1 arums In md'rr H tlx' 'I' run he suhji-rt Ho I'le-ildi til ami Vli o J'lfnltl t ft.-l lbs! iiMi. ii InliMilnn .1 ! Mi h r inn rf tr n'M . . in..... . I I '1 ! . .... .I. 14.1 I... Ial in ip.i nr-a imin ' " ' ' r". '" - An Am' frf fir-w t Wi'f land Kalttf i in 0t l'lllnt Afnu'ueti.N' H 1 Al a mffllMl ff lha llni 1lnl I'MlM !L 1'i.ion .cmlinn, U1 In t'lii' K. s'riil 4 I . . . . .. i. I .4 kl.iili, l H Al itM'lll1l. II I . .I'M a V; L.liin. 1...1,I itieln.l.al I, nil., Iiui'ik" I'll- i.inm-iii nint nil. mmm.. - i .,i. i. it'n XU'fli',VVV A V ..f-... ,r i - ,4 k I , VI) motion 91 mi no v.. ei. " if"". fUl'W AVlV' TV? r. nJln(Mi.l l,r-h.ible. It U nr-Il krnn , i'i.Vri of the imnn O In u,,,,,,,, Mljil.M a iiiintmiil 1 f r.-.ir:kiy (JJ ;tlit p'ft iliMght pervadst thaw hols' ,M7' ""' n,vrr 'i T"VV "n- ad..pf4. ' ! - h . Q V'fi ' VV'Xi - . iTririioir .tin ing the mniidnt.r July, A. i'l'i'',l,"''- Mr. tin coin was tnnntwr. p,,J,e,J, TI,bI r.iWlti ..il-ln VyWU -1" u.lnn.i,,,n,K-r,Wbll,iMyut oMl.e Itwtt, edl Mr, ,llMti. ;J P- " 1 ."'.'"T,?!, N.lS VJ' : v A KSe Ctrl i,-, ... .. ' , ., 'c-,,,,1 ' v 1 Putt H of Uio Unln J Hil', 'l) -nili W4J-'V'sf f-'Moril,crop., and tha result now innate. . J, JM Hu(U, in lb Jenl il.-utcl con- HfTirw ,i alarviiunia carrying oir its wont rim meeting h ' to UvA-lmt lUoll or lh iUon to teok the thing '". , . u.. . ia' 'nf Sn.li vi.l.ml. ll. ..1 ..r ' 11 crvfllhlp. Mill Without M forom Ot OH- . 1... ..t f.,r i,.iC(i ni In mxftl tlllMf ClerOcld, 1'. NoumVer ifwt l (foni (hal jong jj,,,,.,,, now fm "' - : "" '' " ' ibhing country m for "Iirel I Promt 1 1" 6ball Jnitice" or "JUje-ritieS U18T Wo t plpascdto too that n abun tantatlon In thtt r-pvilf "rllM atyl. pnwrrfnt Inflnrnre a a Chrlrtlan POle It in rnul Hint nn untiHtinl nuiii1orrf r0; .... 11. ft . , 'I D C IM1! I will lllll Ull-l'riinowti i'iw- litirnl vulture mill hvonas nro now nv ''..,.,. ... . u. ' , LLn.i Tbe Bopub-ican party ha entire 00m rot dwnee 01 provision I rurnnhed to Ihrm " t". "B wnm t ,('irj8t,..,n ni.n it. ; , ,.r (, lAUtion id nJl tho ooDrUv 'froio the urrouudinc Slate: but how rointinp For.n UiUtenv ni i touAiitoe Ki kidfliily: t il C. .... .. l';- ..HIilUlt.Ln.u.nrl 1,,! nnrl lin ,1 1 n..-i, ll,a ulb. It ll BIIO BIVCO OUt tllftt ffcllI'Vll 1('l.'i Ulfliri VI kill I. IV II i n 111 Jfc- ui'i'(jiv m..' biv" i v eepiion of New Jersey, California, ona proeesa or furnishing men r,.,rliiiM nrnnMi Th Piinfrirlemrv ill HOW sioni tf) this TOCrIu now. t upon the verge of disruption and dissolu.'in 1856. Thrn public moting were kold would Sea lily iriLU anJorscr f L:. Keolel, Thnl the ntovo wMre-. he ...j i t.. I i : .K.. v.ii. ..r...: i ' I. .l...iM fnil to mrt nri n.ntiointme'nt, imblished in the True L'ninn, and tlmt n lion. ann. 8 we romurncu in wur men i' cmijnuiuo nr me .'vim. iiiuikisui , - "-i , , , . , . . ti-.ii.i per, there 1. but one way to avert tho Al Societies" uero formed in .1 Vto. IWsn u:oitnwfuJ caUmHie that ever uireuiem-1 Aorthern biato. llonry Vard heecher, " "ru"'"' , "t'!' '"""DUh the itaroei and to nsk osch Hap list pa ed to blast thehopeaof the huraan lami-'niu! a number of somi-Infidel preachers, ted niouiucu Auoiuwinsi, acaniov joo-,tor to ad It to Mi conrteglHa iu'Mtou subjaut Hi Uuo m iniit. appoint' 3W diflurent the''"'- ' ,!i0 Eivcn out r?enyler ed, wlio submitted the accompanying d jw nmtrpiiuiis t . rw i'" r ..drea. which was nnan rnotis y oilonted by .ncyand provi- Colfax must be appointed ost IUU r, J;., tell .UitrwUlitlkfc'rrtolu. , to -what it was General, or he wilt Accept nothjag. ,t((kM,r,. , ..,.,! , ,: ly, and that is for the Republican j to 'Vo- took up collections in tucir mpoctive true their steps- correct their error 'j ehurchos on the ablalh day, pleached To a tbey would have others do unto ouriuon after sermon, and exhibited a zeal them, cary out in good f;iitb their eonsti-j worthy of any cause ; aud thereby suc tut ion !il obligationc, and trtat all tho ceeded in collecting Upn of thousands of States as equals." j dollars, and what fot 7 To buy broad and Tlio Douiocracy, as a party, ai a power-'provisions? Jst to buy Sharp' i Jlijlct, l!ks. With theexeeptiontabove named, te-kill and1 destroy their follow creatures, they have no controlling influence in auy j The people, no doubt, well remember the of the Free States. AM. therefore, rests Kansas scenes of 185(3 "Weeding Kan witU the present