Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 28, 1860, Image 1

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    1 III I I . .. . . ..-. . - .-
f''?',3'l,J,,'''1"r' i. .
?,; a?? rr j, i?" i (l V w w " "t u
i . BY O. B. GOODLANDER ft CO.- v . - . -'--' - . , 1 '
i - ' .-, - .... ... -""'.'. i .. PRINCIPLES,, not MEU". .. ... " "- : - - ' , . u., , . '
- - . , , . . " ' ' - ........ . . .
vn tfiock . ' i . .
vol: xxxn whole
Term ot SuDtcriptton. '
Ifnald la advance, or within three monthi. tt 55
(If paid any timt within the year, - . . 1 JO
If paid actor tne txpirattoa yr, . 00
! . Tennlbf A4ertlt!nj. '
AdrerUiemonti art lnrled in tbt Kepukllcan
at tbt following raUi :
1 Innartton. 2 do. I do.
niquar, (Ullni,) .$ 0 $ 75 tl 00
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Ihrt tquar, (12 lii,) 151' J " 1 eo
(..aoth jio'i.l2mo
On 6quar, t i - , ft 00 $169
Iwoiqtiaroi.j I 4 00 00 , 10 00
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Half a column,' I l l 8 00 . 12 00 18 00
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Ovor thro weeki aid Uai thaa Mir uoathl it
lnta pr iqnara for tach iniartioa.
BuiinoK notice not xoeding t lino art In-
lrd lor i Tar. .
Adrertiiaraenti not marked wltk th avnber f
InnrUonidMired, will bo continaed until forbid
ad charged aooordmg (o the term.
An rxtensfv atock of Jobbing materia
cnnbles th I'ubliBlifr of the " liepubltani
to inhounce to the publio tlint ho it prep
red to cio an kinds or
r Posters,, rAJirii lets, rnocRiMMEs,
iLiBiu. Ball Tic mot. Han dbills.
pnd every kind or printing usually don
in n country job llicc
f All orders will be executed with nest
I ties and despatch.
IT n 7 .
ir. t. m'cullooqb.
Attorney at
.Office on Market utroet, oppo!t Mosiop'i Btore,
Clearfield, i'a. Will attend promptly tfl Colloe
iliosi, Sale of Lands, ic. hot 7-1
law. .. ,
Ty W. UAYP, Joslic of the Peer, will attend
X prcnptly to collertiorir and ollirr mattert
,(t in b if charge. Addrei Kcriey, Elk l'
T VeL lbou. ly.
I il'STltK of the vest
,J Lnllercturir, ClcaiCcld Co. Pa.,
f ill niter d rrtmi lly lo oil lotinni cntrudtd
-lu kie me. llartb i?( le'CO. ly, (id.
4 T tho mnutli of Uk Run, Ave atiioi frem
; Clonrficld, MERCHAXtS, and
mifaiHuror nf Lumber, '
July 23, 1852.
I ilackMmltli. Wairoin. Bueiries. Ac. Ac. ironed
li on aliort noUco, and toe very beet ttyle, at bit
ld stand in tho borough at turwonenlle.
Hoc. S'J, ISSH
v. ,
TiR. M. WOODS, having changed hie lore
17 tloo from Curwonsvlllo to Clonrficld, res.
iectfullT offers hi profea;lonal services to the
tuni of the latter place and ricinlt.r.
f Residence on Second street, opposite ti it ef
I. Crane, Esq. my T ' 158.
Physician and Surgeon,
ClearBeld Pa., May 30, 1989.
I ATTORNEY AT LAW, wilt attend promptly
lad faithfully te all lagai business entrusted to
kit care, in the eeveral Court of Clearfield and
adjoining counties.
Ofncu, tho one (brtnerljr owuplod by O, R.
orrelU - , r -
Oct. 2tb, t58 ly.i - ,
T)hyIctnn and Surgeon, offers hi profe.
J. sional services to the citiionsofKew Wash.
InKlon and turronndlng eomaiunity. Ofllce three
four weat of tao Washington House.
New Waehington, Pa-, Oot 14, 1859.
Civil Enginkkr & Land Surveyor, ofTon
It' professional service to the oitlien of Clear
eld cwuntr.
j All business entrusted to blm will be pronptl ' was but a blow from
Sthd gtfrg.
W loTed her a oor own, poor child,
And through the weary year,
Wo nursed her life wih eonaUnt earo,
' And kissed her silent tear.
Ebe strove to seem contented while
W cheered her through the day,
But when alone at night, poor child,
; . 6b wept tor life away. ...
We ttrovo by erery art, poor child,
- By overy tender art
And erery gentle mean, to win
Her sorrow from her heart ( .
