rr Its rail J; BY 0. B. O00DLANDER & CO. VOL. XXXI.-WIIOLE NO.' Termse! SuhirriiUi)ii. If oil ! In k,1 VAnnn. or within Himim m am t h a 41 9 f,; If paid any timo within the year, ... 1 40 ; If paid after the expiration of tho year, . 2 00 Terms of AdvcrtUlng. Advertisements aro inserted in the Republican at the following ratos : 1 Insertion. " M square, (14 lines,) $ 40 Two squares, (28lines,) 1 00 Tim squares, (42 lines,) 1 50 3 month 2 do. $ 75 1 50 2 on S'do. I 00 2 00 2 iO 12 mo tr oo 10 00 12 00 11 00 13 00 86 00 no a. On Square, I Twoequaro.i, : : Three squares, : Four equaros, : Haifa column, : $ oo C 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 20 1)0 : 4 : t 6 : 8 14 00 CO 00 00 00 One column, Over three weeks an J less thnn throe months 25 " cents per square for each iiiKertion. , Buainoas notices notexeoediug Elines are in serted for $2 a year. Advertisements not marked with the number of ' Insertions desired, will bo continued until forbid, and charged according to these terms. JOB PRINTING. An extensive stock of Jobbing nintoria enab les the Publisher of the "licpvblican' to an nounco to the public thut he is prepa red to do all kinds ot Fosters, Pamphlets, Programmes, BLANKS, PaI'BR BoOKS, Circulars, Labels, Bam. Ticrkts, llANrnii.i.s, , and every kiwi of printing usually done in n country job or.ice. All orders will be executed with neat ness and despatch. 0. B. GOODLANDER C CO. KUSINESS CARDS. , U CIlLLUOan. WM. M. U Cl'I.LOUBU. M'tULI.Ol f;ll & HltOTHEK, Attorneys at I. aw. Office on M:irkot strcut, opponite Mossop's Store, Clearfield, Pa. Will attend promptly to Collec tions, Sale of Luixlj, Ac. nov7-14 T) W. HAY?, Justice of the I'onoe, will attend 1 . promptly to collections and other ninttrrs ft in his charge. Address Kersey, Elk co IV. Oct. 3d 1860. ly. DANIEL GOODLANDER, ; YlTfeTICE of the peace AF l.utheri-burg, Clearfield Co, Pn., will attend promptly to all Lu."iiies entrusted to bis care. March 28, I860. ly. d. KLLIS IKWIN & SONS AT the mouth of Lick Run, five miles frem Clcnrfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive ..Manufacturers of Lumber, July 23, 1852. Blacksmith, Wagons, Huggies, Ac, Ac, ironed on short notice, and the very best etylo, at bis eta stand in the borougu ot Uurweusvilie. Dec. 2 185 J DK. M. tins ( WOODS, having chnnjed his loca from Curwen.villo to Clearfield, res- pectlully ouers his prolessionnl services to the eituens of tho latter place and vicinity. Reidono on Second street, opposite ti it of J. Crans, Enq. my I 1155. J. O. IfARTSWICK, M. D. 1 Physician and Surgeon, Clearfield Tv, JIny 30, 1SS0. WALTER BARRETT, ; ; ATTOflNLY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to hie care, in tho several Courts of Clearfield and adjoining counties. - Office, the one formerly occupied by O. R. Larrctt. . Oct. 2flth, 1850 ly. . DR. G. W. STEWART PI Ingto physician and Surgeon, ofTers his profes sional services to the citizens of Xew Waah- tou and aurroundinz community. Office three doors west of the Washington House, New Washington, Pa., Oct. 14, 1S59. ,'. JOHN HUIDEKOPER" . Citil Engineer & Land Surveyor, offers - hii professional services to the citizens of Clear . field county. All business entrusted to him will bo promptly nd faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney t- Co. LEVEirmrdAlM . Justice of the peace Lutberpburg, Clearfield Co, Tn., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to bis care. , He also informs tho public that he koeps constantly on hand at his shop, a general as ortment of Saddles, Uridles, Ilamoss and whips, which ho will cell on reasonable tro ma. . April 4, mo. ; DEUTAL CARD. , A M. SMITH offors bis professional services J. to the I.adiea and Cientlemen of Clcar Beld and vicinity. All operations performed with neatness and dospatch. Ueing familiar with all the late improvments, he is prepared to 'make Artificial Teeth in the best manner. 