- . l . rn.m V I ( COUNTY DIRECTORY. Time of lloldlug Court Beoond Monday of January, Third Monday of March, Third Monday of June, Fourth Mooduy of Soptembor, Id eaob year, and oontlono two weeks If eessary. ' Comity Officer. Tree't Judge.Ho-n. tiainuel Linn. Bellefoirte. As'to Judges, Hon Wiul Moor, Clearfield. Hon BonJBousall, Lutbersbarg Sheriff, Fred'ktf. Miller Clearfield frotbuotary,John L. Cuttle, " Iteg. k Ree. James Wiiglcy, " District Att'v .olert J. Wallace, " Treasurer, 0. B. Goodlander, 'Co. Surveyor, U, B. Wright, Commles'n'rs,Win. M'Cracken, Wm. Morrell, Olen Hope Lumber City Clears! add Morriadale B. C, Thompson, B. C. Bowman, Auditors, Pbillpsburg Isauo W. Graham,Cleartleld J. B. Shaw, George Richards, " Coroner, Mat of Post Offices. Aasws of P. 0. JVWe of P. X. Reocaria, Hell, Olen Hope, G. W. Calwell Dowse, Client, Mary Klder T. A. MUbee J. W, CsinpboU " Cusb, " 'Oetend, Boggs, Cloarfield Bridge, Bradford, Woodland, Brady, 'Lutbereburg, " Troutville, " Jefferson Line, Hloem, forest, Burnside, New Washington " Burnside, Clearfield, Clearfield, Covington, PronchviUc, Karthaus, Lewis buuth 1'. B. Miller Kd. Williame A. L. Scbuell Jacob Kunti John Hoberling Jas- lilociu J. M, Cuuimings Jaa McMurray C. V. Watson. F. Coudriet J F W Schnarr t'urwensville, curwensville, Sauiucl Way Centre county dJeuater, Philips burg, Ferguson, Fox, Uirurd, i Goaben, 4rabaiu, Klulich, Huston, 41 Jordan, 'Karthaus, Unox, Jawronce, Morris, u rnn, ii ike, ii tnion, oodward, Jlurron, Helen Post Office, Lecounto'a Mills, Bald llillx, Shawsville, Orahuuiton, niiths Mills. Tyler, Fenntleld, Anson'ille, alt Lick, New Millport, Brockonrldge, Kylertown, Morrisdalo, Lumber City.f Grampian Hills, Curwensvillo, BloomingTille, ockton, Jeffries, Edm. Williame Elk couuty, Pa. C. Mignot William Cnrr A. B. Shaw Jaa. B. Grchu'W J. A. Ueiarty David Tyler It. Woodward Elita Chase ii. Heekadorn D. . Mukel J. W. Thompa'n Jue, Thompson J. AlcCIolland W. W. Wright A. U. Moore, amuot Way Michaol Wise, W. F. Johnson T. Henderson JTliii Boat Office will do for Chest township f V ill answer lor tergusun township. I7HE8H ARRIVAL OF J? NEW GOODS! AT THE CIIEAf CASH STOKE. I am just rocclving and opening a large and -well selected assortment of PALL AND WINTER GOODS ot almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dress goods, f the nowest and latost stylos. Also reat variety of useful notions. A large assortment, rcady-mado CLOTHING, Basnets, Shawls, Hals and Caipc, Soots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, QLeensware, Iruggs And Medioinee, Jil and Faints, Carpet k Oil Cloths, Fish, Sacon and Flour, GROCERIES, f ttx test quality, all of which will be sold he lowest cash or ready pay prices. at juy oiarienai ana me puDiie gone-rally, are respectfully invited te call. Clearfield, Oct. 81, I860. WM. F. IRWIN, -N. B. All kinds of ffM.Vand approved COUNTRY PmuVCE taken in exehangofor Ueods. "RUSSELL MgMURR AY JSW Respectfully dnvites the attention of his old cue tomers, and others, to his stock of FALL AND WIN'TER G0OD8, Which be offers VERY LOW FOR CASIIt lie alea continues to deal In LUMBER, of . kinds, in aay way to suit bis customer!. The highest market prices will be paid for all kinds ofaHAIJf. IsSTCALL AND SEEl-ia Ner Washington, Not. 1, 1860. nov7-6m 'JMNWARE and copper WARE -An extensive and rrell-Belected assortment. COAL AND COOK STOVES Stovepipe, Collar-, and Blacking, KAJh.li OIL AND COAL OIL LAMPS, Ileal Cutters and Sausage Stuflers, Corn euouera, uoin Unoders, Cider Mills, Oar-Kingi, Quoits, Tlows and Harrows, a variety of GLAES, OILS, PAINTS, D00R-L0CK8, Hinges, 6crows,NaiU, od other article used for building purposes, Ac. Kept constantly on hand and for tale bv de4 Lumber City. B7i: V'?r,i,UTTnK ,!A lar I-""' J i.'. UN BUTTER, for aalo at the tt.'ii, uor21 W. F. 1EWIN. Aplendid assortment of Ladiea' Gontleinenas and Cbildrena' Glorea and Hosiery t lletD, WEAVER k C 0' 'S tiauana examine the Patont air-tight Glass and stone jars, they are just tho thing, you aeed, lor sale at R, W. k CO's. STRAV HLIt ER-Cama to the resideno !;uD,iberin Ooshen tp., about the middle of November last, a Heifer Red and A DSUXISTRATOR'S NOTICPT . . -M. r j-i.i.,i v... 1 mraioroi an ana singui frantid th.urTdin ,h! " bi'; "? w arnnnR nritnv i.. n : sion, jr., laie oi xicntow UbUKUK DIL LOS, late of Beccaria tn., Clear- M...Md I eld eounlv. deceaaad. .11 i-Lu'j . relc.wL . . said estate ara renuV.i.H s. m.V. ".'""""f 10 e Plrt'' account or Branson Davia, Admin - 'P- "e- . I860. dec2-6t ch.ttlea which were of Wm W.h.. !.- fi,..j. n one spots, about ten months old. Tha owner 'Vr lerequeeted to come forward, prove property, pay- charges and take ber away or she will I, dianV' fording to law. ROBERT LEOJfAj PURIFY THE BLOOD. VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS 1 AKD PHOEBIX BITTEBB. Tha hieh and envied celebrity which these ,ra.einlr nt medicines have acquired for their invariuble efficacy in all the distaaei which Uiey profess to cure, bas rendered the usual practice of DuSine not only unnecessary, but unworthy ef r . i e : . . . tnem. mey are awuwu vy luoir ,ruuj uivir good works test'fjr for tlmm, and they thrive not br the faith of tlie erodulou. i.t ALu CASES 01 AflUlina, wienie anu iuran Rheumatism, Affections of the Bladder and Kid neys. UUlious ievcr ana Liver complaints, In the south and west, where these diseases pre vail they will bo fuond invaluable, riantere, Fartners,aidotuors, who once use these medicines will never afterwords be without tuem. Dvfpewtila. No person with tbia distressing disease ahould delay using these .medicines im mediately. Eruption of the akin, Erysipelas, Flatulency, ever ana Ague. or uhs scourge of tUt western country these medicines will be Kund a aafo. suced v, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave tuo system subject to a roiur" oi tho disease a euro by these mediowes it per manent. Try ibem, be satisfied, and b cured. Mercural IMseases, Never fails to eradi cate entirely all tbe cffctj of mercury Infinitely sooner tbau tho tuoat powerful preparation of Sarsapnrilla,' Nirht sweat. Norvous DcVrtity, Xervous Com- plaints of all kinds, Organic Affections, Palpita tion of the Heart, Fuiuter s Cholic. Files. The original proprietor of these medi cines waa cured of Filce of Si yeara standing by the use f these hito mediciitca alone, Worms of all kinds, are effectually cured by these medicines. Parents will do well to administer tbein wbeneror their existence is surpected. Relief will be cortain. THE LIVE PILLS Ann PIOCKIX BITTERS Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease fietn the system. A single trial will place the Lire Pills and l'goasis Birrans beyond the reach of competition In the estimation of every patient aSrPrepared and sold by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, J5 Brodway, cor. Worth St., New Tork. Feb. 29th I860. lyr. LOOK HKKEt LOOK HI'.RE! THE undersigned aubscribera, take tbia meth od of informing the publie generally, that they have this day entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied by J. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo rough, where they will bo pleased to see the r aid customers, and as many aow ones aa can make it convenient to give them a call. Bring n your hops, your spade and picks, Your log-cliains ana your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, No throe-year old shall then go baro. Your spears will work up then just right, To proouing booka for every height. Your awords too, ahull then be wrought. To ploughshares aucb as C'ui'n ne'er bought. JACOB SnUNKWILKR, am. w. orr. Clearield, December 8, 1858. If. !!! DEATH !!! To every form and Specie of VERMIN. "COSTAE'S" "OQKTAfl'.S" Rat, Roach dc. Exterminator. "COSTAIl'X" " COSTA R'JS" Bii Bug Exltrmimtor. "COSTA R'fi" " COSTA R'S" Etcetrie lewder for Jnsectt. DESTROYS INSTANTLY iuu, r.oaenes, iiice, woies, uround-.iico, Bed-bugs, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoei, Fleas, Insects on Flao ts, Inserts on Animals, f-c. in sliott every lorta and pcies of 10 years ctublished in New York City- used by the City Tost OHice- the City Pris on and fetation nouses the city Mourners, Shins &o.. tho Citv Hotels. "Astor." "St. Nicholas," Ac., and by more than 20,000 private aruiles. BBDrupgist8 and Retailer everywhere sell tnem. BlKeholosale A cents in all largo Cities .Regular Bizoa, 25c, iOc., LI Boxes iioltles, I'laeks BQsJl! Beivake !! lof spurious imitations Examine each Box, Bottle A Flask, ana take nothing but "Uostar a BJSlSI.OO Boxes sent by mail. 86ft.$3 A $5.00 by Express. C5.Addreea orders or for Circulnr, to HENRY K. COSTA R, Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, If. Y. Bflfc-SOLD BY LORAIN E A CO. March 17th. Clearfield Ta. Cabinet, Chair Making, JOHN GL'LICII.of the borough of Clearfield, Pa., will be prepared at all times to attend to to any business in the above lino on short notice, and In a workmanlike manner, llis place of business is at the eld shop on the north aide of Market atreot, 3d door east of Third at, nearly opposite the old Jew store where bo will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Ma hogony and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet Ware of every description, which he will dispose of on as reasonable terms aa the same articles can be had elsewhere in the county. Ilia stock of Cabinet Ware now on band, eon sists in part of Dressing and Common Bureaus, Sofas, Sewing and Washing Btands, Desks and Book Cases, French and Field Post BedstesMs. Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta bles, Ac. Coffins manufactured aid delivered at any place dosircd. February 9, 1859 no. 4, Tol. Iv.J AGRICULTURAL MEETING. fllUE anual meeting of the Clearfield county X Agricultural .Society, will be held in the M. E. Church in the Aorouch of Clearfield, on Wed nesday evening, January IB, 1801. When the election of officers will take place, and t usiness of importance will be transacted. Let all come wno feel an interestln the success of the Socie ty. KLLIS IRWIN, I'rcsldont. December 19, lfifiO. 1) fcC.lSTlilVS XOTICE. Notice, is here J.V by given that tbo following accounts hay ben examined and passed by me, and remal filed of record in this office for the inspection of boirs, legatees, creditors.and all others ia any other way interested, and will be presented to the next Orphan's Court of Clearfield county, to be held at the Court House, in the borough of vicarnciu, commencing on ine zna Monday of January, laoi, ior conurmauon ana allow ance. The final account of John Macmanus, Admin- ar the enods. chattels. blch were if George John- nsuip, Clearfield eoanty, ot Bradv wnusuii .ioruviu loumy, uuceasea. The Administration account of William A. Bloom Administrator of the estate or John S. Curry late of Pike tewnship Clearfield County, deceased. The aflfloualof John Graham r.. and Jamaa istrators of the goods and chat- I John Graham Sr., late or Brad hi County of Clearfield, decea JAMES WRIQLEY, I860, QREAT WORK ON THE HOHSis THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Br Robert Jihkikos, t. I., Pro fear or of Pathology and operative surgery la lb Veterinary College of Philadelphia, etc. eto. ill T ell Yon of the Origin, History and distine- tive traits of tho various breeds of European, Asiatic, African -and Amer lead Horses, with the pbysionil forma- tion and peculiarities of the animal, , and bow to ascertain bis age by 'tuo number aud condition of bis teeth ; illuatratodwith numerous explanatory engravings. , THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASE9 Will Tell Yon of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing, and the general management ef the horse, with the best modes of administering i medicine, also, how to treat Biting, Kicking, Roaring, Sbying, Stumbling, Crib Biting, Reetlessnesi, and other vices to which be is aubject; with nu merous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Stranglos, Sore Throat, Distesaper, Catarrh, Iofluenta, Bron chitis, Pnanmonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chronic Cougb, Roaring and Wbistli ng, Lauipas. 6ora Mouth and Ulcers, and decayed Teeth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Respirato ry Organs. TUE HORSE AXD HIS DISEASE? Will Tell Teu of the eausos, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Bots, 'Colic, Strangulation, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhea, Jauudice, Ileatirrhoea, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Infatua tion, and other diseases of the Stom ach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary Or gans, THE 1I0RSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Bene, Blosd and Bog, Spavin, Ping-Boae, Sweenio, Straina, Broken Kneea, Wind Galls, Founder, Kole Bruiaeand Gravel, Cracked Uouf, Swatches, Canker, Thrush, and Corns, also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other diseases of the Feet, Legs, and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You of the eaures, symptoms and Treatment or Fistula, Pell E il, Ulan dera, Farcy, uarlet Fever, Mange, Surfeit, Lex-ked Jaw, Rheumatism, Crama, Galls, Diseases or the Eye and Heart, le., Ac and bow to niaiage Castration, Bleeding. Trrphinning, Roweling, Firing, Hernia, Amputa tion, Tapping, and other surgical op erations. THE 1IOK6K AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You of Rarey's Mothod of taming Hcr ses ; bow to Approach, Halter, or Sta ble a Colt ; how to acenstom a horse lo strange sounds and sights, and how to Bet, S&dale, Ride, and Break kiio to Harness, also, the rorm and law ef Warranty, The whole being the re sult of more than fifteen years' eareful study of the habita peiuliaritiea, wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The Book contains iS4 pages, appropriately il lustrated by nearly One Hundred engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type, and will be forwarded to any address, postage paid, on receipt ef piiee, half bound, $1,00, or, in cloth extra, $1,25, ItXM) A YKAR can be made by enterpri sing men everywhere, in selling the above, and other popular works of ours. Our inducomenti to all tuoh are exceedingly liberal. lor single copies of the Book, or for terms tu agents, with other Information, apply to our ad dress JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher. No. 617 Sansom Street Philadelphia, Pa. jseccuiDtr u, isvu. onao. f1 HE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. X MODSltN COOKERY, In all U' branches. By Misa F.lua Actom Carefully Revised by Mrs, S.J. Hals. It Tells You how to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Uame, with all the various and meat approved modes or dressing and eooktag Beef euid Pork; also the best and simplest way of salting, sick ling and curing tkeaame. It Toils You all the various and most approved modes of dresaing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and Game of all kinda, with the different Dressings, Gravies, and stuffings appro priate to each. It Tells You how to choose, clean, aad preserve Fish r all kinds, and how to sweeten It when tainted ; also all the various and moat approved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavoring appropriate to each, It Tells Yeu all the various and most approved nodes of preparing over fifty different kinds of Meal, FUh, Fowl, Uame, and Vejjotable Keeps, Broths, and Stews, wun me netunes an 4 Seasonings an proprlato to each. It Tells Yo a all the various and meet approved u vuvi vi vvvmug t toiioiii oi every description, also how to propare Pick les, Catsups and Carries of all kinds, rouou .noais. titu, uame, Mush rooms, (-e. It Tells You all ike various and most annror.d modeaofpreparingaud cooking all kinds or Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelottea, Fritters, Cakes, Confection ery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dish es -I every description. It Tells Yen all the various and most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Muffins, and Biscuit, tho best method of prepa ring Coffee, Cboeolate, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of varieus kinds. It Telle Yoa bow set out an ornamental Ta ble, hew to Carve all kinds ef Fish, Flash or Fowl, aad in short, how to so simplify tho whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of tho table within everybody's reach. Tht book eontains 418 paces, and inwards of twelve hundred Recipes, all of which are the ra. suits or actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested undor the personal superinten dence of the writers. It la printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated with appropriate engra vings, and will be ft r warded to any address.1 neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of the pri:, or in cmin, exira, $1,Z3. $1000 A YKAR can bo mads by enterpri sing mon everywhere in selling the above work our inducements to all such being very liberal. For sitgle copies of the Book, or for terms to agents' with other information, apply to oar ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. I No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. December 12, I860. 6mo. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned, this day, upon the estate of JUfcEI'U LAULE, deceased, late or Lawrence township, Clearfield.'county, all persons iudebted vo aaia estate are requestoa 10 mass immediate payment, and those baring claims against me same will present tnem inly authenticated cr settlement. JOHN M. ADAMS, novJS-St Administrator. Bonnets, Shakei Florence braids, Enrlish strawsi ' cnoaer ana otner stylos trimmed and on- trimmed, will be found ia variety at lha corner J toro of E. A. IRVIN. Curwcnsyilla, Hay 16, '60. looking 8tovei ef various sites aad prices for E. A. IRVIN Curnenayille, Xay 16, '60. rpilU CLEABVIELD AlAUKMl, will X be opened for the reception of puplla, (males and females) on Monday, Aug. 26th, I860, Jcrms por session oi eiovon vreoaa Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary Arlthmotlo and Geography. $1.50 llivhnr Arithmetic. Enali ranliv and History. $3.00 Algebra, Geometry, Natural Pblloaophy and Hook Keeping ratio and Urcc languages. eo students dceiroue of acquiring a thorough 1 sli Education, and who wish to qualify To th.t...lv furtoachors. this Institution offers. m rtsieaavaa . . . ,. No pupil received for less tnan nan a aoaaioo, and no deduction mada except or protraotcd aickaaea. Tuition to bo paid at the close ef the term. C. H. 8ANDFOKD, PaiKtifAL. May J3, 18G0.- Ij A. M. HILLS ii DENTIST. :VgW? Proper attention to mo leem m prupur t3 tima will bo of irreat benefit to everyone in point of health, comfort, and convenience. DR. HIL1.M can always be found at bts of fice, on the corner of Front and Main streets, when no notice to tae contrary appears in mis paper. AlV operations in tho lino of his profession, performed in tke latest and most improved styles, and guaranteed for one jear agaiust all natural failures. S ThTkIXO TIMES IN PUILADEL IPIA! TVrmeHrfou Excitemtnt among tk Jfut.!!.' EXCITING FOOT RACE between the Pbiladolphia Polite and tho notorious For ger and counterfeiter, Ja nea Buchanan Cross !!1 Cross Kecapturcd ! !! ! it seems to no tne gener al opinion iu Clearfield, that if Cross bad worn a pair of Frank Short's French-calf Boots, that he would not bo taken yet. However, Shorty is not much put out at missing his custom ; but would announce to all Urtckinridye, Duuytat, Lincoln and Hell men, and women and children in Clearfield, and Sinnemahoning in particular, that he is prepared to furnish them with Boots, Shoes and Guiters of any style or pattorn, stitch ed, sewed or pegged, (aud as ho is a short fel low) on short notice. All kinds of oouatry wreduco taken in ex change, and each not ri fused. Repairing done in the neatest manner and charges moderate, at the Short Shoe Shop on Socond Street, opposite Reed, Weaver k Co's store. FRANK SHORT. N. B, Findings for snlo. Fept. 26, 1800. jimks r. Lio.xano. s. A. riSKRT A. C. riHMtV wa. A, m li j.lci. 36anMntr anb Collection flEct OP LE0NAEJ), FINNEY &Co. C L E A It F I L D, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, rA. JB1I.LS OL BXCBAXOE, MOTES AND DRAFTS WlBCOtHTED n POSITS RKCEIVKI), CollcttioMmadc and proceeds promptly remitted I jckang-c ou the Cities couKtaiitly on hand. rarOffice on Sccvad St., nearly opposite the COURT HOUSE. AV exco llcnt quality of Flour for . sale low theatore or W. F IRWIN. Clvarfiol d, July lllh, 1(60. A M-.W ena horse SLEIGH ror sale by kcc. , jbou. .until, n J.AYb.11 A- to, ar and'' illow waro Sept.19, 860; R.W A CO's, TYRONE CITY HOTEL Col. A. 1 OWENS, TnorniKTOR, Respectfully announces to the travelling public, that he baa now taki n charge of this largo and well known house, and will conduct it in such a manner as will render excellont comfort and full satisfaction to all who may favor him with call. nov7-ly T M CONSUMPTIVES! The advertiser. baviae been reatered to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, aftor having suf. lorod Tor several years wilb a sovero lung affeo tion, and that drcd disease Consumption anx ious to make known to hit fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who dosiro It, ho will sond a copy of the proscription used, (free of charge.) with the di ections for preparing and using the same, which thoy will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Brcncliftis, A. Tho only object of tho advertisor In sending tbo prescription is to bene fit the afilicted, and spread Information which he concciros to be invaluublc, and ho hopes every sufferer wilt try bis remedy as it will cost them nothing, aad may proven blessing. Porsons wishing tho prescription will please address Roy. EDWARD A. WILSON, nov7-ly Williamsburgb, Kings Co., N. Y. Important Notice. The undersigned, late publishor of the "Clear field Rcpublionn" takes this moihod oi calling upon tliore who are indebted to h'un, or to Lari mer if Ward for subscription, advertising or Job work Incurred duriug tho throe years commen cing July 1847 and ending July 1860, to call im mediately at my offico in the borongh of Clear fiold, and make settlement of the same, as these act cunts nwi o cloned up. J. H. LARK1MER. Clearfiold, December 12, I860, tf. Commissioner's Notice. 0irvA m. Church. The nndersigned, a Commissioner appointed by the Court of Uomtnon Pleas of Clearfield coun ty, to take testimony Iu the MLutlioran Church Case in Brady township, gives notice to all per sons concerned therein, that ho will meet thorn ai r.sq. uoodianaer a omce in Lutnersburg, on Friday the 4th day of January, 1860 at 8 o'clock A.M. ISRAEL TEST, Commissioner, December 11, 1860. GREAT BARGAINS GREAT ATTRACTIONS! AND GREAT IN DUCEMENTS I Are offered to the publio for a few days only at Clearfield, commencing on the 24th day of De cember, 18(0. We the undersigned, will dispose of a large lot of DRY UOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, VARIE TIES A NOTIONS, suitable for Holliday Prea- onis, at Cost Price, on account of the failure of a large Mercantile house in the East. Our stork consists of a varioty or goods too numerous to men tion, the publio are requested to call and exam ine our stock. We will guarantee all goods pur chased of us to giro entire satisfaction. In ad dition to the inducements offered to purehasera, JMrEach pers'in purchasing Three Dollars worth of Ooods, will be ontitled to a GIFT, worth from 25 cents to t i.'S-S Bl'SSMAN A REED. , Dee. 20. I860. t.f. J IRUIT. Dried Apples, Fared and unpared ; Peaches, Cherries, Prunes and Raisins a the corner store of E. A. IBV1N. illailainc Sclnv 'aa Infallible Vegetable - For the ipoedy and effectual nations, lih uo(tm, nrj) plaint and all Arnle and CAroi 1 auiia and cuuareu, Ben k j. Uuadreds of testimonials Box 2070 Phi la. P 0 grAjrenev S. W. Cor. Third t Arch Sts. Oct 24, I860 10U Sks'.t.tl alrtt. age variety at reduced pri st;!. ;Uu;o is?: tore. Curw esvilla 19, '60, r d 3. G. It.Ttw:! V PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN. Secured by letter I patent in the United States, England, France and Bolglum. The American Photographic- Foroelnln Cor .... ' 781 Broadway. New York, having Aiuunvuu , . oared to executo all orders lor Miniature Likcnuscs f Persons on Cfona, presenting all the attracUva and aavantngooua ' ii I a ilia tSllinlt features of ordinary photographs, the bfi'nc7 nd finish of a wator-eolor drawing, ar.d a hith- erto unattained quality of durubity, by boing erishablo ss tho natural proper "T," ..- . 7 v.iv. ,i,. .r irna ues 01 mo siuu nrvu -.v ferrod, Aa tha natonted tiroocsa of the Company ena. Mm tha ronroduo tion of nholocrnphs, nut only on plain surfaces, but upon such as aro round or ,.rnv dnirree of irreirularitv. Dortraita can bo re produced with faultless accuracy and delicacy of delineation, upon roroeiain warsaui j uuti lo tion and dimension used as articles of luxury or ofhousnhold utility, suoh as Urns, Vases, Break fast Cups, Toilet Articles, Ac; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic use. In order to furnish facilities for the gratifica tion of the popular taste, and to meet tho wants of those natrons of tho 4no arts desirous ef bavins portraits ou Porcelain, tha Company have imported from Europe a colljctionof suporior aorceluin goods, aaanufactured to their own order, w-tiich thov will sell at cost prices. As the Aaioricn Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently (he only persons authorised to uso the process, they have deter mined, in order to afford people iu every seotiun of the Union an ostpertunity to posaess portraits on China, to make the following proposition to residents in the oountry, who are unable to visit personally the Atelier and Uallenos in Sew York i Persons sending a photograph, ambrotype, or daguerreotype to tkeofiooof the Company in Kew York, accompauied by $5, will rocoive ia return by exprea, free ef cbargo, a richly ema uientcd BreakfustCup and Saucer, with the por trait transferred tliereen By transmitting a daguerreotype and $10, they will reccivo in liko manner a handsome French Vase cr Toilet Article, with tbo portrait repro duced by the patented process. By sending a pair ef duguerreotypos and $15, thoy will receive in retcrn a pair of rich Sovres Vases, with tho portraits exocuted equal to min iature paintings; and, in like manner, portraits can bo reproduced ou porcelain wares or Vases of every quality or finish, ranging in jrice from $20 to $100 the pair. N. B. Bo particular in writing the address, town, county, aud State distinctly. All letters to be addressed to " Manager, Amer ican Photogrspbie Porcelain Co., 781 Broadway, Now York. novf-3m MAHRIAGl; C;U1DI-Being a private instructor for married persons or those about to be married, both malo and female, in eirery thing concerning the physiology and relu- tiqnsof our sexual systom, and the production or prevention of offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given in the English lunguago, by WM. YOUNG, ii. D. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain language for tho general reador, and i, illustrated Uh tinierons engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having tho least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that everyone should be acquainted with; still it is a book that must be lucked up, and not lie about ( the house. It will be sent to any one on receipt of twenty- five cents, in specie or postage stamps, Address i)r. Si. tuisu, Ko, 410 Spruce st, above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. ftJ- AjjutttA and t'nortMnr No matter what may bo your discaso, before you place your self undor tha cure or any one or tho noterioiu Quacks, native or foreign, who advertise in this or nny other papor, get a copy of either of Dr. Young's books, and read it carefully. It will bo the uicans ef saving you many a dollar, your health, nd possibly your life. Dr. YOU N (a can be couiultol on any of the diseases doscribed ia bis publications, at his office, No. ifi Spruce st, above Fourth. n7-ly LIST OF J L KORS, for January Term, 1S61, commencing on 2d Monday, the 14th day. rasd j c no ns. Bell David Bell. Bradford Em. Graham, I. S. Ehirey, I. Bur ger. Brady G. M. Thompson. Burnside Jhn Mclioo. Chest Robort kCuily, John McCord. ClearCeld borough ,ohn Guolieh. tlovington Lawronce Flood, John Fontonoy. Huston Philip Hovener, Samuol Conway. Karthaus Jumea Wiggins, Knox Robert Patterson. Lawrence Henry Guelich,W. W. Irwin. Morris Edward Perks, Robort Daugberty. Pcnn Thos. Wain, Aud. Moore, Jos. Nichol son. Woodward Christian Shoff. Union Levi Dressier. Trayurss Ji-noBs. Beccaria I. Rickctts, Jesso Wilson, John Beers. Bell Robert MehafTev. Boggs D. Adamr, Jr., Thos. Beers, Geo. Turner. Bradford Samuel A. Caldwell. Brady Alexander Shea, T. J. Boyor, Jeremi ah Kriner, C. Luts, Jacob Shaffer, Jesse Lines Burnside Ebea Mc.Mastcrs, Horace Patchin Aaron Patchin, Benjamin Yingliug. Chest Samuol McEwen. Clearfield James L. Morgan, Wm. Rads bach. Curwensvillo Jacob Cole. Dscatur John Livingstin. Girard Zenas Leonard, Abraham Humphrey. Goshen John F. Rote, Graham B. F. Akoly, Ab. Hoover, Isaac by- ier. Uuelich Conrad Ginter. Jordan James Patterson, James O. Williams. Karthaus Henry Hunter. Lawrence James Forest, James Lytic, James Irwin, Sr., Martin Kline, Wilson Hoover, Rob ert Wriglcy, William J. Hemphill, Moses Ful ton. Morris Jonathan Euiigh, Joseph Denning, Willinm Devinney. Pike Henry Hile, R. R. Carry, Moses Wise. Union Johu Brubaker. radies drffs goo Is, of patterns and textures to J please all, will be found at the corner store Carwinavilie, May 10, 1860. K. A. IRVIN. Stella and other Shawls in variety at the cheat Store of E. A. IRVIN; Curwensvillo, May 16, 'GO. Ladies' Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and un trimmed, of the Latest Styles at It. W. f CO's, A Large and splendid stock of Dress trim mings, Belts, Head D.-esses, Notts, Plumes . t R. W. C- CO's, A Large stock ef Men A Boy's received at clothing, just R. W. k CO's Boots k shoos of every kind for Ladiea, Gen tlemen, and Children at R. W. CO's, TTardwaie of every kind, knives and fork Nails. Cow Be spoons, Locks, Files, otdand Hand saws and Mill saws at " R. W. k CO's flOALl C'OALlt The subscriber desires to I inform the nubllo. that ha kauris inna(nnilv on band, at his bank near Clearfield, a large anantity oi in lK lua L, which he will deliver y eilisens very cheap. Lump Coal at the Bank, I cents per bushel, and 3 for fine. 1 nov21-tf JONATHAN NICnOL. VVIiv cf rnrt vnnll thf rlav XrWn IV J " - - W - J MBA JtlAJ 1U1U NY LADY or Gentlemen in tha United States, possessing from $3 to $7, can enter into an easy and respectable business, by which from ti to $10 per day ean be realised, For particulars, address (with stamp) ' VTA ACTON k CO., Oct 21, 1860 3m. Kerlh 8th street, Paila. I860. 1861 THE FIRST ARKIVAI OF FALL .V WIN ERCOfW - ' - W Sf v AT THE OLD S JJf sa tinn mn TTT1T n HMD, mnuix & On Market Street 2 doors nonk tho Court House, where they arf it., t i jusi opening a uiiuauauv lajv and well selected fiock oi goorV suited to the wants of the comma! nity for the Full and Winter traij which they offer in large andBrnjl quantities on the most reasonable terms CALL AND EXAMINE FQl yourselves Their assortment I rvn arC .t MrXirMila ts very large and complete: embracing ala every article both of fashion and service. I pecinl attention baa been paid to theselsctiois; LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which are of variety and the very latest styles. Silks, Dolaines, Plaids, Merinos, Poplins, Alpaccas, Cashmeres, French, Scotch and Domestie Uingbams, Prints, Llnseys, Cambrics, Brilliants, Fig. and plain Bobinetts, Irish Linen Cloths Ac. , Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Satinet's, JmJ Tweeds. Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, TickiiJ , Crash, Diaper, Bleached and unbloachsd aj , lina A drills, Red, Grey, White and Canton iQ . nols. Also a litrg' stock or Ladies' and 6ntlJ I mens' Shawls, Double and biogle, btsilas l , Chenilles, Black and Drab Cloth capss of til ,very latoat fashion, RY, AND 8ILVEK WAR!'. WE would rospeotfully inform our friu patrons and the publie gw.rally, i at J bave now in store and offer Wholesale a oi U tail at the lowest Cash Prices, a large aad ti l choice stock Watch, Jewelry, Silver aad I'iiJ Wan of every variety and atyle. Every desmption of Diamond Work auiotij er Jewelry, made to order at short notice. JMT-All goods warrunied to tie aa rtprenust. Particular attention given to the repnirlnr, J Watches and Jewelry of evory aesenption. 8TAUFFER A HARLET. No. 622 MARKET street, (south elds,) l':, Sept. 19th, I860. 6 mo. BAHOTEiWAYNESVlLLETPi TUB a'bore Hotel, having recently btn Itt up tor a Douse et enteruinineni, is now op, for the accommodation of the pabKc. TruTt'.i Till find this a convenient novae. May l ISSS, JOUS J01 DAN. GimacJtajr'c IndtitinUe Thlrty-Xinth and Markot Street, Fbll Prof. Ii D fc COItTLAXD SAL'DEKJ Principals. Hon. WM. BIGLER, Clearfield ; Wm. Mfk: BIN, Esq. of the Merchants' Hotel, I'b Hon. J. W. FORNEY, op'! lie Press;' Iui.a WESTBROOK, or the S. S. Union Hon. l.A MAYNARD, Willinmsporti J. LEISENRIN Esq., Pres't or the Lehigh Coal Nov Co.,i irbn. ASA PACKER. Mauch Chunk; alt whom have tone boarding in Savnderi' rnriu will give their friends who may be looking asafe, thorough and pleasant School, any m.c nation desirod respecting this Seminary. eA Grove and Lawn of KICUT ACRP attached to the Institute, for lecluiioa, n ation and physical exercise. lu WATCH & JiWILM rriHE undersicned rerptctfu I Informs his customers sad t: public generally, that he lias J received from the East, and o; : ed t his establishment in UK All Ail 8 B0 Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment or Cioci Watuues, and Jswklut of different qvslilii trom a tingle piece to a full sett, which be t soil at the most reasonable prices for caiL, er exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on band, at the c reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewilr carefully repaired and n arranted. A continuance of patronage is solicited, Sept. 19, I860. H. F.NACOLK To Persons out of Employmen, AGENTS WANTED. In every County of the United States fW0 engage in the sale of some of the best an JL most elogantly illustrated Works published Our publications are of the most interestic character, adapted to the wants of the Farmi Mechanic and Merchant; they are fublithtd the best style and bound in the most subsist tial manner, and aro worthy a place ia the L brary of every Household in the Land. &Q.To men or enterprise aud industrious hat its, this business offers an opportunity for prolv aoio employment seldom to be met with. Ul'ersons desiring to act as agents will rt ceive promptly by mail full particulars, tiroi f e., by addressing LEARY. GETZ k to., Pet Ho. 224 North street, Philadelphia. uoi zs, 1800 ly. NE AV HOTEL. The undersigned respectfully bees leavs announce that he recently rented a bouse la ti oorouga or Lumber city, Clearfield county, r ior me accommodation of the travelling poo watermen and all others who may favor t with a call. His table will always be supplied with as goo- as me niaraets aflord: and no rains will spared to render hia guests comfortable wb nnaer his roof. To which the faets that ae u toxioatmg liquors of any kind will ba kent abec tha premises, will he trusts, contribute la small degree. While, what is always Itnporuo 10 me traveller, the best attention will be firs oy careiul hostler to that faithful compaDiua bis journey, his patient steed. July 4, 1800. ly. JAMES CR0SSIT. CLEARFIELD STONE WIRE POTTEKr- Thankful for past favors and solieitloui of f ture patronage. I would respectfully annouif that l bave on band again, and wi!l eoDitsni'! keep at the Pottery in this borough, on the ow ner a short distance east or the Methodist Cburcfc a large stock of Crookery, such as Cream otoht, milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe cam; o-e. art. ( ana also an extenaiva assortment different sizes and watbsrna of brackets at rosettes for oornice on houses, and other mtol-j flings. Any mouldings not on band will be made t Older on short notice. Alsa Bra brlok made 2&tA liberal reduotion ea prices mvde Vs! wnoiesaio dealers. jr. LtUIZLauar.. Clearfield, may 23, 1170. ly. Carpets, Drugget, earpet cbala, Bags Si Bagging, Curled nalr Ae., at R. W. at CO' A large lot of BEAN for sale at the ot Store of MERRILL k BIQLFA- 1 ig for sa LRins. 0 rl low at the store of Oearfla , July 11th 1SS0. w.r