dojniiunt Iiepublic-aii sas!" Gerrott Smith volunteered to give paity. Ihcy can restore peuce and quiet, $.l(),UUU a montn to amist the Mussarbu hopc and confidence, to the wholo coun- setts Emigrant Aid Society in driving out nJ ( i.tl..n. 1'JitoJ 1st Recession Is only another name for Kevo-ffi5W..7n-'. WOWBAM.lDr Jtfy' lulion; our Southern feigbori n list re- Jinmltoiuely Ixinnd In ! vulnn, main with u under th Const ilut inn nn It ft- IMss l 16. ia, or Revolutionlto the governmrojf- 'fvTtffl frZiSZ'j!??.3r Whether this enn be done pencefully re- Ta tinr foctn. "liiilwu ttvi) mains to be te"stedr""Th"e woi Id's liUtory "'" thttm, writt. hi an iniwnv Ol RovolathpeitlU belfi njnhl this con fMUNi isclul hfe i idiilhrt ;ni elusion.' J (leUens. We tut Umlmony, froiaS ' " , ! pcrtonsl Qlifervstitfn. ot ilmilar icnn .V;JUdl JttttB& ggutb, to thetf tnithhiTni1 Sft'tltrt in Hon. Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of r Tfcjj fW 'n ''V''?8"' 9 . , ;-;. . o , nQ ife would 1ft e to se tho W; ia ft, tho Supremo'Courl of the United btatetr thouinnds or tloeolvml pooplf, who i tendered his resignation-to -'ths PraiTidcnt rronal l(oirlj,JKe Tinier of Si,utm . ,, - i. . . , Southern llf. except nhsttlifjr have Rjiu, on Snturdrty ml and It wftt otfpcpled. ; pnr,SIMIrofttll,(.rthn89wholrrtentn(J!;, 1 1 will bo thediy of rneHleiHlucJini friiten lo tteceirc. - yrenifc'ie ifnd'o, i nn to fill 'fir nppolnt "immerlmt.ly.,) VletAV-TbV titoCi Attorney General Blask hns been rmmed luflcs. fatitiful pieturti ot finmhern tif.l in connection with the ftppblntment j butll?u,,' rsjJlw:Tr.wMl ' , . , , ' 0i1fe different frotft ait "Lnclo Tom CibiJ as i'enusyivania ua aircauy a memoer on ,.iCtnr trwiiitexl here roulto eranku. follow and hunt up for counsel, tho Ve, tbe rylad JUptiai Union Aasoei-1 nPrc.e Bond., i. ; lh. rmnto of K, .Sj rij:7 UUle, and on his way to Washington ho intends to visit Senator Wade. It is therefore. ''herewith hcot'.'to yem, with tho earnest h)pofh(it ly complying frrMthMt twrt st ft W " 1 1 f f n it nimi r.f t it f 1 1 f ' 'i i' W h l.klH t I. it till it's tMSlI fllll ill I"M.'"S l 1 (, ll flL, linh, iviul lha ft) riMitub-l dili.-Kltles M- f , dnivn.r, Join M A t Tr" twroii- t(ie N.n i aud i j It it -aid tiai ll Atlktnry S .t.Vl y," j K - " ' i It 10 1U Ko arHjnrl hVw''jkt M first lthv i H('K, M mi t. twbt ,u,d come, lo (he conclusion that. State 1 '"' iiir r i it i' r v v i I ii inn nyirr" has no constitutional right lo tvrada, Tor our fart ws rannot e fcow snjr ose enn arrire at any cither ryinolu'nf.- AT IH..YF.. l M.ra-ir(t 1 1 i emu-1 te"f ' If our licnublican frleodi wisJi tofntis- with tho above requoat you way - Aid 1 us .in , , ,- .... . ,. restoring' peace anu prosporiiy w out vo fy the pcoplo of this country, that the new ; joyotj jK' Administration will be conwrralive, tboy ! TQ Jut BAl,jlf rV4N iuuc VNiTiftSTTE 'sr hair hotter anvise tneir omrn eievuTQii . mnkric, .o worst Abolitionists in the Union, try. Will they do it? is with them. The responsibility and killing "Bordor' Jlufliaus," and the Northern pulpits rang day ar.d night for Wc cunnot withold tie expression ofj"Bleeding Kansas;" Yale Collogo wa9 our fears for tho worst. We have every j well nigh revolutionised; agents travelling eonfidcnco in tho loyalty aud lovoof jua- under tliecspociul ondoisofHfiit of Xorth tice of tLe Republican pai'ty. They would if-ro clergywen, were everywhere met so not knowingly, and w illigly usurp, or liciting money for Kansas ; and for what commit any aggression, pon any of tho purpose? we blush to say It: to commit rights of tkeir Southern brethren. But murder and Arson. this cannot be said of too many of their Whore is Peecher.Chapin, Smith, Gree leaders, and ly tome nmsni or other, j ley, tho lirowns and their allies? Where these men have been permitted to shape! is tho Massachusetts Aid Society, Yale and direct tho legislation of the non- j College, and the freedom shriekers gen- slaveholding States, nntil aggressive and :erally. Now when the peoplo of Kansas nullifying laws disgrace the statute books Tho itiM, assembled in Washington. D. C, Urier, it ts douutrui wiietner anouieri TnR Se.,T hoctii. "Ws tiave rsrlj - . loi) tlvo itll Uiiy ot Aorenrber, ibou sena renwsylvftiunn will get tlw appointment, 'nfthm iiis eorersor more appotiruir Giddlngs VS. Ewing. . , greeting. : . ' ,v 1 J ! There is RO man livi-i: tbnt we would'th Uon. Thomas Kwin of Chio, ofl loirea JJretbi'nveo rather see cet tho .appointment ' than 1 T,nr, it nevertl.elcMdoi-.umn.rcifulIt h. niu caxrieu a'THf rnvuva iut'1 nwrm uviu- . v-: -no. .... Gafrhtn-.GarJHfr notoriety during the ad- m(ldud oy (w7,, or t reaod of Judge Clack ministration of Gen. Taylor, has Jalcly (Ue land of llwnr captivity, and to seek ruado a speech in nhich be assorted that , to jirouwU ito wolfiure. "Seek the Mr. Lincoln would execute and enforce l,ettc ,f c!l.v, wWtbwr" 1 bavo oause.1 ...... . , ,, .. you to bo carried away captives, sumI p.ity the fugitive slave law in the orthern Q fop ,0"in tl, States, and for this statement ho has "Wen thereof shall ye tuve pesicw." How much culled to accouut by that arch I'-lack lie- more earnestly ought reioaskilopenee hublicAii DemaeoruB. Joshua IL Giddincs. t' our own Oe.oirem ut. nwei uisirac I r- r- j who hastens to contradict the made by him, in tho speech alluded to. The law has been tho study "t"eirore all Ilea of Men a natur.J UrO IU UIIOD lUKt HIO UUVk Tf n off n of his wfcolo lifu ; it seems to be his natu ral pursuit. - ..V.I .I.I....-I IVU tWBIIVII. . ' statement! ,,.,' ,u ,iJ.1.lhu. u iisscrvi , van uiviv-ihiiviv He says ; "There f but one real Issue between tho Republican party and thow; factions who stniMl opposed to it. That is the 1 here is really i . t in oUi' views ad to other matters, . there can be but one opinion n to tho spirit of politi cal hostility which has so long boen array ing one aertion of the Union against the other as to the reciprocal taunts and do- Cent recriminations which at this . mo of noarly all of them. Much of the Nor thern legislation is as deeply aggressive towards the South and Sou thorn institu- ....: r via IMICH'FII I'lOirrTi iirrivr la icniif . , , .. . no other issue formed. The Sepuhlimns a)ent "e 'IfUnf those old leuds- are pledged to exert th ont it u lions 1 1 tll..,t' nownbsn upon all r ; f..rt, r who are the disciplf.3 of linn whose mis- stand in need of aid and succor, these 'in,t reasion and slaver wherever ".:. wbos character, who. o example diseraceful hv-nocriles remain aHoni na 1 it . .u.l 5f teach us lo love rq4 blow our enemios. .1 Lt A A - the crave. they exert those powers to arMain slure- For our part to cannot we how such ry cr fhc 'vo tr:'? ny timt,, or ir, tions, as that ol any foreign country can ! blasphemers and hypocrites can ever r 5 T- i p V".! ' i """l'""'"1 nyi"i.riir in rTrr solves the same displeasure of the peoplo bo against another ; aud it is notoriously the fuahion of this class of Northern .tatrsraen to derido, abuse and purn ev erything bolonging to the Sooth. This troublos Kansas had to suffor during the conduct it justified on the ground, that formation of her Territorial government, Iho Northern peoplo being opposed to the and instead of being satisfied with the it is Dotal politicians, still less ii soc- tional politiciaiM, that we address you. We speak to you as brelhern beseech you at onoe to put forth that . vust iutlu eeoape "the damnation cf hell." It isjhatthe Whig, tho Democratic and ihl"cewLih blou" .f? bod' ooropoaed vi uioni iuiiii vua imuAifii ouihuiuuiuiiim. We entreat you, by yonr , knve for the coun'.rv and her ho We inst'tutions. and iiere wo have u ; the Itepublicans will.hy your loyalty, to the Prince of reace, use the power of the government' to put truly humiliating to know that this class cf men above namod, created nil the PelNKverett parties have brooght upon their organizations." institution of Slavery, and being more nu merous, the South should submit to '.he will of the majority. It is, perhaps, well encngh that mnjori t'vs should rule. But wo should never lose - " Cnnt I h nf i ' ' tant that justice should rulo. "To err is human ;" and it will not do to o.ssumo that majorities are always right. Tho world is full of examples to the contrary, and the admirable system of checks and bal ances arranged in such beautiful harmo ny throughout our whole federated sys tem demonstrates that the founders of our government fully realized tbe possible encroachments of majorities upon the rights of minorities. To guard against such encroachments, or usurpations, the Presi blood they caused te bo shod upon the plaius of Kansas, they have ever since been plotting treason against the whole country. It sorus that they willjnot stop until they