Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 26, 1860, Image 3

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    . . . ,.m . iMH4t'4i
I ,) I I'lll' nl ' Hi l .
, , ',,, Ill t'"' I 'l tll'tli I
' , 1 i Mi. I'.' li ir i ml. i ill t" ii
Tin Vii-i.t
'', "i n
' Fiii r
Mail I'"'"
II Ml1"
I - I It Mil'.
S.Til n. in.
U.I" . in.
,! ..... III. 1. 1 ji. in.
1'1M- MMilM. H.-IWilt".
,,CvnrMi ...M.0-r -
rfMail Win I
Fuji. Line .-...p. m.
t Ko train, run on Sunday exopt The 17x.res.
mmi -
, ... , . l r .. ,i :.
ryNo puiicr be issued from tin-
'T 1 '
mce next wctik.
JJfr-Dr. A. M. Hills nonllei lii ;
tliftt ho willVe ali-ent r roil, liii olluv in
ClcarficlJ f i oin now until the List f I'cii
tuary, with tin; '.--j l ion of tint .lnntiiuy
Court, during which ho will ln hi hfm.A.
Jcac.EI). A fello'v mmii'il l'rank T.iv-
ingston, of Fox townslii",
war, loi""l :
.....t. ..1. 1 i. lit. iTirr.tiiiii.
Jill llisinilli, iiini.-.i .ii" .c '
1 , . t ..Cm Tml.'o
On hcnringon a nrjn't, be lore .1
Mooro, lie was eleas.-il, havin? pron.isoil
A , ' . r . r.,,,,,1. : .. I,:., i ...... (
0 Jo bettor in future. I r.inK ma bi;.', uw ,
luhhcrly look in- ft-lluiv. n.l seems iU
, Z ,:..i. i ;., I
ral.1." Ho took a parting glance at tl.e1'""' (-'arolina and tho oihor c.olio
bars of the prison, and "cut dirt" for States? Jleeayse Lowt-II .produces fabrics I
l?oono' Mountain je.xecedini; in v.ue half tho whole exports ;
- - - of South -O'Volitia, rr, Lowell i double j
' Masonk r.i.niTioN At the annual dec-'lil0 vaiu,.0f that State to the coun try. '
,ir. .(' r'l t,l..A n'! ., ,. ...... i
mvii iui v. ....... . . -u 1 - i U lllv IJ'.I t CKU JfJH'l lllir, ( lixily lUV
.'U4, A, V, held on Monday night, thrpatfiicd loss it'SoHth Carolina has sha
tho follow in;; permits were ilectei!. hc-n the Union to il centre, mil F.uropc
iel Faust, W. M.: 11. .T., S. 'V.: J its(;.f cc!t t,0 f.lCri ; who: cas, if I.ow
4. W. Rhoptn, J. : A. .'. I'miy. were swallowed up b an paitlujuake,
'J'rcasurcr! S. .1. Jtmv. Seercti'.ry.
Fast Dav. '1'ho hU tt.iy of .lanuaiy
next, is the l.iy reeoiuint'iulei'i ly the
rroiident of the Tinted Stutes, to ho ob
eerveil M a lny of fmlinj; r. j'rayer, fo;-
the rcasoiK set forth in his .rocI,iuatiuu,
We theundrrsi-ned iia-.t.ira of th- K'veral i
jcongivgations in t li r-. fcoroiiih of Cleat field,
neighboring chr."i.'os, unite in exhorting
tho peojilo one and till, to sti'-iierc'l their
onlitrary huiiuc-, rhmo thcr.- storc.j and
officef, publie and j.rivat-, (lie li irks and
other puhlix1 l'oso-ts, so as to attend jmb
lio worship in tho diU'ereiit ehurehes
where Ihey u e ncuustomed "to p). '! he
call upon the tninilor.'' r.tid people is cx :
traordinary ; the (Jovei niiient nud Nation
nro futly iil.irmei'i, Iho puidic uancr is
4,'reat nnd itumiiMnt. In this crisis to
whom shall we go? Where turn onr'anTt-
Jni.or.vnc l.ul in il,-.,l "S. . V vo in v face
wu t j . j - ---j .j
til V face Lord will "wo seel;."
.1. H. 1 oi ut.
tV. M. Gai.i.owat.
W. Lyt. SroTTsn onn.
l xsTiTi'TK. This Sttcietv I
melon Dec. S'th Vresi'cnt in t bo hair
Sinjing "I'o Uind to the loved ones at
Jiome." Select Iteading by .1. IT. Join's
What causes '.ho w inn's? KepJ.ied to by
Mrs. Ii. J. .Jones. A Hialojue by W. W.
Shaw, nnd l.).tniel Sherman. Discussion
of, "Does the glory f this cjuntry ox
ccod it3 bhame? 1'y !. A. Dower, 1!. F.
Wilhelm, Thou. CaniplK'H, and A- C.
fitrnnford, on nilirmativc, and on negative
by V. W. Shar;, S. VT. Stranfor-J, Jacob -of thos? of V .uv F.ugland, and at the same
Mock, nnd T, H. Jones. Decision for time uixriufactur-- extensively for herself
negative, what will become, of tho piosperity of
, ' '. W. W. Sh aw, See. I Lowell and the wealth of the trlid men
KvEXixi; rnwrr.MXOs Dee. IS. Society !,0f .nton ? It is only persons vyksse wits
met rrcMfnl in the chair. Singing -Mn nlT.te.l by their du'sper! c situation,
E Society. Dialogtioby Miss h'v.a;U and ' 4tlmt can resort to such fVmsy logic a that
Miss . Jones, Select reading by Miss .ik-ii cmstitutcs the staple of the repub
Molly Hughes. Diseushiot: of, "Jjoes Co- l.licau jocrnals of N. iv Vol k. Jfr. nil.
lumbus deservo mere Vv jv uover- ,
ing America, man Washington jgr ueien"
dingit? Affinnalivrly t.y -R. F. M iihclm,
J. 1. NeNon, A. 'C. Straw ford and .Jar,b
Mock; negatively, by 'I'b.os. Campbell,
J. W. I Straw ford, J. A. Dorvcr.. )cc;ion
for negative.
' V. IV. Shaw, Cor. Sec.
Gov. Crimx's ArroiNTMiixT.s. It is gen-,
orally credited that tho following ap
jlointniciUs will be made by Gov Curtin,
ta wit :
'Eli Slifer, of Union county, prcEont
Stato Treasurer, Secrolary cf tbcCommoji-
Wealth ' .
' ' ., .
John M. .-sullivan, of butler rounty.l
Deputy Kocretary of tho Commonwealth, j
.Titian J. CoUey, of Indiana county, At-
.. , .-l .1 ., . I .
ui u, a. nn in' unii e.:.iic, vuei i i . i - , - , 11..
' 1 ' I I.ti .11 bus. (buy hor some cu .ny scb bra-
gcalkiuan, it is raid, vvJl aisumo the no-; lcti )i,i;t',0ikin, which sh sed d'riink like
lition. J00W lee V'bitch it was too. Must put
, ' ' . - .... jptinthin in to n abc her fovl k and bd.
Jk"On l iiday last, a mnn, whoso natiio.TJC 0lt, .VOtnnu Um jrot Iho rolss
we did not learn, whilst workiii" in llm --
leep cuton Section 12, or tho Tyrone and
. ... J L
f1..J!s!,! H..11....1 pi. , ...
V.t .. it M ISl.l.J 1.1.'
Of fifty ieet, upon n ledc or rocks, fraelu-
rinchis Pkull so U.lkil,.,. i.,'!i;'i
oujivjuy c-veiiijig.
