Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 30, 1861, Image 4

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    tUvtifo jgf publican
' ' Tras't SiiMenpuon.
If paid ha advaac. or within throe monthi, $1 2i
Ifpaldaay tine wWfcla the year,
. If JliJ attar expiration ofth year, . 2 CO
r trfvprtlHlnrr.
Aertis.m.nt. are insorted in th. Republiean
M the foU.winj rates :
1 InsorHoo,.
fnt(nir,(t4WPi,) . 50
. Two iwrti, (2line,) 1 09
' Three squares, (42 linol,) 1 50
8 month1
Ons Sqa.wo, i
Three squares, I t t I 00
Fonr squares, i I I 1 J
flatf ooolunin, t J .
J do.
1 60
$4 00
6 00
8 00
10 00
U 00
$1 00
1 00
2 50
13 trio
$7 00
10 00
13 00
14 00
18 00
20 00
15 00
Una w.lnmn l 1 I l ii vu
n column, i i " v" " ..ii,.oi
Ov.r throo we.ksaudless than throe moi'U'
enta per square lor '""". .
Business n.tices not encoding SllnM are In-
t.rted for $3 year. .... v. .
Advertisement, nit .MkJ ""itf
tA.rtjjaa4csired, will is :ntinued nntil forbid
mid charged nordir.g to those terms.
An extensive stook of Jobbing materia
imbles tho I'uLlinlior of the " Re-pubUenn'
to Announce to tho public that he in prepa
red to do all kiiuls of
JiAiisi-s, Ball Tint?, Handbili.8,
nd every kind of printing usuully done
in a country job office. I
All orders will bo exeouled with nett-1
fies9 And despatch.
srcuLtoucn & brotheh,
Attontpys at Law.
Offleaow Jfarkel stroet, epposito Mosjop'l Ptoro
fllearCeld, Vs. Will attond promptly to Colloo.
tlons, Sale f Landa, o. nuvT-1 4
f. HAYS, Justice of llio Poneo, will attud
. p ratnptly to colloelions and other njutturn
eft la hfnehnrfff. Address Ktrsey, Elk eo,, Pa.
Oek IS 1800. ly.
JITST1CB of the pence
LutLcrtlurg, ClmirfWld To. Vn.,
will alleqd promptly to all buxineks eutruted
to hia enra. Muifli 88, 18C0, ly. pd.
A T t)i month of Link Run, fir inllea from
V. CTenrfiold, MERCHANTS, and xtnaiT
Manafx'tKr.ra of Lumber,
July 2.1, 1851.
' J.- D. TlIOMl'SONp :
BlarksntTli, Wagom, Buggies, ia., Ae., ironed
on aafirt wolloe, and the very beat style, at hia
Jd "lurid in tho urou;h of t'urwonsville.
Oeo. 29, 185.J.
, Clearfield, V., Offico in Bhaw'a Row, op-
' doo. 1, 1869. tf.
Dn. 1. WOODS, having changed hia loca
tioa fro CurwoDSville to Cloarflold, res
pectfully olfera hia profeaaional aorvioea to the
eitiieue. ef the latter place and vicinity.
Reaidere oa Seoeuil atroot, oppoait tt it ef
J. Orana, Keif. my 1 J 158.
PaTstcle. sut! Surjccn,
Clearfield rv, May 30, 1860.
ATTORXKT AX LAW, will nttend promplly
ad faith Tally to all legal business entrusted to
hia core, in tho lerernJ Courts of Cl.nrr.el4 and
Adjoining eenntlca.
OOkc, the one formerly oocup!i by G. R.
Oct. 2flth, T859 ly.
rhyxtrlno and Murgcoii, ofTora lita profea
sionnl sorvlof a to the citizens of New Wash
ington and iHrrounding community. Office thro a
e'nora west of th. Washington House,
- New Washington, Fa., Oct. 14, 1859.
CrviL Enuinrrr i Land Surveyor, ofWa
hia professional serviooS to tho citiiena of Clear
O.hl county.
All business entrustod to him will b promptly
and faithfully viecuted.
OOo with Leonard, Flnnoy Co.
Justice of tho pcaco
Luthcrsburg, ClenrfiiJd Co, Fa,, will
Attend promptly to all business TntruHted tekia
Caro. H also Informs tho puhlio that he kpj
eonetantly on hand at his shup, a general an
surtmont f Saddles, Bridlea, Harness and
whips, wkloh ho will sell en reasonable U.ais.
April 4, 1800.
A M. PMITH offers lila profepalonnl aerv'nes
. to the Ladles nud (Jeutlcmen of Clur
field ed vicinity. All oporntionj parfnm4
with noatnM ana despatch, Being familiar
with all the late improvuienU, he ia prepared lo
make ArtMrlal Teeth In the bent saaiM.
OfQre la Shaw'anew row,
Uept. 14th, 1848. lyj.
AM eioell.Bt anal Ity of Flour for .'sal. low
the store uf W. FIKWU.
Ci.arB.ld, Jaly lltb, I? 60,
Ja. a. Linarar. tsjst
X AHKI.K ii. TEST, Attorhoy 4 Law
J I Clearti.ld, Pa., will ntt.nd promptly U Col
lAiuhs, Lakd Agcnolos, Ac, Ac, In Cltara.ld,
C.utr and lilk ooulities. July It. y
Whalosal and Rersjfl Merchasita. Also
xUusir d.alers In timh.r, saw.d Wad
a.r and akingloa. aAlso, dealers iu tutr ao
Tain, which will be sold cheap for aanh.
Jl'HTICH rtlt pence
Rockwu. Union lo., will
promptly to ail haia.s .utrusUl t his aea.
Bopt., 13, 180. 1
Call and aaarala th Patent air-tight 6 1m
and slooa jars, tkay at jut th thing roa
aeed, for sal 4 K, W, A CO'.
nardwaia ef avery kind, ka. ' an4 fuik
spoons, LusJl, Files, Kail, C ft
odaad sUa aawa ad Mill a at
. W. A C0'
B; TinTliirrrKu lU-k uig tuiij
U tlM HUT If, for sal at th.