accomplish the object of their e avft -- m jv Mm l. I Mawawn less Ihm bloody revolution. We ask our readers to compare the conduct of Iheso men for. tho lust ten years, with that of the lied Republican lea ders in Europe, whose constant cry is thai of all demagogues, "Freedom and Equality," and are without exception the most daring profligates and insidious hypocrites that eer disgraced this earth. Since writing the above we I;arn that the notorious Montgomery, who commit ted numerous outrage in 18o6-7, is again at work, murdering awl robbing the citi- dect was clothed with the veto power. Not only this, but the act ol tho united izens of thoTerritory. legislative powers of Congress and the Ho is at the head of 500 armed Executive, were still su'oject to a Judicial spreading dismay thro tribural consisting of nine individuals. The following Jctter Time will not permit us to pursue this subject further now. We merely wih to aid our Republican friends in arriving at a realizing tense of the responsibility that now rests upon them as a party. The Confederacy is at this moment optm the very brink of dissolution ly the acts of their parly. It is possible they may yet have the power to avert the calamity. Will they make the furtt The Democracy caa do nothing, save biding them God's speed, and this they will do with ono united voice. down Slavery wherever they have exclu sive jurisdiction and control of It. .This is just what has alarmed the people in the Southern States, ami we in the North. will realize the full benefit of it to our sorrow, unless the "irrepressible conflict" party. Left rent W.isnivaTox.- Ex-Gov. Biglcr left his homo on Monday last, to reyuiuo his duties as U. S, Senator upon the as sembling of Congress on Monday next. A Most Valiant Dogberry. A fellow named James h' Brlsbin. who publishes the Centro Denwcrut, and who appears to bo emulous ot tlte c'lulinction which Ikigberry covettxb of being Written dawnaaas has addressed a letter to Gov. Letcher of Virgin in, tilled with fury and bombast against the South ; which he cond-jtcends to : answer, . instead of throwing the delectable eniitlo into the fire, as it deserved . The job which lHn- '!. m . ti.i,,. I amLIi a, will .a Lvr vstTir llldl JVU IIIIIV IVjjBII'VI jww. prayem artd your active interposition--to silky thert proientasporitiei. tnxi to res cue all we hold most dearr from the ruin to wbioh it has for Some tamo been drift ing. .Ai . 'ii': ..... We ere now assembled in (he Capitol of his freat republic. We live at that point which atl'ord u a clear view of tbe : cal- mt not our eve JS5wongres assembles at Washington on Monday next. The constitutional term of tho present session will expire on tho 4th of March following1, which we prophecy will bo the last oJ the "Irrepres sibles" iu that body, for a ccntory to come. to the Governor of Missouri conveys an wea in reference lo the present slato of things there t Custox, Mo., Nov 21' 18C0. Sir I an) here to inform the citiient of this State of the following facts, and I h'tve been requcs ted to present them to you Governor of the State. The abo litionists under command of Montgomery and director Tennyson, to the number of 300 to 500, armed with Sharpo's ritfes, dragoons' sabres, navy revolvers and bowie knives, have suddenly commenced n war ol extreme ferocity on the law abiding citizens of Southern Kansas, in the conn, ties of Lima and bourbon. These arriv ed by the wagon load, at or near Mound City, about one month since, in boxes marked as donations for Kansas suffer ers. Montgomery has been in Boston du ring a great pnrt of the summer.1 and re turned with plenty of money, to enlist recruits 1 Many of his men are newly im- i ported. Ho has taken po ssetwion of tort oi armed men iiiejouwuicu 't'g- oughouttheccuutry! ry desired othwe t do for hiw, James t i n. . S. Brisbm has done fer.Usnisclf. Jf be from Judge Williams does not paw for an assdurmrf the romaltn Tho "Helper-Forney" Congress will be!Scott- ftn1 other towns oil the border, near ,..,.,,,1 i . , , , 1110 Hi I US our I lino, no nai uiuriiemu air. remembered as lone as two parsi ofi.. f- n...: f.. , - D- - jiourc. a cranu uiur, mr. uarrmn. .ui . long as two Aincrieaa history remain together. It is true, none of tho members wero expel led for bribery and corruption similar to the Banks Congress ; this is not becauso tboy have not deserved it, but '.he reason is, that the majority were constitu ted alike. If ever the curtain should be raised to investigate tho scenes that wero enacted during tho election of a Speak er and Tublic Printer, it will no doubt startle the most extravagant minded in the country. California. By tho arrival of the over land Express, at St. Joseph, we have news from San Francisco to the 10th inst. The steamer Sonora sailed that morn ing for Panama, with 3H passengers, and $820,000 in treasures for New Yotk. It is believed that tho total voto ol the State cast tt the late Presidential election, will reach 115,000- The official count so far reaches 105,000, divided as follows; Lincoln, 35,036; Douglas, 3206 j Breekinridger 29,424 ; Bell, 6,042. Lincoln's majority over Dou glas, 1,150. The official count will be re quired to anccrtain tho true result; the chances aro in favor ol Lincoln. Samuel Scott. Mr. Hinds, and obliged all tho United States officers, including my self, to fly lor our lives. His own expres sed design, made in a public speech, as he said without concealment, is to keep possession of Fort Scott . and other places near the Missouri line, toprcvei t a fire in the rear, a bile he cleared out Southwest Missouri of slaves. So far he has carried out literally his declared programme Tho ciUiena of Minsoui i, on the Osage and Mortmator rivers, in Bates and Vernon, are Dying from their houses into the inte rior, lie boasts that he has enough mon ey to equip anu sustain one thousand men alurlxists, but we canr.ot close to the gloomy prospects rising before the people of this land. If we speak earnest ly to you, believe us, liter is a cause. The imagination is tilled with horror, the heart of every, patriot must ba afflicted at the very thought of the . destruction ol this glorious government, of tho diarup tion of our ttatioialtis, and tho ditrtiotu bermeut of such a Union into. Stales or confederacies hating each other and ar rayed in in terro 'maWe warfare , Yet this deplorable uaM-ttropha now threatens our conntry. ' ' ;; .. .i.i in. Tho prosperity of our cbursbea, of our mitkioiiury oprrralione. of all our Chris tian enterprises must be blighted, unless these baneful: strifes can br comrnwad. ud ttto fratrkidol, suicidal conflicts, now so portentously tneeacing our country, be Pom for an aMdortms the ran.'tin'd overtou. . r:, der of his natural life, it is not because he 'fhe Spirit of . Tonus is the spirit of peace, has not done his best to merit that di love, harmony. .'Co need not toll you slinction. He is none of tour drowsy. I'hat the men of this orld the wisest as browsing asses, that, one would not fool the most simple, the distinguished as tbe like stepping asido lokkik, but n real live- moat obsouro are all govomed by a, very ly animal, displaying hi heels And coun- different temper. If tbe various portions terleitina a valor foreign to tho natoro of of our extended and divei-sified pOpula- the most stuboorn and atupid of created on were but under the influence of the thing. . . gospel, -there js, laete could be, ,K ques- Jlns sscacious ass mforms liov. Letch-M'on which wottii rot be easily adjusted in er that "twenty eight millions of freemen forbearance- and charity. But ; vainly . do "in tho North are ready to meet disunion hope for any such heavenly spirit In "now, and crush it as a strong mart crush- tbti kails of Cougross, in the fcitate Legis- "es an epg shell in his hand..' TliU pot latures. Or among tbe people themselves. valunl fellow iti not tr to ealenlate r-verywliere we see too plainly thooo pa that tho whole population of the North sions , wheco coaie war and fitbtiDis iitcludine meo, women, children, iiei'rom latnooc . ,t . 1 .. and Brisbins loes not amwint to. anv- . At a neriod of. solemnity and excite thin like twenty-eiirnf inillioM! Kul ment like tbirf,. who tbe ftmryiatiOn cf1 this tact toiiftht have spoiled' the' etlect of society aro disturbed, when men s hearts this impudent bit of swaier. " Tventv ' are tibtibled and the wisdom oi the wi- eightmillions sounds very formidable when ost is perplexed by ontenaof .disaster, it hurled ngninst the South by PrisbI.V, andlsrely bocomei those who fear lhe Lord it would be a pity to deprive 'him of the to ienk otteu one to another, atid to be command of this m .gnificent army 'of very importunate with birrl in whose freedom even for a brlel period. But the hand are diehearla of alt men who hath $rand array of Hrisben ditni nrshes slight1" hitherto been so Watchful a guardian orer ly before he reaclkos the ootacluiio of his ' this nation ;who knows how to bring rn lettor, which wind up with informing creasod order out of disorder tore ahnb Got. Letcher that he has beott tendered hg peace out of jarring element of dis tin command of two hundred Virginians. 