Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 28, 1860, Image 4

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The l'l f Mn
At lande's. " tnbttantlel things j
Ihtre I a rmt ajalnst Fat
Death 171 kit Icy hands king.
. flcoptr end erowa
Dcitb II down,
Ana in th dull be qnal wad
Wilh In poor sroehed aeytb and spade.
Son men wllh swords Bi; reap th Belds,
And plant fresh laurels where they kill;
lul thli strong nerves at last must yield,
Ibey lara but ue anoihr still,
Fsrly or late,
They itoop to FaU,
And unit gire up tblr murmuring breath
When they, pal captives, creep to death.
The garlands wither on your brow,
Then boitt no a or your mighty deeds
Upon death's purple aliar now,
All heads must eom
To theeoldtcmb!
Only the actiont of th juit
Smell tweet and blossom in the dust.
ritnltaral ghttcrs.
Tire Hundred, Dollars steward.
Iny trial wfta loin Mil trtitrli Up
amotf Oi-m. In tli nU ovei nnM
y Mr. It. wa t i 1 qimln fimn ft forrljrrt
writer, wlir) spcaVe nl lli "rommnrt s
rislilimis .pilo" of Kuropo, When
tve npnkn flli rulllvnlora of tliii counlty,
rnllod ttirui farmer a tinma we drrm
(lift tnoit lionuraM. 1'iit enough mi this
point. In our former article, pug 2.1-1, we
spoke of lh inipomibility of one apeoloa
ofplnnta changing or transmuting Into
another, Cliesa, called ly bolonistn, Iro-
mut ieratinit, is d'mlinct specie from
wheat, colled by tmtaiiUts, Iritictim, and
nothing but a miracle a tlirwt net of
Providence--can cause, one of these pe
cici to cliangolnto, or produce the other
So continent of this ire we, and so tie
slrous, withal, to let at rest a question of
this kind, that we make the following
offer: , .
$500 Reward. The publisher of the
American Agriculturist will pay a reward of
$500 to any person who will prove by
clear iinniistalcfiWo experiment to the
snti-fuction of intelligent and disinterest
ed parties, that chess can be produced
from wheat. No other conditions are
made, than simply thai the jcperiments
shnll be so ronnueted (lint thpre can bo no
From tb American Agriculturist.
I've been aching for more than thirty
years, to give editors of agricultural jour
nals ' fits,' for you aro the most arrogant mi,tBke about the tfansmutntion
chaps, we farmers have anything to do' Lp) , dd that we do not call in ques
with. Just look how you treat us on the tinn th(( veracity of those who assert that
old chess question. ' You are tired of f))PV ,)ftve opn cj,0,s prowin;t yom w,at
St;" then to settle it, you launch off into kmwUt We have no doubt tlv bMive
learned names of some authorities, no what they asstrt j but. in the full ronvic
farmer knows of, and treat them to a dish tion that there is some miMake about it.
otBromut&cahna, and insinuation., of the oncl to encourage experiments, we make
s.lly notions of common people," intima- tbo bo,e ofTor in ROoa faith, nnd will
ting thai farmers don't know enough to Inost cheerfully pav the reward if a single
last them up a short hill. You call fof,rns(, of transmutation rn L rvwn
specimens, when they affirm their expe
rience of having seen the fact of Chess
and Wheat growing together, as if they
were either liars, or were incapable of
judging what we see. Now I've lived some
sixty-three years, and once in that time
1 have seen a head ot wheat and a stran
gle as we call it of chess growing on one
etalk, in the then Territory of M chigan.
and showed it to many of my neighbors,
men and women, well able to judge of
what they aaw, emmon as they might be.
I also in that same Territory, saw chest
grow hit: on more than a dozen stalks of
JLix, and having some seven or eight
hands hoeing corn on my land at the time
I called them to witness the fuel. Some
of these men are now living, good men
nnd true, and reminded me of it two
yours ar , when I was tht-re on a visit.
