.1S59. HENRY WHITEHEAD, JL'SllCL; of the peaco Ptocklon, Uuion tp., will attend piomt t!y to all buBin.a. .ots-askeai to his ore. Sept., 12, lb6. ly. CLEARFIELD AND CENTRE Tyrone, Blair County, Pennsylvania.; THOMAS HAY'S, PROPRIETOR. THE Subjcriberrefr.eclfully informs bis friends in Cleariluld cr.il, and tho public general Iv, that he has ngair. ll. en charge of the above Hotel, and folly pruli'ei with everything nec ii. snry to the comfort atd convenieaco of bis gin-sis. A large WareLt;te for Iho Storngo of giodi is titt'iehcd to Ihe e .'tablishment. Jan. 10, ISC 1 . St. THOMAS MAYS. II VM, idn, M ickerol and Horring for sale low at tho store of W. F. 1R H'IN. Clearfio ,.lulv Uth 1S ). Flour . r OOD ABTlCLE.for sale at the storo of jan23 w. r. iuwin. Cheese. C3 J ARTICLE of N. Y. CHEES sal e VJI I More of (JanWJ Wli. F. IRWIN. . . , a. ir m- '""'T' Intuit) Offi'ira. n. . . .i...I-..11b. HatMislblnn.Brllercr.le A, i. Vim tto.. W.,. 1, Moore, ClearO. n. Flou Hm) H-n.nll, t.ltirb nr. ,- l'r,r II. iM nrr lr ruth...ninry,John L. Cuttle, IWt. & Jemcl Wi'gi'yt Diiinrt AU'y .i.l crt J. W IIm., Qlrn Hope Cm 8nrt.)ur, H, ColM,,.W- M'Crwkt. Win. Merrtll. If. C, Thoini'ioBi Lumber CUy CUirAeld MorrinlnU Phllipuburg Aidllore, 11 f llriviattn. l,o W. UrnhM,nrtiold J. b. eixw, tieorg lUchnrJf, I lut of I'oit Wet. Coroner, .V,.mr. r P. O. An of i . .v. r:l-n ITmn. U. W. C'ulnell Bower, Chest, Cuib, Odti-od, ClenrGeld Uriife, Woodland, l.ntherbnrg, Troutville, Jt'Scrfou Line, Forest, New WmbiigUlf llurntide, ClunrQuld, Frenchvillf, Kurthnm. Vary X'iiv T. A. M'Whee J.1f.Cirl.l.i Lewis rui'uh P. B. Miller Xi. WiiiikXI A. L. f.-iuU Jacob Kunti John Ueberling )U, Eogg'. UruJloid, Bradr, Iiluem, Kurutide, CIoifielil, J. Illoom J. M, Cummitigt Jas McMurruy ('. D. Watson. I". Coudrict J F W Schnarr 8ainucl Way Centre county Film. Willinms Llk county, Pa. C. Mignot William Carr A. 1!. Shaw Jus. II. Graham J. A. Ilosarty David Tyler 11. Woodward L'liza Chase O. llockadora D. K. Mokcl J. W. Thouipi'n Jas. Thompson J. McClelland W. V. Wright A. C. Mooro, nmuel Way Miohaol Wiso. W. V. JohntoD T. Henderson Covington Curweuville, curweniville, ' Decotcr, 1 Ferguson, I" 51, Uirard, Gosbcn, : (Irtliuiu, (lulicli Jlustuil, Jordan, Eurtbaur, ' Knox, I Lawreuoo, rinlip' burf Marruu, Helen l'ost OlEoe, Lecotmtu' Mills, liald Hillx, bliawaville, llrulintuton, l.n tl.f Mills. Tyler, l'canlield, Ansonnllu, nit Lick, New Millport, Breckcnridge, Kylertown, alorrisdalu. Lumber City ,f tirauipiun Hills, Curweusrille, Hloomingvillo, ookton, Jeffries, Morris, run, . Ike, i Union, Woodward, 2 Thit Pout Office will do for Chest township f Will iiiewer lor Pergu'on township. PURIFY THE BLOOL). TIQETAIH Lin PI AND PHOENIX BITTERS. The high and euvied celebrity which these pre-emircnt mcdiciou have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the disease." which they profess to euro, has rendered the unual practice of j puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy of, iticm. They r.ro known by their fruits; their Coed works testfy for them, and Ibcy thrive not liy the fnitb of the credulous. I Is all casks of Asthma, j4cule and Chronic Rhetniatism, Affections of the li bidder Bud Kid neys. Billiuus Fever and Liver Complaints. In the south and weft, where these diceases pre vail they will be found iuvaluuble. Phuimrs, Formers, and othors, who onee use these medicines will never afterwords be without them. Dyspepsia. No person with this distressing disease should delay using these medicines im mediately. Eruptions of Ihe skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency, Feve- and Ague. For this ecourg of t!ie western country these medicines will jound a enfe, rpeeJy, and certain remedy. Oth medicines leave the system subject to a returr the disease a cure by thete medicines it o manent. Try thorn, bo satUGed, and be en ed. Mcrrural Dihcakes, Aever lulls to erndn sate entirely all the offocts of mercury infiniteli sooner than the most powerful preparation of. Sarsnpnrilla, ! igbt sweats, rvout Uebillty, nervous loni-i plaints of all kinds. Organic Affections, Palpita tion of the Heart, Pino tor's Cbolic. Piles. The original proprietor of these inedi- cines was cured of Piles of 35 years ttanding by , the use of these Life medicinot alone, Worms of all kinds, are effectually cured by these medicines. Purents will do well to administer tuera whenever their existence is smpected. Relief will bo certain. THELITIS TILLS AMD TUOFNIX BITTER Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease fiom the system. A singlo trial will place the Lite Pilh and rnormx hitters neyona tne . reach of competition in the estimation of every j patient. "Preparod and sold br DR. Wil. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodway, cor. Worth St., Now York. Fob. 29th 1880. lyr. l.OOiv I.I'.KE 1 I.(K)K IIF.KK: HE undersigned subscribers, take this raeth. od of in lo ruling the public generally, thai they have this dav entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied by J. Shnnkwiler, on Third street, in this bo rough, where they will bo ploased to see the r old I customers, ami as many new ones as can uiaki u convenient to give tnoin a can. Bring on your boos, your spades and picks, Your log-chains nnd your pulling sticks, Your elods, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, No Ihreo-year old shall then go bare. Y'our spears will work up then just right, To prooning books for every height, Y'our swords too, shall then be wrought. To ploughshares such as Coin ne'er bought. JACOB SHTJNKW1LER, GEO. W. OUR. Clearfield, December 8, 1858. tf. 1?&ESH ARRIVAL OF V N EW H OODS! AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Iam just receiving and opening a large and well selected assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ol almost every description, A beautifal assortment of Prints and Dress goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. A large assortment, ready-made C LO THING, Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qiecnswnre, Drnggs nnd Medicines, Oil nnd Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, Fish, Vacon and Flour, G R OCEUIES, of the best quality, all of which will be sold al the lowest "cah or ready pay prices. I My old friendt nnd tho wublio generally, are respectfully invited to call. Dlearliolil, Oct. .11, ISOU. vt 1, 1 . 1 K v in, ,Tff-N, B. All kinds of C HA IS' uni approved COUSTRY ritOVl'CE taken Inexchange for Goods. "TTardwaie of every kind, kn. -ct and fork Nallt. Cow Be 1X spoons, Locks, Files, ood and Band siwi aad Mill tawat . W. 4 CO'i n,iM V n,iu:wu. ,d Mnd. a roll rURIFYINU TI1K BLOOD. Inl f t lls tf i 'ly nut il It'" f .1 1. i net r. m lnlnll i i nfitta anil in ntiilnnt fTn ttnna.tnr li ni Tnmor,ll" ot-t itii.tln".i I'lmiiles, l'nnil, lilntrhrt, lloll", HUlnt, ami all hhln llfui. lil tit, li..l.. Slh Jmic. 1 .'. J C. Atll A Ce. tiriiis i I f . il st.jr d ' Jr t" ' hnimlr.ltt J'"" i'iMI I'S' il r " llMlng liilii'll"'.! a .r. riiU in inln n n. I Uts r 0.n4 ff"in II In tarli.iis wavt l'i l"n. h.onllniM II tnil vul In l'lft I'll fit v linniUt.nl Sinn. s.mirtiiMX II Iiinu4 lnid mi.l 'll-tre 4 uii SI lh st 'invlu I o IMl, flgn Ui.ke "III "ll mj li'-a.l i"l nmml nir twil mill wn Willi one t'.in. wlilili rli. mi au I .illi"in Im-ti'H'I dwi'ilplhm. I l'l,'d wiatiy un illrliirs nA i tinU t.i)l,-liin, bill wliliuiil murh n ll. f fn pi iui llilne. I furl, Hit Jl.ol'ltl glu" l. Al I. n'li wns nj Hr,"l t riil In Hi" til Vwii!r lli.il vul lirtrt j.r.'i i"l h alicx illu (KirKi''illln. f ' I lin w tnmi V' iii " r"' llou lli.il ii tluiiit )'' l'"l ""l'i I Bi"l. I " " w Cliifinnall and got it. ami iic.1 II till it riuri iih. 1 I''' It, as )iiii kliM, in ninll il"i "f a !m...ii!iil r a Dt 'iilU, ami im'4 iilin wl llniw lKiilf, Nvw sml tirwliby skin s.M'11 ti;tiii I ffiini Miik-r Hie wliuli iIH wbll. fcli nil. My skin Is tin i-li'ur, anil 1 knuiv by my ttvlii.nt llnl tin ilif"0 bus nne fnun my SMicni. Vmi oi.ii nll bpllnlr. Ills I feci wlinl I sin SKilliU V li.'li 1 --ll yuu, tlial 1 bold you t" Im "lie uf I lie iiivtli. ul Uie ngt, t anil reiualn eer giaU'luily. V'1""' ilLr 11 l.M 11. 