Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 14, 1860, Image 1

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Meet again t when fond hearts iifir,
And our grief outpours in tears,
'Tii the thought that thrills ui ever,
Through tne lapse of lonely years. , '
After absenee meeting's dearer '
i" artina; houre ere full ef pain ;
but we bring the lured onea nearer, '-
While we hope to meet again. . . ,
But alas ! too oft are parted
Those on earth to memory dear,
And we mourn them broken-hearted, ,
i Kerermore to greet them here 1 ,
Still, aBeotion lingering round them.
Can it yearnings ne'er refrain
And we aik i " In that blaet morning
Shall we then all meet again X" - , ,
Meet again! 0, rapturoui greeting,
When we're won that golden shore,
Where the Tree of Life, all healing,
Wavel ite clusters orer more.
Buried lore regaini iti gladneii.
Buried nope reriree its bloom r
Meet in resurrection brightness, .
Conquerors of the loathsome tomb. i , .'
Meet again ! how sweet and blessed '
Is the hope to meet onee more, ?
Where the friends we lore are deathless,.'
Ahd our partings all are e'er . ,'l
Father, mother, sister, brother, , , )
Bcund In lore's uncovered shaia t
Tlasp each otber's hand's smraortal 7,.. ,
Most sgain, most again ! "
itisttlhntaits.v "
. - ........... .1 l l -:
.-. . 1776.
Bancroft' forthcoming Iliptory of
tniled btates.j
The month of May robed the catalpa
jnd the oleander in their gorgeous mat.
es oi uowers, auu tue peace oi inanenton
as sttill undUturled except by gathering
minora that the kimliah fleet and trans-
urt destined for iti attack bad arrived
n tape ieni river. - All the mechanic
Inid laborers about town were employed
in strengthening its fortifications, And a
treat naruter or nogroes, brought down
rout tue country were put upon, the
works. The bloom of-the magnolia was
inning yellow in the hot sky of early
kunmicr, when on the first clay of June
xprcssos from Christ Church Parish bio t
iows to the President that a fleet of forty
t r fifty sail lay anchored about twenty
ihiics to me norm oi Charleston oar.
ilsppily the colony had already organ
ed an efficient government, and invest
Rutledge, its chief executive officer,
Villi large power. He ordered the alarm
to be fired, and while the citizens were
looking out for horses, carriages or Louts
lo remove their wives and children, he
mteueddown the militia from the coun
try by expresses, and In company with
Urtiiktrong visited all the falsifications.
B arricades were thrown lipnuainsl th
rincipiil streets ; defences were raised at
liupoin'.s most likely to bo selected for
anding; lend, 'leathered from tho weight
if windows of churches and dwelling
muses, wns cast into luiiikc.t-balls, and a
opectublo force In men was conccntra
ed in the cnpitol.
Tho eyes of the whole country were
nmed upon tho people of South Caroli-
Ix Ibeir invaders at a niotnont when
iiitsnt action ffit essential to their suo-
t were perplexed by uncertainty of
ounsel between Clinton and Sir l'eter
'aikcr. the respective commanders of the
rmy una tlie naval force. Un tue sev
nUi Clinton would have sent on shore a
reclamation by a flag of truce ; his boat
as fired on by an ignorant sentinel, but
pxl dv Mnnlirin ollnrnl nn PYnliinn'tnn
through one of his officers, and received
lie trnrlamation in niliirn In this Mm
i'ritish General declared the existence of
I a most unprovoked una wickea rebellion
writliin South Purnlina thn mirrnii)ii nf
Wirues of its inhabitants, the tyranny of
!s congress and its committees, the error,
thus far incorriblo, of an infatuated and
tnisguided multitude, the duty of pro-
rctiditig roi tliwith ucainst all men in arms,
iongruas and committocs, as open eueiuies
si tue Mate t but tiom liumnnity be con
tinted lo forewarn the deluded people,
ttid to offer in His Majesty' namo free
Vrdon to such as should lay down their
rais and submit to the luwa." Having
ione this ho consulted Cornwall is on the
ttftt means of gaining possession of Sulli-
tin's Island ; and both agreed that they
. ould not more effectually' co-operate
ith the intended movement of the fleet,
ban by taking possession of Long Island,
hich was represented to comronnicato
Wh Sullivan's Island at low water1, by a
rd, and with the main body by a ohan-
isl nsvigable for boats of light draft.
