I t filtiufulD lltiuililitan, mvs ,i'.,.'mi,n B ja-ri-.i' 11. r li"" 1 "' 1 "I 1 M H I M I I IO It U iM( I ,... It i ' . ill. . I it, ,1 Mi I. in. . )n villi it,. m t t I n hi-.ct, n ,111 tha tllh i.f 1 i t n,(t, v, II" w ll f i In Hi e i J i; :'i)r,- tl In . I I III' 1'i.lit.ll i. u t f, .; ji r i II. j.j. I hi : i im 1 1 (lie 1 liinii 1 1 in tin n e l.p w ill i, i. .. ,!, .i 1,1ml ly, I t way i.f (V r iniiiili In I ,lnmt.ii, ( 'Irvi land, Itud'nl'i I'nutitf fur A 1) lfli) 1 f.i fi iih.iHMi ft, , 1,.s, i. I t-t I IfitffM I Minil la Id I orrnv imU la Hi I Ptritl. I,"l'h ,1 l'fih i tin, In A'.-.nml alih l ..m, . . i. . , I t" ir .if ll ll r , ir ll I' 1 ir"m ',n "I i"T " iM'li'.B',. A. '. "ni, lo , n. ur. r?r::L:i : . :.n,:7. ,... .n..... , . i!.hd.,,.u.n...A.isi: rllr,t4. , -..Mi,, . , 1... n fcllnwsi . l' will I i". .1, pi nimbi v , I wnv i.f t in- , '' , IHIH'l r I W m H. ' ,', , .' , T "n r I from I nllrrfnO fit llftl) and prsvlnns -.M.fillt 8 1(1 a. m. ' I" ' - IM m.t. ( levilatld, Hiifhtbl ti-nrs, including per renlng. IMJ6T1 MdlTroln UlOp.m. and Albany. Limn Albany ho Intend to lu iu,' r"m "'" r MM t MO 33 IlF,r.-.v.c.T io i.) r. ,. ln,lU fl.r-;inil,(!ir (lir),,ti tll(uv, ,rt r .iif,.m ',u,-i..i.' . t; H,rr..rnl'-r 7.t7a.tn.'- ..,,.:..., n, ...,., , ' j.y ti.r,tn ,,,,,, Mail Train 12 1' p. tn. tour to New York an'l I'l.ilmli Iphia is Cinmrmwea'th essn .( lano 22 p. m. ' . , Jurors' wages train, run on Pnndsy evc-plth F.prce.. , '" "' I ,H lU' ,,,',,, r 1 1 Aii.nii.-.,,,, i.t, for Miorinl trnm .l vh 0,,i,,inr.r.' .. .' Frothnnolary's fn". i ii tni lie ji-ur. ,,i(ric, Allorn,r-, f, 177 67 372 91 EsrlliTMNMrNT -lho In.l. r. cmp,..n? tlif ,v ,.. thrmi-h .irn innkin.'. No military in Juil ft winf Pooi..y.,ftl,f M. H. Ct,.irrtil,itl.i,U.,ii,it wi ,1,M.())loi) l l. .1. ... 1 . Wilt iipoio i" nuiL'iui inrj inivt innnu ir uroa, t . - l i 11 . with rtfroshmenn, pnnfcluin, A f.,) lo tale, on . . , . ii . . , i Ti.tfl nl ( ourl Cr r rbnridny fvimn;, th 7lh of Fclirunrr, 1 S C 1 , ' ' l!epmr Id j utlio luiildioji . th. CLurch. TbcuUicr.re..i,f-tfull,invi.1ufltr Ml ''ini'oIn,g tlpfartiiru, under tl.o Wding Jurcn t4 to psrticirAte intho entertainm.nl. Tl.o I'rotcrl ion of soniw friuuls, no M to reach KfunJi pw.0i r. dtf9iKn.l to tM9t in the er.rtion of , Washington Mi.iultancouily wit!i Iiini. A,r,mt of tiuU, Counli,, . .WiV.'l Tax due fnn Cuhctcrt f,r ISliO, anrf ;iiww yrjrj. I Bw Churcli ulilico on the lot already purohnu- l'l.'iiH' 'kf is will contull their Oivn in- id for that purjHun. Th Iickct for admif liun i c.osls f,ht.iiniii2 honcfcfoi ill fi oni , ' " 7 , " vl " hotli im: jv,n;il niul oj.iatolHry uj'plicaiioua va.ia. tow .hum. fjr oliicf.-i. 'J'ho I'l'Oii.ient rh'tt detiroH 1,7 .1 Ml 1,210 77 373 VJ 3.SS M r. 40 574 01 s:h on 200 CO 179 84 1 21 108 00 10 j 41 I ' l t'fl Ii .n I'm. ,y ii m i i,t..i fn 4 I .'l I r I n r n ) i j f i - ! 1 r I no M ilit rK umI f n 41 Jnlf (i H ('nwniiiiii.nlil' rll-ik I' JCd 1 A.M"i' . fl ICO "0 Amt'ilnn rr..tli"nii, i an I ll'Ul-lM I trri.m,! ft) tnlfi'M on i.nlur M) l'..ti'11'.t'l Inqitfttl a? .14 Amlilnra' rlrrk 4 1 00 Rliarifl ' frri Jnn oa lmkl, lnll,miy, i ing f J Kurvy nf lllmita toDhip 1.1 00 l'ul oontrnrt bH 74 I'ourl h.i rnnlrft,on ar't 1,879 II ll.tiiMt,,! !,, . Iiiillr if l.'i r:. In i tniM, an nili,,, In l, i , .i t f ; I A 1. 1. A N ! WIN! 1: Ii il tH s tirtl 1 1 tti tl VMiY .on- ;i.v ('.(.;. im; nivr ISliO Ait .h t I1! uii mm. & oo. in Mirrllntaul nr,tr Kl inf rtion lo Ci.llnrlori l'rr miiiK to collirtori TrMirrr'i ,r rntga a amount rm ifd lio n piytni; out la!D0 du Trtiarr bt 41 J30 S 301 99 Oil Miiiki! Mm t '.Mi 1U alto rntiiimiM t d.lla Ll rf al u, ,,UI( I loilM't will"' Mr. .1 r r kindu, In any y to mt bn tun. mm. jlli-l npcnin till lltHlliall) 'ii i' ; U t;skf,tu..k.i,t1cM..i itra-df-rai n,1,l wrll n'lotinl htt tkcl' ; i .