Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 13, 1861, Image 3

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    Demand made upon the State by the
Gencrnal Government
T.-VriVKSDAY. FSnnUAltY 13, 1SCI. I m ine year js.( congress passe I an net
tthyM1"1 . distributing among tho several States a
' far Time t Tyrone. jiarso surpiusoi revenue, wuion naa aocu-
, fitr arrangement of the Pennsylvania mutated in the Treasury, beyond the ..t.
j ,Dindinr tuelotb iuatant, will be as Isting wants of th government. The
money was apportioned n 1110113 the Slates
iui'1 cullod a deposit. Pennsylvania recei
ved $2,400, 000 i'or her share, upon giving
a certificate to the Secretary of the Trans-
ury, winch pledged the faith of the Mate
railroad, en
,,.. 8.30 b. in,
f V,.in 12.10 p. n,
1 . ifiir Iha chIa I- mini n . rtl t lAniAntiii oiul t lm
12.68 p. m. jrrpanmnif every art thereof, from time to
time, n. the same ahculd be required
A ttkntion, wMiUNY-The Clear- jBeceipts and Expenditures of Clearfield
2 field Rifles will moct for parade drill at Ilia County for A. D. 1860.
Oofhcn School House, on the 22d doy nf February,
at 10 o'clock a. m., with anna and equipments in "2JliO. I). G00DLANDKR, Esq., Treasurer
good ordor,and supplied with lix roundi of Llank VT f Clearfield County, la the Commonwealth
cartridge.. By order of the Captain. ' of Pennaylranla, In Aocount with aaid County,
fcb6 it JOHN F. ROTE, lit Berg t. irora loo iin uay 01 January, A. V. law, to the
Sipreti Passenger ....
Vast Line "-P.".
'o train run on Sunday except the Express.
Bible Society.
flu ntoeting of tbe County Bible Society hold
at tlit office of Esquire Wrigley, during Court
week, sdjourned to meet at the Methodist
Courrh eo Friday evening next, 15th of Februa
ry. Biection of officer! aud other buiiaeu will
t,. bofore tho meeting. J. It. FocnT. Scc'y.
pe-liev. Mr. Rjnyan will preach in the
flutist Church in Clearfield borough, on
ThursihiV evening. February 21tt, at 7
o'clock. The public nro invited to attend.
Badi.v Frozen.. -Two men, whoso names
we(!il not luvn, left this place on Thurs
Jay last about tioon, to walk to St. Mary's.
The dny was excessively cold, und after
going some distance beyond John Shaw's
Sr. on the old Sinnomalioning road, were
obliged to return lo Mr. Sliaw's.who bro't to the Taradise llou?o, in
Liwrence township. Their limbg were
badly frozen, and they are now lying at
jlr. Ogrlen's in a critical situation. One
of them is from IlariUburg, and the oth
a from Philadelphia.
Tn Fair. According to an announco-
1 met in our last issue, the Entertainment
advertised by the Ladies of tho M. E.
Church, of this place, was held in their
Church, on Thurday and Friday last. As
it was merely intended ns a preliminary to
one upon a more extensive scalo, we think
jt was decided success, but no oi:e can
wonder that such was the case, if thoy
but took a glimpse of the fair faces of the
Tenders of the different articles offered for
A Colt's riNcra DRoae.s. We see by
tbe Inst Journal that 11 colt belonging to
Ellis Irwin, Esq., of Goshen tp., had its
lingers tirokru, coming up tho hill bo
jond Jas. Irwina', in Lawrence. We have
not heard from the colt since the ao
ciJrr.t, but we hope its fingers are knit
ting. Baii.koad Briuqk DubTROYKD. Wo lenrn
thai during the high wind which prevail-'
d yesterday aftornoon, six apans of the
Northern Central Railroad bridge over
the 3ii6(piehanna at Dauphin, were blown
down. The bridge was an open one, and
it eoras almost a mystery how tho wind
could strike it with enough force to carry
stray tbe heavy timbers. Tho loss will be
1 loriom ono to the company, but it will
not interfere w ith trade or travel, as tho
M.I -tt"l
j cars 01 t:ie company can reacn wuupain
by the Pennsylvania and Dauphin and tracks on this sido of the
river. rttriot cfr Vuinn.
iSTThe snow stoi m on Thursday last
items to liavo raged similar to the polit
ical ilortn both North and South. Rail
roids were eerywhere blockaded, and
great daniago 1ms been sustaineJ in aifTor
fntsections of tho country. In Balti
more, houses were unroofod, chimneys
re blown down, and several persons
were seriously Injured.