niiiounaa lour aays time to to j no vne
or J, but he took the story of its depth on
ust. . - . -
On the morning of the ninth of Juno,
Charles Lee, attended by his nid-dercarup
nd Kobert Howe, of North Carolina, ar
jmea at HoddreH'f Point. After examin
Ing in fortifications, be crossed over to
fralHvsn'i Island, where he found a good
ftock ef powder, a fort of which the front
land rneside were finished, and twelve
fiundred men encamped in its re1 in
Siuts und booths that were roofed with
rslmotto leaves. Within the fort numer
ous mechanics and laborers were fitting
jjnd lilting pal metto log fof its walls.
fie hod scares claneed at the work, when
! '9 declared that 'he did not like that post
t sll t it could not hold out half an hour,
md there was no way to retreat j' it was
"it a slaiiihr rutn' anrl t.h irnrriaon
l fc?u1' Mori Seed. On his way up to
CharlMton Ta trtilntiA.1 ll.ltmu lalanri.
jwhero Gadsden had the command.'
I The battalions raised in South Carolina
Mere hot ai yet placed upon the continen
tal establishment! ani nUliniiirli Con
vress bore the proportionate expense, the
S p-
disposition of the forces still remained
under the exclusive diiections of the col.
ony and lU officers- This circumstance
became now of great importauce. To
'""""""S . curumanu wuatever was
to rroitl,a tn.niiii: r rn i 7 r
L?.'"tb0im,al,t M0f Charleston;
g uuu illliu lu tin PTMnr.
but General Lee was
tna SeoOllU Officer i
in the American army ; his military fame
" " time very great ; be had pow.
erfrom the genoral Congress to order, and
he did order batallions from North Caro
lina and Virginia j his presence was a
constant pledge of the active sympathy of
th continent; anil on his arrival he was
invested with the military command
through an order from Rutledge. .
Ou that same day Clinton began his
disembarkation, landing four or five hun
dred men on Long Island. It was there
fore evident that the first assault was to
be attempted not on the city, but its out
poBts ; yet Lee proposed to Kutledge to
withdraw from Sullivan's Island and aban
don it without a blow. Had he octed in
concert with the invaders, he could not
more completely promoted their : design.
But Butledge, interposing his authority,
would not suffer it, and Lee did not ven
ture to proceed alone; yet on the tenth
day his very first order to Moultrie, ex
cept one which was revoked as soon as is
sued, directed that officer to construct
bridges for his retreat, and the order was
repeated and enforced several times that
day, and almo-t every succeeding one.
Happily Moultrie's oournge was of thatpla
cid kind that could not be made anxious
or uneasy ; he weighed carefully his dun
ger and resources ; with quiet importura
bio confidence, formed his plan tor repel
ling the impending double attack of the
enemy by sea and by land ; and nover so
much as imagined that, he could be driv
en from his post.
, Un the tenth of June, while the Conti
nental CoLgress was finishing the debate
on independence, the Bristol, whoso guns
bad been previously taken out, came over
the bar attended by thirty or forty ves
sels, and anchored about threo miles from
Fort Sullivan. In Charleston, from which
this movement was plainly visible, all was
action ; on the wharfs, warehouses of
great value, ero
room for the Gre
thrown down to give .
