Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 06, 1861, Image 2

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    - ' ".I .
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,,f iln Noil'', r'lin-i,', .n fl llir "oil.l, l.l' llifl ngiiur
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1 ..i. ...... u,.,il,l hue l) wroii.' i
,r I f nlnlliill, ttl'ld lll "M l I'l II"
....pi, 1 1 neterl l,",,, "'""l''H''
I, filnl II''!' I .'Hl nlt'.O I
,1,,, jn-irinn""' i 1,-1 nl, In ilc. I m ii in it i ho M.l".-:fii
i .i ..; .I.i nf iiiirt tv iiirr
I mi Hi'l I Inter,', iitililli t fnlilt III"! j.orti-ili'M.
n! ll,..i, (iii.-UMit., n.iM 11 I'ivi- utn, -
.I i ml I If i. t - ' i' l j
Me. unite i I'" '"i" h r'1'"l'
II nl ,1H I ...... I ..... 1, . ..-!
t! t ii.'.iIimi c ut t u fut e 1 1 n,'t dy ir.rin invso f. I navo 1 nt ' t nn?
"" il ."Ml . , ' I 1 II III I I 1 ,,
" " ... . ., ' W,..;,1,m,i. f..r mi iIihp it. mid the rouse I'"' ''
t t 11 1 ...... i 1 . . . r.. ., 1 . . r 1 nni i 111 iii 1 DiMin 1 11 1 , 11 . r.t. b
. . 1 11 . Ail i,.i ii 1 iMi up nrn iMiii. n i ,.in.
... ... i, .-ii .... . .1.. . k mi n ii'i hito. in i inv iii'j' n'-i 'i' .'iiir.iini, 1-. . - - v..,.i m.j ,
'' .. . , ...... .... .1,...,.,lv .,,1 onlv fiit
.lo.ltut -1' " ' r.i..i ,r....,:.,.. s,n Im, .. i,li!, nntnrri lit h i.fl.rr lit. H
J lMr.5ir. MRAvp
.1 . 1. 1 .i r. u nil, iuiv inu - -
tvi'tl a ' I'm Mi. n-u',i .mi trun ill tlto ",vo l,r' 111 (" , ... t. fW Jt
nol in it l 1 1 ' n,j j n0h , . willing lo tvi.Kl ny ioj - (,.vni..l-wl rH,.i' mili."' it fro'vn- mln r Snitliii Stnlrs niimi'di.itcly full '
, , ,;i, n' I iinnil fur my coun-, " ., ,, t , t i J io hiiniblo'l ui'lo ami Ui-imii toil itian- o.n , ii'i cmnn u..v m . ... , . , . ur iIh-y will Ik mm, v I'i ,...
frcm al,or .Jo. J J ,ho leap. IM it ,tL('r dem. of lho oh , tHUlreH of ,,a wor! , lirc I itonl or tvoo-her cm.,, will l my rnuso. ,Tl.o del ration from Now o, k co,n,,o. ,H.r dt,re ,JitV. V
,,y' ,0rre , ;:0U; . - - lh"1 nU,l,r,y f ",0L T'TuoII filli"2 -Kncry upon ivori-lly am -1 1 .,Wr in thn loucl,i,.5 language of .,1 f liopuMic,,,,, four bu.iu., .i., e;,n, , , ,
cause otju'lico iml liumn 'y. , tj , ftiitea r.i'ml Ui vimhcitoil , .. ... , , , i inrffili!o lovo t'mn nif n. Mus-.m-liunotts dcclmf ncmling Irj u " w,;.! ., i. iV
.Jordu.ynnafic-cliiyon nl h k raeUioMi failion. RIIJ illscc,lon J f " bo.vt .1. - ;ve " wUJ wWrfltRny (U,(.satM. Other Northern Sta,.i A.. nin.wiU u,,, tJ ,n,er,
nndinevH-y contingency. . ! Krculea at all linzard.. 0n fr more wiMnr.a ra,,o,,l. 1 tut ou b goal w,H lo J ,,,,, j. .... ;,,. . "-' . "-":. - ..-&
' Mi(14l f 4 lldHll I h an tnnat mm' if UP mi - - t.-.. ..vv... .., uiiFrmija h,i.
I haveultvnyf. wid ihet 1 do not it ieM na MH t0 lhe duly n:id pow-
nonlhern men 1-ltmoieM i ; j - js of t!ie(j0V,rnn,Pt, I concur mainly m
They Lnvoindulged a .pint cf recrimina. ,
Hon find vetatiHlion towards the .NotUi . Dn.0I AS ' No MM denU.s
niMlher r.i.o nor philoinphicul : nt.d it ' t'tl(e AWt s0uIJ ho t.xoai(ed ; but if
annot denied tlmt a vexrtliciH vem lc ofa .SM.cll'ii;ll s,io. by a com-
efr-ni'M-tihasbefn kept up vc;CCi ;ul ; athorltr.tlvc form.
rttjoni niPii vint-
Riii:,crf S'.at"-i 83 Ki nnvt
nd i ii ron.o ii"tiuiot'K
iihr.-.i'nt inliicK'ii
iri2 t aut rrjrior.,. i
cruel .': d rciiui-ii p"
.tiT'On t'loni in n !'inniipr
are, nr.,l .i'-ulu!e.l to provo.
j: v. i i:ey 'll ' ."' "
f-eiiMlive anil
f!!i.-,n. I t! ii""rci'S.-aviiy
o.vftcdi:ijsa!i tt-titiK-riant poinl. cl nt
tiines l'M' !'! ih' iin."roio!i tlmt n'1!''
