as" ghc Elcarnt b gcnablicnn, ,. T" "i"", S7-u u now p5- ; 1?.. , L, ! ttvely sottlod that Mr. Lincoln will depart XVEDXKSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1801. f Wnsulnjrtoii on the 11th of February. sTrriuia VtV-riii r"- ; IJo wil1 ,lcnce v Layfiiyette to In- Th. Winur'.rr'nment or thT Pennsylvania l"1-nPolii.vhere he will receive the hospi nilroed, on and after the 20th instant, will biu, tali ties! of tho Indiana Legislature, thence fcll,,W" tra.ns la'tivo I1'.8 " "! ',roc,, I,,oU,1y. of Cin rttiD .30a.m.clnnaU to Columbus, Cleveland, liuffalo MiilTnin - - - 12.10 p.m. and Albany. From Albany he intend to r",S;r,;0WI-wA"-,3p-a- K narriKburg direct, Ihence to xprs Piumenger ...... y.4i a. a, Vail Train - .12.61 p. to. Fast Lin ' a.22 p. m, Ko trains ruh on Sunday except the Express, Seceipti mad Expenditures of Clearfield County for A. D. 186a . GEO. 8. aOODLASDEB, ICq., Tr.ssiirer of Clearueld County, in tb Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Account with laid County, from tho 7th day of January, A. D. 1840. to tho 12th day of January. A, 1861, DR. r -nie 17.126 71 iinji iur An It tm.tra find lit Cr.ii.n . l a vn ibuuiai vupiin j ULJ I tour to Kew York and Phila-Litd.:. ;. I net irnpoesiblo. l Arrangements for special trains all the Emmw.-.l he I.JI,, th. J af thronh ro niftki K . Itwing Society of tho M. E. Church in tbif place, , , , , . , i , ... . r "'icort will be neennted. Tho ent ro iuur ,ill ipose th aititle they have mnnu'actured. . . . nioimiiojuur 6cwi (with refreshment,, confections, rfc.,) to nolo, on ! "Cy " 10 . "laUS ,nsl(Jo of n dn'- r' Tbnwday evening, tho 7th of February, 1861. ! I'reu3ent'al family will start A few days In the Church. Tho public are roipeetfully inri- jnft0' Mr. Lincoln's departure, under the ..J ' iat!nin. I. , I V. - ...' . rf I lirnlaMmn C! 1 i . loa i .u mo vuivriaiuiuoiil. mo v v fl"ni9 ll iruus, bO HS 10 TCnCU itthington simultaneously with him. Tlaco seekers will consult their own in terests by abstaining hencefoilh from hoth personal nn J epiitolary upplicaiions furofiii-cs. The President eloct tho utmost privacy during the remainder of his May. Herald in the entertainment, proceed tr designed to aeaiet in the erection of I new Church edifice on the lots already purchm ,i for tbut purpoie. The tickoti for adm'msion nill be 10 cents. To commence at CJ o'clock. i.h.i.. r. tats n . .1.. ioanioaUt front Comminsionori Books 179 Clf. Ity election expecies $1,667 3 Commonwealth com 1.0(1 1 Jurori' wrtoi 1,210 77 Aasesiors' wages 373 VS ComiDiiiioEOrs' wsjes lis Bt Jail fees 369 60 I'rothonotary's fee 270 01 Diitrict Attorney's fs 228 00 Printing oontraet, Ao 200 00 Tipstafl and Court Crier 179 V Repairs to publio buildings JHJ 21 Boarding jurors 100 00 Ktfunda 105 41 Acr'eultaral Wss'ern Penitentiary Counsel foes ' , Coaatabl relume u Hoad viows Wild eats snd foxei Juittc;' fees t Auditors' wage Auditing I'rotbonotary' ad ltegitr'a aoeonnt Interest on orders Coronor's inqneits Auditors' clerk Sheriff's foes Docket, stationery, A poitng Surrey of Btooa township Fuel eontract 100 ot 118 75 60 00 113 68 162 00 100 48 62 BJ 152 09 100 00 II 00 81 60 87 Si 42 00 200 00 01 13 13 00 61 74 Court-honse contract,on acs't 1,670 U niKoiiaaoau order Kxoaratiosi to Collectors PereeaUg to collectors Tresnirer's per eentags on mount receired Do on pt tng tjut Balance due Tres'jaret' it 330 38 S01 9U 182 02 177 67 JJUSSELL McMURR A Y I Kespeetfully invites tho atUnllon of his old cui. ' toaaers, and others, to bis stoek of FALL AND WINTER OOOI'S , Whioh h offers VERY LOW FQIi CASTll U also eontinues to deal lu LVMCE It, of si kinds, lu any way to suit Lis customers. Th highest market prices will die paid fur al kinds of 3RAIN. J-CALL AND SEEl-a 860. THE ilHST 180 OK 172 01 