Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 23, 1861, Image 4

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    i - -- : y; J Z
i), " tiilS
A V te., umber of IWr-Vbu. . -!
Jmtofan interne T - cM -
j.-. o.,H ArtetnU W ne 1 i-;
trr AncLt Mr. LincoU. persecuted by nppli
ntfforolUo.j. anHJencribcs tho uieau
.-'.. i I. Jt t1. ... "' V
l.y wnicn im cit-iuD inn i
Good liUI". cried tJ AW, "they
cum .i.iw w from ki
1,A L'JWels oi 'th I
cnitnn.v , I
loVl" out 'ofJ,i delikit n.uuth Wti
I... .....h..- flOUl Wisconsin, m Mlll -
. iitiUtni leg fr tl.a
Wof.wJj-in for Ml-aatwliiii at Mil
v,ukv. tii-aot th,lV-identtleckt he
Mtukv. til
Mito the fuo j
.-,.U b.v L'one siiriiwlin
?i: '.(' i i,;..!,,'! .-.m-hl Lint in' the
,.ri,' But 1 li.Wfl'.j.wie-n fcK-i bun up
i'.r-e b nr.oiJjer man cum crasii--. Jowii
fl chimney, lit Jie- rtfitin vi-emly
Vfin the innards and pwlriUin my
torn. the Uo.r, - Mr.
elioiited the inn-toor-ied being. ' my P:l"
. ..... t. -:,.....l ,v .vrv clerirvinan in our
ll n'" " y
town, i like i; the konlmasiei . "
town, i like i;
' f?fi I. '"you j
rj ass,
ill i Tit tiii .(
fc'11 r - I
brusmin tne duMrH niy ie, "I'll Mgn
vour papers with thin bunch of lione, cf
ion dn't I, a Uil.rr.kerlnU.,
..,.,1,. ,. i.rfncl basket a depot in fu
J I'U iii(ru ia j - ----- - a
tur. IFov do you like that air perfin
nieryT" spz I, nhnvinjj my fist under
his roxe. " Them' the kiml uf paper
I'll Rive you! Them' the paper!
" "Put I workt hard fur ticket ; I
toiled night and day ! The ptttit hould
I rewarded " .-
" Yil lo," od I, holdin tho inf:i(ooa(ed
man ly the coti coller, "virtoo, sir, i its
own rewaid. Look ntme!" He did
look at mo, and quuled be4 my pmx
Tho fact is," I continnered, lookin
roumi upon the hungry crowd, " there i
scarcely a ofl'u for evry ile lamp can-id
round durin thin campain. I wish
thateWMS. I wish thate was funiii min--ions
to be filled on van lonely Islands
vbnro ppydomics rago incessantly, and ef
I was 'n Old Abe's place. I d send evry
mother' ion of you to them. What air
yon here for! " I continnered warmin
up considerable, " can't you give Abe a
mldit's eace ? I'on't you ee he' wm iid
fH'jm to dentil ' Go h mc, you tuieralj.e
men, go home and till the silo! Go to
b'.lin opo atutT ;ifsengors black baots
git a clerkship on sum respectable mu
nur cart go round ag ovig'tnnl Swiss Pell
Ringers lieeum onginnl and only Camp
bell MinElich" go to lecturin at 50 cent.
4 nite imbark in the peanut bizness
xcrUe for the I.rtbjtr saw of your legs and
go round givin concert with tecliin np
peal to a charitable ublic,, printed on
your handbills any thing for an honest
livin, but don't coino around here drivin
Old Abj crazy by your outrajus cuttina
up !
'Gohome St(iul not upon thcorderof
your goin, ,but go at onct. Kf in five
minute from this time," sez I, pullin out
ray new sixteen dollar hitnlin cased watch,
and brandishin it l.e4 their izo. " K! in 5
roinuto from this time a single, sole of
you remains on these hear premise, I'll
go out to my eago near by, and let my Boy
Constrictor loose 1 & ef ho gets among you
you'll think Old Solfmino has come
among you and no mistake ! " You ought
to have seen them scamper Mr. Fair.
They ran orf as tho Sa'un hissclf was ar
tcr them with a red hot ten pronged pitch
fork, In 5 minute tho premise wan
" How kin I ever repay you, Mr. Ward I
for. your kindnet "ed Old Abe, advau
eiu ur.d slink in me warmly by the hand.
How kin I ever repay you, nil ? "
" Uy giviu the whole country a L-ood,
sound administration. Uy poo: in ile up
on tho troubled tvutcrs, North and South',
l'.y pursooin a patriotic, firm and just
course, and then ef any State wants to
oede ict 'em secede ! " '
" How bout my Cubnil Ministry, Mr.
Ward "fed Ale.
,'' Fill it up with Showmen, sir ! Show
men i devoid ofpolilios. They hain't
got a datn principle. They know how lo
cater to the public. They know what
the public &ants, North & South. Shna
men, sir, in honest men. F.f you doubt
their literary ability look at their poslers,
and sec small bills 1 Kf yo I want a Cab
nit a Is a Cabuit, fill it up with showmen,
but don't call on me ! The moral wax fig
ger jerfeshon musn't bo permitted to go
.own while there's a drop of blood in
hese veins A, I.'mkin, i wish you well!
!f Powers cr Walcutt wu to pick out a
lodul for a beautiful man, I scarcelj
hing they'd sculp you j but efyoudo
Ii fair think you'll make as putty an
ngel as any of us, or nny other man 1
A. I.inkin, use llie'tallent whioli najuro
has put into you judishusly and firmly,
and all will be wII. A. L r.kin adoo I
He shook mo cordyully by the hand
we exchanged picturs, so w e could gaze
upon each others' linatnents when far
away front one anuther heat tho helium
of th-j Ship of Stale, and I at the helium
ofthtshow bisness admittance only 15
cents. , , ARrtMis Ward.
l3F".Y little boy returning from Sunday
ehool said lo his mother, "Ma, nin't
there itfcTi chism for little boys? This
MtVchistn ia to hard."
' ' . '. " - T
The sentimental youth wuo "bathed in
tb Uu ether of hi tuislres' presence," 1
mi:6rtcnHa.t .trottie a l-hU' btdJi !
1. jrs.rt. '""' I . s . .,
""""' J
fr-A i.hiUoJM,rPrf on bojirda
, toJ to'crow''!.' fa the jiwj-
he Iwjrrf
ltood - " - man lotsW a..
".rithmctk.1 Ko, fc,M
I in tcry -oti-y ; for or quarter
your lifo is gone."
A few minute after lie asked :
"Do you understand inathmiitics."
Tho boattnau smiled, and replied
, "Well, Ur ' J'
';A4 - 4
lu.t ilicn 1m tir.Kt m on foiur. nnct
was biuldt', wln-n thr Xorry man jumied j
tin. i.ulU'd ll'Li cout, mid naked th
jdiiloioi-licr wilh greut earnestly of ma:i-1
'Sir, can you suim?"
! -VoHr."- :
"Well, then," caid tlto ferryman "jour
tvholo life is sono, lor the boat is gwing to
i ho bottom."
Termaet MiiDarriptiulia
If paid in a9, or within three inouthi, $1 !5 Bradford,
- I.. . .... .I . ILftm. .
If oniil nr tune wiiinn ineyear, - i
i If paid alter th expiration of tue year,
. : 00
Tcrunf AdvertiHliifr.
AdverfmomuuM are inserted in the Kepublican
;at tll9 f0n8i.,g T8tc. :
. 1
$ 75
1 50
$4 00
8 00
10 00
12 00
3 do.
tl 00
2 00
2 50
12 mo
r.o Imuran. l2SHneK.) 1 00
rhree 4tiarei, (42 line".) 1 50
3 nion'h '
One Square,
rwo.i'iiaro, : :
Thrc squares, t
Four squares, I
Half column," t
: t
: :
fi -i
5 00
t 00
8 00
$7 00
10 00
One column, I
14 00
30 00
Over three weeks and le than thro uoath25
ents persquar for each insertion.
business notices not exceeding 81iei art io-
rfd fur t2 a vear.
A lrertieiaMit aot marked with the number of
Insertions desired, will b continued ttatll forbid,
and jbarget according to thoeo terms.
An extensive stew'k of Jobljitip materia
cniiblcs the Publi.-hf r of the "Jlrpullicau'
to an nouni-e lo the public that ho is prepa
red to do all kinds of
Blanks, I'ai-er Books, Ciriilars,
I.Aiir.Ls, Bai.i. Ti(ke?s, Hanpuim.s,
and every kind of printing usually done
in a country job office.
All orders will be executed itb tieit
ness and despatch.
v. J.
u'li iloicii. ity. s. H'cri.i.ornB.
M'CUI.l.)l Gil K(TIII'.K,
I Attorneys at l aw.
Office on Market street, opposite Mssop' Sure,
I Clearfield, Pa. Will atend promptly lo Cullec
I tions, Sale of l.ondj, Jke. ih 7-U
PW. HAYP, Justice of the Pence, will attend
. pronptly to collodions and oilier matters
eit in hit charge. Address Kersey, Elk co Pa.
Oct. 3d 1SCU. ly.
" DAM Hl.TitH'LiI.AN DKit,
Jl STUi; of Hie pence
LuilR-rfLurg, Clearfield Co, Pa.,
will attend pnniplly to all butincts entrusted
to bis ure. March 2?, 1660. ly. yd.
"i-Tlus TrwTn & SONS,
A T the mouth of l-i'k Bun, fit miles fruui
iV. Clearfield, M EUL'lIANTS, and xteusivc
Manufacturers of Lumber,
July 2:1, 1852.
Blarksmltll, Wagons, Buggies, Ac, lc, ironed
on short notice, and the very best style, at bil
jld stand in tho borough of Curwensville.
Deo. 2'J, 1853
DIt. M. WOODS, having ehnnged bixloro
tion from Curwenrrillo to Clearfield, res
pectfully offers his professional services to the
citizens of the latter place and vicinity.
lletidcnce on Second street, opporit t, it f
). Crans, Esq. uiy I I5(.
Physician aud Murgeon,
Clearfield Ti., May 30, IS0.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will nttoud proimaly
and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to
his care, in the several Courts of Clcnr&old and
adjoining counties.
Office, tb one formerly occupied by G. it.
Oct. 26th, lt?A ly-
'. 1)11. G. WTSTEWART "
Till) sir lull and Killgeon, oil en. his prnfes-
a sionui vertices 10 in, cnueiiBui.1,11 iiB.n.'.,, ti i,.:i. irt.!-i . .
ingtm, d surrounding community. Office thro l'S.L "II ":" r ' "7:,
doors west of the Wa.bingtnn House,
New Washington, Pa., Oct 14, ISj9.
Civil. KxiitvecR . Land Si rvevor, oflers
bis professional services to tho citisens of Clear
field county.
All business entrusted to him w ill be promptly
snd faithfully executed.
Office with Leonard, Finney X- Co.
