Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 16, 1861, Image 3

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    l-'J. l.mi"-"
I t mmkW gcpblitaiT,
wt-u, I?!.0- .
,, .
railroad, oo tod after the 2filh instant, will be at
IT Train" T ! I . " " is' in
Eiprest Passenger 10.13 p! za!
Sxpreit Ptitenger 2.58 pm
Mall Train g,;2 a.m
Jut Lin - 42fip.a
No trait i run on Sunday th Kxpr.s .
C&.C01. L. W. Hall, of the State Set:
u'U, will pleaso oeeopc our thanks for vN
cable public Documents.
t&ln accordance with the cnll issued
fust wrok, a large and enthusiastic mee
ting was held in the Court room last night,
and pawed off in a harmonious and.pirit
ed manner, which aeakt well for the loy.
al feeling of our county. Wo were well
pleased with the tone of the speeches, and
the proceeding, except the "gag" that was
thrust upon tha Dieting at the close.
The resolution and proceeding! ill
appear in full next week.
l&.Court ia iu session this week, Judges
T . .. Dna..All . .1 r
A.,!,,, wui !!, itut juuvro are on Cl:c
bench. We prodiet that but few causes
will be disposed of. We will give the pro-
reading In full next week.
lTVT .h.1. I .11. m .
w Biiuiuur cuiumn win i lounu it
notice of tho ClearGotd & Centre Hotel,
Tyrone, kept by Thomas May. Mr.
Mars it a jolly, clevor follow, keeps a first
rato Houso, and any of our readers atop
ping in Tyrone will bo well accoramoda
ted if they give him a call.
Bible Society. The annual meeting of
tbo Clearfield County Bible Society will
be held on Friday next, at 3 o'clock, P.
M., at the office of Esquire Wrigley. The
election of Ofliccrs for the present year,
and other business will bo before the moot
ing. J. II. FOCIIT, Secretary.
E3uln tacordanee with the action of
the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, a new
Lodgocf the I.O. ofO. F. will be organi
sed al Nev Washington, (known as
"New Washington Lodge," No. on
Thursday evening, tho 21th instant.
Public procession of tho Bvethern will
take Place at 2 o'clock p. m., of said flay, t
Members of the order j enerally are in vi
tod to attend.
Eklabc.ed Faiti?. In the Republican
fetate Convention in New Hampshire, held
on the 8th inst.,Mr. Upton made a speech
in which he congratulated his friends
upon the "favorable position nttd pros
pects of the country."
Counting1 the Cost.
. Thit Republican Legislature is about to
pa an net appropriating a largo sum of
money sny a million of dollars to begin
with to raise nnd equip an army to sub.
Uue the South. If this fatal step is taken,
it will only be tbe com-nencernerit of vast
xpor.diturcs of money. After nn army
it equipped it must bo supported At the
xptnso of some millions of dollars a year.
And how it this money to be raised 7 Py
taxation. Tuxes will bo heaped on the
people; until they g;o.ui under tho he.trj
load. As soon as the Legislature appro
priates a million of dollars, they nuiRt
provide extraordinary means of procuring
that sum. The taxes viil be increased
forthwith: and in case tho Legislature
weeeeds in embroiling the State in civil'
war, it will not be many years before tho
taxct lovied upon persons and property
will reach a r.tte novcr beforo known in
the history of the State the public debt
will be swelled to an enormous amount
and the results of this rash proceed
ing will be recorded in the gnnoral
prostration of business, a fearful State
tlebt, grinding taxation, the slaughter of
our young men, and universal wufTering,
from which tho State may not recover or
msny ytars.
If tho people arc not prepared to sur
render thoir sons as food for gunpowder
and be taxed for tho benefit of the Re
publican party, they must speik out at
ence in earnest protest against tho appro
priation of any money for wai l ike purpose
m. Let remonstrances be circulated with
oat delay and sent to the Legislature pre
lestii g against this reckless project to
subject tho State to military rulo. I'atriot
& Union,
luroRTANT Auranoement, Wo havejust
omploted an arrangement with the State
Reporter, R R. Wright, Eq., under which
there will bo published officially in the Lt
jnUmrnal, as early as practicable, from
time to time, abstracts or tyllabi of all ca
ses that aro to bo reported in the forth
coming volumes of Pennsylvania State
Reports. These abstracts or tyllabi, which
re to bo condensed, but full and clear
tfatefnents of all tho points decided, will
be furnished exclusively to thi journal by
the official reporter himself, immediately
fter the delivery of the opinions by the
court and will be at once published by us.
By this means the precise substance of
the decisions will be given loour readers
many months beforo the appearance of
the rases in books. The advantages of
this arrangement to the profession, end
indeed also to tbe general business com
munity whose intorcst it is to ooserve the
Istett decisions, will bo readily under
toM ard appreciattxl by them, and wal
rctlWMve w ned lmt .mnonuro it. Lrtl
Written for th. Clearfield Repnbllcrn.l
i , .
am j'suuuo-mcmDraneout tor throat la a sub-
- led vhirH hmm .l...J .... ... :.
