Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 05, 1860, Image 3

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    " Hi)
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tH Line
Ht navns run on Sunday ex.'upl llio Express.
ML I I" 1 1
Sohocl Drafts.
The County Tt'enmrer him lately r
cmcU nuinlti.'!' or letters from Fchool
Dirertois. rn Ihe dlt.oront borotitrhs and
townships, in reference tft the payment of
8d6ol UrsfU Tor 1800. l'.olow WO publish,
list of the School districts In which the
draft! have been paid by tho 'JYeasurcr for
i4.rt-i i.A.t.. .i. n..n,i... mill
lw.ui , iBcuu-i ...
amount of each draft, ;
6rhol Kittrict. - Number.
Bseearia - UTa
K'.'- - - - I
Bogus - - - SI 4
Hmrffopl - - SIS
lirtdy - - - ll2il
Hurni(U - - - l1-?
CUirltlrl ' - ' ''
CumniiTille - - 1"2S
Chl - - - - lOStf
Covltijfton - - - U"2
DeeMnr - . 8lti
Farxuruii - 1 ;U J
Uoubfn l'.M
Uiabam -Mr
Jlurton II
Jorn - 1 ."'JO
KartliMi - - 1 IV:
Knoa - l''J
Lnwrenoe - S 1
Morri t '.Wi
i'enn - - U'-'JT
1'ike - - 11 !'.
I'nion - - - Silt
$iui 11 !
OJ 30 '
!i 2j i
70 I.I
lj2 40
112 00
02 17
A t. A K I . .
" TXi'ireeno
tu 91
4 72
2'J -0
iO 2'J
a: J7
J'! "j Lebanon
J: Lehigh
12S 30 1 Iiuzcrno
00 92 ' Lycoming
71 10 1 M'Kean
U2 2s; Mercer
" '"jMilllin
4i 's ,ui Monroe
Tulal muoant jiuitl -
Ufho cild istricis, Fox, Girnnl, nnd
Wood :ird hnve nolirfsonled (heir 1 'rafts
for ISCii.l or t hey may have l cached the
Slate Treasury through wmc other source.
TLe I i-.i J"ls for the new 1 it-ti iuts of
l5lodm, (I'ticlicli, Lnnib?r City, and Neiv
Wnahinlon, wo fii esume nro included ir.
the drnlts of the respective lUttricU, out
of whie'i they were formed. Ifweincludo
the salary ol the County Superintendent,
ii willbefoundthalClearfield county draws
annually from the Staid Treasury, for
reboot purpose-?, 2,300.00, which is nbotit
twp thirds of what the county pays into
the Btaio Treasury annually.
The Oil Business.
f .AiTfl observe bv a late number of tlio
Vnarigo Sjuvtuior, that the oil excitement
i still on the. increase- The total number
. of wells now in operation nnd pumping,
i(tMed at 74, from which is pumped dab
Jy lo2.'5 barrels of oil, being about twenty
tariels to each well.
.Tli-decpet well is in Franklin, owned
by Messrs. Ctirtz it Shain, and i 502 feet
lep, pumping 15 barrels er day. The
hallowc-t well is that on the Allegheny
riyor owned by tho Tidiouto Island Oil
Jo.,ond is but (57 foot deep, and yields 30
tmfrel per day. The Drake well Xo. 1,
is 09 feet deep, and turns out 12 barrels
per clay. The well o( Messrs. Lowry &
Ford is but 7G font deep, nnd yields 40 bar
rcda fr dy, Lvaiu' well, in Franklin, is
fiO feet in depth, and yields 10 barrels
tcr day.
, Thei-e are the only wc!!, we believe,
that are less than 100 feet deep.
" There are quite a number of wells that
yield but 3 or 4 barrels a day. The best
paying woll in the oil region appears to
ba that of Messrs. I'lumer, Evelith A Bis
11, on tho Clapp farm ; it is 1 j5 feet
dc;ei, and yitdds 50 barrels per day.
Tlio average depth of tho wells is about
200 Tect, tho average depth of tho Alio
gheny river wells ii about 1'2 feet and
yield about i5 barrels eacii per day ;
khoing clearly that the Ifiver wells arc
the most prodiictive, and consequently
the must profitable.
. Anr.Mir to niiFAK Jaii.. IUbt night,
about 12 o'clock, Mr. Kicjiards, the jailor,
woo awoke by a noise in the room occu
pied by John Cat heart and n man by (.he
name of Slrddnrd. The two were locked
up for the i.ight in a tmall ecdl adjoining
.their room, which is closed by a door
mado ofii m b.irs, o as to admit beat
jfrom (he idjoining room to the cell. Th
prisoners succeeded in ivrenching a bar
of iron from the wall, about even feet
long, which they biuke in two, with
which they succoded in breaking the
lock end chain of their. cell door, thus
admitting thetii to tho stove., when they
commenced to heat the bars occj burn
the plank ofl from the side of their cell.
Thero is no doubt that in n few hours
more the twain would have fled. Cath
cart had narly filod the manacles from off
his legs with tho fire nhovel, which ho
used for that purpose.
ttft,The Lock Haven and Tyrone Rail,
road was sold, at tbo Merchants Exchange,
in Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the 28th
ult., for $51,000. We did not loam who
, became the purchaser. Tho tinfortunalo
. diffculty in which this Itoad became, in-
T 1 it I iIa', Tnan '1 .
vwi.-u i...uufei. ....!.. iig. nis, lias
been a creat drawback unon the Tvmno'
nd Clearfield Road, which is now,
' ' ""v
. . t A. r rtA..,lil
Ti iu i. iiijj ii uy i'i l uiiij'iL-iivu,
.'On Friday last, in Iirady tovrnshipj
Mr. Georco Shncart. tvhile in the woods
falling sono limlxr, was instantly killed
' by the fall of a tree breaking his skull
and one of his thigh bones. lie was about
43 years of age. He leaves a wife and
'bhi children to mourn his sudden death
the family are, however, in good cir-
I'lnldrntlftl Mrrtlnn
1 Wn tt f. )r ft t)i It rr ft rotf. r.J
(t'tuiri ff llm lllr- . tlrlM, (lirt f,.ilt l-
I ll bring In ninny if.iptls mi nnrnni, !