But still she d-ooped beneath oircare,
, And sadder grew each day;
Her chock w always wet, poor child,
6h wept her lifo away.
Still, while the wept and etrove, poor clild,
To pay our lore with smiles.
And hide her sorrow from our heart
With sweet and playful wiles,
Iler lip grew whiter and her check
Grew paler day by day.
And struggling with her grief, piorebild,
, h wept tier life away,
Sb died when summer came, poor child,
The child we could not ave,
And hardly mourning that she slept,
We laid her in th grave.
She never could forget the day
Uer tainted mother died.
They coald not live apart, poor child
They (lumber (id by aide.
TERMS-Sl 25 per Annum, if paid in advance
was. To
ment of the good ship, which, had brought crowded thouch ah 1rri.
ueippeaeeana auieiy more than two their care and .Mention we owed nt n
tnousana miles. It was not lonir in
Suddenly the bow pent low, as if to sa-1 wS'sXi XIZ
r. . c ---. ..v.. b....
A Word for tho Babies. -
.... w . i I f' rfjn' i
Is it not a little singular thai while the
kiiolien, the parlor, the bed -room, und
roso Inch offices, or tho mnr ...:. ...... . eu mo garret and cellur receive Hicir
a ranid forward nn nr hi,if ' w,ljr um JO due bliare uf atteiriion In Hip Ar,r;.;,)i,;
moyemefit, tho stately ship passed silent-i The ship was westward hn,. .n,l ' te" .f yourc,,rPO'"ieiit have a word u
lute the waves, and tho
into the air. then with
troubled . tine retnembrun nf
monn-lit. sea of siifTeriniF w rn.v1 t... r.,..r. i
e.u c r ivanui
IllgllK . lUUUCl J
l .1 . - m,, nun w cnLwaru miiinn nnii nn
y " iiho in e uosoinor the deep, eve-1 our nnivn .i : ' y joui tue mue one f Sia f imi
ry tall mast and tape, ing, ard in its place, 1 mifortue, hTwghtuMZoffmoTtZ uoJc?oki"- Pfoi'er table manners
. . rn, sun iuicw ioiuunermost,na p oyment. Years have. ti.p .in.
KtinV'ir0"1 -ilTheUMiaigonewIn
" "J ,urn F'sse fom our sictit. i thins can erase from nit, minjL 1 1. Vi
tor a few ninmnnla I inra u-a. i' . v.."
vortex, and then the mon
tolled placidly on. find the ireniln
wind swept ovi r the snot, lea v inn no tries
ol the ienrful shipwreck which, in scarce
ten minutes from the time the ice struck
our devoted vessel, had left us exposed
and helpless upon the broad boa. nnpnnlu
refueo that deMolate field of ice hard,
inhospitable, and shelterless.
.luat niL'lit was one of infiniln .iifr.lno
t hardy men ; what, then, must it have
Deen to toe feeble and helpless? A few
loose planks and spars had been thrown
overnom tiieslup and the scramble to
obtain them was like a struggle for gold.
I was so fortunate as to secure ono, and on
ii i piucea my poo' wife and eldor child,
roiieo lOfretler in our orly cloak : while
through the livelong night I passod to an
fro beiide them, with the little one wrap
pefl in the breast of my coat, striving in
vain to still its cries ; and as I walked,
my feet clung to the frozen pavement be
neath them, and the cold shot up through
in iiuiui iiko uu icy ure, causing intoira
ble pain.
As the night passed on the cold increa
sed, or else we felt it mote; and many
times, as I looked on tl.e shivering beings
crouching around mo, I thought that few
among them would survive till tuoniiiig.
am thanks, under Providence, to the
who served out, at
Quit That! .
vim wnai r vjuit tewing your inno
cent, confiding, trembling children about
ghosts and hobgoblins. . You are throw
ing & sorrow unnn younc heart that ill
cling their thro' life. How many moth
ers are they who quiet their children bv
saying, 'the bug-a-bois will come and'
take you oil come old nigger ; come and
well, will yon hush up this m'nute?"
The poor child believes all its own tuo
ther says, and why ahnuldn't itf It
ought to believe. ; That is its filial duty.