'"I aE V ElfFL KG A I,
Justice of llic peace ,
I.tithcrsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will
I.H..J ..1.. 1.. .11 1....:..... ....,K...i...i 1.:.
mu m, ,i uniiiijr iv n.i viiriiicrv vim unii-u iwiiib
care. lis also informs the publio that he keeps '
constantly on hand at his hoi. a general ns- '
sorlinent of Saddles, Bridles, Harnoss and
whips, which ho will tell on reasonable trains.
April 4, I860.
M. SMITH offers his professional services
to the Ladles and Gentlemen of Clear-1
field and vicinity. All operations performed
with neatness and despatch. Being familiar!
with all the Into linprovinents, he is prepared to,
make Artificial Teeth in the best manner.
Office in Shaw's new row.
Sopt. lllli, 1858.
AN excellent quality of Flour for . sal low
th store of W, F IRWIN.
Uearfiol d, July lllli, I? CO.
ias. n. LAhntMF.n. t. vest
L A It It I. M Kit Jit TF.MT, Attorfaeys at Law
Cleoefleld, Pa., will atUhd promptly to Col
tAiohs, Lahd Agencies, Ae., Ac., in Claarflald,
Contra and Elk counties. July 30. y
Wholesale and Retail Merrhauta. Also
xtensir dtalnrs in timber, tawtd luind
ber and shingles. Also,' dealer ia flour an
graia, which will be sold cheap for cash. .
Oct, 14,1859. :
lUrtTICE ofthn(aes ): I
tf ' ' Roekton, Tnlon to., will nttend
P""?''? 10 busineis entrusted to his sar.
, . . , .wr?lU-li l V
4 lrg st.rk ef Msn k Bj's clothing, J'lK
- 'l wiT,, at R. W. if is'
r j '( Ttn f WoUlijij Court
Second Monday or .iauirary.
Thirl Monday of March,
I Third Monday of June,
Fourth Monday of Septoiubor,
Im tch year, and continue two weeks
if as.
County Officer.
rro'L Judce.IIon. i-iiinuot l.imi. HcllffonH.
Ai'ta Judyoa.Jiun Vim L JJoore, Clearfield. ' i
llou liinj lionmll, lillKTubnrg
Skenff, Frod'k . Miller Cku-fc-ld
l'rotlintarv,falia L. Cuttia, "
Htg.ilUt. Jauu Wil,;!py, . .
lilrict Att'jr ,oberl4. 'llat,- '
Trtaturar, . U. Jmdlindor, ' "
Co. Siirvejor, U. II. Wright, - Jcn llup
Coinuii'n'rK,U'in. M'Cracken, LuM.ifr City
Wm. Wcrrcll, cjrnitt
& C. rHiKwc, ., HiHTirdale
JJ. V, llowiiiiiB, rhilipBlurjf
Iiaao W. Uruha,OIacDo!d
J. II. Shaw, " .
Ueorjt Richurda, " ,' ,
List oi'sAwt'itlKsrH.
Xumfjr. U. X-imri of T. J!.
ltd I,
Glen Hope,
Chetrt, '
(If tend,
ClearfUlJ Bridge,
Jeffercu I. ins,
New Wa.-hiagtotiJ
tl. W. Calwvll
Murv Elder '
T. A. M Ghec
J. W.Cauipbvl?
Lewis Smith
P. II. Miller
Kd. Williams
A. L, gchuell
Jacob K tin tz
John Heberling
,Ti s- lllooiu'
.1. M, Cumsaiugs
J M c Murray
C. I). Waton.
K. Coudrlct
J F W tichnarr
t-ftiuucl Way
Centre county
Ediu. Williams
Klk county, Pa.
C. Mignot
William Carr
A. 1). Shaw
Jas. B. Graham
J. A. Hup arty
Ikavid Tyler
U. Wwdrd
Kliia Choee
U. Hcckadorn
1). E. Mokel
J, U'. Thompa'n
Jas, Thompson
J. McClelland
W. W. Wright
A. C. Mor,
nmucl Way
Michael Wie.
W. F. Joharou
T. Henderson
, lirauy,
Clearfield, Clearfield,
Coi injjtoii, Frenchville,
" Karthaui".
Curwenfi ille, curwcnivillc,
Decutcr, Philip' burg.
ferguson, .Marron,
Fox, llilon Post Office.
12 00 Girurd, Lccounto's Mills,
14 00 1 " Dnld Hills,
13 00,Guben, , ; tbawsville,
35 00 .Graham, ' Urahamton,
Gulich tuiUis iliJlf.
lluctjo, Tyler,
" Pennlield,
Jordan, Ansonville,
j Karthnus,
Knox, New Millport,
I.nwivuce, Ilreckenridgu,
Merris, Kylcrtuwn,
" Morrisdale,
fcaa, I.uaiber City.t
" Grampian Hills,
ike, Curwensville,
" liloemiugTille,
Cnion, oekten,
Woodward, Jeffries,
i This VuA OtEce will dn fur Chest tcwu.bip
1 Will nctaer I'r Ferguson tewnrhip.
i'UlilFY rut: ULOOD.
Tho high and envied celebrity which tbe-o
pro-emit ml medicines hnve acquired for tbeir
invariable efficacy in all the disease.! which they
proicss to cure, imp renucreu me urHai prucitco vi
pufliiig not only unnecessary, but unworthy of
them. They 1 re known ly their fruits; their
good works lest'fy for them, and thry tlifii e not
Uv ttie tailb M tile creduioiM.
Is At.i. casks of AMtlisna, Acute and thrnnte
... . . . ...