of cannon and nius -
ketry fiotn the lines along East Bay S in-,
ireuciiincius surrounded i tie town ; toe;
barricades, raised in the principal streets
were continued to the water ; snd arrow
headed embankments were projected up
on the landing places. Negroes from the
country took purl in the labor; the hoe
and the spado were also in ovory citizen's
hands, for all persons, vithout distintion,
'labored with alacrity,' tome for tho take
of example some as the best way of be
ing useful. Neither the noon day sun nor
the rain, which in thnt clime, drops from
the clouds In gushes, interrupted their
toil. ' :
On tho eleventh the two regiments
from North Carolina arrived. The same
day Lee, being told that a bridge of re
treat from Sullivan's Island to Haddrell's
Point was impossible, and not being per
mitted by Kutledge to direct the total
evacuation of the Island, ordered Moultrie
immediately to send four hundred of his
men over to the continent; in his post
script be added: 'Make up the detach
ment to five hundred.' Ou the thirteenth
he writes : 'You will detxeh nnothor hun
dred men to strengthen tho corpn on tho
other ido of the creek.' But tho spirit
nf South Carolina had symppthy with
Moultrie, and mechanics and negro la
borers were sent down to complete tho
fort: but hard as they toiled, it was
not nearly finished before the action. On
the 12th the wind blew so violently that
two ships which lay outside the bar, lee re
obliged for safety to stand out to sett, and
this assisted to delay tho attack. .
On the fifteenth, Leo stationed Arm
strong at Haddrell's point, and Arm
strong, as the superior officer, ever man
ifested for Moultrie a heaily friendship.
On that 8auio day, Sir Peter Parker gave
to the Captain of his squadron his ar
rangement for the attack of the batteries
on .Sullivan's Inland, and on the ltitli he
communicated it to Clinton, who did not
know what to do. . The dilatory conduct
oflheBritsh betrayed uncertaitty and a
division or councils, and the Carolinians
made such use of tho delay, that bj the
17tb they were in exceedingly good state
of preparation at every outpost aud also
in town. But Clinton intendod only to
occupy and garrison Sullivan's Island.
For that purpose, he completed the
landing of all his men on Long Island, a
naked sand, where nothinu crew except
A few bushes that harbored myriads of
mosquitoes, and wuere the troops suf
fered intensely from tho burning sun
tbe 'want of good water, and the bad
quality and insufficient supply of provis
ions. A trial of tbe ford wasmade, Clin
ton waded opto his neck, so did others
of his officers, and on the day in which
he succeeded in itettioz all his men on
shore, he announced through tughn to
Sir Peter Parker that no ford was to be
found ; that there remained a depth of
seven feet of water at low tide ; ana that
the troops, therefore, could not take the
share they expected in the intendod at
tack. His six full regiments, and com
panies enough from others for one more,
a body of more than three thousand men,
thoroughly provided with arms, artillery
and ammunition, had left the transports
for a naked sandbank that was to them a
erison. Yet, compelled to do something
linton fixed on the 23d for tho joint at
tack. On the night after tbe day appointed
for tbe attack, Muhlenburg'i regiment
arrived. On receiving Lee's orders it im
mediately set out from Virginia and
marched for Charleston, without tents,
continually exposed to tho ' weather, It
was composed chioftv or Muhlenburgs
old German parisioneri and of the Vir -
ginia regiments, and was tho Ecrt com-1
plete, the best armed, best clothed for
immediate service. The Americans were
now very strong.
. The confidence of Sir Peter Parker in
an easy victory was unshaken. To make
i"" "u" " "acicibcu a ooay 01 marines
'and seamen in the art of entorin forts
A i i. A : I
thpnnch m.r.
silence Moultrie's battery, then to land
bis trained detachment, and by their aid
enter the fort. His presumption was jus
tified by the judgement o f Lee. That gen
eral, cominpr down to the Island, took
Moultrie aside a jdsaid : 'Do you think
you can maintain this post?' Moultrie
answered, 'Yes I think I can.' But Loe
had no faith in a spirited detence, fretted
at the too easy disposition of Moultrie,
and wished up to tbe last moment, to re
move bim from the command.
On the 2,'!i an unfavorable wind preven
ted the joint attack. On the 25th, the
squadron was increased by the arrival of
the 'Experiment,' a ship of sixty guns,
which passed over t he bur on the 20ib.