5im' t!if.t th?- ii"" .hern people coul-i do or
try would rc-)!.-r., their ' ppj-r-hc-.ssior.s
siti.i;.re tli.eir f'( lir.t:".
As for scorpion, 1 w nlier'v r.gninst it.
I deny the rigtit, mid I ahhor ttiu consc
ijucnres: but I shu'.l iudut in no i;rgu
ment as to the rii'l.t- It ii i.o reniedv for
nny one r.f die evita hinienttvl ; and in my
'v.dreirient. it "i'.l ii;.'iavnte rather tlimi
ro:nove il ei;i ; .Mtd, in addition mpeiin-
duee countl'-Ks fit hers of u mora d!
inc and destructive ehuructcr
wiser to hen the ills ive have, turn
!' kno,v not of." Will disjoin
. , i , , r vve reoosni
iim, nr' i..r .t rrossio is ll pen nil .i
threw oil ihcirfilli.-' iiio to the Feder-il
Oovj ivni'!:!, ai ;il i..kiiOiih'di--.l ni'i'tlu-r,
Ic-v ai. y.i Jo ct.e.-atd the laws ivi'Jiiu
,.vch it or curry ont any oin of I'iv
fu:ic!'i'!M of lho Fdevul 0 oveinnioin ?
To exej.itt tholitvs. nuppicinurri-ction
a;-,'! put do vn n-bolKoii ii a ni'-' IV' T",
.mil pleasant 'talk; h;:.'. will ; .vth'.n-m
tell lis how it C.n ta J.ute rrti::,:'. tl.v
united v...:ce of a soverei.;ti Sl.-'.e? V.'hcn
the pi-op'.e h-; .1 tlirown of. their i'.lei:!;'ne'
to the Get-' r.i! Ci iveriitiU'iit. r.i'd ,u:ki'Mv.-'.-ccli".!
on'.v that of the i-Unle, tin, Fediva"
tiovei ntv.i at nuy c;';:in::.nd the e.itii,Mi to
do one t!) n;;, but l.ii iilleghir.ce to the
i-'iite would re piii o him to d i anottier 5
and so he in Luiui.d h::nd and foo;. You
CHi'.noi carry uiails, nolJ euurtn, nor col
lect revenue with t !jo Army, even if you
indulged. The adoption of the reohiiion
of the Senator from Kentucky, by the
vole ol all parties in C'ongrciv, would nt
onco jivo a;8ur..iicc o!' reunion und con
tinui'd niiioii, and would hu tt,o voice of
j.eiu:u and ); od will throughout tho land.
i What ii hienst'd i!'K.a!0 it would Le to go
', t'viii'ul.i:;; o.'i-r tho wires fcjui t:,- to
j !it ate, i'i om e t v to city, i.m t. '.vu to
town. lit. I to vr.liv-v, (in 1 l.(-u.e. to h -ni.-.e,
j ti;r-,.i;,'iOul this inn i ; mrl I. ).'
urny lu'ar! wn.ilj inipuwiviy th.'.ol:
Jod f.,r h;.i t;:i'mc3 I O.if (jovernt::..-:it
'is too youi:j to end now. L'oi.i; uva'.ivt !y
'wric.kiii';. :t h in its iulanry. It has only
ii'f n the iani of a very old man; and
b'-jaio there a:c still ulive who !.v,.'J bf.rj;
I UKi-i-eiuienee. Can it be that exis
tence ' to ho .so limited? a kkv rocket
ing in the good work tiint iupceled thU "I1""' room ,r eonmlutin l mrt;.
. .... , .... itorKiKliere pntlrnii umy b i.xuinin.j
Convention? Wo fear not. It m trun Erfr, M U.0lly found T-nT
her lee.ifclatuie nutlioriz:d her Governor to li.tuiut ill tekfriou ImuO.muI
cL.i:.i;i''ii:i.D. ta.
We:hrr(!ay Morniaj. Teb. 0. 1S8.
Uopont 6 iven of her citizens to replug tem, ITBimT ClMI( wi,u
s.-iit h''r tljcre, an 1 in pitrv.iaiii: of the ta c'rr in liici-i,,, nm In th wn v f j,,;,
authr.-;:y jtivet.., a,,-.: C.nthi l.m 1 11,v,'ciu' " " '" b "'M-'wd ,
i .... ,. en.,;;,, over coir, ni'ti r:iir.a. JlM ,
inintlu tii id.owinj; telvctK.n. I'-x-U.jv. mo r:-, ry ntui-.t n.;aij ,
j Pollock. D.uiu Vil;, Jule White of 1,1 ft",e(,'"f:
i I nd .nut, M . Loi n; i f of i'litaliurg. Win. '
r T n ... ... r T i IT ' t ' I" Tl. . .
file lv-:i n:-i . l nr.:, m v ton . ,u. a1. Hi'"". ' Hiniur.ii
' c . i ..... . .. - .
i , j.uiiii..-.. .ii Ml. TMJI'ir Ul.) ;(.
ll'"'J tl,,' til 0 I'F t.'.O I
i . Ii .'..: nC r ......
1 ,.r ,. , . l.:. I .r ., . v ;.' 'O'-H'l l" 1
,.vi... v. lUU1W ll(U, Vl lUt. Jur ,i;?r K 'J',.i;.