. aoall W. f. UWI5.
Cki'ii aLk. af varlosy at rdad pet
3A' !.: . CurwawVU 14, .
Mackerel aaJ Harrlo for aala at tk.anraar
atortaf B. A. iMYll.
Uurwanivillo, My K, '&Q.
not A ahoas of .v.ry kind lor LadlM, Im
tless.a, aa4 ChUax.n at R. W . CO',
Stella and other A'kawll In rarioty at the k
Ktor. of E.A.IK VI:
CunvenavilU, Mny 16, 'CO.
PRUIT. Psiod Apples, Tared and nnpare
Peaches, Chevrl.s, Franes and Baisirs
M orr Itar 4 E. A. 1RT1.V
'' . i iiniitinir I'ourL i 1
I 1IUO Ul v B "
fWnd Monday of January,
Third Monday of March,
TUird Monday of Judo,
Fourth Monday of Septoraber,
In tack year, and continue two w it
I lonriiy umririi
Pree'l afadge.Hon. Samnel Una. FerleroDte. ,
Aste win u oor, iwm. ..
Hun Ren) Bonsall, Luthersbttrf
HlMir.C Fred A . Minor learcom
Proth.notary.John L. Cattle,
Re. Ree. James Wi igley,
District Atfy ,obert J. Wallaee,
Tr.nsurer, G. B. Goodlander,
Co. Surveyor, W, B, Wright,
Conirniit'n'rs,Wm. M'Crnrken,
(lien Hop
bnmW Wty
8. 0, Thompson,
R ( Mnsiaan.
Isaac V. Uraham.CUaraeld
J. I). bhaw,
Qeorgo Kiohardi,
l,Nt of fVt
V,,..- P. O. A'lIWW 0. Jf".
lilcu Hop.,
Clenrfi.ld Bridge,
0. W. ( alw.ll,
Mart lllrt.r
T. A. M Uho.
J. W, Owmpb.U
Lewis Smith
P. B. Millor
Kd. Williann
A. L. Sehnoll
Jacob Kunlz
John Heb.rling
i oudlanu,
Jelferjaa Line,
,!- liiooin
New WasliingtonJ .1. M, Cuinmings
Iiurnniie, jas .I'.nunn;
Cl.xrfiel.l. Clearfield.
C. P. Wataon.
Covington, Frenehville,
Cunv.nsville, curwenn illc,
Peenter, Thiliptburg,
F. Coudriet
J F W aichnarr
Famuel Way
Centre eitinty
V.lin. WiU'lHUHl
ergnaon, Marron,
lll,.n V'oit Cffire. Elk county, Fa.
l.ecounte a Ula, v pignut
Bald Hills. William Carr
Goauwi, Shawaville, A. B. Shaw
Uraham, Uruhamton, Jns. B. Graham
(lulich. miths Mills. J. A. Hoparly
Huaton, Tyler, David Tyler
' Pennfiold, H. Woodward
Ji.rdnn, Ansouville, Fliaa Chane
K.irthnuJ. alt Lick, U. H.ckadorn
Knox. New .MillLort, D. Ii. Mukcl
Lavr.n.., Breckenridgo, J. W. Thompa'n
alorria, kyiertown, jas. iuoiiJun
UorrimUle, J .McClelland
F.BO, Lumber City.f W. W. Wright
" Urampian Hills, A. J. Aioore,
il;., Curwensvilla, auiuel Way
BlooruingvilU, Michaal M'iso.
I'nion, ockton, W. F. Juhnsun
Woodward, JerTries, T. Ucndersou
; This Post Orlice will do for Chest township
t Will fwer lor Ferguson lowiuhip.
The hih and envied celebrity which these
pro-. mirent medicines havo acquired for thoir
invariable efficacy in all the disease." which th.y
profess to enre, has rendered the usaal practise of
. . . .1
pufmij not only nnnececsnry, mil unwormy 01
tli.rn. They nro known uy meir iruus; rueir
goed works test'fy for th.111, and they thrive net
by the tenth otth. cr.uuioiu.
In Ait cases of Asthma, jtcul and Chronic
KheHiiiutini), Affections of the Bladder and Kid
nsya. Billioua Fever and Liver Complaints.
In the south nrfi west, where thes. diseases pre
vail they will be found iavaluable. Planters,
Fnruiers,and othor.-, who one. une these laedieia.s
will n.ver afterwords bo without Ui.m.
l!llxi. Ho person with this
disease should delay using these ruedieiaes iai
medintely. Kraptions of tho skin, KrysipeWs.
Flatal.acy, F.v.- and Ague. For this scourge
Of tS western couuUy then medicines will i
jvaad a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Oth
aa.JiciB.i leave th. .ysU'W taujocito a reiarrer
the disease a ure by those medicines is oft
cnaneut Try them, b. satisfied, and b eu ed.
Mcrcaral Isixca.ea, K.v.r fails to eradu
oato all the oB'acts of mercury iuttuiteli-
sooaer than tho most poworful prcpiration of
Ni)ht sweats, Nervous Dobilify, Xorvous Com
plaints of U kinds, Organic Arleetivns, Fulpita
tioa of tho Heart, Painter's Cbolie.
Files. Th. original proprietor of those medi
cines was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by
th. us. of these Life medicines alone, Worms of
nil kinds, are effectually cured by thes medicines.
Parents will do well to administer them whenever
their existence is suspected. Keliof will bo
Purify the blood, and thus all disease
from th. system. A single trial will plac the
Lira Fills and Fao:nix Bittkrs beyond th.
reaoa of competition in the estimation of every
Prepared and sold by
335 Br.dway, cor. Worth St., New Turk.
Feb. 2Sth I860. lyr.
I.tXK HKKI-ll l.rt)K ni.Kiv.
THK and. rsign.d subscribers, take this meth
od of informing the publie generally, that
they hare this day entered into copartnership in
a4 enn b. found at the shop formerly occupied
by J. Phunkwiler, on Third street, in mis no
rough, where they will be pleased to see tho r old
'customers, aud as many new ones as can mnko
it convenient to give them a call.
frlng on your hoos, your spades and icks,
Your log-chaius and your pulling sticks,
Your .lads, your aleigha, your horse, your mare,
No three-year eld shall then go bare.