-. .. . Ignited to the wants nfllm tou'mn- kladi nf CHAIN. . , tut v lor tli ; I till iiini inter tnl' , .7- c a t t 1 v t r r ' -i 1. 1 v , m 4 'J . lUil Nil ?'iihlnton, Sot. 1, IKfO. iwliii Ii they otlcr in larre siml .imII n..t7 m quantities o the most iea-i..ial)!o Ji.iniS CM-I. AM) I.XAMIK tor 12,408 B7 will b 10 ccnU To commoneo at G o'clock. Bible Society. Tha meeting of the County Bible Sorio'y liil.lltlie uinioal j.rivacy tluritig tho remainder it th ofllco of Krquire Wrigley, during Ci.uit ' ,,f jis stay.. Ilerr.Ll reek, was adjourned to mei't t tlu Motliodint I lourch on Friday evening n'tl, 1 -t!i 01 I'obrun- j taT" Alargp and eiidiuniu'tio public nieot y. Election ofoiTir and otli.-r l.usinm wiilfinjr nu held in Philadelphia conijiood before tho mooting. J. 11. I.ciit. So.-y. ! entirely of workin'111011. Ftoon. Merroll ,f- lii'l.'r hare a lsr jo f t.n k j TI10 mcotinjr 'in hiirmcilinUS ami cor. f floor for U, whi.-h U iJ 10 lo of e col!otit ' cilinto! y, culling upon our Senntora and uality, an ) bo .,M m the very lowest rate, members of Co;ij!rrs.s to adopt the Crit Ht them aca'.l and t-t Au mriis. j tendril proposition. S0Messis. ll.ill :i:ul lilood nf tho Son-I A cotnniitteo of lhirty-thr-e was np ,t, and M-.'r.-,. I. iviencc uii 1 li Jrdm of j P"inted to proo.vd to Y Arlington nnd he House, ill ple;i-i ui.-eept uji- iliuks j lay their prooec-dinga ho fore the President "or various Public Iioenmonts. land C'.jnrvefs. fiWith :i numiier ")f tha m-rrnbers of I t'A. A bill i noiv before the Legislature he I. O. ofO. F., we 111:1 b; a trip to N'.".vto t'oi in a novr .ludieinl District, out of iVaaliingtoti last week, here we me: 11 , -fi 'iler-on. Forest. Elk, and Catueron, itimtei of o;ir fellow citizen-", iind hud counties. To t his we shull make no objec- dtto an agreeable iutoi ehnn'c of social I tioin, Im 5. it luoked a.' UviUon-isU tt.at ipinions. W'e ii"rer met a more hospiiu- 1 we could not help to notion it. le people in our life -cel. one attempt-! KESTl-ck"v i-l,riTo;7o71lerreseita. t0,0utvi" ,l,e o:lK"' ' acU oi ,fri""d-; tives passed, on the l!kt in-tant, by vote hip. for wl.itii wo rue ivau'.Med tore-; r . - ... f , r' 1 nf j( VMS (0 0 nnv a fenes of resohi- urn the thanks of tho;e from our town 1 . , . ' . . . , ! tion.. ileelai mi; that 111 view of tl e men hr were present. I , , , . , ,. 1 . . , ,. 1 nr.d nionev tendered to the General Gov- AcJordinj; to piovioji notice, a public I '. . . ..... , , , eminent by fo ernl northern .States, that lrnemn 111 i w 11 .im 111 t'.vii ft 1 .uru 1111 I'huridiv. Not-vhlist.iud.ii'' the ilclem- ncy of t'n? weather, quite a number of ue mamoer.s appeared m p ua J. 1 lit' nemberj of Cie 11 -field Lo le were met by 1 numbei of excellent fellow., (r-ini C'lieny jibe people of Kentucky, uniting with Mlieir brethren of the South, will resist I such an invasion of the soil of the South at all lnrzanla to the last extremity. mdt i a bad omen to find that Sena- free Lodjre. who together proceeded to ' t'r Seward, the cluisen Pi imier of the Line' In A 1-niniatration, voted against ev ery one of tlie propositions oflcred by Senator Cri I tendon, as a basis of compro mise. This is not all. He voted with Toombs utid JUvi, in the Committee, to defeat every proposition that was caleula itd to quiet the troubles in our National nflairp. he new Hall prepared by tho New Wash ington la il-c, n,d then organize 1 tnd elected the fullowirj; ofii :er: K. !. James Savage ; V. O , rohn Ro.-e ; S., .lames iMivler; A. S , Ed vard Smiih ; T., A I im P.: eth ; who now !onatit'..tc New Washington L'l:e, No. iC7, of the I. O. of O. F., ol remi'yh aiiia. tl53uWe ee l y the late Pi-port of the Auditor Hi-nerul. that lank ia the crlyoiie that ha been origin zed UDder the Freo Uanking l;rv pasred ; ast winti r. ! The Auditor iconnm-nds 8 nutnbi-r of; ;hangel :n the law, for the purpose of , Cllderhii-' it mote acceptable lo the publie. I Winalow, !)