'I I
101. I
til of riiiiadi lpl.i.., mid T.' K.
Lull. Mi '.or -.ill ll'1 0 1 0 1 id .1 ,
i. j . j t j,',;
.. t'.tv;: .:r,,.
fiino, itc tr-
in f'l,-i''l. ua V
the rCi'n if ITlil'.U.M'.Y. !tOI, nt i
p. ;n , i.hcr. v. U.-ri all i j,...'
cvt'.'l n.:iv .-itt.i.u. 11!: i "t V.
'1 JiTitN'. -.til pi'(.rj nr.. UrcH,
y ! !ttoit. mm, Iji:,;,;;; or n....:i,.
tr:.-iii KTii COW, uf i ,,. pil!
J. V. o . UI., I'l Lt'i'.'.li.l Inn
tnv good (Void ft cr;::i v, ; . ( - J C, r.- 1 1 1 ; b - j t
, l . . . . . IliilPl'llI Ulll ('l 1 1 1 1 S il Ka'l I .' f
;;:it.l pe: .u.l, ana tlien siak to l'l.e no inoi t-.' prctito CHtu rwl d itT.oul';s, iv ill lie lo:la't;: . c ' ...... . i. fv lt'-c' t . J EI"
I do not believe this, (iod Las more lo Town H-il'.. initio Wnughuf C!.re '1. on : 'lii.iot w hoo umiio j8 ilosely ideutifird 1 .Vr'f
store Atneric.i lhan I hi. It le jur id SATl'RDAY EVP.NINO.eli 1C.1. ITEIU'ARY "'"!' all our present nalioual troaiile..- i tL'nl htfi
the Uomau 'etnoire r.hout live hundveU i A' 1X 1S6U al hl,:f I11 ,ij"'''!"'k !' 'n 0sc 'Had Gov. C'Jilio iiioied nr.'y-n lie u.e!, o v'.cl .mtbj .V
i...'iint,iii.i! nr. r.rjr..fpntat;v.. Ti lffc'H'i'P torcpre. 'a'.ouid hate done in a crisij so luorueii- iJlAt'' ' l-a-ii'i'!..' io-$,-p'
We tire cjui'.c sure that in thi mr.tter
-- ,(ov. Curtiii has allowed himself to Ik in-
'lliC'dug fcr tliO Appointment Cf D?lc- flueiioed by those nho have no ie.,l love
C&t?3- ; t'T tlicir counln - by tl.o-e who wil-
1.1 rnr.-natieeu rn.. iron ir.o Matei-.s.ctti.v, (;) jc. tlli.,,, ru;t j.
( ,'ini.itlc,', a iiK.ftoi ? of tln Priuocrfity, n:rl all . :, , , .
is scarce -
HllHin ' t ,. e 111: I :( ii B ! . I I .-:i. fl I Ml i 'i m . ... .i 1 w .. - f I I- . . I r 1 . ..t J I
a - " - w " u u : i i I u , ' u 1 1 : hi ii n.i I ui 'j:ii. i. inn i .-' iih 11 L ,11 , . . - i
iifniiuii vouiomhi ci sucii iiiulei iiii tts. Y ,7 ,
a.v i
email etnpii
years.' to r:;i'jh the of its
had Intone; but -ith all the Army , ubuut nn equal period to dvcuo m.d fceM (U f Fcliru : " " J o Iem c . . lfl. . , r'Tlt;
It;U, ihisCloveniriieothas at, .uei, a M Paby!,-,, i,td exi.tcd hi,teen c,,Uu. 1 1?91. j, r. ET2V EILET, Vi, r Henry II. roster. JXJS
' w,-.k would Lei lie. What then? Shall, ' -he,, the loyHerioiii couiacicrs on i Chairs. n Coun.yCM!,.H:ttc. Cdt0U -"'n ' .night have , fcAMfa. fi;,,;
l.iini'u ' to wu' 2!,Vtt nilVightcd king notice
" ..... ..n. M..wm n. J, :,.. r,,,v,.rt.. : "i.-t me i.mtf oi r. (lowutuii was nt tuii.'i.
tho So; 1 1 Wirr.tetttend the area of their, ,',.,.,.,;, ,,,, .... ,Tl.u Athenian Government existed more
n. id roine nepts oi a UvoraUie resuli, mm
Dcmjcralic ftats Ccnvcntion. iiov
The I'e'y.ocra'.ic Suite lixecutiv.. C'orr
...... . . IUL-I1I... 11,111 ,..,.' s. .,, .I'., llb .11- .... 1 V.
poeuliiir institution. M.I l jreuK u . .-jvisdictl on of 'lhe United States ' l"d'c times the period w hich oui . : mil tee of Penn-ylviuii.i, r.t ; tiieetiog held ,
machination, o. those wo, eon.pne io ; .!in.thclr ,ite ? has bee,, i:, exigence. Tho Engluh Gov
cmry !T.bve r Iriy? ,11 it r.-vnage, at tl:e Ioar. eminent ha. ee over srxecnuuie- .inco
popular feel.,:g ,n lie .vo.n. nsioMer . ; &ua.. s . W!ir wouIJ ((t I the day, of Magna Carta; the Ameiicai,
"c-7 Wasiiitcij, Ja, SI, :;!,!