1 Al.l.C 1 . St. tnlhear's Fire, lloae or Krf kIjm Tetter antl Halt U Inn in, Hrnld 11 aliirtaa, Fetter antl rlalt llltcniti, Hrnld iiruu, Hliigworni, lloi-e l.yee, i)iop. Br. Ri4'rt l. Prrbl wilfet frum Salmi. K. Y-. Villi Fpl., Inii9, llml Ikj Ins cnrr.l nn hitrn-rnM - of lhcuty, wlilrh llnnli n'4 lo Itniliialii f.ifallr, b I'"1 Ittrtevarlns; nso uf our Hiiriirllki, aid il a lUnpuwu" Mllignant iyyn)wl.J by Inrue J. ! llm .inw; ; he coins the oiniiiion Kruftwhi by It cmi'Uinly. DronchcU, Oottre or Hvllcd Ncrk. Zebulon Bloaii of Piosppit, Tosm, wi II'" : ' H" bot (Im of your Bnnaparllla tnrri mo frmn a .., ajna (kjus w-IIIiik on lb. lidi, wbl'li I hJ suBeitJ H;m or.r two yearn." Lruconlinn or Whit... Ov.rlnn Tnmor, I'terlao J'lc.ratlon, I-'.tniile l)l.. Dr. J. 11. CboiinltiK. "f New Vmk City. "rilr. i " I nioit cheerfully eom.ly .lib tbo rcqurit of yonr auviil In .... i... i i.... c.,,,,.1 vnur Rnrniharllla a iiHt ctrrllrnt alteiiilir. In lb iiimierpiis roii.plnitiH for bbb tt emebiy such a remedy, but csncWMly In lniul IKudM of lb. Ikrofuloue dlnibls. 1 bav. nirrd inuuy Invet" .! oisrs of U'licorrbo-i by It, an4 some wli tlin o.m l.lint was cauiM'd by utarMvm of lb. Kffi'J. The lil'cr ation ita. lf was soon rur.d. Nolblnd williin my kuowl 1. iils It tr Ibeso lemnli- ilerainp-nwiitt.' f jlward 8. U.rrow, of K.wlimy, A Is-, writes, ' A dun Kwoiis oeiriUM iMmor on oo of llio frinnltii In my family, Kbb li bwl defied all Ibo remedies w. could employ, bus at Untlli been eoin4eCly rtnad by yonr Exlrnet rTHiu-UrlllK- Our physician Iboiilit iioIIiIiir but exlirpn tlon eould afford mlief, but be wlisid th. li ml of j our Harupmrilla as the last rrmirt before ruUiu. aud It piovcd eBertual. Aflcr takliis year reuindy eight wecke Hi) symptom of Hit disease remains," Syphllla aud Mercurial Disease. Nsw Osliaks, Ulk Aiim-i, I. J C. Avttt Sir, 1 elioorfully comply wllb tbo re- Jnest of yonr.gcnt. ami repiirt In you suai. uf lb. rOi-f bar. realised willi your Bmuurllla. 1 liari. eun il with it, In my practice, meet of Ilia enm nlithii (or whleli It Is racomniciided, and bsc found Us cffisru truly wonderful hi the. eure. of IVnrrml tinit Mir cwuij I4tcur. Olio of my pnlieiita had Hyflillitic ulcers in bis tbru.it, which were cniinumina; bis palate ami the top of bis moiitb. Your KursnpnriUa, steailliy taki-n, cured hiia la five wooks. Another .us attacked by ihvv ondary aymptoma in bin noae, nd tb. ulceration bad ..ten away a ooiinder.ble part uf it, so tluit 1 bvln ve lb. disorder would soon reueli bit bralu .lei kill biui. lint it yielded to my administration of your ruraupuritl. : tb. ulcers busied, mid be Is well Spain, not of com-ae. Miibout some dikllKiiratkiii to hi (are. A woman !io bud lHeu treaied lor tbo same duor'ter by lueivury aa .ufTei ing fioui tb.it pol.ou In ber bones. They hu.1 lKirwrne ao aeu sltiNe U) the wuHllinr tbst on . dump dny she sulTyted ex crunatii pmn In ber joints and bone. Klic, t'O. t cured entirely by your cara.u.a.rill in a few wet La. 1 know from it. formula, wbirb yur .pent lue, ibnt tbia I'rei'arntiou from your laboratory iuul br a great remedy ; consequently, IbeM truly reui.rkabl. 'rrrults Wllil it linio uot surplieed sue. rr.ternally yiurs, 0. . LAH1.MKK, M. D. Itkeumal lam, Rout, I.trer Complaint. 1 XDrrifipr. vs.. l'reet, n Co., Vs.. cth July. l.iM. Da. J. C. Avra: Sir, 1 hnve beiu alllicted alili pain ful ehrouic liluvmiium fur . long lime, hlelt bullied tbo skill of physielnus. and turk to me in p ite ol all the reinediesl could find, until I tiled yonr .Knr -.rwiilla. One bottle curlHl Ine in two ww m.d reptored my reneral health ao niueh tbet 1 am fur IM-Hr than l-rire I .at atUicked. I think it a .endvi tul ue-:i-le. J. Htl.A M. Jules Y. Crtcbell, of t. Iiiiiia, asrit. : "I bare Wen alllicted for yeiim titii an ntTnituii uf Oit Zii'r, whieh ri-tro,ied my beallh. 1 tried orxry thiiit, and every ILiur fnil,l to rehrvu me ; und I have Wen a broken down, man for some yenia fieiu no other euuse than uVr.uo,fme.t Vtt Liver. My beluv, d ar,tor. the bev. .Mr. r!kpv. advid me to try your urMipiu illn, beemiBe he said he ki:ew u. nnd any thlnj; yon noiile una worth tryint:. Ily the bless inp of fjnd it hna ruied uni, aud baa fo puriurd joy bh d as lo make a new nmn or me. 1 fcvl vouur aeniii. I he thtt lli.it can be s:i:d of ym ia nut hulf pood enoui;b.M 6 lilrrua.f nncrr Tumors, Kulnrprturut, I lcrrntluu, t'm let uud llf oliu t iou of the Muutl. A jrrt at tmVty f rsf hnr Von fporlp 1 to n lifr ftir uf lUie furiiilHatilu c niiliuuli htf rfsullxl frmn tlio uho uf tli In ii-meriy, l-ul 0111 Npnco iSrrv vltt not lfiiil tli 8omn rf tliin mnjf lie fmuM iv uur Arut iKMi Atmnnnc, v litrh the uinitti hnhm tmuivd aru pleawd to furnisb grmtii t nil wh mil for ilu tn. Dyspepsia. Ilrnrt Dlimtf, Fit. KpUrp ft-, Melancholy, !Vt'nralf;ln