The act further provided that when said
money or any part tboreof should be wan-
tea by the Sec-clary of tho Treasury lo
VTTHNTlOX, Vl-The Moun
tnin Cnvalry will meet in full uniform for
purade and drill, at Kylortown, on Friday, the
22d day of February, at 10 o'clock a. m. I)y
ordor of the Captain
ffbB St First Sergeant
The subaeribers nare opened a full and com
plete a'lortmont of DKUU3 in the new brick
building of Dr. Woods, 00 the oorner of I.erint
meet appropriations by law, tho same ! che"y ,tT?,' ' ri?h of CUarfleld,
. . . 1 1 . . . V. . .It... ilu.w will ltd li.nnw In M,.Mmmnn. an
should bo called for from the several
States. Well, tho money is required row
to satisfy demands upon the National
Treasury, and Mr. Dix, the Secretary, has
notified the Governor that tho State will
where they will be happy to accommodate any
peraon who may deeire nrticloa in their line. The
buaiueas will bo confined etrlctiy to a
Drvg and Prescription Business,
Aud nopuinawili beapared to render latii faction.
be required lo guarantee tho payment or , Ir. M. Woons. tho junior partner, niny always
bonds of tho United States, to thoamount b? U,an'1 "l"1 exulted in the 'Drug Store,"
bonds of tho United States, to thoamount
of the surri.dopositod in the fc!ato lroaau
ry, payable aftei1 tho expiration of twenty
years. By this means the State will lend
hor credit to tho General Government to
sustain it at a time of great embarrass
ment. Wc understand that no portion
of the money is now required by tho Sec
retary of the Treasury. The Stale having
pledged her faith (or the safe keeping of
this fund and its repayment upon tne rt"
quisilion of the Secretary of the Treasury,
is no'.v biund to fulfil its obligation.
This ?2, J00,0O0 was deposited in the
Stile TiOSiUrv Juiina the Euiicr aui.ilil-
istration, and expended in the Gettysburg j
railroud and other fancy projects. J atrwt
f: Union,
when not auaont on profcaaional buaineas. A
drpamle room for consultation is attaehed to the
store, where patienti may be examined prirately.
Urery article usually found in tucb an eatab
lialiment will bekept on head, and loldat greatly
rcdiced prices.
Ticnvs acme STRictLr Cinn, will enable thein
to ofor induceinenta in the way of prieea
Physicians will be supplied at a small per
centaxo over coat and carriag-, and their ordora
are aolicited. Krery article sold will be purtand
of the beat quality.
fubC tf W00D3 A DABKKTT.
12th day of January. A, 1861,
To amount from Colloetorj for ISflO and previous
years, Inriuaing per ecntsre 7,li0 Tl
Te ain't from unaealed landi fur 1 958-9 i,0U4 S3
To amount from CoumiMionera' Itvoks 1 7V
Ky election expenses tl,6fl7 38
Commonwealth costs 1.001 to
Jurors' wages 3.210 77
Assessors wages 373 93
CommiaMocere1 wages 35S 81
Jail fees 300 SO
Prothonotary'a fees 27(01
DUtrict Attorney's fees 228 00
Printing contract, Ae 200 00
Tipstaff and Court Crir 178 04
Kcpaire to puune uunainji Tl
Boarding jurors 106 00
Refunds 100 SI
AgroulturaJ 106 04
Woe'eru Penitentiary . 118 75
Counsel foe a 50 60
Constable returns 113 64
Koad views 163 00
Wild cats snd foxes 100 44
Justices' foos 61 83
Commiailoners' clerk . 12 0
I Auditors' wages 106 00
Auditing I'rotlionotary a and
Kegi'ler1 aocount 11 60
Interest on ordera 81 50
Coronor'a inqueats 87 3j
Auditors.' clerk 42 60
Sheriff's fees 200 0O
Dockets, atationery, A pontage 61 13
Survey of Uloom townabip 13 00
Fuel contract 68 7
Court-honae contract,on aca't 1,079 14
ktiMellaneous orders 58 5 1
Kxonerntlons to Collectors 3.'10 38
Per cento e to collectors 301 90
Treasurer's per centago on
amount recoired 182 01
Do on paying out 177 67
Balance due Troefurer
12,506 87 12,500 V7
.4mounf 5(', Giunfy, an I MiU'.li TdJC due rom CJhdirs for I860, and prte'wut ytars.