- - ... . ,ommetiding its repeal. 1 11c address is
On nooceasinn.MysthoSpn,,!,! ;,V-Lionel by thirty five gentleman, inchi
publican, do people neeni niyro prone to ding cx-Chief Junliso Lemuel Shaw, lien,
commit blunders (ban t.t a wedding. Tho 1 lb . Curt if, late Judge or the V. S. Sop
jfollowing actually occurred -it neighbor- rctno Couil. cx-Clovor.ior IikoIii, (Tf-
jng wwn:
,- . i
roobiessin jieavrt. on u.e union. At
tbls point the -:ro;insinan, .seeing the oik n
Vnds reached out, suiiposed it wus tho
sitfml for him to surrender the wedding
fee. whicli is n. Dm..,;..,. ! I.Iq .wtnl-,.! in.
. v "".''. ' ,
J- '"J5,.v'.isf ns the clergyman was clo-1
-."rfii.sejcs in jijayer. no Kit llic pros-i
-in uio mimi o n crown o witnesses, . nent citi.ens. repwsent lioarjy every ara' : "",0:ura
the clercynian had just cojnpleteil the in, i ....... .iame emuh
loresting ceremony which bindi i .cotmly m tJhoMotP. A Lew.
Jiilver bonds of wedlock two willing heinu; &'A blacksmith ot Montreuil, France, 1 t'".""", '
'and stretched forth his hands to miiilore 1 l.ouebi inmi, t n ,.r i.i'.im,ii,.n it...
urot two sweaty half dollars upon his
oponpalm. Tho good man hesitated a
10C int, npp.dn.l nt the ludicmunie.M of
his i.tuatiop. but coolly deposited Iho
Dicncy in Jiispoubct and procccdid iilh
nt flinwu.
tin ( ,1 .M. 1 1 i . (o Is l,i. li lln
i I i M " hi t.'i' i ,'m i' i ' '.ii i irn in l li
" m i i lio 'I I m " i ii nlili !i Ih'V ma t'i-
i'l M';'."t 0 (i iin:i I'tlllig !M''M il ln, ( if tii'tn. ti l' ti-
1 1 : 1 ;i lo l.i' III (Mr ,in 1. 1 (. .in tiie; r, Hist rl
i I yt sli l il.iy I lnil ' i i'tli ii h li I Uu;.',
bd'a'le untile I Vv.i in :itrf :'ja lii' li'" ) l
i'il a MiUtilulo I'm- it in 1'niiinlinn
Ml,. ., 1
li lie I it M li li f.irl in cs 1 lit lie
... ......
i.:. . ... :i .i .. in. I il....
I' I! Ml ' ( ,l' '!
i.l. I. si ll' It im ll"ir "I ii.ia
' '
,11 i,iu iivs imiUu linen, nn mat ler to
1 , . ( K(V
. ', , '.
I'ruvi' lo In1 a vi : v i""'l ml inn H
imnv a i ham : hill it Wil bp HO
, . ,. i i i . i .
Mthsllttlto fill' colKli, vthlch is ik'.-lllie.l li)
tei'M kin of A tinriciin rotinneiTo for
loino time lo eonio, in t w i 1 1 i t-1 a li li n i tho
iiiL'f nioiis Viuikro iiiM'iiiiini. I
,'..,. , i . . . .
Ano.ior n-i'iil..!i'":i joiinial of tliij v!y,
!lon;: lielo'eil in the miiUl ol Minclo'.s el-
Ibfiws, lulioro I ycs'ei'l.iy to ,-liow in a Ion;,'
... . . ... . .1 ! . i' V..I . ...
nnui "l"-J V1 "",
1 value lo the l uioii, ami that "Itvo l.ow-
.. . ... .. .i I
oil WI'O i)l L'I'ellU'l' llloiuulll, tlliltl South
' t, ,. . ,
" ' cvui.ui-.m-. . ... x -
.J.u! r.hia. 1s .1 ihwn South (. iirohnas n U-'
' , , I
eil ito o wouhl ask what would ;
J.owell ami riiiladeli'hi'i bu ioda but for :
and all -New Fmrland and her nimui'f'icto
l ies with it, tho loss to tho rest of the i
Union would amount to nothing. Indeed,
on tho contrary, a large majority of the
people would consider tho jibsciico cf tin;
New Kmdati'l States from the confedora-
lion a very rcut .gain. .lust let Massaohu
setts i'ropo.-o to o'edo from tho t'nion,
and she willseo wlejlhor any id" the
die or .Southern .Sutcs will ask her to re
main. They could .'''t every doseliiitiou
of fabric eheai.ei' from Hurone than from
MassaehusL'tts, und they would get I'd ol
the disturbing oleiueHl ui' irw Turitaii
Tl.-ei o 4sna danger cf revolution ftndj
civil convulsion 1'roin any of the New
Kuglaud Staler going out of the Union, I
t ... . ...
whatever may trotn their reaiaimng i
'"). il'lw i.'ass.-icliusetts laetories., with the
aii I of t he .S iu t h , n:ei"J y pi ve 11 living to ;
j their O'.vr., far ii-iferioi' to that
I which South (.'.velinii rives her daves.
'l 1'h ere nro no pAtiperi iu S u!h Carolina,
'.vIiokc products not only Hipj.ort hor oivn
people in comfort, but o.itributo m.itcri-
ineir o 1: popm.uwn, ii-iuuior 10 .nai.
ally to the sustenance ol tho white tlnves
of Lowell. From a pound of iron, worth
a few cents, watch s;'i iiig may bo manu
factured wor'.h thousands of dollars, but
without ihj iroii to liiuuurtcturc whore
would ho the r.'atcli sprin jt an .1 their ma
kers ? Without cotton what would Low
ell he, and the other towns of New I'lng
land where it is manufactured? When
tlio .South, in exchange for her cotton,
tak s tho good-i of u!d llnglaiid instead
,.iarv 0I.7.:Mt,i1KVI ... Mav
-A pocket
1 .....j ,,; r.,l ,,,, :., civv i K r , ,1 . t ' , 1
..', . I
a few Jays since. ruin np foi!.wir."
estrattsit njipi-are that the losx'-r was a
" iiKslik.ul man.
T- 1-1 ,r . i i- 1
kao 1 1 I, Mary Am. levins, !
'.vashtYOifiati ; Mckncss 111 hor l.e.l. Lisik, j
sutri pills a toperihk, id. l'cd one j
dollar, 1 iworJi'-'-r bL!HS. Mind gt. t jrood j
'ptorter and inai'k her talk more li-ik, j
Kase !7': Mikul Tu'Ajs, Ulsr.csti, Nil ish J
Lives with Dckttn rheb-, f.'.k.ifsl
ot a dray. Sikness, di; in the ribs, and
iu bad isc. Fisik to taik niv inixtur
twice a day oT sassypurriily ber a jullop.
and lish-ilo, lo nmke it taslo iisiky put
m assili IHy rubbed bis lai witli bait
fleece liniment, nped t?S ynut, of ui.
Oj-inkt llio i.ii.xlur anl wo..dci,t j-a m
base il trusted nasty, but tho lui.uiir'U
v.urk his innards I reckon. Kv.i 170.
I I'd Ml.:ne P.M,..a Alt. I I'.'.t, HO liisllOS
sac.h sktts Fkhon u. I.mranr T.......
r . . r . . 1 3 4.1 I 1... .. .1
;.tfil Ih-C. IS. A f. roil!? n. ' ress t'l t IO
I'eor' 01 assaciiuseiis is ptii.itsiiou iiiisirrt without leave, nt their peril.
morninc denouncing the unconstitutiou-j U 1VKN under my hnnd nt Clearfield, Hup 2lih
i'""J ......j ...i i".
fo,..i Wnshbw 11, Gardner, and oilier etui
-.-p...,,. v ,v ii.iiv ,lVJ '4"("ill'l
I'l V4 "Hlllllll.l mill
iroa to wor, . , f , talllr7 Vj.l. ' "
. , , . 1 ; Joh J. Johriinn
1110 '"?J,l a u'ikel he put it intO
his forge to make it re.1 heX. ir. ordor to'
V,.l it i,.l i . .... . . ., I
' no was pumn" n.ueorceErliarJ
llolll t40 1;I.Ci H ou,j es
losion wi lioard,
, . ... . ,
.,,v " ,"u",lH'' 1,0 micron a rccil Iinllk
1'iereing cry t.nd fell dead. Tho bnnel ; t'ecil Dank
had Uin left loaded, nnd tho ball klnk. b I.oonanl
ing him above Iho iil'donien, ped thro'. jtomird
l.ii lungs, conic out just below the, .htil-"jhn xiu -:-
tlci , and lodged in a wall at bouiv distance. 1 ioin l'atcbii.
