l.llil II I I1 M X-'1 V I in r " I i i i I I i in A Y WVi iMM huh in 1 in tn'i ' Mil I niiNh V.mM It,,,, -1 1 ' . a. i I I I' I i. i I Hit tf!f.utull. Jt;iiitlu S;),.sai)ar 1 lit In 1 ! A4 I' 1i I 4 I a. I 1 i . I ' I i nil I I I I .1 t , .... 1 .1 . 1 1 t I 1 1 I ' I III I 'I I .id i li , , i .. ft . t . I Ii , 1 1 . I i , f ( M . n . s , H t i . ' 1 1 I I i ' I ii I ' I'r I I! f X I. h 1. 1 .. .i,i-i , Sa'ntal I I. ' , n .,, i, i r "" , i I ',"'' . ' , ,i, n el I'm J II il Yen , ef ihrrtl Inf. A.t'i'' t Ik ("U-"" I f naartl- n, X An. ti m J i S .'. 1 1 nin $7 60 10 t'O 11 r l i ffl l on Si till I T hi) p.. i ' n iiiir J , H.-f ' ' . - - V lit I t Thru i'intt .no I. tin no on BO n On H far, Two-'iire, s Thru f iu I' i it r S'fiart ftnir rulismn, l., tnli'Mfl. ! . i. - t 4 l . : tul : PA : 0 : U fl.) ft 10 15 i,.., ihr. ki.ftlJth!n Hire inoMhl 2b 1ns.r'loa.J,..ir... v,'.' V. rat.l.nued until fortut and char,-.! accord'.:. to th. t.rni. JOB PRINTIN G. 1 n IpllstVK tui'X 01 .luininj: ''! to mi ucuiii to the iHit.lic that U U iTt-in reft to do all kinos i hi..vi, Pai'ir Bus.', Ln, BallTuki?s, snd ry kiiKl of yuntiBg ClHtl'LlkS, 11 ANbVUI.S, usually ilono in n couiilry job on.te. ... . in rfi. uill , exocutol wUh nct Jl II n ..... - Kfn and dffci'tcli. U. P. OOODEANDKR A CO. mm " " " T.TVcI.'iu. ww.w. VrtLorcn. MCUMOUGH naOTHF.R, AtloriMiy at l.aiv. . u..i..t oir.oi. .unu.il Mmoti' Stor ir'JS. i wv. 1 tiroumtlr to full.-o W it'Hrn.m, - nov7-l 1 1 1" W HAT.e, Juntite of ili lWe. will utlenl pronrlly o cullMiiona d it'tr iiiuihts it la hicfcrte. AJtire:3 kemey, Klk co P. Oel. U uco. ly DANIEL COUDLANDK.K, w I' Will uf ll, If lie J Luilieri-kiirg, rienrli Co. P., I will lter4 rmrl)y l Ihmd eniroteu 10 bi ! la.r.b 2". lH'.U. ly. j L KLL13 IRWIN SONS, A T th laoBik ef Lifk Ruu, C uiU fru A Clerfild, MKRCHANTS, -ui iWuiif W(inufetur" of Lumbur, J. D. THOMPSON, 1-lk.mi,WS0U8,BU(;ii.,c.14r. irii.ie.ii oohortBiio, ndtlerykttyie, tbii lll:uikmltk. Wazous, BurzitK, Ac, le. ) on ahort otio, nd tl ery ktt ie, it hi. id -tod ii tho boraugk of Curwenbviile. Doa. Jk. KwJ. iiadht VAT.I.ACS. Attokikt AT LA w, i V CUfild, P., 0do ill Shw' Sun, oji-j L-.3H U Jyarani ofiii'. r" A.. 1 IIHH If. u.. . . av'i n? h ,m"T' ":v, g.:n u. .B. M. HIMIIW, Uaving ennge mir i tia ' .. . r.Bctlnllr offer hii lirol'eieio ernces to U. eititem of tb latter pUc ud Ticinlty. Hsiidtoco an tcoud Ut, ojipucil ll kt ot J. I'raos, E-. kuy 1 ll.fl. J. G. KARTSWICK. M. D Pkylaa aii fiirgeo1 flrfi14 rv, liny K, M3. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORXEV AT LAW, will atvend prottlttlT Hueua i-rou., i , tnJ faiihlullv to ill leal ku.MBf Brutd a i bid car, in Ike evrT Courts of Cl.tuueld aud adjoining counti. Olli.', ill cae formerly occupied by fl. R. linrretr. Oct. HOi, TiiB ly. Fm. (. W. (STBWAKT )hyicUa aud Siurjjeon, off.-rn bi rofa siontil iervies to Ibe citif.en of 5w Wah lngta aoi lurrounding community. OSc threa soora went of tho Wa-liingtnn llo-e. Now Wa.hiugton, P., Oct; 14, 169. J01IS HTJIDZK0PER. Civil EstiNKEa i Land Siiiyo, oflora bis profes.lonl larvioti Ul tb itiwB of Clear Said county. All kiisin.' ntritd to him will be promry aud faithfully executed. Oft wilb Leonard, Finuey 4c Co. LEVEIt FLKGAIi, Justice of tho peace Lulbcraburg, L'learneia vo. ra., win j attead proiaptly to all businena entnipted to his i earo. 11 aUo inforias lb puMie that h heaps j constantly on hand at his .bop, a general an- j ortment of Saddle?, BridUs, Ham? and wbips, which ho will 11 ou r.v-ouU Uuis. j April 4, 169. DE5TAL CARD. AM. SMITH offers hi profeionl eris nB be found at the shop formerly occupied . to ta Ladle and tintlineii of Clar- hy j Hhunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo .i.i ..d IrinitT. All ODeTAtiona performed ,lt,v, i.,.r. ihev will be nlensid to leo tho r old i,h r,..Ln..a aaA desnatch. Reins familiar with all th lt improvmeaU, h is prepared to inik Artlttrul Tcctb i tb beat inaaBr. lyj. Uffic in 6baw'i new row. Sept, Hit, 19i8. A f xcellnt quality af Floir for . sale low tb ttor of lAiTi Cia ra.l i, Jaly Uib. Iff. r 'ahhYmIiM TKST. Attorhey. .' taw. K. I 1 Clar6ld, Pa., will attahd promptly ta Col- tAiolis, LuUd Ageaoi", As., ClaarHeld, Cntr aal Llkiouuuea. July . y itOUE 4 ETZViLER, Whalesula aud Bel ail Merchaata. Also lKusn 4.Llt.i iu timber, ad laaid her aui aliink-lJ. Also, daular in ioar n- .. . -,,i. .. ii .i r i. raia, wmea wm e oia utr m wiui Oct 14,lij. HKNKY Vt'lIITEHEAD, JffsiTIt E af ibe Ruckton, Vaion tn., wiil allaM Lromptl t ail aa.ia alrustd to bis ar. 8ept., 1, 10. ly. Call ibJ (xamiaatb PaUat air-tifkt fi laa and i,.B Jar, tby are jut th thing yoa need, fer (al al CO'. ta. ee ant fik! TT ardwai ef vry kind, I 1 icooai, Lok, Iil. Nail., Cow B oedaaa Uaaa aawt a,aa Mill ar a. w. at CO't B; 4 I (.Ml B L' TT V. R 1 1 A lar( q.ily :k' (IN tlllllK, for aal at tb KM?. aefll VT. F. 1RWIM. Oke'kit aih- i.'f variety at rdd H-a3- t: Carwtil 11, 'II. It Tack oral aid Uarriag for tela al lkaorwf iTJa. ktoreof I. A.UV1S. (JtirwernTilla, .Way 16, '60 I")ooU 4 boa ef every kio4 fur Ladle, (la X tltmen, aad Cktlaren al R. W. CO', CJtella andt thf aSbawl la variety at lhkeaf O Store of Curwenavillei, May lfi. E. A. 1KVIX; fiO, 1JRCIT. Diied Apple, Tared and nnpre . Ttach, Cberrivi, Prwna and Baisir a enraer Here af E. A. IRVIN f I'l I 1 nl l I M. I v .1, V i I , , Wi.ll If In i ' , ill I nim't" t '') t tnil l'f1rr. a...... ii. . ttrnrt t.tnn. fatlafW. ncfrM. As i lnd'.U"" v'' II n IWfl B'.f-all, l.tiih.rlnf Plwr,, I'rfl k H. M.l " rrl!in.tTT..I'tin 1.. I'tiltl. pnf. A lUe.' J n M. ' Wiiley, lii.t.ict A tt'T .