r t t II i ( in I , ,,, t net . I in M ": I- lnn. Il,,t III.' -'' ' ' ' ' .',, in i 'll U'tir. !- !'' '""' r 1 I t ni- it' li" "I'M ''"I'll ''' ' v ' tut , ir-rni ii' m'.Ii noiM '"l-l : 0" 1 ' f, r Hii liny me nil. I " lniiLv " u tl ;, 1 1 cue "I III ' ' I'., rel 1 l"l r U' S "I'l'l I'll ll i''H ' i ' ... I l'. m n; I ioc, ie- W A ti i. i !.. ' II ' ll i' pi, I. I I' -I I in I., i liil .Mil'. I , I I.". I ll ' II I V ..l.j. lllll) ill I III" i , I I I I.MIIH. Hlll.ll i! I,,' i 1 (Mum Ilu il'ii; 'll. .'Mi . i I hit. II I "i ' li it mil il ill" II )ni I .' I II I'l , III' ,t 111!' .... .-. - " ' ' ' inoi I nil'1 t"i'Un IM I ,, 'l '". I M S 'I I I I :l ' ' ! I I' l.'l' M . 1 I I i'l llMl ) I 11(11''" 'I ,... I. M. II,. I 1 1 ' , I ' i i I Mill "I it ' ll . I !lil i ii li'-nl'ir n 1 ' inn !l I" I 0 ron, and t.iu I rcoli m ur.to'..l c v :' , 1' il". i"Ui.;i"'K. :"il i""J l ll... lli I r.l il' in. II n.iiliit HI 111'''1 i,i mi . r in tli ' South III f " tl ,'ii ' ln!l wc s.iv .. T the '.iniv cii , "i' 1 ;1 ')' ..Cnr.! in ll.' North, v. l like Ihnn. .,,! .nrm id have lln' same .nd Th Southern Confederacy, ftnliftrin,-! W) c-n m. i,ut n v0,-y flight dith' i :m o be 'n f.vee-.i Ike Uo and that h in favor "I tn.' rtire?5ful operation, so far in a Va.V;en,i ' , youiti ,vj10 UVt. j.aid rou.e respect. l covevtiTicnt tan nnho it so. They liovo ,,nBti (l, i Jn 'u- r i octivo ccusiituou'e. I'dopttd the present Constitution. iMth n i. ,irv' ; , ., ji0W4.,i oleclicn to be held .'' -crv (.' unimportant niiorauon, r.n.i ... ,:..,., ,, . (. suites, in oi'i e to .! ci i uii ii:li, pa. V fu-.csthy McrniuT. IVj. CO. 133!. Iiisrafmbered.bnt so funut Dflli;cifii? btaics. tin. i tli.i' v,. I'M 'ni i. in H i I I il .' . II l.'.i. 1 1. i:i, : I ' :..- ne.ii-t 'i'l lli" nil.' I , !.i hi..,, ' I 1 ' ' 1 ' i ' ' . i n iii-iii. Hi I ii il I mil ! ill,. I , !;, - . .'!'. .' ii n ii, iih ! i.'- hii i' i'- V.'o !.i'., '.v i!,. v nr.- -- i u- ii, .', I nl ' liu '111 ,:,..' i, , ,i tnii -:i 1. 1 Ciiili'li'li'.'- rii.l l . in. lit nf .-'.. n.it. ir l'.i'-i. r. In. I ill Ci l. i !' i' Ii I Ii iilli. l'l, "Ii "I" ft liilll Ilk I MX i. ii mil i I t'ir I i- I 'iliilnill' .', t'i "'I' 'I I'' '" I Inu lii Ll . "iiiilv ill Hi' til I I' ll. Ll II'. llt'llM I'l . III till -1 i"ll, I ' ' ' 'I .1 I" I' I I .1'. Il-.lli'. W ,' ' I I 'l l . I ! Mi ''ni. !.' :'. i:i ,i.'.. r, ! , i r ' ;. . V'.. I'l.-'-idi-iil- ; Mid I ill u il, and i ;ij I i lc,'!i il S, , i, I,,; !. . I up i I. In,' ;. m. .i. i n ii ii ii ' . i . i . 1 1 . iii i' 'i.l; W . . i i W. I'. ', :' 1. 1-...- I, n 1 f . 1 1 1 , .i . mi V ' ll I ill. II ,' I. ,1 II '1 I ', ' .1 . . 1 ml.. . I . I in . fi I lli. I I'll 1 1 n ii ni- ii il ,' 1 1 i l i , ii i i ' iii ' f . i . i ii ' il..' l i-t ' ! ii. i, i I, : -1 In ,1 1 1 ill u it! . in I i A . i ' Kill. ! ' ' I . I. 'II I I I I . " Mi I! i". N. II ""i , I ' 1 1 i t 'I 1 1 ,.i i. in i i . ' : . , il ni. I'. .1 nil il '. Ii i il. I ti"i irii tin ' h I i 1 1, . ; I I'll . I I , , (in i:.' ! I v. i: Ii i I I ll..' tin n. I. :il ll. h I . r." o: Icctcd a President nnd VjccrrcEiucnt for .DC yeir, r.t the end of which period they .vi'.l le cupersided by oiUeers cho?en l y :U frnnle, in he rnnie m tinner ai h.n '. rnttic '! n. I l.y u ,iy ef vi',; i,'l; in i '. en him d .i 'ih.it ;i , iiirl in. I .i".'.i in inct will he lill.'d l.y ( It .-vlyi.-in or Cinii' ri.tiisiii, he tiimt I'l.ntiiui.' to j.rny "(..mil 'I.onl mid irooil I'Uvi T' ti'it J; inr.viiv,' ,I :.i' 'I i t. ill ii'.t, !i"''. vi r, i it. i. ilr I l y !-ii.. I I r t i . i , . ,i ni '' 1 I ' . . . , ..... i : . , uie. i;i;.' i.xcciu ivc immiuh i. '-. rrei.l,.,. wry , r, ilo.m m! ...Mioli ' .... , ... ,.., ,,,.,, , , , , ' I -i ' "". , . 1 .. .. . f ...1........I 1 1 1 1 iii i mi. i .' ;. . - " ' ' ' " ' ' ,', .'.. ..', Tli.l' Will, . Vv illl.i. Hii, i.'f l.iiii'iiln's I '.ih - I.,' an I. . i I . i ii.i 'I i .'ii i.n i I , :, . i i i 1. 1 . 1 1 ' 1 1 I hi i i . , 1 1 i ' ..I l i t' ' " 'i ,11,' Mil t . II" I .ii'' , i, ,1 I i 1-1 ! I i ' ; I .' i .. ', I.!,'. tl'K-'!.. "1 .. : I .'I'll ll' ll I Ii I I'L I I ','i. !. I. ih Ih,' U't 1 ' i ; . i . -1 . 1 1 ! , i i j iii 'I'll . i -1 ' i;y. M.....I . y . I H'' N i 1 I ll ill' I I i.l . i' ' i " ( I l'-lll lit il n, to v. l.i n nit (,! i'!l i-- i.i..', i.ii'l n " to . . ir i lift !v ( id. - 11,'liiiirv t'i hpi'l i-in. 'I he r " ln.'i iih')'r. ii-. "i'l i-t'' Ii. : ti. M I" ll i M h i- v. ! ..in ii m s i.i- t it '. ' ti. I ' I ii. M i I'.'.vo .. : .t. i i . .' . 1 1 ii i v 1. , ill " I.' .''