HMItnllUSMI &Ijc (fltarficlb Republican LATE8T FROM WASHINGTON. calami - " 'move our netu'ararit! Jmpcndin .t A f FN HITCH A N A X .. . .. . i.... ..... I Wo begin to lear Hii c V"10 " ,J I I Vjmuwgiox, December 1 1, J WO. cd when longceskionm action iMt, Clearfield Markets. 'Auditor's Notices. ' V, xccutioti. and t'u be sold ui the pn.j-.Tty ..f John K. Shaw. , . , , TN tit Common Tien of Cl arfind ? Aim a cerium tract or limit siiuute in x,. . kicster, iiMif, v. w count. n 11,. ... .Muurr. I . .-I I.I.. 1 n Lt...n A I vurrcnvu - - - iu. "" .. i.. ...L.Ir.- I .... .... .1. ill nu.. f t ; Wholesale, and itetail Dealers in t.ructrle, no,- M;, tmusliip, Ucarlleiu, .... v ,. mvion. v. ..... ....... , .,. jnucau,, , Inj l: tiercl. bounded by Innu " "0,' "" wrrsi r.ppoiniim nmi 1.. uismmne U10 ,, vision, ami tlonrrnl Dry Coods. Z: Zo secession of A.a- The PriM the Resent Troub j n.?.h-t y r , . . , . , liani. Jlississippi Knu Uexiruiftt nnd cau.scl v - le Itt MMat , jt, - .1.- 1 it-A moii tii theso Btaiet 10 . I from lus tisuium v. Clririicld, la., December , IHUO: atyVo intend to publish tho Speech of Keuator Itighir, delivered in this Senate iijkmi the present issues of the day; h.iv ir.g revived id too(,lale for t Lis issue. A Smiiiiy , J'iietexi. Tiro liepubiioftn pi f err condemned "rye-very 510 (riot lis tlio reid authors oftheirmptTi'linguestruo tioti of our-linjiypy -country Hire just now ntietu,pting throw 1h tc ."ponsibiltty vjion fiie Denioctats. And how, reader .lo you suppose t lie y iindeit.Vko this? Why, they tny Ihut tlie iH-mocvnta hwvie misrepresented t):em to the South.! bave charged them ns lining A-befrit-iflrrists! in thort, that tire t'emomsl-s-hrtve toll thim Corn Oar.)" Clover wed per, bu-li. . , Floor, Sup. t in, Y b !. " Exlm " . Fnm. f't. .1 it .......vl,1itii nnv'l.iltl'1 uim uiey m o , ,.,...,...1.,.,f mlv..-.u.., , . . . wo hope the labilities with loth extreme time iusi - " Y. , . . in, it Cnnrt. for tlie rort ."COlt wsinii.l...,. icetioni will Uolll UOOJllnuin.,..m v. v 4i.;.i I T. , . may reOeVt more fully Wore! they- a.lopt tbo In conversion nun a in.N ... . . ',. o-..,.. V',.m;.. 'i1.. !.,H!cor in Kansan, ho cave u A luMory oj jHMioy 01 m.vvv. . .yt-,t " F. ... .... 1 . ;.. ir.ina, r ho Ixdipved. cotne , it : yi i uiivo ... -i j.uui-i. ,n, will both bo .0. and Mt, and .U.S. Court tor im ton .-co.. . Sait V Hek. . speedily mult in .nti.laetory and indictment, were found afrimst thirty Hop, n,. . . r(uni; ihreoof Montiiomery f men forhorao Men-,""; . safe settlement of the question Xkx s. f!ov. Houston, of Texan 1 fin op posed secession, nnd tin "crippled it in overy way, refusing to call the Legislature together, or awist in any way that . might terd towards .the nuveinent. This, how ever, he m unable to do any linger. Tho citizens of every comity jn ihe .tate ni'miptitioinh'' Liin liv tlie nunorcun to . u - call a bunion ling.. It appear that a citizen of Hoiitn.. em Knnsni, (vie omit nil names",) had been nolioited ty iv cousin, who is a member of iho band, to becomo un activo member, promicing to him that ho should be Seo retnry, w ilh a salary and a hara in the nrotiU of tho concern. lto developed to him tho whole .plan f oivani- of rlw ILefcislatwre, to pro- litiou, and laid befoto iiim ft full history ISncoli, liahii mt (idtf, tt lirnt per. lueb. 0.00 ecu :o i i.r.o 3.CJ ! ii2 (MID 1 10 Vr.a r-' Irirlnc of tlie licrrp niipo'iiliuciit. f ... ! 1 0 cue tiiiiii'i 01 i fume ! bit (,(T1C, '. . " Krlm.. ninl other.-", rtll i.i.niii.' i-retlilor . " i.nno r.nciuiin ....... - , ----- . . . . .-. . 1,U W Ml..e leg Ufh, una ul ny msre- ctri,ri. i:ir m '. '. DO property of Abrl.ra nrrfn. ;' -' ! ! o Vtf jf HfiirfleM, the JtU, d.y j,J Alio dolctlttint it inirmi in 11 inii.i nrj, .. m 4 i.ctofl,ndfitVlnrirmttr"WlMp,trr-.irl,.1nrwrrn. mi pcwoni. inwwnM m,T , tcld co.t"r, yM e4U,l ft4; Vn4 i tlty j-mpcr. X. J. MTtUerc", 1. xfcmeim: - n MARRIED. 1- r. mi l.'. .iiTr innth t flfyr. nr't Itr.;rl topoM,''''y Jf" 'Irlffhr Itrvry ri rili 4o drj. ttokI ICO to p nee ; IrcinnltiK, rrrminiri,' SI 6 ncrci more nr t.c'.liS llio imrltiwoft .. in 4tio j.ihuo i.r.Ma. tMs r.irton. witli Uut ati-rcs cK-arcil. unci , J. In-tif-r or J lot; l.urn ereoK) 1 thc ronn. beicil tnken in CKociiliou, nnd to bo ioMi tlie proper-a- . c cn.. vn.ii , W AUn.n certain tract of land ..htinle iti i.t 10 oVIock, A. M..ofiad.iy ho,M I .1-1 Jl r..ll... .1.. ... lh. nnrlh btf tLo niu.l I if pflipVf. I. J. JI '.I M.'AOll, Atultiw. urn lumiu....... ......... . - - . ..... . Frourhr ill I " I i'"v,M"'' ' " I 111c dmun ii ' nimin m jtr, lff.,j I On motion of II. 1. bwoopf, tq , T. J.JJW loiigli win ni'poliitcl Auditor to distribute tU imm-y rUiig froi m'c f lUul Krtiita, tlio Loir. Tkii Cii. 1 Jly rirtur vf lrc r,.rv njipointnitnt, I iH "l"iid to tlio dntii'S Of tho uino, :it my oBc, (, . Cli'urlicl'l mi Weilueaduy llio 9Ui dr df JanUn iwi ... in .. ...!.. a T ,.r...;,i l " On the 1.1tk insljllt. by the JleV. J. 51.', lending from t'lerftl.l to Frourhr iilf 1 01. I lu I I W t . l . . . f .. . 