Itt C:nhi ait a,- , Cr.KAUf JKl.D PA., JANUARY: ft-.Mer. If nil of Ha' Slate Senate and l.nwrecwe or the. House, will ples.c accept our thnnl. It contimiej favors, in furnishing w ill imports.! t docu ments. Peace 45 r War! (no of the largest meeting ever held it Philadelphia, net nt National Ita'l in (hut city on lust Wednesday night. It was substantially a Democratic meeting, called to take action upon the present j;. ),,, Mi -riloua ooudition of the coi'iitry, vet a. . .aw Hn II ftMprr,Mr.1 w' UlRlMI Ii-mIIIc- N.lwltrisiMi-Ke. ii.Mtir 'Vi 1 1,.. i.l M'inl"f l'l inc, i f ,Mr i-n tin'l ti MIR innl t rt Is, In th tonif, Stale, pr i l ug T t tut, in the srtt't- nl -onillit", In H I"" l"'1 V"ll hr people nfilie am-inl States, ntt rer to tt s rtprrlcl l y 11 political pv lain pi op"ed nnieiidnien I to th Consti rt,.i,t, and mm li iti"ten limn Is pnb't'il'l" Intinn, olli-is rnmpli-l an I j .- f . 1 1 y to hi politics! ft i lull". ) f I we 1n I" ntt-t ripiitiil ! solution rf ilm tlidinil-lw.i-e flint li'm counsels fl ill have an" rood th i whi, h ntc t pi r'etil ilislifietinfi the,nMI''n tt OdV Cm tin .t..litw il ki fin. ! t m' i tl tin' I ollltll'tnw I nil It, ''! lnilil"Ht"l 'nt II jniO.iinr, mi Hi Mil int. Tim pio ',,.4-(U1 i.f lililiHiy llll I oitilMI H f Mill t I nt half n-t ti-n o dock, tind c th n ..Its 1.I..H tin ion Mtvttio In i i.MHir i ( n ,t j. I. led . ., ..... liny rtrninr, imi i -hi intttrd, pice if Hen. Win. II. Koilll, the Chief I ln'il r igli t l Ml'l their pow f, mil . t lr .t)lr',i!lr-H if 111 pill. I i I ' f i I i tt tn-til th I I'M nun In (I ill' . Ik .itH"t'tl I'i'ifti tii' ill ; iAtiMii'i mi -i ..' . i I,. ..I ........ .., ...... ... I III I I It tl I I r.l I l.P 1 i 1. . I .1 . . ft II II I'M t 'I' I '1' M " ' ' I IMIMI J I'l I I I M 1- i i i - i ' ' 1 'f I I Htm I't l;hi ri!i?"h ; I Hi ItO t i e I I li the 'tlill' IttiMll Mill., I... .1.. ii tii i.arin inn In nil in.i mu mi i ,i . it ...i . .i.-i ... I 'I' . . . . .. I . I ... . 11..,- I..).,!...., t . t l. ...In. I '"I'l mtii iiii ' 'i " ' 11 " 1,1 in" i i fill 'i ic f fnir iiitil'i'iil l'iii"ii. Cotii'i'Mi efli t liJ'Oti t It u1li:ini of nnr l.-ytiU- ronntrv. .i.- i) i. ii. lilt. It ' Itnurn mm u' . l-;..i,r ... i.i.,, .. t tliftt rrprof nUtiv htk oty Hi will uk- 1 1'f r i ii r lit in u.f j.) e. I'l 1 lit Millnt-l'O Ithilto It tlill I'gfil rr'tnlni'l it th ttihtr, 1uJ) ,,,.., 1 1 it idt ll I! I VI If. I . . ..till...!., t H i In I Ii a tirselit uiihrll'V intiilili'tl I I .. , ' . " "i cn mo In Urp mij'Mily m iui hinnche', mi l hilt there, mny I o sum of them Ini.-tino.tUi iioliry i,f fi. v!-mr-nnce itmt fiicilemlion, tikrnift 'thole, we ilouM whether thete i a e"it'Kl Inlmoin any non-il.tvehohlint; SlMe in the Union, o ultra nnl hostile to tho S.mtli. or that would ! 1 diiolulion of tho Cimfeiiorary with mortal ioitot we confi-M that nnmng M.ifhnl, nti'l mii-.linl to the '.t -it'll.--'Mn-n e- eV(Tl line eompMiii' ! iniliiwy i.reenl, miI tliq piiii'et.ini ire- mi ... ,.:,., , upon w riuw n.oiion tiU noiiinl n fin ni eni-Hiu'.i. A41 ive l nt t In u nit tho .eoil' "I the Mnict r lii.h re r fl'i t in rr rlvWU lo ri(e ttJ Cm. in. I. tho t,i U )ite mot In loint main l-iynl lo (lie i in hi, m nny jtiu ntvi mtclinr. j refi.irni, Jmdfi Ii n 0,i.iion nn.l ( Vinventi.-n. ntv! the Uovrniwr.rlwl. ttith ho.ion.hle m.-iv.uiv of toncili.tiun ntnl y v,,., .rt,,J( nh Ji0 u. , . :,.!.,.. r ii, i. .i.ii i . i ii . . . . . Interna kinlneH. u inviio inetn ..... , . . ! , ' " C.ov. r.-l.crt hav,: taken li.wr pia-M , , . m . ,ip MHuwni of n tnr nn. ir,n lam... itMi, Uroi,, r m tr pretenl emergency, t ujvm , , ri((, ,0 SvMkrr f ,l0two IK.tue, l,',,, , un,j,.r ,lt. Kcdttral ( oi..tiiuli..n 1'hilij. Itfner, Uq. the pftrnmnir.1 nile of action wllrh hll;Br,ft jiriky,r ipj. jje... Mr. Cut tell, of tho ; an. I luwi. Thin we can i-onJiully unito J. Ij. Ifnrttwlck, 0. W. nhtu licivniler sorcni tiifui. I iYokl-j U-ruii (.'hu:oh, tho oath of olltce u't,n t'nK o.,oaienct I'rttton and I.ever Flecnl, K. ' .Mr. iiijior .ronoe inai on the rjlh oi .i t In. 1 1 nil T?..!.Ait 1 I'ikl. of the people. Mid tltnt the front, t hn.e Stulm tvliieli hnvi l eniiinrl ton.rrt a'. tva al.iiii.Meie.U.y lion. K.-nett M. nu-, -r r On motion of W. M. IU)in. ,L ami it i l (tnolMtmnor the r1"!'1" mer. Sneake.