M W0" " KSed th. att.n-
' tion f n'"7 of onr be,t Phyi"ini, I desire.with, to make, a few tuggrilioni concerning
i it, and civa rou luch reflections roi-ardin It.
; aiaituro and prngrea. aa I bav. been sbl. to gath.
or, through Hi. kindnes. of phytiei.nt In tbo.o
tu Eniu
communities where tbo disease appeared most
fata!, as well ai a few well marled eaaci which
enme under my immediate observation.
The neareat point to this town where the dii-
Atlt n r V ! I M rl tt mw, .1... In. ....... - ' t . tr
. w.-.....,b lnrf0UCon
7 " 7 D,u" nere' 00 " '"
ted . t nation, in th. family of Mr. Price, of Win,.
lew town.hip, and in a remarkably health, '
place. In this family, tti died in a few months, '
learing only a tingle member of the family a',
boy about Bftecn years old) th.dieaeproTinei
fatal in i. . proring
ratal in every instance when attacked, a perioda
f f , ... . ... . , p
or from fire to twenty-elght davt; their azet
.11 . . ' c,r ""
varying retpectirely from five to twenty one1
vrara T.. ri .,.. v i
yean, llie Tact that the diiease eondnod itae'f:
.0 fatally to thi. on. place, prove, moat certainly
that some local cause connected with thl. place
I. tkw diseate hk. other .ym.tlo diseases,
th. ...oWy of which it fu.l.y uncertain,) it it
how far .t eould b. juatlr at.nbnt.d to m.tooro-
togict, miasmatic, or other cauict. I Ioarn.
. . . . .
however, Oiat most persons, erobraa nr .vcrv
t.i . ,. . , , ,. ' '
1 1' l0CRli'7 Wl,er' lh0
nd.miflfirrt mad. it. appearance, b, at differ-
ent times dunne its Dreva enc. armntmn. r l,.
dU-u.. ii.,:..i..:u u' . .
who wor. exposed severally, and attacked, in
removing to another locality, suffered only a
modified and mitigated form of It; in thit respect
agreeing with the general law f endemics. Of
th. eoatsgeonanes. of tbo disease, I bar. ntt a
doubt. In thoae cases which I have seen, and
those reporUd tome at my request, which I think
must hav. been apparent to every one possessed
of a discriminating mind, who had an opportunity
presented him of witnessing Ut peculiar charac
ter, tending, and progrett. In thos. families
where more than one member was attacked, thor.
I lant seized invariably run th. most violent and
rapia cotirso, terminating, in some instances, in
four or fivo Jnyt; doubtless owing to the fact
that thoso l.ut attacked wera exposed, not ealy
toth. otiginal source of tbe contagion, bat at
the tome time to the peculiar poison given off
from those who wcr. already suffering from the
disease. In most cases, a period of two weeks
elapsed between an exporure to the disease and
its invasion j the poriod of iccubition, however,
varied from flr. to twenty days.
The anatomical lesions were principally those
of the lymphatio glandt. Thit was more especi
ally the case with the cervical glands, which, in
the most malignant cases, were very much en
larged, so as te interfere with deglutition, and
alarmingly obstruct the air passages.
The primary symptom of this frightful diaeaa.,
apparent in my observation, wa. pain in tho ear.
Thit wa. not only pathognomonic, but promi-
oent, and almost if not invariably presont j in'pearance, genteel in deportment, nce4mplirhed
every easa that I have teen, and those with whoa
I hav. conversed, who have recovered, all re
member thit symptom, for a few dayt prior to the
patient'f making the least compla'ut, in any
other form whatever, and before the tmall
est speck or coacrttioa of lymphatie exudation
could be diieevered on tbe tonselt r elsewhere.
To thit symptom we must now add ttiffnesa of
th. muscles of th. neck, great prostration, ner
vous system greatly depres.jd, slight chills, the
action of tbo glands increaaed, .or. throat
tongue slightly eoated in th. centre aud red
around th. outsice, orthopnes, occasionally
promaturely alow fulsc, but generally accelera
ted and feoblo. On examining the funces, the
tonsols wore found to be red, enlarged, and in
flaio.d, and seon small points of Ivuiphatio exu
datioo were litcovered on them which sproad
rapidly over tho contiguous parts, until it entirely
covered tho amygdala), urula, toft palate, and
the entire turface of the pbaxnyx with a pseudo
inombrane, which conlinncd to extend upwards,
until it closed the nasal foi'al, and don nwaids 10
at to iuvado th. lnrnx, whirs Its progress was
indicated by Loarse coughing, aphonia, aud or
thopnea, whirh terminated scon in tccujidnry
In most case. tn. appetite and digestion were
unimpaired ; and, although I have the report of
a very intelligent physician in Jefferson county
of a cat. wber. tjpbcid fever was added nr en
sued, there wa. no mental distiirbanc. observa
ble during any stage of th. diiease.
In a few cawi potechlw were discovered scat
tered over the body and arms in th. advanced
period of th. diseare. The symptom was
not frequently met with, nor wat it 'found de
pendent on any peculiar debility or malignancy
of th. care. In one case, to which my attention
wat called by a friend to observe, thit eruption, I
could not characterise it as truo petechias not
withstanding my friend, who It a very intelligent
man and tried phyricinn, so regarded it.