FALL WIN ER GOODS li : j i J ) i '. i j i m WEAVER m. On Market btreut 2iloors north o the Court House, whore ihcy tiro jjust opening ' n unuiiually Jargo 'mid well selected stoek oiVgooCt", suited to the wants ofilic comrtiu nily lor tho FhII and Winter trade, which thev oflvr in lame and small . . ii. Kf Wsshington, Nor. 1, 1860. noT7-m qHlintlHeS Oil !tllC IllOSt TOaSOIiaUiC Bible Society. Tbe meeting of the County Bible Socie'y held it the office of Entire Wrijjley, during Court oek, was adjourned to ineot ut the Methodist Ceurch on Friday evening neit, ljth of Februa ry. Election of officers and other businiwe will Xo beforo tbe meeting, J. II. I'ocht. Scc'y. Flovii. Merrell f-Hitler huve s lre stuck of (lour for silo, which U a!d to be of excellent quality, and will be sold ut the rery lowoit rates. Gir them a cult sud tt .t in merit). 12,606 S7 12,i067 Amount if State, Giunti,, and MilitU Tx due from ColUctart or I860, and pnviout yean. tow .snips. tc?)Ie.ssrs. Hall and Wood of the Sen ate, and Messrs. Lawrence an J Gordon of the IIoue, will please accept oar thanks fur various I'tililic Documents. tyj-U'ith a numher of tho members of the I. 0. ofO. F., we made a trip to New Washington lust week, where we met a inutile1- of o:ir fellow citizens, and had ijiiite an agreeable interchange of soeial opinions; We nvor mot a inorohoxpita Ida peopln in our life eacli one attempt ing to ouUie the other by acts of friend-' hip, for which tve are requested to re turn the thanks of those from our torrn who were present. AdorJinj to prsvloui nntire, a public precession was had at two o'clock on Thursdiy. Not'Tith itanding the inclem ency of t li 3 weather, quite a uutnber of the member appeared on p.irude. The metnben of Cleat field Lodge were met by a number of excellent leHo'wn from Chetry Tree bodge, who together proceeded to tho new Hall prepared by tho New Wash ington L"dgo, and then orgnime.l snd elected the following olH icr: N. O. James Savage j V. (1 , ilohn Rose; S., Jamct Dowlcr; A. Ed ward Smith j T., Adam Broth ; who now constitute New Washington Lodge, No. OCT, of the I. O. or O. F., ol Pennsylvania. KS.Wcee by the late Kepotl of the Auditor - General, that tho Clearfield ll.itrk is ll.e only one that has been organ tied iitidcr the Frco liukitig la'v pitted ).i-t uintt r. 'J'iio Auditor reommends a nunibt-r of changes in tho law, for the purpose of rendering it Mievrc acceptable to the public. Lto I1kj4.iv, On Friday last, ItcuU-n WinsliMv, lv-q., of JV.-ner.ctte lo n-.b:p, Klk rounty, 4v.l1.ikl opgnged in mpei intending ike hauling of some timber, hud his leg Lio!;eii iminedialcly above the ntn-le. Dr. Lily wns culled in to attend to him, and nt IhU neeot;nt Mr. ury well. Ix)i'(;r.D in J a 1 1.. A man, whoso name sciiiil not learn, wu brought to jail lust 'Veiling, by Constable 1). II. ruulheiuus, rliargod nith un nttempt to commit rape. tS'Tlio nlooji.of-war Brooklyn sailed fioin Noifolk, Va., on the 21th instant, with sealed nrders. filio tiiok two conr ratiles of euldiots from .Fort Monroe, sup. poseil to oo destined for Fort Sumter or Fort Fiekens. 8" AJargeand enthut.iatic public meet ing was held in Philadelphia composed entirely of workingmen. Tho mooting was harmctiious nnd con ciliatory, calling upon our Senators and members of Congress to adopt the Crit tenden proposition. A committee of thirty-three was ap pointed to proceed to Washington and lay their proceedings before the President and CongreJS. ti&K. A bill is now before the Legislature to form a new Judicial District, out of Jefferson. Forest. Elk, and Cameron, counties. To this we shull make no objec tions, but it looked so Gordon-ifh that we could not help to notion it. . Kkmcckv. The House of Pepresenta tives passed, on the 2Ut instant, by a vote of 87 yeas