Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 23, 1861, Image 3

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    it thAronoiution or ixitt tnaacii Af mp
moon wMua.byVBHn7h ' 'm Kiddle', .chool hou.,, lo New
lMt,Mi ' .'B" com mom plias. , .,... , , i Washington, in Burn- ido township.
W,ndor..lh.courM of Sen.lor B.jler,! Lydia Wilson , George' , Fo7 from rt on land
OoogrfMRWo Hale and Hal! our .mmedi- Wiloon, decked. Feigned Uiue framed ?,f 'hn p,!h'". the Cambria county
4teR9praUtiv.t,drler ,eo.)ty order of Court, to' Z 't gt tg "" " ta Burniid-
BemUr of th wmm,tt on reso lut.on.,; y.rdict for defendant.. W A Wallace for IM?oni ornihlp, to Erio turnpike. ' tUt It UdWnagrl la commit-! plaintiff, Cran. for defendant.. Tt?dtotm W- McGarvey'..
M that no oneelwuld U endorsed br the. ,,.. T . illemy If url a, in Chest township.
Mtin 1 ' L r,,ch,n 4 Sw,n M J" L Cur,y- For road from Caleb Copenhavcr'e saw
, On motion the meeting adjourned. Jon n ,!ynlon M Chase et al. ! l or road from I.aconto'. mill to Hoar-
Action of ejectment Tor 113 acre, of land , n'd road, between I'.iiuglimaii'. and Wct- County Agricultural Society. Verdict for plaintiff, to be released on zeI' ,n ('.rrl tow nship.
: ,cr."-' K "a 18 . 1 w"tni or "" i 'sa'sassfs
. The amunl meaiiRf of , tl.e Clearfield ( Enally for plaintiff, W A Wallace for de- hip.
County Agilcultural fcoolely wits lield in fen dan U. (For road fram road to
the M. K. Church.'- The meeting wai George Erhard ts Jarcd Y Galer. Ac- mf w''' "i?1 I,t?Bow.n,l,,P-..
.d to ord.r by the tnlo in trespas.. Verdict for plaintitl for ui?7):
oouccedUiat lh Con.tituiOB fxed thi. 100. R J Wallace and W A Wallace for Tenii township.
time for tho .'election, of officer, for the
jniuing year; wiitj, on motion, the fol- i
lewinf perjona were unanimously elected
' Tiesi'lentElli. Irwin, Goshon.
' Vie President-Hon. J. T. Levnnrd,
riesifUIi borough illmm Irwin. Cur-
ran-fll borougu ; .S.u,u,I Kirk. Luimt
City; John M. CununiDg-, Nuw Wa.h.
itiJo; John j. Heed, Lawrence; .1. II.
firming. 1'iU; KUh Johnson. IVnn ;
fUmuel Arnold, liradv I David Iiosler.
fnion; UariJ Tyler. lon-trn; Jacob W.
Campiwii. rcii ; .lame. Moiiurra;-. tuirn.j
irl ; Aaron .11. Jic.w, .iinsi; . mc mem, larceny. erJ ot, not gntliy. K
fwfikcii, Fvtumu John Tlioiiii.aon.r.,,J Wallace for Coin'th, W A Wallace for
Jjrdnii ; Jr. right, Hercarift : J M. 1 ,jt.f0I. Jalt
Ct. Woodward ; 0. V . Mctully, bu-. ,
M; James bloom, Woom : Geo. Turner. tofu 111 1 Towcll, nmot rorraKt.
IIoil's: Juhn Decaturt Dauiel . Roi'j I-ov, and Stacv W Tlnmi'son. Ii.
Mewar. Pra-lford ; Jacob Mo, k. Mnrri. ;
B. Ii. Hall, Kurthiiua; r. 7. Co'utriett, '
B. liaw, Golioiij James McClellutu!,
Fiji: GtArg Erhard, Kno ; Samuel
Uasburr, jr., Graham.
r,.r K rurve conunatee--i, u. W-
r(t, Join) Jdugiiey, will. JlcIJriiie,'
i.i.i!i II. lleeif, Jiichaid Shaw, sen
Ik-cording &vi!arj D. t Ktr.weiler.
Coi-respuudiuj S-er4ftujy F, Jr
Lit rarian-John F. Wesvt-r.
Trosfurer Isaac Johnson.
On moti n,
That a Hoard of Mn.nrT. I
mmiMirg of fifteen persons, who shall hej.Winegardner. Indictment, nui'ta'ice. Jit
iirtctica! agticullurUls, shall elected, ry failing to aj;rte, were di charged by the
ton. J?r, whose du.ies it shall U to
sUsia to 'he collection of Ktda, prriodi -
csls, 4c, 4.. and may act in concert
with, but not in opposition to, the K.vecu-!
ties (.'ointniKee.
. I., hved,
Tsler Hoover,
F.Ht. lViks,
Ar n C. Tate,
lohpph Irwin,
Marlin Luther,
Klihlis Fen ton,
Ir. J. 1'. Iloyt,
Joli is A. I.. Fle'ral,
ft'm. T Gilbert,
Her.fsoilJ. Miles. John is. Hewitt,
Thos. A M'Ghee, Conrad Haker,
IVif'ul A ifam. n.. WAr rln.'tprl for tlin
' 1 '
tnsnilig JCjr.
arcacTARr'a n.roRT.
)ft. rtti,iLnt : One vear aco '.his Society
numbered about sixty menibers. An atIU
innot was deemed aUviable to iesusoiiateiaf)n)jan j
i i i . . -.1 !:... t r..l '
ina piece it in respeciaoiiiiy nu ui-eiui-
sna, sionr auie oi snniinr tocieiirs in our
S'ljninuig esunties. In respect to mem
I whip, it hss ixtrba; s, only, fiiled : vet
iinueh has certainly been accomplished.