The sobbing fluttering heart is quieted,
but Hot compfwJr" Those tearful eyes
close in a sleep of terror ; a weary, oroKen
rest follows; the child dreams but oh 1
who can tell tho sadness of a child while
it dreams in a sleep li ighiened upon it
by alarms of all that Is terrible and rep il
sivet Such inhuman treatment nHn-
Fallirg- from Crnre
-A good Htnry is loid of h rermi,, Moth
dist dominie of the. pioneer fatnp T,.,
domini.; had in ko.ii,. ay ..nril il.n
d., le-iHurj ol oneul hi, ,,,l.lnbi-rs-..e.,f
time touchy, liauhlcnn.olulnc!, ,.;
yeacii pat ttcunr "chnrw" or "cuvnit"
has one or more leprentatives. The
dominie had tned in evcty Hv to eflect a
.econdimuon 1I0 mil .rest0l wjl
li i Ti ,'" "e '"'"I'er'sb..,,f.
lie hnd labored .e.1H!v ,vh ,i,, earn
cat y . but all t.. no purpose. ie ex
pelled Juiis, as a ma ler ol dutv. f iie ex
bruhr il,,.,, ., ok every occasion lo insult
and wckiiu the i.l.,,g. .. l.i ,,,,,,. Hrt
sland.y.1 Jllm, ubllM-. bim , hw faoenmJ
lieh tid his lack, until .,i l,.n.... .i .
doulillif COUhl felioi.l il I i)
ing Imn one day m the pt oilice, where
a lanre crowd was colb-cied. n,
reception wie Cii eomnioieed his nb, a . The doni-
...... .3 nan leaviug ti, ,-oi,,,,, mt lg
uu,n ivmniK, to which the dir.:
me.i; re ponded, "Tlu, a d
tJulCK as toon j!iL tl,
, .... "" r
u otieu riinn.-it nf
etc., m e all important in good house kee
Miig, out wnut mother would not rather
n-ar about her baby, than any other sub
ject that can bo iiiiroiiueed. Listed to
Iheconversttliou when ladies meet of an
af'.ernoon. What "dear little creatures"
they are, to be sure, how cunning, how
forward, or how troublesome. Then
too. observe how when a visitor wishes to
ngm.taie iumsUt wnh the head of a lam
ly, he Linsolf at once to the
baby 5 il ho can win a smile there, lie
neeu not onr an unfavorable
fiom the mother.
It makes me smile to read the plars
laid down in some b ioks for doiiu the
hou?ohold work There is nn hour .-t
b. eakfant and clcm ina ' I a, . ' . . "i ,:U"'""'1 8
sweeping and du.-ingT elos a, d so to i and Keig b uZJ'l
heendof the cl.iu-ter. making every- to h loiipeni u , M ' 5 n' , "'U
thing go by the clock and likoel,olc,w0Vt " IJoirt ,..J. ,. . " ' "V-
-on paper. Who d - t u .,..ln,u. t.L a . . I V'JI.U
forty times a day, wbothei wnnhing. iron-) turn just as Ion- as f no.siblv ein
10 IT Ol" llHKlll.r iv iun I...1... ' ,.. I ,.!. . ' "'", in.
' "i;i- once, ana us . " my pm; w.,v , . . .. i , ,.
mouu, Hto,.ped in somo way ?-Jo,ne ' I belong a efc,rlt
moihers knii nnlv au ...... 1.... - r . .... . . . "" 11 "eil es in la I
l......r, ii-L v " 7,uu' ioai , iiuni giar-o. And if yon ever
(Ui ilcd.
I try
.. rrr i kit. it nv vn r.i..i. HM .... I 1 i ....... i. . ' - -
(From Blackwood's Mngasine.
WehadhBrdly crossed the Atlantic.
and were bejrinnins to look eaeerlv foi' officers of thesuin.
our first sight of the New World, when a abort inlerval, small allowances of spirits,
sudden -hnnge occun-ed In the tempera, j lne f'ay dawned on all save a few small
.ure, uno i lie nnimy nsys or April eie t'oioien, my own ie ir uaue among them.
loiiowid w a Miv cold and cutting al Anu truly, when I looked upon tho wide
most ns sharp as winier. At lenirtli we 'waste of wa'ers around us. dotted here
entered the emarv of the St Lawrence, and theie bv silverv ice fields, but un-
"ij .- j iti i , r i, iui H rnire ran, nnu lilluj;wi III 1 wil-KPOIiesS 1 W CJ", It IS tllits li heiiiy to
entire surface was checkered wiih masses j nr desolation, our misery, and probable make the little ono believe that Dod for
of ice ; evidently th broken-up winter ". I felt it was mercifully culled away i gets them, and sendstormentors to trouble
no.-river noove iipingKwejii oy vu i, come, rui mo niowier 1 1 hem in the silent watches of the niu-ht-
the ciit ri nl. nut. In im N'mliin., I rould not fel ai. ami um:.l I, or notn u..rlr..n &
exceed the heautv of the ice fields as Ihey leiirigs, her tears tell fust on the sweet
flashed und spni kled like g:gnnj,ic gems placid face that would never weep again,
in their srttiiij! ofazure sea. 11011? were I Vilb the morning, tho shir comiianv
of great .size also, like floating islands, rftscticis iere mustered, to oper
and the heaped up blocks upon their sur-t 'nin f any was missing, and great was
lure gleamed from a distance like cit es our consternation to hnd that Mr. O.iir.l
of dazzling crystal. wp absent. Every inquiry was made,
Tho wind was in our favor, and our jnt vory search among the crevices and
good ship sped up the gulf, throading her ' crannies of our rugged ice craft; but all
way through the channels of the flouiinu ' vain. In tho confusion and misorv of
ice fulds, while, hour after hour, her pas. "' night, none had missed him, nor wa
'enfffm I oral irnlfliinrr mill, mtvuirlnrl OOV tlRCCS of hiln to lift found .nml ivn Horn
eyes tho splendid scone around them. -!ot length compelled to believe that our
Lven when nicht enme. there ' kind friend and master had either perish
was (lie same eager throng of gazers, for 1 et ,u wreck, or else in his passage to
inojo largo irozen plains glittered in tho me ice.
