Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 26, 1860, Image 2

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    ft"'' 'v r i,:lM.firl& i!fMilili(;
..-..-, - -
I . I i; lit i -1 t.'
...I l I
(ll'lt 'l I'
Who fwi nl rnnli t
'. ill, ll Drill. nil M.1 III
, t i . I ' '
r i. virsii "W. , oll.r. Ifil i
WC '."" iiineotrv o.n,i to it.ljiist our 1 t i lit .1
fl ' SI,'',--.iA'.rv 'cultieS. Ill a lllilltrr of . m ll'iin i
r):,'-?ili(;ivh7W 1 1.01.0. not ..fait (.... f- rorli...i :
iVMwit-,V. '7VT ) Ipntvin;: for-hut for a lo-onsliu.-t
,, 'VHV- Th. V Would r,lv tn.'d.o the Iiv.irll W i
h 1 ni N. .1
1 ' 11 1. 1 iii.i.
1 if 1 M i i.i f limn .f ' ' n
K.i.Mv Unit in. tn-h r-ndil ' " Hi'V nir " illin,1 l ! S.i.illi .HmI- is"
-trl. nii-I tlinl ir it nil in. ill to link lint Hum will "n'""'- I'"' "'' ,l""l
I I 'll, III. lefolC, I'l MU ll li.illHl" llinllli. y . l IIITCI'
illi- or ini.l.'-l lii r, i'ti'1 Hi" Hiry deign no
no iiii:li'i.ii.(i Willi flm ft wh-rn it pxifl",
pi-t I ni Hint lliry il,v ". It to pteicnt in rx
imi. tending li territory t lino 11 does not now
i f III" I V.Mi' Ml j.'llll Hull
Cliniliitil, I'll., I' 'id. IMin.
. 1 .... 1 . .' i 1 j " iw . .'
more iinnoi
and a io-('ljii-tiii"iil s!ill
There U r.o law in any of U10 Sonlhern
iSinte. "that "interferes witli the rights of
I.) these journils forget Hint In Hn ii
j. 1, it I'm 1.1 of Is."1', " shivery and polygamy"
w.'Uf decl.t'iid to I"' " twin relies of bruba'
avo lli'M" c
bunged their opinion
. . n t . . ..I . .. ... North." mil.--, wo lir,t on tl.m ui.j-.-.: i. so, ., t-.-
-into, lore" will, their iuU. Tl.o Slaves dcoe ! If not, u.rely they must ,ynt...ue
llioir owners-nni'l! to war Rgamsi ln"!"'
in.'1 Jf they still tlunk it is harlarous
Shall the Filitician. or the Peoplo
Our Government i-i unon tho Ihrcdi
nl.l ftMi.ifuVliinii. Tl.o hrtM.iost 'U).'i lilO.'t ' iVI'O tho property (4
.. i i... ii... r.. i..,. u T,r l.'i.iiiililii! ntii I'l
iiroMioioHS lint ion in l.o woi k h mo - ,- - . ,
umnlnrilv lUrfiitoncJ vriili-ivrl wr. !- our noij.-liI.or Ijiw no nioro Mjilil to iinfi- o-. ....... r. ......
rner"Me X for U.o nniuMiHUit of foro wilh l,i. propor.-.y, to yUUrUii. not only to ..revct
rur r.l!oi...l .IiHi..-uH i--. nn.l for nvortin 'ol'tho own:r, than l.o Ints lo ualk' las loii. l.tit l j-t ,1 .. hnrc-r ,f
1.1.0 iimouW JanSor, Imivo l.oon pn- i.oiVl.1,0. V l,,. i.ya. J an.; Moal Lis ho;,o. j Hut ain : .1' ll.oy ivoro M.iooro n, U.o.r
Klltl.d l,y our wUo.1 aiol ,.ost Ua'.c-! Thm-for.., tl.o No. tl. r,.,,..iro no ronoos- l-rof-ssion, oj fcronoo w.H. t ho
wen, without, ns vct.jiivinctl.o loatt l,r,l,ions from ,h, South in this ros,.o,-l. j n.lmittod rights of tl.o Soutlu ru rooPIo.
Pf icco. Tl.o nation, through fl.irl l It i, no-, ,h,i lluil thoro is no hope for ! wliy L. th.-y inan.t-t Mich icvoronoo lot
Mgi.strate-oonlially MvonJod 1 y tl o ! our oonnlrv. uiiIom TMK rKOPI.K riso in memory ..f .lol.n l.rown. tl.o immit -i
luiin.,,,! in M,,.;.- ,,v,i..siv .....1 l:.ko iho .Miction of: or! uo of U.o most ooiupu'tinusl.i-iiiiei
I'iiltlUlIVy IllllllfH I i 'l iv ...... " ' - '
uiinrlor!.- ik cnlh'il unon to " la.-t nn.l n(laii into tlieii niv iuwwl. Vo IjcIk-vo
. Il.onio in the pivat KofuMioan don'.onifr.v
t.nt-t r,,,n W, Mollis:.,. Hr. It-iMAl 1', I'tUHlfi ('t)M mli'M ; -
. . , , n,. 1 1 I !!' in I' Mil" ii '-Ml 0 I"" ' ' '
1 1..' iii i. in iii Hi.' .' "in., i ii. I" . I.'"., ..,.'.. i i ii,,.! ll
I . . . .... ...
i. ..ii. i i l hi wi n, iioi'i in"
I ,.l ... in I Iii' til rl.H', I tn illil "I 'nil
rl i liM lli'll pil.'l Ml llif '.'I'Hl ill'! Mil. Mi'l
ill i.loiil tin- inn.. Moment -11. o fi.o nl
WiHlilni'lfi., Ho' olher I.I I lull Ii lnn. Ai
I !n' yi':i f ii.l iii'. oip I i 1 1 f Inkrn in
ilio II.. p.- of iJ.'pii". nli)Mve tit l'i.l.ii.r-
pn:'vr .'ft! o I'm iii'' 'li'iiilron.l '
itiii i. i i ,
ill fl "iii) 'I'l-i'i r ,1 , ,
i ii ..... . . i .. ....