- J. Well"'. TrtninirT, (I 11. II. n.lhin'li r, H. I'.. Wrlxhl. I iim-r I'iIT I leiftilil rhllil'ur 4,'otll IU la'U rs.Wm. M'Crirseti. Win. M-m-H, H. C, Thompson, II. C. Bowman, Iaae W. Iltahvu J. 11. Shaw, Ofurse HiehrJi, Cnronir, l.lt r Putt intie". of I . M. (J. W. ( tlwell Mary Kl'lur T. A. M'Uhr. J. V. Cmnpbel' Lewis Smith 1. H. Millor lvl. Williauii A. !.. Pchnell Jacob Kiint. John HeUrling Jaa- lllonlii 7 VifNifcA ly. LoirMi U'll, . s,rmor. v. (it'll 1 1 i ' , Kof r, ( koll, Cufb. Ostfn.l, Cli-iirfiiM l'.riilgo, XS'ooillimd, I,uthirchiirs, Trnulvillo, Jffl.T.iH Line, Vi.riKl. UiUforil, BllllT, ItloMII, DuriiKiil) New WimliingtiiDj ,T. M, (.'uuiminci I " l'.urn.-nlf, J? .wr.nuiinj C. 1. Wliin. Y. fou.lriot J F W Kfhnnrr Kmuuol Way ClixnCtilil, LlonrCield, Cotfington, Fruirhville, Kiirthnu.i. ' rnrwnsTille, I'urwentvillc, ppcntcr, rbillfx burjf, ' Forguruii, Marron, Km, IMen l't Offire, (iirarJ, l.ecnuntti'ii Mill, llnld lliili-, (iosUsa, Hhiiw nville, iJnihiiiu, Urnlmiiitun, (i . '.icb mitl.j .Villi. Cenlro eiuniy Kilm. William Kilt nullity, C. MiKii.'t Wiliinm t'rr A. II. .Shaw Jn?. 1!. iiia!im J. A. ll'ii'ni y 1 1 n i.l XyU r jl. Wundwanl Kii.fi Cliuo (. H " k it J rn li. K. Muki-l J, W. Tlniiii''n Ja. Tliiii.in J. M.-Udhnnl W. W. Wrij;bt A. C. .VJuort), uiu(.'l Way Miclmul Wise. W. 1'. Johiis'in 'X. Ucudrsn Huatiii, Tyl(r, 11 I'vunliolil, Joriliin, AiiJiiu"ille, Kurthnuj, uit Lick, tuui, Now Millport. L:irnli, lir'X'kiiridjtu, jri'i4, blylri't.mn, " Sinn ImIiId. Yuu, l.uuibrr L'ily.t r.niinpian llillc, t'urwiJiivill, ' Jlluuiuiiijjvillo, I'liion, otkton, Wupdwanl. JeftrioH, Il ia I'ont OHIre will d fur Chert towiiibip Will Mihr lr itrguyun inwntliij1. i'L'IUFV THK HIXXJD. . iL UJ V l"i K'l'A I'.I.K L1KK I'lLLS ' Ayl PHOrHIX EITTZRS. Tha bih nnd envied celtbrilv wliuli ltto ; ,.,..,,, ;r ,, meilieinea hnvo nciiuirea lur ineir invariable effluiiey in ill tho di-eme wbiih thy j prnfs to core, Imf rendered tbe usnl praetiee of . . -.....-..n. I.ut iinworibv of .tiniTir run inn, mnn' t-"". , , - - Thev i.ro Known their fruit ; tbeir 'tl(m. -j -k, -le.-.fy r.r Dd thy nt - - .V.. lMii, r.fLlia crailuldUt. ' ri..i.... and Chronic Hheuinuiisin. Affertinns of the Blii liler and Kid l?l ALL LAt VI iruiiu.i, -it nva. liilliou Kerar and Livfr Cumplaint. In" tli iuth a west, wber thee difeases ( re vnil they will bo found iaviiluable. PlanturH, 1 ai uierrf.and othor.J, who one u?e theac ucdicinaa ! will uver iilterwordu be, wnhout ihem. I ljipiia. No person with this ditring ' dircafe ehoald delay using these medieiaes im luiedintely. Kruplions of Ike kin, Kryaipe'aw, I Halulaaey, Feve- and Aue. f or inn ecuurg.. uied cim. will 6 . i... . 0lh - ;oan a i. apee-y.an.. c-.u... " i : 1... .... ,Ld .... i n ..lilrrt lo I retBT T tactlirtd.i (.... . the diseui.e a ur ly tbef niedii ines is olA maneut. Try tbui, b aali.-fied, and be cu d. Mereural lNscaana. Never faili to eradn ..ntir.lv .11 the cRei ts of mercury infiniteli- sooner tbau tho most powerful preparation of Swunpnrilla. Niht sweat.", .Nervous ueiiiuij,."""" v-o...-plaiuls of all kinds. Organic Affections, PulpiU tioa of the Heart, Painter Cholic. Files. Tb original proprietor of these niedi--o. nr,l of I'ilus of 30 veara atanding by 1 Lb Uit uf these Life niedieinea ibme, Worms of I all kiuds, are effectually cured by llie niediciuen. i Paruti will do well to administer them whenever I tbeir exitteuce is suspected. Relief will be ' aertain. TB l.lKr P1LI.S ASI THOrHlX TIITTfRa Purify the blood, and thus remove all diseae from Ike lysteiu. A single trial will plae the Lira Pills and Paur.xix Hitikki bcyoud the reach of compctitum in the cstiinution of every patient. ;MTPiepared and sold by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, S.15 Rredwar, cor. Worth St., New Tork; Feb. THh 1S00.' lyr. LOOK HK.R V. ! l.fM)K HLR C! THK undersigned subscribers, take this meth od of informing the publie generally, that they have this day entered into copartaership in THK BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, ' .,,, . .ml as maiiv aew ones as can uiake jt eoavenieut to give them a call. Fring on your hoei, your spades and f icki, Your log-chains and your pulling sticks, Your ilds, your ileiha, your horse, your mare, No three-year old ahull