Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 12, 1860, Image 2

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tflit O'luifitta llfMibli(;ui
Clcarliiltl, l'a., pcrmiticr 11, l"H
tmyllon. Win. Ihglcr will please nc
cojit our thank for a bound copy of tlio
Congressional (Hole of the first Session of
tho riiirty-Sixth Congress.
Will it be Done.
In about ono month from (his date, the
Governors of the following States will he
cnlleil upon lo transmit their nnnuul mes
sages to their rospectivo Legislatures:
Pennsylvania, New Ycrk, New Jersey,
und Ohio.
We hope to he nblo to stalo to oor rend
ers In time, the fuel, that they will act in
concert by throwing oil upon tho now
tempest-tossed sea of polities. We hnvc
no doubt that Governor Packer, of out
State, will, in bis forthcoming message,
strougly urge tho repeal of every obnox
ious ennetnient upon our statuto books.
The same can be expected from (iov. Ol
den, of New Jersey ; from tho Governors
of New York and Ohio wo expect but ini
tio, as they are both Ilelporiles, nnd have
bo fur shown more respect for party than
Gov. Morgan, of New York, subscri
bed 100 to assist in circulating the hell
ish sentiments contained in tha Helper
book acquiesced in calling his Southern
neighbors larbarians, assassins, and
highwaymen. Being well aware of his
abolition proclivities, wo still have a. hope
that tho commercial interests of the city
of New York, which arc now well nigh
prostrated by tho acts of Abolitionism,
will compel him to throw his weight, into
the scule on the side of justico and hu
manity. If the usual abolition ideas are
rehashed by our Northern Governors this
winter, wo can expect nothing more than
a revolution, of which no ono can at thin
time, fathom the result. If it comes, we
can say we have done our duty to avert
such a calamity, and defy reproach from
any source.
The Republic.
It mu6t be distressing lo every patriotic
heart, to oLservo the temper and spirit of
a number of Northern newspapers towards
tho South. Instead of seeking to calm
the tumult, and restoro peace and good
feeling, they taunt and ridicule their
neighbors iu the South, and assist in
precipitating the coming cutastropho.
"U-c-h, we thought she was cotie."
' Wouldn't that be horriblo?"
1 1,1 t..v f " ml I' I M N '' " 1 11
M.ndiy, .'id In t. '''''I inf'tniiil that
tlti l'usi Unl n H"t i l t" Muinuni
ele bis M'i on trial d.iy, l
joinrtd until Tuesday.
the Senate, prayer was of-
Mi . I'.n.i i:ii, in brb.ilf lb" commute.
to wail on tho l'lc-idt'llt, lepoi li d that
it had performed its duty.
The President's Mesmgo was delivered
by A. J. (ilonsl rentier, his private i-ecre-tarv.
Tho resident's Messago wan commenc
ed at 1- and finished at seven minutoi to
Mr. Clingmaii, or North Carolina, gave
vent to his leclings by delivering a disun
ion speech.
Mr. Crittenden, of Kentucky, delivered
a magnilieont Union speech.
Mr. Fitch moved that the usual mini
her of copies of the Message bo printed
Mr. ir.vt.B moved that tho Souato ad-
j'.urn. lurried.
Morsi:. After prayei by the chaplain,
Mr. Stockton, tho President's Message
was received anil road by tho Clerk.
Mr. Sherman, of Ohio, moved that 20,
O00 copies of tho Message be printed for
the use of the (louse. Keforrrd.
Mr. P.olclcr, of Virginia, offered tho fol
lowing resolution.
liesolved, That so much of the Prrsi'
dent's Message as relates to tho present
perilous condition ct the country bore-,
(erred to a special connnitto of one fiom
each State, with leave to report at any
This wa3 adopted by a vote of yeas, Il";
nays, o,S ; absent 52 ; tho nays are all
abolitionists, headed by lilako, Grow & Co.
The Speaker appointed the following
special committee undor .Mr. jsoteier s
resolution, to consider questions connect
ed with t he perilous condition of the coun
try : -
Alabama. G'eorce S. IToustou, democrat-
Arkansas, AlUrt Rust, democrat.
Connecticut, Orris S Ferry, republican.
California, John C Burch, democrat.
Delaware, Wm G Whitcly, do noorat.
Florida, George S Hawkins, democrat.
Georgia, IVler L Lov", democrat.
Indiana, Wm N Dunn, republican.
j Illinois, Wm Kellogj", republican.
Iowa, Samuel R Curtis, republican.
Kentucky, Francis M Bristow, Southern
Louis-ana, Miles Taylor, democrat. .
Massachusetts, Chas F Adams, republican.
Mississippi, Keubon Davis, democrat.
Maine, Freeman II Morse, republican.
Michigan, Wm A Howard, republican.
