8e gfpnilrcai Term oi ssuMeripuoa. Jf paid la tdnu, or within three months, $1 Lf laid uj Urn within th year, - - . 0 It paid after tht expiration of Um W .2 08 . Term ! Adf .vtWIag. Advertisement are lnertd ia the RepuMUea at tke following rates t 1 Insertion. Two equ.ree, (28lines,) 1 00 Tare equaroe, (42 lin,) 1 S montfl 0a Square, i r : -Twoiquare, t : : Thro eqnarea, : : r S 00 Four quare, St! 00 Half eeolnmo, t t r tIM . ui,,.!. . i 14 M : do. t'do. g- 74 l 00 1 JO , , 1 00 2 " 2 iO 12 mO $4 00 87 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 15 00 SS 00 i I 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 20 00 Over thro week and ten than tbr moath 25 cents per square for ach insertion Business notices- aot exceeding Slines at In- mtrtmA fnp S3 & TBar. Advertisements not marked.wlthth. number of Insertions desired, will be continued until loroia, and oharged according to these term. JOB PRINTIN G. An extensive tock of Jobbing materia enable the Publisher of tho "Republican' to announce to the public that he is prcpa red to do alt kinds of Posters, Pami'HI.ets, PRooRimiEa, Blanks, Paie Boos Cihcciam, Label, Ball Ticket, Handbills, and every kind of printing usually done in a country job office. All order will be executed with neat ness aud despatch. O. B.' OOODtAItB-ER A CO. PW, HAYS, Juitice of tb Peace", will attend . promptly to collectieas and olber matter eft in Discharge. Addreii Kersey, Elk co, Tt. OcL 3d 1860. ly. DANIEL GOODLANDER, JUSTICE of the peso Lutbersborg, Clearfield Co, r. will attend primmly to all businei entruited to bi csr. March 28, 1880 'y. pd. ELLIS IRW1V' & SONS, AT the mouth of Lick Run, five mile frm Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and eitenaiv Manufacturers of Lumber, July 23, 1852. J. D. THOMPSON Tilarkmltli, Wagons, Buggies, As.. Ac, Ironed I ) on short notice, aad the very best style, at hi old stan i the borough of Curwenaville. Dec. 29, 1853. DR. N. WOOD!, baring changed hi lsca tion from Curwenaville to Clearfield, ree pectfully offcri hi professional servloes to the oitirens of the latter pine and vicinity. Residence on Second street, oppoait ti at ef J. Crnna, Esq. my 1 J lit. J. 0. HAETSWICK, M. D. rhyalelau and Surgeon, Clearfield Fa., May 30, 1860. WA1TEE BAXEETT. ATTORSET AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business antruited to hi cere, in the several Court of Clearfield and adjoining eountie. Office, the on formerly occupied by O. R. Barrett. Oct. 2tb, 1859 ly. "" DR. G. W. STEWART "" Physician and Surgeon, offer hi profes- ional services to tb eitiienaof New Wash iugton and surrounding community. Offio three door west of the Washington Houaa, New Washington, Pa., Oct. 14, I860. JOHN HUIDEK0PEE. Civil. Engineer A Land Surveyor, offer bia professional aerricea to tb oitlian of Clear field county. All business entruated to him will be promptly and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney t- Co. LEVER FLKGAL, Justice of the peace Luthorsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entruated to hi care. , lie alao informs the publlo that he keepa constantly on hand at bia ahop, a general as sortment of Saddlos, Bridles, llarneas and whips, which he will sell on reasonable trems. April 4, 1880. DENTAL CAES. . AM. SMITH olfors hi profeaalonal aerricea . to the I. adieu and Gentlemen of Clear field and vicinity. All operation performed with neatnes ana despatch. Being familiar with all the lute improvraent, he is prepared to make Artificial Teetli in the beat manner. Oflic in Shaw's new row. Sept. 14lh, 18J8. lyi. IK, n. I.ARRWI. . TEST 1AKHIMt.lt A TEST, Attorhey at Law J Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col tAiona, Lahd Agenoies, Ac, Ac, In Clearfield, Ceulre and Elkcoubtio. July 34. y KOBERT J. WALLACE, ATTOMir at