Letters of encouragement came also from
Tonyn, then Governor of East Florida,
who was Impatient for an attack on Geor
gia; he would have had a body of Indians
raised on the bank of South Carolina, and
a body of royalists to terrify and distract
so that the assault at Charleston would
have struck an astonishing torror and
affright.' He reported South Carolina to
be in a mutinous state that delighted him ;
the battery on Sullivan's Island would
not discharge two rounds.' This opinion
was spread through the fleet, and became
the belief of every sailor on board. With
or without Clinton's aid the Commodore
was persuaded that with his trained sea
men and marines, he could take and keep
possession of the' fort till Clinton should
send a many troops as he might think
proper, and who might enter the fort in
the same way.
dipt. Lamperer, walking with Moultrie
on tho plattorm, and looking at the' Brit
ish ships-of-war, all of which had already
come over the bar, addressed bim :
"Well, Colonel, what do you think of it
now?" .......
"We aliall beat them," said Moultrie.
1 he men-of-war." reioined the can
iin. "will knock vour fort down in half
nll i,nni"
"Tben. said Moultrie, "we will lie be-
hind the ruins and prevent their men
from landing."
On the morning of the twenty-eighth a
gentle sea breeze prognosticated the at
tack. Lee from Charleston, tor the tenth or
eleventh time, charged Moultrie to finish
the bridge for his retreat, promised ban
re-enforcements, which was never sent,
ana still meditated removing him from
his command ; while Moultrie, whose fac
ulties under the outward show of lmper
turuble and even indolent calm, were res
trained to their utmost tension, rout to
visit his advanced guard on the east. -Here
tho commander William Thomson,
of Orangeburgh, of Irish decent, a native
of Pennsylvania, but from" childhood a
citizen of South Carolina, a man of rare
worth iti pnvito life, brave and intelli
gent as an officer, had, at the extierae
point, posted fifty of the militia behind
sand hills and myrtle bushes. A few bun
dred yards in the rear be guarded breast
works that had been thrown up, with
three hundred riflemen of his own regl,
ment from Orangeburgh and its neighbor
hood, with two hundred of Clark's North
Caiolina regiment, two hundred mora of
the men of South Caroliua under Horry
and the raccoon company of riflemen. On
his left he was protected by a morass ; on
bis right by one eighteen pouuder and
one brass six pounder, which ovelookod
the spot where Clinton would wish Id
Seeing the enemy's boats already in mo,
tion on the beach of Long Island, and the
mon-ol-war loosing their topsails, .Moul
trie hurried back to his fort at full speed
He ordered the long roll to beat, and offi
cers acd men to their posts. His whole
number, including himself and officers,
were four hundred and thirty-five, of
whom twenty-two were of the fourth reg
iment of artillery, the rest ot his own reg
imcnt; men who were bound to each oth
er, to their officers, and to him, by per
sonil affection and confidence. Next to
him in command was Isaac Motte; the
Major of his regiment was the fearless and
faultless Francis Marion. The. fort w is
square with a bastion at each angle ; built
of palmetto log, dove-tailed and bolted
together, and lain in parallel rows sixteen
foet asunder ; between these rows the
space was filled with sand. On the east
em aud northern sides the palmetto
wall was only sevnn feet high, but it was
surmounted by thick plank, so as to be
tenable against a scaling party ; a traverse
of sand extended from east to west. The
southern and western curtains were fin -
ibhed with their platforms, on which the
can n in was mounted. 1 tie standard
which was advanced to the south east bas
tion, displayed a flag of blue with a white
cresent, ou which emblazoned Liborty,
The whole number of cannon in tho fort,
the bastion, and the cavaliers, was but
thirty-one, ot which no more than twenty-one
could at tbe same time be Drought
into use i of ammunition there were but
twenty-eight rounds for twentyssix can
non. At Haddrell's Point across the bay
Armstrong had about fifteen hundred
men. The first regular South Carolina
regiment, under Christopher Gadsden,
occupied Fort Johnson, which stood on
the most northerly part of James Island,
about three miles from Charlestown, and
within point blank shot of the chsnneL
Charleston was guarded by more than
two thousand men.