)M0 -No. of niml ci, ' fiO '
ittr.t ?',:,. 700
Gain in membership, ; COO
V a .f .ii!,ilni a a sr 1. i! tli tl sr r ist
.". U H(KJ"P ti -AUIMVH pr pi.vhii I'll
I'niranre I'.onk 7:"
rvrash received from eitizrns of Clear-
S;U1 boio'jgh and vicinity as dons-
Imns, ?0oU (U:
Itv cash received l caia frem
treinteri and other, during tho
Hvcsli received from Life mem
bers, ,
TWrasli received from eoutity, a.
per Aci'of Assembly,
Bjculi received for licenses on
grounds, '
Mr eas!i received previous lo tho
Fsir from members,
I'v cash reeeived for oat. (old,
IV cash receive lor dues nex t year,
Bj ensli received for 'isc ol flag,
C99 f.5 ;
103 00 !
100 00
70 00
Cj 00
3 "tl
10 00
1,890 55
.f'ost of nret arina crounds,
I Ae ? 1,540 99
Premiums unpaid, 1.14 00
l.CK 99
i Wane in hands of Treasurer, f'Jl2 T
Imount nut out on interest fvr '
nm moittlis, , -w w ' 1
-.-.'across Littlo Clonrli
1 $1'' 55
4ns'. Am.MCAif Ai.msnac lias now ar
ived snd is now ready for delivery, grat-
P. by C. D. Watson, to all who call for it.
Pur wider, may Lo surprised to kuo
1st this little ramrhlet which , has be-
pm. so much favorite in pur section
pi quite the larcsat circulation of any
It book lu tho world, except the Bible.
ii printed Ll tmnv different language,
I I ... , a ! . .
luntMredtbrotigii many nsi.on, ...
Jtpliedto almost the entire populMion
loiirown rast dinuin. Every family
lould kce p it, for it conlains informa
)n tthioh all are liable to require, ivheu
)tnessoverlake. them' and wbic.h may
. . .. . t t i
i. invauial te troai Doing at nanu ...
on. If vou lakeour aflvice, you vTiil.vownsnip.
S d get an Ayor'. Almanac, ami when
'.keep it. ' ' ';', -
Muom. .Somo year, ago David
fmot made the. ' lollowing declara
Yi , ... .,.. .. .
I am detrriiimful lo arouse the neonle
Hue importaoce of the slavery issue,
f get up anorganiiation throufiD vvnich ;
t - . - ... -
ty can cot control of tho government in j-or r04j from fcnow 8how and Tacker
Wi4'il bt-Mme , satisfiod that those -,, iurnnike to fordinu below A. H.
ffw wilt fail, and llio peoj
Frt their richts. Til EN
i LL Kb.
psy to HELL 111E QUICK -
J orcaniiation did not get Ihe control
fsI:aud whothar hi. oresent par
f"U the country whare be, in hi. n
I wanted to aend ' It, dtpeiidi onlr
"bather it eontlntttt to V Jdvr aa
I uo Linooln's letkrUl'. .o-i i
r""!! I,. ..r-, ii .it,!,.'- "Ta ir,J,''l!
Wit-WAi a. ... w i
' a.; . - - .
plaintiff, McKntdly for defendant.. I
snot hcm list-
A.McGarveyv. Mcriiorran. Rule lo
ahow cause why appeal .hould not be
'.tricken off. Rule mado absolute.
,.,i f ... t t r i -.
... M'K.nn v. Jone. A Mock. Cer-
1 twiri. Pioceeding. nflirmed.
I O A Divis v. I);vis jc 'ion.. Certiorari,
rmoeediug revewd as lo Gos. .
' ,.,.,, "
V .
" 'u"!r" : . inuici-
'dict.ncnt, nuisance. Verdict, .n.iliv.
r ..,. ,
,t0'u ' oih r lfdnnts not sentenced on
account n( absence. Ii -F Walhice and I
McEnally for Com'tli, Crana mid MeCuU!
ou.,. for dPfniaIlt.
J- , , .
Com'th vs James Stodsrt. Indictment,
oUccrti hbel. Verdict, guilty. 8eUnced '
to a fire oi one dollar. roti of rnom.
,cutio:;, and undergo a further iuiprison
Jmentof thirty d!). II J Wallace- for
Oiufth, McEnally flud Barrett for deft. -
Lon' 111 v A '-'ioriii ana a a
Jotlrt. j .c nd McCu,loilgU for
i.. , . . , . , , c
1 ( tam defen.l.mts.
to"-' t" vs Thomas RiiUton, Samuel
' Lambert, and w m freeze, liidictinent, ,
(larceny of aw-og. erdict, not guilty.
I Ii J Wallace for Com'th, W A Wallace and
j McCullougli for defendants.
; Com'th vs Win Hepburn. Indi-tmrnt,
I . i
lies:ating an oflicer. Thi- dufendint w
tiied hi NeVtrmber serious, and found
...:... if.. I i i r , .
gumy. lie "i oruuui iiuo .uui l i ll
I""". wntcnceO
' couniy jail for
ttselily daja.J
J Wallace for Com'th,
McKnally fori
u veral true
bills -A-ero
found which .
were continueil till next term.
Com'th vs. Jas Forest nnd Kdw. Terks, (
bail. .1
Com'th v. S. W. Thotrpson, ami John
j McGiiughey, bail.
at. 1 t t T
Com'th vs Ab 111 I.osicr, and John Lo
z'ert n'l-
Coia'ih v Xavier Leoonte, and J chn R
Jjoupy, bail.
Com 'th vs. Itollcy, and John Y. Kougey,
bail. " !
Com'th vs. S. T. Whit comb, and Jude
Wbitcomb; bail.
Com'th v Joseph C 1'retiuer.
Tor road In Iiloom and llrad town
ship., from Cream Mill turnjiike, nt or
near John Smith s, to interject Ihe road
leadini! from Ileurv Keam. , to (ream
iiiiii.iupik.. a.tiiir.&m.iAriKu!:r""1:B sxncsssiAos nim
and Wiiliam Kirk, viewers.
For road leading from Kobesor.'s roal,
to intersect the plank ro.vl at or near
Wesley Nevling 'a in Culich township. II.