I j. , i. in i ni 1 1." i' 1 1 ' : ' " ilt.,,
V.., oik ll.o ,1 iV ll'1l'"l. KM- I ...
' ' , ,
,,,., nl, "HI. Iii-iini. 1 1.- r"....i' . ( iifir ' hi .,, M
, I il,,. 4ti...rl i't nn mli'iHt fl Hoot c i. H." K I,.. !, ,
1 f 1. ti.1,,11.. l. 1. 1 i. 1 1. .... . . '
nlli'i, no r i
Ak.l itiiiit I 'em c nlion
reiin .Inn. I1'.
in. nt.
',, J '..-..,', ;" ,V,';..V-7''m' t
loll, oil III'
i'l. .. .. . i.-.i r .hii. mi . irt i.nt.i .... . . f i i. . ..... M a.n.. i... . . ......
I -in, i ni' j ... ', i'..', " i ...." tv ; . )(. ,v, nil,, i iinrniiiri' "i i ,. . . . ...... -i . , t,
iv. 'in Iioi.i " tuk.'il in tl.o Sli.lcri.nv.'iili'.lilM -rUi in Wio-hinylon hix I. ohm mil a el ii oi .lni. I'l.
t f,.,.;.oH,in nivor of tl,o ,.,-li.,..i..-o linlfo,, S.-,t ti, tl.,y. Lm im "-"' l-r- j:1 . , "" ' .V ' V ''.V ' 2 :
, , . ,, . ,,.,,,.1, f',, lion io ni to niK'M t no pr.vT-n . -,."',' "... I'.",.,...., vi i,n,ni
.i..i'1'ii i ii i i no Mfi'o.oii f,i i.'itii laioiiiifi .... . , . . .. ... ... "
" lion litnl pMC pll.r" f) I 'iiimnj. Plll-Mppl.
from tho Tnion 1 'iho niiienilm.nt to H.o. rnnit ilulnni , 1 1 jH rs p.clt l ,i k iiii-h" IUi1 '
Tko jTi foet unnniiiiily of (hii volo proposed hy Mr. Ci itlomloii, In prllh) tho mi ,c lon; hehiiiil llirm,
slioivi that K.W.or. ii not n K.'h-n.e, ei- ')ntioveiy iM'tworn ino n.'i.i. ...o. ..Mf M , .
. South I na ly and forever l.y n .livi. n of. I Jul.'idolpliia MnrkcU.
, her or .oven;:., or of aml.ition on lho r0.llltlfl,,m o. Id oeean, on ll,..: t of sn.-h leadem n Kortl, Ithelt, and p,. of Hi.) Missouri lino, wat tho proat. .. , .' " ''''' " M'"'l.-.j, Ii .
otho,,, l ilt n tl.o ivorMl .entimct of ...Ij'ert of di.eHio... Mo,... t U itlen-l.,., of ViM?, , 'f p?;:', Tlf 1
hcrTO.rto. jDo.l.iH mid Itipler nmiiilauicil it f
"i., v i n Kr t. I rnl I. it rmrcp, nii , I
Hit n.iuionn i ns.i ir in m.l Mr. ) r.'itornied lm f.tnnor !( rn, linn ),rl IxnoUoiua m J., :,n. iN
caul volo Ol yeas '.... nav i. Jim nuioiv .,ti to ciin-lder th." rpiest.on lor tl.T mnl Hi. unci .npcj i.r ontlroly ik
In" M-nonsisol tho bill ivill .ho. tlwi roulc ,0 i.r.-crvittion of tl.o coiin'iv, anthot.s'i I'l on.. i inr iri-.iir.v r.rl'0uj
ho h.vl tnver east n volo or uuercu nieii' .....n... """... inti,t on tho Mil.j.-ot 1,.1'oro. If ""V ''' ' ' '''.irtr
.uhsliluto. whirl, provides foraroa.l Mar- . - ; ' " " ' Tl,r. . l,.,o con,,,,,,,,
tins from tho Westtf. n horiler ol ,M.-oun " , . ' ' , ,r" ' """" "V " " lur tu
Hid H.e Wo.Moru border of Iowa, with two -""V1 'V " l'. " , . ' . .. '""HK o .,ui,.y.
... . . . r .......
io foiiuiillle.i fl'.opieii nr. turui
C'BVl-f IK!