., of li. r.ezi-tte iow n-h:'. Elk county, whilr t engaged in siipei intending :he hauling of some timber, had his l-g broken in;iuedi'itdy above the ancle. lr. Early was railed in toatiendto hiin, und tt hist aceof.nt Mr. Window was duinj very well. LoDCELl IN ,).M1.. 117 183 1S4 11 1860 II 1841 II 1S42 1S;.3 11 Hit 1845 1SJ6 1S47 154S 1S49 lseo Ifa e.institL'ti'in: 1 niii.irity cannot be tlie . l-eai f.'-Iil I Dni'ed in support ot tlie .n: tenuen res olutions." or the aubstamvi of them, then dissolution of the Union is inevitable. Jordan Ilell Jordan Ptnn Jordan Penn lt.ll I'tnn Hum, id Jorbau Fox Itvcatur Pile Chfit Jurdaa l'ik CorinRtoo Derator Curwi niville Fori;uon Gu?bn Jor.liin C'ovio jf ton t'learurld Ilocutur Fergaion Fox Lawrence P.un Ueritur Fox Jordan Karlliaui AVondward P.eocaria Ilell li'iCF' llradford trady I'.urnfiJ t'hfut Covington Clearfield Curwni'l Ffrgueon Fox Girard (loihen Urubam llufton Jordan Knox Lawrence Lumber City Morn New Wathicgton Pnn fik Vniua Woodward Atfrfgat nmunt du from C .llfflor coLLXeTORi' ataa. cocstt. tati. ' Jamf K,j $204 il 92 ll It. Wetiel II. .Vwan . Spneei Win Wiley Tnoinni Fcnton J. Funderland J. Iinvii J. Young SO Ot 1). Williumi 3 I4 8 29 J. I. llundy 1 09 V. Kcpbart 1117 J. Caldwtll 4 72 S..T. Toitr 44 85 42 20 J Putierion 1 42 T. K. McClur , 2 82 J. liiirmoy 14 94 O. Kephar'. C3 89 111 ill Z. Mi-.Naul J. Ptraw .VI 00 6 41 E. It. LivrrKood 12 81 12 04 William Williami 9 41 21 yt J. Kei'.cr R. J.Wallaco 31 95 48 .12 A. Itaughman 10 89 41 42 It. K. William 4 02 D.N. Heath &00 II. Orr 115 12 T 59 R. DatiTor 1 110 29 44 85 I). Uom 16 95 6 41 J. Mt-Clellun 2 88 J. McNoal 5 It 10 84 II. Y,.thfT IS 33 41 41 5. WhiUiide 17 80 II. Whilefid 290 27 ' 130 88 J Cainphall 153 18 108 4S William Wilioa 144 6 85 13 J. Cowder 32 47 4 71 F. Win-art 495 50 508 80 J. Sunderland 39 119 46 J. Tbompioq 27 79 99 18 J ltenaut 2-19 47 2 II. E 6aydr 131 21 74 4s J. Erani 34 71 41 J. Straw 109 93 TS 74 J. Mulkiri 36 45 15 14 J. SpackmiB 11 20 44 23 J.Fankry 49 36 35 98 J. P. Neltoa 146 83 81 89 J. Pundy 78 38 5f 81 P. Bloom 74 1 1 53 f4 M. O fitirk 70 63 42 3fi M. Nicboli 306 70 214 27 J. erguon 74 01 49 94 J. P.auing 2"9 72 108 3S R. Kiemao 21 40 29 48 T. Wain 187 38 tt 70 II. Uile 274 46 14 - 99 II. BmbaVer 13 83 3141 6. Urndemca 131 48 70 05 .lleelor - - - $4.101 73 2.748J0 Mil. ITU. riMWV.Uir Avn rmii-n 12,50097-- ' ,vofRsF.i.vi:s 1 'Ik ir nssoilinent of v A It L - A 1 . extenuve an I will -ae.e' te 1 1 n D V nrfrV.i MOTIOMQ !'f rv l,r- and roniptele: cml-.raeing nhnott every ki'ii.-if l.ih it tu,lii..n and eifiee. I.- perisl dtli-nti .i. Usi Miid (n llur eleelliin 01 LAL'lK.-" Mlli.-'f Ui.'OliS. wliirli are f every variniy and Ibo H-tr ln:il fyl'S. c'i'l , l'.nii,-!. I'liii.ir, Mrrinnf, Poplin, A'-a'-i,ri. In Vtu-ro", Frfnrli, -ol'ili nd I in " f 1 c Ii inli iiif, Piinl, l.'.rf y. I'umbrlr. brilliant, i i.. and plain 11. bilmtH, Ii ish I.iimn C'.ntl.f i e. B'.a. L and Tuncy Cm ii.i'M, Sat'nctu. jeana, Tivteil. l.r,lur,yii, lli.-kory Mripr. Ticking, Crali, l'if.j , r. lilenhid and nnl.lniched mua line i di-i'.lj, it' Uitv, Wliiieand Canton Fian uels. Also a Inrjj tocK of leidifj' i.d (J anils u,ni' ,-li,nti, DvuMo and Sini;!;!, Stella and Cbo.-iiil", Itlack and 1'rib I'lota rape of the .r v liii-.-st it?bin. f, 00 1 4 10 auorlmrnt. COAL AXD COOK STOVE. S SioveI'ipe, (.'uiUra, and Placking, .COAL OIL AND COAL OIL LAMPS, ,J t Meat Cutters and Snusage StuflVr", Corn ?s BlJ I Shellers. Corn (iiin:!era. Cider Mill, Oar-Kinj;8, Quoits, Plow and Harrows, a variety of CLASS, OILS, PAIXT.i, DOOR-LOCKS, 32 50 6 00' 80 40 16 28 7 00 jllingea, Screws, Nuiis and other rtici I 10 40 , ued fur building pjrpoc-, 1c. I 7 54 j c 4 ' ' I 15 50 .nrmlimllw All l.n,l ntirl fV.i. .1.. !.,. ' 17 f5 19 I'S 2.1 62 14 3s 4 35 ' 10 00 Joseph l. cruLV. dee4 Lumber City. l HOOK THAT EVKRY FARMER, JIE-! 