Rheumatism, Atlcctions of the Kluddci and Kid
neys. Billious Fever and Liver Complaints. . IOK) A VI'. A It can be uado by cuter,, ii
In the south nnd we.t, where theso diseases pre- Uinginsn ovcryttluro. iu selling tho above, aud
rail they will be found invaluable. Planters, other popular'works of ours. Our inducement!
Furincr,nnd othors, who once use these medicine- to nil such aro exceedingly liberal,
will uever afterwords be without them. '.f j For single copies of the Book, or for terms to
Oyspepsla. No person with this distressing -agents, with other information, apply to our ad-
utsea inuu.u uciny wsinj wee hicuiciiivi nil-
mediately. Eruptions of the skin, Erysipelas,
rlatuleoey, reve" and Ague. l or this scourge
of t'.te wefttcrn country these medicines will bo
jound a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other
medicines leave the system subject to a rclur rcr-
the disease a uro by these medicines Is ofp
mnncnt. try tnom, uo si'i.-ucn, and u eu c 1
Merriiral Diseases, Never fails to ernt'n
oato entirely all the effects of mercury infinitt'li-
sooner man in mosi powerful prepiration ol
Siir.nnnri Hit.
di'ik sweats, nervous iictniiiy, nervous 1,0111.
plpints of all kinds, Organic Affections, Paljiitn.
tion of (be Heart, Painter's Cholic.
Piles. The original proprietor of theso medi
cines was cured of Piles of Ilj years stnuding by
tb use of these Life medicines alone, Worms of
nil kinds, ar effectually cured by these nicdk-inee.
Parents will do well to administer them whenever
their existence is suspected. Belief will be
t I . . . . . . x- ... 1
this (.11-: ph. t.s ad nioKxix siTTens
Purifv tho blotxt, and thus remove all disenso
fiom tho system. A single trial will place tho
Lick Pills and 1'hokmv Bittkrs beyond the
reach of competition in the estimation of everv
JOT Prepared and sold !v
3H5 Brodwny, cor. Worth St., New York.
Feb. 2th 180.-lyr.
i.tM)K 11r.1t i:i i.(m)k ui.TtUi
THE undersigned subscribers, tako this meth
od of informing the public generally, that
they have this duy entered into copartnership in
and can be found at the shop formerly occupied
in this bo
rough, where they will be pleased to sos tho r old
customers, nnd as many new onos as can nuiko
it convenient to give tlicui a cull.
I Bring on your hoes, your spades and picks,
j Your log-chains and your pulling sticks,
I Y'our sleds, your sleighs, your horso, your mare,
I No three-year old shnll then go bare.
I Y'our spears will work up then just right, .
To prooning hooks for every hoight,
' Y'our swords too, shnll then bo wronzht.
To ploughshares such as CVtia ne'er bought.
toarfil(L December 8, 1858. tf.
I Iain just receiving nnd opening a large
i well selected assortment of ,
FAT.f. ANFl V T Vl'l'li T.'lVsTl
ol almost every description,
A beautiful assortmont of Prints and Dress
goods, of th newost nnd latest styles. Also a
great variety of usoful notions.
A largo assortment, rcadf-madc
Bonnets, 6bawls, . .''. ,
Hats and Caps, ' .'
Boots and Shoes, a large quantity,
Hardware, Qteontwore,
, Drugirs and .Medicines, ( t
Oil and Paints, . j
Caqmt A Uii Cloths, ( ,
Fish, lacou and Flour,
of the best qnality, all of which will bs sold at
tho lowest cash or ready pay prices. . , . ,
My old friends and ,tho publio generally, , are
resptctluliy invitea to call.
Clearfield, Oct. 31, 18W." WM. P. IRWIN
tfl-N. U All kindsAfffii .Vai.d anDrnd
CUVSTHY rjtOlil fE taken in exchange for
Goods. '....
I loots A shpM of svery
V ttlrtd for La(fle; 0e.
fn at ' n. w. ,t- ro
. ii v . 0,::1,,.,':IWK. JM rone(i rr th. reception of pupiU,' A. , ?HQTOaAi:UMiPON POBCtlAis
. ...p,,-' .V11 '.A ..Kp.v,v;' '(.noletandfeinaMonNondaylAun.Zeth.lMU. Secured hy Jer I patent in the Inittd
llUE HOBSE AM.HIS IMSbASI: vrMpef ieiuC !v Weak , . :.t i, England, nce and Celsiusi.'
il Runrar Jeiwxw, v m.,r,.; ' OMboerafhy, Keadiou, . Writing, Primary .;Xb American FkstoRrapMt 1'ftraalaftj
rwf.iorofruth0logTnd.penrtl9BrpoTySn iarhhmetie aird eogTjpbyr ' J.iO jai.y, Ne.( JbI Broadtr.v Kew Ywk,.
jn Hor uiri5jw .p. (, y jig,er Amlhoietie, Eagluh Grammar, Oeog- teeured their novel and inpenhilMnvMti,,. U
tUoeterHnu7Colkjfeofri.ih.detid.i,te..eto. 'r .A Ma Hi,,ory. $3.00 American and Kuropaan .patent) at fu,'
' "' f 4 ' i i u ii.',.inaFv Katur&l TliUnifililiT nnrtiii ta if trn lad all or t lair fur t . .'
ill Tell To of the 0.
... trnit i
o h, ranoua breed, of
huropean, A.latic , Africa. i .no. Amer.
lend Homes, with the phvdcal fmiB;
tiun and poenlinritics of the nniroal, '
j i. . ...I..:., ki. . l. ih.
number and condition of bis teeth)
:: . illustrated with numerous explanatory
engraving. .. .-. , Ii.'.l
tr4 Till You of llrerdinc, Ureakitij;. gtoldlng.)
1 eo'liri;, iroouiiu, slim,iii(, and uia
,- ceuertil inii-'eMKfJit , of tie bone,
vitfi the tiHtinntC aduiinUtering
i ir'Cfl 1 iiun,liriri llljl
medicine, nlse. hoir to treat lliling,
KWmg. Hi'rj. iig. tStotuMing.
Crib tiling, HetJefnei, and elher
vices ta whM keitlijiM: witlinu
nivrous (xplunalsrry eagravitigs.
M ill Tell You of the causes, symptoms, and
TieaCaioa Strangle Eor Tkrout,
Dittier, Catarrh, Influonta, Bpo.
cbitis, Pnautnonia, Pleurisy, Iliwkcn
Wind, ChMsiw: Ceuj;b, Itoanag ad
Whistling, Lampas. Sore Numb and
C leer, aud decayed Teeth, w ith other
diseases of the Meuth and Rcfirato
ry Organs.
Will Tell You of the eans, symptoms, and
Treatment of Worms. Hots, Colic,
Strnnguiation. Ftony Concretions,
Kuptures, Palsy. Diarrhea,,
He atirrhoea, Woody t rine,
In the hidnrys and ltladdcr, Inllnma.
lion, aud other disease, of the btom -
t im4 v 1 j '1
R1"14' lol opinion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a
HORSE AND HIS DISEASES pair of Frank Short's Frcncb cnlf Boots, Unit he
You of tho causes, symptoms, and would not be taken yet. However, Shorty it
Treatment of Ilene, llloid and Bog,!""' much pnt out at nursing bis custom ; but
Spavin, Fiag-iae. Sweeaie, Straius ! '"'J announce to nil Ihoktm idy, , Vmiylai,
Broken Knees, Wind tial'n, Founder, 1 1" ' ' nd women aud children
M limine and Gravel, Crcked lleof, ' Clearfield, and Suiuemuhoiiing in particular.
rieratches,JBker,Tbrash, and Corns, that ho is prepared t furili tneoi with Loots,
!, of MegTinie, Vertigo, KpilcpM-, P"00' Gaiters of any stylo or pattern, slitcli
Slaggers, and other disease of the ed, sewed or pegged, (and as b is short M
Feet, Legs, and Head. low) on short notice.
llrtPsK AT II n nrFtQr I All kinds of country pr.luee taken in x
HOIoh AND HIS DI?tA.E iclnllge, allll cash not r.fuscd. Repairing done
You of tho enures, symptoms and in tke neatest manner and chnrges moderate, at
Trentmont of Fis'ala, PU Ewl, GUo ! tks Short SKe Shon on Second Street, oiioosite
Will Tell
d .rs, Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Msngo
Surfeit, Lacked Jaw, Hheumatisai
Cramp, Galls, Diseases or the Eye and
Heart, 4c. , Ac. and Jiow to maiag
Castratiiiu, Blooding, Trcpl.inning.
Rowelia,,, Firing. Hernia, Amputa
tion. Tipping, and other surgical op
Will Tell Y'011 of Rarcy's Method of tinning Her.
sos ; how to Approach, Halter, or H ta
ble a Colt ; bow to accnslum a lioii-o
lo strange noumlsand sights, and how
to Bit, Saddle, Bide, and Break him
to llarncsa, ul-o, the rorw and law
t,( VYiirrantv. Tba wholo lmin iI.a r.
suit ol more than fifteen years' careful
studv of tho habits
pa 'uliaritics,
of this noble
wants ,ind wcakneoscs
and useful aniuial.
The Hook contains SSI pages, appropriately il
lustrated by nearly One Hundred ongravings.
It is nrintcd in a clour nil nnrn t.n.. ami M-ilt
be forwarded to any address, pntnge paid, 011
t. 1 ....... 1 .in .
receipi ei puce, uaii mouiiu, i,v", or, 111 clotli
xtm, 451,'
(irefS Jt;tl.X !',. riJTTKR, Publisher
No. I7 Sansom Street Philadelphia, Pa.
December 12, l.tcn. fiuio.
rji 11 1: i k o p 1. h s cook 1100 K .
M O I) 2 R N
C f) O K l: 1( V
t In nil its branches. T.y Miss E1.1t t
Carefully RevUcd by Mrs. S. J. II alb.
, It Xclla
Y'uu how to choose all kinds of Meats,
J'uullry.nnd Game, with all tlx vnriou
and most approved modes of dresting
and eiMikiag Beef aud Pork ; also the
b't and simplest way of suiting, tick
ling and curing tl-o sumo.
It Tolls Y'ou nil tho various and most approved
suodvs o( dressing. eikiiig, and boning
Mutton, Lamb, Voal. Poultry, and
Game of all ktn.l.-t, with the different
Dressing, Gravies, nnd stuffings appro
t Tells 1 ou how to choose,, nnd preserve
Fish of all kinds, nnd bow to sneeteu it
when tainted : also nil the various and
most spproreil modes of cooking, wiifa
uie aiuvreut urossings, t-uueos, and
Flavoring appropriate to each.
tt Tolls inn all the various and moft approved
modes. of preparing over filly different
kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, ti.iiue. and
Vegetable Sutps, Broths, ant Stewi,
Willi the Uclishcs and heasoiungs ap
propriate to each.
It Telle Y'uu all tho various and most approved
modes of cooking Vegetable of every
description, also hew to prepare Pick
les, Catsups and Curries of all kinds,
Putted .Meats. Fiah, Game, .Mush-
rooms, itc.
It Tells You all tb 0 various and most appro vd
. moilosofpruparingand onoking nil kinds
of Plaiu and Fancy Pastry, Puddings,
Omelettes, Fritters. Cake.. Confection
ery, 1're.crvcs, Jellies, and Sweet Dish
es if every description.
It Tells You all the v rious nnd most rpproved
. ,. modes of making Bread, Uusks, Muffiins,
nnd U'scuit, tho best mothod of prepa
ring Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and
how to niuk Syrups, Cordials, snd
:. . Wiuci of various kinds.
It Tells Y'oi how to set outsn ornnmontal Ta
ble, haw to Cnrvs sll kinds of Fish,
Flesh or Fowl, a.d In short, how to so
, simplify tli whole Art of Cooking as to
bring the choicest luxuries of tho table
within everybody's rench.
Tin book contains 418 psies. and unwards of
twelve hundred Recipes, all of which are the re.
suits of actual experience, having been fully and
icarotuny tested under (no personal superinten
dene of tho writers. It is printed in clear snd
open type. Is illustrated with annropriuto eoara.
iiiijj', nnu win oe nrwarueu to any aUJrcss,
neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the
prire, $1,00, or in cloth, extra, $1,25.
I DIOOO A 1 ICAH can bo mado by cn'crpri
sing men everywhere in selling the above work
our inducements to all such being eery liberal.
I For single copies of tho Hook, or for terms to
agents' with other Inforinnlpin, apply to our ad
dress JOJKN li. PIITTKK, Publisher.
No. 617 Ssnsotn Street, Philadelphia, Pa,
Decs uiber 12, 1800. Cuio.
A 1)MI MTH ATOIt H XOTI t'I'-L7iters
of Administration havine been this dav
...... . '
r occn inn uav
." B.?rrtS'!- tl" "
GEORGE DILLON, late of Beccaria tn.. Clear
1 1 1
t eld county, deceased, all persons indebted to
said estate aro requested to make immediate
payment, nnd those having claims against tho
same will present them duly authenticated for
settlement, JOHN WELD, Jr.. A.lm'r.
Doccarin tp., Dee. 24, 1800. doc'.'6-ilt
rmonnets, norenee braids, English straws
Shaker and other .tyl.s trimmed and un
. m A a aa'tll k. I. ..... J .. .'.1.. .1 ,t.
!stomed,will b fuuud in variety at
rrstwonsvilU, My'V, 'CO. T
"It U, W-
- ."-o-s
" ftnlMnrtiit ...sstmnStf of t.Bil in'Onlm mA -
V ""'l vnildrvns" lloves
,,,,,; ,,, areek lai.guaKea. , t 00
T() ttud.n dei!irou, f .cquirinff a thorough
"r"K . .
tnRhfh saacauen, a wbo w p"'
c forteacbera, this Inntitution oilers
desiraUe advantages.
I No puil received for leas than halra eeislon,
nnu no usuuction inaiva wxoepi m i-rwirawmw
'Tuition to be paid at the close of the term.
-O. It. .SANI'FOKiM'RlSl'tPAt.
Mjy 2:5, 1o0.- Iv.
1 . rt&rtiF.
aA & "
v-soT A.--C? iAjLJ
Proper attention to
V. l-ll. in imm.
JteJ2?!&k tima will bo of neat 1
ijl bui0tt every on
-- ta point ticaitu,
comfort, and conviniuiiee.
IHI. IIILl.Scan iilaays bo fonnel at hi of.
(ice, ea tho corner of Front aud Main (tree's,
wuea no natico to the contrary appears in this
: paper,
o;ioration in Ui lioo f tits profession,
licv(orncd in tho iatctt
and most improvea
stytcs, an. guarantee. ,or 0..0 ,car .Sn.n ...
i "ut"rttl f"""rc.-
Ja ,,1,,A , TmfUl(uu, ;, 0M01..7 th
; a c piiolnhia Folir and the notorious For
1 a(, j eounu.rfl.ier Ja Bei Buthanan Cross ! ! !
. . it-
, 1 vAu u if ,...i,i,,,n, 1 1 f 1 1 1 stAAirta I a hm t h rmnnr.
! Ked, Woarer & Co's store. FKANK SUOHT.
1 $. j;t Findings for sale . Sept. 26, I860.
- -
j mi s t. i.KOMAnn.
W M, A. WAI.LAl K.
n. a. risNKr
Banliinnnnb Colltctioit (Ott
C L ll A K F I h J),
'.'oUi'-Uvns made and norcnli promty rrmi'ttd
I'.xcliange on the t'ities cunstaiitly
nit hand.
j?i(T-OfIico on Second St., nearly oppoaito the
! f I K() Ij
Col. A. T. OWENS, ritorRiEioR,
Respectfully announces to the travelling public,
that he has now taken rhnrg of this large nnd
n oil known house, and will conduct it in such a
manner a will render exrollcnt comfort nnd full
satisfaction to all who may favor biiu with a
call. nov7-ly
M COCMPTIVl:!s:..Tho advertiser.
having been restored to health in a few
weeks by n very simple remedy, after having suf
fered for several years w ith a severe lung affec
tion, and that dred disease Consumption. is anx
ious to ir.iiko kuown to hie fclku-siitTorcrs the
means of cure.
To all who desire it, ho w ill send n copy of the
proscription used, (free of clinige,) with tho di
jctious for preparing and using the sale, which
they will find a sure cure tor Consumption,
Asthma, Brcnchitln, lc. The only object of th
advertiser in sending tho prescription is to bene
fit the nfllictcd, and spread information which he
conceives to bo invalunblc.-aud ho hopes every
sufferer will try his remedy a it will coit them
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Persons wishing tho prescription will please
nddi-s Rev. EDW'Altl) A. WILSON,
nov-1y Willinmsburgh, Kings Co., N. Y
!!! DEATH !!!
To every form and Specie of
"COSTA ff'S"
Rut, Roach if-c. Kxln nunatof.
Bal B"'i .'x'trminalor.
l '.lctrlc Pvii d-r far J, xttt.
Iliit, Roiiihcs, Mice, Mole?, Groutid-.lfice,
Bed-bui:, Ants, Moth, Mosquitoes, Flea,
Inectson i'lants, Inserts on Animals, rf-c.
in hhoit every form and Biiecie t f
. JO years etablished in New York City
usetl by the City Tost Ollice- the City Pris
on and Station houses the city Steamers.
Ships Ac., tho City Hotel. "Astor," "St.
Nieholi's," Ac., and by more than 20,000
private fa miles.
B.Drugoist nnd Iietailcrs everywhere
sell ihem.
H'O-scholcsalo Agents in all lurpe Cities
lVa,Repiilar sizes, 25c., sOc., if I Boxes
Bottles, Flasks.
1S-!I! Ui;.tn !!!nf spurious imitations.
Examine each Box, Bottle A,
nnd tako nothinj? but "CostarV
BMa.$l.0O Boxes sent by mail.
IW-S.I A 5.00 bv
I tWftAddrcss orilers or for Circular, lo
rnncipal Depot, 410 Bronilwnv, N. Y.
March 17lh. Clearfield Ta.
Cabinet, Chair Making,
T OIIN G VLICH, of th borough of Clenrfloln,
J Pa., will bo prepared at all times to attend to
to any business in the ahnv li... .1. ,
- ....w VM IBVII
notice, sad in a workmanlike mannor 11;. i..
of business is at tha aid shop on the north side of
diaraci street, ad door east of Th rd sL. nearlv
opposite th old Jew store; whero ho will keen
. ...... . . . . r
............... . .
f,hoffonv .'..a r,.n- Kni VT. .7.7 . - j ,"lu':iaod1cnt for sala.
'i-viiiii iu. on nan. 1 a ttrv. ..wp.m.h. .r m.
I O -- ""'"H VUSillBi SBIBU KUlllV-li
Ware of averv dnsnrin.inn ki.k k. :i t a:...
of on as reasonable terms as tb sum article.!
can be bad elsewhere in th county.
His stock of Cnbiuet Ware now on band, eon.
sisto in part of-I)resing and Common Bureau..
... ... . piiiu nuu nuruaUS.
i, J'. . "'"g Duinus, items and,." ,------.-....,...
i'ook vase., rrvnen una field Post liedstvads,
Dining, Breakfast, Centre. Card and Pier T
1.1.. a! .;..,.:!..:. I . ?V
' . ,,!. desired. "
1 .
e"wrytf, , vol lr.1 : .
' 1 'v i
'4' KWrl,r. SLKKlfl fbS1, ula I4
I i 11. . i lof.n uti . ivii,.i . , .1
' -
' rit sndWilloT -rare at '
prfntinK ,U th. attractir. and adv..,
f crdin.ry pbotograpbi, tb kril.tZ!
and llnlu waier-eoior urawlng, aakial
erl0 unattained qulity of duiabitT. It
rendered aa imperishable as th natural tratV
; tie 0 th artielos upon which they arttn
As the patented process of tho ComninvW
bios th reproduction of photographs, lot nj,
on plain surfaces, but upon inch as are rootj,
l any degree of irrcgulurity, portraits esabu,
produced with fuiiltl "S accuracy and doliratt
delineation, upon iVrelain wares of any deicik,
tiun and diuienrion used as articles of Juiary J,
of household utility, such as Urns, Vases, Brt4
fast Cups, Toilet Articles, Ac.; thereby sectria
faithful portraits nod furnishing a tmiqotig
exquisite ttyl of ornamentation of anitlna
domestic use. '" r
la ardor ta furnish facilities for tie :rrtif-
tioo f th popular tatte, acd to meet tb vui,
.1 . r. .1,. .... j...
'f those patron t th 4a aits desirous tl
having prtrailsn roroetatn, the Covcpanytn,
imported frotn Europe a collection of supein)
j poroolain gods, manufactured to their own ord
which they will sollat tost prices. :
A tho Amoriean Company are owners of (V
patent right, and consequently th only rsn
antborired to us tho process, they tar fain
mined, in order to afford poopls In evsry sectin
of the Union an opportunity to possess portraits
on China, to make toe following proportions
residents in th country, who ar unable t rug
personally tho Atelier and Galleries in Kn
Y'ork: .
Persons oendirg a photograph, ambrotyp,
daguerreotype to theories of the Coenpatrf a
New Y'ork, accompanied by $5, will receiri ii
return by express, free of charge, a richly tret,
ruonted Breakfast Cup nnd Saweer, with th tar.
trait transferred thorcon i
By transmitting a daguerreotype and $10, tin
will receive in like manner a handsome Frsotl
Vase ir Toilet Article, wilh th portrait reft,
duced by the patented process.
By sending a pair of dnguerreotypos ocd fll,
they trill receive In rctt rn a piir of rich Serrii
Vases, with tho portraits executed equal to sail,
iatur paintings; and, Ja lilt manner, portrait.
can be reproduced on porcelain wares or Yuti
of overyqunliiy of nuiab, ranging in pries fm
$J0tol0 the pair.
N. B. Be particular in writing tho ndunu,
town, county, and Stale distinctly.
All letters to be addressed to " Mana-tr, Ana.
lean Photographic Porccluin Co., 781 Eroidwit
New Y'ork." nov'-3si
A It It I AG 12 (it 11)1'. Being a crirsti
instructor for married persons or thess
about to b married, both male and female. h
(.rcrytliiog concerning the physiology and rtla.
ttonsef uur fcxtial system, and the production)
prevention or offspring, mcludiag all (lis mi
discoveries never before given in the Eiirliu
language, by WM. Y )L'NG,M. D. This Is real!;
a ralunblo and interesting work. It Is wrilui
in plain language for the general reader, Vita
illustrated with numerous engravings. All Visut
i.iun ieu penitic, or tnose contemplating mnpt
nnd having the least' iinpo.Jiment lo married lid,
slioald read tins liook. It dircloscs secrets lli
every one should be acquainted with ; still if ii,
book that must be lucked up, and not lie ab',
the house. It will be sent to any one on retriri
of twenty five cents, in specie or postage its J
Address iir. WM. JOLftO, Ko, 418 Sprues",
auovo lourtii, I'uiladelphia, ra. -XCr
AjfictH aud 'jvwiiifc No man may be your disease, before you place va
self under tho ear of nny ono of the nottru;
QuncVi, untivt or foreign, who advertise 1st!
or nny oil er paper, get a copy of either of I
Y'cung's books, and read it carefully. It will
the means of saving you tinny a" dollar. J 1
neaiin, nnei possmiv vonr lire. ' ' ' "
Dr. YOl'NG can b consulted on anv of 1'
diseases described in his publications, ttit
oluco, .o. 4 to Spruce it, nbovo Fourth. t
Thirty. Mnl h and Market Htrei-t, Phil's
Prof. liIA t)H II.ANO j.LNDERS
Pi'lnrlpals. .
Hon. WM. BlfiLKft, Clearfield ! Wm. MeKII
BIN, Esq. of the Merchants' Hotel. Pbik
Hon. J. W. FORNEY, of 'i be Tress;' Rsr.sJ
WfcSTUnOtJK, of the S. S. I'nlon: Hon. J.
MAYNaltD, Willinmsport : J. LEISENTdN
l.sq.. t'res t 11 the Lehigh Coal f- av. Co.tti
Hon. ASA PACKER. M.Mich Chunk; aft'
nAoai A.ire os boarding in SuHitrttr' aifiV
will give their friends sthomavbo lookins
asafe. thorough nnd plca.'ant Scliool, any safdj
aiation ileeireil respecting tins S'lim.nrv
A Grovo nnd Lawn of I. Killl At'RF.1
e attached to thu Institute, for seclusion, t"l
ntion and physical exercise. Sll.
f PflE undersigned respectfn'
X informs his customers nod
public generally, ibnt he hssjil
recened from the Lust, ondo
d at his establishment iu (i UMIAM .S lt(
Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment ol Cl.ocil
Watciii:, nnd of different qunlitkl a tingle piece to a full sett, which he si
S'1 at lli u most reasonable prices for cash, srl
cxenanire tor old gold nnd silver,
CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at th
reasonable prices.
ALL kinds of Clocks, Watcbi snd JvVi
carefully repaired and 11 nrranted,
A cnntinnnnco of pationago is solicited,
Sept. 19, ISiiO. II. F. NAl'GLE
Tin undersigned respectfully begs lesri
auuounc that be recently rented a bouss is 1
borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, 1
for the accommodation of the travailing pV
watermen and all others who may favors!
witu a call. , . , , . .
His table will always bs supplied with ssH
as tue niaiaeis silordi and no pains will
spnred to render hi guests comfortable
unaernis roor. lo which the facts that no
loxleating liquors of any kind will b kepi li
the promises, will ha trusts, contribute In
I small degree. . While, what is always import
I to the travoller, the best attention will be fij
. byeorcful hostler tu that faithful
u.a juuruoj, bib paiiont steed.
July, 1800. ly. . . JAMES CR0S?L
Thankful for past favors and solicltiouic
turs patronage. J would respectfully annoii
that I bar nn band again, and will eonstsl
seep si me Kottory in this borough, on ttis
ner a short distnnce east of tha Methodist CM
a large slock of Crockery, such as Cream creJ
mux pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stovs pip M
a-o. a-o. : ana also an extensive assortmsn
'different sties and patterns of brsckots
"'0ott,! fr o..rnio on bouses, and other nw
: M" '.-
. ' mo,,Idings not on hand will bs msd
nil! a .m .h... -.11.. 1, . . . L.i.b
Vu, nvuvu. ore UUV
1 ' F'9A libornl reduotion oa Driees tnM(
"hulosala dealers, F. LEITZLVQEl
, Cleardold, may 23, 1870. ly. , j
I 7t, 1,"!,
1 ! Drugget, carpet chain, Bag!
. f, , tx T . .. . .
- " 1
7 7 , " ' Tl
i uo lot t,t beans tor .at thf
I 4 lai
ore of
TTAMrii .idasi, MMkaralaad llerriw
!Ji Alow stt h Mors pf ;..,
. CWrtt r.Julw lith .1SA0-.
" 'I'. " 1 J
"-"'?'' '-
(Jslt "... ... E. SU 1 '
1 J Um'i, and riilldren
KKl Ii.WRAVrU A C ( J'Tspt !,'
K.Wf rot.-. , Curwtnsville, Kay Ii, '6". .