15.' Wright, .S. llcjarly, sen., and S. I.
SholT, viewers'
To vacate road leading from Karthaus
road, in Ginird township, to tho Knolm,
atornearrteoigo Stevers. l'eter Lamm.
' Oolv.en and t.t. Couunct. viewers.
load from the brhlge
iti.l r' .i n if.
liobl Creek, at Cntli-
llson s. on Oarficld
cart, i,
Carder to viof a rt ivateroftd frornthouio
of John H. Myers to public wmd lmling
from Uie-t Meek to (.nerry ireo, onitiua
li 1 ahiit If n Ilil rttbuLl I SitaTfliinl n
Oi l VI FllClsnil. Ill ItU I WnlltW HI " HwlHIs
n , . . f Knaw-KU,M
' anJ packer illo turnpike, to old creek
'road, at corner of i'at. Dclin'. fence, in
! Lawrence township.
Order tovicw road from MornMialerosuI,
- li 1 '. 1HAUA..
to Isaac Wilsons, on Clarfjeld C,rri,ea Triinminc and liiholsterv, and makes PrsoarcdbT Tr.J.C. AYER& CO., Lowell, Mass. 1 luch manner as to present a plain, eonclse ind II Invites th publio to oail aad sxamlos his
111 Knox township, (teo. llson, t'ords for Mason's Trsctne Lines, of anv thick- " .... .. .... . 1 explicit statoment of tk duties of all Township lo(- K0U(i ' rur. purcboaiug .isswber. .
Aaron Tatoard Clark Hrown, viewer.. j nes. or length. - I, fWboia by t. J . atson, r'J" ofliccrs, as may be readily understood by say on.. , Country Pby.icisns furnished with Drugat
For private road from Jordon'a coall ,Country Produce, Corn Husks, or Cash irwin' turwensv "! L l- u'cr,bur' riearfield Co.taly will bo thoroughly .anrassed ! -Medicines, aad frurgteal nstruments ,at lh t
,. . i i F-l. . r ..... of Clearfield boroueh will bs promptly attended vnas., ahbi nvme , j j. j V' A LLACh. ti.. ' ieMtiTniToivTiri. i.,,...
'and Wni Porter viewers I :.. I , - - - , r, I cuahsikld, ci-anri a roi ktv, ryss. JV. of Administration hsvlng be.n graited ti
anvt m. I one., Viewers. , .. n tvnn'M I'DP 1 . It1 1 11 N, A L !n.ral Agent for Clca.n.ld County. ! th. iinc.rsi-ned, ti l. day. nton U. estst. ..f
I bciekhkd BACK TO VIEH'KRS. s J il 1 1 I 1 1 .1 s I viut t uu p. s. tjood canvassers sro lilted In sli parts
itv;. ,n;t ru.Mi..lf mils, nnatof Hm'sssarr to the eomfnrt and com
nvmr rtliurevv iwu znuinii a, w itncivcow mt
.. .. !.. vi .j t.....'
muo iwu lavern, in tw snu "f!:llllul,Phed,rtsUUIilisst.
BiroiTs coyrturn m si.
Private toml from" Wm. Westover'a. in
lineal tonnsuii, i nu. inn cav tui in. i 'ji a,
. , l i . ..1.!. 1 . u n . 1 1. ...... .MAMnnMyl S
J. King 8, in hiirnltie tovrsiiip. ' orns, and about two years old. in owner
For road from Coudriet'a house to Mig. Is requested to eomo forward, prove property, psy
nnl'a arhnol bmtsc ill Covinclon town-'charges and taks her away or shewill b. dispo-
For road from L. M Coudriel'.to plank
ro-,i -m nirard township,
Khaw's rristtnill. In Iiawrenee township.
v. r(l.i : p.nn townshin. from John
McEntire' to Thoma Dixon'..
For road from Dost' rifting ground to
Uclsena. in Woodward ton nship.
ngroRT. coNntmcD ansoLrTEtr.
For a road from Luthorsbur,' to h. Lu-
I har in ftrftfiv tOwnsblD.
a road leadinsj fr
gliahel Co.'a f ri.t rnill,
For a road leading irom iroutviuw iu
wnal r KM. gnat mm, SO avriams.
tMp. J "''' i k
For road from near r-atnuri ueyer .oar.i.
in whnra Thorn is Mehaney a line crswstp
l'or t0 from Whitehead', factory to tho
road from Moore's mill to Hickorv Kimr. 1
liom, in Union township.
. . m at i
j Review of rosd from Premier's to Fred.
Miannr s, in ifrady townshsp,
Hiidgo across Clearfield Creek, at Alex
ander's fording.
For bridge across Chest Creek, at Simon
for bridge across Chest Creek, where
,the road fro n tli Glen Connel roml to
l herry Tree and Win. Sumervill'a cror.ei
"i'1 crwk-
For bridge acrow Mosquito creek, near
... . lcl-NC,:s'
. . W'ng f"?1" Wer ,,e",,e,i to
Keep puonc nouses or entertainment ;
A. L. Ogden, Lawrence.
It. J. Ilnv nes. Karthaus.
. X. Colbiirn, Clearfield.
.Tames Iloom, Bloom.
David Allernian, tru'ich.
Mercantile license, were granted to the
ft"ill V""
O. IJ. Merrcll, Cloarlield.
J. ". Brenner, Morriid:ile.
Augustus l.aconle, tiirnrd.
1'. I'. Hsgarty, Mulionbiirj.
On the ISth of October. l.SCO. bv Rev. J.
R. Focht, Mr. John Owens, of Tike town
1 mX m't '"U f
J!v jh() f
! i f . Mr. Georce JI. 4 1 nil and Mis Sarah
JUisey, both of Lawrcnco townahip.
WIFE innilARA liorlnp I.fl inr L.d
ml boaril wilhout any inn rania or itot-
ocntiull. I li rfliv faiilinn all iiArimit apflifif L Imp.
' t - n
boring r truntinj her on my account, ;i twill
n" MU uf h,r e"B,,iVifTRirK rotr
PhilliDsbtirp- and Waterfbrd Itailrnad.
s mketi.Ni of tb. of th.
1 1 " Philipsburg and Water ford Railroad
Company" will bo heM at the oltic. of said Com-
nanu In 1. 1 L f 'I . - . . I I '1 K.M
cimuty, Pa., 0 MON DAY, th. ISth day of
March, A- D. ISBI, between the hours of 12 and
1 ..Vln.k n m nf .-!.! .1.. fa. .1.. f
eleclinr one President and twelro Directora lo
serre until the second Mundav of Jamiarv. 1862.
A lull attendance is requested.
L. J. CHANS, Secretnrr.
Clearfield. Jan. 21. I SOI.
0LL anl FIRKIN BVTTER, for sale at
thstor.of IjenJ O W. F. IK WIN.
GOOD ARTICLE, for ssle at th. store f
j"2S W. F. IUWIN.
ARTICLE of N. Y. CHKESE for lale
J at the stor.of IJnn23J WM. K. IRWIN.
ERY CHEAP st the storo of
j.n?3 WM. . IRWIN.
O D E L I.
Lortl al A. If. fihaie'f Milk, one miff 7isf
of bomigh,
Respectfully informs the citiiens of Clearfield
and idjoining eannties, that he la at all times
prcpsred to manufacture, at the shortest notice,
Hair, Husk, an l Straw Mattressea of all
kinds and sires, one of which is a Folding Mat-
trass, suitable for CABINS ON RAFTS, which
ao b. folded In small compass.ayid emptied snd
refilled at pleasure ; and very cheap. Mo also
Cnirlages, make, repair, to ill kind, cf
r.;.- T,i.-.: ..i ii,t.i". .l
Tyrone, Bltir County, Pennsylvania
milt.: f
HK 8ub.eril'errs5pctflly informs his frlontls
M. In Clcartiuld county, ami tks public general-1 '
It, that he has agasa taken charge of th. above
I Untnl. and la fnllv nrnvtdej wltb flTarvthinff. nee-
" i
i"u,vnit,B w, u.w
ctteste. A large Warehouse for
lllW ,'tui.l,. v.
Ja 16. 18f I. 3. THOMAS MAYS
STKAV IIKII'r.K. (am to the residence,
a (lis subscriber in Huston tp.. about trt
. . ...r.n 1 1 I
r six weets ago, a tn rea, crunipiea
Jsnusry 9, U6l 3tf
radies .Ire?? g.. la, of pstterns aad t.xtures to
j please all, will be fonndat tho corner store .
Curwinsvilio, May 16, 1860. E. A. IRVIN. .
Stella and other Shawls In variety nt the chel
Store of E. A. IRV1N; '
Ciirwensvllla, May 16, '60.
Dried Apples, Pared and anpar
Peaohes, Cherries,
Prunes and Haieins
! th corner store of
ROBERT J. WALLACK, AtToa.r st Law,
Clearfield, Pa., Offic in Shsw's Row, op.
,o.i th Jonrnal effic.
t Ace. 1, 1958. tf. '
, Large ud splendid stack of Drsss trira-
x mmg
DeJle, Uesd Presses, Petle, 1 Hisses
i :, i . R. V, CO'S,
... a
'. Ar m alck, Pitlla, aal
rnMilaiulu(l Ara n mif r
Milrr, Willi juir j.tfin on
ranwl, aii,l four S-vIIiiki uii
cuul,rlalil I THvn vmp
turn irr ofii IW prt'lii'lv to
aurlnut lllNrn. .uuia III of
SlrknnM la rvrilli iltoli ytM,
aiitl aliuultl ta avatti'! I7 a
limaljr ia vi tlia riplit true
iHlr. 'lake Ajti'i I'llli, nnj
cli'anaa tiit Ilia ilU(irflMal lm
myrs I'tirifr lha I'luml, ami
Ivt flia fluids nmra vn nn"U
alrncirl In liwillli again.
Tlipjr itiiiinlula Ilia fuiicln.ut
of ilia bod) Into llgi'ioin ai
tlvliy, purify (fcr aymtni fn'io
Ilia nl.slrurIlun'wh!-Ji luaka-
diwaaa. A cM anltlwa stmawluiro In Ilia 1, ani eb
Irwu III natural f iiiirtiulll. TI10M, if nt loll.rrj,
raacl upun lliomarlraa au4 Ilia urruiinliii)t urauf, rrt
A'icln uraaral mumtalloii, aiitWiug, km. I Juin.
Wliila in tliia rnu.llil hi, oinaal hr tin uVrvimii'iit,
lata Arar a 11111. mi l lir iiiraclly tliay rcatnrp tu
natural a'tlun nf I ha a.Mli-m. aul will. It Uia lui'tyaut
rliu. "f licnlili ni;tlu. ', hM l Inio an I a irnt In
Dili trlrial U'l wiuiu'ui cuiutUlut. Ii altti true in ituuy
of Ilia ilaaMii-atet! anl ilanpanm illH!iiur, Tlianama
iHirriurr aiinot aiuaia llnuu, I .' I lir Inilur I'lmruc-
l!T ?,"a ,h""";," iUa atnrj fi,ctiu, ,.i u,.
""! ssivj lapi'iiT, PHj'l iatr ut iiiv.i sniri'i l , ri( d;
lr IhOMNIU MpM". NiHM Wll'i UlM'W flirt VlrtlKH 111 lliUMI
Ii1l)t, wilt titfflrt to fmptoy tlifiti n lien nuiTiritu; frum
the tUrlr tlmy rtirj.
rSip.trni.-ii frtmi Iruliti,; j-Lys-i'-lun fit mo .f Hit
priritljnl vMat HiiU futri otlior well knuwu tiUtv Kr-
Pp.. Am; Ytittr I'illi uro iti irnti nf nil Hint U
Criwl ill trtr-IU'iiifi. Tiiy rtiifl my liltl- ilnulttr
of iil'-en-m I'trvi ufeoii Iter htiiln unit fn -t th.U lml fin fi-l
Itirur.t!'l' fur ymrsi. tlr iiiuthcr let liotu It Hi; Krii-r
ituiy nflli'ti-l with Mutolif mi' I pliitpl ti I it a! in til
iu hiti- hair. Afirr i tir i hil l w curfil, ihn nlicj ttWI iMIi, nni tii.'T Ikito cuKd Iter.
. , ASA ?1i;i!KlbUK.
As Family lUylcc
F.iitn lh; tU II". t'artitri'jitt .Nrw OtUnnu
Vur PIHi aro th prinr of I'tiryi. T1ilr M'fllfnt
ilirilifl-) tu'iuisi ity mlh trtiti wo jios,. lin y aid
iniltl. hut vnrjr rortnin itl clT'-rtiiiI In lliflr - tl -n -n (lip
Nfolsi, whl'-h miLos thM inrnlcililo to ti iti tho ilnily
(rfstiucut f fll4c&H).
KcoiUrhr.lrkllrnilnrlir.Foiil tomnctt.
Vorn Vr. h.diotvd iltttt, titifitH n't.
Pl4ft Uf.rt, Airrti I canrmt aurrr ti if'mf rtnij iinUi
I t ft I with I'ilU liettr tUn t . my th t trt
trt 't vnth n piwjufivr. uittlione I tlm o jrtrM tit pt n
lll-a lit! Raj ! tllltl rAtlirtif ill ItlV dnflr i-fntrl with
i(li.o. nu 1 w;iviu Hi I 1i tli.t ".ir I'iIU fl(1.'rit in Hit
leMt irg Ur , I uf L-'iurno vaIim tlieni Ml.l)'.
rtTT4itrr.o. ra.. M?
P. J. C, Sir: T .mrit Ihnu r'rt.. fun. I i.f
thfl Wnr.t', aiif ImhIv ean liavts ! llf aar twn
t rf wtmr IMIN. It rmV lo ttifmi fniu f- iil iltJiiimli.
tvliivli llty rlrtitttt a Mtri.
V';M. with irt, KM. W. Pit i:rt.l
i'f'i.'. Ottttut'r t'';i
IIIIIOHt DUviUrrt T.lver 'rmT tiitM.
'rtiti . t'tf.fh.-r Aff,..Vr,rt )"..,- Tfy.
N'i't iHty nr yMir FiiN mlinirnMr n.ti(r. in Ihir -ni-tMii
n nit HKtTitiit. I ti I Jirt't iliHr Ihpik'I:;! flf'rt M) km
llin l.Tr rri'T rtaikt Itnlroil. Titt y linitt In luy rr
tUt pirn.) tu rti rrTeliial llto uti of h in cm
ftt tittfi limn aiuy hn rvftmly I inn tiK-titfM. I itti in ly
rrjul'V liiAt Was U tt Ji'lljrill Ur,(tltP wliirli U W 1-
thy tho cuitiiiviioi vl I Jin j-iofowi'i.i aii'l tliv j'lir.
Jrpir.TSUNT pf tub Intlrim.
Kn:.iuftt' ii. 11. ('., '.lit ((-),
flint I li;ivt ijsml yiiur rtlli in my (tunrrul himI li.titl
prlt'liyr tsvor v') HwA tht-lll, lill t'Bllliul )itlui to
Irty tin) Btx' Hid fplll.JriikJ Wi, 'ilnjr -u
l iun. 4'i 'Ui It.f) iir is til U mill ili'ri lt.l, im,.
ijiu ntly th'-y ma uti ti liiiitftt-lM. irmvily fi drrtiiip mi'iiU
of Um iifc'4n. Im"1p I, I Imvn ml l-'ia fntmtl 11 riir nf
hifi'.u Uifr-tur h i iMliiirtt tltal Jf lil li't liwlflj li-M tu
thtuia ;ti-r.'aJly y ', AIU.N.: 15 AM.. M. !..
Viy f.UM .1AtMT' .. if f(.
f3 nin(rrj' IMnriUnn, Ittlm, Worm.
', H t'l . J. U. t n, " Vtv. UJ
Yixir r.M iuwn Ijm-I a !-iti( i inl in iny tti tier, ami 1
lll'M ttlflU IM t-NfiU H .Mil t'f tilt' ljM'littltl liHVft
fri-r f'Miu J. IJt fir alterative -fl. t ttjun llin llrrr iiiiikf
thvlii an i)XUeiU iniiswity. whs. ii in e-inntl t.-H ,r
tl'jstutfTj un t iti 'irhtr u Uirii niti --'.miii,c
pj iVfj" tlirlit ii-i fills f jUU'iiivlit f -I' tliu ii.
iif U 'tncfi nfitl iltilttii'ii.
Ijrt,iiialnf Innitu Uy of Hie HI o oil.
Y-Mrt i!t9 J I. iwiri i'.'tl' r if Ai'.vrt ti.
tip. Attn: 1 hnf(iii)K'l ;nnr I'iIU with etlrm-t'llna y
aitc ra m Jit) fituilly kims;; tlmH 1 nut fHlifl 1- riil
nnrilv tlia AA, Ihev ara Ilia vnr.r b"at reuiclr I Item
lit iilntrr's'. m ri)iiiii9 titit tptm ir niprTH'n nim
ever known, and I uu luiiri.t.-iillr raiTuimfii'l ll' in lo
UlY ll ll'Bdr. tours, J. . II 1 .11 r.S.
Wir.atw, WiihhIhk S. V., Ort. i, IsJ!
' ' ""' " J"1" CMl.nM!: t ill- lii my 'ic
ll, t, ami Itn.l tliem an i-xclltnt .iiriraiive to Hit
vrtvlll ail'l l ':i'V 'V r-or. ttitt ij t l.f-r.