.' x'it it t. n si u til l " l. 'i't ,i i r, ,.ii i. .''.t'i'. i r.i ii h ' i. , Iii I -y i lli 1 1 i j l I' .. ll I'l .1 I.l'. I " '.l.'l , ' . I, I : . : i in ih i i.i 1 1 i ii h lli I i l.'l' ! i"i ii ,.!:,' ii, luit til. y .. i ,.i' . i ii.". i.l i ' :,l ,..!..'.., l.i;.i i . mi. 1 i:ivn li'Hl't'.'U.l i "' "' "'" "H". "ii.ii d udo'.veJ thitii lo In-1 1 1 . u'-'iuv, iim ti' i-es , jp to lil'llll tli. f' I'lics oi' tho ,.vi" lll u in;:-. . i ;. i ; ;..!i"y. 1 .!) I' ";'!. :': !;o doll! !. ;i, ,;'. tliiil )il'..."l tii.MK'IYll --liroc lv li .1.1. 'I' u.i.;rc. I in' mi i i l; n Oiif, thi-: : '.huIki'i; C.Mife'loriiev i-t an tslnl'litheu ! their t'eUtioiirr-', nn hiiiiid in vel'ilin .' ti.f if 'i'i'c : n they firo slid "tt.ulrif," v. I .! .-h.'ill ue s .y ( r f tlicne in the -"'.'ii tn viio i.i ve d iih'' thrni niih i!.-; i""' !'!i"''- ol' !li.v,vin us to i tn M'.aie TI r.t Uniii;. whieh wo were t;iti.:n' iu I ,!,., toVeiKVP in-.r:r:"iHi.ie, ..j-i'O'.vei un, aim . . ;iu(0 ..v,., in Jiwi .ibli', i.' '.i:?:neiiilier4ti ; liu in yet., .hrtn'c God, r.ci lelliireivnt. I TIq-t l'inr wid t Ii is new Cunff5cniey I iii' t ? 'Will iho Siates ecni posing it eon- j tiuuo in refuse all ov.r.iurei to re- nni!.' I ". ith lijfir former sislcis? Unlc' 1 1 o i i'oliiical piii ly nheut. einmi mlopoi'' '.Vnshington enr.ccdt to tin' di'ni.ni.M u' lie retnain'mj: tl.ive oivnintr States, they, '.00, will sueede, and join the Suutiicin "onfedtraey. If thny do, then we see f..' tiope of a Tc-ntiion, or re-ecnttnietii n. A 'onft'deraey thus constituted ivith a pop ulation -of ever twelve millions, mi aten large enough to aeeoinniodato one hun ''red million, a noil the richest and most productive, in the world, and w hose unu sual product'n of one article alone is worth two hundred million dollars ought to Li ',1 lw-i .-. t c : i r ret . u n I known to our t.w.lcrs that the ro 1 1 1 1 1 . i n I p.'irty (in the North, and tlie rrt'ent " rui .; Con.-t? at Y'ishi::i!ton, hut .rhat leive j I hey tit ne'.' Win , tliry uie .-etiiv out the I same ir..:v.'uni:-.i.' to the ve. lelttr. Has not our Staio I,ei.!af.tre rcfu..--' lo eitlirr 1'iir.'. oi- :i.'..-rpt any toiniromie has 1 .t;i put foith y the lv.il tuend" oi' too I'ui ti.oi'ii i liti .,'.1 add pe tition hn been s-rr.t in to thoiu ? II. iv: Wf tr Hl.-'O pi'liliollC'l L'nlijl 'SS to p.l-'. li'.c I'.'inpi'j'.:!:-'.' '" w'.iii'h p. .',.','' woi.l'i a-'ii'i i..'i.!ii in o'.ir '."'I'lcrs. e-, iiuly, .'.i have. More than hail' a inilli'.n el' Northern petitinr.rr.; hae p-nvc l Con gress leacnopt t!ie t'i ittendendiiler, or some MH h measure, for the lent tit of tin eoniii'.en ('"(,!. fhe ni'iionof Conre.-s and our State I.i'izi.diituro has li t n in.'ie .-i.ii'idal an I It i vn . 1 1 j o mi ri.-ti iiiitnii.'i' o 1111' ni; t il si r ti-lr.-' ha-' 1 ''Iioppii-'f i!i,.i Ik ml n til.' lin'.i'.hriw of t )vil !y ; ;i, Sewn:'..', I '.vi . .u, mid l.'-i and tiiis lia ;ii;ii r.-.'-d our littio i..'i,;i:h'.'r n.vl'ully . j '. n i -i i : that tin' sanio '.'.ve iili'ht li. u-'.'d in his i ,!- : !:,':,c,. !,,-. stil! rnllri'.:.'' (iiv.Oy ' 0'".'. '.' liiii.:: . .. . . i Wo can iiu.i-ino nothing .!-( thuf ouid have e.HH'-d Inni to uti. r the "wimp. th -it he h.'i l in his lis! i--u, J,, 'ji'Mkiiij.' of tlio sii.v.'s of thf. I'ni'jii iik ti .i. i.ii.i i. Tent.i .".'i', ri.'i i..-.ti'r!;v, !.' ay .-, : Thi-li.'is l,.',",i ,l,,;w l,v ti," 1:t,i atti- i i ln-ii l v i 1' -'to I ' riiiHoi I d I'.'l.'iM'.o. .lines I . I inn .1 iiii'l I i .''li'i I. i . ..I i.e'i' K.'pl .'M ilt i.l ive le;.';lt . lo tl.o 'oil'. 11 -li. n to l.ii held nl H.illid iil en th" '.! t o!' i'i ht iii. i v : and that wo i.e'enr in the .'.'h'i't;:ii o'f WiMiam I'. id.-, I'. 'p, n l;. pi,-. n.ii;v. ''.:il-iee ft t i .'et'er-'.ii e.'.llli ly 1 .1 . '. i I '. .!l i I' I i' 11. The I'oiioH in,; I' ! 1 1 ; i't'i- '.', i le j 1 1. 1 o. . i I'V . A. N.'.ill .i i'.''., lis ' ! e.--i.. i .! the vi.'ivj "I tli.- 1). ni. 'i r: ey ..I' Ch at.'ir'id e.Hil'.ty. Uil lii'iti'.n of I.. . .leksnu t'r.'ins 1 !i.il.li'.l ,'ts t!,l Im tl. ,1 ,. id iin-i md , tun i i.i,', :,r-. ii.iie's i.r. . th ivii i; t I i' I'i. ion, tl." in- . 1 ll ..'hi s u t r lei 111 " Will 1 OHII S V. (III. I) ill N '.'. iii the I'iduiV day d I't.ti- t.. ti.. '... nt iiiiM', .'.'in its rij.l - v f.i.tl '' I l. I i for ,i" ':'' . .', I he Ilu . 1 1- iv o i ,: i- i no'.'.- i.thils o the (nt'.lith -1 - lit i.i ' Ii.'t i' ' I Ii . '"'I' Li :i- L: '.,,.:..... Not content with -f Ninnr"'. 'I ho .''