' I.
".fill 'J.7IMI -"i. If
''I-'' l'i.i.l, .'. ,lll
,J,1'" :l,:i.r.5 Mi
1,1.21 2.H2I 4 1 5S
2.221 2,5o5 ll Mi'
M,M i. 15.71''.' 420 l.V.
1,275 .1.050 'J.i'.i ;v.)7 1
'2, 7,C'.t ,i 22,
f, 172 f.,U:: 47 t'.v
2,.".:i2 M 2,
l.till 2,277 110 124
l,:'.ol l,7f.s 21
2,42:1 .1,021 20 1''.
5,00 7.771 2ti:t 202,
2.07S lo., jo
1. Wi'i 1,702 2H
1,24 4 1,7.10 72 I
2-!iiO 1.S73 80 14
2, '.h'.I 5,77'J f.2
.1,1; S3 3,5!):: 20 147
2..1H2 4,531 1115 (5'.
1,500 a.OSl 152 2.SS
523 407
2.531 0,1(50 17 fO
3,30.s 3,454 24 147
2,515 4,1511 f.f..j 7,5
tl 1 7HH i 40 '
47 107 1 -
2,(505 1,(514 20 17
1,022 3,0s1.)1 55 22
1.347 3.'.H0 22
1,13.1 1,7031 fii 5
1,117 1,401 2 02
5,135 13,352 72H 411
7t 2,)37 10 31
1.017 3.00S lo 103
4,004 4,170 145 52
fi.SO.t 7,300
2,40- 3, 404 137 01
5V1 1,077 2
2,540 :K55 2 40
1,1K'. 1,701 K 30
1,202 844 201
5,500 5,820 500 COO
7f(5 1,043 311 4
4,507 3,830 115 171
2.300 2400 ,,7 70
1.74:: o,::71 8 38
21,010 30,223 0,274 7,131
831 :m
521 1540
4.00K; 7,508 422 13.1
1,175 .1.2 is 1 10
01O 1,07 s 00 5
407 420 1
2,54 s 4.470 2 0
1,277 4,754 1 1
812 1,824 28 0
1,032 2,080 f, C
1,087 2.2841 4
3,075 4.7241 8 01
2.018 2,857
4,700 4,887 13 13
1,237 1,2811
5.407 5,128 502 574
78,871 2(5S,03o!lG,O77 120oy
j Columbia
. Crawford
. i ),.!, Wiirn
I 11
i lltintin'n
It ! .
: i noiana
i Juniata
i ! fi wrrncp
Misque na
Lincoln over Iteadit.e ticket, 80,150
Lincoln over all opposition, 50,073
Total vote of the Stale, 475,587.
A Mistake. We leant Aom the
Tyrone Star, that Col. A. V. t'nsn.s, of
the City Hotel, killed three large Cat Tur
keys on Wednesday, the 21st of Noveni'
ber, being under the impression that tho
next day the 22-1, would ba Thanks
giving. We arc well aware our host of the
"Mansion House" has committed no mis
take of this kind, nt the Thanksgiving
Turkeys arc running around loose yet.
We hope, however, the Col w ill make a
mistake of this kind. too. about Christ
mas or Xerv Years, if not sooner.
The Tin, for which a premium was
awarded at our late Fair,- was slaughtered
by Judge Moore on jlonday, nnd when
diessed weighed 303 pounds and measured
0 feet nnd 0 inches in 'length, and was but
15 months old. To care nnd the "half
bushel" belongs the praise in this instance,
as the breed was of but common stock.
It was worth nt le;ist $30 in our Mar
ker. tin kriisemtnts.
Dec. 5
ene horee SLEIGH for falo by
, 1?00. BEED, WEAVER .f- Co.
Tit AY IIIUMiR. Came to the residence
of the subscriber, in Burntide township,
about the first of June last, a BLACK HEIFER
about l.i months old. Tbo owner is requested
to come forward prove property, pay charges and
take ber awav, or sho will he sold according to
law. " JOHN KING, Jr.
December 5, 'SCO. 3 times.
WAUE Ar. extensive and w ell-Eeiected
.Stove-Fipe, Collars, and Blacking,
Meal Cutters nndSausnge Stutters, Corn
Shelters, Corn Grinders, Cider Mills,
Oar-Kings, (Juoits, Plows and
llarrows, a variety of
II ingo, Screws, Nsils, nnd other articles
used for building purposes, fcc.
Kept constantly on hand nnd for sale by j !