rnooRKssop tiii iKRr.rRKsxniLK Conflict
ij the Black Keitiimcan Partv. The
war botween tho Weed and Greeley fac
lions 01 the black republican party wax
es hotter ond hotter every day. They
talk now of a reconstruction of their or
ganization, putting Seward at the head,
with Weed at the tail, and Webb to do all
the fighting for the concern. As forUroa-
Icy, he is to be left out in the cold alto
gether, and as a proof of the truth of the
old adage that misfortunes never come
kingly, we perceive that the Spruce street
philosopher bus been getting into trouble
in the West. Tho other day ho went to
Springfield and poured his griefs into Ab
braham's boaom, in a confab which lasted
during four or five hours. On the way
home Greoloj resolved to combine busi
nexs with pleasure, and pick up a few
dolttr by a lecture in St. Louis, lie
started for that city ; but hearing that it
was probable the Mis.ioiiriatis would mob
him, he turned tail and commencod run
ning for dear life, with the old white coat
streaming out behihd. I.ittlo Raymond,
in his celebrated retreat from Solforino,
did not make better time than that of bis, Hon Mnssa Greeley. Where he
is now we car. not sav probably ho has
not yet stopped in his "wild career."
Meanwhile Webb, Soward, Weed A Co.
are prepating to divide the spoils among
their friends, and poor Greeley is not to
have even a dry bono for his share. He
lias borne the battle and tlio heat ol the
day, aud is to bo deprived of any partici
pation in the fruits of victory; ho has
planted tho vineyard, but others will cn
oy the prnduco thereof. Such is tho fate
of poople who put their faith in princes,
or place confidence in the promises of
politicians. Herald.
figjy-Tho banks in New York are nearly
glutted with specie. They now hold ?30,-
000,000, with a prospect of further in-'.
The Washington Cadets
Will meet for parade and drill, 111 Clear
field borough, on Friday, Felruary 22d,
1861, at 10 o'clock a. m.
By order of the Capain.
J. Blake Walters,
February 13, 1561. First Sergeant.
TOTICK. The underala-ned, an Auditor
appointed to distribute tbe money ariiiog
fiorn tuc talc vf tie real ctate of SAMUEL-
STKOtP.late of Forruton town.lilp, slrci notice
that be will attend to the same, at the of
I.arrimer A Teat, in Clearfield, on TU15SDAV,
the 20th of FEBRUARY, 1661, at two o'clock,
p. m., where and when all p-rioi.a legally inter
ested may attend. ISRAEL TKST,
fcb0-4l Auditor.
f UTION. All peraora aro hereby cautlon-
J ea aKainnt purchasing or meddling with a
certain KKI) COW, now in the puaieaaion of
J. M. D. UIU,, of Coccaria townahip, Clearfield
county, sa said Cow bcltngi to ine, and is left
with hi m on loan only.
leb-3t. J. A. HEUARTY.
Administration having thia day been grant
ed to the underaigned on the eatnte of JOHN
YOUNU, late of Iturnaide townahip, Clearfield
county, decraaed, all parsons iudnbted to aaid
eatnte are requested to make immediate payment,
andthoae having clnimj aguiuat the fame will
pretent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Kew Washington, Jan, 31, 1801, febfl Ct
T EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters teatamen
J tury having thia day been granted to the un
designed on tho eatate of JOHN DILLON, Into
of Durnaide township, Clearfield oounty, deed,
all scraonp knowing thetnaelvca indebted to anld
estate are requested to mnke iminediote pnyinent.
and those having clniina against it will present
them duly aut'ienticatcd for settlement.
, , J. A. HEUARTY.
foV)-6t J. II. II E(l ARTY,
February 4, 1861. Executors.
TY UaNK, for the month ending January
31, 18311
Dills discounted ...
Pennsylvania State Stock
Specie -
Due from other Ranks
Hank Notes of other Ranks -
Checks, Drafts, Ao.
Furniture ....
Expenae of Plate engraving, Ae
Stationery, Ac.
$i7.55 49
19,763 50
5,1-19 55
938 39
1,590 00
72 50
221 19
764 75
280 91
$(r,126 if
A Card.
