.4 Ust MHW in mm - 'II, l it ? 4 .L'i j. tfluiddfl .iltnnblican. NTM'W, I ! I'.IH'At! Y 1. 4 nr Time at 1 r.ni'. Dnnnml hpon 1 he Pt nt bf th Uinrin! novntunnt In (In1 v it 1 'T I 'oni:rr . I no a -1. lih il'iihiut niimlii! Ilm icMTdl a 1 lnri! mi i I'H nf n vi'tiii which had ni'Ci-l '.'- iiil t airingeiii. nl "f Hi." IVniiMlr.il, i linil.ilrl m tin) Tr ntlfv, levnd the e. " " . . .i ... Mil. I....... .in I.... l.i e .. '.. .'. i 'II. J Afl lllll mi''l HIP ."HI iiivniu, kiii iivii- IMIIIL; .MUM VI 111" ITM I I Ulll' li.. I im I I . . . 1 - I - I .. . lllnllPV w.'H nppni ln(H"t nilioiig me nnu-a isuns iriTisa mwAHv mi l - 1 1 I do-nt. IVniisylviiniii rerei- "" veil J2.4i0,(M) lor lior ulnuo, u'"n piving ''B - ?;'" a feitilioato to the Secretary ol the Tron. (K " V.4I .. n, ' H keeping of the money , and the ,1 Tfln li-M P- fy,a.Vw'u' ''irry ''""'''. "om tim ,0 A 11..MIMV I MMI'IM I'. '-I I: sail in. I ( t t vmle .I' ill B' tti" i II .lit M Ir.nl II , ' Ml... . .''M" ( I ' M'lltV, I Hi ii VI... V a. tu., I ill M" mil r nt'(mfi t In ('!! "i'i r,ar4 u lied with sis. firi'1s i.f blank inrlii'lr". l'j I'l'i' f "f Hi" t ut 'iln. fiU .it JOI1X F. lnnF.,lsl P"'t. re..e MImi A r-U S. 22 p.m. . o trains run or Sunday except the Eipress. IfirJ '. .. II ' .... . Bible Society. '' TV meeting of tU County liillo Socio'.jr lu'M t tk oflttt of Enqairo Wriglry, Aarig Court wtk, tdjoumeil to ruoet l tho Mmlioilint Courfh n FrMy evening next, 15th of Felirnn Ty. " Elot!n of a!B;r aJ othr buniri ttill bfor tho ruvMiiij. J. U. FccnT. poc'y. 't3rJtev. Mr. Kjnynn will preach in the Bnptut Church in Cleurfield borough, on ThurJy evening, Ftbrunry 21it, t 7 o'clock. The public nre invited toattend. '. Badly Frozen.- -Two men, whe.io nnmes we did not loam, left this place on Thurs day Uit about noon, to wnlk to St. MfiryV. The dy was excessively 'cold, and nfter going inme distance beyvnid John SIhuv'h Sr., on tho old Sinnonialioning road, were obliged to return to Mr. Sliaw's.who bro't then buck to the IVadiBO House, in Lawrence townthip. Their limbs were badly frozen, and they arc now lying at Mr. Ogden'n in a critical situation. One of them is from Harrisburg, and the oth er from Philadelphia. TH'.MIOV CUM It I I Th. Muiin- tnin t'KHilry ll!iicrl In full iiniri'tm f"f iinm.lfi nii'l dilll, tit Kylortimn, i.n i nnny, um J2t ilnt nf Fiil.nmry. at 1" ii'i lmk a. m. Hy nrdcr vf lli CapUin JAMKS W, FTHAM'OHl', feliA St First H(Tgnt. V - ri. ft HefHptt. finrt ! H'frifliMitrn of (Mrnt field irnniy for a I) IHOU. It. tini-tiMw.n, .,, ,'TtM.n.n i.f rle-itM.1 'nnly-. In ltii t',i.iii!ii.n.'nllli nf Vnn.jll, In Arr'oiiiit with Mill rmmh, fmm h S ill liny ff ,lr,nr t, A. 1. I 01, U U 1 2 tit ilny rl Jaimiiy, A, . To amount finm Cullprl iri tct 111 ami inn jrnrp, tnrlmlitiK rr tinUf f 7,11(1 tl To ain't from nn-r..tri Innit. fur 1 9 t.ooA SI time, an tho ano sliculd lo reiutrea The act further tirovidtd thnt when said money or n.ny part thereof should bo wnn-1 teJ by the Sec-Hary of tho Treasury to menl appropriation by law, the mirao f-hould be called for from the aoveral Slates. ell, tho money is required row to usfy demands upon the National Treanirv. and Mr. Dix. the Secrotary, has notified the Governor that the Stato will be required to puarantco tho payment ot bonds of the United Slates, to tho amount of the sum deposited in the Stato Treasu ry, payable after the expiration of twenty years. Ry this means the Stato will lend her credit to the Usnoral Government to autain it at a timo of groat embarrass ment. We understand that no portion of tho money is now required by tho Sec rotary of the Treasury. The State having pledged her faith for the safe keeping of this fund and its repayment upon tue re quisilion of the Secretary of the Treasury, is no-.T hound to fulfil its obligation. This $2,400,000 Has deported in the Sltito Treamiry during the Kit tier admin istration, and expended in the Gettysburg railroad and other fancy projects. Patriot it Union. N ji:v dkuu sToiti:. Thi Fair. According to an announce ment in our last issue, the Entertainment ftdrertised by tho Ladies of tho M. E. Chuwh. of this nlace. was held