5 to 'M m r o if snr&i ICV. AM aII.Vl'.U IV A I'. 10. TTT'fc would rni'L.ctfiilly iiil-irin our friend, p-.roui and tbe piridis ...r.illy, i lint w .n.i K.,.; w. ie.. . . i nave now m ?: in. nmi ocr ii!iie.np .- nu iv JlKI tiul.li.l.n,!. !t4;l at I . . , . . . 21 40 !-, w o.-i ( u.'it l'ric-!, a large and very THE TOWNSHIP ANI LOCAL LAWS .'"C0!'f atcii. .lewt-lry. Mlver ana i laiea Of lbo.Sr.taof lCn,vlvui. I nr everv vauciy aim .i ,a. Compiled from the Ael of A nuin'ily, by Wiilimi f. llaine, fc.'.i., and i.nlilisbud bv Elwi.rd F. Jauiei, F.'., Wet Cbfter, Peuu 'a. I Fverv do.-r ipiion of l,i:i tnoiid Work auil oth er, lenelrv, mnde M ordt-r nt ehort Tiotlce. (WAI1 Foods warr.-in-ct' to bo an renretenUd. Particular attention (riven to the repniriuj of Thi. work contain. .,r.r 400 Pa5e of eWv ! bJ J,''?Verr7.;,Tlf ThT printed matter, and i. id be jold by .ubc-ru."- i v ,,Mnr,r,-r , . I Tiik'. ' ' 1 i No. C22 MIRK Er truot, (south silii,) Pnu 4 30 22 50 11 36 Sept. IK!b, IstiU. 6 mo. Il teai'kel the dutioi cf Jujiiec tf tbc TeMo, with forma for Ibe transaction of their butines. It teucbol tbo dutiea uf cons (ab!e wit', ail lb oei-euary form, appaitaining to tbe ollirc. It eontaiin the dutie of the Superri.,n of ev ry County and Towu.bip iu the .Viatc. It contains the mod of procedure f.,r tbe ia v nc out nod mieninr; of uubiic and i, rivals ro.-nU. 3- I earocatmg and altering road, tb buiidinir of ' ibridj;. 4c, 4c. 41 32 Itpolitaiue lb CoinLi&n FrS.,,.l T.nw w..!!'. H DlnIialiou. decinion aud directiur.'. lei-rtlr- ' A I In ......... r ' l " i with foims lor Heed, Uond Coiitrartf , l.'er-tifi 'F1. ...-,... , , t , f 17 ,-,',, ,, yJ. I o 1 i.iouio ly ,,i, ,i :ri rs 36 10 20 90 33 HO of . y- , th ex- CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESYILLE, PA. THE above Hotel, l aving recently been fitted Hp f .r a hnu.'O of entertmniuent, ia now open fir the accouiinodatioii of tbe public. Traveler Kill find tlii a eouveaiont bou.-e. Jli, IJ H5s OHN JOI !).iN. diet' Hornets and Hat.', triiotned and un- trimmcd, f tb I.atiK Style? at R. W. t C0', 2s 50 cm, i, 4c, 4c. Tbi dopanmet.t tf ibe 17 iv I waf compiled at IIrriburg by Mr. t'ainuel I' ' a dn , r,H,l. llet-uv Kut.rinL...i.liil no.l ' worth tbe price of tbe volume to any one inlwrec-1 d in Common .Vcboo r. ! It cotita-n tbedutietof Township Aodilor. It r..ntin. 'he 1aw riaiiv Ii.,.. ... 1 J 57 ribeep. ' It contains tha dutic of Arierir. It contain th low ia relalnio to ftraya, Mu'e and .Vwiue. It remain tbe law ivUtii to FtLcct an Fence Viewer. Ii contain th law relative l rime huuticz I rout and Deer. i U cenraiu lb Election Law with all beeei tary Form. It dill im the aturlita'.wn I.awt, wiih all 16 15 8 07 14 2 19 00 40 sj 1 7 f.0 39 42 14 72 17 57 15 41 14 25 23 27 1-012 " : tbe necessary Formt tot Applicaliuu. Aggrepnt amount due County from Collector f Ins is the c.osir Ian cuiiie of the mi- Arjrerato amount due from U. E, ii'.i ity report of the Committee of Thirty-j lands J.iwir Hinise of ( ongres. judgment. Ae. of i Outran 'ing County order tl.22 78 l i o ..art nn Lea Er Li., On Friday last, Reuben alt the inmeeis from the South who net- Tr.,,.r '.-2 fl three in tho submitted as the unanimous opinion ed with the Committee. Their language cannot be tnisun lerstood by anv on1, and is as truthful ! s it is emphatic. I" ritTRist -tios. When it hall be pner jally admitted that the American Union is i irrevocably broken up, settling day wi:h wtj did not learn, was brought to jail bu t fvening, by Constable I. H. Panlhemtif, tho Northern Abolition will have arrived. A man, whose name . Tli-n. the r.uthors of the stupendous mis chief will have to meet a storm of indig nation before which they will wither; and charged irith an attempt to commit rape. ; ieendiary