1 cord, i . - . . , m in inecventoi seeesnion, and that he! in View of thaclouae i o lowtrine is tliniunn JiT-e-T Northern lioinen. Th tw. eh'Mihl tnks ft benignabtly. f"r, iadepeadi: ita trullifutrf and integrity, ttis BtottU heat and mont entortnrntng boeks ol thty: Timtt, UrrtntborV'. y. 0. ' ) - '' 1 ! The Kinst "Soctb, "Ths" entcrprUiaj 'Uiber, u. H. rsni, Pbitadolphia, of Uiii notoiitty, U-wotkly inulnd bew workid et, au4 Bredit them ovf th eouuUji,J i)atcui of Iranmctiog buaineaa may tt Letter from P ike Peak- ''. ; j . -, puttw Oty, 'S, '.t.'-epi.;25itt 1860'. Dsar Brotiiii. --It is long time since1 I have heard from you, or received a Iet ter. Perhaps vou urea little surprised to find my leitor dated here. . W e come out upt.n institution, for difruainK kaJ nere last .uay.iu outswn ceiiTeyauco j uncquallod py any in the country. Vittmi Ono impoitatit oliject I had in view in , this booc to iMily AVwa,.- .71 coming hero, mm the cure- of my wife's Tns Si'SSt SoBre'Tlwa-isacaptiTatirf Asthma ; which haf been thoroughly ac-' "mc rn"y linwraii or Mwtiurn ii nnmr.liKlio.1 Slv, K nnt it "r all i """r of the authoress it wlia OeS theue.ui since we come on the plains."-" Ilcr health has been ood, with the cxpption of a se vere attiMlt of dyentery, fsoia which sho has eiituely recoverod tarries the intn-t of ilie rrailot alone as she, is her anuuiii off hand tiyU. (';,- ho peculiarities n(a eoutnorn linno, Ti4e1'St SWt. "W'batererhesril,., of Profonor Ingrnharn is sure to IivrlSW Hirnn UlkU mi vn.nl . S have .fion "'W '' " F? J j. ..e . . . . tuuif ? and thim i 4nt tha pun. w.th TL 1. 1 ... . . 1 j i .A I tin mnnniflinl lllinn -w - ' " , ' kL " ' " V r S1-' rt Swsthernsr at Howe," wti ing gold mmr. bat with jw).ur anccess I , frolo h 0. U. Evans, not have three Oliver mine eiaimsj suicu i .iiiirir.fiin nf th b.ir.ni Pn.fuMnr Im. think will make mo iudepeti'Jent in twoj,, atvia, ktanry obeiTin,intertrt)g inpk or ill roe Wars. I now practice my pro In rm-pa.e and mannor it eiJenllT fprinn fession, ad sliiill conlinuo till spihg. - a warm heart, and will be as V-armly win We havtt ii!iKverod dunng the past sum- by "t readors." Tht Sir Yoftr.. mer, the most extensive ant. richest tie posi'.s of Sulphuret of Silver aad aurifer ous udlenaintho known world. Tho l'W sni (iowl Book ! CUoica JWL-.J ! ' trated L'clilionj. . ttt T? i-iii(vp nr. t IT" ri . .niuciple mines, from , wouty lo From llie Con,ecr...ior th' ehi.r l.UUClrua .111110 OOUUine.t iroill uero Mm to the Rebellion of Prinee Ahaalon. J est Of the boutU i urk. Hit-' will not,i illustrilK orilia Snloadur, Powefitiii )e uiuch worked till next .Summer, tt eVo ' minion of the IW.gn of the ShciihccJ Ku: ha tot boon mucli noisn about if, the ol J , '" "f bettor, whorela ths tunirntncnJ pioneers hero have not fcj-oHf-n the re sult of tho fuss about tike ?!d discoveries nf l?58-5D; but it i the opinion of the best judges that thin country has moro nilual.le ininoia's than -California ever l, air. inacKei in aouuiaiariioc io x im adelphia to the Mint, with samples of the ore to got it smelted, and learn the boit process for extracting the metal. - . Tho gold mines are yielding well this season, especially the Quartz Mills are doing a; large busiuess. There aro over two hundred in active operation.,., , r , ibisisatery houltuy country, anU .'i Vuil Cnurcii ; two Schools a "Hiir show of nice folks, be.ie'es City about five thousand inhabitants. A good Presbyterian t'ongreiiation. under the care of Bey. Dr, Raukin, of Buffalo, ,lw York, two Methodist, and one Eiiii- and a very es any fiuiui- Jity of gamblvys ad.rullian , a Jiave t witlun , from 1j to , 100 mile mx or eight thriving miuing towns, soiuo conlaiuing nil the elements of nice owns. The naais of somo of them are "Golden Citv." ' Mountain City," "Guld en Gate,'' ''Mount Vernon," ."Brecken ridae," tnrryall," and Colorado ' City," bttwiie numerous suidll town. The houses are mostly built ot buck ai.d the more common arc frame, and some ot hewed legs. ' , .' ' ' The i)i ice of living is very high., Board and lodging, en dcllars per we.