Cur l in would have proved himself j TXECVTDItT XuTK-:.-Uti.
thy Executive. We shall not vet i t iry but in i tliis ,;;iv I'-,., -r,.i.j,
Will it givo Ai'iiitiomd feeutity to t?:e
it tv or
de.air. Ju.lgo White, we know to 'be dn 'bo i-i no o' J!,iu Ui;
- ' t , i . . ' . . . .
imo. vrrimfius v ro.-olvcl to r-'icit tli
v. nf ilo Deninri-nrv ff IU (,!,! k'v.:I,'-u,u I.'llllKl ti n ,.r:tt
' - ...... : - ir i . i .i
n: the eitv of HHri'iKbur?. on the .'fill, !,' -'""' 4 -t'vl'- ' i': i' is mix
ious lor peace th .t he is not a coercion- 11 ,r ".qucsti ittnciiu
t "nn unio imviii clniip" n-i iitt itm
I'oen t!:rm ilu!v n!.i'.M.i:,.,n..a f.. . ..,,'......
i involve a contest with five Stales only, but L has i.oL st en on,
... 1 1 .
i with '.welve or lifteen. II" is a mad man 1K'" 6nct IK ro.-cnu.ructed a lar i-
who closes his eye, to this fact. lPwv- ( broken, iii.jdu we not hope that its lo.u,
. . , ', .. , . ihil ion t 111,1,1 l..i : 1
er much tnc border Mates nuy deprecate. "'" -.-.vr. .mi iini
the action of the Cotton States, and how-'ever; that the ordeal through which it i )ci,mniv.n ofthe Democratic County Com-j10 th"' vouM havc.Cl, US1:
t that action "0lV I,a:;i,g would root its foundation !
hol'lei of slaver? and wul it prevent in
eurrection? In my judgement, it will do
none of these tilings. Korean it by any
possibility inij'iove the material interests
In fittl.n,. uftAliin nl' llm ITn',m nnil T ill". ,
III l-lllli -.v. v ...... , - " . . . .
, , . ,. ., ,. r ever 1 itterly thev mav tanien
. . , i . '..-I i! no war shall be nmdo ou a sister State for ;urls no mau'd n.-itea that widely scpnr
II V 1II1U I U III . 1 1 .tiliv.i , ui.niii.tini ,ii .....
, . i ,, the exercise of t hit rij-'ht, howeve
.litinl int.. i-iitit. n f I . nalinn:il cl-nwlli. r '
1'""-"- ' ' e
iniglit not bo seriously affected. Put
would this revolution stop with tworcpuL
lie ; and can peaceful relations be inain-
C i.ild it he -tone" in .eferenee to the present teirib'.e I'1'0!"'""! cn ought to le accepted. But fu )C.6
we fear ho slands alo-io in that de:c.i;a- j ll.niar; 4, J'61
' r v... :..! o'.:,.
t.. . r , , - , . , 'UM. S.i.l we me sorry for Aiulv C iriiu.
i'i I ..riling, u iijtn," ....... win. I l"i rr
. . ' . . I lit
turn of our paper, it wul t;c seen liiat the ,
.f. A. J 1 KG Al
ll. UEGA.
Ieie was a splendid opportunity for iiiin
QT.Ti:I i:.NTf tb. CLEAKHiU'
ij i IJiNK, ior ma luoatb kO'lic:
initio, hns i'sued a call for n meeting
not m em. to ctweu upon t ne que t.on o,; de,louncci if 0 lm. thev have, i T.oro t-Jocvcly and completely iu tU tllC Towl, UAl, in Ciarflehl, on tho
material interests in cuiMdering the val-' .- ,, ,' 'ill.-etlm.. .r it,rt t.i If wo could have t ,vo' '.th scarce a, . exception, declared rcees. o... ol Lie pco ,h r.f the Im'.i ins.r.r.l, ,or the p-.rp
reoublies of eomd se. and live in harn.o-.8'10" t lhe ririhl of any State. m,d . hnt ' ut Senator, talk o war ; and ,t di-L-ecting Delegate, to a State C nvc
-.vhie.'i is toxsjeinble r.1 II.u on tho
nrviac ntedMaten anJ coninuinities should do 1 la iotant.
that exercise limy ceein. dhen, nr, it su- i ne men oi t nt utvtic regions of the I,, noct rdar.ce with tlio unanimous recc in orpan of thin count r wn.t tn
ii .-. 1 1 i . Jam it t
ll- . criuuiii, nun iuasaacmisutts, call Hial'.e
ntors who talk of war study the picture !
won hill! lastiiii? honor but l,t. Uimm. asset..
at, . . . r , , E'nlj dinccuntcil
. ..,ya.... o, joaying wis par- I'lI;nsyi vauia State St-ek
' t'.iii n and it is for this w am ' Sin-cie - - - . ' .
''ft ot aoirv. j lwe from otbrr Ihmki -
en Hon ihihk .xrim iii ci.'icr mrin
Row's Catcchiia. -U I !
Tha Abol ition tdltor cf the republican : E'niio of fitd eniratir.;, 4s
lho tioublei
-f ....... c. ..... . . i n it. i, i s iiiw i ..: 1 . . . . -. . . i
would ne a war wiin iiiicen isunes on one '. "-'v ur jihuiv, nmi menuation ot the .'-tale U.-mnuttee, the . last wceU, to compile a Cuti-cliism for ti
side and oihteen on the other. Let Sen- eruiont, and Masaaehi
erinoiit, and Maw.ahiisetts, can shakej Deinocrney are to elect three dufrgmes ' nd prefrced ll bv sa ir.c ti t wo i-ivu-'
1 ), ,.ii,v I. ,-L..n I. . ..;.i... i :.: , ', , , ........ , . !....... .. ' . '. . ' ' ' Ciipit.1 Stork r!
lained? Pol h are po;sibla; but neither . " "u " nl"" ' ' , e. ' . """"""o u-ik irom eaci .ii-naioi ,ai district, ni.J tniee ten ;o in:,, things wj:;ch wern -fah-e.-and N'.im in rireui.ti
tho one nor the other is probable. If c'tllln 111 " Uie "M conc.)uence ol nop"'3 oi Aiuericn, kiio.vh j trom eaeh ibstnot; thus ' that we. impugned 1.
,. ..,, . , ... !disfolution can be so blustin- mid horn- us noruia; mm me in
.. .v. i,,. .1,. I dissolution can be so bhistinj
VllVv Ut!1! UI'll11'! 1ltVlliViJ I'll ill.lii (IV, HIV- , - - ill I
history ofthe wo, Id would seem M terch bI"' ns 11 - "cn it preen-, "lay man. est a bel..geia,:t de,,,;. Such
a i . i . . i if... ... i i: . ii . : fiir hi tvi ,u 1.1,1 .k . 1 ,, 1 1 i r
h'.altv. In this Tu 1P3it?r
Unit siitnlivi-ions woulil follow until tlie
lui n, innking lhe Coiivtiitioii io consist of four oar Ai.clitiou fi ii r.d i, niiiinkeii. .
h u.die.l delegates, whit h will reflect .tho ref-;, ed no cha'g s o'. disloyalty iiiainst
K pular very l.irg-Iv. jhiin. It must have been some ono' el?e
It wa expected by the people, that tho jus w lnund him on the witness stand the, t.,:J Exebaao
dm . t.'4,rcoM
on - EU'IOM
24 M
J5. It. ortAIIAM.Ci
tlrartiil , F . Jrn. 31, 1 -PI.
Republican party, having the uiii.niir.ous ! week pretious testify ingjn his own behalf i
control of nearly all tho Northern State in the tegular Pharisee si le.
Governiuent-s and a nnjuiiiy inCongiesr, 1 We are well nwaro that the editor in'
would do something to avert the inevi'.u-' question cannot be charged properly with
b!e destruction of the conn try ; but in tli-.a J e.imir:tling any great wrong to his coun
all have been disappointed ; aid wo iue.,tiy, he lias Jono nothing to stay, cr
jini oi oints
7-ot ii xvxri: ivants it,
T IV I I.I. CKKT.l Vrt I.Y P.lT,
well si.t!t.!ied that tho jlvati ;i of t Ii a na- 'allnv U.e present tioubies.
tion detciids ujon tho pecple ; mid thc:s!0n lire as rrronrr as those of comini'-ion ' A VV Vi,X lA ;AV3
.. , .. ii ..ii , ,r.,.. ir ii , "' ; "i only kno.' li.w ii.-elii', li.iw ii,iua
i... .ci.iui niut. i'L- 111111.111-4 .'. .i. ne as we. i I'.vare l.'.al Hie suocess of the l ow mitcrtniuinn it I... n-r to tin
ocracv, a the lender cf the PiMuihlican j doctrine! of his jiviv I,,.! .11 r,;..i, ... I'cst," that Urgest, in-t ns;r;:ct!T.i.
nartv hrvo iirmlv shook hands with their ;inod ih Mni,, :.. - t... ', ySi j"r'il i" tie '
' ' ( ' v-..'. I'l-n iimib ui trc Uni.jtiai.l, ljr tan Urai fir U!
di.-nnion alius m the South. his paper, ho part hi !y n.lmittcd that if tho v'7 : lh'J
Thesa twin destructives have turned a Ireaci. invncsitiuns whit-li w...-o br,.rn iiin' American Asrie rU niist
doaf oar to everything that ha, heretofore .country , ai,d are called for I y the i eoplc Yl,u wnnl ' ,,":il-," it cuiitainiiow
proved eflec.ivc-publio mating,, and would U adopted, hi, ,'Uy would have IZl ll'X'lSi
pennons. io sacr.neo -.ill ' they contended for ; 10 tue 1 lfl1. ln Orr,,tti.l, on tha lit;
Tho Ciiy of Boston, which polled 19.C00 ! from which wa are led to inter th, t th. Prounil; J,)'i,ctlc .i.i,ui.!Mtt.,
t, . . .1 , . . -v., .,, illn Ajnciiltiiriit it not n ftalo rcho.-h oft:
vote, lor 1 nsident, mis sf tit a etiHon to overthrow of the government, or lho abo- stuff, inch a. too, the round, from on
Congress with over fifteen thousand name liticn of shverv we, ''idl" that 1,:, t.arlv ",:oll'cr' t,!t " M ll!lc'1 ri,,, new t:",:"
and have sent a lame delegati,.,-. of cone.- 1 ,v ;is t , V:n to b"',,.. ,'.,,4 ' ' ofwhielii, rotUM.
vat, vo men to na-hinton, heamd bv
Everett, Wi.itl.rop, Appletcn, Paw rence, !
and others, to call upon their IJ.aek Ke come so
piiblioan (.'on;;re--:ii(.ii lo letueo tl.iir,an.swering que
innrdcrout po'icy ; and slill they i c f i: e. haw .i:iu
l he fniiift i e s i ren done ,,i N'-w t
i oric, i'LilaU-lphm ar.'.l ot!:v hr-e c:t;, :
l.i.o.v hi In ii vr.irn .'.!..
-suiei: cur tatechisu. and vo have le- fll! j.,....,
ted the hope Of re-esiiiblihing the Union. a fight u'dl b bloodies, ;but it will be far
- . n iii i a I ; . ...
American Union n ould be divided into n mil now noiaemus anu oeiu-.t e mns, .,e . c v, uu ..,e eC .,u s.'.ive ,lUe,
eoreor more of peltv, wrangling. !lri the idea of ... dor. through , eh ! It Lord-:ing on each other, should that be
demoralized republics, "exciting only the involve, '.he practice of disunion of lhe lhe lino of dnw.on. They will bo within
pily and contempt of tho world. mor-t fatal type. Let war once commence- '"kn.g distance and to them this war
Acknowledging the justice and com-! Rncl 11,0 Ilion is Eone forever. What will I o no idle bravado. It w.ll be a mat-pbit-.ts
of lhe iouthcrn States to no incon- wou, bo the purpote of tho war? It '"' l,t 'do r.nd death. Look at the po,lt
sideral.le extent, I deprecate with nil n,y i must cilher be to chastUo lho offen ling J0il ol '"' own glui ion, old Slate. .No
heart the remedy they pursue, and arr, (States, or gratify feelings of hostility broad nvu-, f t- high mountain, or deep
prepared to resist it by nil proper mean, against them ; tovindicalo tho honor and , vhmn, o: high wall, i.i, ide, her from the
in my power. Even if lho right of scces-: dignity of the Goverrment, or reconstruct olavcholding S,ates. From tua waters of
Bion were clear, Mr. President, I main-( tho Union ; bat it would fail to accom. the' Ohio to thoso of the Delaware, her
iain that justice and good faith to tho ' pHh the one or the oilier. What food 1,,1U' siJc nestling close up against tin
other State, require that redress for alle-'end then will it cubserve to shed the .sides of her shvcholding sister,. First,
ged grievances to the South should first j blood of our race and kindred, who sepa- on tho west, comes Virginia, then Mary;
be coughtat tho hands of '.he people, (he i rate from us politically, beeauno they hae l-nd, and then, full up in her generous
fountain of political authority, : t,d in the ( believed tliey were not treated ns equals ? bosom, rest ier littlo sister Delaware,
firms preciibed in lho Constitution. States cannot bo brougtit back into tho 'with the head, of both reclining on the
The southern States should hate petition-1 Union, or kept in the Union by the sword. banks of the river where, al tho same mo
cd Congress fir a Convention of States to . It is impossible. Ours is a Governmerl ni'-'r,,i lho rays of the morning sun may
rcviiotho Constitution and removo tho of consent, and must be fh dnined by good ks lho brow of both. 1 or fuur hundred
grievances nf which they complain. In ' w ill and frnterntl afTeetion. P.y what tl '"om the Ohio to the De laware, her
this way they could havo aueertained the earthly means can you compel a sr.ver- th side red.f.cs against the NoithsiJ,
real sentiments and intention, of the eign kta!e lo rerfnrntl-.o functions of a ofs:.ncho'd.n..'St..lcs; in-iiinniin to niouH
ncrlhern people on aid, them, and the member o." 'Vu Confedraey ngain-it her t.uu hoi io 0,11, v.i!v to i ;! v, larui t
great a'.tei native of continued Union or ei'.l? Can -r.- make her citizens hi. Id f.o'.n, neighbo.-kood to neighborhood
peaceful separation could have bven tie-( office? dm you make them rfgird vo-.-t b.otiu-r to., .-other, r to ii iter, hand to
tciTiiined Ml o-i. This was t lie course of I nvs? Cart you compel them to eticl hard, ..r,:l i.c.-irt to lio..rt. Toe l.oe has
our inthe.s in rc'eience to the old cotifed- members of Con.':res, and enn members brrn, to tho cititens on cithe
cration, which was intended to be perpct- of Cmgrcs lie !ore?d to sev,--? Can yen '--ide, in,.i inury ; leivo n.e,;ed IVo,;
ual, but wns changed because it did not ' rolleet revenue, or laxei wl.ere nn nun the North to the So.ith, und from the
iinencr tho purpotes for which it was cre- will perform the oTiee of tax-gitliernr?- Soulh to the North, without oven n
aire!. Let our southern fiiends follow ': U ir, idle. I say, therefrro, that coercion Ihoii'dit that it marked ttio be-imin-. d
m.s exarv. io, ctcn ai una lain nay, and in a mere r lir.oe. a sheer 1 1 :snm. Tim a nt ot o f t: aneera in r.tu i t ;ui.. i.., ir.. : i i 1 ..
nl'mnwM lw. .nvnd. P...'i,r ,,.,.! ' M,-r .i.i c... ..... -l.l '7. ' , " . .i.u...-.o,..fc. ,mo i:c,er.t , hence our mind has been qui:c tn (. it. unci wlicii ti) 'lu i.
- .111 IIU'II" -p I'l, II Llll...l .,1 HIM -J.
l.l- l..l .. . .. ... . . .. .- - .. . . 1
wtii juevan in sucu n iiouy man in '.on- live in Ira'ernal tinnn, hoing reunited by lino met o rias !:een tnnrr.Tin,-! und civin
grcss. Men will coma fresh from the peo a long and bloody war, i, .reposteiou. in inarriage. The son, of Virginis have
pie, unetnburrasscil by party politic, and No, sir. this never can I e. And in Fny- mm I'icd the daughters of renn-yp, a, da,
party plutforms. Thi, icfu'ed by the ing this, 1 do not mem to say that I would and tho soih of Pennsylvania have mar
North, mid then, and not till then, could not force all tho Slate, to remain, It i bo- ried lho daughters of Virginia, and so it
violent remedies with any show of justic Peved il possible ; for no greater service has been with Maryland and D-la-vnrc
ben, yoked. I he Constitution ws, inteii- ; could be rendered them. 'That lino is smc'ified by all the ties that
ueu to meet, ubt such existences n t :! :.. .. . . ' .
, ,, - ' "I'oiun, s.-e..v.,r,n is mo worst eiiuea,- man io rneti ot her pohtical , distt tct have to bear a lar z t ortion of I he i Delei'ntes from oi-ht northern and fcv
r.o n, i nence, nopiov.Monwa, possible remedy for the evils complained mid coinmeroial ties ; tios of interest and blame, and wo dare not 'upbraid our ""i.thern Smter. assembled at n
niaclo I "r the of the Stales, r i. o ..... .. . . .... . ... ' in .i r i ... i.. . .i.., ... r...,
..r-.i r . . ' 'vi tnHouninern .Mates, and soepcion cusu ,u ; ties ot tonsangu m ,ty and a flee-' neighbors very m ;oh until wo wnsh cur " e "-.-"", nt". mrnio t,rg .i-'pninmnUor voiui, snd lio-J"1
nolle for lhe coercion of Mute, into o'.e- tho maddest of all tho remedies suggested lion. I hand of. he crime ),avo committed lnJ 'iH Jir iutmn.,1 nll'uirs. iii hc of grsm r,, , miaa.rf;
dience of the fundamental law of the fir secession T1. J,.-. ..i.. . . ,..i, ... . nanu, oi ne .. o nave C .mmitten j SlHU,, ,V,ro,.om(,(1 nlT Pennsylvania, 7bo n'.ove aro truthful .tarineBti.
r-: ti,- ,., .j. .... n, . ':orecesMon- T'e States ought to l,vo God ! are nil these to be severed ? the peace and Government of our j .New .ler-ey. New Vm-k. Ohio. Illipoi, T,,I chec-rfullv Hostel t.. n-ar'.y a hundn
"." ic vu.isii-. m irntcrnni bonds ; hut if th
tution wore in tlie praclico of that peatc shall
ful icmedy at the time; and doubtless in- Snth
tended to leave the san-e remedy and lion.
l-one other to posterity. This re.T.cdy and i
.1 I1.MII.. . . I. ... ii sun do eniurneeo. nn en i ,..nnii. i ,,.i ..,. o . .. . . . . i.... . . - . . -,i.. .,. . . . .
. ,. , . . . :iiuii; an'j Biio l, no lo-s ntl,.e.l ion ale to ! "H lime. I note i, now no dilfurnnco bo- L; ,u'; g'ea"'!i annrtion of tn wholo. ' 4 nu vis i n Ton 4 NOriCE-
hou.d promptly submit to tho Slates as piovinces? The Senator from i.gin- her othw sister.. In cood faith she h.,s tween him and Wm. L. Yane.e . ' 1 ''.U bono of contention and the nrime A .f Ad aini r.. on hs.-ine bf
SOino measure Of raClflCUtion and ror in mot that noint so erin-.i,h.l.' lh, iil,i arr,,r.ni1 I . .1 ...... . " . Cause Ot OUT troubles, "l.lepflinr' " Tnn. eninldl to Iha unJorsir-ndl on
. 1 -" - v..v,,i.w.. ,ci imi.iii iirnrHRniii war . uiusl . i.-.v i num un 11 triiirtr. irt i e. ..n . ... t ... i . . . t ...... ; : - .. . t .
441.1. "II
ew lint "rusty" in ti.e
ij,.'-: : i'-i,s ; out t;s .r.c a
to -Iiten u a li::ie
o.iieo.K.ito-.i ..i.e. we ivu,
j.,.,,. .....i 1 at e v. 1 3 ; , v. 1. ii 1,1s .;:, j:,:!!. .i.c ;.i .i 1 ho
but ever 'h'ti j prove, of ,10 avail ; the crigin" ofslaverv.
last sum .ce.ns to hi.'fH,;. , p,!,. j upin j Wo iveiabhM-e.d la.t week with
uie cum., , iiacK- t'j- tncfs iif.'.'.oi'.Ki dtr,. naioi.'ti! of ",;i
o:' which we found out. elves m.t very p
v 1. 1., ill.
. "Ltiiir- 'i.:u.y Li-ru'ro-'
i. c.r'.i i: ii'.' t ir.inj
?:.t cf biui, "'i I 'Mel. I -; ili 10 y..n nw.-e t
nniwiii'.;..,..:! bu j.,, ii:,'r wn(.;
nini'il .'i 1,'i-ii, ;.. more per a. ic 01
in f.'l'l "'' nil''". ( "i' i-i nil .'1(1 l.ii-hur).;:
ii'li'll. ll-"''.' p" ; .1: !( fl'l ll 1.11' ,n iu V
'-.'' .. IT i: IS 1 0 .l,-i .LCi!
lhvil.O J .ch! ( 11 Lu,i. . of... in I'tr
at, ii li.'id. mill v.' iioexii'i. ci,-t i.ti t
.i'l'lvi.iR'-.'. I i.i. fr.'iu the .-I en .i'mki.
a largo ,.- ( tn v beret i.Uli
in the propn diiti ibution it 'o l gurJ-a c.-altl-. itu I' 1(1
wai.ov 10 iiio 1 1 'i: ..' .' 1: 1 io:: ,n in.
