1 5tt ilil', 1 I lit lime t Tyrone. f, Wln'H rrr (r"H enl id IU I tvr.f 1vstila Im H, ek "' ,r,,r r'l Instant, will U m HI' Ml , ll.lhl IBAflUll lilTWAtft. fsstUss I to t. to, . J ill 11.11 It. u. f Ktong.f 10.11 1,. m. , 1 THAIX LIAVIXU WtltWAftk, r trreii pMssaesr ?.!, t. KkJlTraia 11. Mb. in. . t (Mt tin M1d,h, traiaimaen .aday except the Bspresi. 11 j( I'JMli.Otiljl ThLati CtNt.0i.-ln etnlninR ! itori.1 rol-ting to th.t 8trt.g, affair." .lurne orthuCeiMu. of 18C0 for 1W- r which, after liavingglven Mr. Moor 6r.T,lho rBtifin ' A,W, .. h!. informer, li indulge ,n that mere r but iixCountiM in thui ',.,... r.fl,( inffttrtnn 111 f.iMrlp nP boio rt per cnt of inorrmn of popul' lion tcceu our own mountain county. Thoe countiti ro Totter, wlioio f er ' Will of incrMio 89!.'M'Kcnn71, Elk, C5, Cunilrik 64, Luirrna 62, nd Clinton 58, whiUlhtt of CJcrfifld is 50. All of these, txoept Luzernf; are more or leii inlcreit ed in the limbering trade, showing that not Only, the population, but alio that butinfi had inrreaind rkpiJJjr irithin the pMt ton yoari. The lowed rate of per cent ooour in Fay tie. which only 2 per ct. Wimorc!and 4, Huntingdon 5, Franklin i, Adnmi 7, Clarion 8, Mifflin 9, and Bea ter 9. The average increiue througout the tale la 20 perceut. We intend to publish full roturna next week. Liberal Donations It gives us pleu ur tocopy the following from the Vrcsby t rvonof PI iladtlphir. It ; a peai.tj,ic knowledemont on the part of the pastor of the Frokbytorian Congrogntions of thii pUoeandCurwennvillo, for their kind and ffationRte liberality in the nutters le feffod t. The Tarionage wei the rei lehce of our late townsman, Wm. Pow ell, Jj., who now rosido in Centra Co., em broing two lots of ground. Wears also informed that it was obtained of Mr. Tow !1 fur some two hundred dollar below its raluf, in considerntion o' the purpose in tendci.': 'Acknowledgment. Permit me, Mers. Editorn, to ucknoledge through your pa per the generosity of the Presbyterian uurchcl Uearhold in purchasing par aangs. A vory com-nj lijm anl comfor table building, ploiBiuiily situated, with a commanding view of tho Su.quohanna river and its picturesqn scenery of liill and valer has bren'sncured at a coit of 2.M00. By this act ol Christian liheralitv an oh. jecl. has been accomplished which 't of preaeni coniioi t to the pastor, and will oe of lasting advantnge to the congregation. I desire al to acknowledge (he hand eome generosity of tho ladies of the fcyterian C buuh of Curwrnsville express Hn ihogiftofan clejau tnd serviceable carriage. This rift is valued, net onlv for ftsintrinsic worth, but especially fortho kindness which it manifests, and the kanctsonie manner in which it wis nisd. , . May Goct 's blessing be with tho donors ; aiKtu-ay these acts ofkindneis provoke other churches, end the ladies of other churches, to rcmomber their pastors in similar ceneroni deeds. J. SI. Uallowat. ; A Modtl Saloo.v. We no ice that En )rei has refitted his oyster saloon in a fino t) le, having frescoed, repapered and im proved generally. Persons wanting a dish of fine f.tt oystt-rs, a glass of good lager and by the way Clearfield lager can't Lo beat, good tobacco, segtrs, foreign fruits Chrintmas c.tndies, 1?., just let thm ca 1 on Eutres' their wants will be iiipplied ard they will bv wailed uprn by as clover- little Dutchman as ever drew a glass of tcer. i . Mam Dkowned On Wednesday the I2ih inst., at the hands engaged in piling timber at the Rolling Stone rafting ground in Graham tp., were at work, a stick star ted to roll into the water. He clung to tho atiok until it arrived at the riffle im mediately abive the Little Stepping 6tonet, where it turned and thre-v him intstho river. Uis body hat not yet been recovered. He leavet a family t mourn hit lose. ilia i.ame waa Wesley Toner. " .. iFlsb Alarm. Some of our citizens, ware considerably startled on Wednesday morning last by the cry of fir. It turned out however that the alarm sras occasioned by tho amok and flames issuing from Mr. Isaitzingei Pottery. Considering the tnan T in which "Old Boreas" roared upon tb hilltop at the time, it is not to be won dered at that tha cry would e startling. All bands were however, aoon relieved upon discovering the tru cause. Unio.vor Chcrcues. We don't know whether it it intended to unite the Tret byterian and Catholic churches of our place, but we learn that a member of each wre considerably mixed up on Monday ving, you mud gr eooner Billy to catch little Dear. - CoJiTicrED.