Law, Clearfield, Pa., Oflic in Shaw's Row, op. poeito tbs Journal office. dec 1, 1858. tf. - MOOttE L ETZWiLER, Wholesale and Retail Merchants. Also extensiv dealers in timber, tnwed lurnd ber and shingles. Alao, doalors In flour an graln, which will be told cheap for cash. Oct. 14,1859. CLEARFIELD STONE WIRE POTTEBy. Thankfnl for part favor and ollcitlou of fu tur patronage. I would reapectfully announce that I hav on hand again, and wl.'l constantly keep at the Pottery in this borough, on the cor ner a short distance east of the Methodist Church, a large stock of Crockery, such aa Cream crocka, niilk pans, Churns, Juge, Jara, Stovepipe casing rfc. rfe.i and also an extensive assortment of umoreui sires and patterns of bracket and rojotte for comio on bouses, and other moul dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be made to older on abort notice. Alao fir brick mad and kept for sale, 9A liberal reduction on prlcca mvlo to wholeaale doaler. p. LEITZINUER. Clearfield, may 23, 1870. ly. NEW HOTEL. Th undorsigncd reDeoifllv h.. i announce that he recently rented a bouse in the borongh of Lumber city.-Clcarfiold county, Pa., rortheaocommodiitionof the travelling public watermen , and all others who may favor him with a calL His table will always be upplid with as good . u mar.eia arjord; and no pains will be .wrsuner ni guest comfortable while under hit root To which th fuel that no in toxicating liquor . f any kind will be kept about 1.'""' w b. tnMt "nlribute in no .mall degree. While, ht isalway. Importaj.1 to th traveller, th best .. -in a.1 bv careful hostler to that faithful companion of hi Journey, hi patient ateed. -l'"'un aiy 4, 186.-.ly. jAM,3 CR0SSLr. A large lot of BEANS (or tale at th. Iu Sfciscf MBRRILL A BlflLER, JL U M-J -gg , IfATCH ft TEWItET. TUB aaderaigned reapectfully InforaM hi eajtoutr and th publie centrally, that b ha ju recaived from tb Eaat, and oi en- dathi atabUsbment 10 Q a All AM a MOW Clearfield, P., a fin assortment of CLOcaa,. WiTonas, and JawrmT of different qoaliUea, from a aingle pieoa to a full att, wbiob b will ell at tb most reasonable prio for easb, or n exchange for old cold end ailver. CLOCKS of every varitty ea hand, atUi must reaaonabl prices. . . ALL kinds of Clocks, Watobe and Jewelry, carefully repaired and Wirrmntcd. ; A continunne of patronage is solicited, Sept. 1, 1880. ' II. F. XAl'GLE. Thirty. Ninth and Market Street, PhU'a. Prof. E.D COHTLAND SAUNDERS, ' PrlucipaU. Hon. WM. BI0LER, Clearfield ; Wm. McKIB BI.V, Esq. of tb Merchant' Hotel, I'bila. ; Hon. J. W. FORNEY, of 'lb Prs ' Rev. R. WESTBROOK, of the S. B. Unloa Hon. J. W. MAYJfARD, Williamsport; J. LKISENR1NO, Kia.. Pres't of the Lebiicb Coal t Nav- Co., and Hon. ASA PACKER, Mauch Chunk j all of rhom have mil hoarding in oauader Intlituti, will giv their friend who may be looking for a safe, thorough and pleasant School, any infor mation desired respecting this Seminary. A Grove and Lawn of EIGHT ACRE, are attached to the Institute, for seclusion, rec reation and physical crcie.- - Sre. . RV, AM) SILVER WARE. WE would respectfully inform our friends, patrons and the public generally, that we bar now in shir and offer Wholesale and Re tail at th lowest Cash Price, a large and very choice stock Watch, Jewelry, Silver and Plated War of every variety and stylo. Every description of Diamond Work and oth er Jewelry, made to order at shert notice. J!A11 goods warraatte' to be as repreaented. Particular attention given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry of every description. STAUFFER A HARLKY. N'O. (22 MARKET street, (south aid,) Phila. 6ept. 19th, U60. t mo. ; CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE above Hotel, having recently been fitted op tor a nous or entertainment, i now open fur the accommodation of the public '.fravelera will nod this a convenient bouse. May 19 1853, JOHN J0J DAN. 1800. 1860. THE FIRST ARRIVAL OF FALL WINTER GOODS AT THE OLD SAND OF REED, WEAVER & GO, On Market Street 2 doors north o the Court House, where they ore just opening an unusually large and well selected stock of goods. suited to the wants of the commu nity for tho Fall aud Winter trade, which they offer in large and small quantities on the most reasonable terms call and examine for yourselves ihcir assortment of DRY GOODS 4 NOTIONS is very large and comtilete: embracing almost every artlel both. f fashion and aervice. Es pecial nttentloi, ha been paid to the selection of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which are of every variety and the vry lateat atylea. onus, nominee) natds, Merinos, Poplins, Alpaccas, Caahmeres, French, 6eof-h and Domestic Ginghams, PrinU, Linseys, Cambrics, Brilliant, Fig. and plain Boblnetle, Irish Li nen Cleth do. Black and Fancy Cassimerei. Rutin Tweeds, Corduroy, Hickory Stripe, Ticking, Crash, Diaper? Bleached hna A drills, Red, rey, White and Canton Flan nel. Also a larg etock of Ladies' and Gentle mena' Shawls, Double and Single, Stella and Chenillea, Black and Drab Cloth eapef of the very latest fashion, To Persons out of Employment. AGENT'S WANTED., Iu every County of tho United Stale - TO engage in the sol of some of the best and most elegantly illustrated Work published. Our publication are of the most Interesting character, a lap tod U the want of th Farmer. Mecuanio and Merohant; they are published in the beat style and bound in th most substan tial manner, and arc worthy a place in the Li brary of every Household in the Land. men of enterprise ami IniliiBtviA. K.k its. this business offers an opportunity for profit able employment soldom to be met with. .Persons desiring to act a agent will r. eeive promptly by mail full particular, terma, fc,by addroaaiag LEAKY. GBTZ t to., Pub. No. 224 North street, Philadelphia. Oct 24, 1860 lv. 1 A Splendid assortment of Ladies Oentlemens' and Children.' . Glove and Hosiery at REED.WEAVER A CO'S Ladies' BonneU and Hats, trimmed and un trimmed, of th Latest Styles at ; 1U TV. t CO', A Large and splendid stock ef Dress trim- IX. mlngs, Belt. i, Uead Dresses, Notts, Plumes Ac, at 1U W. d CP's, A l.arg atock or Men A Boy's clothing, juat Boot A boe of Try kind for Ladiei, Gen. tlcmen, and Children at R. W. fc CO'i, Carpets, Drugget, carpet chain, Bags and BSging, Curled Hair Ac, at R. W. CP's Call and eiamine th Patent air-tight Glass and (tone Jar, they are Just tb thing yon need, for sale at R, W. A CP's. TTardware of evory kind, knive and forks a a. spoons, Locke, File. Nails. Caw Rll. Wocd and if. -j -j '.... . ' "" ua nui saws at R. W. A CO's. A Fresh slock ef groceries of vry kind Jus received at REED, WEAVER, A CO . rtiaatina Mill and out Saws, Mann' axe and U a general assortment of Hardware at th of , A- IRVIN. Curwensville, May 1 , 1 860. . TT AM, Side, Mackerel and Herrln, a? for sal J.Xiow at the store of Clearfield, July 11th 1880. W. F.IRHIN. r t Dissolution of Partnership. ' n.9iMy,'nttM" xci.tln. between wonauui in th woollea baine In J i'w oy mataai con. sent, a paymcntaareto b mad to Thee Hill :oX Bridgerort,OcU fBl880. Stp. T,52iJin8r?,It1'! JOHN HILL vMG'ifvXklETY. HARTSWICK, HAS J and ASJu.t received from th,EMUrnoia.a,! onDfd at bllAEW hTUKK KUUDt 'on MARKET STREET, two door wast of Third, . . . if.;-. th most txttnaiM ataorlmsat ot Drags, Mediclnea, PainU, , Oil, Vaniirt, J Dy-8tuff, Tobaceo (Jegara, . Toilet artlcl, Perftimery, , ......... .;T r Blank book, fc : t H Stationary, ' CuUery, Miacellnneou And Faney Artisle Ac Ac. ever offsred to th publi in this lecticaofthe oountrj. Hi Drwira and Chemical; of which he ba an exteuaiv aMortaunt. have been (elect ed with espeoial refferenc. to their quality and rrMiinese. Hi stock of Oils and Paints will consist of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpentine, tied wnite lead, dry and ground in oil, Span ish brown, Venitian red, Yellow and Stone ochre Lampblack, .Black lead, Ivory black, Chinese a American Vermillion, pari ereen. Paris. Ultra marine and prussian blue, dry and ground In oil, Carmine, Chrome green yellow. Chalk of all Cobalt, Drop, lake black, Emery, Glue. Gum, uopal, iiamar and bbollnn, Indian red, Litharge, Orange mineral, pumice and Rotten itoae, Kuae pink, English and American, Rosin, Scarlet, (or persian red,) Terra Sienna, Turkey umbre, Ver digris, blue t white Vitriol, Whiting, Zino, put ty and putty knives, Glass of alt site and quail- uui, ijuuKiog-giMi piaiea, cc. oC. Dye-Htaftlt A Varnishes: Extra Logwood, chip ped and ground. Indigo, Madder. Annatto. Cochineal, Sol. tin. Red saundera ; Copal, Coach, uiaca lor leatner, japan tor dying, flap, Mastic, White Damar, Whit spirit and Flowing Varnih. Tobacco Segart t Carendiab, heat, Natural leaf, Rough A ready, Lady twist. Fin cut of all Lin. I. nijn.ij. .rL. n. .-v . r anT Scote' uJ , Kl nruJJ" u ii . . r . -X puucu, i.acuica, a mono, stc, eegara, Blank-Uooks and Stationary Ledaers, Dsy-books. Receipt and Note-books, Diaries, La dies and umoe forttolios, lilank parchment and paper Deeds, Bonds, Mortgage, and all other legal blanks. Foolscap, letter, Note, Business and drawing paper, Envelopes, Ready reference r iles, Annear't and Arnold' writing fluid, Ink, Diack, blue, and carmine, Steel l'en and Pea holders, Paper clips, mucilage, and all other r tide in th Stationary Un. . ToUet At Faney Article At Perfumery. Hair bruhes, American, French A Snglisb, with Ivo ry, Shell, Pearl, Buffalo, Satinwood, Rosewood ornamented bocks, all qualities j Cloth bruahe Hat brashes; Teeth brushes, various qualities; Shaving brashes, American, English and French with kurei bristles and Bodcer's hairt FVnh brushes ; Comb brushes and Cleaners , Tbrtuis shell Tuck combs, Tortoise shell, Plain A Fancy and India rubber Long Combs; Shelf, Buffalo, Horn and India rubber puff side Comba ; India rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, all styles ; English Toilet combs with handiest Bonnet comba ; Ivory and Gutta percha fin tooth combs; t ocaei comDS, an styles i American, French A German Cologne A Lavenier waters t Lnbin'a. Taylor's, Wright's, Mangenet A Conway' ex tracts for the handkerchief, of a great variety of siyio uumeii uocains, Barry's Xricopharou, ujuu vatuBirsB, iri, uimitsu, viBrs, xnassaeoar, Antigua, Rose and Coral Oil; Beef marrow, Pomades, and Philoeoom, American and French all atylea and prices eold cream, Toilet powder, Rouge Balls, Lilly White, Puff Boxes, China, endpaper, smolliug salts, Balm of a thousand flowers, tooth paste, tooth paste, charcoal, rose, Ac, Ac, Shaving Compound all sixes ; Military soap, Honey Soap, Cbrystalin and Floating soapaH Ottoman, Yankee and Gallagher soaps, Transparent and Castile soaps, Ac. Ac, MlsceUaneou Articles Gents steel rrmma morocco aad caff Portmonales, Ladies silk lined papier Itache, Inlaid tortoise shell, velvet and morocco Portmonaies, Ladies Crotchet purse embroidered witn ateel beads, Lad lea Cabaa and morocco satchels, shell, pearl, Imry, velvet and papier Mache, Ivory and pear memorandum tab Jeta, Fine Engish Morocco, Pocket Wallets, Mo rooco and eaf Pocket books, with strap and clasp ; Bill book, and Banker' cases with lock and key evllapaion drinking cups, Medical glas ses with and without drops. Fishing Uckle, Chapman A Enerson's Raior strops cigsr cases erumb brushes. Shoe Brushes with and without handle Horn brushes, til qualities. Paint and varnish brnsbe all sites, tin and capper bound, Sash tool all sises, counter and mark ing brashes, white wash and scrubbing brushes. Faney colored feather doatera Ate, Rich pearl inlaid papier mache, toilet eases, work boxes, writing derks, Rosewood and Mahogony writing deaks, Chessmen and Chess board, Gent. Kid Glove, Neck tie, collars, cravat and csnes, La. die Kid, Taffeta Silk and Kid fiaiehed gaut lets, and Lyle thread gauntlets, Black and color ed ailk web saspenders, freneh striped gum sus penders, Rich embroidtred snspeaders, Gulot new style Freneh suspenders, Gent, linen hand kerchiefs, colored border and Cambric handker chiefs, Ladies linen handkerchiefs in great vari ety j Sun shade fans, circular French fans; can. toe feathor fans of a great variety) Fin Canton palm fan with ivory and painted bandies, Black and mourning fans) Hair pins English and Fredch, Ac, Ac. Also Patent Medicine f ev ery vurlety. Alt of which wiH be sold at the lowest CASH price. Country Physician furnished with Drugs, "'"-'u" u ourgicai instruments, at tb moat reasanabla rate for cash, June 6, 1B0O. ly, iUW FIRM. AlifT NE IV GOO VS. Just receiving and opening at th Old (tax " of Lewi. Smith in Bethlehem a well (elected a ortment of Spring and Summer Goods of al moat every description. . Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment ( Prints and Dress Goods of th latest i rtyle., alo a variety .f eful Nc ug vaps, Bonnet and Shawls, Boot and Shoe, MeJKa QuoeMw. ugs an. GROCERIES, Tobaeeo, Segar and all article Baaally ken! in a country Stor., alt ,be.p for ea.hr P Giv. a. a call and see for your soIt.s. May 21, 180. PERSON, A CO. P7fS?,"SrIh "WW, harlng a. J.Z-i i r T' r"ml tnat be prepared to MiJZlA work"hk. manne". ED WOT COOPER. GleHIUI P48" - w' war. at : j Bep. 19, 180Oj r. -4i W. A CO's, PCRIFY THE BLOOD. - VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PH0EBIX BITTEES. Th high and envied eelebrlty which thea pre-emicent medicine have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all th dleaej which they profess to eure, ha rendered the nnal praetie of noffina not only uanecessarr. bat nnwortby of fivv . r "VT ' . 7 ' hr ilia faith of the credulous, lie all cases of Asthma. Acut and Chronic Rheumatism. Affection of the Bladder and Kid ney. . umioua t ever ana Liiver vompiainu. Id th south aud west, where thea diaeaees pr. vail they will be found invaluable. 1'lanUrs, Farmera,and others, who once nee thea aaediciae will nevor afterword be without tbom. Dyepcimla. No person with this diatreesing disease should dolay using these medicine im mediatelv. Eruption of the akin, Erytipela, Flatulency. Fever and Ague. For thl scourge ef th western eountrv those medicines will be lound a safe, apeed v. and certain romedy. Othr medicines leave th system subleotto a rotur0 of th disease a eure by these medicine i rr- ananent Try them, be satisfied, and be cared. Merenral Ulaeaaeau Never fail to radi oat. entirely all th effects of mercury infinitely ooncr than the moat powerful preparation of Baranparilla, Night aweat. Nervous Debility, Nervoua Com plaint of all kinds, Organio Affection, Palpita tion of the Heart, Painter Cbolic. Piles. The original proprietor of these medi cine was cured of Pile of 35 year itanding by the use of these Life medicine alono, Worm of all kinds, are offoctually cured by thea medicine. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence la suspected. Relief will be certain. THE LIFE flLU AND molXlX BITTERS Purify the blood, and thus remove all disease fioin th syatem. A aingle trial will place the Lira Pill and Prsexix Bitter beyond th reach of competition in the estimation ef every patient. Prepared and told by DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 335 Brodway, cor. Worth St., New York Feb. 29th I860. lyr. Jf LOOK II EKE I LOOK HERE! iTinEundoraigntd subscribers, take this meth X od of informing th public generally, that they hare thi day entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, ten sod can be found at the ahop formerly occupied , J: Shunkwiler, on Third by J. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo rough, where they will be pleased to see th r old customers, and as many new ones as can make rot it convenient to give them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spades and picks, Your log-obains and your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, no tares-year eld shall then go bar. Yonr spear will work up then just right, To proonicg books for every height. Your sworda too, shall then be wrought. To ploughabares auch as Cain ne'er bought ' JACOB SnCNKWILER, OEO. W. ORR. Clearfield, December 8, 1858. tf. LINDSEY'S IMPROVED lUoocl Searcher!! A STANDARD MEDICINE Io tie speedy, radical, and effectual care ot ALL Alfcr.A&fc3 anting from IMPU RITY OF i THE BLOOD. This medicine ba wrought the most aiirsoa Ions cares in desperate ease ef Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Pimples on the face, Old, Stubborn Ulcers, Tetter Affection, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Mercurial Diseases, Liver Complaint, Lew Spirits, Cancerous formation. Erysipelas, Boils, Sore Eyes, Scald Head, Rbeumatie Disorder!, Coatireneas, Salt Rheum, General Debility, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stoma, Female Complaints, and alt Diseases bavin their orgin in an impure state ef th Blood. Th above la a portrait of David M'Creary, Napier township, who, on th. 31st day of Aug, 1858, mad affidavit belor Justice Gorley that he was treated fir th ear of ( anccr by three phy.ieiaasofB .dfordceanty.and by Dr. Nw. ton of the Electrio College h Cinoinnatti, ,'for a period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, hi. lip, nose and a portion of his left choek were entirely eaten away 1 He had given up all hope, when he heard of th "Blood Search er," and was induced to try it. Four bottle eared bim, and although sadly disfigured, there is no question but what this invaluable medicine saved his life. The full particular of thi case may oe seen tn a oiroular, which can he had of any oi III Agonts. n also refer to th case ot of Eldertowa, Armstreag county, Pa., enrod of ocroiuia aiier Doing unable to get ont of bed for turve years. To the case of a ladv in Anmn.vill. ri... field county, who wai alao afflicted with Scrofula m ii worat lorin. To th ease of George Jfeieel, residing In Carl town, Cambria count, Pa., who was so badly af flicted with Cancer that it eat hi entire nose .ff. and hi eaa was ,wors, if possible, than MeCreary'. , . ., . . , . . , ( : t Th particular of these' easea every one of which was cured by the use of the Blood Searchor may alto b found in a clronla to b had oi u J VI IBW AgCBl. B, M. LEMON, Propri.for. Laboratory for tb manufacture and aale, na tho Pa, Railroad Depot, Hollidyburg. Pa, Dr. Geo. H. Kevaer. Whnl...l. A..-, d:... , burgh r. : Y ! "7 FOB SALE BY-C. D. Watson, Clearfield, John Patton, Curwentvill j James B. Graham Grahampton E. F. Brenner, Morrlsdale , John M n ,LP:MJm,m.l7 Mre' Loth.nbnrf ; M. O.Stirk New Millport) C. R. Foster, Phfl ipaburg; U. Swan, Ansonville Russell McMur ray, New Washington ; Edward Wllli.m., WU ll.m.vlll., Jackson Tatchen, Burn.id. ; Samuel Hogarty, Glen Hop. 1 Feb, IsL 1800. A FARM FOR SALE ' svr&S'i.ass. now otmnM by Richard Denver jr: .ontaining abont 80 acre., bounded by land 6f John j? Hoyt, Tho. Martin and J-mathan Wain. .n. mil.w..tof Pennvill. From 40 to 60 acre, eleared-a food fr,m. dwelling h.n.c, . barn, and other building, erected thereon. Al. .JS-. ; "v ' wn,"ra a nsv.r falling ' print on the premises, and will be sold ok reaaonabl. terms. For which apply to Wm. Ir-l Tin.Curwensville, RICHARD DENVER. Sen. Ang.3gthI880.