Mfctiy rnimi ktvlli t-urtit ot (ht nfTtfrtioin Lure hwri in ado by Ui aHftativr p'ncr .f thm mt-li ine. It uLinm Iutt the vlUl funciioiiH into vi..iuiii urtit ii, atiJ tlun ovcreouiei dicoiUrin liKh would It iiipptweii In-vond it rrftcti. Fuch a irmHy linn loin li jii n iuirrd hx Ihr nr ccKvltlm of tin ,jrtMl, ftnd wt are rontidrul Umt lliU will to fir then, all tlmt tnrdicioe can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ton tub rurm critr; or C'onfths, folds. Induenxn, Ilnar.rneea, Iron, TlronchllU, lm lplent ( o ri ft n m p 1 ion, nnd for tlic liellct" of (nnsnmptltc rntlrute Isa nilvwKrrri itnr;ra Of the Ultra. r. This Is a ri(dy so unirersally known to ee.rpats sy ether for tiir cure of throat and limp fomplniiiia. ihat it I. useless her. to publish the evidence of its virtu... It. unrl'alled escellcncc for rcught Riul colds, nnd its mil; wonderful cure of pulmonary ilkxeuae, l.uve made it known throughout tlic civilised autions of tlu, r.-iith. w aro tb. communities, or even families, anion? t!. in bo bat. not some personal expeiu nro of iiael i, t, sum. living; trophy iu Ibelr miih-t of its ii lory over thd subtle and dnneernut disorders of the thiont and lunpu. As all know the dreadful fatality of thut.e di.onlt r., nnd a tbey know, loo, the effects nf (his remedy, ue n.e.l not do more thau lo aasur. them thnt it has now .11 the vir tuet that it did have when making th rnros w liii h bavt won to Itronply upon tb. confident, nf nia.klnd. Preparod by Sr. J. C. AYES eV CO., Lowoll, Usui. I pa' bold by C. D. Watson, Clcailold;E. A. Irwin, Curwentville; F. Arnold, Lulbersburg ; Montgomery A Co., New Salem ; J. C. Brenner, Morrisdale, C. B. Foster, Philipshurg ; and Eliia Chase, Ansonville ; and by dealers everywhere. NliW FIRM, A E NE V GOODS. Just receiving and opening at the Old stat of Lewis Smith in Bethlehem a well selected a , lortment of Spring and Summer Goods ofal. most every description. Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment t I Prints and Dress Goods : of the latest stylos, also a vsjiety of useful tions. Hats and Cans. No- Boniets and Shawls, Hoots and Mioet, Hard rare, Qutenswure, Medicinos, Fish, Drugs GROCERIES, Tobacco, Sogars and all artioloe usnally kept in a country Store, all cheap fur eash. Give us a call and see fr.r yourselves. H. L. HENDERSON, 4 CO. May 21, 1360. I go variety at reduced pri t -..tore. Curwentville 16, '60. 31 ackeroi and store of Herring for tale at the corner E. A. IRVIN. Ciirvrensville, Aay 18. 'CO. Boots k shoes of every kind for Ladies, Gen tlemen, and Children at R. W. el- CO'e, Stella tajd other 5 bawls In variety at the cheat s,0re of K. A. IRVIN- Curw ensville, May 16, 'CO. -rinuiT Dried Apples, Pared and nnpare I1 Peaches, Cherries, Fronts and Raisins the ewraeT etwe of Z. A. IBTTH tlUiJ. J. A J. kt..M all ! illl, linlM'. AM' HI" 1 IM n U lit !nt Jr'.i.nt, . , rri-rVttnt bf falholory n4 ipimt.is ntfitj In lbs Velctlnary CnlleRa f IMl.i'M b!n, Me., f tc 111 Tell Yon ofll.eOilnln, lli-lnty tn I .1). line. lilt Italll id tb vail . us brniU if ' Liiroi'cim, Aslntlr, Aiilmn nd Amer- I lead llorx a, with the pl.yl al lotine I tion and pceiillniiiies of lbs utiitit.il, and how lo tfcctLiln Ms nt by H e 1 tiuuibcr and condition i.f Ills leetli j Illustrate I wllli numerous uplsnntory etirtaltii;. ' THK IIUIISK AND HIM DlFL'ASKi ' Will Tell Ynu of Uraeding, llre:ikin(f, Stabling, I Feeding, liroomins;, fhoeing, and the I aiiprai miinsgeiiienl of the horse, I wild the heal modes of administering medicine, also, how lo treat Biting, I Kicking. Hearing. Shying. Stumbling, Crib Piling. Hcsllesnes, and other vices to which ho Is subject i with nu merous explanatory engravings. HORSE AND HIS D1SKASF.S You of the causes, symptoms, and Trentmont of Strnosles, Sore Throat, THE Will Tell Distemper, Catarrh, Influenr.a, Bron chitis, Piiiiuinoui:i, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chronic Cough, Houring and Whistling. Laniiine. Soro Mouth and lllccra, and decayed Teeth, with other. discuses of the Mouth and Uesplraio ry Organs. THK HOHSR AND HIS DISKASB Will Tell You of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Hots, Colic, Strangulation, Stony Concretions, Kupturcs, PaLsy, Diarrhea, Jaundice, ii .' .:.t' ... ii .j., ir.i in,,.., In tho Kidnovs and Bladder, Influma