Toar apoara will work up then Just right,
To prouaiug koole for .very height,
Tuw words Lou. shall then be wrought.
I To ploughshares such as t'ui'n no'.r bought.
Clwrneld, December 8, 1858. tf.
lam just receiving and opening a larg and
well mI4 sxaortasent nf
61 aliisOett every description,
A WeaatiCal assr(B)at of Print and Brew
gO'xla, af Ik. aewest and latest styles. Also a
44 vari. ly af as.ful aotioa.
A large tssortment, reaily-matlo
Buaa.U, HhawU,
lUw as Caps.
Boat and Shoes, a large quantity,
Hardware, Queenswar,
- Pruggs and Medicine,
Oil and Paint,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
Fish, Bacon and Flour,
flh best quality, all f which will k. told at
A lowet cash or ready pay prices.
tMpetfllv Invited to rail.
Clearfield, Oct. 31, 18l). WM, t, IRWIK.
rrN. B. All kind of(7AA.Vand approved
COVSTKY PKOOVCX taken in xchango for
A Large stork ef Men A Boy's elnthing. Just
received at . B. If. A CO
And Ur the speeily run of the Mlowlpr cnaiplatiitsl
BfroTn in anci srrnminni nniTiinnstsnru
si Tnmors, I'lrrra, atnren, Krttpllon.,
Plmplra, rn.tnles, Ulotrlira, flolla,
lilalna, and all hkln ltaea.e.
OtsitM. I nil., aih June,
J. 0. Arsa A Co. (li-nta I l tVel It my ilnty to r.
knli4Ve what your rMAarlla haa Uone for mr.
Haviua inherilcd a fi iofolous lnTrcli. n, I h.nto anfTwnJ
fr..m It In raiiuus ways for year, tvmi-llmn It hnrt
out in t tivia on l"v hamW an, arms; somtlms i(
tunwd Innaul ami rllstrcwed ir:at the ftomarh. Ti
yrt mo ft liroku cm on my huad and -"rtreil my ar.lp
atol rmn aitli ioe soiti. alitrli was painful id ''athsome
lyooft drsn till Ion. J I ri d innny nitilkinrs aim tvrft!
l-liii-inlia. Imt witlimit mtti-tl relief lni nrty thing. In
ta.-f, tli. tllsoi iter givw orw. At l-lHth I sa rrjoui'il
to ri-s'l In the flosei-l tsenaT frint yon hail t-ti.i.rril
an wi alive (Hipiiiiiaiillai. I .r I km-w from yoar rrtoita
lloli tlmt any tiling joh made intnt he a"i"1. 1 mmi! to
Ciliiililialiantaot it, nlol lenl It till It rdlftl toe. 1 took
it, m you atlM in siotill iliN.t-.of a lsNnful ovnr a
luolitlj. and 1is-d ainioKt ,rm holltm. Nw nud lHa4lby
km aoon Imii to tiii ni under the sr:ili, hii)i ra
auile Irlt off. My skin is now ,-,.in-, anil I know ! uiy
flinya ttiat the diM-M hn ifone from my imi-ui. You
can Kill behev. tlutt I Ul Hlntt I urn miim: iftto-ii 1 Ii 11
you, tliat I liolj )nii to W ouu of Hie nf'4llo uf Uie
and tt-aiiuu ut.r gnittlully. Yours,
Al l II I.I) B. T.M.I.KY.
St. Aafhaay'i Fire, Tlwae r ,r al;'!',
Tetter unit Walt I thrum. S all ll.utl,
Hlngtrorm, Kore Kytm, Ist.jjhj.
Dr. tloliert SI. Preble wi llen from in. N. V.. 1li
Afpt., Hfi, thut he lias i-nrril an intHrrMta of
iro)li, wlitrfi litter!, 'lied In lermiimte fealty, ly tSa
is-nti-rim use of our .rsin,ritla. and s4-o tatiHcenais
.V-irit;nift( yr;iflnt lr lirire doa of Ihe aiue; says
h cuiea tlte common Frup'i'mi ly it eon.lntly.
Hrnn korrle, IHettrs ar NwrlUst Nerk.
eliiiton fl'ian of l'roKii'.-, Texas, writes I 'Minis ld
lle of your fai snp:iritla eoied me horn a Hiir ft hid
eous swelling on the nerk, wtncli 1 had sutfuiiid from
over two yeais."
lienrnrrfirrn or 'Whites, Ovarian Tarsar,
t Irrlne t'lreratlnn, Frmnte nt.rei.e.
Ir. J. II S. riiiitminir. of New York fliy, writes i " I
ni. t rlieerfnllt t-omt tj wlllt the re'iie-l of your ea nt in
styini; 1 have f oittd ynr rini"iiwirillit ;i inn,t esr-lletit
altertitlva In the numerous rom.!aints fir whl'-h we
employ aiieti a remedy, tint cspei i-iily in Ai-nio'e aVowi
of the sierofuloiii tltiiilieHin. I hive ciiied iiuitiy infwter
ate rases of l.etiroThoM ly It, and some wher. Lie coin
plsint was rntiied ly itt'-trtitwn of tli. uffriit. 'J'tw uleer
atic ii Itself was soon ciirt d. NotliiiiK within my kuowl
eile eiuals It for the, h main d-miiffetuents."
klward ?, Marrow, of N.wl uiy, Ala., writes, " A ilan
rerout mMri'u.i ttnnftr on one ol tun females in my fiiinilv,
wlii.-b liiel defied all Hie remedies we foiiUI employ, has
at h-natu been rouid--tely curm! hy your Kstrst of Sar
SMi,Hijl4. Our liiui'iuii flioiiirkt nothing Imt .tlrm
llou roulil uu'ord relif, i,ut he wIviM-il tii.triid ol yoiir
Faieuoti ilia as tho last resoit lvfoiti ruttiu, and tt
piov,d oA,-4tial. After lakhuryoar itlnely eihUt weeks
lli yiiitoui ol tho disriLSe ii'malus."