Missouri, Jchn S rhclps, democrat.
Maryland, II Winter Davis, Southern op
position. Minnosota, Wm Vindoii, republican.
1 1
Hnw I Inmln K I Wtt.
I i-1 1 i l " i- 'i. :"( 1 It I I II "I
hilli'in:' til" l'.litllnli.. M t 1 dll'Mf
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I Mr U,. Mtho si.pi.i.e fM r ,,,, ,,, , , ,, , , Hv -Mb" .l-'bal un, i. h i ...Hl.,t !,., Mf ,
I'D IU " I'll' in i.' urn is i' li'H' i i" .. ,1 .h j i . . ii., . , 1 , ;
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i i : .....1.11.- ilni, it "i 111 Ilium llillllliPS wliLm ,.,
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,i ... ... ii ... i..... .Li Hill t It V 'lie .nun's i i in i in i-r, hum is ' I ii'"!,...
I n i ii iiil'i l' M l "1 i ini M ' ' - . , , . , , ' , . .!...' I.l.
co .'litis 1 C ' It'll'' 'I Into liillll " ' 111 i'""i) ikm. b I'iMim .
' . 1 .1. I l ! . . . Ii
. .. .. l . . hit MIllL UllTIl II. I I 1,1 I 111111.. II .
limn v Si il 1 a i ill i I'Mi'iin ii the 'lnn n f uy "' ' " , r I tl i i I , "
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.. , .. 1 1 iii. . v s I .... i . . i i i. sotl ll wouin sniier in ! i ' i '
'eliTted Prei'l'lit by abmil one Ihild of eulil. H,.l ai ) a " ' it,,. ,.,,, ,. in thill fii li'UI urn lihiti-l lnVi beell 1 ll" 1 l'H P'i ..
tlH.popnlnrvoteorthi.c.imtiy, yelMi. li " , '. ,,. ,.... ' nimii the p.ineipal p.u.l in 'he emit,..- wolv.i in 'her p's cloUilitB , r,
isthelaet. ' , ' Vl,B,,i T.r,. jmt dilb retire of as about It t-aerol pireitie!. N0ot),
At IhetininthodilhVully oee.tred l.o-, """';" -' 'V ull ,. to the .inesti,,,, of seee.-int, : but, one.) - I political .'.le.Ty.nel, ; ifthr;.,
t-veeii Mr. .letbrson and Mr. I.utr, ll was nnt.idn of the I'nioli, the S.n.lh would bo their mui hcatls ihey fanm.t rpi
generally spp,, tho , istrie ..v.- ) - - ' " ,,,. ,, ,inn,y united. bin wete the tlicn.-elv,,. It is. ho lust of tt
tein would ueailopteilj i.ui inrougn uk . , Thirteen alter the Deelaiation of feeutar inlluenro which hasbco,
mm l,inations of some politicians in New would hes, ate fo , n m , o e t (o M tll0I1. Ur,0 f ,;,.,,,, , a . ,tj
York, the present sysleni was adopted, U-u.ned this awlul, , d U n , J ,
ork, tho present system was adopted, assumed this awlul responsibility, and '"'T
i . ii . i ! lint i! !.- rf l.rrn 1: nw 11 n tin rnnfi'i I- ' 'SK I
T Wftamm"y UU " i ev. Put thcvnotonWc.;.,. their vct.s' Men and brethren, ponder well ,,, on ol Ood or .,,, the seer,.
iaus. ,, . .. 1 1 .,.,, 1 1, ; ,,,.u W.i l!i in I lines ulieii no
Pelow we publish a table based upon for, Hut --ting to M.o cor- ( ' " J . , . .tll0ut ,luJ ,rt0sl
this principle, and wo hope tcee it adopiresponuenvo, o e e i '1' ... ronfcillmlh
lential tl.'Clion organ in uiiseuy, i.iev nun ou.e. ,.-..,,- ----- - -
' members of tho party took strong ground 1 '""''
ted before another Presii
takes plaeo,
It required to elect 132 votes in the
doctoral colleges, and Lincoln received
2HI ; but had the vote been I y districts he
would have received only 143 votes, and
would therefore havo beer, beaten. Here
is a table of the votes he received, and the
votes ho would have received under the
district system, in tho following States:
Gsntral Tu-lct. ?- DUUirh.
SV IV.. J.iav'i's' 'lti'.
Missout i,
New Jersey,
New York,
'J I
()j, a.
To understand tho basis upon whieh
thii table is made out, we will Mat e that
in every district in which a democratic
member of Congress was elected, an anti-
against tho conciliatory policy suggested
by Thurlow Weed, who has been roundly
abused by all his cronies, excepting liay
raond. It may bo said that tho eleetois!
Wo live in times when no ofpol.tical prruching.