to 0 nays, a series of resoluv lions, declating that in viewoftLe men and money tendered to the General Gov ernment by several northern States, that the people of Kentucky, uniting with thoir brethren of tho South, will resist) such an invasion of the soil of the South at all hazards to th-e last extremity. PeDMt i a bad omejTto find that Sena tor Seward, the chosen Ptimier of the Lincoln Administration, voted against ev ery ono ot the lirot.osuions oittreu tv Senator Ci ittendon, as a basis of compro mise. This in not all. He voted with Toombs and Davis, in, the Committee, to defeat every proposition that Wits calcula ted to rjtiiet the troubles in our National allairs. Window was doing ftsy'Our readers may remember a good Dialogue, published by us sometime since 1 "hid) referred incidentally to that uood. 1 'launch old Journal for the lmn, Llardsn nd Household. The publisher's card now "ppenrs in our advertising columns, anil j e recommend all our readers, whether rMiJisj in eoun'.rv or village, to respond to his irtvitttt ion to try tho Ajricultnritt for j feci quite sure that the dollar it costs "ill he a good investment. When you rite for it please Buy it was upou our roo obtundation, and wo will guarantee you K001 satisfaction. 'We have received the fat number of Um 20th volume of the AjrinltirLH, which indicates a valuable trstt to all who subscribe for this vol Ifa eonstitiuirii!'l majority cannot be uni'ed in support of tho "Crittenden res olutions," or the substance of them, thesi a dissolution of the Union is inevita ble. This is the closing language of the mi nority report of tho Committee of Thirty three in tho lowtr House of Congress, submitted as the unanimous opinion of all the members, from the South who not ed with the Committee. Their language eunnol bo misunderstood by any one, and is as truthful i s it is etnpLalic. KtTKiBi'TiON. When it shall be gfner dly admitted that tho American Union is irrevocably broken up, settling day with the Northern Abolitions will hare arrived. Then, (he authors of the stupendous mis chief will have to meet a ktorm of indig nation before which they will wither; and incendiary lecturers and preachers, of whatever name, will slink away confound ed and self-condemned, from the gaze o! their outiaged countrymen. In Phila delphia, in Boston, in Ohio the other day when Abbey Kelly Foster sas mobbed, and in Buffalo, Loekport, nnd Uochester, they have already received a premonitory rebuk from unexpected quarters. The arch-agitator Hinton Helper fared no bel ter in this city. -V. I'. Journal cf Commerce. 8jrKellcy's Island, in Lake Eris, is nil a vineyard. The principal grape is tho Catawba, which yield admirable wine. An acre in full bearing will proouco 7,0W lbs. of grapes, worth 5450, al GJ cents per pound. 1 1 ii i -ga-On one farm al Monterey, Califor nia, there oro 50,000 grapo vines arrnnged on the blope of tbe mountain, from which I.5C0 gallons of n ine were obtained in 1800. Clearfield County Agricultural Society. A meeting of tho hxecutive Committee f the Goai field County Agricultural So ciety was held, pursuant to notice at their flic. in Clearfield, on Saturday, the CGth of January, ISG1. R-Shaw, John McGaughey, Josiah K. "kI, ind George B. Barrett were present. On motion, lien. K. Shaw wa elected "cedent. Hie resignation of Isaao Johnson as J router was received and accented. liftolved, That James Wrigley be, and hereby, elected Tteasuror of the j-buiiiiiur-i rsociely tor tho present year, o rnom 0f lMnc Johnson, resinned. Ksvolved, That Jonathan Bovn'nu.Gen. l'atlon and Fiedrrick G. Miller, be. thev ure hcrcly, invited to meet with "J Mrutivp Committee at all of their r:iiil meetings, and take part in the rnarrnions lor the next Fair. Hes-ilved, That Mrs. liuchel Heed ho'n n ' li',' ' '4r,y made an tha?rHT "'lfo ,nP,,,Der ntile Society ; and President and Serrcnuy nre aniliorized ii, ucrwun a certibcate lor me 1 4 P. F. i'uwiLsa, Sec'y. s Salt. 7-EltY CUKAP at the store nt jan23 M M. F.IUWIJJ. JOHN O DELL, UPHOLSTtn AND CAPvRIAOE TRIM MtK, Located at A. II. Shau-'t Mills, one milt East (f ( 'learfald lorc'igh, Ileapeetfull.r toforms the citirens of t'lnartold and adjouung conntlef,-(hal lie is at nil times prepared t" uianufactureTst the shortcut notice, Itnir, liurk, end (Straw Mattresres of all kinds and eiies, on of which is a Folding Mat tre.'S. suilahle for C A DIN'S ON RAFTS, which can be folded in rmoll compass, and emptied snd refilled at plesjure i and very heap. He alto trims Cm riager, makes repairs to sll kinds ef Carriage Trimming snd I pliolttery, snd makes Cords for Msnoo's Tracing Lines, of any thick uom or length. fejuCounlry Produce, Corn Uurks, or Caih UVen in Uichange for work, -4TAII orders left with any of tbe Merchants of Clearfield borough wilt b promptly attended .o dee2t-tf. Cull and examine the Talent airtight Glas and atone Jar, they are juit th thing 'you 13iJ 185B 1857 ii 1147 Jordan lM-S Dell Jordan Pcnn 1849 Jordan Pens 18S0 It 11 Feca 18il I Jorban 1857 j Fox 18j3 Decatur Pike 1SS4 Cheat Jordan Pike Covington Decatur Curwinivill Forguson Go.'hea Jordan 1S13 Covington Clear&tU Irecalur Ferguson Fox Lawrence P.nn 18i Decatur Fox Jordan Karthaut Woodward 1960 P.eccaria Bell Bc.ggs liradford lirady Burnaid Cheat Covington Clearfield Curwenevill I Ferguaoa Fux Uirard Uorhen Urkham lluaton Jordan Knox Lawrence Lumbar City Morria ( jsew nainingion I'enn Pik I'nion M'eodward Aggregate amount 'Li from Collector coLtccroaa' iu. vocstt. iriTt. stunt. James Reaja $20i SI 02 11 R. Wetiel A co , II. iVau 4 10 A. 8pencei J7 50 Wm Wiley 0l Tnomas Fientooj JJ 5 J . Punderlaal 6 00 J. Davi ju jo J. Voung jo 01 16 li V. Hilliaaj 8 IS 6 29 7 00 J. I. Blind; 1 ot D- Kebart H 17 10 SO J. Ca'.dwall 4 7J 7 44 8.J. Toier 45 8S S2 20 11 SO J fatteraoa 1 42 "3 T. K. MeClure 2 62 17 CS J. Barmoy 94 1 t'S O. Kephar'. 0J 80 111 SV 2U 62 2. McXaul 14 35 J- Ptraw SJ 00 6 41 . K. Lirergood 12 81 12 OS 4 JS William Williams 9 41 ii 04 J. Kei'.cr 10 00 R. J. Wallace 3105 ( S2 - A. liaugbman 10 CO 41 it G. E. William i 02 D. N. Heath S 00 It. Orr US 12 7 SO K. Danrers 110 2 4s 8S 21 SO h. oii 16 9S 6 41 J. McClellan 2 66 4 30 J. McNeal 6 11 10 84 22 60 li. Yolhrrs i 86 41 44 11 36 8. Whiteeido 17 80 li. Whiteside 20 27 130 63 26 74 J. Campboll 163 13 log 46 36 10 William WiUon 1SS s S 13 20 90 J. Cowder 32 47 46 71 33 F. Wingart 494 SO 268 60 79 S3 j J. Sundorlnad 72 39 119 46 44 13! J. Tbompaon 27 79 90 14 41 31 I J lleniiut 2 29 47 2' 20 1J ' II. V r's j dor 131 24 74 4s 21 4S , J. Krana 6 35 71 61 28 60 J. Straw 109 93 78 7S I 17 70 i J. Mulkirs 36 SS IS 26 8 66 J. Ppackmen It 20 64 23 16 14 J. Sankev 4 ' 36 34 96 07 J. P. Neiaon 146 84 64 80 14 2'i J. liunJy 78 38 if 81 If 00 P. Bloom 74 It S3 86 21 37 M. O Stirk 70 63 42 36 14 74 M. Nichols 306 70 216 27 60 82 J. rguaon 75 01 J 46 94 7 60 J. Deauing 239 72 ' 10S 38 9 42 R. Meuiaa 24 60 29 48 11 72 T. Wain 1S7 36 6 70 17 57 It. lilt 274 46 It 99 15 41 P. Brtibaker 1361 31 61 i'4 25 6. Uenderica 131 68 70 OS 2 1 27 ..Hector 4.101 73 2.746 70 1,012 74 TINWARE AND COPPtK WARE-Ati extensive nnl well-seiected . assortment. COAL AND COOK STOVES Stove-Pipe, Collar, ruid Blacking, COAL OIL AND COAL OIL LAMTS, Meal Cutters an'd Sausage) St u tiers, Corn Kiicllei's. Corn Giiuiers, Cider Mills, UurRings, Quoits, Plows nnd Harrows, a vntieiy of CLASS, OILS, FAIKiJ. WOOR-LOCKS, Hinges, Screws, Xails, antl other articU used for building pj pes, ic. Kept coustantly nn hand and for sale by JOSEPH L. Cl'KBY, dec4 Inisiber City. A HOOK THAT EVERY 'A KMER, Slli chanio, sod