I ' ' ..: .;i !,.'.., .
Th" CnvM r-f rV"ryh (tnia.
i .
7'.." I
?i, ;f,
Mr -D
" i,n'.?
:: i,:; ill
2.:.;'. ' j
11.20 7
l.i, 2.;0
.".."..To I
1 l.ilSO
l l h
1 1, r
i I if i H.
A Im-ii',
!nn I I,
MI .
I "I'll,
1 !'.; i
.1 !" . I 1 I
!'.' '."I
: -t. mm
c i,M it
W ' ,1 'J
r''.n i
1 -,S(lll
4 ti,o li
ft, SIS
40,1 r.rt
42.2 1
: i, 4 on
;r.. i cr
Hm If. I I,
''. '
n mini i ,
' armm.
I I'll
Iicm.-i .
u i rfiti.
l,nra,n 1
I'To.f j
I 1 H , 1 1
t tiS
til, US!)
f, R05
1.1 fll
ill, (I'V)
i 15.121
2' "SO
1 2,0 1 1
2 s
l J.uzunie,
NorthuiHberlM. 2.1,272
PiTry. 20,0S
ri'ila. CitT, 4lis,7fi2
'21, IM
ii o-j
.',. i "
Union, J
.Sni'Ur, J
Wi'stnioroland, 51.710
' inn : ii jr.
1 oik,
Part of Montour vndnl y waa to annexe J to
Ciiliimlien in 1 Si.l.
Tlii f.itniil.'t'i.n of Fur-Kt H'af relurnod -ilti
rjiat e( in IS Oil.
Jf-njUer cuuiitjr wail Prri4 from Vnion in
i j
z i.
A t M A K A Js
L'3 . ,
1 i
1 1 -2! 3
3 r,
'.l.l.l ll 12 I 71 S li 111 11I2
-;i.l 1 1 15
1 7 i I N l I .i I I I 5'1 1", 17 IS I 11'
20,21 22
23l2 1 25'20
21 22 2.'; 24 2.. 20
il 3
.J - . . I - 1
II 12
13:1 til j;jo;i7
10 20.21
1s.i1? I?!)
2 1 22123 24
2,272S 20
30 31
-1 -
V, 7
lo'irn.iri 14 t:.;ir,;w
Vilft 11.12 i:i;U
18 IU 2 21 22i2:i ili
S;t7iis 10120121
25 2:27 2S2V
f" .
211 O
25 20 27 28
3 4
10 II
H; 1 1 , 1 2
If. ImIS
20,21 1 2!
23 24
r. j
211 3H
i' .
1 '--1 1 V
I 5
a is
l.'t 14
1 . , 1.
2S20 3 01 31
21 25 Hi 27;2S 2o!so
"4! rJ 7,1 lii
l1 21 31 4 1 5
S '.'Il0ill12
! 7
"I -
I 5 Mi l 7 IS IU
22 2:l'2l25 20
- ,23 21
25 20
2!l 30,31
riHK anuill i:eetir,g A tho Clearfield county
JL Agricultural .S'ociely, will bo held in bo M.
li. Church in the orough of ClentfieW, on W-ed-nepiny
orcaing, Junuary 40 , IsOl, When the
election ol olhccrx wnl tako place, and nstiiesf.
"I niipoil.m.-o vpfil be tra
who feel a a int"rst in th"
l 11.1poil.n1.-0 vpfll be traiips.ded. l'.tl :.i come
sttei-Ps. 0 f Iho Sucio-
ni.LI.s UllVy, President.
December li', Isco,
Oi'ltAV 11 i:ii"1.4!. Cnnic to tho ropiileni-
b f tb. aibseriber in ,'osLe-n I ..bout the
hti.MIc f Xovemlicr last, a rieil'er-f.ed and
While spots, nhout leu uionlin ol-i. 'ho
is reipiesfed lo come forw ard, prove properly, pay
.''.aigos and take her nwn.v or she will ho ilispo.
"',I '' "ceording to law. KpliKbt IXONAUH.
.V.l,rru"",r ,ft"u-
T7"iiv:r.i:AS, t-'AAj,ii'b linn, i.,
Preii.lent .Itflgp of the 'ourJ iif ("ommen
Pleas nf tho t ivciity Jtfth Judicial District, eiiiit
posed nf the counties of Clearfield, C'circ and
Clinton nnd tho Hon. Win. L. .Monro and lion.
Penj.itnin Ponsil, Associate Judges of I don r Ire Id
county : have i.-puo'tl tbeir iprpce,pt. 4o mo ilirect
cd, for the holding .r a Court of CoHiwoti Pleas,
OrplMti'ti Court, (.'tm4 f (.'uartcr l-eitsiiBis. irt
of Oyer nnd Terminer, nrwl (mrt ofijencral Jail
cry, 1
CK'.n f.ehl, oil tho
Kn,i,I Mmrtny (lh i,ry) 1 Jam ri'j iir.'l,
NOTICU IS, thcrcfure, hereby given, to the
Coroner, Justices of tlio Pence, tin! Constable..,
in unit for taid county of Clearfield, la appear in
their proper persnns, with their Polls, lipconlp,
IniiMsitionp, Jlxamtnnliesns ntnl nlhvr Picr.iciu
Iranevp, to tin those things which to their ollif erp,
' ,v" ' I'L'"'"" "one, am.
Imrt hi tlinn nnd (tiorrt n t f rnJ i n rt nnr n.,l I,. I,.
jSlliiii eiglit limiittiia ami fixly,
P. (1. MI LI. UP, Sheriff.
Nov. 2S, ISOO.
I 1ST OF C'" f.;r January TcniiA. !
1 J
Lvd a WiliiiMi
v Oe,TgpM'ibrrti'i) fisc.
ss A'ehool Directors of W"iL
vs Ooorgfl W. Caldwell
va Elia Irwin
vs J. M. l'fout
Vf Coos, r A ttiigga
vs t . P. Damn el al
vp Isnae llloota Jr.
vs John Wolf
vs John it. Cfinie et al
Vu Daniel r'niPa't
vs .1. K. Heed
vs Ltiird .t Illa'ir
va J. S. ('r..ry
vi Crawfird Onllnher
v .Ur-ed V. lialer
is JnHica Hull'
va II. bor.iin'p Kx
va M illiam W. Wurre li
vs J panes M'hile
i a Dillon -( Davis
I yWiwpoa, Allordetnl
s Dillon A Dnvii 1
Ke Drown -t' Litz.
B John Xhonipton.
Tin in .S'tiUj
J. II. .'Less
Abrji.Iiau Plural
Doriiemnn .1 Mock
J!;,,cllirn A Sw",n
r.liza Irwin, ndtui;.
" 11 l-ogan
II. Prokerhoff
nn nn l R MM..
M, ,1,,,, , f . , t . ,1,, , i , i r . i
MB'. I Mini l"ll I I I'.i. f. I. I 1. 1 i
i ... i'l r'.n 'I. I I i". .mi i , 1 1. 1 I,. 1 1 ,i,
II. no Mill l.i. )...... I .. .il.lj ,, i.
In III.' I'M "ir I I I nt' , I I, mi M
llm I I'll iln t ilut i I .In mnt r, I -i , Hit. I .1
I., n n
. .. I,
in i
ii Nv,
ii it.i;
ill" I t I III" I 1 1' i I i.v, it .
