Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 26, 1860, Image 4

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    UH'M v niinrnmv.
. . s
liny nf 'llnlilliig I milt.
PK"lu Mi.ndsJ of .Tnnimr v.
Third MondnT of M"Ut It,
1 hlri .M -ri lnr nf .fun.
Jtmrlh M.indtiy of reptcmher,
In em-h year, and continue two wseki if ne
cessary. County Oillirim
Fres't Judgo.llnii. Hammd Linn. Ph Ilofotite.
As'le JU'lci. lion Win li Moore, Clearfield.
lion Tiriij Fomiill, UitlicrtiMirg, Frcd'k tl. Miller
Prolhii.notary,.Tohn 1.. futile,
II r p. A lire. Jnini'1 Wilglcy,
District Att'y ,thcrt J. Wnlliir p.
Treasurer, tl. II. tlnidlniidcr,
Co. Surveyor, II, II. Wright,
(.ouiiiiiss'it'is,Wm. M'Crn. ken,
Wm. Merrill,
P. f, Thompson,
Auditors, II. L', Howmii n.
Isnno W. rirahum,Clciirlicld
If. Shaw.
Coroner, (icorgo Richards, "
1. 1st of I'tift Olliccs.
Xtim of '. (. S,mr of I', .If.
(Hon Ho;c, 0. W. Calwell
lilon Hope
Lumber City
l" I) ili pnhutj
HI oe in,
Uower, .Mary l.kler
Chest, T. A. M'tihee
Cusb. J. W. Campbel)
Ustend, l-owis Smith
Clearfield Bridge, 1'. II. Miller
Woodland, I'd. Williams
LuthefHuirg, A. L, Sehnell
Troutvillc, Jacob Kuntz
Jefferson Line, Johu lleburliii;
Fore., Jim- llluom
New Washington? .1. M, Cummings
mirusnli., McMumiy
Clcarllold, C. 1. Vi at.-on
Frenehville, F. Coudriet
Knrthniis, J F W chnarr
f urwensvillc, Oirwcnsville, Suuiucl Way
Docater, Philip burg, fentro county
Ferguson, Murrun, Etlui. Williams
Box, Helen Post Office, Elk county, l'u.
(iirard, I.ccotintc'8 Mill?, C. Mignot
linld Hills, Williiiin Cnrr
Shuwsyille, A. Ji. Shaw
Uruhnmton, Jius. II. Uriihnin
aiithg Mill;. J. A. Hoy nrty
Tyler, David Xyler
1'ennfiold, II. Woodward
Ansonville, Elir.n Clint-o
nit Lick, (J. Hoclaidorn
Now Millport, I). E. Mokcl
Brockcnridgo, J. W. Thomps'n
Kylcrtown, Jas. Thompson
Morriedftle, J. MeClellaud
Lumber City ,f W. W. Wright
Grampian Hills, A. C. Moore,
CurwenBvillo, ainuel Way
Blooiuingville, Michael Wine.
ockton, W. F. Johnson
Jeffrie?, T. llendontt.s
Tb ia Tost Office will do fur (heft township
t Will nrtvier lor Ft rjust n nt hip.
iTHirv mi: m.onn.
; vriiTAin.i-.; nu.s
! moENix bitters.
The high find emlcd rcli-brity nhiili lter
pie t tiili cot iiicdi' ltif s lime at iiulit il for Ihrii
in nrliiMc cflicacy In nil the Ii rnr which llicv
profess lo cure, hue rendered the usual practice el
puffing Mil only iiniicci'f snty, hut unworthy of
tlieiu. They lie kimnn ly Ihelr ft nils; their
K'led worku Icl'I'y cr, nnd they thric not
by the luilli oflhn rtodiiluiit.
Im At I. rifr.i of Ajllmift, ciitK nnd Chronic
llhciiiniitlFiii, A flection nl the Uluddur nud kid
ncyn. lillhotm l' ever onl l.ivcr l I'tiipiainln,
In the foutli mid Heft, whero IIicfo il in1 linen pie
vnil they will he found inviiluiible, l'lniitem,
I'm uicrf.iind othor., w ho once tire thece niodicinof
wi'l never afierword bo without them.
l)Kit-piii.Xo person with thin dislrei'idng
diTcnro pliould delay tmiug IIicho inedieinca im-
nicdiately. Kruptionn of the ckin, Krynlpcla,
Flatulency, l'eve" mid Ague. For thii pcourgo
of t!ie we.nern country theeo medicinen w ill be
lound a pfe, rpeedy, and certain remedy. Oilier
inedieinoi Icavo the nystoin nibjeetto a relur of
tho Uineaxe a nro by these medicine in Per
manent. Try them, bo t itif lied, ami n cured.
Mrrrurai Iiscnn?, Never fails to ocvli
anto entirely all tho effects of mercury inllnilely
sooner than tho most powerful prepirution of
Night iweiit.i, Xvrvous Hthilily, Nervous Com
(daints of all kinds, Organic Alleetions, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Fainter' Cholic.
I'ilt'H. Tho original proprietor of these medi
cines was cured of I'iles of 115 years Mantling by
the use of theso Life mdiiineH uhine, Worms of'
all kind;1, are etrocluiilly cured by theso metlioines.
I'arents will da well o adininivh-r them whenever
their existence is suspticted. Kelief will be
tub i.ifk tills Asn pirorxix bittrrs
I urify the blood, nnd thus remove nil disease
fioni tho system. A niuglo trial w ill place the
Lint J ill. sun J Piiiiknix Fittkiis bevond the
reach of competition in tho estimation of every
JST' Prepared and sold by
1'K. W.M. Tl. MDFFAT,
3:15 Urodway, cor. M'urth St., Now Yolk.