Uusinees Mu.o WaLts. Juat pnlilisbed. THE TOWNSHIP AND LOCAL LAWS Of tho State of I'cnuayls tiuiu, Compiled from the Acre of A-mbiy, by William T. liaincs, Krq., and publiahei b. iMwurU F. Juuies, K;q , Wtt Cheater, 1'ina 'a. This work eoutaiaa orer 400 page -f clotelj priutcd matter, and nill bo sold by subaci ip-tiun. It teaches the duties if Justice at tl Fence, with forms fur the tranaautiou uftLe-ir liusincss. It teaches the dutict f conatablcs with all the nereuary furma. appsitaining to tb utlice. It oontaina the dutiea of tho r-uperviaura of rv Couuly aud Towuhip iu the .Vtatn. It coiilnina the mode ol procedum f .r the ! j Dg out and upeuing of pullie and privailo riaas. earoceliug aud alterio roada, tho LiujlJii of tCVniS CM. AND KXAV.I.NE FOB YourtsF.LVKSr-Tlicir osMortmciit ol DRY GOODS 4 NOTIONS !s vrv Irre and eonipUto: eniLnicing aliiioit erry arliolo both vffarhit-n iind anvici. tt peeisl attentitii, bus boen v:i(! to the aule. tion of LAE'IKS' JlRKo' OOOUS, which are of every TSriely and the very Ih'iH styles. rjillj, Di-laincs, I'luiJn, Meriros, Poplins, AlpaCcii", CtohmereB, Frunch, Bcoioh and Domctio 'Uinghamr, Print;, Linsejs, Csaibricd, UriHiunts, Vig. and plain L'obiutlu, Irish Linen Cloths ie. Black and Funcy Cuarimcr'-s, tjatinotn, J.-sna, THCe.lf. Corduroys, Hickory .Stripe, Ticking, Craih, Dinner, Itleauhed and nnhleuuhed inu. lina i drills, Ked, Urey, While snd Canton Flon aula. Alaoalnrjf atook of Lndiea' end iientle mn'' Shfl?, lvalla and Sio(;U, Stellas arid '.tieiiiio?, Itluck and Drsb CtotU cujics of tho very laivat fashion. 7 i ajJ'iilfJo i; oiTZ-iilL lit . A i S11 a. if a nr.. 7"B would re.-!icctfnlty iiifurin oar frienJs, tutronn nml rue pubho ctarany. nni wo have tiovt in atoro ivn t offer Wuutesnle nd Re tail at th lowost Cash Prices, a large and very choioo stock Watoh, Jewelry, Silver end Fluted War of every vnricty and stylo. Fvery description of lUnuioiid Work and oth er .lewolry, mode to urder at abort notice. JWAI1 goods warrau'ef to ho n rpro.ntol. Piirt'mMari'ttcutio.i given tu tha rep-'irinj cf vTatckra aud Jewcli v of evorr doscri )ti n. PTAUFFER A 1HRLKY. . 622 MARKET street, (aouth lid.-,) Pull. tjpt. 19th, 6 mo. w CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THK above Hotel, Lsriug roeeutly been fltte'd wp for a hou'e of entertninment, is now oiren tor the uocaaoiiioilutioti of tbe puhlio, !uavtirs nill tin 1 this a conveuioiit houe. Miv to t?5g, youx jo; pax. trimmed and un- Ladica' Hi trimmed, onnets nnd H11U. f the Lateat Styles nt It. W. d CO's, Aggregate amount due C'lunty from Collectors Afrh'rKe amount due from U. 8. luaia AgxTgat an-ouud due from notes, jiMiitnenta, Ac. Ou!taji 'ing County orders $1,232 78 Court houae routrset 9.600 00 i'tte Cimut j Trensurer 372 04 Ievbtedne.s of t euntr 31,104 S2 $4101 73 2,703 IS 1,033 32 3,216 72 11,104 82 CrarbK II. Goom.Aniirn, Kt a,., TreaMirerof Clrar- field C unty , in arcount with tb different town rhlp for Houd fund, for th year A. I). 1853-9, lift. To balance due lownalupa last settle ment. 939 To amount received from unseated lund! for 1858-1 6,058 66 CIC. 7o Mtri. Am t pd. rp$. Dnl. due. Ilt'ccaria Bell RoeKl Bradford i'.rady Burnaid On cat Covington C'leartiold bor. Decatur Kerguioa Fox . (1 irard floaheu (ruharn Huston Jnrdua Karthau Knox Lawrence Morria Penn Tike l:nion Woodward Bal. due tpi. $477 2s 448 00 $27 16 120 S3 f.S 07 12 04 4A0 44 3 94 254 91 533 73 62 63 112 12 66 54 3 41 329 00 24 S9 31 73 2 07 2!9 60 HIS DO 56 86 2"0 00 9 06 176 68 IS 14 1,620 23 267 68 67 2t 7 96 161 84 69 49 29t 66 00 105 at 724 CO 26 36 148 00 22 4 4 104 42 75 22 250 04 1 42 .461 23 817 88 8,088 78 8,083 78 Cr.o. B., Kaq., Treasurer of Clear account with the different town ebips for ckbool fund, for tbe years A. D. 1868-59, DR. To balance dus townships from lutt settlement J '32S3 To amount received from unseated land for 1358-69 8,350 99 CR. Am i pd. tpi. If 1. . 