moon light with a strange spectral beauty aioanwnue many were the eager eyes
amen none oi us una ever seen before. -iiuuuiiy scanning me uorizon in tne
Alter a time, a mass ot ice. huser than 1 TUln Be"rco ,or 0 inonuiy sail, as the
common, appeared floating down the day wore on. the sun shone brilliantly out
stream. Subsequently, we learned that "d u' heams flashed In a thousand ciaz-
eers the mind the intellect
o .i . ' inn'ii t .nmiinuii nflm i. i... . i J. .... i i -i n . - i
1'Di.nci inn no servant or nurse, ! i Vr i " lm" ' 1 "au, in nil probability tall from
or oldor brother or sister, drive arrows of n rVlor s,l!l11 !'uv,e "P lid urrang- grace. At.d If I do jW 1 g.-t one of t ,
grWtothe very soul of your child. A i f '. , a Pll, t Jc,uIiir manner, an d expect "iMi. cdcst thrashings vo.l ever lind in
sorrow early planted and watered w !'" to get aafely to port. The first 7j your life. I wnnbli.'i B'ruiJ
u,.su.;, caicutat on. overboard. on, lor I've made up my n, ml to do fn,t
iNOVV. KHlfrt iMn Mil i. I.lilv. 'l . .' . . J1'
' "uri""" """g jt is needless to sav. th
tears will bung forth a harvest of bitter
nes and despair.
IIow common a habit is this to teach
children to fear unseen dangers at night
fall I The peaceful night ; so full of sweot
nesl, and the night that brim? the lion.
eyed drops of dew to bless the floweis and
refresh the leaves, the night that brines
rest to the weary, this dearest time of nil,
is to be made terrible to children. What
ov. .,,..,U ... . . .. . " '
, ..uuu, vuuuiuueu it was time to "dry
it was part of the cone lh spray forma 'i"g rays on our ice ran, until we were
every winter before the falls of Mont-i'0 blinded by their radiaace. Yet
morency. Unit came, gleaming palely t iney shed a warmth through our chilled
gainst ine ncep blue tky like a castle of, "inea jor wnicu we were most tnanklul,
lioness maibie, rising in tower and tur-,1"" ,n many spois tney monea me ice,
ret, and massive buttress, and enriched . wmou run in little nils, enabling us to
by (he most delicate tracery. Every eve quench our thirst without filling our
was fixed upon it in fcreathlesa dmira i niouths with Ice. Twice in the day a lit- it swept majestically by. until, ns tie mscuit ant raw porn were distributed
it passed between us and the wind, bv its . us, ana luus sadly and sutloruig Passet
loftiness it momentarily leonlmed us - 1 day, till a second night of misery set
Middenly the etationary ship received a!'"' ihis proved tar worse than tho form-
ere:e blow, which vibrated not only i f lor, ere long, wild, gusts began to howl
through all her timber but through erery ! ove' the ocean wastes out arupng which
d faithfully executed.
V Office with Leonard, Finney t Co.
ustice of ihe penco
t. L.utliorsburg, Clearleld Co. Fs,, will
ttesd promptly to all business entrusted to his
re. He also informs th publls that be keeps
instantly on hand at his shop, a general as.
ftrtmont of Saddle, Bridles, Barnes and
'nips, which- hs will tell on reasonable trtms.
; April 4, 1800. . - .. ;,. .
X. to I
one of the hundred and forty human be
ings who formed her living freight. Xvev-
cr shall I forget the shrieks of terror that
loiiowed, ns women well-nigh frantio with
fear, clasped their children to their bos
oms, bujievlng that the ship had struck
upon a rocK, and that their last moment
had come. A cry from tho bow. that it
the ice, somewhat
relieved their fear?, and they stood quiet
ly by, while the helm was put down, and
the sails drawn rourd, in the effort to free
us from tho hugo mass of ice which still
lay serosa the vessel's bows pressing and
grating audibly against her timbers.. A
minute more, and Rbove tho din of blocks
and cordage, and the stamping of men's
feet, there arose a wild cry that echoed
far and wide over the surrounding ico
fields, and through every cranny of tho
neighboring ice-rnstlo "Tho ship is sink
Ingt" .
It was an appalling announcement ; and
ifnrtunatelv it w a trim one. The ra
opsrations performed ' had struck us heavier than, we thought,
we now n au united j and lieavy waves
lashed and laged around us, and dashed
themselves against our refuge; and though
they had not power lo put it into motion,
we knew not how soon they might sweep
over it or shatter it in pieces. It was a
fearful night, and so exhausted and des
pairing did it leave us, tnat we scarre
could rouse odrselvea to exertion, until a
sailor's cry, of "Sail hoi" awoke fresh
How many tearful eves brightened and
heavy hearts throbbed quick and grateful
ly at me'- watched that sail speed on to
wards us bo lore the last breath of tho cx
piringgalel As she drew near tho onlv
fear was lest she should not have space
lor all, Nearer and still nearer she. came.
until we could see the men upon her
decks, and then we scarce could believe
our eyes she passed us by, unobserving
us or unheeding the signal we bad placed
upon a spar, and the dark group of hu
man beings clustered around it. If un
heeding. Heaven forgive them,' for it was
a leu: lul depth of de.snair into which to
Daniel Weoster a the Union.
"While tho Union lasts ivn h.r ht
exciting, gratifying prospects Fpiend out
unuious, rar us nml our children. He
yonct that I seek not to penetrate thevei
uoii grant that In my clay, at least, that
curta n may not riso- (Jod grant that on
my vision never may be opened what lies
" "lmi my eyes snail bo lurnei
to behold, for tho last time, thn Kim ti
heaven, may 1 not see him shininc on f he
i ..... i . , , . , .
uruiivn, anu uisiionoi-ea . Irugnienis of
glorious uuion ; on J;tatPS dissevered, dis
coraapt, oeiiigorent ; on a land rent with
civu leudi, or drenched, it may bo, in ft a
ternal blood ! Let their last feeblo and lin
gering glance rather behold the gor
i r Hit 1 1 a a o . C a I. n t i
(.vuo vnaigu ui me iiepuoiio, now
known and honored throughout the
earth, still full high advanced, its arms and
'uivj on uuuiuijj in laeir original lustre
no. eiiine era-scu or polluted, not a
sing.e star obscured bearing for its mot
. w .uni misciauia inierroga'.ory as
-vvnai is all this worth 7" Onhmn mi.
er words of delusion and fol!i-"r.n,rt
first, aHd Union afterward" but every-
nui-iu ai;mitiHu over !! Clia'.'aclpn nf tr.
ing light blazing in all its ample folds, as
they float over the sea and the land, and
111 BVry H-inn OVer the W in (I iio-ivan.
and that other sentiment rlenr i .mi..
a t i . . . . . n . . n ...y
n in- ninerican ncari . kk v avm
. . ' - -.4' is j v AND FOREVER, ONE
AIXV iat-l'lUtAIJLK."'
necessarily take up so much limo and
t-ntion, and in view of the inexperience
and Ignorance of thousands ofroung mar-
7l"e " W" o me that if some! Anecdote of Jt-wi Taw. -When the
capable inothef would teach us how to library ,n the Capitol was in flamed a d
ake care of 'ho baby, she would add in- clouds of smoko ere rolling out Tnd en
lere t to you f columns and be a real bens veloping building. Chief Juuice Tan
eiaetress. l m sure the household nnr. ev nf tm S
sery is worthy of a, much attention a. seat at ,,9'u T "
B .. "l -In... . n I . ,
uiii.nnini.ii iu raj. LilNCOLN 8 Uni-
inrT. A dispatch from .Sprim-fleld. fihA
home of Mr. Lincoln,! to tho New York
Times, says that speculation is rife among
I'lUIIIIIIt-IIV I'UllllUIUiJS II1DHL lniltltHtn Wllh
the President elect, an 1 supnoed there-
r ... i p ' ' . . . .
uio w vo no i-iiiioi uimi ns lo his nrnha.
ble course. Tue composition of his wh.
inef is Ireely canvassed, and the following
arc mo niiinei uimsi prominently men
tioned For Secretary of State, Wm. N.
Seward, of 'New York: For Secrctiry
of tho Trcasuir, Simoh Cameron, o;
Pennsylvania; Win. C. Rives, of Vir
ginia. For Secretary of t he Interior,
John Bell, of Tennessee. For Sycrotary
of War, Casous M. Clay, of Kentucky.
For Postmaster Oonorsl Schuyler Coifax,
of Irdiuna"; Chandler of Michigan.
For Secretary of the N avy, John Minor
Bot-U, of Virginia. For Attorney (rener-
Ke In Show's new row
Sepu 14th, 1858. '
Is. a. larbimkh.
al, Henry Winter Davis, of Maryland.
RfTTir nirr. hi. t
th Ladles and Gentlemen of Cleir. : unfortunately it was a true one.
Shi anil ltnlfw All An...l!AH.' ...k.J ' ASl BtrileW II li mm tlf Ihkn m
ith neatness ana de.-natch. Tlnlnr fnmili.r land ita hard eliarn ,na treat, r.rl . a ku: lul denlh of desmiir imn l,;,-li In I 1'II'LOMACr AND I RLT1I. M. dft Tallev
ih all th lot hnnrovusants, ht Is prepared to slstless as that ot ft knife, pressing aaainat 1 '""tS many of their fellow cren- ran(I. when reproached by a friend Jor
. v. iu au aw UlUUIiVr I Ifll now ff TUtt tAktaslAl llm afonr n4 .a . .a tUTt... 1 li A WOtTl n IAI . If fin IV r. 1ri liaocl I 1 wil''HHVlIU llil3Ultrf UnU III" Al-
by the double timbers ne(ld for ire- irickcn for words, and men lifted up tlfi.hul?i l? h,uV leit,ie(i :.. VT,,ero itJ n-enoounter-iad
cut . (hem comnletelv i llieir voioe in bitter indignation at the , tlmM in l? sphere of poliiitM so Lard to
-i f. rlT I thlYlMDh A I half. tV.a tsar n f ah irn.KaJ i U t tCrUPlt V I TUt fVWl Ifl fhllO I
r ft . m wm-. . ' ' - w " w K UO!ICl All flllU , . -" ' v-4 V. vv V1IH.M HIIV
.rZ. W'u , '.AtwBeyaat Law .be force and rapidity of a cascades r! jch-ldren to perish
I' :?'; 'ZZl. "I. uu.?rep"J What a fearful scene of terror and con
. i
ine iree nursery, to which vou devote a
column monthly, and if you agree with
me, we may hope that this subject may
hereafter received je.nltention. Martha.
Remarks. A most excellent sii.v.e.iinr..
certainly, let the babies receive their share
ui uiieuuoii
...... f.... uli., u nuihiurooi. . May it
ploaso your Honor," B1id an officer of the
mirt. " will the Court, sit lo day ? " The
Chief Justice looked up. and coolly and
sigii.ficnntW Bskel,-'s the court room
ren v on firer" ni,
U.. ... , - u iiif in., 111.11. ver,
110 Will tell nnr reiwlnr. nulhnii'iu'i. i.'I'l... hi . ...
how to keep ihr-iu comfortable and heal-! ftdderl the Chief. And the Court, did sit
thy, how and when to feed them, how to and tr-n-aoted business s usual am ia a li
amuse ,,en,, to give tli-m pmner cxer the confusion nb it '"
cise, de.scribo their proper clothing, and a J
hundreJ other mat. ers that a man' would ll4lil)M Lawyers.- A bill requiring ev
never think of? We will cheerfully make e!"v B!,0l'ey at law, on the re.piest of his
room for goud prncfi :al suggestions, !,ow- cllf nfi give his op;nioii in writing upon
ever faulty may be the s'tyln that can t1"' P'm bearing directlv in l given
easily ho remedied in the editorial mill, i holding him responsible when
where most eonliibutioniurc ground over! i through inetn;i.-teucy. m-glecl or misl
Am, Agriculturist. niaii.-iieineiiton his pirt, the client sut-
fors dam.iire, has passed tho House in the
Wife vs Lady. It is certainly nM good ' Ven,u,"t Legislature. If that bill doesn't
taste for a gentleman to sprtnk of his wife . uppres ton notablo extent freedom of
as his lady, or to register their names ''P'"'0" u ng the iegil friteruity of
upnn the books of a hotel as "John Smith l-mo"t' lve "''-dl confer o it .-elves no
and Lady;" or to ask a friend, "How is ' Pl'rI,et-
your lady?" This is nil fashionable vU-1 P.V.T7; J,
gamy and invariably betrays a lack of , iV. ir A"5"Cav Confe-jer icy.-Pres-cultivation.
Tho term wife. I. far mr ri , L, , "ine. or I.icarag..,,. ina piocia
refined, whatever may bo slid to tho con-1 mil,"c !h f'p"H- for the:r rs
trary. Suppose a lady were to ,v n ' 'C elto1'" dlnn- ," rp' r
stead of "my h'.isband," "my aentlcman. I xo'lc,nen tr' nfee.stiy of i!,
r suppose we were to speok of "M 1T. 'P 'j Central Aineiiut becom
Maurice and her gentleman." The thins m5Cf,n0,.,,,lI f 'hr irrealer -irengtl,
would be perfectly ludicrous, and ha nU. "2 "ir"-' un.J?r 1
verso is none the less so, if rightly consid- . ceuirat and offers, lor
e.ed. A man's wife, is hia wife Z 1 V Par' '' ,w" i " uhonty i
lady, nn.l we marvel that this latter term i
is not utterly tabooed, in such a connoc. '
tion at least, by educited and intelli 'e:it
people. It oii'-ht to be loft for t he bxIh .
sivo use ot the cod jkIi nrtstocrney.
A Scene.
tho feet of a Central g lvernni-nt.
Br51The lady who 'itnit her brows," has
commenced no a puir ol'Koeks. lier sis
ter was choked with in lign ilion. Her
br .tlier went a.vay in disgust, and return,
e l in a A cnHn who went into
tbe rorie lino themiier way was hung. -iler
husband s ailed on an enterprise
gone lo Au.-tislU to escape the aheriJT.
Wm. I.. Ray. of Couieciicut, picked
forty bushels of Mi,.e fVum one iree.
He had the curiosity to count the number
of apples in i ue peck, und found 130. tus
king 700 in one bushel, anrl .,. .r.. ......
mnmnt., r, iI.a I.. '.' . I .1 1 lA i.. .. 1
. eiT v w",-uw uipie grew upon the tree.
"iiiwi: wi-rq p.'umca.
Dry goods stores are snma.
times the scene of ludicrous eonversnti.m
Tho other day a young Intly stepped into
a well known establishment in to-vn a.,,1
inquired of a lino looking clerk-. .
-'Sir, have you any mousa.onlnrorl l-
dies gloves ?"
4Moue colored glove. Miss ?"
"Yes a sort of gray fust the color nf
your nrawers here,
drawers, of course.
SP!,V.' . SiT"Tlie nc,i;ro man who was eonvictefl
My drawers. Manuhted thn vnn..., of a rano umui. and ut tnill lit .1 Ilia n. ..
man, glancing downwards to see if every- der of h young w l.lto girl, and sn; d
thing was light and tight "My drawers 7 he hi.n j. al Dover, LV1.. in D.conle
why I don't wear any I" The vouiu Indv . broke jail on talurdav liil.t hwi nn.l
was can ied home on n shutter. caped.
85.01iver Weiulolt Holmes vividly dn '. :-5T,OId Bienelor Sneer wuuid like' to
scribes dealh thus f" l)y tlie siillnos Gf v w,lftt k'r"' n " hroom the voting
theslmrpr ned features, by llnv black ness ":,n 1,1 the new novel, u e,l, when kin.
of the fearless eye, by the fixedness of the 'pt back the raven lingleti iroin he;
sniileless moutli. . by iho de; emng tints, cla.vie brow.
by the contracted brow, by the dilatiii! ! 77 77! '.
nos.rds, we know il,e .,! i.soo , to bavo ' f t IT' u'" ' 1 ',r",i2a' r'
it. mortal leneme,,., and i. already 'cbs .'f! ""f' "'""'""j Erropa!, HH! I T.
I get believed as the truth. Whenever I
h.mih in nr.,. nf I. in : iiavo ievaleu the pure and simnle truth. 1 . j . . . , . v,.v,i Am enthuai.isi ic u. niit.liun
. . ii i i . - . ji vtit u iti vi iii-iu. iiiki riiiii n lifiii ..
- a . imnkt. mif ,r... . I. li ..... 1 UHVeHIVTlVa feC .SUilllOf1 i n is mil. , ... ' ... " "I ninnJurA mvi
SAKeuuive. attiUaa mlmm im UMIfDBia. a . . ... . . f " . . ii mm h.iuan wnu. bn... ... ..I .. .v.... i..n.t, "nipu kT . - if.. .
)ure and Elk couhdoa: Jul au . ensucti I me shrieks and lamentution ' ' S .clo, upon us, lor our scanty stock of, V"" .""-?' .wuevou wnen nll ,na o,h In .x,n,.nor . 0 ..rn,? K, oreaKing-
At tas Amnit i, a. a7 .ii . .1 iri uav i.iiiiini i..hii i .a... a is t LveiKiiv-u niiarii lu b.iih n i'( uu iu ni m n .si.
...,!-, .unuirrui i'iiiiui rn, aii'i ine -, wi'ij uMg mum- :, t .. . ., ' "'iiayior, tor iruxuito, with a view to oh-
.ha ice, utterly n-l---'" r.","". ,.e..I,r?ti t V pos.ibe. the remains of General
ing its windows and utii
" Tin Remmss or Gs".
i' out iu flits."
WALKER.-Tiio hi pcplo.
Va7 ( Irtiiftfist ), atotAa !. .-, T U I '
wi rn;,,i f..i...i nnA Ji- A rnthusinHiic
and cares for nothing but tlu wel'aro oi
in New
" nnvnn t nm t . i.:i.. :.i. .. t.. ,. .. .,,lu... r..n i . i. . i . :
. 2 ! -"f.--.. .-j um ....-.---". -r " ' "." I l. .I..II I .1 i . . i I'ssiw e, me. i
au. j i m fc" i4ow op-iieai t and danger of those dearest to them. Ul,,e,enl - an outward ot.jecta ; while -. in irm 'Walker, for his father in
So are the bank broukin '.
dee. 1, 18S8. if.
yholesale and Retail Merchauta. Also
xtnnsiv dealer In limber, tawed land
f and shingles. Also, dealer la floor a
tfu, which will l told ehetn for eash.,l8J9.
dear i e? t0 avow' uour hour, all :hat hel
tejpFun is srortli nioin than physic.
I an i k oocver invent or discovers a new
souro' ol tupply, dpseive the name o.'
public beiiefai'ior.
On nfnu AiA . i. n t.. 1 1 Othera nravnrl nupnAbil. aua.
on me ; for I had a dellotia svifo on board, i opw for " horn all earthly hopes'is past. M.hlnkl,Rn,i ltiib knows will create Among the Democrniio memb rsofCon
and of my two little ones, tho youngest Suddet ly u loud shout rose above the ' u,r nl,,,:,e" repuiation t it heing the most gres. jnt elected in Ind on , is the Hon.
WMftninvRlid.- time was ! piasu or the wuves nod the murmur of -.M'" , U. voirhees. whose rr speech in Prentice savs he has heard of but ono
lost. Thatewsario space to lower h''uJ ecioed cheerfully) j I,ilthmen were one day try-1 !T?.. C4ook'nn'1" ''". ' o'ite. old woman who kissed her cow. but he
ooais, tna me paie. ternnea paengrs " resting nace. ivery ey- ( , d ; , . . . ..a..,' ' i-'.n. , gav- mm a muional
were hurriedly passed down, by the bow- " awaifr, and there, but few fTX" ThisnnMe
prit. upon the U. Il waa touching to ! '"' lay a Urge vessel, which. ' 1 ,m i '1 .?.Uh. 1'! ?L . .
see some snatch a closk or wrapper is! absorbed as we were in our misery, bad p..'!. 'j ... ..., J V . laT'"hn W. Jones, Ksq., who wassu.d 1 For a long iim Kans was "blending.
they passed, the aula relio of all their approached us unperceived. Her bul- ' to rpft(1 fof ,h' Ih. . , J r "i';rymg two wives, excused himself N w she m arnng. She 6o I? this dcci
worldly poasesslont. while others, in,"""'" were ill le-l with yniatiiiii(; rncva. 1 tll oonduor, nnor Ihom turnoil tn M ' ' ,4V,n 10 hejury that wl on he had djdly t he wm fil,i,m -rri:t.
that, a , ",m to our reeoie ctieer ot welcome there n,mr.,lM .e,,,. ... ,. im. "'"""."e ,onS ". w"en he hid,.. ' v . .
came back to hearty ft response that it' .(. tone - - "-j ' two they fought aach other. - - I - 6at.Uon. IIoaaMo King. As.isttut Post
of the niui . :
f Roekton, Cnloa tp will attend tnr, departed without even
snptiy to all business ntruud u hi care, few provisions were next sent down,
Sept.,l, 18C0. ly. quickly followed by the trew ; and then
very targe stock of Spring tad 8ummr w ood a wretched, cowering group
knows of many thousand young ones who;
have kissed very great calves.
L doming of the laust stylet for sale low by upon the ice-field that Lad wrought us
sent a glow through ourtdiivering frame-.
i'ever was Kinuuess greater man we
pressive tone
'wen, oojaner. ril nlver buy ofa man I B-WiHiam Il.witt, tho En
. i .... " . , -hub iiHKnruiy mst no won i ger, nis trior, announce his he ief n Sn r in., ; . i
SrTc.'PT.h PrandwSS Ihoand the English Journa.s have takVrV ,p
" 1 primer, and he a cbsle me as well. he d titision extensively.
' ;l..- fpiali-. if-'iieral,' 11
lish .au-Jlnonils in Maino.
oil ft brief visit to till
The Ke.- V itc of tho Ifepubiira Musis
-I'ar-koy-tid VVjijj-iiry,
on., ir m i.mi. n. a. iitvi.v, to mnen evil, watching for Uie lat mo