-Charley Loane waa tried ..j ..,;,. j . : " and CO JVicterl at Clarion, week before last. for tb murder of Jared Lewis. A mni mn waa made fir a new trial but was ovet ruled. Ira Davis, his confederste, will not be tried uutil February term. JXaiob Hoc. One day last week, Mr. Wm. Brown butchered ten hog on the farm of O. L. Reed, Esq., immediately bo? town, tb aggregate weight cf which was 2760 lbs. The largest (13 montha old,) weighed 433 lbs. Oro ate encuch i. thai .i.iU ...l V...I. ...... 1 ui ivTiiai uuusnunv Lout.. ,i , i , . risci6iuiHiD.-E. J. Wallae. Eq.. d iome of tb fiogmofbi left band mb'i, on Friday lst, by balna ought th wbe.l. f , patent oorn-tlk PPH r. in MTrll and BigUr'a Hirdwtr1 Btera. I t l! Vim i i.i , , , .i .n ... , ' ",pn n i i ill IlinMri e. (I mk'v. tf , ,u:inr ilu-m, the "mom (Jf ihn t.'rt'.Utiii M AlU ilnliH ration wf IliiiWly i.romis la hut mi. w1l animated at th ciihinrt in..n, Uinta of our ciliint ikhin to he j olrd m fo I heir duinrk ihould rjbiorib al 1 1. onco. flair Lice, la., I n, Uth, 18C0. UrMM. Vpitmii I Th iitttnum'i Jeurnal at ttia Jfli n( fln . !. ,l C P a I ' " -' ... .. i vi your correspondent A., wliiah it about at improper st his publication of ihe "a' range afl'air." Vour correspondent A., is not i contending for the stranger oi any other man if hhi conduct be bid. He intoi.deJ nothing more in his statement of the fnct contained in hit communication, as relat ing to tbostranier I about than the man. ner of the publication as it appeared in the Journal. If the good of society be benefitted by improprieties, the teachings and experience of your correspondent A., has all been wrong. Yours, Ac. A. PaociioiNGt or tub Ktlektowk Insti tute On Saturday evening Dec. 14 1800 Society was organised by electing Jones Morris Frcs't. Pro Umpire, W. W. Shaw, Sec, J. W. Straw ford Treat. J. W. Jonas, J. Mock and V. W. Shaw soramittcc to drarjupft Constitution pie sented their articles which were adopted unanimously. The exorcism n eio. Music "My own native lanL" Select--Keading J. 15. Newccnier. Tiide an essay--Miss Aduline Swartz The Dead Urother; a colloquy Misses Swartzand .Snider. Kending Try, keep trying Misi M. A. Snyder, with a ditus sion of "Has the American Indian more reason to complain than the African Slaves?" Affirmatively, by IV. W. Shaw, J. B. Stranford, J. l!. Newcomor, II. L. Snyder, W. Hollenback, and D. Urmani Negatively, by J. II. Jones, J. Mock! K. Humpton, A. C. St ran ford and A. 11. Jot'or. Decision r;ivcn in fuvor of affirmative. W. W. Shaw, Cor. Sec. A BOOK THAT EVERY FARMER, ME cbanic, and Business Man Wants. Jutt publitbed, THE TOWNSHIP AND LOCAL LAWS Or Ihe State of Pennsylvania, Compiled rrom the Acts of Assembly, by William T. Haines, Esq., and published by fdwsrd F. James. Eiq , West Chester, Pean 'a. This work contains over 400 pages of closely printed matter, and will be sold by subscrip tion. It traches the duties cf Ju.'ticr j of tho Peace, with forme for the transaction of their business. It traebes the duties of constables w'th all the neces-ary forms, appsitaining to the office. It contains the duties or the Supervisors of ev ry County and Township ia the tfisto. It contains the roods or procedure for the lay fng out and opening or public and prirate roads, eavocating and altering roads, the building or bridges, Ac, Ac. Itcoiiuioe the Common School Law , with ex planations, decisions end directions, together with foims for Deedn, Bonds, Contracts, Certifl ci tes, A , Ac. This dopartment ef the work was compiled at IUrrisburg by Mr. Samuel P. Batei, Doputy Superintendent, and is alone' worth the price of the volume to any one interes ted in Common .Schools. , It ronta:ns the duties of Township Auditors. It contains tho laws relative to Dogs and bneep. It contains the duties of Assessors. It contains tho lows in relatnio to Str$jr, Mules and Swine. It contains th o laws rela lite to Fctrts sn renoe Viewers. It contains the laws relative to gams hunting rout and Deer. It ocntalns tha Election Laws with kll nseei ssry Forms. It eontiins the Naturalisation Laws, with all tha necessary Forms for Application. It contains a large number of Legal Forms, which srs mod la the every day transaction of busin ii, such as Acknowledgments, Affidavits, Articles or Ag-cements, and Contracts, Partner ship, Apprentices, Assignments, Attostutionsj Dills of Ezohange and Promissory Notes, Bills; SlU, Bunds, Cbccki, Covenants, Deeds, Depokio tions, Due Billssnd Producs Notes, Lsndlord pi Tensnt, Lt atee, Letters of Attorney, Marricue Mortgages, Receipts and Releases. The wor3j,a bound io Law sheep, and will be sold to subs-s bers at $1 25 per copy, payable on delivery tf tb work. The work has passed the revi;ien of many or tht best lawyers ia the Stats and has received their unqualified approbation, as a reli able head book of reference upon all rubiecls upon whiob it treats. The whole is arranged in euon a manner as to present a plain, concise and explicit statement