., u ;h, i n ' i'.'s ."il f 1' ti " ' ''"iveli'ii.t v. : s si il i: ',, 1 1. ' t of the laii:it!.il i a oritur,' aeo i- .-.'. j; ,.u. of ;i , nl and ''"'liii' rn . tatet ..i li . n '.:' ';-I t si,!,- :l .'H.t. . ii'i.' i-.yi.d rr; i,ii,.!i. evi n to .'.'.it'-. 'hont Ihiriv . ,: i.!i'r '';...; I'll 'I,.. I .1 1 it. ':' i'i, ' l'., i.'hi-i.'.u I i.- i, '"Y I l,t I ',!,,,. , ' i ll,, ,; i" 'I' I'.n 1 '"1.' ,1, . V. : .1 'l.ll'ise t hen 1 V( s t.-'"'lil I I i ''lls- i ; 1 1 '.i 1, nn I dl"; tltlllrT '. I f. r v.--: ' .:.,.- ;, i "..iinii-.v , i. in of j oh' i"ii, p.n i i-aii .', ,...'., a,l Soll'lt.l, . '' hll, ll L'lll li patr.o'., :n!y I ,n : I. en ti p fi'pai iitely, di.-.- liy ! d. p'e.l, w itil I, .11 'i'io v.-id. h .-I :i: .1 to he " still I'm i Ih- I ot!..' ,'.'. v..) I -ii-i i i r tir i, t id" of 'he hV p'il i'i'.iiH VJ r. IIH'OI III Coi n, w I. i, l.y re In.- in: -ni Th.'t '." i-i and Ii. j ! e- " ; ..t ill li'Mfll t 1 t" si ,1,1 t ll.l -lit 1 1 i nil r our (..tiiuu'i i) py, t.. il.- u.i . . , i d of any m I il, ; . e tlio eour- ol I . ', i v - iii I 'on;; , e--,' i.fiih.itiolis. j:u . iii-i I vi s in I he t i i" of Ni.i '. fiei n l.uiiili i li-n nii.ni in. n : I,, v l' i le t '.. .: ! .iive ! i, id. A.: .- !'::V" e. " "..ll'C ' h'C.VIi ill I' iili.li ' hit 'li --Oil" "Tl.e li.'ilV "t !o'i tli" I'm ili'ii-," :. :d the oilier "The l.':so lii"y and ''i. .- i.r.'.iioliti.ini-in' sui h h ivc w he . v. i' I., i'ii t!... p t i in iple. ntid the poli. ..' of sion tli Nr'.v !.:i'.'l..iid I uri'ans. Tin y -- ly g''1 ' ti.ev i.-i't . id l-.nh'lid liee:ui''e they weii- "': en !'.', I thrie. J'.ul tlie tl'litll of his t r, sliiv.' that thy alaiiVs pei'M-ei , le. 1 W h, il the;, i.a l th" ..'.V'-l', and that this v. r.i I he e!i : !' i :i-oi w!iy ",w n li"..':'l"d ji.sliei- eoli.nii inie.l Ilu' poisimi ! elial.i e to their o'.v ii lij s." J oi ev. r 1 1 :.t im.y I.e. eel lam ill-' t hi v u e. e he lir-t i'"lo. "mi 1; I lUr,' ' "if N.'Vii, ' hii I.) :-!) .i ' i.a n-. . lis, U nl) I,;::, , -I !' lie. ir I'.wi ! ' lillil'tll . I e". I (' i fl .. I. : ll'i e.l'l; in. II . . 1 , 1 i l;i;i,; SouMiri'ii State ;ind ilu-irim i, v, ,: :i s .in,! oiti i t !, v !e, c w.i '" 1 ." gi'; '-. in i in :r .'!,.. !.: li" nie.-t Ml;' -, Oil I lie l'"-t l in the i i (.- s, in : li M line I, i 'V t lac ts , r.i; : ri to am ren. i.-'ne l -i i. e.e.:, phd,' .Ill i -111 li-.', in. tend oil il1 H'i . .', , n:i! v.-1 1 :-.: tie ill,.-:- y tin I I,- l i::I,'l' "lie l it a ft . rno oi u: most prosperous. .ne i- no . ouu,.j?,,tl, lLatl tl,;,t of the Southern ''on eomparativi'ly destitute of inanufaetures- - i p.e md stiu hear the erV of the in tho only element wanting to make her ;,.uial(.t u,rli " Stand firm !" ' no hnek- periectiy ituiepcn.iept ot ti:e rest oi iheij,,, vorld. Hut tl:c?e w . ll not lon hi iv.i::!- ,'ng. Kntcrpi ise will noon remedy this nd w halerer nature lias supplied her with lie nieniisof manufacturing, ingenuity n il' -iOt le long tn putting into practice ; and it U not impioliihle that the -'south may in a very fow years, become us prosperous down!'' "save the Chicago j latfoini, if it .should cost lilty l.'ntotii I" The men who give vent lo theni rrciiti nsents are indenl .modest in calling their allies in the South "traitors." II John Calhcart will onlv adopt the Ligumcnt have given th" mot I ffli. i i r 1 1- power thiil tin; r.eiv Aiiiiuiiii'ation will s:.ii.. l.y the C.in-'.iluii.'.ii ns it i-.," ' his well known ih.u t h,i e .are not He P'Ul'lieans enough ir. these (hieir :.i!e ! ; f.'llll a r.'",,""tal.le vnliirlm ! and the . alit,.' v,l o alio. op!; lo oi ai:i .-ueh j ''',',',.,, .,', ' 'Mini'" d.'.Mi the tiji oats of l.i.s i eadi is, , eoieion of must believe liivtu to be either children I "lent i-iin no ..r.l i.i . . ' hut lllUil 1 i v ). lools, ar.'l the ciiir-nn of th... st,lt, .. ; ,)( mined as I'owiir ls and yuv,.. Mieh J 't. :': !, "tlutt l.ngut pass unnotieed, if it oau natcd li c m an Inmate of the lunatic asy- luin ; hut conn: g from ihe Mlf 1 ia i iiriies'.iv invo.:e en. :., ' :oi, nl l"i.'.', bv ' 'on ."option of the Cl'it- l.dineiit-, or by some M- le, i;:e it ion nf (he 1 1 !- ! - W : . ' ii '1 '.'.'..Oil j ie ..j j i . i . i : n ,n in ibis c.iii.ti . 1 1'-'. !:.".d I hi ;ily lati'l e.l on i he Ani"ile:in hoi'es u hen tin y hc i gun lo put t heir principle lu' . pr.iei ice. ' I h. y j i i-i. uted all oilier sect-, and even . theii n.vi' In etin eu. Tlie l i-iilt 'w.is ,i ve - ; , ee-sio.i to lihode I '!:... . .d.w ;. .. i.i i'- . . .. : 'wheiethe ieireuled founde 1 new s.'ltle-; ni.'iils. to the .'i-ep.t !os and '.ti iuieut ol ! I'.ilin ." '-i.il iti le -ni I ' : 1 1 v . i i " ;, po 1, ' ! li 'ii.' nf.vi eni i--ai i e. I'lii"; f : i giiiii'. ion i f I lie II.'