Half an hour aftr nine in the morning,
the commodore gave signal to Clinton
that be should go on with tho attack.
An hour later the ships-of-wsr wre un
der way. Gadsden, Coteswortn, Pinckney,
1 and the rest at Fort Johnson watched all
tbeir movement; In Charleston the wharfs
and water-side along the bay were crowd
ed with troops under arms and lookers
on. The men must foil their adversary,
or their city may perish ; their houses be
sacked and burned, and tbe savages on
the frontier start from their lurking places.
No grievous oppression weighed down the
industry of South Carolina; she came
forth to the struggle from generous sym
pathy ; and now the battle is to be fought
lor her chief city, and tbe province.
The 'Thundei bomb,' covered by Friend
ship, began the action by throwing shells,
which it continued, till more than sixty
were discharged; of these some burst ia
the air , one lighted on tbe magazine with
out doi tig injury; tbe rest sunk in the
morass, or were buried in the sand within
the fort. At about a quarter to eleven
the 'Aotive.'.of twenty-eight guns, disre
garding four or five shots fired at her while
under sail ; the 'Bristol,' with fifty guns,
having ou board Sir Peter Parker and
Lord William Campbell, the Governor:
the Experiment.' also of fifty euns: and
tbe 'Sole Bay,' of twentv-eicht. broucht
up within about three hundred and fifty
yards of the fort, let go their anchors with
springs upon their cables, and began a fu
rious t'unuonaue. livery sauor expected
that two broadsides would ens. the strife ;
but the soft, fibrous, spongy wood of the
palmetto withstood tbe rapid fire, and nei
ther split, nor splintered, nor started ; and
the parapet was high enough to protect
the men on the platforms. When broad
sides from three or four of the men-of-
war struck the logs at tho same instant,
tbe shock gave the merlons a tremor, but
the pile remained uninjured Moultrie
had but one tenth as many guns as were
brought to bear on him, arid was more
over obliged to stint the use ot powder.
uis guns accordingly were fired very slow
ly, the omcers taking aim, and waiting al
ways for the smoke to clear away, thnt
they might point with more precision.
'Mind tue uommodore, rumd tue litty
gun ships,' were the words that passed
along the platform from oil cers and
'Shall I send for more powder?' asked
Moultrie of Motte.
'To be sure,' said Motte.
And Moultrie wrote to Loe -' 'I believe
we shall wnnt more powder. At tho rate
we go on, I think wo shall ; but you can
see that. Pray send us more, ifyou think
proper.' . ,
More vessels were seon coming up, and
cannon were beard from the north east.
Clinton bad promised support ; not know
ing what else to do, he directed the bat.,
teries on Long Island to open a cannonade,
and several shells were thrown into
Thompson's intrenchmenta, doing no Oth
er damage than wounding one soldier.
The firing was returned by Thompson
with his one eighteen pounder ; but, from
tbe distance, with little effect.
At twelve o'clock the light infantry,
grenadiers, and the fifteenth regiment
embarked in boats, while floating batter
ies and armed craft got under weiuh to
cover the landing ; but the troops never
so much as once attempted to land. The
detocumont had hardly lelt Long Island
before it was ordered to disembark, for it
was seen that the landing wis impracti
cable, and would have been the destruc
tion ofmany brave men without the least
probability of success.' Tho American
defences were so strong, and well con-,
struct ed, the approach so difficult. Thorn..
son so vigilcnt, his men such skillful
sharpshooters, that had the British land
ed, they would have been cut to pieces.