A n i'iiiil II in I i ! bill I nln ili) in I1,
I film tonirhll'. I lrnili. M r..t,nti, '- ,,,! I;,.,
i .' . I II , ...IIIIIHI .i ' l, I.
inn- i.i hi,-, ii n i ....nil i .mil', hiti'l' l.i tii ij
l.nvl.l now i f i, . I'm r f r,, , I,,.,,),
IlllO I'l lllllllCl'l" iM llll', l,"H , I), !. ' mi,.,,
Co., II.. nro ft mil pnii'i', n pnrniT o lliia fiitnv,
coulli I il.'j; ' ' ''i I ' 'n i'Iii", cr .."i n " Mi.-
Imium ( " j I lo l.lin l.-i !, llifiKo .until, n.'.li.
K i .'. vi I I'li'lif ', l' 5i'i v If - i v. ilirac..
Ili.llll, .1.1 or S.'l ill'Kti'r.i l int, 711 IXTfllCK In ,,;il.
ii-li oak, lli.Mifi' iinrtli, urn.iillij S,. (li'i;tiH'ii m l.
l:i.l mt. In'.- M 1 Ml..". .nk, il,.. i. i o ii'iri j u ,),.(,.
eh.l, (or H"i I'l I '!) tli'i;. wvrt,) .'.0 iit.-Ii.- In n in;i
fi. iliniro nur'.li, 20 tlf;;ri'i. in.ft, (Hi .(.,,.,
In Wliilo oak. Ilii'ti i.otili, f.'j .b.ri on c-l, 51
H.rrlfj. In niiiili', ihrtuo nnrili 2.. il.. I'.l
luTfl.i" lo ii l.'iii'Uiiilnr, tliciict) nr. i Ih M il,.. en
.'iu pere lies io l.i.i wooii, il.
H" I'l' llur i ,lj i i".i..y
I, 37 fi'Trlii'!1, tu I'ilip, l.t-o .lorll, ft.'l .1,....
n..l '., r.... : . M , . , '
. I .. . 1 " '"
tlUll III-III if M rVPVl'i ii n mm a cf ''.......
wi, ..-I.I..I. i. .. . ... :r .r
' ' "'.."'""O '""'f)lllll I..I-.I..1U
legnny vepii'n in in. 11.1.111 .'.Iiivh, to eonveyoi.
j tho fumo to Unvi.l J. piuner, lnivin llieieoi.
ereeled nino ilivelliiig lluiiyeii, two slore-iojini',
. nin -iuill, liluck-itnilli yl'.u)., Iii iek-ynnl, 11 ml i.llu r
out LiiilJin.", nn.l .'lO tr W aires vlcurod lliere
01.. I Also, nil li-'f.'inliuiU inliTiKl, of, in and In nil
that certain fru nj Jana aitiiulu in Deeiilnr Ion 11
Inliip. Cbirffielil rminly. l"a , tuiveyeil on wnrmiil
i;riiiil(.il In Jor'e,!riJlani,:oif)'('rt'iii.i.ij; 3',I5 ni'i'es
I mid iilli'V'lu'iee, and beinj; unVeiite-.t, or (miller
'land f'.'.'cd and taken in exeeiitloli, tnd to be
Isold ns (4 i; rmicrty of Uitvid 1, I'nine
AI.a 1.. A,.i;w 1 Al- l.,j.',l
I in liull.ii t,vl,i,;. 0lea,;iVKl rouffi-. V.' one
l,eKi.,i.' al a W liitD I'M .ilr.Vuf ol"ll. Jle.,r-
I ... 1 1. 1... u., 11, 1- 1..' . . . iu , 1
J lo, tlieneo snulli 13 ileg. ea.-t, 1)2 n 'relies to
I 1m firo pine, thence hi. 11I1 4 7 dc''. wesf, I narelt.
to .o.t. llicnco lioitll 41 ileg. e.-! I OH ,ix:rt) ie.1 to
beginning, cuntniniiig Hi net uy, and t;is perelies
; being pat t of a la:er mrvey in nunie nl .olu.
baiiil.'liiek. Xlie ut her, beginning, at n White
I l'uie, tlienei; by land Into tlio ePtalo of J. A. l'l.i
j !ipi, north 43 west I pen hi to pn.- t, thence
east 125 I-10 perelii.'s lu u r-'paiiih-o;,l., thence
by lands of Kiie k'.'.t 'Vu., ennlli 27 7 10 perches,
Until fuuth 47 lir;. wpt 73 perehe., lo beginning ;
I cniilaiiiing 33 aeroa and allowance, being fame
jneiiii.-'OB nirvcyed 17th Jlei-etnlier, lS.'iO, on which
ut'O SO neres eleered, ivith ilwvlling Iioiim'. and
lug bin 11 llicreoti erected. .Veied and taken in
excettlion, nnd to be fold as (he properly of li. 1".
ti, A w , Iv. .Matten, and A. Jiyers, T. 1.
Also, a certain tract of land Bitu.ile in
."''ll townlhip t learlield cuinly, Pa., bounded us
follo-i, viz: beginning ata white pine und cor
ner of Iu.'"' of John Palchen, tlieneo by paid
lauds, and i.'nJ of ti l.. Hoed, north to decrees,
o.-t 305 perch.' t' pine corner, Ihcnee by
panic lands, nortlt u'M'eg. east 130 perches, ton
.-agar corner, thereo It. .Owe land nnd lands of
John Piiteiien, ninth 40 n'.'g. tast 3115 perehe to
a White-pine corner, thenen by Jands of T. A.
M'liheo Ji Co., and others, emu -n lb';;, west I3f
perches, to plpee of beijiiiniiig, I'oi.'uintiig 201
acres, 5'l perelw. mid allnr.-nui'i', wan .'l. led I..
XK-I.lrn A -riliith, nnwit n? No. 5!)0'.l. 5!li!'- and
51113, with ;an-nn'll nn 4 small log house thei.'ou
cn'cted. Seized atel taken in execution, and n.
bo Pt-'.J as tlic iri'i erty cf J. li A James 'i'lioiu
Also, Uvcrlf in tract of land situate in
l.Hivrcnci! toiuisliij 1'lcaelicH cpiiiiv Pa., con
taining 27) net'Cc, J'uundel by Ihc Msii'liutiiin
riit r, It'.'edi, Spackniati, .Mitelicll, and I' l'llerOm,
ivrlli n -tra ti.'.' lurtisiv, fjnm luin, pp -inll, nnd
nlherout building thereon, with twiiurcliPid
. ;,, ,.r,.,.,.i; i iit i t', .1
"r M 1, . 1 ' ; ' ' ' 1 1 '
VI M...r
.nO, II I CI l.llll I . il'. I u ir.ii 1111
Prady lownsbip Clentficld c,'.nty Pa. bo inded
l-y lauds oft. lluiby Me.,ar, .Iese,.l. l.ajo i,m1
iKner. contaimug M.vty-tnn acres, and f)iv
I .hiTi'S cleiiri.,1 Wi', rvr.a,i-l A L..,, nlriin' i f .... I'l . I
' 1. . . , . ,,, ,. , , ' . . i
, 111 1, r.nly township, I lenrMelri titiny, eontnm'ifig',
I nii.i -f.-ii u n'Ti'-, nouii'icti 1 y innns ?i jopepu
Hale, Philip Hondlander, Leonard, nnd
otheps, with lifty acres cleared, house, barn, and
j orchard thereon, teied ic d takm in execu
tiou,an l to be puld as tho proin rty of John P.
Also, di fciidant's interest of, in, nnd lo
11 riTtivn tract of land filnnto in ' Doge loivn
bip. 'lparlipld county. Pa., btunni.-4 by binds
of liifbnrd Wuplo, Jaines M. Miniv. nn'l 1 thers.
ponttining eighty acres, umre or less, the above
deretiibod lanil being unimproved. ,Seir;!. in
ken i'ii execution, ami to Le sold as the nrnii'itv
nf .foil n i' .'-haw
Also, a eertaiti trvct of laud situttLe in
Morris township, Oarfreht eniiutv, Pa., eolitain-
I ing 132 ncrep. l otmdr.l by lands nf John Drown,
j Isaac laiglaiul, Jamry' lsrie, nnd nttiers, w ith n
lug liou.'e, log barn, nnd irl. lit filly ueres cleared.
