I .1 . I BY Q. B. GOODLANDER & CO. VOL. XXXI. WHOLE NO. From the Journal of Commerce. . The danger which overhangs the coun Irjr at the present moment U at last uui- 'versally acknowledged. The day when it .could be treated as the imagination of ' Union i&vorg," as a " disunion bugaboo" .at "bullying, 'or in any similar manner, (we quote these expressiona from distin guished editors at the North,) has passed away. All acknowledge the imminent danger. But it is more imminent, and the prospect darker, bocause of the constant determination of men to shut their eyes to it. The leaders of the Republican party, for some days past, have been in a state of pitiable doubt. One day they steal willing to do anything, and the next day, when they imagine their peac .able expressiens of yesterday may be lak sn m yielding too much, they withdraw tbeir implied promises, and threaten fiercely. The public mind is misled by the leath ers, and the state of feeling in the mass oT the popu'ation is changeable. Thin all results from a misapprehension of the stale of affairs at the South. Men will will not look the truth in the face. Re publicans, especially, shrink from it, bo cause tho future is to them especially dark and threatening, let us state the facts .'n a few words, and look straight at them. The American Union will be dissolved unless ibeRupub -lieacs will agree to amend the Constitu tion by allowing Southern men to take their sluves into the common Territories and hold them there as property. It may be that the South would be satisfied with that portion of tho Territories south of Missouri lino. But unless the Republi cans at once agree to this, the Union is gone Ve do not say that oven this will now be in time to save it. But this is tho only chanco. It is idle to stop rot re criminations ; for settling who is to blame; for disputing on old issues. The Union is now in danger, the country is lost, unless the dominant party at o.ico and forovcr sacrifice what they claim as a principle under the Constitution, by mak ing tho converse of their principle a con. stitutional right. We have not heard tho position of of, fairs better discussed than in a conversa tion which wo ovcrhcurd between nn ar dent Democrat and " Union saver," find an equally ardent Republican. We con dense the conversation for tho sake of lay ing before cur leaders a succinct state ment of the necessitccs of tho times. The discussion began with the accusa tion that the Bepublicans had been mis represented at the South by tho Journal of Commerce and other Democratic papers, ' and that tho trouble arose from these mis rcprensetations. Democrat. If wo had told the people at the South that you Republicans were in favor of enforcing or, not opposed to the Fugitive Slate Law, and were not Abolit ionists, would they have believed us ? BiriBLiCAS. Yes, I think bo. Why not? Dem. They would have laughed nt us. When tho Abolitionists atlackod tho American Tract Society and endeavored to uso its engines to carry tho anti-slav-try war into tho South, did not every Republican newspaper in Now York and -elsewhere, as far as you know, aluse and Tillify the conservative men of tho Tract Society? When John Brown invaded Virginia, did nol tho Ropubliojn newspa pers of New York call him a " brove old hero," a " martyr ;"and did they not evi dently sympathise with him ? Rep. That docs not show that the Ro- publican party, as a party, have any such tyaipathici I ; Dr.. It is hard to seperate a party from tbeir leaders. But who passed the Pcrso. nol Liberty bills ic Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and clscwhore ? Bep. The Republican party undoubtedly did that in each Stato. But the Personal Liberty bills are null and void, for they tre unconstitutional J and they don't hurt ny one. Dim. I am not sure thdy are unconsti tutional. That in Connecticut certainly i lot. But because a law is constitution litis not necessarily right. You Re publicans are afflicted with nn insane no tion that what ii constitutional, is noccs Wrily right. You claim that electing a president constitutionally is all right and cannot be found fault with. Supposo the Rouse of Representatives should rofmo to pass any Supply Kill for his Adminis tration. It would be constitutional, but ould it bo right ? There is no tyranny n earth so notoriously oppressive as tho tyranny of