'It was impossible,' says Clio ton, 'to de
cide positively on any plan, and he did
An attack on
have been still
naddreu s l oint would
more desperate ; though
th Commodore, at Clintous request, sent
. i r..: . . . :,u .i. -
uiruo iiigmcs iu wu-uijuihhj wnu in ims leisure in visumg irienus ana roia
design. The people of Charleston, as ' lives, and in keeping alive the sympathies
they looked from the battery with senses
quickened by the nearness of danger, bo-
held tho Sphinx, the Acteon.and the Sy
ren. each of twenty-eight gum, sailing as
if to get between Haddrell's Point and!
the foot, so as to enfilade the works, and
when the rebels should te driven
irom '
them, to cut off! hoir retreat. It was a
. r . H i. t..-i . i. 1
luuuir lllUl uuiiui, IUI ,UQ JVMV VII HUB
sido was unfinished. But the pilots kept
too far to the south, bj that they run all
the three upon a bank of sand known as
the Lower Middle Ground. Gladdened
by seeing the frigates thus entangled, the
people at Charleston were swayed alter
nately by fears and hopes ; tlie armed in
habitants stood every one at his post, un.
certain but that they might be called to
immediate action, hardly daring to be
lieve that Moultrie's small and ill furnish
ed garrison could beat oft' the squadron,
when behold 1 bis flag disappeared from
their eyes. Fearing that his colors hud
! been struck, they prepared to meet the
invaders at the water's edge, trusting in
Providence and prefering death to sla
very. In the fort, William Jaipor, a seri
ge'.int, perceived that the flag had been
out dowu by a ball from the enemy and
bad fallen over the ramparts. 'Colonel,'
said ho to Moultrie, 'don't let us fight,
without a flsg,' .
'What can you do?' nskod Moultrie;
'the staff is broken off.' '
'Then,' said Jasper 'I'll fix it on tho hal
bred, and ploco it on the merlon of the
bastion next tho enemy;' and leaping
through an embrasure and bravinj the
thickest fire of the enemy, be took up the
flag, returned with It safely and planted it
as be bad promise, on the summit of the
merlon. The day was exceedingly hot,
the almost vertical sun of midsummergla
red from a cloudless sky, and the temper
ature was increased by the blase from the
cannon on the platform. A 1 of the gar
rison threw off their coats during the heat
of the notion, and some were almost na
ked; Moultrie and several of the officers
smoked their nines as thev save their or
ders. Tbe defence was conducted within
; sight of those whose watchfulness was to
;jy, TEAMS 11
lhT twf mov 3 "Jirlr' pN)fitubl-
guns with the greatest oonstanor
l.nll . 1. ' L- . 1 . . . -
un j
! l- i
wn wuiuu euiorea tnrougn an
Iittl h.M
sure, wcfaniel cried out to bis
soldier.: -I m j.:" 1; T! it I
u..ofUlT;:5 E
'Tis easy to resign a tollsom i place, '
But not to manage leisure with a grace ;
Absenoe of oocupatiea is not rest,
A mind quite raont la a mind distressed.
And turned into the park or mead to grate,
jvxempwrvm ruiure eemce all his days,
There feols a pleasure perfeot in its kind,
Ranges at liberty and snuffs the wind ;
But when his lord would quit tbe busy road,
To taste a joy like that he had bestowed,
He proves less happy than kia farored brute,
A life of ease a difficult pursuit," Cowr a.
The only period of rest in tho circle of
the farmer's year is now at hand; a period
of enjoyment, but also one of peril. The
business of cultivation the appropriate
occupation of the husbandman is done.
He has passed through tho pressing cares
of seed time and tillage, the joys of the
early and latter harvests, and has wol
romod tho last of Lis crops to the baru
and the granary. His store-houses are
full, and the flocks and herds now live
upon the accumulated provisions of the
summer. The last of the flowers has
'aded, and the frosts have turned field
and forest to a russot brown. The leaves
that put on such gorgeous coloring in
October, are now" either chouced to a
sombro hue, or fallen, leaving the forest
bare and desolate. The skies have lost
the roseate hue of summer, and begin to
look chill and wintry. The weather is
fitful, and every sunny day is succeeded
by cloud and storm.