in tfieir ), Church, on Thurday and Friday last. As it wm merely intended as a preliminary to one utJon a more extensive acale, we think ' it wal a decided success, but no oue can wonder that such was the case, if they but took a glimpse of the fair faces of the Vender of the different articlos offered for 'A Colt's jikgkrs broken. We see by the last Journal that a colt belonging to KIlia Irwin, Esq., of Goshen tp., had its finger Droken, coming up the hill bo yond Jas. Irwina', in Lawrence. We have not heard from the colt since the ac- cident, but we hope its fingers are knit ting. BalLROAD Prikqe D 1ST ROY ed. We lea in that during the high wind which prevail" ed yesterday afternoon, six spans of the Northern Central Railroad bridge over the 3jsquelinnna at Dauphin, were blown donnJ The bridge was An open one, and it teems almost a myttery how the wind could strike it with enough force to carry away te heavy timbers. The loss will be a loriom ono to tho company, but it will not interfere with trade or travel, as the can of the company can reach Dauphin by the Pennsylvania and Dauphin and Suaquehat.na tracks on this side of the river. Pttriot d- Vuion. A flrtillntnl Vi My! vnf Mim I'l'MHt'l fnnt I nfuUl.ln trltft t!-l tll t il l emu tn4 fmm JullK' n(. ('smmiuliitirtt' rink I Auditors' siatfni m m its ITU Sll. 1 t I! ' I T 1 , t I 4 4 t I i ; i ibon pri tha ib t sua rid tiea' uA sou HON y lion) itLii iere' srM ot" akooi il;e r. raooREssop the Irrei'uessiuli Conflict in tub Black Kb pudmcan Tarty. The war botwoen tho Weed and Greeley fac lions ot the block republican party wax es hotter and hotter every day. They talk now of a rcconntruction of their or ganization, putting Seward at tha head, with Weed at the tail, and Webb to do all the tiL-htinz for tho concern. As forGrea- (ley, he i to be left out in the cold alto gether, and as a proof of the truth of the old adage that misfortunes never come singly, we perceive that the Spruce Btreet philosopher hs been getting into trouble in the West. The other day he went to Springfield and poured his griefs into Ab raham's bosom, in a confab which lasted during four or five hours. - On the way home Greeley resolved to combine busi ness with pleasure, and pick up a few dollirs by a lecture in St. Louis. He startod for that city ; but hearing that it was probable the Missourians would mob him, ho turned tail and commenced run ning for dear life, with tho old white coat streaming out behihd. Little Rn;mond, in his celebrated retreat from Sollerino. did not make better time than that of his conreie, Hon Massa Groeley. Where he is now we cannot sav probably ho has not yet stopped in his "wild career." Meanwhile Webb, Seivard, Weed A Co. are preparing to divide the spoils "among their fi'iends, and poor Greeley is not to have even a dry bono for his share. He has borne the battle and the heat. of the day, and is to be deprived of any partici pation in the fruits of victory ; ho has planted tho vineyard, but others will en oy the produce thereof. Such is the fate of people who put their faith in princes, or place con finenco in the promises of politicians. Herald. B6g-The banks it: New York are nearly glutted with specie. They now hold $36,- 000,000, with a prospect of further increase. The Washington Cadets W ill meet for parade and drill, in Clear field borough, on Friday, Fetruary 22d, 1861, at 10 o'clock a. m. Ity order of the Cnpain. J. Plabb Walters, February 13, 1361. First Sergeant. A Card Tbs undorsigned has many reeions for being grateful to tho citizens of Clearfield, for their txertinnl mad to iar his family and property during (ha recent burniag of his dwelling, and adopts this as the beat mode of returning hit tin- cere and heartfelt thanks. To many who peril ed their health, and in tome instances their lives, especial aisurnnoji of kind remembrance! are offered. Everything was done that could bj done undor tho circumstances, and much more . tTneimA int,1.t tlftTA Wn mnnaliT V last evening, a briliiant lecture on the re- ! Tfc. r.B.rou, w,tilitT of tW liglon, customi and people of Braiil. el-1 who in ku ab,enct( ltDitrtd th, eemrort ilea