-of tho Senate. The tlovcr-jusl uluI .uodirutc, without aj.v ..u-rilio dent .i-i-ointed a committ,B J nor then aroe. and, in the produce of a 'ofriht or srlf-u .peel, tho ihiealcned Jruft and report rorolut ions lit. k til At it ftlA eminent, tt ha " " ' " 'At i within the unlicrc ol its notion l tho at. h- ,-"' ' f- " ,,vt'r' J- B- My . ii i jiiLiri m Din iirtiviiifi in iiiiiHii 1 1 r t i . e ii. . .i..;.. j .... . ... ... "The opportunity Know ollorea, ana w m jioiim rnoirni iun-uuuo mu 1 tribute ol AOviMointy, nn-l among thevo . M, inti i, J . Crann, r.T Ik At-Sit- nl UUIA1J..1II .1.1.1 I..Ia ' . . . - . . Il . .1 i r . ti iimin ir- iinn i r tn nor i.on -rot,, nnii. in the iroon- oi ii oi niMK or it1 ii-ioi 'fc r . UJO rwl unrtn tirnnritinil niiinnilntAMli Ia HiaL Lt.. 1.1 Jan rrr utn v L nviM'tcd thefc hetriyrr. of their inrli(uiU. Mr. ' - ""'" ' Mnrpoatv! a.ienuve nsm.iy, pr.,., --v - . . .. . . . . . t-UlM IllUHIIl. i ..... 1 1 : - 1 j - - tinrchin. of t i U district. I llio mort ultra. - . . 10 reau m iiiausuiui wiui , ..... . i.:ti :.. r.M .ill i'i(,iri vill I'l.f.llir, 111 utilHll, l"l I rill Uiivo Slnvorv from the Continent "- mnng the MiOiisanUi in nttendance a ere ' ur. titution, when ratified hy convention in ol fifll-pniei va-, On motion of Mr. Ilchnn, JiniMrJ L-l. I . ... ....i -. . ii- iii........ i- i . ii . jkiivt-iii niit ,r. j. ii riljl)tJ naplion L k I in nun I. nf ...hl.,.1 n,in. 1'oinieu n t iiniiiinn ui wn.liir,. .. i ...i i. ... ..r.i.-'l -- ..... . r- mio general eun'.aiDiiai inmrwu '.i mu Cl.,s,ons, whuh Wi-ro mado for thn pur. lion. i. If. I hi rctt, Jiiid reqiif,n ' neoido he ni'irovp of tho reconimend.i- iio.c ofsecui iii! reciprocal I cm fits. It Mra ilm mrrilnn .1 r 1 1 r . 1. . fi -i ... t. I I r. .1... l 4 '. .. .. J . . . . " 'i' " t" .t the late elBction. The tone and tenli. A to Mr I.awrercc, our other momber, , it-iiu.u. . ....... .or Hon oft jov. Packer for n appropriation ncti uircciiv o t uie p-.-opic nn.l tney owe ( n t: aWnrn of th Mt'niin mentcfthe noting were unequivocally Wl011g,l wo Mpeet ilrict fidelity to hi P-'P"- the IW.IIigh School tho succoe i 'i,, John Int.c,,. rur M. C. noppofiiion totheujoorcoerc.vemean ,,ftr,y. yet we are not nilhout hope that' ."'." j, ling paraijraplii r. ter to Uie salo o: ,ca vou,lUrjy ,ocftdo flo, tiU ri()li 'call ed upon (o nddre'i the nu.lhd to prevent a dissolution of the Union, and u,,iiJ.o hi colha-'iio, prefer hi coun- rtIl' territory now owntul, or nercniirrj ,)0 j,,,,. Mvrav cinwjts, reduction of nor absolve theinselve from their ohliL'a-i tie in-oceded in hi utual Wmvi ... .... ' ... .. . I.-, tin np.itiirA'l tiu II. a Tnitii.l .Klute lit' . ... , . . .1 1 I.: . M' . . .. 1... :.i " giiinsi toe use ot tiie tworu. i no ron. tt v to l.ij rarty, nnci will act .corUingiy. . . , I'"0 stnIe Ul,a 1,10 p:"'oning tne manner in which tht proponeu riec -, glllT0UMij.; l,jm. Hti'l ex- are tho riuht and dutv n-u-xse" Was it o utter auch I'"'1 houId be rondneled, and then F'v, ' pi't.god determination to moot thorn to'tion. 1 1 i based upon a compact to w ' "'''.. .. ... tha amend ftienl t.l tn f.iiinlitulion. i .. . . . .r.. i. : t all the HOOl'lo ol tlw Lllited Stntt .ontimrr.Uthat Mr. U. wa ,ent to liar- " " : " , ' ...... "f , r 'J1'1 UJSl 01 " " ' . ler j partie U is the result of mutual , . - tt 1. illt-iltivv'wia i v fi win wt niluru? W e .e.ive it to those who voted , . tinny who voted againkt the Ivmocrary lfor jlim to atiMver thin question. an Kaatund West line on parallel 3'' do .luot ff .tnii'1i ParnlintjL tva i.-i'erelv de Ti.; linr-.i iu nAiip.i'.Arl liv &jpmi. lliat t,ouncodibutthenttempMnWher. or l0 i,n, ftlrMdy diflered wit'h that coi.. ; Ceo. 30 minute of North Latitude in any other .ediu 5 State, hack into tho loaguo and hi confederate cn question. olUr.(ary aeru.ude, ,ho prohib.iod ,vnv. lion to it lo permit ti Mate to tviih-' illuglr.lto ,.mt the Nation wan Then draw at plctiatiro fritn lh I'nimi ; w ith. . , ,. . 