'Office in Shaw's new row. , Sept. 14th, 1858. lyi. .V'4.1""1"1"- I. TKST TT AHKIMKK & TKST, Attorheys at Law -OJ Clearfield, Pa., will attetid promptly to Col Uioln, Laud Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield, lefttre and Llk couhties. July 30 y 11 OBEHT J. WALLAOF.. A,r i . Clearfield, Pa., Off.ce in Shaw', Row. on' polite the Journal office. flee. 1, 1858. tf. MOORE & ETZWiLER, ,1'ITlioleKale and Retail Mri rhnnt. ft extensive doalnn in timber, sawed lumd lT and shingles. Also, dealers in fiour an rraia, which will be sold cheap for eah ' Oct. 14,1859. Also , HENRY WHITEHEAD, JUSTICE of the peace F.ockton, Union fp., will attend promptly to all basinets entrusted to his care. ' . Sept., 12, lSrtO. ly. -1 very large stock of Spring and Summor iA. elotbing of the latest styles for sale low by Curwensville, Kay 16, 1860. E. A. IRVIN. M'fkerel and Herring for sale at toro of E. A the corner IRVIN. i'-urwensville, ay ,0 loot. aurt 100- A arR(,r (took and ower J-f rrices than ever, at Irvins Chearost corner. "urtventville, May 10, '0- 10.37. CARRIER'S ADDRESS. J AS r Alt Y 1, 1.S81. ;inen fiiet tlio Printer's mystic art began To illurno tho darkened ln'ind of nmc, And rep tore, by its enlightening grace, I h' enfeebled powers cf our nol'lo race, Which deep beneath unlettered ignorauco Had forages lain in deathlike trance, ! ... ..-....,.v luisfiipT in gnei or toy, nns ever been the laithful carrier boy. 'Tis he alone, with young and Blender form. Has Always braved tHo cold am! howling storm I To bear the holy light of truth afar, vi" t RPleu 1110 iicwsorpeaeo or war. lis ho who prompt and cheerful at your door, Each week supplies you with some U3eful lore, Some knowledge to add to tho garnered Uoro. Something to freo tho weary heart flom caio Something to sooth or lighten tho grief , uctir ; And if duty on him at times impose 1 o bear tho pago which sudJor thomea dis closo, wn. blame not him, who must tho types And tell the current actions of tho day ; 1 hough unwelcome oft the tidings bro't, hich, come nut unexpected, yet un sought To eager eyes.'wLoso changing hopes and learH, Are seen in feeble smiles or startim tears: All are alike the fruit of weary toil, Which like, for bread, tho Farmer tills the soil, Heaped bounteous in the golden grain--For mental food the Printer ti'ls his brain ; While you, from one small "germ of tho't behold. By his art a thousand more unrolled. Thus throughout caeh year that's pathless lieu. The carrier has cn his misbion sped ; Greeting his patrons with cheeful face. Giving each in his heait a cherished place. And now you see him still at his post, Braving tho winter defying the frost That he may at each door by dawning ap pear, To ivish his kind friends a"happy New Year!" Surely may ono who so faithfully serves, Claim that a gcnerouB return he deserves, What thoughts a carrier may express, You will learn by reading this address ; Wherein ho bids farewell to Sixty that's cone And pays his respects to young Sixty one By Heaven's Great Omniscience guided, And His kind Beneficence provided, We still, in life and health are hero To hail once moro tho new born vear. Not only hsro with life and health, nt having evety source of wealth. Whoso treasures vast aro vct untold ; While by sixtv and an hundred fold. Earth ha yielded her bounteous storef, And want approaches not our doors. Should notour erateful hearts o'erflow With tho immeasurable thanks we owe, For blessings vouchsafed us hero below, And for that mercy which doth spare, That wo fur. iudsjenient mav nrenare : Then how much moro for thate-een lovo Which proflor endless bliss nbovo, If wo life's duties well fulfill. On earth obey the Master's will? But Patrons dear, with anguished heart I saw the dying Year depart With many a lingering look of pain, Whi'.o Gloom and Sorrow formed its train, And I could hearupon th 0 galo A song of death a mournful wail. Lamenting o'er the Nation's woes, Inch wild and melancholy rose. And as along tho blast it swept, jueinougnt 1110 pitying angel wept l'o hear the dirceof Freedom dead- Tito knell, of hope forever fled, 10 seo her reign of glory done, And Misery's dismal swav bei?iin : That soon must sink in endless nitrht A nation, born with hopes as brinht Nay ! brighter far than ever yet, A nation in its dawninc mot. Since God's bright Sun first roso and 6et ; Sinco created nations dwolton earth. Hope 6prang exultant with their birth : 'IV I 1 1 1 . ' i.u r reeuom, seeKing peace ana rest, Turned her footsteps toward tho west. The broad Atlantic croifsinc o'er. Until she reached its farthest shorn, And there, beneath tho sylvan shade, Freedom's nrk of hope was laid. Erelong her altar hero was reared, And on its sacred hearth appeared A