-k, pota toes 8 or 10 otnls per pound, and every thing U governed in price by tho prico in tho States, with the addition often cents per pound for freight. i , Tho prices for profesaional service and labor are treble that in the States, Wo have nil sorts of Mechanic" and Machinery needed., and an abundance of good and provisions. It n a good thing f)o have but a small, family here., - Tho greater, part of laboring men board thomseives, and many of iho profeseional men adopt the same for ecououiyr Many live in lents-A very good way in Sum- i ou wpntter, write Iri voti t because I could not write anything define ite, I did not know whether I sljould toyj pr what I shouljldo, and I could not write anything definite aboutlhe country until I had , been -here three or four Ju(lta is showo 1 the reader, as ii b; wilneys. By the Rer. J. ft. INORAHAM, I. t Ons Tot., 12 mo., cloth, 00:1 pages. -fries r "This is the thi:J Volume and eousxllot tury of ths lrnlltih Monarchy. The under Moses, wu troatdd of ia th 'Pit Fire,' and in its great glorv uixlor Dtc traatej of In this work, (Th Throne of Lli1 while the tlecllde of Uobrow power and Ihi ing of the new dii-penaulioti inuet their dc! lion In th rriscoor the House of Hand.' works are historically valuable, Hi Rfffi'lbtol' informufiiin rclutire to the scenhry, footf and manner ot the II ily I.nn.i. The ftvle pretty cood farraiiiir country tho river trtiua r6" powerful, uJ the work ottoms can t be rn-sit. ive Have in t;ii suiiiempwtiop oni siuuy o; tne s t v- pernaps, wuyN i ,4. .fore ? riio reaoa. not suhliuK.I gan-e of the Uihlp end the great dictrintH tnlus, williout heinif, US Such books t:o on: ly Are, either mandltn, ttUpiJ, dogmatic, tt cuiiuu. 4Jvfiif isiuty sir.rc, THK PILLAR- OF FIRE;", or XSTtiH ' BOXlA(iB. - By tbs R. J. II.' IsaKiitu, author at i "f rine of th House of David.". ' One vol., 12 rao., cloth, 608 pages. ' lfieef'l! ' This volume ittteMgned to nketcb -tlie Ficb history during the bnndat In Eivpt, the Prof ilosos being th eonlrul tigaro,aud is a freti: striking histury of tb pormd, in winch thesr gathers first fVosa Ibo ttiUle-sunt then from) f.iue h. elory a vast mass of Material, whict. his genim, is thrown into a lwiailul narriilin the most attractive character which currim render along without diinimltioa of iDlertjL I'ti i?.irfciA lit Kvtning linttetin, Hanging ovrr uo, luuiiLiip. .,, . .. . .... ins to be ,fast ap-j ,,l could not, ai some liave ilone, come Ii yon, .: brethorn, ' here aud .know all about it; in a week. that awaiU the orders of the Governor: .--ltlw skt, of, tho cloOin bansinc over us, monthf. Gov. Letcher renlies with ainrmtni. n.n,i. nd the torn Which see oraiinn TIia iinml.o I. ii,n l. ..,i- : proachinc. we beseech ai-Anlivl In rnnlv At. nil in P.nl.ln II i North. Houth, East West, that our liearls. and no home discitsUd i , but finnlv be. bat. He reminds him that in tlm l.m.r Our prayers, our alms, our etfovts. nwibe live it ono of the best places for the rbzht1 s 1 . .1 rt . ... sviiilimilfl tlial. n. li It htt tinfl'lhJa Una Linn At ri i n .. 1, H 1... ''' oi uanger 10 me union 11 is tho duty ola i ' "I. " . ,r ' 1 J".Mm? r v" vvriboki ir aolil ni Pnkiuh inwi nrif?i,it patriots, in all sections of the country to cup of ...t. ona grief nnd bitterness may few get yery rid. in 9ne season, and Uh; S'."? cultivate a kind, generous, and' concilia p.aM wreat. peoiie. t rough who do not geldisui-ngwli Are general- IIASPSOME TRKSENT, worth fromd '.H tory spirit one towaru auotner; anil in -j .-,--- .TV , ' " v"'reuii vry rpiuiy..,.i j THE PRINCE OF THE H0CSE OF DAT! ::;i-i rt ' TnREB TEARS IN THE HOLY CITT In a series of letters relating, as if by an eye nrss, al th scones and ineidouts in THE LIFE OF JESUS OF NAZAKETE From his Cajitisiu iu J onion to UiaiJrueifixia . . Calvarr. ' By tho Rev. J. H. Ixoraium, Rector of &' church, and or hu Ibom&s ii&ll, liouj Rurinv Miiititiiinni. 0ns toI.; 12 mo., oloth, 472 sages. Trice tU "In this work th author has suoeedod ist bold aud daring Uek of presenting the gr edit ing Instoricaf puiti f Scripture in coonfiioa' secular history, so as to present the tlear u life-liKe pioture or tao-votits as tliovmijni sunnogad t appear to, the casual observer. 