hare we relished anything moreiof lhtir bumM t0 hil Louielcn family, only than the picture he laid bofore his auJi!ervct to strengthen the bonds which hare so ence of that exuberant garden of the tro-. long united him to his old friends and neighbors pics laden with its strange variety of That eaoh on may bo preserved from each a fruiti and flowers, teeming with perpcl-j'llIBit7' nd from "J other affliction in life, ,,.1 Wet for the hand of man Rnr.V "d b V""' to Ajy every real blesning, is that country must ho tho garden of the The subscribers nave opened a full anil com plete assortment of D1UHJH lo the new brick building uf I'r. Woods, on 'tho corner nf ,erut Slid Cherry s In-cts, In tho bore ugh of Clf nrfleld, where tln'y will bt happy to accommodate any person wbe may desire nrticlot in their line. The business will be confined strict. y to a lh wj and I'racrijition Dtisinas, And no pains wili bo spared to render satisfaction. Ir. if. Woods, tho junior pnrtnor, may always bo found and c onmlted -in tha "llrug ritore," when not absent on professional businviit. A sopamle room fur consultatien is attached to the store, where piiticnts may bo examined prirately. Krery article usually found in such an estab lishment will be kept ou baud, and sold at greatly reduced prices. Tkrws tuso strictlt CAsrt, will enable them to offer inducement in the way of prices I'hysicians will bo supplied at a small per centage over cost and carriage, and their orders are solicited. Krery article sold will bo purinnd of tho best quality. fobC-tf W00D3 A BAERKTT. "VfOTICE. The undersignod, an Auditor XT appointed to distribute the money arising from the salo of the rcnl estate of SAMUEL STROUf .lute of Fortuaon township, gives notice that be will attend to the samo, at the offce of Larrimcr & Test, in Clearfield, on TIK5DAY, the 2Cth of FEBRUARY, 1861, at two o'clock, p. in., where and when all persons legally inter ested may attend. ISRAEL TKST, feb6-4t Auditor. To amount from ('ommlsslniitrs' Hunks Vli. tly eltetlon Mptnici fl.AflTSs) Cummonwrallh cests l.rn( (iS Jurors' wages 3 )o 77 Assessors' wages 373 95 Commissloreri' wages Si 4 81 Jnit fees .tr0 AO l'rolhonotary s fees 27101 District Attorney s fees 52S 00 Trinting eontraet, Ac 200 U0 Tipstnff and Court Crier 179 f'4 Repairs to public buildings 183 51 Hoarding jurors 100 00 Refunds lOi il 1 79 and Anliilng 1'rnllionxtart's Itegintor t a-ronnt Interest on onUn t'nrtmnr's lmiiesU Auditors' eletk Plierill'e fees Pockets, stationery, A postage Purvey of tllnom township I'tiol aontraet Court lionse rnntract.on are't 1,09 II Miscellaneous orders Kioneratlons to Colleetori .t.10 ,1s Percentage to collators 301 90 Treasurer's per rentage on amount received 18? Ot Do on psying out 177 C7 Palanee due Treynrrr I Ml M tl' tl o a 111 as )M mi 1 4i M M . 1! ee 1 os no II AH SI n 7 Si 4)00 00 (XI M It 1.1 00 t. n 12,!0B 87 12,600 9 ylmouiif 0 Cbunfy, atV .Vilitit Tar dm torn Colltctori for 1800, und previous yours CtUTHON. All person are hereby caution ed against purchasing or meddling with a certain KKD COW, now in the possession of J. M. I). OILL,. of Beccaria township, Clearfield county, is said Cow bclcngi to me, and is left with mm on loan only. feb-3t. J. A. 1IEQARTY. 'jCJTThe snow stoitn on Thursday last seems to havo raged similar to the polit ical storm both IN'Qrth and South. Rail roads were e 'ery where blockaded, and great damago has been 6u:Uinei in litTcr ent sections of the country. In Balti more, housee were unroofed, chimneys wereblewn down, and several persons wm seriously injured. "tflUOur neighbor down street publish- M ed th proposition of Mr. Kellogg, last week. We hope he will now publith, for "j1 the benefit of his readers, the ppcoch that froi gentleman made in Congress, on Saturday rw last, in support of his proposition. s3"TlieRcv. J. C. Fletcher gavo world, and if it people had the enter prise which moves this Yankee nation, imagination could not set a bound to the results they would produce there. As relevant to this comparison the Reverend geaileoian stated that tho best Remedies employed there for the diseases to which they "are subject, are invented and sup plied to them by our own well known countryman, Dr. J. C. Aver of Lowell, 1. Mats and il, t ,L. 1 - ..!. 