JUSti II ij. Vvl1 111! 1 ,
dec4 ' Lumber City
-) i:r;lNTI''K'M MiTICr Notice, is here-
IV by
given that the following accounts have
hem examined and passed by me, and remain
filed of record in this office for the inspection of
. , . i , . . i , . . i
OH1TS, icgniccs, crcu i iorf,n i an utucrs in nnv
;olher way interested, nnd will be presented to
the next Orphan's Court of Clearfield countv, to
howev-!rbeidu lbeC0,,rt n0"'e,.iin "TUU&
C lcarrield, eomnteneing on the 2nd Monday of,
t , r , r . r ... i . , I
uiiiiuarr, ioui, lor euuurmnuun anu anuw
The Bnl account of John Macmanns, Admin-
1 .V ,V,n?. ,uo "'l'
rights and credits, which were if George John-'
slon Jr lat, of Bell township, Clearfield eow.y, ,
The partial account of Branson Davis, Admin
istrator of the estate of Thomas C. Davis, late of
the Borough of Lumber City, deceased.
December 6th, 1S00. Register.
V Fnsh sloes of grtnoeriee of every kind jus
tecelved at REED, VEAVER, A COs.'
I Wuil I fM ( l-.M mt A 1I1V
Ol 10 U ) Mr. tifOf(;i H. llftin, f Mr i.(
llm Iji a (.I. M nj h 1 1 m nlot t In ' 1 it o It ,
.lied, nVr nihfit ilhw-n, at bis h"tni m
liny all cel. I') on Ilia fm t biMlip rntinnu.
tin 1I1 I lo bis tin tl i r, Mt Mnt V Winntis,
(it'll lb ei vit fur Mot Wool bi b II
'low n, nii.l (di i . nlninat li)iinnll.
1 liilndrlphi Mntkets.
M"rii. )i d . J. 1 SCO. Tli I'lnitr nisrlirl, In
ilajr, l li'nilj-, I. itt ilnll. W0 harialt ii'rlin
Mini (cniniimn) colli at i fi.r fii.rl. 8li
Inn Irailrat Ifm 5 ti f 'i.f.O fi.r Miprrnim aiel
ftrn, anil J,7 tu ,60 for fani-y au.1 tilra
I y and Corn Meal I lia i rirrs nre
nomitiiil al .1,P7 fur U), ami $'l,3i fr M. il.
V II K A T Tlio inniket ia linn, but nut lire ;
fain of SiclO biiKticIa at $ l,2iH,n 1 ,2i fi.r Rno.l l
priain Suuiharn llcil j Wliil $l,2."if,i,
HVK Emnll falea of l'onnnjlvanln at 7.'rTi,(1c
I'OItN Arriving and felling mora fn-dy;
41'UO liieilioli milil at OiOJSlijo. fur prime oU li'I
ow, ami 70c lur primo Wl
r'liila, iSfjf.OOo. for new.
llulawar at .'10 eeut",
t. About aiOO lu.liels
Until linn ; piniill mlos
ml roniifjlrnniii 31 cents,
KICKP8 Clover Peei! ilull to-ilay, 800 bimlv
oU oItI nt $j,75((S,87.' In Timothy and Ylix nt hkIok.
Uroceriei and rroviaionl aro very dull.
Clearfield Markets.
Corrected waekly by C, & Kox,
Wbulcial and Ketail llonlun in (irocorioH, Pro
vmioim, and Uenorul Dry Uoodi.
Huckwboiit Bn,
Hye " "
0. 00
1, !.0
1 50
0"ts " " . . , .
Corn (cars,)" " . , . .
Clcivnr feed por, bult. ,
Flour, Pup. Fine, bM.
" Extra
" " Kam. "
Dried Apple, "gj ft). .
Ittitter, " i . . .
y-ee "r !.
Ileuini (S liu
Suit f Suck
Hops tl It) ,
Kngs '
Karon, bains and sidof,
W'lient per. busb.
1- 1ST OP Jf ROUS, for January Term, 18CI,
commencing on 2d Monday, the 14th day.
Doll Pavi.t lloll.
lirudlord Bin. Oraham, I. S. Sbirey, I. Bur
ger. vj. M. lhompion.
liurnxide. John McKoe.
Chotit Robert McC'ully, Jobn MeCorJ.
Cleinlleld buruujjh John Uuolioh.
Covinpton Lnwrenvc Flood, John Fontenoy.
Iluiti u Philip llevener, Samuel Conway.
Kartbnttd J u in eg Wiggins,
Knox fiohert Patterson.
Lawrence Henry liuelioh.W. W. Irwin.
Morris Kdward I'erks. Bobort I)angherly.
I'enn Thus. Wain, And. Moore, Jos. Nichol
son. Woodward Christian ShufT.
Union Lovl Dressier.
TRA Vl:lt.sE Jl'lIOIIS.
TJecearia I. Uicketts, Jesse Wilson, John
Boll Hubert MehnlTey.
Boirgs D. A. lam., jr., Tbos. Beers, Geo.
Bradford Samuel A. Caldwell.
Brady Aloxandor Shea. T. J. Iloyer, Jeremi
ah Kriner, C. I.utr, Jacob Khafler, Jesse Bines.
Burnside Kbea Mc.Mosters, Horace Patohin.
Aarnn Pntchin, Benjamin Vingling.
Chef Pninnol MrKwen.
Ciearlield James L. Morgan, Wra
Curweosvillo Jacob Cole.
Decatur John Livingstin.
tlirnrd Zenas Loonard, Abraham Humphrey.
floshen John V. Bote,
(jrnhanj B. F. Akely, Ab. Hoover, I.-aac Ky-
vNuoliclt Conrad (1 inter.
Ju.'dnn James Patterson, James G. Williame.
Xnrtbau.t Henry Hunter.
Bi-wrenee Jauie- Koropt, James Lytle, James
frwin, sr ilartin Klino, Hilson Hoover, ltob
ert Wriftl V. '"'m J . Heuipbill, .Moses Ful
ton. Morris Jouattnn Einigb, Joseph Denning,
William DeWnaey.
ike Henry llile, K. R. Curry, Mosea Wise.