in 'Jin I mile
... ..I ... . .vlil. ! he iippCi.N of Mr. ( ilttonnen in l.chair Hour l enirro, nn.l cyiiinu.H.I.. f j
T , M Z ri r o fl o Jo "io I'r.i,.,. are said l'0 havo boor, 1. M,.l i Vvrv .pii-, : .U m!o of !.,
I , 11 u I ' f ' 1,5 ho 'l"'"t and sublime.. Ho. too, wn.s willing , 2 I'" . . . , '
rest ami r,est route, via tho vieinily of ; '." V other olloct.vo moUo of ad-
ill. 1 111 11 1 1 1 u HOIDn I . J
nilvatid'.I Ir. yr Iwrli.: nbout 1 .1,000 bot ,J
: ;i.,..l n .'l'.-io.' Hem
... r ., . S:,ll. I.:,l.e. lo San Francisco, or to the nav- n'Mmpiii.. ; li.,o.o,l hi ut i I 14 C.r prim. IVnn.vlv.,,;. 1
th llW, - IV-.V Ihf .le,kolll,.. SMiTinnenlo. Il ii N.I i M' ','rcV 01 1 01. 1. II, preloriTU a IIV. f, ;,;,f,ti 4:, flir wl.ii.. id...lin 7.1)00 U.l
. . ... . . ' II.M ill' !1 Ill"t-,k I ,l I'dlllltrV tlP.VIOSO P...illii.r va.l I. ..- nr.,.., .... ...I - ..... . 1
j ., :. ; . r. """'uiw, j
in. i u hup if i t'liifviviiina liM) mi..nt 7,Vi,;il
provide lor a nml from tho bar, " ' 11 "'M,VH5
.lor of U.O .South western SuttK. Htrl. 1 !" "j'1 w '-V h ,I")"-Mt,0, ' "'v two points, inn.elv, Tort Smith, and I'" )0l,t "f, L""S' ; " 'l
tho esti'i n I.onler ol liouisia.ta, Willi
two com orpine I'"' I''dinp Wonlward,
unitiii!! fit h tiio Sotitlioi n J'no.ilio li.iil
, load oonipiuiy, ehurlerod by 'I'oxas.''
e.' ti'iliu . i,i".", p i rin r I. iiitiii j,. v noi'l ni t .''1.78? f
separatoii i r.iuur i(iih i. fines o. on voiluw ut (lt.
entirely I' the popul'.r cloctions i tko , "f" ,l0-' " Vu" "'"'Jyut Hc.f.n,
North, without wl.ieh wo noror coiiW 1'"'1'P'"""'"'' ''),c'l"rlc"',',,'ltl1
have permanent poaeo.
Me.siM. Wiido, iJoolittlo, ('ollamcr find
lirimci oi.posid the iiropoitioii with
Clearfield Markets.
i inn., icti wreiilV l.v i. Kill,?.. It
l l , , . '
islncss and ftlyilnv. Th.M ' 1 "" '""' ,u'1'1" ""'iin in lirocom.
.....' u I i:.l nl- ,v I',,tl,r " "1, I,,,.) r.f ll. i,no.,l s ibdit lion Illil'lo 1.1 i'rttsKUI'pil, juit pit... i".- " ,..i.t.i ....
vavo us from tho horrond of war" r.d i Vo believo Ihev of tho .No. 11. and ll.oy of tho election, wys
" blood cuiltiiiosi." and " J- remove IVom ,Soiilh mo nliko wiHin.J M "do iw they 'eapitids. w
,.l,nn,.uil C..N1.,.,i.h.of ni.ij.ion whirl, wool, 1 l.eJoi... U-"n..d tl.til if llioir lllci- '.'.raw1' M J'.nr,, J ( hMi-i'Uwr
would nnil uh lJ persoveie in wronp." j led mid eonrcnlittted voice could now l-o not this saying to vll other fanatics, o
i:.i?ine.ssol'all kiu-U is hinpuishinp ; Ihou-j heard mid understood, peace mid pool :nd do likowiso ; the .? n holy one;
aiuUftnd l.ui.Jro l.of th.r.i.iu U of h on-j will would prevail tlirouplmut thr land you l.ave nr mnpathics no-, and when
citpoor men and women nr-thrown outjwiihin twenty four hours. Hut, iilns, the j tko propoi timournves you shall bavoour
of omployniout, without a pros)o t for pf op,; cannot noiv bo heard. Toliticiai-.s, ; aid and proteo.l' n.
food or rainianl; and all tho busdnoss on- will, u "faio prido of opinion" are This is tho only fair.lopicnl oonstruct.on
Pfi-ieu of tl.o eonnlrv am eomi.b-telv and , !n i.olhiu i.e. on! Ihev .-,loni nrr lie.iiil i nt unon iili doclarations and doinon-
Uonelesih paralvzea. Vsr the lht fno!Time i Mo'eious. A 8'iuI,. false .step mav ! (rations by the Southern .eoplo. They ' ,VJ1S ,U40nced on tho satno day, and is ,,s election deeded tl.o .jiio.tion ; of .-h.vory in j K;,
... . . . r .1 : .i ni.ii,. ii r . M oil uoi -irt , aim, iiioienne, iney nan no, ,..,, .
in its history, in turn ol peace, our , a- at any time light tl.o torch of civil war- ai -o icopt. do of no other lntci pi ctMwn. i,,!h,v: 'eonrcdons to msko or od'.T. tliey man-1 l!r (.) " Treasury is bankrupt, and unable n,j (.,, l ,s ,,st l ' , , t i 1 approssion ih ' The .Southoi n people, therefore, cn:n-1 Movms. Towoll, IliinUv i" "1' -; j0riod wiiiviaiiiptioss In let 'in tho ' '!' r Pt-rtl .r. b.i.'li! '.
to nav the dailv U'-mundj unon it. hi i,,,.,,!,, n, ,. In,il m nn,.,,i,'.,i nclled to look uj.on t".e pooplo of the, Si.wftid, Tooinbf, Houjdas, 'ollamn-, Da- absence of Mr. Sow.n but s tiiey i-oii.Ut , lloiir, ,.p. rhio, "ri b il
places where the highest Mate, of prosper- ;on tho other, wo hhnll not despair, but 1 North us their deadliest foes ready and j vis, AVado, I'.i-lcr, Kice, 1'oolittlo
il v rrile.l n f,. iv months I'.'O. uadiiess IL.ul ! i:..., .. . ...... ..... 1 ,l...i.l. ,.. ... 1 1. : . '. ..ill in I n in t t heir throat n.ld (irimcs.