1 l gCgi -... .nil nui, we j'cupie oniy out tne priesthood and the court of the Em peror down, have constant recourse in sickness to the Remedies of this widely celebrated American Chemist. f Ledger hi''1;. s curt '! li St Boston. Tim rot ak Old Daibbt to bb Movino. the sincere wish of one who must remain under thedeepest obligation to his friends. Clsarfield, Feb. 13th, 1800. G. R. BARKETT. MARRIED. In Thilipsburp, on the 10th instant, by Hancock, bsq., Mr. James Coons, of Clearfield, to Miss Simn Daccuertt, of Lawrence tp. Jtb bbtrliscmtnts. a TTEXTION. CENTRE HILL GUARDS! V The Centre Hill Guards will meet forparade and drill, at Kylertown.on triday, February 22 1801. at 10 o'clock, a. m- By order of the Captain. THOMAS M. HOLT, feb6-2t 1ft Sergeant. XX. Administration having this day been grant ed to the undersigned on the estiite of JOHN YOL'NO, late nf Jturnsido township,' Clearfield county, deceased, all persons uidekted to said estnto are requested tomaku immediate payment, andthose having claims against the same will proiciit them duly authenticated for settlement. HAMCKL 8Kl!KI.ti Adm'r. ow Washington, Jan. 31, 1S01, febS-Ot I EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Letters tostamen J tary baring this day been granted to the un dersigned on the estate of JOHN MI.I.O.V, lnte of Uurnside township, Clearfield county, deed, all sersonp knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present tnem duly authenticated lor settlement. f, J. A. HKUAKrV. J. II. HKOARTY, February 4, 1801. Kxecuturi. OTATi:.MHTof the CLEARFIELD COUN O TY BaNK, for the month ending January 31, 1S31: ASSETS. Hills discounted .... $;7,fii5 49 Pennsylrania State Stook - - 19,763 iO Specie ...... 6,139 ii line from other Banks - - VSH 39 Bank Notts of other Banks 1,690 SO Checks, Drafts, Ac ... 72 50 Furniture - - - - - 221 19 Expense of Date engraving, Ac - 7G4iS Stationery, Ac. - - - - 280 91 146,426 2S MADILITIKS. Capital Stock paid in - $24,900 00 Notes in circulation - ia,ou un Duo Depositors - 7,291 76 Iutereets and Exchange 264 63 $16,426 28 JAS. B. GRAHAM, Cashier. Clearfiel , Ta., Jan, 31, 1861. fcU 'OU VANT IT. -OUtt WIFE WANTS IT, rWR CHILDHEN WAST IT, I T WILL CERTAINLY PAY, REGISTER'S NOTICIi Notice, ishoro by given that tho following accounts have been examined and passed by me. and remain filed of record in this office for the Inspection of beirs, legatees, creditors, ana all others la any - lit. ,..tl . a, neirs, legatees, creoiiors.ana an Itrv: ..r..-. 1.1 prompt j other way tntorested, and will be presented to ,ts' Obeyence Of the law tt Cleveland has the next Orphan's Court of Clearfield conntv. to i caused quite a scattering among the runa-1 held at the Court House, In the borough of . . ! 1 1 !? rw . . . W.rl. 101 It .: J -II . fi a uarnuy iiuuku river in toiedo i. . i .... -r ... :j it. ... The administration aeeonnt of Jnlm Tteen dsy. CoBminup from --"" J""i'-' irr, oi me township of Boggs, in the . "o dox as soon as ne reacnea tne coiiins ot tiearfieid, deceased. i ne i account of John L. Rex, Administrator of goods and chattels. At., of l ike township, Clearfield The final account of Mile. R s.... istrator of all and singular the goods asd chattels ' w Vi . " Hanah Spencer, (or Wall.) lata of Penn township, Clearfield eoun' 4. I, The final aeeonnt of Miles S. Spenoer, Admin. N. ., Istrator of all and singular the goods and chattels. y .g rignis an oruuiii, woicu wereoi jany Spencer, f i, .... - r ... :j ii. ... I The administration aeeonnt nf Jnlm Tteen Ail. -uu phvittii Kicaii inricii ic ui uii'iu otner !s. . .: . . . : . j0; dij. Coming up from the depot the other 1 C i.V AlpMAf n a with Kte harlr hn fnnnr.nrl frnm ' R the box as soon an ha reached the Collina ei . House, where he was employed, not stopl The account of John leaf t- I to lot his passengers out. JJecall'd the ,v'!1,,AB,irKU,M,lb' )t 1 , Pr'etr of the house aside, and request-t-eoniltTi deceased, ran r Payment of his wares, rivinir therefor i Th final .,,.. .e lisir' l T good reason, as follows: " It's time ii ivsit rc? i feller to be goin' fie got myote'r j,0 V. s in Jt carriage!" 