11 out the consent of the rest, i to confer "c oi a ruptmo, and couiuolled Ms- I or chaners, the veto po-vcr, Ac commg to tn. great .s,uei nc.ore iuc tbal oar gorePnment h a yurfi lv-' tion and forbearance towards ( J co-imry, no payii: - ,ylvniacan never acquiesce in such a and apimrt-ntly no'T rehetliotu, uJ i j i..i. i i. .11 .1 M- i i .i : : . r . . liiiiit'.a una nr uecicu oy nil ian irinipni k i in wii ci uiu uiihthh pn:uuu3 ui uur 1 inin nw iiuwi,.cirii..i..,.. r 1 1. ) - r ! i ft.. I il t.i iilii' Ii n I Jin I o it ki I I Lit ljrrtt til. oj icrriioriiu eovnnmrni.s oouin oi nut tv"llx' : 1... t " . . t . t.i . i r i. ... merit. tl:i', he lovoi Inn country It theOovertMnent is to exi.t. .11 Pny ; i.n.i a uiu was mor tEi .11 i Union, would only be making bad worse, of minor imj ortance, though touching l'.Ulvi enough that weshould break up ihU vita! .p.ieition. the Confederacy, ami thn los our na- PeiiniylTaiwa has always been itylfd the tlonality; ut to add totl.ii disgrace the "Keystone Siate," not so l avoc and honors of civ l war, would be count of her geographical position tenfold worw. ' conjervativo enliments I. r . I Ilie fertile oi l ennirivania, wnnoui upon at ques' ion oi coniroversy .neiwecu - o- i- ,,,,,,.,.;, I n-i. I i.iriiullv ij.ti.ri-nn .- V . . V i i i. ii l- ' '-'ill j i..i:.i.i :.. i :. i :. . f ouim si ri.ii ci ."'lit w.l'l ii.trtiHij imort u p-. i ., if, v ... ,,,,.., ,.r ..,i t trie, and i.rooee.leJ to audren h.i f .p ll. Bt'Oiia.i in e. y in te. i tiu. t un'irr ill FX i,. . i i " . t . . . v.. ..1.1 .... or iue . ' . - : tut! trade : and a a natural consciut'iice ii... i t i i :. ..-.i :.: . . . .,. . unviii- Mim. mi.i it uu." iitiui,) iiii cu i.ii ii 1 1. u oai rioi ic manner, '.at - t :. i..:.. . n.. -i- n -- i laic una vioicni uoiiuncianoii oi neaieo , . .if ll.n ( 'hi .1 mi..,. " h oak in t t kimes. lie w w 1 , . niir, 11 uciiii; 11m .11111 111 uii"i uas i it 1 - ., 1 r .-n 1 ""'"'i ' 1 1 much on ac, .1:.: " c. .. ..... iP"ttans, the npi.tehensmn of 11 more must l(U obt.vl..j . allJ it ,.. it ,Loneh he n.i-htb .0 rfjj .as tho ""lsuc" termu. mm mc . 0 , complkntinns of o::r political nf. deou-ite to the .Miforivmeiit of tl, . si, . .. , , c. , "1 ..: 1. .t 1 .t : 1 I. .... .. t . . r...r..i .r.i 11 ,'LlulIt- ' niortLiiKiit or Hie Mi- A t the coiicusion of hi reiuu-Ui ! .. or hrr people "'"" ""cru u,r 'Hu pop lair, ami uieieaiiui linear. aw.iv o. mo pr9U10 aw f U10 land in everv State. It ,, , . , , 1 x 1 . j-, . 1 T.i).,.. I.,i. I.. Mu, fifTni.1 nf H' .1 . 1 p . . .... . ( t I: Fwri'f.t t. tryift intrnntii...! tn ,!.. 1 iii.aiion LoriLTfii is 10 i.ive no ioivr (i''u" M -.. i .,...fc 1 id n anir n in .m imm ii .ip,. - - m-i reflet to party, who are opposed to the the North and tha South. Now, Republican remedy of coercion nnd civil war, were urged to immediate and promt fce.tion to make known their bentinienl by holding meeting, remonstrating Congrcs and the State Legislature, and by all oth. er trrans in their power. If this Unbr. of State ia to bo severed, for God's eake lot it bo in peace. Theri may then be hopes of a rs union, and a restoration ol the fraternal affection that characterized the people of all sections in tho?a better day of the Uepublic. Hut if the fire and t word policy of tho Ilepub'.ican is adopt ed, the bitterest and blackest enmity that itr d;-rged the human heart down to L ltril of the brute, will soon take th j1oe. of brallierly fooling. There is not a moment to bj lost. If the people would ajouse to action at cm-e. this great evil may yet be averted. As fr pr-ventJEg a dissolution of the Ution. hat it impossible. IT LS DONE. Si State have already withdrawn. Shall force be used to bring them back a ub- jugated province, and thus drive out the remaiaing wna Southern States, and j-lunge the whole nation into a civil and war ? This is the question for the people to consider. Let Ibern delay no longer, but 0 to work at once, and send up a voio from every hill and valley, and if need be, from every hamlet in the land, JUL LIONS OF MEN AM) MONEY AGAINST ANY I'OBKIGN FOE, BUT NOT ONE IF.0r OF BLOOD TO HE SUED CV BROTHERS. A Confession. "Truth is mighty, and will prevail.' Thi old adage lias never been more fully verified than in the case of our neighbor of the Jcrurnal, in his lit issue. He bak labored with an energy a orthy.ol a better cause, for two month, to prov that "the seoewion hub-bub in Clearfield borouli" (as be atyled it) extended nowhere eh-e. But In hit last i'ue he cakes the follow ing confession : "There