-3m. P.n. tV'veT.Mp. I mum, & Bieixs Keep consUatly on hand, at their old stand on Second trust, CLEARFIELD, PA A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF HAEDWARE. '. ; LOCKS OF VARIOUS KINDS, ' PAIHT MILLS, '' Scales of all kinds which will weigh from one oz. to 4,000 j pounds, , ..PEW SACKS, : MEAT CUTTERS AND STUPFEE8 of different styles, A a large assortment of Carriage BolU, A general assortment of Mechanics' Tools, GRINDSTONES AND CRANKS, ; ii. i n' ic, Ac, Aa, Ac, COPPER KETTLES, Of the best qu ality,' ' Monroes patent egg-whips, A GREAT VARIETY OF ATPLE rARERS, A general assortment of Plows and Plow-wings, A largo and well assorted stock of JBair-ICiroia aimil HmOa, ' They have a very extensive assortment of STOVES which they wil' sell on the most advanta geous terms. Also-a very large stock of Stove-Pipe. to which they desrre specially to call the attention of Whataalt Dealer; STOVEPIPE COLLARS, S t v . Blacking, CORN SBELLZRS, CORN GRINDERS, Saw Gutnmers' -c, ic. They wish also to diroct tho specml at tention of owners, of houses, mill, and other building to their atock of LIGHTNING RODS, which they are prepared to sell at the very lowest prices. They have also an extensive assortment of TINWAMIE, which they will dispose of at reduced prices; at greatly roduced rates ; Or 1 a as, o 1 1 s, Paints, Portable Heaters and Reffisters. BUGGY SPRINGS, ' ' Sieve Wire, Horse-shoe Nails, Dumb-Bells, 0 AR - RINGS Quoits, totcH Ac, They keep also a general assortment of gritullural Impitrntnis, : such as are needed in this section of country. The following article will be taken IN EXCHANGE for articles in our line oi , business; OLD MONEY, Old Copper, Old Brass, . RAGS, SHINGLES, OARDS, GRAIN, HIDES, Bees-wax, Tallow A o.,' ' We invite everybody to give us a call and examine our articles, and we feel eatisfied '-".' . that we can suit them in quality and prf. Oil XEBJLELL 4 BIGLER. Clearfield, Pa , Oct, 24, I860. BUSSBLLS' WW FLEXIBLE HARROW, Pa tented Jan. 17, G( "W nted an uaprvmeat ia Harrows," I remark not nairequenuy neara among ixtm Amoog th few lmprovemeat which have h tofur Isecn mad la thi important and naefi w might say indlsptnaabl implement ofkv bandry, it would eem that aon eftheni h fully met th. wants ef th. Agriculturist are too heavy, com. toe complicated aad etU and all art liable ta th. objection that they only adapted to certain kinds of greuno, w while it U easy la get op a barrow ilai i work wall on (mooth, clear aad level groin,-, 1 not e sy to And on. that will answer r go purpose in new ground, among stump, or oi hilly aad endislatlng lurfaee, kmt when yon & an. aj( th latter class, yo ssay rest assured tbs It wilt also giv. setidactioa on a amooth surfaeV Th. andersigned eonfldcatly believe that tU object i fully attalaid in this tmprovtmi,J and would call th. attention of Practical aj Scientific igrienlturists to the following Imporu ant feature which eharaeteriie It. Flntt simplicity i secondly, Its strength and durability,! aaa laeuy it aaaptednesa to any ana au air of sorfaee. The following named praotU, Farmers, of Clearfield County, who bar used . this season, thu. testify to it. . We th undersigned farmer of Penn tp., Cles; field co., and Stat of Pennsylvania, having i-ev Russell' Improved Flexible Harrow, h .. hesitation in (eying that it has given entire s: isiacuon ana wai irom lis aimpiicuy ana c.i neaa it - should speedily eome into general u. GEO" FULLERTON, E. W. RRO'J-; . 