tion, and other diamines i.f tbo Stom-1 neh, Bowels, Livor and trinary Or gans, THE U0U.iE AND XI 1 5 DI.SEASK3 Will Tell You of the causes, symptoms, nnd Treatment of Bene, Bloid uml Bug, Sjiaviu, Ping-Bone, Swoonie, Str.iinn. Brukon Knees, Wind (Jails, Founder, Hole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoof, Scratches, Canker, Thrush, nnd Corns, also, of Megrims, Vertigo, L'pilcpsy, Staggers, ind other diseases of the F.et, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You of tho enures, symptoms and Treatment of Fis'ula, Poll E il, (ilun dors, Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism Cramp, (ialK Diseases or the Eye und Heart, Ac, Ac. and how to manage Castration, Blooding, TrcpMiiniug, Rowelinje, Firing, Hernia, Amputa tion, Tapping, aud other surgical op erations. THK HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You ol Karey'e Method of turning Ht- les ; how to Approach, Halter, or cita ble a Colt; how to aernstoui a buret) to strung') souniis and eihta, and bow to Bi. t-.iddlc, Hide, und Brcuk liuu to Iliiru. ss, also, tho rorm and law of Warranty, Tho whole being Ihe re sult of mute than lifleen yea's' raroful study of the habits peculiarities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. TI. e Book contains 34 pages, appropriately il lustrated by nearly One Hundred engravings, It is printed in a clear nd open type, and will be forwarded to any address, postago paid, oh receipt ef ptice, half bound, $1,00, or, in cloth extra, $1,25. KM Ml A VEA It enn be made by enterpri sing men everywhere, in selling the above, end other popular works of ours. Our inducement !to all such are exceedingly liberal. I For single copies of the Book, or for terms to 'agents, with other infnruiation, apply to our ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publishor, No. 617 San.om Street Philadelphia, Pa. December 12, l.(il). 6tno. rp ii 12 i no i' l. r.'s cook hook. MODERN COOKE 11 Y , In all its branches. By Miss Eliia Actos. Carefully Revised by Mrs. S, J. Hale. It Tells Yoa bow to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Game, with all tin various and most approved In ies of dressing and cooking Beef aud Pork ; also the bn and simplest wuy of salting, fick ay ling and curing tVe sumo. It Tells Y ou all the various and most approved modes of dressiug, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of alt kinds, with the different Dreasings, Gravies, and stuffings appro priate to each. t Tells You bow tn choose, clean, and preserve Fish of all kinds, and bow to sweeten it when tainted ; also all tho various and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavoring appropriate to each, It Tells You all the various and most approved modes of preparing over filty different kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Game, and Vegetable Soups, Broths, au I Stews, with the Relishes and Seasonings ap propria!, to each. It Tells You all the various and most approved modes of cooking Vegetables of every description, also hrw to prepare Pick les, Catvups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats. Fish, Gauri, Mush rooms, fo. It Tells Y'ou nil tie various and most approved modes of propnring aud cooking ail kinds nf Plain nnd Fancy Pastry, Puddings,) Omelnttcs, Fritters, Cakes. Confection-1 cry, Preserves, Jcllim, and Sweet Dish-! es .if every description. ' It Tolls Y'ou all tho v riousand most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Mufhinr, and B'scuit, the bost method of prepa ring Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cordiuls, and Wines of variuus kinds. It Telle on how o set out an ornamental Ta ble, hew to Carve all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, ad in short, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of the tablo within everybody's reach. Th book contnins 418 pages, nnd upwards of twelve hundred Recipes, all of w hich are the re sults of actual experience, huving been fully nnd carefully tested under the personal superinten dence of the writers. It is printed io a clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engro vings, and will be firwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the ;priro. n,uu, or in cloth, extra, fl.ZS. tlOOO A I' AH can be mndo by enterpri sing men everywhere in selling the nbove work , Jour inducements to all such being very liberal. RuUi For ainrlit enniea ftftltA Itnnli i.f fe tnrm. in agents' with other Information, applv to nur ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. No. 617 Snnsom Street, Philadelphia, Ta. December 12, 1PCA. Cuio. oots and Shoes. A lnrrer .took and lower prices than ever, i.t Irvine '.'heunost eorner. tunvensville, Alrtv Hi, Till- Cooking Stoves of Various sites and prices for tale by . a. 1RV1N Curwtnsville, May 16, 'CO. radios deers goods, ofpnttems and textures to J please all, will be found at the corner store e Cnrwinsvllie, May Id, 1860. E. A. IRYIX. aOarpets, Druceet, carnet chain. Bars V "aKg'ng, vuriea nair ce., at W. W. "O A Larite and splendid slock ol Druaa trim. IA. tilings, Belts, Head Dresses, NetU, Plumes 1 IU W. if-. CO's, j ' BLANK8 of erery dfacriplion for tale at' hit rffif. I in in t I I IM It I l Al M l M..HI I la IlirP' I I I li s, ill i I ' i Mi I 1 1 1 1 i ti . , "...i. . . i teinale M..nd !"ll 7 i e ,. , , I' M i l r'e en ' on ,,i,,. HtvlHT-. 1 I'l'T. I lirM , K.'it , f. Illy t , b f II, l, Aft I" le 1,1, I I1 , , ll-'lhll,' If, 1 ' f ' t I ! nnd lli'l' '. Natuiul I l l' Al.-c'iin. ''. 1 1 n 10 CI) MmI II ,,'k li' . plcg . i ... .1. 1,. t, tin itt N le'i.ls desirous of n,li.,g . Ibon.nub I'nulltli Klitcai "it, anuwno wi-ai " " iVcti'.aive, f..i tcrbrrs, Ibis In.til.. tile,, de. liable ailvanlntet. . No mipII reeelrcd for lest Iban l.alf a Ml and no du lnilion made nccpt for ,rouiroie. tick ness Tuilion l i U paid el be lbt tt lb. leim. :. 1!. SANHroKD. TRiNf irit. May 21, l-'." Iv. A. M. HILLS Ti lf jiii.n and dimension ntett ai anitles i.f i AvVifi H'lj-h ' r household utility, inch as Urns, VatiJ fW!ytftyl, ' flllMfflTCIfl fust Cups, Toilet Articles, Ac, thereof V'V:'" --ViS:' Ufjll llij 1 a I'ai lb fl porlriuis and fiirniabitig a t,( ( fH.-ste'Si.-'!! VCl? txqiii.ile style of rDt!mcMaltom,f i,J H'Tm VrnrT "M"nli tfe.XlXUJ.i- Z.1!; j the teeth in pi S' r-'vi-rcvi time will be of i erattenlion to proper of grea t if. benefit to every one in point of hcnlth, eomfurt, and conv:nicnce. 1 It . Illl. I. M cun iilwayn be foitnJ al Ins tT fice, on the corner of Front and Main ilrccit, wlien no notico to the eontrory appear in this paper. Al operations in the line of bit profession, rs-foirn d in the latest and most Improved . styles, nnd guaranteed for one year against all J ntural failures. w ' - mi-u K null tlll'l CjTIt kl IIMI-J IN I IIIl.Al)II. 111 A ! 7Vcnieii(oiis Aj-eifcmrnf omoii' (A 1......1 ' ' KXriTIXG FOOT RACE between the riiiladolphia PMire and the nnlorinus For , daguerreotype to theoiceof the Cue; irer and counterfeiter, Jn net Buthaniin Closs!!! Cross Bectiptured ! !! ! It seems lo bjtheguncr al opinion in Clonrfield, that ifCross bad worn a pair oT I' tank Short a r reticii caii uoots, mat no would not be tnUn yet. However, Shorty is not nioeh nut out at inimittL' his custom : but would announco to nil Jlrcckinriijc, Duuijla; .Vase tr Toilet Articlo, with the porta: Hell men. and women und children Juced by tho patented process. in Clearfield, and Sinnoinalioning in particular, j By sending a pair of dagncrruutypsu.; that ho is prepared to furnish tbem with Boots, they win rcc.ivo in rotrrn u pair of i,cj Shoes nnd Uaitors of any stylo or pattern, stitch ed, sewed or pegged, (nnd as ho is a shuit fel low) on short notico. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change, and cash not ri fused. Repairing done in tho neatest manner and charges moderate, at the Short Shoo Shop on Second Stroot, opposite Reed, Weaver A Co's store. FRANK SHORT. N. B, Findings for sale Sept. 26, 160. JAM EH T. LEONARD. 'lt, A, WALLACE. I). A. riSHET A. C. FIKSBr Sanliinn anb Collection (D5tc or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L EAKFIL D, CLEARVlhLl) COiWTV, rA. JBILLS OLEXrtlANGB, 10TES AN D HI! ATTS I)ISCor5TC it inirs in ri'ii'i n '(iiirnttlM "cai .l u;iu piuiiu fniinjny 1 1 "uutt guujjid end tbie bock. J t UlrC l or Kxcbaiige ou flie Citici constantly on Laud. SfOfficc on Sccoad St., nearly oppesito Ihe COURT HOUSE. rpYKONH CITY HOTEL. Col. A. I'. OWENS, I'roi'rietor, Respectfully announces to the traveling public, that be has now tuken clnir-e uf ibis largo and woll known bouse, and will conduct it in such a manner as w ill render excellent comfort nnd full satisfaction to all who may favor Liiuwith a call. DovTly T IO t'ONSllMPTIYK! The advertiser, hniiug H'Cn rci-'ned to health in a lew; weeks by a very simple remedy, after having mf. I fcrcd for several years w ith a severe lung nflec-; tion, and that drcd disease Consumption, is aux i'wis to make known to his fcllcw-suC'crcrs the j means of cure. l To all w ho desire it, be w ill ser.d a Copy of the , ; prescription used, (free of charge.) with the dt i ctioiis for preparing and using the race, which i they will lind a sure euro lor i.,neumptiun, Aw. I,,,,., Hrr ni iit:. tr. The m, v o iieel of Ihe i a single piece to a ru 1 ft'.t. wsi advertiser in sending Iho prescription is to bene- . t'e" "t the moat reasonable prices lwe" fit t'.ie afflicted, and spread information which he exconnire lor oia gold and silver, eon-cives to bo invaluable, at;d be hopes .very CLOCKS of every variety on hisifirJ.' s ilf -rer will try bis remedy nothing, and may prove a blessing, I'eraons wishine; the precriplio'i will please. aldress nov7-ly Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, kings Co., N. Y. ! : ! DEATH ! ! ! T4 every form and Specie of VEKMIN. "COSTA H'.S" "COSTA "S"' "COSTA ICS" "t'UXTAJCS" "COSTA ICS" "COSTA ICS" lint, Roach dc. Kxla minitvr. Bed Ihij F.z'.crminahir. Electric Pmrdcr furlisectt. DESTROYS INSTANTLY IMs I'oaclics. Mice, Mo'm, Oround-.llcc, Iled-bii!."", Ants, Moth. Mosquitoe. Fleas, Innects on riunts, Inserts on Aiiimnls, f-c. in shoit every form nnJ species of 10 yonrs e-tal.lislipd in Nev York Cily u.-ecl by tho City Pu.-l Ollice- the City l'ris on nnrl ftrition lions'." tho cily .Stenniers, Ships Ac, the City Hotels. "Ator," "St. Nicholas," tie., nnd by more than 20,0(10 inivnie latniles. iiiA.iM iipcisis anu iveiancrs every wnere miik pans, Churns, Jrgs, Jurs, Stover!' .i.--, V ; - , v , , - ' , i sell llinn. l-c. f-e. ; and also an extensive as 1 nau.Pclio)eKalo Agents in all larjre Citifa .different sites and patterns of , Bfc.lfpulnr sizes, 25c, 50c.,AJl Jioxes ; rosettes for C Tnico on houses. aW''" liottlcs, Kiask. fi2fc.!!! Hdware ! ! ! of spurious imitations. Examine each liox, Bottle &. I'laik, antl take nothing but "Cos-tar'." BfXJ?1.00 I'oxes sent by mail. nfu?3 A $5.00 by Express. Hi-Address orders or for Circular, to HENRY K. CUSTA R, rrineipnl Depot, 410 llrondwuy, N. Y. BfajuSOLD I5Y LORA1NE A CO. March 17th. Clearfield Ta. JUSSELLMcMUR RAY Respectfully invites the atUntinn nf his old cus tomers, and others, to bis stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Which be effors VEliY LOW FOR CASH! Tie also continues to deal in Lt'MBE R, of al kinds, in any way to suit bis customers. 1 The highest market prices will be paid for al and kinds of GRAIN. HaT CALL AND SZE!- !?M 'rTaihingtoB, Not. 1, 1I10. ov7-6m Butter. OLL and FIRKIN BUTTER, tie store of (J.nJij W. J. 11 for tale at IRWIN. lew . i.tld ll1'" ('' 1 I In:, 1 I I ' e ' M t "i, 1 ' I- i i ' i - -i J . I w ,v ,r" "l' t I ,. i, . y l'i.!" , . 'Hel I ' r r" u rni Atfi.tl' "H Mil sfl I ,Uini rt.i ii' all t t et I f I.ir . '. fl, M I I;' ( Tt ,M m, .- -.11-. - .11 ll kll,ll,.llv & B. I - , , in, es n,. - -""'... -, ,0,, ln,lt,eia dl i.iil.liniT I l,l.li,i'rt,liha ai , . .. v . v , p, - , , ,v and linlilt il a wnr rmor oiawi Ml., wosttalnid uunlitt of ilnra Ah.l.tal .a Imt arlahable ll Ihia.i..,' I tiat.Mi'.l Ilea f tb articlet up.e wtUk tbtj feirad. Al the paUi.tsJ jro'si tf (be Cua,, llee lie teptodttCtivn uf pbnlogfapkt, J sjlt plain turiacet, ouj upon sucn as m. cf any degree of Irregnlarity, portrait! H pri.duce.l wnn lauiuess t curacy ai.d J,, dolinettlon, ujion Puroeluln warraof a, linn and dimension used ai ailiclrt i.f domestic ure In order to furnish faoililies for (hi j.., lion of the popular tacte, and to meet tjui of those ptilrnril of the ine am d,J haviuc portraits on r orcmiin, tue Iubm, imported from Europe a colljet ien tf t' porcelain goods, manmacturut to tboirot which they will sell at cost prices. As the American Com, any ait oB(r, pnlent right, and eonte iiuciitly tho onlJ;, authorised to use the process, they k mined, in order to afford people lo tTerjJ of tho union an opportunity tnpii.,. on China, to make the following (,r.,j,4 residents in the country, who nr. umli, porsouully the Atelier and Uulleriet . York: Pe sons sending a photograph, amir' New York, accompnuied by $5, will i return bv express, free of charge a rlct. mented Breakfast Cup and Saucer, iih ': trait irunsfcrred thereon By transiuitting a d.ig'jerreotyp and t will receive iu like manner a hutula-mt Vases, with tho portraits executed torn, iature pointings; and, ia like uitiDnsr, J can be reproduced on porcelain waraic of every quality of Cuisb, ranging in p-.