constitutional majorities have beeu. But 1 am not now discussing con- 1633. Tell me frankly wuai was the uesign, the intent, tho mut, with which the Personal Liberty bills were passed Wern they not des igned to impede the free execution of the Fugitive Slave Law. Rep. I cannot deny that such was the intent, but I think they may bo excusod as retaliatory laws. South Carolina pas sed her law imprisoning free blacks, long before a Personal Liberty bill was passed at the North ; and under that she impris oned colored citizens of . Massachusettr coming there on ships, and does to this 'lay. Let her first repeal that aot. be fore she asks us to repeal our Personal Liberty bills. Dem. My friend, you and your party have harped on that string long enough. The Tribune, tho Post, and all your press, have boon stultifying themsolves about it till it is time it was stopped. Do you know that Connecticut does tho ramo thing, and always did it T And I believe Massachusetts, Vermont ond Rhode Is land, and in fact every New Kngland Stato does it every day. Iter-. I don't understand you. I am a Connecticut man and know no such law on her statute books. Dem. Then I know her better than you. Tell me, if a free white citizen of New York State, poor and s;ckly, but willing to labor, goes on tho Plymouth Rock to night to Stoningtou, and lands there to morrow morning with uothing in his pocket, and with tho protection of the American flag over him and the immuni ties from arrost and disturbance which that Constitution guarantees around him toll mo, if he begins to look around for work, what are tho chances that Stoning ton wiil let him do it T How soon will tho selectmen have him by tho shoulder? Much good then may it do him to plead the immunities of an American citizen. Ilia adversary will haul him up before tho judge, and the judge will ship him back to New York that night. Why, sir, I, with my own eyes, once saw an old black man, very old they called him eighty then with his old wife, feeble, worn out, dying old folk, who had lived in Connec ticut for sixty years, in charge of a con- stable from North Stoning'on, shipped at Grot n Bank for Long Island weeping, begging not to be exiled, but forced in ago and poverty into what was to them literally a foreign land. I know tho old man well; a gentlemen with me had k nown him in New London county forty odd years ! I oskod old Jim where he was going; his reply was the depth of pathos. They mro shipping him and the old woman to Southold, because he was born there 1 "Have you any relations or friends there, Jim?" " My uister was nlivo their forty years ago." Well, sir, they sh.pKd him ; and they do that same sort of thing every month m tho Ncw Lngland States, whero a man is guil- ly of the crimo of being poor! If. no single occurrence. I have seen the thing done myself a dozen times ; and who ov- er thought of tho Constitution of H-e United States ? Now I usdcrtak to say that when Connecticut stops arrestmg and exihng white and black citizens for tho criiro or poverty ; when Ill.no.s stops the absolute exclusion of " black citizens of Massachusetts" from her soil; then South Carolina will give up excluding the samo blacks from her territory. But let us have dono with re criminations. Tho present danger to tho country is, that men wilt wasto precious hours in disputing as to the causo of tho difficulty and who got us into it. Lot us bo patiiots and dovise a way to get out of it that shall satisfy us all. Rep. Where is the poiut of danger, in your opinion? Dem. In this : Southern disunionitts are determined to leave tho Union. Ith use loss now to discuss whether they aro jus tifiable, or not. They aro Absolutely de termined, and ill break up tho country if they can. No concessions will reach them. They aro not "bullying," but ac ting. They don't want you to compro mise; they don't ask any yielding. But you uepuuncaus nave it in your power to ' i f . . i the South. You may save tho Union by making conservative men enough in Sou thern States to savo them. If, as ycu say, we Democrats hare belied you, show tho South at once in what we havo belied yon. Rep. How? Dem, Are you in favor of enforcing the Fugitive Slave Law ? l?-t I am nn1 nWnva nnB I'.nl Ti1,.'t' i nm, i."