aj - ' - tnu ,'jiiiii uir iiujii- IH..I i p'j'n , ni--. , r ' I .ICCOU U
rlooin is now cen upon every han.l. Mir.u rv lYoYi r -omhraoiinr thirlv-lwo Imrn their propci ty. Js it any wonue. i jir. pans r.l;e.l to no exrusen on an
And what has canst d this j mi!ljn,S of tlit iioost and happiost souls tbeli, that ihcy feck a reparation from us?
change in our nation's prosperity? Wo';., tho world, will riseui. in their m.-iiclv ll'oes not .soil' pron'rviuion compo'. thnt to
nn, ll.e iii.l.'nu.ii t r,l' I he tieo. ile of t he l ... :.. ,, l ... I ...i ifc ' i ' 1 i.l imv innii make il II personal
1 ...-tj.."..".. .- i - . - 1:111,1 IIIIJI.l.iliU 111 111,11,.,, I llllll I, lll.ll 'I ' i" . . ... v ..... .
,, Ir , I'.IIOH
Tl.o Cti.iimilloo of thirteen called lor by ,,.,.i,
ll... .eo.lui;,.:. iilScnatoi' l'nu tl.I. of K'v.. ' ..i , ili.l. iJ... ..,. I in'llm lin . V1""."".' "r,d ''""'f"! l.T UitviU.
I " I . . " " I 1 uckirliont VI I'.i.
I i - nr i ii i
and niouktim in thunder tones that .1 l"S-
sixlcon 2ioii-i,l.ivohoklii)g States, as ex- j TICK and Kt'l'A l.ITV amonp all the
pressed by tho eloetiun of J.inooln, that : stnteis MUST and SHALL previtil.
" Mil Uovcnmu-nt ciniiut," in tho liiKguapu
of Mr. Lincoln himscl.'', " ,:U UnWe Cha!1 Fcrce be Uscd?
hafJ since.'' j I'ro'idont liuchaiian is jiut now H',o
It maylo that this, or ilself, was not , victim ofa fresh oulpourinp of the person..!
sufficient, any more than a nino plank h !a1iuc ol his cnomic. The choico' t llil
cnougli tul.yiid u ship ; but il is tho ' last ' Hnpnto if toowft ait I mild to vent ll.oii
fjather" hai broken tho c.uik'I's j spleen, and such epithets as, "traitor,"
IijipU i " .lot Mid, .U, ure Ironlv uceu : auu 1 or
V'Ut is there no lemexly ? Wo answer,
therein Inl one, Tho
ij.iestioii, and bring it homo to himself,
and he innsl oomo to the conclusion that
all our pt
esent di.lieilhios jiikI dunprrs are
ney, as a, " attempts to draw
North must either parallel between t Mo eoiuluet ol tlio
CWivinco the South that tho above is not I'lositloi.t respecting tho re-ir.forcoment !
afairinttrprelationof the verdiet of the,0' 'ho Foils at Chnrleston, and that of, ' 1 '
Ute cloelion, or else, that the North is l-ono-liet Arnold.
trilling to rceeje from Hint verdict. I 'I''1" wi. of tho heart that emi
Will either of those things bo done? 1 1'orpotrato sucn o'.itnip,-s upon our onun
Sycn weeks have now elapsed, and not
a, singi'j word has coma from tho Presi
dent elect hence tho South is compelled
ta understand him .n still aikcrvw to his
slanderers, not only of their country, but
the legitimate consoijuvtox s of tho avowed
and threatened apples. ions of tho bepuh
livan parly upon the institutions of the
1 This ii honchtly confessed by some ol
them ; but by the great body of litem it is
either denied, or their nets of wrong boldly
ptirsistrd in und justified. Under bucIi
formerly oprcsied opinion tl.nt this gov
eminent cinnat ejeist " halfslnvo t;nd
half froo," and as it is well known hoi
j circumstances, car. there bo any hope ofa
ustnioni ? Can our Southei n broil.
i on be expected tostrike bands again with
'us of the North, and took upon us as ol
I the same household, as long a wetland
-Huiviotod before tho ld as the ennon
i.ers of their murderers? Can they con-
try lor it is iot Mr. -ho suf
fers ' rom such 'dtat ks is withnut a pro- n lo.'in .villi n nnrl( nf
i, , . . ., , :us, nhilst wo niv protlKitiiiiig our tig
i?ni iM old do . Ilievnre I inilois nml
out their tl.roals und steal their propern
sent to live in tcrr.ts of fellowfhiji with
hi to
ol humanity.
All this virulence is heaped upon the
opposed lo sl.n-ory hianelf, his silence is j President beo.uso ho having a better
. ........ .
to bo intorpretetl a in favor of the t olal
extinguishment of the institution of via
No alternaliyo, therefore, U left to tho
South. The abolition cf tiavery would
ue their ruin and they prefnr not to bo
ruined, and believe that in secession is
their only hope.
Nor has the Ke.puUican parly as a par.
ty taken a single step, in any quarter,
giving the slipi.test hope of un adjustment.
Un the contrary, instances ato not want-
knowioiiiie ol l lie circumstances "
either until declines to prccinilato a collis-
ion with South Carolina by reinforcing the l'"',lioa" I",,'.v
mililTi v l,i',,,iliinl ... Cli'ii'ln.'.,,, ''"''( '''
Wo have but little hop? of averting a
eollbion. Wo believe a collision will take
plnoo, and that before many days. Hut
we are niite sure, and e -cry man with an
ouueo of reason must agree w ith us, that,
had an increased force been sent to Fort
Moultrie, it would have been oonsid. red a
menace, cr an act ol coercion, and a coK
j Can we hope for a. " Union of heart and
ja Union of hands," as long as wo insult
ingly proclaim them to bo "harbarians?"
I'.oforo this can be expected, wo must
., .1 , i.i i un nii , ii , ol' 1 , i s i ni ml i ri.l n en
j the commit tec declined (o defer action on ,,.., .. .' "'."i.,"
of his absence. I i.,,. " ',.
Messrs. I), ivi. Toonib) and Hunter dis ! r,..., -,i ,i.., .
count of the position in which kis State cursed tho pre-o;it unliapj.y condition ol H.-iins 'f) Ii...
idond. and be was excused. 'the cuilit.y -vith unsurpassed ability, and ' S"H Snrk, . . . . .
If this cominitleo, in .o-.njuneti. n ivitl.i wl'iUt '"''"'!V'-li;.p a willingness lo accept j f;'P' '(-
. ., ... ..' . anv mensiiro ol dual it which ' - , '.'.,'
a smular committee of I h n ty-t hrcc, here-. w;nM (OTr( , UvWt in ,)lC Vniot I I'"";". bn. nd mcN
loforo appointed in tho House, a.o unnldo insi.,tol propositions must come from j , 11 r' '
io ih'vise n j'lan for Uio ro-adjustmoiit of Hie dominant party, the republicans.
our National dilf.eultics, we may us wcl
'hang cm harps upon the willows" and
the demagogues- and fanatics, in both sec
tions of the country, who have brought ti
to thin feat sla'.c of thing, will have a
terrible rconing w it It tha fiieiids of l:u
inanity cverywhers.
Tho folhning do-pat.'h, hi.:h vo cu
fioin tho l'hibdlphia pnoers ol the U,-Jd
instuut, ei.'utains about tho only Minsk ino
wo have f;om the South :
Tut Si:.;.itk Sii.i' T Com mittkk Si.w env
Jho votti on .Ur. i. ii l louden s
I ion whs mi follow i-:
For tho i.ropodtinn, Messrs.
. i nioiii.en, I'oupias, itico ami l oweii .
Acainst it Mes-rs. Divis, I'.olitllo,
Ci'llaiiier, Wade, Toonibn, l.iimes and
Hunter . .
Mesrs. Hunter, Toomos and Pavis, nev
eitheL'.s, intimated an liicliu.iiiou to go
for it if ihe h' pul,!ie ms would i.o.o,e
i. il nou fai'di.
The second proposition submitted by i
.M r. i it I end. 'ii, den v nig tho right of Con -
In I.un ron. p tonntliii,. on tl,c i.iiUm.'
,,. , Siiur, wilt- of Miltm MclliiJo: nerd U.
K'glor, 'nn1 ? nn,b,
fnn, Pec. 1. I ho Senate Select omiii'l
too on llu. Ctbis met tn-tlay, and had a
free inteichango of opinions, tl jriug which
Mr. Houglas said he was ready now to
unite in recommending such amendment
to Ihe Constitution as w ill take Ihe slavery
lucstion out of Congress. In view of Ihe
dangers which threaten Iho KopuJdic n ilh
disunion, revolution, and t-i vi' w. r, lie'jonty
was nri-nareit lo art unon tho. matters inl otitis
IifM-pft, (l.uu linfl hft n,
Hrc ll.v lies wo i',ly foci ;
Ht't 'ti? ivl tlint lis." brrft n.--
I f e ran !l our s-rions heal.
Vi'l. IK.'iin, no Ik.j c to DKPt tllfP,
When il.e ilny el 'if' ling (n
Then in Jlenvrn. .villi jy m grcl llitl
Ulire in. fni-i'Hell tear in iinl.
3J"Ci-i.iri oou.iiy ,,crs 'hiii-o cujr.
In HM-cnris tonllip, on (lie fill of Cr,
. .. . . . . . iI.-,..ll..-J.r.TI
press to abolish slavery in I ho dockyard j .iji
and aron(s, was voled against by Messrs. 1" Hen in in twndiii, on the Illli im
Coilamer, Doolitlle, ii imos antl Wai j, H.i.nxam. v ifu t,f Joliu l lllon ; nt an aJtii
The remainder of the Committee voted j""0'
lor the ),roiiosi.ion, but as ii bad not a In Ilorcnria tnwnsl.ip, on lln ?Nt intnt,
majority ol ttie ix-p-. :iiiean, it was tleleat- '.roi.ui: l'; ngc.l ..bout 'i tan.
ed under the j ulos a loplcd by (he com
mittce. that no pioposa ion should be con
sidered adopted recommended to the
Senate which did not receive a majority
of Iho b'.'pul l oan vote.-., and nlso a hi;
of I li"! c , ppo.-cd io the republi-
eonli ovcrsy wit hunt any regard to his pre
vious action, and as if ho had revet- made
h speech or given a vote upon tho subject.
Senator Higler, who is on the Com:nit-
IVnnnMifi never if it is left tee, lias Leon lor softie .lavs m.iturinp a
crs. If
purge otineh o.'.of these wrongs. Tho I!e-
(v nlono can do lhi. H
I.l t 11 . t 1
1 1 MM .'llllftll Innr t. I'l till' 1 illkt Tl II 1 li--.ll ll;tl
ingin which they boldly and defiantly ' li?'ion must I,ave 1'cen the result. Andjis cut sl.o.t by tho journal
Jone at all, the I'liol'Li: must doit
they longer hesitate?
Lincoln s Views.
All attempts heretofore made to got a
correct opinion from Mr. Lincoln upor
thfl&tarory 'iiostion, have proved abortive.
Whenever a call is made, the inquirer
id leaders
persist in their nirgressions, and within !" 0 RW i"".v sure, n inero is any
a very fen- days, witness the icfusal of l'0'!'''' w-ay of preventing a collision, and
the Vermont, by a very largo ! llms 1:f(,l'"' ''io dooro,o'i for a ro-ad-vote,
to rfped their laws nullifying ulft insimont r iho dillieulties bel.veen the
FugiUvo slave law; and also tho olo in j NoiUl 1M"1 llie SmlI, tonciliatory
Congress the oilier day rejecting the reso- coin kC of l'10 rrw'cnt .'. ihe mlr ;.,t.
lution declaring slaves "properly," within j jg pirst Act.
tho meaning of the Constitution, And, The first sion in the Drama ol tho sec-
with here and lliero nil exception, the on,l American Involution was pel formed 1 under a just Cod, r.oocf In,,;, retain i'."
whole Kepubliean press is as high-toned , ; ,l0 Hnllof l!ic llouso oNicpreseiitaiives This is an extract from a letter Mr. Lin
and defiant now ai it it as before the elec-!.,t Washington, nt 4 o'clock on tho Oll. ! coin addressed to the h'opuUieans ol
tion. it is Irue.omc ol them Uo tlk j insl.-mt.
of concessions. Hut the concessions they I The vole ooco-sion in (lie South C'nro
oflcr to make nro coupled with condi-,; n!l stale ''onvenliot. was announced by
tions which they know arc utterly im-, tdeprnph lo her d. lepntir n in Congro!.?.
practicable. Ti ke, lor instance, he terms I H ,)roduced. as mieht be exno. led. in-
of parly, by referring to his public
speeches and letters.
Wo have at length received ono of Uis
last letters, in which l.o defines himself
rather clearly, as follows :
" This is a world of compensations, ; n4
ho who would be no slave tnust consent to
have 7.0 tui e. Those who deny freedom to
others. Jo nut ilcacnx it for thews, lees, and,
JSoston, in answer to nn imitation to
The third clause, denying to Congress
tho right to abolish slavery in the District
of CoLiinhia, was defeated by the si.nio
voto, tho republicans all voting against it,
.intl the icmaiuder of the committee for
The fourth r'auso, cstid'lishing the
right of traiisif, was defeated by tho same
The fifth, which is intended to perfect
the Fugitive Slave hiw, by re poring Il.e
several States to pay for fugitives who
mij'ht lerenu. tl Inun thoohcers of tho
law, ws lost by the atno voto, tho repub
licans all votiu; in Iho uogutivc.
Many oihcr plopolt.c'ns were ollered
bo removed altogether fioii '.'ongr..-ional
control, ll meets with the approbation
of distinguished g"ntlonie;i.
' Free Homes and Free tabor. "
Tho " IiepublicMii " leaders promised
tho peoplo " free labor " as one of th" re
sults of their success, and Ibov are giviin;
it to them with a vengeance. Labor is so ''"' v dtd upon, but .10:10 of leading i.n
"I'rco" that it can bo had for ltam-e-none that would meet the great
,. , . . , , I exigencies cl 1. 10 tunes,
nothing. It .s getting dow n lo the stsr.. Mr. Puvin M.l.mille.l n re.oIulion ex
vation point. As ..n instance of the v;.y j pic-hsly levognmng properly i:i slaves, but
people who voted for Lincoln are waking j no vote w;,s taken 011 it.
up to tl.o teriible realities of driving our , .lr Toombs submitted a series of reso
1 ,. bilious embracing subsdanttallv the t'lin-
custo.ners Irom us, wo ci'.e tho following: ( .. (f ,,,,, HI.l.rkill.i,,,., ph.tfonn, but
A gontlemon of our acquaintaiico met .1 , (inal action was ndt (aken on them.
mechanic who had voted for Lincoln
" Well," raid he, "how goe the times?"
" Ah," said the mechanic, "bad enough,
I am out ol work. Nothing to do and no!
Tho committee adjDuri.ed to meet
ten this looming.
ThfcDeatliof a State.
The following solemn and Mriking pas-
prospect of any." "Well why did you gils,j ,n:iy leof ,lb0 j u timj ,vllc,n BQ
upon which our neighbor, tho Clearfield
Journal, olleis to negotiate:
"The freemen of the North, whilst they
ora ready to extend all just and constii a-
lional guarantees to tho people of the . , ... - ..
South, should reoniro the enactment and ,U01V Wl",(mnv "onl l"e ""- fivmj? n
enforcement of such laws bv the Southei 11 1 ,m!l1 In'-'c-wcl I to their nssociates, winch
n.rticirnto in the celebration of .left or- vote for Lincoln? " " J'.ecauso I believed , nuy think lishlly and fneak wantonlv
on' l irlbday, on tho l lth of Al'til bist.what they told mo, that it would do no f the political convulsions, tho dying ng
We understand that this letter has been ! harm to the country; but if I had nv onies, as they niny prove to bo, ofa groat
extensively circulated at the Soulh, which j vote to give over again, I would cut rny j nntion. D. is an address by ono of Ihe
the people there receive as the worst kind band ofl befoic I would do it." " So you most illustrious scholars of tho country,
the House, and for a Ion? time confused ! of political heresy. In it bo attacks every 1 "gi to see your lolly, saui our iriond. Dr. Taylor Lewis, of Lnion College.-
- .ee 11 . replied 1110 mecnanic, 'jiuci ly, 1 Kipves.i.