Dysphagia was, of course, a common and dis
tressing symptom, inconsequence of theorgsns
of deglutition boing, In very tsver. caset, x
tentively involved.
In one ease, th. obstrnction of tbe rrsopbngut
wat complete, and the patient, (th. last on. that
died In th. family of Mr. Price, ) after surviving
th. primary stage, and after giving, in all other
respect., a good hup. of recovery, tunk for tho
want of nourishment, and died of pure exhaus
tion. Thit patient refused all medical aid after
th. primary stag, had patted,
In the course of treatment that wat pursued, it
Is neediest to ray that, in a disease characterized
at thit on. was by-such complete atony, in every
stare, no depletory measures were resorted to,
with th. exception, I believe, of occasionally an
emetic er mild laxative in inch eases where an
evaluation of the prim vijo wat plainly cane.i
or. I anything that presents itself. Like a drowning
External rovul.ives, tb. topkl application of .mnn, he catchei at a straw. It is true, bs docs
alum and nitrate of silver t. tb. morbid turfarej not at ack th. character of your correspondent in
of th. throat, tannin capsicum cblorid. of oda, 1 a dir.ct and manly way t but, aneoi lilt, he does
and numerous other astringent gargles, were per-! it by oblique hinf and infertnm, in which his
teveringly and emphatically used, but with, 1 j meaning can be cosily understood,
regret, vory unsatisfactory reiulta. Muriatic I And now, however successful b. may hav.
acid and tinctur. f myrrh, in equal part., ap-j .upposed himself to be in bi. happy re.ort, and
plied with a .pong, to th. faucet, I found de- aeeur. in hia fancied retreat, w. aball not disturb
tached the psoude-membrsn. Bter easily, and , his gratiftcaili a thereof, which w. could easily
diminished the liability of it. being renewed 4o by tiie mention of a "material fict" applying
mar. effectually than anything .is. employed tor
.. . ....i . ..1...1.1. f .11 it. 1
tnat purpose, ou, -
eil applications that I hav. found, and which in,
th. cates which caue under my immediate oo-'
. on ttrord(!(t ,imo.t .very in.tanc. d.-
ct,tj Tep,.fts active sstrlngent property mad.
t peeuliarW. appropriai. and ell dartd to
the relaxed and enfeebled condition
i which attends th. advanced .tag. of Ui.dOiai
R. Potasta ebloridi,
Tinct. myrrh, a. .,
I dracbma.
i ei. -1
V. P. gargle.
These portions aro intonded for an adult. '.
.,, , , . ....
, . no""". y """'
ate practice, I did tot encounter any of thoie
malignant casea reported from other localities
I have had no opportunity of looking into tho
morbid appearaocea of any or tlioso cases, and
consequently cannot say whether the disease, of
1 . .. .
,h9 fleart tiIud8cl t0 by writer, , actually pres-
ent, .aro tho changed condition of the fibrine of
tll, llooit ,0 ehirBCt,rUllo of tui, d aoa
hich doube glvc, rlt0 j,,,,, eon(luionf
of ,he cvlti of lhe hrt( fuun j In post morUm
' . H
ir?.7 , . , i . .. , .
Thl 0f atimulantt, particularly
, , , ... . , . , ..
brandy and whictey, usually produced free dia-
, . , , , , , .
phoro-is, which g vet gr'at relief to the patient,
. , , . . , ,
t only from the general deprssion of the ner-
... . r .1
T' '-' ,b ni08t
V" V- , , .....
Sulphate of quinine and alcoholio ttirt...t"ltf'
frtitlv b? ni 1 n-tai : j-. .r.A a r.
, ro.ulUr efceti . lh, balr)Will(Illln eo;0ljcnt
Ju math c001 if noUntirc,T f0M ,ome
,,ow, and lt mhy b. Mc,arr ,., tbe ,
Lf ..j j . .
wi ri.uiHinnia uu iiiici uurinir more or the time
.. . . . . .. ..
wuicn ensues netore tne natural funct ont of the
- b tM, restored.
Tlll, nol , J.
I .... . ,ur aa re-
""" ' epidemic at Ton:.,
1S20, and 1821, and received the
nam. of Diphthcritit frain M. Bretonneau.
our, JarrxRioif.
That " Strange Affair"-Again.
Salt Liok, Pa., Dec. 31, I8GD.
Mr.ssiti. Editors i You will favor your corr.
epnndent, A., by publishing th. following com
municatioo In th. Ilepultiran.
The editorial in th. Kafitman'. Journal, of
December Mb, to which your correspond nt A.,
ia hie last communication, then only alluded, re
quire, of him, at this time, to notice further and
more particularly.
AVe are indeed sorry to ray, the editor of the
Journal, in that editorial, expresses himself to
wards jeur eorroapon dent A. in words and man
ner disrespectful and oflentive. No correct mind
will be innocent in moral tentiment, nnd indulge
in such fcelingt ; and If our public Journult have
not more regard for propriety in their publiea
tions, the morals of society are not only endan
gered, but they will le eventually destroyed.
What has your correspondent A. done, by his
communication to the "Republican," that he has
aroused th. Journal .ditur't Worse panions, re
coived a torrent of abuse, end bad his character
asperfetl la it because one ma in Karthaua
towjiihip had .be moral indevendenee, in doing
justice to a ttrangor, of whom at that time be
knew nothing, to aimply reiterate the facts, vii :
that a stranger bad appoured at ICsrllinus ; a.'ked
entertainment for tho night; respectable in an-
in mannera, intelligent in mind thereby indica
ting ciucation, propriety, and respect; an acci
dent occurring; delay ia consequence ; value of
property ; li aving th. tarn. ; and bit departure ?
Now, let ut tc. what th. Journal .ditor sayt,
and In what way h. asperses the character of
your correspondent, A. And firat, ia Mi edito
rial, he introduce! bis informer, and very po
litely nnmei him "Mr. Moore liimatlf;" then
y, from Aim he rtceived the information con
cerning tb. horse, bat don't gratify u to say
fmm whom be received the information, that the
etrnngorwai "very rcative." IIo then compares
tho statement oi "Mr. Moor, bims.lf," and your
correspondent A., and pnssirg over the compari
ton very satisfactorily, he adds, "that we can
see no great difference in the articles set forth iu
hitjA.'s communication, and as stated in our
item th. wecH previous." Her. bo comet to a
long pause, and soliloquizes thus :
My publioa tion it the itrantcr, to which A.
finds fault, is cithor a projmtly or impmpricly.
11 trie stranger oe a llnel, my prnpruly r the
publication is only cb'ained at a venture, which,
under the circumstances, it not very honorable,
but it will do ; then .gain, if be be not a thief,
it is undoubtedly an impropriety, and a jrrojt
one, nnd somebody likely to sutler. "Mr. &lonre
himself" can render me no assistance, as my in
former, for ho will hav. enough to do to tuke
care of No. 1.
In thit honest and only correct view of tbe
ease, th. Journal editor learnt hit true situation
in the " atrange affuir." And from hi unfortu
nate situation, b. diacov.n no uanly escape;
therefore, he it desperate ; hit mind "very rei
tivo;" "blind )" "Haggerl," in hit breact a
heaving commence! ; passion bursts ; emits
imoke; Ere; aud red-bot words of aspersion
down upon the reproving head of your corre
spondent, A., to destroy his character of that
strange affair." Next, and lust, comet his ioiij
of giatification, and, aa he enjoys it, of deliver
ance, which he ai'nge thus :
" A follow feeling, it ia said,
Mekea ui wondroui kind, indeed" some.
In thit, yon tie, it the clapping of th. climax
of bit apersiona and offcrgivencsa. And it is
very much to be regretted, in this particular, that
he don't gratify u. to much at te giv. ua the
nam. of th. composer of hit ong, bi.t cn'y leaves
u. to infer in at "Mr. Moore himself" it the com
poser. However, w. ar. happy her. to do him
th. justice to tay, that w. know a Mr. Moore,
who himself it del perately fond of tinging,
Th. truth ia, the Journal editor, eeoing th.
gross impropriety b. committed in the manner of
the publication, "strange affair," to wnich your
correspondent A.', communication only found
fault; and sensibly feeling the kind rebuke
therein contained, has no excuse to offt rfor doing
.0 nntiW, ditrtpvtahle, and unyentlcmanlg an act
toward! a stranger, of whom at th. time he knew
no(llinji iicnce h. 1, eompolled to take held of
to the case; and which "set. forth" clearly, and
.1 1...1 ..1. :.,..i . j.,. ,,... ,,
that he, th. Journal .dilor himtelf, hat a "fellow
reeling for wairn moket bim " wondrou.
kind ' with
this time. Mortification ti pain-
fu undel any cirenmstauees, and muoh so would
it b. in thit ets. for th.unfsrnat. earaal .di.j
! tor. for us to mntin. .,ri r. . th.
tune wo will .par. him the bameful bluib the
J mention of the "material fact" would lubjeet him
to, and hope be will be gratified with our gener
osity. However, we tuggeio tbt propriety, in
thia cuie, of bim ateertaining the "material
fact," whico ha can do with but little inconvocl
ence to bitcitelf, and iuicrting the snmo as a
obaptcr in thonciiiiel to the "etrango affair." Il
would bo an important addition; and, Indeed,
the icquel ia not eomplet without it.
Yours, 4 c t
When Ooods are indeed Sacrificed 1 !
uus.sma1T& HEED.
Tn basement of Mcrroll & Biglcr's Store, Clear
field, have eone'uded to clear out their large
stork of
at pricos really natonisling,
This is probably tho BEST CHANCE that will
ever be presented to tho I.ADIEH of CLEAR
FIELD, and th t public gercrnllv. fur supptyine
themselves with TOE CHOICEST ARTICLES,
at the very lowest prioea prico, in fact, which
are much luwer than tho nrtiolos can be made or
imported lor, and prices winch tothiag hut the
unsottled condition of the country l.ns made. Nor;
,1. hcse low ficures nppiv to a few lea linir
clot on.'. fcwt ,0 wything in tho line of Drv
Hoed." 'Bails and Shoes, JKWE LRY-from
Dress Coo.'s to nj"ucetics, all are embraced in
Wo will not mention an
of our Goods nor
pricea here ; all we say ia, comtf ar,T and ex
amine fur yourself.