Feb. 2'Jth 18(lb'. lyr.
1 Itl.W MltltK t)N 1111, llnli-.
i mi: litiiisi; ami ins i-m-.v-i
lit ItoM er .Ikiihi, V
I'rofi ot o I'nihob )ry Mini Kpi inlliM nudity In
Hie 'etetliiry I'ollepe of I'll i I n tt 1 1 ti t n . i tc Mc
Mil: l 1 1
I e tiii
lib' A
ltl II I II
I for
i r to i mi
r -ion i f p'
crni hy, It
!'.. t . I I Mi
M in '!" i , A hi
Arlllilin He Mil 'I
llli-hi r Aiiihiiifli
r n t It v ti ti -I Distill v.
11 Vim i, Til,. II I III.,.. I I Ali'i l'IHf licoiliell.V
Vll M, Mill
Mi n ft l ot it-,
r Void, I'M,
r'uMi Wi'ilii
rclitii', Ulilliij', I'ltmiM
live trulls t, lb ii viirlmis bn tnU nf ,
'uf" n, Asliilic, Afiit'iin nnd Ann'r-
lt d Id tm h, wiib tl0 physical fotnm
liun nnd ppcnliiirilies nf'tbe nnimnl,
lilnl how to Mieetliiln bis ne by the
I ber Mint condition of his teeth ;
Illustrated nidi nuiiieroiis cxplniiuiniy
Tin: noit.i: and his hisijasej
Will Tell Vim of ltroeding, llrcaking, Ptabliiig,
Feeding, tin ing, Shoeing, and the
genernl inanngeiiiciit of the horse,
wiih tho best modes of administering
ineiliciiie, also, how to treat Kiting.
Kicking, Hearing, Shying, Htitinbling,
Crib Liting, Hcstlesmesr, nml other
vice to which he i subject ; with nu
merous explanatory engravings.
Vi ill Tell You of the riinscs, symptoms, nn'd
Treatment of Strn ogles, roro TUroiit,
liistemper, Catarrh, liillucn?.a, Itron
chilis, I'liNuniniiia, I'leurisT, Uroken
ninil, throiiio Cough, Knaring and
"'h., f i .'it"
, l,iitli:h litniiiinsr, lj.i,f
t I tin
Nlllllllll Milium i ll
Mini It nk kfcpinit I I Imi
l.nlin inidtlriik lansitiigpM. fflOn
To sliiili til ilesiloiK nl M' iiilrilij M Iholoiieli
Mnglisli IMnitil inn, Mild who nlli lo ijitnlily
llii'iirnhrs lor teachers, Ibis liirlilulion onus
ili -iiiilile adviiiilngea.
No pupil reeelvml for less t ti tl Tt llfllf a Si'f-lnn,
nud mi (ledili'lion made except for pltiliactcd
sli kilos.
Tiiitiini lo l.o paid at the el. ifn of the terin.
C H. SANMFDKI), I'uiM if.u.
Miy 21, l'ii).- Iv.
i ' v- 'l(trJ7)'VJ-,
a largo
lam just receiving nnd opening
well selected assortment of
ol almost every description,
A beautiful.assortment of Prints, and Ilress
ghods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a
treat variety of useful notions.
A large assortment, readv-madc
Euuuott, Shawls,.
Hat and Cap,
Boot and Shoos, a large qunntity,
Hardware, Qi eensware,
lruggs and .Medicines,
Oil and Faints,
Carpet t Oil Cloths,
Fish, Bacon and Flour,
of tho best quality, all of which will be sold
tlio lowest cash or ready pay prices.
My old friends and the public generally, are
respectfully invitod to call.
Clearfield, Oct. 31, 1800. WII, F. IRWIN.
U. All kinds of r,7M.Vand approvod
COC.XTJiY VllUUlTE taken in exchango for
Respectfully invites the att ntion of his old cus
tomers, and others, to his stock of
Which ho offeri
Ho also continues to deal in LUMUEH, of nil
kinds, in any way to suit his customers.
Tho highest market prices will be paid for all
kinds of GRAIN.
Net Washington, Nov. 1, 1 800. nov7-0m
WARE-Ar. extensive nnd vvsll-se'iccteil
.Stovel'ipe, Collars, and Blacking,
Ment Cutters nnd Sausnge StuflVrs. Corn
Shellern, Corn (I'tinJers, Cider Mills,
Onr-Hins, Quoits, I'lows nnd
Harrows, a variety of
Hinges, Screws," Nailst, nrd other nrlitle
used for building purposes, Sc.
j.wk iir.ui:! likik ii i :it r;:
rwllh undersigned subscribers, take this moth.
A od of iiilormiiie the public cencrallv. lbut
they have this day entered infcrcupartiicrshin in
nnd can be fount ut the nhtip formerly orrupied
by J. Sunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo
rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old
customers, and- m many bcw ones as cau make
it convenient ts give tkuui a cull.
IJitig en ytinr Hoe., yonr fnidcs nnd picks,
lour itig-ciiains ami your pulling sticks,
Your sleds, your sleighs, your burse, your inure,
No three-year old shall then go bare.
Your spears will work up then just right,
To prooning hooks fur every height.
Your swords too, shall then bo wrought.
To ploughshares such us Vain ne'er bought.
i.KO. W. Oil II.
Clearfield, Decembers, 1853. tf.
f ' I TYPATW f f I
To every form and Specie ol
"COSTA .".V Rat, Roach ,fe. Esin, fixator.
If t . C'l 11' I'll
i K'jm .1 1 o
n Itislling, Lanipas. Sure Mmilh and
l iters, and decayed Teeth, with other
diseases of the Mouth and Respirato
ry Organs.