- . v - " ' liko the obnoxious feature of making me help the Marshal to catch slaves Dem. Bah t Almost every law of the land has the samo feature. If a Lorso is stolen and lire thitf resists, you arc bound J PRINCIPLES, CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 16, 1861. ( to aid the Sheriff. If a pocket is picked onu a sweii moo attempts a rescue, you i 1. ... must help convey a pickpocket to jail. But enough. You agrco to enforce a fu gitive slave law ? Rip, Willingly. Tell the South that. Dem, I will. Now as to tho Personal Liberty bills. They amount to nothing, you say, but is not their animus bad, and ought they not to be repealed ? Rep. I nover was in favor of them. They were tho measures of ultra mon, and I nm decidedly in favor of repealing them, and so are a majority of our party. For, you must understand that there is a division in our party. 1 belong to the conservative wing, and I cluim Mr. Lin coln as belonging to that wing. Wo can and wo will repeal the Personal Liberty bills. You may tell the South that. Dem. Nothing remains but tho Territo ries. Can wo ngrcc as to that ? Rep, I think not. I will never surren der an inch of soil to become slave terri tory. Dem, Then you expect to get rid of sla very 1y walling it in tho South. Rep. I have nothing to do with getting rid of it. I only say that into tho Terri tories, whero I have a voico about it, it shall never come. The States may take care of it within their borders. Dem. But, my friend, you and 1 must not close our eyes to tho futuro of our country. Suppose tho Union to survive, and your principle of fee Territories to prevail, do you, dare you, closo your eyes to that nation of black that is increasing so rapidly ir. the Southern States ? The patriot who looks to tho future shudders at the idea of closing slnveiy within the present limits. What will, in twenty, or fifty, or a huudrod years, become of thoso millions of slaves ? Which race will out grow, overpower tho other ? How soon will you have empire of blacks in tho South ? These are the questions that aro vastly more important than tho abstract question of tho right of Southern men to carry slaves into the Territories. . Have not tho Republicans, over and over again, declared that they had no fear of the Dred Scott decision ? That you know tho immigration into tho Ter ritories will take care of that question ? That tho whole dispute has been one of abstract principle, and not of practical importance ? Rep. Sol believe; but it is principle, nevertheless. Dem. Well, then, has it not been a question of princklo under tho Constitu tion? in point of fact, a purely legal question, whether under the Constitution slavery can exist in a Territory or any where, except by express legislation ? Rep. Yes, Constitution and common lflW Dem. Well, then, let us go back ofthat, nnden l tho question. I claim that sla- vcry is lawful in evcry t of Ul0 Tem torio3i You ciailn lhftt lt is ,ftwful no. Ucro in the Ten.itoriv,. Lot us draw the Missouri lin0 nnJ agrc0 that it s,mH be Uwfui South of that lin0f a:jd n3t law ful North of it. aUvny8 ,eaving ,ho orni)jpD,ent power of a Stato to legislate U inlo jl5 Territory North, or out of it Soutll( wLcnover a Stato arises. That will bo no 8,crilko of j.our principle. Besides wImt i it u ,ho sacti(iuQ of ft principM What is your principlo worth? What is its .,;.. 0l,ict. basis' I. it not tl. IT,,:. - t ' " - w I tod States? their good, their benefit, their futuro interests? Well; it is plain as daylight now, that ypu can't havo both tho country and tho principle. You must yield tho principlo, or you loso tho country, for whoso good you uphold it. Tuko your choice, then. You . muy have tho country without your principle, or you may have your priuciplo rvilhout tho country ! Hep. lias it come to that? Dem. It has come to just that. The re sponsibility or tho crisis is on you and your party. We and our party aro pow erless in this emergency. Wo fought with you to the end, and aro beaten. We foresaw the result, and it has come as we anticipated. With us and our party at 1 ne North the South will not, cannot troat ; for they regard us as conquered and powerless. If wo offer thorn terms, they deny our ability to fulfil our promi ses. Tho secessionists among them abhor tho Union. They tell us that they will go, whatever is dono. Rut you may save tho Union now by showing Georgia and Alabama conservative men that you aro not Abolitionists ; that there is a strong conservative party, even in tho RepublU . 