Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, January 09, 1861, Image 3

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    V i sir it tli all I'" t ' t o t 1 1 1. 1 leu
hn .Irtllllll" l.f H.lll'tl, llMI hll.l
jn i dn'triic'l in fiir our 'in, nti-t lorn .
rial ii Mim, "ilt H'ttio in hni'il
In fnot'T. ' ' l" l"f"llirr In HffHiprr
ami moirt liill"M . lxiit 1 nf rnupniit),
M remain tinbruken tlimuuji nil fntnta
I.arribiirg, January i!, I8fi
iili nl n,ir mi tim, h,,t, iiii,,iiM-lii'(:
II I" llllrrt hl1jtul,l.,.f,Hlll Until
I SH Bil l
8-lif tfltarfitlli Jtipublitan
i ' in r t i ii " ,
, ' Float Washi.vctom. The new from
- Washington and the South are still very
contradictory ; but the best construction
thai can bo put upon tlieru, ! dark in-
deed. It no change takes place in the
: southern mind within a fortnight, the
wont features of a Revolution may be pre
pared for;
The Governor's Message.
Tho last annual message of Governor
'Packer will be fo jnd at length in our col
limns to day. This' neces-iarilv excludes
much of our usual roading matter which re
had propared for this week, as well as
several communications, which will ap
pear in our next.
The Governor very discusses
. our State and National affairs in a becom
, . ing manner, and we hopo our readors will
giro the message an attentive perusal.
Why he neglected to call the at
tention of the Legislature to the financial
condition of the country, and especially the conduct of tho.o Banks in our
State, who refuse to pay their liabilities,
iweuannot conceive, unless it is that he
Las full confidence in the ability of his
successor; knowing very well that here
tofore be has been an adept in establishing
nag banks without capital, and that no
doubt ho will use tue same appliances in
resuscitating the old ones, and particular-
. If those established undor the adminis
tration of Governor Pollock.
"Stand Firm! BoTrno!"
Such is the word of command given by
the editor of the Journal, to his party.
Yea, let the country go to ruin let us
nave civil war, and sacrifice millions of
men, and hundreds of millions of dollars,
' end disgrace our manhood in evoi-y shape
nd form, but don't utter ono word of
''Wo have nothing to apologize for, no
thing to take back, at a parti," say the
Of course it was all right to stigmatize
' "slavery and polygamy" "twin sifters of bar
barism," in your Kational Platform of '50,
and as they are "barbarians" no apology
is necessary 1 "A a party," we have endor
ed the "Helper nook," by C3 of our mem
bers of Congress, and our stump speakers
in the late Campaign used it as a text
took. It is true this book advocates the
tealing of slaves, and the duty of slaves
to murder their masters. But then thow
mai ters are all "barbarians," and therefore
we have nothing to "apologize" for. And
it is also true that at rrany of our late po
litical demonstrations banr.eri and mot
toes levering the memory of John Brown,
the murderer, were displayed without.and
that the memory of that "Saint" issscrod-
!t kept by our Itedpaths, Tnrkers, tc.,
trtrl then, they were "barbarians" whom
he murdered, and of course we "as n par
ty" "have nothing to apologize for no
thing to take back,"
"Were not the principles of our parly
well understood ?" asks the Journal; we
answer, No at least not as interpreted by
the leaders of your party. Your leaders,
a appears from tho proceedings Of tho!
Senate Crisis Committee of Thirteen, Bay
the verdict of the people in the late elec
ion was in favor of Congress prohibiting
the'wxtension of slavery into tho territo
ries, and in favcr of Congress "abolishing"
slavery in tho district of Columbia, in tho
dockyards, la., in the Southern States.
Will our neighbor tell us what propor.
tion of tho voters for Lincoln so under
stood the principles of his party, and who
nnow in favor of this interpretation of
those principles ? It will cost him but
little trouble af, to approximate the
truth. lis njght thus discover that there
Is some doMUs as to hi friend oVeying
I lltn ha. k . ,!
.lonJi.rliiVe jrm .rn.
eive the public in t I. 'it'll, s t.i
tneMli IrouMiM.
I lie oil cry nf "lep (1,i,.r within a
few days In" brr-n y lir mriitly taisrd
"gainst "Southern traitors," by tho Blsrk
l.ppul lican presses and leaden, led on by
the J. I. 7W',uhlho Mack liepullican
Bible. Thousand- of their parly believe
the Bible to be a fable, and believe every
word that appears it: tho Inbuilt; heme the
wincing and squirming lately by the
"Pubs." Having read the daolaration in
their Bible, they are about realizing the
But notwithstanding the acknowledge,
ments of tho leading presses and politi
cians of his party, that bold and fearlees(!)
teacher and expoundor of truth(!) still
continues to compare the Revolution ' in
South Carolina to a little school boy who
"wants to go out."
If the Lawyers Ox U not gired before
long we will be very much mistaken. But
we advise the publio to look out j when
our little neighbor loams that the country
is in danger, ho will howl tremendously ;
he will espio a traitor in every counte
nance, and through his extended nostrils
he will smell treason in every wind that
blows from a Southern latitud-j. and no
doubt advocate the erectiou of a gallows
on every strcot corner to hang traitcrs1
VVnk rf ftujrr.