sacrifice for human right, Whcso flames dillused a holy light, And threw their beams back o'er the main. H hero, ,'neath tho Tyrant's galling chain, Her million votaries groaned in pain, And struggling, sought redress in vain Revealed to them this new found home, And bado Oppression's victims como. To sharo this fruitful western land With its gallant patriot band ; Where freedom's incense as it rose, Bespoke for all a calm repose, Beneath her just and equal laws, Who espoused hor righteous cause, And joined her hardy son's of toil Upon Columbia's virgin soil, To teach the savage wilderness, I heir labors, with its fruits to bless. Nor quite unheeded was the beaeon sent, or tho thrilling voice that with it went A t its call a slumbering race awoke brokeniShtf W'nS 11,6 morRin8 From an odious thraldom thousands flee. 1 henceforth determined to be brave and free ; Aud all make common cause in weal or woe, PRINCIPLES, not MEN. CLEAKFIEL1), 1A. WKDNliSi:AT JAN. V, CgT" Plouged each to each, till aeuth, Oppres sion's foe. Men they were, stem of heart and strong of hand, Who loft their ancient homes and lather land Tocivo their nid upon a foreign shore, To found a nation unsurpassed bef jre. When they at last this safo asylum gain, Installed in valo, on hill and plain, Ty runts may their power assert in vain, Their vengeful thunders now awake no fours In tho dauntless hearts of Freedom's pio-. neers. Seo. by united, noble, bold empriso, Beneath their hand a glorious empire riso, Whoso fame o'er Earth extending far und wide, Proclaims the land whero Freedom's sons abiJo, There, underneath its kind protecting shade, (a Tho wearied head may bo in safety laid. Oh! sight sublime I ne'er till now beheld, 1 ween, Equality and Justice triumphant seen. Despairing hope her pinions plumed anew As broke tho scone on bar enrantnred view, And upward soaring bent her cagor flight With joy elate, toward tho realms of light, That she might the tidings earliest bear, To earth's desponding guardian spirits, there ; Who long had mourned, but ever mourn ed in vain, To seo their fuvorito race mid toil and pain, Wear in bonds, their suffering lives away, Beneath somo cruel despots iron sway, For centuries held with unrelenting grasp, 60 firm that mortal hand could scarce un ci p; But bow the monarch's mighty spell is broke, And tbey at last disdain the Tyrant's yo-e, And arm, strike and triumph for Liberty, Proclaim tho Saxons birthright to bo free. At Hope's npproach the spirits eager bena, And to her tale with listening ears attend In pleased surprise, as from her tongue it leu, And deemed her blest to have such news to tell. And nov the sister's grateful task being done, Tltn tM-i.nlnco 1 .Inocl.i ma tnl.l 1 .. ...1 And allo'er the oventheld brief commune The celestial choir their harps attune. Aud a clad triumphant chorus raise. A joyful anthem in freo Columbia's praiso. Now these supernal ceremonies o'er, nope return to Atlantic s western shore, And ever sirco has hover'd anxious there, On poised wing upborne in middle air, Watching o'er her charge with tender care ; Stationed as Freedom's faithful sentinel, That she may each threat'ning ill fore tell. Now on the nation's fate dark clouds arise, And liopo once moro to her sister spirits hies. With heavy heart sho wings her upward flight. To herald alas ! the knoll of human right. But, how different her reception now. As sho arrives with sorrow darkened brow, i io smiles illumine each celestial laco, Each step has lost its lightsome easy grace ; Al! with aspect clouded by doubt and fear, Slowly approach the stricken messenger, And when the melancholy talo was heard, Deep pity, each angelic hosom stirred, Sorrow with a tear dimmed every eye, And anguish wrung from every heart a sigh, While Hope, more dcoply grievod than all the rest, Turned her faco in sadness towards the west, For ono last lingering look at that fair land, Whose desolation sho foresaw at hand, Ere she folded her wings and gave it o'er, To the furious tido slid could stem no more. With tearful eyes sho waved a last fare well And turned her from the land sho loved so well. Thus to mo the dying Year'did eny As on the midnight gale it passed away, Foretelling dark and direst ills to come. Of bloodhhed and death within the happy home. Of horrors dread and fiorcest civil war, Of cruel