lecturers and preachers, of JorTiie "7ioop."of- wnrIh-i,okiy n failed hatever nnme. will alir.k away confound from Not folk. Va., on the 21th instant, 'i self-condemned, from the gaze o: ivithaealed orders. Siie took two com-j llll'ir outing-d countrymen. In Phila panieiof soldiers from Foil, Monroe, snp. delphia. in Boston, in Ohio the other day poied to Do destined for Tort Sutuler or when Abbey Kelly Foster nag mobbed, Fort rick ens. land in Putfalo, Lock port, nd KiK-hester, they have already received a premonitory xqsiui l euuers iiihy rciueiuue: m'- . . . . ni 3. rebuk" frotu unexpected quarter, l he Iu County Tren-orer Indcbtedneii of County 11,104 t2 $4101 73 2,703 15 1,053 22 3,216 72 11,101 82 f 30 12 8,053 66 Dialogue published by us sometime since i , . . ... , - , , , . ..... I arch-agitator llinton Helper fared no lc-t. ter in this city. X. V. Journal j Commerce. JtsaTKellej-'a Island, in Lake Eri?, iaall which refined incidentally to that good, j itaunch old Jou: Hal for the Farm, Garden anil HousrhtilJ. The publisher's card now appeara in our advertising column":, and we recommend all our reader s, w he'her residing in eoun'.iy or village, lo respond to Lie invitation to try the Ayricu'lnriit for we feel quite sure that the do'Iar it co.-ts will boa good iunstiiient. When you write tor it please say it w as upou our rec omctndation. imd we will guarantee you good aatist'acl ion. We have received the first number of th 20th volume of the Agrieuh trist, which indicates u valuable treit to all who subscribe for this vol umt. a 'ineyard. The principal grape is the Catawba, which yields admirable wine. An a?re in full bearing will pro'iueo 7,000 j J," lbs. of grapes, mortu Zijh, at u cents peri Vnion pound. GronoE B. fl.,imi.ai'i:, Ee.. Treasurer of Clear field C unty, in account with the different lown fbip for Road fund, for the year A. 1). 1S58-9, lR. To balance due township last fettle meut. To moant received from nnffated lundi for 1854-9 CU. Tvirnthipt. Amtpd.lp: Uul.tt. I'.eccaria Hell Rogg Rradford ;rady liurn.side Ctirst Ocviugtna Clearfield bor, Decatur r'ergueon Fox Girard Gofhen Graham Hunt on Jordan Kartbau Knox l.awreDC Morri Penn Woodward Pal. due tp. Cir On one farm nt Monterey, Califor nia, tliere are 50,000 grape vines arranged on thr slope of the mountain, from which j I .SCO gallons of wine were obtaine I iu ISG0. $177 2S 448 00 $27 16 126 ti 6S 07 12 08 460 44 S 9S 254 1 233 73 62 63 112 12 66 44 1 41 32!) 00 24 39 31 73 2 07 219 r. K,4 '10 54 65 2 0 00 9 06 176 68 14 14 1,620 2 3 257 67 ?l J 96 161 84 59 49 291 i4 84 00 1C4 "4 721 60 26 36 148 00 23 44 104 43 75 22 250 04 1 42 41 23 617 SS P.055 78 Purnsiie Chen Covington Ciearb.ld Decatur Fergutva lox Girard Goshen Graham Hu.-t en Jordan Kartban Knox I.awrenc Morri Penn Pik Vnion Woodward 271 36 214 SS 230 OS 07 472 44 31 25 M 45 68 32 254 91 230 41 33 11 88 23 8 24 314 93 229 20 i:792 147 02 006 8 259 hi 4266 76 107 16 SI 01 111 37 2 91 74 72 5 71 22 3 63 27 14 470 63 73 266 54 1C2 74 29 11 402 81 77 27 57 77 62 76 .'3 06 AGENTS WANTED. In every County of the United States, riv) n jr.? in tho :;le of f.iuia of tb beat and , 1. tn-iKi el"inily illustrate.! Works pabliihed. j Jur publication., aroofth 1110H interesting ebarac'.er, a luptel to the it mis of the Fanner, .Mechanic and Merchant; hey are 1 ubli?hed in 1II19 bettileand bound in the most substan tial inannT, and arc worthy a place in tbe Li I brary of even- lt-.ui'chiiM in tho Lnjd. I 'iS-To men of enterprise aud iuduitriou bab ibis bujine.'.i i.rTers an opportunity for profit able emt loymeDt Ftldoin to bi met with. I 5ul'crsonr Jeiirint; to act as ager.ta will re eeiv promptly by mail toil particulars, terras, rfc, by aJfin Lr.AUV. liii T2 A Co., Pub, o. 24 :w.u ttrci-t, l'hiladeli.'!lia. t. . 1... ....... . ..r I 1 T- , . 