H) kllis aixl Plr lirll ltlaeaae.
New Omron, lh Aiiaost, 1 -R-l.
Us. J C, Av i Sir, I rheefriilly i-oiiifly with Hie re
qiient of vmr airent, nml reivtrl to you mime ol tlie eflerla
1 lve leahred wi'h your A.irsiijjirilla.
I have r.ired with It. in my prai'tire, mo( of tho rstn
pUints SiH- whti-h it Is isi'oniiiieiideil. and have f unit its
eft'Ti truly w oli'li I fill in tfio ruri of Onri en nni JA r
rurt'if Ihtfittt. One of my patients had Hyhilitle Mirers
in hi. throat, whirli wetu roiisiiuiinir his painte and lite
top of his niolilli. Your harstipal'ilta. stesifily takin,
eureil him In five wAs. Another oim aUivcked ty aee
oniUry symptoms iu his immi, aul the uln-ration hud
ealen away .1 riaihldi ral'le tint I of it, an that I lieliee llio
iliAiiriter wnuld siriin reai h bin hrsiu and kill tiitn. Hut it
yitl.ed to uiy ai'tiiinislralioll of your lu'rtal-nrilll : th.
uli'ets heaiVd. and he m aell aaili, not of comse without
Home ilintiicuialtoll lo hit. lat-e. A woman who had liern
tleled I, .r tlie same disoiilei- luvniiiy was sulTetiii,
fi-.ln lfil - Is-hi in her i.'liei., "l iiey had lieo-tiie so eu
Slllle to the Weather lliat on II damp dsy ehe RurtetHl as-
et ili'i fct ilia; euo la lo r y iuts aud Imiies. rhe, Ii o. wtta
cmel rutiiei)' hy your .saisiijiaiilla in a few work. 1
kiina tlom iu, loiuiliH, whii-li y.ui uelil li-ive me. that
Ill's PieiiaiaUon IiiMii your let' iratoii muat t,e a Krral
reuiedy ; eonaoijurnlly, llieae truly ituiatkahle i-u)trt
with It have not auipiiaed int.
Irateinalij ultra, 0. V. I.ARI VKTt, M. D.
IlHrnmalUen, (tsaf, l.lrer CatnaVlnl,
Ixrsrramarr. I'rrMon Co,, Yn.. rtlt Jnlv. li.'.'l.
Pa. J. C. AVrS! fir. I have he. n atlllrled will, a nl.
fnl (hrniiic ItUivn il'tm for a lunu ttme.whleh Imtrl.'d the
skill iT phystrlsMs, and slmk to ma In spile of all the
ninedira I could Hint. onMI I trieil vmi ."ai. srwrilla. (n,-
lMjti. rnrfl rm in tm mii rtirj n -tnrcl my iruml
lii'slllt in n-iKh thrtt 1 nu tr l-M. r lUnu lf it-l win
attuht-J. 1 IliniK ititwdiitrvifitliitttli inn. .1. MtKA.M.
V. Oa-ltbfll, r4 I,r,in. yi it, ni 1 tan Wfti
ft lit tc Itil i.-r yt nr -ii n o fin tun i-j Vt l.vtv, m Y.w h
iliiil im ir-lilj. I liiH.ltjftary tit.hai, thii f-rr tltiiij
NiUl lo rolicv m ; tuitl I )jntr lit' hrk .)-) u ii'.mi
flTaV UA fi,m yn Clhr fitllaV tifkll OflHIfHht"f'
tht lt. My ,tttivi Ajtti. tb hv. U. kif). 'Mt
nw (- try jtnir myi ill.., I rrmut- In huM In ki tw v u .
antl uny tiStutf ymi in wit- iu. iiuni;. Py tin
il)R lT Gfxl It llaVK I Ultll IIIH, mul hall an . i A 1 1 111) .iHll
nv to Pittii it tirw in kill of it.. I ttajl )iiiiii nxriln. Tin
'.'Rt (lint Cnn (e ami I .t nu fj ii .t lititl j.'otil t iioiikcli."
Si Hlrrim.f nHrrv Tnuiori. Vulu rui uirut,
I lciti m litii, C urlrn Mitil K t ! ol 1 t io it of
tsW Nuiiri.
A -urtut vnrt ty nf .mrp !in ropnrt'l to wlifro
niTfn nf tli. wf riMi lKl.lo inii!iii;iN lime r-uilt l fi..m
tfn imp uf th. ifiiifily. but otir rpurc h"if will imt ii)ini(
tlittn. tS'Uiu nf tin in luny lsj f.un I in nr Aimh nn
AlinMinr, lil Ii Mm nint". l-Mnw n.nm J nn- ,ilrMt to
fill filfb gut lift tn nil mil for Ihtiti.
D)')ir)In, Itf-Mi-t ;l4fif, Flit. Fjillrp-
. rUut httlj , A r htk I ft tn .
Muy rMiiuvknl.l. im p nl Hi- -e nn.-cli.-ni Imri lirrn
Pimlp liy tUr ftlli'iittiw r if ihn ui'-ln n. It slinm
tho vital liiiictl"iin inlii vit ttn w-tifii mil tlni
uvurroniM diittiitliTH vliirli wuul l hi cnn.M'-j lirynin. itd
rpm li, tn-h u iTini-tly Iiiih Iniiij Um-h r 'iiin 1 ly Hip
fPMltlf of Mi pt It'aiu! me rfiili lnit Ilittt Ibis will
(1i lur thcui all tliat nu-tliciuv cun do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
ron Tiir, nriT) m iir op
(ouglMi t nltli, likfliiriixii llonracnctfj,
( rHi, Iti-nni hMla. Im lulrnt ( rtu
fell in it Inn, nml for th'v ltrllrf
of On h Hin pt Ivr fa)ticiil
Iji nrivnurfit mtnifrts
at tlie l)Urnnr
Thi ! rettv-.ty an miivrr-.i.Iy known to Fiirpn an?
oIIht fnr Mm rtirt 'f Uirnat nml IntiR rnmptiiihtt. tlmt i
in nfplpt livrt to pnlilMi tin fi-Hcnra of It a vii hut. (.