In this connection wo must alsoi
tiiiltcd to express our profound got.
reputable clergymen of the church in
(" nl T States, who havo hitherto onn
t- i . i ti .. . u ; . . i
1-ouucHi rrcacuuf,-. themselves to tho proclamation of
We regret deeply, says the JItimore J (io1(,i t,f pc;,,.,., ,u,d been ouiineiith
Amcn.-un, to eo an increasing propensity fu to their denonimatiotis and
' ' i.mnint ..luHiiuioon llm Viiil li ri'i' Stn ton I . ... i
were pledged in hor or to thvir eoiislitu-, '"'V n, .cJ - , '"' Me
..... .."...I. i..,'. r i ,i 'to dabble in politic. e have long smec tl0 armor of tb church militaiu.,
. . ., , irecnrcrcl from the shock given to our ro,.k,to, in ,il0 rn)r):t ja(tf-,i.,
tion ; hut we nelievc it it were pousitun f , , . ,. , ., - . , , ,il " '
... ,.. ,.. x , ,. J01'1 hishioncd ideas of propriety by the ( : C(n!,ct.,.aliH,, liberty nok l.ineoln would bo in tho mi, or LT"1 I"'1 "lan--8 " U other cinl letns of revolution will, r,
1 m ii ia hue iiaiv iiuniiin ii fi t'n nit. 1 nf ) 9)1. . . . t i i i i . r. i
..,.... . . i , to unit tioit. who nus saiu : Jienacr
IHs majority in tho Northern States is
clown of tho pulpit, and whom wo expect, !(.,. U:c things that nro Cesar's."
i-..i . . r. . r 1 1 f -r
nun; over a iiuarier oi a iiiihiou oi vo'.es, ,, , , , , ... i
, in- - ri- !ils 11 '"alter of course, losee as oRen stand- iiJ(.l(7 i.olc can be ra .ed. ih r a k-
and as ni.'iny as hall a million of us bji- . ,. , , . . ,. . , ! ,l " 1 lu L ' ' 1 ,u r " C!
i .i..,..,,.i.i i.: : .i i..
I'l'l U H llUll-Ul.1Vill.',.l llilll filliUll llio uicij, . ., , , n I i- I (.
i .i i . , ilaiiun;' tho .ipcclators of tho Suinlav ..,, ., . i .... : n i ,
tion. In this number we count tho mc-! , . , , , , imjroAing he occasion n gninj
, . - amusements l l l iviiiouiu . nu rcu nun i .,, ,r r,,i; ;. i .,.
chanics and manufacturers who seo now . t . .... ... , . , . j sanctious ot re.igiou to ai in its
lg on bis bead as on his feet, ami enter
lired off, but wo hear of some clorf
'.,. ' 1.1 11 I 111 S II frrilllllll I 'I III IV . ... .. . .,
that ruin Mares thoni in llm Pure, nil, 1 11, n' c... ' ... . r . . . ' , "orril .10 lorm, to cnv um,
' ; t n ni 1)1 in r. Ail the sinners in Air.
very large number of respectable- voters , , , ,
c A ...i. ii.,tl.,,f.., .r,ii,ri'in,i u' li ,.,i',nir l.i i.n
... v .v..n. . r.. . .. ........n ......
saved long aLo, it is of eon i so eini
who threw their influence upon the opp)
si I loll m In in ni'iler flint. Ihr.
tiently projior that they should now do
tho neari
preach to a bell upon earth that
I T.-.l . J." 1 It.
nunuitiiiy nas ever fuiii reii. e an
suailod that these estimable clerj
have not deliberately weighed thecli
ter and consequences of a position
Ilistorv relates tho fact that Noro fid, ew York, Jos Humphrey, republican.
died whilo Ttomo wMnnfiro. and it i., ! Nw Jersey, John N L Stratum, repub-
strange, but nevertheless true, wo Iiavc blienn.
a number of little Nero's even in this NewII ampshi re, Mason W Tappan repub
hannv country of ours. liean.
n. f...i it. i n... ,i.:. North Carolina, Wirreu Wiuslo.v, do-
iii. ii.i-u inuuui uc mrureiru, mill
class of community in tho North, like Tiiecrat.
their fellow laborers in the South, orc0,,io' TLos- Corwia' repubUcan, (
working to accomplish the samo object i nian.;
the dissolution of this Confederacy. It uOregon, Lansing Stout, democrat,
denounced in both sections ns an infernal j Pennsylvania, Jas II Campbell, republican
league, and some go so far as to say that; 1:ll0,'li Il"Ji Christopher Ilobinson, re
ttio Constitution is a covenant with death. , rl"-'Fican.
and on agreement with hell. Theso two I s'0,l,n c'"i'0'i"a. "m W IVyce democrat.
parties are as hostile to each other ns they ! Tennessee, Thos A It Nelson, Southern
are to the Union of these States, and are ' oppo.-iiion.
as distant in their views as the Past is' Texas A J Hamilton, democrat.
from tho West, and are laboring both day ' Vermont, Justin S Morrill, republican.
ami night to accomplish the samo oljectj Virginia, John S Millson, democrat.
the destruction of the American Union, j Wisconsin, Cad C. Washburn, republican.