1 il cull Lain uMiuui-i x A.r?ni ..rm' , , wbit-h re Ufd iu tbe every dav traucii.jn of, Oct I (, 1 r? 50 ly. .bujm s, euch. Ai-kno.ied.ocuts, Atndaiii. YrT larje .lock of fprinff end Jammer : Articles of Ag eemcut., aud Coi.tract,. Parlor, 2 elottiintj -f the Intt styles for a'e low br ;ship. Apprentice., Assinim-ma, Aitc.Uitiun.r , c,.i wensv.lle. l.'a v 1 0. I .-60. V.. A. 1KVI.V. j Hills cf bxebane ajii I'lomissory ute, UiHt. , ' "a!e, llonue, Check., CovcLai.i., iVeeds, Depuko. "II !I f ! ! HI f St' El tVe" t. ions.Du Rill, and Produce -Notes, L.ieliou p-'i '" 3 (Tenant, Leatt, Lctn r ol rttiori.vy, AiaiiiiJe Ijllalilhlo Vc,"'elab'c I'OwdcrS j Mortgage. P.cceipuaod lielea,r. Iben.jr, a 3 bound in Law ab.p. mid a ill Lo ejld to kba 1 t Tor the rpeedy and effectual Cu-e nf.1l! fitjtnm b;r at $l Si per cij y, payabla ou ueUvcry il roifom. l.hi.w, titm, I'yp'pti ond Ztirr t'im . tb work. Tb. oia ba pamd Ihe rci.-ion of pUunl and all ytr.i'r .iwi t'i.onro Din net of A- many of ibe be.-t luwrcr iu Ibo i.ntj aud La lull lid Children, Send 3 cent Stamp to ! receive! their utquaimed approbaai u. a? a reli- ber '.-e-if. ii. Ii. JOXES. Bal. duetj. 2,6 160 I,1S3 92 8,193 92 ! able baud book ot reterenco upon all rubj-.-cts upon vi bich ii treat, i be wboie is arranged iu fucb a mai.ner as to present a pla.n, c -iici.c aud i t, licit Itatement ot ibe duties of ,i T.jBbipj ( Oftcer?, may be readily uudertl ji.J ty aiiy one. ' ' ClearSeld C'UHiy will b thoroughly c..i,i.ed ' I for the work, and (be t upper: ul tbe milt us it ie-1 I pei tful'y Mi'icKrl. ! If .1 WAI.I.aCF rn fLaarriEiP. cLtaariKi n eoorr. rrsn j General Agent for C.earficld Ci.ar.ty. We, the Commitioner nf Clearfield County,' T- S. Good rsnia'.-r are ante J in all ra-te in the Commonwealth of I'enay'vania, having of this County for the abjve work, to w hom a lib examined tb account of Gen. B. Good!nder, eral comp.ufatioa w 11 be given. Af plirati. ni, E,q.. Treamirer of the County of Clearfield for which must be made a: an early dnte, addresid th year A. D., 1860, Ho certify, that w find lh as above, will receive prompt attvuiiua. iteonnt ol Geo. B. Grodlander is follow : Tb December 12, 1.-60. 4t. amount du from all foune b evn thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight dollar nd ten eenta. We also fiod the amount of outaianding order to he ten thoUfnd tevrn bondred nd thirty-two dollar and eventy-eigbt cnU. of which nine thmsand five hundred are on Court boose contract. The balance due Treasurer, tbre hundred and eventy-two dollar and four "witness our band thi 12th day of January, A. D., 1SG1. WM. McCRACKEN. ) WM. MFRFLL. Com'r. 6. C. THOMPSON, j Attest Wra. ?. Bradley, Clerk. lluii.lrvJi of testimnnials Cot 2070 Philu. P O ?rAjn,c S. W. Cor. TbirJ & Arcb tt. Oct 21. Ibfiu tot. IIARISWICK'-S DRUG t VARIETY MAT. KIT STREET NTAr.LT OPPOSITE JAIL OTATIO.MINTof tic CLEARFIELD COl'.V O Tl i!i.VK, fur the mcuth ending December 1" . c - i 1. ' V ...1.. ." V,.:iV. . Th underfiirned will have ennslantly on hand a we 1 stlcr'-d stock i f Dro;, Chemical. Dye Stuf. Oi!. Paim, Tobacco and Segars, Station ary, I nun err. Rrubee. and Taney ailiclei, wlii'-h lie ti! di'pore of cheap for canh. lie invites tlio pul.lic to call and examine hi 1, liZi: asctTs. liills discounted ... l'enrylvaui State S'.cck Specie ..... Due from other Rank Notes of nlher Rank Checks Drafts, ic. F'urniture .... Erp. r.tt of Plate eugravm,:, ie Suti'.ierv 4c. t'"i'n'iv I'hv-iciiin, furnished wiih Druisl Medicinre, and Surgical instrument nt tha mo re:iuHal.le rates. J. O. II A KTS WICK. Ci.-arS-ld, Pa.. Dec. 26. lsfi i. $lf,r.?3 ."7 l;,7f l : 0 4.::i 14 1 .1 2S t'0 Iu'' ,,nr "r5'g 8,0s3 78 Salt . 