ivKiu.niiNMovNiAJNBcrMn:. fjt ffl1l(i(b Vriuiblicnn. 1 nu'M'V minriimv. - I A i. . . ft t I 1 m.. . & .1. ., 111 tul'l, f pull In tlinti.r.i v will. in Dir. d inntilhs, tl f , Vlffo Si..l (! I"'"" "'llimi ( , ,r, hB Ki.lnn lt. jcir. I ant Wkere IU t" "" I,,'t ,,'""Kh r poi'l Hr llii urirnl-n -r ttif r, . It'Oj f ' TitinSol Ail i t ltlhc ' Aid lilt lre.iM.rs sublime, , , v,r,.,.,nM,l r I ti.ei t-U n Iho l,)ionn i Tit th Inn I f"' """" l ihe following rates i I.,ul, I ' I",,,f,"n r . i..,i, .lern.llv roll- tinrc (II lln.) f 10 " 1 , Two euar., ( 2"l i n-i-. I 00 Where the w.y weary trailer renehc. ,1" Three . .nares, (12 lincO I K I ni'U' On f nmr, ! : : li . Two res, : : : i i 4 00 Three squares, i ! : : S 00 Finir f'"nri', ! : : : (I 00 Half a column, : ! : : 8 00 On column, t : : : 14 00 0r three weeks w.i livs thnn throe moatlis 2i eenls tier sauara for each insertion Business notices not exceeding Slines ere In serted for $2 a venr. Advertisements not marked wits the number or utitnina of life 'Our gate mnnnt mar lo that hentitifiil laud, Dul onr visions have told of it Mi". And our eeuls by the gale from it. gardens are funned, When we faint in tlio deserts of this. nd we sometimes have longed for hjly reposo. When our spirits were worn with temptations and woes. And we've drunk from the tido of the river that flow! From the evergreen u ouiitiiim of life Oh. the star never treads the blue heavens t night But we think where tlio ransomed have trod, And tb day never jmiIo from iU places Wlight But we Co"l Uie bright i mi lea of ourCiod. We Are traveling bemeward, through changeiand gloom, To a kingdom where pleasure, unchanngly bloom, An4 our guide is the glory that alin.es through the tomb, From the Evergreen Mountain! of Life, TOR i THE BEAUTUUL. j d. I 60 I fin .no's, ft 00 It (10 8 00 10 00 u no 20 CO tlio. f I 00 2 00 2 Ml 12 mi o 7 00 10 on 12 0(1 14 00 18 00 Si 00 Softly, peacefully, Lay her to rest ; Dace the turf lightly On her young breast ; Gently, sorrowfully, II end o'er the bed, When ye hare pillowed Thua early her bead. riant a young willow Close by 9 grave Let ite young branches Soothingly wavo ; Twino a sweet rose tree Ovor her tomb ; Sprinkle fresh buds thoro Beauty and bloom. Lay the nod lightly Over hor breast ; Calm be her slumbers, Peaceful her'rest; Beautiful, lovely, She was but given, A fiiir bud 'on earth, To blossom in Heaven. tQy A colored firm in Newark, New Jersey, having Buffered some pecuniary mWrassments,'rercntly closed businei9, and tho senior member gave to the pub lic the following " notis :" " Do clibolu lion of coparsnipi beretofo resisting trvixt rue and Mose Jones in de barber profesion, am herctofo resolved. Tusjods wbo ose must pay in the scriber. Dein hl do tirm ose must call on Jones, as do furm is insolvcd." Fsci.isn at Last J A Yorkshiremsn having occasion to visit France, was dumbfounded to find, on reaching Calais, that men, women, and children, all spoke French. In the height of tho perplexi ty which this occasioned bo retroatcd to bed, and was awakened in the morning by the tosk crowing; whereupon he burst into a wild exclamation of astonishment and delight, and exclaimed, " Thank goodness, there's English at last ! " Insertions desired, will lo continued until forbid, and charged according to there terms. JOB PRINTIN G. An extensive stock of Jobbing materia enables the rublicher of the "JU'vMican' to announce to the public that ho is prcpa red to do all kinds ot Posters, Pah pii lets, Fihkirammes, Blank?, Pater Hook?, CiRcri.sns, Labels. Ball Tickets, IIanduii.i.s, and every kirxl of printing usually done in n country job ofhee. All orders will be executed with neat ne and despatch. O. I!. GOODLANlER f CO. JJIISIN ESS CA K I)S. T. J. M'ccLLoron. wv. m. h'ci lloigii. M'Ci;li.oi;c:ii a mtoTiimt, Attorneys at Law. Office on Market street, opposite Mossop's Ktore, Cleurfield, I'.i. Will attend promptly to Collec tion!', Sale ef Lands, Ac. nov7-14 1) W. HAYS, Justice of the Tonco, will attend . prociptly to collections nnd other umttor eft In b if charge. Address Kersey, Elk co,, IV. Oct. 3d 1800. ly. DA N I EL G 0 i)L A N 1V. II, JLTK E of tlie peace lAitherAurg, Clearfield Co, Ta., will attend promptly to ell business entrusted to his cure. Jlnrih 23, 1S0O. ly. pd. KLLIS IRWIN & S(3NS, AT the mouth of Lick Hun, five miles frem ClcnrOeld, M KUC'IIAXTS, and extensive Manufacturers of Lumber, July 2:t, 1852. j nrti 10.M rsoN , Blarksmltll, Wagons, Bufjics, Ac, ie., ironed on short notk, ad tlie very best style, at his ld stand in the borough of Curwcnsville. Dec. 2'J, 1853. M. WOODS, having chnned his loca poctfully ofTors hie prfessinal sorvices to the eititens of the latter place and vicinity. Kesidcnce on second stroct, opposite ti it of , Crans, Esq. my 1 J156. Physician and Surgeon, Clearfield Pi., May 30, I860. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal businoss entrusted to his care, in the soverul Courts of Clearfield and adjoining counties. Oft'ue, the one formerly occupied by G. It. fcarrctt. Oct. 26th, TS59 1y. What is a Snob ? A snob may be known by several characteristics. Ho is polito to Lis superiors; arrogant with those of lower station ; frowns on the rich; snubs the poor, and pretends not to know hi& own mother, when he chances to meet the old lady in unfashionablo clothes. lie has plenty of brass and few brains ; and is always uneasy from a suspicion that his intrinsic vulgarity may fail to be hidden by his outward gentility. A PiRrid Man. The man deserving the name is one whose thoughts and exer tions are for others, rather than for him self; whoso.high "purpose is adopted on just .principles, and never abandoned while heaven or earth affords means of ac complishing it. lie is one who will nei ther seek an indirect advantage by a spe eious word, nor take an evil path to se cure a'roal good purpose. Such a man were one for whom a woman's heart should beat constantly while he breathes and break when he dies. JSTEvery one knows tho height of Virtue to which he may attain; but no man can anticipate tho depth of deprav ity to which he may descend. ItaTlf the league of friendship is onco broken, the cabinet of secrets is unlocked, and they fly wildly about like uncagod birds. toy-Garibaldi's income as a farmer is about $300 a year not enough to find an American in rum and tobacco. who not auronieu ni a jest. Jf one throw Bait at thee, thou wilt receive no harm, unless thou hast soro places. I-A young lady is chargod with put ting on airs because she lefused to go to a iau barefooted in Indiana. lft.The grave is indeed hallowed when the grass of the churchyard can cover all memory gave that of love. JGod often lets us stumble, to jiut us on our guard against a fall. IfiTWhen you cannot see both ends, the miacue 11 uncertain. ISs-IIe who countenances obscenity by tnugu ii nimsen Obscene, DR. G. W. STEWART Physician and Surgeon, offers his profes sional sorvices to tlio citizens of Xew Wash ington and surrounding community. Office three doors wen of the Washington House, J.ew Washington, Pa., Oct. 14, 1859. JOHN KUIDEK0PER. Civil Exui.veer & Laxd Sirvevor, offers his professional services to tho citizens of Clear field county. All business ontrusted to him will be promptly and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney i- Co. LEVER FLEGAL, Justice of the peace Luthcrsburg, Clearfield Co, Ta., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care, lie also informs the public that ho keeps constantly on hand at his shop, a general as sortment of Saddle., Bridles, Harness and whips, which he will sell on reasonable tro ins. April 4, I8C0. DENTAL CARD. A M. PMITlf offer J hit professional services t. to tho l.adicsand (cntlcmeu of Clear field and vicinity. All operations performed with neatness nna despatch. Being familiar with all the late iinprovments, be is prepared to make A it ItU-la I Teeth in the best manner. Office in Shaw's new row. Sept. 14th, 1858. lyi. sale low W. ! IRWIN. A N excellent quality of Flour for the store or Clear Del d, Jury 11th, IS CO. JAS. It. I.AtlRIMF.n. JAHItm i:i A TF.ST, Attorneys at Law J Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col tAiohs, Lahd Agencies, Ac, Ac., in Clearfield venire lyiu m couuues. July oU. y OBERT J. WALLACE, Attorhkt at Law, a v nearneici, i a., vwc in bUaw s llow, on. doc. I, lSi8. If. MOORE & ETZWiLEll, Wnoiesaic ana iietait Mcrcliants. Also extensive dealers in timber, sawed lumd oer ana sningies. Also, dealers in fiour an grain, which will be told cheap for cash, Oct 14,1859. HENRY WHITEHEAD, JUSTICE of the peace Rock ton, Union tp., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Fcpt., 