( niiatliallo:i,('nallvciicia, Riipiireaalon,
llliriiiunllHiii, limit, .Stcuralgln, Dioji
aj , I'arKlyala, l- lt, rtr,
V'i Vr. .1. I'. rii.' M, .Viir 1, Cohiooi.
T'mi iiilirh ritunot la n.l of .votir 1'ilt f..r tlir rifre ,f
Citirttw, l( i.lliri . t4 our rr.itrrnlfy linvr S-Ulol llirm
an rtytrn. Ikiis a 1 b;irr, rlii'.v ilioi'tl J.'iii me ill riliui
hi; it f..r tilt I..'ni'lit of tli.. liiiiltitililrn alio sitflr fiMo
that couiilfliit, wliirli, allli'.illi l.a.1 rlioilKh III II-If. 1.
Itia progenitor ir I'thrrn lloil. err w..i-. I l-llrrr r.
tirni'll tonrlstnuto III the lior,1 III ) , or aOtt'l Dial
orau and cure the tllium?.
rr .Vir. t. .Wiitif, f'.'.yi.Vi m mi l .l.VV,, It .
I niol one rr two lrj:e ilows or.vour I'llls. Ht.m nl Mie
rHr i ii-fllt'iil ,r liiollxesil I tie liiifiii-ut tn.t.
Ii-m li..i wli -llyor ,.n ii:ill.v u.pi- mi, I !., vot
erT.'t tnnl lo itr-fi.t till x'''fniji mil e.r;-f h ro. Tlnjr
art lint' Ii tlic 1t I'liysl,' loiia lltat I ivcuiinciol
no utllt-T lo lilj' th-iiU'.
' "' " "" h" "'
1 . . ,' ,T " . V i ? .V . ' r
I..inrh Kir t I .lo-nM untutcfiil r-r tin r- loT
vo'.r 'kill I... I.,. '.itl.t me If I not r..,-.n inv ,.e t..
ymi. A eld s. tiliil In Mir llioi" mi'l i.i.uik:,! e.To-
Maiinj f.''ci'"i wlil'b ciidtt In ''""i" '''"""'i-
un. ,.ti!litnu'llii I had the t if .hvl i. tin
!;r::::r.r !v' r iti: ii:;
I'ill". ih.iritr.ri. nc...lnt mho I'y er.ti.ihn
lu llio u" "I tlirm, I am hi w entirely well.
I l"ti fitixma. I'at.m tlm,, t,.. t, . 145.
n. a .... . I I. ... l.. -...II ,.l I, r 1..0V I'lll. i.l
' ... "..-.. - r..i .1: .... I.. .CI'li-il uim
IfMW'Oic (...Mt t.i-y'--y.
pwyiar. . -
trrt f I'"'" '" I'li'Vet coiitnlii M-miry,
whlrli. allli-iick a valuaMn In eUllfnl baioU. is
danrrnm. Ill a public Mill, from Hi" 'In"' t'l
. ;',U;,'M
,,,-. ii... n-,.....t.y .u .T m :,t .
un ntemirr or niuinnu nit-inin-w iicva
85 cents per Dox, or 8 Doxes for 1.
Just retfelving and opening at the Old rust
ol Lewis Hinithin Dethl.'hein swell select. d a
sortment of Hpring and Bummer (loo'li of all
most every description.
ttaple and raney, beautiful s-sorimenu
Prints niul Dress Goods
.r ii. . I.,.., .iHiA. . r.rtiaalul
Hats and Caps,
Jtonncts and Shawls,
Boots and hhoes,
Ilardrtare. Qutcnswnre,
Medicines, Fish,
. G ROCEltlKS,
Tobacco, Segsrs and all articles usually
in a country Mere, all cheap for caih.
Oiv. us a call and as. f:r vnurs.lrrs.
May 21, 1360.
1)UTRII M)Rl: THItflAT I'lJKI'.n.
I, the un'Jfrsined, would Inform ths public
hat I can eur. the Putrid Sor Throat- Any
person cm obtain further information byaoiaiag
to mo, in Uordcrson township, Jefferson county.
I If no cure, no charge. Com on, com all, and
do not fail. Yon eon have information by calling
at Jacob Kunts's, In Tronivllle, where 1 live.
Boots and Shoes. A larger stock and lower
prloes than vr, set Irrins Cheapost corner.
Curwcnsvtlle, May 16, '60- '
0dar anlWiUow war. at" ,
erU9, , Il.f A
.... . . . : ;, r ...
. . '. . .. v. i'
locn.ri, aoa oiusrs, w pii iioep di i . ;
Which be offers , - t
' . ! ,. . :
He alira CQPlinuei (a 4esl la LCWPp t, of al
Llliita. In s n v w at V a tit. fnla eiislnmaM
, . , j
Tb. ilighc.t market rric.. wm bo p.w W ai
kind, of grain. ..,.,
tor call a r p fj l Li -tja 1 '
Kci- Kmlilngton, Nor. 1, 1SC0. . norT-Cm
WARE .r. extensive and ivsl). selected
assortment, ''
. " " " -.' ,'
Ktove-Fipo, Collar., and rdiMking,
Meat Cutters and Sansace StutTers. Com
hhcllers. Corn liiinders, Cider Mills,
Oar-llings, Quoits, I'lows and '
Harrows, a variety of 1
1 OLA8S, OILS, FAIVT3, D00R-L0CK8, 1
llingns, Rorews, Kails, nrd other articl
used fur building purposes,
Kopt constantly on hand and for sAJo by
dec 4
l .,n.l
i.uniner t.n V.
M IILKIIf iAl,li--Jly virtu. f writ of
Venlitioni Exponas, iisued out of th. Court
of Common Picas of Coatr. Couniy, and to ins
dirocted, tbors will b. .xposod for .al.bynbr
outcry, ai id. iouii iiuui", io me uorourQ or;
I'ARY nest
All th interest of the Defendant" b.inr th
undivided one fourth part if all that certain
tract or porii'in of land situate In III townnhip
of Ilush, in th. count) of Centre, and the town-
ship of llcontur. iu th. county uf Clearfield, con -
tiining l,7i)v surci and allowance, being held in
ciimmon with A. 0. Curtin, D. I Pruncr, and
Joliu M. Hale, nil of which premises are de
scribed by nietrs and bnunde in a mortgag.
by the said Joseph J. LiiiRlo to th. laid William
II. hlitir, dated Hit) September, 1307, and record
ed In the office for the renunline of Deeds in
i Centra aouoly, in Mortgage Hook E, page 31, Ac.
I Seised, takcu in elocution, ana to be sold si the
! property of Joit'l'h J. Llnjrle.
Sheriff'i Offer, I .Sheriff,
nollcfoi.te. Ilea. !2. foQ. IjanH Jt !
ihauic. sod liusinesf .Man Wants.
Just published,
i Of lli e Pinto of Pennsylvania,
Compiled from the Acra of Aieinbly, by William
i T. Haines, K)., and published by Edward
! F. James, Esq., West Chester, Pen a 'a.
This work contains over 400 peges of closely
printed matter, and will be sold by subscrip
tion. It lea lies the duties if Justices of the Peace,
with forms for the transaction til Ibvlr business.
It tenches the duties of constables with all the
necessary forms, sppeitainitig to the office.
It contains the duties of the Supervisors of v.
ry County sud Township in th. .S'tate.
It cotitnins the mode of procedure for th lay
n; out and opening of public and private roads.
earocating and altering roads, the buildins ofl
. ,.. I
bridircs Ac dc f r
Iv contain'e the Common School Law, woith ei -
planntions. decisions and directions. teR.ther-
with fotms for Deeds, Bonds, Contrerts, Ccr-tid
cntas. Ac . Ac. This department af the work
was compiled at Hsrriaburg by Mr. Samuel P
Bates. Deputy Superintendent, and is alone'
worth the price of the volume to auyono interes
cd In Common .Schools.
It contains the duties uf Towasblp Auditors.
It contains the laws relative tu Dogs sod
Sheep. I
It contains th. duties or Assessors. I
It contains the lows in relalnlo to A'traye,
Mules and A'wiue.
It contains tho laws Illative to Finrts
Fence Viewers.
It contains tho laws relative to rsino banting
rout and Deer.
It contains the Eleetlon Laws with all' neoei.,',f A'jtnt.
ssry Forms.
It eont ilus the Naturalisation Laws, with
! the necessary Forma fol Application.
. . ' , J . 1 , ,
! It contains a large number of Legal Forms'
i wikcu sre asea lis in. everj iransacnon oi j
,ufin as, such aa Acknuwledirments, Amdavits I
; Articles of As-eements, and Contracts, Pnrtmr, t
' 'WP, Apprentices, AssiRn.ncnts. Attestation,;:
Hills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, Bills;-
! .Vale, llunds. Checks, Cuvensnts, Deeds, Depokio I
i Hons, Due Itillsand Produce Notos, Lnndlord p j I
! Tenant. I.rasvS. I.CttCrS of Attome V. Mnrriru.,
I . ....I llnlna... Tk. Q
lori;aKrp. Kvy .vu..."". LB wuriKfa
! htund In I,sw tnerp, ami win un soiti to suiia-s
hers at $ I 2i per copy, payable on dclliery cf
. ,i nrL ihi work has passed tho revision of
f (1,0 best bwt'CrS iu the gtatO aad hss
, ll,unuil ttt nnnrobatlon. a. a r.ll.
.a.,...--...----,-- . ,
: I I .1 I . I . Af ..r.un.a Mnn
slllt7 flNJltl UOUK UI H'H-t'il"-V M!"'
book of reference upon all suhjects
upon which it treats. Th. wUol. Is arranged In
of this County for th.abjre work, t whom a lib -
real compensation w 11 b. giv.u. Applications,
, which tUit be mad at an early date, addressed
osanovc, win rcci..-. ,,ruiuPi anaiuuii,
Decetubor I:', lSOO. it. '
TV DsNK, for the mouth ending Doceuber
, Bills discounted
j Pennsylvania Stale Stock
Specie - - - . '
$'.0,099 s:
19,76:1 bO
,,Z. ;
Due from other Banks
77 C
Notes of other Bunks
745 00
' isrt-s
TCI 74
2:12 37
i i 67
Checks, Drafts, Ao. ,
I Uxpcus. of Plato engraving. .Ic
' Kistionory, Ac.
Capilal Slock paid in
Note in circulation . r j
Dua Deposilots
Interests aud Lxchnujo .
7t,9il0 00
,",C;n 09
i,US j3
$3!.8I3 cr
JAR H. Cn tllAM. Cashier.
vicarnei , i a., icc, oi, i -o.
. k . . sun ' l.nA
Diiitins Mill and cut &as, Mann's ses and
a general assortment of Hardware at th
alor of K. A. IRViV.
Carwensvill, Msy 1, I860, , . .
Iackerel and Herring for. sale St 4tieor.r
itoror E.A.IRVlMs
.'urwonsville, Jay 16, 'GO. ; n -i
snots A shoas of svry kind fr 1 adiea,-len.
eain, and ChlMrcn '.
I860. ; : I860
t 1 .' ' .-. f j.-
n :ri tu iujv
I ' ' u
On Mnrkot JStrcot 2 doors north p
tho Court House, where they are
jjust opcmng tin unusually largo
niid vc sc ecteu stock ot coods.
suited to the wants of the commu
nity for tho Fall and Winter trade,
which they olfcr in large and small
quantities on the most reasonable
terms call and examlne for
yocnsELVEs Their assortment of
Is Try lsrg and oomplat.i ahroln almost
r.ry article boll) of fuiiiion and sarrice. Es
pecial aitcnlioii has bean tiaid to th s.LtiUon of
I LAL'IKS WBBS UO0D3. which are of ersry
r.rinty and th. vsrv Ulcsl styles.