279 28 363 36 2J7 48 1 8 48 127 40 f-2 66 78 79 31 01 371 73 24 14 7Wnhi';, llercaria Hell Hoggs Bradford lirady Burnaid 271 34 107 16 Chet 214 88 81 01 Covington 230 03 111 37 Clearfield 09 2 91 Decatur 472 44 74 72 Ferguso 31 25 6 71 fox M 65 22 Oirard 8 32 3 63 Gofthno 254 9t 27 IS Urabnm 2:10 41. Huston 433 11 470 63 Jordan 68 23 4 73 Karthaus 24 266 64 Knox 314 93 1S2 75 Lswrenot 229 20 29 11 Morria 627 92 402 81 Penn 167 02 77 27 Pik 006 67 77 Union 259 88 62 76 Woodwsrd 4266 76 1 3 06 It contain the Common School Law, woitlre t tilnnationa. deriaiona and ilintrr iiifn- lui-d rl,ur. r ' , r: ' . , . ,,, with foims for Deeds, Honda, Contra! , r-lil) 'f n c f 1 . cat.., Ac, Ac. Tbia department wf tlio hoik 1 0 "crSOHS Out Of LmpiOtjmCHt. waa uouipuea at iiurrmuurg i.y fir. rwum.'l i llutoa, Deputy huperintcndunt, and is -!one' worth tbe price of the roluiuo to any on tiijtrea ed in Common .Vi hoo a. It conta'na the dutict of Township As 4i tors. It oontaini th law relative) to Dog uod Sheep. It contains the dullos cf Asaesaora, Itcontaina the lows in rviatniu tu .Virari, Mules and .Vn ine. I It coniuina the lsw a relative to Fence Viewers. It contains tbe lawa relative to gauto buntin -rout and Deer. 0 U ci.ntaina the Election Lain with all uetei sary Forms. It eotit lina the Naturalisation Lawa, with all the neceaaary Forma tor Application, It coniuina a large nil 111 otr of Leg I Forma' which are uaed iu Hie every day truua-ictiun of busin , such it a Acknowiod'.;mcut, Afluluviia Articles of Af ecineuta, snd Contracts, l'artn ir, a.tip, Appreutteea, Astiiiuunts, Atttatutionar j Bilii of i.xchango and Promissory Notoj, Hillsj-, S'sle, Bonds, Check, Cnvvlianta, loed. Drnokm tioirs, i'tie iiiiiaanu rrouuoe aoics, l.utiuloru p-) 1 Ten tnt, Leases, Lcttfis oi Korncj, fllimuu'e lIort.v,agca, Receipts ami UeJraavs. t he wors.a, , iwurd in Law ahcip, and will he sold to tuU-i s 'hers sf $1 25 per cy, jHybla wi Jclivury if the w. k. Hi J work 1ms pasacd Hie revuion of I many of the best lawyer in tho riuti and hua (receive their uiiualilivd approbation, lis a reli t able hand book of relercnco upon oil subjuta upon wlu:ch it treats. The whoio fa arruuued in jauch a ms."ner as to present plain, rmirt,, and explicit stai tmeni oi ino uuim 01 ,i Tuwnchip wtlicers, J ay ben-adily umlcrstovd by anj one. tlearfield Con my will be tliumugldy eainnsad for tbe work aid the aiipptrtoftbe litixena is re. spectfullveo.'1" 1 v. u 1 t t . r-r r-.-rt CLSARriRLL'. (IJ KASriKI.O CoOTT. fCSXa.. I Oeneral At-ent l.''r Cleartield County. TTe, the Commissioner ef Clsarflcld County, i'. If. tiood ta.n'SfMl are wanted in 1! ).rita 1 (S In the Commonwealth ef Pennsylvania. halng of thia County for ih' ahave work, to wl,.,m a lib- ' A K I'.lTrREET N'EARIiY OPPOSITE JAtt, examined the account of Oeo. B. Ooodlander, eral conipciisatioii sel'be i;ivcn. Aj 'plieatinns, ' , ,' . Ka.. Treasurer of the Countv of Clearlield fur . which must be made sn enrly date, dJrei'.l u . """'Ke.i win nave constantly on lirt i AGENTS WANTED. In every County of tho United Slates, finO engni in the sale of some of the best nnd at most olo;i'ly illustrated AVorks fmbliiheu. Our publications nre of the most interesting character, a liipte J to the wantH of tho Farmer, .Mechanic and Morchantt 'hey uro publMied In the he.-t etvlo end bound in the must snbstau- Fctcca au . u'nl"'r. and are wurlhy a place ia the Li il.rnry of every Huusehnld in tho Ln.ul. 'ii,'fu men of eutorprise sud iujustrioiishnb its. s li ia husinosd i.tlVrs an opportunity 1 .r profit able ewplnymont scldum to bo ruot with. iSU Persons desiring to act as ngenN will re -ceive promptly by mail lull particulars, torme, f-c, by addrcssinir LKARY. UKTZA eo., Pul. No. 2.4 North ttrtot, I'hiladclrhiu. Oct 2i, 1850 ly. A very largo stock of Spring rud J.X. clnttiingof the Int-st styles for sa'e loW br t'liiwensyillff. Kay 16. 19H0. E. A. IHVIX. ' Bat. Hit(S. 2,6.-140 8,183 92 8,433 li Inlailiblo Vegetable I'owtlcrs. For tho rpeedynnd effvctliid Curt of all nflam. mntxnul, Jtliiin,, ttnu, llytprprin, anil Lit vr ( Viir ;j'iiiI nnd all Acute nnd t''o Jjlrcnni n'A Hilts ud t'hlldrcil, Send 3 cent Stamp to h" Ajeut. (j. II. JON'KS, llnmlrcds of trstinioninls Tinx 2070 Phil.i. T f 31-iT Aynft s. W. Cor. Third 'tt- Arch Sta. ht 24. i860 IQt. iiauTsWck'5 mUG tj- VAllIRTV th year A. I)., I860, do certify, that w find th aecoants of ieo. B. Qcodlsnder as follow : Tb amount due from all sourcea to be aeran thousand tight hundrest and eighty-fight dolla: and tu eents. We also find th (mount of oul-tanding order to he ten thousand sevrn hundred and thirty-two dollar and evnty-ight eents, of which nine thoowand Ave hundred are on Court house contract. The balance dn Treasnrer, three hundred and seventy-two dollars and four cents. as above, will roteire pi mpt attention. Uccaiuber 12, 160. 4., asssri Bills discounted lVnr jlvuni ;'tat Sluok Kpeoi .... Duo from other Lank Witness our baud this I2th Jay of January, A, Notes of other Bunks V., 1501. wm. Mccracken. ) WM. MRtRKLL. V Com'rs. B.C. THOMPSON. J Atust fa. 8. Bradley, Clerk. lbe h wo.l aulorled stoc k of Dru.;-, Ibeini'cnls, Dys- ..luns, ui.s, riiint.", lulmiTo und Se,-ars, (-milou-ary, I'erl'ututrv, Biutbcs. nnd Fuiirv TV BsNK, for th. m uutli ending December ... "l r ? .!Ulf ,0, c:il"",no i! jgjl). 1 , B"""-" uvy'Tv nirci.aMii;; eisewiurw. i.oniry j-nyviciiim lurn l.j t.iili Lract We, th Anditer ef ClearRold County, having examined the accounts of Geo. B. tioodlandtr, Ksq.. Treasure r of raid County A. D., I860, do report: That tb accounts are a a' r.r stated. 11 amount du th Road fund by the Treasu rer, is eight hundred and seventeen dollars and eighty eight rents. Tbe amount due tbe Schor l fund, ia two thousand six hundred and seventy one collars and sixty eents. The amount of outstanding orders, is ten thonsnnd seven hun dred aud thirty-two dollar end seventy-eight csdta, of which nine thousand 6v hundred dol lars are on Court house (ontrecL Witnnaa our band this 12tbd.iy of Januarv, A. D., 1SC1. I.W.GRAHAM.) J.B.SHAW. Auditors. B. C. BOWMAN. J AlUst Wm.S. I!radly, Clerk. January 30, 1661. Check. Drafts, do. furniture E.rp.nse of Plate ugrs' Stationery, ic. $! 0,-S9 :7 19,7 0:i !i) 4,:.ll II V77 02 745 SO Ph v.ii'iji)n .-.o.i, HM-i", uiiii ,-iirgivni iDMrunieiits at t,i moi roiifonahle rates. J. (;. lUHTSfflCK. Cl-srfield, l'n., Dec. 2-!, 1-00. f, ia t.ltsii.llisi. Capital Stock paid in Note 1 in circulation . Due depositor . . . Intereau and Kxebang - AI1 1 M S I It A 1 ( H 'S XOl 1 (; ...Lettf rsr of Adiuinistration having liceu'eruntnd lo 1,128 00 ",u uni'orsigned, tl is day, upon the cMnto i.r 1 . ... i:i:oi!iii A.11 f'L fi j , . . 01 ro i ,iui.rr., ueceii.'t-a, Into ol l!T-.nIr township, Cieartlcld county, all persons iudolud to aid estate nre reuci-tid lo make iiuui!ii,te payment, nud II,om having cljin s ai'niint. Hie same will present Iheiu inly anibonii.,t,i ,r si.trien.e-t. L'UZABETII eilLCKl.ti, 7c'4 75 2J2 i7 $3s?i:tC7' $24,(il)0 001 8.020 00 Important Notice. 125 -'4 "cl" I'epfhlwHU Hikes Una method Tl caliin -" upon .hoso $1S fil l 67 ""'r Wnrd for subcrlptl..n. ndvertUing Or Job. zjz woik incurred during the three veara cotmm AS. n. GRAHAM, Cashier. ting July Dv7 and tndinjr Jul, I KffO. to call CIcsrfut , Fa., Dec, CI, 1860. jan, inc' "'' at my ofl.ce in II10 borough i.f . (.'Lat- - I r "",u nTui ",ulil! soltlonient ol the saw. e tino-e Urge and splendid stock of Dres trim. . avieunts must t tlmUvp. .'