12, ISfUl. ly. A very largo stock of Spring end Summer clotning or I lie latest styles Tor sale low by t'uiwensville. Hay in, 18G0. E. A. IRVIN. illiidanic Schwoiid s Infallible Vegetable Powders For the rpoedy and effectual Curt of nil InKnm. mnHont, Ith umntitm, Diiprpnia, and l.ivtr' Com. )la!nt and all Arnte and Chmnir r a . diilts and Children. Send 3 eent Ftamp to ": u. ji. JUSKS, Hundreds offcstimonials Box 2070 Thila. P 0 Mf-Ayrney S. W. Cor. Third t- Arch Sts. Oct 24, I860 lOt. looking Stoves of various siiot and prices for '"""J . is. A. IRVIN Curwensvillg, May 16, '00. Ladies' BonneU and Hats, trimmed and un trimmed, of tho Latest Styles at K. W. t CO's, A Large stock of Mea A Boy's clothing, just reeeived at R. w. A CO's 1 1mp M llolillnit I iHlt. fx-'Mt "f,'v f nmih, Ih f l M m liy . f Mir h, 1 hil l X "ti In v " f l'i. 1 our th ,V n liy r ptnnbiT, In es'kjesr, and r-niituie w tt If lie riMii j . . C'tmiity OlMrri., Prei't Jiiilse.ll..n. f- itnii. l I. Inn. n. IT. f"M. Ai le ii'lgis.Hi-n Wm I, M.i..t, cirnrflrM. linn IU n) I'.'.nmll, Liillirrsbarg Flier. ff, 1 red k 4. Miller t'lenrliel l l'riiliii'itary,.lohn L. Cuttln, Jleg. A lice. James Wilflev, -I i t r i I Ally .c.I.erl J. alUr e, " Treasturr, U. II. tlnmlliinjer, " Co. Surveyor, 14. II, Wright, Men Hope IVnimtsi'n'ri.Wm. M'Crackvn, Lumber t'iiy Win. Merrell, Clearfield H. (', Thompson, Mnrris'lnlo Auditors, 11. C, llnwman, Philipshurg Isaac W. (Irahum, Clearfield J. II. Shaw, Coroner, Ueorge Richards, " Li.it of Int 1 XDct'N. TovmUjh. .Viiiis of P. O, Beccaria, r.len Hope, Ilowcr, Chest, Cusb, 0.enJ, Clearfield Bridge, Woodland, Luthersbtirg, Troutville, Jefferson Line, Forest, New Washington J liurnside, Clearfield, Frcnehville, Karthaus, Curwensville, curwonsville, Bell, Hogrs, Dradford, Brady, Illoein, Bun side, Clenrfield, Cotingtun, Decater, Ferguson, Fox, Qiras-d, Goshen, Orahum, (iulich. Huston, tt Jordan, Karthaus, Kuox, Lawrence, Morris, it Penn, 1 ike, I, I'nion, Woodward, Philips burg, Nnrron, .Vmswj tr. M. O. W. Cslwell Slary Klder T. A. M'tihee J. W. Csinljuil Lewis Smith P. II. Miller F.I. Williams A. L. S. hnell Jacob Runti John Ileherling Jus- llloom J. M, Cunimings Jin McMurray C. 1). Watson. F. C'oudriet J F W iichnarr Samuel Way Centre county Kdm. Williams Helen Post Oite, Klk county, Pa, Lecounte H .Mills, L. Mignot Bald Hills, Sbawsville, Urahamton, miths Mills, Tyler, Pcnnfield, Ansonville, alt Lick, Kow Millport, lireckenridge, Kylcrtown, Morrisdale, Lumber City.t Grampian Hills, Curwensville, Bloo ningvillo, ockton, Jeffries, Wllli:im Carr A. B. Shaw Jas. B. Graham J. A. Hot nrty David Tyler H. Woodward F.liza Chaso (i. Heckadorn I. E. Mukel J, W. Thomps'n Jas, Thompson J. McClelland W. W. Wright A. C. Moore, amuel Way Michael Wiso. W. F. Johnson T. Henderson a This Post Office will do for Chest t-jwnthip I Will nr.swer lor Fcrgueon tcirinLip. VVWWY THE IJLOOD. VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which llie.e pre-emirent medicines have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diseascj which thev profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, tint unworthy of tliem. They ore known by their fruits; their goed works test'fy for them, aud they thrive not by the faith of the credulout. Ix am, cases of Asthma, vlcute and Chronic Rheumatism, Affections of the Bladder and Kid ueys. JJillious r ever and Liver Complaints. In the south and west, whero theso diseases pre vail they will be found invaluable. Planters, Farmers, and otliors, who once use theso medicines will never afterwords be without them. DyKlirnsln. No person with this distresses disease should delay using theso medicines Im mediately. Eruptions o( tho skin, Krysipelas, Untuloncy, Fever nnd Airue. For this scource of the western country these medicines will be jound a safo, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a returrer the disease a ture ly these medicines is ofn manent. Try them, be satisfied, and be cu i.A" Merrill nl Diseases, Never fails to erad n sate entirely all the effecte of mercury infiniteli- sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sarsaparilla, Night sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kinds, Organic Affections, Palpita tion of the Heart, Puintcr'e Cholie. riles. Tho original proprietor of these medi cines was cured of Piles of Hi years standing by tho use of these Life medicines alone, Worms of all kinds, are effectually cured by these medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their eiistenco is suspected. Reliof will be certain. THE UrK TILLS AND fHOEMX BITTERS Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease from tho system. A single trial will pluee the I.iFB ri 1.1,1 nnd Piiokxix Bittkhs beyond the reach of competition in th estimation of every patient. fiTPrepared and sold by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 3.35 Bredwny, cor. Worth St., Now York. Fob. 29th 18li0.