then go bare Tour ajiears will work up then just right, To arouaiag hoolw for ry hoighl, m - I . .... -1...II ,V.. 1,. -,nn,hl i war i.ufti, kuw, .u.ii iu,h uv .'A.. To plougb.hurei uch as C: Be'.r bought. J ACOB SnfNKWILER, iiEO. W. OR It. ClarCld, Dccmber a, ISiS. tf. iaisn "arrival of NEW (i OODS! AT THK CHEAP CASH fTOKH. I m just receiving nd openieg a larg and well ilecl4 asaorlment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ot almost every description, A kaaalifal auortmnl ef Print and I)rt (end, at Ue newest aud latest :yles. Also a gre variety of useful notion. A larco assortment, ready-mndo I . T U 1. V 1 li 1 iY fr, BotU, Bhawla, 1LU aud Caps. B oti in d Shoes, a Urge quantity, Brdware, Qieemwiti, Drcggs and Medicine, Oil lad Paint, Camet A Oil Cloth, Fish, lacon and Flour, I GROCERIES, of th best quality, ll of which will k old at be loet cash or ready pay price. My aid friends and the anblie generally, are rtelfu"v Invited U rail. ClearfleM, Oct. .11, 186(1. WM. F. IRWIN. yrvrN. B. All kind of G KA.Vand approved CUl XTHY mOWCE taken In exchange for 4'oodi. V Large Mock af Men flny' ololhing. Just ree,l t It. W. A CO'l I . I I t "" " lulnnl l.iln i' 'I 1 v IMl.it.l - . I I . i i I I , I i n 1 1" ' I fr.li'i. H'nlilii. nili lllKltl, ' "II I ' I ii r t . it", ''h .1 I r ' I f I l n.i '. t v C. I . I 1 . i. s ,. ' I ' ' , ll.tr r If." , l .1 I I !. I I . I I , , . I , ..! , n.. I .h I l'i Mk II I V" ' "' l 'I " "I 11 I.. Tl 1 If .... .., I I ! . . ll (-.I in. i.nt- it 'H I . I t" V f ,., .. -....I r , I, I u p..,.. . i I Ini ll . Ii n. mil Ii i . tin !, I I I it. I lit. l! ii . III ,,,1 l, .J,. I I Ii 1 , I .1 l t ' I II. I IU I ,,) 'I hi1 I II i'li.rtll Ii.' U I. Ili .!' l''l i' " " I I in I In H l- n IHu'lli' i i .ii ll!n II ii llil mil II in ' V" '' It rlt I le rii i.t ihtnti. In I'. Al 1, l'll I n .,l . ' I i r i ll. ' v-.ii l.it I if I 1 r 1 h,, m ii, i. I l' i - tiin.l Iw f.., .1. I .Will I." I'm -iniia'iAii Ik 't ' I it- -I il nil it rnn- i I i k il VII tp- ill il " ! .1 1. . i .nl ,.-l .1 I in. nil,, mi. I m I alm.'.l li I.!tl". . "ttMl W!' II i rl.nl .Hli lmi I' ' llM'' 1 lln,Mi.''li l... Ii nil r it i l..lHI.'fl I - -U . i l ii"W .. i, an.l I a, ii. I my 1 freliiijn llml Ui- iliu'it-,. li.n k li" ft ::l mv utaiiui. '"" I rn . ll ln'li' to Umi I l "l 1 in hi. iu.' li. ii 1 I' il I UllU I ll '1.1 J 'HI l 1 II" Hi Hi' K(.ll.' .1 ll.t (.", Ill riHUill I'V.T Uliik'lillll . V "ll.. AI.Hil.H P T M.I.K V. S. Anfhnnj 'a Fire. Hoar or :ry,v,,,,,',i t'rltrr nnil Suit llli him. SiI1 lliint, Hlnnnnrni, re Km, l)rj. . Dr. ll Oi-rt V. Pi.t'l.' wiiiHi Ir mi Snl, m. N. V . U'li Cft., Is.'''. Ibui Ii" Ini i iir.-.l an lin H-rnln Inopm, titiMi Hi li iil l t"iiitili' lillv. hj lb" ju-r,r t.Tin 1 I "I" ''i"ii i" i. iii'l ii!""""1 .Vii'timf Vinr-'ti l.v l.r.-.i .l"".i i f the nnni.s "aji h cm,'! (111- n.;nlii"ii Vi..'l'il by il r..ii-lntly. Ilroni hf rle, llolln r KIIt 'ei k. .. Imli n SI. mi ef rn"l,T.i. t :l : " l l"" " (if V"HI- !ilt'.'ll ill.' run-'! II. flclH '" " " hl ' c .n . linn en Ilia lie. k, wliuli 1 lit'l Mi'ii-.l fti'iii uTeT t il ycnr." l,rneorrhr or While. Ovurlun Tamiir, I Irrlne I Irtrallon, Ktmnle lrwr. Iir. .1 II hixttiirtif. of N..ir Vi.rk f'uv. nrlt.M " I mml elixifulli mnii l ullb II"' r--t cf y-mr :'" I" aHMlig I lma' f'.nli l )'"iir Hirmrnr'lla m.l urdlcnl alti'MtlTo In tin' iniiiirrnin r. mi l.iinl I.t win Ii eni...v amli n ri'i'"'i. I"" '"I"" ''111 1,1 ': ?""" if Ih i A l ..fill., ii ill.i.li 1 l " i ' I ""'" in'.' ' ale rf.. i.f l.-ll' i t rllir 1 l' H. mi l iHilnl' I1"' l.l,l n ,,.'iiM., I y t, a ,1 tlia M'-ri,. The ul'. r- k'i it il.f u.i w it nit..!. Ni ll.liii! illiin my kuunl e. c iu.,l ll f. r lii""" U ii...l" 'I i uiif'tiicnu." I .lr.l !i. M iiii w, t.f .ewl.uty. Ala., urtli i. " A-ti- p!..!!, ,.r '(,.; 'I ' r Ml CI." "I III" I' Hill- ' ill t.imilv. ,.l ,l l'i. .l utl Ih" irniiii.n " I-. iil'l iinl'l IV- In' it l. l.u'L l.-i ii r.in ; 1. t-U rtiir.l I '.nr Kalracl i f Al'- i4itlid. Hill .!itaiiiill lli ll.'lit If H.iim I '.t Mir.n li .it ,Mui I afl.'t.l r.-lirf. I.ut ti. nlii -.1 ir ul i-l ymr m..l.niilla if M." It i --it Iw.ii.' 1 1 1 1 1 , -j air I il I" i. .1 . H.. it;..!. Ali-r'takinifyi'! 'mil"1) ' t i, ka II" -t ll:.l .Ul i-f lll'l il-" i' H I. mini." MjplillU (4 1..1 .''I.Kiirlxl Dlaraae. Ni:iv i n i . m. .It Aiijiki. l .'.-i. t. J T. .4t! !ir, I i ir . i imly n.iii; l wli'i He ra- ,f -cr t. ituil i"P-.i I ' v '.l i..uit' i.I I'm I'M' i M I l,lr I I (Mie , I pi i tr I. -i eft . 14 In.! -I it U ymu l 'i :i nrilta. - 1 ifh it, iu my ( rn-.M-H, nvut ( f -w ! i- Ii it i rN-itiirii'M'lr.l. h:i' f ii'i H.ni I i :nl in l)i ' mi "f V-i-wl ar, rur,.J ii'. Cna i f mv ,il,.-iiU liiel .-il'ililli- ul' r Iu lin ll.l, !, bi. h ''l" ('.ili-IIUlillZ lli p.'il.-i'e ni.. ll.c .., of Ilia niMinit. "ur -api.liila. slra-lilv t.i'.. n, ruivl him iu In.' i- .. Anullier .-.id u 1 I ei'- 1'iiU.i.y -.'nj,i. in- in lr .-t'. iiii.l tl.e ul' . rut I. -U eal. o an.iv I "l.i I- ' '" pari .1 il. llml 1 le-lioe tlu (lt.-.r.i.. w'i til. 1 I ri ui Ii lit. I.i ..in iiir! kill iiit'i. I'm it i I' .1 lo uiv ii laini-icli'-n i f yi.ui ."ii -i. iiiillu : tlio tll.fl" lin'e I. . Id' I" Hell fc IHI. Il.lt ot C.IIK I'll 'I.t . il,h,it .: n ' I ll I.i lii. I... .'. A H 'nun H Ir, lull 1," , 11 ti.wi-1 .i u." ...re J; iit.i l-y tit. i ' tn mi. M.ll. iii.rf li rfii : li: p (i.i ni ill her I. 'II. .. 'I lie)' lint !rivtli,- ... .eti Mll.r li. tl, t!i"t Tli.lt i U a ilnltlj.' ,l(i) wullrle l n il, ih(ii: j ii III 1,,-r J- iii la anil I-iiih-. Mie, ti o. n rt t!ie.i mill'.) I ) Hi .11. .'.I'll lil.l 111 a le Ik' I.. I kit", ll.ijn i; I.. i inti! 1. li !u. !i ) Ul i.'i t i;.in- lL'.tl..Tl 11. m l'i.'4'all"li li. I.i )..in It, I .liili.t) n.i..t Ih' a i.h' r. kui ')' ; i "ti.''.ui till)', tli. mi tlu-)' Iru.ai kuuit) l'j.-uit Hlth it l,41e tl it suipliae,l 1,,,.. ti-."iiil) uiuii, n. V. I.AKIMM', M. H. JlhrnmalUm, Uori, I.trer 4'omjilnlnt. i IxnrtJi iJn', rir-l..ii I'"., V.i.. I!li Jnly. I-. ' ! In. J. ('. ATtr.: Mr. I liin- In n n:ll i--t.--l till, n ptia fnl (lr.'iii' f'iri,r,i',,',ii f,.r a I r linn', w l.irlt l.rt.'M- I ll," tkill ' f liy1ri...... h t-i ti,p in - a, cf nil iir I t rrj..i. 1 r"tiM rit.. iititil I tri'.l .nr f at p."rilK, l - i l.li.e t v."'l me in t u i e. m, m.il n-t. i.' l rny a' -'l j health ro'i.'h that 1 am far latiP-r than 11- te I a :ta kd. I i ii'ii i. i' a a it 1. 1 ini mi 'Ii it.e. J. II k.l " ', ,l((lr V. Oetllc'll, St I-I.I-. lil t "I l ive I .11 I ill. ilI. I a.r y..,.illi an ni. itti "' 1 .i-',. I I i- It j . . , ,i, r. it, tieitlili. 1 It le.l (,,.-r ll.lt... .in.! i ry 1 1. . ' f .1U-.1 1-, l.lieve iik' ; ai.1 I hale I., on a iir'4 , n - I- ii t,."ii I f.r f.iue li.airt ft'-in li', i.lb.'r ii!'-' lli'n ii" t.v-i".. t tl,t Iktt. .Mjt l-l..c,l .l .iMLa M, v. Mr kM . l l-l r,t l. try y-air lHiNi, aj nU. firati- i.ii-l l.c kr. n. an.l utiv thtlirf J"U ma I" tia H-Hll. li i ii !' J y tli" I'l" ii.i' , I l..l il baa rot, I mi', ami ! , p nilt. J in)' I'l" " I as lo make a ui w in.in "f in. . 1 l"l 'in.y ticain. '1 l.r heat llmt cum he annl .1 i not hall j;i'il i miili." Si ilrraa.'aiarrr 'l auitri, K.lm a( innil, I Ic.t ailoii, till lea and Kllol lnlion uf Ike Honca. A n nt i tit ii t) of f aa Inre I. "en rT" r'"' I" m e l.t n ritie.. i.f III.".- .,i'ii(.!al.l.. i 'm,liinl- li.n" r- i, 1 1 . .1 ti , n. th" n -e nl thin miii '!)'. I.'il "iir par.. h-ie i'l t, i n'.it i! 1!,eiu. r' Die ,if tlicin iii.iy li f.iiii I in i uf A'li.-it'-.ii AliaairiCHlii'li Hi" HtSt'tiP. leib'W r.nrt' .l r.- pi-.ueil t" fill tiiah gtali.. to all uli'i .nil f.. If, in. D) sprint. Heart !)iaf, I'll". Kiil ji j , .M la u ly , irtmlirln Mnnv r.'inai ka'.li t.i. f "I llr-e t.:".iti ns h.ie.i l . n nin.le by the all, rail. , "Til I III- m"i" ll '. II Minn- Int. tho lital i-, ,.r-it- B' Hi ii, at'.l tl'ti t.v. rt". no ili-i.l'l, r a in. ii ..' i! '. I " .t. p i .1 !.. , . u I it re- h. en.' It a ier"e ly Inn. i.-li; I . en ! 'i.-tn .1 I y tli" n rp4iti"4 (f the p.H p.. an. I tir air n l.t. 1 nl Ibal tiild Hill do f"r llii'Ui all lltai iiaut .ni' cnu Jo. Ayer's Cherry Pcctoralj rort tiir ii r ! i criic op Coulia. olda, llif!iirnn, lloaraeit' sil iroltp. Itiotii liltli. fiirlp-lrnt lull. mnplloy. nml Tot- llir Ktllcf ot orTawmitlli e I'allriita lit adiauril Hi;M of the Jlaraai. Tlii Is I remedy o nnirrrsnlly knrwn lo snrpam an other f. r tb'' cure of llireat ami Ittne ccmpiainia. that r Is ti-eh-.s her to pill li-h the eviil'i.re cf It- villli . ll tiniivalle.l eneelleiiio for (..(iiths an.l ifliK and il- Inil. Hoii lirfnl cut-ei i f pulmoiiary a-e. bale in-vle i knoan tl.ri.iiiil.i'iit the clvilif',1 tnii us of the et-tiii. Kew are the eiinimtiitie'. or even ftniili"!!. anti.ti 1 1 n who have not a-mie P"ric tial i-p,'. i, in a of il tl. .-'',. s.nt Hi in Impliy in llieir nid-t of ll ii ti ry t,v- th. ml'tir anil tl tnirirrnj rll.r.lcra of the tbrret iind Inn.--A all know the drealfi.l falalily ('f ll"' iliMifhrs rti.t as thev kti'-w, t.i, the il'. itsrf thin p hi. '. e ii. e.l i.oi do ni"'re than lo avure tin m that il baa now all llivu: Inea that it did bale ln'n tiiaUiig tli.' cutes wl.i.h Lr.i "ii so strongly upin tho ciitti l.uco of inanklinl. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYE3 A CO.. I o-jroll. TT..01. TOPei by C. T. Wnlsnn, ClcarScU; E. A. Irwin, CuTwensville ; F. Arnold, LulherfWirg j Montgomery A Co., New Salem j J. C. Brenner, Morrisdale', C. R. Foster, l'hilipsburg ; nnd Eli:n Chaso, Ansonrille; and by ilenlers everywhere. m:w FIH..I, aim NE W GOODS. .Iut reeelving and nnoning fit the Old star of Lewis .Smith in Bethlehem a well selected ti! sortment nf Spring nnd Summer Hoods of all mort every description. Staple aud Fancy, a beautiful assortment i Prints and Dress Goods ef the latest tyle, also a vaiiety of useful No ti on. Ht n;l Cap, Bonnets and Shawls, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Qutenswarc, l)ri.g ml Mfilicino.', Fish, G R O C K II 1 E S , Tobacco, Hegari and all articles usually kapt in a ooantry Store, ail cheap for cash. Uiv u a call aud s f .r yourialrc.. II. L. HENDE RSON, A CO. My 21, 130. ITtirTHin WIH R THKOAT fl'IIKl) I I, the undersigned, would inform th publie that I ran cure tbe Putrid Sore Throat. Any person enn obtain further information bycomiag to me, in llerderson township, Jefteraon county If no cura. no rbatec. Come one, come all, and do not fail. You can have Information by calling at Jacob Kunu's, in Troulville. w bero I live. ' jan9 3t UEORGE KRAMER. I Tool and Shoe. A larger Mnek and lower ly price than ever, at Irvin Choapoit orner, Curwensvillc, 5tny If., f0- C edar andWillow wre at r,i,l9. 0. B.W A C0 , . I t i' 1 1 i'i I'm I i 'i i I ful l ''! V n I II " n- r1", II " , !,. m! . A.'M ". l'" . . ill I'll' I .1' IK 1.1 i M M ,1 ( I,,. "I" I i-.i ( n ii 1 I i"ii ' r l li.'W I hi i' " tut it 1 1'i't ii I i" " ' i ' idii'H t. I i'Ii I1 11 I eni'ia n. n HK lunisi: Will Tell Y.'H "I V 1 rnl lif A M Ht Ifi .1:1 I'l 'li 1 ii 111 ill.'. i l.iiii'. lit n. S It ! ! ii i . n n 'i 1'ie I" ml rtllll'lu'i'll br'l iihmI nl , T ibn lirri.". i.f n,linini-',riii! i!i ti medicine, nl-... how to 1 1 n I lliling. K irl,iri,". Hi si in?. Shjinir. Mrpiblini?, I'rrli I.iling. Bi'Mlrf-iu'-s and olhei vi,.. to w li i li lie i Mibjci'l : with nu iiiei'i'tii i xpliinali.ry cnravitii.". HORSK AM IMS M.-'LASLS Y'tm il' tin' CiiiiM-s, HytiiT'ti'tn-. niid Trxlment of Slrnneles. Sura Throat, THK M ill TH ii'.rm cr, Cularih, Infliien-n, llron cbiiii, rnaiiiin'iii i. Pli'iiri-r, Broken Wind. Clironic Coui.-h, ll.oirnn; ami Wii.-llin', laimpas. Sore Moulh nnd VUers, nml ilocvcd Tooth, with other (lisenFci of ko Mouth and Respirato ry Orjans. THE HORrK AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell Yom of the eimscf, symptoms, fin. I Triaataiient of AVorms, Hots, Colic, 5tranjiilulion, Stony Concretions, Biiptwros. 1'nlsv. Pinrrhea, Jitundice, llcaairrkooa, Illooily 1'rlne, Stones in the Kidney nnd Bladder, Intliima rion, nnd other diseases of the Stom nch. Bowels, Liver and Vriniiry Or gans, THE HOUSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell Y'r.u nf the tiuscs, svniitoms, nnd Trealment of Bene, Blind and Bog, Spavin, ring-Bum', Swecniii. Strains, llrokcti Knees, Wind liiil!.", Founder, Sole Bruiso mid linivel, Cracked Hoof, Scriitclie-.Ciinkor, Thrush, nnd I'onis, also, of Mogriuu, Yertigo, Kpilepey, ftiiggeti, and oilier diseases of the 1'eet, Begs, and Head. THE llOBSi: AND HIS DISEASES Will Toll You of the cnuro syinptums nnd Treatment of FU'uhi, Poll il, ila n iIt, I'aicv, Scarlet l ever, Mango ."url'eit, Larked Jaw, Rheumatism Cramp. Hulls, licenses or the Eye and Heart, 1c, Af. and how to minage Caatrnlioii, Bleeding, Tropr. inning, Rowcliug. Firing, Hernia, Auinita lion. Tapping, and other surgioul op eratio ns. THE nOUPE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell Y'oii of Rarey's Method of taming Hir st's : how to Appronth, Halter, or 8 ta- Ue a Coll ; how to acen-fnu a horse ti struniro sounds aud sights. and how to B'H. SuJdle, Hide, and Break him tu Harness, also, tho mrm and law of Warraniy, Tho whole beiug the re mit of more than li tl c 1 1 years' careful stud of the habit po -ulinrities, wants and weaknesses of this noble Mid us. Ini animal. Tho Book coitlniiie .';! ri;e, ii )Ti.priatr!y il lustrated by nearly One linn. lied engraving.-. It is printed in a clour nd open type, anil will be fnrnirded to any address, po.-luge paid, on receipt ef pi ico, half bound, $1, CO, or, ia cktli extra, If l.'-'O. 4-1IMK) A YI'.AH en be mi lo l y entcrpri sine mn evcryw heie, in selling the above, nnd oKaer p,,ular worl,s of i.tirs. Our in dueciuenti to nil such are exceedingly liberal. for single enpici of tlin Book, or f.,r ti rni t" iirjenw, With oilier inloniialini. apply to our nd diera JOHN E. PO'ITEK. Publisher. No. r, 17 Sanrom Street Philadelphia, Pa. Ii'cember 11'. 1 'ii'1. f.i.io. T 1 ii l: r hop 1. i.'s t 00 k hook UN v iu i: r. u v Miss Ki.i.A S.J. Hale. In all its bra Carefully Rev ,'hes. 1 , d by Mr- CI T ItTelU You how fhimsii o 1 r.inds of Met-. , .?(.ri ,,,;,, U,P,, ,!'.,. of clmrge.) n ith' the iii Poi.ltry, and (ijm... wtlh all the various i fr , m .ni; g and using the Misxe. which nnd most approved nv des nf dre,.i:ig 1 ,ll(,y ni f,,: , a tula (.,.r,. f(,r '. ,,,,:,.,, and cooking Beof and Pork ; r.ho the ( Aft (.,, Jtr, ,.chit:i. lo. ll.e .mlv ..bject of the e, -y.it nnd siu.pi ling and curin It Tell Y'oii nil the various and most approved ti.i'Jvs of dressing, conking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal. Poultry, ni.d (iatneofali kin Is, with Ibe dilfercnt Dressings, (ir ivie s nnd stuffings a). pro printe to each, t Telli You hO'V to choose, clean, nnd preserve Fish of all kind', and how to sweeten it when taint" I ; alto all the various and most approved modes of cooking, with tlu different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavoring appropriate to each. It Tells Y'o-i all the various and most approved! modi'-of preparing over titty different kinds of .Meat, Fish. Fowl, (lame, and Vegotubl.i SoLps, Broths, on I Stews, w ith tho r.elislies and Seasonings ap propriate to each. It Tells Y'oii nil tl.e various and most approved inn. les of cook ing Vegetables of every descripti jt, also hi w to prepare Pick les, Catsups and Cunies of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, (iunie, Mush rooms, (f c. It Tells You all tko various and most approved modes of prepnringand cooking nil kinds of Plain and Fancy Pastry. Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cnkis. Confootion erv. Preserves, Jellies, and Sweat Dish es af every desciiption. It Tells Y'oii ull tho v rious and most approved niniles ot making uroim, iuisks, .minims, anil li semt, l li o oest uieiumt oi prepa ring Coffee, Chocoliite. nnd Tcu, and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of various kinds. It Tel! Y'oii how'.o sot out an ornamental Ta Ble, hjiv to Carve all kinds of Fish, Fle.-h or Fowl, a. d in short, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as bring the choicest luxuries of tho taido ,l,inn,.,.,,. Thl book- contains -US page, nnd upwi.rds of t H' I va h ii n fi rt'd 1! r( I in 1. ! I fil u- !i Ii h a rn llm r. . .... . ' .... i :.: " : Kl I I Hl'l I . ' ' I' I','. Ill IMI lit 11 I V M cnrcfully tested tin !-r tl.e personal supiTiiilon dence of the writits. It i printed in a clear nnd open type, is illustrated w ith appropriate engra vings, and will be f rwarded lo anv nd lres", neatly bmini', indpoatagn paid, nn receipt of tho j pri-e, $I.(in, or in cloth, extra. $1.2.. t HOOO A VI UK can be ininl. ly entrpri-j sing men everywhere in a.-Iling 11 o fbnve work oar inducement loall such being very liberal. For single copin of the Book, or for terms to ngeuW'w ith other information, apply to nor ad dreta JO.iN E. Pi'iTTEB, Publisher. No. 617 Sansoui Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Dccdiiber 12, lstlO. fmio. Ai)i of XhTR ATOPl's NO TIT 11. Letters Administration having been this dav grantid to the undersigned on the estatn OEORliE IilLLON. Inte nf Beccaria tp Clar leld county, deceased, all persons indebted said estate aro requested to make immediate piyinent, and those having claims against same will prfsont them duly nnlhi nliciitcd for . lettlement. juil n I.LH, Jr., Adtn r. Beccaria tp., Dc. 24, 1 HfiO. tloc2B.fil innets, I'loraneo braids, English traw 1J ' Shakerand other stylos trimmed nnd in stunted, will bo found iu varietv at the corn ir , muCof E. A. IRVIN, ' rrarwensvilla, May K, '00. VPplendid osmtmerit of Ladio' lienlletne and Childrena' Ol.ivc and HosieryfS KKF.P, WEAVER A C0"ia I I i n ', i n I" I I In.' qipl Iit a 'I " ,, wi'b I" '1ii J an. I b iii, ll . It! nli. Hi ii i I. il ,,ii b ,11 a t". I- I ', Mi it pit., il ! . rill li 11 I I il b i I en 1. 1 ii.1' T'i! I" i.,. l"f t"ltn led n t ,e i , al Ibe d"" "f ,K' 11 rI"' r. li. SAM'lt'lil', Tkimii'M. gl, h'i'V-' lv. A. II. HILLS V il I i Ii i ,int of hiiilth, having portraits on Porccliiin. the Crimfn comf, rt. -uvl ec.nvc.ien.... , , i"'P'" ";'l '''iropa colbrt ian f )H III I. IX can always ho found nt li is of- porcelain goods, manufactured to their o, fice, on the corner of Front and Main streeis, , wuicn nicy win ecu ,.1 iu,, rniiK. . I I A j llia Intarli.nn I'liiiiiiiiii V nro i,a.. when paper. AU operations 1.1 ro.tncil in tne latest anu . , , . . . . 1 pcvi""' . , , :., M stvles, ami Ruaraniot-u ior on j h natural failures. STKIUINt; TIMLS IN 1111 1.A IIIOI. A ' 7Vew'iiuii I jcilrmiut vnion.j th .l..,,!!.'-E.cnTN'l l'l.OT BACK between the Pbilndolpliia P"liro nnd tho notorious r or j;cr and counterfeiter, Ja lies Buchttiiun Clot's!!! Cross Recnptiired ! ! ! ! It si cms to bo tho gener al opinion in Clearfield, that if Cross hud worn a pair of Frank Short's From h-cnlf Boots, that he would not bo taken yet. However, Shorty is not much put on' nt rnis;ng his custom ; but would nnnmineo to all ln '.iu ri'l'j'; .""'", Li in-ill it nml li.ll mi 1, ati'l women nnd children in Clearfield, and Siimeinnlioiiing in particular, that he is prepared to forni.-li them with Bunts, Shoes nnd liaileis of any st I" or pattern, stiteli ed, sewed or pcgircd, land lis ho is a short fel low) on short not ice. A il kinds of coiintrv produce taken in ex- .'ehiMiir,, nn.l e!,hnot r, fused. Beiiau iii:' done liu lo S in I the Pair. , ,..,,,..,,,. ,i ..hnr.'es mndernte. lit, N.I!. Ho i.articular in writing thai 1 tho Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite town, county, and Stnte distinctly. I Heed, Woavur A Co's store. FRANK SHOUT. 1 All litters to be nddrcied to " .Manr.! N. B, Findings for tale, Sept. 20, 1SC0. .1 A M Y. S T. LKOX.llin. WM, A, WAI.I.AI.K. riNXKr . 1' IN SKY iVainhinu ;mb f ollrctioir &iv or LE0NAHJ), PINXEY &Co. C L i: A li F I I. D, clkai.'I'I ld voi wrv, rj. J 11 ILLS OL F.X I'll A JIG I', NOTES AMI 11 RAITS IHSCOrSTE II PfrSITH i?i'c i;i i:i), ' 'ot'A' ili'.ns tnu'f infl proct-rJ.s rnnipt'ij rewllltd lixfliuiige on flic fides constantly o'l hand. jW' Office on Second St., nearly oj posite ihe oiri-.T liorsi-:. TYKONi: CITY j. Col. A. P. OWENS, rr.oi-itiETf n, Itcipcclful'y aiinouncea to the travelling ptildiv, that he has now tain n rhntrru of thii large and noil known hou.-e, and will conduct it iu inch a inannvr a will render exce'.lt nl comfort and full satisfaction to all who may favor him wi'h a call. ii o v 7 -1 y T 1( f ON -i:3l'l IVI.: The advirtiirr. having lecn reftsn d to hralth in a few weeks by a vtry aunplo remeuy, utter having ml i i.-.l for scver.il year.- with u severe lupg alloc tion, and that dred 'lis. ase C(,n.-uni)'tion. i anx ious to make known to his !' lie w -sufferers the uicar.s of e'jre. T. . oil .1". ,l.'.t-e il I," i'l (Art a ..rv ,.T 1 1, ,. ' auing, tea-1 advertiser in sending the prcsrripiioii is to bene l,e me' fit the aniiet.'il, mil spread information which he ! conceives to be invaluihlc, and he hopes every I sufferer will trv hii reme.lv ns it will cost tLeru nothing, and may pro e a bles. iug. Persons wishing tho prc-eri'tioa will plea-e ldrcss Rev. EHWARH A. WILSON, nov7-ly Williamsburg!, Kings Co., N. Y'. ! ! ! DEATH ! ! ! To every form and Specie of VEIiMIN. 'COiSTAIfS'" COSTA ir.S"' "CO.sTAirs" 'i-OSTA A",V" Ii it, 1,'nari ifv. Krfeiminntor. l'i I ! 7 Kj-'crm'mntijr, "CO.S'7'.l.",S"' "COSTA T.S"' Ki.-'tr'.c I'ii".!,-r,r 7c.s',v. HE.T HOYS 1 NSTA N'TI.Y H:it, Roacho?, Mico, Jfolcn, Orotin'I-.Iii-c, j riril-htL", Ants, Mdths, Mosijuitopa, KIphk, Iiiscctii on l'ltint.s, In-ici ts on AnimalM, et c. in slioit every lorm and pjieuics of 10 years cstublisln-il in Now York City tiseilliv the City Tokt i 'llice the City Pris on anil Station lion'. the city Steamer, .Ships in., -tho City Hotels. "Astor," "St. Ac, and By more than 20,000 i i 1 1 o I ; private lumiitr-. BMii.L'i'iiirgi.'-li and Retailers everywhere pell tliem. rcrA..clioles:ilo Agents in nil larjre Cities CV'I. Hfgtilur sizes, 2.ic., bOc, &. ?1 lloxes Bottles Husks. to Bl1,,.! ! ! I'.f.vn aki; ! ! ! of fpuriotisimitations. Examine each E-ox, Bottle it Mask, (,1 tak.l 111, thin;: Lilt "COSTARS (jr.s l Boxes sent Bv mail. . . . ... -. . , rh.. a m.m t.y i.xi.rr-s 111 . .. CJ),Addi e-,s orders or for Circular, to ; II EN It Y 1!, COST AH, : rrin( i)ial Tb pot, 4 HI I'.roiuhvav, X. Y. BMi.HU.il BY I.Oi:AINE ,,.Ct). Miuehl7tli. Cleartield l'n. Cabinet, Chair Makuig1, AiJ SJS'-U JLZZt'J:lZM!&. J to any cosiness in tin above lino on short different sizes iind patterns ot nrac notice, and in a w iliinnnlike manticr. His jdaeo rosetti s for o mico on houses, and otW ( f bit ine.s is at the, id d t bop on tbe north side of d ir. i-s. Market street, lid door east of Third St., nearly j Any moulding not on hand ill opposite I h old .lew store ; where he will keel of constantly on hand a large assortment of Ma- and kept for sale. - hognny and Cane llotfom Minim, nnd Cabinet. ,r.fA liberal re.liution on priee. to Wuro of every description, which he will dispose : wholesale dealer. of on ns reasonable terms a the same articles the can bo had elsewhere in the county. His stock of Cabinet Wure now on hnnd, con sists in part of Dressing and Common Bureaus,, Sofas, Sew ing and Washing Sinnds, Desks and i Book Cases, French nnd Field Post Bedstead, j Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta bles, Ac. Collins manufactured and delivered at any place desired. Februury 8, ISjS. no. 4, Vol. lv. Diistins Mill and cut .Suas, Mann axes and j a general assortment of Hardware at th( tore of E. A. UXVIN. Curweniville, May IB, IsBO, I i. I ii.i , i .I i . a 1 a.l, b I I '"l 1 1,. ,. ' and 111'' ll '111" it',, iii ii i ' iiii'd t. lid' ti d fl in i ll, , i.f Ilia silo I , tted. I ' , f n.l 'l l'V ii bai , . iit.i t iltaa f ill, ". I . Ik- fiai,, bi'i, ii,,, u;; 1. ll. ....(. ...(.,. I trra.ftlf.f ll,.f lile" Ibe rrptnoiirln.n of pholi'i'tnl hi Mi plain mii iters, but upon tmli inaj,, al any ib j:tea of I if pulnrily, poiitan, -I'llin i d iih lutilili i' in" uraej i,r,, . ilriinctilii'ti. upon Porcelain warti o( at,,' linn and dimension used as atirle ,4 '1' of Ihhi'i I "Id utility, sin h as I ins, Y11,, , fa-t l i'p-. Toilet Arlarjei, Ac; thertlj,,'. Itiillifiil poilralts fif.l furnikhing a n"t;.,, cviui.-iio s'yla cf ornniaentatigB of Proper ntlontion to 1 ilonu siin use. Ih teeth in proper In order to furnish facllitjci for tkt ic time will bo of groat !ti"ii of tho popular taste, aid to mitt ft.", hettefilto cverv one Inf those patrons of tb Ino aril ilt,. no notico to tho contrary appears 111 una ; .... " i--; v.q,. Ipalent right, and con.eiiu.illy tho only . tho I UO of his profesMon. auinnnzeu to use mo pro, ti.-, uiity nt, most Improved - mined, in order to afford peopl in ,rj J 01 toe Lilian an opportunity to posseti p,. on China, tt muku tho following prop,,,., residents in the country, who are uaall,, personally tho Atelier and Oullvriti ij York : Pe sons sendir.g a photograph, anibritr daguerreotype lo theo'icoof th C'osjj'. New York, accompanied by $5, will jKt, return by express, I'roo of charge, a riihlj merited Breakfast Cup and Sauer, win ll trait transferred thereon By transmitting a daguerreotype ar.J " will rcceivo in like 11, miner a huutlaont 1 Vate rr Toilet Article, with tho portrait du'-cd by tho patented proccsi. Ly sending a pair of dugueraeotypei ;, they v.ill receive in rettrn a puir of rich : Vases, with tho portrait executed o'jiul; iiituru paintings ami, in like manner, y can be reproduced on porcelain warngt of cverv onaliiv of finish, ranging in prit- ican l'hotograjihic Porcelain Co., 7,1 Un, not' 1 New 1 oik. M' AKKIAl.l, l.L lIMvlieinr I p, iiistrui'ior lor married per'oui e: about to b married, both malo snj ff!t, e.'erythii g concerning the physioliej. tr. . tions of our sexual system, and thep.iiif. prevention of of;'-pring. includi U Vi.t discoveries never before given in the language, bv WM. Y JUNti, M. D. Thiib, la valuable and interesting woi k. Ithe 1 in plain language for the general rindtr illustrated with nuuitroui engraving. Ail; . married people, or those c-rileiiiplntingnii' and having the least inrpoylimont to nnrr should read this hook, f! discloses swrt: every ore thould be uciua!uted with ; Itii. tl.ook that mii-t be I..tked up, and not lii ' the lion-e. It w ill be sent to any cite Of' . of twenty f.veefiits, in specie or pottage in i Ad lrc Hr. n M. lOl.NH. No. 116 'fit above roiirih. I'liiladelrbia. Pa. IIOTIX. j ..rsST- A -V,!.. I ami (Voi'Miiofc-So I wh.tt may be your di-ense, before you pint' self under the care of nr.y otic of tl.t t'i ijnael;, native or foreign, who advertiie or any otrer i-itr.:r, get n cov of e;ti.eri Younr's boo!;! and read it carefully. It the mean" of s health, ai.d po? Dr. YOt'.N'ii di.-iMsfi de-cri living von ir. any a cd!u il.ly yi.nr life. cm be cor.Mtlte l o nj bed ia his r uV,.';. .itioiii, ofiioe, No. 4 lil Spruce .' 9 t, above- Fourth. Thirty. Ninth and Market sHretl, i Prof. ll. I) & t OI1TI.ANI) SAl'SDlI Priiiciiialb. , ll. n. WM. r.K.LKR. Oar?r!d ; Wm.K BIN". Ks-i. of iho Mir, hunts' Hotel. I i lion. J. W. FORNEY, if 'Ibe Bran:' I U i;STi:i:i'0K. nt the . S. I'ni-n : H MAYNaKIi, Wil'.iuiH-i ort : .!. l.BI.-tX ' Es-p. Pres't of the tehigh Cr.l ,f- Nar Hon. ASA P.UKli;. Maueh fr.J-. will civo tlu'i" fri-'iiiis nV par ? vat i I maii . thorough and pleasant li. r...:f n desire. I r, rpeclir.g tl: Seiio'orv. cA lirovo an 1 Law n f llM.liT At e attacked to the In itule, for accYuiioi ution an 1 pliysi.-al excrciio. WAICH & JlYUJ S3 J? CD 112 Em rpilE undersigned rerptt X informs his customers t: public generally, that he hi received from the East, anJ ed at his establishment in HAIIAU'S Clearfield, Pa., n tine ossortniiT.t off: Watciii's, and Jf.wklrt of diflciont en from a single piece to a full sett, which I tell nt tho most reasonable prices for cist exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at tl-3 reasonable j. rices. ALL kinds of Clocks, WntrbiS osd1 carefully repaired and H'tirrniifci. A continuance, of patronage is solicited, Sept. 1, It-tio. H. F. NAt: NEW HOT EI Tho undersigned respectfully bogs 1' announce that he recently rented a hoc borough of Lumber city, Clearfield cout'; for tho accommodation of the travelling t watermen and all other who may f' w ith a cull. His table will always be supplied with: as the markets afford ; and no paine spared to render his guests comlortaHi under his roof. To which the facts tint toxicating liquors of any kind wiil be kep: the premises, will he trusts, canf' small degree. While, what is aiwnys iwip to tho traveller, the best attention will l'' by careful hostler to tlmt fu itbful ccmra- his imtrnnr rii tintietil Bfjifxl Jiilv 4. ISfill' lv. JAMES CROSS: CLEARFIELD STONE WARE ri)TTEi Thankful for mist favor and !oliciti"! tnro patronage. I would respectfully c that I have on hand again, and will or' keep at the Pottery in this borough, e1. ner a short distance cast of tbe Met ho lis'1 1...... u(..oi, ..( rvn..b... .....I, DcCresil' 1 OIIN (i IMCHt of the borough of Clearfiela, ; milk pans, Chums, Jugs, Jars, Stove pip' Pa., will be pmpurci! nt all tunes to nttvnd to ,1c. d c. ; and nlso an extensive asiorw site lha old .lew store where ha will keen 1 older on almrl iiotieo. A in lire Drii" F. LKiUlN" Clearfield, may 2.1, 1870. ly. ("iarpets, J Baggil Ilruggt, oarpet chain, W ing, CurloU llarr 4., ai Via; St large lot of BEANS lr aalo at " MEI'.HILL API ore of TT AM, :a..D if ...l-and n.-rrinr r I I low at the stnro of ir .litrn (if AV. F.H Clenrflo, Julyllth lo0. , lookuiir Slove of variou ilrci and f j sU by E. A Cunvtnsvillf?, Y.y !,