Devastation's' dreadful car. And all attendant ills that in their train. Concur the people's bravest blood todrain, w.y young pen, tne task: attempts in vain, ui writing an mat, swelled tho mournful strain. It is enough that wo may ere long behold All tho dire misfortunes therein foretold. May Heaven in time avort tho fearful blow ; And spare tho land th:s dreadful scono of woe! I would long ere this gloomy theme, havo quit this Or treatod it as a passing idlo dream, But my tho heart s foreboding thoughts nouiu guute, Though to change thoir current I in vain havo tried, On I may another New Year prove them wrong ! Then 1 can greet you with a livelier song. The Now Haven (Conn.) city election, on Friday resulted in an emphatic Demo cratic victory. The Democratic majority, in a poll of 5,000 votes, is about 500. The town embraces Fair Haven and Westville, which always give Republican majorities; COVEUNOIl'S MESSAGE. fa the Senators and memlc Jtfvesrntatuet af the Pennsylvania : r of tJ,e Home. of Comrnomccalth ' Gentlemen: In submitting to the Gen eral Assembly my last annual communis cation, it is thosourcoof unfeigned gratifi cation to be ablo toannounco to the poo plo, and to their rnprcsentativos.that, not withstanding tho present unfavorable crisis in the monotary affairs of this coun try, and tho ceueral prostration of bnyi- ness and credit, the financial condition of Pennsylvania is highly satisfactory. The rccoipts at tho State Treasury, from all sources, for the fi.-cal year ending on the 30th of November, 1SGU, wero ?a,'170, 257 31, to which add tho available balance in the Treasury on tho 1st day of Decem ber, IH59, fs-y,223 t,.,( and tlj6 wLoo gum available tor the year will be found to bo $4,31S,58U 40. Tho expenditures, for all l.,"r.I?ses, for tIie 8alu0 period, were $3,037, 147 32; leaving an available bal ance in tho Treasury, on the 1st day of December, 18G0, of JfGlSi, 433 08. The fol .owing items aro embraced in the expen ditures for tho fiscal year, vi : Loans redeemed Rolief notes cancelled Interest certificates ilomestio creditors' certificates . iiamagos on the publio works, and old cluiuig ... $064,857 85 1.811 00 2,438 52 5 40 22,644 32 Making.of the public dobt actually paid during the year - r.91,757 80 The funded and unfunded debt of tho Commonwealth, on tho 1st day of Decern ber, la5'J, was as follows: ri'KDKD EI1IT. 6 por cent loans - . . $400,CI0 00 4 do do - . . 37,625,153 37 4) do do . . . 339,200 00 4 da do - . . 100,000 00 Total funded dubt 38,513,983 37 UNFUNDED DEBT. Reliof notes iu circulation Interest certifioates outstanding . Do do unclaimed . Domestic creditors $101,213 00 13,513 82 4,448 38 802 60 Total unfunded debt 124,977 70 Making the entire debt of tho Common wealth, at tho period named, $38,038. J0I 07. 1 ho funded and unfunded debt of tho 1 ut' ? ,ci?f. bus fiscal year, December 1, 1SG0, stood us follows : FUNDED DEBT. ' 8 percent. loans i 5 do do $400,630 00 36,967,295 72 381,200 CO 100,000 00 do do 4 do do Total fanded debt 37,849.125 72 UNFUNDED DEBT. Relief notes fn circulation laterest cei tificatos outstanding -Do do unclaimed - Domestic creditors' certificates $99,402 00 16,074 30 4,443 38 77 10 Totul funded debt 120,771 73 Making tho entire public debt of Penn sylvania, on tho 1st dav of December last, $37,,J,847 50. To pay the principal and interest of this debt, besides tho ordinary sources of reve nue, the Commonwealth holds tho follow ing mortgage bonds, derived from theaalc of her public improvements; Ponds of Ponn'a Railroad C"., - $7,200,000 00 Uonds of Sunbui y A Krio R.R. Co., 3,500.000 00 Bonds of Wyoming Canal Company, 231,000 00 Totul 10,981.000 Oil At the cloee of the finca! yar, on the 1st day of December, 1357, the public debt of this Common wealth, founded and unfounded, was - - - $3'J,861,73S 22 It is now, at the closo of the fiscal yoar of 1860 - . . 37,9C9,847 50 Raring been reducod, during tho last three years 1,911,890 72 Th e available balanao in the Trea sury, on the 1st day of Decem ber, 1857, was - - - On Jhe 1st December,'.! 