I'nion John Brubnker.
of Administration bating been granted to
the uncerMitned. tl ij day. 'Pn tbe estate of
JOSEPH l.AGLE.doi eased, late of Lnwrcace
township, Clearfield couafj". persons iudehtad
to said eetate ere request it o make immediate
payment, and those bavii'T clairrs agaitst
the lame will present them ily authenticated
f r settlement. JOHN .V, ADAMS,
rtov28-Gl Administrator.
If President Judge of tho Court oi L'oinmon
I'loas of the tacnty-fiflb Judicial Dictrtrt, com
posed of tbo counties of CloarCcld, Centre .''od
Clinton and the Hon. Win, L. Moore and JlotJ.
Bcnjamiu Bonsil, Arsucinto Judges of ClenrfuM
county ; have it..-ued their precept, to me direct
ed, for tbe holding of a Court of Common Pleas,
Orphan's Court, Court of Quarter Sessions. Court
of Oyer and Terminer, nnd Court of General Jail
Delivery, at Ciearlield, in and for tbe county of
Clearfield, on tbo
Second Monday (loth day) of Janurtiy next,
NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to (he
Coroner, Justices of tho Fence, tnd Constables,
in and for said county of Clearfield, to appear In
their proper person.", with their Rolls, Records,
Inquisitions, Examinations and other Remem
brances, to do those things which to their officers,
and in their behalf, pertain to bo done, and Ju
rors bo then nnd there attending, and not to de
part without leave, at their peril.
1 GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this 24th
day of Oct., in the year of our Lord, ono thou
sand ctgnt unnureu ana stxtv.
F. U. MILLER, Sheriff.
Nov. 2S, lRfO.
Ri;Mi:.MIH:i;, Strumous or Scrofulous af
fectiuosare the curse, the blight of mankind.
They are vile and filthy, ns well as fatal. They
arise from impurity nd contaminations of tho
blood, nnd arc to be soon all nround us every
where. Thousands daily re consigned to the
grave from the direful effects of this disease. But
why trifle any longer, wbon tbo remsdy 1 at
lln mils tfTuMiifi! rifortnrfltinn now lis ford lh nsti-
pie, that docs its work mildly and safely. It does 1
not close tbe issue superficially, while
" Foul corruption mining all within,
Iufccti unseen."
But purges the entire system of all impure Mat
ter, invigorates tho body, nnd leaves the Afflicted
in the enjoyment of good health. To convince
the skeptical of its healthy fleets, trv but one
bottle, and be convinced. Sold by all Druggists
in this place, snd dealers throughout the eountry,
School Directors of PIKE TOWNSHIP wish
to employ six competent Teachers, for term of
three months. Liberal wages will be given.
Apply to Eli Bloom, President, r tl D. C. Dale,
Secretary of tho Board. 11 order cf
hoT7 n r DALF f
cl tbe Hoard. I
flOAM )A1. 1! The sabscriber desires to
J inform tbe public, that he keeps constantly
band, at hta bank nei r Ulcarholri, large
nunntity of STONE COAL.which he will deliver,
t0 eitiaen. very cheap. Lnmp Coal M the Bank, l
4 emu ner bushel, and 3 for fine.
f ufTKK I BUTT KRIJ-A 1-ge qn.n.lty
store of nov21
Rllla BU tbe
large lot of
Store of
TteiVS lr ) Ihm tin 1
I 1H I. 1M llli
'M lit. M
.1-1 (i n 1, 1 ,
I. ' I . I A .,,
Il'h n-i .il,l!.t,
IIIR rUMt S 111 1
1 llo Ml'
lol inMU Ht
l a l.ia, lit 1 1 I 1 1 MiM.,- nf 1 tMV,t,
II. mm. In lU l,i, ( f.ti Hioa, l.rr,
I , urn, Hlll I f
I'ltof. J. It. IS0HA1IAM, M- .Itxtlsnt l'l. ni ,n,nPi 1; tn, .,5
l"l"". rn, f I ii.
Tua rt B..1111 ..'llil.l,,,!, i,,,,,,.,,!,'
" miiinn in rin iutirMtlnr I v I o
1 nniiftt'Vf, inh,MjriffK l,n h, rrinr'l1
rn.tur.1 of M.i-in ,r n 0iiw,. kindi ef l inn,
tntimif. lit rati 1ient 1.mmyt f,.in f,r uli'ervalion f ,milar ,r..,f- in tl.a
N.otli, la Oflr Irtttliftilm-t. . I,, .re .lrplele,.
limy art ,..rl'iiva w, . vlvi.l. i,hm,,.i; .i...
ami wc o..,, like ( . ie ),,, in ),,),,
of OiCB'aiiils of rleefltred pti.t.le. hn bavn no
pel "O'llil lutawluilito ciihrr of Sutitln TllurM
rtg'-.thern llfo, exeept abut they hnva Ruined from
' luitiaan journl, or Ojiim wliuiiiU'ntmtiaHy liavo
Written to deceive."- UnMie, Jlfl, . V.
ian en 'M P.nTii,"Tliia volume. In in tlie
innu ui leiwrf. juey Rive, ao lur saw can
Judjjo, fuithful picture of Southern life, and nre
penned without prejudice. 7'liey precont ieeni
finite dilliircnt from an "I'nclo Toiti'f Cabin," the
pictures presented here are quito (trnpaic, nnd we
tli i u k the portruiU paiutod are very nearly catu
rul colors. llottcn JJiitli llrr.
Inn HrnHY Sot tfj.-"Wo bare rnrelv nee red
within the eoreraof a tuoro appettiinjf volume.