The undersigned haa many reasons for being
grateful to the citizens of Clearfield, for their
exertions made to save his family and property
during (he recent burning of his dwelling, and
adopts thia at the best mode of returning bis sin
cere snd heartfolt thanks. To many who peril
ed their health, and in some instances their
lives) especial assurances of kind romembrances
are offered. Everything was done that could be
T .,, , (done under the circumstances, and much more
SW-ttnivev. 0. v,. K,0 u., ,ffud th eouU haTt been reasonably
Uetwening, a brilliant lecture on tho re- ! xp,ct,di The generous ho.pilality of those,
ngion, customs and people 01 nrnz-.i. ci-j nb0i , hil al)8tncC( tendered the comfort
dotn have WO relished anything moro!0r their homea to his Louseleas famfljrS only
than th picture he laid before his audi-'rerroi to strengthen the bonds which have 10
nee of that exuberant cardon of the tro-, long united him to his old ftiends and neighbors
timl.,1.. :i. .!..,. ,.nri..v nf That each one may b preserved from such a
f...:i. a .uu 1 alamity, and from any other afllictlon in life,
ual harveft fur the hand of man. Surely 1
that country must be tho garden of tho
S5.0ur neighbor down street publish
ed the proposition of Mr. Kellogg, last
wek. Wo hopo ho will now publish, for
the benefit of his readers, tho rpeoch that
gentleman made in Congress, on Saturday
lt, in support of his proposition,
world, and if it peop'o bad the enter
prise which moves thia Yankee nation,
imagination could not set a bound to the
remits they would produce there. As
and bs permitted to enjoy every real blessing, is
the sincero w ish of one who must remain under
tbedecpeit obligation to his friends.
Clearfield, Teh 13th, 1860. G. R. BARRETT.
Cnpital Stock paid in - 24,000 00
Notei in circulation - 13.96II 00
Due Depoiitora . 7,291 76
Interests and Excbanco 261 53
f (6,426 28
I'.nn j
Curwcnsvlll )
Huston !
Lumbor City
New Washington
James Rea, ja
R. Wotiel
II. wen
A. Rpeneei
Win Wiley
Tnumas Fentnn
J. Sunderlaud
J Davis
J, Young
D. Williams
J, I. Bundy
D. Kephart
J. Caldwell
S.J. Tout
J Patterrnn
T. It. McClure
J. Rarmoy
O. Kepbar'.
Z. McNaul
J. Straw
K. R. Llrertrood
William Williams
J. Reiter
R. J. Wallace
A. It mi eh man
(I. K. Williams
D. N. Heath
H. Orr
R. Danvara
D. (loss
J. McCtellan
J. McNeal
II. Yothera
S. Whiteside
II. Whiteside
.T. Cninpbell
William Wi'son
J. Cowdor
F. Winuart
J. Sunderland
.1. Thompson
J Renaut
II. E. Snyder
J. Straw
J. Mulkirs
J. Fpackman
J. Sankey
J. P. Nelson
J. Ritndy
P. Bloom
M. O Stirk
M. NIchola
J. erguson
J. Denning
R. Nieman
T. Wain
II. llile
1). P.rubakor
8. Heudericn
$205 51 92 li
t 00!
4 10
17 50
32 50
6 00
10 50
' 30 01 16 28
3 1 8 29 7 00
1 00
11 17 1 50
4 72 7 64
45 S3 52 10 15 50
1 42 83
, 2 62 17 85
Aggregate amount due from Collectors
f3 8
33 00
12 81
9 41
31 95
10 69
5 00
in 12
110 29
16 95
.1 11
18 34
17 80
290 57
153 IS
15S 68
32 57
595 50
72 39
27 79
2 29
131 24
6 35
109 93
36 55
77 20
49 36
146 6.1
78 38
74 11
70 63
306 70
75 01
2-19 72
24 50
187 36
274 46
13 63
131 58
34,101 73
16 91
111 59
6 41
12 05
28 94
56 32
51 53
b 02
7 59
45 83
6 41
2 Stl
10 84
41 41
1.16 68
108 40
65 13
46 71
268 60
119 46
99 16
47 2r
74 58
71 51
78 73
15 25
54 23
35 96
61 89
5f 61
53 63
42 36
215 77
46 94
108 38
29 48
86 70
31 51
70 05
ejjinnnsas ,n si 1, any
1861. 1861.
11 'ill (31 ITED
MED, E&C0.
On Market Street 2 doors north o
the Court-House, where they nro
just opening nn unusually hiro
nnd well selected stock ol' good
suited to the wants of ihe ccirmiu
nity for the Fall and Winter trade,
which they oflcr in la roe nnd small
quantities on the most rcasonuhlo
terms call and examine for
yourselves Their assortment of
( Is very Urge end complete: embracing alincmt
i every arliclo both of fa.-hion and servioe. fcs
I ptcial uttcutioii has bevn t'fiid to the selection of
LA 1. 1 K!i imhSS UOODS, tihicu firo ir ersiy
vaHnty and the very latest styles.
H.Iks, Dvlninos, Plaids, Merinos, Poplins,
Alpacnae, Cashmeree, French, cVotU
and Domestic Giughams, Prints,
Linseya, Cambrics. Rrillinnls,
Fig. anti plain Boblnetts,
Irish Linen Clstha eo.