8. DERRICK, B. WRIGLESWO?. T. DOUGHERTY, JOHN W. DEIiU w JOHN A. MURPHY, WM. A. J10C -; .. JOS. G. RUSSELL. . : ' v . Th "Scientific American," a pa;er v . " th. telenaifio world Is well A-i)ualr'..Ji! .a thus in reference to it." "The harrow lis op -the most important agricultural linplemr muoh depend, apon the top pulverising o j tv ing of tb toil, both before and after tb sown, for tb. success of th. future cr p " ::J y describing It, it continues: "This o..u. '. harrow is so simple, that it is superfluous t . tend for Harrowing cither well cleared or r. ground.. Tb undersigned,' hare purchased the rl4." to make, sell, as, and transfer their right to th tarn, within th county of Clearfield, asi are now prepared to larniah tb article teal' who wiah 10 purchase, on reasonable terms. Tb; win aiao aeu taaividuai riguis to make aoi os the same, . MEURELLev BIULER. Claerfield, Oct. 21, 1880. . . . . , List of Traverse Juron for an adjoun, ed Court 00011116110111? oa the 12th of KoTember 1860. " - r Pike A bur Ulooiu jr Jos. JI. iSpeneer. Unniel Hailey. ' Huston icflernon Bundy. Bradford Matthew Wilson. John Da!t. Gulich J. A. Hegarty. DanI Kulket. on.' Ferguson Geo. M'Oraeken.Geo. Strsw John Straw. J. . Williams, Albert. Young. ' " - ' Lumber City John Broomall. Job Ferguson. Jordan Wm. Putey. John Patterson Brady Fred Kohler, Joa. Seyler, G LUingcr. Jackson Long. . Lawrenco J. R Reod.' Knox Levi M'Cracken N. Washington H. D. Rose. ' ' Burnslde C. C. Mitchell. Peter R-Hfc Joseph. Hutton. Union a. t. Harlcy. Hugh Knsc. ' Covington J. B. Renaud. ' 1 Graham Wm. Uilc. " Beccarla Wm M'Cov. ' ' " Bell -Robert Elder. Johrj Orr. ' ' Morris Pter Royhorn. ' ' '' Chest Daniel Gorman. !!! DEATH !!! ' To every form and Specie of VERMIN. " COSTA R'S" " COSTA R'S" Rtl, Roach dc. Exterminate. "VUHTAJiiS" "COSTAR'S" Bd Bug Exterminator. ' "COSTAR'S" - -COSTAR'S" EteHric Powder for frtcctc DESTROYS INSTANTLY Riit, Roaches, Mice, Moles, Orounil-.Vict Bed-bues, Ants. Moths. Mosouitoe. KImi Insects on Plants, Insects on Animals, f& in shott every form and species of 10 years established in Now York Ci'v- used by the City Poet Office- the City It on and btation housos th city steamers, Shins Ac., the City Hotels. "Aator." "W. Nicholas," Ac, and by more than 20,000 private familes. .Druggists and Retailers ererywbrn ell them. KfA-soholes&le Agents in all large Cities -.Regular sizes, 25e., 60c, Afl Boxtt- Uottles, I Iasks tB,!Il Beware ! ! lof spurious imitation- Examine each Box, Bottle A FImv and take nothing but Costar's" . 00 Boxes sent by mail. t&JSi & 1 5.00 by Exprew. " IrB-Addres orders or for Circular, f i ' - HENRY R. CO'JTAR Prinelnar Depot, 410 Broadwftv, N V. WUSOLDBY - LORAIN K CO . March 17th. 1 Cieavf ?! 1 Ti ; EXEClTTOR'fl NOlICr LeHer, f mentaiy having heon grunted to ' signed on lb Estate of th Rv. Timo.av ss law of Burnside tp., Clearueld -o., I. A" persons knowing themselves Indebted t s tat ere requested to make immediate uaia.- and those having claim against it are r-r U to present them to Jacob W. Cauip'ueil ir. fl'"r or naaawgwn unranrr oi unrnsiac in, - JACOB W. CAMPKLL 1 rs. WASHINGTON GARDNEB J Oct. Sd, I860 u . . ' -v ; . ' auncnl QsnltliiinKBDt ' - - The nbeeriber will send (re elates) t wb desire it, th Recipe and direction for task' ing .simple Vtguatlt , that will, ia fr two to tight days, remove Pimples, JtloUbat Tan Frtcklei, Bail own ess, and all impurities ronghneas of the Skin, leaving th same-as na ture intended itahould b-oi, eiMP.eswei eewMal. Those desiring th. Reeelpe, with hi InatneUoni, direction, and advloe, will plmst eall an or addres (with retora po stags.) 1 JAS. T. MARSHALL, -.' . . . - Pbactical Cbshiit, - No.33 City BuUdtngs, N.Tori, Aag. 22th 1860 Imo, .. , Blaclcjsinthfni?. vnusoiji eairlefom BIokiaini in thborouKb of L.nUr tUy, wbr U iXftCIlt hmmnrle llM.s a. LI. r.vmK.rmj M wvia wm uahstm w uiavi xeonuit ia a work manlike manner, ' " July 4, I8.-ly. , j r...-,.,. f . ; I AM .aclUoA qaallty . Fivur for al"? ...ik.M?.t " n ;W. T Ihfi ( UrsM I.I. 1I.L . ' -vw atua, awow Macker! and Herring for sal. at theeor ft tor of i. a IRVIK '-Ml rVfJHVlLlf .-.LftJ 'OV,