Although not intended a an answer to tho foul
untruths in Uie Lnelo. i'um trai.U of tho last ten
years, it uoverlbolessdotsuiiniervil'iilly burl back
to their aouroo all lies f- such a nature, and we
are glad to believe Hint tne book will bo read iu
thousands of Northorn homes. Tho South also
should take it buuignanlly, for, imlopendantly of
its truthfulness ond integrity, it is one of the live -
best nnd most entertaining books of the year."
Timti, Orttntborn', X. (.'.
Tnis Smnr EotTti, "Tho enterprising pub
lisher, O. G. Evans, Philudulphiu., of Gift Book
notoriety, is weekly istuing new works of inter
est, and spreading thoui over the couutry, and his
system of transacting- business may be looked
upon as an institution, for ditTusiug knowledge,
unequalled by any in the couutry. We comineud
this book to all." VVui'v Xtwi.
Tus Soutb. "This is a captivating vol
umc, strongly illustrutivo of Southern life. The
heart of the authoress is with her theino, nnd she
carries the intorest of the reader along with her,
as she, in ber amusing olT-hand style, delineates
ihe peculiarities of a Southern home." I'm:
Tun Pr.iir South. "Whatever bear? the name
of Professor Ingraham is sure to involve the ele
ments of striking effect and a wide popular cur
rency ; and this is just ihe easo with "The Sunny
South, or the Southerner at Home," which ap
pears from the press of G. O. Evans, under the
editnrehip of the gallnnt Professor. It is vivid
iu style, keenly observant, interesting in plot, and
in purpose and manner it evidently springs from
a warm heart, and will be as warmly welcomed
by a host of readers." 7"Ae Xcu Yorkir.
Good Books !
Choice Books! !
New and Illus-
tratcil Editions.
From tbe Concrat!on of the Shepherd of TjUV
lehem to the Rebellion of Prince Absalom. Being
an illustration of the Splendor, Power. nd Do
minion of the lle:gn of the Shepherd King, in a
scries of Letters, wherein the magnificence of
Judea is shown to the reader, as if by au eye
By the Rer. J. II. INGRAHAM, L. L. D.
One vol., 12 mo., clofli, 00:1 pages. Frieo $1 2S.
"This is tbe thi.'dVoluine and completion of a
series of works by the seme anthor, en the his
tory of tho Israelilitb Monarchy. The origin,
undor Moses, waj treated of in the 'Pillar of
Fire.' and iu Its treat elorr under Ds-'d is
treated of in this work, (The Throne of David,)
while the decline oi Jtebrew power and the open
ing of the new dispensation meot their delinea
tion in the 'Prlacpvf tho Houe of David.' These
works are historically valuable, ss handbooks of
information relative to tbe scenery, geography
and manners of tiro Holy Land. The stylo is in-
tprestin? and nowsrful. nnd the work leads us to '
the contemplation and study of tbe sublime Ian-'
gunge of the Bible end the great doctrines it con
tains, without beinjf. as such hooks teo ordinari
ly are, either ruindlin, stupid, dogmatic, or con
ceited." lloilon Oaihj Attn:
T -
1 -1
By the Rev. J. Ik Ik:raram, author of tbe
"Prince of tbe House of David."
One vol., 12 mo., cloth, 000 pages. Price $t 25.
"This volume is designed to sketch the Hebraic
history during tho bondage in Egypt, the Prophet
Moaes being the central figure, and is a free nnd
striking history of the period, in which the writor
gntkera first from the Bible and then from pro
fane history a vast mass of Material, which, by
hia genius, is thrown into a iauoiful narrative of
tbe most attractive .character which carries tbe
reader along without diminution of interest."
I'hiladrlphia Evening llutletin.
In a eerios of letters relating, ns if by an eye wit
ness, all the scenes nnd incidents in
From bis Buptism in Jordan to his Crucifixion on
I. al vary .
!t!y the ReT. J. II. TiGRAnAM, Rector of Christ
Church, nnd of St. Thomas' Hall, Holly j
Springs, Mifsit-sippi. i
One voL, 12 mo., oloth, 472 pages. Price $1 25.
"In this work the author bus succeeded in tho
bold and daring tntk nf presenting tbe great lead ur ng u.eKrc...ou-
tng '-l'Vb?"I''n. C::.n?,'Un.,rf
keturf tho.e evonu ., the, nHbe i
supposed to appear to the casual observer. The
descriptions of rights and ceremonials aro spirit
ed and comprehensive. The style is highly ima
ginative and attractive, and we predict that this
volume will be as popular as the 'Pilgrim's Pro
gress.'" I'lfbfttriun and Eiangelin,
Copies of either of the above Books, with
hand."Oino Gift, worth from 51) cents to $100, will
be sent to any person in tbo United States, upon
receipt of $1 2.'i, and II cents to pny postage, by
addressing the pubrinher, Goo. G, Evans, Phila
delphia. Jrtt-If vou want any Books, send lo GEO. G
43S Ohestnut Street, Philadelphia- where all ,
books are sold at Publishers' lowest prices, and I
you have tbo advantage of RECEIVING A
HANDSOME PRESENT, worth from 40 cents
to $100 with each book.
-J-Send for a complete clnsshcd Catalogue of
Books, which will bo mailed to yon, free of ox-1
the retail price, toe-ether with tbo amount re-
quired for portage, and one trial will assure yon
that the best place in the country to purchaso
lines I is at tne (jilt JJook r.stablislimcnt of G bO.
AGENTS WANTED To whom greater
inducements, such as cannot be equalled by any
other house, are offered. Any porsnn, in any part
of the country, eon be an agent, simply by funn
ing club, rending a list of books, and remitting
the amount of inouey for tlio same.
4rSead fer Catalogue, which contains all
the desired information relative to agencies and
the formation of clubs: and ta insure prompt nd 1
honorable dealinsra, address all ordbrs to tbe head
quarters of GEO. G. EVANS, Proprietor of tho
oldest and largest Gift Book Establishment in
the World. Permaaently located st 43V Chestnut
Street, Philadelphia, Ber2S-4t
mo r'if,)nit cE at.ed PROPOSALS 1
T fJ MMntlt VchoOL HU8E en !
I the land of Miles Reed, in Lawrence township.
will be received until Saturday, the 8th da)' of
T;1"lnwT.b:imLlioX' i
ifc., I'niua iimiii-, nr.iiici vu.i'ivi, n. u. ,
BpecificaUons can b seen by calling upon Jonah
iv. nvftu, ait vtLiiT oi uio jonru.
MARTIN mclIOLft, Jr.,
I ll I Uit III tt I HI Ms,
1 1 I r I'-.,,.,. t,l , ,, i f HH
M.fllfl n I I. vf'h I nill l,
I Ii . I l,
1 1 11 m 1 m
I 0i. Iht'V,
in ri s f .,,.i,i lu.-r,
1 1 f"H'f, t.4 il J- , .ri
..nitin1 li f hi t ri'iM .f I'mhihiS
l'ta f oil (i.ih ,y,Kt 0, ,tielp,f a
slil t', iitl, fit U.i.M I. . lh f ioili V ' Ur
1 i,'iliof, A. I. 1f,', 11 nKt A tita
lUgf, if j.,n li..ff,m, A run
lliity A'vl mI. pniiin IIhk, Ninlmlai (la.
K'T, i.i.f? fH.rr, )r tnl 1,ri nu1t, In
I'll o an, iimtii i'ti il ,n In. 1,1 llm Mli.uln
r. nl rlntr, Alt , a rf-riain lm t nl l ni.l linri'a
In I'ho.l mwa-hlp, l'l. tn,.. ,.tinl.r, l' , In
nntiif. -l Minify :nitl, rmilnihlns fnir linailrcl
ri i4 alianra. a,1jnnln( lamU af lianial
dorinnn, -Mel'liartaa, Mll,.. and olhert
nn.i it wnta tnth mtiaaer proreeilmt In oareald
eotirt, tltn j artltiona ltnald hti rand between
parliei aforesaid of lite tnereniipea and tittie.
nieni. ,te , aruremld, with the aipiirteinifrn
Thereliirn, we poinmnnd yon, that, laklrtf with ,
yon twelre lintieft and lawful men of year bnili-.
cir'wiek. ItV allA.n Ilia li-nlh nf ttif inaltepnifiv l.
'better known in jonr proper pertont, yea no lit
,lb tenement! nl'iiremid, tit c oppurleiiniioen,
, nnd there, l,v their on tin nnd fliriniilion, in Ilia j
: prei-enee uf the part e aforesaid, by yon to bo ,
warned, If upon beinic warned the? will bo pre.
'out, the tene'nenls aforoeaid, with tba nppurte. I
nnneef, (bavins; refpaet to the truo rnlito tbereof,)
into four ci, it a I parts you rause to be parted and
divided) and one of the mid purts to Adam
Happy, another of the raid pnrta to Ainimd JI-'
rot, another nf the said parts to Nielt.iliit Hugey.
and the other of the said parte to Lewis Snyder
and (leore Knyder, Jr., tn hold them in sever-1
ally, you cause to bo assigned and delivorod, so
ilht neither the said Adam Hasrer nor the said
I Samuel llittey, Nioholaa HitRcy, and Lewis
( Snyder nnd Iteerpo Sayder. jr.,liDve more of tho
. tenements nloresuil, with tho appurtenances,
' than pertalnoili to them severally to have, so
: that the said Adam Hiigey bis part, and the said
! Pamuel llapey bis part, nnd tho said Nicholas
Iingey his pnrt, and tne said lwis Snyder and
Georgo Snyder, jr, their part of the tenements
foresaid, with the um.urleniincos, respectively
! happening severally, may appropriate to them
solvos. But if tli is inqueft by you to be sum
moned, as aforesaid, to make partition as afore
said, shall be ri' opinion that tho lands and tene
Uietts aforesaid cannot be so parted and divided
iiu nujiuui jireiuuiec lo or epuiuuK iuo wuote,
then wo command you that you causo the said 1
inquest to make a just valuation nnd appraise
ment of the lands and tencmenu, upon their oaths j
and affirmations aforesaid, due notioe having !
been first r-iren to the eororal parties concerned 1
or interested to appear, if they shall think fit, at
the time nnd place of holding such inquisition,)
and that tho partition, or valuation ndapprjise-1
mem, wcicn you shall so make, yon distinctly
nnd openly have, nndor your hand and teal, and I
under the hands and seals of those by whom the'
samo shall be inndc, befoie the Judges of tho
said Court of Common Pleas, in aud for lb'
County of Clearfield, nt Cloorfiold. there to bo
held on tho second Monday ii Januury next, that'
! bui-ii niriuer ,iruceeiiiugH tuay oe nuu a; iuo lutv :
t r .t - i , i i.-i .i . . ,
and justico oppcrtatn; nnd havo you then olid
thcre this writ
Witness, the honorable Samuel Lian, Esq,, Presi-'
dent Judge of our said Court, at Clearfield,
L. S.
tnis nrst any ot ?.ovemier, tn the rear of
our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty,
. " . Ji
Dcnutv Trot h3no n.
j Notlrc is hereby given to the abovo parties,
: that, by virtue of the above mentioned writ cf
I partition, tin inqiiestnill be tiela nnd taken upon
tho premises thoreln!bcd, rm the 27th day
of DECEMBER, A. 1). ISfill, at I o'clock in the
foronoon, for the purposo of making partition at
valuation nnd appraisement of the said real
estate, as in the said writ provided; at ivhich
time and placo said parties can attend, if they
think proper. F. U. MILLER, Sheriff,
Sheriff's Oleo, Not. 15, IStitl. nov!1-6t
mi) COXSUMPTIVIW! The advertiser,
X having recn restored to health in a few
weeks by a very simplo remedy, after having suf-
rercd tor serern! yean with a aevere lungaSee
tion, aud that dred dhease C nl miption.ig anx
ious to make known to hie lWlcw-suflorori the
means of euro.
To all who desire it, be will fend a eopy of tbo
prescription used, (free or chargo.) with the di-
rcctions for preparing and using the seine, which
they will find a sure euro for Coiifntiiption,
Asthma, Ercuehitis, Ac. The only object of the
advertiser In sending the preserii.tin is to bene-
mi ow mill, luu, nuu ri'icn! llllimrtlllOU WUICU ile
l. ! -1.. 1 1 , l. . I
ivinriivs in uu iiiiuiu.iiin , iuu no Hopes QXQTy ,
sufferer will try hie remedy as it will et them i
nothing, and may prove blessing.
Persons wishing the prescription will plens
address Kev. EDWARD A. WILSON,
nov7-1y Williamsbnrgli, Kings Co., N. V.
"VTOTIC'Ii Tho partnership heretofore, ex-
ll luting between the subscribers, trading)
under the firm of Cu.nming. A MahaflCy, is this
iUv dissolved bv mutual cunseut. The Books nf
the above firm are in tbe bunds of Robert Ma-'
haffey for settlement- :
New Washington, Ncv. 5, 1S50.
T Tl. .. n,.L. . r , I. .. c r n .
x. 'l . "'""" """ """"'"H n iMnn:i:bi:iU2itJ FOOT KAUJS between
Mahaffcy hav.o been placed m tho hands o ! the Philndolphia l'olire and the notorious For
"il ham leath, Esq., of New Hahingtun, for ' r,.r UEd counterfeiter, Jit ns Buohanan Cross !! 1!
settlement. All persons having accounts in raid
books nre earnestly requested to call ntonctBnd
settle the same, A failure to comply with this
request will incur costs.
4 I IITOKi JSOTIC ifIn the Orphans
V. Court of Clearfield county, in the matter of
tho estate of JOHN S. C'L'liKV, ueotaccd.
Notice is hereby given, that the nndorsirced.
Auditor nppointo.l by the Orphan.V Court to
ditHbuto the proceeds of tho sale of the estate
distribution, nt the office of Larrimer A Te.f, in
the borough of dcarflcld, on FRIDAY, tko 8lh
day of DECEMBER next, nt 10 o'clock, a. in.,
when and where ail persons interested may at
tend if they see proper,
novl 1 4t JAS. H. LAI'RI.MER, Auditor.
Al)llI i It. AlUMi S MH'ICI'. Letters
of Admiitistrntion having been Ihis day
granted to tbo undersigned on the estate of
E. B. KING, lalo of Lnwrenco township. Clear-
t Id county, deceased, all persons indebted to
said estato are requested to make immediate '
I payment, and those having claims against the,
I snute win present mem nmy nutnenticatea lor
settlement. AAUON C. TATE, Adm'r
November 7, 1860. novU-Ct
JAMES CROSSLY carries on Blaelfsmithing '
in tha borough of Lumber city, where ho will
cxecuto promplly nllwork entrnsled to him, and :
avifliila It in a .rls rtinnlif.-A niinnn
J 7
Manufacture! and for sale by
Lciberruan i McDowell's Building,
N. E. corner Second a-.d Race streets,
Ji En tran eo on Race Street. Philadelphia.
-3GooU Warranted, octHO lm
of nn order of the Orphan's court of Clear
field county, tliero will bo exposed to public
sale, in tho village of New Millport, on SATUR
DAY, tholSTIl DAY OF DKCEM11ER, 1800,
1 o'olock P. M., the following real eMato to
wit : All thnt certain DOT OK GROUND, Situ
ate In FERGUSON' town.'hip. Clearleld county,
Pa., beginning at the corner of the Lutheran
Grave Yard lot ; thence by lard of Sophia Stroiip
13 perches to a post; thence by land of Jobn 8,
Williams B perches to a post ; thence by land of
6a"?He.1 Ricl'Ta porches to a post, corner of
!?A fd. kii.lVITt.bVe.,0 bcK"l'
ning; containing Ub At Lit; being the pron-i-
ees bnughl hv Saatuel titrofin front J. t. WriliMm,
t. . TU'H liTADV 'inTf.r . 1 .
V ' '
xrrms eosbi - (JKOBtJK KIlll.ARD.
aov21-t Adm'r of S, Strftup deo'd.
J Z'lednr ndWillow ware at
I J SefUlil,-" 60, I R.W A CO':
I'M Ml AtitUVAt. nr
r u (ii)iis!
At mi i in Af t ii riffr.
! in J'il Vi'tlM B.if I ll'i i'l
w1 mlrr.e4 "Hmenl i f
l'Al-li AND UIM i:!Mi()))S
nl nliiif'ft vwt) tlt-'riptinn,
A I., itoiifiil s tti.iiiii t.f rrint ai l Dint
s-o.iil', f Ilia lten and lit,t"l t)le. Alto
Ktesl vsru ly nf ntelul notinur.
A liiro n?nrlmrni, rcadymado
(; lo thing,
Bonnets, Shawls,
lints nnd Caps,
Bonis nud Sboes, a large quantity,
llat. Inure, yuef ni wari,
Driipfr" nnd Modlrines,
Oil and Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
Fish, B--on and Flour,
(j ii o c i: u i e s ,
of the best quality, all of which will be lold at
the lowest cash or ready pay prices.
My old frlondi and the tiiblie generally, ' re
respectfully Inrlted lo call.
Clearf.eld, Oct. 31, 1S0II. WM. F, IRWIN.'
1!.--N. B. All kinds of UltAJ.Vnni pproved
rOlXTItr PHOUCCE taken in eobunae tor
US SEL L M c M U It It A Y
Respectfully invites the attention of bis old cs
tomers, and otlierj, to bit stock of
Which lie offers
He also continues to deal in LUMBER, of 1I
kinds, in any way to suit hie customer!.
Tbe highest market prices will be paid for all
kinds of GRAIN.
Cia?" C A L L
New Washington, Nov. 1, I860.
Col. A. T. OWENS, Fromuetor,
Respectfully nntionncos to the travolbng publfo
flint ho has now taken charge ef this large and
well known house, and will conduct it ih tucb a
manner ns will render excellent comfort and full
snimiaction to an wno may lavor rum with s
call. nov7-ly
rum' moi'ii'i i itl. ul' .:tl
' I r .....r . ,
be opened for the roeeption of pupils.
(males and females) on Monday, Aug. 20tb, 140,
Trrmn per session of eleven Wuoks
Orthography, Rending, Writing, Primary
Arithmetic; and 6'oogrnphy. $2.50
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog
raphy and History. ' $3.00
Algebra, Geometry, Natnrul PbUoaoiihjr
nnd Itjok Keeping $i.00
Latin nnd Uroek languages. $6 00
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wish to qualify
themsalvcs for teachers, this Institution offers
doslrahlo advantages,
No pupil received fur less than half session,
nnd no deduction made except for protraoted
Tuition to be puiU at the clot of the term. .
C. Ii. SANI'R'RD, PitixcirjtL...
May 23, I860.- Iy.' ; "
-x W
Proper attention lo
tbe teeth iu proper
timo will bo or great
benefit to entry one.
in lHiiut of honlth.
contftrt, and convfnlence.
DR. Ilir.l.Scon always ho found al his of
ftce, on tho corner of Front aud Main atreeU,
"tt ' mar' 18
Al operations in tie lirre) of his profession,
petCotrned in tho latest and uiot improved
styles, nnd guaranteed for oho year against nil'
ntiturul Otiltires.
11 A ' Tremtnittit i..ffMi nmnnn 4k
. . ... ' . . .
Cross Recaptured ! ! I ! It seems to be the eouur-
al opinion in Clearfield, that if Crom had worn a
pair of Frnnk Short's French-calf Bottts, thnt he .
would not be Uifceu yet. However, fkorty is
not much put out at mifsing his cuftrm ; but
Would nunnuneo 0 n lirrvkinndyr, Dnvqfat,
Lincoln and hrtl mtu, and women and children
in Clearfield, and Siuncmaboning in particular.
Hint he is prepared to furnish them with Boots,
Shoes nnd Gaiters of any stylo or pattorn, stitch
ed, sewed or pegged, (and as he is a short fol
low) on short notice.
All kinds of conntry prodsco taken : tn ex
change, and cash not ri fused. Repairing ttorio
in tho neatest manner nnd charges moderate, at
the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, bppostta
Reed, Weaver A Co store, PR A NX SHORT.
N. B, Findings for sale Kept. 26, tbfiO.
JAstrs t. leosarp.
D. A. rtsngT
a. t. Ftyxsr
Hqw) anii (Todfftion (Dcc
C Ii K A It F I I, P,
Jittt.ts oi.rxcr)A!r(r,K0Tr9AvriMtrTn btscorirTLr
lU'.POSITS RKCr.ll El),
Ci -lUillons made and moWi rrmptlv remitt;?
, ' '
'tai'ffB on Hie titles ttfliHtantly
om natui.
S-O'Office on Second St, nearly opposite tho
COUHT norsK.
I.lour, Bacon, Bean
chonp corner by
ieans and Clover seed, at tha
Curtvcnsville, May 10, 1S40.
H ,,L AV U"0J ,-r'IJ", Vared and nnpareiV
unes and Raisins iv
tho corner stort) of
C looking Stores of varions sires and pricrne-t
nl9y . E.A. 1RVI.N
.( iirweiisvillo, May j(,t r,o,
SkeleUtrt Sk'rts. a Urge variety at reduced pri
ecs at It", ins corner store. Corwensville 10, '00.
4 N cxc-,loitt quality of Flour for . low
jLbos'lt,rc f vv. y jrtniN.
-'lMr aeld, JulylUb, HfieV
. ,
"a ackerel and Herring fur sale at tbecornfr
L l store cr K. A TRV IN.
Curwensville, .Vny V, . i
J)oots and Shoes. A larger slock and luw.r
prices than ever, at Irvins Cheapest cornet .
Curwensvillo, Mny 16, 'fil' ' . yj
Cull and examiue Iks I'arvttt air-light sln
.tad stono jar, UiSy at just tha thing. y..q
aced, lvriojo at P, TT. A CO s.
iiYttTT 1 1