Seif.ed, taken in exeeutioii, and te bo trnld 115 the
I property of Abraham Drown.
Alio, efeiiilant s uitere.n in a certain
rrnit of laird filuatc iu l'urguson tnWKsli''p,'01cr.T
fiell coiinty, I'll., bounded end descrt'hp I as fob
lows: beginning lit a liPniloelt cortrcT, thence'
by Den;, -tiibh's mrsey ps.itth 50 ileg. west '230:
pereifj ! a pojl,iii-! thence by Johr. 'Jrisslcr
purvey lioTth 40 d g. west 100 ju relics to place
of beginning, cnniai.iiiu; 2: 0 tic.-cs 1,11110 or less,,
being tho norllisvest in th" name of .Ma.
thins Darton, with about 25 aeres cleared, nnd
t"g liniisc and log burn ereete I (hereon. Soir.od,
taken In execution, and t'j be suld us the proper
ty of Silas Whit.
Also, a eeitain tract, of land aitunte in
Covington township, Clearfield county, Pa., I. on ti -ded
as follows, vu: on tho north by ha road
leading from Clearfield to l'renehv ille ; on Iho
soul'; .east aJid wept by lj.lid.i of I'r.inei." Condriet,
'aVni IJcK'oT. cTccteil a plank dircMing ho tsp.
Scize.-l, taken ill 1? ecution, aad to be told as the
property nf ltenn'id -A. Tibrout.
ANo, :bc uiiit;vid'.d oiiefotii th part and
in I crest of Job 11 Tnggart of two certain tracts' tf
land, conliiinin- F.i-.h whnle triH't M n-res. l.llll.
' . . . 1 , . L, r j-i
DrsTihaia, on f anavt iliitcl 30th Jatmnry, 4703
ami the other curveye.i m warrant of Davi-i I'ar
toii, daled 10th Januiiiy, 1793, being the panic
pmnii'C: purchnsed by John Tnggart, with Solo
... t,....i olhcra. the paid laud eiUliUv Iu
, , rll 1 T il -l
Chest tuwiisliip, Clenrnel'l, 1 ,i , (a; wttli-
In l,.n,l Im in -' sroiiilhinil. n nil nt, i tn i,r,l-ed : nn in.
in land being woodland, and 'tiiinu rovcil : no in.
inuisition held. Seized, taken in execution, nnd
l(j bo puld as Iho pr. pcrt' ef John Tngg-irt.
Also, ti cerlain tract of land situate in
! liuaga toMiship, Clciuliehl cmnty, l'u, heun Jed
'on th 0 north by A. Stone's Kftale, on the enst
; by lands of Samuel Powell, on the fuiith by the
l'rio Turnpike, nnd on the west by lauds of
Stone Lstatc, with a Him 11 liaino house, creeled
1 thereon. Seized, taken in exoeiitinn. and to l.e
sold ns tlio properly of Henry Southard and
Isaac Southard.
Also, a certain tract of land situate in
Ieccnria t-osvnsLip, Cicarfteld cwi.L'y, Ta., l-pgin-
.'.... ,.lt k,,,, .,.r lllll,,.,,! r II,,.
leuealy lestduo nuth l pcrcui.s ro a n.gnr,
tlieneo Kouth three degree east, 21.3 .Vc1ie to a
po.-t, thence by Jlenry liver, west .'.-.' pprclies
tu Jinsl.-lbem o tenth by , innl Jinn.h Mus-
jcr Smith, w est Ifli and pix tenth percles to a
post, Ihcuco by Jacob Musser Smith nvd A. K.
Wright, north 5(1' degree oiut 30 porcUea to a
birch, henc9 north 25 degrees weft, IS perches
li.. iiiii'. Jhefl,;o bv lan.U of Ilobei t and Ileni v
WhitcsiJes, north 73 degrees east 2M pcrelus
to place ot u"gimimg, containing - .nor or , e Mertantils hiu in the Mast. Our M-.i k
less. AIo, atractntuato in Out ich towiiphip, I fonfi,w vt Varic1v of goods lo.. mim.-ioup to i.i.ii
Clewfifhl county, Pi., bounded by lands of . ti(i, u,o puHio nro renueslid I., call and exam
Oo 'rgo Beyer, (.oorge ""gnrl.V. .A II. Morgan, inc cur Vo wjll gaBr;,,,.., K0,j l,
Darlington Co., bile M Lulley, Most, I rhnpM f . ,0 p,tp en,;r(s M,j,r.,rj.- n,.
and John L. M Culley, conln.ning 320 acres more' Ai,.. . ;,., ,., ,.. ,i ( ,,.,1,.,.,
or less, on (no ilory frame .(welting house, 23
hy 3(1 loet, wo tenant hmujea, bank burn 40 by 40,f y.j, W1 b. onUUed to a Oil- I. w ith fr a
rcet, inw-mlll 25 by 50 feet, with one run of burrs 2i ccu to gj.-
attached thereto, lurgo bearing orchard or choico , JJUSSM VN A LKED.
fruit, aud about titty acres clcurdd thelcen. pBC 20i i860. U " '
Soir.ed, tulien in execution, and to b ioW as th I
properly of Atrnhain Pcyer and Asa Beyr. T?RUJT. Crio-1 i. 1'urt I and unpuiod
' Also, by Virtue of sundry writs Of Fvri Peaches, CIitiipp, j-..c
Faiias.tha following Real ataU),TUI AJlthelthseorucrtiretl - li. A. 1KVJN.
ml I .
it -I I
.'i in n t
n I . ..i ... I ...
'i... il it t i
I'll.', I , ,., I.
t (
:" i
1 u!
fi n I
' IV
I .
I . ...I I J
i . I t
i '... i
I n I. -
'i i.
nn I M ilf"l I' 'Jin
. If" ! Il H I U( I'll I f tl H .
I I f I II I " III " f I II I.I.I ", I 1 I '!,
i 1 1. 1 iif (I,.. 1 fin! ' In
i. H I
H H'
ti .
1 hII.Imi
i ... .
II.. in.'. Al .i. In i nt in'
i iliini'. In ll.n init i.l i
I I..
J"-.'lll b. Kll'.t. I Mil
( l'i . I
'li I n
I Mi
."..illl' lit, 111.. , ill 1 1 .IK It,.. I
I....I -It ."'I, ol I v Inn I i -ffi. M'm.ii. iii
I'V IiiimI if . ii tii.-H Arll'iirV, 'I. in ;n; llm
i'i.iiiiM'ii.. niih Im "i ti i-n (. tin ri'ii... Al
'I I "M
". lo
i rlnin lul
I. ill, li.lllt.llL',1 in
It d'.ti' in biiiiiLi-r City t ..i.
I i ' I ' i ii . : on II. h""lti I i I nl,', .
mill mi I ,il :ii. ,. l-."l, .. lining iii mi. I il'inn li.e
liivrj mi llio ii.-.-l l.v li.N o I. mill i. ml ..kui
Kirk j r.or.h'I'i- ;!0 f...'.t Mieel, It.i l on-t I .v i.r
(ii.i,i;'..'Vi'i'lli:iin., Kaon a in llio i.f :.i 1 l.... a
n .i4 Nil. I -n ( 10) mill I'lovi'ii (II.) A:n,tnii
ii rlni.. i.llii-r Ii.I hitu.ilt' in l.uit.'.i'i City iiln:-.;.
m'.'I, Ij ina in 'lie .cur nl liiMMii 1iiiiiii ir"ptrv,
.'I. tin" miii t Ii on n ..0 luot ytrrul. Hvl ua Mreil
I ... . .
' ' " . "5 .""".". V" .'."" '
I llltlll II ..l.lll" Al'llllll'l, 11.11 OUSl I'V lllfc linllL'lll.
I'll, now in ni-cnii'iiirtf nf Tlimiiim P.. .It
. . ' V " "
.rhrir i.y ti
I ,;.,. I. ,i.,t, , ....... , ,..r
1 1. u. Ii. lavi., .1 iiiics Artlii.i.i, .li.lui l'erj;ii.iiii,
an. I nllii i.., I'liiiti.iniii about hitch, in,",
ul'ont 15 ai'ic-i ol ilt'r.ikd liuul, wltli n ,j lunuo
liitiil ln;r l.arn" tl-ornnn. Soiie.l, Inki n in exeeii
!' Hi and lo l.e ml.1 us llio propLi iy nl' liriuu'.ti
linvin, 'ti'linini.-ltiilor of tlio eatutu of Tlio:iiim C'
l'livi', ile.H-u.'-cil.
Also, a certafn pirco of land sil ualo in
biiwreneo tmviirliip, Cleaifiold eo.intv, Ph., I
Kitin'.ng at a jmpt, llieneo by land nl' 1'liilip .In
lesnl.rlh I5J ilejf eiift 12 O IO perelies In pnl.lie
mail, ll.euec iliini Paul read n.ii'lli 1,1 ile. wtct
..HI pei'i-lH'F, inMlli y , 1 ileL'. west 5 ll.lll iierelie.-
J V'"' "Tn!'' '""'V " "t ('r' s"ul''
"' ,,u-f"1 ' 1 1 lrcl.c lu ul..t nak,
nlnn' said Knorer land so.itlt 1,1 il,"'. ciist 13 j. 10
perelies in place ol l.eggiiiiiing, cunlaiiiiiig one
Heir innl tetily four perches, having thereon
crccle I a two story fraino house. Sci.ed, taken in
cxeeutioii, nnd to bo fold ns llio prnperly of Jnl.11
Al. AiaiiH, nilinini."trattir of.Jo.-epli ba.jlo ile
eetmeil, and Uenrgo.!. I.nglu.
Also. I.v virtue of iv writ of Levari J-'uri-.w,
llic fnlloniiig P.enl K.-tale, vi. : All Hint eorlaiii
ti'act or piece of land Mtunt" in '.k-ceariii tp. Clenr
field comity, l'n., known n. the one fntirtU j.nrl
nf the tract called ll.e pringtiold T t, bounded
ns fjllmvj viz : beginning tt a Jog-iv.iod on the
line of the land belonging to tlio etnta of .ona
Ihan Pnsey, ilei ojsciI, liience by the tntiio north
111 di g. li nl 175 perehoi to n. liiniilack, tlionee by
lund.t of J'llit. Cooper tho tin 00 follow in ir course;
t i nil: north 51 ileg. coft 110 perehe." t a ma-
'"c:, .'" '"t-0 " V"" t a ptac :
, ...nun m. i, i;rb i.u porencs in iiki j iiii'u ci
I beginning, containing 123 acres nnd 120 imrche..
atiil nllow anco, Lcvng part of mi i.l I
1 ll' I.v
said John Cooper from Nathaniel llicliardM.ii ami
w if.v, tugt lh;r wi'.Ji thch 'ii ili m l app.irle
nanci j. Veined, taken in c.xerulii.ii, und to he
mid ns'tbe projK'rty of Leonard liilihnn.
Out) thd llio piireha.-e tiinn.iv 'iinwtiii v iri ib! y
be paid nl the litre the property iJ kin. eke. 1 down,
t ii w ill l,e resold : and the bulanco before the
ib'.-d :.-ii'. !inwie.lg' d.
r. ti. .Mn.i.i:r,.si,i r;tv.
shetiu".- Oiib"', Ckarfield Pa. Dec. 17, IMiiil.
Av.flitor'a Notices.
... . .,, .f,
'. ' ";'.'!""" 1 ira fr l ::nrtr' ; c"",!t.v-
I No. --. Is tester ,l:enf, vs W A. . Moor-.
J(ln iioti'H of II. l;.,Sivooi,c, 1. ,J. .Met till. nigh
a in.
app.lntet'!i(.,rtn ilistnhute the money
I : v virluooi' the above appointment. I
" j11
attend to the I'lities. of tho pa ne at my oiln
. , . I ,1
...l.i-. ..ii
i r t ' v
l Ml 1 1
. t
"'"I tho Ib.ri.iigli'or Cleuifield, on the 7th. dav nf Jan
I mi rv. ISO I. at 10 oYlock P. JI., nf tniil dav.
I v. hen nnd w hero nil l,rfii luteie.tcd n.av at
I l"nd if Ih. v -co proper. 'I'. J. .MTl'LI.Ol'till.
. In ,!,! .
iec. 1, isoo;
j ,x tho r,. of M'iHram M-ver. .leecased.
I 0n motion .f II. 15. S. lisn.. T. .1. M'Cub
IiiiikIi was i.ppoinU"! Auditor ti) distribul.' the
111,'OPV 11V1
(u, ;.;T,(
nig fnnu sa'o 1,1' F.'efil L'.itate, aiT. ing
ri:t: ('1 ir.
lly virtue of imp above nppf ra'-niit, f svill at-
(eitil ft mo mines 01 ttio (nine, a. loynWiie 11:
('learlield on Mo id.iy, the ?lh day of January,
ISOI, at 10 o'clock, A. .M., nfsaM day, when arid
where nil persons interested mav nttend if thnv
s e proper. T. J. M't'l'Ll.tiuu II, An !i or, '
li-.'ceuilor. 10. ISOO,
IN tin
. gr'-'l
ip flatter nl .ho sale of Ileal Estal,' An-
lir. .M"ilson. Y. C. Miller iTav's (l.i no-
' pointuicnt ol T. J
.M'Curiough Aiiiiit' i, io nistM-
' buto '.ho money arising from taid ralr'i wJ .eh is
done. 1 nv, (1
D,v virtue of the nbove appniiitiii"nt. I will nt
tend fo the dutiei. at my oliieo in Clearfield or
tho 5111 i:.y of January." ISOI, at 10 o'clock A.M.
of said day, win 11 and where all persons interes
ted mav at 1, .th iftliovpee proper.
Dec.'lTI, lsi,o.. M'Cl'LLOftlll, Audt'r.
IN the matter if tlic-cstatu of fi.'oie 1l. Dale.
dePcused. 01 motion of li. J. Criins, Msip,
William M. M Till Imigh, was appointed Auditor
to distribute money in iho Kainl.i of .aeha. i:,h
M'Naul Adiiiioi-lr.itor, PDK. ( l it.
I'y virtuo of the above npr .inlineiit, I will
iitt-eml to the dunes Iherenl nn the 1 .'th dav nf
January 1S0I, ut Iho office, of M' Cu.b.itKh ,t Dm,'
ill rem-iicin. jit 1 o ciocii r. Al. nl saij day. when
an'fl wlicre, flli ircrsoas interested, mav piienilifj
tbey sen H'oper. Win,. M. M Cl'bL, I t; II.
'December IfXh Is') AiKiior j
l',(;lSTi:K'S N'OXICi:. -Notice, isberc -
,y given that tlio f,.lliing ncconiils hivci
lie. 11 I'Miraiiwil anil passie.l Lyme, ami r- m ua , wbiA me U.-eA'tr. the eVei'v ,U tr.'uipaclb.ti nf
filed of rcerl in tli'isuft'.ee f'M-tho iiupeeti.'ii i.f I hush, rs, .such iekiviwi1gtrent. Attiibiv,;.
hoii', legatees, credib.r.s.pwJ alt others in any i Articles nf Ag el ir.enls, 'and Cenlrner.', P.irtnr
other way interett(!,lii:d Till b . repented lojship, A 1 f tin lues, Assi ninenls , Attcstitionsa
tho next Orphan' Court of Vlearfivld enunty, to ;iis ,,( j.xcrango nnd Piomiesnry Notes, bill.. (
be held iU the Cutrt Ilou-e, in Hid bi.roiieh of 1 .V, Dnnds, Check.', Cnveniintj, Deeds, Den dui
Clenrlield, eoinuieiieii'g im tl'o 5nd Monday of! i,.,s, Jjuc l;il!i,d Produce Notes. D,in.H.,rl i,-'
January, ;S01( lor irci and allow- Tci.nnt, .( ns. s. Lcttet .- .T ,t I,, 1 1.1 v. Maiii'u: '
inn., ' SI I. ... r. 1 I- .1 ..... 'rl . .
TI, r,n. nwnt. lO ftT l..Iin M u n .., ... 0 1 .1 ... 1
" i . ". " " ' ' ' ? .
isrrator oi an iinii aiiiffiiiar ttio goons, c'liittcis,
rigrts, nnd rreilits, w Inch were u ( c.'ge Jnhti -
ston. x'r., late of Pellt-'W.ishi.p, Clcjl-Selv.'-Dliify,
deecax'ib ' '
The partial ncrontit nf Pianfon Pa.., A iin-
slrator of tho estate of 'i'lioinns C. Dnvis. f
I . I.,, l r I. in,,!, ..r Cilv ,!.., ,..i
-- ''i"'o" "' -' t I
jl,0 l".n:il ne?utint of Cl.arlelt i Weber Ad -
... ... it . i . .t . . i. 1
in i ii is I ra i r I m it an an-, unguiai u.e k'""" "iiu
chattlea which were nf Win. Weber late id Ptn-ly
t.nvnsliip Clearfield Counly, d .censed.
The A'liiiiiisl'-iitiiin neiv.ttnt of Wil ism A.
lilooin AdininistiatoT of tho estntu r.f John S.
U-ry late nf Pike- tewn.-hip Clc irfield Co u-.ty.
The neeonnt of John nrnhum .fr., nnd .Tallies
P Nelson Aduiiiiiptrntor'p, of tho goods and chnl-
(t.s which wero of John (iraliam Sr., late of Ili ad
ford township in tho Count r of Clearfield, lie
JAVt'S wi'i-arv,
l eeember ,'.lh, )f't.5. ' i!.-g."
Vf 1 J'j .V I J . V u ji j i .-
, iiriMt iTTBiTTIONS I AND (j UK A T 1N-
Aro fi'eril tntho public lor a feu day only at
Clenrfield, eoti.tjli-:iiig on tho 21th day of l)o-
c.'iiiber, I sf J.
We Ihe uiidiTsigiK 1, v i'.l ilip( opp of a largo b t
TIKS A NOTION'S, siii-l-i bb' l-iv llullid ly Pre. - l fiikt I'rli'it.'iitl a,x-i,iii,1 nf I'm f.iilnr:. i,f a.
r.;-i.;licll . i.urchasint: T! r o D dl-irs
. t U I It I IH i t Ml
v ii: r
i i
i iiM.
in i
ti ..
i !
... i'
A I."
i II'
. i
r mi
I' I'.'. I" rt.'i
1 1 n t '. i .li- i'f ir, li'T " "
ini'l rni.l Cs.'ii.. I I'til" ti '"
' v, 1 1
"l,i .kn .1. f , i' " I I ' l" i i i.ti. titiillu.l. ,1 'I" h"b! II' I" ' " i:
ii ;il i .Ii. k, lo il ! It l'i limit ttft, 1 "I l;i n I ' O in
In Ihi' l .m..i.i, ('eiuli-'l r.Miiily, 'i., i i
titiit I Ib iirt r.millf., ct.iil'iiiii. s f"-' 1("iiili" I
IH'I lll.ll li iinn ntirr, llil; U:"'."! I'uili!
il,. inn n, li I'll" ruin', - V.iWr, in I "tlirif '
fin, I il i in Mii-li iimiinrr pr htH"'! in i ir fi.i.l
("iiti. t'ml i'i..lill'1'i.. ih"ii!.l In' mn.U LMtv
III. nrli." i.ti ii mi, I i.f llm;i ."' t' ne
m 1. 1 -. .'p., ifnri'Miiil, ti ill. llm ti' rf :
'i ll. l.'li. IV, o r.iiiiin ii. I jnn, ll lll, v'th
V"ll twill I P In, III rl Hint 1.1 III Mien ol J ol.r lllili-
i.-li, l.y li.iii. l!i. triilli of l'i. miiii.T tuny I"'
i.Tti.rl no h ii j. vi.ur .n.,i'r j.t r-i:i p, yni r1' '"
m li. t-1., .' ft i ' iri-ii i 'I, w.i It In.. iif.i'mwiii.oi" i
I . . i . i ii . . . , . . ,i .. , ' :.. .i
' ...... ................. ... . .
1 'lM'l I" "I llll) '!lll.'. lll.iriTMl'l. I'.V 1"""
1 niin-r-. i :iv in-' i rsuo to Hit! mo v:i utMlu r'!.! . 1
i'llo (our p,ir'.. ymi c.tit-e t . be pu.ln j .
. .. 1 - i
1 1 1 v 1 1 1 I : an. I inn' nl II. e .".ml p..rl- t 1 A.lni.,
llii'-py, anotlirr nf ll.e !.-t 1 . 'in,.nel ll:i
Key, niiniln-r of ui'l ( irrlf'tli'Nielii.l.-is ll,:p'y,
tt'id tho ntlior I.f t Ti .- ii.iiil r.irtfi In l.twi. Snviler
I'nil li 'i S:i vil.T. Jr.. in linl I tlie.u it. .-t'li'i -alty.
.vmi'iMirf t 1,,'. iis.-ijjnod and deliver..' I, fu
tl-.'it iieirlvrr tlie'Aaid A l.iia Hnjey nor llio f.i'nf
Slrntiel Ibi-V'. Ni.'liola.'i I'-icev. atv" lew'.:
I f nv'l,r 111,1 1
'f'r.U'i.ji'.,li:ive in'iT "trt' fn
toiienients iif.-iesni I, with tin to. inn teuanci .
than ,ei tuiiirtli tu thun mvcraliy- to lnnc. n,
t'mt the said Ailani llagey hi. hit, and the si.M
i.inucl lla-e.v his part, and t!. Miid 'Ni.-tobr
1 1 a e. Lis part, and ill" paid Lewis Si .'.,. ;..
(ienrge Snyder, jr, thcM- part nf Ihc -f i('"fuent.-iilnre.-aid,
with the I'pliui'teta.npi-.b res'pe'tivr!
Ittippeuip;.; stu-crnlly, i.uiy ' appropriate to iln-i.,.
pelves. Jltt! if this itliiui st ly y on to le -niti
mo tied, ii' vT.rrepaid, to inuko partilioii ws afore
sniil, sin M lit i f opiuion that tho lands and teue
inet t.r aTo'resaid cannut bo ro parted mid divido.i
and withiiiit prejudice to or pio:lin,.; '.e whole,
then wo co.uiiiutid you that ymi c.iv." o p..i"
iu'iuest to make a jupt ii?.- i-t' ...l.-e-mo
ii t of tho lnnds and tenement.;, upon theirViirtiw
ind uUiriniitiniis tiforeraid, i.'.ae u.itivo L.iva.
ijoon first given to the several parH'j o.nie. ruo I
or interested to appear, if they Minll think lit, i
tho tini) .ind jilaeo of (o'.d.iig puoa ii:'Hi',.itioti,
and that the paitit' ;u, or valiiiilioa uik ii.rt;..U"
uient, ivhi.'li y.iu ehall 'i make, y-t ;ili,-,thi,.t!y
nnd opcul' nave, i-.n ler your ha no and seal, and
an let' hi hi.nd., and seul uf those by 'vli'iin ;I.p
'lino hhail be 1'iad", l,..f,,.. the'e-ni thu
"aid Curt nf t'nu,.unii lens, in nnd f.r t It -
I'oauty nl I'leariii-ld'. a". VjloarlieM. t'le-u to !