Will Toll You of tho causes, sviimhiins. nml
Treatment of Worms, Hots, Colic,
Strangulation, Finny Concretions,
Hupturei, Palsy, Diarrhea, Jaundice,
llcatinhot'ii, Woody I'rine, Stones
in the Kidneys and lilad.lcr, Influina
tion, and other tliscass of tlio Stom-
ncli. Howcls, Liver and I riuary tr
gans, TDK llOltSE AND 1113 DISEASES
W ill Tell You of the raues, symptiuns, and
Treatment of Dene, Wood and Hug,
Spavin, I'ing-llnno, Swennie, Strains,
Itrokon Knees, Wind Gulls, Ft ler,
Wolo limine, nml Gravel, Cracked Hoof,
Kcratches, Tanker, Tlvrush, and'Corns.
nl.-o, of .llcgriiiis, Yertigo, Epilepsy
I'ropernttcnlion to
l... .-...I. :.. . .
- : ,vl" 'f great
C.- ' I...11..B
in point of health,
comfort, and rnnv.liicnce.
I)K. Ill 1.1. Scan always bo found at his of-
Mi. lf, m
On Market Street 'Jcloors
nee, on tne enrner ot front mm Main streets,
when no notice to the contrary appears in this
Al operation in the line of his profession,
perfonned in tho latest nnd most improved
styles, and guaranteed fur ono year against all
natural fit i I lire.
TIM hi M; TI MIi
111 A !
i i'iiii,i)i:i.
H I I I ! rm,ii,itii hjretttmriit iininna ih
.I,M.,-,!!.' KXCITINIJ FOOT RACK hettveen
the Fliir.tdnlphiu P"Hro and the iiottiriuus For
( Br ai:d counterfeiter, Jti uos Hut hunan Cross! ! !
Cross Recaptured! !! ! It seems to be the gener
al opinion in Clearfield, that ir Cross had worn a
puir of Frank Short's Fronch-enlf Roots, thai bo
would not be taken yet. However, hdiorly is
not much put out at niissiriL' his coiinm l..,t
announce to all ,,.,,, ,',,,,.. ;,,.
WotiUI nnuoiiiico to all Hm-kim-iili
l.tif-nh, tuul lll turn, anil women und children
in Clcarlielil, and Siiiiieiiiahoning in particular,
lliiit ho is premired to furnish them with IIhiiIh.
Shoes and Gaiters of an v st vie or ii. ittMrn si ; r..l, thev will ri'i'vivn in rti m i.nir ..r .
Stagger, und other discuses of the i , ' eowu'1 or I'OKKd, (and as he is a short fil- Yases, with tho portraits executed equal to min-
Ml I I 1 In llir Mil Unit!
I'll'-1 1'Uli AIIH I l'n I'uln II.
-i i nri 1 t't I' 'ii r I nii iii in llie ' Mit
I iiflsiiil, I iiiin f Hid l'i li'lnin.
Ibn AiiiiiIihi I'bf-li'i i ti I, If I on t Inln I "f
I Mi v. N" 7 t lli'iti'lnm , Ntw Vnk, la'lnit
, i ttii i tbi ir In ! 1 1 nnd lti' iilu Invi nlimi bv
ittt't if n n mid !'ntn" nil pti'i nt, te fully pre
mi d In ei i tile all nrdi'is l"r
Mihiil'nr .i . in i-t l'i r.ii nf fi'i Clinn,
pit it riling all the n 1 1 r n 1 1 1 n nnd ndiantngeniK
li iitiiii s of iiidiimty phi'ti gtiipb". tlio hi illintiry
nml tin if It tr n wttlci colnt dinniiig, : d a lulli
cilo untitlnini'd tiinlily of ilimiVilv, by being
remit red as I in pi rihnllo r s Ibe UHlnial pp cr
tics of the aili' les upon whiih they me turns-furred.
As the patented process i f the Coiiipiniy ena- CniIrt (1,sp u lui,. ,i
bleu the reprndiiflUol' pi graphs, not only UL '" I IttlISC, MICIC t.
mi plum siirlitfes
f any tb gree ol i t
r:tiiliiced with faulil
.lelincntifin, iiiioii I'orcolain wares of iinv decrip- In tl.n n m ,.i . P . I.
- r i ii ii ii tl mi ikii on.
tmii ami UiinciiMoii used a nrtitics of luxury or , W
iifhiiuseltold utilitv, such us Vms, Vases, Htenk. IlltV lor tllC rail 111(1 Wiptto.)
r...t i' T.,n..t i,ii..i... i . ti. ' . . '"'trf
fuithftil portraits and fiirnisbing a mid
which they oiler in large ail
ex.iiisilo style of oinaiiientatiou of articles iu quantities Oil tll(i IllOsf TP-)f
doiiiestic use. j 1 ' "it!)
In order to furnish facilities for tho gratifies-1 tOl'IllS CALL AND F.XAMIM
tin n ol tne populur taste, nnu to meet tlio wants ,.m,crl 'rt,;, I
of those patrons of the One arts desirous of 1 ul KL hh 1 llLlT "SSOrtfTii,
I having portraits on 1'orenlnm. tho Coinpnny have )
'imported from Europe u collection of aiipeiinrj
! porceluin goods, miiiiul'iirliircd to Uioir own order,
whit h they will sell at cost prices.