Black and Fancy Cass-lmeres, Halinetts, jeans,
Tweoda, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking,
Crash, Diaper, Blcshed and uubleaehcd mua.
I Hn a A drills, Red, Grey, WhlUaud Canton Flan
nels. Also a larg stock of Ladles' snd Gentle.
very latest fashion.
19 08
30 62
14 33
4 35
lo oo
MKR, Loea'.fd ai .1. II. Shaw's MZLs. ant mus Rut
of IVtMrAVi bonwjk,
2,746 70
Respectfully informs the clliaena of Clearfic'.J
aud adjoining tonntles, that lis is at all titnxe
prepared to manufacture, at the shortest m.tice,
24 50 ltair, Husk, and Straw Matlrusies of all
kinds and sires, one of whioh is a Folding Mat
4 JOrosa, auitaUe for CAUINS OS RAFTS, whick
2- 50 'can ba folded in smoll oompsss,and eaiptted and
11 38 refilled at pleararo ; and very cheap. ll alas
j trims Cntringes, maas repairs to all kinds rf
30 78 , Carriage Triiitning and Vpholatory, and makes
36 10 .Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick
JO yfi noss or length.
38 00 1 &.Couatry Prodaea, Cora Husks, or Cash
TV 33 aLeii in liicliango Tor work.
45 12
41 32
38 12
31 43
IH 50
17 70
8 55
IS 15
8 07
14 iS
19 no
21 37
11 71
50 82
7 60
39 42
14 72
17 57
15 41
14 25
23 27
1,012 74
JAS. B. GRAHAM, Cashier.
Ta., Jan, 31, 1861. tVhO
Aggregate amount due County from
Aggregate amount due from U. S,
Aggregate nnsound due from notes,
judgments, Ae.
Outstan 'ing County orders 1 1,232 78
Court house contract " 9.500 00
Due County Treasurer 372 04
Indebtedness of County
3,216 72
11,104 t-2 11,104 82
Ting roa as Old Darkey to be Moving.
Jlcfo blmliscincnfs.
In riiilipsburF, on the 10th instant, by
it i." i. ir- i. -
. , . . ... .i . i... il iiuucoeK,, ,ur, uaxti vuuits,
wsvani to m.s con.pan.ui, u.c ..vr.w.... Qf fjcarfield, to Wis. Sahab Daigiiertv,
gsntleman tatol that tho best Remedies 1 0r inwrence tp,-
employed jhero for the diseases to winch
they are subject, are invented ond sup
plied to them by our own well known
countryman, Dr. J. C. Ayer of Lowell,
Haas., and that not the people only but
the priesthood and the court of tho lm
perordown, havo constant recourse in
sickness to tho Remedies of this widely
celebrated American Chemist. Ledger,
V. The Centre Hill Quards will meet for parade
and drill, at Kylcrtowo.on Friday, February 22
18Cl,atl0o'cleek,a. m. Bro.-derof the Captain.
fob-2t 1st Sergeant.
J onlv knew how usoful.hnw instructire, and
how entertaining it is. We refer to that " first
beat," that largest, moat instructire, most beau
titnl, and yet cheapest journal in the world for
the household, for the farm and for the garden,
via : the
American Agriculturist.
You want it, because it contains so very many I
new and useful directions, hints, and suggestions I
about all kinds of out-door work, in the Garden,
in the Field, in tho Orchard, on the httlt plot of
ground, about douieatic animals, etc., etc. The
A'jriciiliurht ia not a stale rehash of thooreticnl
atufT, such as goes the rounds from one paper to
another, but it is filled with new practical infor
mation, every word of which is reliable, because
prepared by honest, practical working men, who
know what they write about.
Each volume contains many hundreds of use
ful hints, and It is etrtnin that many of theao
hints wi'l each be worth to you more than a dol
lar. As an example, a subacriber writes : "... I
obtained J bushels more per acre on a ten-acro
Sold of wheat, (or In all 50 bushols) simply from
a hint about preparing seed given ii my A'jricul.
luriit." "...Another says he obtained an extra
yield of 1 1 bushel of corn per aero on a tiftcen
acre Hold, and withnocxtra cost for culturo, by
stnt-ilvinrf nna hint from the Aorhultuntt, Anoth
er, (a villager,) says he got ff 13J worth extra of
good garden vegetables, which he attributes
wholly to the timely hints in the AyrirMtttrin,
which told him fromtiino lo time what to do, how
to do it, and whon to do it. Thousands of oth
ers have derived similar advantages. You are
invited to try the papor a year, at a cost of only
f I. If you dosire, you can have, freo of charge,
four or live parcels if choice sesde, which the
Publisher will distribute among bis aubscribors
tho present winter.
Your wife wants tho AjrimUurttl, because It
has a large aincnnt or valuable and reallly
useful information abont all kinds of Household
work from garret to cellar. Give her the benefit
of thia paper for a year. You wiU find your
home made better, and money saved.
Your children want the AjriViifftiri'sL, for it
contains a very Interesting, useful and intcr.""
ting department for youth and children, whioh
will be f great value to their mindrand hearts.
The above are truthful statements, that"1" "
f30 12
8,058 66
RKfilSTKH'S XOTICIi Notice, la here
by given that the following aocount j have
bean examined and passed by me, and remain
filed of record in this office for tho inspection of
hair, lerateea. creditors. and all others In anv
H is reported that the recent prompt: other way interested, and will be presented to
rihw... -r I .a r. -J 1... it, nail Ornhan'a Cniirt of rtnrtiiM pnuntv. In
Caused oiiit a aeAUrin.s amnno- tl.a rtina- be held at the Court House, in the borough of cheerfully attested to by nearly a hundred thous-
..- 1. l r i 11 'Clesrfioln, commencing on the 3d Monday of . and of the present readers ol the Ajneullun'" M
i.r J . ' , , '", 1 . 1 , ne,,E1,"01nn, , March, 1861, for confirmation and allowance i I You are invited to try a single volume of th
T j ua,Kcy nacrianver in aoioi.o The administration account of John Beers, Ad
noied groat presen TO of mind the Other rniniatratur of all and singular the gooda and
dy. Coming up from tho depot the Other chattels, rights and credits, which were of George
erening, with bis hack, he jumped from 6oader, late of the township of Boggs, in the
he box at soon as b reached the Collins towij of Clearfield. deceased.
House, where he was employed, not stop, I , Th M.cou"' ' ?f, .J.oh"J R"'At,T. lT 1,
niniii.i ii- .11 in f all and singular the goods and chattels, Ac, of
Ping to ct his passengers out. llecall'd the 'ohn An-rson,lat. of Pik. township, Clearfield
proprietor ot the houso aside, and request- ieox,oiJl deceased.
el payment of his wages, giving therefor j The final account of Miles S. Spencer, Admin.
A TCrV Snrwl ...Lnn aalUllmva. Ti'alllYlA tlralna ftf a II an A aifl flllar tba tfYinda IS A eh attl.
e. r. r r """! iv..v. - - - .-. ' saia estate are
an feller to te coin' I'te not my ele rights and credits, whicB were or liannanrpeneer, nd th
...- , . ... n. Wait ll.l..ra.n.l.w.iii rTtaarAalfl annn. J '
Grornr. R. Goori.A!inrR, Esq., Treasurer of Cloar
lield Cinnty,in account with the different town
ships fur Road fund, for tlio yenr A. D. 1S58-9,
H H.
To liulauce due townships last settle
ment, Te amount received from unseated
lundt for 1858-9
TWiisAiit. .Aiu'i pd. tr.i. Bnl. Jm.
Clearfield bor.
Bnl. due If I.
8,088 78
Gro. Tl. Goont ASrsn, Esq., Treasurer of Clear
fi11Countr, In account with the different town
ships for School fund, for Ihe years A. V.
To balance due townships from last
settlement $132 93
To amount received from unseated
lands for 1858-59
rirnhi. Am.Ufd.lfit. linl.dur.
lleecaria 279 28 363 36
Hell 237 48 178 48
Ilotca 127 40 62 66
Bradford 78 79 SI 01
jjrady 371 73 21 14
lt'101 73 . Cheit
2,703 15 Clearfield
1 Ducatur
1,083 22 ' Ferguson
$477 ii
418 00 $27 16
126 3
68 07 12 08
460 44 f9S
234 91
233 71 f2 63
112 12 66 54
3 4t
329 00 24 39
SI 73 2 07
249 ce
165 00 35 85
20 00 9 06
176 63 15 14
1,620 23 257 68
67 21 7 96
161 84 69 49
294 55 85 00
105 44
724 60 26 36
148 00 22 44
104 42 75 22
2'i0 04 1 42
461 28
817 88
8,088 78
271 30
214 83
230 OS
472 41
31 25
51 55
68 32
351 91
2:10 41
633 II
88 23
8 21
314 93
229 I'd
527 91
17 02
0H6 6
259 88
4286 78
107 1
FI 01
111 37
2 VI
75 72
5 71
3 63
27 13
470 63
4 73
266 Jt
182 75
29 II
402 SI
77 27
67 77
63 76
13 06
?.-"-A II orders left with any of the MarebanU
of Clearfield borough will is promptly attend? t
,o dec26-tf.
it v, ami hii.i;i waul:.