Ag.un, iii'teon years ago, when I first set
tled litre, a biotliet-in-Liw of mine brcke
up ton acres of new land, part prairie, part
barrens ; on one side, about six rods from
Ilia edg of said lot, ran an old road,
which didn't get broken up much with
the rest, being hard. He sowed the
plumpest, cleanest wheat I ever saw, on
said lot. The result was an abundant
nop of beautiful whe it, excepting the
said strip of road, of some eight feet wide
nnd fm-iy rods long which was chrss,
stout enough to bear up a cradle. Now
sir, you may call chess by any name you
choose, but it won't explain how that
strip of chess came where cletn wheat was
sown the previous season. There was no
chess in the wheat on either side of the
said road. This fact was witnessed by
some of the best farmers in the town, aud
many of them are here now, and often
speak of it. I don't say wheat turns to,
or is transmuted to chess, for I think I can
explain it upon the principles of natural
science ; but that was'nt the object of the
present article. It was to get up a little
modesty in agricultural papers, and pro
vent their squirtations f so much learned
dyestuft'into the eyes of old eye witnesses
ot what said editors doom a delusion.
What in tho name of common sense, can
Bromus Sccdinu have to do with the fact of
tho appearance of chess where wheat is
sown T Then to call for specimens as
though you, because you are an editor, had
vany Letter senses than observing firmer.
Now sir, I believe in book farming and
read all I can get hold of on the subject,
have taken another agricultural paper nnd
yours in '59, and my son takes yours now
nnd I another paper ; but I don't be
lieve you all together can see a stalk of
choss growing in company 03 the same
stem more sure than I or any other old
or young farmer, though we may bo com
to3n folks. Jon. ft. Kontxsox.
KaneCo., 111.
Rimarks. Mr. Robinson must feel bet
ter now, after having spoken his mind."
Ilia bile has rather overflows! nn
Let those interested make the trial, and
if they succed once, it will be easy to re
peat under circumstances that will admit
of no doubt.
Patented Jan. 17, 'CO.
"Vf need on improvement in Harrows," it a
remark not uDfrto,utnMy heard nmong fnrmrri.
Among the few improvements whu-h haw here
tofore been made in thia iuipotUint and useful,
we might lay Independable implement of hus
bandry, It would seem that none of them baa
fully met the wants of the Agriculturist. Some
are too hoary, some too complicated and coitly,
and all are liable to the objection that they are
only adopted to certain Linda of ground, for
bile it la earv to get nil barrow bat will
work well on smooth, clear and lerel ground, it
is not so easy to find one that will answer a good
pnrpose in new ground, among stumpi or on a
hilly and undulating surface, but when yia get
me of the latter clam, you may reit assured that
it win also giTe satisfaction on a smooth surface.
The undersigned confident'y believe that this
object is fully attained in this improvement,
and would call the attention of I'ractical and
Scientific agriculturists to the following import
ant features which eharacteriio it. First, its
aimplirity ; secondly, its strength and durability,
and lntly its adaptedness to any and all birds
4fsurfnce. The following named practical
Ftrmors, of Clearfield County, who have used it
this season, thus testify to it.
We the undersigned farxers ofPonn tp., Clear
Held CO., and Slate of Pennsylvania, having used
Russell's Improved Flexible Marrow, bar no
hesitation in saying that it bat given entire sat
isfaction and that from its simplicity and cheap
ness it should speedily eome into general use.
The "Scientifio American," a paper which
the scienaifie world is well acquainted speak
thus in referenoe to it, "Tb barrow is one of
the most important agricultural implement, a
much depends upon the top pulverising or dress
ing of the soil, both befor and after the toed is
town, for tb success of tb future crop." After
describing it, it continual: "This combination
harrow is so simple, that it it superfluous to ex
tend for Harrowing either well cleared or rough
Tb undersigned,- have purchased the right
to make, tell, use, and transfer their right to do
the same, within the county of Clearfield, and
are now prepared to iurnish the article to all
who wish topurohiue.on reasonable terms. They
will also tell individual rights to make and
use the sumo, MEKRELL BIOLER.
Claerfield, Oct. 21, I860.
!!! DEATH !!!
To every form and Specie of
"tOXTAh 'S' Rat, Jioachdc. Exterminator.1
"CO.STA fS" Bed Bug Exterminator.