-i-lyr. LOOK HICK lit I,OOK IIKHE! THE undorsigned subscribers, tnkc this meth od of infnrininir thm mil,)! i,.inni...ll !. they have this day entered into copartnership in TUB BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at the shoo formerlv ornnnlml byj. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in this ho- rouell. where thev will l.n nlnannil In th r nl,l customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to give them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spades and picks, Vour log-chains and your pulling sticks, Your slods, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, No three-yoar old shall then go bare. Your spears will work up then just right, To prooning hooks for every height, Your swords too, shall then bo wrought. To ploughshares such as Coin ne'er bought. JACOB SniTNKWILER, 3E0. W. ORIl. Clearfield, December 8, 1858. tf. I7RESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! AT THE CHEAT CASH STORE. I am just receiving and oponine a 1are and well seloctcd assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ol almost every description, A benutiful assortment of rrini, t.... goods, of tho newest and latost stylos. Also a gront variety of useful notions. A large assortment, ready-mado C LO THING, Bonnets, Shawls, liata and Cnps, Boots and Shoes, a largo quantity, Hardware, Qtcensware, Druggs and Modicinos, Oil and Paints, Carpel A Oil Cloths, Fish, Bacon and Flour, GROCERIES. of tho best quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash or roady pay prices. My old frionds nnd tho public generally are rospectfully invited to call. " Clearfield. Oct 31 1 ami ur t n,,n, ,irN. B. All kinds of'tfM.Vand approved' cduSTKY PRODUCE tak.a in exchaTror' ioom moi oreverv k nd for Lad i en. Gn. Oki'. .. . (. li.V.adCbildr.'nal B-W.'co? iSS'.fVKt Zti t 1M U I'liH 1111', HiMl'1. 1 1 lilt K ASM JIM lHrM.'! I t H ti i Ji'i, , Vtr.M.r i f lr.i.... r I pnm l II e Vitetinniy tilleg" f Milllel He.. f. III T I'll Yen the n,ii;in, llil..ty and di-tine. lit lr.iit i. lb" nti..u l.ree of l!iir. ' nn, Ai.i'ie, A ft i rsi n and Amer I. nd l..r-e, v. ith tin I In -leal f..im linn and peculiarities of the ntilinll, and how to nfeerliin bin ngn by Iho number Mid eoiidilinn of Ms teeth: Illustrated with humeri. u eiplansiuiy engraving". Tin: ji Jii.si: am ins mpkasks Wlil Tell You of Ilreeilitie, Uri iikltip, (-'tabling, Feeding, lniiiinir, rlii'iiig. and the general management of the horse, with tho best muiles of administering medicine, alto, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib Filing, ltestlessncst, nnd other vices to w hid) he is subject ; v, ith nu merous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You of the causes, snirjfiirtr.s, and Treatment of Strangles, Sore Throat, Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Bron chitis, Piiuuiuouin, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chronic Cough, Rmiring and Whistli ng, Iimpas. Sore Mmitii and I leers, and decayed Teeth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Rospirato ry Organs. THE HORSE AND II IS DISEASE i Will Tell You of the causes, symptoms, nnd Treatment of Worms, Bets, Colic, Strangulation, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhea, Jaundice, Heatirrhoca, Bloody I'rinc, Stones in the Kidneys and llladiler, InOamn tion, and other diseases of the Stom ach, Bowels, Livor a,n Urinary Or gans, THE HORSE ASD HIS DISEASES Will Toll You of tho causes, symptoms, nnd Trontinent of Bene, liloid and Bog, Spavin, Ping-Bono, Sweenie, Struins, . Broken Knees, Wind (ial!e, Founder, Hole Bruise and (Iravel, Crackod Hoof, Scratches, Cankor, Thrash, and Corns, also, of ilegcims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggors. and