I As the American Company are owners of tbe
'patent right, und const'(iieiitly tho only persons
iiiithiiri.od to use the process, they have deter
mined, in order to afford peoplo iu evtry soctinn
of the I'uicn nn ojiport unity to possess portraits
on China, to tun ko the fullowiug proposition to
residents in the country, w ho nro unuble to visit
personally tho Atelier und Uallciies in New
York :
Persons sendirg a photograph, ambrotype, or
daguerreotype to theoliceof the Company in
New York, accompanied bv ?S, will receive in
return by express, froo of charge, a richly oral.
mentod breukliist tup and oaucer, with tho por
trait tratisferred thereon
l!y transmitting a daguerreotype and $ 10, they
will receive in like manner a hnudsome Fronch
Vase cr Toilet Article, with tho portrait repro
duced by the patented process.
Jiy sending a pair of daguerreotypes and $15,
timi oC photographs, not only , ..nvn; if.
but upon Mich as are rmind or JUst OJlflni) .111 UrilISltv '
regularity, portraits can be re- i II I 1 . V
lilcss nceurucy and ilelicacy of OKI YVCll K(',CCtC(l ftOCK off,
I'orcolain wares of any decrip- ciiifrwl In lln .,io ,1. H
Feet, Legs, nnd IK-ad
Mill Tell You of tho eaures. svmnlotin n,l
Trentinont of Fis'ula, Roll Ei il, (ilun
tiers. Farcy, IScarlct Fever, .Maiige,
Purfcit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism-,
Crump. Hulls, Direasv or the Ityeand
Heart. ,tc., An. nail how to in:ii.i"
Castration, Weeding, Trejil inning,
Doweling. Kirwtg, Hernia, Ainputa-
tifi, Jaj ping, and other surgical' r,p-
ct autv.-s.
low) on short notice. ; iature paintincsi and. in like manner, nortrnils
All kinds of ciitnilrv rirotlnce rVISm in or. can be renrotlttceil tin nnrnlnin -,,r,.o r Vn,
. i.iuigo, uim cii.-ii noi rtluseu. Jlepuiring done
in the nvntest uianavr and charges moderate, nt
the Short Shoo S'nt.p on Soeond Street, opposite
He-d, Weaver A Cos store. FRANK SIKUtT.
N. II, Findings for sale Sept. I'll, ISfiO.
"ITfE woulil respectfully inform out
IT Patrons and the ntiblie ik..rll.
t f erery f.inlity of linish, ranging in price from have now in store nnd orTor Wholesajfl
?2lMo $II)U the pair. hail at the lowest Cash Prices, a lar( i.
N. 15. Ho particular in writing the address, choice stock Wntch, Jewelry, Silver as;
Is very large nnd comploto: emhrui,,
levery article both of fashion and itn.
pecinl nttontioi, has been paid to the eel
LADIES' DM ESS GOODS, which urn)
variety and the very latest styles.
Silks, Dulaincs, I'laids, Merinos, f .
Aipnccas, Ciistimcres, trench, tstA
and jiomcstic tiinglinms, p,
Linseys, Cambrics, Drilling
Fig. and plnin Dobinett
Irish Linen Cleths ie.
Hlack and Fancy Cassimeres, Salimf.
Jwootls, Cortluri ys, Hickory Striw
' l 1,1 Tl ! .
vrasn, uinper, liicacnco. nna unbleicbi
lins i drills, Red, Grey, Whitonnd Cam
nels. Also a larg stock of Ladies' mj
mens' Shawls, Double and Single, St,;,
Chenilles, Dlnck and Drab Cloth cajxi
Tory latest fashion,
Red Jlcj E 'Tninato:
.tctrlc Pvtnlrr for Ii sects.
Riit, Hotline?, Mice, Moles, Ground-.lfii ,
Fk'tl-btu's, Ants, Moths, Mostjuitoes, Flea,.
Inseetnon Hunts, Insects on Atiitnals, cf cl
in slioit every form nnd species of
lOycftMCilaLILshed in New York Cily
used ly tlie City Tost Olliee- tlte City 1'Vis
on nntl Station houses the eily Steamers,
Ships 0., the City Hotels. "Astor," "St!
Niclioliw," .ve., and by more than 2( t)lMl
private familes.
BS.L'iii'.'oi.sts and Ktailers fveryivhcie
sell them.
BWseliok'sale Agents in all larse Cities
BMLKegular sizes. 20c, i(c, 5oxes
Dottles, Flasks.
SSL.!!! Ukmake ! ! ! of spuriotisimitatioiis.
Kxamino each Box, Bottle & Flask,
nml take nothing but "CostarV'
UjuSI.W l'.oxes sent bv mail.
m),J' &- Sj.OOby Kxpress.
D3-Adtllcs orders or for Circular, lo
Principal Depot, 4 in Broadivnv, N. Y.
BWUSOLD HY LOl.'A I N K'.t C( ).
ilarchl7th. Clearfield Pa.
Cabinet, Chair Making,
JOHN Gl'LICII, of tho borough of Clearlicl.i,
Fa., w ill be prepared nt all time to attend to
to any business in tho above line on short
notice, nn.l in a workmanlike manner. His plnco
of business is tit the eld shopon the north side of
Market street, 3d door east of Third st.. nearly
opposite the old Jew Flore; whero ho will keep
constantly on hand a large nsstwlmoiit of Ma
hogony and Cano Dottom Chairs, nnd Cabinet
Mure of every description, which he will disposo
of on as resnMe terms as the same articles
can be had elsewhere in the county.
His stock f Cabinet Waro now'in hand, con-
-ists in pan oi i-rossing ami Common Ilureaus,
Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Desks nnd
Hook Cases, French nnd Field I'ost Redstends.
Dining, Dreakfast, Centre, Canb and Fur Ta.
hies, Ac. Coffins iiiauiifactured and titdivcrcd at
any place desired.
February 9, 1859. no. 4, Vol. iv.'
Will Tell You of U.irey's Method of taming ID t'
scs ; hw to Approach. Halter, or, Sin."