In the olden time farmers accomplished
very little after the potatoes an J turnips
were gathered, and the cider was made,
until tho opening of the Spring. At
home, tho cider barrel had Its potent
temptations, and abroad, the villago tav
ern and grocery held out their allurements
to drinking and dissipation. The country
was new, tho soil fertile, and the farmer
did not feci tho necessity of those im
provements which prepare the way for
sucicisful cultivation. Draining bad hard
ly been beard of, and the muck mines had
not been opened. He fed his cattle, pre
pared his fuel for the winter tire, marketed
his crops, and the rest of his time ran to
waste. At this season be visited his
friends, enjoyed their hospitalities, and
too often contracted their drinking habits
and prepared the way for debauchery and
ruin. It was the most perilous period of
tho year, because he had not learned how
to improve its leisure.
We are so constituted that we cannot
enjoy idleness. This may satisfy the toil-
worn brute, as be quits the yoke or the
cart-ana regales lumseir in tut pastures
He knows nothing better than the gratifi
cation of his appetite for food. But man
cannot be satisfied while the best part of
rum, that which constitutes his manhood,
lies waste. The mind must have occupa
tion of some kind, and the release from the
more pressins cares of cultivation at this
soason, should only induce a higher antiV'
' ity of the mind.
It is indeed well to employ a portion of
'., - ,;
and associations of earlier years. Some
are so situated in their business, that this
is the only time when they can return to
the old homestead, to look again upon the
familiar scenes of childhood, and to
receive words of blessing from father and
mother. These social reunions at the
annual Thanksgiving, are worth all they
cost, and more. There is a reviving in
fluence in going back again to the old
hearth-stone of childhood's home ; th old
well and its oaken bucket, the ancestral
trees gathering new glory with their in
creasing years, the garden, the orchard.
the fields, the forests where our eyes first
opened upon the world, the farmer is
made a better citizen 9Dd a better man by
thus cultivating bis social nature, and
keeping alire the ties that bind him to his
' These 'annual visits are also profitable
tor his business, as they atlord opportuni
ties lor observation, farming is no
longer a stereotyped businoss. One can
hardly visit the most limited and obscure
rural district without seeing abundant
evidence that tbe leaven of new ideas is at
work. The tillers of the soil are getting
out of the old tracks of tbe fathers, and
are beginning to use mind in their hus
bandry. Tbe barn is no moro a mere de
pository of the harveslaof the field. It is
a manufactory of fertilizers, the one thing
needful in profitable tillage. It is the
great hinge on which everything in the
operations of the year turns. Barns are
now a proitable study, to learn hew
practical. farmers contrive to shelter all
their cattle, and to make the most of their
manure. The plow has become n tool
constructed upon scientific principles.
turning the furrow with the east expen -
ditureof strength, and making u broad
or narrow, deep or shallow, and laying the
nee lint, ur luuru vuo sur
face of tho field, at the will of tho plow
man. Tools have become t prima neces
sity of economical cultivation, and the
strength of tbe ox and tbe horse is mare
and more taking the place of human
sinews. No man can observe the diSjerent
methods ef farmer 'hi their business,
25 per Annum, if paid in adrancei
. . .. r '""s"
pulverize them ilka tha f..t v.
are using this soason for labor, much mora.
IU si.... .1! I t I
"" luey "ia mine olden time. Trenchea
vralls. and stone fence, are
ij v iuwa hi v
built. Somo keep their full laboring force,
, i i urrlngement much better lor
the Inborer than four months of idlenosa,
oi occasional work by the day. Many
have muck deposit so situated that they
can be worked this season. Muck
thrown up in summer can bo carted, andi
and the sties. Many improve th Iai'shta.
to top diess their meadows with compost,
from the yards, and whrre tlm UnA i;a
level, and is not subject to washing, this
is good practice. It is found by shrewd'
calculators, that the labors of the next
lour months, spent mainly in handling
muck, digging, composting, spreading,,
and laying up store for summer U6e, aro
i no iijubi prouiauie or tuo vear.