1. . i 1. . i !ii . .cuu ruiins , iiiuijuu ore willing to give them all the privileges of copartners in the Union. At least, try this last resort of peaceful mon ; and when you have in ado to the South a fair cfl'cr li this kind when you have offered to acpval the not MEN Personal Liberty bills, to enforco the Fu gitive Slave law, to make an equitable di vision of the Territorios then, if the Southern disunionists insist on leaving the Union, it will be time for you to talk with a clear conscience about having dono your duty, j. Rep. The Fugitive Law and the Per sonal Liberty bills I can agree to. I don't know about yielding as to Territories. That is, in foot, our party principle; the only principlaVeail hadin common. Your idea, that we don't yield a principle if we put it into the Constitution, is nil very well, but it hurts one's self-respect to give up. Dem. That's the point, after all, then. The Union is to bo lost, and it might be saved but for the solf-respct of politi"' cians. God save us, then THE WIFE'S IIUSE. Don't sit up for me tc-night, Bertha,' said Philip Graham ono pleasant cveniug as he wentjto bestow a parting on his wife's sweet lips. 'I hayo engaged to take Mrs. Mortimer and Miss Ellen to the opera to night, and may return lato.' 'To hear Vostill. Oh, how deligLtful, I had forgotten that she was to Bing to night. Why may I not bo ono of tho party ?' 'You might, I suppose, but I really you go so little I did not mention it to them ' 'Never mind, I can go 6omo other time I dare say.' 'Oh, yes, go to-morrow right. If you like.' 'Very well, that will do.' 'Good-night, then, my love," and with another kiss Bertha was lyft alone. 'Dear, hnudsomo follow,' sho sighed, throwing herself down on tho low loun ging chair by the fireside, 'so good and so kind, if ho didn't care so much for socie ty ; and if that gny widow ond her bold daughter would let him alone. The third evening this week that he has spent in company with them. True, I was nt that stupid parly, but I am sure they engrossed much more of his attention than I did; and others tioticcd it too. One prim maid asked mo if I was not jealous, and that lachrymose Mrs. Pryuni, who is always groaning, cast up her eyes and pressed my hand in token of sympathy, whon I b.i'Seher good night. No, I am not jeal ous ; but I wonder how ho would like to have me Uii t so. I have half a mind to try it, if I only knew any ono 1 liked well enough.' A sharp tinklo of tho door bell startled her, and a moment after a tall gentleman, moustachod and whiskoied almost alarm ingly, cntcrod tho room. Bortha mani fested a littlo surprise, half of terror, but the words : 'My dear Bertha, Lave you forgotten mo,' hud not entirely passed the stranger's lips, cro she was iu his arms, exclaim ing: 'Loonard I dear Leonard ! Welcomo homo 1' 'But whore is your husband, dearest?1 no asKeu, nun an nour later, wiion se had asked and answered many a rapid question. 'I wonder ho can be tempted to loavo this pleasant home and sweet wife a single evening.' 'Ho has gone to tho opera,' sho answer ed hesitating slightly. 'Without you ? But I suppose you have some littlo whim to exeuso you tired of tho prima dona, nr something of the kind, I prcsumo. You should spend a winter in tho California mining districts in order to apprcciato your privileges,' he said laughingly. Is it too lato yet ? Will you go with me? Let me be your cavalier onco more as in old time.' An idea occurred to Bertha ; hero was an excellent opportunity to put into ex ecution the plan which she was thinking of when he arrived What would prevent her? Nothing sho resolved, und her an swer was : 'I shall bo delighted I'm sure. I will bo ready in a fe?r moments.' Resting gracefully upon the crimson cushions sat tho fair Mrs. Mortimer and her fairer duughter. Helen Mortimer, dressad with regal magnificence, ar.d her gorgeous attire suited well the dark style of her beauty. A tmilo of triumph shone in her flashing eyes us sho listened to the flattering remarks of Philip Gnham, whose very distinguished appearance and polishod mancors mado him a most agreeable companion, and to whose good offices she trusted for admittance to cir cles from which her bold gayoty and free dom of manner might otherwise debar her. As for Philip Graham, though ho never would havo dreamed of such a woman for the quiet otmosphoio of homo , yet he ly v TERMS $1 NEW ed to while away on hour in her society, little dreaming that pain or anxiety was causod by his conduct, since no word or act of Bertha's hinted as much. 