nniiMillfil ftxef llr-nrp fur rtMinlin nn-1 rcldn. uiul ttn tinl.
v-niiItTlui fiirftt of tmlriMiimry (ii-..'i.rrt h:o nunlf l1
known Miroiiifhoiit tlm cn ilii-eni tiniitna uf th c;ultj
'rw urn th. r'-nitniiulf iw, or evrn ftmiilip. nmor? Mm it
wlio Iihvij not nti' fi'inonal npi fftirs of lt clU-its
onio living trophy in Mieir tniiNt f it lrtiry ever t tt
rtuhllt and (Innroua (tlw-rdrr of tlm aii'1 luuyt
An all know tli dira.lfnl fiitality vf tliep tiiumi n,, ;tin'
m they know, too, the tin t taol tli it n iih ly. o tiM-d rto'
dn more than Co armnn thcin it lian now all th r
tnea Mint It ilid have hen maktiiff the run whith tinvt
wuu so itroiiKly uin thu cool, Knco of niniikhul.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEU V CO., Lowell, Wrw.
-?"SoMby C. P. Wntson, rioarfloMj E. A., Curwenuvillo ; F, Arnotd, Lut.iersburjr, ;
Montfomcry A Co., Now Knietu j J. C. l.rcnnor,
MorrisJnU, C. R. Foster, Philipsliurff ; an1 Klixa
t'ha.e, AnRonvillo ; and hy Ueulers everywhore.
iK W Flitill, A til
Just receiving and opening at the Old stat
of Lewis Smith in Bethlehem a well aeleotod at
sortment of Spring and Summer Goods of all
most every description.
Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment!
Prints and Dress Goods
of the latest stylet, also a voaiety of useful No
tions. Hats and Caps,
Bonnets and Shnwb,
Bouts and Shoes,
lUnlvrarp. Qutenswarc, lrugt and
Mcdicinos, Fish, ...
Tobacco, Segars and all articles usually kept
in a oo.ntry Here, all ebeap for eash.
Give us a call and m f r yourselves.
- U. L. HENDK KfiON, A CO.
May 21, U0.
L the undersigned, would inform the public;
ihat I ran cure the Putrid Sore Throat. Any
p.rsoncan obtain further Information by coming
tn me, In HerdersoA township, Jefferson county,
i . u, ii.ii, voiue one, ou'oe, uu, aim
u bi ". oy can nave miortnaiion ov caiansr
at Jacob Kunts's, In Troufville, where 1 live,
oota and Shoes.
a', " " , , ,
A larc.r stoek and lower
prices than ever, at Irvins wrnor.,'
Curwensville, May 10, '00-
lodar andWillow war at
11. W A fOV,
, i Br lloBunr Jrxaivas, t (., ;
Profeasor of Pathology and operative snrgcryln
tli.) Veterinary Collogo of Philadelphia, etc.. etc.
ill Tcil Tea of the Oiigin, History and dislirlc
tive traits of tho various Jjreeds of
European, Asiatic, African nnd Atner
kend Horses, with the physical forma
tion and peculiarities of tho nninial,
sand how to ascertain his age by the
nutnbor And condition of Ms teeth :
illustratod with numerous explanatory
Will Tell Yon of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling,
Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, and the
general munngoment of the horse,
with the best modes Of administering
medicine, alro, hew to treat Biting,
Kicking. Bearing, tS:.;i.niT, Stumbling,
CrHi Biting, RostlessneM, Ptirl othor
viees to which be is subjoet ; Tvltii nu
merous explanatory engravings.
Will Tell Yon of the cruises, symptoms, nnd
Treatment of Strnngles, Sore Throat,
Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bron
chitis, Piuitimonin, Pleurisy, Broken
Wind, Chrome Conch, Roaring and
Whistling, Immpns. Soro Mouth nnd
L'Uers, and decayed Teeth, with other
diseases of tho Mouth and Respirato
ry Organs.
Will Ttll Yeas of tho eausoF, symptoms, and
Treaument of Worms, Bots, ' Colic, '
Ftranguliition, Stony Concretions,
Ruptatoa, Palsy, Diarrhea, Jaundice,'
Heairrhoeii, Bloody I'rino, Stonos
in the KiiUieys and Bladder, In fl luna
tion, and other diseases of the Stom
ach, Bowels, Livor and Urinary Or
gans, ,
Will Tell Yoa of the onuses, symptoms, and
Treatment of Bene, Bload and Bog,
Spavin, I'ing-Bono, Swccnie, Strains,
Broken Knees, Wind (inl's, Founder,
Hole Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoof,
Seratchos, Canker, ThrHsh, and Corns,
also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy,
tftsggers.aud other diseases of tho
Feet, Legs, nnd Head.
Will Toll You of tho enures, symptoms nnd
Treatment of Kis'uln, Poll Et 11, Gla n
ders, Farcy, Scnrlot Fevor, Mango
ffurfeit, Lacked Jaw, Rheumatism
Crump, Galls, Diseases or the Kyeand
Jlcnrt, ,tc., Ac. and how to mannge
Castration, Bleeding, Treph inning,
Rorroling, Firing, Hernia, Amputa
tion, Tapping, nnd other surgical op
Will Tell You of Rarey's Method of taming Hor
ses ; how to Approach, Halter, or S ta
ble a Colt j how to neenstom a hors
lo slntngo sounds and sights.and how
to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Brcnk him
to Harness, nlso, tho rorm nml Imv
of Warranty, Tim wholo being the re
sult n' more than fifteen years' rnroful
slu l v of the habits pe tuliarities,
wains and weaknesses of this noble
miii u.uiul animal.
Tho Book contains 3S4 pages, appropriately il
lustrated by nearly One Hundred engravings,
It is printed in a cloar ind open typo, nnd will
tie lorwartici to any auurose, postage paid, on
i receipt ef pr
l.,rn i o -.
rice, half bound, 1,00, or, iu cloth
tIIKM) A l I..IR cnn be made by enterpri
sing moil evcrywlicro, in selling the above, nnd
otJicr pnpiilnr works of ours. Our inducement!
to all such are exceedingly liberal.