Whatever labors are attended to or
neglected out of doors, reading and reflec
tion should be carried on vigorously with
in. The most successful farmer now, is
tho man who applies tho most of thouafu
to his business. The days of routine
farming are numbered, and the man who.
plods on in the ways of his fathers, is cer
tain to be distanced. The nrol.l em In m.
solved is, pot bow to grow crops not
even groat crops but how to get them,
economically. Wo want to get rich by
larming, without selling off all the fertil
ity of the soil under our feet. A rich,
furm, giving a generous yield to toil, makes
a rich farmer, whether bo bos much or
little stock in the bank or railroad. Ho
may be sure of dividends when banks fail..
We want to study, not only to get greater.
crops of aorn and grass, but to make the
crops pay for the labor and manure, and!
leave the soil richer. There are manifoldi
details of husbandry that require forecast
and reflection. Now is the time to lay
plans for the coming year, and for Ike
distant future. It is a great work to bring
up a long used soil to its primitive forUL
ity, and to manage the old. homestead so.
that every acre shall do- its best, making
us richer while it enriches itself. To solve
this problem will tax. the invention and:
quicken the intellect. He who does this,
will "manage leisure with a grace," andi
grow a wiser and better man, and also,
iucreoso bis wealth. Atoer. Agriculturist..
Innocent Flirtation. A flirt is always,
innocent. Young ladies who skip about;
from oue resort to another to engage the-'
attentions of young men who are susoepti
ble of beauty, little think of the danger
which beset such a course. We say a flirt .
is always innocent, meaning thereby that
she intends herself no harm. Men tb
majority of them are not so foolish as U .
be deceived in tbe character of a vounp
lady who goes about indiscriminately
among male acquaintances. They readih
perceive that a friendship, if it can so bin
called, regulated by flirtation, iiasnoelaiou
upon thoir honor, and consequently any
advance towards intimacy on their pari
can only be factious, leading them to takt
any advantage when opportunity offers .
The record is conclusive upon this point
Criminality lurks beneath those innocent
flirtations, boldly apparent to those who.
can comprehend the unscrupulous nature
of man's passions. Fathers and mothers,
who have daughters will do wll togtvt
this sulject earnest attention, and so ex
ercise their control that sorrow may never
fall at their door, on. account of " inno
sent" conduot.
Tjik List of the Atlantic Cabi.i. Cap
tain Kell and Mr. Varley, who havo beeu,
trying to raise tho American, end of thiv
Atlantic cable, found it broken' every tw
or threo miles, and have abandoned th
attempt. Tho rock. weed and animalcules
adheriog to some of the portions recover
ed, prove that there are rocks at the bol
torn, although mud is shown on theohsrl
bnt even where it came out of tbe mudv
the outer covering frequently parted while?
it was being hauled in. In somo place .,
tho iron wires were coated with copper,
from veins of that ore in Trinity Bsy, J hi
gutta percha and the copper wire were a.
good as when laid down, and those por
tions of the cable that were wrapped witl
tarred yam, were sound end free fron
rust. . - ;
Im A KcTjrtLL. TheGilesbarg Obiervt
presents the following comprehensive ami
ondensed statement of Republican argu-..
ment and principle; '
- sErrratcAif ARotmsaTT. -
The Secretary of Vsr, in his communi
cation to General Harney, in regard U
bis course in the San Juan affair, althougl,
lofGeneral Scott t ,
. aMe gervcVar
tfc hlB olukrftcU
he censures him for disobeying the order i
in consideration o.
and of his high esti .
cliaracter ss a soldier, b v
d is nosed to be light in his censure.
General llartey will remain in forme
position in tho army." ' ' '
LrV8 1A0 riCEID CP AT SlV. Tins
barque Augn-ltt Jesse, at Quen!toivii, n
port th, Sept. 'Ml:, in lt. Ion. 2
V3, picked up s youuy dog alive.