of the duties of all Township Officers, as may be readily understood by any one. Clssrfield County will be thoroughly oanvassed for the work, and the support of the citizens is re spectfully solicited. R. J. WALLACE, ESQ, CLIASriELD, CLRARriELD COCUTT, FX SNA. General Agent for Clearfield County. P. S. Oood canvassers are wanted in all parts of this Couaty for the abjve work, to whom a lib eral compensation w II be given. Applications, which must bs made at sn sarly date, addressed si above, will receive prompt attention. Deosmber 12, I860, ft. I3T OK CA USES for January Term A. D 1881, Lydik W'ilirn vs George Wilson's Ex. The mas Utiles vs School Directors of Wd. J. U. Abbess vs George W.Caldwell Aorabam Bloom vs Khta Irwin Aorabam liloora Edwsrd Comeford vs J. M. Pfouts vs Coos r A Briggs vs . F. Bautn et al vs Isaac Bloom Jr. vs John M'olf vs John M. Chose et al vs Daniel Emcal vs J. H. Ttecd vi Laird A Blair . vs J. S. Carry vs Crswford Gallshar vs Jarsd V. Galor vs Jatnrs IIiifT vs U. Lorain's Ex vs Willlaoi W, Worrell vs James Whits vs Dillon d Davis ts Klawsoa, Alfordatal vs Dillon A Davis vt BrowqLitx. 's Joba Thosspsea. 'James Smith Doboiss A Lowe Mary A. Luraado Thomas Ralstoo Jonathan Boyntoa Henry Waple John J. Johnson Boruemsn A Mook Patobin A Swan Elite Irwin, aduix, George Erhard G B Logan H. Brokerhoff Ceoil Bank Caoil Bank M. Leonard K'D"a Lewis Jsmet M. Leonard John Cox ohn Patoblo 4 SpltBdid assjrtmeLt of Lktjiss' Oeotlsmsns' BI) VBMffrsas' Olgres so4 Hosiery at - - Wo.wu ! I Pot. AUrgerst SJ rrlct , Irvin t ItEED.WiMVER ACQ'S I stock asd lower irwniTin, Mav 16, (- s I III i.t lli.l .... . ... . . ....... .,.,, hi iiM Hit: Ilwli; AND till lt';lMfi. l.r Mm Jm.., i, r.:j.;... .. kM HkVkiM.ukffollijiMni,,!,),!,!, , iM . m .. . .. Till Ttl. Uirihk(lil(in, tntntini tfldlnr. lUllltr th ilm, l.trxtft ef I:tn ot.t A tn i if, AIiImd knd Amkr- d llmtn, ll,. ,, ;, , f,,lmt. tlin kud Ifruli.titirt of Hi kniiril, id too lAkirnlmn Lli kr by ( 1, tialifr Ird rcn.l ii l,o tf III Unh l!lutind with tun: from i Untiuijr frriri. THE Wl.1 Till HOIitK AND lllfl DIBBABKJ v..af ts . i ... sirs. r.r,;ir.v jf:,.te tn.dicini. l.- i.!.." Crib hitinjr. I(ri!(,fnf f, and other vices to w hirh he Ii mhjeci ; with bu ineroui ssplaiutory snitrkrings. ! i t 1 "K r" i"r. miimuiin p, THE Will Till AND HIS DISEASES Ycu of the CCtirei. avmnlnme. anil Treatment of Strangles, Sure Thrust, Distemnei-, fatarrb, Influems, Bron- enitie, i'n.umonia, TleuriiT, Broken Wind, Cbronio Cougli, Itorinr and Whistling, Lumps bore Mouth and I'lcerj, and doauyed Teeth, with other diiosees of the Mouth and Reipirato. ry Organs. THE HORSE AND niS DISEASE Will Tell You of tbt causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Bote, Collo, Strangulation, Ptony t'onoretions, Ruptures, Palny, Diarrhoa, Jaundioe, JI(tirrhoea, Jtloody Urine, Slonej iu the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflama tion, and other diseases of tbs Stom ach, Ifo-noli, Liver and Urinary Or gans. THB HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell You of the cauaes, symptoms, and Tronlment of Bene, Bloid and Bug, Hfiavin, Ping-Bono, Sweunie, Strains, Broken Kne, Wind Onl', Founder. Hole Bruise and Qravol, Cricked Hoof, Scratchf , Canker, Thrush, and Corns, also, ofMugriraj, Vertigo, Epilepsy! Stagger, and other diseasts of the I'eot, Logs, and Hoad. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES ' Will Tell Vou of the caurej, svinntoms and .treatment of Fis'ulii, Poll E il. Glan ders, Farcy, Scarlot Fever, Miingo, Purfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism. Cramp, Qalls, Diseases or the Eye and Heart, Ac, Ac. and how to manage Castration, Bleeding. Troph inning, Rowelintf, Firing, Hernia, Amputa tion, Tapping, and other surgical op erations. THE HORSE AND niS DISEASES Will Tall You of Rarsy's Method of taming Hor ses ; how to Approach, Halter, or Sta ble a Coll ; how to aucnstum a horse lo strange sounds and sights, and bow to Bit, Sadd'e, Ride, and Break him to Harness, also, the rorm and law or Warranty. The whole boing the re- j suit or more than f fteon years' careful study of the habits pe mliarities. wants nd weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The Book contains 38 pages, appropriately il lustrated by nearly Ooe Hundred engravings. It is printed in a cloar md onen tvDe. and will bs forwarded to any address, postage paid, on receipt n puce, nan nound, Jl.uu, or, In cloth extra, IOOO A VC.in can be made by entorpri sing men evorywhere, in selling the above, and oiuor popular worss or ours. Our inducement to sll siuh are exceediuclv liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agenls, with other information, apply to our ad drees JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom Street Philadelphia, Pa. December 12, 1J60. 