Silk, Dclniucs, Plaids, Merinos, Poplins, :, Csih meres, French, EcwUih .
and bomcstie OiDRhsBii, Prints,
Llnnsys, Cambrics, Brilliant,
Fie. and plain BobinetU,
Irish Lin.n Cl.lhi it.
Ilitsrk sad Finer Cisiimercs. Matlnetta, leans.
Tweeds. Corduroys, Hickory Btripc, Ticking,
Craih, lilnpcr, lilcaohed and unbleached mus.
lins 1 drill.. Had. Qrcr. Whitoand Canton Flan- Also a lure atook of L.ilies and Qsntle.
. main' Shawli. Double and Sinele, Stellai and
ri.:n. 111..1. ..j iii. !,... t k.
. Chsnillcs, lllack and lrab Cloth espes of th.
Jsery latest fashion.
t , Yfl QTEI'Si? o'lrian
' iiUiilW ifiOi
, - . r cit viD &aSSiS7
would respectfully Inform oar friends,
V T patrons and the publio f;s rally, t bat wa
' liar, now lu store and ofbir Whalesaltf s nd R.
tail it th loweat Cash Priees, a Urge and vary
rbnios slnok Witch, Jewelry, Silver. and Plated
1 War i of .vary variety and style,
! Erery deacriptuin of Diamond Work and 0th.
er Jewelry, made Ui order at short notice,
iTAlI goods warranted to be asropressutad,
Particular attention gives tv th repairing of
Watches and Jewelrv of ererr description.
No. 622 MARKET drool, (south side,) Phlla,
Sept. 19th, ;S60. 0 0,0.
THE a boy i Hotel, hiving rooen tly beon fitud
DP for a house of entertainment, is now open
tfor the accoiumodntion of the publio. Travelers
will Boa tnle a convenient bouse.
MT 1 58, JOUH J0 PAN.
radies' llut.ncts and Hats, trimmed and un
i trimmed, of th Litest Styles at '
H. W. t CO's, .
7a Persons out uf Employment,
In every County of the United Stale.,
f rsO ongage in tho salo of some of the bast and
I most elegantly illustrated Works pablishod,
Uur pnbiisatlnns are of th most interesting
character, alapteJ to the wants of th. Farmer,
Mechanie and Mornbaati they an rubliibedlu
tb. best style and bound is lb Most substan
tial manner, ind are worthy a place In th LU
brary or every Household In th Land.
. , r
its. Ibis business oilers
VSft-To men of .uterprise aud industrious bah.
I i . e. oners an. opporiuniiy tor proav-
1 M 'mHoymcnt seldom to h. met with. .
R-l'r.ons desiring to act as ag.nts will re.
Promplly by mail full partiealara, Urms,
i " "J uur."" an ' ' u . . ?"'.
No. 224 North i treat, Philadelphia.
Oct it, WO ly.
' i very lares stock
of Spring and Vomme
I 2 clotting of th. Istsst stylus for ssle low by
Cuivensrllle. Kay IS, 1 SCO. K. A. IRVFN.
1 a (hi ill c chwends
'T.ifnllil.lA 7ataoI.Ia Pau'Iavu
aiiiuiiiusu v butiuUtt i vnuvts
Tor the inesdy and effectual Curs of all Inflam.
I snKions, ikuniotiim,Iit)trp$a,and Lirer Com,
p'"' and all cr and I'knmU Dinatf of Ai
ami. and Children, Kend 3 cent ritamp u
Hundreds of l.stiiuouUls Box 2070 Phita. P 0
,?r.tyeocy e W. Cur. Third AmU 8U.
ct2, l00-10t.
.t , , wt-T nn m r 1. V'.. i o. rnnnnvn , I ,,
JI.U.ASI Olllbftl aa.inLI VI' F VDi 1 a . Ai It
Tb undersigned will hive constantly on band
a wa.I solected stock of Drugs, Ch.mioili, Dy.
Stuffs, Oils, faints. Tobacco and Began, Station.
r.T Perfumery, Brushes, and fancy artiolca,
, wnion lie win uirpos. oi cneap ior oaso.
(itOltdK RIII I KFIt. d.r.ojiwl lata of Itr.H
1 lown,hipi Clearfield oounlv, all persons ludebtsd
t0 d ttthU M requested to aiak Immediat.
p.jniunt. and tho.. baring sUluts agaia.
in sams will present them loir aulhenticat.-l
' ir settlement. KLIZAHKTH fclUX'KtK,
jin'i.Ct Adm'a,
Important Notice.
Th undersigned, let publisher of th "
teld Republican" takes this method of calling
'upon those who sr. Indebted to him, or to Llrl.
. u'...i r. ii..;.ii.n .j..n.i;.in. n. tnL
""a .i.ra,..,if,i.....,
work Inonrred during the Hire, years ooojtjsh'
cing July I S i7 and ending July (SOU, to call tin,
mediately at my office in the borough of Olek't
field, and make uf the same, as tb.,
ai. lints moil If tlvndvn.' J, II. LAKI'lMfiR
Clearfield, December 12, UC0. tf. '
"Why stand yo all the day Id)e ,
NV LADY or Gentlemen In tb Catted
States, nossessifli- from 13 lo IT.oan ante
lnt0 p.t. .nd respectable buiinesa, by whic
ifooi ) to f0 pa, day can b reelis.4, . .if
1 particulars, address (with stamp) . t (
Oct L UA0 Bnt. North 6th atrtut, Phlla.
C alt and examine lb. Patent air-tight Gls -'
and stone Jars, they ar just lb thing y--a
1, for sal. at st. " v v .
ardwate of every kind, knives
and fori
snoons. Locks, tiles, rsalls, taw
oi d snd
Hand saws and Mill saw ,
A CO's
1. V.
TfSTffii T s" l;"H 1 1 A larg quaoli.
I.' UU .BLUER, to
. inovxt , . innu.
I V V C'i ' ' f
CltVtv ! K
...g vri.ty as rwtaeeo ps
I, .aa. Crwfisvi'li 1 '.
K. e; t