1 descriptions of rights and eeretnoaials arni- td and couipreheusite. - Tho stylo is higkljibl iuov miu aiiraviiyenau rGu.ioL iiisi voiumg win Be as potaiisr a mo 'I'HirriuiH' .... n ... , . . jjrensvrf r-wreso(eria -ana r.ifiujtlut. Copies of either of ths above UobVs i handsome QifU worth from 60 cent to $t)0,! i be tent ta any person in tbe Unite Statei, r I receipt oL(l i and 21 cents to pay postsrM addressing lbs publisher, Geo. O, Evani,' f hi r. . 1 f -t.tr I.-' .- i "von wnf n n.iftV. BSnd lo CitO EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISILMEMf 3 Ohestnat Street, rhilsaelphla .WOers forms tho valorous Biur uin that t halhome m't f unexnmp'.ed prosiinly,:tiiey seem . a i ,i . I rrn.innii brifn rtfii nvunIArit a! i Ol 1 1 1 1 lif Ill's I via .'iy cuuii, was uiuKen up ny iiioill, lUe " "Jj " nlioiil ir Im nlunead ITnito!! KttA. rvinrLfai. i IT. Mii.- in. witiiout lmportinc ono from rcn-nsvlva- ,nD0Ul lo piungoq. jtrict.andl supjoso they have seuod tho n'ux R,ul lhiit 1,0 V88 cruclJX ?';axed '.We kerve Ona or whom it is declared records, andaloothe recordsofthe said I somo wag, who deiros to j.Jay, offa that "ib wrath fcf man shall frrlise him ofliee, as he pnWicly declared that he gooujoae at ms eajjonse. , ; ; , , , , , umrt tno rertiaimter or wralli he will res wnukldoso. J. WILLIAMS, . o the country piay never have the sat-,; train' i If w urn title to tha spirit of Iher Unite! States District Judge for live Third ""action of seeing W iuts S., Brubi.v march-' gospil whk-h teaoliew peaoe nd love, and Judicial District of Kanas. - ,n8 .at head of either twenty-eight if we supplicate I lie interposition of tho "... millions of Northern froemdnt, orlwohun ; wisdom and power vhieh alona ran meet Des.0. Hon. Henry K. Strong, for-1 died Virginians, to erush. secession in tho the present emergency, we shall not be merly speaker of the Tonnsy Ivan ia House ! South a9 strong loan crtibhes an eg-disojipointed. Human passions will " bo of Representatives, died at the St. Law-If11- fa n1 "P- controlled; the scheme of ambition, vi. tm.- tit- . , pointment to the country. ! But lot hint even the labor w sootlonal strife, will all ..iwxuov.iu xui.uuu.jyuia.on wio 0ODsole himself with tho refleetinn that if bemacteto work out the purposes of InU- Mr. btrong was a very active Whig, I he is not rieHtinedto figure in history as nite wlsdoni and eternal love. K. f U LLKlt, I FRANKLIN WILSON, O. W. SAMSON. i Committer. ItHXS. u. WALTER, 'AMES C. WELLir II any one wishes to know moie partic ularly about this country, jet them Tit,p Books, wbi to pie, and i will givu .thorn any infortua-r rVilft j So 1100 with-each book. . ;' rt .' I T-ifir-Scnd for comnleta olassfled CaUlorm Books, wbiok will b maibsd you, Ire ol tion in my pows.r. iS-0rU any JJook that you may waatrO tho retiiil-priee, tsgitht vita th. ataonnt r w... 1 - ... . j? ' . i. . i m irinn. piico, mil ou m"y nispoiit ion Bt tntf ; ,aire4 for postag. and on trial .will auw otter jou please ; ii u wiuno iniorestmg that the beat place in 1 to my old lYi;n,di there bliih it. . P. II ILLS. V I TJTTT?Tt Ak Vr.i..Ki c.,-4- .i ...v ' ' inducements, sueo as cannot ba equalled by I at i r rnli. v 3 w fD0t,tobM other houe, are oiTered. Any parson, jo any f i and ir'if; w, iiu' "" V"' oTtho eoun ry, esq U agsat, simply by fa gton tonnshfp .""xtl.of ?0". log a eldb, sending a list Aooks, and rcm.U Hi ennnlrv to nurc1 Book i at tbS Qift Book Establishment of Oi BVANS.- 1 SOS Ing inst. Know Nothing, and Republican politi-1 SrctKe,or1 or brY capuin, he boa cian, and tvat, wo believe, the author of " JX'r.'f lhe ., . .. , . . most illuntiioussss that the State of Penn tho proscnt irea Baukiug Law jf our ,ylvania has produced within tho present Sti. j generation. fafrittd C'mcn. R. 'O, J rt-AOEXTS WAITED To whom grasW inducements, sucb as cannot Ba equaiioa ojf for aitug luo imnuni i uioiiu iv. iu. bimw. . - - . - -r--- it, - - r-Hend fr a Cataloprs, wMcn conunn1 - . ( DIED.' .' ' " ".' thedosired informnlion n-lativa- t njescies w Ia Piktownship of Dropsy, M a'r g i r r fy ' w i 'a tb formation of cluhsj and t lasuro pri)l of Adm Shert,agjd ot var t nuntos and t honorable eu1inaiMras all ordbra to thJ" day. i uarof WQ. kVAAli, I'cosrisoof nmA l.ro'l ll.lt lt...ik Kalnlll' nllluent 1C Pormanentty Incstea st SJ- tnc!. 4 Freah stock of erooerlee ef evrr kind iu the World. JX reel7ii tt REED, WEAVER, 4 CO'. firtst, rUWiflrbis. tt7 U,