Executive Department. Harvi)urj:, January 2, 1861 be gltitStft 1'upubliraii pi -n r . '- " ' r ' ,,,1 affections sUll cling to our Union, nnd i Bec-innivio-fA ViM n.v irayer ahull be that He who ordors I ... ' ihe dfslinie' of niUions, when he shall!. V lth 0,1 our melancholy surroundings, have chastened us for our sins, and hum-1 ' Indeed laughable to see to what troub blei us boforo Him, will restore us ugain le the Black Republican newspapers and ia mercy, and bind us toother in stronger j leaders have g.-n9 to pursuade and de ,nd more hollowed bond of Jrarermiy, ! . ,lloJ,. ' ... to remain unoroKen mrougn an future ' ...... uu me. WM. F. PACKKR. I mestio troubles. The old cry of "step thiof" within a few days has been vehemently luieed against ".Southern traitors," by tho Black republican presses and leaders, led on .by tho N. Y. Tribune iho Black republican Bible. Thousand of their party believe tho Bible to be a fuble, and beliovo orory word that appears in tho Tribune; hence the wincing and squirming lately by the "Pubs." Having read the deoluration in I their Bible, they are about realizing th facta. But notwithstanding the acknowledge meuts of the leading presses and politi cians of his party, that bold and fe.ftrlcss(!) teacher and expounder of truth(!) still continues to compare tho Revolution in South Carolina to a little school boy who "wants to go out." If the Lawyers Ox U not-- gored before fjf-h w CLEARFIELD. PA., JANUARY 9. 1801, Fsom Wasuinuto. The news from Washington and the South are still vory contradictory j but the best construction that can bo put upon them, is dark in uul If no clianra takes nlaca in the s0uthern mind within a fortnight, the I es 1 0 very tnueii mistaken, liut futures of a Revolution mav be I)rJ we advise the public, to look out; when . --- ( pared for Week of Prayer. An Invitation to'engage In epeoial prayer in the commencement of 1861, for the conTeriion of the world, having boon addrossod "to all that In -every place call upon the name of eau. Christ our Lord," ly the Calcutta Missionary Conference T HE CRISIS!! NOW 18 THE TIME Whon Goods aro indeed Sacrificed 1 1 bussmaFa REED. In basement of Merrell A Diglor's Store, Clear- in India, and the second week in January baring field, hare eono'uded to clear out their large been designated a. the season for this concert i"0?' AnT10 .v'n nnn-ra .vn at pricea reallv astonishing. Allianco, and by .everul eeclesiaatical bodies In Tui j, probubly the BEST CHANCE tliat will Mill country j the pastors or the Lhurches In , ever - . . . . II,. tloarle.d do atlectionatcly Invite tuo people or their charges, and of the community in general, ' SHERIFF'S SALES. - ' Interest deoeaeed of, in, and to all those cerulu B, . r 1 ,7 , v.ii.i! r, :prcmioi situate in tbelownof Lumber City.towit:" y virtue of lundry writs 1 of .nd.tlonl Expo- louoflnnd in said borough fronting naj, Issued out of the Court of Common " 0 ,ea(1ing up 4 do,n lb. river Vie., ofCloarlield county, and to me directed ; roa bouudoJ ,B t)e norUl by , there will bo exposed to publio .ale, at tho court , 8 I b M ownC(, b JlUon house, in the borough of Uearueld, on Mouduy, ' . ' , a; lbe from the 14th day day of Janiwy, 1S01, the Mlo-iu;" ,d Uarig lbcr,on tIJd a ,ge tw9 described property, vu: i.mry finuio tavern house, baru, and othor out- A cerium tract of land siluato in l'"! buildings, being the promises known as tbo Davis eatur township, Clearfield county, IV. and Hush 1 TuT(,rn j0U8(,. AUo, in connection therewith, township, Center county, l'a., bounded by lnods'tiT0 ))( silllBt0 jn the rear of property now occa lnto of (Ireen, now of John Crano, lunds lute of ., j.i,h I,. Kirbv. boundiM past bv street is probubly the BEST CH ASCE that will jjavid Kephart, now of 1). I. l'runor 4 Co., lauds , ,. ' i,m ,,.om (he bri() , 1)y ft - iiiiu vi jiu.ji 1 i.n u,V uun . - . . The Governor's Message. The last annual messngo of Governor Packer will be found at length in our col umns to day. This' nocess.irily excludes much of our usual reading matter which we had prepared for this week, as well as several communications, which will ap pear in our next. The Governor very thoroughly discusses our State and National affairs in a becom ing manner, and wohopo our readers will jive tho mossage an attentive perusal. Why he n?g!ccted to call the at tention of the Legislature to tho financial condition of the country, and especially to the conduct of those Banks in our Stato, who refuse to pay their liabilities, weuannot concoivo, unless it is that ho l:ai full confidence in the obility of his successor; knowing very well that here tofore he has been an adept in establishing iw Banks without capital, and that no doubt ho will use the same appliances in resuscitating the old ones, and particular ly those established under tho adminis tration of Governor Tollock. to assemble and unite in prayer and conference in reference to this great object. The sorvicos will commence on the first Sab bath of the year at fj P. M. and be continued on the aucceding evenings in accordance with tho following PBOQRAMU E. Subbath evening, in the Presbytor.'ao Church. Subject of conferenoe The present condition of the world as neodiug and inviting christian ef forts for its conversion to Qod. Monday evoning,in the Lutheran Church. Sub ject The grounds of our faith that this world shall yet be converted to God, and the earth be filled with the knowledge of the Lord. Tuesday evening, in the Methodist Church. Subject The Instrumentality by which the con vers.on of the world is to be effected. Weduesday evening, in St. Andrews Chareh. Bubjcot The necessity of tho influences of the Holy Qbost in order to the conversion of the world, and the importanoe ot a full and clear recognition of this neccossity. Tf. ...!... Ajintn inll,H.ni;.iria.A Hull- he will smell treason in every wind that' .Th . . mn r ' sibmt of lhe cbllr. blows from a Southern latitude, and no , aoJ., gmlt ,g,nt fur tb, conversion of the doubt advocate tuo erection ot a gallows world. lour little neighbor loams that the country is in danger, ho will howl tremendously ; hewill'espio a traitor in every countc nance, and through his extended nostrils FIELD, anil tlu public gerorally, for supplyiug themselves with TUB CHOICEST ARTICLES, at the very lowest prices prices, in fact, which are mnch lower than tho articles can bo mado or imported for, and prices which nothing but the1 unsettled condition of the country has made. Nor do these low figure apply to a few loading arti cles only, but to evnrything .in the line of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, JEWELRY from Dress Uoods to Domestics, all are embraced in THIS GREAT SLAUGHTER. We will not mention any of our Goods nor prices hore ; all we say is, come early, and ex amine tor yourson, l'runor, A 1 - , . bv lniul of S. llua-i unit north Co., thenoe from spruce, a corner of this survey, j. iftni of junu,, Arthurs, having tho spring south 21 degrees west, ISO perches, crossing ..to- (c-nnccteij itb tavern house theroou. Also, two slianon Creek, to Dlnck-oak, thence south, 22 do- corUlin 0.ncr it, tl1(into in Lumber City afore grccs east, 381 porches, to Service-berry, thence .. linunil,.( uj flowg vn th south by publio mirth. 55 or 85 dec reel east. 76 nerches to Snan- '. . . r . i.l; ., ..,! ,,vn ih iKh-ouk, thence north, orsouthj 8j degrees '.; riv. on u,e wejtbylots of Dnvid and Ifnao US nerehos to White-oak, thonce north l'J deg. , .... lll , ., i,nei. and enit br lots of oast, for norUi 89 deg. west,) 56 pcrehos to a ma-; 0e ' Williams, known in the plan of said town iple, thenco north, 20 dogroes west, 66 perches a No n ioveu AIb9 two wnB.-vlu.,i, :';T certuin other lots eititute in Lumber uty atore perches, to maplo, thenco north 2o dog. west, 31 MjJ , in in (ha roar of tRVern hou(,0 pr0p,rty, nerches to a Cucumber, thence north 60 deg. cast, 1 , '. ' n.r. 1 50 porches to Lin-wood, thence north 35 degrees 1(ia(lin it XM frum ,10 Mo, north by west. 37 nerehos, to 1'ine, thence north bi degj. . 2 t ' i.lV,,. ,i ... k ii. i,ht. 1 -w . T 0 nnvnli&a aA,( n l na II tl n fl tl fVtyOV In I ..r .. .. . j.vh nnnun h,irrb..inir Thr Dnllari' 1 ' l'"-" Ifroin Woiroll. Also, nil thoso certain premites wrirth of Goods will be entitled to a GUT worth 1,eln'lot'k on "n0 ,r lana . J ' 1 situate in Ferguson township. Clearfield county rrom 25 cents to b4nUtlod t0 U " r' wwrlU and being supposed to conuin 400 acre, more or ,' b 0Eccllpancy of Thomas Robinson, from 25 cents to f5.-Vi3i d bois IBnred ,,, ,ho name of Thomas ,,orih8rly by the Lumber City and N.B.-W. shall not rolta tongw than :W" H-P- turnpike.' and adjoining land, of tbi ilatofJanaarv 1881 ian-2t 1 'gaily vested in Thomas Mays, who conveyoa D . , Jttuu., Arthurs, John Ferguson, the21tofJanry, 1881. J"" the same to David I. Prunor, having th.reon anJ oontllillin)t nl)out J ncr08, bttVng, CIIIiRIVKI! 8ALK.nyvirt..ofawritofi:ar;lnDXcU".e cleared laud, wi.n a log house iS v.niiionl Ki,on,L. Ii,,,l t .f (ka Court . ? .V 'i 1 u ! ' tnnd log bam thoroon. Boned, taken in execu- o?CoVmmon ? ""ceaVt,: to haM "J J 10 BOr0, M -. -; P'rty of liranso- direeted, there wiU be exposed for a.l. by -bH-"a,.0, . Defendant, interoet, of, In and to .11 f ' outcry." '""?"',b," that certain tract of land situate in Uecatur town- ... n rn..tBf,. r,: -.r t;,i,n( !,i nolleionte, ou Jiunvai, mo mjoi M,hiu. Clearfield countv. Pa . surveyed on warrant ; i""V:, - -.....--.. . . . . u n - vu'. ... ..Lawrence towmnip, Licaruem roiniv, 1 a., oe- tes north loj ui'g" east 12 v-m percnes to l.uono road, thenco along sai'l rad north 61 dog. west U pcrehos, north si "'S- WC!I 0 "-lu perones Friday evening, in the Presbyterian Charoh. Subject How can the Ckarch be brought up to is in favor of the full measure of her duty in the work of the on every street corner to hang trailers upon. We wish to know if ho the repeal of that portion of the 95th soc-, worlJ' eonvortion. lion oi the rovisod Penal Code, commen cing with "No Judge," &c. ISrThe County Commissioners have mado the following appointments for the ensuing year: . Solicitor, Wm. A. Wallace, Esq. Mer cantile Appraiser, E. R. Livergood, Clerk, Win. S. Bradley, Fuel contract, Thomas Larue h. "Stand Firm ! Be True 1" SuA is tho word of command given by the editor of the Journal to his party. Yes, lot tho country go to ruin let us Lave civil war, and sacrifico millions of men, and hundreds of millions of dollars, and disgrace our manhood in cve;y alinpe snd form, but don't utter ono word of conciliation ''We havo nothing to apologize for, no thing (o take back, at a arty," says the Journal. Of course it was all right to stigmatize "tlaiery and pohigamy" "twin sihters of bar barism," in your riatioual Platform of '50, and as they are ' barbarians" no apology it necessary I "Asaparty," we havo endor sed tho "Helper Hook," by CS of our mem bers of Congress, and our titump speakers in the late Campaign used it ns a text look. It is true this book ndvo ttli8 stealing of slaves, and the duty of slaves to murder their masters. But then those masters are all "burbarians," and therefore e have nothing to "apologize" for. And it is nlso true that nt n-nny of our late po litical demonstration banners and mot toes levering the memory of John Brown, tho murderer, were displayed without,and that the memory of that "Saint" is sacred ly kept bv our ltcdimtbs, l'arkorp. 4c, but then, they wero "barbarians" whom lie murdered and of course we "as a par have nothing to apologize for no thing to take back." "Were not the principles of our party well understood 1" asks tho Journal; wo answer, No nt least not as interpreted by tho leaders of your party. Your leaders, SSaTOn Wednesday last, a committee of leading business men from Philadelphia, appoared boforo our Legislature vith a Petition four hundred and jijvi, tixeet hnj, praying that body to repeal the odious Personal Liberty clause in the late Revis ed Penal Code of our Stato ; and we un derstand large numbers aro pouring into the Legislature from different parts of the Stato. UAKY next- All the interest of th Defendant, boing the undivided one fourth part r f all that certain tract or portion of land situate in the township of Hush, in the county of Centre, and the town ship of Decatur( in th oouuty of Clearfield, con taining 1,705 aores and allowaace, being held in common witu A. u. uurun, u. i. rruner, anu land. Roiied and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Duvid I, l'runer. Also, two certain tracts of laud siluato in Gulich township, Clearfiold oounty, Pn or.o beginning at a Yt hite Pine corner of H. llegnr- common wau V1.'""' . " " ty, thence by same north 47 deg. east, ISO perch Johi M. Unle, all of which said premises are do- . ' . . . . ' Satarday ercniug, In the Luthoran Churok, Subject The conversion of the world, a work so glorious as to demand the highest efforts for it accomplishment. T5SIf ever there was a tiste for people to buy Dry Goods or Boots ana Shoes, for future as woli as present use, it is now. Moaeri. Butsmnn A Roed, opposite ItcpubUean office, are soiling their large stock of theeo articles at less than cost pricos. The consoquence is, tbey art busy with customers' evory day in th wek,in spit of secesiion and everything olso. Sea their adver tiscmont. scribed by metes ami bounds in a mortgage bv th said Joseph J. Liuglo to th said Willium 11. Blair, dated 8tb heptomber, ISij, and record ed in th office for th recording of Deeds in Centre eounty, in Mortgage Book E, page 34, Ao. Seized, taken in elocution, and to be sold as the property of Joseph J. Linglo. OKO. ALEXANDER, ShorilTi OJEro, 1 Sheriff. Bellefoat, Dec. 22. 1860. J Jsn9 3t ifcUT'To morrow is the day designated by the Supreme Court for the hearing of tho Catheart case, upon the molion for a now trial. Tho decision will bo given in a few days. Br3T"Dr. A. M. Hills notifies bis friends that he will bo absent from his office in Clearfield from now untiftho last of February with the exception of the Janu ary Court, during which ho will boat home. Ir. Hills desires us to say that lio will visit Now Washington nnd vicinity on the week after Court, commencing with the 21st of January, ISOI. All ordors left with Samuel Scbiing will bo promptly at tended to. t. A US' 1. of Administration having boeu jj'autod to the uncorsigned, tbis duy, upon tLu estato of GEORGE SriUCKER, decked, late of Urady township, Clearfiold county, all persons iudobtad to said eststo aro roquestud to make iuimediato payment, and those having claims against tbe same will present them luly authenticated cr settlement. fcH.Al3jsiu bULLiif.it, jan-l Adm'x. to coruor, thenco by lunds of Jacob Hoover, south ono ileg. we.t 1 1 1-5 perches tu white oak, thenco alone suid Hoover's land south 01 deg, east 13 5-It) H J , iT;' 1 porches to place of beginning, containing ono deg oast, Hi p.rcliesto I , four perches, having thereon i 47 deg. west, 180 porch. , . , f frn,' hnnr ' Sr,J t(lkon . execution, and to be sold ns tho property of John M, A lams, administrator of JoaopU Lagle do coasod, and Gcorjro J. Lnglo. AUo. by virtuo Ol a writ of Levari facias. to pout, thence south 43 largo pine, thenco south to poet, thence north 4.1 dog. wott IU2 perchos to beginning, containing IIS acros, and 13 j porches being partof a latger survey in numo of ohn Lamblnck. Tbo other, bfirinfliug, at Whitd Pino, thence ty land late the cutate of J. A. Phi joiin O D K L L MARRIED. On the 27th Doooinber, 1860, by Rer. J. T. Cole, Mr. Philip C. Shammi and Miss Kisicca J. Owi-i, both of Lawrence township. For the dolieious cake aceoaipunying the above notice, the happy coupl havo the thanks of the printers. On tho 23d of December, by the Rev. J. R. Focht, Mr. Thomas Lono and Miss lUcuat. Ei.oou, both of Pike township. On the 20th of Deccrobor, by tho same, Mr. Ayos Hi.ooM.of Piko township, and Miss Rs iecca McCracseh, of Ferguson township, On the 25th December, by D. S. Moob. Esq,, Mr. CuniKTiAM Sthaw and Miss Julia McCkack E.t, both of Ferguson township. On tho 27th December, by Amos Hile, Esq., Mr. II. T. Rohi.mon and Masoahut Killt, all of Lumber City. On the 27th Diecobcr, at tbe residence of tb bride's father, by Rev. John A. Ituner, Mr. Jam us Print;., of Lewistown, ana Miss Cat a- rinr, youngest daughter of J. 1'. W. Schsars Ehj., of ClearOela county. On th 26th December, by R. f haw, Ksq., Mr. Oaonor Owens and Miss Maboarkt McMullsn, both of Lawrence township. UPHOLSTER AND CARRIAGE TRIM MER, iocakd at A. II. Shaw't Mills, ont mile East of C'lcarjield borough, Respectfully informs the citisens of Clearfield and adjoining conntics, that he is at all times p' cpnrcd to manufacture, at the shortest notioo, linir, Husk, and fUraw Maltresres of all kinds and sizes, one of which is a Folding Mat tress, suitable for CABINS ON RAFTS, which can be folded in small compass, nnd emptiodand refilled at pleasure; ana very cheap, llo also trims Cninagos, makes repairs to all Kinds ot Carnage Trimming and Upholstery, and makes Cords for Mason's Tracing Linos, of any thick ness or longth. fuCountry Produce, Corn Husks, r Cash taken in Eichange for work, yfr All orders left with any of the Merchants of Clearfield borough will hi promptly attended to. UeoZO-tr. vii : All that certain tract or piece of hind Fitunto in Beccuria tp. Clear field county, Pa., known ns the ono fourth part of the tract called the Springfield Truct, bounded as follows vis: beginning ut a dog-wood on the line ol'lho laud bolonging to tho estnte of Jona than Pufey, doi ojsed, thonoo by tho snmo north 3i) deg. west 175 perches to a hoinUok, thence by lands of Johu Cooper tho three following courses to wit; north M dog. east 120 porches to a ma ple ; south deg. ei'nt 175 perchos to a pine ; south i') deg. west X'lfl porches to the placo of beginning, containing 123 acres and 129 perches and ullonanco, beint,' purt of suid land bought by said John Cooper from Xuthnniol Richardson nud wile, together with the hereditaments na appurio nanccs. Seiiod, taken in execution, aud to b sold as tbo property of Leonard Gibbon. One tlitrd tho purchase niouoy uiuaimvariaoiy be naid atthetiiue the property is knocked down, or it will bo resold; and tho bnlunce boforo tho docd isucknvwludged. F. O. JllLLEn.Sheria'. ShoritT'e Offleo, Clearfiold Pa. Doc, 17, 1300. Dedication. By Divine permission, the new M. E. Church of Now Washington, will bs dedicated to the worship of Al mighty God, Sunday, January 27th. The services of tho Rev. V. L. Spottswood and the Rev. James A. Coleman are ex pocted. All are invited. Services to com mence at 10 o'clock, A. M. K. W. KIR13Y, Tastor. J8f3Tho individual who sent us an epistle relating to 'A coplo of young gentle m?n,"who attended soujo "curch" hist Christmas, nnd afterwards "staved" tlioir "Sleig" to " Teaces," must let us have his name, if ho wishes to see his as appears from the proceedings of the I production in print. Senate Crisis Comrmlteo of thirteen, say the verdict of the people in the late elec tion was in favor of Congress prohibiting the extension of slavery into tho territo ries, and in favor of Congress "abolishing" slavery in tho district of Columbia, in the dockyards, Ac., in the Southern States. Will our neighbor toll us what propor tion of the voters for Lincoln so under stood the principles of bis party, and who arenctr fn favor of this interpretation" of those rrincinles T It will cost him but little trouble at kost to approximate tho truth. He might thus discover that there i some doubts ns to bis friends obeying his command to "staud Ci m 1 be true 1" in the persistence of a tnanifest wrong and the ruin of the country. K5The Legislature of this Slalo met at Harrisburg on New Year's day. R. M. Palmer, Esq., of Schuylkill," was elected Speaker of the Senate, and Russcl Errett, of Pittsburgh, was re-elected Chief Clerk. Tho Democrats voted for Sliindol of Lehigh, for Speaker, and Jake Zeigler for Clerk. In the Home, E. W. Davis, Esq., or Ve tango, was elected Speaker, nnd E. II Rauch, of Carbon was re-elected Chief Clerk. TbeDeniocrats voted for Dr. Hill, Vf Montgomery, for Speaker. V Hon. Henry D. Moore, of Philadelphia, 11 undoubtedly be elected Stato Treas 1' er. r E. Cowan, Esq., of Westmoreland coun 'i has been elected United Slates Sena for mx years from tho lth of March ntt. Mr. 0w.iu waa fnl njinin.lled by C'smtrwi and Covyde, DIED, In Dell township, on tbe 2Jd of December, 1860. of alulir and painful disease of the lunge, Mrs. Maksrry, wife of David Dell, end aoughtor of Joseph and Rebecca Hoover; aged 34 years 4 months, and 22 days. Ort ns the bell, w ith solemn toll, Hpouks the departing of a soul, Let each one sk himself, "Am I Prcpar'd, should I be called to die ?" Only this frail at d fleeting breath Prevents me from the sting of death ; goon as it fails, at once rin gone, And plunged Into a world unknown. Thon, when the solemn b"ll I boar, If saved from guilt I need not fear, Nor would the thought distressing be Perhaps it rext may toll for mo, n. B. - - - -' Auditor's Notices. 15i the matter of tho estato of George II. Dale deceased, on motion of L. J. Crans, Esq., William M. M'Cullough, was appointed Auditor to distributo mency in the hands of Zacharinh M Naui Administrator, f till. CUK. ISy virtuo of tho above appointment, I will attend to tho duties thereof on the 1 Jill day of January 1SC1, nt the office of M'Culluugh A Pro in CleurfTold, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, when and whore, all persons interested, may attend if they soe proper. n m,. li. JSl L LL-LIH UII. December 10th 1S00 Auditor lips, north 43 west 106 perches to. post, thenco " n.W pas iZ3 I-10 )icruncs to a cpamsh-oak, thence by lands of It aw le A Co., south 27 7-10 porehos, and south 47 (log. west 73 porches, to boginuing ; conluining 33 acres and allowance, boing same premises surveyed 17th December, 1S30, on which aro 80 acres cleared, with dwelling bouse, and log barn thrreon orccted. iS'cised nnd taken in execution, aud to be sold as the property of Li, P, U, A W, K. Matten, and A. llyers, X. T. Also, n certain tract of land situate in Bull townlhip Clearfiold county, Pa., bounded as follows, vi: beginning nta white pino and cor ner of laud of John Patchen, thonoo by said lunds, and land of O- L. Roed, north 40 degrees, wost 305 porches to a pino corner, thoneo by samo lnnds, north 50 deg. east 1 30 pcrehos, to a ! suar corner, thecce by samo land and lauds of John Putcben, south 40 deg. east 305 pcrehos to Whito-pine corner, thenco by lunds of T. A. M'Uhoo i Co., and others, south 50 deg. westlC porches, to placo of beginning, containing 2'Jl acres, 50 perches, and allowance, warranted te Kicklin A Uritlitli, known ui No. bWJ. 5U10, and! 69 til, with saw-niill and small log house thereon erected. iSouoil and taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of J. K. A James Tliuui-as. Also, a certain tract of hind situate in Lawrence township, Cleurfiold county Pa., con taining :7I acres, bounded by tho biuqnohauna river,lteed, bpackmnn, Mitchell, and rullorton, with a fniino Ikuifc, frn in o barn, sun -mill, and other out building thoroon, with twoorcharda and nbont sovonty acres cleared theroon. Sciied ta ken in exocution, and to be sold as tho property of Philip Antes. Also, a certain tract of land siluato in Rrady township, Clearfield county Pa., bounded by lauds of D. Iiuiley, Metlar, Joseph Ditlo and . tnors, containing sixty-two acren, and lil'iy acres cloared, with orchard. Also, a tract situato in Urady township, Clearfield county, containing fifiy-sovea acres, bounded by lands of Joseph Dale, Philip Krii.cr, tloodiandor, Leonard, and others, with filty acres cleared, house, barn, md orchard theroon, Seized and tukm lu execu tion1, and to bo sold as tho property of John P. Dale. A Governor Cirtin's Aitointments. Secretary of Stato Eli Slifer, of Union county. Deputy Secretary ueorge w. iiamcrs lv. of Philadelphia. Attorney General Sara '1 A. rurviance, of Butler county. Whisky Inspector William Butler, of Midlin county. Physician of the Tort of Philadelphia Doctor Clark, of Philadelphia. Messenger to tho Governor Samuel Miles, of Centre county. Adjutant General James S. Negley, of Pittsburg. ' Western Flour Inspoctor Thomas Col lins, of Pittsburg. Scaler of Weights and Measures J. D. Owens, of Pittsburg. Stick this Up. UNIONJIEETINfi! DCTA meeting of the friends ofi tbe Constitution and the Union as it is, will be held in tho Court room in this borounh on next - u Tuesday evening, loth instant, Court week. All persons with out respect to party arc invited to come. Many Citizens. STATKM EST of the CLEARFIELD COUN TY Ba"K, for the month ending December HOOK THAT EVERY FARMER, MK- chanic, and Rusiness Man Vt ant, Just published, THE TOWNSHIP AND LOCAL LAWS Of lhe State of Pennsylvania, Compiled from the Acts of Assembly, by William T. Haines, Esq., and published riy iulwnrd F. James, Esq., West Chester, Ponna, This work contains over 440 pages of closely printed mattor, snd will be (old by subscrip tion. It teaches the duties of Justices of the Peace, with forms for ths transaction of their business, It teaches the duties of constables with all the nocessary forms, appertaining to the ofUco. It contains the duties of the (supervisors of ev- rv County and Township in the .Vtato. It contains me mono oi proceuure mr ine iay- ni out and opening of public snd private roads eavocating and altoring roads, the building of bridges, Ac, Ac. r It containe the Lorumon fccnooi i.aw, woitn ex planations, decisions nnd directions, tegether with forms for Deeds, Bonds, Contracts, Cer-tifi cates, Ac, Ac. This department f tho work was compiled at Tfarrisburg by Mr. Samuel P Ratos, Deputy Superintendent, and la alone' worth the price of the volume to anyone lntcros cd in Common .Schools. , It contains the duties of Township Aaditors. It contains the laws relative to Dogs and Sheep. It contains the duties of Assessors. It contains tho lows in relatuio to Strays, Mules and .Swine. It contains the laws relative to Fences an Fence Viewers. 81, 18.10 l ASSETS. Rills discounted -Pennsylvania State Stock Specie - - - - -Due from other Hanks Notes of other Eanks Cheoks, Drafts, Ae. Furniture Expense of Plate engraving, Ao Stationery, Ao. - $ 1099 .17 19,76.1 60 4,321 14 977 62 745 n Also, defendant's interest of, in, nnd to a certain tract of land situate in Dogi town ship. Clearfield comity, Ph., bounded by lands of Richard Woplo, James M. Shaw, and others, containing eighty acres, more or less, the ahuvo describod land being unimproved. Soizod. ta ken In execution, and to be sold as the property of John E. Shaw. Also, a certain trsct of land situate in Morris township, Clearfiold county, IV, onutaiu ing 132 acres, bounded by lands of John llron n, Isuao England, James Kriso, and others, with a log house, log barn, and about fifty acres oleurod. Seised, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Abraham Drown. Alio, defendant's) interest in a certain tract of land situate in Furguson towmhip, Clenr field county, Pa., bounded and described ns fol lows: beginning at a hetnlook corner, thenco by Renj. Uibb'e survey south 50 deg. wost 230 perches to a post, and thence by John Trissler survey north 40 deg. west 100 perches to place of beginning, containing 210 acres moro or less, being tho nsrthwost corner in the nnme of Mu thias Ilarton, with about 25 acres cleared, and log house and log barn erected thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as tho proper ty of Silas White. Also, a certain tract of land situate in Covington township, Clearfiold county, Pa., boun ded as follows, viz! (in tho north by tho road leading from Clonrficlil to Frcnclivillc j on tho south east and weft by lan'ls of Francis Coudriet, having thereon eroded a plank dwelling house. Soiled, taken in elocution, and to bo sold as the proporty of Rcnaud 4 Tibrout. Also, '.he undivided one fourth part nnd Interest of John Taggart of two oortnin tracts of land, containing entli whole tract 43:) acres, 1 53 perches, one surveyed on warrant of Ebonczer Grenham, en warrant dated 10th January, 179.1, and the other surveyed on warrant of Pnvid Bur- ton, unted 10th January, ly'.Li, being tl.o samo COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, Hon. SAMUEL LIN.V, Esq., President Judge of tho Court of Couimois Pleas of tiio taeuty -fifth Judicial Dixtrict, com posed of tho counties of Clearfield, Ccntro nnd Clinton and the Hon. Wm. L. Moore and Hon. Henjnmln Doti.iil, Associate Judges of Clearfield county ; have issued thoir preoopt. to me direct ed, for tho holding of a Court of Common Ploas, Orphan's Court, Cenrtof Quarter Sessions. Court of Ltyor und Terminer, and Court of General Jail Delivery, ut Clearfiold, in anil for tho county of Clearfield, on tho Second Momhy ( Wlh da;) cf Janvrtty next, NOTICE IS, theroforo, heroby given, to tho Coroner, Justices of the Pence, and Constables, in and lor said county of Clearfiold, to appear in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, IiHiuinilions, Examinations and other Remem brances, to do thoso things which to their othcow, and in their behalf, pertain tu bo done, and Ju rors bo then and there attending, and not to de part without leave, at their peril. tllVE.V under my hand at Clearfield, this 2i:'.i duy of Oct., in the year of our Lord, ono thou sand eight hundred nnd sixty. i. U. J11LLEU, Bheriff. Nov.2S, I860. " lIAli rb;WrCKs" " ' DRUG ( VARIETY MARKET STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL Tho umlcrjignod will have constantly on ban' ) a we.l selected stoelt of Drugs, Choinicals, Dye" Stuffs, Oils, Paint., Tobacco and Segars, Station ary, Perfumery, Rruslies. and Fancy article.', which he will dieposo of cheap for cash. He invites the public to call and examino-hU stock of goods before purchasing elsowhore. Country Physicians furnishod with Drugst Medicines, and Surgical Instruments at the nios roasoiinhlo rates. J. O. HARTSWICK. Clearfield, Pa., Doo. 20, I860. U contain, th. law. relative to gem. LICENSE NOTICES. rilllfl following named persons have tiled l.c JL the Offico of tho Clork of tho Court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield county, tholr Pe titions for License at the January Session nex:.. agreeable to the Act of Assembly of Maich 2.etL, 1 S50, entitled An act to regulate the saU of In toxicating Liquors," Ae. TAVERN LICEXSE3. Branson Davis, Lniubor City bor. R. J. Haynes, Karthaus tf. Geo. N. Coleburn, Clearfiold bur. James Uloom, son., Rloom tp. A. L. Ogdon, Lawrence tp. Joseph L. Curby, Lumber City. David Atleinan, (lulieh tn, MERCANTILE LICENSE.-?. O. R. Merrell, Augustus Laeonte, r. i. lieajirty. rout anu Amr. ,...i,; n,ni. n. .1,. :,i. It contains the Election Laws with all nees-l.v ,, ". ' ' " v in land being woodland, and unimproved ; uo ln- sarv rorms. . r. . . .- . - It contain, the Naturalisation Law., with all ?""" . uhoii, ana Jul. c. Uxnwt. .1 ...r. V. f,.r An.,llUnn. " ola " lu8 prtperiy o! jonu laggnri. It contain, a larire number of Loa-al Forms' . Also, a certain tract ol laiul sit tlato m rjoc. -nth which are used in the every day transaction 0f Boggs township, Clearfield county, l'a., bounded 181 R8 764 7 2.12 37 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in As the following tahle of tho number of pounds to tho bushels, may bo of interest to the farmer and dealer, we publish it, lid ndvise them to cut it out and Notn in circulation .... . i i r . Due Depositors stick it up in some prominent place for ,,, Md KxchBng, . reference ; Of wheat, sixty pounds. Of shell-corn, fifty-six pounds. Of corn in the cob, soventy pounds, Ot rye, fifty-six pDunds. Of barley, forty-seven pounds. Of potatoes, sixty pounds. , Of beans, fixty pound. Of bran, twenty pounds. Of clover seed, sixty pounds. Of timothy seed, forty five pminds. Of flaxseed, fifty-eight pounds. Of lii-MiM-t sofid. fiftvfour pounds. Of buck-vheat, forty-eight pounds, or t,inn irrnss aped, fourteen pounds Of east r beans, thirty-three pounds. $38,81!! 67 JAB. B. GRAHAM, Cashier. Clcarfiel , ra., Dec. 31, 1860. jen? S Til AY Ili:il-i:il. Came to the reeidonco of the subscriber in Huston tp., about Ave or six week, ago, a HEIFER red, crumpled horns, and about two years old. Tho ownor Is ul to come forward, prove property, pay 1 take her away or she will be dispo- g to law. VtJLLlAM JIUli. a, ntf 1,12S eo'busin .s, such a. Acknowledgment., Affidavit. !on n01"1'1 J A' ,fci!uno',f K"lc n ' Artiolc.of Agreements, and Contracts, Partner, "J nl " i ship, Apprentices, Assignments, Attestationsr r'rl Turnpike, and on the west by lands of Rill, of Exchange and Promissory Notes, Rillsj- Stone . Estate, with small frame house erected .Vale, Ponds. Chock., Covenants, Deeds, Dopokio thereon. Seized, tnken lu execution, and to be tions, Due llillsnnd Produce Sotos, LnmMord p-ii1 ""'d ' Vx f uaTy Southard aud Tenant, Leasee, Letter, of Attorney .Mnnirue j l9,,a0 Southard. Morteairos. Receints and Reloases. Tho woris.a Also, a certain tract of land siluato n 124.900 00 bound in Law sheen, and will be sold to .ubs-.V Beccnria township, Clearfield county, Ta., hecin. 8,020 00 ber. at II 25 per oopy, payable on delivery cf,iiingal an oil Sugar corner, (Jill aud RuUoe, S.inS S3 the work. The work ha. passed the revision of thenco by residue .outh CO percho. to a Sugar, 125 84'many of the best lawyers in the State and has thonce outh three degrocs cntt, 20.1 Ptrches to a receivo4 thoir unqualified approbation, as a reli-j post, thenco by Henry Dyer, west 122 perches f13.SU 67 able hand book of roference npon all subject, to post, thence south by and Jacob Mus- I ...... . n.t-ti-!- ... i C !,!. Olid upon Wtilcn ll iroaia. aub wuoie is arrangeu in ir cmmi, . oi lemu porenc. to a such A manner a. to presoot a piaiu, concise aim ih.h, iui-ui-b j .uvuw lusstr ciuiiu aua A. n. m r i Town - arrutain RE THROAT CURF.I). signed, would inform the publio tho Putrid Sore Throat. Any further information by coming j cwnr vuuua, , ,0 ln0 jjorderson township, Jellcrson county, Of dried poncho, thirty-three pounds. . If no tar no cnarg0, come one, eome nil, and do not fail. You can have iniormation oy caning ' at Jacob Kunli's, in Troutville, where 1 live. . jan-3t .GEORGE KRAMER. explicit sUtoraent of lbe duties of sll Township j Wright, north 60 degrees east ao7 porches to a Ofticers, a. may bercadily andorsUiod by any one. j birch, thence north 25 degrees weeC 1" pei chos Clearrlolu County will be thoroughly canvassed to post, incuce uy lanus ui iiooert ana llenry .... i .. .... . ..1 ... , I i' i. .1 ... i. i j . no, i. A Of dried apples, twenty-four pounds ' . ,.r... .... ........I. UI onions, iniy-sevBn j'uuiihj. Of cats.Uiirty pouuds. for the work, and the suppertofthe oititens is re .pectfully .olioKed. R. J. WALLACE, ESQ., clkarfield, ci r.ARnsi.o consw, nssA. General Agent for Clearfield County. P. 8. Uood canvasser, are wanted in all part, of thi. Connty for tho abeve work, to whom a lib eral compensation wdl be given. Applications, which must be made at an early date, addressed o. above, will receive prompt attention. December 12, 1860. 4L Clearfield bor. Oirard tp. Covington tp. Morrisilalo. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Clerk Q. 6. I" I3T Ol'' CAUSES for January Term A, D' J 1961, rVirstins Mill and cut aws, Mann's axes nnd j a gonernl assortment of Hardware at the tore of Curwenivllle, May 1, 13f-0, E. A. 1RV1N, Wlutcsidos, north 73 degroc. cast 2S1 pcrehos to placo of beginning, coutnluihg moro or le... Also, a tract situato in Culic!i township. Clearfield county, Ps., bounded by Incds of GoirgoDeyer, George Hegnrty, J. II. Morgan, Darlington A Co., Lilo M'CulU y, Moses Ilobison. and John L. M'CiiUy, containing 3-0 arros more or less, one too story fratno dwelling house, 23 by 36 loot, two tenant houses, bunk barn 40 by 70 feet, snw-mill 25 by 50 foct. with one run of burrs attached thereto, large bearing orchard of choice mnt, and about buy acres Seized, taken in execution, a property nf Abraham Reyor a Also, by virtue of sni ratios, the following Real l.jdia Wilson Thomas ."-'iilo. J. H. Abbes. Abrahain Uloom udnard Comcford Jamo. Smith Doboise A Lowe Mary A. Lnumdoe Tlioma. RaJaiton Jonnthnn FTiynton llenry Wnplo John J. Johnson Romanian A Mock Pittchiu A Swan Eliza Irwin, admx, tiooige Ei hard t) U Logan 11. l'rukerbol Cecil liank Cutit Dank .omc. M, Leonard Il'.bccc Lewis Jamos M. Leonard John Cox fohn Patch la V. floorgo Wilsou'. Ex. v. .School Director, of W v. fleorge W. Caldwell V. F.li.n Irwin v. J. M. Pfotits vs Con r A Briggs vs . 1. ltnum et at v. Isaae lllcoro Jr. vs John Wolf T. Jnhn M. Chase at ol v. Duniel Snioal vs 3. it. Reed v. Laird & lilalr v. J. S. Cirry - - vi Crawford Gallahor v. Jaicl Y. Ualor v. James Hud vs II. Lorain's Ex vs William W. Worrell vs James Whito v. Dillon ! Davi. v. Slawson, AlfordeleJ vs Dillon t Davli V. llrown if: Litz. v. John Thompson. lli etoro of i.'urwensville, 1ny 10, nf tbc 1 s 1 T aekeret and Herrine for o!o at theeorni E. A 1RVU. co. , : Boots and Shoe. A larger stock and low. price, than ever, at Irvlni Cheaposl soinv '.urwcnsville, May 10, 'CO-