Iu calculating the probabilities or im-1 The Speaker desired to say that the
probabilities of a rupture of our Govern- parliamentary usao wa3 to name on the
mcnt, wo cannot shut our eyes to tho'committce the mover of the resolution
fact, that two powerful parties, luting under which tho committee was ordered
each other with a malicious hatred, have, j to bo funnel. Ho had omitted tho name
like Pilate and Herod, joined hands in a. of Mr. Potoler at the gentleman's own re
common lotto murder and destroy the' quest, lie had ordeavored to appoint the
Union of theso States. j committee to tho best of his judgement
and at the earliest period, in view of the
Ho-o-r a b. for Lincoln. j important business with which tho com-
We are indeed in tho midst of Lincoln 'rnitteo was cntruMed.
times, Secession, suspensions, banks It was thought that a committee of this
bursting, thousands of mechanics turned kind would harmonize the discordant cle
out of employment, the lumbermen cut- ments, but ktf advices fi on Washington
ting short their jobs, tho Union aromed seem to indicate that they wi 1 widen in-
from one end to the other, minute men stead of close tho breach, as tho Speaker
arming, anu the elements or civil war all has been unfortunate in th selection o
in;.. ii,..i. r,. i :. i.. I.i . ... . . ..
iiwiiiiii mi i.iuwiii, tin-ir committee, a number ot them are
What if credit is ruined, nnd every repugnant to a large portion of the citi-.
i.rancii 01 DUBiness checked, nil owing to zons or tho States from which they hail;
tho election of a sectional President, and hence they will bo unablo to ell'i ct the de
ity an exclusively sectional party, a Treti- piled result.
dent who preaches tho "Irreprossiblol Uotli wings oftho disunionists hare
Conflict,", and his hosts shout Amen, mado threatening and daring speeches in
hcro nro the Wido Awakes? Kring the regular braggadocia style, Mr. Hale, of
tucm out, and let us have a general jubi-j New Hampshire, taking the lead, and Mr.
-leo. WhnlirPankido suspend, maiiu- Ivcrson, of (leorgin, following in his wake.
factories ooaso to operate, merchnnis fail,'
tho price of Mocks nnd grain go down, I IurotmNT Liquor Care. At a recent
and every branch of trade completely rev- lfru cf Court in Lebanon county, Mr. Ja-
olutionizod, it u all a joko ; then, Hurrah f cob Fink, keeper of a tavern at Annville,
for Lincoln. was mulcted in the sum of 525LS3, dania-
. g0S( fCif ECU)g iiqor (0 a rug,, 0f intcni-
s$Tho "Irrepressibles" in Vermont perato habiU, teamster named Jacob
refuse to repeal their odious Personal Gnrman, who afterwards, while under tho
Liberty Bill. The vote on tho repeal of J effects of liquor, fell off his horse, and was
tha bill was yeas 58- 33 Democrats and p5 rur. ovtvr by tho wheels of his wagon and
Republicans, every Democrat in the As- killed. The suit was brought by Rebecca
tcmlly voting fur repeal. Tho nays 123, all J Carman, widow of tho deceased, under
Republicans. It is great pity that tho the section of tho law or Iis34, which
people of Vermont, and Sout'j Caro-jmakos liquor sol lm responsible for the
tia cannot be compelled to live together1 consequence, wheu they sell liquor to
for about six months, in somo "Van Die- persons of known intemperate habits, mis
man's Land,"or until they learn to tuat'nors, insane persons, or lo persons whilo
each other m. equals and ncihboi $. 1 drur k.
have been chosen had the vote been giv
en by districts. For example, Lincoln
gels tho whole thirty-livo votes in New
York, whereas eleven district clocted
democrats to Congress, md ho would
therefore havo cot only twenty-four voles
instead of thirty-five: nnd so it was in
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and thooth
er States quoted above.
They Begin to Recant.
The following, from Ilia New York
WorLl, is much to tho point, nnd shows a
tendency on tho part of that journal to
wards right and justice. It is wonderlul
bow forcibly truths that were just as true the course of Weed ; that Grow, at the
and plain before tho eleetion Miould not'outset of tl.c session, lugged in his Home I I. i v.'irtt ruiirlr n n - I u if .. .1....J!. II....