!'. v ."II I ' ' ii ' V i'l Si. i -hiliii'o-. nn, on i! '. in ti,- "Oio hh'N, S ii'i'i ;ir e- i.l '''ii;' -oh .1 ; ! 1 i' ihsiii ( :"".; ! ti,- piii'i .. i'i.li.'ti leil'lillillill other lull i.ini v'-'Ual i '.'ills ol I he i m , i, :n t he .i ei nioi ins, iho old colony: lor population H Lie 1 y u' .'. .!::: -li t for o"li-l i t ut ioi al ae-, eull h id' Stiite-, mid w halevt-r diii'hl.sli l i in. a- '.Viii li . ''! V u ii."'. '.' I In- i;ii,-'l h n i'fes i. in .i n '-w i mini unily is a public e.i--hiveiy the! eir. 'n.::J 'ir ji.iljou.il h'gll.i- ' I, unity. Il wan thus the Moor-, in Spa.n ;,;,.. ' the ir.o-t valuable eilix.eiis of t nat eo.iii- i . d I..' I in'1 I i iy, w bo i cm i vi ii Ihe in Is, lie tcicnce. ..ui' the. i i ii- ! and 'he I it '.i at in e after Ihe lull of the l.'o v blond-bed t, i ti empire, w ho ikvi lopcii the resoiir - of the pco- . s' .in- pi niiisul:', and rj:ue :; wondii ; fid iiiij elus to its cou.'i.' ieiai entcl pii ' i.tid t'ourth ' - weie pi i -eiuti d and exti I U'li.ati 'l ! "' I tlie. let (it i ll,nr rengnxs i pniiuns o i nu nepi numi ' IllC .' .it" : that -ll-l:iilleil I' .e-'.l'.C- li . I ll.l I l:ey avow ! iif'l :' n out I h- ': ih'-Igii i -eivitinie "t" making the b!:1K thewhii" man. or i,' .x i : min: -iai'elr hi, -is rnid idl w ho v,-;;hh ' lie Soul hern .' il.'.ies. V !",.il , I il I ion i' i : im i ., .-- il ,'r. 'Vr ell her l or the nejroes of tlio So .-, lave oiv in alarmed for ii, j; liie i'ni'ltun, ' N' mi ta'i- .'i,',.ivwr vmi iaio i nir. y n ieu j ,v part ' i;nii e: . " ;illol"l'.inl -( i" ei j.i" ii if, iiat I'linil rinn by for-i !.-.!( ra. y . v. n Si.i'.i w !,.,. ' ,,; t.e-'n l! . "i al ."" ..ri i t' eiir i alt li. Living i m' 1 ' 1 "li rn j nice ot I ra.le ag nnst ...irepe. hvl . 1 1 tr en, nl. . :i.t n to the Ir.h ,i . i v, I iii"i cliinaj ' l'lll 0! i ' pl'Oclil'll). I I , .... M.plii-iry, and binen impudence of iliu , c'l pati ioi i . ) w ho pi cs'.iles over tiie col editor of the Jo'ini;tt, he will be rimblew t;um"8 l'K .,'ir .,i, it needs a p.siie: l.e sat: e -iiouid I" lure of lYiin-vh u 1 1 i.i. '.r its tujinnfaoiuring and shipping inter- j.ieelu.o before ail men, and prnv it. loo, , tie. with equal suecivs to hiiiiseif, that Cain wr.s a murderer, and tha'. he is i.n innocent 'man. It was said of one of old. "that much learning hath niado thee mad;-' but in this instance it L " b:as." For an Abo ut upon I From Waihingtoa j Tlui lYnco (.' ingress f'.rniiiittee. I u- I-. : . . , . i-uoi.i'ii, nil I ,l.l,l l,t;., cjl' a plan ol a'lju itinent liievoto in th, ei'iiiiniltee --tood ye.n n- v- o. It i Sllli-t.'.m !il V t 11' Sliliin .ii r.C. ri Sf lilinn ni'i.tiLKcoi. In fitw' fini, ,ol. 1 ....... i n: ,'T .'ii in i i,. y ou.lieii) dis-iinioni -t, and provo '.i;:i a 'traitor," for being guilty of the very 'same acts: witii Innii-elf, mist be ttulv aonizicg to a small niint. i j Strange Indeod. On Wednesday hist, Congress counted !he votes for President and Vice I'n -i-dent cf tiie Unit.:.! Stales The count re- suited us follows : i i e t Lv ;.i r. el ale. nothing, but al! secir. action of the P.-aco is said that Mr. Cor-! f Thir-j t fro-:; ' ine iieiion o: uie House, n the aeti n ,,f the Pea"'' Con!'- ren len m tn ; t 'ongi e.-- i- d dug willing to await tiie eonimisvioni r?, ; w in, Cinii i.i.ui of the Coimnitl. ly-thiee, i-, withholding his re ..rtirg , Willi evri'v diii, oiti. in ic) I th eir agree nienL in place of hii t ",.'.! I acted pi u. i The hiic.-t a sts, as it always has been for its producing interesls. The idea that the South is a r (witiy. and cannot subsist within itself, or without the North, is perfectly ridiculous. The South can subsist much hctter without the North, than the North can without the South. Indeed, if all intercourse nelween the two section rhould cense, the South have very many .i ... i . ., , ., .invanicgi 3 over uie .orin : an l tlie chances are, tno 5-oulli would advance! fl'hijst w e would relrogvl ". N I'.tuo iu-j tended the two seclims to he i,:,r.;V hencfieiel to each other. Sn h has been! their practice hereirifore. Fannlirifm in Ibo North, and vit:ons of national giand'.oinnt -in the South, have putt eheck t"i this Vieautiful liarmonv, and now- hid fair to blast these hopes forevrr ''or h'.ncoln and Hamlin. Should a'trnipt be made to ". n- the :-ocetleder seceding .States into Fiibjcclion, thon all hpes are t."ne. If these States are aPow ed lo dopiu !. in peace, it is possi-! 1'obd, hie that utter ruin will not be the re-ult to ' I'mcoln',i ajorily over iher section. P.esidcs this, after l!ci . Notwithstanding the fact tlmf M-. bin a low vear thus "diverced "-- Pied "-ni coin bad a maior.tv of fifty-seven voles in ' J llJ Constitution of the Southern Con dition would enable each patty to prop ci ly Cbtininlo the advantages loft or gain-' vo' he is in 'lie minority by nearly one od, just as individuals can properly value ' tndlioti ol v-. V:. And for the first lime hless-np- nfter they are lost a re union, ' in the hiV'.ot y .f thin country has it be and a consequent resumption of our na- j come nece:siar to overawe tho lv.eiiibeis tional prosperity, may he brought about, jof tho National Congress with a military It r.0'.vlonk as if nil depended ripen the , forefi of 2000 men, in order to maUo thrm policy c.f tt'f ii-.roming Adininlslration. jdj their duly, and to art as a I .-.ly guard Although a collioion is lively to occur at ; to the Pluck Pepub'iean meinbcrs (f the any hour, jet we have good reasons for; Senate and House, who ft el tho lashings hoping that piudenco will continue lo vi a guilty conscience nnd cower before fuide the nu.n of the South, and aiaho no their oficuded Southern tieihbcrs. i cbui-cs of 1 lie '.i .. linn ..f MieA.t of 1 1 heir rel i gn us i pin luns l.y t lie I mpi i-.il ion ' "'' '"' ' o ".ii su .m-i c March, Ph.ii. the '.'.iih sc-tiou of'untlir !' i Oil. and. Chai lis . Philip I I., j -Innate ci .New I.n; ".nl. S- iret,. .... i . . . , . . , . ,. .. . .... i. si.,i i.. i .. ...n. .. ., aw, Known in tlie J-e.mil looc, ami I 'lillip 1 ; J .. I lie last oi tin ii ioia.i " i ". . ioilhwiih l- ! i. all . 1 l v the .'I.,--.i.-.i l.ani-hed ihe Sar.ieen- liom Snain- a do- even !i.-in the same can - l!,ii i.oiiiibit.on whicii ..lil.Ucil a wound i . -"ti , 'wav the large-t, t .'. , That we '..lice the Ciemiid 1 i he nation from whkh il has drooj d in. i toverniiictit is light in maintaining with , piin ii for neaily three ceiilu.'.ci. A', tin; -t.et.g di lensiw: Ii:. id liiel'"::.s and nr- j rime it sto d at the head of the Pui i i.n ..-iinls in s.i.-iliiig Slates, bit 4' at we low.rs. While is it now? Moie ihan lepreealc rll .1'. tempts in invade tin-ir tcr- lie h'-mlr d nnd (illy thoiiMi'id I ilorv. bh eha'le t heir 1 is, i - ( la he the cs.-.".,nd M". I - '.' ' !. 1 e.. me III lolls How in their po-se-.-.n. a-, t'-nd'i.g '.'hell- liny V.eie I'C.'cii id w.li. L'l.'ill i.ll to embroil ihe c. nnliy ,u tiie horror- of a mi'iii'v ly l he "iilihicni d nnd l.beia i'i v il wal . Mud I'l 'Vi lit 1 1." I " '"i alien of i ir.( liiil .li. II en I V IV.. I: lid while '. !. v . I an :a ..." ,i.i,.t :.wd 1 r ' l.'o : li ". d : 1 1: . t ! aid t he hosl'ita. it y w it Ii !i, '..a . i-l l in-I I. I l il nv-t l','i!'!,". :ir the nio-i vnluahie .; ion r,f ; .Nor is this ml. Ti, eir ;-r.i- ,iu.n .yr.iiinv me likely drive :,i ill. (he skill, ih ii'"', j , i. ! i!, I .!; ' N- ni., i nd 1 1 1 1 J s do':'.!', in-.i the ui happy pc.p!e h ll h. ' ;i; 'i. ni:-!i.i'!ni.(' il :s to l., e ;,-u- iiti.oi": tin is,. c xeinii'.t i r.'ii. i s.'.i ) -Ci, com I - , ..i ..' in ciiie -li ife. ( 'n ni', t ion, tl n Is j iO lll'u i - r:. ot is-. ;r ; 1 r, 1 1 : i.ed. m (iKOi: Kh'II AlIf, .T. '.V. !'. rrui. Y.V.' '' ;tn -!',Kri:. lo I !:e i. - i nr., h.:'. r -..liice ot --tl if" vi ! ', a li'eh , i : ii 4 o h;iv , I 7 Is A vL- ( i ,v I i.,rt;..,N l'lcckiniidje and Lane, Pell .in d Pveiett, Deiiglus and Jchno:i, rxoiiiils fioii) ihe t.'i.pit I ol . p;0 -tho Soi.thern Confeder.-ey. statu that I 72 i l hey have made ai rang, iik nt by uh'ih "0 they will hiivo I'llteeii millions of dollars " ' the lh'-t of March nest, tin 1 fifty rei ft.. ! nieiits -f troops ready t. take the field -We learn fi "in r.5' i i'.'', that t h'.s ;;oi: g eiilij,!.. I f d his bio l! e l.t-gi.d." t.-.re V) on :o ph'il I'm m . the Ihookville .. . ' th nun, eft. r Inn ii th-r iiietiibci-s (,f boiitioni.-m and 'die ('hii I h .is lately bee. i itiivin-.' to inculcate and di-til his radi- ali'm irlo the minds of bi- ' pi'I'i-l il'' di;"ll tl oi.'Jrl llg I .ii'ir III Is and liiiil,l,lil,'tlll . ; -w 1. .1 -t i'l Spall) 1 1: I e-u !l w as 'le.-' I ei ; .on In il s-inaroi iiicl tiling in '.. I ii , i.n.i linn. 1 bloody civil w sirs to la ' iik di.iMi . fie t ran ey ol i.n at.-olut'. uioi.iiiol.y :. ml i: .psi-i ' '.Oil. Tin !'e is a f-ct Mid hiloi icd iirailcl ' i Y'.a'.'y im I; in five. After I'n r.C" lo: .-. I -e. i, s of . ;ii s had I i-.