. II. LAhltlMHl. IX. minjji, Helta, Head Presses, Nelts. plumes ' l'lcarclJ, December li, JfccO. tf, it. v, d- co, 1 " - - r i" w hy stand vc aJl the day u OTItAY III. Ill 11 f 1 :, 1 . ...r . - O of th subscriber ; ,1, V ."" "' """ ' ' I,V "r. nerllemsi, lw the UnUe l l.r ill . . lllrlLi-i, r', - I'""' - sinriiii- Phillipsburg and Waterford Railroad. AMKKTINU of the Stockholders of the " Philipihurg nnd Waterford Railroad Company" will b held at the office -f said Com- pany, in the borough or tlrniu, i,iearniu county, Pa-, oe NONDAY, the 18th day of March, K- D. t8't. between the hour of 12 and 2 o'clock p. m. or laid day, for th purpose of electiog one President and twelve Directors to serve unlit the eerond Monday of January, 18C7. A full attendance ia requested. L. J. CRANS, Seoietary. CloarBeld. Jan. 21, 1861- .. Butter. rvtr ..I PTHWI?I BUTTER, for sale the store of Un23J Jjsv i.1-'.. Flour. 00D ARTlCLE,for sale al the store of JT jan2J It at W. F. IRWIN. heed, for sale al R. W. A CO'. 'US. Largo stock ef Ua A Boy' slothing, tu rseeiredet 5. W. 001 Cheese. elothlns:. just OOD ARTICLE ofS. Y. CHEE3 fir sale jr tth stors ef f;4B23J at. F.IRWiy. Tyrone, Blair County, Pennsylvania THOMAS MATS, PROPRIETOR. rfHE Subscriber raipoolfully Inforrrihis friends M. in ClcarOeld cr.unty, and tbe public general Y-.IlVrKCk. H tt I I 'tin VI , t T .... ....1. 1.1 " " , '.."?" " v.. euier horns end aL.mi i. ..... i 1 ii 1 into nn ea, una resrecuwe Lusines, ur wLlru 'isrueMcd toTJl w , realised. Fev .1,.,,,.. ..i ..i. 1 ,. , j, ,.,v , ru-uiars, auurtia ami ftumii j W R ACTON A CO., Oct 2, l."60-3m. North 61b .trees PhiU, arlwaio nf erory kind, I n. cs r-rd frk oon. l.ock. nio. Kalt C,,w li.. !"odaBd Hand enws and .Mill saw et : . . . r . . ... . . ... . ,,. - ru?I'"'"n,,,a''l'eraw,nrshewill 's sH-po CLKAKFILLI) AND CENTRE -oi acceding t0iw. ivili iam hoyt.. January y, ism. stf I adies Hr... -,-, I,, rfpntterns and ts:urra I J please all, willho found nt the eorner -toro n Curwinavilie, May 16, 1?(!0, t, A. ll' VIX. Hard jas. a. tsnmxaa. 1, TI!sT IAItKIMKR ft TKST, Attorhtys at Lsw, J ClearSeld, Pa., will aJtelid prompt'y to Cut-. Laioui. Lahd Agencies. Ac. Ai- . In 1 '1.. ....!, 1 I lw .It.l lift tt.S . i n ..IflM r 1) . . r. . . f k. tlu,.. ' r. . . , TIL . at ... ' j . mwv.v 1 vanire ana o.a ouuiiiics. JUT .i. t 11.... 1 1. f.,ll- .....i.j :.i. .....11.1 I J ' E R. W. A CO's rr;Tii"iri'itrinA"irrHntnT : IIK Ht'TTEK, for sale at ib nov2t W. F. l.KVVIN. asary to tb comfort and convenience of bis guests. A large Warehouse fur the Storage of goods Is attached to the establiihroenL Jan. 16. 18(1. 3t. THOMAS MAYS. . iter WIFE CAUTION. B tRBARA bsvinc left tnv bed snd board without any just esnse or prnv. ocatioa, I hereby caution all persons against har boring or trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her eontrs'ting. DKITKICK COLE. Pojgs tp., Jaa. 33, 16(0 MOORK A ETZU'iLER, HTbolesalc and Hetall Merchaiita. il.n 11 extensive daalnrs in timber, sawed 1uind ' . A -1.1 ... .... i 1 oer ao a sumi;i-.s. Aiao, aeniera in nour an grais, which will be sold cheap for cash. Oct. 14,1359. HENRY WHITEHEAD, JUSTICE of the peaoe Rockton, Union tp . win Mletd promptly te all husiaecs entrusted to his ear. Sept., 12, I860, ly. ' Cl.t'r.ri l.'.'.l- ' S.'gs variety nt reduced pri lls. ; ; ! . 1 'S ltor. LiirweiiHVillelfl.'CO. WflselcerelMid llorring for snle at Ihocorncp I ill store of E. A.IRVlJi. i.tiryvens villi?, .way 10, '00. )oots A sheet uf every kind for Ladies, XJ tlomei. and Children at 1!. V (Un it" CO's, Stella and other i'Lawls lu variety at the ehosr S'oro of li. A. IRVI.V Cnrnenavillc, May 10 Tnt'IT. Dried Apple J reaeoes, inerrto. U.C eerier (tor of GO. ParcJ end nutan. Prune' et d, E. A. IF. VIS