1 . 1 . . . 1 . 1... I... la .. r,., ni.t, Pikinll il't uia.v, mt. JO..N a. ittf.i. to -uis. 1 iii-;outu can am. r -""""v; ; , -rv mxltrr ,u!fl r..,. , , 1, na to lio Hid as th.l A K" J'TiNmi. r. . Mlllor prty1 h 4. (tf allov l,-!n. nrntlfni) II 1 SoUcif, tiikt o i e.trCUtlllU, In TTuion 'toimrliiu. on Ihe Cth inslunt, I ,ropfr of Rnpud A Tibrouf. V I... , i, - I. - ..iil Ipuintnipnt ofT. 3, M'Calfwiftb AmlUAfftoiit liaU A liuiwut. 1 1 . 1 , . ' " -"Mi. by D. Dresaler, Ji , Mr. John II. t'Lomit ; Also 'l.tfusdiv.dcd one font th part 1 n 1 , mo lnnr,-rr,..nj,r.m .to .3Uf Vv, forTiy of . l,.trt of John Tt f two ccrti.ln tri.,-.. o , m'-ri ohhe Uvf tfaU&Jltm FOioniiuiu --. j ..!.. ... ...u ..;. I , Moutijoinury, Jetini "... . .. . -r.i...:.. .: . f... ,...i..n It u be LtitiOt!MJlO tu ura.uuu IMH U Fit ofTj. -'.v.t 1 1 I 111 'f,w. n.U.. miv Jo.u.or. son 'd olhw were the principal ottcen, ,.. - . . ; , ., I . I r -una lurco uruiuciavv uic uuiuc 01 ur CtomiTTi.E r TlTIHTY TllltCE. Til hi Coiiiuiiltcu is imlustrionsly at work. A41 eves ma turned i.l that direction, thoJgu bes, were tlio " experts," or tho men who did tho major pai l of tlio horo stealing. Jt win also disclosed to hiiu where the 1 101.1 ... nn,J rosultfrnm: W1W Vn.. Poor fcllov, how wo jnty them 1 . ... .1 i. ,1. ,..,, n;i j'laco of rendezvous vu? in Iowa. . 1 in u wall Illinium 111 n mm m. - lrucly, tuey must bo haru run wucn re noi't to such shabby pretexts arc necessa ry. How much more manly, and brave, and patriotic would it be for them to l.j htmt), and come out openly and aeknowl" cdjro vhut thtf .fttrfo 1rU ikon it true that, in-order to get the evta of tlvo Abolitinh in!, in order that they might obtain jus K'ssiou of thei-'Jl('8h puti," lul to u.-t th: fart qf A'MMmtitb. This would bo much more honorable. tJiitn .te 'tiiso Die cry of "stop thief ;" wiJ if thwwnild aild to their confossion that, having now ob tained these ' flesh pot," lliey will give their lato Abolition friends the cold shoul der Alier obtaining theJiicessary in format ion uueedily evince a willingness to giv ftJ J i- liinuil gKKiant')e of the Const. tutRmul rights of the Sculh, (ieorgia, South Caro lina, Ahibaia, Miaiiisippi and Tlorida, will be out ofit';o Tnion before the Ith of March, next, and that Arkansas, f.ouisi uriiau I Tex;t, would follow immediately. 1 Senator Crittenden, of Ky., alleges that liftho i!ulf r(K(cs ecerle, all the border 1 Statei w-rM iunliiittedh- fvilaw.. Thia is I inovit.ih h. Kx-(!ov. Thomas, of Md late Tomtnis- ; utnni if P:ititi!s t-.n.!i runfirnicd as return to boncsland pattiotio habits, -.. .,.... : ,n,.n nrM, wo have Jio doubt tlio South will gladly;' ,, . , r. -e- .... : .... 1 . ,, , ... , . ' Cobb, vestgno I. Mr. lrosott, Atsittant urgivo 1110 pasi ana taue luetu agam to , ,. their.coufidcnee. the unfair manner , !. - V.'Am .iinl'A'.npnt t lllli ... ....... tins man went betoro lie (iratld Jury, far goes to slioiv, tlia!, unR -iue iNoru - . ana UJiou Ills lusiiiuuiiy uiu uiucii'iii, ji.ii- lies, thirty-three in number, wero indict ed, -and among them the brothct Forbes., lu pursuance -wf iiifaruiatiou obtained through his testimony, an ottiecr was dis patched to Iowa, and succeeded in locov ering several horses and arresting two of the gang. They were takon to Paola, nnd upon being confronted by some U, S. ollicets made, full confession, in all res peels .confirming tho testimony given be lore tit 3 Grand Jury. Write r.mre ul-oncc issued for the brot hers IVorben, nnd an of ficer entrusted 'villi the orrott. Ity tome means, however, the parties got iuforma Hriul-y tonjislkip. Wn Iho 13th by tin; unrine, Mr. Unm Su.vntu, ofl'.rady townrhip, to Misi. tiikr J.AiioiiUK, of Union township. On IheOth instant, by S. T. WUnon, q.. 5Ir. Soijomon Ci fi.Eii to Miss, Hawaii tnit.vtiAM, both of Bradford ion'uship. land, confiiiuini' fa ,.ut!ii'M. oho furvoycd on 1 lironluuii. n warrant Jutcd ... . . , . Min-l in-onier mrvejen m nr, . . . ,,. ...un,i u ... .; t.m,Ki,M .nry. . .- - . ,s,.0 T" J. M't'l'LLOI'dll. At,- vl ' J, ----- ' . -, . . 1 2JS"fiu w&ZZw 10 o'clock A.Jl jKTiuna intrrtr Jlflu blicrtistmnifs. ADRI CULTURAL MEETING. riMII. annal niPFtin of the Clvarfiolil county 1 Arii' .Society, will le held in Iho M. Clmrch In the WomiikIi f Clearllclil. nn H'ed nreinix- nurcluiroil liy Jobn T ircurt, with Solo- . w. . .1. 1.- ...I t V.n.l ll.tnln In i ii- 11... 1 .... 1 .....j n t.. . 1 duccnseil. cn motion of l. J. Irnnr, i.i in Hiiiu 001UK..0 "... - u...-.,- Willi.iin M. M'ful loncll. wn- minallileil An 111.. nu s 1 on heUI. .uei , tukon in cxecuuon, nnu : . , . ',r , , . . . 1.. ...1.1 . !. nr. u.,v.f J.J. T,,-rr. . Jinbate ii.onry m tho- linnds of .rh.ti,l wr c " " V. r: ' 'rT V "IV... 1 . 'M'Xiiiit Ailin nlsiMtor, PER. fit Also, n cerium Lri.c of l.rnd f .1 .ate in , ((f t,ie .,, . J. .