7"ERY CHEAT at the .tore ,.f janC3 WM. F. IRWIN. J OHN ODliLL, C.kc B. rtoonimntR, 110.. Treaaorar of Clear fiel 1 County, in account with' the different town ships for School fund, for the Jar A. D. mf-59, ni:. To balanc du townships from lst etrlemLnt ! To amount received from uneatcd I lands fur 135S-59 1 in Am i pa. t 279 28 27 48 127 40 78 79 371 73 $132 93 8,350 99 Toirnsh 7. Roccaria Hell Ropg 1! rail ford Rrady Bal. dn. 363 36 1 S '8 42 66 31 0! 21 H Clearfield CountyAgTicultural Society. A meeting of tjP Lxeoutive Committee of tl Cleai field Count v Agricultural So- citty was held. pnrMiant to notice, at theiri UPHOLSTER AND CARRIAGE THI3I- pffipa, in Clcnifivld, on Saturday, the Cih ' Of Taary. 18C1. , r : J , a n Slaw't MUh, ete mile East R. Shaw, John MoOnughev, Josiah E. cf C!eirMd borough, I PhilliDsbuTff und Waterford Railroad. Heed, and George I!. Kairett were present.' , ., . r ... ' ' 4 JvtEETlNO of the Ptockho der of th n .,: ii,,n 1. c., , , Respoctfully informs the citircci of Cleareld A rhilifburc and Waterford Rilrod On mo .on, lion. It. Shaw was elected and'adjoining cunntira. that he i. at .11 time. ZllA at th. o8,ce of said Com- lrehlOent. ( ,,ro,,HreI to miiniiructiiro.at the shortest notice. 1 )b tirjeh of Clearfield. Clearfield Tha resignation or Isaac Johnson asHlnir, Husk, and Straw Mattresse cf all J," pa-i on X'OXDAY, the 18th d-y of Treaaurer vus received nnd accented. I kind and sites, one of which is a Folding Mat- JJri,' j jj isfll, between the hour of 12 and Resolved. That Jnmrw Wrigley br. and trl; suiulda for CARIXS ON RAFTS, which . . k' , 0f',id dav, for the purpose of lie ia hereby, elected Treasurer cf ,iic n b. folded in small eoirpaas.and emptied snd , (j one President and twelve Director to Agricultur-l'Sooielv for the present year, i"!i"e.,t ?tur : vo7 cMPr. lsof erv. until the c.condMonduy of January, 1862. . ' , , -, ' , J ' , lume tnt riiiges, mi kc repair to I1 kind of . , n .. 1..., 1. ri,eted ID room of L-ac .lolmwr. les.gned. Carri.r. Trimming and l-phoUtory. and n .ke. ,uU " T j CRASS, Secretary. Resolved, Hint Jonatluin Pinton, Gen. Cord, for Masou Tracing Line, of any thick-! . . ,. ,, ,!. 1kI Tinii r,o,lD.i-.b n M:ilo,. 1l i..k b ' Clearfield. Jan. 21, 1M1. Willi AlllLCll ,111V. t... and thev lire herd y, invited to meet with I ta-Country Troduce, Corn Tlutk., or Cash .11. . 1 1 . r . 1 : .. (:kun in Kti.l.nn.. rn. ...1. ue executive conitmtiee at an 01 men- - -- - b-- ""i. i -- anecial n,r,.tin. nn.l Inks, i.nrt in ! 'he :7T.A',,,:"cr " '!" ny or th MercbanU I lh. ..... nr , jan2.il W. F. sU. ,- . i r - .01 vuaruciu oorouirb will b. promptly attended dL? " " reparation, tor the next Fair I a dec2 tf. I Flour. 1 siiiveu, i lint, .Sirs. itacnri iket-u , l be, and alio is hereby, made We, the Auditer. of Clearfield County, having lamined tLe accounts oIGeo. 11. Iloortlanoer, Fsa.. Treasure r of said Connty A. D., 1830 report : That the eerpnnla ar as a' ev stated. Th amount du the Road fund by the Treasu rer. i eight hundred and seventeen dollars and eighty eight rents. The amount due tha School fund, i two thnu.and ix hundred and seventy one collar and my cent. Tb amnunt of outstanding order, ii ten thonsand seven hun dred and thirty-two dollars and eevrnty-eieht cedt, of which nin thousand fi hundred dol lar r on Court hu contract. Witness our hand tbl 12th day of Jacuary, A. D., lSf l. J. . I. II A II. V. VI. I J. 11. SHAW. VAaditer. B. C. BOWMAS.J Attest Wm.S. Bradley, Clerk. Jeuuary 30, 1861. t!iriL:r.ri. Crpitai Slock pij in .,IC l ia firruUTluU Due '. epositord . Iuterrs: and k'xcbaijge V77 C2 I lMIMSTIt ATOIfHNOTII r-.LeUera 745 fi) of Adminislratiin having been granted lo e l. it t d..v, upon the etate ff lu GEOIiGE MU CKER, (iertnacl, late of Brad 7t'.4 7i """'''ir. Clearfield county, all persons iudcbtaJ 2o2 il ,a ta' e.-tnte ere r.- tie-iel to make immediat layineiit, and tli".