1 (' UM". i , frf rAn ice Boat, ou Cayuga Au': La :e. ran rpn it,. x-... Vie:' daval hZ r " w " laU ef Pern township. Clearfield county, u.e'd, j if- uay ai (he rftt, 0f talf a mile a minute. feblJ-te JAMES WRIGIEV, register. AM) YOU WOUMI HAVE IT, If you only knew how useful, how instructive, and how entortaining it is. We refer to that " first best," that largest, most instructive, most beau tilnl, and yet cheapest journal in the world for the household, for the farm an 1 for the garden, vii : the American Agriculturist- You want it, because it contains so very many new and usoful directions, bints, and suggestions about all kinds of out-door work, in the Garden, in the Field, in the Orchard, on the littlt pint of ground, about domestic animals, etc., etc. Tho lyrtcufiMn'sc is not a stale rehash of theoretical stuff, such as goes the rounds from one paper to another, but il is filled with new practical infor mation, evory word of which is reliable, because preparod by honest, practical working men, who know what they write about. Each volume contains many hundreds of use ful hints, and it is c.-rinin that many of theso hints wil eah be worth to you more than a dol lar. As an example, a subscriber writes : "...I obtained i bushels saare per acre oa a tea aero field of wheat, (or in all ifl banhols) simply from a bint about preparing seed giren la uyAjricul. turitt." ...Another.says he obtained an extra yield of II bushels of eorn per acre on a fiftcen aero field, and'with nqextra eost for culture, by applying one hint from tho Airitnlturitt. Anoth er, (a villager,) says be got 1 13 J worth extra of good garden vegetables, which ho attributes wholly to the timely hiuts in the jricuiirisf, which told him from timo to time what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, Thousaais of oth ers havo derived similar advantages. You are invited to try the paper a year, at a eost of only 91. If you desire, yon can hare, free of charge, four or fire parcels cf choice se)d, which the Publisher will distribute among his subscribers the presont winter. Your wife wants the jtrtVafturtst1, because it has a larre amount of valuable and reallly useful information abont all kinds of nousohold work from garret to cellar. Give her the benefit of this paper forayear. You wi'l find your borne made better, and money saved. Your children waht the Agricultural, for it contiins a very intorestirg, useful and interes ting department for youth and rhildren. which will be of great value to their Diindsaod hearts. The above are truthful statements, thatwil' be cheerfully attested to by noarly a hundred thous and of the present readers of the Ajrirlluri',' Yon are invited to try a single volume of th Aj icul.uritt, which will cost only 91, and abun dantly pay. Try it for 1861 (Vol. 2(.) ORANGE JUDD, Publisher, 41, Tark Row, New York. Jan. 30.1861. vrar- TowintPi. 1S47 Jordan 1S4S Bell ' Jordan " Penn 1849 Jordaa " l'ena H50 Belt " Penn 1861 Burnslde . " Jorban 18i2 Fox 18j3 Docatur pik(l 1364 Chest " Jordan " Pike 1866 Covington 1866 Decatur 1867 CurwmsrllU ' Ferguson " ' Goihon " Jordun 1863 Covington Clearfield " . Decatur " Ferguson f Fox " Lawrence " P.nn 1669 Decatur Fox " .Jordan " Karlhaus " Woodward 1860 . p.eecaria Bell " Boggs " , Bradford " Brady " ' Uurnside " Chest " Covington " Clearfield . " Curwensrill " Ferguson " Fox " (Jirard " Oo:hen " Orkham " Huston ! " Jordan " Knox ' Lawrence " Lumber City " Morris " New Washington Penn " Pike " Union " Woodward i COLLSCTOru' KAIIS. James Rea, Ja R. Wetsel II. .Vrtan A. Ppentei Wm Wiley Tnomas Fentnn J. Sunderland J. Darls J. Young H. Williams J. I. Bundy D. Kephort J. Cftldwoll 8. J. Toser J Patterson T. R. McClure J. Bartnoy O. Kopfcar'. Z. MeNaul J. Straw B. R. Liverrond William Williams J. Rel'.er R. J. Wallaee A. Raurbman -. E. Williams D. N.neatb H. Orr R. ftunvsrs P. Gnss J. McClellaa J. McNeal II. Yotbers S. Whiteside II. Whitesldo J. Campbell William Wilson J. Cowder F. Wineart J. Snndorland J. Thompson J r.enaut n. E. Snyder J. Evans J. Straw J. Mulktrs J. Spaekmsa T. Sankey J. P. Nei.