Each person purchasing Thre J0"t'
T3TTf";trnt TiTiviH I
N E.-W not remaia' any lun,-r"tl.a
tho Slat of Juuunry, ISG1. JunS it
S1I i: I I'F S S A 1,1!... By virtuo of a writ of
Venditioni Exponas, hsued out of the Court
of Couiu.on rioas of C'entio County, and to mo
directed, there will be exposed for sale by publi-
HV?'.. SH' .,..l','Jb0r",,"h.xVr
. ,,v ' '"' ""J
UAUY next-
, , ... r, , . . , . ,,
lutereit of the pendant, bmg tho
one lourm pari r all ttiat certain
All the
tract or portion of land situato In tho tnnnhir
01 uusn, in me count; ui uenire, and the town
ship of Decatur, iu the county of Clearfield, con
taining 1,705 acres and nlhtvance, being held in
common with A. 0. Curtin, D. I I'niuer, and
John M. Iliilo, nil of i-hich said preinitiu urn J,i-
scrioca ly motes ur.J bounila in a innrtj(ugo
oy tue sar: josopn .1. I inr;:a to the smd uilliain
II. Blair, tinted 8th Replei.iber, 187, and rccunl
ed in tho office for the recording of Dved.i in
Centre county, iu Mortgato Book E, paze 34. Ac.
Seized, taken in exocution, ana to be .old at the
property of Joseph J. Lingle.
f heriff's Office, ) Sheriff.
Benefonto, Doc. 22. 1G0. J
I jan9-2t
of Administration having boon granted to
the imcersiiriied, tl ia dav. upon tbe eslnto of
UKOROE fill L'CK Kit, decensed, lute of Urady
township, Cleat field county, all person! iudobud
to said estate nro requested to make immediate
payment, uud those having claiits against
Ui. sain, will present them inly authenticated
tr tJltlement. LL1ZADETU SUUCKLR.
Jtn-6t Adui'i.
MER, LtxatcJ at A. If. Shaw's Milli, one mile East
of Clearfield borovgh,
Respectfully informe the citizens of Clearfield
and adj oining connties, that he is at nil times
prepared to manufacture, at the shortest notice,
Hair, Jlsk, and Straw Mattressea of all
kinda and sizes, oue of which is a Folding Mat
tress, tuitalo fur CAUINS OX RAFTS, which
can he folded in small compass, nnd omptied and
refilled at 0lon.-uie; and vory cheap. Ho alto
trims Cmnr iger, makes repnira to all kinds id
Cnrrinco TriiOming and l.'pbolstory, and n:alci
Cords for Moeiin't Tracing Liues, of any thick
ness or length.
tft,Counti-y Produce, Com Husks, or Cash
taken in Utihatije for work,
r3f-All oreler left witli any of the Merchants
of Clearfield borough will be promptly attended
to. dooJa-t!'. .
chanic and IiusinoFs Man Watts,
.fust published,
Of Iho ttuto of Pennsylvania,
Compiled from tho Ada of Assembly, by William
X. llainos, and published by Ldward
F. James, Esq., West Chester, I'cnn 'a.
This work contalnt over 400 pagea of closely
printed matter, and will bo told by subscrip
tion. Il tonchet the duties cf Justice! of the Pes.,
ith forma for tho transaction of their business,
lttearhei the dutie. of constables with all the
necessary forms, appertaining to the ofiice.
H contains the duties of tho rupervs irs of er
ry County aud Township iu the .State.
Il contains tbo mode of procedure for the lay
nir out and opening of public and private roads.
cavocating and altering roads, the building of
bridges, 4c, Ac. r
Itcnntaino the Lonituon r-clinoi J. aw, woitii ex
planations, decisions and directions, tejretlmr
with forms for Deeds, He nds, Contracts, ter-tifi
cates, Ac , Ac. this department iT tne work
was compiled at llnrnsliurg hy Mr. fnmuel r
Bates, Deputy Superintendent, and is alone'
worth the price of the volume to any one interes
cd In Common .S'-dioolt. ,
It ronta'ns lhe dutict opTonnship Auditors.
It contains tho laws relative to Dogt and
lt contains the duties of Assessors.
Itccntnins tbo lows in relalnio to trs;'i,
Muiea and i'line.
Jt (w,iun, 1L0 luwtrtlstiv. to liners an
Fence Viewers.
It contains th. lawa relative to gomo bunting !
rout nnd Deer.
U c ntaina th. Election Laws with all ntoet
sary Forme.
It ejpnuins the Naturalisation Laws, with all
the rtttcessary Forms for Application.