Me a Colt ; how to accustom a horse
to sfrange sounds and sighls.and hovr
to Hit. Saddle, Ride, and Rreitk him
to Humes, also, the ronn and law
tvl Warranty, The whole being tho re
sult of more than fifteen years' careful
study of the habits pe -uliarities,
Hants and weaknesses of this noble
nml useful i ii . in :i 1.
Tlte Dook contains .'4 pnges. appropriately il
lustrated by nearly Ono Hundred engravings.
It is printed iu a clear 'nd open type, und "ill
bj forwarded to any address, pos'tnue, paid, on
receipt ef pi ice, half bound, f 1,00, or, in cloth
$l(M0 A V EAR can ho mido by cnterpri-l
sing men everywhere, iu selling Iho'iibove, and1
other popular works of ours. Our inducement.' I
to all such nro exceedingly liberal. j
For single copies of the ilook. or for terms 1
I agents, with other inforiiialion, apply to our ad-
ires i I'uriKK. I'tililisher,
NVt. 617 fimiioni Street l'bilaileliibin. I' I
December 12, 1500. Saw... t. erow.wiii.
A .
ii;inliinn anb (ToIIrrtion OflStc
C I. K A K V I L
jnit.t.soi. Kxrn.ttxnn, votks ANonniFTsiiiiicoi NTEn
n posits ni:c i:ivi:i),
('u'lr-.'loHS mailt- and rroci'ah proiiijilg remittal
I ixcliaiiirc mm flie t'lllcs roiiKtuiidv
on It a nil.
J. '5" Office en Second St., nearly opposite the
town, county, and State distinctly
A.I letters t bo addressed lo " . Manager, Amer
ican l'hotographic Porcelain Co., 781 Droadwuy,
New York." nov'l-Sm
MAKItlAt.'i: Ca;il)i; Iieing a private
instructor for married persons or those
War i of every vnriefv and style.
Frery description of Dlnurond Work i:
cr Jewelry, made to order at short ooii
A 11 goods warranted to bo a.rern
I.Krtin'il,, :.... .....
AVatches nnil Jnwclrv of every dcscrijiin,
Xo. 622 MARKET trcot, (uutlirt,, V
r;epi. linn, ibu. o mo
THE above lintel, having recently Im
up for a house of entertainment, is i.
for the accommodation of tlio public, ,
will find this a convenient house.
4 y excellent quality of Flour fi
iV the storo nf
Clcarfiel (, .it,!, 11th, 1'fO.
r . sale low
one horse SI.FKJH for salo bv
-Came to the residence
ii riiii.le townshiii
qiii: pkopi. I: cook iionh
llObZ U N
In nil its branclics.
Carefully Revised by
C O O K E It Y,
Dy Miss F.i.izA Acros.
Mrs. S.J. Hai,k.
1) of the subscriber.
itl..ut the first of June last, a DI.ACK II F.I FEU
lui.oiit 1 j mouth ubl. '1 ho owner is retuesto.'i
I c",no forward prove- property, pay chargos nnd
, fake her away, or she ill be sold accortliti" t
,av- JOHN KIXU, Jr.
December 5, iM',0. S tines.
It Shaker and
Kept constantly on hand and for cilo by
"ci Lumber City.
REMI'.MIJi:i(, Strumous or Scrofulous nf
fections are the curse, the blight of mankind
Ihey are vile and filthy, as Well as fatal. They
arise from impurity nntl contaminations of the
blood, and are to be seen nil around us every
whero. Thousands daily are consigned to tiie
grave from the direful effects of this disease Hut
why trifle any longer, when the rem.dy is at
the only effectual preparation new before the poo-'
pie, that does its work mildly and safely. It does
not closs the Issuo superficially, whilo
" Foul corruption mining all within,
Iufecti unseen."
But purgos the entire system of all impure Mat
ter, invigorates the body, and leaves the Afflicted
in the eujoynient of cood henlth.
Ihe skeptical of its healthy effeeU, try but on I I. 1 C- 1,1 , .
"""'"i nnu im viiitvineeu. ruin ny all I'ruiririgts
Florence braids, Enzlish stm-rs.
other s'vles trimnieil no, I nr,.
triiiitned, will bo found in variety nt the enrner
,tu;,0,,f , E. -liIRVIX.
Cimvcnsvillo, May If., 'GO.
iHarininc Schivcml's
Infallible Vegetable Powders.
For tho fpoeily and effoctual I'm-e of all Ifl,.
matin,,,, HI, t w,i ;,, l,i';,, vud l.irrr Com.
.''iittf ami all A. ir ,l rimmie J ;.,.,, 0f A
diiltH il l liildrcn.-Scnd 3 cent Stamp to
he,r, A'i'-"'- U. H.JOXliS,
Hundreds of testimonials Rox 2l70 I'hila P 0
.ft-A.rcitfy S. V. Cor. Third t- Arch Sts.
Oct 24, IM30 lot.
A'ou how to choose till kinds of .M,mi
l'oultry, and (jame, with all the various
and most approved of dressing
and cooking Reef aud Fork; also the
bst and simple way of salting, j ick
llng and curing tVc same.
It Telln You all the various and most approved
modes of dressing, cooking, nnd boning
Mutton, Lamb, Veil, Poultry, ani'l
Oauio of all kinds, w ith tlio d'itfereul
Ifrnstiiigs, (iravic, and stulhn
priale to ;m1i.
It Tells You how t choose, clean, und preserve
Fish of nil kinds, nud how to sweeten it
when tainted ; also all tho various and
most approved modes of cooking, with
tho different Dressings, Sauces, and
Flavoring appropriate to each.
IS Tells You nil the various and most approved
modes of preparing over titty different
kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, tiauie. mid
Yegettiblo Suips, Rroths, ant Slews,
w;'i the Relishes and. Svtvsonings ap
propriate to coob.