For singlo copies of tho Bonk, or for terms to
agnnat, with other information, apply to our ad
dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher,
No. f 1 7 Snnsoin Street Philadelphia, Pa.
December II, l.'BO. flmo.
rjiMi: PKopi,K'N cook hook.
M O D iv U N COO K E 1? Y ,
In all its branches. By Miss ArTow.
Carefully Revised by Mrs". S.J. Halis.
It Tolls You how to chooso all kinds of Jlents,
Poultry, and Game, with all llu various
and most approved modes of
and cooking Ilcef and Pork; also the
best nnd simplest way of salting, fiok
ling nnd curing l'io fume.
It Tolls You all tho rnriotis nnd most approved
modes of dressing, cooking, and boning
- Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, nnd
Game of all kinds, with tho different
Dressings, Gravies, and stuffings appro
priato to each.
t Tolls You how to choose, clean, nnd preserve
Fish of all kinds, and bow to sweeten il
when tainted ; nlro all tho vnrious and
most approved mod.s of cooking, with
the Dressings, Sauces, and
Flavoring appropriate to each.
It Tells You all the various and most npproved
modes nf preparing over fitty different
kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Game, and
Vegotnblo Soups, Broths, and Slows,
with tho Bolishes and Seasonings ap
propriate fo each.
It Tells You nil the vnrions nnd most approved
modes of cooking Vegetables of every
description, also hrw to prepare Pick
les, Catsups and Curries of all kinds,
Potted Meats. Fish, Guinc, Mash
rooms, rf c.
It Tolls You all tie vnrious nnd most approved
modes of prepnringnnd cooking nil kinds
of Pliin nnd Fancy. Pnstry. Puddings,
Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes', Confection
ery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dish
es jf every description.
it Tells You all tho vriousnml most approved
modes of making Bread, Btiska, Mufliins, I
nnd B;scuit, tho best method of prcpa-1
ring Cofl'ce, Chocolate, nnd Tea, and
how to mnko Syrups, Cordials, nndi
Wines of vnrious kinds.
It Tells You how'o set out an ornamental Tn
ble, h.w to Curve all kinds of Fish,'
Flesh or Fowl, nd in short, how to sol
simplify the wholo Art of Cooking as to
bring the choicest luxuries of the table '
wilhin everybody's reach, I
Th. book contains 418 pages, and upward of,
twelvo hundred Recipes, all of hi( h are the re
suit of actual experience, having been fully and!
carefully tested under the personal supcrintcn I
dence of th writers. It I- printed In a clear ami j
open type, is illustrated with appropriate engra
vings, and will be ftrwarded to any ad.lross,
neatly bonnd, and postage paid, on receipt of the
pri-e. $1,00, or in cloth, extra, $1.2.1.
HIMIO A tl'MKrnnb mnilj by enterpri.
sir.g turn everywhere in selling the above work
oar inducements loal! stick being very liberal.
For single copies of Iho Book, or for terms lo
ngenU'with olherinformafion, apply lo onr ad
dress -JOHN E. piiTTKR. Publisher.
No. 017 Ransom Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
rcttuiber 12, 1 860. 6aio.
of Administrslion having been this dny
granted to the undersigned on th elate if
GEORGE DILLON, late of Beecariu tn . Clear-
leld county, deceased, all persons IndVblcd to
said estate are requested to mnke immediate
payment, and those having claims against Ihe
same will present them dulv authenticated for
settlement. .KiIlN WELD, Jr., Adin'r.
, uecearia ip., wee. 2 1, I JoO. dcc2o fil
rionnets, Florence braids
Fnclisll atrnu a
Shakerand other s'ylos trimmoil and in
siomeu,! win no lound in variety at lha corn r ' of i- ,
rr0i ner.svillw. Mn If. .Y.O." ' " ,
PpleneVid assortment of Ladies' Gontlcmo
2L aid
Childrena' Olorea and HosiervtS
RF.Rr'.WJAVr.R A C0"sa
be opened for tho rorcption of pupils,
tannics and fesnnUs) on Momlny, Aug. -'ui, isou,
ITernnper seasion of eloven Weok
Orthogrnphy, Reading, Writing, Primary
Ariklimetio and f7eogrnphy. 12.50
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog
raphy nnd History. s 0
Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy
and Book Keeping JJ
Latin and Greek language. 0 00
To studcnla desirous of acquiring A thorough
Rnglish Ednealion, and who wish to qualify
tlicnisnlvoa for tcachora, this Institution oBore
desirable advantages.
No pupil received for less than hn4f a session,
nnd no deduction mad cscopt for protracted
Tuition to be paid at (he cloe of the term.
C. B. SANI'FOliD, Princifal.
May 2'5, 1(0.- Iv.
x roper aiiviiiiuii iu
the teeth in proper
time will be of great
benefit to everyone
in point of honlth,
comfort, and con vcaion e,
I)H. HII.I.S can always bo found at his of
fice, on tho corner of Front and Main streets,
wben no notico to tho contrary appears in this
Al operations in the line of his profession,
performed in tho latest and most improved
styles, nnd guaranteed for ene year against all
natural failures.
S TKIKINO TIM ItS IN rill LA 1)1:1,
I'I'lA! Trrmrnrloun I'xcilemint oniony fi
ilinmm ! ! .' EXCITING FOOT RACE between
the Philadelphia police and tho notorious For
ger and counterfeiter, .In nes Buchannn Cross ! ! !
Cross Rccnpturod ! !! ! It seems to bo tho gener
al opinion in Clearfield, thnt if Cross bad worn a
pair of Frank Short's French-calf Boots, that ho
would not bo taken yet. However, Shorty is
not much put out at missing his custom ; but
would announce to all lircckinriilyt, Douylat,
Lincoln and Hill mm, nnd women and children
in Clearfield, and Sinnetnnhoning in particular,
that ho is prepurod to furnish them with Boots,
Shoos nnd Gnitors of any style or pattern, stitch
ed, sewed or pegged, (and as ho is a short fel
low) on short notice.
All kinds of country produce token in ox
change, and cash not refused. Repairing done
in the neatest uinnner and charges moderato, at
the Short Shoo Shop on Second Street, opposite
Reed, Weaver A Co's store, FRANK SHOUT.
