COUNTY DIRECTORY. Time of Holding Court Fccond Monday of January, Third Monday of March, Third Monday of June, Fourth Monday of September, In each yenr, and continue two weokl if ne cessary. County Officers. Tren't Judge.IIon. Samuol Linn. Bollcfonte. As've Jadges,Hon Win L Moore, Clearfield. lion DenJ Ronsall, Luthcrsburg rhenff, Fred'k U. Miller Clearfield Frothenotury,John L. Cuttlo, " Reg. t Rec. James Wiigley, District Alfy .oberl J. Wallace, " Treasurer, (). B. Ooodlupder, Ce. Surveyor, H. H. Wright, Olcn Hope Vommbs'n'n.Wiu. MCrackoa, Lumber City Win. Morrell, . Clearfield B. C, Thompson, Morrisdale Auditor., 11. C, Bowman, rhilipaburg W. Uruhani.ClearQold J. D. Shaw, " Coroner, Gcorgo Richards, I.lst of Pout Offices. Jiiie of P. 0. Aiiiaet Toicmhljii. Beecaria, Boll, . .v. Glua Hope, ft. W. Calwell Mary Klder T. A. M'tihee J. W. Campbell Lewis Su.cth P. IS. Miller d. Williams A. L. 6chn.ll Jacob Kunts John llebcrting Jus- liloom J. M, Ciimmings Ja McMurruy C. D.Watson. F. Coudriet J F W Kchnorr Samuel Way Centre county , Edm. Williams Elk county, Pa. C. Mignot William Carr A. B. Shaw J B. Urnhain J. A. Hoe arty Duvid Tyler JL Woodward Elira Chaso 0. Hockjidnrn D. E. Mukel J, W. Tliouips'n Jui. Thompson J. M,cClclluud W. W. Wright A. C. Mooro, amuel Wuy Michaol Wise. W. F. Johnson T. Henderson Bower, Chest . Cush, Ostcnd, Clearfield Bridge, Woodland, Luthcrsburgr Troulvillc, Tofferjon Line, Forest, New Washington Burnslde, Clearfield, Frenchville, Karthaus, Hogg.', Bradford, Urady, Bloem, Burnside, Clearfield, Covington, Curwensville, curwensville, Docator, rhilipsburg, F'orgnson, Marron, Fox, Ui'lun Post Oflioo, tiirard, Locounlo'a Mills, Bald Hills, Goshen, Ehawsvillo, Oraliuin, Urahamton, tlulich, miths Mills. Huston, Tyler, " Pennfield, Jordan, Aneonville, Karthnus, alt Lick, Knox, Now Millport, Lawrence, Brockcnridge, Morris, Kylertown, ' Morrisdale, Pcnn, Lumber City.f Oramplnn Hills, ike, Curwensvillo, " . Bloouiingville, nion, ecktou, oodward, Jeffries, J Tliia Tost Offico will do for Chest township t Will armcr lor Fergus, n Rtintbip. 17RESH ARRIVAL OF - NEW GOODS! AT TIIECIIEArCASII STOKE. Iam just receiving and oponing a largo and well selected assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ol almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints nnd Dross goods, of tho newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. A large assortment, ready-made - CLOTHING, Bonnets, Shawls, . Hats and Cap, Boots mid Shoes, a largo quantity, Hardware, Qieepswnro, Druggs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, Fish, Sncon and Flour, GROCERIES, of the bost quality, all of which will bo sold at tho lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and tho publio generally, are respectfully invltod to call. Clearfield, Oct. SI, 1 SOU. WM, F. IRWIN. .Tfr-N. B. All kinds of tfAMA'and approved COl XrilY VltOUVL'E taken In exchange tor Goods. ' JU SSELL McMUR R A Y llespectfully invites tho attintion of his old cus tomers, and others, to his stock of FALL' AND WINTER GOODS, Which he offers very low ran cash; Uo also continues to deal in LUMBER, of all kinds, In any way to suit bis customers. The highest market prices will be paid for all kinds of 0 RAIN. HOT CALL AND SEE! -a Net' Washington, Nov. 1, 1809. nov7-Gm rpLNWAUK AND COPPER AVAHE An cxlinsive and vrell-soicclod nssoit merit. C OA L A XT) COOK STOVES Stoverio, Collars, nml Blat king, COAL OIL AND COAL OIL LAMPS, Ment Cullers nnd Sausngo StiifTcrs, Corn hellers, Corn OiiirJcrs, Cidor MHIm, Oar-l!inj;a, Quoits, Plows nnd llnnows, a variety of CLASS, OILS, PAINTS, DOOR-LOCKS, Hinges, Rerews,' Nnila, ntul other articles useil lor purposes, 4c. Kept constantly on linnd and for ly JOSEPH L. CUKBY, dec4 Cilv. lf r.MF.MIU'.lt, Strumous or Scrofulous af J V fections are the curse, the blight of insukind. Thoy are vile and filthy, as Well as fatal. They ariso from Impurity aud contaminations of the blood, and are to be seen nil around ns every whore. Thousands dally are ronsirnei to the grave from the direful eflcets of this disease. But why trifle any longer, when the remsdy Is at band I Ir, Ll.MJbtlV JJLUDU tGAKCilER, the only effectual preparation new before tho peo ple, that does Its work mildly atftl snfaly. It does notcloss the issue superficially, while " Foul corruption mining all within, Infecti nnseei." But purges the entire system of all Impure Mat ter, invigorates the body, nnd loaves the Afflicted In the enjoyment of good' health. To eonvire the skeptical of Its healthy eAVcts, try but one bottie, and be eonvineed. Sold by all Prueelsts' wli-lS nldc,-"lhN",8 1""llth9oun,ry'ibering bmines. at Mulsonburg, has this day I dissolved by the mutual consent of the pnr- B7K P.H I I1UTTICR tV-A largo quanlity . ties. 3. P. MCLPON, 1.X UN BUTTER, for sale at the Oct 21, 1860-Bt. JOHN URIEL. tc::. nov21 W. F. IRWIN, j "- T.. . ... 4 Splendid assortment ef Ladies' Uentlewons 1. M4 Childrens' Gloves and Hosiery at HEED, WEAVER A CO S I'LWY THE I3L00D.; J VEGETABLE LIFE TILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these prc euiir out medicines have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diseases which they profess to cure, hn rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy of tnem. They ire known by their fruits; their goed works lestTy for them, and they thrive not by the faith of the credulous. Ik all casks of Asthma, .Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Affections of the Bladdei nnd Kid neys. Billious Fever and Liver Complaints, In the south oud west, whore those diseases pre vail they will be found invaluable. Planters, Faruiers.and olhors, w bo once u? e tbeso will never afterwords be w ithout them. Dyspepsia. No person with this distressing disease should delay using these modioines Im mediately. Eruptions of the skin, Erysipelas, Flatuloncy, Fove' and Ague. Fur this scourge f I'm noitiirn countrv there medicines will be mnnil atafe. sneedv.and certain remody. Other medicines leave tho aystoin subject to a rotur 3 of .'., diaomo a .ure bv those uiouiuincs is rer- immtiL-Trv them, bo satisfied, and be cured. Mcrcural Diseases. Never fails to erndl aato entirely all the effects of mercury infinitely sooner thun the most powerful preparation ol Sarsaparilln, Night sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kind-. Organic Affections, Palpita tion of tho Heart, Painter's Cholic. Piles. The original proprietor of these moll cities wns cured of Tiles of 35 years standing, by the uso of theso Life medicines alone, Woinsof nil kinds are effectually cured by theso inclines. Parents w ill du well to administer them wlencver their existence U suspected. Ilolief will ho certain. thk life piu.s akd BITTHna Purifv tho blood, and thus remove all disease fiom the FTstoin. A single triul w-1l place t ie Lifr 1'n.i.s and Piiokmx Bittkiis beyond tho reach of competition in tho ostiiuiion of every patient. T.-irVrvrnni and sold by DR. WM. P MOFFAT, 335 Brodwnv, cor. Worth '., New Yoik. Feb. 2'Jth 18li0. lyr. i7ook ' ii Kit i-i: i.)k iu:rij: TH E undersigned subscribers, tnko this meth od of informingthe jublio generally, that they have this day outcrcs into copartnership in THE BLACKSMI'-'Il BUSINESS, and can bo found at the shop formerly occupied by J. Shunkwiler, on 7hird street, in this bo rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old customer, and as many new ouoa as enn make it coavonionttogivo tkem a eall. Bring on your hoes, your spades nnd picks, Your log-chuins and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your slerjhs, your h irso, your marc, No throo-year old shall thcu go bure. Your spears will work up theniust right, To prooning hooks for every. Wight. Your swords to, shall then be wrought. To ploughshares such as I'um ne'er bought. JACOB P1IUNKWILER, EO. W. OUR. Clearfield, December 8, 1S5S tf. ! ! DEATH ! ! ! To every form and Specie of illMlN. "CD.ST.17.",S" "CO.STAfl'S" "COSTA US" "COST AW S" o'fLvV I A".V" Rat, Roach iH-cEetc, e'"'iw. Jkd Ri'J Ex'.enmnr. " COSTA WS" Ete;tric RJ,- fr L seett. DESTKOVS IN.STiNTLY, IioucLes, Mice, Mr-e, Ground-.lAice, Bod.bus, Ants, Mollis Mosiimtoes, t leits, Insects oi Plants, In-ectson Animnls, (( c. in islioit every l'orn nnd species of 10 years eslab.1l?tl in Neiv York City used ly the Ci'y Post Office- the City Piis m nml Slntiftl houses llin city Steamers, Ships &c.;-tlto City Hotels. "Astor," "St. XichoIfts,"Ac, nnd by mora Hum 20, 0t0 private Unnles. B3,Dinpists and Retailers everywhere ?oll t hem. nfieholcsulo Agents in all larpe Cities Bx6Regular sizes, 2'jc, 5O0., Boxes Bottles, Flasks. 8J!1 Beh ake ! 1 1 of spurious imitations. Kxnmino cneh Box, Bottle & l"l;tk, nnd tako nothing but "CostarV 8?lXfI.OO Boxes sent by mail. B.fiu?3 & f 5.UU by Express. rJ3,Addrcs orders or for Circular, lo HEN BY If. COSTA B, Principal Depot, 410 Broadway, N. Y. BTA-SOLD BY LOBAlNKitCO. . March 17th. Clearfield Pa. Cabinet, Chair Making1, &r32 ssztaS Attar uirr T OHN Gl'I.ICIT, of the borough of Clearfiela, tf I'a., w ill be prepared at all tunes to attena 10 to nny business in the above lino on short notico. and in a wcrkmanliko innnner. His plseo of business is at tho old shop on the north sidenf Market street, S I door east of Thiril St., nearly opposite tho oid Jew storo : where ho will kocp constantly on uamt a large assortment 01 aiii hogony and Cnno Bottom Chairs, nnd Cabinet Ware of every description, w hich ho will dispose of on ns reasonable terms as the same articles can bo had elsewhere in tho county. His stock of Cabinet AVaro now on band, con sists in part of Dre.slng nnd Common Bureaus, Sofas, dewing and Washing Stands, I u .-k and Book Cnsos, French and Field Post Bedstoads. Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta bles, Ac. Ciiflins manufactured aud dwlivered t any place desired. February , ISiO. no. 4, Tol. It. Bonnets, Florcnco braids, Kuglish straws, Shaker and other s'ylos trimmed and nn trimmed, will bo found in variety at the corner store of K. A. IRYIN. Cui wensvillo, May 10, 'GO. Miitlntnc Scliwciif.'s Infallible Vegetable Powders. 1 Fur tho rpcedy nnd efloclunl Cure of all fujl-im-matioiit, llh 1 u t fiVm, lijiintnf and Liter Cw pbtint and all Artttcnud Chrvitic JfUennrt of A: dtilts nnd Children, Send 3 cent Stamp to her Afdf. O. 15. JOXKS, Hundreds of testimonials Box 2070 Phila. P 0 jrO-Ayif? S. W. Cor. Third Arch Sts. Oct 2 1, 1800 lOt. Alll of 1)111 M$TK AKO 'S NOT IC Loiters Adminielration, having been this day granted to tho nnders gned en the estate of 1 . . . . - . . 1 1 1 r w - . . . a- r., r.. ji. ni.vs, iaio 01 ijawrence lownsnip, vicar-: I eld county, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against Ihej same will present them duly authenticated for Bill HHIV II Va 1AIV AltlU fi November 7, 1860. sovll St Dissolution of Partnership. '"'SW. T 1U'LJ'VZ'"': .,'rT?, a airsiins 1.1111 ana cm caws, initirw axes ana ' I a goneral assortment of Hardware at tbe store of E. A. IBVIN. , Curwensville, May lo, 18f.. BEAT WOBK ON THE 1IOBSB r Meepllol of p,,, J ' . Umlos and fotnales) on Mondi-y, Aug. 20th, 1860. THE II9HSE AND JUS DlbliAfct: ;2-erMl,per ie,lon of eleven Weeks , pr R..RRT jERK.a, v ., Orthography, Heading, Writing, Try . . . .. i 1 i.:ii.n,.ii. n.l r7ooeranbv. A.0U rrofesfor f Tahology and eperntive surgcr, m a. Vatariiarv Collo ce of rbiladclphin, etc.. etc ... ..... t ill 'TellYou.rtbeOilgin.nistoryanddistino.l tiveiraits of the various breeds or Eunpcan, Asiatic, African and Amor-1 l.-ni' Horses, with the physical forma- i - - I tior and peculiarities of the animal, am bow to Bscorlain bis age , by ' nuubcr and condition of Ins teem , illwlrated with numerous cjplanaiory j oua-avmgs. THE IKRSE AND HIS DISEASES j Wl.l Tell Ym of Broedine, Breaking, Stabling, Feding, Orooming, Shoeing, and the gwerpl management of the horse, win the best modes of administering mdieine, also, how to treat Biting, Krking, Hearing, Shying, Stumbling, Cab-Biting, Hcstlescnesf, and othor vies to which he is subjoct) with nu m rous explanatory engravings. THE rORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will T,ll Vt.u of the causes, svmidoms, and Treatment of Strnnules, Sore Throat, llistemnor. Catarrh. Intliicimi, Bron chitis, Pnaumonia, Pleurisy, Broken Wind, Chronio Cough, Homing and WhiHilinir. Lnmnas. Soro Sioulh and I'lccr.", nnd decayed Teeth, with othor discuses of the Jloulc and llospiraio ry Organs. . THE H0KSE AND HIS DISEASE1? Will Tull You of tho causes, svmptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Hots, tolio, Ftrnngultttiun, Stony Concretions, ltupturcs, Palsy, Uiarrhea, Juundioe, Hc.atirrhoea, Bloody Urino, Htones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Indaiaa tion, and other discmes of the Stom ach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary Or gans, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You of the causes, symptoms, anil Treatment of Hone, Bio id and Bog, Fpavin, I'ing-Boao, Swconie, Strains, Broken Kticcs, Wind (Jnl!s, Founder, Kule Bruise nnd Ornvol, Cricked Hoof, Scratches, Canltor, Thrush, and Corns, nlses of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilepsy, ftaggorr, and other diseases of tho Feet, Legs, aud Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Toll You of the c:uros,. symptoms and Treatment of l-'is'ulo, Poll b it, luu dors, Farcy, Scarlet Fowir, Mnge, Surfeit, l.ockod Juw, Khcuiuatism, Cramp, (lalls. Discnses or tho Eye and Heart, Ac, Ac. and how t inuiago Castrntiou, Hlees'ing. Trcpl inuiiig,. Koweling. Firi-ig. Hernia, Amputa tion, Tapping.01"1 otlK'r surgical op crafons.. THE II0R-SE -I HIS DISEASES Will Tell You of pircy's Method of taming II. r res j hw to Approach, Halter, orStn (,Io x Colt j how to iiccnstom a horse rStraiii;o sounds and sights, and bow .11 Bi Saddlo, Bide, and Break him to Harness, also, the ronn nnd law of Warranty, Tho wholo boing tho re sult of more tlmn fifteen years' caroful study of the babiu pe tulinritics, wants ind weaknesses of this nuble nnd useful animal. a The Book contains 3S4 pages, appropriately il lustrated by noarly Olio Hundred engravings. It is printed 111 a clear 'int open typo, null will bu forwarded to any address, postogo paid, on receipt i! pi ice, hall hound, $1,00, or, in cloth extra, $ I ," j. fl'.MX) A V M A It enn be made by enterpri sing man everywhere, in selling tho nbovo, and other popular works of ours, Uur Inducements to all .uoli uro execcuingiy noerui. For sinlo copies of the Book, or for terms to a-cns, with other information, apply to our ad dress JOHN K. POTPKR. Publisher, No. CI 7 Sonsom Street Philudolphiu, Pa. December '12, HM. fiujo. rln 11 riioi'i. U' coo aouu. MODERN COOKKUY, . In nil its brain-lies. By Miss Eliza Actus. Carefully Revised by Mrs. S, J. Hale. It Tells You how to choose nil kinds of Meals, . Poultry, nnd Uaine, with nil lh( various unit most npproved mules of diesing nnd cooking Beef nml Pork; also the b-:st and simplest way of suiting, lick ling and curing tVo tamo. It Tells Yon all tho various and most npprnved modvs ol dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, I.aiub, Veil, Poultry, and (initio of all kinds, w ith tho diflVrcut livesfcings, (iravies, and stuffings appro pi iu-to to It Tells You how to ihoose, cloan, and preserve Fish of all kiflds, aud bow to sweoteu It when tainted ; also all the various and most approved modes of cooking, with the different Dressings, Buncos, aud Flavoring appropriate to each, It Tells You nil the various ond most npproved modes of preparing over nity auierent kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Game, nnd Vegotablo, Broths, nn I Stows, n iih the Relishes and Seasonings ap propriate to each. It Tells You all tho varions and most approved modes of cooking Vegetables of every dcscriptiai, nlso hew to prepare Pink ies, Catsups and Curries of all kinds, Put lc 1 Meats, Fish, Game, Mush rooms, if 0. It Tells You nil ike various and most approved uioilesofproparingnnd cooking all kinds of Plain nnd Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confection ery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dish es jf every description. It Tells You all the various nnd most approved modes of making Bread, Rusks, Multiins, and B scuit, tMbost niotuod of prepa rinc Coffee, Chocolate, nnd Tcsx and how to mnko Syrups, Cordials, and Vinos of various kinds. It Tells Yoa how to set out an ornamental Ta ble, haw to Carve nil kinds ef Fish, Flesh or Fowl, aud in short, how to so simplify the wholo Art of Cooking as to bring tho choicest luxuries of the labia within everybody's reach. Th book contains 41 S pages, and upwards of twelve hundred Recipes, all of which are tho ro sults of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested under tho personal ruporlnten dence of tho writers. It l printed In a clear and open type, is lllustrntod with approprlnte cngra- : , -ii 1 . f 1 1 . . Vliigs, anu win uo iirwarueu vv wuy auaress, neatly bound, and postage paid, on rocclpt of tho pri-e. $1.00, or in cloth, extra, $l,2.'i. f.(MH A VliAltcnnbo mndo by enterpri sing men everywhere in selling the above work our inducements to all such beiug very liberal. For singlo copies of tho Book, or for terms tv agents' with other Information, apply to our ad dress JOHN E. PttTTER, Publisher. No. lt7 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. December 12, 1SC0. 6mo. . DM I ' I STU ATOM'S OTI C Lelfers rt Amlol.lrnlinn tinvlnff linpn crnnted to , nccrsii:ned. tl is day, upon tho estate of JOSEPH LAG LE, deceased, late of Lawrence toBn(i,ip, Clcarfield'eounty, all fersoni iudebud to said estate are rcquosted to make immediate payment, and those having el.iitts against tbe same will proscnt them luly authenticated f r scttlcineriL JOHN M. ADAMS, nov28-6t Administrator. l.'ge tariety at reduced prl le'Uore. Curwensville 14, 'CO, C ?e H Cooking Stove of various sises and prices for .ale by E. A, 1RVIN. Curwensville, May K, 'CD. "Wl.rTT rtrl.l A,,,,1ab tipAf1 anil i.nnKmd l; PsKihes, Cherries, Prunes and Rnisins . me corner ttore of C. A. 1KVIN. i a n iiii'i.ii a:aiji-.iti . win " -.. h,r. u0oa-. . ,n . :.. $3.00 ' -J- ....t mil 1 Alccbra, Uoometry, nniurai i iiuobi-ihi j Keoping . , UM Lntin ,mi (jrCek languages. $8 00 To aU(inta desirous of acquiring a thorough ... .... i....,;,. ,i .ha wish to aualil'v tneis(,vci fur teachers, this Inttitution offers lac,iri,ble,llvantag.. i v .. r.niws.i r... Bt, than half a session, nnd 'd(liuctiuII maiie exoept for protracted skkness. Xuition to bo paid at the close of the term. . H. hA.M'f UltU, IRINCirAL May 23, 1S00.- Iv. A. M. HILLS DENTIST. fs'j rropcrnttontfon to tv .. - inn tfinLh m nroner N time will be of crent -y Ul! to every one --In point of health, comfort, snd convinieuee. 1) It. IIH.l.H enn always bo found at his of ac. on tho corner of Front and Jlain streets, when no notice to tho contrary appears iu this j nnner Al operations in tho line of bis profession nntforcnod in tho luted and most improved stylos, nnd guaranteed for one year against nil nnturul failures, GTKIKinti ll.lllfl Si llilliUlinii i ...... . ... .,. ' Jmmm!!.' KXCITINU FOOT RACE between the Philiidolphia l-lieeand the notorious For gor and counterfeiter, Ja ncs Buchanan Cross ! ! ! Cross Hocapturod ! ! ! !-It seems to be the gener- 1 opinion in Clearfield, tbnt if Cross had worn a pair of t rank Short s rcncli-ralt Uoots, tttnt Uo ir,kit.l nni 1M tu.nn vet However. Shortv is . . . . ' . not imicu put ou at nis custom , nut would announeo lo nil i wu,ru,r jmu,., Linrnltl fllla licit Itlf'll nnd women and cbildreu ,n u.rMia. ana sinnemniioning in pau.cumr, inai ne isprepnrou to ...e.n wun uo...- Shoes and Ua,tor. of any style or pattern, , ii.j U- low ( Mtcutfhur' " 'A ,T, ry. ,..., tnk.. in ex- change, and cash not r, fused. Retiring done caange, ana cusu noi ri luseii. ..'"" i in the neatest manner and ch-rpes moderate, at the Short Shoo Simp on ,e"'d fnort, opposite Reed, Weaver A Co'sstoro. FKAXIv SHOUT. N. B, Findings for iul P'pt- 26, 1800. J.tVES T. LEOXAnn. , A, WALLACE. P. A. UXXKT A. C. KIXXKY 5fLinIun)7 anb Collrttion Met OP IE03TA11), FIXNEY &Co. C L ; A 11 V I L D, CLEAIUIFLD COUSTY, PA. Ijbili.s ol uxen anok, OTrs and Diurts niscol':TKr I) posits i:ci:i vi:i, (lollcu'.lons made and procteJi promptly remitted I'.xcliangc 011 (lie Cities coiistniilly oii hand. Office on Scecnd St., nearly opposito the COUP.T HOUSE. A! excollent nualily of Flour for . sale !or tho storo of W. FIRW1X. Clcorfiel d, Jtilv Uih, lfP. horse SLEIfiTl fi.r salo by e . 5, 151,0. Iltl l', WEAVER t Co. STH of 1 THAI Ifr.It'KIt. Ciime t tho residence tho subscriber. 1 rniMo lotrin-hin about the fir.-t of June Inst, n.ULgK 1IK1FKR about Ij months old. II10 owner is reiiicsto'i to 001110 forward provo property, pay charges and tako her away, or she will o sold urcoidmg t law. JOHA IU.NU, Jr. December 5, liflO. 3 o ciiooi. TractiKits ummed.-tih O School Directors of PIKE TOW'sjUIl' wili to employ six competent Teachers, for a term ol three months. Liberal wages will bo given Apply to Eli liloom, President, or to 1). C. Dale Secretnry of tho Board. By order cf tho Buard nov7 D. C. DALE, 5ccrctnry Cedar ondWillow ware Sept. 19, 80(1. at K.W i CO's, TYRONE CITY HOTEL. Col. A. I OWENS, raontitTon, Respectfully announces to the travelling public tbnt be bus now taken charge of this large nnd well known house, nnd will conduct it in such a maimer as will render excellent comfort nnd full satisfaction to nil who may f.ivor him with call. nov"-ly T M) COXSUMI'TIVr.S: The advertiser, having reen restured to health in a fow weeks by a very simple remody, alter having suf fered for several years with n soTere luugallcc tion, aud that died disease Consumption's anx ions to mnko known to his fcllcw-suflerors the uienns of cure. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with tho di actions for preparing nnd using the same, whi they will rind a sure cure for Consumption Asthma, Brini-hitis, tc. The only ol'ji-ot nf the advsrtiser 111 sending tac rrescripti-in is to bene lit the afflicted, nnd spread information which he conccivos to bo invaluable, arid ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy as it will cost them (nothing, ana may prove a blcssinr. I'ersons wishing tho prescription will please address - Kiv. fcUWAUD A. WILSO.N, nov7-l Williamsburgh, Kings Co., N. Y, Blacks.tithliiir. JAME.S CROSSLY carries on lilncksintthingi in the borough of Lumber city, whero ho will execute promptly nlbvork entrusted le Lim, and execute it in n work manlike manner, July 4, 1S0O. ly. NE IV GO Ol) S. Just receiving and opening at tho Old stai of Lewis Smith in Ikithlehein a well sclectod a sortment of Spring and Suininer lioods ofal mosi every description. Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment. Prints and Dress Goods of the latost styles, also a variety of useful Nc liuus, lints and Caps, Bonnets and Shawls, Boots aud Shoes, Iinrclvrnrc, Queensware, Drugs an Medicine:-, Fish, GROCERIES, Tobacco, BcRari nnd all nrtiules usually kop' la a country Store, all cheap for cash, (Jive us a call and see for vour selves. H. L. HENDERSON, A CO. May 21, 1880. pb.lJiTI,Itl(;.Tho subscriber, having a .-'VM..-U uiuinuii m 100 Dorougn 01 lleartteld, Knrnntrh would inferm the publio that he is prepared to iu wora m me anove line, from plnin to ornnmcn Inl of any description in a workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat manner and en reasonable terms. EDWIN COOPER. learOeld m?. ly. II nrl imin ih I'.tonl air-liirht (l U. I vand stone jars, they are just the thing you I . ...... i the thing you it, W. A CO's. j need, for lule at -.. .. j,. iniiu'dnl.llllM AlSOVi.l.ll ill uie n , t.imTnmiAPHY UPON POHCELAIN. i Secured by lottcri patent In the United States,. England, rranoo anu neiium. The Amorioan Phetogra.hlo Porcelain Coir. secured tbelr novel and ingculus Invent on by American and European paieui., i pored to excouto all orders lor , jUinniJiir iAKcwcvK vj j t,ow. v.. - -, presenting all the attractive and edvan ngoous features of ordinary photographs, the brilliancy and finish of a wator-eolor drawing, ar.d a hi li erto unnttained quality of durablty, by being -,.n,lrH as iinncrituabio as ine naiurui uni ties of the articles upon which they are trans- furred. . . .. As the patented process ol mo company bios the roproduotion of photographs, not only on plasurfaeo., but upon such a. are round or ofnny degree of irrcRulurity, portraits can be re- i.-.i i,h fnultloss aoourucv and delicacy of V,il.i,.Mion.uoon Porcelain ware, of any desorip- ffiX'V: fast Cups, Toilet Articles, o.i tliereoy sccunu i .SuS-on thcmost sonable ,doruA: ,..,,. ,-m.u. r, ...." ms CALL AND ' EXAMINE F0 ! tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants or lliose pairons oi me 'mo i having portraits on Porcelain, tho Company uiniiufnolurcdtothoiro'uor,J,!r',Is .hl..h thev will sell at cost prices. . .. As tho American Company nio i""" w" ho ore unnblo to visit h.i.. ... . , ..Ar. n tli Ak-tier ana Galleries in Now .York: ,.... .mhrnlvne or I lV-on. ""'" f Company'?, daguerreotype " ?.fa Now York, oth'riZ return y i ,i ,.. trait irn --- ii riinFinittm? ; a daguerreotype and $l(l,tliey - ncr n i.Vndsonie Frond. - the portrait rcpro- juccd by tho patented process. , , . ,, ... ain.'B !lir 0f dasuerreotypes and $15 h - . . j . roUrntt ,,air of rich Sovrcs t.ei 1 q min ;ialliro,paintinK(,rand,inliko manner, Portraits can be produced on porcelain wares or Vaso. ll",uyln u" r,vv'" "V "". " . . oi cr q y o , , .--... , imn.i . .. 50 to $10' the pair N. b"-Bo particular in writing the address, r ..... .. . 1 town, oiuntv. and State distinctly All letters lo bo addressed to ".Manager, Amer ican Photographic Porcelain Co., 781 Broadway, .ew lora. ' A f A It HI At; M t;L'!ll- Being n pnvato IT I instructor for married persons or thoso about to b married, both inalo and fcinulo, iu ervthii a conueriilnic the physiology ana rela tions of our sexual system, and the production or rovention of ollipring, luclu'ltiig nil trie new liscovoriee never before given in the English language, by WM. YOUXti, M. D. This is really a vuluablo and interesting work. It is written in plain language for tho general reader, and is illustrated with numerous engravings. Ail young married people, or those contemplating marriage, ami having tho least impediment to married life, should react this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; still it is a book that must be lucked np, and not lie about ho house. It will bo sent to any one on receipt of twenty five cents, in spneio or postage stamps, Address Dr. 1UI.MI, lo. iltl ftpruce ft, ibovc l ourlh, Philadelphia, I n. M- AiYfetttl awl I 1101 -fiiMiife . o ninttcr may be your disease, before you place your self under the caro of uuy ono of tho notcrious Quacks, native or foreign, who ndvcrtiso in this ir nn V otrer paper, fret a copy or either of Ur, Youni-'s books, and read it carofully. It will bo ihe means of saving you Jtnny a dollar, your hoallh. and porsiMy your III 0. Dr. YOUXU can be consulted on nny of the lisencs described la his publications, at his offico. No. 410 Spruco et, above Fourth. n7-ly T 1ST Ol' JL'HOKS, for January Term, 1 SCI, lj comiuencing on 2d Monday, the 14lh day. GIl.V.SD JCIIOllS. Hell David Bell. Bradford Em. Uruhani, I. S, Shircy, I. Eur gor. Brady ti. M. 1 bompsnn. Burnsi lo McKeo. Chest -Robert McCully. John McCori. ClearfloM borough obn tluolich. I'ovlngton Liiwrcnec Flood, John Fontenoy Husti n Philip Hovener, Samuel Conway. Karthnns Jiiuirs Wiggins, . Knox Robert l'attcifoii. I.awrcneo Henry Onellih.W. W. Irwin Morris Edward Perks. Robert Dougherty. Penn Thos. Wain, And. Moore, J0.1. Kiehol son. Woodward Christian ShutT. L'nioii Levi Dressier, TiiAvi'.nsK jrnons. llicketts, Jesso Wilson,- Bei'cariii Beers. -I. John B.-ll ITohert Mihaffcy. Boggs D. Adam.', Jr.r Thos. Beers, Geo. Turner. Bradford Pamuel A. Caldwell. Brady Alexander Hhen, T. J. Boyor, Jeremi ah Krincr, C, I.uU, Jacob Shaffer, Jesse Linos Burnside Ebea McMusters, Horace Patubin Aaron Pateliin, Bnnniln Yingling. Chest -Samuel JfcKwen. Ciearfield James L. Morgan, Wm. Rada bach. Ciirwensville Jacob Cole. Dcratur-Jolin l.ivinRstin. tlirard Zenns Leonard, Abraham Humphrey. (Joshen John r. Koto, Graham B. F. Akoly, Ab. Hoover, Iscno Ky ler. Giiclleh Conrad Ginlor. Jordan James Patterson, James G. Williams, h.irihaiis Henry Hunter. Lawrence James Forest, Jumos Lytlo, James I r iv 1 n . r., .l'lrtin Mine, Wilsun Hoover, Koh ert Wrigley, William J. llomphill, Mosos Ful ton. Morris Jonalr an Emich, Joseph Dennln?, William Devinney. Pike Hunry Hilo, 11. E. Curry, Moses Wise. Union John Brubiiker. Indies ' g.', ofpnttorns and textures lo J (iluaso nil, will bo found at the corner store e Ctirwinsville, May Id, 1800. E. A. IKVIV. Otella nnd other A'hawls in variety at the chesj More 01 js. a. lttviri; Curwensville, May 10. '00. I adies' Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and un- J trimmed, of tbe Latest Styles at 11. W. & CO s, V Largo and splendid stock of Dress trim mings, Bells, lload Dresses, Notts, Plumes 4e, n R. W. it CO's, 1 Largo stock ef Men A Boy's clothing, Just l m received at It. W. A CO's Boots A shoes of every kind for Ladies, Gen tleinon, and Children at R. W. it' CO's, TTardwaie of every kind, knives and fork J..L spoons, Looks, Files, Nails, Cow Be oid and Hand saws and Mill saws at R. W. A CO's "intl 1 ffi ti.t lTl, .l,...r;i., .1..:... , I . ir. . 1 1.1:. L 1 ... ., . I on hand, at his bank netr Clearfield, a large y li.iuriii 1110 iuoi.o, iunb uo neeps consianuy quantity of TU th COA L.whirh be will deliver e,,"cns very cheap. Lump Coal at the Bnk, " l'"" , novzi-tr juamuaj MUHOL. "Why stand ye all the day Idle VNY LADY or Gentlemen in the Unitol States, possessing from 1 3 to- $7, can enter into an Ufj and respectable business, by which from JS to f 10 per day can be realized, For particulars, address (with stamp) V ff i f 'I AM A. r... " "vu .., ! Oct 21, 18o0-3in. Noith Olb street, rb.Ua, ! authoriiod to uso the proces', thw " ul'"-r-1 variety an d the vory latest stylos. 1 1 . , i. ... ..n-. i ....nlo n every section stu... lll,, Plnlda. MrIno. Poll! ns. ' patoni riKui, uiiii uuu8(iuviv,j - - ' - v . ' - - - . l. . .nl . , LHI 0J : ,A I'l H. ir..l OUIIU. HU CD HB U milieu, in urui;r iu huuiu - ... ' ' z , ' : ' I of the Union an onportuiKty V possess portraits Alpaccas, Cashmeros, French, Scot-h . .. -i.: . .. ..,!,. fiiiwwiiig proposition 10 nmi )0,Ilf!1t o O nirhams. Prints, lull viMiiu, i luuaa 1860. THE FIRST kllL OF FALL $ WIN ERCOODS AT THE OLD 3 V T REED, WEAVER & CO, n . . Cfrcct 9 doOfS norlhn I V ti V ., , ., .1, . (fie OUTl UOU8U, Wliuu lUCJ 011 . .mnaiiillv ln-- JUSt Opening Oil imUSlially large i n geJectO(l StOCK Of COOdg. l,u nw'"'"'v b"""! suited tO Hie iVailtS Ol tne eOmniU for the Fall and Winter trade, j w ey Qlltf T ill large UUd SlHllll OURSELVES 1 llCir aSSOrtmCIlt Ol t Qfy GOODS') NOTIONS very largo nnd complotc: embracing almoil every articlo botti ol lusuion anu sorvice. tj. and sorvice. peciul nttontioi, nns ooon paiu to mo seieeuoa trerj Linscys, Cambrics, Brilliants, Fig. and plain Booineus, Irish Linon Cloths Ac. Black and Fancy Cnssimeres, Satinelts, jesm, Tweeds. Corduroys, Hickory Mripe, xickim, Crash, Dinner, Bleached and unbleached miu. lins drills, neo, iiroy, n uneanu i-aiuun ria ncls. Aleoalarg stock of Ladies' and Gentlt mens' Hhnwls, Doublo and Single, Stellas oil Choaillcs, Black and Drab Cloth capes of the very latest fashion, i It Y, AND S1LYEH IV ARE. ""f would respectfully inform our friends, It patrons and tho public irv.araiiy, l Hat wt V '. .. i ...r... wi,..l...,u J n. p Rnd choice stock Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Plate! 11'.. . r awa.v i-.rihlv nnd hlvln. War. of everv variety and stylo, Every description of Diamond Work auj ott er Jewelry, mndo to order at short notice. Al mods warranted to be as rerroscntel Particular attention (riven to the repairing tf Watches and Jewelry of evory description. STAUFFER X HARLEY. No. C22 MARKET street, (south side,) Thili. Sept. llUh, 1SUI). 0 mo CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA THE above Hotel, having recently been fitted up for a nuuse or cnterminmenr, is now open for the accommodation 01 me puoiio. :iraveicn will find this a convenient house. May 19 153, OUN JO! OAX Tliirly-Xliitli and Markot Street, IMiU'a Prof. 11. DA COH'II.AND SAUNDEBS Principals. Hon. WM. BIGLKR, Clearfield Wm. JlcKIC BIX, Esq. of the Merchants' Ilotol, Pbili. lion. J. W. FORNEY, of 'Ihe Press Rev.B WESTliROOK, of tho S. 8. Union j Ilmi. J. MAYN'aRD, Williamsporti J". LKISEXE1XC Esq., Pi-ee't -rf the Lehigh Coal it- Nav- Co., ni Hon. ASA fACIvhlt, .Mnurti luuhk ; oil t; irJoni have sons boardina in Sauiidert' Initiimt. will give thoir friends who may be lookiDjln asufe, thorough and pleasant cencol, any injur mntion desired respecting this Seminary. cA tirovo nnd Lawn or liUilll Aliit-' 0 attached to the Institute, for seclusion, m, ation and physical exercise WATCH & JtIlBI rpilE undersigned rospectfn!!' I Informs his customers nnd lit publio generally, that he bssjnf. received Irom tno f-asi. anaoni ednthis esuiblisbmcnt in GRAHAM'S B0V Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocii Watciirs, and JbwklhT of different qualitin from a singlo piece to a full sett, which bei. soil at tho most reasonable prices for cnh, ori. exchange for old cold and silver. CLOCKS of every variety on hand, nl the nn reasonable nnces. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watrbs nnd Jewtlr carofully repaired nnd llorrmiicrf. A conlinimiico of patronage Is solicited. Sept. 1, ISiO. II. F. NAl'QLE. 7b Persons out of Employment. AGENTS WANTED. Id every County of tho United States, ffYl engago In the sale of soma of toe best n I must elegantly illustrated Works publisosi Our publications ore of the most interestir. character, a iaptei to the wants of the Farac- .Movhnnio and Mori-bant; they nro rublisiios the best stvle and bound in the most mint tmi manner, and are worthy a place la the L brnry or evory Household In tbe Land. 'S.-'i-To mon of entorprise aud Industrious at' its, this business offers nn opportunity for proi' ablo enn lovment seldom to be met with. ;&&l'erons desiring to net ns agents will r' eoivo promptly by mail full particulars, trrir f o.,by addrossing LEARY. GETZ A CO., Pi- iso. -in JNorto itreet, ruuadsipou. Oct 21, 1850 ly. NEW HOTEL. The undersigned respectfully begs lesri announce that ho recently rented a house in t: borough of Lumbor city, Clearfield county, fi for tho accoinmod'ition of the travelling pub. watermen and all others who may favor t with call. His table will always be supplied with aig as tbe niarkots afford j and no pains will spared to render bis guests comfortable ti under his roof. To which the facts that no t tnxicntini liquors of any kind will bo kept the premises, will be trusts, contribute lo small degreo. While, what is always imporu!l to tbe traveller, tho best attention will us g" by careful hostler to that faithful eoinpinioi his journey, his patient steed. July 4, i860. ly. JAMES CR0SSIX CLEARFIELD STONE WIRE PUTTEEf- Thankful for rnst favors and solieitioul turo patronage. I would respectfully annein that! have on hand again, and will eoasi keep at the Pottery in this borough, on lb I nfF ftltnrt iI'mlnnA mmmi nf iUm f a.hnftist Cbf a largo stock of Crockery, such as Crehm cro1 milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe c,r d-e. d e.i and also au extensive asioriaica- j different sites and patterns of brackets rosettes for cornice oa bousos, -and othsratf'- 1 dings. An mnnlfllnira nnl nn hknrf 1I DS KSU "n7k, ft,, "l. 1 0I p on short notice. Also fire erica n I m ' , ' , .. ...! wIfu,p,n,0 F. LEITZIS0E- Clearfield, mny 23, 1870. ly. arpots, Drugget, carpet chain, Dsg K J liagglng, Curled Hair Ac, at .. n. w. CO i k In... In. ..f P1V lr,r ..lltt tilt 2V Ptoroof MERBILL ABIGLEJ- HAM, ides, Mackerel and Herring for " low at ihe store of W.F.IRM- UeaiBe , July 11th I860.