........ ...,c... a.u oio.,. vo((; tll(.ln.plvos Hltr-fthoi- to ripentiiig
All those persons were iiii-.K" or the nio-1 r,, r ,, ' , , ,
1 . ! of the sins of other people, nnd be hiniself
mcnt ; they are now sincerelv sorrv lor!, r i r .i i i r n
, , , , ii.iii, iu'i',1 iiuiii lilt i'l I'll Lrui- i , T , , , ,
what they havo done, and exoecdiimlv 1 ,,- ' ,- ,, r r , uhir c.cueincnt. Let tho cause of
, - emu" ire u, nee, an uuioi L'n in'.: .eeuir.;". i. i . , ,
anxious to rrcedo from tho extremo nosi-1 , , , , .,. . , " , , i ' amhr.a bo ever .so just, the plaoeo:
, ., . , , iii'..- . ... . 1 iuiii an un moi v a iiioii i,,n, is ai jiei itci iio-
I.incolu Presidential elector would also . In into whien the black republican Ka-! , , "r . ...a , i
, , , - eiiv, iiisie;i.i i'l eiviiioui, i.'ii, iweien-
dcrs enticed them. i ,' .. .. ' .,, .. , ' , r
, , ,. , , , ed m in tn;:t I am, with that old foey
And now that the work has been Pin- ,i , c , . . . , , ",
. , , , aoostle, who fearen lest when cv(n he had
lshcd, now that the last straw has eseaii- , i . ,i i i , i i
, 1 ! preaehetl to others ho triuht one day he
ed 1 rom tho clutch of the drowning nuui , . , " , M '
, , . . c ' ;come a castaway, lo po choerluily turning
! i g"'U',:i1 .""'T-V, ,Vhat 0fll'C futuu' Isunimcriaults up the" road to glory. Wo
c can see but little hepe in the signs of : f)()1. liatmai!y to I'.eeeher for all "sorts of
tho tunes. 1 ho black republicans do not I llal ,.nsimlUicSi rrIi ,5oil8 froiic. nnil
purpose to act unti. after Lincoln!s.K.n(, 1)rof;lllitv, lut wc ,JOt MlH.0,,a
boemnaui atcd. J his is evident from j ,li;it am.;M.nan iu Ul AX01,I1C111
the dels that the Presidentelect ha, fail.. I states, of rrally"soli.l parts and consistent
cd to indicate in any official way bLs Mob- .i i , ii i i-
,, ' 1 .Ciiristian cl aiacler, would, even by impli-
ab o no icy ; that the general tone of tho' .-i- .i i i
1 . . kuwcatnn, ju.-tify the Minday ptitnip speeches
'it-i!.-! ti ma iiiitu'i'i ia u eiiau t i at uei ' r i it:.... i ... i,i: i i ..
. oi u 1 ' ii i' l i rein lie s, uei veien I V ' l;,,,, . , i i n ;.. r t
than conciliatory ; that the leaders of the 1 .' ,...:- l'linn"' l,lK;U'1 Uk" M"Jor on
uiuhu .au jaiiiiyv iii UIJ vi uil' x iii i-
party, alunst without exception, eou'lem-i j ...-. sho..u of" , , ......
.ieh they have Icon hurried by Hi
clergyman is in the pulpit, proch:
the lospel, and they nre as much i
their pioper sphci! in figuring alii
pjles and artillery parades as Yanc-
Kcitt would v in the sacred hk..
The ritE. iiiENT's Mis.'.i:. We fi
our suhscriU'i'S, this week vitli the it
issue of the iov h!r m. and nu Extra,
taining the Piesideiit') Jltntst-t
we have not yet had tiuie lo read for
C-AV.The I et: ocrats of Terre llauif
havo been recognised by the World and
all the other anti-slavery papers, until af
ter tho election. Speaking of the Person
al Liberty bills, tho U'wMsnys:
"Tho Northern States which have pass
ed theso bills have clearly put themselves
in the wrong. They -iro net in a situa
tion to complaiu of anything that South
ern States may do in the same nullifying
line. I hey have no more right to liullily
Mead Pill, in order lo stave off dLeu-isk
chip trap and buffoonery
We regret, however, to observe that in
a late valunio of Addresses I.v l)i P
upon the topic which was upper nost in ' IIol.ryt a ck.rgyman wLo U;ls ilhhcr(o en.
the miad of ev ery member, nnd that thir- 'joj K1, a r t;ltion Ma sclloar nJ
ty-eight republicans voted against Pole-1 ,i;.,;n .;,;., i ,.,.. !; c,, .... ,,
1 V. I V ... Dl.UI U.1
wccl Tho "sober socontl;
already at work.