It continue a large number of Legal I orma
which are used in the every day truurnrtion uf
buein ss, such a. Acknowledgments, Affidavits
Articles 01 A-eemenis, ana (.oniracis, rurtnjr.
ship, Atpreiitices, Assignments
Hills of kxebange and Promissory Notes. Rills j
.Vale, Ronds. Checks, Covenants, Deeds, Depokjo
lions, Due Dillaand Produce Notes, Lundlord p-i
Tenant, Leases, Let tert of rtttornoy, Alimuue
Mortg-,.-'-". Recti; and Releases. Tho worifsja
bcunu io Law sheep, nnci will be sold to suba-a'u
hers at f 1 2.r per copy, payable on delivery cf
th. work. The work baa passed th. revision of
many cf the best lawyers in tbe rtato and hat
M..iv' tliair itiinitalltiiol snnriibAl inn. aa a r,li.
hln linnd book ofreforenco nnon all subioctil
upon which it treata. The whoie Is arranged in
such a manner at to present a plain, concise and
explicit iiatemont of the duties of all Township!
Othcers, as may bo readily understood by any oue.
wincers, as may ooreauiiy uuciereiuon uy any uuc.
Clearfield County will bo thoroughly cnnvass.d
forthe work, and the .uppertofthe titiiont it re-l
spectfully solicited.
it. J. WAIiLAU, ll;
CLSnrtFi.n, ci r.ARFiti.n cocntv, pisxa.
General Agent for Clearfield County.
1'. 8. Good canvasten ar. wanted in all parti
or mil vouniy iur mo anno wora, 10 wuom a 110-
coropen,ttti0n w ll be given. Applications,
lwh!eh aati,t mad.a'.an early date, addressed
ai above, will reoeiv. prompt attention.
1'ocembor w, latiu. t .
"l.dar andWillow war. at
J Septl, 8.
R.W A CO'l,
JJU SS EL L M c H 0 R It A Y
Respectfully Invites thoaUintion of bis old cus
tomort, and others, to bi. .tock bf
Which ho offor. '
IIo also continues to deal In LUMBER, of all
kinds, in any way to suit bis customers.
The highest market price, will be paid fe, .11
kind, of GRAIN,
Washington, Nov. 1, IStlO. nnvT-Cm
tjis WAii UrXmrcorvEn
WARE Ar. exlonsivo and well-seiootcd
Stove-ripe, Collars, and P.lacking,
m AT Air ivn mtt ,uT T.-rr,r,
'-if,., n ,. ,c. r.
Mo"1 Clltr nd Jntwng filnfTera. Corn
fanellers. l.oi n Oi lirJors, Cider MilU,
Oar-Kings, Quoits, Plows and
Harrows, a variety 'of
Hinges, Screws.' Nails, and othei
oer nrtiel
' ?.ct wn,lan,,y, '""?d rand r,lr
1 JOSI.l'Jl L. CI liliY,
dcnl l.iimher
ItlE followiiix nan..'''1 l'ron have filed in
Offico of tho Cl. " 01 t-ourt of
Sedans of Clearfield Cnty, their IV
ti'.ions for L
ioenso at the January next,
: aureeiiblo to the Act of Assembly of JUH'"1 s'''.
,.SA6 ,ntUM ..An , ,hf f r.
toxitutiug l .iniinrs," Ae.
rnnson Davis, Lumber City bor.
J. J. llaynes, Kartlmm tr.
Ooo, N Coluburn, Clearfield bor.
amea Bloom, sen., Bloom tp.
, L. ()gdn, Lawrence tp.
Joseph L. Curby, Lumber City.
David Atleman, (iulii h tp,
0. B. MorroM, Clenr.leld bor.
AujriiBtus Laconic, (iirard tp.
1'. T. Heuirty, . Covington tp.
Joj. C. Dreuner, MoTisdale.
Dec. 20th. CI r't (j. (5,
The undersigned will havo constantly on hand
. w..l .elected .lock of Diugt, Chemicals, Dvo -
Stuffs. Oi!., rainU. Tooaeco uud S-cara, Sta'ion -
my, i-eriun cry, lirunies. and hauey nriiclts,
which he will dispose of clicup for cn'h.
IIo invitea the public to call aud examine hit
fiocn 01 goo la before purchasing elsewhere.
country inysicinus turn
Medicines, and Surgical
reusonahlo ratct. J
Clearfield, l'a., Deo. 2rt. ISfiO.
Auditor's Notices.
IN the matter of the estate of tJtorge E. Dole,
deceased, on motion of L J. t'rana, Esq.,
" illium M. M'Cullough, woa appoinird Auditor
to distribute money in th. hands of Zaehariah
M Niiul Administrator, PER. CU.t.
iiy virtuo of ihe above appointment, 1 will
tteiid 10 tho duties thereof i n the I Ith day of
laniinry 1S61, at Iho otlico of JJ'Cullough & iiro,
in ClennTeld, oil o'clock P. M. of said day, when
and wherv, nil peraors interested, uiay attend if
tiey ... pn.per. Win,. M. ii'Cl'LLOUGH.
December lOtli ISCO Auditor
Important Notice.
Tho undersigned, lato publisher of tho "Clear
field Republican" takes this method ol calling
upon those who nro indebted to him, or to Lari
nicr t- Ward fur subscription, advertising or Job
work incurred duiitij the threo years commen
cing July 1867 an J tnling July iffill. to call im
mediately at my ofl'cc in the borouch of Clear
field, and make settloment or the same, ns those
accounts biiik In cifidvp. J. II. I A RIUMElt.