N. B, Findings for salo, Sept. 26, 1800.
yanliinir anb OToIIcrtioii Mtt
C L E A It F I It 1),
(Wdciitions made anctjirocerds promptly remitted
Exchange on Ihe t itles constantly
oh hand.
jrOflice on Second St., nearly opposite Ihe
Col. A. T. OWEXS, Troi'rietor,
Respectfully announces to the travelling public,
tnni ne nas now inaen ennrgo ol Itus largo nnd
well known house, nnd will conduct it in such a
manner as will render excellent comfort and full
satisfaction to nil who may favor him with a
coll. nov7-ly
V t'OMsaUiMPTIVEstlThe advertiser.
having been restored to health in a few
weeks by n very aiinplo remedy, after having suf.
fcred for several years with n sovero lung affec
tion, nnd that dred disease Consumption, is anx
ious to mnke known to his fcllcw-sulferers the
means of euro.
To nil who deaire it, ho will sond a copy of Ihe
prescription used, (freo of charge.) with tho di
jctions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a sure euro for Consumption,
Asthnin, Bronchitis, e. The only object of the
advertiser in sending the prescription ia to beno
Ct tho nfllivtcd, nnd spread information which he
conceives to bo invaluable, aud ho hopes ovory
sutTeror will fry his romedy ns it will coit them
nothing, and may proven blessing, .
Persons wishing the prescription will please
address Rov. EDWARD A. M ILRO.V,
nov7-ly Williomsburgh, Kings Co., N. Y.
! ! ! DEATH ! ! !
To every form and Specie of
"COSTA IV S" H,it, Roach J c.Extei minator.
" COSTA R'S" Red Iha Ex'erminator.
"COSTA R'S" EKH.-le Powder for Inseeti.
Rata. TJoneliPS. Mioo. Mnlpq. (Irnunrl. .!";,
Roil-buca, Ants, Mollis, Mosquitooa, Flea?'
inepcia on i iants, inserts on Animals, ( c.
in shoit every form nml specie of
10 vpars esl!il,lishtxl in Xrv Vnrk CUv
used'liy tho City Tost Ollice- the City Vrk-
i ... i ., ,. r..
im iiiih minimi nouaoa inn cny btoamcrra,
Ships &ic., tho City Hotels. "Astor," "8t.
Xicholi's," Ac, nnd by nioro than 20,000
lirivatn fnmilc
CS-l'i-npoist-i nnd Retailers ovorywhore
sou iiicm.
RSiL.a(iliolesalo A vonta in nil Inraa Pilimi
RtfjuKopulnr sizes, 2:c. 50c, & SI Boxes
ll.,l T.. 1 1 -
imjiiii's, r husks.
Cfl! ! ! llr.HARE ! 1 Inf Bnlirinnaimifnflnna
Examine each llox, Bottle & Mask,
find tllKe) llOtlllllfJ Lut "IJOSTAR A '
BFA?I.(M1 Hoxea. sent by mail.
Bfa,.1 .V y.i.lMl by Kxprecs.
Br!-.Adiliens oidera or for Cironlnr, lo
Trincipal Depot, 410 Brondway, N. Y.
March 17tli. Clearfield Yn.
Cabinet, Chair Making,
I OIIN Ol'LICH. of the bnroiirfh nf rionrfioln
tt Pa., will b. pr.pareil at all times to attend to
to any business in th above line on short
notice, and in a workmanlike manner. Ilis place
nf business is at the aid shop on tho north side of
Market street, d door east of Third sL, nearly
opposite th. old Jew store ( where ho will keep
constantly on hand a large assortment of Mn
hogony nnd Cane Bottom Chairs, nnd Cabinet
Wnre of ovory .description, which he will dispose
of on ss reasonnblo terms ns tho same articles
can be bnd elsewhere in tho county.
His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, con
sists In part of Dressing and Common Bureaus,
Sofas, Sewing nnd Washing Stands, Desks and
Book Cases, Fronch and Fiold Post Bedsteads.
Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta
blos, Ac, Coffins manufactured And doliveredat
any place desired.
February 9, 18i9. no. 4, vol. ir.
Dirstins Mill and cut flaws, Mann's axes And
a general assortment of Hardware at the
atv of B. A. UlVIft,
Cnrartntrillc, May 1,
A JiOrEtTY ill the ART WtipTt
Scared by letter s patent in th. I'nlud It.
. Isaglrend, France and Bevgiqa, ,
Tito American Ph.togras.hio ForeefcUlfY
psaiy, No. 781 Brondwsy, New York, ki,
secured their novel and ingenia lavriu
American and Earopean patent, ar fair,
pared to execute all orders for . v'
iM inmtvre Isiktntstrt af i'crsor an 01;
- ll .l.. .i....:.. a . , "
lcevuMiipj nil tuv BiimmiD miu aaVBtltSt
features of ordinary photographs, toe liiiX
I H..I..U t . .1.. ..I.. A
Alia Ulliou yi enici-iviu, 11 w 111 A. AC 4 a W
erto unatfuined quatity of durabitv, hy
rendered as imperishable a tho natural peJ
tie of the articles apon which they arsJJ
ferred. ... -.
At the patented process of the ConpsjiiJ
bloa the reproduction of photographs, tJ
on plain sunucea, dui upon such as atre
ef any degree of 1 regularity, portrait, can k, ,
produced with faultless scenraoy and deliu..
delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any ),.',!
Hon and dtmnnaion usarl aa aa-tieraa n l.. a
- - - i an
of household utility, such as Urns, Vsies, Bn
fast Cups, Toilot Articles, Ac; thereby iitaj
faithful portraits and furnishing a uniqu,,!
exquisite style of ornniaentntion of artiil,,
domestio use. ,
In order to furnish facilities for the grail,
tion of the popular taste, aad to meet thssu
of those patrons of the 4no arts detimn ,
having portraits on Porcolain, the Compssji,,
;Lnuurieu jrom x,uroie a coiieci,ion er snpn
porcelain goods, manufactured to their own ri,
which thoy wilt en At cosi price.