"COSTAIi'S" Electric roicdcr fori sccti.
jRat, Roaches. Mice, Moles, Ground -Jlico,
ned-bug, Ants, Moths, Mosquitoes, r lc;is,
Insects on Plunts, Insects on Animal, rfc.
in ahoit every form and species of
10 years established in New York City
used by the City Tost Office- the City Fris-
on and Station houses the city Steamers,
Keep constantly on hnnd,
al their old stand On Second slrtcl,
Scales of oil kinds
which will weigh from one oz. to 4,000
of different styles,
A a large assortment of Carriago Bolts,
A general assortment of Mechanics's Tools,
urixdstom:? and crank,
Lc, itc, to., Ac.,
Of the best quality,
Monroes patent egg-whips,
A general assortment of
Plows and Plow-wings, i
A large and well assorted stock of
Baiir-Sirem aimil Hailo ,
They have a rery extensive assortment of
which they vril' sell on the most advinta
geous terms,
Also a very large stock of
to which they desire specially to call the
attention of WhohtaUDtalert;
Btev Blacking,
Saw Cummers' fc, 4c.
They wish also to direct the special at
tention of owners, of houses, mills,
and other buildings to their
stock of
which they are prepared to sell at
the Tory lowest prices.
They have also an extensive assortment of
which they will dispose of at reduced
at greatly reduced rates;
G 1 a s p, Oils, Paints,
PUIMV Tine m.Uoi.
Th Mgh and mvled eelebrlly whlrli th
fr emit nt rnnlMriM bar acquired fnr lhlr
Invariable eflitaey In all th dlsetiei which tby
profess to cur, bus rtdered th utnal pinctlc of
puffing tint only onneeesrary, Inl unworthy of
tbem. ThfT ere known by their fruits their
road works IcM'fy for Hum, and they thrir but
by the faith of tin rreilulout.
Is ALt; tasks of Asthma, jteule and Chronic
rtlieutiiiititn, Alter (ions or th Bladder and Kid
neys, llilllous Fever and bWer Complaints,
In th south and west, where Ibete diseases r-
vail they will be found Invaluable. 1'lanters,
Formers, and olliors, who once use these modieiacs
will never afterwords be without thorn.
Dyspepsia. No person with this distressing
direnso should delay ttsina; thee medicines iiu
uiedintuly. Eruptions of the skin, Kryilpolat,1
Flatulonry, Fore- and Ague. For this icourgo
of t'.ie western country these medicines will be
jound a safo, speedy, aud certain remedy. Other
medicines loav the system tutjeotto a retur" of
th disease a sure by these medicines it Per
manent Try them, be salisflod, and be cared.
Mercural Diseases, Never failt to eradi
eate entirely all the effects of mercury Infinitely
sooner than tho must powerful preptratiun of
Night sweat.', Nervous Debility, Nervous Com
plaints of all kinds, Organic AflVctioni, Palpita
tion of the Heart, Painter's Cbolic.
I'ilcs. Th original proprietor of these medi
nAS Just received from the Knstern eltle",
and opened at his NF.W 8TOIIK ItOOM
on MAHKKT BIIIKKT, two doori west oTThlrd,
lb most f xlensiv assortment ol Drug,
' Varnishes,
Tobaooo A SegurS,
Toilet articles,
Blui.k bunks,
And Fancy
Articles Ao. to,
ever oflarod to the publio iu this section of the
Hit Drugs aud Chemicals, of which he
has an extensive asHortmnnt, have been select
ed with especial reference to their quality and
His stock of Oil and Paints will eonsist
of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner't oil, Turpsntine,
cinet wat cured of files of 35 years standing by Ka v bite lead, dry and ground in oil, hpnn
il,. n.n of thesa Life tnedieinna alono. Wormi of th brown, Venition rod, Yellow and Stone ochre
all kinds, are effectually eured by these medlcinet.' Lampblack, Zflack lead, Ivory b aclt, Chines 4
Farentt will do well toadmlnitter them ahenevor American vermillion, paris green, paris, Ultra
their existence It suspeoted. Relief will be "n"' nd pruin blue, dry and ground in oil.