Viliii h lo'.J bin, ficiiitimi' t.t'im, i11'
v. e
11 ;:;l
,,UJ iW'nnH-v,liireier.tly cm plot ed from that of .1
in. i er
1,1,1 ,t...,.il ,..,,lm,. ...,.i :.. 1... ,1. , . ' -
"' l' ' -"v ... u.o peop.o ingtl.cq.n.s.ior.j pt opojinVJ to us last
4., uK-tiCi. n.ui contempt oy our iveeit in Iu5v's Shelter Cure! i t -u. " Ui in
er but e luiit'i"l jimilar iidv..l .t;es.
I'tvite-I le tiy t'i. p ipcrn ye-r, t
CI. Il' Vur. ',l,v ul .:;! fl.fO,
representative,. It is true, there me n
few iioblo exceptions; but . .areely as nu
merous a, lho-0 it required to sive Sodom.
Publisher will di-i.!bui. auioiij Lis i':
, tlio present wintT.
iourwifo WiititniliO .lyricT'iTii', t
Trom Washine-tin. -
1 he Cr 11 :'i e-h .mil 1 fin, I, tni nl t1'.,.l.. h.i, a In'' nni nnt of vs'iiubl,
t " " ' """" ., . . . .. . ,. .t
' nl.n r.:,l .'.. - . . . , . u-i'iiu :ni',rin,nii)n noor.t nil Kinm ' '
.ington st.ll ic'use to pas, any 1 1 in fekiiii .i- r.,., kiI
Tha people from our Representative j totvmdi a relief of our national trouble, uf this puj i r for n ye-ir. You wi'P
Innne uiailu brller, nu.J inouiy tsri'J.
Your rbi'.Jron waat tl:. jt
coat ir.5 vci v inttroiiT c. ui'-ful r'
ey will not, 1, this line to mark the bounrh4rie rtfrn.'eountrv. We huvo srnt ihn lie. dana, Rhode Klanrl. New Honm.l.;... lh" rrt.rnt rsn-Jerj of tho -tr'c"
OHO h alfmit the othrr In ll,o .... .mini ? f r,,..;i.l 1 tf ., L .1.1: .. ir....: 1 1 t :. ., Delaware. I'i. . inn. i t,',.......!...' You nru inrii.r .i try iincl-v.!uOi
, . ...,,,--,..,,,, iiuiiMiiuv nni, ins- I'uuii'.iui 10 urn ri.uiii g null, lnuuoii, 1 no ., , , .-.'. .i. iviihum, . . . , , , ,.,,,i -
a war would bo 0110 rf .i.inr...i.iA. tiea fml.i.t ii ru.,.....i :. .... . ...i:....i u,:. ,,, J1 I"J' ' ort I, Carol ma and Viroi
. - - i.ninii nni never . ' i4ii nu.iiiiniijti, 01 ;ne Aooey 'l'l,(.. rl no 1 1 ujuiijt pay. 1 ry 11 nr ( t o,
Neither side could ever conouer : wcomc lho enomv of Vir.ii. ii....,i k'.n P- lAK irtiiirlnii si a 4. ... A . 4 I . . .. . . , d'-legates. com- OltANGE Jl'DI), Publiia"'
, ., , ' ' -!,.. irniii..""".j . (,', ",iu went) m uo I'osmz 1 lie 1)1 li; itpst mindii in 1 l.n ..m, .... .1 1. it
f the norther., S'ates could conouer. vania will never draw ll, ... v:. I nnlii ,1 n.,,l ,!...; 1 , ll...,l..' ; ,?.'" U.,C Cor,n,.r . 41, lark Row,
m wnr. , ;iubi, m iii-Jiii uu l us in m4 a -.aii ... l i i . c . " . - ..hl
dnv that I need not discus, it. Rut Ood For ,, rt.r.,M ., .. ' .i ....i.. . '..'' een u " ll:,eJ '"t the Union, i?1-, , A.KWVK' iB., . Lt"r'r
, i .tun Biig oiifjiH UI CH "vvhii'4 nirii viwiiuiiy, ; IJlUK
ren3 mat u,e right or feces- forbid that war should ever begin! I -am to stay the tide of disaffection and nliena
...... t...-,, in inevxir.stKuiionjana no against It. I am for pence; and I am tion between the two sections
t. 4 J,. ,i "Vo"'"" '"r J'co; nna i am uon oetween the two sections. Shohas'the Speeches of Senator. RVlr mri -., . -V ittt!"''" hill ha. passed i. .m
ing ii etind. one ne,v Slate in alld ,,c.l'. eu"nt.T' di-cessed, til pei..m I"'".
W. 7"ui.i. .id. r-- . "i old ones out bnle0 iM,a sti are r-qneMra i ',,
" cAimcisiroin, ti, u...:c- . imvaieot. and thoie bftvinc ilaim, r
M Ti.r; i.'iroad Inllhoi passoU;Mn,s ,lH preiont thfm duIy s,br
JAB. T. J...vf-