As the American Company ar owneri of t1
patent right, and consequently the only ten,
authorized to use the process, they hart dit
mined, in ordor to afford peopl in ev.ry i;
of the Union an opportunity to possess pertn
on China, to make the following proposititi
residents in the country, who are unable tor:,
personally the Atelier and Oallerios to J:J
York :
Pe-sons sending a photograph, Ambrotvti
dnguerreotypo to theoHoeof the Conpn.,
Now York, accompanied by $5, will rtcein
return by express, froe of char go, a richly on
mentcu Breakfust tup and causer, with the i
trnit transferred thereon.
Hy transmitting a daguerreotype and $lC,ii
will receive in like manner a handsome Jr.-
Vase cr Toilet Article, with the portrait ny,
juccu Dy i.'ie paicnioci process.
Hy sending a pair of daguerreotypes aad
they will receive in retcrn a pair of rich 8m
Vases, with tho portraits exeeutod eqnalton
inture paintings: and, in liko manner, vortii
can be reproduced on pereelain wares or Vi,
of every quality of nmsb, ranging in prut ft
$20 to $100 the pair.
N. B. Bo particular in writing th addre
town, county, nnd State diatinetly.
All letters to be addressed to ".Vannjtr, it,
ican 1'notographio 1'orcoluin Co., vrl Breid'i
New lork."
f AHRIAt.E GLIDE Being a mi
JTL instructor for mnrriod persons or tiJ
about to b. married, both male and ferailt
everything concerning the physiology andrt
tions of our sexunl system, nnd the prndurtiti
prevention of offspring, including all the i
discoveries never before given in the Iti!
language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. Thisiim.
a valuablo and interesting work. It is uriiii
in plain lnngungofor tho general reader, ni
illustrated with numerous engravings. All ye.
married people, or those contemplating mirriiji
nml Having tlie least lnrpeuimcnt to msmedli
should road this book. ' ft discloses sesreti tl
every one should b. acquainted with ; stiiiitii
book thnt must bo lnckod up, and not liett.
tho house. Jt will be sent to any on. on net
of twenty-fire cents, in specie or postage ftia
Ad.lrois Dr. VM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spnei
above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa.
Ajlh'etfd and i'norlunatf Ho Bid
what mny bo your disease, before you placs Jim
teir under tho care or any ono of the nottrii.
Cjuncks, nativo or foreign, who advertise Itti:
or any other papor, get a copy of t
1 oung's books, and road it carefully, It will
the moans of saving you rcany a dollar,;
liealtli, nnu possilily your life.
Ir. lUL-Vi cnn be consulted on anytf
diseases described la his publications, tl
ofljoo, No. 411 Spruce at, abovo Fourth. .!
Tliirty-Nintli and Market Street, Phil
Hon. WM. BIOLEIt, Clearfield ; Wm. MeKTl
BIN, Esq. of the Merchants' Hotel, Pbili
lion. J. W, FORNEY, of '1 ho Press ;' Ret.
W ESTBROOK, of tho 8. S. Union : Hon. J.
MAYNiRI), Williamsport ; J. LEISE.NR0
Ksip, Prcs't of tho Lehigh Coal f- Nav- Co.,i:
Hon. ASA PACKER, Mauou Chunk; all have son. boarding in Sannderi Imtih'
will givo their friends who mnv bo lookinr
aaufe, thorough nnd pleasant School, any inf.
aintion desired respecting tins Beminarv
eA Grove and Lawn of EIGHT ACRE1
e attached to tho Institute, for sec1uiios,n
ntion aud physical exercise. la
rpiIE underslgnod refpeelfi
I informs bis customers sdi
public generally, that he has jf
rocuived from the Last, and .mi
ed at his establishment in GIAHAM'S Rt
Clearfield, Pa., a lino assortment of Ciofi'
Watches, and Jf.wei.rv of different qualiuaj
from a tingle piece to a full sett, which
soil nt tho most rensonnble prices for cash, vi
exenaneo tor old cold nnd silver.
CLOCKS of every variety on bond, at th a4
reasonable prices.
ALL kinds of Clocks, Watohas nnd JtH
carofully repnirod and IFaiTonfcrf,
A continunnco of pntronago is solicited,
Sept, 19, 1800. H. F.NAU0L1
The undersigned respectfully begs letnf
announce thnt he recently rented a house is af
borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, M
for the accommodation of the travelling puk
watermen and nil other who mny favori"!
with a call. I
His table will always be supplied with tirrj
na the markets offordj and no paint will (
spared to render his guests eomfortabls M
under his roof, lo which the faets that
toxicating liquors of cny kind will be kept tW
tno premises, will he trusts, contribut. n '
small degree. While, what ia always importt'
to the traveller, the best attention will btfM
by careful hostler to that faithful compsom
his journey, his patient steed. -
July 4, I860. ly. JAMES CROSSLT-
Thankful for nnst favors and soliritiouiof1'
ture patronage. I would respectfully snnoi11!
tlmt 1 have on hand ngnin, and will conia'
L..H .tllia PnltH. in ihlm knennirll. on lb! If
ner a short distnnce cast of the Methodist Char'
n large stock of Crockory , such os Creemcroi'
milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe n"'1
f-c. f o. : and also an aiteneive asiortDH' '
difTcrent nnd patterns of brsckH "I
rosettes lor o irnlce on bouses, nnd oturr'-
Any mouldings not on hand will bemtilij
older on short notito. Also fir brick A
and kept for sale. I
p. tr'A. libornl on prices m.
wholesale dealers. F. LElTXIfu
Clearfield, may 23, 1370. ly.
""larpota, Drugget, onrpet ehaln, Haf
J Bagging, Curlwl Hair A., at
R. W. C0lj
Wire Inl of TtlF.A.V le aala at t'
Btoreof MERRILL A Blfto"j
"TT AM. idea. MaeVarel and Horrinf ! ft
l low at the store of W.F.IR"
Vlearfie , July 11th lR(ln 1
ook'uig Stoves of various tires and prisrt
asleby R. A.1T"
CntwcnAville, Kaj I. W.