"VI f)i would respectfully inform our friends,
patrons and tho puhlie e-rUy, viSat wo
have now In storo and offer Wholesale nd Re
tail at the lowost Conh Prices, a large and very
choice stock Watrh, Jewelry, Silver aud riattfi
Wart or every variety and style.
Erery description of Diamond Work and oth
er Jewolry, made to orJer at short notteo.
!Tr All goods warms ten 10 be as represented,
Particslar attention given to the repairing of
Watchti and Jewelry of every description .
No. 622 MARKET stroet, (south side,) Phils.
Kept. 19th, 1860. 6 ino.
THE above Hotel, Laving recently been fitted
op lor a house of entertainment, Is now open
for the accommodation of the puMio. Travelers
win una tuts a convenient bouse.
May 19 1358, JOHN JO! OAi
lies' Bvnnetj and Hats, trlmmod and tin-
trimmed, ef t'no Latest Styles at
K. W. at CO's,
1J tri
Bal. due tp. 2,6 1 60
6,48:1 92
To Persons out nf Employment
In every County of the United Statoa,
rpO cngsgo In Ihe rale of some of the Lett and
L moat elegantly illustrated Works published.
I Our publications are of the most Intereatin,;
i character, alaptej lo tho wants of tie Farmer,
i Mcrtianto and Merchant; loy are jublisbedln
jvho best style and bound 1u the moat eubatnn.
jtisl manner, and nro worthy a place in the Li
: brary of every Heusehold in the Laad.
' 3r&.To men of enterprise aud Industrious hah
" " " i''. "lis business offers an opportnnlty for prcfit
8,483 93 blo employment seldom to be met with.
iiSUPeraonj desiring to act si agents will re
W e, tbe Commissioner, of Ct.arB.ld County, ! i''"??,"'''', h' .m " p5?ic i111"' K"?
in the Cnmiuonwenl.U of Pcnsy'vania, having5' ?")' f'J
esamined the account, of Geo. H. Goodlsndvr, . , N. Sl NrlU 1 Thlladelphu.
Esq., Treasuror of the County of Clearfield for ) '-'1 .
the year A. I)., I860, do certify, that we fiud the A r-ry inrj-e stc-k of Spring end Summer
acconnti of Geo. R. Ocodlander as follows i The j 2 clothing of the lalist styles for sale lew by
amount due from alliources to bo seren thousand I Cut wenaville. i'nyl6. lr.o'. E. A. IftVIV.
eight hundred end eighty-eight doll:a and nj"
cents. We also aud the anfofliit, oi outyianaing JjilllillllC rl II VC11 M S
orders to be ten tlnusond seven hundrod and . .
thirty-two dollars aid seventy-eight cents, of llllalllulO CgCtab.O 1 OtVUCrS
which nine thousand five hundrod are on Court- . .,,. r . , .
house contract. The balance due Treasurer,. For the rpeedy and effoctnal Curs of all
three hundred and aovcn.y-lwo dollar, and four ; Zri T:! "1,15 .l
I..,.. a 1 1 .... me bt'VNlD lIIIHIH UI .
anus and Lhlldrcn, Send 3 cent Stamtr n
Witness our hand this 11th day of January, A,
D., 1861.
WM. MERKELL. Coru'rs.
fi. C. THOMPSON' )
Attest Wm. S. Bradley, Clerk.
ber A.nt. G. B.JONES.
Hundred, of testimonials Box 206 Phils. P 0
r-9' A.mey S. W. Cor. Third if- Area Su.
Oct 24, 1860 lOt.
We, the Auditors oftlearfield County, baring
examined the accounts of Geo. 1ft Goodlnnder,
Esq.. Treasure r of said County A. D., 1860, do
report: That the accounts are aa a' eve atoted.
The amount due the Road fund by the Trenau
rer. ia eiicht hundred and seventeen dollars and
eighiy eight cents. The amount due tho School MARKKT STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL
fund, is two thousand six hundrod and seventy-' . .
ono dollars nrl sixty cents. The amount of The andorsigned will have constantly oa Lao
outstanding orders, is ten thousand .even hun-'a we.l releotod stock of Drugs, themka'., I ye
drcd and thirty-two dolla.s and sevoiity-iglrti bturta, Oila, Taints, Tobacco und negan, btailtio
A vf
Administration having been this day
granted to the undersigned on ths estats
SUSAN ARDERY, late of Lawrence tp.. Clear-
teld county, deceased, all parsons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate
"KUtaiHd earrMje!"
fc-An Ice Doat, ou Cayuga N. V.,
ke, r.m across the ice on New Year's
l the rate of half a mile a minute.
(or Wall,) late of Penn township, Clearfield eoun
ty, deceased.
The final account ef Miles 8. Spencer, Admin,
iatrator of all and singular the gooda and chattels,
rights andoredits, which were of Nancy Spencer,
late ef Pena township, Clearfield county, dee d.
feb!3 to JAMES WRIGLEY, Register. I
Phillipsburg and Waterford Eailroad.
A MEETING of the Stockholder, of the
" Phillpsburg and Waterford Railroad
Company" will be held at the oflice of .aid Cora,
pany, in the bor.ingh of ClearSold, Clearfield
county, Pa., N ON DAY, the 18lh dty of
March, A. D. 1861, between the hour, of 12 and
2 o'clock p, ni. of .aid day, for the purpose of
electing one Presidont and t waive Directors to
parre tintil the eeeond Monday of Jauuary, 1862.
A lull attendance ia requeeted.
L. J. CRANS, Secretary.
Clearfield, Jan. 21, 1861-
nry, Perfumery, Urushes. and Fancy art! tor.
which ho will dispose of cheap for cash,
He invites tho public to call and examine his
. t . t 1 - k.r.. h.iMl...i.... -' l
Country Physicians furnished with Pruifat
Medicines, and Snrgtcal iiiitruaienti at the rooe
ren son able rates. J. O. HVRTS'.TICK.
CIavfiULPs., Dee. 26. 1860.
A I)SllNIiT7?ATt)lt'SNOnt;K-Leiir.
. i-V. of Adininistratioa having been granted t
Came to the reaMenee h uncerslgned, tHa day, upon the estate T
Huston tn.. about fire GEORGE SllliCKKH. deceased, late of liridr
a HbU Kil re.l. crumple! lowsisiup, viearncia county, an persona iuhodwi
two years old. The owner to said estato oie re'gnestud to make Imoiedute
cedts, of which nino thousand five hundred dol.
lars are on Court house eontracu
Wltnes. our huiid this 12th day of January, A.
D., 1801.
J. B.Sll.VW. v Auditors.
Altast Win.S. Bradley. Clerk.
January 30, 1S6I.
ore having claims acainst tbe
- ... w. . . n --- j -
same will presoni inoin auiy nutnenueated lor A.Un of her eoniraetlnif.
JA T. I.VOVAtttl l ' nuT-
MY WIFE BARBARA having left any bed
and board without any Just canse or prev
Tkssmli All . I hereby caution all oersoaa acainst har
boring or Irnsting her on my account, as I will
A Large snd splendid stork of Dress trim
V. minjF, Belts, Head Dresses
Boggs tp., Jan. 23, i860
Ac, at
, Notts, Plusnei BLANKS of every description tor sale at
B. W. fr CO's, ' Uii effice.
kj ef ths subscriber in
or six weeks sgo,
horns, and about
is requested to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and Inko her away nr she will be dispo-
ed ofacoording to law. H1LL1A.M ilOl i.
January 9, 1S6I. 3l
f ERY CHEAP at the store of
V jan23
OLL aril FIRKIN BUTTER, for sale at
the store of jan23 W. F. IRWIV.
paytnenl, ana those Itaviug cuius against
the same will present them itily authenticated
cr setllement. KLIZAUSTli SHCCKKR,
jao9 6t ' Adm'i
GOOD ARTICLE, for ssle at Ihe store of
jan33 W. F. 1UWIN.
OOI ARTICLE of N. V. CHEFS for sale
t the Hove of IJaoCJJ WM. I". IRWIN.
yiuid stono jars, they are just the thins? 'too
need, for sale at II. W. A CO'.
V Large stock of Men X B.ij'e elothtng. Just
received at B. V. A A)a
" " Important Notica.
The undersigned, late publisher of tho "Clisr
field Republican" takes this method ct callinr
upon those who are indebted to blin, or lu I ri
mcr it Ward for subscription, advertising or Job
work Incurred duriug the three years eoAnuen
cing July 1857 and ending July I860, to oI in.
mediately at my office In the borough ef CK-a-eld,
and make sottloment of the ni, aa tbeee
aecounta m.t It tlvtdnp. J. II LAhRlMKIU
tlcaraeM, December 12, I860, tf. j