'See, Graham,' exclaimed Miss Morti mer, 'is not that your wife in the box opi posuo us 7 uernia, i doclare! How came she 1 a a ... norer ana with a stranger too !' a iid Phi lip, looking in the direction ' indica ted. 'Thon you dou't' know him?' said Miss Mortimer. 'Very elegant in at, pearaneo, and vcry much devoted to his tair lady, I should say ; some old lover I presume.' 'Kxcuso me, Miss Mortimer, my wife is too ladylike for indelicacy,' ho answered sternly. , 'Ofl'ondcd, Philip ? and with me ?' she said, turning her eyes pleadingly toward him. 'Pardon mo, I did but jest.' Sho laid her ungloved hand upon hi rm. But the arts which had charmed and dazzled the young husband had lost their power, and ho only answered polite, ly her expression of regret. Bertha met his gaze of surprise smiling, but soon seemed absorbed in the music, and tho romarks ot her companion whoso interest iu her comfort was .sufficiently apparent. Jleseemcd well known, among the Budiencf, too ; for tho watchful Philip noticed many bows and smilos of recogni tion. Thoro is Mr. Golding, who knows every body ; I will ask him the name of your wifo's attendant,' said Mrs. Mortimer, who had marked with surpriso the dis composure of Graham, whom as shit told her daughter afterwards, she had sunno. sed too much a'maa of tho world to care for his wife. 'Mr. Golding, pray tell mo the namo of the gent eman opposite the one with tho magnifrcicnt beard and dark eyes ?' Who 1 Why, I declare ! it is my old fried, Leonard Torcy. He must hove ar rived today. He has boen four years ab sorot. I must go round and see him. I see ho has found Mrs. Graham ulready. 1 congratulate you, sir, ho continued, turn ing to Fhillp. 'Congratulate mo! For what?' mutter ed Philip in surprise, a dim idea entering his brain that Mr. Golding meant to insult him. Tiie opera was over at last, nnd resisting Helen's alluring glaneos, and Mrs, Morti mer's earnest invitation to come in and spend an hour at cards, Thilip hastened homeward in time to tee a carriage drive away from tho door. Bertha was already unbinding her tresses when ho entered her chnti her, and in reply to his questions she only answered carelessly.' 'Yes, I had an opportunity, and thought I would improve it. Y'ou know it looks so stupid for married peoplo to bo always togolher in public. Leonard is an old friend of mine, nnd I am glad ho has re turnod. I shall enjoy his society very much.' She was only repeating words which Philip had used many a lime when prais ing tho beauty und gruco of some nowac quaiLtancc; but they did not seem very satisfactory now, for ho only .muttered 'humph,' in a discontented way, and was silent. . Bertha snw the success of her scheme, and laughed mischievously as sho laid down to slumber, and dream, perchance, of tho sloighride she was to enjoy with her friend on tho morrow. Philip had en gaged to ride, too, with Mrs. nnd Miss Mortimer ; and so it chanced (hut tho two partiis met on the cio vded tho oughfaro, ond ho had just lime to catch a laughing glance and a wave of the little hand from his wife as tho sleighs dashed past each other. He spent that evening at home, but not alone with his wife; Percy was there, and Bertha chatted witn him, played for him, and they sang together songs riplcto with love and sentiment songs which he reminded her they hod sung so often together in the 'olden time.' At last, angry with himself, his wife, and his guest, Philip left the room, excusing himself on tho plea of business, but adding, ' that two such old friends must have so much to say to each other, that a third person would be almost an intruder.' Mr. Percy looked surprised, but Bertha answered smilingly :' Oh, yes, Leonard, and I have jlcn(y of subjects of conversation.' Leonard, indeed,' growled Thilip, on his way to tho library. 'Confound the fellow, what doos he mean with his old songs ?' He remained alone till tho visitor do parted, and could hardly believe his own eves when he saw through the half open door Percy imprint a kiss upon the brow of his wifo, which she received as quite a matter of course, 25 per Annum, if paid in advance. SERIES VOL. I. NO. 26. Pray do all your friends take their de rarture in thai loving manner?' he asked as sho entered the library. 