Our Litest news froaj Washington,
the effect that everything iudhates
ture in the ntfairs of our country
lers resolution. Wo do not envy sneti'f ,kCl.,,er anJ, (though he docs i 1 '-eing made by Not the'rn V
not mention tlicm by nanic.) is justified. 1 illH 10 LriI,fc' al"'ut; a. fttf." toiy u
men as (irow, Htnlingame, Sherman, Hick
man, Howard uiid Lovejoy their place
tho history of the country. They have
now taken tho second ttep in the career
ono clauso cf the Constitution, than Snii'.h jof poli:ioal infamy most aptly begi
Carolinaj'.ns to nullify every clause V.m , 10 endorscnient of tho j,,.,,,,,, h
in unn, Ja'i'is in ommhiis. As Mr. Wcnsteri . 1 "A comnai't that is broken on one I 1,1 thisstatc of things tho .-outh
side is broken on all sides." The Slates paring lo go out of tho Union the
in fault cannot too soon abandon theii friends of the new ndmini-.tration sittin"
fiUe i)osition. There should be no man
ncr of prido at all in the matter, except
tho prido of right-doing. Firmness is a
good thing, jvviJ-lit hcjirmnw w Mr r.jhl;
otherwise it is that despieablo thing, ob
stinancy. There may be those who think
it discreditable to yield, when the South
is in a threatening attitude. Put no true
patriot hesitates to repair Wrong, however
tho claim mav bo mado unon him. The
standing with the'r Southern fi
They arc laboring day and night in
work of Peace. Prominent among
we find Senator Pigler, of our State;
of Ohio; 1'cnrcc of iffarv'.tind : Uri''!,
Vu'ong voice against all public wicked-j l,t('" 01 Indiana; all of whom are;
ness ;" ami he warns the cletL-v thnt if vor ft a peneral convention of ai,
lr. llenty declares that the country is
growing worse rapidly, nnd says it i "in
'finitely imitortant to th srdvation of tt,p
un ,J'j "nation, that the pulpit should he free,
"that its voice should Lo heard one gi c it,
yd) not thus speak out, he U not States, for t!ic purpose of putting
'sure but they will have to irive way to lo 1110 slavery question. 1 lie .sou:
"toiu.-thing bettor, or losomt thin worse." membei-.s nnd Semttois favor an cxtli
includes slavery in the i'i'theni Convenlion only, in vlnVh
with folded hands tho material interests
of the country paralyzed it b hooves ev-
Pl'V food eitiy.eil to 1 1 1 1 .1 ll ir.. in llirt ,.
J o --- k-. " ii i if. ut-nry
i-.ce. it there is a doubt as to tho mum- I wickedness agaliwt which lUo dcr-y are' win " tempt lo set forth their po.
nonce of the crisis il may be ic.olved by ,.,.,,:,,,, to , a'.oud an 1 Mine not . wei "J tho principles upon which tW;
u.c loners niM speeches ol culm, con.scr-j ca)1(,t lU adniiic the impu . i mc nt beltP,ul nci in the future.
valivo men, like Mr. Suihens, of (Jeer- j has 1.l,,e , ( th c ,.,ci;,.e o! ChHaand! Secret ry Cobb has written a Jet1
g.a, ana Senator Hunter, ot irgnuu.- ,li8 A,0sltlt:s l,1Ctwhin.'.wlio. Mirroundc.l people of tieorgia. in whieh lie;.
otonly nev-!"ie inost ultra sentiments, ami seoul
llm d !:h-is! idea that anvthini: dffuiite cm be?:
fi-rst conceru of the Nortn should bo to Lest ciiorts ol the patriots una sages ci;lo)C oU.j;,..,! i0 ii1011. lni,,, ..,,! ,1.
. .1.. ..n..l 1 !.. .cna ., ., .1 11 . 1 . . -
iirove iu iiiu "m iu uim m iiiiijvi, . every ci'ocn. iio now wrii'is a snort nil-i ,!..., ,i , e , ( ,.;r .,., i ,
nlnnd, tnnlii' every roui.irement of ...,..! . ............ ... ., .. , r1'"'' "' '.' te'eh oth,rwi,c,
.. .. j , .--j , ivaie enur. uv which ic is cviueni iiiat lie
has the most serious apprehdiisions. Sen-
conductor others cannot a.loct his own ,,1C rormw ,;llol the c0u..rv a ZZi
duty to himself tho duty of doing1 r . - (isi.inj in its woisl lonn, in
the thing which is right. The very ' sl,ceJl " !iu-'1 IlV0 fol'evtlMvlth er jircached i.gainsl it, but eni,
licst conceru of the North should bo to best cllorts of the patriots and sages of' (ll i, ..l..,.;.,,,, i.. n,..,,.
tho Constitution. That once done, then
and not till then, will our section be in a.
"and consent not to wholesome -.voids,
"even the words of our Lotd Jesus Ch-ist.
ted from tho Noith. If this is trn
will certainly resign his teat iu tlio
The proposition of Senator Toit
,.,..: . A I . ... ir o -i , I f Ai'-illn ntrtl I nn r.r vn la i g I 1 1 , liJ ,i i.n,icti.n I , . . . . , 1 - .
jiwiuuu wti yiii5n.i.'..,., v. t(l ,l0 ,1,,,-ti ine whieli is at:eordii" ('nnijU.V. to raise n, committee ir
iviiu ui:oonsui.uiujuai uui.u in im.v uiii'-, anu snows mat, coercion in out ol re
section, 'oirestiiyn. Tho Senator's lolfpr in Ion,. :
How wonderfully sound, conservative : u wiu be aUell(ivoly n.v I10lwi(h
and patriotic tho Pdack licpublicans arc I lamling. As to ,v,mt . Lcfo,,0 us ni;m
all at onco becoming. They "out 1 ekoh jcan Mucll Uo 1:(,4 0I1 tho nctio
IIeboi.." Ihey have caught up our iVm-:
ocratic phrases ami doctrines, and roll! , vc i i r .t i i
"to godliness, bo is proud, knowing noth. j '"ate similar to I he one apnoin'etll
"ing, but noting about ijueriions ami t ti ifes 1 LIuaisc, .uccts with no Paver from So.,
"of words, whereof cunoth envy, ftriiV,(-'l,alois. Tha gieal cflorl now set:
"failings, evil surmising, pet verso dispn
"tings of men of corrupt minds, and des-
"titute of tho truth, supposing that gain
ouiabiu wiuMifa unit iiytuiui:!, 111114 iuii 1 . . - 1 1 p - , 1 ' 1 1 o t
thee! out with most astonishing fluency-l1"'00-,0, l?',y f .inon S"lc0 tIlC "0I M , " podlincss ; fiom such withdraw tby
just ns if they hod all their lives been ae- l1" I,a" ,,illl.ft 8rcaiCr' ft , 'Vclf." (First Timothy, si.xth chapter,
JUDV 114 11 Vliv.1 H'04 uii ihvii iiivb vlvii nu 1 , , ..... . rf - -- - 1 - - -
' 1 IIUll n 1tmti iSt.rMiliiif roi'i..,uMl.ilil.i ,.. . . . . . .
customed to it. How the devils cat their " ,"" 1 , " ' ' T ' " i lUua IJl"'U) 11,111 hUh verecs. It will
Ilia ch'll'iTl (tmn i 1. In If.l . .
words I Surely these cannot bo the same ! . 6 ...... i.uiv Uiu seen that Dr. Henry aasuuicn to
people who so lately talked fire and brini-
I ...... r.
jit io gee uii .Mmtli i, niled upon sort
which is likely to be done ; ami il
harmoni.e upon this point, secession
Philadelphia Markets.
riilt.ATiM.A1IU. M'ind'IV. Pit
Tho Flour mnrkpt is minsuallv dull In it
ndment to tho constitution .dor of tlio Christian l.'cligion and His in-! "r1""""! barrels : snpcrfino $ t 75f7i;.i, cif
,d upon, all may yet bo welb ;B1,ilc, ApUos, ami, wo may add, of Ihej lZJtl i'XU U
on staUs cannot bo expected v1k,o t, iall oiu,, for eighteen cc-n-!bv to the Ukorsj tie foruior $3 C2 ; the 1
-li L'li l li 1
lu.Tn MM 7" u-n" 'I1 ;1k5 wiser ami better than the Divine Foun-! .h.Vnly lcV; il.e tTdo nn't
41 , . i . . . , lias been nclo
b " " I lt I M, ,,.11.,
liut what thev do ou-ht to bo done with i """1"'" ,whclo Christian Church for eiuhtoc
.7.T- 1. IV . t .. . i . I f3 , - r, n-
a good grace, ani not in a mean, pitiful I ZrZIZ'' R" yy: m
sneaking manner. Let thorn say in a! , obstinate, indnl, rent, sullen, o. jChurohof Pome, tho Creek Church nnd Ul M fensvlvni r.,i. and $l f
manly way, we have done wrong, we are f- ' , ?p0, Ur black rci'ub" the Church ofPngland ; including all the ' JI.?",,I,er"' n'1 $l 2if1 37 for EoJ ni
t ., , . , , . , ... Lean ftiends to give their special alien- . , i , r.t t. p - , ,,l"1,l,e-
sorry for it, and intend now to do right. ,. ... , .fc ... . great doctors of tho KtformaUon, ami all corn 3000 bushels M vellow nrimoalW:
" I If ill I o I 1 in til rti; f i ii i ,n-Iniif i-.aii.I in M l.i . ' .