-on J. Bundy P. Bloom M..0 Stirk M. Nichols J. Ferguson J. Denning R. Niemnn T. Wain II. Hile D. Brubaker 8. Itendcricn $:oj ii 92 14 Aggregate amount due from Collectors SO 01 1 Ii 1 00 ii Ii I 62 CS 89 33 00 12 81 9 41 31 91 10 69 t 00 116 12 110 29 16 Si 5 II 16 36 17 80 290 27 163 18 Hi 66 32 67 696 60 72 .19 27 79 2 29 131 24 6 36 109 93 36 66 77 20 49 36 146 83 76 38 74 11 70 63 306 70 76 01 239 72 24 60 187 36 274 46 13 6 131 68 $4,101 73 8 29 11 17 4 72 2 20 1 42 15 94 111 69 41 12 06 21 94 66 32 61 62 t 02 7 69 46 86 6 41 2 86 10 84 41 41 130 68 108 46 S6 13 46 71 268 60 119 4 99 16 47 V 74 68 71 61 78 7S 16 26 64 23 36 96 64 89 6f 81 61 86 42 36 216 27 46 94 108 26 29 48 86 70 141 99 31 61 70 06 I SOI. 1S(IK Till. MUST AUMVAs FALU WINTER CCODS il 01 1 (It ITMl REED, WEAVER & (il). On Market Street '2 iUon north o tlw Court House, vOi'TC hn.y nro just opening an imuminlly larc nnl well sclrcted slock ot" Looi, suited lo tjiewnntsoftlK! roinmu nity lor the Fall itnJ Winter linrlf, which they oiler in larufo and rT.iit!! 2 04 qu.'iniitics on the most reasonable terms call and examine von toursfi.vks Their assortment of DRY GOODS5 NOTIONS fi very large and eompletot vrn' racing nl iuo.it every artlclo hotli offnrhinn and servloe. Es pecial atteotini. has boon paid to tho selection of LADIES'. DRESS GOODS, which arovrf refy variety and tho very latest styles, fstlkn, Delulnes, Plnids, Merinos, Poplins, Alpacoiis, Cuihmeres, F'rench. Hcotoli and Doinestio Ginghams, Print, Llnseys, Cambrics, Brilliants, Fig. and plain Bobinetta, Irish l.inon Cleths Ac. 3o Vn ' Black and Fancy Cassimercs, Satinetu, Jeaus, 16 8i Tweeds, Corduroy.i,-Uiekory Stripe, Ticking, j go Crash, Diaper, Bleached and unbleached mas. ' litis A drills, Red, Groy, White snd Canton Flan - 10 to Dels. Also a larg slock of Ladies' and Gentle 1 n ' mens' Shawls, D-iublo and Single, Stellas and Ji jo i Chenilles, Black and brab Cloth capes of tha 9 83 rtTJ latimt fashion, !9T " ! T o"if n"cTFe l l " joe..' MILITIA. 96 00 4 10 17 60 2'. 00 32 i 6 00 ' "UPHOLSTER AND CARRIAGE TRIM- 4 36 10 00 2,746 70 HER, Lv filial .4. . .VAjw'i Mil's, evw mtM East nf Cltitrfitld borwgk, Respoctfully informs the cititers tf Cearrie'Ji and adjoining counties, tin, I be ts at all times prepared to manufacture, at the shortest notice, 34 60 Hair, Husk, and Straw MaUrcixei of all kinds and sites, ono of wlnoli is a Folding Mat 4 30 truss, suiublo for CARLVS ON RAFTS, which ' 22 61 j can he folded In small comparand emptied and U 36 refilled at ' pleasure ; an4 very cheap. Ho alio j trims Catringes, ni&kos repairs to all' kinds rf 36 78 Carriage Trimming and Upbolctory, and makes 36 10 Cords for Mason's Tracing Liues, of any thick 20 90 ness or length. 38 00 taa-Ccuntry Troduee, Corn Haskl, or Cojh tikon in 'Kichange fir work, e&AII orders left with any nf the Maroha&U of Clearflsld borough will bi promptly nttonde-d ,o dec23 tf. T9 S3 46 12 41 32 26 li 31 48 2S 60 17 70 8 66 16 16 . 8 07 14 25 UY, ANU KILvUlt Ti AKE, TT7"E would rofpectfully Inform our frierrds, T V patrons and the public gt-erally, t hat we hare now iu store and oflor Wholesale a nd Re tail at tho lowest Canh Prices, a larrt and verv It (choice stock Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Plated 21 37 I War i of overv variety and a'vlo. 1' J4 Evory description of Diamond Work anioth 60 82 0r Jewelry, uiado to ordor at short notlej, 1 CO -p9-All goods warran ted lo bo as represented. 39 42 Particular attention given to the repairing of i . vt atones and Jewelry of every description. 11 RCAl'FFER & HARLKT. 16 42 N. 22 MARKET street, (south side,) Phila. 14 26 Sept. 19th. 1860. 