-$20 to $100 the pair. N. B. Bo particular in wtinj tat i town, county, and stnie distinctly. All letters lu be addrc r d to "Mnttr ienn Photographic Porcelain Co., 731 lr New Y'ork." ( t I AKItl.Vt.Ii ULliif iitlrs t: XlX. instructor lor marrica ,t:net about tub. mnrried, both malm4TO jeetK lhi'.g concerning the pbysiolegj f. tiuns of our st xunl ryslein, md tLe prudi jprevontion of ollprin;, i:ic!u lig i:l . discoveries never before given iu III i laiigunge.by WM. Y 'UNO, M. I), m. ja valualilo and iuttrctti:.g w oi k. It it 'in plain l.in;:uagc f r tne gcueial resit iliusl rated with numerous enp-a. ii.s. I. , mart i"d people, or there c.nten.p'a iiif c ,'aud buving the least iii'ii.diinrLt !o ' every ono should be ncuuninled veiib ; book that must bo 1. eked u:, uadrtt. the house. It will be rent to any ocrr of twciitv fire ceuts. iu speci. portiji iAJdns4 Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. Ill f, .above fourth, fbiiauelplna. is. T Ajjiicttd and I ufortuMatt Xt 'wh .t may bo your disease, before joa r . self undue ihe care of an. one of lie t: Qitacks, native or foreign, who advertin or any ot' er paper, get a copy of eiikr Y'oung'i bm.kf, and read it ejircfullr. tbo uieans of s.iving vi u rm,l J.j health, and possibly jcrr life. l'r. YOL'N't cr.n be ci.m'tt 1 ( ; d'.sra?ea described i Lis pkb:;ittutl oCco, No. -116 Spruce tt. above F-ailh. WATCH & JEFJ riMJK nnd' ;i.',;iiei rrn I informs hU curtvoft! public g' lllTill'T, tl tt It rete.ved fr.m the EnrLit ed at hi. estabiishnient in Ol.'AUAXi Clearfield, Pa., a fine usst.iht.ent cf ( Watcues, ud Jr. ei lt f d.fie.-erit w a . ttiiti'iiisi it. i . v .. - as it will cost them i reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks. YVatrh.i nl'A carefully repaired and iritrraHica1. A continuance of patronage is solicitei rcpi. i.i, lti'ju II. F.SAl j NEW I10TE j Thn undersigned respenfuiiv beti I announce that he ree i.t!y ru.ieda hoa ; borough of Lumber city, Cicarfieldwi: for Ihe uccomiaodution of the traveliitf iwntericcn and all others wha ibij l ! with a call. ins tame win aiwnys be iipp;;e: wit ins tli 0 uiuikeU afford; and no pnio- spared to render his guests couifor'.t j under his roof. Tu which tiie futts I'. . toxicating liquors of tny kind wi'l he I the premises, w ill he trcut?. contriln. small degree. While, what isaluavii' lo the traveller, the ben attention wit by careful hostler to thi.t faith.ru.' ciV bis journey, bis patient steed. July 4, 1 MM. I v. JAMF.5 CEO. I'LLAHFILI. U ml WARE TUT: Thankful for past favors and snlic::i lure patronage. I would respectlull;: that I have on hand again, and will t keep ni tho Pottery in this borough, ncr a short distance ens t of the MitluKl a large slock of Crockery , such afCrer dines Any mouldings not on hand riH "I older on short notice. Alto trl ritl and krnt for sale. TjJTA liberal re.it 11 Minn fin firiePJ '1 wholetalo dealers. F. LKITZIS1 Clearfield, may 23, 170. ly. Cabinet. Chair K&kicf. TOnN Gl LICn. of the boryttc'.. of r t) Ta., will be prepared at all tiuirsH to any business in the above tint nntioe, and in a workmanlike manner. ' j of business is at t: eld shop on the I""' I Market street. Sd door east of Third opptisite the old Jew store ; where b constantly ou band a large assortmrnl bogony und Cane Bottom Chairs, esJ Ware of every description, which be " j of on as reasonable terms as Ibe l' i can bo bad elsewhere in t'.'.e county. I His stock of Cabinet Ware now ' vista in voir! nf Tlrittaini. .nil CoUlDt ! Sofiis, Sewing and Washing Stands, Book Cases, Fronch and Field Tost . 1 ., 1 u, mji ou a met , vviui., , iA , bles. Ac. Coffins manufactured aad tr" I : any plitee desired. 1 February 9, 1859. no. 4, toL iJ Florence Lraiut, tag"'' flnnoets, I enmed.t will be found in variety tijk' etnof E. Currwnarill, Mny lo. Vi. utiDt Mill and cut Aaws, " a general assortment of Hard" .tore of I Carweotrllle, May 1, I.