'Oh, no! but Leonard is a privileged character, and, besides, I am endeavoring to bring my notions of propriety to a mora modern standard. I hope to become ac customed to thote improvements in timo, and to take them as easily and gracefully as some of your favorito ladies do-Miss Mortimer, for instano.v I have noticed that you rarely meet or part with her with out some harmless liberties.' It was true that in tho fascination for the bold beauty ho had often praised her gay manners to his wife, but it was strange how different these things looked from a difl'erent point. ' But Miss Mortimer is unmarried j and . besides it was all a joke, our meeting and parting in that way,' ho answered. ' Very well, Tercy is unmarried, and we will call our porting a joke, if you please,' was the reply. As you will, but I don't admire such jokes, I assure you.' ' What, jealous, Philip ? and I have only been in Percy's company three times. Let's see- once at tho opera, onco sleigh riding, ar.d this evening. ' No, I am not jealous, but I don't see what has come over you. Don't you know that you will ruin your reputation if you go on in this way ? With men it is differ, ent; they aro not expected to be so ex clusive in their attachments. Society has chiirns upon gentlemen which they mast fulfill.' 'True, doubtless; nnd these same 'claim of society extend lo the ladies, I suppose, and we ought of course to emulate tho generous, self-sacrificing examples of Jthe sterner sex.' Thilip could not but think, that how ever willing ho might bo to sacrifice him self upon tho altar of society, ho did not wish his wifo to devote herself to its claims ; but he could not say so with those mirthful eyes watching him so closely.and he remained silent. When ho returnod lo dinner, the next day, he found his wifo absent, and a noto informed him that she had gone with Porcy to spend tho day at her father's country seat a few miles from tho city, and that 'if ho pleased,' he might take the eveuiug cars, spend a few hours at the ' homestead,' and return with them. ' If I pleaso!' Well, I don't pleaso to do any such thing. How changed she is since Torcy's coming, to leave mo so, when she has never visited her old home alone before during cur two years of married life.' But the quiet hour alono in the dining room was favorablo for meditation, and he finally resolved to seek his wife, and confessing the errors his conduct Lad shown him in their true light, endeavor to persuade hefto resume once more the quiet and domestic habits which ho saw were now necessary lo happiness. He was warmly welcomed by the family at the homestead, but Bertha was invisible. ' She has just come in,' said her mother, in answer to his inquiries. ' Y'ou will find her ond Loonard in the, south room." ' Here, runaway 1" said he, as he enter ed tho room, ' why did you not meet m as you did in the days shcu 1 earn wooing?' ' I certainly would, had I known of your arrival ; but Leonard and I were out watching the skaters on tho lake. I have never been on tho ice before, since the day, six years ago, when it proved so treacherous lo mo, and when (tear Loonard rescued mo from the chilling wpter,' ' Dear Leonard? I thought it was your brother who saved you,' exclaimed Philip. 'It was my brother, dear rhilip. Let mo introduco you to my half brother, .Frank Leonard Terry. I should have made you acquaiuted beforo, but I wished lo try some of tho pleasures of flirting ; no ono understands it so well os Leonard except my htibband.' And'ho will gladly give up all claims to 'proficiency in the art,' as you call it, if you will piomiso to let it alono in the future,' said Thilip, who had been shaking hands heartily with Percy. 4 Whnt ?' and leave tho claims of society unfilled, and tho widow and the fatherless unconsoled in their desolation ?' asked Bertha, her face radiant with mirth and triumph. 1 Yes, minx, wit the laughing answer ; and ho kept his word. . . Ji-One of the attractions at a lato ag ricultural fair in California was a camel race. Fifteen of the animals were on ex. hibition, exciting gecat curiossty. Tho population of the Stato of Tennsyl. vania, as estimated by . the recent census. is about two millions nine Luudiod thou I sand.