Clearfield, December 12, litO. if.
"Why stand ye all the (iav'ldlo
i i I.AH1 or Gentlemen in the United
LX. nates, possessing !nm S3 to 27. can
11110 an easy anil roectuule huiin !f, l y whi. h
from f 5 to $10 per day can bo renliied, For
particula.e, adJiess (with siarp)
W A ( TON A"f.,
Nonh lh s'rer t, Piilln.
Oct li, l.TO-Sm.
4 I) HI I ii PII .ATOM H NOIJCKLette..
VI of Administration having been thia dnv
grantvd to tho undersigned 'on the esHto of
GEORGE DILLON, late of Hccnria tp.. Clear
eld county, deceased, all persons Indebted to
said estate nr. requested to mnko lmn,,n,.
payment, end thoso bovine; claims npainst tbe
sumo -will proseut tb'-m dulv auth
aetllement. JdllX WKLD. Jr . a-v
lieccaria tp., Doe 2i, 18C0.
y..u . 1 . .. '
I "n" "amine tn. l'utont air-tisht Glass
vmu bikmo tnrj, lucy nro Just
need, for sale at " fi
anu.ion. jars, they nro Just tbe, Ihinr you
U A f'rt'
Raidwai. nf ovciy kind, knivos and
spoons, Locks, l ilra, Nails, Cow
cidaud Hand tawt and Mill sawa at
4 Lari:e and snlendid au.i-lt of lirsM tti,
J minirs. Delts. Head Dres. X.n. l'lnm.
Ac, at
R. W. , CO's,
-A larjro quantity
fur rale at tho
I 1
UN Rl'TXliB,
. c,,,,,,,,, ..,,,,,...
r . ". ".inn u.-u iirmenas
Childrens Gloves and HosiervtSo
Mackerel and Horring for inle nt tho corner
'tore of e. A irtviN.
(.'urwrnsville, Jay Ifi, 'GO.
Tyoot.nnd Shoos. A larger stock end lower
Xt prtcci than ever, at Jrvini '.'heapust corner,
t 'urwcnavillc. Jfnv III. TiO-
rVfstini Mill and cut A'aws. M inti'a
axes and
a goneral assortment of Hardware at the
"u"" ul
Curwensvllla, May Id, 18o.
'looking Stove of vnnout suet nnd prices for
.,, K.A.1RV1N
Cm wtnsvillr, Vay Ifi, 'CO.
ics Jtonnets and Hats, trimmod aud uu-
trimraed, of tha Lateit Stylet at
il. W. CO't,
V Large stock ef Men A Roy's
received at
clothing, just
It. W. A CO'.
oots A alioes of .very kind for Ladiei, Gea-
emen, and Children at H. W. CO's,
iQVt' jL'J. a.-go variety at r.ducod prl
K. ' tl.'. lMor. Carwensvllle M,
IgOO .1 ' 186 0
r ITm.!.. C. o .1 .1
uii iuuirvui cuixi -iuuurs norui(
tho Court 1Iousc whcr0 lhe Br.:
just opening nn iinusually largt;
and well selected stock of goods,
suited to tho wants of tho commu
nity for the Full and Winter trade,
jtvhich they offer in large and
quantities on the most reasonable
terms call and examine fuk
yourselves- Their assortment of
j a w w 1 1 w 1 . s. "
il very largo and complcto: embracing slwoft,
every article both of fashion nnd service.. Fr
peoiul attentioi. has been paid to tho solectii :i .
RADIUS' DUEnie GOODS, which aro of e .
variety and tho very latest atyles.
Silks, Delninea, Plaldi, Merinos, Poplins,
Alpncens, Cnehmoreg, French, Scuv-.h
and Domestic Oinghmns, Priuta,
Linseys, Cambrics, Mrillianlo, ; ,
FiK. and plain Robiuotta,
Iriah Linen Cloths do.
Rlack and Fancy Cnssimercs, Pntinetts, Jrun--.
Twoeila, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticiiin,..
Crash, Diaper, Dleaehed and unbleached uiu!
lins i drills, Red, Orey, Whiteand Canton F,:r
nels. Also n laig stuck of Lndi)-.' and 15 -j:,...
mona' Sbawli, Double and Single, rtellus
Cheaillos, Ulnck und Drub Cloth cupos of t
very latest fashion,
T7"E wonld reapectfully inform our I:m:i
It patrons and tho nuhlis r.Arallv. . i.,ir .
;hiir. now in store and uffur Wholesale nd i
at tho , Cash Prices, a lurire nnd v. .
ehjse.tock Watch, Jewelry, Silver aud piat-.i
War u every variety and style.
1'vcr.y rte.',rl'ioii of Dihmond Work nndo!.
er Jewelry, niauP 10 order at ahort notice.
TiSTAli goods warian'ed to bo asrepresn ' i
Particular attention given to the ropairlnv
Watchos and Jewelry of everv description.
No. 622 MARKET etroat, (sontli eido,) P '.'
Sept. 19th, IStl'J. C mo.