is ro use in any one trying to elote hit eyes to the real condition of the eountry." Afterunlosoming himself thus publicly, at the eleventh hour, we mutt infer that the editor In question feels a little bflter. However, something seemt to tioublehim ; whether it it conscience or something else, he turns witness for himself. Hear him : "u believe our heart throbs r. I ;.. I.... 1,;U. I ....!. nuum ui miuiin., "i.wi.'i 11.111, mi- .uir 11 v. I, nn n nu m I I'l-nti,! .14 MiVh iAiim 1 n . and Executive branches of th giorioa. State, and it i nn.l it. duty lo pay th d.samnd. Ut the clement of goner. , filitLfu, id !,etivo glf t Tho fcroun.t that it wa i.nnat j. id and old bahnre wheel of tie Conf..d-rcv is o-vner the full value of the fugitive hve,;l prpenly arc everywhere dilluseU ; mejlo to prej4erve tl. inlotMity of tbo Na- l cocrt0 friend ud t'-'ghbor ... the h nd,o rtlut paity not only - 1 J , return ofconhenre to enable . to reap Tho Constitu. ion which wa, originally This being a well estublihe.l w! .,,,-.,,.11. if a ivilli miA ipf inn lull a r a ."i"" -" ii'" mi. "nil. iniuru i'l rieli re-.v.iriN nt our ilii-ernmerf xirliia. r i . . .1 . , . . ' 0 "."l"""' ' - r ,i . -l , , .1 1.1 1 iraiueu 10 iirom'ue iue weiiaroo l iii-l4i'n f he t utv of everv l.mi.riinnni'J 1 1 .11.. t....:i. ... .1.. force, the county whero said violence mav , tiv and entcini so Should the res'ora-' u ..t. :n:... . , ,. 'necjiy 01 oeiy Aminoan cit.J olJtflliy iit.u nium'.UT iiui.un .1 ,117 - - ... . .j... ,..-u iui,i utiiiiiyiia 111 ijvunie, ill less 11 it-i.t. .. . .. "p . .t . :..m oecur bt-ine restionsible for the amount. : lion of ei fidenoe in business ami com- h,..i, fAA.iitlirtiirt rif ft nmitiihn l .u m i V'T Off, Ollior. 1 ii.h oeinc me iKi, me inauence - !..,... .:..i ,.;....i..J 1 i . .i.,i.,..,i ,i. t : . .. u.- , . 1 t-onireys s.iaii noi nreveiiL mo iransnoi in- : ----- o ..... . -a- , matru inn 1 vun -.; oiuum nnu nun v mu- 1 . o t - , J ... - I..,.. I .I....... , .. . . . . . .. .... r 1 ... t.. . .. "in, . 'ivumv '".!iiong nr in latutnnLH. Ju of our State. Iheiefore, is pcifectly pow- erle for good. Not only so, but the great weight cf hrr influence i thu thrown into the scale of the iijrreftiive and anti coucesjion party ( f the North. How different would be her situation if our LegivlatuiB und Executire were Democratic! If ibis were o, it would bo utterly Impossible to divide thi Union,', tion of slaves from one slave Stat other, but the African Slxv t to an- moi't the necessities of the criii in a cen- triidn can'erousand patriotic spirit. ! lions tf inhabitants. Our territory ha thi lime. The speaker. eWl V.J been extended over new climates, and mm -ka w ilh a stronif nnt-enl for lUtl 1 1 a t iirt iti ii f li ia t itn i-t a I lliAiri all I . . - 1 1!f.vHP 1... rrvv !v Arl A-.r...,.! I... it,, 1 T u of Government has tr ....... .1 r v t,le conclusion 01 lucjuoan . .. ' r..n.. 1 .1... ,.r . - 1-1 j - eousent oflmth liouses -f wind mutt reap the whirlwind. fully answered ih expectation of it t)l Union and it expand.n- power iU-A- alce, Esq., wa called ; . ,"'ii-i'."'H"" n'i '-."I .would stem to have been toivM-n and twire tne meeting, who procJ 1 resident ! ; ofi.-o tor ,x pttc;ty of the people for self government, provided for by the wis.jom and ragacity 'do so in an eloquent manuer-J ve.i- m.t n,-,t In l,.i 1 .tiHa Ia a ...!.! I tin coiuitrv tin r.rts'aiiceil in wealth. ,.rii.. r. r.i. 1 M i?nn k now ledge u. , .owcr. m-u red U all; r, wc dwsir6 ... for ... .-r. i..-to .gnore all part) tests, tn-. MMi,lm,.iit ta th .(-.i;iti ftl-1 1 " . """"f-. 1 , . i '"-i;-'".' our Icllowicou.. rymen Ar.Htiaintn.s u iiiotoiiKitutiutt t-. alv . T Mo.kincs ol our' 1.1...1J 1 . hiv liven ireei 0(, unci it-rev to iiJiv. ... . .. . j .. . ' . . - .. -- 6 "J v.u .u,r. vui, ini'ui ui 1 rim ... ..... 1 . civo tn the amendments. ln uieiiw and deliberate Ttnoideration hioh their still." t A. . who .h,i.luii, .:a movemennor in Linoa, It provides Unit upon all conservative mn Ion, . I I t , 1.1 U . - r :.i t. . 1 .. .1.. ... ed in a week. But thoe who bow tho . . .v . V' " "7 I:' rc :. ,,lla eeT the ii-esMty to j.inj,t. p ar.-t .T1 ti. am imti dim a: i.i r.ii' 1 tn tt .11 11 1 1 11 1 .A I. ..f tt v .'i.jtiu v mu tin k t .i trr. ( , . . aiii in. rimi" viui, iuo lirimii; ui II nil In nnnr nkrl!.Mi nr Mr'. r.-.r . . 1 1 . M lvnia win ClTt 'oshion coincide. w'i:l 'that f Mr. cA- ' . .'1 "tlT.Zl W .nnypropo.A. the careful -hopteceded him importance m iy demand. Chan,; in rot I always progress, and a people who have Her the speaker gave wv to lit lived" so Ion.'. nd enjoyed .o ...tic:, pros. ', ,nil ,ee n peril , who nave so many sacred memo- r" "- unjuniiig i min ries of the past, and such rich legacies to which we.e unanimously adopted. transmit to the future, should deliberate I W - ..!.!. I .1 long.nd seriously before they attempt lo1.; , ,m""7 M, " alter any of the fun.lamentul principles ; I.! 'tci threat- of the great ch.n tor of our iber ie. I,... .ii . .'. u ti . ....i...i r . the untold caltai ties wir'Ii wuiiM' I lie remnni'lr orthe tnessaec rofprs (i . , . ., ,i r.i i in the train ; And whereas, we. l. the course of theOovcrnor in t he discharge . , r m ii , , ofh- duties , i-Mis oi leAi held county, w l ountr ' ' I Meeting assembled, entertaining!! From Washington. ! u,v r;f"r V io" Coustuuti s jurdt-ntly dviringthat the ssrnt The latest new from W.-tshinzMn and transmitted invio' . to to futiu r- j (rom the Federal Ooverr.nicnt v hw-h the the South a few d avs ago, seemed rather ' tions, do theiefore resi-lve: 11itt in01.'? "f',m'Joi' il pKific, tut last nighf mail brought new,!,. ThtJra 'l'd the ConMi!" ithe t.nnstitut.oii. I.y this movement the ... .. , . , . ; the Lnited State as the supreme cd to j q.--.ion w!.elher the government of the of outbreak in the South. ,i,e unti . ,hal we ar) jn Jr of p. Jor War! It i indeed amuting to hear the iitionists, through their journals sneakers, writiti, biiri taJkine- Knout wr ' t t.....:.i :. f. .l.h.ii .r . ' . . .-.-."-..-....- v. , '-"Ml.rctliren of other Sia'es. .11rmp.iHgt.71.1c1r present ctur.cPieoH-:IIOltlc.. It f,re. th decision of the i then. . f, ie.,,1. ind f!!..-r co,..,trrmn Of this frf bivo heard number express ' thnmtlt- tn wlmnt tlm Tnmn Lu ire rucvz nizc in their broaiet extent ... . - -- . 1 ,, ... .. , , 1 . ., , , r. : an our cutis. r.tiuonui oiJiiga ions to Uiem. ether they wish, ... . . f,u,rl. Pllviw it now 10 terminate, or to have it youth fMteina!ly in th;r letter mid and strength renewed and iho bonds with unvnert itiir fidelity. which bind it together made imEssolu-l The elea.on' of a President of the l-nitJd Mates, acoorain to the funis of 1 1 . n I ,, jt I 11 i,,n '14.. i-.,. f ! .- 1...... . .. . iv., ,,.i, 11 (ll.lM..- It is a r-ropontioii just lo the North and! . nwiMt ilwi,,r,t:n M. "n.. f i we uave not consuneu me committee 01 South alike, and equitable in its j mi-! country 1y a .Hibmate attempt to wrest uie laic vmon mooting 111 our town we aiirtr-r.cA m-a rtirA "manlinii . n n . ........x-.. 1 ne earl .'.iv at M.icii .'. rrof-ose namef," eo we .hall merely bint at hit tor- tiie sreat ll0,tiou fc,all be submitted ,cirtcv..u icvmcrarr juc.-r the peoplf. fhows the imminence of the' United States embodie the peroeatives, : Tlondd has by this time no doubt taken ving the Union as a whole awl of i ) 'danger which threaten the Republic. : !l1 an i pv.vers of novereit tv. or mere- Fort l'icken at reusacola by force, from impartial enforcement of .7 f At- to opposfii tne American army in Tho oiajori,T cf lhe people cf the Ui it ,d l ri''rn" a "" in-icpennent ,liC Unil.d S(at01j f, if not (urrFuder- Oovernnint. the Mexican w.r! The Mexicans tnd a -.11 v..i. ...- 1 ... e-T.itnun:tie confe-Jerated 11. h league , . .. . . . I 2d. 1 hat we view with pride ind ,. . , . , , -v.. .h.u1.i ,.,p- i.;c, anv one ol th.-ni nnv !i-M,Uc at Wborefu-edtovote men and suj 1 -he? ( Ut Xo 8Pe the rre,.nt aifficultr settled'.,;'!, is i.'oit ..l.ieel direitlV i,..f... .1,.. ho welcomed i.ten. laylor and hi ar- 1.1.. j .,.i4 ,.:..i.i.. f. i Anri-in iieouhi t'lhsnnilv Abo- (jen It takes the vexed quettion of sla-'liistory of Petinsi Ivnnia and understand n'1 very forever out of the rower of Cjnrress. ! opinions and feeling of her penpl- 1 . ..... . ran ii.stiv cliarL'e us wit h liosti itv to our ti o reg.vrd duct to t.nng about a Moody revolution. ' KTCii nation of the Uotoa to the people in whose welfare we feel a kind inierosl : I ..... !. .. I . ipres lean. 10 sucu we aay, rea l Ui4t tn.tory ftn(j jc!1Va, Ul0rn i9 tav wj,( ..r.i,,. nAn ,1. ...I.l.t . f I j 1 vui ivui.ll J w'v'.i .un .u.iv. v. 1..11, so far ft tie opposition partv is concern ' ol " I Who opposed the American army in j,. the war of 1812 ! The British and (a ed peacbily. Thousands of volunleer in g the Southern State have offered their ' that are still bcim? p-.iade. l list. , . , c - htTVioos to tho (io emor Florida, inri vauve tnrn in t he enate und ilo;: ..! tt. . t t 1 . ... my wan -Mooay nana to a nosjaiauM ijiler-, b,il affjrd a fair, a favorable and 1 "n P'n'w n ..npi. lorm we fear a collision has taken ..lace at )presontatic., for an aniiearto ail ..... ....' nf nu! Iiimi ntir'H jiimi lull ..i,,t. I, ........I ' IVn.-nco'a r", amicably, ar.J settled quickly, and Mr. j Americin jieophi. vtr.itntifA ' ... .. . .. .it !.-.. is ii.if t.r.rr. ques. n no were me i nitea ..ate r :. enator and meuiu-r ol Lorgress that assisted and ercouraped the Mexican, by their ote ::nd speerhes! Bead the Journals of Corgre cf 131o-7, and you will find their names. ' The bittern-et of partisan politics, and ,03 ifiiet I and the prine of crsonl ojinion nust be of puLtic'tl discukiin. but eomplicuted Iwttli tho passion and jealoupiea of actual laid aside, and some fair and equitnble compromise, liko that proposed by Senator l-nm Tpnnivlr nnii rtr.t.tAl pip This beire the character of .he leaders 1 . . r . , , "... , , the country must suffer null disaster as of the or-pouition heretofore, what fear . , , " , , . n . , , , ' ' are meet painful evun to reflect upon. need anyone have of war now 7 But wesav!T, . , , , .... , . . The people look to Conrres nt once to this: if It is in the power of th lead a. , , . . , 1 . h, agree upon soma measure to protect the uci.tii.u.uta vt uir '. 11. auuil.lvl. I'Ar. .. . p , 1 6 . . 1 i nation from anarobv and civil 4 r Ia rrifiitMlWai ri.m -.. n s . piIa. a. 1.1., I " " r""i'"-- vu. v. ,.,,.,,. j thw Union fr(jm g . ! l, . : 1 1 .i : . . l a i i tciuiutMu. rv ntu uui : ul mil n- ? t .it . i .w fcA . .t . 1- t- r . , i ' ' 1 - --.w.. - ... v-.s,, ...u , - . . , fc , . .thd representatives of tLc people should ;of their partv. Hence, to hmr the load- , i j - . i . i " . r " . . obev their dci-ire.anri let the popular ivi l i' :. .1 : .. .i . i-p p . . i ii. re ,s noiiiiiic iii ;no pie 01 ,'li . c-'dn, nor any act of his beforo jr in c hi election, to iut;fv th? ai.i,ri.liri,ion . t. . i i " . . ""- itnal ins Aumiuisiraiion win he so tin war. dissolution. and Mr strongly for the Union a that of any man ert of a party biwling cut for war who in it decide upon it. Kthlvrg post. .'hare alwav opposed it: is indeed ridicu.i Vould it uot have been better and more' lous I o ... plausible for the editor, after having been T".? TT 1, T'T ,n accused of bit loyal,, by aome one, to' i" 1 ! T"" o "" ,&rJ" f thS l Pr"tfBt- lbo,,l:- htve referred hi. "accuser to the columns d,Cr d:S;cl,,1";, Cm"nnt," on UB of Karthaus township have ilition- t,rh-.sratJi,r.m.te.drf r.lliw. . .oHom of tho late I men meeting in our ' ed the Grand Jury several time, for a -- " p? .v tie witjiett stt.nd? 'We thijik so, As the lawyer's ox lias now been gored, we mayex-cct something desperate in the settlement of thi " hub-bub," rpe- 1'ibhy if he call in bi backers, town. It ws '-help, Cs?Mu,or I sir.ii.' bridge acros Mosquito Creek, in that It is .township. The Grand Jury last week ment of our pre.ent ihtncuuic ' would Urcii U1..111 them ti I to Of,' c- ..i , -i . ' . . c I - . . I .-"join iaro...ia i Dcconnng more pact in well doin'and would r.iiire U fic, no doubt from the fact that her South o"r approval and hearty cii-opfr.' en allies l,vn n ,w Kapipiia ,. pt ip, .kIiap! 11,0 adoption of any fair and hot nit usui'i.s Hint i in restore; peaor. dencoand harmony to tho Union. self. Her Commissioner, Col Iltyne, will arrancement of present difhcultiej i bo fair and just us well to the Norll friendly to the local institution, cf ar.y of ""niain in am.ngton for sometime, and: 3,1. That we call upon the Sentv tho Mates. o st nl.tnents hut thoe of .he attact upon i ot t Sumter is postponed noprcsentntives of rnnsvlta.iu kindness and coucilliation h.-tte been ex- for tho present, but. as Gov. IVkens as dvig.-esa of the United .Stoics, I pressed or entertained by lhe con.lit... niolt ,,.11,. ha timdo if "'enco to party ties, to favor t.onal majority wtiicn ii.ctel h.m ; and . nothini; na oectirred to provoke tl-.. ex- compromise is eflected soou. citemcnt which seem to b!inledl It is now positively asserted by the , South, and that will rostore the to the judgement of a part of the people, Southern members, and that tnution of 'brotherhood that until rcentlv b and U precipitated th, m into revolution. lhe Committee of Thlrtv-Thrce' have so' I?'1 a11 lbe pcoplo of thi. groat i 1 lie supremacy oi tne .aiion.t. novcrn- . , ,, . ... , , .. I.e. ment has been so fully admitted and so rr ported, that either of the propositions of, .Uh. Th , Ja)vs on lbe $tllat. ong cherished hy to people cf IVhiim 1-.senator v .rutet.Uon or I'.gler, will be ac-1 of any Stato, in conflict with the vania, so completely hat thw idea of its c i table to them, and thev assert most tution of the United States, or in nationajity and sovereignty moulded their c in i.l.rt I Is. 1 1 y . that unless these or simi. tion ' thftt "na! feeling wliict convictions and directed tbeii ;' . r n BinrM , u . . , ..... isi between confederated St.tfi meeting had a Committee, or the Commit-, preparing to aecede from our county, l.av '...I..T . -. : .i. . i i l . :. . . -i : , .. m , r. The editor .c-ems to have a Mlow-foe'.- . '" "., ' .i.noo wun t.meron ing for Oovemor Hicks, of Man land It 7"'1 ,b'S w 0n th"t K,th a Bo!-, county. A large majority of them have . 1Vf l.fitlJl tlH lulilie lIVn 111 .lr t' lennlf MtttAsI T.l I... I a I 1 .ir...l 1 jstruobe Las aright to select his own1 ,,. .t..v- , c....o... r,,.-, ppVr. t,iu.n .!..... i ; publican party in our county, are further i .i;l thus l-e out of the county. Is fore . iiiaujc mm iiiscn ii i. . i . , -p . ' . Republican should select one cf the lead- ",ftl":a ? nil8reFcs'nl n'1 stuUlf lhf'r ,uj ert of the Baltimore "riug-Ugiies." Now !fi....i.T .w:.i .ii i r ' Thev are well aware thtt the "Irrerret if be tfiicJs.forM infer Pavitnnd ex-Mat or ... . .. , .... r . poli'.ical action, that thry art sui pi isi ",v ".v.uiwn . oe repealed at the earliest momw at the pertinacity with which a portion of uxei1 '"ft. that thi duty should be per for1 in pcopio e.stn.iere .nainiain ine oppo- t.eorgia hna pissed the secession ordi- each .Mate rejard:es as to wueint iio ..r... ... .. o, no pa., jmnce by a vote of COS yens, to 83 nays, i-318- "eir uuiy or not. the recorded teachings or the hathers of . .. . , , . ,. , .. . thP,,r;iv p.f.i,A;p iv..- Atter the vol was announced, a number Alter tno adoption oi dotn and t.rosneritv atid th.-ir l:nnp. n.p of those who had voted in the ne?ativA of the committee. J. B. ',: equally true, Ciefar l,nd hi Brutes again refused to act for them, and for this the future, are all in harmony with an changed their votes, stating that s Geor-, Esq-, was called upon, who procetJ Hiarles I. bad hi Croni'tl!. the late we learn ritiien of that townshin are unfaltering allegiance to the National ',.; i,,i (itr.iiin..,t .p...: .i.a.. '.n r,l .r.,1 ,nn.rto 1 S ... ., ... .... . .... . ..... a b..'.., .I.. '11. , , 1 , iw.a ww.w .IIM , 'Alii. I. II. ... ! II . ' v - t. uio.i, iue i.i'.ii.t.uiiiiiice oi tup; v,rustuur ... . ... , , i ,. , , .... tion and the enforcement of the laws- -. , noM hare her frtte for wo,,t or fwr woe. , the dreadful calamity that ww They have cheerfully adh?red to the com- Virginia hold an lection for a Con ven-! our land and nation, intboev5' promise of our great national co.npnct, tion on tho 4th ot February, and will disolution of the Union, he wai am. enieriainrf. peculiar ins .ri ..r it., ...l erv truo Pennsvlvanir.u admit that l,ik turo has senf commissioners lo Washinir- try but he believed of every civil iniiioeveniotine secession ot Jvar- first civil and io!.ticaI duty is to tho ton to meet like commissioners from tion on earth, as all would b 1 in tb I so closed 10! defeated in the Senate, was on motion of and peace speech ww who lllfA ' - v r v' - n iui X. o f tuv llltvuM ji - upon the right of tho people of anv of ''cpublKyins.who ha ve brought the nation usual " Fatherly " style proeef1 no-i the States, or contravene any law of the to the vergu of dissolution, scorn to em- shew the conoessiont and oompr4', 1. Carolina get out of the Union. . party in thi county. sible Conflict" has overlook them first . tben iiiaie an honest concession of their friend down there, We Lave n Vhing of importance from l'0l''-ic9d ,t'. Harriskurf tLit week, eithe of a general Lined a proper reject for the ' mosk undoubtedly eloct a majority of so- mike a common .acrifice or party titution and rights ol prop- j .,t . ti . . . . . , peoplo or other Stutes. Er- rcsMon"M nnd S to- The Legtsla- common good, not only of oure ennsylvan.r.u admits that his. ,uro bM senl commus.oncra lo ashing- try but he believed of every id lKilitical duty is to tho ton to meet like commissioners frnm'tion on earih b. .11 nu - tbau. the county seat of Cameron county ; PM-eral gover.ment. and ho frankly nc- other State on the 4th of February next, 'less affected by a revolution is, Ij I.e. removed from m,:r,a.n Is knowledges his obligation to protect tho ti r . i .-. n.. . O I e removed from 8U rKn conHtiu uglnt M wl,o live !' The Ci utenden propoi.tion which wa. try. Tin. speaker also clos, mu j df,T its gju-tjo, it.- an(i t,jov ;,. i,i(.s,jn,,, Urlcated in the Senate, was on motion of and peace. (teen! Sine iny election to the ChiefM;ig:stra- Senator Cameron reconsidered and post- Upon the close of the spt good ,ry of the State. I ha re taken occasion to ponod until Monday last, the fate of M'Enally, Israel Te.t. Esq., Vt " i '"cur'v'tlV bookV which "'f, "hicb V UV. -t learned, The Black ' upon to Iddres the meetip. I"W kll . 1, ITI 1 li.v. 1 pan . m ..,! I..l. , , . . ..,., .. ...v I 7. .-v... i ,i t.,i, ,.. pj, ,1,. ..t ftf i i r..t r.i.. c: v.--:.... .i.... conuiion. rigius oi an who live un lieutenant of the Baltimore "Bip llsr.t," . J v ,- - ( .o.a. lUro,u.UuU1s,,uu, d(,rits authority and enjoy its blessing, ' .i.hl.h m.'i.W.n 11 at .ftttt-t4 r tariff I it. .p.....M .... r.i a . . . & and 'rlus'-l lilies" tob.-1.. blm ii Lis t;rr ' " V1"'v" -oru.K.iijj mo wu.i.j uuiu imcen cf rifcc-d .To make their aoula leel good again, let mi!e of Karthau. We bopo ill commit no overt : act, in the event of which tho coercion .p. .. i.l . . Bs-Th creM rach of Senator Sfwurd. ' u, OI ln" coun,y WOUJU " D 1 " - local character. Onof our member, prove, to be notainr more than extracts I'lojcd again.-, tnem. andof. course wouia, federal (.overnnienf, rr obstruct it cxe- p'.oy their whole time in u, iK.t n-Ar- m. n.-i nrlnntad lov tb . . ... .. .. .. i inpllulii.iVam . cution. ther oufht to ho rAft,,. .J .. . . .. o 1 . from the writing of .Madison, ilauilton, j ' Lincoln to make hi Cabin Isaac G BELLY Gordon, Esq , it willing to wM that vbe Chicago riatform is as true JftVi pjblisbej iniM cal'.ed the i the B:l!. For tbe take of argument. Federalist." ar.v of our reader desirou tta?The following i the vote in the N. hi Cabinet and other father of the Kepublio. in eVsd-H This it a uronitioui moment to d..el .pa Prty anangomenti their partv first and our present Constitution. list m-IiUa ! Via riAnnl- p.r ti.....t.,..:. p.innlrv u m... ,1.. I l ' Tl. . t I .U.f tbCH " . . v . .. .s... - , . , ... . ...v v, .vuniitmui. w j --- o uiuiu, le.ucrs, ; iud iiirBsur rt-iun, c we w-.ll agree with him : but on the other to read tho speech, had Utter buy thi. : ' 1 , . ,nti,flrrent 10 ot,he r 8l ot the There i. now no distinction in the act. of in2 reminded him of a meeting of o.oa, ti.s wfu nigu qistroyeoourcsun- book wherein they can read lbe original a- 1 "1 Z.TT" . . the d.sunionists. Toombs and Wado. and er. around the crave of thur . . . ..... . . . . irffi,.L li'irnsnan , hicujiih-. hi .hc recent election, nnr. , - aspoisonous xo me without the interpolation of ft.ack Ko- . . ... had no desicn to interferit with nr .Kri Davis and Sucncr vote together on every ' and hoped that tuoh a rortiDI ley. .0 1 that it is r, s-t ie ei rjir country at ttrycbnme is f .uM;canisni U.e Cattise tr.S. rd. a amended br Mr. Sew. Tht7o:in the House a yea nayi 2 in the Senate, j ets 2S navs 1. , had no design to interfere with or abri k-e bc tight of the people of other States. qutiou cifeciing tie welfare or the coun. The growth of our State had Seen retard, try. oerer be necessary aetin wbil n l. . j. t. . ; . 4 un' vu "viiu uiiioit rtusi-ir.