860, it was Exceeding the former balance in tho sum of - Add to this tho sum paid at the Treasury, during the past thtce yean, for debts and claims againrt the Cntnnvinwealth ari sing out of the construction and maintenance of the public im. provcraentftnd which was sub stantially a part of the unfunded debt of the Commonwealth, amounting to - - And we have the sum of $523,106 47 CSl,4:i3 OS 153,326 61 171,664 E2 224,991 42 By adding this sum to tho amount paid on tho public debt from December 1, 1h')7, to December I, 180U, to wit: $1,911, b'JO 72. it will bo found that during the past throe years the State has not only met all her ordinary liabilities, including the expenses of government, and tho inter est on her public debt, hut has diminish ed ker actual indebtedness tho sum of $2 230,885 15. When it is remembered that for tho last threo years the tax on real and per sonal estate has been but two and a half mills on tho dollar, while trom 1844 to 1850 it was three mills that for tho past two years and six months the State has re ceivod no part of the lax on tonnage due from tho Pennsylvania railroad com panyand that sinco July, 1859, the in terest on the bonds held by the State against the Sunbury and Erie railroad company has remained due and unpaid, it is certainly cause for hearty congratu lation, that, without aid from these im portant sources of revenue, so great a re duwion of the public dbt has been accomplished in comparatively so short a period. The funded debt of the Stato is now less than it has been since 18 42, and -J via TERMS -tl the unfunded and floating debt, wllif'll at that timo amounted to upwards of two tmIll0'1 of dollars, has been almost u- iriVmod- U ' no,v reJuced to ll-OJU iS and of this sum ever nine ly-nine thousand dollars consists of roliof notes, most of which aro undoubtedly ei ther lost or destroyed, and will, therefore, never bo presented for payment. The claims against tho Stato. accruing fnim the construction and maintenance of her canals and railroads, are now roduood to a moro nomiual sum : and. in the future after providing for theordiunry expends of government, her revenues arid her en ergies may be exclusively applied to pay- muiicoi uio interest, ana ttie discharge of uiH principal oi ner public dept. The peoplo of this Commonwealth have hitherto met, with promptness, tho des manusmacio upon tbom, ironi timo to t mefor the ways and means of replenish- nifc luu j. uuuu iieusury ; ana now, mat they sea that the onerous debt with which they have so Ion; beon burdened, it. eacn year certainly and rapidly disap pearing mat the amount renuirod to meet the interest is rapidly being dimin lsueu tuat consequently a still greater sum can eacu year bo devoted to the re duction of tho principal of tho debt, without resorti jg to additional sources of revenue and that, with a proper hus banding of theresourccs.tha day is not diB tant when direct taxation in Pennsylva nia will ccaso altogether tho payment of such taxes as may for the time bo re quired to meet tho necessities, will con tinue to be mot with cheerfulness and alacrity. But they will unquestionably hold those to whose caro they" have entrusted tho financial interests 'of tho State to a rigid accountability. That there should at this particular juncture, when tho business and monetary affairs of tho country are so greatly depressed, be the strictest economy in public expendi tures, is so manifest, that it can scarcely bo necessary to call attention to so plain a duty, It is equally clear that any legis lation which would tend greatly to lessen tho rovenues of thoCommot wealth, would at this time, be peculiarly unwiso and iu. expediont. The exigencies of tho future no man can foretell tho prospect before us is beclouded with doubt and uncertain tyit is, therefore, no more than the part of wisdom to guard, M'ith unceasing vigi lance, all our present sources of revenue, and to thus be prepared for every possi ble contingency. Since July, 1858, the rennsylvaniarail road company has refused to pay the tax on tonnage required to be paid by tho act incorporating the company, and its various supplements, and there is now duo to the State, on that account, exclu sive of interest, tho sum of $074,2 22. Including the interest, the sum now due is about $700,000. Before my last annual message was communicated to the Legis lature, a case had been tried in tho court of common pleas of Dauphin county, be tween the Commonwealth and th'a rail. road company, involving tho question of tho constitutionality of this tax, which was decided in favor of tho Stato, and tho imposition of tho tax pronounced consti tutional. In January last, another suit was tried between tho samoparties, in tho samo court, involving tho same question with a like result. In December last, a judgment was obtained in the district court of Philulolphia, upon ono of thosomi-anntial settlements, for ?1 10,000. So that judgment has boon obtained for ?3G5,000 of (ho debt, being tho whole atnonnt which became duo prior to 1800. Tho tax which accrued during the past year, amounts to $308,820 03. Tho first settlement for tho year is before tho Dau phin county court on an appeal taken by the company ; and tho second, or List, set tlotr.ent was made but a few days since by the acoountuut department of tho Com monwealth. After tho recovery in tho common ploas of Dauphin county, tho cases Jwcre remo ved by writ! of error, taken on behalf of the defendants, to tho Supreme Court of this State, wharo they were argued in Juno hist, and in October that tribunal sustained tho decision of tho court of common pleas, and held tho Ux to bo clearly constitutional ; thus uniting with the law making power in allirming tho right of the Stato to tax a corporation undera law to which it owes its existence. But, notwithstanding this concurrence of opinion aud action on behalf of the con stituted authorities of Pennsylvania, tho litigition is not yet at an end ; for the railroad company has recently removed tho cases, by writs of error, to tho Su preme Court of the UnKed Slates, whero they aro now pending. That the decision of that court will, when made, fully sus tain tho right of a sovereign Stato to en force a contract between tho State and a corporation, and entirely vindicate the power of a State to imposo such taxes upon corporations, as in her sovereign will she may deem proper, 1 cannot for a moment doubt. Tocomplcto tho history of this impor tant litigation, und to show that every ef fort has been, thus far, made to compel tho payment of this largo sum of monvy into tho Treasury of tho 'Stato, it is prop er to add, that the law otlicar o tho Com monwealth, being of opinion that the writs of error were not issued from tho Supreme Court of the United States in timo to prevent the collection of tho judg ments rendered in the SJta'o ennru v. cutiona were issuo'd to tho Sheriff of the ! County of Dauphin, and proceedings are now penning in me supreme court ot this Stajo, to dolormine whether thoCommou wealt'a can compel tho payment of the judgments already recovered, beloro the final decision by the Supreme Court of the United States. The Sunbury and Erie railroad compa ny tiaving failed to negotiate its mort gage bonds in their present condition, the expectations confidently ontertained of 25 per Annum, if paid in itdTBnco. nkwskhies-voL .-'0 25" an early completion of that most impor tant improvement, have not been realized. Tho work during tho past yoar, however, although greatly retarded, has been con tinually progressing; upwards of one miU lion of dol.'a-s having been expended on the line fioni November, 185'J, to Novem ber, 1800. Tho wholo length of the road, from tho borough of Sunbury to tho bar boron the lake, at tho city of Erie," is 288 miles ; of which 148 miles aro now finish ed and in operation, and 115 miles of tho remaining portion of tho lino are graded ; leaving but twcii'y-fi vo miles yet to grade. Pennsylvania is largely interested iu the early completion and success of this great thoroughfare, not only becauso she is the creditor of the company to the amount of three and a half millions of dollars'; but for the additional, and moro cogont rea son, that the improvement, when comple ted, will open one of the most important channels of trade between the city of Phil adelphia and the great lakes of tho west, at tho best harbor on Lake Erie, entirely within the limits of our own Stato, which has ever been contemplated. It vill, moreover, develops the rescu es of a largo portion of North.western Pennsyl vania, abounding with the richest miner als, and a lumber region of unsurpassed excellence, which the munificent hand of the State has hitherto totally neglected By disposing of her blanch canals to that company, in exchanga for its mortgage bonds, the State has already largely aided in thoconstruction of this groat work; and it may be necessary, to insure its com pletion, that further legislation should be had in order to render tho means of the company available. It is evident that a liberal poliey, on tho part of the gov ernment, will promoto alike the interests of the Commonwealth and the railroad company; nevertheless, great caro should be taken to protect, as 'ar as possible, the debt new duo from tho company to the State. If all propositions which maybe made for a change in tho securities now held by the Commonwealth, bo carefully considered by tho Legislature, and no more yielded than sound economy de mands, with proper provision for the duo application of whatever means may bo realized, it is believed that sufficient re lief can bo granted to tho company, to enable it promptly to finish the road, while the security remaining will be fully adequate to insure tho ultimate payment of the principal and interest of the bonds of tho railroad company now held by the Commonwealth. I commend this sulject to the Legisla ture as ono entitled to its most careful consideration, as well on account of its vast importance to that portion of the Stato through which tho railroad passes to tho cities of Philadelphia and Erie and to tho railroad compan' as to the Commonwealth herself. Promising that whatever policy it may bo thought expe dient, 10 pursue, should be adopted solely with reference to tho protection and furtherance of the public interests. The attention of tho Legislature is again invited to the subject of general educa tion. At tho present juncturo it present peculiar claims. Tho experience of a quarter of a century has satisfied tho pro verbially cautious peoplo of Pennsylvania, of tho adaptodnoss of tho common school system to their wants and condition. No less has the severe ordeal of the past threo years shown its capability to endure thos sudden reverses which occasionally pros trate tho other interests of tho communi ty. Involving greater expenditure than the rest of the departments of govern ment, and that, too, mainly drawn from direct taxation, it is a proud fact, that, while most o f the enterprises of society have been seriously embarrassed, and some of them suspended, by the pecunia ry crisis of 1857, our educational system has not been retarded in any appreciable degree. On tho contrary, its operations havo boon maintained, to an extent which plainly indicates that our citizens fully appreciate its value. Contrasting its main results during the past year, with those ot 1857, wo find that the whole numoer of pupils now in the schools, is 647,414, be ing an increase of 41,422; (hc-so wer taught in 11,577 schools, 021 moro than in 1857, during an aveiage term of five months and fivo and ona hnlf days, at 0 cents per pupil, per month, by 14,00 " teachers, being 52!) moro than in 1857. The entire expenditure of the system, for t he past year, including that of tho School Department, is 21o38,550 80. These fig. tires afford sonr idea of the magnitude of tho operations of tho system ; bat neither words nor figures can adequately express tho importance of Us influence upon tho present, or its relaticns to tho future In contemplating thedtui!sof a plan for the due training of the youth of a com munity, its large proportions and impos ing array of statistics do not display tha potntsof its greatest iniprrtanco. Pupils may bo enrolled by hundreds of thou sands ; school hoiucs of the best struc ture and mot convenient arrangements, may be dotted at convenient distance over the wholo faco of the land ; tho most perfect order of studies may 00 adopted, aud tho bst possiblo selection of book bo mado; but what aro all theso, without tho learned and skillful, tho faithful, mor al and devoted teacher? Without this) animating spirit, all is barren and un fruitful. In this vital department, I am happy toannounco that tho improvement of the common school teachers of tuo Stato shows more solid advancement, within tho pat throo years than any oth or branch of the system. This, therefore, being tho point whence all rsal progress; in learning and culture must originate, is, lso tho 0110 to which tho fostering atten tion and care of tho publio authorities should bo mainly dircctod. Our peculiar mode of traimna; loachors under tho normal act of 187, has now stood the test of practical experience ; and, agaiast the most adrcrso circumstaa-