certain. ; , Carmine, Chrome green d yellow. Chalk of all
the Lire fills and momix sittk as ' : Cobalt, Drop, lake d black, Emery, Glue. Gums,
,,.,.,, ... . ii j- ''Copal. Damar and Sbellan, Indian red, Litharge,
Purify th. blood, and thut remov. all diteas Oring. mineral, pumlc. ...d Rotten .ton. Ros
.n. ..UK. ..... r-y piuk Engij.h and American. Roiin, 6car-t, (or
Lira Pills and 'aoE.x BtTTat beyond th rti.n rodl) Terra Si.naa, Turkey nmbr., Vur-
.r ...... j dieris. blue t White Vitriol, n hitmr. Zinn. nut.
ty aud putty knives, tilast of all tixet and quali-
AtT Prepared and told by
S35 Rrodway, eor. Worth St., New Tork.
Feb. 29th I860. lyr.
look here: look here:
MlIK undersigned subscribers, take this meth.
tiet, Looking-glast plalet, Ac, fe.
Dye-atufla k Varnishes t
Extra Logwood, chip
ped and ground. Indigo, Maddec, Annatto,
Cochineal, Sol. tin, Red saunden ; Copal, Coach,
lilftcK lor 'eatber, Japan foraying, Hap, Mastic,
1 od of informing th. public generally, that Whit. Damar, Whit, eplrt and Flowing Varnih.
they hare this day entered into copartnership in Tobacco Hcgara:
THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, I. av.naisn, Mst,-JNatural
leaf, Rough A ready, Lady twist. Fine cuts of all
and can be found at the shop formerly occnpi.d kinds, and pride of th. Harem, tobaeeo ; Rappee
by J. bnnkwiler, on Third street, in this bo- anl Scotch snuff; El phaeton, Henry Clay,
rough, where they will be pleaaed to tee th r old punch, Laehica, El mono, Ac, Began.
Ships ic..-the City Hotels. "Aslor," "St
Nicholas." &c, -and by more than 20.000
down into his ink a little, but we are too1 1,rivt0 famile
benevolent to withold a letter K in.r.l B.L'ri'PS'8 Rnd Ke"ilrs everywhere
tion of which will alleviate an aching of Br&Jl,olesale A gents in all lurce Cities
thirty years' standing," and we shall BS-Uegularshe. 25c., 60c, &$1 JJoxes
try not to personally appropriate any of Hottles, F.isaks-
those "fits." Wedon't know what .Brl..Btt-Ln Bl!wr 1 Hof 'purioiisimitations.
cultural editors ho i driving nt, as, wilh
Examino each Rox, Bottle A Flask
and tnk nothinc but "CostaiV
B?i?l.00 Boxes sent bv mail.
me fraternity aro very modest men ; 3 fa.uu by hxpress. t. ,
and it could not well bo .therwiso. Tt is Address ordern-or for Cireular, in ,
the universal rule, that while "a little' ,,--?, -11 1.Y R: T.A R.
iTjiui,iiu jironnwny, i. x.
few exceptions, our acquaintances among
knowledge is a dangerous thing," because BffiuSOLD BY
March 17th.
Clearfield Ta.
Ladies' Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and un
trimmed, of tb Latest Styles at
R. W. & CO e,
A Large and splendid stock of Dress trim
. tilings, Belt, Head Dresses, Netts, Plumes
it puns a man up, anu manes t,im "arro
gant," a good deal of knowledge makes
him humble. Agricultural editors de
vote their chief attention to gathering
knowledge from wile field of observa.
tioti, andtheyonglatobe, and we bo
lieve Generally are. far from
Is not Mr. 11. a little arrogant in assuming A Un V''"'-
v -y nr iui an mo cwnuion people.
We have a strong admiration for that
olas those possessed of common senso,
and havo flattered ourelves until this
Ao., at
R. W. rf- CO',
Boots V shoes of every kind for Ladies, Oen
tlemen, and Children at R. W. d CO',
Urge lot of BEANS lor sjlo at theljo
customers, and at many aew one at caa snak
it oonvement to glv them a call
Bring on your hoes, your tpadet and pickt,
Tour log-chains and your pulling sticks,
Tour tie Js, your sleight, your horse, your mar,
No three-year old shall then go bar.
Your spears will work up then Just right;
To prooning hooks for every height.
Tour swords too, shall then be wrought.
To ploughshares tuch at Cain ne'er bought,
Clearfield, December , 1858. tf.
IMoori Searcher!!
For tb speedy, radical, and effeetaal ear
ALU DlbtAbl.3 arising from lMPU
This medicine hat wrought th. mott ailraca-
lous cures in desperate cases of
Cutaneous Diseases,
Pimples on the face,
Old, Stubborn Ulcers,
Tetter AUeotions,
Mercurial Diteatet,
Liver Complaint,
Low Spirits,
Caneeront formation.
Erysipelas, Boilt,
6or Eyes,
Scald Head,
Rheumatic Disorder!,
Salt Rheum,
General Debility,
Lost of Appetite,
Foul Stomach,
Female Complaints, anil all Disease! haviat
their orgin in an impure state f theBlood.
Portable Heaters and Registers,
Sieve Wire, Horse-shoe Nails, Dumb-Bolls
Quoits, ic, tc, &.O.,
They keep also a general assortment of
such as aro needed in this section of '
The following articles will be taken IN
EXCHANGE for articles in our line ot
business ;
. Old Copr, OU Brass,
.. B e o a-w a x,. Tallow A c.,
Weinvito everybody to give nsacall and
Blauk-Books and Stationary,
Dty-books. Receipt and Kote-hooVs, Diaries, La
dies and Office Portfolios, Black parchment and
paper Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, -and all other
legal blanks. Foolscap, letter, Note, Businett
and drawing paper, Envelop!, Ready reference'
Hlet, Annear't and Arnold's writing fluid, Ink,
black, blue, and carmine, Steel Pent ana Ben
holden, Paper dipt, mucilage, and all othor ar
ticles la th Stationary line.
Toilet 4 Fancy Article 4c Perfumery.
. Hair
brahet, American, French i English, with Ivo
ry, Shell. Pearl, Buffalo, 6atinwood, Rosewood
A ornamented backs, all qualities ; Cloth brushes
Hat brushes; Teelh brushes, various qualities;
Shaving brashes, American, English and French
with Russia bristles and Badger't hair; Flesh
brushes ; Comb brushes and Cleaners , Tortoise
tbell Tuck combt, Tortoise tholl, Plkin t Fanoy
and India rubber Long Combt; SbeW, Buffalo,
Horn and India rubber puff side Combs ; India
rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, all stylet ;
English Toilet combt with handles; Bonnet
eombs ; Ivory and Outta percba floe tooth combt ;
Pocket combt, all styles American, French A
German Cologne & Laven ter waters ; Lubin't,
Taylor's, Wright's, Mangenet A Conway's ex
tra :tt for the ban Ikerchief, of a great variety of
styles; Burnett's Cocains, Barry's Trlcoph.rous,
Lyon's Catbaired, Kau, Lustral, Bean, Matsacrar,
Antigua, Rot. and Coral Oil; Beef marrow,
Pomades, and Philoooom, American and French
all ttylet and prices eold cream, Toilet powder,
Rouge Bllt, Lilly Whit., Puff Boxes, China,
and paper, smelling salts, Balm of a thousand
flofera, tooth past., tooth paste, charcoal, r.s,
Ac, Ao., Shaving Compound all sizes ; Military
soap, Honey Soap, Chrystaline and Floating
soaps,, Ottoman, Yankee and Gallagher loapt,
Transparent and Castile soaps, Ac. A.
Miscellaneous Articles.