-n del a-la'.i d 1 y civ ' .: w rs ni lcii; i ui ami m-i-sacr. s iiiuiuuiii; lliir I I St I',. I I hi h 11,1 w '.- 1;: , 1 1 1 I IV IV. I'ii the jr.ir l'-'-s', i--i;e,l :',,. i iielrao d ' I. diet ot N'll.tes, W bit b gliillted to tin- i 1 1 iigiieii ; s, u; I'.ii.i h Pitili s! r.iits, (he pi l iicgi s o! cil l.'.i l.s: p, the I :j.bt of MCI' , -h;p ii.g (ii d nccoi i..ng to il.eir own las'. ti. and cci la.n Int.. is to -npiort their i s w !lli I HI. t ; !;. ' t i i" - i.l'ia -has ti v ! run a v :. V el Cc:i n mot i.-.r. ih, a liie.-ar lie S. na'.e irssiira!. ii.': rii'', .' r r if. w ... ... Tf't w inf.'i in li: 'I'S. 1:1 his ' .'Ceii :.l r.rool. I'OI'KV In.'. I 1 :rn I , liouse was now wan in" to i.-mrcl. j-o tlci' . h joint ho.lv the i I.',"":, j I"!' Pie-idert i.in.l Vi.- Pi ,-i.liV'. w i "pel. .1. and th-.-1 e.-t,;t nron nrro'i. I Ailer a i.( i t in'."! v.d the ffiii'tw nil, .'l:t,.r-.itiil,-.lt'll tlU I'lll lU T. .l'l. l, .. ............. f. ..... . ... etMru l.y their clieers, were aim. an I Hill ll.l. IV as asas-,iiia!.d. rut the 'n. .1 i .r .i .. n ... .-. t .... i , i.i p. ii . ,, , ,. , , , mi n.i iiiii.li in iiu? i :.;,--(' failif . i -vi is, ne iir.i a me i.i j Hum mis 10 . uiigi i not-, i ununucd io iniii.-n isnt tl't-j v r,wp a ,-f.n)ir(, land i: lo 'i.e (. biea;:.. pliC'i in not to "rnti top-.npei under ihe hbcal cli j ( .,,,. , ,(.;. ' :ive :,n incli ; . r H I hi v ilul. t l.e lleiiub- '.-V 1 '."""" " "". ri,i ce. :n fi.u,t . 1 ' be 'hi - i -li Kiene.icu col.il. n.iU the rc J al c-ti IH 1 ,s , Viee 1 re-i. 1. n t Ih , ek iei ', 1 .':. V. i ltd ' "i, i ll- v l u --'lei l l, s le, r: v: :in l lial .... i . . . . . , . i. - i-i -1 ... ' t r !.: ... , ... t f . - ..r - ... , . ,; ui:ti ;.i iiif .:,:in o; :in .e ik. i the I'.li-ctoral Cu '-et by the l'oiuilar . ' 1,1 nul " n, pr"!iii..te the A hi-1 " - i'"-'io , j.-, ....-civ ; oieni- ie oi:,,i i e no ,pe;iie in 1 ia:.. e uii-i.i... ,..i. ... ..;,. can jiave lia.ie, ,7 i'gain-t any foe that may appear v.ith ,s , their bor.li ; . Iiean parly wa i : lialor lnr.iili: lit star. i.iv' H in a (:iii-i'i ii v i. id, the l.elililj- deiid. This is the (M'ct eeiy llus acllonofoiil'-ioiii!,' pinpeii'.au.Mi nl llieir p.u ly, it it , in uie . I ugu. in i- wee . n'.neiy suppress- , lit ativ es W.bl,.ii-i- . .... ... .... . ,..! " I . I -. I . i . . , I ,. . I,'.: f - .. ! I. e;n Iretuls lakes liie sails from off the CVM n"'"'s 'V niens. Hie eentfi'inan 'I" l ' ' " is,u, I I eh.s, t--"k cat- id .-lllio.l shin, ttl.o-h.ivn inv.',,-;,..l ! o-ertcl that he wa, well snti-fied that the X.l,X- ,.V(t,"r,-.."'.' -1 ' Nl,nU! '""Mdesh. , ..I 1,1 ii i , . i oiii-ii i.i i i.c i fioi met; . mil u,i s io ret M AVh.ii or. , vn-- eil It.... l..v , . I . ; . 'i.iini. .. -i I . Il ..If ,-l , ,.,, . I-, . . .i , , , ,. t III 11 01 "n r .1 ,1s i"e ro.'.u i io .secession w as tii o 1 1 1 tiiiii, io n e inn ii oi home. i i ,,,, p....,.-;.,, i 1 ... , it- I 1 til I'll ,, ,. . ,,,, , , , 'l Ht J1!! 1 lulllid,!! i c-labli-hmcnt of the slave tn;do ! P what they oi l las', bill, ti-jt only J ,,. t-ir pies ol ti.e Iiuguf nets u cie . e- ; yr j(ax e j;-.,. ,i , j i with woiils, ut with powder and ball. If uioliM.i d, the wi l-hip us mass.icn u. ',...'. ,-'.1 l... ! ,. .!,. ',..,.!., i . . ... , . . i. il'iltv thouvani vsciii cd to die Piot.-tniit "Jr. Lincoln has b, en for 1 1." past u eev ' (l- ;.;,; (. f:!!:,! ies. we hr- e 'v.r. (In don wtiiilii.g his way e.islwaitl. W l ( d !l,f Vi.'D Tho President Elect. and. pi: iv. i n it the en, ir .eu -v i 1 1 take the hud uo. n the fu Id cf car- li.ngfiehl the people. " all wept atnT nago-a he doubt covets thi- h-ii,,-; cried;" at Indianapolis " the people re...,- ' puished position, in m 1 -r to , :11 jui-h ;Iy toie Ins arms oil ;" r.t ! 'incin.uti he hin-.setf. ih al ly " .vent ui','' and so he continues conn ; i ii s oi i,i',i i i r , i i.i v I'-n t. o: nie- tit a nit-! j. a. liny car- ff ,. ,i i ied v. ii h't hi m their arts and w . all ii end ; ,.,,., , eiiici j'l isp, l y whicn 1 1 :,l eat n:s .-f . li i n:; I .. il to i M 1 1 ' l.e 1 i i i i h 'n t I.r 1 1 i w n ii.t.iii.li.ciuif s ; and t eons I il ii' ,. n, in o; del voles may I c ei.iuilrd nnd In.' ela! cd for Pr' sideli '. nl'd 'ic it I' ei cjii' Icrui cr :i'!i!i iii iri" en tl. ' I -i'd . and it is u'.i ii' :e '.U' wc re .-er.M-tiiti.-.n. to ri en -t d.lii.hu! over the ll e c elites i ! eiiCili ll III the l ICS WI! I e f.i -I oli-m i ...n I s-, ... ; nn... ..-r.oiMl !- 1 . . . ' ' 1 n mum ij I ne , rtorman.'e of that duty nllf.inf in .ihlI I'r,., - i c. . . ' Tl ..'