" I wish lo God I could fovl that my vife " Tho Stale. ' savs the crc-i nhiloso-
tonso excitement among the members of
tho proceedinu's. .Southern sentiment, and even tho Deity
The South Carolina delegation imniodi-; himself.
Wo have, carelully reviewed Mr. Lin
States as will protect our "citizens when .seemed more like a departure of old 1 at the fame conclusion.! that Mr. Greeley P! !
traveling through, or trammeling business
in moso stales; ilio lepcnl ol nil laws
preventing Iho circulation nf Norlhern
friends than that ofporions bound on a and Mr. Giddings have: that ho has been
mission of, perhaps, a bloody
?m7 little ones would It as v eil cnrc'l fi.r thit '.her of, 'undergoes no natural
i'. liiUI record and havo arrived ''-inter as the iSouthcrn shive and Iuovhl be hap- death ; that is, no tleatli 111 ilio ordinary
coins political recoiii, aim nao aimc , j coimo of nature, like a man; but when
taken nwav, is utterly extinguished and
1 1 .... .1 . 1 . .. . ' : r ... .1,1 , I
Such is tho soriowful picluro now just ( blotted out. ltignsifa wnrldhnd 1
newspaper, or any others ralcnlattd to rMi,J' mo Great Gcvernor Ol u
lnterleie ith tho rights cf tho citi.cnsof s-tva our land and intion froi:
the 2 ilh ; anda guarantee lhat lull free- e:dtimitv
ilnm r,l' . 1 .r.i.,1. n...l nl' II.. .. . I 11.
vvm. ... tuivi ui tiiu press Minn nere- -
after be allowed in all the Slaveholdnn. Cknu s or thk Uxntu States. Tho Xu
devolution.' and will continue to be so hereafter, an , beginning lo loom up before us. Tl.o' ished -simile esUic ti omnis bio mundus
. , 1 V ' Co . j hard times h vo i ot yet fairly began to' intorcat ct coiurnlat. liven the external
.0 ln:vc.?e ultra Kepullicart. .Ji,h The workin- closes havo n0. iTcrni Bono; there is no longer anything
111 this awful Wo believe, However, tl.i.t tho prcser.'. rl'K"- J1,c "Oikmg classes hato not((o (k,f.o it.i0Utwftrd or int(1a, i,,",,,,,,!
statoofthings will compel Mr. Lincoln to I'en long enough out of cnii,?ymeUt 19 .,,,, Us pc01,,0 in Ulat ca?c uo no
States of the Union."
"Heads, I win ; tails, you lose," truly.
Our neighbor very candidly admit3 that
the North lias something to concede. But
in making these concessions tho South is
to concede a gjod deal more than she
now'compkiius of. If, sajs tho Journal,
tho South w ill gukiantec us "full freedom
of apcech and of tho press," in order that
wo may go dow n their md preach and
publish our Abolition doctrines among
their tJavcs, and stir them up lo cut their
master's ih.-oals, wo will kindly repeal
our laws nullifying tho Constitulio 1. In
other words, those Republican organs (for
the Journal it, not the only 0110) ofl'or lo
repeal their obnoxious laws, only on con
dition that the South w ill permit them to
movB the head quarter of Abolitionism
- - .... , . 1 1 , . 1 1 .
chaivohis nalurid comse, and fall back, oinsume u.e.r scniy sums .mvcu up, mu longer icnoiv-eiu?on or even citizens o! of WisMi-.ton says the ' ' receive bis future support from fuc!. in lour or i.vo week, these w ill be gone, .") ung. inc-y are mere men and
t Jiihlltjciien, ol as, .11 glon, says 1110 , " , women, with no other re at on than 1 ...t
population of tho United States, as indi- men as , orwm ptm ,,eron " o, " ' rT -, " ' ,0f mere contiguity. Its territorial limits
catod by full returns of tho census ro- meiino 10 tn.nK 1110 ires.oeiu eieci tviu b'"".) ; vanish or rcmair. only a eu.Iosing a pos
ceived at Wadiington is ."1 000000 mi treat tirceioy it. iq. in ino same way inr.i tt" "v "'" ...... ..v,e.t. ...i , iiucih va.:uuir, turrounaeu i.y other states.
increaso s.nce the census of 'lS.jO of up-IH'cy treated their party in 1832" spit ' eitruCtion of .ho white men. They will A political death comes over what before
wnnls of 7 '100.000 nersons. The new ratio 1 unon" them. , mark those who havo sung of negro free
of representation in the llouic of Kepro
sentativos, rendered necessary by this in
creaso of pupulatiou, will be about ono
member to every 133,0 0 inhabitants.
Ei'Hoi-eaS. Thostoamship City of Man
chester tvas intercepted off Cape Race, on
Saturday morning, mid European advices
obtained to the i.'ith. Tha political newt
is unimportant. The Londow Times cen
huioi the altitude of South CKi-olina in (he
v n nut u. sui iai ino, uuii sociciy Is tlcOi.j
Wo ,vo.,l,l ,b.,llvnoin.n,. rn,l.. dom only to destroy the white man's lib,' 7'""" " ' "V1 uu"' l-le"ls' m o. B. Mm.:t.
- d i ' , - hv oonrr a iionv, vui a HI AS
something nioro than Abolition sonti- cr,' to earn bread for Ins starving family, trwnt and ferment;,,, ate,,,,.
ments in tho life and caret r of Mr. Lin- nnd when they sec all the terrible c nso- "At whose command shall these frag
coin; but for this wo have no warrant. 'i,lcllCflS c'r ,,(,f'0 equality, the result ments again (one together? Who, by
In Liiivrenro towi.thiji, en tho 20th 'Wi
or flipilirr.ii, .,.ti:viiART, soroflrut
Matilda Tliuinpfon, agj.l alnnit 4 yesrj.
In bullifrsburj, on tlii. HI. ii'i!firt. I)r.Jj
Ii.)' i.i vt. of D.iiokvillo ,- rgcl nlnut id ju
In M'Trif toivii'liip. nn lliu "Oih in.'Un:
.lipll.oria, AunAHAW Jvlii ii.t'iv , nrcJ -'2
J O II 0 I) K LI.7
Located nt A. II. fihtvr's MHs, W mill I
of' Clearfield borcvjl,
r.efpiTlfully infnrm the citir.eui of Clrt'
and r.tlj. .'niltij rt.nnticr, llml he is nt ill ,:s
nirnarod In lui.nufnct.irc, nt Ihe rlmi left P
Hair, Husk, und Si(ranr MaMr.-ri of
Kinds i.11,1 sizes, otic of ninth ! a J'oMiti;
tress, niilahlo fr CAIUNS UN" RArTS,'
can he fnl, lr,l in s ma 11 coin n', ni.J tuipltri
refillc, 1 nt pli'iinire ; unA nr. ihrnp. Ilf
Minis rmringrs, nmki-ii n-pniif to .ill k'1
Cnrringe Trii iminj; nr. ii T'l'liolftory, nnJ t
I'urits for Mason a Trnting bine.--, of ntiTt;
lies or l.-iigth.
ri. C'iiiintiy Proiluoe, Corn Huskf, W in Kiiluinso fur Muili,
JT-fl'AII orilcrs left with nnv of the Mttf
of t'leai fiebt borough mil l, pitiinptl.v "''
DRUG cj- V A 111 El
The uiulersiencl will l.ava conslnnlly "
a woj nelectfil stuck of Drugs, Cb f'niculi.
StiiDTs, 0i!, Tuints. and Scqri, ft
nry, Perfumery, J!rl,rn. und Fnnry
waicb ho will .lifHi uf chenn for rnsh.
He invitoj the public to call au-l rxnicir
slock cf cooiU before uurcUasiuir cl;olnr-
Country I'hysicinnj funiished with N
Medicines, and Surgical instruments t AM
rrmenalilo ntt.'s. J. 0. IIAr.7'"1''
llcnrlielil, I'm., Dec. 2fi, I860.
orsjpilK following nnmed persons liare Wh
his -Lthe Office of the Clerk of the f"r'.
yiiurter Sessions of Clearfield counlr, tfi"
litioni for birciisc. nt the January peuioi
ftgrecahle to the Act t,f Assembly of Mud1;'
ison, entitle. I "An uci to regulate tbl m'c
toxicoting Liquors," it.
I'ranson Vnris, Lumber CiV
H. J. Hnynes, Kartbaul tf
eo. X. Colehttrn, Clearfield V
lame;. Rlooni, sen., llloom tp. '
A. I. Oc.ii'ti,- Lnwrcne'1
Joiieph Tj. Curl., Lumber Cf;
;.IliRCAMlLli LICFtl.x
mass roass nf jvi- 1 1'. T. Hi-eiirlv. Covingto'.
Jos. L. Jlrenuer, .Morrn.."15
Dee. 2,1th. Clt-rk H
. . . -,, , , .. ... nnv uuim-eni. iiii.nif.i L....i.
Wt.ul.voi. mntnM-nl Mi, ,i.. ....... IV SIlftKO llOrlllOI'll SOrlClV n III V nmr . . . i I i nuiuiii .
" ' ,. 1 " " " r , ,- .- ireitho into them (he breath of li!o?i A.,r Administruiun hivl. ir been tW
i.,l. In 1, n. ,- tuM-A .nn ...I..H. fouiltlation. Jlosai-K. b'ponl.lieniw i , . . ii .. , .. 1 . ' '" A.innniMr.iuon i.a.n.g
speculation. He is bound to deceive worry yourselves about the South. Rev- wm.
Greeley 1 Co., who elected him, or Hales olution is at your own door. Actieonf c"!l 'fctm'MM Me Unu: and manner ri't r'-T-' 1'
tl Co., who ulono are fit to conduct tho -vou know, wag devoured by his on dogs. r' .-- jpayii
Day Jlotk.
I . I M T It A TO H M N ill 1 1 : li-
cede to h.m mo mere conjecture and ,oua,,- l.epubl.cans, dent From thi, vallru of dry W r .SW nicd to the i.ndommed "on thee":
iff. f it o,ne future time arUc; but God alone t'KOftfiE DILLON, Into of liee.nili) tr-' 1
comity, decease.!, all ptiiiini uu'"'
. .. . ... M.L. i m IT5
.... ..m.nt A l.n.A l.n.;n ..L.itna atrSIO1
...A -wilt, .I.ili. .. 1 1. nt
eettlement. JOHN WKLO, Jr., AH
Heccana tp., llec. 21, ISAO.
and 8hoei. A Isrccr stock J
prices thsn ever, at Irnni ''hear0-'
urwensville, May 16, 'OD-
Amalgamation A i.olieoman of Cleve.
lnd informs tho editor of tho 1'laindcaler,
position she has taken toward the Fed-! I'riv e Am i;eis uiidshipmaii, will visit fcJjrT. H. Forcco has been appoinlcd of tllat cily' ,hfvt hc I,crs0:lly knows of Bec"
lZrni' 1U iaU I0'-:1:-;,-i---l--.-'y rostmailer at Grahamton, in p.ace of iKK SS BS
um..iance.i. (tieJit)e.ii. Jauics D. Graham, reiigned. Cleveland. , Curw