THE above Hotel, having recently been " '
ap for a houso of entert-iinment, U now
for tho accommodation of tiie public. 'I'imv
will find this a conveniont house.
;hr lii h9, yoiix jo; 0 . .
Thirty-MntU and Market Street, Phi. -rrof.
Hon. WM. DIGLER, Clcarfiold ; Wm. H:K l
PI.V, Esq. of the Merchants' Hotol, Phi ;
lion. .1. W. FORNEY, of -i he TroFS :' ReV '
! Vvv .... ,,.i,-,nB '
. f! 'U 'V K.D' ,W ,lll,i""8r,rt
; WESTBROOK, of tho 8. S. Union ! Hon. J. .'
El.. Pi"s't of the Lahiifh Coal A Nav. Co.. .- J.
Hon. ASA PACKER, Mauch Chunk; n' '
ahnm have tout Iwintiuj in ,V,(iiiirfi' IHlfj":
will givo their IrienUa who may be luokiii),
urn'islied with Drnttt "1' th;,r?U;:,h I'1.""' Schcol, any i- -instruments
nt the mot w.Uu" 'K'sircJ rr,l'nh' ..,.,'.rI,I-V.,-J.
H. J1AUTSWICK. 0 0r"v nU(' Liwn of llltilli ACR--
e attached to tho Institute, for seclusion.
ation and physical oxerciso. Sn
wi'itH & jivnr.v
ril HE undersigned rctpcetfi ' ;
I informs his customers an . 1
puolie gcneiully. (hat he bin. i.
received from Iho Kiift. and 1. ".
ed at lua establishment in UK A HAM'S 1. O i"
Clearfield, Pa., a tiqo nssoilinnit of Cl.i .'. '.
Watches, and Jewki.uv of different qua!
from a tingle piece to a full sett, which bo v 1..
sell nt the niot reasonable pricct for cash, r
cxi han-e f.r old gold und silver.
CLOCKS of every variety on band, at the in .'
rcasoiiHblu prices.
Al t, kinds i f Clocks, Wntohts andJev i".;-,
carefully re airod and H'orrnrilcJ.
A coiilinuanco of patronage is solicited,
ept. 1 a, istio. F.NAUar.:;
To Persons out of Employmv:'.:.
In every 'County of tliu Unituil St.iv.-.
rjO ongas;o In tho salo of some of tho beit 5,1 '
B nv,. a e.e,; intly illustrato Workl liilb.i .... .i.
I Jnr publications nro of tho most Inter'
' tharaoter, n lanlej to tho wants of tha 1'c ,v :',
Mcch aiiio and Merchant ; 'hey nro ; ubl'.1-!". . ..;
.tbo best stylo nnd bound in the most suo; .:
I tiiil uinuner, and nro worthy n placo iu llu i ;
I brory of uvory Household in iho
I i:f-To men of enterprise itud industrious
its, litis business oilers an opportunity for pi -aide
employment seldom to be met witu.
i-B. lv isous desiring to act as agoMi w,
cive promptly by mail full particulars,"
co., by addressing LKARY. UE I'Zft co., i i
o. 2i4 .North tlicel, J'bilu.ieij ',.
Oct 24, 1800 ly.
Th. undersigned rospeclfully begi l(n.-? (.
announce that he recen 'v rented a 1,
1 1. r 1 1 . . .
mirnugn ot i.umner city, Cleartield couu'
for tho accommoibilion of Hi. traroliiug 1.
wateruicn and all others who may lav, .
with a call.
Hit tui 1c will nlwoyt be supplied w'th r j ,
Ut the ninikets alford; nnd no pains v- .
spared to render his guests comfortnbie
under his roof.
Jo wburh the fuclt tlml -.
toxicating liiiuors of any kind wi I be ken'
IU. premises, will h. trusts, contrib i'o
smnll degree. While, what isalwayaiie
to the traveler, the best attention will V- ,
by coroful hostler to that faithful coaipa v .
his journey, his patient tteed,
July 4, J8fi0.fy. J A.MTS CR05 - V
Thankful for past favors and aoHeitloi ' '
turo pntrnnage. 1 would reapectlolly ai : 1
' that I have on hand nymn, and will cu
keo).nt tho Pottery in this bornuRh, on .o,-
ner n short distamo east of tho Mithod'
a largo stock of Crockery, such as r-i 1
iniilknans. Churns, Jnirs, Jars, Flow o r
.1c. iff, ; and nlso nil extensive ass,
different siici and rmtterrl of hracke " e t
rosette, for o. rniac on houses, nnd oils
t. -
Any mouldinc not on hand ill be
oiuer. on short nc
and kept for enle.
I ?rtr A liberal 1
wh'leinlo dealers
older, on short notice. Also nro bri,
rcduetion on prinoa t-v!3 M
Clearfield, may 2S, 1870. ly.
Carpets, Drugget, carpet chain, BanJ tot
Iiagginr, Curlod Hair Ac, nt
R. W. '
urge lot
1)1' A ,VS lor cue al !
St'iro of
AM, idee, Mackerel and Herring fo- l'
low at tho tur. ot W.F.IK WIN
iiearfle , Julv 1 Ith 1M0.