Gentt tteel frame
morocco and cuff Portmonaies, Ladiet silk lined
papier ilache, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet and
morocco Portmonaies, Ladiet Crotchet purses
embroidered with tteel heads, Ladiet Cabat and
morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivory, velvet and
papier Marbe, ivory and pear memorandum tab
ids, Fin. English Morocco, Pocket Wallets, Mo
lecco and caf Pocket books, with straps and
chips; Bill bookt, and Banker's cases with lock
aad key; cillaption drinking cups. Medical glu
tei with and without drops, Fi.ihlng tackle,
Chapman A E nerton't Raior strops cigar caset
trumb brushes. Shoe Brushst with and without
handles Horn brushes, all qualities. Paint
and varnish brushes hi I tiirs, tin and enpper
bound, Sath tools a sizes, oounter and mark
ing brushes, white wash and tcrubbing brushes.
Fancy colored feather dusters Ac, Rich pear
Th above it a portrait of David M'Creary, t itiaid papier mache, toilet cases, work boxes,
Napier township, who, on th tltt day ofAur. writing deiks, Rosewood and Mabogony uriting
isso, maa amuavtt belor Justice U or ley that "" uru..u u vur. ...u
be wit treated fir tb cur of Cane-r by ihre ?lov"': f,kJi"' '?'Ur,'Jc""" ' !d "net, La
physicians of B.dford county, and by Dr. N.w- d,M Kid, TafffU Silk and lud finished gaunt
ton of th. Electrio College in Cincinnati!, for a lots, Md Lyl thread ganntt.js, Black and color
period of nearly eight montht, notwithstanding sdsilk wb sj.sp.nder. french striped gum rot
which, bit lip. not and a portion of hit left ..uep.nders. GuioU
cheek wart) ntirtly eaten away I H. had given ?ew suspenders, Gontt. linen band
up all hope, when be heard of th. "Blood Search- kovchiefs, ooored border and Cambrio baadker.
r " ni ... inAA in trw It Pnnr Wil.a cuicfs, Ladiet (men handkercbieft in creat vart.
eared him, and although eadly ditflgured, there etl Sun .hade fana, circuar French fant, can
is no question but what this invaluable medicine tun feather fans of a great variety; Fin. Canton
taved bit life. Tb full particulars of this cat Pa'm (aDI Wl,b iTor3r n1 painted hand, Black
may be teen in a circular, which can he had of ana mourning fant; Hair pint Engfith and
any of th Agent. - r reacn, 40., c. Ao falent Medicines ef v
We also refer to th tease of Nan v Blealnev. ery variety
of Eldertown, Armatrenr county, Pa., cured of AN of which wiH b told at th lowest CASH
Scrorula arur being unable to get out of bed for Pric'
three years. fount it Phvalrtan. fil ffA sill a A taltti
To th cat of a lady In Antoniville, aear- Medicines and Surgical Inttromsnts, at th mott
u. wuu.j, .m wai am, m;iu wnn ocroiuia reasanabl. rates lor oath.
June 0, I860. ly,
in itt worst form.
To th eat of George Jeitel, residing In Carl
town, Cambria count, Pa., wao wat to badly af
flicted with Cancer that it eat hit entire not off.
and ' his eat was worse, if possible, than
McCreary't. .
The particulars of the cases every on of
which wit cured by the ate of th Blood Searcher
may also be found In a circuit! to b had ot
any of th Agent. , ,
R, M. LEMON, Proprietor. '
Laboratory for th manufacture and sale, nea
tho Pa, Railroad Depot, llollidaysburg. Pa,
Dr. Gee. II. Keyter, Wholetal Agent Pitt
burgh Pa.
FOB SALE BY C. D, Wattoa, Clearfleld i f the latett ttylet, alto a Tariety of useful Nc
John Patlon, Curwentvill.) James B, Graham, tiuns. Ilatt and Caps.
i . . v a, T. ..... . . 1 r"
urauiniuu i x.. z. nrenner, Aiorruaai. ; John i Uonnett and Shawls
Russell, Pennville; R, II. Mwre, Luthersburg: BooU ahd Shoes.
, .... i ..u- ..ii.iun, v, i. roster, rnu-
liptburgt H. Sran, Antonville; Rnsttll McMur
ray, New Washington t Edward William. Wil
liamsvill; Juckson Patchea, BurntiJe; Samuel
jaaganj, UleB nop,
Feb. lit U60.
Just receiving and opening at th Old ttai
of Lewis Smith in Bethlehem a well selected a
I tortment of Spring and Summer Good of at
most every description.
frtapi ana fancy, a beautiful assortment!
Prints and Dress Goods
"Why stand yaajl the day Idle
4 NY LADY or Gentlemen In the Tnltad
V RtafAl- nniMltlfiff frnm SI tn 07 mm i
. r . I - - a - w. i wuvvt
exnmmo our articles, ana we feel satisfied " M,7 nl, retpectabi bus! nest, by which
irom 3 to fioperaay can oe realised, For
particulars, address (wllh stamp)
Oct J4, 1860 8m. Korih flth street, Phil,
that we can salt them in quality and pri-
o e
Clearfield, Va , Oct. 24,
radles dress gnodt, of patterns and teituret to
J pleat all, will be found at th corner store
Curwintvlli. May IS. 1880. E. A. IRVIX.
Sulla and othtr Shawls In variety at th .best
8,0"f E. A. IRVIN-
OupvtniTille, May 1. fin. '
Hardware, Queensware, Drugs an
Medlilnes, Fish,
Tobacco, 6egart and all articles usually ken
in a country 6 tore, all cheap for cash,
- Give at , call and ae for your teWe
Jfayaiis'stf-.1" nwwa,co.
rHASTERIWR tv- .i .... . .
-' , . ... . " auusrrioer, navlne
Lu00,?? hi-ln?.th koron of Cle.rfi.lcf
."""" in.puoito taat be 1 prepared to
l'.0. Z?k ' Vh f Pli I oVnam.n!
i. -k"; ""nPuon ,n workmanlik. manner.
Alto whitewashing and repairirg don in a neal
manner and en raonabl terms.
Clearfleld ' ' IMO. ly.
rMlKnn,Ur.t.a,4 h I
.1 thf-.r.. hi, ' '
pal-lle arlie, ,k k ''
d st lilt tslabllshmtnl In i K AH AMi
Uarfletd. )'.. a 8na Hit I n. i a. a
from a tlngU pier to a full sett, wMskM
rll at lt.a .... I.I. . 1 l J
.. ... .... r. irininiui, prices lot r,,l 1
r. l.l ...I.I I : I . .
.... ulu Ki,itj aiiu pi,,nr,
Cl.nt:K3 of every variety on hind,',!.!
ressnnabla t,rl.. '
ALL kind of Clock, Watrhti aadJI
pnrnnillv ...I If . I
' - - j . fm.M .im muM Hirvaicil, 1
A continuance of patronag It lolirli.j I
Sept. U, 1880. 'iI.F.NAlV
Gfcuaidliscir' ICccltSftaV
Tlilrty-Muth and Market Utrcet, fc)
Principals. ,
Hon. WM. BIOLER, Clearfleld i Win J
BIN. Era. of the Marol,.ni. ti....,'
,n.n. u. ... r vnnci, Ol 'i he Press ;' U
WEST BROOK, of the 8. S. . i ... ,
MAYNa It D, Willinnisport ; J. LElSKS,;'
"ii., -rp t v! m i.eTign Liial t Knr. Co
linn. ASA PACK KM M am.), P1.....L
vkom Anvs sons baurdmj in Hauudtn' ,2
will eive their frieniti whn inn. I.. 1...1 '
" - lUUIItr
ataio, morougn and pleasant School, n, J
nation desired rosnentinir thia 1
reA Grov and Lawn of ICK.Hl' Atl
. ...iuuvu iu iud iiisiiiuie, ior seciuit
ation and physical exercise.
TTTE would respectfully inform our fc.
f V patron 1 and the nub lin renura I, ,t.
-. . r -VIMH
cave now in ttora and ofler Wholeiula..i
tail at the lowest Cath Prices, a large and
choice atock Watch, Jewelry, Silver tnd f
War of vrv variety and style.
Every description of Diamond Work ui
"' nl(l 10 order at thort notice.
;WJ-A1I roods warranted to be as ranr.M
Particular attentinn a-ivan In th
W...K.. ..j t7.; 'ri
w.vmv. iuu wanvirj wi rrwrj uescripilUQ,
HI A UKrKR Ullllt
No, 622 MARKET street, (south tide,) pj
oept. ivia, tscu. 0 mo.
THE above Hotel, liar In raeanllv K...
ior a nous or nleruinment, it no
ine accommonnnnn or iria nu 1 in.
will find thit a convenient bouse.
May 19 1555, JQUX J0 mf
I860. 180
On Market Street 2 doors nort
the Court House, where tlicvs
just opening nn unusually l:
and well selected stock of m
suited to the wants of the conirj
nity lor tho Fall and Winter tra
which they oiler in lame and $r;
a .
quantities on the most reasona
voursf.lves Their assortment
's very large and complete: embracing tit
every article both of fashion and serrioe.
peeial attention hat been paid to thcscltrtr
LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which are oft
variety and the very latest stylet.
Silkt, Delaines, Plaids, Merinos, Popli:
Alpaccaa, Cashmeres, French, Stofb
and Domerti Ginghajns, Print,
. Linteyt, Cambrics, Brilliants,
Fig. and plain Bobicctts,
Irish Linen Cletht Ac.
Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Patinotts, j'rt
Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Tie!'
Crash, Diaper. Bleached and unbleached v
lint A drills, Red, Grey, Wblteand Canlot f '
noli. Alto a larr stock of Ladiet' ani i
mens' Shawls, Double and 6inglo, Stellas 4
.ucoiiies, ui.ick ana urao Cloth capes si
very latest fashion.
Tb Persons out of Empoyw
In every County of the United Slslf
rilO engage in the tale of tome of the hit
I. most elegantly HlUatrated Works puMii
Our publicntiont are of the must inten-
character, ntapted to th wants of the H"-
Machauie and Merchant ; thev are : ublish'
th best style and bound in the most eukn
tial manner, and aro worthy a place in tbi
brary of every Household In the Land.
&S.To men of enterprise and industries
its, thit business offort an opportunity tovy1
able cmplovment seldom to be met with.
"iia-l'ertons desiring to atH as agents i-
ceive promptly by mail full particulars,
to.,by addretsiag LF.ARY. GETZ A eo., I
No. 224 Korth itrtet, pbiJadelft
Oot24, 1860 ly.
Tb undersigned respectfully beiri 1
announce that be recently rented a bouse ii
ooroaga ot number city, ClearOold count;
for the aocommodetion of tb travelling f
watermen and all other who may furct
with a call.
Hit tabl will always b supplied with wH
a we maraeis anoraj and no painl
spared to render hit guetts comforlW
nuaer nit roor. io which the facu that
toxicattng Uquort of any kind will be kept a
th nrflmfeea. will ha .. ..n,nhni it
tmaJl degr. While, what Is always Impo'j
io in traveller, tb best attention will tr
by oarerul hostler to that faithful cc-ssl'M"!
bit Journey, bit patient tteed.
July 4, 18M. ly. JAMES CROSStf
Thankful for patt favors and sollcitlouif
tur patronag. I would respectfully am4
inaiiaav on Dnnd again, and wi'l eonnl
Keep at tb Pottery in tbi borongh, on It'l
nr a thort distance east of the Methodist CM
a large stock of Crockery , tuch at Cream c4
milk pant, Churns. Jurs. Jan-VStore tvA
de. ere.; and alto an axtensive assortm!
different sites and patterns of bracket)
rosettes for etirnlc on houses, and others'
Aay mouldings not on hand will he
older on thort notice. Alto fir brick
and kent for sale.
JT T A liberal reduction on nrioes B)
wholesale dealers. F. LEITZI.VGH
Clearfleld, may 23, 1870. ly.
BatrtTinar. Curled Hair Va.. at
Cedar andWillow war
R.W t CO,
SplendUl stsirtmerit of Ladles' Gentlf
..4 rktMn.n.1 ni..... .. ilnateri
' sides of snanlih tola leather or ss
fiwcashby E. A. IRV
Carwensville, May 1, 19.