-, , - -intteini 10.110 tiniioa tnerpoi 1.11 me uin a. oi, tho norfl. I.y A. S ontf - l-.'tir on tlio " i .,.,. , ,1,0 oltire of M'CiiII.nBli i B If "l .f"1"0'1 u,v"' " ,fc,e ' ",0r in C-l.u.tlV.1.1. nt 1 .dock P. M. ..f snijibv. lb,,' T-.rlo anrtil.ike, nnd mi Iho Wt. '" land' of, . , ,. .,,.. ;,,. ,, ,. ,., Stonii'i E.tiiti. nilh i uninll frnnii" liouno cri'i'leil , ' ,. .,' , , 1 .1 i.l v.rT rin i.i-m.,-1. ,. in,. ... 11 v 1. 1 .ui Ufl. .o.ruuifc ..-... ..w.....-. ..-. -j Jifnt-iiiiier lDtli lSoU ,1.. I iOlU AN '.WO (Il;i,'''V fcUIH oviihi.iu MH'I . is.iannou.uaru. II i;t;i.ili,H :.l I. 1. Aut re, i burr. Also, a trrlaw Irnet o 'lana fltliaie III , by ivcn tlint the folluwin nri-onntj hvt Aniliif tii'sJay eroniui;, Jitniinry I-), lsfil. When election ol oihcoTii will tiiko plnce, iint U' ..r . . b.111 i ...... ....... t n I u. I......I in ii u mil ud I ui iipuen-' . i.ri 1111 eouio -- - . . -.- n . . . -bo-iealu interest in thi snei!j n f tlio Sooio-' i'ternria torsh'.p, tlrwlxilil cnity , 1 a., brKin-'be.n cMiniiici and jwtseil by mo, nn,) remiii ly, 4".1,I,IS IltW'N, President, jiiingnt an ell fugnr curnor, Uill nnd Unlloe, J filcil or record tn thin office for tho inieelim lepcniber 13, asr.O. lfhoin eby reiduv oulh tit) jirclies10a ni;iir, M6ir, legatoci", crcilitnpyni'l nil iMhers in am Hhonc soiilli tliri doirroes eut, lS port hen to n olher way hitrrcstcil, nnd will be Jirecnteil ', Vou need noJ, try to e3cn,f o the respon ibility of your conduct ly making such owlish oliurges againut .tho Yu will only make yourselves wdieulous.. You pwrit pnjiers as well as the Detno rats, nnd tw Southern people read for hcmrclcts. You make Bjeochcs in Con gresn, nlso, ns woll ns the ITonioerats and tlio blood-thii'hty spceclrea of Reward, Wude Sumner, Ijovejoy and PiVws,, ntib-H-hed In tlno GhU theo.licinB f nper of' CongM-ss ciittilfi-tos fioutli s well ns "orlli. No honiocrat -eotrld vtinr.-jvv.iir.t them. TUey were each a fire-brand, and, jiorhnixi .designed to kindle tho firo that, eow tlireirtiMis te destroy the latt hope of like lmtRion race. Beecher and his Defenders. Tn onr "issue of t!u oth itut. wo gar our opi nioti in a shw t articU iu referent e to fhomotle of. celebrating Thanksgiving . oljeeting to the way in which it wt usually cehibrnied Jiy Ileccher, ChapinJt Co. Fof this Inipudonce, as wo iufet from tlio article; Jho CVnsor of tJw Jovmul takes ns to UA ; characterizing it ns a bold attempt nt the suppression o "tho ConslitulioiKil prerogative of i'ree Speech." Tho setiso in wbieJi tlio Journal naivis lor "i ree. .speech" a ns potent in the month of nn outlaw, , is it is in the eolttmbi of Rcecfccr Clinpiu & Oo's defen ders. This is invariably' the fkst semi nient put forth by nil demagogue. That tho editor may notjuiswprcsctit us hereafter, wo will hero sv Jhat wo to- lievo flavcry to bo of ivi origin, und 1 defy him and all tho otlt-or Aboliticni.-ls in this or nny oilier country, lo disprove it by the Mies. Call in your Heeclu r, t'hapin & Co, if you please, nnd wo will eo liow sorn you must discard tho Diblo to carry your point.- Tbo editor f the humil insinuates that it is not of divine origin ; henco wo with to hnvo the evi dence of this further than lib lato ai tide After gelling shut of wind in defending Kecchcr 4Co.. he files e.xceplicns to our orthogrnphy, of this w do not, nor will wo over boast, wo are uhout as open to im provement in this, as tho Kdilor of the ourWis iu his historic il reo l ec ion. A fciv days after the Presidential dec- tiilll lin rn., l.!j ...til. .1.. ..v.. i.v ins ICII'll-'IS Hltll IHO as- 1 .1 II 1" 11 . ! r ,.r .. . .. I .IIV l.fll .lini ril.ll 1.I13VI, lonisiiing uct tlint Mr. Lincoln had rc- i t,d tho honrof our cala :nily and ier eeived a largo vote in Wnshingto n City, il to whom shaM wo resort lor relief out to A none of tlio candidates rec:eive( nny '',e tlodoftmr falhers t His omnipotent voles there, jrr. Lincoln nnd tho fimrnal , n,,m only cn,,.sl,vo ui f,lom f1""1"'1'"1 -'n'9 . . of mil rmn nrimika Ann fViilin Alii, mm in. tnust iiave carried Hie City jorctury of tlio Iroisur, Ins also reigu ed. Mr. Slmgart, Ciiief Cbrl, ii hot Acting Commissioner ot Tateus. I.ATKIt Thf? rresident ha recomtnended that tho ilt.h -day of January next bo observed as n !ay ?T liuniilialion and prayer, for a continnfttioc of .iJivino IMe-sijigs towards our m iv u'.'l:appy ivJiddistiajted-ceuntry. Mojor GoRcrul Seelt has lai J before the President nn tlalrato opinion on the1 tr-cuMjs of tho tousitry, Later news state that ko lias tendered his resiTr uio i to tho Fi-isMon. (.Jen. Cms has ne'gnod tho pt of .Seo re lary of State; nnd Judgo lllack has been aijointed in his stead. K. M. Stanton, of 1'it'burg, has been itppointed Attucwey (leneral, in place of Judge Black resigned. Large 17 n inn Mcetingv have lately been held in l'liiladelphia, New York, Ilai-ri.-btng, mid Tivnt-jn; thp proceedings of which, siwin ti have na cLmiiis for tho public ear at Washington. At tho Union meeting in New York, on Saturday last, Millard Fillmore, Oreen C. RronwMi, nnd llichard I.ntkers, were appointed ointiiissionevs to pro.vd to South Carolina with a vietv to prevent any precipitate action there. lion of the facts, mid on tho a rival ot tho ullicer ho was met at tho door with a Slwrqio's tiEe icvj'.iloJ t iliis In-cast, -lint xobbed of liia p!;.pe.:, .being let oil' with tire naming that uf ho over ntlrmptcd to servo another writ, ho should be killed. Writs were ililicr. issued against the broth ers ForV-j for resistance to the United Slates oflicer and by good management they cro arrested. Bonds in the sum of SCOlW each were required which they gave. There wait no resisting the acceptance of the eoritis for they wero mnjile caiuo fully nj) to ti e law. The officers however, tck good ciro t have tlio secu rities in suuli a shape, if tho prisoners wero not forthcoming tho sciniriuk'g should bo tnado lo culler IIk.' Eu-U iJkthUv f, the !Mhds. Here then, was n dilemma, jnJ the first in which nny of the cnnir had been fully overreisolieiil m cntriiiijH'.l. Various exjitdients, such s -w-iotiotis to quash tho iiidictiiwiits, conliiMti-noctil'the cases, etc., wero roso-rtoj bu4 tho Court overruled tliem all, -nW tt .!m -tinw fjr trial ut tho present term of the Coutt It it I' V I Jt l i I M S 1 Hi Uirnoc uv nenrv i..vt, m-ei ..j leienus ( mo next urpiiun uo'iri 01 . itnrncui eintnt, i " v u " ,l 1 " c t-i p..t, rti-neo fintli by , .Iiieoti Mil'-; be held at ti-.e Court llouo, in tho b.,rous'li ,i lilUCAT ATTltACTleXS! AXU OIlKAT l.V-1 scr ,nHli, west 29 '. nnd nix tonth perches to n j t! Knrlii-ld. roinim-uvini; on the 2nd Jloudny ol HI TJiMKNTS ! I p t, then" by t'a'-ol Miliar Fnti.h u 1 A. K. January, tstil, for couliruintion and ailoi Are olTorjJ to the julilic for a few duyi only nt! W right, norlli in iteisrees cnat Kn" porches to n nnee. C'lenrficlJ, rninmeneing on tho 2tth d;iy of Ho-! ''troll, them c north 25 degree wort. IS perrlu I The ruml uf John Slacinnnnj, Abulia ceuiber, ISf 0. Uo post, thenre by Inmls d Hubert nnu Henry ; ittmtor of nil mid iuj;uliir thu goil, rhattcb. We tho uiid'ersiKiio l, wTA fiijpwo c,f.u lart'O lot ! H'b ite-ide. nortii dej;rc.'l ent L'Sl porrb.s ; rigliti". und c-rcilils, liieh were if tienro Juki of IlllY OOODS, IIOOT.S AND tIIOHS. VAN IK-, ,: l'ce.ef ln)i;iiinfnreHhtnlnlliK more. r mon, Jr.. lu to of Hell tonnship, I'lcurtiold eointj, B J ;S .1 NOTION'S, in'iii, I.l,. r.r ll..lli.'l,v i...'li's. Almi, imot fituute Ml 'lu.-lieli toxriirhiii, UeceUM-.l. , oiii.S nt t'o.t Price, on neeount of iho Tiiluro of a Clenrtielil count-y, l'i., loiiuded by hinds ofi The purlin! account of linuison Pavij, Aduii Morcniitil.i Iwnun in 1 1... K,i.i o, ,r i..rl. ! tie re Beyer, tfOnr-'e H.-tfiirty, J. II. .lor-'iui, . ciiHihiirAviriotyofgio.M.ioniitormif,to mon- I' A Co.. l.ilo MVnlley. Mo.f HobiMin, I iioii .tli.., in. r.... ii. .i..,i .,,n ,.j ... anJ ohn 'L. M'riiH,y,outniuiii2 .1211 nerca n:o-e irtrator of the ostntv of Thomas C Davis, lnt( the itoiiiii"li of Lumber titv, ileeenacd. 1 . I ..r ,'l 1 ., ,11 .. 1110. 1 UIUI ueewiiiift ui ,,!iiiiiii.b llcoerAa- ino narntock. W'v will gunrnntea all iroodi lmr- ltr Ics, one two -story frnnie Uwe.lmg liou.-e, .'.i , mjuuiiriitrix of nil und ringulnr the good int ehimed rjf-us t-o cive -ntiro falisfiieiion. Iu in'- ,,v :cer' wo teninrt liousec, t.aim imrn in ny i U , ehattlcs which were ot Wm. U ebor Mo ol'UuJt -ilino flio inducement ofTerod to i.iucha.. n, fee-, euwirriSI Ci try 0 feet, artlnrne run ut burr. ton.-hip fleartiel.l Coiinty. dicea,.,..!. Kach pen in purelinsingTlr o Unlliirn wor h attncticd tliei-utn, Sn-g. bearing on-in nt ui i-imii a T)lfl A-lii;inn'triiH..n nwciint - of Wil mm 1. of 0 Hid.., will be entitle I to u UIKT, worth from "" 1 ""'"'"t fifty nettt cliaied therrcn. j!( AdiuinUtr.-itur of tho estatu of John . 24 evuU to i.T) 1 feicod, t.rbt-nnii .eenlinn, and to be sold n the rJ. lll4 of pi(tf tcarimbip C16ir:icld t'ouoli. liLS.S.M.lN & IlKliD. ' rrojwij 01 Arrouani in-yer nnu ntu j.rjr. .'de-e.ue- . Dec. zo. J5C0. t.r. Also, by Vl'iue Ol sniiuiy iviiisiu rim, unit . . I Facia, tlie folli ivin Tteal Kstnle, via . All the . p. Xeli-on Aliiiiiiiti'tui' ol tiie good mul iliti SHERIFf SAlES. ! intercut ooea.ed of, in, nn 1 to all thoo cert , t!o wh:c!i wrre of J h I (jr.iltiiitl Iff., late ,f Ur4 y virtuo of run dry writs of Y;nditi nni l'xno. P1'"''!'" nitualo in the toi'nof Lumber lUy.iuwii: fr, tuTtiili iji in the County ol Clcnrhvlil, ilicii nii, irtued out ol tic Luurl of Cominnn li. rr... . ... . ..... . . .. '....h .,n th. iilf..! l...iiliiiirlinflnl ilnu 11 019 .,.'. ioa oi virurni in coiinry, ami in me ilirected, f"'r ; , ' ",";::"" , . , and Uhere w ill bo exposed to iublic mle, ut the court ,n', I"1"1'" road, bounded in tho norlli by a Peeeniber jll biiiHr. in the borough nt I'lenrOcid, on ilonday, tin 11th day day of January, InCI, iho follnuiiij. iioscnucii proprriy, A certain true of Itwd oitmalo in lio cittur tonnnhip, ClcnruoUl cuimiIv, 4'a n4 U-.c-li towinililp, Center lonnty, fa,, boumlcj by lundii lto nt (irern, now of J0I111 CWtrci.-ltrtt'S "lato of Jiiivid Kcphui t, uo of !, 1. -IVntier t lunds lute of Ileniier's est nte.iiow of 'fi. I. 1'ruucr, A Cw, riieo froinfpruce, a erncr of tM. suirev, w uth il dcgree wuet, J&ll.nen-hox. r imiinr Mo. huaim Creek, to lilaiJi-o., ihom-e south, ii 1 Cl.rllll otl,,r j,,,,' ,tlll0 j,, j,lllnl)p, 'n,v gTccn eWt, I S I fen-he, to !iv;-ee-bvrry, the Ihroo certain lots of land in said borough fronting rl. J A M h..4 M lllljl.EV, Itegblu. ,10-fojt utreot : east by lot now owned by Jafiio K'uk i nnd west by street leuiing up iho hill from ' the bridge ; li.iviiii; thereon ervctcd a large two I t'.rv fiiimo 01 11 bouse, Imrn, ninl other out- buildints. I iii g the prcmine kni.wn uk ihe llnvis T Tavern Home. Al-o, in ennnoctlun therewith, fl two lott ilunte iu t' e roar of pruerty now oceu-' to nny tin-iiieen in- the above line, on ilwn pied by Jui-pb I.. ICirby, liouuded eunt by f tree! j notice, und in a wirkmnnliko manner, lit (ilir. leading up tbo bill lioin the hride, couth by n ( uf bnnini'M is at Ilia old tliopon the north Ue4 .tu-loot itrecl, ne.-l by tan I i t Jlooro nnd nuriti i .Market Mrcct, .id door tin-t ol Until St., Ufri; by land of Jinui s Arthur, having the cpring opposite tho old Jew (tore i libera he uill ki coniicc'o 1 u ith tavoin house tlicrcnn. Also, two eonstnntlv on bnnd a lurire nmurtincut of Jli 11 lure- liogoiir unil I lino liottuhi t linir, ami A nbian ISGQ. Cabinet. Chair Making-, OIIX Gri.IC'lI, of the borough of Clrarrirln l'a., a ill he Jirepared nt nil time loitlleml l- lu'e raid, boundoil ns follows 1 V a 'B , '"M'1'''1"" l" ' I111"- ! r..:..l nnd Main street, lending up and down thu 11 i . ri'. 1 V ' "ver t on tlio Havid and Isaac 1 .1.1 Mo-,ak, llroiio,., 1:1 dog. KirU . r, l,v :;o.fot ftrect, nnd enrt bv lots r en.t. or aort'i -W ircg, -.t.) if, ,,enhes to a ,.,- ,;,,, ,, Willi.. ms. known iu the i.lnn of m'm.I town pic, hence .orOS dogrce. we.t, Iii perches , ... 1 Bl nnd eleven 11.1 Abrr lno Tho itlleriMtive thus! resotlted. convi-oP " "ww-.wsaul-iii, B'J degree west, ,M certain olhcr lot si nnto in Lumber Oitv nl'uro. inoftl.O .'c-ts- Oftho ba.d. or the Z ZZV. n ..y, '"'' roar of tavern house property. - I. ' w..vv .-. . curi iiercues iu wn-wooii, li.enco nortii dcarci west, .ii perches-, to rme, theneo north ij do The Prsident's lroelms,tio to People of the United ttates. the lionof tho orlvitiueof ile Isouds, and the certain en foreetnent of thet iwlly, was to lmviIoH ed. Tho first step was lk killing of Moore nnd oilier important -itesees, up on whoso testimony -convfe-tkm was cer tain, and Ih-e breaking up of the Court, iu order to jevetit nn enforcement, 4y do cree, ogaitnt tire bondsmen. Dotii liavo been done, and tho manner of doing ii, has been familial to tho pub lic for '.he jiast ten days. Wo have thus on th' south by public . Ware ol e cry description, which lie will di( ofon ns reasoiuililu term ns tuu snuie nrnfiti etui bo hud elsewhere in thu county. His stock of Cabinet M'tiro now in Immt, Ml sisis in uirt of Dressing mid Common lturcatn, .-", Hewing and Washing Stands, Hctki ami Hook -Cases, French arid Field l'ort lieiltrllr. Ilinim.. Ut-..uL-f.irfl. l-r-n.r. I!nril mul I'ii-r T. dog. curf, fniHtlHj, finith un u HO-font jticcl, M csl on slre-t' bles, Jc. I'otTina inaiiufucturcd and Uelivcnilrt l....l.n ..... h kill r...Hi II... K.J.1.. .....I. I...' ., v.iv ,., IU L(,,.v.-, ,l,l., ,tv Und uf Janice Arthur, and cn.-t bv lots boiiu'ht ll i i. i- .-i . - . - limn . oih-ii, i.i.-i,, un iniisu reriaiu premises Ussw-locJi on Imeol Innd now of John Cruuo. v i.. i.. v... I.. ,.;.. i c.i. X : tC JMMKNDATION". jNuim-rotis ajipenls have been made to mo by jiru and patriotic nsori:Uons and ci'.i.etis, in view of tho present tiislrncted l:: . ... i A ........... ia.'iltliii'il ' Ol Mill A?UIll,, iu ivtviu , , i . .- c .i ... i . t i ... , . . . . ,r -- L'lveu in uric . tho statomont f irnislioil n ni'-ntt tlial a unv be pet iipnri lor iiutniii-; .... ation, fa.iingJid I'rnyir throttghimt tlmjond from us high authority, wo nto led to Union. igive it full ciedtnce, as tho main inciting In eomjitvatiee with lliir request awl my nw wast) of duly, I designato Friday, the -lili day of January, liSt'd, for Alain pur pose, and ityvmniend that the 1'eoplo as setnVleun thati.hiy aocortlmg U) thvir sev eral forms if worship, to keep it as a sol emn fr'at. TUo Ui of ll5 Stat-es is at tho pres ent niciufnt threatened with alarming and itninodiate dangvr; panic, nnd dUtiess of a fearful ehatarter prevail throughout the hind; cur laboring imputation ore without employment, and consequently deprived of tho means of earning their T..J 1 o I.T, i .l 17. l. 1II1..JIT.I, ll'.U DVTTlllS IV IJ...V .nj Johnson had Ids ltosweil. I rusotS hau his man Friday -, ami Ueoehcr Chapin, txco., tnut hnve a H. w. Conhmmations- The Prosidont, on Wed. nesuay, me Ji:tii inst , appoint! riidiii F causo to the present proic-diiigs. Our iniorniant nys that tho talk about l:io neutral land ditlicultics and nil other exeusec, together wiMi their threats against Missouii, is only to enlist iho syn- .l it .. . pw-y tney KupiosM fllll ( Xlbi5 mono certain parties in tho territory grow ii.g out of former troubles ; hut now tlint they re at woik, tlievc is bo telling where they may stop, lie It alto of the opit ion, that tho troops will effect little if anything moio than lliev liiivedriin lici-ctofnro mv, serted the minds of .men. All classes arc in ,i,.., ...... in a state of eonli-ion tmd dismay.and tho . ....... wiH-st councils of our best and purost men lho.y movc- nnd ,ll? instructions under wuieu iiieyniotorecitionct. tlis iu opin ion that nothing short of t ha establish mont of martial law, nnd the power lo pursuo nnd c.xtermit.nte will ever relieve tlie country from the depredations of the soonnurels who now hold possesion of tho portion of Kansas in question. All the formulas of legal proceedings, are rather in aid of tlio outlaws than ngnirst thorn. Tho South Carolina Coven t ion osseni led at noon yesterday in Columbus, An organization was effected by tlio selection of a temporary chairman. The small-pox hn become epidemic, ned much excite- VelIer as 00,1 exigencies by wiucli wo nre surroun- meni prcinus among tlie delegate. Uen iieu. i.ei us wiin ueep reverence tieseecn .laintson was chosen president of tho Con,, j v oui im ii crimes nnu ioiiiosi, our un ii uii I gratitude and guilt towards our Heavenly liobi oti I Father. 'Lotus, then with deep contrition nnd penitent sorrow, unite in humbling our-i selves before tho Most High, iu confess ing our individual nnd rationul sins, and in acknowledging tho justico of our pun- I'homas. Coinniissinnoe nf t,i , islimciit. Let us imtiloro liim lo remove tnry of the Treasury, in place of lion I f7,10ur hc,n.rt? ,hc,f;lls(5 P1'1'1 of 0I,inin .. ' , , 1 ivlueli would impel us to persevere in itoaell lobb, and tho Senalo nt onco cOn- wrong for tho sake of consistency, lalhor ninieu tlio nppointment. Tho nppoint than y icld a.just biil)ini:.-,on to tho unfor nietit ot tho Hen. John It. Alimtrip Iii fA-t.,n .1 r. t ... .v.Miii. ii un uiso coil 11 1 11ICU ii: j . . , .... . , .. . . , , In consequenco of Iho re.irement from ,,H Vhiidl polled in rormw ' the Patent Olfice of Mr. -Thomas, Mr. S the people of the several States nnd, , 81(1 crfa 811 extreme triumph. A motion T iShuiart, of Ton ns Ivan in, loti" theefli' bove nil, to save us from the horrors of , ' adjourn to Charleslor. was passed by a rient Chief Clerk. brcoms .i.- , ,, i ' ' nr nnd "lilood-guiltin.-ss." Lot our. l.u-go majority. Tho Convention will re SJt.t being FUiipusvd to contain 400 nercs morn or Voss, aud being surveyed in tho mime of Tin n,,,, W inter, which by sundry conveyances, became legally rented in Thuuiin Mays, who vonveyeui the rnmo to linvid I. Pruucr, having thereon ' crccicu nine dwelling house., two storo-roanis, nny place di-sircl. Fcbnmry IS.'itl. no. 4. vol. i v." fj.iniicts, I'loii'iico trnids. Dugli-h straw.'. If .Shaker nn. I other ..'vies Irimmed nnd on tiiiniiied, Hill be fiuml iu vnriclT nt Ihe i-oran I -tore of K. A. IKVIX. (.'urweiisvillo, Miiy It's 'oil. Mncl.siiic Scliu end s Inlitllitilo Voirctab'c l'owtlcrs. i n. nun in occupnnry ol I lioinas Kotiinson, tiounilcd northerly bv tho Lumber City and lilen lloiie tniniiikv, nnd adjoining lands oil Thus. H. llavi, Jnines Aiiliui, John 1'ergii'on, mi l others, containing uhout acres, h iving, ! i i ....... ..r ..i .1 i... i ...:.i. . i... i. ! ...:m 111 .i i , , . . ' nv.v, i iivnn'1 Hiiiu, ..ill, n I'.Z niiiise i ..7 l , I: 'lRcl''!"!lL ,,r,tk ?"' d other ,Bd log ban. t! eor. Soited. taken In exec. . I .lcu,.f.s,,.,ouor401ix:,cs c.eir.M there- , on, nnd to bo sold ns thu properly of Hron.on '...,,,..,.,,,, , l'nviw, ndmiiiiftrntor uf the estate ol'Tbomis C- ...-., hi. f-.-iviitiKnia inivu'M, 01. ill anil lo fl I Ti... . 1 i that certain traot of land situate in Hecutur tua n-1 Vl's.- 'V - e I t -. i 1 l"T th(! rl'''y elTcetiial Cnre of. II Mi ship, ClcarOel.1 emw.e. P. , sniveled on warrant' . ' ' '"'"''I " 'o V, , 1",,,,a,c,111 j ' " ".V'i" f'1"' '" '- craiitcl to Joeeuli llariison. eoniii"ii,i,, i iUrcr.M toun.-hip, tlenrfield eojnty, I'll., be-' ,,I;HI and all .(' . '7i;-ohV IH-t .tf of A al.t allowance, u nt bi-inir unscalcJ n- ,i,..i R"""S )'. theneo by Innd of riulip An - dulls i.nd tlllldl en, .Send .1 cent Slninpi" Uiwi 8ciF.ed and taken rn excenti,., ... i . n"r " l" ilr ' P-rer.n, t jmutie . Uor Ar,.t. t). II. JOXKM, so d us the property of Duv-l 1 I I'n.ocr I r al"n " " r' "" n ' ' Uo ii o i'i.i'iiiii . i r i i -. . 1 1 porches, north S7J deg. west .'. f-10 ,, rehes in tli l I, " f 1"ml l"lUI,lu "-ni-r. thence bv lands of .Incb Hoover, ..nun ' ,i " rr ...'': L1f.nrn,;1,l euunty. 1'u.. or.e c dcg. nest II l-'i pm-hc. tu ul.ito oak, theneo1 u- n ii ni n I'lnn n.irln.r ,tl II , . , . . , .. . . . . - . ... tu. - ii nn it ui in ii oovcr s iii nn goiiin o I iiei.. earn i .1 .-i. i I . iierrhes io nlacc ol bcgirmning. Foutiiiiiini; one ncro nnd twenty four perches, having 'thereon erected n twu story tramo liuu c. heir.eil, taken in cxc-cutimi, nnd to be sold as Ihe property of John j M. A lains, ailmiiiislrntor ofJo'Cph Lagte do- coi.sed, Binl Gi'oi :e J. I.iiio. Al-o, by virtu. i of a writ of Levari hte'ur, the following licul F.stutc, via: All that certain unci or moon oi innu snunie iu necciirin in. i cur. ii..i,i i... i .. ... . .. ..i. . . I . ..-i.l vvumvi in., noon n ns me one luurui pun . . , of the truct enlled the 5.ringfielil Tract, bounded OI allllOSl CVtTy 1CSCI"1 )t 10I1," a fellows via; beginning at a dng-wood nn tha. ra.ii v fi. . ,-ir i . luiviou' line of tho land boloiiirinir to thu e.tat. of .on. ' JlJrllliii If 11 ll ii Zd tlmn Ptisiy, lei e isei1, ilienco by tho tarn north' A beautiful assortment of Prints and I'rr. all deg. west 17i perelie to a hcmlnck, thenee by j goods, of tha newest nud latest styles. Alse lunds of John Coopor tha three fol lowing ooursi s great lariety of useful notion. li. r. . , i ... . . I ... ni.,Mu,ui u.-jj. Diisi iu i;eieiics oi n uiu- . . , ijicj south as d.g. east 175 jierehea to n pine;! A largo nssortincnt, tvM v-nntoc sou i ii oi nog. west IZil perehe to lli place ot ( beginning, coctainiiig 12-i ncrea and 1-'.' Jterchri and alloHnnce, being part of suid land bought by rm John oopcr Irutn Anthnniel ItichaMson ana wife, logi tbrr wi b lliehereditamenU i n I appoitn- j ranrci. hciaed, uken In execution, and to be ' fold n the projicrty of Leonard Uibbon. Ono third tbo purchase money 'rnnst invarinbl y ! I be pM ut the lime the property is knocked duwu, j or il will he resold; nnd tho bnlnnco beforo the' deed isnckntwiedged. . J ' - F. 0, MlLLF.H.Shcritr. SheritT Ofllce, Cienrtlcld l'a. Dec, 17, l!-60. ty, theneo by lame north 47 dcg. enst, 180 pen L. to post, thence south 4.1 d,-g. east, 1 12 p.vehcs to "qi juiie, meneo soinii 47 ,icg. west, ISO perch. i(j post, thence norlli III dcg. west 10'i .erihcs to beginning, contuining lis ncrcs, and 1.18 perches being pnrt of a Intger survey in tnmo ol .nhu Lnuibliick. Tho other, beginning, t a White I'inc, thence by land lata the istnte of J. A. 1'hl lips, north 1-1 west 100 perches to Jmsl, ihenco cast 125 1-10 porches lo a Kpniilsh-oak, ilien;e by lands of Ituvile i Co., suuih 27 -IS perches, und south -17 ting, west 71 perehe, to l-egiuuiiig ; containing 113 acres nnd allowance, being premises surveyed 17th December, ISiiti.ui) which uro rl) ncrei cleared, with dwelling house, and log burn thereon erected. .Veiled and tnken lu execution, nud to be cold as the properly of . P. U. A W, K. Mutton, and A. Uyer, T. T. Also, n certain tract of land situ.ilu in Hell townlhip Clonrfield county, l'a., bounded ns follows, vis: beginning ata white pine nnd cor ner of lund of Juan I'utclien, thence by said lands, nnd land of t- L. Heed, north 40 degrees, wosl 3(15 perches to a pino corner, thence by same, lands, north 50 dcg, enst 111) perches, to a sugar corner, thoieo by snmu laud and lands of John 1'atchen, outh 40 dog. cast 305 perches to a White. pins corner, thencu by lands of T. A. M'tihco 4 Co., and others, south it) dcg. west 12' pcrchea, to plnco of beginning, contuining VV 1 acres, 5d perches, and uIIokiuico, warranted lu Xicklin (IriflUh, known asNo.d'.tO'J. 5UI0, und 6IMJ, with snw-niill and snftill log houso thrrenn erected. Seir.ed aii't Inkcn in execution, ami to be Fold as tho pro crty 1 1 J. E A James Thoia- lluinli'eJs of testimonials Dux 2"70 I'hila. f 0 rfl-.t'riiry H. IV. i-or. Thlril if- Arch Ms.' (let 51, SlinHt. lRESH ARRIVAL OF AT THE CIIKA V CASH STDKi:. ! 0111 jiift Tcccrviug wild opening a lurgo anJ 1 well selected assortincnt of FA LI. AND WINTER (.iOODS Al. 1..:.. ..... e 1 ... 1 . . v. ...... 1, ici, 01 mini ei (uuio in irf,,,.e,u.l to come forward, provo property, p.T Lawrence townshii', Clearfield county Pa., con- . !....'. .....1 ...1... 1. -. .' 1 r:ii 1 . i 1 - - -, ... , , - . - - 1111111. nni. iiuiu imi amiT or rim .in ou iiisiiu. ITu ltrBr'.b"''J.'y 'h eul; hnana ,ed ol a.c.irding In law. llorttllT 1.K0NAUD rier,ltedi, Spnckmnn, .Mitchell, and l iillerton, PeceinbeT 12 IMP). ;tt C L O T II I N G Bonnet, Shawls, ' t Hat and Cap, Bunt and Hho.i, a large U.nitilT, Hardware, Qieenswnre, liruggf and Medicine, Oil and Taints, Carjiet A Oil Cloth, Fish, Bacon and Flour, GROCERIES, , 1 f tlio bet quality, all of which nil! be iod, t Cam to tlm roeideuro . ths luweat nh or nnv nri.-. of th subscriber In tVualien tn., about the My old friends and lb. nublin aimsrnllv. AT. lT.:r. 11 1 ... 1 ' ....... .f " n in iie lira uou resreet u v invi tei In rl . -OarlirM, Oct. .11, I860. WM. F. IRWI.V. 2-X. It A !1 kind. ..f nil il tf.,,,1 .niimreil OLSTHY VKUIUXE taken iu excliaugs f iniildle ol November last, ' While spots, nbont ten months old. The owner (jowls. Commissioner. fervent prayers nscend to His Throne that' ! IIa u-nnl,1 ... ll.lj 1.,.. nC. 1 . w v. u.'v ns.-vi 111 una nnui ,fi 1 ill extreme peril, but icmomber us as hi did' ,ul r c assemhlo nt Charleston this afternoon at Suf 1 he latest news from t ho fold no solution of our present lifliculties. In our opinion, there uope lipyond a reference to tha source o for nges yet '41 political powtr-TUE PE0PLL. Con-' Au emnipotenl Pnvidence Fat-t af- eAI1 1,1 Pe"i u leniomoer us us uiu 'otners " " our fathers in tho darkest , days of thei Senator U'adc, ol Ohio, dooming himself ; acres e'u national lJoyolution and preserve our Constitution a aeconi Croin.vell, gave vent lo his pent' dad; e is no nnd our Union, tho work of their hnndv ,;, . . .. " ' , , f.fty-ev ouree o' for g yet to come. i UP '-T- &-'nle on the 1 , th ; j,nte, r, witn i iru mo liouso, frnuie bam, taw-mill, unil otherout building thereon, with twoorchaids and abont scvanty acres clearad thereon. Seised ta. ken in execs lion, and to ba fold as the property of Philip Antes. Also, a certain tract of land situate in Hrndy township, Clcarlield county l'a., buunded Lv 1...1.1. ,.r li li.ll... l..ii.:. r i. i. i. . i - J v, -. ..iti.B, ...v.iitr, uubcoii jiuie ami .ln. ..t .... 1 . .... vviivii-, vuiiLuiuiHK siAiv-twi. acres, nna nnv cleared, witS orchard. Also, a traot aiLunts lu Brady townshiii, Clcnriiold oouuiv, coutuiniiia crt-B acres, uoumiea by inmis ol Joscnh Hccember 12. ISBfl . 1'bllln trri.... H.....II...J. . i . ' i : - .- .-, ..M,.,,uiiiivi, iicoiniiii, nun i Commissioner's Notice. (.iiirei 1.1. t'iry'i'. The undersigned, a Commissioner appointed by tho Court of Common Mens of Clearfield Boun ty, to tnke testimony in tlia "Lulhcri.o Church Case" in Drudy township, gives notice to all per son concerned therein, that lie will tne:t them at i:.i. l.H)(llnnder's trtlice In l,all.erbnrg( on Friday the tth day ol January, IS GO t 8 o'clock A.iM. ISIlALI. Tli.r, Coinuiissioncr. A" imiMMTKAno. (niC.-!.cltr of Adiniiiistrstion, bavins been this A'' griintefl tn tbo under rued on the estate ( v- n nvn l.i..n.! . i.:.. el... ... ... mi. ,11 jmnrpiii;. IOW111.IIIII, 1 tld county, deceased, all persona Indebted t said estato nrs requested lo make inimeiliat' payment, and thoso having claims aguinst tbi funis -s-lll prosed them duly authenticated for settlement. AAKPX TATK, Admr. November 7, t?fi0, . noyli ol i. : .i. i. .i . . . . . . . . ..: ... - . ... : -i tuny over-,iuel'-,,, "Ueu no uiremeni llie oxterinu;omers, wun nny acres ilcured, iiousy, baru.a-id , ..... . , I . ... .... nrnlninl lli.r.n.. ..J ... .1 I .. ... I grest should therefore tnko ioimrnlioio u c""'"8 '".r iennnneiii goou. . nation oi overy secessionist, colonue Mtx ... ,, ,. no can mane me wruin ot mm to juatso teps by calUna- unon tho dillnroni rstnt... 11;..-. n, -m.;ni.,i r i. ir' to provi-lo far tho eloction.orpieleg-fes to restrain.- Let me invoke every individual! ,,1Uu'c ','" bluRk r,0" the 2ortli,--N.itionat slilutional Conveution i" wl,at over aphero of life he may be placed, the day for compromise is past, his nifty sa -provided a coJIision bo l w " l'or,ona! I'ponsibility ,to God; mul ho Li ono will scorn any at Ihistime. Dissolution of Partnership. imnonant Notice. i.. ....... i.l. i . i.. i . .... . ..... . v Aw. - v..v. ii.uivii, imiMT. u. a m , ... . r - . . i u v ".,'.i i u l i .inn ii rrcuii ore aaisiiua 1 .i:.. ..r : :.. r... orchard thereon. Seised ami i.,k , in ......... 1 ' umle-rsigncil, lata Tinblieboy afthe "Clear- twmm J. l Ml.... .n.i .ik- ii.i i ,u, Luai- .t eoi.c.sioilu.l.cOIOIIUW .UXI,,.. . . -.. field Itenublinan" l.k.. t).l. mulmrl ol .lli- i .L "YV"" . . V-T""" .... lira n ; ... l ...i..l a.. i -. I m .im . wr jirn icnr 01 joun i. , , . , . . . umni i MUllouuurr, BSS luia I'faiso icoandCentrsl Anierwa with whites of In,' Dale. . - ... .upon those who are indebtej to him, orto Lari-, dissolved u.uin.1 CUo.t of the ri- Also, defendant's interest of. in. audio . rYU" 3"'" . .. ... .. aeortaM. tract of land situ.Ho in Hoggs town, tin July 1857 ami .udlna- Jul. iW tn c. 1 lL-'. . ' JU"ft ir u i. u i " .7 miuiiiion ny lands mediately at ray offlca tn tho fcnroaga of Clekr- rc.ventod tt.' this is done. ... ..... ivi-iiiii eo.iuiiaiuiiiiijr , iu iron Hint 11 u li' Uliu Will acoril BI1V SI HUH WIUU. of Itlnknr.l U'.nl. I. t lu . , " v " V " "" " u...uuhu oi i. icai- and His country fnrUeeuine this.Uv bolv. This was tho most ultra. iY,,l,li,.,n. c..l. !.J l)'? '-''"'" MJ khV "? otUcrs (I. and make settlement of tha sane, as tb.ia r..l foe ,..,r.i...l,..ii.. ll .. I?:. .t.: ' ".,""".'. ,M. .-"' ' ' auov .ct,i,niM,.W,e. J. II. I.AUHIMI.H. ...... .- .v., ....... .. ,, ,,, 1,1 j.V'TTI 17IU- Ulll-J'. I 11 13 -V-lll.ll dfrtbsd lnud being uriniprovil. tus abova acrouuts mutt e e.'oievr. J. II. LAhHlMI-.K. r.cue-i, u l lenrhsl-l, 1'tceirt et 17, IFCP. if. Dlrstius Mill aud cut Aawa, Msan'i axes J tsneral asiortmeut of Uvdware at i I si.,re oi 1 e, s. in i-n ' Curwtntulla, May IS, 1M9,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers