ttOVE Car ViWat jbroii. fcrr" '..11 1 1 'Hi ffpe Winter vWBtBjialet tMroadpof a ad ' IttMttM LlaMKeT Ja b! J,.'. . StpttM J"Bteat;4b 1 - tt tcikj u i m.ii ft. sa. " VlffTfriT-1 .Ktpre Vot Una - i .. . i X ).: a'aii "'- him J u, ' fPV. T : ij:a. -. Whether it h oaiiaad by .Ignoraiieo or ; jm&'otfy.; t both,-W know ftotj' bat nre bao aJwayi ;jputVi!y: IdjrVstjftnate ipou euraltiKtita u wtite'c.-'v However, iiaeama areboufb "'iottrtwb'cth Vire desiret or noi, i Jhe wfi and iaa . tula Dentoatheae?. who )re1deroVer (haf; ably Xficohtficted'itawVklA M&iman'h ifountii, U bound b bripru ihto aoterit . y. LartTveek7'. rornished. !Us WJera uu iv tiiua ltft-1 rire mciuu ing Ui.a Jtadyri too, .aH th reauHef the ' 'Ctearju-l(t JttputiliAiiit.' He I abon 'u pon on whole column, in wblcli he heither as ert, or (lenie A facCtilto'jiie- irfnd, Ye heir the jouavd.'bu we know not from whotieo t. came 6r wliitber It ! iot;s-M it 11 an winu, arw no arguroeiH in tna end. Whenever ' bla' firticlea coniidn aome thiog -Vmoro , iban.;' U'gAx', tho't," . ".wculdn't,.JVic,tJ!,ao will attempt a roplyto nmVor ihr4,"',',,,r,'1 34 ! ,. It i our opijilotb lhdi bd(Jiiof ' the Journal had better t?iiiplayr hh 'great and rirnocuUtf 3lIW.5rpt(or(ioiia Ji'j'Ma , iig omo fuels tQ Lia.roaUorn which would ' ba moretintereeliTig to Ihonu than tbe th "tirpjt Ui gi h nVt&rlejj "JillwOV'1 jntena .to accept .1 (roaacJaay louroe J jWo wpuid jika to liav4thedt)ofthe " Journal (ftU" to hi readora the cause f( the-emiffjlp etffi tiw iuspennion of all the banki ; the di4-" clmrgo in the citiet-of thousand of me chauici and laboring mfln,!pon, Uta, -ad-tveat of Wntef.'- tid 'te blecton'lr, p DjnKarralc PreideriVVi' esniuUe tlio eunt,r)- in, lluawetmerf , Givons aoraa Ihing 0 thit kind fiomour alAe pen - will you do it, Simoii Bolivar J . 1 ' M. .. 1 T-1- ".- l-i1 I.Ol', St'srK.vsio,Ai ft general uponian of Hie Bonks lias I Alton place ncain, H"ft"JfI 'V""' lia. at Vjunn, mm liis I'lttVHllinK UIBirUBLI.- , - . . .. ,..,71 . . j . , . . I court, that Jb,Mk-immlwtW on account of nd cucerlahitjr Mto the future, manu. ' Ffa..yy JUoTaTaeCiaii wusi e t. i-afcii. iubicrlplJoi.5 '7": "'' ' - j tactunnii toporfttiais have been auspeiided jflHj.hina; Uit, greeabla U iha , .Wliii; l,,Jf V.r-:-i-.i" wtl fM.ji . M.i'lK. ..',":r?.1' Lr? "- 01 ge;HUsneniihd hfs friends ,'after ltT i -would 'aro the .public againtt' iuking mofiey 'purpor'i'inii to be Issued by any of the foHowiognanied linn ks."? ' '-",,' !? Rank 6f CornhiercK friei IT' i Vit i . Bank of Ci aw ford County. . (r ,i 1 . . . Bunk of NVw Castle. i . - Bnnk of IWnxvllhj.' Wh'.f.. .!,.., , . Monqncahela. Vallev Bank, , 1 ' North -Wcatftrti hankWarreti."1 1 :' Jiuircm vktiKi . r. vcif . to ntnbklh Vankr 1 1 , ,'Tinga County Banhr. f" r.-il t j. . Tlie abovq'liat of. .Banis Vera llVlarV ieied nndr; HiV dnilitrntiori df Kioyk rnllock, antfinny be'gcn'eralry : styled as Xh4 TbllocV-BaiiliaA, 0 ". .', ,';, . " ! . o ,.m 1 -,-3 i3Today we , learn .i the time eot apart by the offitfers ahd Directors of the "Clearfield Cpunty Bank," to opon,ibir Ioors, for tliTpurpose of e6niiheflclng bu IU10FI . WliiU Uio BmiJcB eluowhore are cloning their deorif lie flijaf fieldora are' throwing theirs wfde open."' Such boapltality is not oftvn Trret yjthr ! ' HVi b v'e no doubV' tliitf Ihfi Mnlt vlll bo (JiibUHeWesIntfurtWiia in the,aed- ; hiHowchestad crowd of ; yomjg country,., . T,be otfippra.and jP1 peas before the public 'vi'M all ry 'qpallfleVtttlonff, and vjitrty' L JiarDurifig.aatuiday and' JSuuduy ', we' extwmexdtorywld alnl.storvnv.wea'th 'i exjiormtced lory Id ahtb stormy tveath er in (bis locality, aifnueh j'fjva fh . . ",k; Dl the. ever wo experienced . tbis season yoar; greca bLiiiJa. ilonr muiia.juifld Iia ImrM iiAr.. .,.li brMMjd Bnd ftkrmtwdnpob blS;rtro jo, wiucii l presUmorwa occaaioned "ny the horso lby iAg' idewn in trtaH, alid rolling n In the naAi-nlru- wna.iMiMl.fa'lfv ai-tra4, an! i bsvt a iivi iJiviifVU B iUUIJ U b 1 V Utf f UUP I4UU 4aO OBIIVJ JIIUUUUV ; JUTIUU 5. 1 . j. , . . I i r1 , below 'jtiro on ?unJey iiiorruo;. . 1 'dences of gooius, id dii.-; It t the,. ."'nURS VAMtEI-.Iwt; . :,i,i nm i i ,,,, ,1,,.,, r;:..., , j ouiiet-neaoeu, oeer, eaung numbskulls irt-HJvao4 i ino vaii.r wisn 1. at. a ii. ,i 1 v I '1 and irinrnmiir whrt linvn Iti Bum thoi tu siB,ciinpekn4.,.Toactier, for a term af ) i mh BZ LI SI 11 B-S amilKiir- 'U.P.I' , . " " 7 a wV . -'t ' . I . . t ... , ... . Salt LtcK.I'nJ, Nov. 27, 1SG0. i apect to the p.nttcra of current ;50o,taTy o( tbe Board. Jty oer tf the Board. To the Editors of the Republican. , infma!tloni ,wllO'lbv broad chests and I , novf r .. ' D. V.JlALK, fearetnry X noticed a'pUbliotion in tfieflaal week, fiill cheek p.wbb live heartily itad die : ' ,,tTr rlt Vf7''''1 T "lnftrfranB .IbtJmar" heidedSl 'StianKe old. Of couraa this is not nil argument K.TIViiwtv Vl-iTt-r , ',,rg,6-jU,,''l,ly Attair," I da nv,t kW who gaWlh'o iii-'tor Mgnontnce1 rbiit'H is a demonstration ! Jt rP - w'r"iwVv formation to th Joifihaf, .y' f Wice of the fact that the absence of liaraae'ing I iJ:.-; jIll. ;i to the stranger; tt-bo left hi liorja, : bur-, mental effort is l),eficial to the body-.and ; pOALt COALIU-The subscrrHef. desires M;ai'ril" tno proceeds ot tne sale or the e.ttu, -s'V) j-e 1"". " ,l;e lyt'r ,an4 ?,,u- . "'"rM;M; by ressotld buigv in', tho 'care of Lunlel 'that, the inexorable detnnnd of datura kJ' ri" TuUIAkWit Be keens totretnntly iofiht above deccdont.nmong the lawful claim- rjxtlwui. atjd rbd pmdiicbon or - ! Al. IMPKK A C;,' Vi P f' . Arlf Ol.,UttUiei pillar. Hie '".f018 "fmPn? L,iaSU'( thereof; frill hold an audit to wake said PrerHna of otPrrinff, Inbluditg Alt the hcit Lciberman 4 itcIWcH't Building, . Moo Esq., I must say the public.iipn can sever with safety It) Wtcr IIcrJ to ,m. CaoftB the ofiTee of Larrimer A Te.t, in -overies never bef -Riren in the Engll.ii Jf. K. corner Second a-.d llacr LreBts, ia a !'yti acge;.aJffnsJ'-1'ih touxrtt I io . prudent Jiftte JULUiaaoe umbitioil. ilotn, !, 0iaens very eheeu Lump Coal I at the Bank i thevgnWllarald, tin 1'ttlnAY, t 8th '; J Wl. VoJN, M. D. This it really v-EalraaeB dn Race Street. Phlladelphl: aflairare.8iapl-h9e'a On-bra bout the -nUj, the plrBnf wliB eflds feTichtld uridab 4ent Bee buM, end ft for fine. ' ' day oCPECEMRKR next, at JO p'ploclt, a. hu, a valuubKr and-, iaUroUng work. It is friiten . fl-Ooods Warranted. v . h?i30 Im 3rd Of Oct. last, tho Strarttfeflffiltho' 'f tlien-fchryearsWece'tO school. 'or the telfoU-l -j Mvdl-tP ' i JONATHAN KICH0LS wbonvBnd hrllperuiis-iateIrCted thny at- h, PlluP language for the general reader, and It' v . . ' house Of Datfipl Soo'fori;?; Ktii 'juiced fwUuiideMWto force ito tho mind-',rVvV .Ttt",t LA i rr.'r,'o'A.r, ieai if ""y.'t Pr"i'1er-. . r j' rated with tamerou eugravings. All yonn; ' ITlal fill 111 C JC'-H VC'1(S S rtdgi STZK ITi Vcgctnb'c Powdm hg bUllQi'aa wai.jiut , ef, tho-8iaT.lui he matinn, is guilty of mansiauiihter for .iii lnai M.l,. Jinod. in i.n.. i,.i.i a iiHiviiTttiROR ii viu n i- i thmnd rx,i -isi. i,nt j.-n d,.L... . .k. ovpriacini,ihe struggle -ttf &Btttrti!Wo.3buo, and pressed ihe.aoor.ain.' XhoaUujiier. is ouri.,a;eecouor tho hi)ttBie Hi cf being at. scbocJ.' "should e'in the nur'i. : jcryfau M-dtrV ftb OrnliV''lKAlW"T Clear bone had tVnHhlairmd oflbvod,nhgy- Bity, sory. Little wee, bui ol cliildren, goggld- 6v,,w, riiy, theW'yflJ b exrlosed to 'pttblio aoota varBi HaiK.tinratH-k twdwtl H a headed., nale. faced tii-od babe, kbe fir, f?1."'1" 'h.rt'lB.8 ?lf.N'I!P?!! S'fCR. f .'1 n I - rim lilirVrttt hiil ' 1. A .tA A a . I. la. i iv- Vuyi .Jo "Pq (1 UJ IU -mi lounn aim b HB troaa thorMMiiVia, ,Jtltoi(y.r Sin mauners were MooahbiieMJ llovetirol to 8to bo.enanabout35 or 40 years of . go. tifj Mrvrrpivrtth-MocTtr'ttat day nkUt. and tbtf IIAil1, hlAThW .Voore i "'nveyea iiiuv, th JSintiamiihonilhf.-- r ne man Ubb not taunt timrrl nf i:..a. . T - 1: '7..-V, jus norae,.ouggy aniyiarw "iu ModreV; - Voura, cspeotfUJl, bb tit- i ii li.l .i ninM 1 I ha -Aw-i nrAu I iitab o ro r nfiAltf Btnr i n Kit-, rwaoti nni tier sat Bhaa BBwis-wvaB- .sr UhJ alt.A.a.H f Vt fn ji I ir lit a ii vi roninVM I'lmril. IWnfrmtift i ntnnn. kV Al JI iti .Mnrnrta el a linn aMivtli . 1 , , - . .. . . and a perfeqt gOfUleBiaei. i! N'aairhing, InlPoln'Tflnl nlr, doubly tipfcb.n(J puller- ,T ard lotj thenoe by-land of ..phiw 8trup Af, miwTie1.s,-rid all Hirbatiiie and -rr t1;",;; Tf li-'rTinT: ' I li-? - ' of Mrluus it" nd Pri,rn,' oyopii.JtlrnatoderKtohr;te ing j alhl.w'h ch fhe-tinp? dc.cribor 5, ffT'STl W1.1, I,'5 W. uk ii '"''a' 'i' ""Ia Dissolution pr 1 arthcfship. jr",b? ' . E. A..JUVIN meat nd fcf lotion abbtVed hlh to le a flower-bed in a city garden; ApUikfu; Mid. arrfw Ylir4 int f tanro. bf U. taMgln- instraotlont, direction., ?d advfaaj will pleas. ;"n. '?,i'"ur I. . hi. 1.- G1" skirt'- Iur" '"ed p. -Wahof 'TctabilUi. "IU Introduced ftlllrcrugbing-anrj aweJV.rtot; jn ,X,mht Mim9 teaai.leg 0BoK7bbB.rTn.l o:tatWr,wiifc yiara r,t.R?.l' , . Ouis l lrvia.oorneitU. Curwensvilfe 10,'.,,,. Illrnsoir f -a K. T Hn.JiA r ..IJ la Ai.. 1. hnKl.?lU tMW tllrnlff i.wikKoi L,ke-kH d..-l flak... ar..k u i. i Til! T U i I) till ill. ",V , - , Ugnifi(t,comni6fltai'ttni"Ylii he to lavishly given by the Bepublican were th election, that their iu(icii.ntlli3.uld a di.Tlmilt nJ t wuiL-nuu mi muusirmi overauons so as IA !urn,sl1 PW uplojmeo totttlbori ' trig, ffitsses: e,'J mMl tJt )u-i AVj t, STOrVAl HI JliHM.4anaia i iv . ri. A jBoutla,ahe amall receinta of eaah fmmM ereby lliroffini! nomeroui-meriona out of employment. One clot big stablih- meni wincn are might name; has aisehar- Sed 1,000 hands; a hat establishment has ischarged nearly 1,000: a saddlcrv firm has reduced its 'ojee about 500 ; and cur tailment ja verv ccneial. At Newark es pectallyj le prism In severely felt; on. ac count of their extensive connectiotia with the Southern toode. J Should thef bo no improvement, hlueh aufletinr most ensue among the bibdiinir uses. ItaDiyeara lingular at first sight, that thus far, hoiis-. s hi thD'vrwtertf bitsahes. aror the largest suiTercri but it is inevitable tha) alt clas. ses pf trader autfrrt, from tte, prevailing panic, unless ivaaxoept tbe nmuafacturcrs of fire arms. . Jl would probably be no exT BMeration tp eetimat tlii number of per- sonhrown "u of myloymen." aioce election any, at ;a large proportion 01 tyhoni aro youhg women. : ,, u : ! J JSrWe learn; that ,Gtv.. rack6r, baa grained ' pardon tai John Leonard, whd raa convictodi and sentenced to tho JiaAt- ern Fenitcntuiry-for. Mvant-eiuTibout three yeara ago, 111 Bellcfonte, for pissing counterfeit money. ! 1 ' ! ! - ' ::-t . Instrtictiou In the . School.'. ; ,',..; - CliilJron shoidd not oulv be nrusrvftd from the ciampinu forms of school Iiouses and the terrible iisciliue of ttao ichooU ni, daring those tender year in 7hich natura ia developing the litde bones,' and giving nbroua coficisterrcy to the inueles, but when they are put tmder Instruction, the system of. tuition should be inductive and natural. , Irccocitv of education is never plensai t to contemplate. ,Thenur oeryroaa knows tiat tli otubltioua pear1 tree, which brings orth fruit iu branchei cat scarcely bold, will have perished al- mol i)ri ie lis slow and sturuy neighbor has begun to yield.. But tha slow growth is a sure one, and yoars of productive life will oompoDaata frr oarlr tlalayi. ! Ho the child of unnalurallv brilliant inteilicnnco may astonish bv . the fitful spasms that mark his pathway to air early grave but it is bettor to await the snrcr develop' menta wbiuh oomo ivben mUuVdha fitted tho mind and body to Ktriiglo'Vnd achiovo together, ,.The great fault of our educa. tion is brgini too high and pi-ogros. sea Loo tut. ' Children' ara'drlren into ll" I-.1IWM'! Bllw II1IIIIIIIIIIK, HUU OIII'UIH' be kepfdown to tho simplicity of the Jd-sj i hiibel, pi- fuaiiHan, UiomWvc, wjth y atorioa of Mother. Goose and ii. ...... r' r ir..,i :. -,-. . 1 7". "'' J M"ii-- wniiti. uooao aim eonnty ; liave Ittued their precopL to rue dlreot tho ilOUse that Juok. Built. As a Kenersl l cd, for the holdinir of a Court of Common Worn. nropoeitioti, it is sale to say tnai no cuuu Bliouid bo forced, to otudy niuoli faxter or raflher tlmrr ,ita InetuiirtiOlP' pt-aitlpts. Nature gcnorally llf dopnit in outs ot animatod life, the amount each organism 4 able to accompliali.. . A youth may et ia to no a dunce, becausa be man i fasts atl . indisposition to tmontql oti'ort. lin the tact ia tliat lid Is only: accumu lating ,the vital juices, the bone and the muscle, that, wilj (.tiaJlfy hinl at Some fa- and in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Ju ture tinio to become a thinker, without rors oe then and there attending, and not to de being a w i'.king bkeleton, , It is a poculi- i Prt without loave, at their peril, arity o( our d:iy, ' that we aro anxious to I 0IV' N un.dor b,", Clearfield, this 21th Bet thi-ounh the world too fast.. A iwmtn. ry ago, it, was. about time for a man to go out and graiiple with society, when he had touched . hie ' thirtieth, year j now, one who hns reached that period, has pas tod through the whole round of 8iiBs- tiont, trials and triumph,. ,o,ii in six ca- . r ... r,., t i i .. ,i ' se irom unpiiriiy aim contamination or the ae out of ten, is forcibly Jed by tho b,ood( , w & W, Broimd , 0 dcy of his natural power, that "It is ap-. where. Thousands dally are consigned tiie pointed unto all men onoe toflie." The'grave from the direful vffeolt of thia disease. But round-shotildoml, fnnken-eyed, lliiti-Yi I ny trifle any lunger, when the remedy it at mien anaiomon ivuorans us en tue strcoi , , --j i-m--"" - "i'i- ilpptOT ap- ,llt ,.)..., .... ' rn.rili ,.ni P'e, that does its work mildly and safly. . It dot MwrMb. victims of the ,.realent mode, of inotc1 '7!" LTlfc'v j jjt a . I i ' i i , , ., 1 wi vuimiiuuii winiuK ait wiiuin, ' dTffloriey.teurlyducation,-the clamming and dnl- Infecti untoen." L,liitr iimm ui In ivl,f.ilt vnill-l'nl niihtl. are Hubjected. -Inntiiry will determine '11 frt,ct. . that. th? '"t p'Opoftioti of tiervotis.Tautuliced, (tyspentio pcoi'Io meti:"V ' , . al noci, try oui ent with; aro intelligent and welftnfo inied.- 12' c?TT'i Sold,by f'L Dnrtt They' are the people who, Uink,,cl., W ' f d '0unttho.un,ryi l.bu-rlnnnv .w' vmiiio mnnknnilnr anlir,aii. bt)od in Qch cusea may be directly frhced to the amuse fewer smart great rfioh itor that great cru ll v. la.lw'irtirt tnrtiH rilrlri . Ivrin lrmlnn.1 nnAl an ai bB tmlmnl hu A tl r rm , J.-wr!u VJ,,Y ,V,'U frx& inoHiori i0aiie. Thoae- Ot oil iKIli 00(1., M there were " iso, piann. iramcr weather boarded, p, babies there wbuld bo inore, , iI,Tn!J,TS, cftlf V ' nPa Jos ah . j j .1 m .-. ,;ni i ,11.1 C R. Itena: 7 Rt ordar of tha ICnr.l . . ion will aalisfv the vis T (J klTJ IILUtM Ulttil. t IJ V liVUI Viuni lr- viuWvii nuuBVM IB! F a, aaw li v. I ui nrw v 'ICIU - - - r" - T"V 'y , , I '. " t s"1" I "Bi "ww r t f VHi as f - . w I " IfrtllV, and tidssirig thO lung hour of ;he having a TWt).HT0lf JlOUSHtheMon erected, flay Jn these i;hrel Iioubob of t-living. Ul Ul "J Stroup, deeeased. , , There aro lOouia filied a-itwinfmrtoj which M 'Vr8 " 1,?' ?.Klt-AP.'.l uy nl liireotord .-woniti bo eahamed ft toTr,,1"",. tn.,y !tT . U show lo tI i'Oubli0.a'l'lM'-MfTrdr rnW and etaraika tha Palm! mir-kiahl. ila.. ttWy' HVIIiohand of the parents, and .mi". r-6 JLtmlW llllll !OJMm;WJ DO . totsbib a. ,UBAW1; Btifetftmp ffWwofk Vulru.t.d to him, Bud ( I. a a - - - aa i Jkj . -iBunuiiaa 'l - iiiiui r-ai nri t, nuiiio im a in mih)Ot luthcient to aliate what wa consiaer (liiiu large lot of BBANS lor t-tle . a In eiecute It tna work manlike manner r ,,nV. ;DlHi.rVV 'W' ' ".'" fi l r'J I 'ix wsof;-MBRMIIUASWLRR, j July 4fMtO.-rtyv , ,1 ,r .Vf, t.ih " 're'. Iv XiiNCOln in the nonu. V'?""1'." -VMiiTi , ....... , v , ..-.. - ; r. . . . r . ., W11EKEA8 fc'aiaaioa -tla... 3: !2Tsiact w . 'uuKiu.iDaii in imw -J (tri ( very OH'iiS'gVSbing.tii Ki campaign irony. DreurxiiibaiAa i rtofcMu, which we tfjr?. Pi W Wilt nat. I),in,l. ni,.l.l. Wi-AA. i- it- J n . .- '. 1 BamaaflUnrr Erattlan. ctinLliniki- faiirhiimlni,! "Mbda.' f thStMnt ni.htMt alrla."AIi .-r -7 iR"w?B,,e."0I,t"?T their, efforts in ilia C0ntt-1 1 Whiciui fail tie be care for Douglas or, lw success f,J 'locisviLi.E,' Nov. 24.Who foliowing is iiia uuiuiai vote 01 iveutucKv : ;i Thiladelphii Market. V ' M'ohiV;'Nor;,;o: frt0tlt'"hisrJt ,t drfr ts" nactT, but arm. ; rWtr$5(,j J,25- W-uprT!Ae,' S.t2(a ,S7i for extra, and $6(5,& fr family and fan cy brands. VUltn is dull : 4001) bui hala nrima .,1,1 V-1U wore sold at 6io, afloat. !l'bare i bbjibw offiur ing: " i ..... .. . )ty K Small suU af Peanfyhrota l 75 o. . OATS 3000 buihola Soutliarn .,.. .( l i CLOVIA SEED la .'aallln a h:,AT-. u ' "a-J Clearfield Market-'. " r waotBsAtt abd retail raicfe't ceBBKirr;'" .CWroetod wookly by 6. 'Kbatib. Son,, bolciole and ItutJiil Uealors in Urocerlea, I'ro- . Liviii, auu uaueraj JJTJ youya. . Buckwheat $ Pu, ...... " it " 0ats ..v '..,., i i :ja. . , Corn (earsJ" . ?5 1,00 lO 7.00 O.OD rlO 18 124 'f r- Clover seed er. bilab. , , i , . , , , ' ' " ram' - '''! ' ' ''"'I DrM Arpte.v;'. Butter, ......... Bs Jos. i: 4 '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. Leann 1 Ua. ....,,. 1,(V oau sack . . . . 3,00 Bacon, bams and sides, . . , 0(0 yiieatpor. bush.t - . 160 i . li !i ' .! J.L ' , . ,1 W COURT PROCLAMATION flKUBAS, Hon, BAMUBh UNJT, Etf., Pretidant JBdse-of tho Caan nf bmun PIhbi of the twenty -fifth Judinial a , ' n'nton-and Vuii'l. T'S'Tul1 ttf UftWd ,eonnty ; hove Ittued their preconL to rue direct. 1 '"J '. "-'. Drnitinii n.nai I g , " ' i X ' C"rt-C " rtbf Quarter Se.!ons. Court Ill ' rtJEl ne,V Court of a5nora, J.i 7j ClMrfleld, in and for the county of Llearneld. on Thn : - .1 Clearfield, on tho Sceoiul iVwhii ( lili day) of Januray next, N0TICB IS, therefore, hereby given; t the Coroner, Juatloes of the Pence, end Constables, In and for said oeuUy of Clearfield, to appear in their proper peraoBt, with -.their Bolls, Heeords, Inquisitions, Kxauii nations and othor ltemen- .'". J,ar ra, one tnou tand eight hundred and sikt ty. F. ti. MILLER, SbcritT. Nov. 28, I860. RF.MUMUEn, StrumoBs Br Scrofulous sf ftctions are tho curse, tbo blichtuf inaukiud. Xhey are vile and filthy, as well as fatal. They nunui nr. l,l,U6ti 8 liLUUu 5KAllCIIEfL 1 T1..I il.. .11 ... w . , tct,, iurigorntes Uie body, h) leaves the Afflicted" riuoyinent of good .fceaUh.. To oonvlsce irili 1,. M . 1 - 1 .... A I . . I ! feceived until turdai- M 84a oVv of i Deceui er next. The building is- to b 24 by 3d 'H rir:t AIM-tmi)T OR GicmjND, ituw. ... :.T . A . "X V me td VEICffUWlN tiMwAitprraarweld eamity,' .jMti neu anu: cverett, ' . , -, m 010 iu"""" t"gepBono itimt vMtuiiet, 1 Brfokinrldcc. ... ' i v Ko'uva 'ut' folV 'lu"l HMrta yea rauio to bo parted and of POutlaa' : 0 ') ll.t vbiitu i)rpaiid,v.'l4l and one of the said parts to Adam; fr.,',.-.'.- t '.'tui' ui Is-'i f. Uagy', artotber of the aid part, to Samuol H-, " ' , 1.000 gey, nnouionor the. raid IVAIlllll A ,t.t.M I'ha . . .. . I W UK A Tie bettor. ' 6UV0 butbelseold at l,18 f"rS" f nj .v ' P"rt the teD" FALL AND W I T E It "OOflfiS (l,JltprRd Woateraaadtennaylvan" t 01 1 "J0"""".' " tb spptrftenimeea, reipectively '. 1 1 K OUCIUS, (y 1,3a fur Boa born Red. Mi 4 $1,24 iai so tur l hnVV'uitg severalty, may appropriate to thcin- ' rr :. r.i . N iod....lnh..i..ivLi.? ' ' ".M.fur solves. Ulit f 'thi maul 'by VpaloJiB .bib-. . ; .... , , Mch be ofcra .. , , c r II a nniV unanllltl nrnliBFalKin ti at hnfnaa !. . . .. J 1 .1 : MARTIN TSU-tithA I...A !- tlnB a. Alu A.A- 1 tvuej jtviB, - v JUS. tej tnwr u . . V ...J. b. . LKAHKIEICpUNTY, KM. -j jntlmioas)eltli of PtnusylvanTa t the QrBBTUM ; aignl pawl J nurCAttfbMBold, Vi.K tpert MwMy j.j, HKi of a pica wherefore, wlusreiu a ttjaatovditroaiaag J eayuor, trv nd Lewis 9nydor,,te- ,vi uiinui every .ticscriniion, I i t J 1 ' ' J - ' 1 -J vn nin 1 rail ui in ii ii niuiMVi -" " . Mt ,, a mm nav v tj I'iha ameili(Hi.4hlt c,le"t ' 1mIi'P, CIrariWId eun?, J.,- in ,. A Wauiirii! aFnrtnieot of I'riut nd Dre UHl.niMinor. proceeded in our laid pwrli)iiua,,ahuuid-W imtd'a jiuiirtaa resuW afPnva). ttdltcn. we cominnnd vou. Hint, takibl willfi ohoSt'atulauBfid iaea f )-wlir baill-i ' wi"i by wUuia te truta of the niatler mny e I better known, ipj.qur proper persona, you go to and there, by ih'o 1 aiuraauia. aa tne acDurtenunoea. thrift oatba and affirmation, in tha pretence of the artiea aforaaaid. bv vou to bo warned, tf opon. being; ma mod, tbey will be pres-i ent, tbe tenements aforemid, with the sppurte - ...1. ... Vi.h.. II . ' ul tna-otberof. the said parte to Lewie Snyder and George Snyder, Jr., to bold them iii sever - ally, you eaute Wke ' asalgned aad dolivered, so that neither llie;,aiU Admn Bagey no the said? Samuel Uagoy, Nicholas' 41agvy,. abd' fowls' Snyder and George Bnyder-, jr.. have more' of tho tenements nfurcpiii 1, witti tho nppurtenancce, tnnned, as aforesaid, to make partition Wafore- miu, alinll be rf opinion thnt the lands and tene met ta aforoanid' Cannot be so parted ad divided and without pnudico (o or .spoiling tre whole, then we eoinmana voj that vou cnus tho aaid inquest to uak a juat iluuliio and appraiser'. inrnrur me lanns ana tenemcnu, ttpon their'oaths and aflirmntions afurepiiid, due notice having beetl Aril l-irAI1 InSku ttJw...l nnrllA fr.nn.imnA or Interested t6 appear, if thoy shall think tit, at tne lima an plae of polding such in(uintion, and that the partition, or viiluulidn and appraise mont, wLirh you ,ahuU so wake, yudiatiuctly und ofwnly harS'BrMlef yeur huiidmid teal, and under the hands and teals of Ihoso by whom the tmue tuuu lie niaI uotti tnid Court of Common l1 leas, in and for thai County nf Clentfiold, at Clearliold, there to bth held bu tl.e tocuBd Itondayin January aext, thatf 1 lUCil further nrnanBiUnaw r,ta 1. aik. I aBdjuitwo aprtaia ;, and bavn job 1 hen Bad there ihia writ.. WifMlt, lb lkonomJU Samuel I.ian, Bnq., PresU """ bnan, and will ond tt 1 B oeh a ,1 al dot iuaKfellrl!aidCourt,Btt'Uareld.1lmnncra,l in MnJ,,f cxcoltent com! )rl and fuU thia flmt dav of Novnmhnr in ti, r.t our tord ooe thousand eiht kundrsd sod Blxty.CH"a no7-ly I hi i B'twyYi?Mtar5. I A N'jvr.ivrv in the akt ..1 . 1 v. . j 14 rr- w puotourafiiy UPON porc:la in. Ntre is hereby given to the abor parties, 1 that, byvirluo of 'be nbove'-inMitinned writ cf partition, an innueftwill be held and taken ui.on' the premitea wi(irelit U(rriled, on the 27th day , l1""?' iNo- 7Sl Broadway, Aew York, ha lng of lKCE.MBHIt;"A.D; 1H00, at 10 o'clock in the 'courud their novel and iugeuius invcni'rau b forenoon, fo? tfteiarpoio oliinaRlng partition at ' American and European putouts, are rm.'y jn-o-valuation and appraisement of the tuid real Pa to execute, all orders lor estate, as n-0ii said writ provided; at which Mud.iture Likinutc of I'crsont on China, -time add llc said Tnrjtiei Ban nttelid, if thy praaenting all the attractive and edvaulafc s,ius think proper ... , V. O. MII.I.KK, Sherifl. 1 features of ordinary photogniphr, the brilli ancy , Shorilf's OIcp. Nov. 16, IS60. , , . nov21-0t and finish of a water-oolor drawing, ai.d a h itlt.' i , -)! jii v- 'I il.,).i , 1 erto unattained (lunlitv of duiabiiv. br bt inir rpo t'OXSUMP TlVI'.." IThe advertivet, X having Vecu, roster, d to health in a few weeks ny a very simple renieay, oiler naving ur- weeks by a very simple remedy, after bavinir uf. ".-ivu in irpi-iir wuii n porere lung niioc- ti, in(1 thut dr.ed disease Con.nmption.i. nux. - luu mako k'n-iwn ,0 hi. fcUcwiuaaror. the meant of buret iiv,- '.ii . ... .. ... . . fercd for teveraVxjrcnrt with a sovere lung nlToc- To all who dv.iire It, he will tend a cony nf the proienpunn usee, (ireo ot cusrt,) itti jtuo di- i delineation, upon l'orreNiut wares ol any detarip rectiont for preparing and using tho tutce, which tion and dimension ysed ts arliolet of luxury or they will- find- "furs pure for Consumption, ' of hout.dinld atilily, nuvh a t run, Vuue, Breuk Astbma, Brcncjiitis, le.' The only object of the ftist Cupi, Tuilet Article!, ic; thereby securing ndi-miser in teniHbg tie prepejiption it to bene- H faitliful poitrsils Bad furnialiing h unique and 1lt the aallcted.-iind spread infornintio-ri whkh lis iCXHuiaite elyle of oiuavieutuliou of sriiolet in concoives to in invaluable, and he hopes svoryi , d iniBalic nta. i 'i ,,(,,.! luffuror Bill try Lis remedy as it will tolt them Ju oiuer tu facilities fur the g rut idea nothing, and may prove a bletsiug, - tion of the popular tn.tte, and to meet tha wants Persons wishing the preacrrpliorc wUI pleaiof (bono ant rone of the 4ne arts desirous of addrest ' ltev. EDWARD A. V1LS0N, i having pu-trit nn Porcelain, ths Compiuiy have nov7-ly . Wjlliainsburgh, Kings Co., N. Y.7 ImportC'l Vom' Europe a tolliction of superior ' ' -1 ; 'iTort-elBlirpnoiNj manulnetiired to their own order, JTOft tJAI,Ktl,e fubsuflber bat a , whkli they will tell at Oott prlcos. . J Yoke of largo O.XEN, suitable for Lumber. , i As the AmcrVian Com) any are ewnoTS of t'' ing, B-btrh h oowcirers lor sale, Cheep, for I potent vigbt, and ennstjUontly th only person cash or approved eecurity. GEO. TUORN, . outberieed Mum the .raeo.-et, tbey fcave deter- Cleareldltr. 14, lSt. - .! St -1 ailtind, ip mder to aflord po'T'ls in every atotinn rxv.x ion fULi:.- Tne subscriber, re. J aiding in Union tow.-lilp, olfera fbr salt 1 first class YOKE OF OXEN, upon favorable UMBMo-Atklrets hi at JU.akuiii P. or J, faully, Lutherebiug, Clear field count)-f : t , lativil Ut i.t. V UAVIfl.DltESSLIR. I "W-T-i-,.i. -i . . . . 1 " ' XI ine pnrtncrsinp nereionre ex- 1 isUng fcctwatu the t-bwribtr., trading under tho firm of Cuiumings A MahiiflVy, U this dsy dlttolved by mutual consent. The Booksof the above firmafe in tbo bands of Robert M. li.ff,, r,.r ..,nin,. . i t. John m, rxitntsas. - J ROBERT AIA11AFFEY. New Washington, Ncv. (, 18&0.. i 1 if-MheJ Books-of jhofirra of TqBiiii( Sfuhnflev nave been placed in the handu 'J.Nr-'W"'"?. la . . .- -r. . pwTTirnrenx. nTrTicrrToni-navinir Aootnititr iir shiil :.?rVjy?rtV e,"7a. ,..ui ui tnne- a iniiuro tf comply Wltb'Uni requott will incur costs. , ; ; "u u'" . ii i ' novt4-4tr , , ROBERT MAHAFFEV. . pi 1 J'? "1 "? " Ji"."?,0 mt' 1- - ' - : - ' - " '''an Photogroplno Porcelain Co,, .761 Broadway, A "HTOK IIOTICI3Ia.h.Orpban.,Ji'l1 l1:1y 1 Court of Clenrfield county; iu fhelaatler: of' " , .... . . theestateof JOHN S. CURRY, deceased, 1 1 T AURtAE RtllliHBelng a rrivtU Notico I .Lv k!...n il.A ..... ..i IIU t. of Administration havlnir been this duv gtMlMt nsyKlul; amloniigneU t)B Uio Oitulo ( K. It k'Ij Infa nf T.atavB.AnAn k:n n.. ftl.I oooaty,:ldceairtrl, all person Indeblvd. to cstaio aro .requiyaori to make immediate ent, and (bote hailig claims againtt th payment tame. IrTVeDl tupni duly luitbcivu aUf atcd for tottVt fNs- fkiail .-iiCiitfij.aaoiaa The tuBttrlber will sertd (re ..ennrje) to all ! h,o desieoit, Uielveirpotud dirertiens fT msk- 1h;arle -t'tgHbtK tfm, that will; In rai I no v "i.'at Hoj.ll City UaildiBgat tf.'Yurk. Aug. Z2th 1890... -i mo. Blclidti thins:. JAMKS CROSSLY carrieton Blai-ksuiilhlni sn Auditay appointed by (ho' (Jaurti to ,sln t tv bt uiariiLdhlvih niele and fctmlt, in M.H Al X f.'AKI l-VI'!. I v. i i s,sb. , i . .'it im-'iii. - i bm rAtroi icii j iiuuaiiy v ijm r ji;r . I RAI TIL A I V n aiinr, , . , ,i ,, a..j 1 1 nr!ii di .- 1 JiUlESH ARRIVAL OP ' v Fde?' Mwo'- ' AT THE CHE r'CASlt STOKB, ' fJL rfH !'J' V.iXJ," ft.-'. , , . ,.M,lU .to!.;; T 4m jut reovihf and opening s large and well anient d asi VtM 4 MWrU)Gptaf ., AND , INTJiH tiOODS Uudief juii3j"lT..WWy-arfBlnotija. I ) .''r' laudi T 0Huii3l"aT. wwy-orfBl aotauaa. IX larjJU assunmeni, rCaaV-IliaaC ?i,i O.'.TM I N G, ,; ' lllsaaaU, fehaw).,' i;i:0 liata4 Capa,, f.. ..I . . Boota nntl Shoes, a largo quantity, jiaruwnre, vjieenawnre, iMigct hd Medioinea, . . : , . . ...... Oil and fsinta.. ' Carpet A Oil Cintha, ' ' :' f '!''! .(! -fffi -Pwh Bacon and 'Flour, . ' ' fl P H P P 1M F Q 1 1 a a a J kj y the beat'nuniltv. all of which will be' sold at tae-kiwee t tnth er reatly pay price. t . . My old fiiende and the ublic. ircneraUy.. arei nMiiann.1lM 1 .. It ' ' KJ Clrtirlield, Oct. 8i, 1901). WM. F. IRVVI3T. ', piTN. All, klndecrtfAV and approved rOt .VTtY PHODL'VB tuken in exchange for Oooda. f I t:ri . J ' , . , " ' m ' - 1 J II S S V. I. T. Mr!rilli 11 A Y 'XV. i- - ri:r low yon cahiii ' IIo also continues to deal iti LUMBER, eT all k'n.t any way to suit bis cut toinera The highest market priors will be paid for all 1 Mnii" GRAIX. -CA'LL AN D SBKt '.... New' Wanliington Xov. 1, 180ft . . iiov, t.i 'Ji; illdi - . Xl 1. . .. 'Jil7l nwi'K4' 1n " P' 0 hN!- 1 W I'l'Tat r. r w - V - S lespietTuU 4BOBcoe'l the travfliBff public, that be has now taken ebnree of this li. rire and , satinlaclioa lo all who uiay tavor Jinu with Secured by lottora pi tout, in tho Uuitod SUitoa, l.'nI.,l I.MnA . .. .1 If ..I ..I .. ... 1M Auiancan niatogjuiiUic I'orceUin i.or- ! rendorod as impe riahnble as the natural proper. , tlva of tho articlps npoa whioh they aretraat- , Mrrea. .furred, At tho patented process of tbe Company tna in Ma tl. on pUi. , 0f ,,.y f , y ne reprouuouoB oj ptiotogrupliH, not only in turiacet, but upon turn as are round vt doicroeof irreKuhiritv, Durtruitt can bo re- piuduced itli faulllota aci-uriu-y and doliracv'of oC rhe Union an pptrtunity toposeess portraits 0n (Jhina, to ntako tlio following Mopoeitioa to : rtmlwnta in the country, who are unable to visit personally tha 'Atelier and Galleries in New liork 1 . - .'i,;f ... 1B tnnt sending a .pbetograph, ambmtype, or dngUerreotyiio lo thooliceof the Company in iNeW York. nhnminnniff.d B as. will ronelva in . - , -, ' . :, "'"J1- fro Of chrgo, a richly orna. ' J",."ted "kfast Cup and .Saucer, mth tbe pet- .'"l "i',? , ' " ' . i .',AVi . t trnBsTtilttin; a dngierroolype and f 10, they will receive III like n.aanor a liandsnme. Irsnck Vtao tf:Tilit. Artiold. with the portrait rcpro Jnced liv tha rfiei.aii. 1 1 -j By sending A pnlrpf dngncrreotypes nod $15,' , ! tbey will rtoelve ia roUrn psir of rich Sevres . Vnet,. with- the -portraiu exeeuted afm.1 to latufe paintliiBf-nBdriB like lnniiner, rrtrii1' can be repreoBctd on,perolnin wnros or Yaiti . . . . ' o r-" irin in h. l..,. . . K.llJl.'.Ur 1.... .1.. --.U,... ' '' i JI . ....".. '11 I lualrtli'Litr- V.P luiriHml i,or.,.nl n. th... I every one should be acnuniotod with : still it is a ' ooox mat niust bo bickeU up, aBd not lie about (lid hmiHA tt mi II be tent to any one on receipt ... 1 of twtnty fiecnt, in si.eeie Or poMngd staiupt, . nunrca i'r. 'v.n. iulah., ,o. IIU llruce it, I roX Fohrh, Plliladelpliln, Pit. ' " M .0t9 AJfiiettd anil 'PiiorftinhfcNA inntUr the means f saving yrtu ' funny B dolldr, your;' Konilh, Bnd rWlb1y Joiif I4f. ' ,!l 1 M 1)1. YOlNol cah'btitonsiilted on any of tho 91sdt1eB doaeriked' Id llia'puldioaluiBB, at hiv JOHN BRIML, ., -- i at Ika XJ general assortment of liirdnte at tkt,; 1 iirsiini Aim ana cui.onwt, ,'i:inn s axe '" of " , , i'A. IRTIN, w Curwonsvillt, leSGOv,rf, i(( . I AS AM, Sides, Xlackerei and llorrii.g for sala w at the store df .''VT r . ill TIN. : jTettfitld, Julyllta 180. : . . bounded by .l.n'd of.MuI ovl4-6t,:! 0,f idorhe enredf any one o'f the hotc rini ' '' AHmV rviwoaiinav oa nnraiteiMe. ueiors tou inna vonr. 1 ; Uimckt. native or forciifiii who advartiae in thia) l.l'mr. l.'llwln,t, 'or sny oCler paper, get B copy of either of Dr. IX. die v m , v.,,.i. l.,.l, I ;f nn,.fllu. Tl k--'- fllrwr i , . " u , l: . nr, nnu iwi.m ., uia, .i , , t,u STHiKif; Tii:s in Pinr.Alx:!. I'J'IAI-rnenwaioiia. Su-tHrtntnl amonj (A Jom!!.' EXCITnSkX)OX HACK .hctwMna Hp rIladyliU Tlire nd U14 noUiriouaJur KBe)iUoBaMA.itor,ia Bo tkwhMiam Cml ! ! ! t.'ron Kecaptured ! Jt aoatmi to bo tha gener al opinion in ClmrfiuH ift'roM liad worn a pair qt Frank Short's Xmicii calf .UokIp, tbM bo woold nt letal.en. ''eCjuweveijrAorty not mnchjut'oiitat oijV' .lits.uuirm (Xjui wou!d .tBlJUac (a a'rstiirWJe, i?wyJ.i. lmc.rl onj Bell mr.nt afij wtiuj'n, nd -iil(Jreil iu C'loarfiejilvapil Siilur mub"U!iU 111 partiuir. that ba iftmitii U -f jrni.h.l' iu. itli kit. Shoe snciGklrers'orany stylo4 or ta6ltirii.!mivli erf, sowed pripegged, Xaui1 -aitiio, isfa shf rt tu 1 low) on anorr ojLlc0tM '."'vt-M., " .Alt kjpirfof.V'ounlry 'p'rulace ti.KwU . chnrg;.'apUcajili lipt' " r r fit V'(-" " j tt vi v. i ri n g te.j 10 in the rtt-atcrt manlier and i)rgi.i.u udoraK1, . al tbe Short Shoe Hiu(4 on . jocund Streiot, opriti: lo Itied, Wenver A Co's store. t'BAXK SHORT, j N. B, Findings for !, FepU 26, I860. JAMBS T. LBO.XAnO. a. a. a. c. riiixBi wa. A. waMAOB. " iVinhimi imS 'Collcctimf (Dc t , : iu 1 1 !-.,;. .'.I:-:. Or ' : CLEA'RFI J, D,- JDII.LS0l.r.JCMAB0K,SlnTES A Til PR ITS ni SCOl NTS D Ootltiliont mai and proa ex4 pnmjitiy rttititti d Exchange on ilio C ities eouatuutly . .; .' .('.; on hanrti'i' "O' ' XiTOtlee on Scocad ft, nearly -eppoeite U i tv.ii COURT. JlOUSjB. . ' ExecuWr'a Noiice. Letters tec tament'irv iiaviiis teen this dAV gmsted to the undersigned on the cUntn Abrattain tfeareo sr., late ofBrautord tDwrrtMpf CluarfielJ county . Pa. . All persona knowing tbumsclres indebted to satd esUto are reckoned to auike imiaodiiUo pay:nnt. ami those hmiuic claims aj inst it are ri qutod .to prMe rtiom auiy auiucniicsteci t tno iniii.'r jined , -i: - FHAKCIft FKA'RCB. . . JACOB ytf.AKUK. .Oct. 17th, 1800, 6t pd- - - : 3 .' -A. M. HIELS AmHm J 'i v -. - ?S5f ' "ropwuttantion to 'A bv Xmlii tu 'iwopor limn will I... aF , Venentto eveTVMna .I-, .''-. rint of .heclth, comtort, and convenience. l)H III 1.1 Hon nlwny be1 found at hi'- r See, 00 the oorner of Front, and 4Jni.Tec(F, ulion no notice to tho contrary tuipoarnic this -paper. ' ' All operations In tho Une of his profession, performed in the liitet and . aiost improved styles, snd guaranteed for one year against ull nstBi-al fa 11 wet. , 1 a rpni; ci.r.Aitr ii.i.ii acadumv, win X oe opme.1 for the reception of'piiplis, (iiialos and females) on Meodny, Aug. 20lb,'JKOO Ft rate per seafjon of rlovou Vcekl ' Or,l,n?rphy( Rending, ' M'ritin'g,' 'Primary Anthmeiio and tfeogmphy, .. J2 60 Waller Arithmetic. Eiielili 11 raphy and Uislory.' ' 3 00 : Algebra,!.- OeoiBBtry', ' Nntttral ThfSr.fop'hr ami B,,ok Koapiug . ., ,y! ., j, 0 i.nun anu areuk languages, $0 flu iu tiuaenis amiirous ol acquiring a thorough English Hducation, land -who wih to-qnulify theiosjlves forUachort, thit Iuatiutioa .offers doslrablo advantages. ' "9 inipit receive J ler fctB'thBu 'lialfi ieii-ion. And 110 deduction niadt exoept for protracted Tuitian toVbo paid ni the rinse of the term. CV, B. IS.VN 1 1'BinciPAt. : May 2a, 1SCQ- iy. -, ' , -i I'abiiet, C'Jair Making . JOHN" Oytrcn.of thoWu'ogri of tlomfiolo, ln will bo )repnrei!at all titnns to attend to to any. business ui tkt above line on tbori notice, and In a wuricmaiiliko manner. His plue.. of bntinost it at the lid tbop'on Ihb north tidool .'irKot tu-eit, a duor vast of Third U, ucarl'-t-rposlto tue old Jew store ; where U will kec'i. tonttuntly du band a large sentiment of Ma iiogony aau usno. Mottoiu iir, and Cabinet V , ure of every description, which he will dipos r on as rranortfljlo termt ts the tame artlclcj esu ba bad b1ko here in th oolinty. . ' Ilia ttock oft'abiuet U'oru now'ou bund, con wsis In part of dressing nril Common Buroans, hofat, SelviBrtnit Washing fctanda, liosks mid Book Caes, French and Field Post B..detoads. Blnlnp, Brtskfiist, Centre, Cord and Pior Ta Wes, A. CurJJns manufactured and delivered at Buy pluce detired. . , . ; . , y.rhnttTy,9 t'lo. 4, vVi. i t. Hnml'' TU:r,Y" l,rlruThitlr7T sr.?' u! bc. fo,,nj iu vr,7 r inrr May fc, A IBVIS' FOR SALE The undersigned- offers for snle, a Valdabln farm in Penn towritliip f formerly owned end now occupied by Richard I)env..r ir. ..h..;! . shout no teres, bounded bv JVi inos. Avinrtin nhri .Inn r 1 " - .a m th en Whin, one .,'uw."10' ''.'. o. 40 5rerc, yiuarvo a gmrn tr Hit dwcllihe house, n !- lttrn' an1 building, erected tUereod Al.'. good bearing orchard snd . neve? faili I rlnf on the nremin... .rT,l -n i U 1 $&TvT jT i vin.Curwensvillo. UICUA30 DESVER. Sen Aug. 22tli lB60..-3,ii. P.nn .,,. 7, i,. '' - - ..... . I - r"r me tpeeuy anu e ionium irt nfnll inHan " ; "'..".';", oeii .iter (.' " "iu utwtt or A aillllSB i.l T ' It 1 1 .1 eaaaai k? 1 n r, . " ' "m Cui'drr ll,-Scnd 3 cent Stamp i ,, j . "'J"'"i -Jldredt of tettlinonisls Box 2070 Phila. P i iv 8. W. Cor. Third An, I, Ri. 'ctzt, rseo-lot ... Buoon, Boa us and Clover .i , ap corner by E. a. 1KV1N niVIIIC, Mny 10, lfiGO. InriT. foacl Briod Annies. "p.r..i .n.i he,' Cherries, Vruncs and . t" toraet Itore " B. A. 1KV1N. ,"A T- 1 lo- WVthtalere el ) -t. r-- 'lAf F HlWIN. Clearfield, Jujy Uth,, 15.60.. , .. , , . , Vackeval and llertUie Car knle hi 'Ilia eirn i'Ji store oC ., . r- . H. A 1KVIN. iiirwcrisvillc,,.1ny Iu, 0. 1 oott aod BIkjcs. A larger, slock and lo SJ prlcet than Irvin. CheHBottcori,.. ' Cufwcnsville, May '10, 'v v A FARM 1 1