6 mo. 23 27 . CUBA HOTEL, J A YNESVILIZ, PA. Aggregate amount due County from Collectors Aggregate amount due from V. S, lands Aggfegnto smound duo from notes, judgments, .to. Outst.in ling County ordors $1,232 78 Court-home eontraet " 9.500 00 Due County Treasurer 572 04 Indebtedness of County $4T0173 2,703 15 1,083 22 3,216 72 11,101 82 11,104 82 Gnonfls B. Goom.axdf.r, Esq., Treasurer of Clear field Ctunty, in account with the different town ships for Road fund, for the year A, D. 1368-9, JIT!. To balance duo townships last settle ment, . $30 12 Te amount received from unrented lundi fur 1863-9 8,068 66 VI!. Tviemhin: Am't pit. In. Hal. . Bcccaria Bell Bradford Urady Burnside Cnest Oi.vington Cloarfietd bor. Decatur r'crgueon Fox Girard Goshen Graham Huston Jordan Karlhaus Knox Lawrence Morris Penn Pike Cnion Woodward Bui. due tps. f ,bl 79 Gro. B. Goom Aitnr.a, Es Treasurer ef Clear fiel J County, in asconnt with the different town ships for School fund, for the years A. D. 1968-69, DR. To balancs duj townships from last settlement 9132 93 To amount reeoivod from unseated lands for 1S53-69 8,360 99 CR. Touti'h'pt. Am't pd. Ipt. flat. nW. Boecaria 279 28 303 36 Bell 237 48 178 48 Boggs 127 40 6Z00 Bradlont is J ai vi Brady 371 73 24 14 $477 2J 416 00 $27 16 126 63 68 07 12 08 460 4 4 3 98 264 91 233 73 62 63 112 12 66 64 3 41 329 00 24 39 31 73 2 07 249 66 166 10 66 86 2o0 00 9 06 176 6S 16 14 1,620 23 267 68 67 21 Trfi 161 84 69 49 294 66 86 00 1C6 4 724 60 26 .16 148 00 32 44 104 42 76 22 260 04 1 42 4t 26 817 88 t,eS 78 Burnside 27136 107 16 Ch.it 214 SS 81 01 Covington 230 08 111 37 Clearfioid 03 2 91 Decatur 472 41 76 72 Ferguson 31 26 6 71 tox Alii 22 Girard 68 32 3 63 C.oshen 264 91 27 16 (iruham ?:0 4t Huston 633 1 1 470 63 Jordan 88 23 4 73 Karthaus 8 24 266 64 Knox 314 93 182 76 I.awrenct 229 20 29 11 Morris 627 92 402 81 Penn 1. 7 02 77 27 Pike 006 6 67 77 Union 269 88 62 76 WooJwaid 4266 76 ,'J 06 Bat. due tp. 2,6 1 60 8,483 92 i mi Tl '"I m n n , .. . ... ina auoro iiotoi. Having recently Doen Mien up for a home of entertainment, is now open for tho nccommodation ef tho public revelers will fioi this a convenient house. Mar 19 1868, JOHN JQI DAS'. Eadies' Bonnets and Hnts, trimmed and art trimmod, of the Lotett Styles at It. W. CD's, To Persons out of Employment, AGENTS WANTED. In every County of the United Stales, fl0 engage in the sale of somo of the best and I. mt elegantly illustrated Works published 'Our publications are of the most intereiLirr Icharacter, a la pte I to tho wants of ths Farmer, Mechanic and .Merchant; they are lublishedio the best style and Imnnd in the most substan tial manner, and are worthy a place In tho LI krary of every lleuschold in the Land. Ml, To men of enterprise and industrious hb- a 77oi ' "l's buj'ne!!' offers an opportunity fur proflt S,48J tl abi, employment eelOom to bo met wjth. ta-l'ersons desiring to act as agents wIU re- We, the Commissioners of Clearfu lJ County, Promptly by mail full particulars, terms, in the Cemmonwr nlth of Pennsylvania, having e- " aadrc.sj eiarained the accounts of Geo. B. Goodlander, j Rq., Treasurer of the County of Clearfield for the year A. D., 18G0, do certify, that we find the 1 accounts o( Geo. It. Gcodlandcr as follows : The amount due from all sources to be seren thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight dollats and ten rents. We also find the amount of outstanding ....I... a .a I . . . . r. llt.iif.nJ , ...n I, 1 1 n .1 .' a J .nn thirfv. two dollars aid soventv-eifht cents, of Inlfll lI1o -i.:.i. ii.....n . v,. I ..... I . D hou.-e eontraet. The balance duo Trcasnrer,- Fo' rr and offectual Ciits nf jH m throe hundred snd seventy-two dollars and four! tf'Wism, Dyptp.ia, nrrd Li,;r (km. e(,nt, pfriiaf and all Acute and Lhronta Pinif ti of A- Witness our baud this 12th day of January, A.' J""" ,,nd Chllurcil.-Send 3 cent Stamp rfF her Anmmf n II I A ' r tint LKARY. OETZA eo.. Fuh. No. 2L'4 North itxeot, Philadelphia. Oct 24, 1869 ly. , 4 r'TJ largo stock "of Sprln-r end Summer V. clothing of the latest styles for sale low by Cuiwensvlllf. Ma yli!. 1860. E. A. IRVIN, 33a da in e Sctuvcmrs Vco;ctab!c Powders Attest- WM. McCRtCKEN, WM. MKRRKI.L. S. C. THOMPSON -Wm. S. Bradley, Cleik EN". Cem'rs. ADMINISTlt ATOR 8 NOTICE. Letters f Administration having been this day granted ta the undersigned on the estate SUSAN ARDERY, late of Lawrence (p., Clear 1 eld county, deceased, all persons Indebted ta said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against tha same will present them duly authenticated for sottlement. JAS. T. LEONARD, Jan306t Adm'r. her Agent. . (1. II. JONES. UuoJreds ef testimonials Bo 2979 1'hila. T O JStryeiiey 3. W. Cor. Third t- Aieh ote. Oct 24. 1860 IQt. , IIARlSWICK'S DRUG tf VARIETY MARKST STREET XEARLY OrTOSITH Jift, We, the Auditors of Clearfield County, having examined the accounts of Gen. B.. Goodlander, Esq., Treasure r of said County A. D., 1860, do report: That the accounts are as a' sre stated. Tho amount due the Road fund by t'uo Treasn rer, iscight hundred and seventeen dollars and eighty oigtit cents. , Toe amount due the School fund, is two thousand six hundred and seventy.' one dollars snd sixly cents. The amount of The undersigned will have constantly en ln'4 outstanding order, is ten t'ue-nsand seven bun- a we'd selected stock of Drugs, Chemlca's, Pye dred and thirty-two dollars and seventy-eighty Stuffs, Oils, Taints, Tobacco sad Sejars, Stutiun eedts, of which nine thonsand fire hundred dol-' ary, Perfumery, Brnihes, and ' Fsncy 'krtiilcev lars are on Court boate contract. which he will dispose of cheap for Cash. Witness our hand this 12th day of January, A. He Invites the pubiie t call aal examlue hW V., 1851. I. W. GRAHAM.) J.B.SHAW. Auditors. V. C. BOWMAN. J Attest Wm. 6. Bradley, Clerk. January 30, 1861. atvck of goods bofore pnrhasiv elsewhere. Country Physicians furnished with Crack Medtoinee, sod Surgtoal instruments it the . reasonable rates. . J. O.' HARTS WICK. ClearSeld, Pa., Tee. 28. ltae. Phillipsbnrg and Waterford Railroad. A MEETING of tho Stockholders of the " Thilipsburg and Waterford Railroad Company" will be held at tho oflico of said Com pany, in the borough rf t'lcarfiald, Clearfield county, Pa., on MONDAY, the 18th dsy of March, A- I(- 1861, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, for the purpose of electing one President and twelve Directors to serre until the eceond Monday of January, 1862. A full attendance Is requested. L. J. CRAVS, Secretary. Clearfield, Jan. 21, 1861. (TRAY HEWER. Came to the resilience the 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. L-Uifi .. of Administration, harice been vranted 't undersigned, tl is day, upon tha ett tf CAUTION. MY WIFE BARBARA having left my bed and board without any just eanse or prov ocation, I hereby caution all persons ngainst har boring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. UtlllULli COLE. O of the subscriber in Hnstnn tp., about fire GEORGE SUUCKER, deeessft. lnte of D-adr or six weeks ago, a HEIFER red, erumplei township, Cleirfirld connty, all person indt'ju'l horns, and about two years old. The owner to said ejtato are resaosted to snuke Immediate Is requested to come forward, prove protiertv, pay ' payment, and those having; ebiics airslnei charges and take her away or she will be dispo.j the ssuie will present, thorn itily authenticate! sou oi aenoraing to law. M1LI.1AJ1 IIU1I. ir somement. January 9, 18CI. 3tr jsntr et SaltJ TTERY CHEAP at the .tore of V jan23 W If. T. IRWIN. Batter. ROLL and FIRKIN BUTTER, for sale at the store of Jan23 W. F. IllWIN. Flour. GOOD ArVTlCLE.for snls at the slo-e of jnn23 W. F. 1 RW1X. L LI 2 A BETH EHUCKEa. Ada's Call and examine the Patent air-light Glas md slone jars, they sre jnst the thkir'yca need, for sale at R. W. A COV Cheese. Boggs tp., Jan. 23, I860 A T.nr. .nrl ..I J..I .IamL . t Tt.... im J " m ... ... r,.., r.-.. vi VI..P ...U.- . . , , . ... . . i J.X. tmngs, Belts, Head Dresses, Netts, Plumes Ui.Afla.0 OI every OescnptlOB tor sale el nriD ARTICLE of K. Y. rirrr.B for sale B. W, A CO's, ' hii office. I VjT at the stors of rD.3 WM. 1'. IRWIN, V Largo stork of Men A Boy's eNitMng. jni received al Tt. W. A GO'S. lmportaat iVotic:- The andersigned, late publisher of the "Clear field Republican" takes this snothod ef e!lng upon thoso who are ludebt I tu him, r te I srl mer it Ward fur tnbrcrlption, 'advertising or Joti work inrorred during the three years eonvnen crng Jirly and indlng July I860, to call ira mediately at my office lathe borough of Ct fisld, snd make settlement nf tb ss-wr, s tbee a: cants tut( elo'tdvr. J. U LAMMaflR. Clearfield, Tecember 1?, ltM. tf. ' ' ' "' If i