Alt ln'tif , ft i n III I Mf Is tli moi I of tint, f Hm ntrt.l n (.f lit j
NilM, liStlttf I .-(! I lf.. " i III l,t lit
-tsf rail it r it tint" nf ,'(" t rut
but. I," t y ll. I kImiIIs M.t.itV C. tifirili.
in In'IU, B I Irrntut nrrlt In JaMlst)' tiltltlg
licfrt .Irtlnitlr t si lli rni.n f..t Ihli r..iffrt
In fTsjrf, t.y lli" Htillh Tiiinph ef h t ltrillnn
Alllnnt, nJ I't ititftnl rfi If lMlr fcodln In
lliil fnatitryi lh fulort r.f e Chtirpht" In
Clfsrlt'd il alTfrllnnslplj' Invlu Ids ffcU t,t
llnlr rhsrgn, nl nf tit pommunlly In ji-Boral,
to cnil'l ami unit In fryr and ponffrenpe
in nf.renc to llili (tr. tt ol.jdil.
Tl.o icrvlcci will puininunt' on tin flmt Fab
In Hi nf III jur l t V. M. ind L
on tbs iurprtllng nlngi III accordance
th fullowinj
PMith Tininj, In tlis Trcsbytor'an Chnrch.
Sul'jsct of confrnoy Tbs present con lition of
tb world as nJinj snd invltiug chriituu ef
furti fur Ita conversion to Qod.
Monday eveaing.ln tb Lutheran Church. Sub
ject Tb grounds of our faith that this world
ball yet be converted to Ood, and the earth be
filled with the knowledge of tho Lo;d.
Tuenday evenlnjr, In tbo Mothodiit Chnrch.
Subject The instrumentality by which the coa-
ver:on of the world ii to be effected.
Wednenday evening, in St. Andrewi Chnreb.
Bubjcet The neccsiity of the influences of the
Holy Ohoat in order to the conversion of tb
world, and the importance of a full and clear
recognition of tbii neccesaity.
Thursday ercninj ,in the Uaptiat Cbarcli. Sib
ject The solemn responsibility of the CbartJi
as Qod a great agent for the conversion of the
Friday evening, in tho Treebyterian Chiroh.
cms ism
W hrn sm In. I, ,., ,'.: i ;r,r,l 1 1
M' iJIM A III l it,
In l'tmt,t i Mi trrll MKiet'i flol. CI. ar
ffl.l, l.sie l ntiH...l to tlier tmt Mult liw..
o. h f
I'HV llflniia, AKI iK'tlT." Alti ".HOTS,
l f rlca full; inlnnihltt(f.
tbl" I" j.TnkaMy Hi" tli'.KT f tl VNTE llial itlll
not U ro.nid ltbe I.AIHKl nf ti.l'Alt.
HKI.Ii, and tin i.uMit. f-l ernllv, for sii't'lluK
Ihemtflvrs with i 11 K 1 IIOK .'tST AltTK'l'.KH,
nt the very lowit tirices-piirci, ill fact, which
are tnO'h lower than the nrticlcn ran l inn.ln .f
intporletl Tor, and prlre whl. h nolhi but Ibe
tinsnllled ciin.litiun nf the puuntrv made. Sur
. ' fin tbrin low flvuro - r... i it
couuntieu . , ,-..,,, . ... . ". ....
with (loode, llo.ti nj fct,0ea, JEWELRY from
1 Drese Uonda to Uumcoiii-. nil Mr a iiilrj-aisi.l In
W will not montion any of our Oooda nor
pruosnorej an we iy u, cuuio eorly, and ei
amine for yoursolf.
XQ' hch tiere'in liurchasinir Three Dollnra'
worth of (Juods will bo ontitlod to a UlfT, worth
iruui veuis to fj.noJJ
N. B. W shall not rouiaiu any longor than
the 21t of Janaary, ISDl. jan9-2t
I )t IiI. 'I
' I '
i . n
i ml
In tt
H Ml H
I t,t" . i i ! i; 1. 1 1 t
. 'f i .'..I . ( I'" i ..ii ,.( i
I i.'ii t l I I. -ii M I r i.ii'i , and n.n .)
Il.ft rl .n ft .( I .. I .l.ii. .!, nl il.n
, b".i". In l'i f . r . it ,-h i. I -aif . 1. 1, I n i..
tllll dnt lint ( I Jimmi), M I, tlld I II.
tlrrill.a. r.. mm , til :
A rci'.tiin liml r land aihiiln In V.
pnli.r t..ft1l., I lM.ieH r.iniiir, I'd-, and li..i
ltihl, I filler Pniima, ' , liMim'l.' l l.y
Inln i.r tlri.i n, Ii.iW nf John I tali", I tti l" Inla i f
lati.l h P bnrl, new of It, I. I'run.-r A '.. Intirli
Inle nf lli'iinnr'a pit ala, tinw nf l. . I'tnni r, A
Co., Ihrnre from f.f. trp, a lumrf nflbli nirtpy,
amilli 21 degrees wt, t All .en hea, rr K.iii(r .Mo
ehan.m Creek, lo lilnt k-nak, llien. e n.nili, ?2
Rrecs pnal, j H fieri lies, to rVrvlre.I.erty, tlience
north, hi nr B5 d.'i;ri'l ea.l, 7't tirrnhee In r-'pnu-lh
tah, thence nnrlh, .iranulhf S.i ileiite.'s eat,
12.1 pcrcbci to Uiile-oak, Iheiico n.iilh H .1. ir.
cunt, (nr nor! i ( ifi'K. went,) on p.r.'lies In n inn
pic. thonno riorlli, J!) degrees wi ci, 08 pprches
to Wliilo-onk, thetipe north, uV deuces weft, fit . t
' I" I
.1 t t, I I a'l C . . . ...
,i In . I -I'M i . I .ii i . .
, , ,. ;h I . li .1 in I ... , i I, ( , .
. f. l e hi. , I I. i. it. I . 4 it 1 ii 1 1. :
I .,1 t I, I in. '. I In II. I I
i.. til l. . I I'. i I... I It .1 .
I. .iV i at. I . I !..! lent . a up lh I 11 Ii
I I. . I 1 1 Ij.- j I iir f I'." t I S In-"., 'a
I'. it fun." Iit'in Ii. .n" I n 't, and r.'l .
I .'I I 'I Iff. I el I' l'. pi rm i'r In. n 1 1 I . t
1t.n lt nt. At" i, In P"tn".llon t'urt'il
two I ill Hilnnl In tli rent i.l J rupetiy nw r r. .
pin.l by J.. t It I.. Kttl.y, Ii utii.l.'.l i nl l.v tip
. mlniir tip ill bill llolll tli, snnlh I t
, ;:n f,,., tie. I, wol l.y Inn I i f M,.n.e at d nortn
I l.y land nf .Inm. s ArihuM, lint ing Hie iprii
lonnrelpl with lav ptn lnuipe llierenn, Alfo, h
ecilnln nlht r l"l ''.inle hi Lninlii r CilT afore
said, d a" Minus ! t n lh aotith by ptil.lj
i mini and M iiii ftrict, lending up and down III.,
limrj nn llio it l.y Int" i f Iinrid and lane
Kitk j in.ttli by .".O fout Mrccl, and nl l.y lots of
, OiMirgo WillintiK, kn.inn In the plan of mid town
as lot .-mi. im ( nn anil elevrn III.)
iierrhea to a 1 ucuinbcr, thence north 00 ucg. cal, , ,
r I 40 perches to Lin-wood, thence north .15 decrees fro'!U" ""! r.n "
7wot,37rcrchc.,tlMne, theco north S3 dcSJ "" "P "' 1 fro
. west, 72 perches cros.inR Moabanan creek, to ".f..Jtt"1;; Ar'uu"'
llcm-lock on line nflat.d now of John ('rune, r",m ,W "iri:!' Al'0'.
SIII.RII F4 WALK p,y virlae of a writof
Venditioni Kiponna, lasuod out of the Court!
1 1 1 . , . .
ui vu.i.uiuu i ism oi t-ouire county, na lo iae
We wish to know if ho is in favor of
the repeal of that portion of the 05th sec
tion of the revised Penal Code, common
cing r .-ith "No Judge," &c.
tfliylhe County Commissioners have
made the following appointments for tha
ensuing year:
50llCltor, V m. A. Wallace, Esq. Mer
cantile Appraiser, E. R. Livergood, Clerk,
Wm, S. Bradley, Fuel contract, Thomas
On Wednesday last, a committoe of
leading business men from Philadelphia
appoared beforo our Legislature with u
Petitionaur hundred and fifty sic fect long
praying that body to repeal tho odious
Personal Liberty clauso in the late Revis
ir. .1-v.l.r r. .
eiu i enai iuuu oi our state ; ana we un
derstand large numbers are pouring into
the Legislature from diflVent parts of the
55"To morrow i the day designated by
the Supremo Cour. for the hearing of the
r,ii,...i .... .
quintan, t-itso, ujion mo motion lor a new
trial. Tho decision will bo given in a few
CSTDr. A. Jf. Ilillu notifies his friends
that he will be absent from his office
in UearhcUl from now until the last of
February with the exception cf the Janu
ary Court, during which ho will boat
fr. Hills dosircs us to say that ho will
visit Now Washington and vicinity on the
week after Court, commencing with the
21st of January, 1801. All orders left
with Samuel Sobring will bo promptly at
tended to. 2t.
Dkdicatio!. By Divine permission, the
now M. E. Church of Now Washington,
will bs dedicated to tho worship of Al
mighty God, Sunday, January 7th.
Tho services of the Rev. W. L. Spotlswood
and the Rev. James A. Coleman arc ex
pected. All are invited Services to com
mence at 10 o'clock, A. M.
E, W. KIR BY. Tastor.
JBSy-The individual who sent us an
epistle relating to 'A coplo of young
gentle m;n,"who nttended some "curch"
laat Christmas, and afterwards "staved"
their "Sleig" to "Peaces," must let us
have his name, if ho wishes to see his
production in print.
Secretary of Stato Eli Slifcr, of Union
Deputy Secretary Goorgo W. Hamers
ly, of Philadelphia.
Attorney General Sum'l A. Purviane.
of Butler county.
Whisky Inspoctor William Butler, of
Mifflin county.
Physician of the Tort of Philadelphia
Doctor Clark, of Philadelphia.
Mossengcr to the Governor Samuel
Miles, of Centre county.
Adjutant General James S. Negloy.of
Pittsburg. j
Western Flour Inspector Thomas Col- j
uns, ot i utsDurg
, Subject Ilow can tha Caarch be brought up to
the full measure of her duty in the work of the
' world'i ronvortion.
Saturday evening, in the Lutaoran Churoh,
Subject The conversion of tho world, a work so
glorious as to demand the highest efforts for its
fflt evor there, was lice for people to
buy Dry Good, or Boots and Shoes, for fnture as
woll as present use, it ie now. J4ottrs. Buasmnn
A Rood, opposite Republican offioe, are soiling
their lurge stuck of theao articles at lesii than
cost prices. The consequence is, they are busy
with customers evory day lo the weuk, in Rpile of
secession and everything else. See their adver
llellefonte, on MONDAY, the 2Sth dnv of JAN.
Ail the interest of the Defendant, beint; tho
undivided one fonrth part cf all that certain
tract or portion of land situate in the townahip
of Uush, in the couuty of Centre, and the town
ship of Decatur, in tho county of Clearfield, con
taining 1,706 sores and allowance, being held in
common with A. ii. Curtiu, D. I. l'runer, and
John M. ilale, all of which said premises are do
scribed by metes and bounds in a mortgage
by the said Joseph J. Liujrle to the snid Willimu
II. Blair, duted Sth 8ptouibor, ISi7, and record
ed iu the oflico for the recording of Doeds in
Centre county, in Mortgage Book E, page 34, Ao.
Seized, taken in exocutiou, and to be sold as the
prorerty of Joseph J. Lingle.
Sheriff's OSco, ) Sheriff.
Bellefonte, Dec. 32. 1360. J jan 3t
Alie. two
perches, to maple, thence north 2i .log. we i, 31 ! fituale In Lumber City af-re-
penhea to a Cucumber, thence north 110 dcg. ca-t, , 'nUl' ;.''in" l"tl" roar of tavern botio properly,
p"H'i. " pir.-ri, urn on atroc I
trom tho bridge, north bv
and e.t by lota boutrbt
ull those errtain iiromiea
sitimto in Fcrgu.on township. Cliarlicbi countv
now In occupancy of Thomas Robinson.
northerly by tho Lumber C'itv and
legally vested in Thomas Muya, who eonveyoc ' ' ""''f V'"'""0' "J';;nff lands or
tbesamo to David I. l'runer, bavins thereon ' n"."- l'v". '" Arthurs, John rcrptt.on.
erected nine divolling houaoa, two atore ronius, I n" ll'0M eoiimining ni.out - acres, having,
anw-mill, black-smith alion, brick -yard, and other1 . nu a u.g noimo
ioroon, boucil, taken in execu-
aol.l US tbu nrrttftrtv nf
biivii, adminiatrator of tho estuto of Thomas C-
1'avis, doocnacil.
ii... i,,,;.' , ..,.,1 ... ,1... ....... f i t.. 1 l a. now m occupancy ot
V,.,..,r. i.. i. ..,,.,.... i..... . .....
....iu.., n...... ifj ruiluij vu.l.njilllVb, UIVIU
mill, black-smith hop, brickyard, and other 1 111"",'1, 15 ,"
out buildings, and 30 or 40 aores olearod thuro- ; ",nu '"
Irt n . n ml In hn a
uireciDu, mere will De exposed Tor e by pub - . it ti , . . , , , .
outcry, at the Court llou... in the borough of',, . ' , . Defendants interoat, of, In and to ad
li.ll.r..ntM. nn Mnvniv . i ' Qa.i..i r n .that certain tract of land situate in Decatur town
ship, Clcarfiold county. Fn , surveyed on warrant
granted to Joseph Harrison, containing 395 acroa
and nllownnce, and being unseated, or timber
land. Seized and taken in exocntion, and to bo
sold as the property of David I. rrunor.
Also, two certain tracts of land situate
in (lulich towusbip, Clenrflold county, l'u one
beginning at a Vt bito Dine oornor of H. Ilegnr
ty, thence by same north 47 deg. east, ISO perch.
Also, a corlnTu niece of land situate In
Lawrence towntdiip, Clcnrlleld county, Pa., be
ginning at a post, thenne by land of Philip An
tes north lij deg- onpt 12 9-10 perches to publio
roud, thence along aaid rend north 61 deg. west
It perches, north g71 deg. wc. 5 6-10 perches
to coruor, thence by lauds of Jucob Hoover, south
ono dec. went 1 1 1-5 perches til whilo oak. thenco
along said Hoover's bind south 61 deg. east M 51')
topoft, thence south 43 deg. east, 112 perches to l,orcllM ',ln' ,l(!M"''"ng. containing onq
1 . . ' ' nera n rl tvvAliir fillli t.nri'lmtl. Iinv.nre ihni-aAn
On the 27th Docomber. 1S60. bv Rev. J. X
Cole, Mr. I'iump C. SnArNsn and Miss KaaaccA
J. Uwm, both of Lawrence tuwnehip.
For the delicious cake occoaipnnyiug tho above
notice, the bappy couple have the tbnnka of the
On tho 23d of Pererabar. bv the Rev. J. R.
Focbt, Mr. Thomas Lono and Mies Racusl
Bloom, both of I'iko township.
On the 30th of December, bv the same. Mr.
Amos Bi.nox, of Tike township, and Mits Ha-
snccA McCitACirs, of Fergufon township.
On the ?5th December, by D. S. Mooan. Eta-
Mr. CnmsTiAH Straw and Miss Jolia McCracx
a a, both of Ferguson township.
On tbo 27th December, bv Amos Tlil. Y.ta..
Mr. II. T. RoniNiox and MABOAner Kellv. all
of Lumber City.
On the 27lh Diccnibcr, at the residence of tba
bride's fnther, by Kev. John A. Xnner. Mr.
James Pmntz, of Lowistown, and Misa Cata
bihr, youngest dnughtcr of J. F. W. Scnitiaa,
I'Sq., of t'lcnrucld county.
Oir the I6th December, by U. f n.vw. Esa.. Mr.
Gaonna Ovi.n aud Misa Marqarict McMi'Li.riv,
both of Lawrence towoibip.
In Bell township, on the 22d of December,
1S64, of along and painful diaonae of the lunca.
Mrs. Marckrv, wife ef David Bell, and daughter
ot Joseph and Keliecea iloover; agod 34 years
4 months, and 22 dnys.
Oft as the bell, ith solemn toll,
Spoakt the departing of a soul,
Let each one ask himself, "Am I
Prepar'd, thould I be called to die ?"
Only h't frail aid fleeting breath
Prevents me from the sting of death ;
Soon as it fait, at oneo I'm gone,
And plunged into world unknown.
Then, when the solemn b II I hear,
If saved from guilt I need not fear,
Nor would the thongbt distressing be
Perhaps it rcxt may toll for me, n. n.
of Administration having been grunted to
lb uncernigned, tfcia day, upon tbo estate of
GEOROK S1IUCK12R, deceased, late of Brady
township, Clearflold county, alt persons iudebtod
to snid estate are requested to make immediuto
payment, aim those having eUius ngainut
tne same will present tbem luly authenticated
cr settlement ULUABKTH BIIL'CKER,
jau-et Adm'x.
Located at A. IT. Shan't Milh, cnt mile ImM
of Cearfirld borough,
Respectfully Informs the citisens of Clonrfiold
and adjoining connties, that ho is at all times
propared to manufacture, at the shortest notico,
Hair, Jlusk, and Straw Mattressca of all
kinds and, one of which is a Folding Mat
tress, auitablo for CABINS ON RAFTS, which
can be folded in Ktnnll comparand emptied and
refilled at plcasuro ; and very cheap. Ho also
trims Cniringff.'mtkos repairs to all kinds of
Carriage Trimming and Upholstery, and makes
Curds for Maaon'i Tracing Lines, of any thick
ness or length.
WSL-Country Produce, Corn Musks, er Cash
taken in Kichanga fur work.
jrarAll ordsre lelt with any of the Merchants
ot ueorneld borough will be promptly attended
to. dec26-tf.
large pine, thence soulh 47 dec. west. 180 nereh
to post, thenco north 43 dog. west 102 nerchos to
j beginning, containing IIS acros, and 138 perchoi
being part ot a lulgor survey m nauio of John
Lambluck. Tho other, beginning, at a White
l'ino, thenco by land Into tho cstato of J. A. Phi
lips, norlh 43 woet 106 perches to post, thence
cast 125 1-10 porches to a Spnnish-oak, lhen:e
by lands of Uawlo A Co., soulh 27 7 10 perches,
aud south 47 dog. west 73 perchos, to beginning j
containing 33 acres and allowance, being came
promiKos surveyed 17th December, 1830, on which
aro 80 acres cleared, with irwolling houso, unil
log barn thereon eroctod. .S'oized and taken in
execution, and to bo sold ns the properly of U. P.
G, i W, K. Matton, and A. Dyers, T. T.
Also, a certain tract of lund situate in
Bell townlhip Clearfield county, Pa., bounded as
follows, vix: beginning at a wbit J pino and cor
ner of lund of John Patchau, thenco by said
lands, and lund of U-L. Roed, north 4t) degrees,
wont 365 perches to a pino corner, thonce by
fatno hinds, north 50 dog. oast 136 perches, to a
sugar corner, thosco by same land and lands of
John Patchon, south 40 dog. cast 365 pcrcbos to
a White-pine comer, thenco by lands of T. A.
M'Gheo 4 Co., and others, south 60 deg. west 13f
porches, to place of beginning, oontaitiing 291 j
acres, 66 perches, and allowance, warranted to
Aicklin 4 (jrifliili, known usNo.6900. 6'JIO, and
691::, wilb saw-uiill and small log houso thereon
erected. Soucd and taken in elocution, and to
be sold as tho proporty of J. U. & James Thom
as. .Also, a certain tract of land nitunto in
Lawrence township. Clearfield countv !'u.. con
taining 274 acres, bounded by tho t-uwnehanna
acre and twenty four porches, having thereon
erected a two story frame houso. Sciied, taken in
execution, and to Lo sold as the proporty of John
M, Adams, administrator ofjosoph Larlo de
ceased, and (leorgo J. I.ngli).
Also, by virtue of u writ of Levari facia,
tho following Real Eslalo, v'u : All that certain
tract or pioco of land situate in Beocarin tp. Cloar
field county. Pa., known as tho opo fpurth part
of tho tract called the Springliold Tract, bounded
as fallows viz: beginning nt a dog-wood on tho
lino of tho land belonging to the estate of Zona,
than Pusoy, doroasod, thenco by tho same nortlj
3'J deg. wost 175 perches to a hoinleok, thonoe by
lands of John Cooper the tlireo following courses
to witj north 61 deg. cast 120 perches to a ma
ple ; south SS di g. east 175 perches to a pine :
south 59 deg. west 11:0 porches to the place of
beginning, containing 123 acres and 129 porches
and allownnco, being part uf said land bought by
said John Cooper from Kathnniul Richardson and
wife, together with tho hereditaments and appurte
nances. Seized, taken in oxeoution, and to bu
sold as tho property uf Leonard Gibbon.
Ona third the purchase money 'imistinvariably
bo paid at thu tiu'e the property is knocked down,
or it will bo resold ; and the balance before the
doed lsaokufwlodgod.
F. O. MILLER.Sherlff.
Sheriff's Offloo, CloarGold Pa. Doe., 17,1360.
President Judgo of tho Court of Common
Tleas of the taeuty-tiftb Judioial District, com
posed of tho counties of Clcarfiold, Ccntro and
Clinton and tho Hon. Wui. L. Mooro and Hon.
m'.......,..i.i....cii, nun runorioii, couuty j havo icsued their precept, to me direct
. VT umu ".. ' ,,,w-ml. ana :ed, for tho holding of a Court of Cora
ICTA meeting of the friends of
the Constitution and the Union as
it is, will be held in tho Court
room in this borough on next
Tuesday evening, 15th instant,
Court week. All persons with
out respect to party arc invited to
come. Maky Citizens.
Auditor's Notices.
IX tho matter of the estate of George B. Dale,
deceased, cn motion of L. J. Crans. Esn..
William M. M'Cullouch, was nt. pointed Auditor
in distribute mency in the bands of Zachnriah
ill Kaul Admimstrntor, PKU. CL'K.
By virtue of tho abovo appointment. I will
attend to tho duties thereof on tho Utli dav of
unnunry 1001, m inn oinco OI Lullougn A tiro,
in Clearfield, nt I o'clock P. M. of said day, when
and where, all pcrs na iiitoref I 'd, may attend if
they oe proper. Win,. 11. M ClLLOirtiH.
December 10th 1S60 Auditor
chanic, and Business Man Wants.
Just piibliahed.
Of the State of Pennsylvania,
Compiled from the Acta of Asaombly, by William
T. Haines, Esq., and publishod by Edward
F. James, Esq., West Chester, Pesnja,
This work contains over 460 pugos of closely
printod matter, and will be sold by subscrip
tion. It teaches the dnllea cf Justices of the Teace,
with forma for tho transaction of their business.
It teaches the duties of constables with all the
noeossnry forms, appoitaining to tho office
It contains the duties of tho Supervisors of ev
ry County and Township iu tho .Vtuto.
It contains the mode of proccduro for the lay-
ng out aud opening of publio end private roads,
otherout building thereon, with twoorchnrds and
abont seventy acres cleared thereon. Seized ta
ken in execution, and to be sold as tbo property
of Philip Antes.
Also, a certain tract of land situntn in
Brady township. Cloartield eonntr I'm., hmm.1,.,1
by lands of D. Bailey, JlcUar, Joseph Dale and
iners, containing sixty-two acres, and fifty
acres cleared, wit'a orchard. Also, a tract situato
in Brady township, Clearfield couuty, containing
fifty-seven acres, bounded by lauds of Joseph
Dalo, Philip Kriner, Ooodlandfrr, Loonard, and
others, with fifty acres cleared, house, barn, uni
orchard thereon. Seined and tukca iu execu
tion, and to be sold as the proporty of John P.
Also, defendant's interest of. in, and to
a certain tract of land situato in Hoggs town
ship, Clearfield countv. I'a.. bnunihul h. Inn.i.
of Kichard Wnple, Jatnos II. Shaw, and others,
containing eighty aores, more or lss, tho above
uuicnoea iana Being unimproved, heiiod. ta
ken in execution, and to be told as the property
of John E. Sbaw.
Also, a certain tract of land situate in
Morns township, Clearflold county. Pa., contain
ing 132 ncrcs. bounded br lands of John Brown.
Isaac England, James Krio, and otbers, with a
log bouso, log barn, and about fifty aores olearod.
Seized, tuken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Abraham Brown.
Alio, defendant's interest in a certain
tract of land eiliule in Furguson township, Clear
field county, Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows: beginning at a hemlock corner, thenro
by Benj. Uibb's survey south 50 deg. west 230
perches to n post, and thenco by John Trisslor
survey north dO deg. west 160 perches to place
of beginning, containing 216 acres more or less,
being tho nerthwest corner in the name of .Ma
thiaa Barton, with about 25 acres cleared, and
log bouse and log barn erecto 1 thereon. Seized,
Ms comminil m ..m.o.,,1 t.m t k iL Sealer f- '.Khts and Measures .1. D,
vio.ML-iiueui uiuniicti, wrong anu
tosr" Of tho country.
,tS"Tb Legislature of .this Stato moUt
Jlrriburg on New Year'- day.
VR. M. Talmer, Eaq., 0f Schuylkill, was
Stick this Up.
As tho following table of ilio number of
pounds to tho bushels, may be of interest
to the farmer and dealer, wo publish it,
TT BaKK, for the month ending December
81, ISM:
Bills discounted .... (100937
Pennsylvania State Stock - . 1P.7B3 50
fiP'' 4,321 H
Due from other Banks ... 077 j;
Notes of other Banks ... 745 00
Checks, Drafts, 40. . . . 1,128 B0
Fnrnltur 181 88
Expense of Plate on graving, Ao - 704 74
Stationery, Ac. 232 37
....... A .,..: J. .v.. l...:u! "S
mil vvuu.ii: iiu bii.(;i 1IIK lUDUI. tll UUIluluir 01:.l : . I i L l
bridges, Ac., Ac u u ' ; taken in execution, and to bo .old as the propcF
It containo the Common School Law, wdth ex- u.A . . ' , . r , , ., . .
planations, deeisiona and directions, tegtth.r- in a luate in
with forms for Deeds, Bonds, Coiitia.ts, t'er-tifi , , s . ' ' v,ucm KUr"X' 1 "' D0Hn'
cntes, Ac, ie. This department ef tho work ! "eu.." '"'. 'ii i norm by llio roa.l
was compiled at narrisburg by Mr. Samuel P '"""'"S J"' " treuciivnie ; on mo
Bntcs, Deputy Superintendent, and is Bono. at and welt by lands or FranciaCondrict,
worth the prico or the volume to any ono interoi- Y'" tih?reo? "ccted a plank dwelling house,
ed in Common tfchoola. I Sened, taken in execution, and to be sold as the
' I proportj of Kcuhu1 A Tibrout.
It eootaiui the laws relative to Does and! Also, .lie undivided ono fourth part and
It contains the dutici of Assessors.
It contains tho lows in rolaUiio to Strays,
Mules and A'niiie.
It contains the laws relative to Fences an
Fcnco v iewer.
ng of a Court of Common Pleas.
Orphan's Court, Court of Quarter Sessions. Court
of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of Uonoral Jail
Delivery, at Cloarficld, in and for the eounty of
Clearfield, on tho
Sceond Monday Uth day) nf Januray next,
NOTICE IS, thorofore, beroby given, to the,
Coroner, Justices of tho Peace, and Constables,
in and for snid county of Clearfield, to appear in
their proper per?ons, with their Rolls, Records
IiUUi.iition, Examinations and other Heinem
bruncea, to do thoio things which tp their officers,
and in their behnlf, pertain t. be done, an;l Ju
rors bo then and there attending, and not to de
part without leave, at thoir peril.
UIVEN imdur my hand at Clearfiold, this 24th
day of Oct., in the year of our Lord, eno thou
sand eight hundred and sixty.
. . ? MILLER, Sheriff.
" , '
The un.lersignod will have constantly on baud
a wsJ selected stook or Drugs, Cheraionls, Dye'
Stufls, Oils, raints. Tobacco and Segars, Station ary,
Perfumery, Bru.hps. and Fancy articles,
which ho will di.poso of cheap for cash.
Ho invites the publio tq call aud examine his
stock of goods bororo purchasing olsonhoro.
Country Physician! furnished with Drugs!
Medicines, and Surgical instruments at the mos
reasonable rules. J. G. HARTSWICK.
Clenrfiuld, Pa., Doc. 2t), 1S60.
S3S,81.1 117
; interest ef John Taggart cf two certain tracts of
I land, co"Htainiug eauli whole tract 433 acres, 153
I perches, one surveyed on warrant of Ehenczor
Bronham, on warrant datod llith January, Viij
' and the other surveyed on warrant of David Bar-
tan, dntod J0th January, 17&3, being tl.e same
It contains tne laws relative to game hunting r1""" trcuaseU ojjuub jaggari, wtin holo
rout end Doer. . J mon and others, tho snid land situate in
It eratnins the Election Laws with all neoei- .Ln"" township, Clearfield county, Pn., the with
snry Forma. I m 'nn being woodland, and unimproved ; no in-
It contains the Nnturnlijnllon Laws, with all quisition held. Scixod, taken in executiuu, and
Hi i,n..i-u Fni-tn. t,.t 4ni.i;,.nilnn I to be sold as the prepcrty cf John faggart.
It contains a large number of Legal Forma'' 'Alsr a cel'tfl'n tract of land situato in
j which aro used in tbo every day trnnsoetion or ' RB' township, Clearfiold county, Pn., bonndod
, bunin as, such as Acknowledgments, Affidavits ' en the north by A. Stoiie'a Estate, on the cast
Article of Agreements, and Contracts, Partnsr, "If lands of Samuol Powell, on tho south by tho
ship, Apprentices, Assignments, Attostalionsr j ''r'e Turnpike, and on the wet by lands of
Bills of Exchange and Promissorv Notes. EillMr. i Stone's Estate, with a small frame house erected
alo, Bonds, Chocks, .Coyftnants, Doeds, Dopokio theroon. Soiled, taken in execution, ami lobe!
r,-i f . - . . i .
I , i t . ., . .... 1 "iiai nioca pain in
eioaea bpeakcr of the Senate, and Kussel and would advise llicru to cut it out and Notei in circulation
'i:t. :i : : 1 t r . Hue lianositnra .
, Jntorcsts and Exchange .
jirrevi. oi i nuburgh, was re-elected
Chief Clerk. The Democrats voted for
Shindol of Lehigh, for Speaker, and Jako
ZeigUr, for Clerk.
, In the ILouie, E. W. Davis, Esq., of Vo
tkngo, was elected Speaker, and E. II
Kauch, of Carbon was re elected Chief
Clrk. TheDomocrats voted for 0r. Hill,
of Montgomery, for Speaker.
'Hon. Henry D. Moore, of Philadelphia,
f?nl undoubtedly be elected Stale Treav
sV '
. Cowan. Es.i.. of Westmoreland eoun
hj if, has been elected United States Sen.v
"Ltor for six years from tho 4th of March
H4lxl. Mr. Crtvrnn trna finl. -imYitiinlcl K
A amron and Covode,
stick it up In some prominent placo for
reference :
Of wheat, sixty pounds.
Of 6liell-corn, fifty-six pounds.
Of corn In the cob, seventy pounds.
Ot rye, fifty-six pjunds.
Of barley, forty-seven pounds.
Of potatoes, sixty pounds.
Of beans, fixty pounds.
'Ji uran, twenty pounds.
Of clover sood, wxty pouno'.a.
Of tituoUiy seed, forty-five pounds.
Of flaxseed, Hftv-oipht poundn.
OMienip seed, fifty-four pounds.
Orburk-vheat, foi ty-cirrht pounds.
Uf i-lue gram aeed, fourteen pounds.
lr,aste,r 1,caM' thilly-tliree pounds.
S 3,eflcl,c,,. thirty-three pounds.
Of dried apjilos, twenty-four pounds
Of onions, lifly-scvrn pounda.
Of catyhirty pnuuds.
$24, son 00
8,620 00
6,108 33
tioois, Due Bills and Produce Notes, Landlord p-Ji
Jcnanr, J.eaes, Letters oi attorney, lorricue
fllojtgascs, ncceipts ana 1 ho wor3s,
rpilE following sained persons have filed In
L the Odico of the Clork of the Court of
Quarter Sections of Clearfield county, thoir Pe
titions for License at the January Sossion next,
sgroeuble to tho Act of Assembly or Mnich 2sth,
lSfl, entitled "An act to rcgul.-ito the sale of In -
wxicating Liipiors," io.
Rranson Doris, Lumber City bor,
R. J. Ilnynes, Karthaus tr.
(ieo. X. Coleburn, t-'lcarfield bor.
Jnmos Dloom, sen., llloom tp.
A. L. Og.ien, Lawrcnco tp.
Joseph L. Curby, Lumber City.
David Atleman, Oulich tp.
0. C. Merrell, ClaaHlnM hnr
Uirnrd tp.
Covington tp,
Clork Q. S.
Augustus L&ooute,
i . 1. llegarly,
Jos. C. Drenner.
Doc. SOth.
T 1ST OI' CAUSES for January Torm A. Q
sold M tho property of JJeury Southard and
Isaac SouUiard.
Also, a cevtnin traot of land situato in
bound in Law t licep, nd will bo sold to subs-s Beccaria township, Clearfield county, P., hegln
bcrs ot $1 25 per copy, pnyablo on delivery of ning at au oil Sugar cornor, Olll ond Hulloe,
the work. Tha work has rorscd the revision of thence bv residua noulh (10 nr.lm m
125 34 ' many of the best lawyers in tho State and has ' thenco sonlh throe degroos cast, 3 porches to a
reenvok iuou 4in...iiiiiiou ni'i.rooouon, an a roil-j pon, incnco uy nonry Jiyer, won T1Z porches
$38,813 B7
JAS. n. GRAHAM, Cashier.
Clearfiel , fa,, Dec, 81, 1880. Jaofi
CJTIIAV IIKIKKK. Came to tho rosidenTo
, KJ of the subscriber in Huston tp., about five
Jor six weeks ago, a HEIFER red, crumpled
noma, ami about two years old. luo ownor
! is requested to come forwnrd, prove property, pay
' charges and tnko her away or she will bo dispo
sed of according to law. WILLIAM 110YX.
January 0, ISfil. Stf
able hand book of reference upon all subjects to cost, thonce south bv
. i. . . rt.1. 1 , - i . ... f, ... . .
upon wuicn u ircaia. x as wuoie is arranged in ser Dtuitn, west Zo ami six
, and Jacob Mus
tenth perches to a
Auch a wanner as to present a plain, conciso and post, thenco by Jacob Muaser Smith and A. K
I, the undersignod, would inform the public
that I can cure llio Putrid Sore Throat. Any
person can obtain further Information by coming
to me, In lferdcrson township, JeSerson county.
If no cure, no charge. Come one, come all, and
do not fail. You can have Information by calling
at .Taeob Kuntz'f, in Troulvill, where 1 live. :
jn lit" vEOROE KRAMER.
explicit statement of the duties of all To wu shin
Officers, as may berendily andorstood by any one.
ClonrNeld County will be thoroughly canvassed
for the work, ami the support of the oitiietil ii re
spectfully solicited.
General Agent for Clearflold County.
P. 8. Uood canvassors are wanted ia all parts
of this County for tho above work, to whom a lib
eral compensation w 11 be given. Applications,
which must bo made at an early dale, addrossed
as abovo, will receive prompt attention.
uccemner w, i?ou. 4t.
Wright, north 6(1 degroos east 307 perches to a
birch, ihenco north 2j degrees west, IS perches
io posi, tii ouoo uy minis ot noi.ort an.l Ileury
Whitciides, north 73 degrees cast 281 pvrchas
to place of beginning, contuinitig more or
less. Also, a tract situate in (iu.-lich township,
Clearfield county, Vt., boundod bv lards of
Ge .rao Usyer, Georgo Ilegarty, J. . Morgan,
Darlington A Co., Lile M'Cullcy, Moes Poblson,
and Juhn L. M'Culley, contninlHg 3I) acres more
or leas, one two story frame dwoi'.iug bouse, 23
by 3(1 feet, two tonaul bouses, bank bn'rn 40 bv 71)
I feet, saw. mill 2S by ftO reet. wijh ono run of burrs
attached thereto, large bearing orchard of choice
. if...:. i i . ... . , . .
D f:ti ..j . l c . .''""'i " mimui nny acres ei.-nreu tiiereen.
1 IT-., i . , ?"?' n'lnJ1 " 0108 T' St'i,eJ' uken ln "cutloB, and t.. ho sold as the
itoreof B"or,ment 'YrVIV Pr"ror,J ' Abraham Deyer and Asal:eyr.
- j o.a.r, i.y tii ius oi enii'iry u rns dj r leri
,1'iciai.ihs following Real Ll,il9, t ii . All the
Lydia Wilson
Thcmas .S'tilos
Abrnbnm llloom
Edward Comeford
James Smith
Doboiso St Lowe
Mary A. Ltnnadoo
Thomas ItaLlon
Jonathan royntun
Henry Waplo
John J. Johnson
Dornemnn A Mok
Patchin A Swan
Eliza Irwin, ndiux.
George Erhard
G D Logan
11. llrokerhoj
Cecil Tank
Cecil Dank
.aiutj M, Looatrd
Rebuea Lewis
Jainoa M. Looiiard
John Cox Patchin
vs Ooorgo WUon's Et-
vs .Vthool Mrootors of W'4,
vs G.iorge W. Caldwell
vs Lli.a Irwin
vs J. M. Pfouts
vs Coos, r A Briggs
vs A, P. llaum et al
vs Isane llloom Jr.
vs John Wolf
vs John M. Chase et al
ts Duniul Smeal
vs J. K. Seed
vs Laird A Illair
vs J. 5. Carry
vs Crawford Gallahor
vs Jnrcd Y. Gnlor
vs Jntiics IIuR
vs II. Lorain's I't
vs William W. Worrell
vs James White
Vs Dillon if- Davis
vs Slawsua, Aifordetal
va Dillon i Davis
vs Drown it l.iti.
vs John Thompson.
store of K
Gurwensville, Msy 1, 1SC9,
f ackerel and Herring for sale at the cornet
ill store of L. A 1VIX,
iJanvenaville, Juy U, 'CO.
Boot an 1 Sines. A larger stoek and lower
prices than ever, at Irvins '.'heapett som'!.
'nrtvensvilla, Msy JK, '00-