-e having cljiir. aguii.si $3- " I C 'be sam wi'l preset. t ibem iulr authentic! -----V- ir .etilomeiiL ILIZAIiETU SUl'CKER, jr.r.J ft Adm'x $:4,f.00 f'O fr.l'O ao i.K.S T.3 1?5 31 S:;si:i f7 ,'AS. B. CBAtlAM, Cashier. Cleirfi.l , Ta , Dec.!, I SCO. jat,3 Important Notice. Tlie ur.lr'igii..-d, late put,liher of the "Clesr fell ljubli-an" lakes thi method of calliaj upon :lioe rh.. are indebtej to him, or to Lari in.r.t- Ward lot rubicription, advertising or Jew w.nk i'lcurred dur-uj the three year commer cing July lsJ7 and eliding July 160, lo call im hirJi:e;v at my iff.ee in ,be borough of Clea--lis-Kl. and mak? settlement of the same, a lhe lOLL Butter. an I FIRKIN BUTTER, for ! at , A Larg.tnd splendid su.ck f Dre... trim- 'V:u '''' r; ' I ARR1MER. A wing. Belts, U. ad I're.se., Xe,. piuul., licarLelJ. Dccemlir 12, 1H0. tf. ; .-Why slnnd ycall llicday Idle STIt AV lli:il l:it Came to the rsi,lenco LADY rr Gecilemen in tbe I'niiei of lha subscriber in lulnlp, about five States. p.uses. ing from $3 to $7, ran enter or six week ago, a HEIFER - red. crumple! ,t . t,,T und re.peetbl bnsine', by which horns, and about two years old. The owner from Si to '$ 1 per day can be realind, For is requested to come forward, prove property, pay particulars, address (with stamp) - - ruarge, and tak ter awsr or she willbe ,tipo. V H ALTON A CO., CLE VRFItLl) ANI) CENTRE ,,,Iofc,orJin,n,1,w- " WILLIAM HOVT. , Oct JI. lf.0-3m. Nonh C.h .Ireet, Phila. , January 9, IS61. 3if Sw J7.V"rT"Trv7.7r:iri. w . i:.. a.. . i r ! , ' ' " ; 11 sL'ion. Locks, F'iles, Naila. Cow Bo W auie tlne.f I. Afr.t tern . .ti -I lev lire. ! r. .. . . I I t.U... .11 -iiik. t .j .. .i . .... ... .oittanl Uand ufi and .Mill sw at IRWIX. an lull ufld examin. th. Patent .ir-H.h, r.u. 1 fl. 00. ABTlCI.,for aal ?'' honorary Lifcnneniberrftne Society ; and vnoeiaruieyaro just th. tbing'yoa tha lw,l I c ..,i.n..LA I ",r "le " VJT j.ni: W. F. IRWIN. R, W. 4 CO'. Cheese. tbal'residontand Secretary are authorized present her with a certificate for tbo i Large tock f Mn Bov'. elstUlnr. just 1 00D ARTICLE of N. V. CHEES fir aalo atae. L F. F,-Z 11.fr, Seo'r. reeeired at R. W. 4 fxV Jf at tb or of ja!3J WM. r.IRWl'. - T r - r , .i - Si. Sl l ' s mm i v auie 1.. , . 1 I s please i Tyrone, iair tounty. renusytYama ..( turwinsviiie. May io. lsoo. e. a. iuvi". THOMAS MATS, PROTRIET0R. j ... t.ineiarn. I. trst TI AKKIMi:il im Ti:ST. Attorbey at Law j Clear&eld, Ta., will atteud promptly lo Col in Clearfield county, and the public general- 410,., Land Agencies, 4c, 4c, in Clearfield, ly, that ne na again taaea cuarge si toe aoove : Centre aad klk counties. July 30. y Hotel, ana is tuny proviaea wun cveryioing nee ary to th comfort and convenience of bis guest. A large Warehouse fur lb Storage of good, ia attached to th establishment. Jan. 16. ISfl. St. THOMAS MATS. R. W. A CO I -'.il r"Tl?l"TH.I1 UA larg quantity ." UN BI TTER, f-r sala at Ih (nor31 W. F. IRWIN. I . ge variety at reduced pri- .ur. Curwenvi!le 16, '60 It:-? CAUTION. MT WIFE BARBARA baring Uftmy bed and board without any just can or prov. cation, I hereby eaatioa all persons against har boring or trusting ber oa my account, a I will pay bo debts of ber ooatracting. DKITRICC COLK Boav tp-. Ja. 23. 166C MCHRE i ETZWiLEE, "llfUolealt and Retail .Merc ha lit a. Also If xtensira dealer in timber, awd lumd ber and shingles. Also, dealer in tour an graia, which will b told cheap for cash. Oct 14,1859. C ''.! C : I sawickerei and norriog for a'e at the corner I ill atoreof E. A . IRVIN. Curwensville. My 15. 'CO Boot A sbe of everv kind f-w Ladies. fln. tlemen, and Children at R. W. at CO', ' C tella and other ilawl la rariety at tha chat r lkS-ore-f a. A. 4ilV43 ItFVPV WfTlTFIIFAD. ' "- r. i ,n JUSTICE ef tha peace ' uurwenavme, Rockton, CnsoB ta . will attend TRCIT. Triad Apple". Farad aad onpar. rorr.pt:y Vo all hnsioe-s mrustd to Vis e-. s peaebe. CberrUa. rmne aad Raistr rept, 13, 1811. ly- we eorsior ftor of X. A. lai la t t