7Vi.,nini,iiin I v 1'""""' I""" tlio COllimcntalors WHO luive. over lived. o cunts : mmt nevrnt 58 pent.
J S!li..l,rn.. 1...I... IT. ... I i 1 , . . .... T-l 1.1 on. .it 1 t. .1.. T1..I.W.
"1113 1 1111 O f. HF 811111 )UVU PU5I1CI1.
at $26 porton, tmtli
.Stephens' letter. Ho takes the onlv ten-; r,nn. il V I IIIH-I C . fMllMut a i,A 1 .SS. iri ti I tl If
. . . . lab ft. cronnd. L Hint .i I- . I..J ...n.- . ... , ... . . . 3.IJ')., and ..4i. fur rciinsylrsniK.
a uitui vyiiAMiE. a. special eiccuoil, . -v....... ,,.Mu- hi nils su pel u eia i nu i lanaiicai century. Hark Snmll talcs
was hold in tho Kiiditb Ppm-eem-ilnf U.n tion, and that revolution would be even ' If the nee is i-rmvinit worsn it. ia rr.ii.,inlu 'market.
trict of Massachusetts, on Monday, the j n,oro ilrous to the Noi th than to the ! not for the want of political preaching, of $57!Cbla,du"M,l '
20th ult., and resulted in tho triumph of C'ut"- r Stephens is cpuito right. In which tho Is'orlh hits had a surfeit for (Voecrii-j t'hoy nro dull. Nothing i
the Democracy. There had been at tho j tho civ?"1, of cession, the real battle of Ijvars, nnd which has produced results nl- nnmnnje'ier8 m' Cff00 ',d
State election, On Ihe Cth, a tie, and con-' the South would bo fought in Ho North, j together different from those which DrJ lnoUvl.-ious-x0tlng dnins for thf p
seouently a )iev ono was held. Th Dis- i""cro Ul0,c ",c "Heoi liundrett thousand Ilcnrv indicates. "A Lnvman. in a com- nlM CI"-y ,0 lnc lrn'
trict had, herelofort, always been strong- jftira)ea opposition lo t lie doctrines or, munication to the London ('.risiim OtW-
iiio republican party. 1 ho government , r,r, asssrts that duiing the last fourteen
would have its hand full in endeavoring 'years, whilo tho country has increased
to suppress anarchy and treason at the j ten milium in population, tho New School
North, and therefore could not carry out ; Presbyteries have ikW by tho loss of
Webb's idea and whip the South into sub-'cn M(.k,W communicants, adeclino which
,u"avr , ,a,'gUSnn wnh th0 mfoduction of Abolition insl, Mr;i yed sW.t M
cities, what are called the. lang.rous cliw- .preaching in that body; whereas, in tho I la Lawrence town.hi,, n Man-lsv-
aes uuoves, rov.tucs nnn va-aoonas na cvcn years preceding that date duiin
lj Kepublican. The result on tho 20th
ult, was as follows:
Barden. Allen.
Dem. l!ep.
Newton 357 27H
Brighton loO 57
Totals 4.')8 3.15
I'arden'b majority 123
On tlis th instnnt, by tlio Hot.
Fix-lit, Air. .S'AHrF.t. Hio to Mrs. Ja-'
both of 1'iko ton Di.1, ip.
In T'.nrrsiilft lAwti.liin. nn TtinrRilnT. I'
CosNimi-ft Election-. The town of
Norwalk, Conn., which gav Lincoln 371
majority, on Monday week elected tho cn
tiio Democratic ticket for town officers by
35 majority. Coming to their tenses.
tivencd foreign, 'who would seizo upon j which it steadily excluded from its pult
the disorders of the Stnte as a pretext for: pits nil nini if .i.i.i ...
i Inst., Clarua wil'o of Dr. A. T. Feliryrr
. 8 jcara.
pretext for, pits all political ocitatinn. it ,Mo-l t it. I.,1" !"rr'nM "'
ivbMna..1 r,ln,lr .nA ,,M . , , ' i .u 10 nn.v0 D0(, rPP'exy, on tne 1 1 '
, ' 'f-viu-uiiimuiiion lorty-scvcn thousand. Tho -M sah arubi-.v, aged about M yrur
large reinforcements of laborers made Methodist and Baptist Churches havo 1 tni Ciirwensville. on Fiiday last, M''
, rccK ess ami nos ppraie iy imntcr Tims tccn wni ,m.i.,. i n ,i "im"i mum mjwn,
i nV ii ,i.i , , . i.i 7cn renl !lsun(''-'r by tho same cause, and ; The dcot-oswl was in pood l.oahh oa
wu sI,ouia Iin'' lotI' thclocul and the fed-he New F.ncland Conjrf gntionalists 1. arc 1 1'"' ''