6mo. rpil E PUOPJ.H'S COOK BOOK. X M0D2RN COOKERY. In all its branches. By Mm Eliza Actom. Care fully Itovieed by Mrs, S, J. Hal. It Tells You how to choose sll kinds of Meats, Poultry, and Qamo, with all thi various and most approved modes or dressing and cooking Beer aud Pork ; also the b;st and simplest way of salting, sick ling and curiog the tame. ItTells Yon all the various snd most spproved moats oi aresmnr, oooKlng, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Voal, Poultry, and Game of all kinds, with the different Dressings, Gravies, and stuffings appro priate to each. It Tells Yon how to chooe, clean, and preserve Fish of all kind.', and how to sweeten It when tainted j also all the various and most approved modes or cooking, wi'h the different Dressings, Sauces, and Flavoring appropriate lo each. It Tells You all the various and most approved inoues ol preparing over fifty different kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Game, and Vegetable Soips, Broths, ant Stows, with the Relishos and Seasonings ap propriate to each. It Tells You all the various and most approved modes of cooking Vegotablos of every description, also hew to prepare Pick les, Catsup"and Curries of all kinds, Potted Meats, Fish, Game, Mush roons, rfc. It Tells Yon all tie various and most approved modes or preparing and cooking all kinds oi Plain sod iancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confection cry, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dish es of every description. It Te'.ls You all the v rious and most spproved Paetry, Puddings,1 modes or making Bread, Kusks, Mufliics, ! 1 I, ' . r- I uv i iduii, wo uert meiRoa oi prepa ring Ccfloe, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of varivus kinds. It TelU Yoa bow to set out aa ornamental Ta ble, hew to Carre all kinds of Fish, Flesh or Fowl, a.d in abort, how to so simplify the whole Art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within everybody's reach. Thi book contains 418 pages, and upwards of twelve hundred Recipes, all of which are the ro sults of actual experience, having been fully and carefully tested under the pcrsotal supcrinten done of the writers. It i printod in a clear and open typo, is illustrated with approprlato ecgra "ifi'i auu db itrwaraea to nnv ad.lrnss. neatly hound, and postage paid, on roceintortha nri f I an a. ; i.t. .n. - t vi iu viuiuj cum, f 1,49. I $IOOO A YEAH can be mado by entorpri-; sing men everywhoro In selling the above work our inducements to all such boing vory liboral. For single copies of the Bonk, or far terms In ; agents' with other information, apply to our ad- dress JUUN E. PtITTEK, Publisher. No. 817 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' December 12, U60. 6bio. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters or Administration naving beon granted to the tinramgoed, this day, upon the estate or JOSEPH LAGLE, deceased, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield onnnty, all persons iudebtod to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having cluius against toe same will present Ibem July authenticated f r aettlamsot, JOHN M. ADAMS, novJ8-t Administrator. cis iui :.u. L f i i s.'ge variety at reduood prl-i- .:knre. Curwensville 16, '0. Cooking Stoves cf various sizes and pripos for sslb E. A. UVIii CurwentvUle, May 16, '60. FRUIT, tried Apples, Pared and spared Paaobss, ChsrrUa, Praaae sad tUlslBs a ne e-raar twre ef E. A. IRYIN, ' . . . - . i u i iniMhim m . . iimiU'Wmp .... r 'm-i . k . . . . 'i.t.i Vn? T.'. '""'i '''" "'. rivivx V;.;',:; '" ' fumy, "(.,. ma .luH,-ffti is ' n"J' M ' ,Ml''l't. "l tli rnn-cli Mnn-U. t frlnt'-r, A. . Hb9, lo kntr A Hum K'H'Ti ' t'I'k nlmKnio, ttrfll Ariam tiwf nA ' ' mil Mrhulu (tT. 0 fiivLf, Jt nri I fSntiUr, In. f"1"' livliUd rto hold r'l1oii '' U t k r rtnln tmrl of In ml Mtumt o.nhip, r,JU tnuolj, r,, In of Uiktllt, eatiuioinn lour tiiiniltiiit Htt knd llanr, iljoiitlriir Undi of D.nl.l jOorijinn, -Mr'h,,rn, Mil... nd ihtr. ( i PM "iunr proraeuwa in our U kml: v - KSSSs:; knt ll HS1 In n.nli . i . . - ".""." . 7" J" t"i, mk.r.g wan wful men of nur Imill wirk, ty whum the truth of thi matlur ui.iy be lirttor known In jour proper nerponi. t,,h an in the leneinotin aforenaid.w.th the sppurtonnnoei, and there, by their oalhs and affirmations, in the into Tour equal pnrts you cause to be parted and ' divided) and one of the snid parts to Adam Hagey, another of the laid parts to Samnnl 11a-' gey, another of the said parts to Nicholas llagey, and the other of the said parts to Lewis Snydtir. nu ucurge onyaor, jr., to noiu tnein In sever- ally, you eause to be assigned and delivered, so that neither the said Adam Hagey nor the said Samuel Hagey, Nioholas Hagey, and Lewis Snyder and Ueorgo 8nyder,jr.,have more of the tenements aforesai 1, with the appurtenances, than pertuineth to them severally to have, so that the said Adam Hagey his part, and the said Samuel Hagey his part, and the said Nicholas llairot bis mirL an.l the sniil Lniris nvrlnr .nit George Knydorjr, thoir part of tho tenements aforesaid, with the appurtenances, resneetivelv hsppeuir.g severally, may appropriate to thorn- selves. But if this inquest bv vou to bo sum. moDad, as aforesaid, to muke partition is afore iaid, ihull be i f opinion that tho lunds and tone- mer tii aforesnid cnniiot be so parted and dividod and without prejtidioo to or spoiling tho whole,', tben we command you that you cnute tho said' inquest to make a just valuation and appraise - moot of tuo lands and tenement.!, upon thoir oaths ana affirmations aforosaid, duo notice having beou first givon to the sovoral purtios concerned or interested to appear, if they shall think fit, nt iho linio and place of holding such inquisition, and that Ihe partition, or valuation and appr.ise inent, which you sha.ll so make, you distinctly and openly have, under your hand and seal, and under the hands and soal? of those by whom the iiaine shall be made, befoie tho Judged of the aid Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Clearfield, at Clearfield, there to be held on tho sooond Monday in Juuuary next, that such further proceedings muy bo had ai the law and justice appertain; aud have you then and there this writ. Witness, thi honorable Samuel Lian, Esq., Presi IL. 8 l denl Judge of our said Court, at Clearfield, ' this first duy of November, in the year of our Loid one thousand eight hundred and sixty. J. BLAKE WALTERS, Deputy I roth jnotary. Notice Is hereby given to the above parties, tliat, by virtus of 'be abovo-msntionod writ cr partition, sn inqnestwill be held and takon upon the premises therein desoribed, on the 27th day or DEC'KMBEK, A. D. lkCO, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpois or making partition at valuation snd appraisement or the said real estate, as in tbt raid writ provided; at which time and place said parties cun attend, ir they think proper. P. G. MILLER, Sherifl. bberitl's Olce. Nov. Ii, ItJCO. nov21-Ct by A NEW ene borse SMTIUII lor sale Deo.S, 1100, REED, WEAVER & Co, S T I' of TH A Y IIEIFEIt. Camo lo the residence tbe subscriber! rntide about the first of June last, a BLACK HEIFER about 15 monthi old. The ownor is requeue! to come forward prove property, pay char es an 1 take her away, or she will ha sold accoidiug tj law. JOHN KING, Jr. Decsmhor 5, ISCO. 3 tin.es. T WAR E AND COPPLR : WARE Ar. extensive and well -selected assortment. COAL AXD COOK STOVEX Rtove-ripc, Collars, and Blacking, COAL OIL AND COAL OIL LAMTS, Meat Cutters end Sausage StutTcrs, Corn Shellers, Coin Gtinders, Cider Mills, Oar-Rings, Quoits, rinws and Ilitrrcws, a variety of 0LA33, OILS, TAINTS, D00R L0CKS, II ingos, Screws, Nails, and other articles used for building purposes, &c. Kept constantly on hand and for sale by aJU.fti 11 Li. l,t'liDi i , (cr Litnihot- fit v. ' its ;1 BliK, Strumous or berolulous af fections are the curso, tho blig btof mankind. iheysre vilo and filthy, as Well as fatal. They arise from impurity and contaminations of the blood, and are to be seen all aio-ind us every- , whero. Thousands daily are consifno.1 to the grave from the direful effects of this disease. But why trifle anv longer, when the remedy is at h.ndt ir. fiviiSKV's Ki.ooi) skaiu'Ufk (ha only effectual preparation new before the peo ple, that does its work mildly and safely. It does notclaoe the i sue suporticiully. wMlo " Foul corruption mining all within, I Infocti unseen." But purges the entire system of all impure Mat-, ter, invigorates the body, and leaves the Afflioted in the enjoyment of good health. To convir-- the skeptical of its healthy effects, try but one) bott.e, and bs convinced, bold by all Druggists in this place, and dealers throughout the couutry. novzi-lm , SCHOOL TP. CHI RS WANT1 I) The School Directors of PIKE TOWNSHIP wish j to employ six competent Teacher?, for a term of I three months. Liboral wages will bs given. Apply to Eli Bloom, President, rr to D. C. Dale, 'Secretary of the Board. By order if the Board. J nov7 D. C. DALE, fecretary. COURT PROCLAMATION WJ HERKAS, Hon. SAMUEL, LINN, Esq., "VtJA? t'Mrlim0 . Ploaa . e . l. - ,r t' r.'j r' . , ""'"'.' ' .uua,., y.f...ul vU.u pusnu Ul uio ihuihiiio vi vmiiiniu, vviibiwnuu Clinton and Ihe Hon. Wm. L. Moore and Hon. Berjsmin Eonsal, Assoointa Jndges of Clenrfleld county j have ii-sued their precept, to me direot- ed. for the holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court. Court of Quarter Sos;ons. Court of (Iyer and J ernnner, ana i,ouri oi uonerai jail Delivery, at Cleai fluid, in and for the county of Clearfield, on tho Second Monday (14rA day) cf Janvray next, j NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to the Coroner, Juntces of the Peace snd Constables, in and for said cout.ty of Clearfield, to appear in their proper porsoni, with their Rolls. Records, Inquisitions, Eiamina Lions and other Remem brances, to do those things which to their officors, and in their behalf, pertain to bs done, and Ju rors be then snd there attending, and not to do part without leave, at thoir peril, GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this 241b dsy of Oet., in the year of our Lord, one thou sand eight hundred and sixty. F. G. MILLER, Eheriff. Nor. 28, 1860. A largo lot ef BEANS for sale at tbs Lion Store of MERRILL A BIGLER. TTAM. ides, Mackerel and Herring for sale XX10" tbs stork of W. r. IR KIN. fliarfe , July 11th 1B60. warnod, ir upon being warned they will bo pros- AV. '' ''i tk teeth in prnpor ent, the tene:nents aforesaid, with tho appurte-1 tim will be of great unuu-a, ii.iiiS reiipeci io ine true mliin thunrif 'l lll.lll lllllllll ll llll'lll . .ii f , ,i. ( r lr rfi if 1 1 hrri III l li. t .1.. . I'" "l, ''i . A ... . I.. , . . . .. 1 II HI it ti.lt '"' i sf'-fi tr s'ftsw w,.t I'liV.S.fspKy, l'r,.i,, V.nlltk, r,,nr AllM.rculKi dni r7irf i I I'll' lUr Atlil rrrllr,' .rsrli tl.ummsr, "1 kH lli.i,.r ,i All-r, ()M,Miy, ftiusl rill. IT M rr,,iit . lite I Mln shd rirrr h Urfci ttM. r, rn 'nd'el d(lrn(,r srqll,r tl;or,.,Kh I-rrl.iili K.i,. imn, Hrho .1,1, (, , , Ih.ii.n t, l.ri,,( ,h, ititiiullun olls.s: He pii) il rMv.d r,r I,., tUn I, sir a ,.!, knd sirlineii. Tuili'jn to he paid t the clone r i,, terM C. R SANfiFoKD, TniMiPAi. Mi j 23, 1300.- Ir. A. M HILLS 'M'i-. dentist "Mi 1101. . i - lienulit In nvnrv jn pnUft,f honltb, comfort, and ronviuionre, HH-IMcun always be found at his or- floe, on the corner of Front and Main strootr, no notice to the contrary appears in thia InP"r. , Vt.T-. . y- i . . TI . . . . i . Al operations in the line of his profostion, patent ripit, and oonsoquontly the only poisons performed in the latest snd most improved .authorized to Ufe the piocts.i, they l.avo dutor styles, and guaranteed for one year agaiust all ! mined, in ordor to afford peopli In every section natural failures. j of the Union an opportunity to possess portraits on China, to make the folloniu proposition to STI1IKIXG TIM KS IN PHILAI)i:i. j residents in the country, who arc unable to visit 111 A ! Trrmtnduut Ereitemtnt among l I persounlly the Atolier and Gallcrioj in Now ila$,t,M EXCITINO FOOT It ACE betnoen i York : the Philadelphia P'dieo nnd tho notorious For ' I'e tan icndicg u jihotoyTniih, ftinbrotype, or K6r BCd countorfoitcr, Ju noa Buchiinan t-'ross Recaptured I !! I It seems to bo : Crocsll! the l?ener opinion in 1 1'iirficld, that if Cross hail worn a Pulr0' ""K ti ironchcalf Boots, tliut he would not be taUn yet. However, Shortv is not moch put out at missing his custom ; but I wou'cl announce to all Tlrcckinriduc, Louulut, " n:,c RR'J v""n and children, '? learlield, and Sinnemahoning iu purticulur. ' ' , bt rr,iP'"'"1 to rurnuh them." with Boots, K"oe' RI"1 0itors of uny style or pattern, stitch - ed, sowed or pcp;.id, (and as ho is a short i'tl. low) on short notice. All kinds of country produce taken in ei - change, and cash not ri fused. Ropuiring done in the neatest manner and charges moderuto, at the Short Shoo Shop on Second Strool, opposite Heed, Weaver A Co'sstore. FRANK SHORT. N. Ii, Findings for sale Kept. 26, lBBO. JAMES T. LEONAIIP. WM. A, WAI.LACK. A. riXNEV C riMNCT 1 Sanltinn anb Collation fite'M or LEONARD, FIIfNEY &Co. CLEARFILD, CLEARFIELD VOUXTY, PA. JBILLS OL EXCBAitUT, MOTES AND DRAFTS PISCOVXIEP I) POSITS RECEIVED, . QoUtstiom mat'e and proceeds promptly remitted ' r 1,cu Ixcliaii(re on Hie Cities constaiitlv on baud. !0flics on Secood St,, nearly opposite the COURT HOUSE. A T excellent quality of Flour for sale low wti.ine store or Clearfiel d, July 11th, If CO. F IRWIN. ! ABPHAS' COURT SALE. By virtue I f ef an order of the Orphan's court of Clear- jieia couuty. more wm bo exnosixl to public ale, in the villuge et Now Millport, on SATL'R- .DCDAV, the liTH DAY OF DECEMBER, lbOO, ""P'tlu'ulock P. M., tho following real os'tato to' wit: All that certain LOT OF GROUND, situ- ate in FERGUtON township, CWr5old county, Pn., beginning at tho corner of tho Lutheran Grave Yard lot : thenco tv land of .Sonhia Stroun I If perches to a post; thenca by land of John 3. Williams 9 perchos lo a post ; thencs by land of ' Sumoel Kiehnrds IS M.ri-lieH to a noat tinrner nf Yard lot; thenoe by . asie to begin- -ining; containing O.Nfc, ACRE; bolug thopromi- ses nought by alnuel Ktroupfrom J. S. Williams. having a TWO-STORY HOUSE thereon erected, late the tstate of Samuel Stroup, deeinpe t. Terms cash. OEOEGE ERH.ARP, K0v2l-ti Adm'r of S. Stroup dao'J. Ctodur andWillow ware I Sept.19," 6i. at R.W A CO's, fYRONE CITY HOTEL. Col. A. P. OWENS, ritopniETOR, Respectfully announces to the travelling public, that he has now taken charge cf tl.ii iarre and whll known house, and will conduct it in such a manner as will render excellent comfort and full "ljlfact:uQ t0 :l "ho Uyat bi yh n mi) COXSlJMPTIVI'.S!Th n.lnnrllr. X having toen rosttred to health in a few weeKs uy a very simple remody, alter lin.ving st. fero d for roveral years with a severe lung affec tion, anu mat area disease Ucnuniption,is anx inus to mako known to his fclli.w-suffoicrs the means of euro. To all who desiro it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the di ctions for preparing and using the sarcc, which they will find a tyure euro for Consumption, Asthmn, Bnnchitis, o. Tho only object of the advertiser in sending the proscription is to bene fit the afflicted, and cpron j information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy as it will cost them nothing, and muy prove a Llcsing, Persons wishing the proscription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Bov7-ly Wilitamsbuigh, Kings Co., N. Y. KlackftEmhing;. JAMES CROSSLY carries on Blacksinithine In the borough of Lumber city, where ho will) exscuio prouip ly au.wora entrusica to niui, ana execute it In a work manlike manner. July 4, ISCO. ly. W ti W F I h A X I NE W GO ODS. Just rs-eiving and oponing at the 01 J star of Lewis Smith in Bethlohom a well seleotej a sortment of Spring and Summer Qoodi ofal -very description a., , Fonl . Va.t-r,t a - n voaumui rissuruneni I Prints and Dress Goods of the latest styles, also a varletv of msfal Nc 'ions. Hats and Caps, Bonnets and Shawls, Boots ana Shoes, 'i. Hardware, Queenswaro, Medicines, Tisb, Drugs an GROCERIES, Tobacco, Ssgars and all articles tii'ually ken' in a country Store, all cbenp for cash. Give us a call and see for your selves II. L. HENDERSON, A CO. May 21, ISCO. . ' I)LASTERINO.-The ,ubScriler, having .L JoCRtod himself in the borough of Clearfield would Inrurm the publio that he is prepared to l. work io (be above line, from plaia to ornameq. tal of any doscrption in a workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repalritg don ia a seal manner and an reasonable terms. LDWINCOOPiB. loarfitld I860. ly. CaJI aad sxamies the Patent klrHiat GHiia aad atone jars, they ara just thk tiler fun need, for sal at ,1V,t CO's. t ti lift till-. I i ii 'ii ' o n a i in ri'i' I t l.ii-i I '-i I In k: i r'niiil, tnh" i II K1 I hn-r ti I I 1 I i S I I Hit I I N '' " I ' I" I t l.liS, ' i I'h n i n I -. I si v. N I f' 'i, 'i-t V il. In'iis ""il tl"-:r l l k"l h il' l iiH'Mii . ti l n, r I an ni'iffii f iiMi, ( In y ta I'I In r " 'v s;i i.i .ler a t"i Aflii'twr I 'I I hi 1 rr -i r ( Aii'.T. I ro'irillnr sil Ihs It 1 1 r a Ins si n 1 nilrn"" -m f'Slnies of i.nl.lisiy pH"li.iei n, Ihs Ii i ! . -i y and lini'li if k an'or n.lnr mil , ads 1;iil, rrto u r n M n i n "l fiinlllv of Himh -hv, l v I 'ins; IZ.r' fi, in r i 1 1 a 1 1 1 4 i Hui iiV'iin 1 1 t s aiUdu up "ii villi h 1 1. 1 jr rn, tmun 1 As thi put'iitH proos f Ihe (' inpunv ma Mis the reitiliiLtion of pliclnginjlis, mt inly on pl.dn sutt.n'ii-, but upon hp-Ii m re round i,r of any iloffrne of I ti-' pi In lily, p..t liniis run I'n re-p-Mlm-ed with lauli imp acuurnoy ami dnln-ncy of delineation, upon Porcaluin wines of any dm crip. ,dltiaUoi , ulineimmi uhOiI m sitioli s df luniir,- or hold utility, such an L'rns, Vimes, Pri-nk. luili't ArliclPi, Ac.: lliiroliy tecuiins; Uithful portraits mi.! furnishing a uulii,o nnd exquisite Myl of ornninenlHtlun of iructci iu domo?ti) Uie. In order to furnish f.ioilities for the p-.ilifics. I lion 01 mo ponuiur nisio. aud lo neoi hid wantl of "'oso pntroiis of tha 'mo arts itosirous of j having portraits on Poreulain. tho Ciiinpniiy h:,ve ; imported rrim Europe a culljct inn of superior 1 porcelain goodi, nianufnrturcJ to tlioir own order, , wliluh thuy will loll at cost prions. i as mo American Company nro owners ol t'J9 ' dnguerrcotype to theories of the Companv in - Now York, sccomnanied hv V will rnroiva in ! return by oxprors, frso of chargo. a richly orna. ; mentod Broitkfast Cud aud Saucer, with tho por- trait tr.maforrcd thereon iv trannmittlnv n HaffiiArrAntrnn and JTfl.thnv ' will rccoivo iu like mannor a huniisome French Vn nso cr Toil pt Article, with tho cortrait renro- I duccd by the patented procei. j By sending a pair of dngucr; ootypes and $15, : they vrill receive in rotrrn a r i r of rich Povres ' V linos, with tliA norlriiita MTnriitH.I nnnnl tn initio iaturo paintings; and, in lilto manner, portraits jcanlo reproduced on porcolaln wares or Vases 1 of every quulity of finish, ranging in price from $20 to $100 the pair. '. N. B. Ho particular in writing tho address, I town, countv, nnd Stuts distinctly. All letters to be addressed to ' Manager, Amor- flcan l'hotographic Porcelain Co., 711 Broidwey, New York." novVSm akki.ici: ctrini: iiniiur nrim. instructor for married rr.ior.s or thosa about to be married, both main mid foiuule, in e'orythii'g concerning the physiology nud rela tions of our sexual system, nnd the production or prevention of offiprincr, including nil the now (discoveries novcr before given iu tho English language, by WM. Y JUNG, M.I). This is roa'.ly la valuablo and interesting work. Il is written 'in plain l.ingungo for tho general reader, and is j illustrated with Tumorous engravings. All voung "'m'' l' V co,,"oaif,,1tiDB m and linving the least impediment to married lile, th mtld rnd flila hrw.lr Tl tl.Alncaa .Af.rn, that should read this hook. Tt dUclnfas socrots that. j every one should be ncquaintod with ; still it is a book that must be lucked up, and not lio about, the houeo. It will be sent te uny one on recoipt of twenty-five cents, in tpecio or postage itamps. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 410 ripruce st, above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pn. .pif AJJiicttd and Unfortvnatr. No maUr wh it may be your disease, boforo you placo your self under the care of any ouo of tho notorious Qiiacks, native or foreign, who adverti90 in this or any otl"er paper, get a copy of oitherof Dr. Young's books, and read it carefully. It will ba tho moans of anving you many a dollar, your I Jn,7"S ,0' ""''P 'w ' hndJ.biyv'0"i,.f? I wunJ can be soasult.! ob. any of th u'f01"" "s Puoiica. ons, ai n.s offif6'No-Jl6 kc t' aboT0 Fuurtb- r LIST OF JIBOltS. for January Term, 1SCI,. commencing cn 2d Monday, the 14th day. GRAND JURORS. Ball-Dsvid Boll. Bradford Em. Graham, I. S, Shirey, I. Ear gar. Brady G. M. Thompson. Burnside Jihn McKee. Chest-Robert McCully, John McCord. Cie.irGeld borough ohn Guelich. Covington Lawrence Flood, John Fontenoy.. Ilustf.n Piiilip Ilevoner, Samuel Conway. Karthaus James Wiggins, Knox Robert Patterson. Lawrence Henry Ouolich.W. W. Irwin. Mjrris Edward Perk?, Robert Daugherly. Ponn Thoj. Wain, And. Moore, Jos. Niohol son. Woodward Christian Shofi". Union Levi Dressier. TRAVERSE JCRORS. -I. Ricketts, Jesse Eoccaria Beers. Wilson, John, Bell Robert Moha.Tey. Boggs D. Adam., jr., Thos. Beers, Oso. Turner. Bradford Samuel A. Caldwell. Brady Aloxander Shea. T. J. Boyer, Jeremi ah Kriuor, C. l.utz, Jacob Shaffer, Jesse Linos. Burnside Ebea McMnsters, Horace Patotiin Aaron Patchin, BonjaHiiu Vingling. Chest Sumuol McEwen. CiOBifield James L. Morgan, Wm. Rada bach. ('urwcnsvillo Jacob Cole. DecaturJohn Livingston. Girard Zenas Leonard, Abraham Humphrey Goshon John F. r.oto. Graham B. F. Akoly, Ab. noovcr, Isaao Ky ler. Guelich Conrad Ginter. Jordan .Tamos Patterson, Jamos G. Williams Karthaus Henry Hunter. Lawrence Junies Forest, James Lytlo, James Irwin, Sr., Martin Kline, Wilson Hoover, Rob rrt Wrigley, William J. Hemphill, Moses Ful ton. Morris Jon at! an Emigh, Joseph Deuoing,, William Devinnoy. Piko Henry Hile. R. R. Curry, Moses Wise. Union John Biubakor. r a I j please nil, will bs found at tha corner more o. Curwinsvilie, May 10, 1K0J. E. A. IRViy. toll.i sr.d other shawls in variety at the cbeip. kl Storo of B. A. IKY LN- 00. Cunvensville, May 18 Ladies' Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and nn trimmed, of tho Latest Stylos at j R. W. A CO's, A Large rod splendid stock of Dress trim mings, Bells, Head Dreuos, Netts, Plumes ; Ac.jjtt P.. W. d CO's, Largs itoak of Men A Boy's received at clothing, just It. W. A CO's Boots A shoos of every kind for Ladiei, Gen tloinei, and Children at R. W. t- CO's, TTardwat of every kind, knives and fork Ilk Il moons. Locks. Files, Nails. Cow ctdand Hand saws and Mill sans at P.. W. A CO's COALI COAI.J1 The subscriber desiroito inTorm the public, that bk keeps constantly on hand, at his bank lerr Clearfield, 'erg quantitv of TO NE COAL, which be will dcllvar to eitiiens very cheap. Lump Coal at the Uank, 4 oenu per bushol, Snd 3 for fins noai-tr JONATHAN MCTJOL. AVhy stand ye all the day Idle A NY LADY or Oenllomen in the Unite 1 Sutes, poMosslsg from $S t $7,aa enter into aa easy and respectable buiiness, by WhioU (sen Si to l0prdsj n if raaUkad,, partktolars, address (With stomp) v W It ACTOS A P"-, Oct 2, 1EC0 fra. 5onh tth fr PU. i l un in tt.a At a