other disoases of the Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You of the enures, symptoms and Troatmont of Fistula, Poll E il, Glan ders, Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Monge, Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cm Hip, (Jails, Diseases or tho Eye and Heart, Ac., Ac. and how to manage Castration, Illeeding, Trepl.inning, Boweling. Firing, Hernia, Amputa tion, Tapping, and other surgical op erations. THE nORSF AND HIS DISEASES Will Toll You of Rarey's Method of turning Her at's ; how to Approach, Duller, or S ta ble a Colt ; how to acenstom a lo'se to strange sounds and siglits.and how to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break him to llarnoss, also, the rorm nnd law of Warranty, The whole being there suit of more than fifteen years' careful study of the habits pe Miliarities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. Tho Book contains JSIpngrs, appropriately il lustrated by nearly One Hundred engravings. It is printed in a clear ind open type, and will bo forwarded to any address, post ago paid, on roccipt ef pi ice, ha lf bound, $1, CO, or, in cloth extra, $1,25, &IOOO A VK AH can be wide by enterpri sing men everywhere in selling tho above, and other popular works of ours. Our inducements to all such are exceedingly liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with oilier information, applv to our ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom Stroot Philadelphia, Pa. December 12, I SCO. 6mo. rji It E PEOP 1, 1: ' S COOKKOOK. MODERN COOKERY, In all its branches. By Miss Eliza Acton. Cnrofully Revised by Mrs, S.J. Hale. It Tells You how to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Oamo, with all Hit various and most approved modes of dressing and cooking Beef and Pork: also the best and simplest way of suiting, 1 ick ling and curing tkesamc. It Tolls You nil the various and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Vonl. Poultry, and (lamoofnll kinds, with tho different Dressings, lira ties, and stuffings appro priato to each. It Tolls You how to choose, clean, nnd preserve ri.-u 01 minimis, an. I now to sweeten it when tainted ; also all the various nnd most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavoring appropriate to each. It Tells You nil the various and most approved modes of preparing over fitty different kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, (inme, and Vegetable Sot ps, Broths, an Stews, with tho Relishes aud Seasonings ap propriate to each. It Tells You all tho various and most approved modes of cooking Vegetables of every description, also hew toprepare Pick los, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Potted Moats, Fish, Uame, Mush rooms, f e. It Telle You all tie various and most npprorod modes of preparing and cooking all kinds of Pluin nnd Fancy Pastry. Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confection ery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweot Dish es af every description. It Tells You all tho v rious and most approved "" "i miiKing ureail, Kusks, Mufliins, and B:seuit, tho best motliod of prepa ring Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to mnke Syrups, ' Cordials, and moi of various kinds. It Tells Tea bow set out an ornamental Ta ble, how to Carve all kinds of Fish, ilesh or Fowl, ai.d in short, how to so simplify the wholo Art of Cooking as to bring tho choicest luxuries of tho tuble within everybody's reach. Tb book contains 418 pages, nnd upwards of twelve hundred Recipes, all of which nre tho re sultA of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested under the personal lupcrinton denco of the writers. It is printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engra vings, and will bo rewarded to any address, neatly bound, nndposlngo paid, on receipt of the' pn:e, f 1,00, or in cloth, extra, $1.25. t.l(MM) A YKAH ran bo mndj by enterpri sing men everywhere in selling the above work our inducements to all such being very liberal. Forsingleeopie, of the Book, or for terms to egents' with othor information, npply to our ad dress JOHN E. PUTTER, Publisher. No. BI7 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I Dec mber 12, 1S0. fiuio. A mini 1 1 mi n i n kt ui m, h I 1 1 f t t' rtM "'.a 1 ' I "I IU. (..,.. til f. !) ih -hdi, A"t f'b, I'"", ',, I., f ni. tl l.f S'Mlfl V,,l liilLln I. r. Iti-n l'Kif, Wtiilt'f, t'tloutt Atllliiti.'ti" "4 '"". tn I lit, I.f.O ll eli't Atitlimnllc, l.tiflish tlianiitiar, Hmr- ,,,) at. I ll.si.ity. t'1 Alil.ri, llmmelry, Naluial rhl1""l.y nt. l II ...k Ke-plnn J1 ' " l atin snd 'lieek languages. lno lo studitiis (leMt'ii.e i.f e.uiritig a lliormii'li Fnglirh Ldiiealinn, and who wlhh to iimlily theinsnlves f.ir teachers, thll tiihlilution (.