It 7clls You all the various and most approved
mules nf rooking Vegetables 0 every
description, also hew to prepare Dick
ies, Catsups and Curriss of adl kinds
Rotted Meat. Fish, Gaiuc, .Mush
rooms, ifc. I
It Tells You nil tie various and most iiprrovccj.
modes of preparing and cooking all kinds
of Flnin and Fancy I'astrv. Fu.ldin? J
Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confection
ery, Preserves, Jellins, and Sweet Dish
es of every description.
It Tolls You all the v rious and most spproved
modes of making llrend, liuski, .Muffiiiis,
ad R;scuit, tho be method of prepa
ring Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, .ni.l
how to mnke Syrups, Cordials, and
Wines of variuus kinds.
It Tells Yoa how to set out an ornamental Ta
ble, hiw to Carve all kinds nf Fish,
FUsh or Fowl, ad in short, how to so
simplify the wholo Art of Cooking as to
bring tho choicest luxuries of tie tabla
within everybody's reach,
Thi book conthina 4iS poges. and upwards of
twelve hundred Recipes, all of which are tho re-
suits oi nciuai experience, having been fully nnd
",u"'7 ii-si.n uiiuer mo personal supcriiiten
uvniv vi iiiu nniers
open ijir, is inusirntc'i witu nppropriatie eagrn
vmgs, ana will he rewarded to any adJross,
neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of tho
prire. $1.00, or in cloth, extro, $1,25.
tlOOO A YKAItranbo inn do by enterpri
sing men everywhere in selling tho above work
our inducements to all such being very liberal.
For single copies oftho Ilook, or for tenns'to
agents' with other information, apply to our ad
dl"" JOHN E. PUTTER, Publisher.
No. fit7 Fnnsora Strcot, Philadelphia, Pa.
Pfceembor 12, 1-8 St. 6mo.
iiooi, i i:u ii i. its u an ti:i).ti,..
School Directors of PIKE TOWNSHIP ni.l,
to employ six competent Teachers, for a term ol
three months. Liberal wages will bo given.
Apply to Eli Dloom, President, or to D. ('. Dale.
Secretary of tho Hoard. Rv order f the Hoard'
D. C DALE, cerclary.
f li iiiir itittin iiioiv ware at
J Se
'"""I i.iiirricti, uotn niaM ami leuinlc. in
e. crytbii g couvesning live physiology and rcfa.
timis of our scual system, nnd the production or
prevention of offspring, imdading all the new
discoveries never beforo given in tho English
language, by W.M. YjUXU, M.D. This ie really
valuablo and ir'resting work. It is written
in plain language for the general render, and it
illustrated ith nuaiurous engravings. All young
married people, or those contemplating marring",
and having the !sl ininedimcnt to inuri-iciHii"..
'should read this nook. It discloses secrots that
every one .-hmibl be acquainted with ; still it is a
book that must be lucked up, and not lie about
'he house, it will bo sent to any one on receipt
of twenty five cents, in specie or postage stumps.
Address Dr. M M. YOl'Xtf. Xo. 41(1 Spruce st,
above Fourth, PliilailcphiaPii.
Atitictc'l and I 'itt'tirtilnaf n nintln.
what may be yonr disease, be.Vovou rlace vour- ' r UllXSi , of 'j he Press
self under tho care of anv ono of the notcrioul " l'jf,TbR 0 OK, of the S. S. Union : H"t
.. , - - - it-;m . -
Viiacxs, native or foreign, who advertise in this
or any other paper, get a copy of either of Dr.
Young's books, and rend it carefully. It will be
;he means of saving you n.any a dollar, your
health, nnd possibly jour life.
Dr. YOl'X'i can be consulted on any of the
diseaf.s described ia his publications, at his
office, Xo. 410 Spruce st, above Fourth. u7-lv
1ST Ol
Prof. i;. D A
ami MarUt Sfrcct,
iTon. W.M. F.T'SLER, Clenrfield : AVu.l
1U., Est,, of tho Merchonts' Hotel,
K.W K CO'i
niioxi; cjtv iiorri;
Col. A. r.OWKNS, rnontnioR,
Rcpcctftilly announces to the travelling pnbli,..
that he has now taken .hargo of ibis largo and
well known house, nnd will conduct it in such a
milliner as will render excellent :'ort".ind lull
satisfaction to nil who mav favor him ...ti,
IL'noitS, fr January Term. IS61.
commencing on 2d Monday, tho 14lh da v.
r.n.isi) Jiii'.ns.
Dell David Roll.
DradlVrd Km. 'irahum, I. S, Shirey, I. Rnr.
Drady ti. M. Thompson.
Rtiiii.side J tin .Mrh'ee.
Chest -Robert .Mi t'tilly. John McCurJ.
Clearfield Imniili .ohn Uiielit h.
I'ovliigiiin l.tiwrence Flood, John Fontonoy.
lltinti n Philip llevcni r, Saintiel Cinnv.iy.
Kartliaus .1 antes Wiggins,
Knox Rfibi-rt Pa tit rson.
Lawrence Henry t i nclii lt, 7. W. Irwin
Morris Edward IViks. Robert Daugherly.
Pcnn Titos. Wain, And. Moore. J'-. Xichol
Woodward Christian Sin ff.
Union Levi Dressier.
Jiiikftts, Jesse Wilson, John
MAIXaRI), Williamsport; J. LtlSEJ
hstp, Pre? t if tho I.ehigh Conl ! Xn f
Hon. ASA PACKER, Jfauch Chunk
trfom Alice ous bimruiHj in Samidtrt' I-
will give their friends who may be ImI
asnfe-, tho-rcugh a-nd pleasant School, is)
una-ion uesirea respecting this t-eminart
eA tirovo nnd Lawn of I'.K.IIT All
e nttachod to the Institute, forsecl
atlon and physical exercise.
Mi coxsL'MPTivi'.i'.Ti. .,i'..r,i:.
having ten restored to health in n f..c
necks t.y a very simple remedy, after haling suf.
fered for several years witil a sercre l',ingnfTec
linn, and that tired disease Consumption, is nnx
ious to make known to his f.-llcw-siiflerers the
means of cure.
To all ho tlesire il, ho will send a ropy of the
prescription uso.n, (free of charge,) uh tho di
clltiiis for preparing and using the san.e, which
they will find n sure cure for Consumption,
Asthma, Rrt iicbiti.-, c. The only object of the
advertiser in sending the prejcripiion is to bene
fit the nfllicted, and spread information which he
conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufTi'rcr will try his reniedv DA ll Will (trial ilium
nothing, and may prove a blessing,
Persons wishing (Ho prescription will please
address liov. EDWARD A. WILSOX,
novMy Williainsburgh, Kings Co., X. Y.
t i:SiU'tisiiiJ!iiii-.
Litw.Ll. enrncs on Rlacksiniihing
in the borough of Lumber city, whero he ill
execute promp'ly entrusted, lo hiiu, and
execute it in a work manliko inaniion
July 4, ISOO. ly.
Tho". Beers, (leo.
lM, A M
go on s.
, ..... u,in iiiity nnu
rj,,,E"f! 'P"iU-n Just receiving nnd opening at the Old star
It i printed in a clear and' of Lewis Smith in Helhleltem a well selected a
........ .'iiiopriane eHgrn-,'orimeni or pprmff and Sitimnm il I. ..r-.
w v ! u i o vii ni
A I)HI XITIlAHO S X01r.Lct,,
y. or Administration, having been this day
m1,,,ti'?, ,"'? V'ned on the estate t
h. II. KIXO, late of Lawrence township, Clear
I old county, deceased, all persons Indebted to
snid estate are ronuestml t (l In If lminn,i:.i.
payment, and thoso having claims acuinst ib! - ""'"'Jlt"'''. trlt day, upon tiie estate oil
same will present them duly authenticated for' ,u'1rl, 'fAtH.h, deceased, late of Lawrence
I... i siirv - . ' ' , Invninin. Crmtyf n A 'aAiinl. n 11 1 I I . i
v,., vvutttj, fill JivrnUllH lU(p()lO(
AO.VI I I s I II ATI ) M MOTI f 11. Letters
of Adminisiration having bsen granted to
sciueineni. AAKON C. TATE. AdmV
November 7, li0. novl4-6t
Dissolution of Partnership.
The co-partnership heretofore
in this place, and dealers throughout the country. we.Pn J-p. Mulaon and John Driel, in the Lam
t,ni)i i Tbftrintr bttitnesfl !. Ml.Anl.... i. .t.:. .
to said estate are requested to make immediato
payment, and those having eUirrs against
the same will prwenl (hem iuly authenticated
f r iottlomeirt. JOHX M. ADAMS,
nov28-(,t Administrator.
nov21 lm
"I'JiniSl MUTTKIUI-A large quantity ties.
X? It'll RUTTER. for .J. at .hi O.
at Mulsonburir. baa this tin
.l:.,. ..t.. . , ' ...
uimuiivu ..j mo mutual consent orthe par
for saJe at the Oet 21, I860 Gt.
W. F. 1RWIX. -
J. P. MFLsarr.
" vunnrens H loves and
ri stins Mill and eut aws aUnn'i axe and
X general
assortment of Hknlri . n.
llnatavw mt I ... - f -H .
MED, WEAVER 4 CO'S . Curwensville, May 10, I860. ' Ml.- fg variety at reduced pri
Si fi T. r M-.tore. Curwensville Id, '60.
"poking Stoves-of various siies nnd prices for
JlelT E. A. 1RVIN
Curwensville, Hay Iir, NU).
prmg and
most every description.
Staple and Fancy, n
beairtiful assortment i
Prints and Dress (Joods
of the latest styles, nlso a variety of usoful N'c
lions. Hals and Caps,
Donnets and Shawls,
Root and Shoes,
lltmlvvare, Oueonswarc, Diti? an
ficniciiies, risn,
XRUrT. Dried Apples, Pared and unpared
Fvaahe, Cherries, Trunes and Raisins n
' the corner store "f E. . 1RVIX
T..T r- .
"""-. pegars nntl all articles usually ken'
in a country Klnm ll .k r , I
... ' . . vi, f iiji ntg ensn,
Uiveus a call and see for vtmr selves
T JI.AXTF.RI NC;;The subscribcrrbaVin"g
located himself in the ,ncongh 0f Clearfi dd
Z tortt' rUr'i0 r,h,,t he is rrmred to
lal M ll j H l6 llne- from r'in ormnnen-
aii . EDW'-' COOPER.
Dcrcaria I
Dell Robert MehatTey.
Dogs D. Adam., Jr.
I uriur.
Rrndford SnimiM A. Caldwell.
Drady Alexarder Sben. T. J. Dover, Jeremi
ah Kriner, f. l.niz. Jacob Shafler, je.-se Lines
Diirnside Ebea Me. Masters, Ilornco Patchin
Aaron Patchin. Hcnjnmin Yingling.
Chest Su in ii e I .M c E e n .
Cicarlieltl Jinnies L. Morgan, Wui. Ruth
bsch. Curwensville Jacob Cole.
Derattii- Jobii I.ivingst-in.
t!ir:ird-.enas Leonard, Abrnhnin Ilumphroy.
. (ioshen John F. Rote.
(iraham II. F. Akely, Ab. Hoover, Isaac Ky
ler. tj'uelicb Conrad (i inter.
Jordan James Patterson, James Oh Williams.
Knrthniis Henry Hunter.
Lawrence Jam,.. Forest. James Lytic, James
Irwin, Sr., .Martin Kline, Wilson Hoover. Roh.
ert Wrigle.v William J. Ileuiphill, Moses Ful
Morris Jonntt nn Emigh, Joseph Denning,
William Dcvinney.
Pike Henry JI i lo. R. R. Curry, Moses. Wise.
Ctiion John Drubnkcr.
radios dr?-; g.,u Is, of patterns nnd toxturcs to
A please all, will bo fonndat the cornor store o
Curivinsvilic, May 16, ISfiO. E. A. IRVIX.
Stellu and other .Shawls in variety at the rhesr
Store of E.'A. IRYIX-
Cimvcnsville, May 1G. 'GO.
Indies' Hornets and Hats, trimmed and un
J trimmed, of tho Latest Stylos at
R. W. A CO's,
rnilE undersigned rtsit
, informs his cu'teiasri
public generally, tiiatbsk
received frmn tbj Knst. n
ed nt his cstiiblishmejil in (it.iIAMS
t learfiel'l, Pa., a fine nssortn.-nt uf (
ati iiks, nntl .(KnKi.hv ,,f .li.Tcrent tja
iroin a tingle piece to a full sett, vthifl t
ell at the most reasonable rices forn.d,
excliaiii-e f.,r old gold and silver.
CLOCKS of every variety on bund,!'.!
lu.iMinaoie prices.
ALL kin tis of Clock.-', Wutfl,,? andJe
ciircfnUy repaired and Wannuud.
A continuance of patronago is mdicilri,
Sept. 19, 1SC0. II. y. yW.
To Persons out of Employ
In every County of tlio United Sla
rpO enjritge in the sale of somo of the bf.-
aV m o. t elegai.tly illustrated Works pub
Our publications nro of tho most inte
character, a iaptel to tho wants of the I
Mechanic and Merchant ; they are uU;
tho best style nnd bound in the most r
liul manner, and arc worthy a place ia J
brary of every lUtiprVld ,n the Land.
5.0-To men of enterprise aud industrim1
its. this busincFM offers nn opportunity for
anie employment seldom to bo met wui.
iS-l'crsons desiring to act as ngeotiv
coive promptly by mail full particulars,"
.te., by addressing LEAHY. GETZ 4 to..
Xo. 214 Xortb ttrect, Pbiladelj
Uct Zl, 1?j0 ly.
Largo nnd splendid slock of Dress trim
mings, llclts, Head Dressen, Notts, Pltnnos
R. W. CO's,
4 Large stock of Mon A Hoy's clothing, jusl
J received at R. f. i CO's
1 toots i shoes of every kind for Ladies,Gen
J ) tlemon, nnd Children at R. W. f- CO's,
nardwate of every kind,
spoons, Locks, F'iles,
The undersigned respectfully begi If
announce mat, ne recently rented a hoim
borongh of Lumber city, ClearDold cos:!;
jor mo accommoaatinn ol tne travellir.; f
watermen and all others who may Ii"1
with a call.
His table will always be supplied
ns tho markets afford; and no psim "
sparod to render his guests comforuU' '
undor his roof. To w hich the farts tbit '
toxicnting liquors of any kind will be kept
tho premises, will he trusts, contribute !
small degree. While, what is alway mP!'
to tho traveller, tho best attention mil M
by careful hostler to that faithful comr-
his journoy, his patient stead.
July 4, SfiO.Iy. JAMES CnOSil
Thankful for past favors and solicitio"
ture patronage. I would resnectfully a
that I havo on hand ngain, and will cooM
aeep ai tno l'ottery in this borough, on
ner a short distance east of the Methodist C-
a large stock of Crockery, such as Cresmn
mim pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove J'iF'1
oc. n e. ; and also an extensive assrm-'
different sizes and patterns of brecktU
rosottes for cornice on' bouses, and other
p(.l,: CO A I. M-The subscriber desiTcsTo ;d'n'- , ,. . , ,
J inform the public, that bn lt.nn. I Any mouldings not on bond will M
on hand, at his bnriU n.,, fi...c. u . i ... . older on short notice. Also fire brK
. .... ' n
ct i aud
knives and
Xails. Cnm
Hani saws and Mill saws at
R. W. A CO's
("tall and examine the Patent sir tight Olasi
and clone jars, tbey are just the thing you
CO s
quantity of TO X E COAL.which he will Hlin.,
to citir-cus very cheap. Lump Coal at the Rank,
1 cents per bushel, nnd .1 for fine.
nov21-tr ro'ATHA, XICHOL.
"Why stand yc all the day Idle
4 NT LADY or Gentlomen in the Unitoi
i. States, possessing from $3 to $7, enn enter,
into an easy and respectable business, by which '
from ti to $10 per day can be realised, For
particulars, address (with stamp)
W It ACTON' k CO., !
Oct 21, I860-Cm. Norlh 6th street, I'hila. j
and kept for sale.
v A 1 I . V. - J -I.a re
' IUICIB1 IOUUUL1UU UU .iv..- .fl
wholcsalo dealers. F. LEITZIS"1',
Clearflcltf, may 23, 1870. ly.
"larpet, Drugget, carpet chain,
Bagging, Curled Hair Ac, at
li. w.
V largo lot of BEAN'S lor sale t t"
Storeof MERRILL A Bl"i
ides, Mackerel and Herrinc f.
low at the store of W. r.l"'
Clearfie , July Uth I960.