''I I on the- second li iv,!.iy i t January iiol.u.n
such fin tl.i r proceediugj may be had u tliel', ..
and justieo afW'ertaiu ; roid have you -taeu nn
there t':'., wr.t.
j W;l!ii..!.'t!. !. ".. irab'o f .iintud I,i:i, lls'p. Pre i
lit i ' '',ge of uiir ftti.l e'uuii.iit Clearfn-1 '
L ''' il.i.' (iV (... f ',.....,!...r ;,.
" it r 1 old one tlloiismd ciu-lii hundred nnd s;iv.
. b'.AKK WALTKltS,
J'.'puty 1 roth Jliotaiy.
Xolicr is Iici j Iiv ii i en tu ti e pnit, .
that, by virtue of the above-iiigntinned .ril c.
.in I i ; i'.n. an iiinne.'t will he held and taken u',o:.
.i... : .i.. ..:t. ...i .... .i... n-.i. .i..
. .,,vi .lu n i.i.ii.i "Ci ' ,U' ,. ,11 II, U i. I , ,1 U.i '
j of t) I'H't.V) IJKK, A. i. IS'll.l. t 10 i.l the
)..,.,,.,, ,r ,!, ,-,,. ,,f .-,ki- partili-u a
...,i.,ii,. j , ,r .7,.! ..;.t
... ll, Jn u Hslill" Ktil j,rovid..l ; '.it wl.ic..
! tliiuU propel-., Sherill. '
Mien H s ' Nov. 1.), 1 SXa). nov21-0:
2 thai.',.aiid lwiii.):s Mau Wntls.
"11.-1 puhn-iu-r,
nn: township and locai, law.-
(f lint Stale nf Pennsylvania,
Compiled from the Ac's of Assembly, by William
T. Haines, K-.p, and publi-'hod by Kdwi.rd'
1. Jpaies, Dp.,., Wct Chester, I'eun 11,
Tliia 1T01!: cot.'l i'rs nver 100 pages of closely
printed, nt.i iv ! It I...; fdit by nihscrip
1.011. ' '
It teaches l'i? i"!! '5 rf .l.iiii.'P.'-nf ti,c T.JtiOe,
v.itn for nip for the t.-j'n action of their bitaincsp.'-
It lea 'bos llie duties of cnnslebles wiiii all the
j iieec.'sa,,y ru'W. tu tho.'fliee. '
j It cuiitaine the duties of thi Siij,trv:j or.' tf ov
j ry County nnd Township h' the .Vtate.
I It eoatains tho mode of proc'darc tor Iho lay
Hut and open nig of publit ufii private 1 ondp,
eavoeatiti-; and altering roa ts, th:' building nf
, hrifigw, Ac. 1 .. . 4. r
i It c'.i'iitaii'o ihe Con. tiioii f.'ili'.' J hw,wciili ex
I pi alia lio lis, ilcci.-iuns" innl 'breclintis, terethor
i with foiins for I'eeHs. Honds; Contracts. C,.f tiB
I cutis, .te, Ac. Thip department if th work
tva compiled at llurnshurg by Mr. Samuel 1.
Dates, Deputy Superintendent, and t alene'
worth the price ol tho volume to any one iiuere"
I ted ill Cotiinion .S'ehoolp. ,
It ti.'Piti n? thoditticfpf T'-wn-'diii AiniU cs.
It (lie laws relative to J'Vji int!
Shepp. '
ll i-atitains the il'u'tien 'f Asif f ors.
UeoiUaMiti tie ivv? in lelalnio to .Stray--,
Mules an.! .Vwbfc. '
11 contains ho liws tela to l ine! j.r
nee lewcfs.
, cntaius tin) law. rcafr.-,i to 'nine Iiuu,,i.v
mu t mid D.ier. ' ' 1 ' '" ' ''';
u e mains tlio llle'ttui Laws with till neee.:
sarv l'arinp. '' ' ' ' -
i It eoiit nns tlie 1..11 l.liws, '.villi hi,
iihe necess.irv 1'oiuis l',,r Ai.i.lieiition. '
It contains ti lai"'.' number f l.eirnl l'l.rm.
I .wui iziiees, ivcceil'is anil ...-. .isii., j ue w-ir.i.-i
' I . .. I , . .... I ...III 1 . II . . '
I "a J.a iv M.eep, auu ,., ucmii, .uiu-i
' Ikms at ? I
per cpy. pnVahlo nn delivery
: il,0 wmk.
'I'l. ti. nil luiri I'.iri.n.l (In. i-i. li.n
I . .1. I . . i- . : .. .1. . U ... . . 1 i
tunny Ol 'no oesi lawyers in mi? cuu i mm I.l,
.reeivci their uuiiiialil'ed ni'timleitniii. im n. i i i.
.ban.; L.J.ii oI.,'nvc I'l'Vin all '' .
' mint, whk h 'il treatf. TI"- vlnlic is prraii"P-l
t . .... : . ...
rn. n ii iiiiiiini-i .1.- i "i-virv i i-.n i'. coil l-i- nn
, evpli-.-it sUtemer.t ef Hi.- dutie. of nil' loivt
. ,' i i - i . . . , , .
iitiicers, tip may uercit'iiiy unuer-t'inii ty uay i.i,.
' ClearCfM Ously will l. e" th-irotilily c ilivassi
: f,- (he work, nnd the sitpp i ft of the litu.'ti. is re
1 -ii;rt!u!!v solicited,
j ' J.; ,7, V;t Ll AC'"1' l'l ,
I , ,.,:Alu'.tj,. i;,.,:au, Vii,; xTV,"ri'..s.s..
I. rut in . gent lor L leai liel.J t out.ty. '
P. S. (io'id caiiviissers aro wanted ia nil parti
nf this Ci.unty for the abjve, In wlioiu u lib
ernl coiup "iisation w 11 be given. ' Ayplienliurt"
which iLiel h? made at an early (bile, addresse.
as above, will revcivo proii nt p.ttet","ir. ;--"e.-on.ber
1. 1S-IH'.' "- '
" lpoi1nn'fJf.tice.
'llie uniieisignvil,- 1h(.' ) uhli-Imt ofth-i "rior.r
field pepiil-lican " takes lhi method nf eiiMi.
upon ihive Mho nrp in Icbtet to Mm. or In :xr
.hit .1- Ward fnl aulippripti-ui, inl ver.j-1 .-tjc ' r Jo
work itietiripd dur'ng tho tlireu y.'..V ' cninnien
cing.liily l.s.t'ati'l mdiiig July , SVft, Iu !' nn
mediately at my ntl'ep in tho bnrnu,1! (if Cl.i-r-fiulil.
nnd miike-tetiicmpnt nf Iho .'ame, ns Uippp
tie. nunts mii( 4- il'itd i.i. J, II. LAllKlMlilt.
(Uarlield, 1'jP-tubf.r VI, ItiliO. If.
Commissioner s jNottco.
( 7. iiv ',i.( 'Ivich.
The un-lerMgiipJ.'n. ('oiiiiuis-i-'iier nppo;'it.
by the Court f C-i:W-'n Pleas of Cl"iirfi.'ld itur
tv, to trfl.e' li'jlii.ii.ny In the 'Lutheran C! "
(tlio" in i'.riitl lo ii.-h I)., guts notice tu a
,-- -uKr,rr therein, that U will r:e;t ll.
, i:,,,. (,,T n.ihdrr's office in l.trt!l1?barg
Vui., I ,. t. ,, ,i.,v f Juniiarv. JbOOr'.'o'. .
' j M - '1SHAKL TK.'T; '.'".nulSEjicni .
I ' 12. l.'O I. ' " ' -
'"t exiuiine lb. iatPtit air-tiaht i.lrss
V.,:.. jr r just lie thinp y.K
t. relc at rU. .