(lets ilniirabln d autaees. No pupil reeeived fur less llian half a teision, t,ra of the art and no ds.luetion ma le except iur I'mimi" nrre.i sickness. Tuition lo be paid at the close of the term. I'. II. HANI'IOKH, 1'him iru. May 2.1, IsftO.- Jr. ViU ) It in tt,f I W " 1 in, H M ll) 1 I trrn.M 11 It r. I I ... ,,l . . I t.fUn I. I tin- 1li Am.'ilun Pl.x,,,, , , ,, Ne ? Pf admit, y ' (eured their tl"Vlte. Ifrftilut It, Aiifiican and Int. .1 em tni.tii, III lib, l,.b ' I t. In nei uln all i.kIiii (.,, .'.n t'ure ...'-', if Ve...nt( pteeilili all the !IMii ti tJ feaiiiri l otditiati' 1 hi,ti,Ktn In, tj, 'V ml fuil ill if l oilier rnli.r ' - " in, . fitto lil.ftllnine.1 mialilv ir ,1....... i i .' '""mt k, 'rendiiis.1 as iiuiiiit ishable tuiKa... " 4' -,-,. ' rrs- A. M. HILLS DENTIST. w y.-ij!s Proper attention to - " ' 1 1, I..1I1 , ,1 m- n tn r 'Hi", 1 hi 1 ... 1 1 r ti a 1,1 n St the rtn les upon which. Ik As the pstented proem of the C(,. bl( S tllO rei rodlll: li-m of Lbulm,,..!.'4'' , . , "I'm. h. "" I ' 'in 11 t,( of any degree of irrpgulnrily, p'rttin, J1 produced with faultless aceuracy nn.1 j ilelinentiiia, upon I'nreelain wares of ... ' lion and dwiienrlnn used as articles 'lT .l liilll.illll ii II I 1 1 I I V Hell ba I .... S. ' " -' mr ' ' I l;k fn't Cups, Toilet Arti'les, Ac.; there Imiliiui poruaiis ana luriiisbing h tA exuuisite style of ornameutatiou of tj ;n K. t .. l. f..: .1. r...:i:, - .. ry-i . lu nTwui ,.i u vi'vt 1 x 11 ii i iiiiiii.-u lit, nines ior tRf ''V'sr ''""' "ID BrcBl tion of tho popular taste, and touiestii '.' ' .z. if tienenito everyone or thoso patrons or tie line n. t.. 1 . , . -; . . 1 . , e . i- , . - Cnmn.n, an'l eonviiiiein o. luiiiuriuu iroiii j.iiruiio n von sri oa r . 1)H Mil, I. Mean always be found at his of- porcelain goods, manufactured to tboirM? ..f L' .. - - .1 l.:.. -, 1 1. .. : 1 r .. 1 1 -. . - ' 'lice, on llio corner 111 jiuii niiu .,ii.m hi,,.,, ttuieii micj win sen ni rum iriees. wlien no notice to tho contrary appears in this As tho American Company are owitn Ipanr. pntont right, and consequently the osW . j AH operations in the line of his profession, authorized louse the process, they I,,,' iiietforiood in the latest and most improved mined, in order to afford people in ' . . , -n ... ... -.. "ji styles, and guaranteoa ior one year agaiusi nn ot tne Linon an npporiuoiiy to poiien J .... 1 r..; 1 ! im,i. , ,...b. ,k. f..ni. n I1UIU1H1 I'IM'"' vuiiiii, w .UMnv luv iviiuniiij; HrOSl.( ii.-BVr1"7TTrj" wis77Tr7s "'" in eountry, who are anaU;: Si ... . pfr80nany ttie Atelier aua Ualleriti 1'1'IA! Trtmrmlotu K-tcitemtnt mmonj York : l" .......... uaguerreotype to tneolieeof the C0, ir, huh tuuiHoi iviici, su 11 do jiuuiib ,. i v.r, . . . !(,. lork, accompanied by SS, will Cross Roeapturod!!! !-It seems to be ithe goner-; return by express, free of eharge.ai .1 opimon in t oarnoi.i, mat u cross nau worn a , mented uteilkfa!lt Cup an4 s,u . . , trait trnnslcrred thereon would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is, ij transmitting a daguerreotype aaj I not much put out at """'ng his custom j but wi receiv() ,,ko nian , j would announce to all fc,,l',nV, ,., Vll, r Toilet Article, with the portm ,., n,i llcU svi-h, and women and children Jarti hj , patontea proc.ss. in near ne.a, nuu Binuemaooning ... pnrucuiur. Bt .wn.ling a pair of daguerreolvpe. ,1 lit ill tin i.rAnnrAfl tn hirnuh Ihnin with Itnnttt. I ., ... . n . r'n ... ...... ,. - r'iey win receive in rotirn a pur of net u..v. ... . ... ...j v.j .................. -n80, who the portraits executed nm' iuture paintings; and, in like manner, J can ob reprouuceti ou porcelain warej ret, riek.i ed, sewod or pegged, (aud low) on short notice. ,.! I . . - I. Aiiainus oi coun.ry produce uk? of every quality f finish, ranging in change, and cash not r fused. Repairing dono fL,n , f m the ir ' ne"7" a"n" KnaTF mouera.e, ai , N jj Iio ,)artirlllttr in writin; lk, ....iirv ou.ie .-uu,, ., . , town, county, nnd Stale distinctlv. Reed, Weaver A Cos store. HIANKMI01T. , All letters to be addressed to "il xs. u, i ........fc-s jur sa.. i ienn Photograjiliic Porceluin Co New lork. JAJF.S T. l.KOVAnp. p. A. risxET K, A, WAI.LAC'K. A. C. HNSKV nan. , "SI tnu tr' Sanhinn nnb CoIIrdion ti or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A H F I L I), CLEARFIELD COUXTV, r.l. JDlI.t.S OI, FXCBANCr., OTT.S ASO DRAFTS DlSCoritTB I) 1'OSITH RliCKIVKIJ, ('.iiUf iinins nu(((' and prorfeds prompt!)) remitted lixcLangc on the Cities constantly on linnd. jJ-D'Oflicc on Seccnd SL, nearly opposito the cocr.T house. Iviioxi: CITY HOTEL. Col. A. f OWENS, Proprietor, Respectfully announces to the travelling public, that be has now taken rhnrge of this large and well known house, nnd will conduct it in such a manner as will render excellent comfort and full satisfaction to all who inny fuvor him with a call. nov7-ly mo nUMITIVi::--Tho advertiseT, J. having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf fered for several years with a sovere lung affec tion, and that drcd disease Consumption, is anx ious to make known to his fellow-sufforcrs the means of euro. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge.) with tho di- jctiuns fur preparing and using the snme, which thev will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma. Bn. nehitis, sc. The only object of the advertiser in sending tho prescription is to bene- fit the nfllicted, and spread information which he conceives to bo invaluable, aud ho hopes every ' -..n- ...:n , u: . t. -n , pu.icrur mi. u v 11.1 ren.vuv us ll Hill coal mem nothing, and may prove a blessing, Persons wishing the prescription will pleaso address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, nov7-ly M'illiainsburgh, Kings Co., X. Y. ! ! ! DEATH ! ! ! To every form and Specie of VE11MIN. "COSTA Ti'S" "(0,ST.1.",V" n.it, noachit-c.Ertaminator. "VO,STAir,S" "COSTAri'.S" "COSTA IV S" "COSTA IV. S" m r ahki.w;i; ci.idi-: neiDg . r fa itisifiieior iur iiiurrica jierSDSI ft about to be married, both male isi feu evervtiiing concerning the phvsiolnnn. lions of our sexual system, and the predn f prevention ot onpring, incluaisg all i., discovcrios nevor before given in the l language, by WM. Y JUNG, M. D. Thin; a vuluuble and interesting work. It ii in plain language for the general resiin. illustratod with numerous engravings. AI married poo,le, or those contemplatioga.' and uaviug the least impediment to nisrr j should read this book. It discloses tn i every one should be acquainted with ; ni! book tli iU mast be lucked up. and not lii the bouse. It will be sent to any onions! ot twenty, tive cents, in specie or postagt Addreis Dr. M M. I Ol NU, No. 410 epd aoove rounn, I'liiiaaeipniu, I'a. 3!if Affiictcil and I'nt'ortunnte'St what may be your disease, before you pise sen unaer me care oi any one or the ii Quacks, nativo or foroigo, who advertise or any other paper, get a copy of either Young's books, and read it carefully. It the means of saving you irany a dells: health, and possibly your life. Dr. YOL'Nij can be consulted oa snj aisoascs described ia bis publications, otsce, jo. no pruee at, above Fourth. Bed BLq Exterminator. Etc:li ic Pvwdcr for Irsectt. DESTROYS INSTANTLY R.t(, Roaches, Mire, Moles, Ground-.lico, Retl-buzs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes. Fleas. Insects on rinnts, Insects on Animals, f-c. . in Mioi t cverv form nnd species of 10 years established in New York City used by the City I'obt CHlice- the City Tris oti nnd ritalion houses the city Steumcrs, Shins Ac., tho City Hotels. "Ator," "St. Nicliolp.." Ac nnd bv mora than 20.000 private fumiles. crt w"slV. William J ruDrufTfrists tind Ketailcrs everywhere jjorri eon ineni. Buseholesalo Agents in nil large Cities fivyjuKeguliir sizes, 2oc, 60c, $1 lio.xes Itotlles, Flasks- Bs?X.!!! Kkvtare !!! of spurious imitations. Examine each llox, Bottle A Flask, nnd take nothing but "CostarV 83)u$1.00 Hoxes sent bv mail. B33u?3.t $5.