....:,.. I i' I, i - . .:. i i-. . . . . -- ...,, ,,, ,iri Muni mi; i. niu'ii .-Mates i io.-i,,iuii oi me iiiiieu oiaie.-. now ,, . , . i.iIiIi.Mk i'. ov. i ,p 'mm . . ... . , . ... 1 11 t'.l t'i V aeiillil'. Ill, -ll in i-niiliiiii,.!, I, If - I.-... . ... ii:.. . ,r ii i . ... nor ions or property by torco of arm 1 presenti the appearance of L'-ropeau cap- ,,- .., . . , " u illu a l: ,lu '' 1 "mviusoi I'lnm j i.-ncli ii,.i,:mhj it iiecaine nece.-fi.ry io, ice Piesi, lent Preckin-id"' tli'ti but aivait the virtue of neaeeablo ncgo!ia. 1 ilal-filied with glittering sivords nnd .' , .e... n me will he a'.signci to I'.ris'.nn, Oordon. and 1 vei t i.r.c.v. ny 1 n.- tr-rroi s m u -anguiiiai y ed the pa-!-ie.-.niiiiniie: i , Horn. Mr. Ruehannn 1.... r..! l,; t n l,..h nnd ih- ,.i,.,i..,. Ac mi .i.,... V"" 'UI"" l''t"1 "' Picetet i..y an nr ' MeKni rht. 'I ' ."" .."V s- vote.,' , " I - ' ' niv I will ll. li.o .Noilliein Males An.ei m-3 iv..y ma,t Mr !b9 ,mes. Thu? far ho potie gov, iiinuiit the soldi. r. j . " ' nt ,7 " . . should Puriianism be iticces-ful lias, l,y his superior, ttitesmanshin. averted I What mud bo tl.e Mlncinlen of a nM-tv . v x uisuurg, on rmbiy jcmociauo aiaaainff conimiuce. li-hiug i! s dom, nation ii r-. t i , .,e,. , I ,. ... should . uriianism t.e HiccesMul in .sin that most dreadful of all national calami. 1 when in nn enlLdit.ned ronntrv Iik this1 -i--kii.k o, u.j uouoies , Ulo J ne.'o.i.an. n :, resoiuiion pa- i .noi he,-p.eenant example of thr ef. Tl.e. lecloi ti.. civil war ; ar.d, after a few d,,ys shall ' it becomes necessary to call into rcuihi-' C!".'t'1 1,0 ','arkc.l there is really no ' "t the I'tmocruiie County Mecimg. held fef is of jno-ection is to be found iu the Mas-ac,usett have nassed aiviv ho ulll k )..., i 'i;,,,,,..!,! . i .. . . i . 11 113 except an artiiieiai one : ' jeariu-i-i in eptenii'er n.-., tlso I re-. inouei n nisioiy ot our own Aiigio-axon cut, ermmit J ' HID ..V,. HU ,Hll Vll till H,' VI "HI IHHI HI'? 'Hl- piui!o io in successor, wuh tlie prayers of win to assist llu;m into powe!? Tlio ton ins countrymen that ho may lollotv footsteps. . a i no ni ! i I.r. ' , ."' it In ti.'' ers, when the ce; ' : 'ic.-t ; c t : : r i- if T :. i ne v.-e-etarv c l ihe 'nate i:"i!i,n.'; thereof. r pt an artiiieiai one ; ' ' nt (. learliei'l in Sep " I repeat, then, that there is no cTisiw dent, Hon. .lames T. I.ennnr I, hns ni ji-is oi i-in io a-sisi mem into po'.veK i no con.. Pvrrl ,.:..., ,, a ,,, ... . ' . , .,, , . ,, , . ,. .. . i-ACtpi.ui hii. .ti a one an l.i.i ho gotten up iiomted the lollo vmg named persor.s as a in his: duet ol the military authorities at W ash-, at nnv tune bv turhulent men. tided bv I. r- r . ington is an outra.,o upon civilia'ion. and designing politic ,a,-.s. ' Manding ommittee for Im,! : , r ionly goes to p.ovo the cowardico of the! he,, under tho circimstan..; iLa, , .' ' uru rl,'lirn,!in' Hr the c 1 . ices, is to keel. cool. ' Leeeana John 1'. Miller. 'tvnrll lirtLi' n mill nr......,.,. ..1.- -.. .u 1 ' l. ,1 , , rare. Allci the I units tvei e ot ei thi . vn in J'.ngh.iid. Ihe Irish Calh:.li:s held ot.t fallen. J. C. WriL-ht. i rt . . - . . 'hnrlf nr.ii1 nliniit nnt.ii.Ji., .'.,1 . J care commissioner,. Irom Ohio, di.,1 at , 1 , ' , ,V V ,V , In speaking on the subject of a TariiP Washington on tho l.tih insUut in tho' 1,10 nrl,mcr,t lll"t n " Cunpowder , 1 , -, ol 111 , v ii mi, ioui iiisi.ini, in uio: ... . ' Ihe very ecr.ei ons v admits tvlml n-.r-,- ,1101 was en loot, to prevent iho cnunUi -1 n - i JTth year of his uge. Judgo Wright ser-' . vrtl e-veral terms in Congress and was fn r ' '" tho volet; on Wednesday last, is ; man of common information was aware of. Ohio, and for thirteen years wu chief editor of tho Cincinr.alti Gazette time Judge ef tho Supreme Court of i ?'V 1 mM Uh 0 n.l Iho in il i,;0!," ! i.ut. K iiepuonenn party to pei ieet their . l,e: i.rs ; but 1 promise you that I will1 plans. They (eel that they have, by the give it my closest, nt teniion. and eiuleaV' ' ' filnlim, r.P il.f.lw 1:1.,. ... Irii' In i.iiiiii,ri.liin,l ii t..A,.n r.ll.. i T ;-"i-""i' vi uiiii Miui.o.ia. I'.iuiuiiaie, 111- . -... -. -..- .un,, j 1ot ur to Time -The editor who prom, su'.ted a largo majority of the citizens or! o language of tho soci.di iscdtopuUih, for tho use of his readers, this country, hence thev seek tho rofugo i 'aekson, only "moro fo,'' nn nvownl or! "the most striking j.arag.raphs." Hemntt er 11 cowardi and tUpots-tho miiiUrj '0 ignorance Ihan usually fulls to tho' w u.ir-i i., , ,, uiuee, or pcwinps n.s their proteciorn. ot ol a common "clod hopper." OOHl. fetrTup Iiepubliean meeting at lhook- rENSAcoi. t.O n January 1G and 17. an'l ! ..fi. I... e. . i. . i . ... iim ..'iim ioui. .nni reached i ensa V v -s. I i . 'ivun 'I IIIU .'i;iMUI., NI1U '.ttlrt 1-., ... 1, ; f if ' I 1 licit T-awrcnce. of the House, have our thanks cun.i co, i.ieut Mm.mer .ent a ,oat to Fort f, , , , ' '. and Senator Cnm6ren. hut nobly sustained Mt 1,1,0 destroyed 10,1100 i.ounds of '1 vaiuabla renorls. and other nni, lie ' n,,. ., ; n" ... . ; ' 1 Ureely, (jordon. Wise Vv Co. Wo hopo F ' ' ' r 'o earneil doeuTients. Lincdn over to Fort ricsens all tho shell nnd; Fomo of tho faitliful will forlhwith furnish hot w hich he could i Uncoil to Visit IIarrishi r.i. Mr. jMr. Arthurs, and a few oilier, with a little of the Statu troops had been greatly d'um. i In has occeptod the invitation of th ! more "1110141011?'' and a few knoo-sliff- J''ied by Ihedihcovery that tho ono hun! Pell .John Koss. ir. Itoggs (iecrg liinicbi . P'raiHonl - Samuel 1'. V'ilson.' I'.rady (iconic ,1. Voas. Iiloom .John Smiih. Turn side .la mes McMui i?y. Chest--iiobrl t 2'W'CuIly. Covington P. T. M.iiily. Cunt ensvill Iiiii.iel Faii:-t. 1 'ee,i t u r 'y t en i n How. Ferguson Grier Pell. Fox .lan.es McCbdlan. Oirard Alexander Livingston, floshen Poberl d Shaw, f.iaham Samuel I nsberr -Oulieh Joiin .Ion Huston II. J. Wo, . vard. .Jordan Jospph Patterson. Kaithnus William S. Sunkey. Knox Conrad Pii,ker. iawienee Josiah W, Thompson. Lumber Cily William W. Wright. Morris Kdward l'eiks. New Washington .Joseph Tret'ii inn i iiv.ti i.rvuurp. I:1. t i-i rv i 1 committe! appointed hy tho 'Leeislaturo ners. or thev mnv wv nn.l ,mn l,l'ed ami ten mon in tli fort weruniimor. ' U'tcit,ontho2Ist.Ho wi;i come 'would he .tho fall. The catastrophe could n'! w?'1 ,0 n,!,'a ho gun? and that Pike-I). C. Dale. Wphia olvh,,...ll.v..,n.Hho., W i ' t:T2"nU Union-Willian.F. Johnson ' i v. v.., Mio-.s per wiuute. , Wilwr4-Thtni Hulon. .'ie of Xcv V""","1' '.ihodo Isi ir i. v l I N'.-v Vui vi'' s arly de-po.-t ,i of. Sena I or I'li'i-l.::. I'rin.'ir.l IT.1"-' for theni in liclard, nnd ill iho loi.ih.d . .1. and no rdj. cii..n was ina-le. lW city I Limuick mntie tht ir hi-t siand . lormid iiart t. '.he eofti'i-i.s st' I he l.hghvh failed to take it, and. and as names el' the electors be oiiiis.'l ':; the Frcinh hud delayed lo comet) ih.ir leading. ui.i, M.e ji i5h gfti rison surieiuleied by I he i tM'hiig nf the ve'e of siiitli tr.'.i'y. ti.e of the conditions bein.' that Una was prodmtive jf good lir.ni , the C.-ilbolics ol Iieh.inl sl u!il be ,:rj.. .itenient. an tee. I iii their civil and religious libci The reiidih,' of all the ele. i..r.'.l tics, Mid another that those of the milila- having been complete.', Ihe w-'. 1 ry .t ho did not choose to serve in the ledthercult l.nglish army might on,itito to ITance. W'he, ,-upc the Vice Presme.if. t i.. v ,, ..ym ok (iiyon the jn.rtl.s .a.,. that Abraham Lincoln, rf II. ,m. nt. r.ndt hcVleiidcu ol th count, y bat ing r. ceii ed a majority .,t' tW .reniovcd, w hrn p. md laws mi c enacted number of ele. ion.l i ,te .'. I d.ily if against .ndi Cntliolics id a hich ht mnni- I'leMdeul J Ciiiud StMei f" ! 'J' "l llm dll-V .v well blush. What was lour veins eo, miene.-, en tl." I ! ' Consequence? At that lime IheJhit- Ua.r'l,. I.si',1 1 i1,,.i'l';,nr,;t'; I l': jib.i v... behind ihe age in.nianufaetures, of M-tii,.., havmn rorrived a mij""' , while the Irian excelled ;n them, and, the u hide nun.bW of lee'ui.,1 voir; , emigrnnr.g, carried ihcir arU into every duly ele:t.d Vice Picmo. nt of tii I'. aui. i.c ecinntru ol hurope. to the neriou led States for .he same term. He !', luamagooi .iiitiM, interests. .Put fur- that the b'isim ss fm wiiieli the two ! llier, the inilltai'Y element, which had sc. nssrmhle.l l,m -in,, l.re.i eolill'lc1 emigrated to France at Iho time of t,e .Senators will no return to their r .ui aiy, -wna enlisted in tlio oervieo ofthnt chamber. country, and known ai thedrish Iliigade. I he members oT the IIoue r. ;iiiher Irish enr.grant alt.Vwiirds join..I remiiined standing until tiie .Senator then standard, making in all -lUO.OOt) the hull. , fighting men hy whoso aid Franco wai .-. , , - " lrt,r saved from British eonmieit. and the En- C'ir The op.n..... f dudg.-ooo" glfsh arms defeated on many a b oody the Cathcart case, will bo found n . field. Their hattU cry, was, "RmemNr o'ltsido of txlay's paper. Ia-l il