(10 by Express. B3a.Addrcss orders or for Circular, to JIENKY Ji. COSTA R, Frineipal Depot, 410 Uroadwnv, N. Y. IfDuSoLl) HY EOJUlNE itCd. March 17th. Clearfield Tn. T 1ST OI' JL'ROItS, for January Tent 1J commencing on I'd Monday, the Nil GRAND Doll David Doll. Dradford Em. Uruhani, !. S, Eliiroy, I Drady G. M. Thompson Kurnside Jihn McKoe. Chest -Robert Mct'ully, John MeCorL liearticld borough ,ohn (luolieh. t ov:ngton Lawronce Flood. John Fotn Huston Philip llevcner, Samuel Con. iviirinaus James Wiggins Knox Kobert Patterson. Lawrence Henry liuoliuh.W. W.Uiiti .Morns hdward Tcrks, Robert Dsugnem i enn inos. nam, And. Moore, Joe, son. Woodward Christian Shcff. I'nion Levi Dressier. TRAVKRSE Ji nolte. r.cccnnn I. Ricketts, Jesse Wilson, Deers. Dell Hobort MehafTey. Buggs D. Adamr, jr. j urner. Dradford Samuel A. Caldwell Drndy Alexander Shea, T. J. Ilnver.J. ah Kriner, C, I.uti, Jacob Shaffer, itm Iiurnside Ebea McMasters, Horace Pi Aaron I'Mchin, Denjnmin Yingling. I'hest Samuel McKwen. Clearfield James L. Morgan, W'm.f bach. Curwcnsville Jacob Cole. . Detatur--John Livingston. Girard Zenas Leonard, Abraham IIil Uoeuen John F. Hote, Graham B. F. Akely, Ab. Hoover, Isai ler. Guolieh Conrad Gintor. Jordan James Patterson, James O. Wi' Karthaus Henry Huntor. Lawrence Jame Forest, James Lytle. Irwin, Sr., Martin Kline. Wilson Uo'oTfr, Hemphill, Moiei Emigh, Joseph V" Thos. Ileerf, Jonathan William Devinnev. Fike Henry Ilile. R. R. Curry, Moisi" i nion John isrubnker. Cabinet, Chair Making, JOHN GI'LICH, of tho borHiigh of Clearfield, Pa., will bo prepared at nil times to attend to In nnv html,, a. ; u- i i- . ' 1 uo v7,inioiil inomns i. oi o usiness is at tlie aid shop on the nor h s deof I i,:. r.n 1 - .t.. I) KGISTI-:it'N M)TI( IJotice,u ! JLV by given that the following accounts I been examined and passed by me, t4 ! filed of record in this office for the inspli: ; hoire, legatees, creditors, ami all othtri ii (other way interested, and will be prssto tno next urphnn s Court of Clearfield tew i bo held at the Court House, in the boron I Clearfield, commencing on the 2nd Mot January, 1861, for confirmation an! ! ance, I The final account of J. din Macmsnui, i ! istrator of all and singular the goods, ei' rights, and credits, which were if George ston, Jr., Into of Dell township, ClearficWf . deceased. I Tho partial account of Pranson Davis, istrator of the esluto of Thomas C, Davtl, AITP TflTTT.TTTU A T VPTJTTwei rpiih anual meeting of tho Clearfield county .--1Alultur,, Society, will be held in the M. h. Church in the orough of Clearfiold, on Wed- nesdav i ,ii in ii T n .. - ia .... - h, ,..,,,, 10, ncn tho election of officers will take place, and I usiue of importance will be transacted. Let all come who feel an interest in the success o f tho Socio- r.L,i,is utnis, Pre. , ni December 19, 18(10. j.i .1 . - . . . : '-.hiiiii in nil snn oi. user east o iinrl sU. nearly l,Httles which were of W Wet aintriibir the r00& m. Weber late w Bonnets, Florence braids, English straws, Shakerand ntJmr .il. . . ' . . , ... . J ,yJa i.iiiuuicu and an. trimmed, w,U be found in variety at th. corner Cut wenBviIlq, May 1(5, '60. FK2h..1?i.,d pr"-Pr.d th.,o,?C .' Ch!rri'' Prune' tDi Raisim, the corner store of . A. IRVIN, Market street onnoeiin I I. a i, . l, , . .... - ".I.".' " r " , rc ' 'n" no W1" kccP ownship Clearfield Countv. deceased L. I""'' """"o' large assorlmen t of Ma- The Admini.ir.iUn ...,i of Willi 15.0,'om f'' rs, and Cabinet Bloom Administ a nr of t& nut. ofJ ::ZTl!'lf .1,Cilldir' r7l,,ofrik, tewnship Clearfield C1 k j i V , . ," 'Ba,e cies deceased. f h. at ,?:h.'.M cn'"y- The .tonnt. of John ni.B -fr.. nJ sisa n parto Trifn- I",r " huS'' "' P'M Administrator', of th. goods M Rh. VT1 "IzPr:.' n?.n1 Common Bureaus, tics which were of John Graham Sr., lstesfH Sofas hewing and Washing Stands, Desks and Look Cases, trench and Field Post Bedsteads. Dining, Brenkfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta bles, Ac. CilOina lnnniiru,.l,, J .-J J.l: j n ' , . . , vw nuu umiTflrfa II iiit iucu uosirou. February 9, 1849 D0. 4, To, jT. A r-T "" FLEIGH for sal by T ! s. in, t.!.. . --v, jouv. niisii, n JSA VER Co, Cedar andWlllow ware feptlP, 860, at R.W A CO's, ford .township in th. County of Clearfield, ' l. i JAMES WRlOtf December 6th. 1860. ' B'n radios dress gat, Js, of patterns and UX'"1 J pleas, all, will be found at the corner larwinsvili., May 16. I860. E. A. X"' QtelU and other 5hawli in variety at iMl KJ otore of . A. iK" Cuinensville, May 16, '00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers